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COMPUTER NETWORKS : 03-60-367-01
Fall 2013 - 2 Hours

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9. The total (maximum possible) mark on this exam is 111.

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1. The term ARP refers to _______________ .

A) Address Resolution Protocol
B) Address Reservation Protocol
C) Asynchronous Routing Protocol
D) None of the above responses are correct.

2. In pipelining protocols, the selective repeat approach requires _____________ .

A) Receiver only sends cumulative acks
B) Sender maintains timer for cumulative unacked packets
C) Receiver acks individual packets
D) Both B and C responses are correct

3. Datagram networks do not require call setup at the network layer.

A) True
B) False

4 The data link layer takes the packets from the _____ layer and encapsulates them into
frames for transmission.
A) network
B) physical
C) transport
D) application

5. Which one of the following tasks is not done by data link layer?.
A) framing
B) error control
C) flow control
D) channel coding

6. Which sublayer of the data link layer performs data link functions that depend upon the
type of medium?.
A) logical link control
B) media access control
C) network interface control
D) None of the responses above is correct.

7. The main goal of Bellman-Fords algorithm is to ensure that all network nodes have the
same information to provide shortest path service for message routing.
A) True
B) False
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8. Internet transport-layer protocols provide delay and bandwidth guarantees.

A) True
B) False

9. If a router malfunctions, using Link-State protocols, ____________ .

A) node can advertise incorrect link cost
B) each node computes only its own table
C) each nodes table is used by others so error propagates through network
D) Both A and B are correct responses.

10. Network layer protocols must be defined in every router.

A) True
B) False

11. BGP messages are exchanged using __________ .

D) Proprietary Cisco protocols

12. The purpose of a network interface card is to implement the link and physical layer
A) True
B) False

13. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) messages are carried in IP datagrams.
A) True
B) False

14. A MAC address has length _________ bytes.

A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8

15. Amplitude modulation refers to rapid variations of signal strength to indicate bits or
other tokens.
A) True
B) False
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16. In order to establish a virtual connection (also called a virtual circuit) that permits
datagrams to flow between communicating end hosts, it is necessary to ___________ .
A) involve both the end hosts and all intervening routers
B) initiate the connection using specialized datagrams that carry historical information
about the end-end route
C) complete the connection using receiver and sender acknowledgements
D) All of these responses are correct.

17. Which one of the following is a data link layer protocol?.

A) ethernet
B) point to point protocol
D) All of the responses above are correct.

18. Which one of the following is the multiple access protocol for channel access control?.
D) Both A and B responses are correct.
E) All of A, B and C responses are correct.

19. At the network layer, a spanning tree is used to ensure that no redundant packets are
received by any node.
A) True
B) False

20. UDP and TCP are examples of ________ layer protocols.

A) Application
B) Link
C) Transport
D) Network
E) Physical

21. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) divides time into time frames and further
divides each time frame into time slots.
A) True
B) False

22. TCP abstracts data communication to appear as an apparent stream of flowing data.
A) True
B) False
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23. The protocol that requires a master node to grant access to each node in a collision
domain, in a round-robin fashion is called a _______________ .
A) token-passing protocol
B) polling protocol
C) random access protocol
D) None of the responses above is correct.

24. Which protocol is not related to the network layer?


25. This protocol is used for error reporting in network layer.


26. Within LANs, link layer addressing is accomplished by using ___________ .

A) IP addresses
B) MAC addresses
C) MAC and IP addresses
D) All of the above responses are correct.

27. Network services and protocols provide logical communication between hosts.
A) True
B) False

28. A networks speed is expressed in terms of ____________ .

A) Routing protocol
B) Round trip time
C) Bit rate and latency
D) I/O buffer response

29. The ______________ protocol translates MAC addresses to IP addresses in a Local

Area Network (LAN).
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30. Both MAC addresses and IP addresses are usually written in dotted-decimal notation.
A) True
B) False

31. TCP congestion control uses a congestion window to implement __________.

A) Timeout acknowledgment
B) Congestion avoidance
C) Message traffic scheduling
D) None of the above responses is correct

32. Ethernet is considered to be both connectionless and unreliable.

A) True
B) False

33. A large-scale data center employs a hierarchy of routers and switched.At the top of the
hierarchy are the Top of Rack (TOR) switches.
A) True
B) False

34. Applications require which of the following transport services.

A) Data loss and Security
B) Timing
C) Throughput
D) All of the above responses are correct.

35. The MAC address is ____________ .

A) Burned into the NIC ROM
B) Set locally on the host using software
C) Assured to be unique by standards bodies control over issuance
D) All of these responses are correct.

