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Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads

Robert Jonkman, P.Eng.

Jasmine Wang, Ph.D.

April 2011

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 1
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Lateral loads introduction
Shearwalls and diaphragms: load paths
Wind loads
Seismic loads
Performance of wood frame construction
Experience from earthquakes and hurricanes
Lab tests
Designing for lateral loads
Using CWC Engineering Guide
Structural design for shearwalls and diaphragms
New seismic design considerations in CSA O86-09
Using WoodWorks software


CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 2
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Understanding the Load Paths

Shearwall and Diaphragm Action

Plate type structural elements designed to
transmit force in their own plane
Horizontal element
Vertical elements

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 3
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Lateral Load Path - Wind Loads


Wall Sheathing/Cladding to Studs

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 4
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Studs to Diaphragms

Diaphragms to Shearwalls

Shear Forces

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 5
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Diaphragms to Shearwalls

Shear Forces

Diaphragms to Shearwalls

Overturning Forces

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Wang 6
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Upper Storey Shearwalls to Lower Storey


Shear Forces
Froof F

Froof +Ffloor

Upper Storey Shearwalls to Lower Storey


Rroof Forces, R

Rroof +Rfloor

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 7
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Shearwalls to Foundation

Shear Forces

Froof +Ffloor2 +Ffloor1

Shearwalls to Foundation


Rroof +Rfloor

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 8
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Wind Loads

Wind Calculation
Three procedures for determining design
wind loads on buildings (NBCC 4.1.7)
The Static Procedure
Most low and medium-rise buildings
Cladding of buildings
The Dynamic Procedure
Primarily tall buildings and slender structures
The Experimental Procedure
Wind tunnel testing or other experimental methods

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 9
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Design Flow Chart

Figure I-1

q: NBCC Appendix C

Structural Building structure

& Cladding Yes Tall
Yes Slender


Susceptible Yes Vibration

Dynamic Procedure
to vibrations
Static Procedure Static Procedure
Wood Frame

H20 m and Yes

CpCg: Fig. I-7 Pe=IwqCeCgCp

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 10
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Wind Calculation

Exposure Factor Ce Open Terrain

Open terrain Ce = (h/10)0.2 > 0.9

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 11
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Exposure Factor Ce Rough Tarrain

Buildings near the

lake may be
required to be
designed for open
terrain exposure

Rough terrain Ce = 0.7(h/12)0.3 >0.7

Exposure factor Ce Changes in

formula provided in
Near the road: Open
In the built-up area:
exposure (or rough
depending on the
distance from the

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 12
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

I-7 Composite Coefficients, CpCg

External Pressure Coefficients for

Structural Components & Cladding
For wood frame buildings, the appropriate
Figures from I-8 to I-14 would be used to
determine the loads for:
Roof joists and rafters
mono slope or parallel chord roof trusses
uplift connections for roof joists and mono
slope or parallel chord roof trusses

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Wang 13
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

I-15 External pressure coefficient & gust effect factor

H>20m or their
smaller plan
Cg =2 for whole
building & main
Cg =2.5 for small
including cladding

Summary (SC Table I-2)

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 14
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Internal Pressure
The internal pressure, Pi, is determined from
Pi = Iw q Ce Cgi Cpi
Cgi = internal gust effect factor
Cpi = internal pressure coefficient

Internal pressure coefficient & gust effect

Category 1: Buildings without large openings, -0.15 to 0.0
Category 2: Buildings with large openings that will routinely be
closed during storms, -0.45 to 0.3
Category 3: Sheds and industrial buildings with shipping doors,
which cannot be closed during storms, -0.7 to 0.7
Cgi: 2.0

Wind Wind


Enclosed Structure Internal Pressurization

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 15
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Seismic Loads

How do we design for Earthquake

National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) Part 4.1.8
and Structural Commentary J
More guidance in:
CWC Introduction to Wood Design
Wood Design Manual (WDM)
Structural Engineering Association of California (SEAOC)
Earthquakes Canada (NRCan)
US Geological Survey

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 16
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Procedures to analyze seismic force

Dynamic Analysis Procedure preferred (default)
but more complicated
Equivalent Static Force Procedure - easier method,
approximation, allowed if:
Seismic IEFaSa(0.2)<0.35, any structure
Any seismic IEFaSa(0.2), Regular shape, H<60 m, Ta<2 s
Any seismic IEFaSa(0.2), Irregular shape, H<20 m, Ta<0.5 s
(except torsional sensitivity, Dynamic analysis required)

Typical wood structures: T<0.50 seconds, H<20m (65ft)

Some other restrictions apply see

Earthquake loads
Static equivalent lateral seismic
force: based on the assumption that
the main features of the dynamic
response can be represented by a
single mode response at the
fundamental period, Ta.
Newtons Second Law
F = m* a
V = W* S(Ta) *factors

S (Ta) = Design acceleration based on the buildings period

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 17
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Static Analysis

Base shear V = S(Ta) x W x Mv x IE / (RdRo)
Min: V = S(4.0) x W x Mv x IE / (RdRo)
Max: V = S(0.2) x W x Mv x IE / (RdRo)
S(Ta) = Acceleration as a function of Ta
Ta = Fundamental period of building
W = Weight of building
Mv = Higher mode effect factor
IE = Importance factor
Rd = Ductility-related force modification factor
Ro = Overstrength-related force modification factor
Shape: irregular shape trigger restrictions
and special requirements

