Think Tank Booklet

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Organ The project is supported through the EaP CSF re-granting
scheme funded by the European Union and National
Endowment for Democracy

Co-funded by KAS





The EaP Think Tank Forum is an initiative of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms
(IPRE), the Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS) and New Europe Center (former
Institute of World Policy (IWP)), implemented in cooperation with the Eastern Partnership Civil
Society Forum (EaP CSF).

The forum is organised within a project that benefits from the support through the EaP CSF
Re-granting Scheme. Within its Re-granting Scheme, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society
Forum (EaP CSF) supports projects of the EaP CSF members with a regional dimension that
contribute to achieving the mission and objectives of the Forum.

The donors of the Re-granting Scheme are the European Union and National Endowment for
Democracy. The overall amount for the 2017 call for proposals is 290.000 EUR. Grants are
available for CSOs from the Eastern Partnership and EU countries. Key areas of support are
democracy and human rights, economic integration, environment and energy, contacts between
people, social and labour policies.

Additional support for the Project was provided by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS).
EaP Think Tank Forum 1


The EaP Think Tank Forum (Chiinu, September, 22 2017) is an initiative of the Institute for European
Policies and Reforms (IPRE), the Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS) and New Europe Cen-
ter (former Institute of World Policy (IWP)), implemented in cooperation with the Eastern Partnership
Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF), funded by the EU and National Endowment for Democracy (NED) from
the EaP CSF re-Granting Scheme 2017 and co-financed by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS).

The overall aim of the Forum is to better connect Think Tanks across Europe for a maximum impact on
their research, policy making and advocacy effort in promoting Europeanisation. The EaP Think Tank
Forum will offer the opportunity to further discuss and review the proposed draft Policy Recommenda-
tions for the EaP Summit in Brussels with a group of over 60 leading experts representing the think tank
community from the EU and Eastern Partnership countries aiming at bridging the local, regional and Eu-
ropean perspectives in addressing the current challenges and future perspectives of the EUs Eastern
Partnership policy. Thus, the Forum address the following issues:

I. Bridging Think Tanks in Europe A way forward - What are the best practices and lessons learned
offered by existing think-tank partnerships in Europe on the regional and/or European levels (i.e. EU
Black Sea, Visegrad, Baltic and Western Balkan regions)? What are the main challenges and op-
portunities to be addressed by the think-tank community from the EU and Eastern Partnership coun-
tries? How could EaP Think Tank Forum add value to the EaP Civil Society Forum in building capac-
ity of policy research and advocacy activities? How to strengthen Think-Tank NGOs partnerships?

II. The Future of Eastern Partnership: Challenges and Perspectives - The upcoming EaP Summit in
Brussels will review the results since the Riga Summit 2015 and set up objectives for the future of the
EaP. The ENP was reviewed in 2015. A new EU Global Security Strategy was issued in 2016, which
also aims to strengthen resilience in the EaP region. What are the main achievements and backlogs
of the EUs EaP Policy? What are the key internal and external challenges that EaP countries are
facing? How these challenges could be addressed? What the EU and EaP countries should do to
strengthen resilience and secure a sustainable Europeanisation process? What are the perspectives
for the non-Associated EaP partners?

III. Eastern Partnership Deliverables by 2020 and Beyond - In December 2016 the European Commis-
sion and the EEAS has issued the Joint Staff Working document Eastern Partnership: 20 Deliver-
ables for 2020, which have been reviewed and approved in the meantime by the EaP Ministerial on
June 19th, 2017. Are the suggested deliverables ambitious enough and are they sustainable, looking
beyond 2020? Are they resonating with the expectations of the EU and EaP partner countries? Will
they effectively address the current challenges of the EaP policy and strengthen resilience in the EaP

IV. Reviewing the draft Policy Recommendations for the EaP Summit in Brussels - This will be the con-
cluding panel of the Forum, which will build on the previous sessions and will provide for the oppor-
tunity to further discuss and validate the Draft Policy Recommendations for the next EaP Summit in
Brussels. The results of the policy debates will be incorporated in the final Policy Recommendations,
which will be further discussed in the framework of the EaP CSF and promoted with the EU institu-
tions, EU member states and EaP countries in due time before the Summit in Brussels.
2 EaP Think Tank Forum


DAY 1, Thursday, September 21, 2017

All day Arrival of participants at the hotel/Registration

18.00 22.00 Individual Dinner (for participants accommodated at the Hotels: Regency and Zentrum)

DAY 2, Friday, September 22, 2017

08.45 09.00 Registration (coffee/tea served)

09.00 09.55 Opening Remarks

Ms. Daniela Morari, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Repub-
lic of Moldova, Chiinu
HE Mr. Peter Michalko, Ambassador, Head of EU Delegation in Chiinu
Ms. Natalia Yerashevich, Director, Secretariat of the EaP CSF, Brussels
Ms. Polina Ojog, Programme Coordinator, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Chiinu
Mr. Ion Manole, Executive Director, Promo-Lex, Chiinu, Country Facilitator of the National
Platform EaP CSF, Chiinu