36. The main difference between a switch and a router is _______________ .

A) switches do not store and forward packets
B) switches work at layer 3
C) switches forward packets using IP addresses
D) switches forward packets using MAC addresses
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37. Which is the following is not true about a load balancer, in a data center?
A) It distributes requests to the hosts.
B) Each one is devoted to a specific cloud application.
C) It makes decisions based on the destination port and the destination address in the
D) It relays the response from the hosts back to the external client.
E) None of the responses above is correct.

38. Modern network security provides __________ .

A) Authorization
B) Message integrity
C) Secure access and general availability
D) All of these responses are correct.

39. The header of a frame generally contains _____________.

A) synchronization bytes
B) addresses
C) frame identifier
D) All of the responses above are correct.

40. Transport services and protocols provide logical communication between hosts.
A) True
B) False

41. Router buffer sizes should be selected based on _____________ .

A) message round-trip time (eg. as determined by acknowledgements)
B) link capacity
C) tolerance for data loss due to overflow
D) All of these responses are correct.

42. An automatic repeat request error management mechanism is provided by the

______________ .
A) logical link control sublayer
B) media access control sublayer
C) network interface control sublayer
D) None of the responses above is correct.

43. IPSec provides encryption of IP datagram payloads and data integrity.

A) True
B) False
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44. When 2 or more bits in a data unit have been changed during the transmission, the error
is called _______________ .
A) random error
B) burst error
C) inverted error
D) None of the responses above is correct.

45. Given the CRC coding bits 101110001 and generator 1001, is an error detected?
A) Yes, there is an error.
B) No, there is no error.

46. Which one of the following does not use channel partitioning?
D) None of the responses above is correct.

47. RIP, OSPF and BGP are examples of _________ .

A) application layer routing protocols
B) transport layer routing protocols
C) network layer routing protocols
D) Both B and C responses are correct.

48. Forwarding refers to _______________ .

A) the manner by which datagrams are routed from source to destination ports of end
B) the manner by which datagrams are routed from input to output ports of individual
C) the set of algorithms required to ensure near-optimal path selection of datagrams
D) the manner by which datagrams are routed from source to destination between
adjacent routers

49. Which of the following router topologies has the highest reliability?
A) Bus
B) Star
C) Ring
D) Mesh

50. In Ethernet networks, the Preamble pattern is used to synchronize receiver and sender
clock rates.
A) True
B) False
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51. Which of the following is not correct about OSPF?

A) It is an intra-AS routing approach.
B) It is used in lower-tier ISPs.
C) It uses flooding of link-state information.
D) It runs Dijkstras algorithm.

52. The property that a network should operate efficiently when deployed on a small-scale
as well as on a large-scale is called _________ .
A) Migration
B) Determinism
C) Scalability
D) Autoconfigurability

53. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used by hosts and routers to communicate
network-level information.
A) True
B) False

54. Multiple TCP streams can distinguished on a given machine using __________ .
A) Ports
B) IP addresses
C) network interface cards
D) All of the above responses are correct.

55. Assume that four (4) datagrams are received in sequence and are then checked for parity
errors. The first datagram bit string contains the 7-bit pattern 1011010, followed by
the second datagram pattern 0000111, third datagram pattern 1111110, and fourth
datagram pattern 0110011. Each of the bit patterns consists of a leading (leftmost) 6-
bit pattern that is the data payload followed by the rightmost parity bit (parity is defined
as 0/1 if the number of 1-bits in the data payload is even/odd). The fourth datagram
pattern bits are the parity values of the first three datagram bits in the corresponding
positions (taken as a column). The error checking scheme is the two-dimensional parity
bit check. Which of the following statements is most correct?
A) There is certainly an error in the first datagram
B) There is certainly an error in the second datagram
C) There is certainly an error in the third datagram
D) There is no apparent error, but it is impossible to be fully certain about the data
correctness in this case

56. In Ethernet networks, the Preamble pattern is used to synchronize receiver and sender
clock rates. NOTE: This is a duplicate of Q50. Students were not to answer this.
A) True
B) False
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57. In pipelining protocols, the Go-back-N approach requires _______________ .

A) Sender can have up to N unacked packets in pipeline
B) Receiver acks individual packets
C) If sender timer expires, retransmit all N packets
D) Sender has timer for each unacked packet

58. When the link cost increases suddenly between two routers in a network, poisoned
reverse is used to _____________ .
A) accelerate the convergence to a stable routing table
B) replace all update link costs initially to infinity for all routes through the affected
C) guarantee unique routing solutions in the final routing tables
D) Both A and B responses are correct.

59. The reasons for handling routing differently in Inter-AS and Intra-AS routing are based
on ____________ .
A) differences in router capabilities
B) distance vector versus link state information
C) policy, scale and performance
D) imposed standards for packaging messages

60. In Ethernet networks, the Preamble consists of 7 bytes with pattern 10101010 followed
by one byte with pattern _____________ .
A) 11101010
B) 01010101
C) 10101011
D) None of the above responses are correct.

