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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 2

COMPANY OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 3
CURRENT MARKETING SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 4
INTERNAL ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................. 4
EXTERNAL ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................. 5
SWOT ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................ 6
OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................... 7
STRATEGY ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
SEGMENTATION ............................................................................................................................................ 8
TARGETING.................................................................................................................................................... 9
POSITIONING............................................................................................................................................... 10
TACTICS & ACTION ...................................................................................................................................... 11
BUDGET ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
BUDGET- MEDIA PLAN ............................................................................................................................ 14
MYDIN MARKETING SCHEDULE .............................................................................................................. 14
MARKETING BUDGET .............................................................................................................................. 15
SALES FORECASTING ............................................................................................................................... 16
CONTROL ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ 18


Based on this marketing plan, MYDIN wants to expand their brand to another country
which is Brunei. By using market development strategy, Brunei is the strategic place to open
the store because the population of Muslim people there is major parallel with MYDIN concept
store where provide halal product and Muslims needs. MYDIN really take care for the Halal
product where there want customer which is Muslim have no doubt and hesitation to buy their
groceries and their needs in MYDIN.

MYDIN in Brunei have different concept with MYDIN in Malaysia where the product in
MYDIN Brunei is in high quality and high price which is suitable with country of high income
level. There is also international and famous brand in MYDIN Brunei. The environment in Brunei
Market is totally different than Malaysia. MYDIN Brunei really takes care of the image and
customer relationship. It gives value to customer to tie them become loyal customer and which
parallel to objective to increase the number of customer.

Every seven element of marketing plan which is product, price, place, promotion,
people, physical evidence and process is being detail where this is the best for MYDIN Brunei.
For product, it is a must to have a high quality product and the price is gradually high where it
really do checking quality of product. For the place, Panaga is the strategic place where is
between two other town with a quite big size of population which is Seria and Kuala Belait. For
the promotion there are various ways is used to let people knows and acknowledge of MYDIN.
For people, MYDIN trains them to be the best in treating the customers. The physical evidence
of MYDIN Brunei is totally different level of others where the customer will feels the
appreciation and important person in MYDIN. Last is the process where it make sure everything
the undergoes in MYDIN Brunei is smooth such as the inventory management, payment of
method and specialty for customer which is trolley that can counts total of goods.


MYDIN is a one of the Malaysia based company that involved in Retailing and
wholesaling. It was established on 1940 and started a small business in Penang selling
merchandise and toys to customers in the nearby Georgetown. It moves to Kelantan
where at that time the business steadily growing. Then, In 1989 MYDIN opened branch
in Jalan Masjid India Kuala Lumpur. The location is competitive dynamics. Dato Ameer
Ali Mydin is a person who continues expanded MYDIN by placing the store of MYDIN
near foreign giant market. The number of outlets encompasses 24 malls, 25
hypermarkets where each is located in the malls, 16 emporiums, 3 bazaars, 47
minimarkets (MyMydin), 12 convenience shops (MyMart), 4 franchise outlets (Mydin
Mart), 7 SAMS Groceria supermarkets, 1 stand-alone SAMS Deli restaurants and 179
KR1M branches now.

MYDIN provide various products range from food line, household, soft-lines and
hard-lines items. Hard-line products include hardware, electrical, stationery, porcelain
and toys. Whilst soft-line comprises of textiles and fabrics products. Food line includes
confectionery, drinks and beverages, delicatessen and dairy products. In their early
years of operations, MYDINs focus has always been in the non-food sector until they
bought over the first supermarket in Selayang in 1997.

MYDIN vision is to be the world's leading distributor of competitive "Halal" goods

and services. The company mission is they aim to be the leading wholesale and retail
company by providing the best value, wide assortment of goods and continuous
excellence based on their business formula. MYDIN vision is to be the world's leading
distributor of competitive "Halal" goods and services. The company mission is they aim
to be the leading wholesale and retail company by providing the best value, wide
assortment of goods and continuous excellence based on their business formula.



Strengths Of MYDIN

The strengths of MYDIN is MYDIN offering wide range of halal product which
make easier for their customer to buy their needs without doubt and hesitation. The
style of living nowadays where people are working have limited time to make research
about the product and the existence MYDIN makes life of customer which living busy
life easy to make decision.

The second strength of MYDIN is from the slogan that they create which is Why
pay more? Buy at wholesale prices. This slogan gives a big impact to the business of
MYDIN where the people expectation of this stores from time to time where it offer the
low price. Furthermore, the pattern of people style of shopping change depends on the
economy condition.

