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Autofocus Speedlight SB-800

A collection of example photos jaja

Page numbers in parentheses refer you to explanations in the main instruction

manual. En
Bounce flash
Nikon Diffusion Dome

Without Nikon Diffusion Dome

Shooting data
(Without Nikon Diffusion Dome )
Camera: D2H
Focal length: 105mm
Speedlight: SB-800 set to D
Aperture: f/6.3
Shooting distance: Approx.
(8.2 ft.)

With Nikon Diffusion Dome

The Nikon Diffusion Dome diffuses the light from

the flash to soften shadows and prevent the
subjects face from coming out too bright. By
attaching the provided Nikon Diffusion Dome over the
flash head, you can diffuse the light even more when
doing bounce flash, creating extremely 5
soft light with virtually no shadows, while insuring
sufficient illumination of the background (p. 101).
Shooting data
(With Nikon Diffusion Dome)
Camera: D2H Focal
length: 105mm
Speedlight: SB-800 set to D with
Nikon Diffusion Dome attached
Aperture: f/6.3 Use of the built-in wide-flash adapter in conjunction Shooting distance:
Approx. 2.5m with the Nikon Diffusion Dome produces the maximum
(8.2 ft.) amount of diffused light.
i-TTL Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash
Notes on using the
Nikon Diffusion In this mode, the camera automatically controls the

Auto FP high -speed sync

i-TTL Automatic Balanced Fill-Flash

Dome Good results are flash output to keep both the subject and
obtained when the background properly exposed. This mode is
flash head is tilted up especially effective when shooting scenes that 60. include a mirror,
white wall, or other highly reflective Essentially the same surfaces (p. 37). lighting effect
is 6
produced when the
camera is positioned
Auto FP High-Speed Sync either horizontally
vertically. Standard i-TTL flash
Shooting data Focal length: 70mm
(i-TTL Automatic Balanced Fill- Speedlight: SB-800 set to
Flash) Do
Camera: D2H Aperture: f/14
Automatic high-speed flash synchronization at
shutter speeds exceeding the cameras flash sync
speed is possible. When shooting with flash
outdoors, faster shutter speeds allow you to use a
FV Lock is unnecessary when
wider aperture to blur the background and/or freeze
the main subject is centered.
fast-moving subjects (p. 60). Flash shooting at normal Shooting data
sync speed
(Without FV Lock)
Shooting data (Auto FP Camera: D2H
high-speed sync) Focal length: 60mm
Camera: D2H Focal length:
125mm Speedlight: SB-800
set to BK
Aperture: f/2.8
Shutter speed: 1/3200 sec.

Flash Value Lock (FV Lock)

Without using FV Lock for an off-center subject

Speedlight: SB-800 set to D
Shooting data
Aperture: f/8
(Without FV Lock)
Using FV Lock for an
Camera: D2H Focal length: 60mm Speedlight: SB-800 set to
off-center subject
Aperture: f/8
Using FV Lock, you can
obtain the correct
exposure, when the
subject is off-center and
positioned against a dark or light background.
Because the flash exposure remains locked in even Camera: D2H Focal
length: 60mm
if you change the aperture or composition, or Speedli
7 ght:
zoom the lens in and out, you can obtain the
set to
correct exposure for the main subject. Without Do
FV Lock, the main subject is overexposed due to the Aperture: f/8
dark background (p. 61).
Shooting data (With FV Lock)
Close-up photography using multiple flash
1Master flash unit: SB-800 set to D
(bounced from the side)
2Remote flash unit: SB-800 set to D (directly
from the top rear)

Close-up photography using multiple flash

units (cont.)

Two flash units (one from the side and another from this lighting set-up
above) produces soft shadows
with enhanced subject
By using more than one SB-800, you can take detail (p. 102).
breath-taking close-ups of subjects like
flowers. Shooting data
To bring out the gorgeous colors and textures of the (Using two flash units)
purple cattleyas, two SB-800s were used, one on the left Camera: D2H Focal
length: 105mm
front (as the master unit via a cord) and ! another (as
1Master flash unit:
the remote unit) on the right rear and slightly above the
flowers. Although both Speedlights were used directly, SB-800 set to D

2Remote flash unit: SB-800 set to D Camera: D2H

(from the top) Focal length: 105mm Master
Aperture: f/32 Flash set-up flash unit: SB-800 set
to D
A single flash unit from above
Aperture: f/25
Shooting data Shooting distance: Approx. 1m
(Using a single flash unit from above) (3.3 ft.)