Moderator: Mr. Iulian Groza, Executive Director, IPRE, Chiinu

NOTE: Short break to change the panellists

10.00 10.30 Panel I - Bridging Think Tanks in Europe A way forward

Dr. Maria Golubeva, EU Coordinator, Working Group 1, EaP CSF Steering Committee, Brus-
Mr. Hennadiy Maksak, PRISM, Ukraine, EaP Think Bridge, Kiev
Dr. Valbona Zeneli, Director of Programs in Black Sea and Eurasia, College of International
and Security Studies, George C. Marshall Center Garmisch
Dr. Steven Blockmans, Senior Research Fellow and Head of EU Foreign Policy Unit, CEPS,
Ms. Valentina Eigner, Think Network, Vienna
Dr. Olena Prystayko, Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels

Moderator: Mr. Balazs Jarabik, Non-resident Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, Brussels

10.30 - 11.30 Discussions

11.30 12.00 Coffee Break

12.00 12.45 Panel II The Future of Eastern Partnership: Challenges and Perspectives
Dr. Oleksandr Sushko, International Renaissance Foundation, Kiev
Dr. Igor Munteanu, Executive Director, Institute for Development and Social Initiatives, Chiinu
Dr. Kornely Kakachia, Executive Director, Georgian Institute of Politics, Tbilisi
Mr. Zaur Shiriyev, Academy Associate, Chatham House, London
Dr. Stepan Grigoryan, ACGRC, Yerevan
Dr. Kerry Longhurst, Jean Monnet Professor, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw
Mr. James Nixey, Head of Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House, London

Moderator: Mr. Dmytro Shulga, European programme initiative director at the International
Renaissance Foundation, Kiev

12.45 13.30 Discussions

EaP Think Tank Forum 3

13.30 14.30 Lunch Break

14.30 15.00 Panel III Eastern Partnership Deliverables by 2020 and Beyond
Mr. Andrei Yahorau, Centre for European Transformation, Minsk
Mr. Denis Cenu, Program Director, Expert Group, Chiinu
Mr. Richard Giragosian, Founding Director, Regional Studies Center, Yerevan
Ms. Dovil ukyt, EESC, EaP CSF Steering Committee, Vilnius
Amb. Paata Gaprindashvili, Director, GRASS, Tbilisi
Dr. Stanislav Secrieru, Senior Associate Fellow, EUISS, Paris
Mr. Paul Ivan, SeniorPolicy Analyst, European Policy Centre (EPC), Brussels

Moderator: Dr. Kataryna Wolczuk, Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme,Cha-
tham House, London

15.00 15.30 Discussions

15.30 16.15 Panel IV Policy Recommendations for the EaP Summit in Brussels

Speaker: Mr. Leonid Litra, Senior Research Fellow, New Europe Center (former Institute for
World Policy), Kiev

Ms. Iskra Kirova, Senior Policy Analyst, Open Society European Policy Institute, Brussels
Ms. Marta Wytrykowska, Policy officer, European External Action Service (EEAS),
Mr. Adrian Lupuor, Expert-Group, Chiinu
Mr. Ivane Chkhikvadze, EU Integration Program Coordinator, OSGF, Tbilisi
Mr. Uladzislau Vialichka, Director General, International Consortium EuroBelarus, Minsk
Mr. Boris Navasardian, President, Yerevan Press Club, Yerevan
Mr. Ziya Guliyev, Chair of the Board, Center for Legal Initiatives, Baku

Moderator: Mr. Irakli Porchkhidze, Vice-President, Georgian Institute for Strategic Initiatives,

16.15 16.45 Discussions

16.45 17.30 Concluding remarks and next steps

18.00 Meeting in the lobby of the hotel and Departure to the Asconi Winery (by bus)

19.00 - 22.00 Networking Dinner (Venue: Asconi Winery, Hnceti)

Guest Speaker: HE Mr. Peter Michalko, Ambassador, Head of EU Delegation in Chiinu

Moderator: Amb. Andrei Popov, President of the Institute for Strategic Studies (IPIS), Chiinu

NOTE: The discussions during the dinner will be held under the Chatham House Rule

22.00 Departure to the Hotel

DAY 3, Saturday, September 23, 2017 (Departure)

All-day Departure of participants

4 EaP Think Tank Forum


Daniela Morari is a career diplomat and since March 2016 serves as Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova (MFAEI), in charge
of European Integration and Treaties/International Law. Ms. Morari served in different ca-
pacities at the MFAEI since 2004, including as Director General for European Integration
in 2013-2015 In 2007 - 2010, she was counselor within the Moldovan Mission to the EU.
Daniela Morari was the national coordinator of the Visa Liberalisation Process, as well part
of the negotiating team and subsequently monitoring and coordination of implementation
of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.