Weakness of MYDIN

The weakness of MYDIN is the quality of product where not all products in
MYDIN is in the good quality. MYDIN did not check each of the products where they
buy in a bulk. Some of product in MYDIN is not worth of value of the money. MYDIN
also focus for selling local product where customer have limited choice to choose .

Next, another weakness of MYDIN is the foreign worker that work in MYDIN.
Most of foreign worker of MYDIN is Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Pakistan. When they
are working in MYDIN , it is hard for customer who shopping in MYDIN to communicate
with the foreign worker where when they want to ask something.

PEST Analysis is used to analyse the macroenvironment of country.

Macroenvironment factor Description

The two factors under political are political stability and
taxation system. Brunei is constitutional sultanate
government. There is no election in country with the
monarch being hereditary. For taxation system, Brunei used
commercial tax rate where the amount of taxes and
mandatory contributions payable by businesses after
accounting for allowable deductions and exemptions
(exclude personal income tax, value added taxes, sales
taxes and goods and service taxes).

The three things that seen under Economic is GDP Growth,
inflation and unemployment rate. GDP Growth of Brunei is
4% is higher compared to USA,UK and Japan. It dependent
primarily on oil and gas productions.
For Inflation, Brunei CPI index was negligible which is lower
than USA, UK and Japan. It is sense of stability in the inflation
rate and it reduces the risk of increased in cost of goods sold.
FOR unemployment rate, Brunei managed to maintain low
unemployment rate where most of people there
highly educated and employable workforce domestically.

Population size of Brunei is 400,000 people. It inhibits foreign
firms from entering Brunei market .The population size is
relatively small cause limited market potential.
For the lifestyle, the ways they socialize are very traditional
where it has indirect style communication, formal and
respectful. Malay is national language of Brunei while English
is widely as business language. An official religion in Brunei is
Islam where there adapt a lot of Islam way . They did not
accept gift as business deal, they also not traded alcohol .

Brunei is the most advance telecommunication facilities in the
region. It has the best fixed-line telephone density through
optic fiber. Doing business in Brunei is easy when the wide
use of smartphones becomes something needs. High speed
internet facility which makes Brunei aiming to become a
cyber-center in the region.


Components Description
The strengths of MYDIN are provide wide
range of halal product. Next, the powerful
slogan of MYDIN which Why pay more?
Buy at wholesale prices where gives a big
impact to the business of the company.

Weakness The weakness of MYDIN is the less quality of

product that they sell. Another weakness is
the worker which is foreign worker exist a lot
of miscommunication.

MYDIN can produce its own brand is one of
opportunity for it . Another opportunity is
MYDIN can start involve with online market by
using technology.

The economy condition in Malaysia is quite
stable but the currency of Malaysia is high
makes it hard for MYDIN to make international
business. The adaptation of GST also one of
the threat the company.


The objective of our MYDIN is expanding branding of MYDIN to Brunei and increase 1,500 of
customer per month starts from January 2018 to December 2018.

Smart Objective Table

Element Criteria Description

S - Specific Detail outcomes The objective has specified what we
want to achieve which is to expand
branding of MYDIN.
M - Measurable measurement To increase 1,500 of customer per
month is the objective that can be
measure where there is specific
number that are targeted with
measurable time.
A - Attainable realistic Expanding branding of MYDIN is
achieveables objective. Its a good
thing for our company where it can
be achieve.
R - Realistic significance It is relevant to make 1,500
customer per month since the
population of people in Brunei is
T - Time By when The duration of time is start from
January 2018 to December 2018
which is for 12 months equality with
one year.


MYDINs marketing strategy is based on the market which is market development. The
reason market development is choosing is to expand MYDINs branding in the new
place. The new geographical market that is choose to open up the store is at Brunei.
The reason this location is choose because the population of Malays who is muslim in
Brunei is the highest. MYDIN focus on being competitive distributor halal product and
services which is has been MYDINs vision where parallel what MYDINs did in
Malaysia. The store market is planned to open at Panaga which is between two small
town which is Seria and Kuala Belait. The population of Seria is 30,097 while at the
population of Kuala Belait is 31,178. The total of population Seria and Kuala Belait is
61,275 which is almost like Bandar Seri Begawan, capital city of Brunei which is 64,409.
Panaga is very strategic place to because Kuala Belait is about 13 minute away from
Panaga and Seria is 9 minutes away from Panaga. Furhermore, the location that that
had chosen is the right place because is quite far away from big city for 101.9 km and
takes one hour eighteen minutes to reach there. Our MYDIN also want to adapt online
store in Brunei.