Shooting distance: Approx. 1m (3.3 ft.)

multiple flash shooting in the TTL auto

flash mode
Current wireless multiple 800 set to D Remote flash unit: SB-800 set to D Aperture:
flash shooting f/11
Shooting data Advanced Wireless Lighting shooting (Two flash units:
(Advanced Wireless Lighting) oncamera flash + remote flash from the side) In addition to
Camera: D2H the master flash unit used on-camera, the remote
Focal length: 70mm flash unit illuminates the subject from the side to
Master flash unit: SB-

Single on-camera flash

Shooting data
(Using two flash units )
Camera: D2H
Focal length: 70mm
Master flash unit: SB-800 set
create a more natural-
looking portrait. In
current wireless
multiple flash
shooting, the
overlapping portions
illuminated by two flash
are overexposed.
However, with Advanced
Wireless Lighting in the
TTL auto flash mode, the
subject comes out
correctly exposed (p. 76).

to D Two flash units: on-camera flash + remote flash from the rear Remote flash unit: SB-

800 set The master flash unit is used on-camera while the to D remote flash unit
illuminates the subject from the rear Aperture: f/14 to emphasize the subjects contour
and bring out the delicate details of subjects hair. This lighting set-up is particularly
effective when shooting portraits against dark
backgrounds (p. 76).
Multiple flash shooting (1)
Two flash units (one on-
camera flash + one remote
bounced from the ceiling)

Camera: D2H
Focal length: 25mm
1Master flash unit: SB-800 set to
2Remote flash unit A: SB-800 set
to D
(bounced off the ceiling)
3Remote flash unit B: SB-800 set
to G
(with red gel filter)
Aperture: f/5.6

Multiple flash shooting (2)

Single off-camera flash Three flash units (One off-camera on the left + one on the
right + one behind the subject bounced off the back wall)
The master flash illuminates the subject from
the side, while two remote flash units soften
and eliminate the shadows.
In this setup, the master flash was placed off -
camera on the left to emphasize the subject
contours, but casts shadows on the womans face
and a harsh shadow on the back wall. Remote flash
A was positioned on the right to soften the shadows.
However, the shadow on the wall still exists.
To remove it, remote flash B was placed at the
subjects feet to bounce light off the wall, resulting
in a dramatic portrait (p. 76).
Flash set-up Shooting data
Two flash units (One off-
camera on the left + one on
the right)
Slow-sync flash shooting with multiple

Four flash units using a slow shutter speed that of remote flash
unit C was bounced
Using a slow shutter speed with more than one off the ceiling to
flash produces more natural-looking pictures of illuminate the entire
the subject and background. room and add
Four flash units were used to illuminate the subject accent.
and the room in back. Remote flash unit A was Furthermore, a
slow shutter speed
% was used to make
added to the master flash unit used on-camera to the tones of the
illuminate the subject from the side to create a more subject and the
vivid rendition of the woman and the fruit in the background come
basket. Two more remote flash units B and C were out brighter (pp. 58,
placed in the room behind the subject. Light from 76).
remote flash unit B was bounced off the wall, while
Shooting data Shooting data
extremely dark
situations, flash can
be used with slow
shutter speeds to
obtain the correct
exposure for both the
subject and
Often, when taking flash
pictures in low-light
situations or at night, the
background comes out &
vastly underexposed. In
this case, set the slow-
sync flash mode on
your camera. This
allows the use of slow
shutter speeds for

Slow-sync flash shooting

(Using a slow shutter speed) Camera: D2H Focal length: 40mm (Using a normal shutter
1Master flash unit: SB-800 set to D speed)
Camera: D2H
2Remote flash unit A: SB-800 set to B Focal length: 40mm
1Master flash unit: SB-800
3Remote flash unit B: SB-800 set to B
set to D 2Remote flash unit
4Remote flash unit C: SB-800 set to G A: SB-800 set to B
3Remote flash unit B: SB-
Aperture: f/8
Shutter speed: 1/30 sec.
Four flash units using a normal shutter speed
800 set to B 4Remote flash unit C: SB-800 set to G
Aperture: f/8 recording detail in the
Shutter speed: 1/250 sec. background, while the
Normal shutter speed flash provides the
Shooting data correct exposure for the
subject in the
(Normal shutter speed)
foreground (p. 58).
Camera: D2H
Shooting data
Focal length: 80mm Master flash unit: SB-800 set to Do (Slow-sync flash)
Aperture: f/7.1 Shutter speed: 1/250 sec. C
Slow-sync flash a
When shooting in e
Master flash unit: SB-800
set to Do
Aperture: f/7.1
Shutter speed: 1/4 sec
main subject will look normal. However, the background
will come out ( green. To compensate, use a green gel
filter, then adjust the cameras white balance to
Fluorescent (p. 96). Without a gel filter and the cameras
white balance set to Flash

Shooting with colored gel filters

Shooting data
(With a gel filter)
Camera: D2H
Speedlight: SB-800 set to
White balance setting:Fluorescent