The Acceleration
V = S(Ta) x W x Mv x IE / (RdRo)
S(T): The design spectral response acceleration
Function of soil conditions and Sa(T)

S(T) = FvSa(T) or FaSa(T) (NBCC

Sa(T): The 5% damped spectral response acceleration based
on latitude and longitude (location specific)
Function of period

S(Ta): for the buildings period specifically Ta

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 18
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Find location acceleration Sa(T) spectrum:

Appendix C: Table C-2
Design Data for Selected Locations in Canada

Find location acceleration Sa(T) spectrum:

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 19
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Sa(T): Vancouver area

Multiply by soil factor

S(T) = FaSa(T)

Site Class C: Vancouver: Sa(0.2)

Very dense soil and soft rock (0.84 to 1.02)
STRONG ground shaking, the
variation of the soil influence is less
(short period structures)

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 20
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

S(T) = FvSa(T) or FaSa(T)

Enter city in WoodWorks software:

Buildings Period Ta
Code formula for shearwall structures
(NBCC 3))
Ta code = 0.05 hn 3 4
Ta > 0.50 only for h > 22m (77ft)

Other established methods of mechanics

For shearwall structures: Ta 2 Ta code

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 21
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

NBCC Site Properties

(6) The design spectral acceleration values of S(T) shall be

determined as follows, using linear interpolation for
intermediate values of T:
S(T) = FaSa(0.2) for T = 0.2 s
= FvSa(0.5) or FaSa(0.2) for T = 0.5 s
= FvSa(1.0) for T = 1.0 s
= FvSa(2.0) for T = 2.0 s
= FvSa(2.0)/2 for T = 4.0 s

Design Spectral Response Acceleration

S (Ta) specific to building

If Ta = 0.20 seconds and Fa = 1.0

then S(Ta):

Toronto: 0.28
Ottawa: 0.67
Vancouver: 0.96

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 22
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V= S(Ta) x W x Mv I
x E / (RdRo)
Dead load floors, walls, roof as defined in and (partitions need not
exceed 0.50 kPa)
Includes 25% of the snow load
Includes 60% of storage load
Includes 100% of full tank contents

Modal value
V= S(Ta) x W x Mv I
x E / (RdRo)
Accounts for higher mode effect on base shear (
1.0 for wood buildings with Ta<1.0

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 23
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Ductility Factor Rd
V= S(Ta) x W x Mv I
x E / (RdRo)

Ranges from: 1 (brittle) to 5 (ductile)

Shearwalls: Rd =3 (wood sheathing only)
Rd =2 (wood /GWB combo)

Source of ductility in wood frame

Tension parallel and perpendicular to the
grain: not ductile, low energy dissipation

Source: FEMA

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 24
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Source of ductility in wood frame

Compression perpendicular to grain:
nonlinear behavior and can be a good
one-time energy dissipater.
However, for cyclic loading, it becomes a
poor energy dissipater because the wood
wont recover from the crushing

Source: FEMA

Source of ductility in woodframe walls

Note similarities between single nail hysteresis and
global shear wall hysteresis.
Shear wall behavior, globally, is a product of local
fastener hysteresis.
Note: Screws and glue result in brittle behaviour


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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 25
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Overstrength Factor Ro
V= S(Ta) x W x Mv I
x E / (RdRo)

Considers tested results, for wood:

Member size Rsize 1.15
Material resistance (0.70 for timber) Rmat 1.43
Yield Strength (steel fasteners) Ryield 1.00
Strain hardening of steel (steel fasteners) Rsh 1.05
Redundancy Rmech 1.00
Shearwalls code value: Ro 1.7

Rd and Ro
V= S(Ta) x W x Mv x IE / (RdRo)
Rd (ductility force modification factor
Ro (overstrength force modification factor

Wood sheathed shearwalls have the

ductility and overstrength properties
to reduce elastic base shear by over 5

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 26
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V = S(Ta) x W x Mv x IE / (RdRo)

Distributing Forces Vertically

Force at each level x:

Extra portion Ft is assumed to be at the top, except:

when period is < 0.7 sec, Ft = considered zero
Need not exceed 0.25 V
Ft = 0.07*Ta*V

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 27
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Shear wall locations move, requiring large shear forces to be

transferred across the diaphragm. May require capacity level design of
some components - NBCC 2010 (4)

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 28
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Lots of openings in a lower level.

Not permitted unless IEFaSa(0.2) < 0.20 and RdRo =1
(NBCC 2010

If IEFaSa(0.2) >0.35 and torsionally sensitive, then dynamic analysis

required, as per NBCC 2010 (10) (b)

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 29
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Performance of wood frame houses

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 30
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Performance of wood frame houses

Lab tests

Damage to Housing in Hurricanes

Critical Details: Roof Sheathing

Gable end bracing details

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 31
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Seismic Performance of Wood-

Frame Buildings
Strength and stiffness
High strength-to-weight ratio
Plywood or OSB Shearwalls are effective in resisting the
racking forces
Non-structural elements contribute to the lateral resistance
Allows building to dissipate energy
Numerous load paths provide an extra level of safety

Performance of Wood-Frame
Buildings in Past Earthquakes
Recent California earthquakes
San Fernando Earthquake 1971
Loma Prieta Earthquake 1989
Northridge Earthquake 1994
The majority of the wood-frame houses
performed well
Lessons learned from past earthquakes

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Cripple Walls

Failure of cripple wall in the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake.


