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Spells - Magic - Symbols

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My Powerful Djinn
Free Love Spells Powerful Djinn Can Help You Find
Or Jinn Love, Fame, Power
That Will Change And Money. Order
Leo Love Your Life Yours Now

Door Lock Locks

Aries Love

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Aries Love

Spells That Work

Key Lock

Powerful Spell

Love Lock Sex Spell

A binding spell for locking-in your passionate partner. This
spell works best on the night of a full moon for optimum

You will need to obtain a strand of hair from your lover.

You will also need a feather from a dove.

Light three beeswax candles and place them in the

Powerful formation of a triangle. Tear a small circle of paper about

three inches in diameter. Write your lover's name and your
Djinn Or name on the piece of paper using ink. Place the piece of
Jinn paper in the center of the candle triangle.

That Will Change Next, place the strand of hair on the circle of paper.
Your Life
Extinguish the candles. Pour some melted wax from each
of the candles onto the piece of paper so that the strand
of hair is attached to the paper. Light the candles once

Place the feather of the dove onto the center of the paper.
My Powerful
Extinguish the candles and once again, drip melted wax
Djinn Can
from each candle over the feather so that it is attached.
Help You
Extinguish the candles.
Find Love,
Fame, Power Place the paper, with the strand of your lover's hair and the
And Money. dove's feather attached, into an envelope. Seal the
Order Yours envelope. Hide the envelope in a safe place where it will
Now not be found.

The Sex Magic Spells:

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Fire Starter
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Passion Booster

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Love Spells - Part 1 Book Of Symbols
Love Spells - Part 2 (Library of the Mystic
Love Spells - Part 3 Arts)
Love Spells - Part 4 The Secret Tarot:
Love Spells - Part 5 Renaissance Symbols of
Love Spells - Part 6 Science, Magic and
Love Spells - Part 7 Myth Now Reveal the
Love Spells - Part 8 Future
Love Spells - Part 9 Witch's Book Of
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