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For questions 1 8 read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
Only one answer is correct.

She studies while he plays: true of children and chimps

Little girls watch and learn; little boys dont pay attention and play around. At least, this seems to be
the 1) .. with chimpanzees, according to new research.
Chimpanzees in the wild 2) .. to snack on termites, and youngsters learn to fish for them by poking
long sticks and other 3) .. tools into the mounds that large groups of termites build. Researchers
found that 4) .. average female chimps in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania learnt how to do
termite fishing at the age of 31 months, more than two years earlier than the males.
The females seem to learn by watching their mothers. Researcher Dr. Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf said that
it is 5) ..... to find that, when a young male and female are near a mound, shes really focusing on
termite fishing and hes spinning himself round 6) .. circles. The behaviour of both sexes may seem
7) .. to many parents, Dr. Lonsdorf said, adding, The sex differences we found in the chimps are 8)
.. to some of the findings from human child development research.

1) A) case B) matter C) fact D) event

2) A) delight B) enjoy C) like D) fancy
3) A) relative B) connected C) close D) similar
4) A) on B) by C) at D) for
5) A) ordinary B) regular C) typical D) frequent
6) A) with B) in C) to D) through
7) A) acquainted B) familiar C) recognized D) known
8) A) corresponding B) alike C) identical D) matching

For questions 9 33 choose the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet. Only one answer
is correct.

9) When I looked round the door, the baby .. quietly.

A) is sleeping C) was sleeping
B) slept D) sleeps
10) Heres my report. .. it at last.
A) I finish C) Im finished
B) I finished D) Ive finished
11) My arms are aching now because .. since two oclock.
A) Im swimming C) I swim
B) I swam D) Ive been swimming
12) Our friends .. meet us at the airport tonight.
A) are C) go to
B) are going to D) will be
13) Ill tell Anna all the news when .. her.
A) Ill see C) I see
B) Im going to see D) I shall see
14) Susan has to work very hard. I .. do her job, Im sure.
A) cant C) dont
B) couldnt D) shouldnt
15) Which team .. the game?
A) did it win C) won
B) did they win D) winned
16) ..... I carry that bag for you? Oh, thank you.
A) Do C) Will
B) Shall D) Would
17) There was no one else at the box office. I .. in a queue.
A) didnt need to wait C) neednt have waited
B) mustnt wait D) neednt wait
18) Someone suggested .. for a walk.
A) go C) of going
B) going D) to go
19) The police want .. anything suspicious.
A) that we report C) us to report
B) us reporting D) we report
20) We cant go along here because the road is .. .
A) been repaired C) repair
B) being repaired D) repaired
21) My father is not only the town mayor, he runs .. , too.
A) a business C) business
B) a piece of business D) some business
22) Im looking for .. to cut this string.
A) a pair scissors C) a scissors
B) a scissor D) some scissors
23) Ive always liked .. .
A) Chinese food C) some food of China
B) food of China D) the Chinese food
24) Everyone in the group shook hands with .. .
A) each other C) one the other
B) one other D) themselves
25) The house was .. building.
A) a nice old stone C) a stone old nice
B) a nice stone old D) an old nice stone
26) You can see the details .. the computer screen.
A) at C) in
B) by D) on
27) Polly wants to cycle round the world. Shes really keen .. the idea.
A) about C) on
B) for D) with
28) I prefer dogs .. cats. I hate cats.
A) from C) than
B) over D) to
29) Last week Justin said Ill do it tomorrow. He said he would do it .. .
A) the following day C) tomorrow
B) the previous day D) yesterday
30) What was the notice ..?
A) at that you were looking C) you were looking at it
B) you were looking at D) which you were looking
31) If .. my passport, Ill be in trouble.
A) I lose C) I lost
B) Ill lose D) I would lose
32) If only people .. keep sending me bills!
A) dont C) werent
B) shouldnt D) wouldnt
33) I just had to take the dog out .. of the awful weather.
A) although C) even though
B) despite D) in spite

For questions 34 41 read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each
space. Only one answer is correct.

Neighbours influence buying decisions

However objective we believe ourselves to be, most of us do not judge a product solely on its merits,
considering quality, value and style before making a decision. 34) ..... , we are easily influenced by the
people around us. There is nothing 35) ..... with this. It is probably a smarter way to make decisions
than 36) ..... on only our own opinions.
Research in Finland has recently found overwhelming evidence that neighbours have a big influence
on buying decisions. When one of a persons ten nearest neighbours bought a car, the 37) ..... that
the person would buy a car of the same brand during the next week and a half 38) ..... by 86 per cent.
The researchers argued that it was not just a 39) ..... of envy. Used cars seemed to attract neighbours
even more than new cars. This suggested that people were not trying to 40) ..... up with their
neighbours, they were keen to learn from them. Since used cars are less reliable, a recommendation
of one can 41) ..... influence a buying decision.

34) A) Whats more B) Instead C) Unlike D) In place

35) A) wrong B) silly C) bad D) daft
36) A) basing B) trusting C) supposing D) relying
37) A) chances B) potential C) possibilities D) forecast
38) A) boosted B) rose C) enlarged D) lifted
39) A) thing B) point C) matter D) fact
40) A) keep B) stay C) hold D) follow
41) A) fiercely B) strongly C) firmly D) intensely
For questions 42 50 choose the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet. Only one
answer is correct.

42) The accident was seen by some people ..... at a bus stop.
A) waited C) were waiting
B) waiting D) who waiting
43) But ....., while I was saying good bye to my cousin, she came up to me and accused me of stealing
A) later C) as soon as
B) after D) when
44) Income tax is ..... to ones annual income.
A) associated C) dependent
B) based D) related
45) If they are not more careful with their accounts, they will go ..... .
A) bankrupt C) penniless
B) broken D) poor
46) If I had another $25,000 a year, I would consider myself ..... .
A) well deserved C) well-made
B) well done D) well-off
47) You will need a pen and some paper to ..... this problem. It is too difficult to do in your head.
A) discover C) realize
B) find out D) work out
48) Im not sure why he didnt go to the college, but I ..... he failed the entrance test.
A) deduce C) predict
B) estimate D) suspect
49) I havent had a very ..... week. I seem to have done nothing at all.
A) economic C) extensive
B) enthusiastic D) productive
50) You will not find kangaroos anywhere else on ..... but in Australia.
A) earth C) soil
B) ground D) world

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