61. Demultiplexing ___________ .

A) involves gathering data from multiple sockets
B) involves enveloping data with header
C) involves delivering received segments to correct sockets
D) Both A and B are correct responses.

62. One role of a NIC is to accept a datagram from the next higher layer and encapsulate the
datagram into a frame, along with frame header and trailer bit fields, such as rdt and
A) True
B) False
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63. Routers provide feedback to end systems to assist ______________ .

A) network-assisted congestion control
B) network-assisted flow control
C) end-end congestion control
D) end-end flow control

64. Consider a packet of length 1024 bytes. Assuming the packet must travel over a link of
distance 2500 kilometers with propagation speed 2.5 x 108 m/s and transmission rate 2
Mbps, what is the propagation delay?
A) 1 msec
B) 10 msec
C) 21 msec
D) 100 microsec

65. Which layer has the responsibility of transferring datagrams from one node to adjacent
node(s) over a link?
A) Application layer
B) Transport layer
C) Link layer
D) Network layer

66. Which layer has the responsibility of moving individual bits from one node to adjacent
node(s) over a link?
A) Physical layer
B) Transport layer
C) Link layer
D) Network layer

67. A subnet may be defined as any interconnected set of computers and routers (or
switches) that can operate in isolation from other subnets, or in cooperation with other
A) True
B) False

68. With half duplex at the link layer, nodes at both ends of the link can transmit at the same
A) True
B) False

69. All datagrams contain 2 ports.

A) True
B) False
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70. A Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)-capable router uses destination-based IP

datagram forwarding infrastructure.
A) True
B) False

71. RIP advertisements typically announce the number of hops to various destinations.
BGP updates, on the other hand, announce the ___________ to the various destinations.
A) link costs
B) adjacent link nodes
C) Im alive message
D) previous link path table

72. Consider sending a 5000 byte datagram into a link that has a maximum transfer size
(MTU) of 1000 bytes. How many fragments are generated?
A) 8
B) 7
C) 6
D) 5

73. A host, mounted on a rack, in a data center is called a _____________ .

A) Rack-server
B) Top of Rack (TOR) switch
C) Blade
D) Rack-mount
E) None of the responses above is correct.

74. Among the unethical or illegal acts that bad guys can do to messages travelling on a
computer network is (are) included __________ .
A) eavesdropping, actively inserting messages into connection
B) impersonation
C) hijacking, denial of service
D) All of these responses are correct.

75. Assume that three routers, U, V and W, have link costs: c(U,V) = 4, c(U,W) = 6 and
c(V,W) = 1. Using the Bellman-Ford algorithm, the common routing table for all
routers is:
U 0 4 5
V 4 0 1
W 5 1 0.
A) True
B) False
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76. The first item in an IP datagram is the _______________ .

A) header length (in bytes)
B) total datagram length (in bytes)
C) protocol version number
D) type of service

77. The main idea for the use of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is to __________ .
A) improve the forwarding speed of IP routers
B) forward datagrams based on fixed-length labels
C) use Virtual Circuits (VC) techniques
D) abandon the destination-based IP datagram forwarding infrastructure
E) All of the responses above are correct.

78. Most local area networks (LANs) use electrostatic network hardware.
A) True
B) False

79. The routing methods that compute the least-cost path between source and destination
using complete, global knowledge about the network are called _____________ .
A) link-state
B) distance-vector
D) All of the responses above are correct.

80. In this class of IP address, each subnet can accommodate up to 254 hosts.
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

81. The motivation(s) for utilizing Network Address Translation include(s) ___________ .
A) making available a range of unique IP addresses for all devices in every subnet
B) ability to change addresses of devices in local network without notifying outside
C) ability to change ISP without changing addresses of devices in global network
D) establishing direct addressability to local devices inside subnet

82. Network Address Translation is used because it expands the available device address
space through use of port numbers and thereby satisfies the end-end argument at the
network layer.
A) True
B) False
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83. In order to deal with the situation where, too many sources send too much data too fast
for a network to handle, it is necessary to use a technique called ______________ .
A) Flow control
B) Congestion control
C) Routing control
D) Dynamic packet management

84. Message encapsulation refers to __________ .

A) embedding payloads and protocol headers within logically layered packages
B) allowing for message content verification
C) reliance upon IP for transmitting messages
D) designating message contents with descriptive data

85. Which of the following responses is not a desirable property of secure communication?
A) Confidentiality
B) Operational security
C) End-point authorization
D) Message integrity

86. Connectionless demultiplexing may be performed using _________ .

D) All of the above are correct responses.