With a gel filter (for fluorescent light) and the cameras white Shooting data
balance set to Fluorescent (Without a gel filter)
Modifying the color temperature of the flash to match Camera: D2H that of the
overall scene illumination. Speedlight: SB-800 set to Do
If you shoot flash pictures under fluorescent light with White balance setting: Flash
your digital cameras white balance set to Flash, the
With a gel filter (for incandescent light) and the cameras The optional Colored
white balance set to Incandescent The same is true when Gel Filter Set SJ-1
shooting flash pictures under incandescent/tungsten contains a total of 20
illumination. In this case, set your digital cameras gel filters in various
white balance to colors. In the main
Incandescent. photo above, the
oncamera master flash
Shooting data (With a gel filter)
illuminates the woman,
Camera: D2H
while three remote units
Speedlight: SB-800 set to Do White balance setting: ) are used behind her.
Incandescent With a gel filter (for incandescent light) and Two units with red and
the cameras white blue gel filters were
balance set to Flash bounced off the back
Shooting data wall to accentuate the
(With a gel filter) background in
Camera: D2H

Speedlight: SB-800 set to Do White

balance setting: Flash White balance
setting: Flash Four flash units: One
on-camera + three remote flash units
(two with gel filters and one without)
Colored gel filters can be
used to add dramatic colors
to the scene.
Using colored gel filters with multiple flash

Single on-camera flash addition to the indirect blue

lighting. A third remote unit
Shooting data without a gel filter was placed
(With a single flash) directly behind the subjects Camera: D2H head to
create rim-lighting on
her hair (pp. 76, 96).
Focal length: 38mm Master flash unit: SB-800 set to D
Aperture: f/5.6
Flash set-up Shooting data
(With four flash units)
Camera: D2H Focal length: 38mm

1Master flash unit: SB-800 set to D

2Remote flash unit A: SB-800 set to G

3Remote flash unit B: SB-800 set to G

4Remote flash unit C: SB-800 set to G

Aperture: f/5.6
White balance setting: Flash
Using colored gel filters with multiple flash

Two flash units with an red gel

Using colored gel filters with multiple flash

Four flash units: On-camera flash + three remote flash Single on-camera flash
units with blue, yellow, and red gel filters
With the SB-800 mounted on the camera and used
directly, illumination of the wall with the framed
pictures falls off rapidly toward the rear. To spice
up the picture and add needed illumination, three
remote flash units with blue, yellow, and red gel
filters were bounced off the wall (pp. 76, 96).
Shooting data
(Using four flash units ) Four flash units: On-camera
Camera: D2H
Focal length: 56mm
1Master flash unit: SB-800 set to D
2Remote flash unit A: SB-800 set to G
3Remote flash unit B: SB-800 set to G

4Remote flash unit C: SB-800 set to G

Aperture: f/5.6
White balance setting:
flash + three remote flash units
without gel filters.
Flash output level compensation using
multiple flash units
In the Advanced Wireless Lighting mode, you can use more than one flash to
intentionally overexpose or underexpose various parts of the picture.
The series of photos below were taken with two flash units; the master flash unit was used
on-camera to illuminate the subject in the foreground, while the remote unit lit the
background subject. The photo in the center was taken without setting any exposure
compensation on either flash unit, or in other words, 0.0 EV. Both the background and
foreground are correctly exposed. The photos reading across from left to right were made
by using flash output level compensation on the master flash that illuminates the
foreground subject, in this case +1 EV compensation for the left-hand shot and 1 EV
compensation for the right-hand one. The pictures reading from top to bottom were
created by setting flash output level compensation on the remote flash that lights the
background subject; the top photo has +1 EV compensation and the bottom 1 EV
compensation. (pp 54, 76)
Exposure compensation and flash output
level compensation
Exposure compensation and flash output level compensation are used
to intentionally modifying the exposure.
Exposure compensation in the Non-TTL auto flash mode is shown in the three
photos on the left. Varying the exposure for both the subject and background is
possible by changing the aperture setting on the SB-800 (p. 54). Flash output
level compensation in the TTL auto flash mode is shown in the three photos on
the right. Varying the exposure for the main subject without affecting the
background is possible by changing the flash output level on the SB800 (p. 56).

+1 exposure compensation +1 flash output level compensation

No compensation No compensation
1 exposure compensation 1 flash output level compensation
Red-eye reduction
Prevents the center of a persons eyes
from appearing red in color photographs.
Red-eye reduction control is set on the
camera, not on the SB-800 (p. 58).

Without red-eye reduction With red-eye reduction

Rear-curtain sync flash

Front-curtain sync flash

Allows flash pictures of a moving subject
where the blur appears in the proper
position behind the subject. Rear-curtain sync flash
As shown in the example photos, when
shooting fast-moving subjects at slow shutter speeds using front-curtain flash
sync, unnatural-looking pictures can occur. Rear-curtain flash sync creates a
picture in which the blur appears behind the subject rather than overlapping it
(p. 59).
Repeating flash
To create stroboscopic multiple-
exposure effects, the SB-800 can be
fired repeatedly during a single
exposure (p. 48).


Printed in Japan

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