Chimney damage from the Northridge Earthquake.

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Connections to Foundations

This wooden residence sustained major damage when it moved off its
foundation in the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake.

Weak and brittle sheathing material

Stucco failure

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Weak First Storey

Openings in first storeys created soft storeys

that led to failures

CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 35
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Hold-downs next w/out finishes, non-

w/finishes, non- to full height Hold-downs @ symmetrical
symmetrical openings segments corners only openings

Phase 10 sheathed Phase 6 Phase 7 Perforated Phase 9
30 Engineered Shearwalls
Maximum Base Shear (kips)


Phase 5

Phase 8 Conventional
No hold-downs
Level 5, Rinaldi, PGA = 0.89g (s )

10 Level 4, Canoga Park, PGA = 0.50g (l)

Level 3, Canoga Park, PGA = 0.36g (n)

Level 2, Canoga Park, PGA = 0.22g (u)

Level 1, Canoga Park, PGA = 0.05g (-)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Peak Roof Relative Displacement (in)


CUREE Project Conclusions

Wall finishes improve the seismic
performance dramatically.
Hold-downs increase the lateral stiffness
Effect of non-symmetrical openings
Slight reduction in lateral stiffness

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Wang 36
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NEESWood Capstone Project

NEESWood Capstone Project

Current design codes are adequate but
dont prevent substantial damage during
strong earthquakes
Behaviour of drywall can be modeled and
contributes significantly to stiffness and
Cumulative elongation of hold-down rods
contributes substantially to drift

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Bracing to Resist Lateral Loads Due to Wind

and Earthquake (2010 NBCC 9.23.13 and Table A9.23.13)

Wind (HWP) Earthquake Sa(0.2)

Low to Low to
High Extreme High Extreme High Extreme
moderate moderate
Applicable 0.7< 0.7<
requirements HWP<0.80 0.80HWP HWP>1.20 Sa(0.2) Sa(0.2) Sa(0.2)
Sa(0.2) Sa(0.2)
kPa <1.20 kPa kPa 0.7 >1.1 >1.2
1.1 1.2
All con-
All construction Heavy construction(1) Light construction
in 9.27., X(2) N/A N/A X N/A N/A N/A N/A
requirements X X N/A X X(3)(4) N/A X(4)(5) N/A
in 9.23.13
Part 4 or
CWC Guide
X = requirements are applicable

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 38
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Hierarchy of lateral load design methods:

Most stringent, most widely applicable

NBCC 2010 Part 4 (Load) + CSA O86 (Design)
CWC Engineering Guide Part B/D (Load + Design)
International Residential Code (US)
CWC Engineering Guide Part C (orig based on IRC)
NBCC 2010 9.23.13 (NEW 2010)
NBCC 2010 9.27, 9.29, 9.23.17 (existing)
Least stringent, most limitations to applicability

Design for Lateral Loads

Part 9 buildings

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 39
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

CWC Engineering Guide for

Wood Frame Construction

(NBCC 9.23.13)

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 40
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

2009 Edition conforms to NBCC 2010

Originally published in 2001 to
address atypical Part 9 buildings
Acts as a bridge between prescriptive
Part 9 and Part 4
Meets or exceeds Part 9

Part 9 Wood Frame Construction

Requirements Part B: Engineered design of Part 9 buildings with
some limits, simplifications, leniency to CSA O86

Part C: How many braced walls required based on size of

Guidelines building and wind/seismic severity (prescriptive).
Note: Seismic limits and wind limits

Part D: Tables related to lateral Use Part 4, Guide n/a

Tables Wind and Seismic Load
Braced wall spacing

Use Guide Part B

Diaphragm and Shearwall Design Design and option
to use Part D tables
Parts B and D for use by qualified Professional Engineer

Use Guide Part C

Wind and seismic Load

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 41
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Requirements Part B

1.2 Building Size Limitations

(600 m2, 3 storeys, 3.5m/storey)
1.3 Building Configuration Limitations
(12.2 m clear spans, 12:12 roof slope)
1.4 Occupancy Limitations
1.5 Load Limitations

Requirements Part B
with detailed guidance for example
showing shear wall offset force transfer

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 42
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

12m x 20m
Tables Part D
Load 23

Seismic Loads at Shearwalls (Roof + 1 Storey)

2 Storey Building
Total Factored Shear Force (kN)

Roof Building dimension perpendicular to roof ridge (m)

Snow 8 12 16
Load Building dimension parallel to roof ridge (m)
Sa(0.2) kPa 8 12 16 20 24 8 12 16 20 24 8 12 16 20 24
0.25 1 4.0 5.6 7.3 8.9 11 5.7 8.1 10 13 15 7.5 11 14 17 20
1.5 4.2 5.9 7.7 9.4 11 6.0 8.5 11 13 16 7.9 11 14 18 21
2 4.4 6.2 8.1 10 12 6.3 8.9 12 14 17 8.3 12 15 19 22
2.5 4.5 6.5 8.4 10 12 6.6 9.4 12 15 18 8.7 12 16 20 23
3 4.7 6.8 8.8 11 13 6.9 10 13 16 19 9.1 13 17 21 24