Amb. Peter Michalko is the new Ambassador, Head of EU Delegation in the Republic of
Moldova. Before that he was appointed as the Slovak Ambassador in Greece since 2013.
Mr. Peter Michalko being a career diplomat served in different capacities at the Slovak
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) since 1994, including as Deputy Director of the Depart-
ment for EU internal Affairs and institutions (2007-2008), Director of the Department for
South Eastern Europe (2009-2011) and Political Director of the Slovak MFA (2011-2012).
Mr. Michalko also was a Deputy Political Advisor to the KFOR Commander in Pristina
between 2006 and 2007. He also served as Political Advisor to the EU Special Represen-
tative for the Republic of Moldova, Kalman Mizsei between 2008 and 2009. Amb. Michalko
has a M.A. in international relations from Moscow State Institute of International Relations
and PhDr. in international relations from the Matej Bel University (Slovakia). He speaks
Greek, English, Russian, Romania, Polish, French and Serbian.

Natalia Yerashevich is an international development professional with 15-year practical

experience in project management in the sphere of democratic and economic develop-
ment and civil society empowerment and public policy influence in the countries of the
Eastern Partnership. Since 2012, Natalia is heading the Brussels-based Secretariat of the
EaP Civil Society Forum, a network of civil society organisations from the EaP countries
and the EU. Natalia has more than 10 years experience with US Embassy in Minsk and
USAID, where she designed and managed projects aimed at civil society empowerment,
improving business climate, stimulating educational and cultural exchanges. Ms Yerashe-
vich holds a MA in International Economics from the Belarusian State University and a MA
in Globalisation and International Development from the University of Warwick.

Polina Ojog is a Program Coordinator at Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Chisinau, Moldova.

She is responsible for coordinating and organizing events on diverse topics especially re-
garding Eastern Partnership. Trained as a translator-interpreter and formerly responsible
for Press and public Relations, she has a unique background in communications.

Ion Manole is the Executive Director of Promo-LEX, a human rights and advocacy organi-
sation. He started his professional activity in human rights area back in 2000 as a pro-bono
lawyer at the the League for defense of Human rights of Moldova. In 2002, he and a few
other young activists established the Promo-LEX Association. Ion Manole has an exten-
sive expertise and experience human rights and election observation. He also represented
few very famous cases at the European Court for Human Rights regarding the Human
Rights violations in the Transnistrian region of Moldova. Mr. Manole is licensed in Law and
is a member of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
and the Country Facilitator of the Moldovas National Platform for the Eastern Partnership
Civil Society Forum.
EaP Think Tank Forum 5

Dr. Maria Golubeva is a policy analyst and historian from Riga. Currently she is a member
of the EaP Civil Society Forum Steering Committee. Maria has studied History at Cam-
bridge University (PhD, 1999) and has worked in Latvian public administration, in a public
policy consultancy in Brussels, and at the think-tank PROVIDUS. She has published a
number of policy studies and the book Models of Political Competence on history of
political ideas in late medieval Europe.

Hennadiy Maksak is the head of the Foreign Policy Council Ukrainian Prism, a network
think-tank based in Ukraine. Studied economics (Chernihiv state institute for economics
and management), political sciences (Warsaw University, Center for East European Stud-
ies). In 2006-2015 he was the president of the Polissya Foundation for International and
Regional Studies. Since January 2017 he has been acting as the Co-chair of the EaP Civil
Society Forum. At the same time he is the Facilitator of the Ukrainian national platform of
the EaP CSF. Hennadiy Maksak is the head of the Civic Council under the MFA of Ukraine.

Dr. Valbona Zeneli is a professor of national security studies, and director of the Black
Sea-Eurasia Program at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies.
She is an economist with an interest in international economics, good governance and
international security. She holds a Ph.D. in international political economy from the Uni-
versity of Bari, Italy, a postgraduate diploma in international marketing from Georgetown
University in Washington D.C. She also received a B.A. in business administration from
the University of Bologna in Italy, where she graduated with honors. Dr. Zeneli has work
experience in public administration and the private sector. She has lectured at numerous
universities and organizations in various countries. She has been widely published in well-
known journals.

Dr. Steven Blockmans is the Head of EU Foreign Policy at CEPS, a Brussels-based

think tank which has been consistently ranked among the 10 best in the world. He is also
Professor of EU External Relations Law and Governance at the University of Amsterdam
and a founding member of the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER). He
served as leading author of Task Forces on More Union in European Defence chaired
by Javier Solana (2015) and Regroup and Reform: Towards a More Responsive and
Effective European Union chaired by Danuta Hbner MEP (2017). For the past 20 years,
he has carried out numerous research and technical assistance projects in wider Europe
and in Asia for the institutions of the EU and governments of EU member states and third
countries. Blockmans holds a PhD in international law from Leiden University.
Valentina Eigner is currently pursuing her PhD studies at the University of Vienna, spe-
cialising in European Energy Law. She is in charge of We Build Europes Eastern and
Southeastern Europe network as well as We Build Europes legal affairs.