Based on market, the segment that had choose in geographic is at Asia which
Brunei. This country mostly have segment that parallel with vision of MYDIN. The
density area that had chosen is rural area with the big population where it makes them
easier for them to buy their wants and needs.

The primary consumer target is middle to upper income professionals. There are
many kind of professional work which is related with onshore Rasau gas field, teacher,
tourist guide and there are also farmer and fisherman with the commercial port at Kuala
Belait. Most of pattern of family size is more than 5 people. Both genders is the market
segment of this MYDIN and also various of age.

The religions factor do one of the segment of the market .Most of population in
Kuala Belait , Seria and Penaga are muslim and MYDIN do have specialty in providing
muslims needs such as telekung, sejadah, tasbih, jubah and also ihram. This specialty
that provide by Mydin can attract people to come to the MYDIN.

The size of target market is small which is 1,500 customers per months and our
MYDIN believe that this market can growth from the time to time. The growth will
increases in aspect of customers, sales, customer royalty is our target.

These market segments have high enough growth potential than market
segment in Malaysia because of there are a least number of market that exist and it is
in small size. The existence product that will exist in store in Brunei is in high quality,
branded product where there will also international brand in this store. There are also
our significance restaurant and drive thru of MALAYCLANS in our MYDIN store.

The objective of our market in Brunei is to expanding branding of MYDIN and

creates new type of market segmentation, targeting and positioning in new place.
There is also a big chance for MYDIN since there is no other giant hypermarket enter in
Bruneis market and most of citizen there income is high. Furthermore, MYDIN have
many suppliers worldwide. MYDIN also want to follow the trend of buying online in

Since the citizen in Brunei have middle to high class level of life, differentiated
marketing strategy is used. MYDIN in Brunei want to offer wider market coverage of
product where the product is in high quality with the value of price.


MYDIN in Brunei use service differentiation where our MYDIN want to gives the
best customer services from the front door our customer enter the store. Our employee
will treat with manners where we train them to treat customer well. We also provide
the delivery of item for those customers who order online with great services.

The people who work in MYDIN also a person, who is highly educated, have
experience and the best among the best worker. We also do a lot of training to increase
our employees skill, knowledge, development and many more to serve the best for

For the image differentiation, our MYDIN have their own landmark in front of the
entrance door of store which is using a round beautiful pond where customer can feel
like important peoples vibes. We also change our slogan to Your own class quality of

High quality

Low price High price

Low quality

Based on above, it shows market positioning strategy in perceptual map . This

perceptual map shows customer perception with brands. MYDIN store in Brunei shows
the product that sells in MYDIN is in high quality and at high price. MYDIN do sell
quality product, branded product for the people in Brunei.


Tactic Action Person in charge

Product with good quality Supervisor
PRODUCT Wide range of brand Product
Ceiling price Supervisor
Value based approaches Financial
PRICE Manager
Board of
Panaga between Kuala Belait and Management
Seria manager
PLACE Logistic
Informative advertising Marketing
Media-newspaper, television, radio, manager
PROMOTION magazines and online . Sales manager
IT Manager
Management manager Human
Manager department resource
PEOPLE Training department
Formal attire Management
Landmark Human
Smell scent of luxury resource
PHYSICAL Instrumental musical hitz song department
EVIDENCE Azan during prayer time Management
Parking lot manager
Improves website
Inventory-just in time Management
Payment method-cash, debit card, manager
PROCESS credit card ,pay wave, payment by Logistic
phone. department
Trolley counts the total price of item Human
in trolley. resource
MYDIN Marketing Tactics


The products that sell in MYDIN at Brunei is sell in good quality with high price in the
new market where we provide a wide range of product brand and also there is a best
international brand enter the Brunei. MYDIN does not produce their brand but every
product that enters in market of MYDIN will refined. Three level of product which is
core product, actual product and augmented product is compulsory exist in the product.
There are only three type of consumer product that exist in MYDIN which is
convenience product, shopping product and specialty product and MYDIN emphasize
more to shopping product.


A high price product which equal with the quality of the product that have provided in
store. The ceiling price is used in MYDIN of Brunei where the customer willing to pay
for a product since it at one of the high income country. General pricing approaches of
the most product in MYDIN is using value based approaches where it is important to
meet with customers perception and highlight the quality of product with charge high
price to match competition with others competitors.


The place that had chosen to open up new MYDIN is at Brunei which is at rural area.
the area that had been choose is Panaga which located between Kuala Belait and Seria
where the population of each town is more than 30,000 people. When total up of this
two population of town, it is almost like population of capital city of Brunei, Bandar Seri


Brunei is a new market that need to be entered and the citizen there have only a little
knowledge about MYDIN. By using promotion, people will learn about MYDIN soon.
There are various kind of way to promote .The first way is by using advertising in
informative advertising where to let people know about MYDIN. There are various kind
of media is used by using many medium like newspaper, television, radio, magazines,
billboard and online.