0.50 1 7.9 11 15 18 21 11 16 21 25 30 15 21 27 33 39
1.5 8.3 12 15 19 22 12 17 22 27 32 16 22 29 35 42
2 8.7 12 16 20 24 13 18 23 28 34 17 23 30 37 44
2.5 9.1 13 17 21 25 13 19 24 30 35 17 25 32 39 46
3 9.5 14 18 22 26 14 20 26 31 37 18 26 33 41 49

0.75 1 12 17 22 27 32 17 24 31 38 45 23 32 41 50 59
1.5 12 18 23 28 33 18 26 33 40 48 24 33 43 53 62

Shearwall example

Part B: Shearwalls Using Structural Wood-Based Panels

The factored shear resistance for a shearwall segment of structural wood-
based panels shall be taken as:

b) For blocked shearwalls:

Vrs = vdKDKSFJspJhdJuLs

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 43
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Requirements Part B
Jhd Hold down factor
<1.00 if sheathing and anchorages are used to transfer
forces instead of hold downs

Tension Zone

Pij H H Vhd P
J hd 1 2 S S 1.0 J hd 1.0
Vhd LS LS Vhd

Requirements Part B
Ju Uplift factor (unique-to-Guide factor, not CSA O86)
<1.00 if sheathing used to transfer shear force F and uplift
force u from upper storey to lower

Ju = 1 2 Ju = 1- = u *Ls/Vhd

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 44
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Guidelines Part C
Braced Wall Concept
Instructions for how to determine how many
standard construction wall segments are needed to
resist expected loads
Historical performance: standard wood wall
construction works well
Used to create new 2009 NBCC 2010 9.23.13,
which Engineering Guide meets or exceeds

Guidelines Part C
Braced Wall Panels and Bands
Braced walls not engineered shear walls
Wood, GWB or other Sheathing fastened as per
Consists of segments of 4ft (1.2m) or 8ft (2.4)m

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Guidelines Part C (and NBCC

Braced Wall Bands and Panels
NBCC 2ft

Spacing of bands
dependent on
wind and seismic
Braced Wall Band
width: 4ft max

NBCC 2.5ft

Min Length of Braced Wall Panel

Guide: 4ft / 8ft + min % of band length
Max spacing b/t Max distance from
NBCC: 2ft / 2 ft
panels: 21ft corner: 8ft

Guidelines Part C
Braced Walls Bands vs Load
Use Part 4, Guide n/a
Braced wall band max spacing

24m (78ft)
Use Guide Part B High seismic (governs)
Design and option Sa (0.2) = 0.96 (< 1.00)
to use Part D tables
12.2m (40ft) Low to moderate wind
10.6m (35ft)
q1/50 = 0.48 (< 0.70)
7.6m (25ft) Low to
mod High High Extreme Use Guide Part C Prescriptive

Sa (0.2) Seismic and Wind load severity

Normal weight <0.70 <1.00 <1.20
Concrete topping / tile roof <0.70 <1.00 <1.10

q1/50 wind <0.70 <0.80 <1.20

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Wang 46
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Table C1 b: Braced Wall Panels for High Wind or High Seismic Loads
Normal weight construction: Tile roof or concrete topping floor:
wind: 0.80 q 1/50 < 1.20 kPa wind: 0.80 q 1/50 < 1.20 kPa
seismic: 0.70 Sa (0.2) < 1.20 seismic: 0.70 Sa (0.2) < 1.10

Table C1 b: Braced Wall Panels for High Wind or High Seismic Loads

Heavy weight

Normal weight

Braced wall Min Panel

description length

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Table C1 b: Braced Wall Panels for High Wind or High Seismic Loads

Engineering Guide Procedure for reducing length of braced panels to

less than 1.2m (Table C2) as long as
Increased percentage of full height sheathing
each segment has aspect ratio of 3.5:1

25% 8-0 34%

25% 34%

40% 52%

Guidelines Part C High Wind High Seismic

Extra considerations for:

High Wind 0.80 q 1/50 1.20 kPa

High Seismic 0.70 Sa (0.2) 1.20 (or 1.10 tile, conc)

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Guidelines Part C High Wind High Seismic

Wood sheathed braced panel spacing limit
(Table C1b note 5, NBCC (2) + (6) )

Interior foundations

15 m

15 m Max

Guidelines Part C High Wind High Seismic

Nailing of braced walls
(Table C4, NBCC
Rim/floor joists/blocking to lower storey wall plate
3 nails at 150 mm o.c.

Bottom plate to joists or blocking

3 nails at 150 mm o.c.