Valentina Eigner is currently pursuing her PhD studies at the University of Vienna, spe-
cialising in European Energy Law. She is in charge of We Build Europes Eastern and
Southeastern Europe network as well as We Build Europes legal affairs.
6 EaP Think Tank Forum

Dr. Olena Prystayko, is Executive Director of Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in
Brussels. Prior to this, she was Project Manager at the Directorate of Internal Oversight of
the Council of Europe (2013); Representative in Brussels of the Anti-Discrimination Centre
Memorial and the Sova Center (2012); Research Fellow at the EU-Russia Centre in
Brussels (2008 - 2011); Project Coordinator at the Razumkov Centre, Kyiv (2006-2007);
Projects Director at the Centre for Peace, Conversion and Foreign Policy of Ukraine (2005
- 2006); researcher at the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Regional Office to Ukraine, Kyiv
(2003). Olena obtained her PhD in Political Sciences from the Institute of International
Relations of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University (Ukraine), and her LL.M. in Euro-
pean Law from the Europa-Institut, University of Saarland, Saarbrcken, Germany.

Dmytro Shulga, born in 1980 in Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine. Holds M.A. in International
Relations (Kyiv, Ukraine) and LL.M. in European Integration Law (Dresden, Germany).
Since 2005 he works at International Renaissance Foundation (the Open Society Foun-
dation in Ukraine). Since 2012 he is IRFs European Programme Director. At this position,
he primarily focuses on bringing Ukrainian voices to contribute to the European debate
on the war in Donbas, occupied Crimea, Ukrainian reforms, and dynamics of Ukraine-EU

Dr. Olksandr Sushko is Research Director at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation in
Kiev and Chair of the Board of the International Renaissance Foundation, an NGO, which
supports citizens initiatives working for a democratic society in Ukraine as part of the
Open Society network. He has also been director of the Centre for Peace, Conversion and
Foreign Policy of Ukraine and has taken part in projects in favour of freedom of movement
and the civic initiative for visa liberalisation, Europe without Barriers.

Dr. Igor Munteanu is acting today as Managing Director of Institute for Development
and Social Initiatives (IDIS) Administrative Board. Dr. Munteanu is also teaching a Public
Policy Course and Political-Administrative Institutions in Europe at Academy of Economic
Studies in Moldova. Previously, Dr. Munteanu served as E.P. Ambassador of the Republic
of Moldova to the United States of America (2010 2015), Canada (2011 2013) and Mex-
ico (2010 2015). He served in the International Board of PASOS between 2008-2010.
He served as Independent Expert to the Institutional Committee of the Council of Europe
(2001-2008). In 2007, Munteanu served as a member of the International Board for the
BSTF (Black Sea Trust Fund) and also a Member of the External evaluation committee of
the Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD).

Dr. Kornely Kakachia is Professor of Political Science at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State
University, Georgia, and Director of Tbilisi based think tank Georgian Institute of Politics.
His current research focuses on Georgian domestic and foreign policy, security issues
of the wider Black Sea area and comparative party politics. He was a recipient of IREX
and OSI fellowships and was a visiting fellow at Harvard Universitys Black Sea Securi-
ty program, (20092010) Harriman Institute, Columbia University (2011) and The Johns
Hopkins Universitys School of Advanced International Studies.

Zaur Shiriyev is an Azerbaijani academic in the field of international affairs. He is an Acad-

emy Associate at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House, London),
position he has held since 2015. Since March 2017, he has worked at the PeaCE Project,
serving as coordinator for CRRC Georgia/EPF Azerbaijan. Before that he worked as a
senior research fellow at ADA University, Baku (May 2014 - March 2017). Prior to joining
ADA he worked as a leading research fellow at the Center for Strategic Studies (2009-14),
the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies, Istanbul and the International Strategic
Research Organization, Ankara (2006-2008). He is currently a contributing analyst for the
EurasiaNet, CACI Analyst, Jamestown Foundations Eurasia Daily Monitor and has previ-
ous editorial and journalistic experience in Azerbaijan and Turkey.
EaP Think Tank Forum 7

Dr. Stepan Grigoryan Chairman of the Board of the Yerevan-based Analytical Centre
on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC). From 1998 to 2000 was the Senior
Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia. From 1995 to 1998
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Minister of the Republic of the Republic of Armenia in
the Russia Federation. Member of the Armenian Parliament (1990-1995). Holds diplomat-
ic class of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Minister.

Dr. Kerry Longhurst is Jean Monnet Professor at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland
and a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe. Her research interests relate to the
EUs relations with Eastern Europe and questions to do with the implementation and sus-
tainability of the Eastern Partnership, especially in Moldova. She is currently leading a
research project looking at the evolution of the business environment and SME sector
in Moldova in the context of the implementation of the DCFTA. Aside from her academic
activities Kerry has led a number of studies on behalf of the EU on Higher Education and
Civil Society in the Eastern Neighbourhood and Black Sea Region.