All the employee who works in Brunei has been already have their own job description.
There is operation and management manager that will monitor everything and every
department. Before the employee works in MYDIN Brunei, they need to involve with
training so that it can treat customer well. For the attire of worker, it will be formal,
exclusive and attractive, which where customer can ask freely to them. The workers
that work with us also is the person that is educate with a wide of knowledge especially
manager various department. Customer Service people also from the people whi have
acknowledge and experience with customer so that, they know how to handle and treat
customer well.

Physical Evidence

The environment MYDIN in Brunei and Malaysia is totally different. MYDIN Brunei have
its own landmark in front of the entrance. When the customer enters the store, they
will smell a scent of luxury where there is also a red carpet in entrance. The cold and
pleasurable environment .There is also music of instrumental and hitz music and when
the time of prayer comes, the azan will be heard. All of this will makes customer feels
the different than other store. MYDIN Brunei will provide a lot of parking lot and the
improvement of website will update time to time.


There is a lot of process in MYDIN Brunei. The first process is for inventory where it is
used Just In Time where all the stock will be keep in track. This system can help MYDIN
to reduce cost of keeping inventory at warehouse. Next, the process of payment that
provide is by using cash, debit and credit card and also pay wave. MYDIN also provide
customer to use newest technology where payment can be made using phone. There is
also trolley that can count every item that has already put in the trolley. This will make
customer easier to keep track their spending amount of goods.



TV 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300
radio 700 700 700 700
billboard 350 350 350
Magazine 800 800 800
online 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000


Strategy Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
The colour month of box is the month where the strategy will be done.


Marketing agency
Television 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300
Radio 700 700 700 700
Print presentation
Online advertising 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Social media
Web search 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Mail outs
Branding and 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Merchandising 350
Publications 800 350 350 800 800
Catalogues 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Marketing 4300 4400 3000 2650 3600 3000 3450 3100 3600 3000 3600 3,450


Research 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Travel 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Postage 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Other cost 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800

Total 5100 5200 3800 3450 4400 3800 4250 3900 4400 3800 4400 4250



JANUARY 75,000 Back to school
(opening sales)
FEBRUARY 60,000 24 National Day.
Independence from the
United Kingdom in 1984.
MARCH 50,000
APRIL 50,000
MAY 89,000 16 Ramadan sales
(Ramadan promotion 10%)
31 Royal Brunei Armed
Forces Day
JUN 90,000 1 Nuzul Al-Quran
15 Hari Raya Aidilfitiri sales
(Raya promotion 15%)
JULY 50,000 H.M The Sultans Birthday
(observed) Sultan Hassanal
AUGUST 50,000
SEPTEMBER 68,000 11 Hari raya haji Awal

OCTOBER 50,000
NOVEMBER 65,000 School holiday
DECEMBER 65,000 School holiday

Average sale per months is RM 712,000/12 = RM 59,333.33.


There are a lot of plan that have been plan for MYDIN Brunei. To make sure that
the number of customer increase by time to time such as our objectives .The sales of
the first month must be higher because it is the introduction of MYDIN Brunei where it
expect people will coma and shop there. There are a lot of strategy that need to be
done to make sure the number of sale for the first months is high since it is also for
back to school season where parents will bring their children to buy all the needs of the
school. MYDIN Brunei does product strategy, price strategy, place, physical evidence,
process and promotion. When all this strategy is implement, the number of customer
increases eventually the number of sales also will be increases.

Next, there is operation and management manager exist in MYDIN Brunei. The
role of this two manager is to monitor everything that is runs in the MYDIN Brunei.
Every decision that made by involving another department, these two managers need
to know. This is because it will easier to trace anything and no companys resources will
be wasted. MYDIN must meets their Key Performance Indicator(KPI) for its sale so that
the number of customer can increases and the value relationship between customer can
be nature and well maintained.

Last but not least, MYDIN Brunei need to take care their image more since the
level of MYDIN Brunei is completely is in the different level from Malaysia. MYDIN
Brunei will always be the best place and the choice for citizen Brunei to buy their needs
and wants. MYDIN Brunei will also tie the customer who enters the MYDIN Brunei Store
by giving a lot of benefits and makes them are half of MYDIN. Your own class quality
of life! is definitely a class of life of Bruneis people. This plan is achievable where the
average sale RM 59,333.33 can be made and the number of customer expects will
increase and maintain by time to time.

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