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Guidelines Part C High Wind High Seismic

Anchor bolts
(Table C5, NBCC

Anchor bolt diameter: 12.7mm () or 15.9mm (5/8 )

Spacing: 2.4m (7-10) o.c.
End distance: 0.5m (20) from end of foundation

Guidelines Part C High Wind High Seismic

(Table C6, NBCC (5))
Braced wall panels not required at the
front of an attached garage where

50% wood sheathed Garage

braced panels
7.6 m
25% wood sheathed
braced panels

and supports roof and one floor max

(normal weight)

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Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Guidelines Part C High Wind High Seismic

Glazed spaces (porches, sunrooms)
(Fig C4, NBCC (4))

not required to comply

with bracing

Projection is 3.5m max

or half of perp plan

and is integral with the roof

of the rest of the building and
not supporting floor

19 minute presentation with audio

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 51
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Design for Lateral Loads

Part 4 buildings

Failure Modes

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Failure Modes

Courtesy of APA

Diaphragm Design

Deep beams
Shear resistance : sheathing (Web)
Flexural resistance: chords (Flanges)

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Wang 53
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Diaphragm Shear Resistance

Diaphragm depth

Shear force/unit
Shear Resistance:
= wL/(2LD)
Size or number
Material strength(species)
Framing density

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Wang 54
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Diaphragm Flexural Resistance

Diaphragm depth

Tension Compression Pf=Tf=M/h
Pf Pf
Compression Chord

h M M

Tf Tension Chord Tf

Shear Resistance of Nailed Diaphragms

Vrs = vd K D K SF Jsp LD

Modification Factors
KD (1.15) duration factor
CSA O86 - 4.3.2

KSF (0.27 to 1.00) service factor for nailed connections

CSA O86 - Table10.2.1.5

JSP (0.70 to 1.00) species factor

CSA O86 - 9.4.3

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Alternative Nails in Diaphragms

Jn = nail diameter factor
dF1 2
= dF2
dF1 = diameter of the nail being considered
dF2 = diameter of the common wire nail given in the tables.

Deflection of diaphragm
Simply supported blocked diaphragm (9.7.2 CSA O86-09)
5vL2 vL c x
d = + + 0.000614Len +
96EALD 4Bv 2LD
Bending Shear Chord
Nail slip
deflection deflection member slip

d = lateral deflection at mid-span
v = maximum shear force per unit length due to specified lateral loads
L = diaphragm span perpendicular to the direction of the load
A = cross-sectional area of chord members
E = modulus of elasticity of chords
LD = depth of diaphragm parallel to the direction of the load
Bv = shear-through-thickness rigidity (Tables 7.3 A~C of CSA O86)
en = nail deformation for a particular load per nail (Table 8.2 of WDM)
c x = sum of the individual chord-splice values, c, on both sides of the
diaphragm, each multiplied by its distance x to the nearest support

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5vL2 vL c x
d = + + 0.000614Len +
96EALD 4Bv 2LD

c1 c2 c3 c4
x1 x4
x2 x3

c x = 2 c1x1 + c2 x2 + c3 x3 + c4 x4

c1 c2 c3

Shearwall Design

c Shearwall a

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Vertical cantilevered
Shear resistance:
Sheathing, nailing & framing
Flexural resistance
Shearwall chords

Shearwall Shear Resistance

Shearwall length, Ls
Shear Resistance:
Storey Sheathing
height Thickness
H+h Fasteners
Size or number
Material strength(species)
Framing density

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Shearwall Overturning Resistance

Shearwall length, Ls
Applied Force
Overturning design:
Hold-downs or anchorages
Chord force Chords (end studs) designed:
tension & compression

Shearwall Design
1- Distribute lateral loads to shearwalls
Flexible or rigid diaphragm assumption
2- Lateral force distribution to a line of shearwall segments
a) Based on relative capacity
b) Based on relative stiffness
3- Determine panel layout and nailing schedule
T9.5.1A & B of CSA, or Shearwall Selection Tables in WDM
Ls F

Ls1 Ls2

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Shear Wall Aspect Ratio

Blocked shearwall
Maximum aspect ratio (height-to-length ratio): 3.5:1
Unblocked shearwall
Maximum aspect ratio: 2:1
H4.88 m

H 4.88

Multiple Layers (CSA 9.3.4)

Shear resistance Shear resistance
Vr2 =Vr1
r2 =Vr1+Vr2

If gypsum wallboard

Two layers of panels on one side Two-sided shearwall

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Dissimilar Materials

Vr1 Vr2 Vr3 Vr1 Vr2 Vr3

Vr=Vr1+Vr2+Vr3 Vr=3 * min(Vr1, Vr2, Vr3)

Contribution of Gypsum
In combination with structural Seismic Rd factor is 2
wood-based panels Seismic Loads + 50%
Used in platform frame Limited percentage of shear
construction - H3.6m force resisted by gypsum

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Factored Shear Resistance of Nailed

Nailed shearwalls:
Vr = Vrs
Shearwall segments of Wood-based panels or diagonal lumber
Vrs = vd K D K SF Jub Jsp Jhd Ls
Shearwall segments of gypsum wallboard
Vrs = vd Jhd Ls
Modification Factors
KD (1.15) duration factor (CSA O86 - 4.3.2)
KSF (0.27 to 1.00) service factor for nailed connections (CSA O86 -
JSP (0.70 to 1.00) species factor for framing material (CSA O86 9.4.3)
Jub Factor for unblocked shearwalls (CSA O86 - 9.4.4)


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Shearwall Segments Without Hold-downs