James Nixey is Head of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House in Lon-
don. James is also an Associate Fellow with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and
serves on the boards of the international the journal UA: Ukraine Analytica and the ES-
RC-funded project, Rising Powers and Conflict Management in Central Asia. His key
expertise concerns the relationships between Russia and the other post-Soviet states,
and with the West. He holds degrees in modern languages and international relations and
has previous experience in journalism, as a reporter in Moscow in the late 1990s, and in
the banking sector.

Balzs Jarbik is a non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International

Peace, where his research focuses on Eastern and Central Europe with particular focus
on Ukraine. Jarbik worked with Pact, Inc. in Kyiv, Ukraine to build its presence as one
of the largest international nongovernmental organizations in Eastern Europe, and later
served as project director for Pact in Vilnius, Lithuania. Prior to joining Carnegie, Mr. Jar-
bik was an associate fellow at FRIDE in Madrid and senior fellow at the Central European
Policy Institute in Bratislava. He also worked as a consultant for political parties and civil
society organizations in the Balkans and CIS countries, as well as an adviser with wide
range of international, governmental, and parliamentary institutions.

Andrei Yahorau is the director of the Centre for European Transformation. He graduated
from Belarusian State University, department of political science, and holds a masters
degree in political science. He has been working in the political research area since 2001.
Andrei Yahorau is one of the founders of the only specialized political science journal in
Belarus Political sphere and he is the journals deputy editor-in-chief. He was Belarus
Country Facilitator and Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the EaP Civil Society Forum

Denis Cenua is a political scientist from Moldova, who works as an associated expert at
the Independent Economic Think-tank Expert-Group, based in Chisinau. Also, Denis is
a weekly contributor at the Info-Prim News Agency, where between 2015 and 2017 he
published more than 100 analytical articles related to European integration and EU-Mol-
dova dialogue. His areas of research comprise the following fields: EU-Moldova dialogue,
economy of European integration, EU-Russia relationship, EUs European Neighborhood
policy, and energy security. Currently, Denis works closely in projects related to implemen-
tation of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement and energy security. Denis obtained a
Master diploma in European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe Natolin.
Finally, Denis took part in an Advanced Program on EU Law and Economics at Riga Grad-
uate School of Law.
8 EaP Think Tank Forum

Richard Giragosian is the Founding Director of the Regional Studies Center (RSC), an
independent think tank located in Yerevan, Armenia ( and
serves as both a Visiting Professor at the College of Europes Natolin Campus and Senior
Expert at Yerevan State Universitys Centre for European Studies (CES). He is also a
contributing analyst for al Jazeera and Oxford Analytica, a UK-based global analysis and
advisory firm. From 2002-2006, Giragosian served as a guest lecturer for the U.S. Army
Special Forces and, for nine years, as a Professional Staff Member of the Joint Economic
Committee (JEC) of the U.S. Congress. He has also worked as an analyst for Abt Associ-
ates Inc. and was a research consultant for the New America Foundation and the Center
for National Policy (CNP) in Washington.

Dovil ukyt is a Policy Analyst at the Eastern Europe Studies Center in Vilnius. She
also serves as a Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil So-
ciety Forum. Ms. ukyt previously served as a Research Fellow for the New European
Democracies Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington,
D.C. Her research interests include democratization and reform in the Eastern Partnership
countries, as well as Russian foreign policy, transatlantic relations and information war-
fare, among other issues.

Amb. Paata Gaprindashvili holds the position of Georgias Reforms Associates

(GRASS)s Director since June 2016. Before that Paata served as a Vice Director at
GRASS and Editor-in-Chief of analytical-and-information service FactCheck Georgia. He
received an MA in International Law from Tbilisi State University in 1994 with continued
post-graduate level studies at the George C. Marshall European Centre for Security Stud-
ies in Germany (2000) and the Royal College of Defence Studies in the UK (2001). A
career diplomat, Paata holds the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
In 2009-2013, he was Georgias Ambassador to the Republic of Austria as well as the
Permanent Representative of Georgia to the OSCE and other International Organisations
in Vienna.

Dr. Stanislav Secrieru is Senior Associate Fellow at the EUISS. He was until recently a
policy analyst at the Open Society European Policy Institute (Brussels). He was previously
a Partnership for Peace research fellow at the NATO Defense College, a Study Program
on European Security research fellow at the Institute for European Politics in Berlin, and a
senior research fellow at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM).

Paul Ivan is a Senior Policy Analyst at EPC in the World and the European Politics and
Institutions programmes. Before joining the EPC, Paul was a diplomat working on the
South Caucasus countries in the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a researcher at
the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels and a researcher on at the
Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE). Working for a time in the EEAS, he was
involved in EUs Association Agreement negotiations with the South Caucasus countries
and Moldova. Paul holds an MSc in International Relations from the London School of
Economics and Political Science (LSE) and bachelors degrees in international relations,
European studies and history.