Design Based on Research by FPInnovations

Overturning tension force is resisted by the

Applied Force

Tension Zone

Nails resist overturning

Applied Force

Tension Zone

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Shear capacity is reduced

Applied Force

Tension Zone

Hold-down Effect Factor Jhd

CSA O86 - 9.4.5
Case 1- Jhd = 1 if hold-downs are designed to resist all of the
tension forces due to overturning
Case 2- if there are no hold downs at either end
Pij H H
J hd 1 2 S S 1.0

Case 3- If a lower storey segment is held at the bottom but

not the top, and there is uplift force at the top
Vhd P
J hd 1.0

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Eliminating hold-downs:
Using Anchorages
Advantages: Builders will like you


Anchorages: Jhd calculation steps

1. Divide into segments

2. Calculate the dead load to resist overturning
3. Calculate Jhd for each of the segments.
4. Calculate the shear resistance of each segment (Vrs).
5. Distribute storey shear based on segment resistance.
6. Calculate the resultant overturning force

7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for lateral loads acting in the opposite direction.

8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 for each lower storey shearwall.

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Calculating upper storey Jhd

Roof dead load

Wall self weight

Segment 21 Segment 22

Segment 11 Segment 12

Calculating upper storey Jhd

Roof dead load

Wall self weight


Pij Hs Hs
Jhd = 1+2 + 1
Vhd Ls Ls

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Case2: Jhd (there is no hold down, and Pij0)
Pij Hs Hs
Jhd = 1+2 + 1
Vhd Ls Ls

Case3: Jhd (there is a

hold down at the
bottom of the panel
and there is uplift
force at the top
Vhd + P
Jhd = 1

Dont worry - WoodWorks Shearwalls software

automatically calculates hd J

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Resistance to Overturning

Resistance to Overturning
Hold down connections

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
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Resistance to Overturning

Hold-down connections
F1 Chords design
PD1 Tension
Pf Tf
Wind design:
Pf = + 1.25PD , Tf = 0.9PD
h h
Seismic design:
Pf = + PD , Tf = PD
h h

Mi = nj=i Vfsj Hsj + dj , Vfsi = n
j=i Fj , PDi = n
j=i PDj

Drag struts design

Shear transferred from the diaphragm (unit shear)Usually the top


Reaction from shearwall Reaction from shearwall

segment 1 (unit shear) segment 2 (unit shear)

Axial force diagram in drag strut

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Load Distribution within a Shear Line

Lateral load distribution to a line

of shearwall segments
Distribute lateral load based on relative capacity
Vfsij = factored shear load at storey i on the segment j
= Vfsi Vrj

Segments may not have the same deflection

Distribute lateral load based on relative stiffness
Kj Vfsij
Vfsij = Vfsi , where K j =
Kj j

New deflection Clause 9.7 CSA O86-09 makes it possible

Iterative process
Segments reach the same deflection

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Deflection of shearwall
Blocked, single storey shearwall segment (CSA 9.7.1)
2vHs 3 vHs Hs
sw = + + 0.0025Hs en + da
3EALs Bv Ls
Unblocked: ub = Jub
sw = horizontal in-plane deflection at the top of the shearwall
Jub = adjustment factor for unblocked shearwall segment (CSA
Note: shall be multiplied by / to give realistic values of
anticipated deflections.

2vHs 3 vHs Hs
sw = + + 0.0025Hs en + da
3EALs Bv Ls

en = nail deformation for a particular load per nail (Table 8.2 of WDM)
Hs = shearwall segment height
v = maximum shear force per unit length due to specified lateral loads
Hs = shearwall segment height
A = cross-sectional area of chord members
E = modulus of elasticity of chords
Ls = length of shearwall segment
v = maximum shear force per unit length due to specified lateral loads
Hs = shearwall segment height
Bv = shear-through-thickness rigidity (Tables 7.3 A~C of CSA O86)
Hs = shearwall segment height
Ls = length of shearwall segment
da = total vertical elongation of the wall anchorage system

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Example of lateral load distribution

North South

Factored wind
load 42 kN
(specified force
30 kN)


Segment 1 Segment 2
4m 2m 2m

Example of lateral load distribution

Segment 1 Segment 2 . Iteration 0 Iteration 1
Segment 1 Segment 2 Segment 1 Segment 2
Ls (mm) 4000 2000 Ls (mm) 4000 2000 4000 2000
Vfs (N) 42000 42000
vr (N/mm) 7.86 7.86 Vfsi (N) 28000 14000 29100 12900
Vsi (N) 20000 10000 20800 9190
Vr (N) 31440 15720
vsi (N/mm) 5 5 5.20 4.59
42000 da (mm) 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
Vfs (N) (factored)
s (mm) 75 75 75 75
Vfsi (N) (factored) 28000 14000 load per nail
375 375 390 344
Based on relative capacity en (mm) 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.18
i (mm) 3.54 4.02 3.70 3.67
Vfsij Abs(2-1)
0.47 0.03
Kj = (mm)
j Ki (N/mm) 5640 2490 5620 2500
Check i Vfsi revised 29100 12900 29000 12900
Kj (N)
Vfsij = Vfsi
Based on relative stiffness

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New in CSA O86-09 9.8:


Seismic design considerations for diaphragms and shearwalls (CSA 9.8)

capacity based design philosophy of the NBCC

Structural collapse is prevented by ensuring:

The ductile shearwall will achieve its full capacity before
elements holding it in place or transferring load to it will yield

Hold downs, anchor bolts, inter-storey connections (9.8.2) and force

transfer elements (drag struts, diaphragm chords etc) (9.8.6) must be
designed for increased seismic force

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Over-capacity of wood-based SFRS (CSA O86 9.8.3)

1st two storeys contribute the most to the buildings seismic response
(Based on results from four storey platform framed dynamic analysis)


Capacity 2 >> 1:
2 2 may not yield under seismic load,
causing a soft-storey effect at 1

Capacity 2 << 1:
2 may yield without transferring the
1 forces to 1, causing a soft-storey effect at
the second storey.

Storey over-capacity coefficient Ci (CSA O86 9.8.3)

Ci = 1.0 (
Vri = factored resistance of shearwalls for storey i
Vfi = factored seismic load for storey i

. < . (

Structures of three or more storeys

IEFaSa(0.2) 0.35

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Storey over-capacity coefficient Ci (CSA O86 9.8.3)

Storey shearwall resistance

F3 = 3000
Vf3 = 3000 VR3 = 6500 C3 = 6500/3000
= 2.16
F2 = 3000
Vf2 = 6000
VR2 = 6500 C2 = 6500/6000
= 1.08
F1 = 3000
Vf1 = 9000
VR1 = 10000 C1 = 10000/9000
= 1.11

. < .

Accumulated storey shear force = 0.97 OK
Storey shear force

Diaphragm Force and Cdi (CSA O86

Cdi = minimum { Ci , 1.2}

Cd3 = 1.2 C3 = 6500/3000

= 2.16

Cd2 = 1.08 C2 = 6500/6000

= 1.08

Cd1 = 1.11 C1 = 10000/9000

= 1.11

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Diaphragm Force and Cdi (CSA O86

Seismic design force for diaphragm = seismic shear force using RdRo
for wood shearwalls x overcapacity coefficient Cdi
F3 = 3000
Vf3 = 3000 VD3 = 3000 x 1.2 Cd3 = 1.2
= 3600
F2 = 3000
Vf2 = 6000
VD2 = 3000 x 1.08 Cd2 = 1.08
= 3240
F1 = 3000
Vf1 = 9000
VD1 = 3000 x 1.11 Cd1 = 1.11
= 3330

Accumulated storey shear force

Storey shear force

Force Transfer Elements in Diaphragm (CSA O86 9.8.6)

Seismic design force for diaphragm chords is 20% higher than
diaphragm design force VDi

VD3 = 3000 x 1.2 Cd3 = 1.2

= 3600 x 1.2
= 4320

VD2 = 3000 x 1.08 Cd2 = 1.08

= 3240 x 1.2
= 3888
VD1 = 3000 x 1.11 Cd1 = 1.11
= 3330 x 1.2
= 3996

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Shear transfer to shearwall (CSA O86 9.8.2 and 9.8.6)

Seismic design force for

Vf3 = 3000 x 1.2

= 3600

Vf2 = 6000x 1.2

= 7200

Vf1 = 9000x 1.2

= 10800

Accumulated storey shear force

Seismic Diaphragm Design options

Diaphragm Design in the NBCC

Wood Diaphragms on Wood Shearwalls

Use Rd Ro for wood shearwalls
Introduce over-capacity coefficient Ci
Check if 0.9 C2/C1 1.2 for three
story and higher buildings Wood diaphragm on SFRS other than
Increase diaphragm forces by CDi wood shearwalls
(maximum 20%) Use NBCC Article Use Rd Ro
Increase loads on force transfer of the SFRS
elements by 20% Increase diaphragm force by
Yes No a) 1.2Ci for wood SFRS other than
Diaphragm wood shearwall
May Yield b) i for non-wood SFRS
Force need not be greater than force
Wood diaphragms on other SFRS calculated using Rd Ro = 1.3
Choose Rd Ro = 2.0 or Rd Ro of SFRS
Increase loads on force transfer
Larger force governs diaphragm design elements by 20%
Increase loads on force transfer
elements by 20%

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

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Wang 77
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Diaphragms, Rigid and Flexible

Horizontal Distribution of Loads

Forces need to be distributed to shear walls.
Two approaches are used, but can lead to very different solutions:

Source: Source:

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 78
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Distribute loads based on Flexible or Rigid Diaphragms?

Structural Engineering Association of California (SEAoC):
Structural Seismic Design Manual

Example 1 is a typical 2800 sqft single family wood framed house.

Source: SEAOC Vol 2 2006 IBC page 46

Distribute loads based on Flexible or Rigid Diaphragms?

Structural Engineering Association of California:
Structural Seismic Design Manual

Find through calculations:

Typical wood frame construction

results in rigid diaphragm.

Diaphragm deflection: 0.04

Story shear wall drift is 0.50

Diaphragm would need to deflect > 1

to be considered flexible

Further info: SEAOC Vol 2 2006 IBC page 90 Source:


CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 79
Vancouver Wood Solutions Fair April 2011

Distribute loads based on Flexible or Rigid Diaphragms?

American Society of Structural Engineers:

Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures ASCE7-05

Smaller buildings can be exempt from rigid

diaphragm distribution assumption:

One and two family residential buildings of light
frame construction

Distribute loads based on Flexible or Rigid Diaphragms?