Dr. Kataryna Wolczuk is Professor of East European Politics at the Centre for Russian,
European and Eurasian Studies (CREES), the University of Birmingham, UK. She holds
an MA in Law from the University of Gdansk, Poland, an MSc and a PhD from the Univer-
sity of Birmingham. Her research focuses on politics in Central and Eastern Europe, EUs
relations with the post-Soviet states as well as on Eurasian integration and its impact on
EUs eastern policy. Prof. Wolczuk is an Associate Fellow at Chatham House (Russia and
Eurasian Programme), London.
EaP Think Tank Forum 9

Iskra Kirova is a senior policy analyst at the Open Society European Policy Institute,
responsible for EU policy advocacy and analysis on Eurasia. Previously, Kirova worked
for the International Crisis Group as EU advocacy and research analyst, conducting and
helping to develop Crisis Groups advocacy on conflict prevention and resolution in Brus-
sels and other European capitals. She has served as research associate and later a fellow
at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy in Los Angeles, publishing on EU affairs, media,
civil society, and conflict resolution. She has also worked for the European Commissions
Directorate-General for External Relations on European Neighborhood Policy, and as a re-
search assistant at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Kirova graduated from the Univer-
sity of Southern California with a masters degree in public diplomacy and holds another
masters in international relations from Sofia University in Bulgaria.

Alexandru Lupuor is the Executive Director of Expert-Grup - an independent think-tank

specialized in economic policies, consultancy and research. Adrian has a Master degree
in Economics and Finance received from the Charles University in Prague and a Master
degree in Financial and Banking Administration from the Academy of Economic Studies
of Moldova. During his 8+ years of activity within Expert-Grup, Adrian has been involved,
as an expert and/or team leader in a number of projects related to monitoring economic
trends of Moldova (including the Transnistrian region), monitoring the implementation of
Governments commitments within the European agenda, developing three National Hu-
man Development Reports for UNDP, monitoring the implementation of Millennium Devel-
opment Goals, consulting public authorities and international organizations on a number
of policy issues related to economic development, financial/banking sector, trade policies
etc. Currently, Adrian is the manager of the Project Management Unit of the Managed
Good Governance Fund - a five-year UK technical assistance project funded by DFID that
provides expert advise and support to public institutions in strengthening the governance
and regulatory framework.

Ivane Chkhikvadze works as a EU Integration Program Manager at Open Society Geor-

gia Foundation (OSGF). He focuses on EU-Georgian relations and runs the projects
promoting Georgias integration into the European structures. He was country analyst of
European Stability Initiative for up to two years. Before, he worked for the Eurasia Partner-
ship Foundation and prior to joining the Foundation, he worked at the Office of the State
Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Georgia, where he assisted in mon-
itoring and evaluating implementation of EU programs in the field of economic integration,
public awareness, capacity building, education and trafficking. Ivane also supervised the
implementation of EU projects related to regional cooperation. Ivane Chkhikvadze holds
Masters Degree from the College of Europe in European Advanced Interdisciplinary Stud-
ies, as well as from the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, in Policy Analysis.

Ulad Vialichka graduated from Belarusian State Pedagogic University and Post-graduate
Course at National Institute of Education. Ulad is working in CSO sector in Belarus since
1994 and is known as experienced NGO leader, manager, trainer, facilitator, evaluator and
consultant. His main areas of activities are: civil society development, civic and adult edu-
cation, advocacy, organizational development and capacity building of NGOs, project and
program monitoring and evaluation, development cooperation and partnership, EU-Belar-
us relations. In 2009 Ulad Vialichka was elected as the Chairperson of International Con-
sortium EUROBELARUS. Since 2014 he is Director General of EUROBELARUS. Ulad
is one of the leaders of Belarusian National Platform of the EaP Civil Society Forum. In
2009-2011 as well as since 2015 he was elected to the EaP CSF Steering Committee as
a national coordinator on Belarus and later as Co-Chair of the Steering Committee.

Boris Navasardian is the President of Yerevan Press Club since 1995, the first journalistic
association established in post-Soviet Armenia. Making an impressive career as colum-
nist, chief-editor, host of TV shows, lecturer in journalistic schools, he in the same time is
active participant of civil society development, regional cooperation and Europeanization.
In 2002-2006 Mr. Navasardian acted as Board chair of the Open Society Institute Arme-
nia, in 2005-2007 he was member of Council of Europes expert group on Freedom of
expression and freedom of information in times of crisis. Since 2009 Boris Navasardian is
actively engaged in the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum in the capacity of country
facilitator for Armenia.
10 EaP Think Tank Forum

Ziya Guliyev is a graduate of the University of Essex in the United Kingdom. From 2006
to 2014, Ziya worked for different NGOs, such as Social Strategic Research Center
(2006-2008), Law and Development Center (2008-2010), Democracy Study Public Union
(2010-2012), Public Association for Assistance to Free Economy (2012-2014), and legal
researcher at Human Rights Watch (2015-2016). In 2009, he established the Center For
Legal Initiatives, which mainly deals with protection of civil and political rights, human
rights education and conducting research and advocacy work before the United Nations
Treaty Monitoring Bodies. Since May 2016, he is a founder of the Baku Academy of Hu-
man Rights Law, the first human rights education platform in Azerbaijan. He is alumnus
of the Baku School fo Political Studies (2012) and Visegrad School of Political Studies
(2015). Currently, he is a member of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership
Civil Society Forum and voting member of the CIVICUS Alliance.

Amb. Andrei Popov is a Moldovan career diplomat, political analyst and journalist, Presi-
dent of the Moldovan Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) and Vice-Chairman of the For-
eign Policy Association of Moldova (APE). He is the author of the weekly TV programme
Popular Diplomacy and co-host of the weekly political talk-show Botan+Popov, both on
independent TV8 channel. He is the former Member of the Parliament (2009), Deputy Min-
ister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (2009-2013) and Ambassador of Moldova
to Austria, Slovakia, OSCE and International organisations in Vienna (2013-2016). In the
later capacity, in April-August 2014, he served as the Chairperson of the OSCEs Forum
for Security Cooperation (FSC). In 2016, in the middle of his ambassadorial mandate, he
resigned from the diplomatic service in sign of disagreement with the policies of the ruling
Democratic Partys leadership.

Leonid Litra is a Senior Research Fellow at the New Europe Center, previously served as
Deputy Director at the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives Viitorul in Chisinau
(Moldova) where he is now an Associate Fellow. Leonid has co-authored many publica-
tions on democratization of the post-Soviet area, European integration and frozen con-
flicts. He was at the basis of European Integration Index for Eastern Partnership Coun-
tries and a regular contributor to the Nations in Transit Report on Moldova of the Freedom
House and to the Bertelsmann Transformation Index. Leonid was a Carnegie Research
Fellow at Yale University and holds a master degree from the European Institute of High
International Studies in Nice in International Relations and European Studies.

Irakli Porchkhidze is the Co-founder and Vice-president of the Georgian Institute for Stra-
tegic Studies (GISS) since 2012. He concurrently holds the position of Dean of the Law
School of Ilia State University. From 2010 until October 2012 Irakli has been the First
Deputy State Minister for Reintegration. In 2008-2010 he served as the Deputy National
Security Advisor to the President of Georgia and Deputy Secretary of the National Security
Council of Georgia. In 2004-2006 he launched and headed the Civil Registry Agency. The
reform of the agency became the flagship case of Georgias institutional transformation.
Irakli holds masters degree in International Affairs and Political Science from the School
of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University and Central European University.
He is also a fellow of the Draper Hills Program of the Center on Democracy, Development
and the Rule of Law at Stanford University.

Iulian Groza is a career diplomat and an expert in foreign policy, European affairs and
good governance. He is a former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
of the Republic of Moldova (June 2013 to March 2015). Before that he served in different
capacities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, including as Director
General at the Directorate for European integration. He was posted as well to Brussels
at the Moldovan Mission to the EU. Currently he leads the Institute for European Policies
and Reforms (IPRE) and is a Board member of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS).
Mr. Groza is a PhD candidate at the Moldovan State University and holds a BA degree in
international law. He also did postgraduate European Studies at Birmingham University
and Security Studies at SNSPA in Bucharest. Iulian is an FCO Chevening Scholar. Mr.
Groza holds diplomatic rank of Minister-Counsellor.
EaP Think Tank Forum 11


# Name, Surname Position, Organization Contact

1 Alaiba Dumitru Programme Director, CPR Moldova, Chiinu [email protected]

2 Barbroie Arcadie Executive Director, Institute for Public Policy, Chiinu [email protected]

3 Blockmans Steven Senior Research Fellow and Head of EU Foreign Policy Unit, [email protected]
Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels
4 Boan Igor Executive Director, ADEPT, Chiinu [email protected]

5 Buzu Alexei Executive Director, Centre Partnership for Development, Chiinu [email protected]

6 Buctaru Victoria Executive Director, Foreign Policy Association (APE), Chiinu [email protected]

7 Cenua Denis Programme Director, Expert-Grup, Chiinu [email protected]

8 Chkhikvadze Ivane EU Integration Programme Manager, OSI Georgia, Tbilisi [email protected]

9 Coeru Ina Executive Director, National Environment Centre, Chiinu [email protected]

10 Cozacenco Iulia Research Fellow, Soros Foundation-Moldova [email protected]

11 Culeac Petru Programme Director, Soros Foundation Moldova, Chiinu [email protected]

12 Eigner Valentina WeBuildEurope.EU, Vienna [email protected]

13 Ermurachi Adrian Project Manager, IPRE, Chiinu [email protected]

14 Gaprindashvili Paata Director, Georgias Reforms Associates (GRASS), Tbilisi [email protected]

15 Giragosian Richard Founding Director, Regional Studies Center, Yerevan [email protected]

16 Golubeva Maria EU Coordinator, Working Group 1, EaP CSF Steering Committee, [email protected]
17 Gozun Elena Associate Expert,, Brussels [email protected]