International Code Council:
International Building Code IBC 2006

Smaller buildings can be exempt from rigid

diaphragm distribution assumption:

2006 IBC 1613.6.1:

Nearly all light frame construction, provided:
Concrete topping is non structural and less than 1.5 inches
Each line of vertical elements complies with allowable storey drift (ASCE7-05
Table 12.12-1)
Vertical elements are light framed walls sheathed with wood structural panels
or steel sheets

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 80
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Distribute loads based on Flexible or Rigid Diaphragms?

Structural Engineering Association of California:
Structural Seismic Design Manual

Perform analysis using both assumptions, take worst case

Rigid analysis yield 5% to one line and 95% to another line
Flexible analysis it is found to be 50/50,

Recommendation - the engineer should probably design for the

larger of the two loads for the individual walls

Source: SEAOC Vol 2 2006 IBC page 90

Example: Torsional moments,

Rigid diaphragm

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 81
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Torsional moment:

eccentricity (e):
Difference between 9.14m 9.14m
center of loading Centre of loading
center of resistance e
Centre of resistance
The bigger e is the
more torsional

Center of Load:
Starting with flexible diaphragm distribution, locate the center of load.

Flexible distribution allows a preliminary calculation of capacities of

wall segments (capacity / unit length).

Flexible distrib = 6.6 kN

Seismic load = 13.2 kN Centre of loading


Flexible distrib = 6.6 kN

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
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Center of resistance:
Length x capacity per unit length = strength =k
Strength x moment arm = effect of strength, locations= ky

Length capacity k y ky
12.19m x 2.59 = 31.54 x 0 = 0
1.22m x 5.92 = 7.22 x 9.14 = 66.0
Sum 38.8 66.0

Center of resistance 1.22m, 5.92kN/m

= 66.0 / 38.8
= 1.70m

Centre of resistance

12.19m, 2.59 kN/m

Eccentricity e= 2.87m

Centre of loading
e= 9.14/2 1.70m = 2.87m

Centre of resistance

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

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Direct Shear based on shear line rigidity

Length capacity k
12.19m x 2.59 = 31.54 31.5 /38.8 = 81%
1.22m x 5.92 = 7.22 7.2 /38.8 = 19%
Sum 38.8

Direct Shear Vd = Seismic load x relative rigidity

Vd (19%) = 2.5kN

Seismic load = 13.2 kN

Vd (81%) = 10.7kN

Direct Shear needs to be amplified by the

torsional effect Equivalent Static Force Procedure for Structures Satisfying
the Conditions of Article

(10): Torsional effects shall be accounted for

by applying torsional moments about a vertical axis at each level
throughout the building derived for each of the following load cases
considered separately,

(i) Tx = Fx(ex + 0.10 Dnx), and

(ii) Tx = Fx(ex 0.10 Dnx)

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

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Torsional moment
= Direct load x (eccentricity + accidental)
Torsional moments
= Direct load x e = 13.2 x (2.87 +/-10% x 9.14)
= 49.9 kNm (max)
= 37.8 kNm (without accid)
= 25.8 kNm (min)

Centre of loading
Accidental eccentricity
=10% of building width Centre of resistance
= 0.914m

Calculation of J, accounts for the relative

rigidity in both directions and the distance
of the walls from the center of resistance.
k dy k dy2
31.54 -1.7 91
7.22 +7.44 400
491 12.19m

k dx k dx2
k = 22.16

k = 22.16

22.16 -6.1 825 k = 7.22


22.16 +6.1 825

13.2 1650

J = 491 + 1650 = 2141


Centre of resistance
k = 31.54

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Torsional force
= Torsional moment x relative rigidity x distance to the wall / J

FLEX: 6.6
RIGID: Direct 2.5 + Torsion 1.2
RIGID: Total 3.7 kN

FLEX: 6.6
RIGID: Direct 10.7 + Torsion (-0.6)
RIGID: Total 10.1 kN

SIZER since 1993/1994

Gravity Design
Concept mode
Column mode
Beam mode

SHEARWALLS since 1998/2000

Lateral Design (Wind and


Fasteners Canada/US MATERIALS

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What can Shearwalls do?


CAD Import in Windows Metafile format (.wmf)

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 87
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Automatic Wind and Seismic Load Generation:
Plug in city in OR wind and seismic reference information
from Building code
Additional loads can be added manually

SHEARWALLS Distributes loads based on

Rigid diaphragm:
Stiffness: choose
capacity or deflection*
derived stiffness
*summer 2011, v8

Flexible diaphragm:
Tributary area

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Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 88
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Some or all Hold-downs

Hold-downs each
Segment Anchorage used rely on
AND sheathing
to transfer


Elevation view

3664 lbs = shear wall force 73.3 plf = distributed shear

828 lbs = max drag strut force

121.0 plf = shearwalls

456 lbs = anchorage force base shear

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Shearwall schedule:

Equations - see .log file

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

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Wang 90
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Equations - see .log file

For further training:

1. Read User Guide (pdf), do tutorials
2. Do other tutorials on website
3. See help menu for engineering
questions and assumptions

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Demonstration version

Robert Jonkman, P.Eng.

Manager, Structural Engineering

CWC Lateral Design for Wood Buildings:

Design Principles and Loads, Jonkman and
Wang 92

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