18 Gribincea Vladislav President, Legal Resource Center from Moldova, Chiinu [email protected]

19 Grigoryan Stepan Chairman of the Board, Analytical Centre on Globalization and [email protected]
Regional Cooperation (ACGRC), Yerevan
20 Groza Iulian Executive Director, Institute for European Policies and Reforms [email protected]
(IPRE), Chiinu
21 Guliyev Ziya Country Facilitator, National Platform (Azerbaijan) EaP CSF, [email protected]
Chair of the Board, Centre for Legal Initiatives, Baku
22 Ivan Paul SeniorPolicy Analyst, European Policy Centre (EPC), Brussels [email protected]

23 Harutyunyan Haykuhi President, "Protection of Rights without Borders NGO, Yerevan [email protected]

24 Kakachia Kornely Executive Director, Georgian Institute of Politics, Tbilisi [email protected]

25 Kirova Iskra Senior Policy Analyst, Open Society European Policy Institute, [email protected]
26 Kulminski Vladislav Executive Director, Institute for Strategic Studies (IPIS), Chiinu [email protected]

27 Labrusse Angel Research assistant, Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels [email protected]

28 Lene Leonela Experts for Security and Global Affairs (ESGA), Bucharest [email protected]

29 Litra Leonid Senior Research Fellow, New Europe Centre (former Institute for [email protected]
World Policy), Kiev
30 Longhurst Kerry Jean Monnet Professor Collegium Civitas, Warsaw [email protected]

31 Lupuor Adrian Executive Director, Expert-Grup, Chiinu [email protected]

32 Maksak Hennadiy Co-chair of the EaP CSF Steering Committee, Country Facilitator, [email protected]
NP (Ukraine), Chairman of the Board, Foreign Policy Council PRISM,
33 Manole Ion Executive Director, Promo-Lex, National Coordinator, EaP CSF, [email protected]
12 EaP Think Tank Forum

# Name, Surname Position, Organization Contact

34 Michalko Peter Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, [email protected]
35 Michel Toni WeBuildEurope.EU [email protected]

36 Mishchiuk Zoriana Co-Head of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform [email protected]

Key Expert/Team-leader of the Civic Synergy Project, Kiev
37 Morari Daniela Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the [email protected]
Republic of Moldova, Chiinu
38 Munteanu Igor Executive Director, Institute for Development and Social Initiatives [email protected]
(IDIS), Chiinu
39 Mustafayeva Darya Communications Manager, Secretariat of the EaP CSF, Brussels [email protected]

40 Navasardian Boris President, Yerevan Press Club, Country Facilitator (Armenia), NP [email protected]
EaP CSF, Yerevan
41 Nixey James Head of Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House, London [email protected]

42 Onica Timur Programme Officer (East), European Endowment for Democracy, [email protected]
43 Ojog Polina Programme Coordinator, Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), [email protected]
44 Palade Veaceslav Programme Coordinator, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Chiinu [email protected]

45 Parmentier Florent Head of Policy Lab, Sciences Po. Research-associate for HEC Paris [email protected],
and Director, Paris [email protected]
46 Popov Andrei President, Institute for Strategic Studies (IPIS), Chiinu [email protected]

47 Porchkhidze Irakli Vice-President, Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS), [email protected]
48 Prohnichi Elena Program Coordinator, ADEPT, Chiinu [email protected]

49 Prystayko Olena Executive Director, Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels [email protected]

50 Puiu Tatiana Project Coordinator, Freedomhouse Moldova, Chiinu [email protected]

51 Secrieru Stanislav Senior Associate Fellow, EUISS, Paris [email protected]

52 Sushko Oleksandr International Renaissance Foundation, Kiev [email protected]

53 Shiriyev Zaur Academy Associate, Chatham House, London [email protected]

54 Shulga Dmytro European programme initiative Director at the International [email protected]

Renaissance Foundation, Kiev
55 ukyt Dovil Co-Chair EaP CSF, Steering Committee, EU Coordinator WG 2, [email protected]
Policy Analyst, Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC), Vilnius
56 Toma Bianca Executive Director, Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE), [email protected]
57 Vialichka Uladzislau Country Facilitator, NP (Belarus) EaP CSF, Director General, [email protected]
International Consortium EuroBelarus, Minsk
58 Wolczuk Kataryna Associate Fellow at Russia and Eurasia Programme, [email protected]
Chatham House, London
59 Wytrykowska Marta Policy officer, European External Action Service (EEAS), Brussels [email protected]

60 Yahorau Andrei Centre for European Transformation, Minsk [email protected]

61 Jarabik Balazs Nonresident Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, [email protected]
62 Yerashevich Natalia Director, Secretariat of the EaP CSF, Brussels [email protected]

63 Zeneli Valbona Director of Programs in Black Sea and Eurasia, College of [email protected]
International and Security Studies, George C. Marshall Center
- Garmisch
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