87. HTTP is referred to as a stateless protocol because _____________ .

A) clients do not maintain historic information about transactions with servers
B) servers and clients do not maintain open connections
C) server maintains no information about past client requests
D) All of the above responses are correct

88. The IPv6 datagram header has length ____________ bytes.

A) 20
B) 40
C) 32
D) 128
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89. As used in computer science and engineering networking, the term MAC refers to
___________ .
A) Message authentication code
B) Medium Access Control
C) the first three characters of MACchine
D) Both A and B are correct responses.

90. IPv6 has ___________-bit addresses..

A) 48
B) 64
C) 128
D) Variable length

91. Which protocol is used in order to configure IP addresses automatically?


92. Which of the following options hides the details of a home network from the rest of the

93. If a router malfunctions, the link state algorithm is affected because __________ .
A) a node can advertise incorrect path cost
B) each node recomputes its table and forwards it to other nodes
C) errors are contained locally within the network
D) a node can advertise incorrect link cost

94. Assume that a University of Windsor student has booted their laptop computer while
waiting for a flight in Vancouver, but have not yet connected wirelessly to a wireless
server in the airport. Their intention is to connect to the Computer Science website in
Windsor. How many network transactions would be required to obtain a network
connection and eventually establish the return of the Computer Science webpage?
A) Fewer than 10
B) More than 10, but less than 20
C) More than 20, but less than 30
D) More than 30
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95. If a router malfunctions, using Distance-Vector protocols, ____________ .

A) node can advertise incorrect path cost
B) each node computes only its own table
C) corrective actions occur immediately to isolate the error
D) Both A and B are correct responses.

96. If Bob and Alice are two peers and each is located behind a Network Address
Translation (NAT) server across a wide-area network (WAN) then, in the absence of
application-specific NAT configuration, ___________ .
A) they can establish a reliable UDP connection
B) they cannot establish a SMTP connection
C) they can establish a TCP connection
D) they cannot establish a TCP connection

97. IP datagrams may be fragmented into several smaller IP datagrams ______________ .

A) that are reassembled at the next router link
B) in order to adapt to the largest transport layer datagram
C) that are reassembled only at the final destination
D) Both B and C are correct responses.

98. Standard bus type Ethernet links are managed so that collisions are avoided.
A) True
B) False

99. Which of the following is a proper layer of the OSI stack?

A) Link
B) Network
C) Presentation
D) Session
E) All of responses above are correct.

100. Link layer services provide __________ .

A) Framing and flow control
B) Reliable delivery between adjacent nodes
C) Error detection and correction
D) All of the responses above are correct.

101. In datagram networks ____________ .

A) routers maintain state about end-to-end connections
B) packets are forwarded using destination host address and virtual circuit number
C) packets between same source-destination pair may take different paths
D) None of these responses is correct.
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102. In ring networks, using the taking turns MAC protocol, a ___________ is passed
from one node to the next node sequentially.
A) link allocation schedule
B) control token
C) network synchronization signal
D) network ready polling signal

103. Virtual local area networks (VLANs) address the drawback of ___________ in
institutional LANs.
A) lack of traffic isolation
B) MAC address management
C) inefficient use of switches
D) Both A and C are correct responses.

104. In order to provide multiple access to networks it is necessary to ____________ .

A) use a reserved channel to obtain communication information about channel sharing
B) specify a distributed algorithm that determines how nodes share channels
C) use only devices for which collisions do not occur
D) Both A and B responses are correct.

105. Both UDP and TCP require that the applications recognize their own data formats.
A) True
B) False

106. Carrier signals are used to ___________ .

A) detect whether the network is currently in use by another host
B) provide a stable reference above noise levels
C) advise hosts that the network is active
D) All of the responses above are correct.

107. Routing algorithms may be classified based on ____________ .

A) availability of global information
B) availability of local information
C) rate of change of network paths
D) All of the responses above are correct.
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108. Consider a datagram network using 8-bit host addresses. Suppose a router uses longest
prefix matching to determine whether message traffic is to be routed through one of
only four forwarding ports. The range of addresses to be routed through Port 2 is
___________ .
A) 00000000 through 00111111
B) 00000000 through 11111100
C) 10000000 through 10111111
D) 01000000 through 10000000

109. Random access protocols in shared bus networks use ______ to provide listen before
speaking and stop talking if someone else already is talking rules.
D) Slotted ALOHA

Use the following Table for Questions 110 and 111. The table contains the link costs (in arbitrary units)
between routers S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z. A dash (hyphen) entry indicates that there is no connection
between these pairs of routers.

S 0 1 4 - - - - -
T 1 0 2 4 - - 7 5
U 4 2 0 3 3 - - -
V - 4 3 0 4 3 1 -
W - - 3 4 0 6 - -
X - - - 3 6 0 6 -
Y - 7 - 1 - 6 0 12
Z - 5 - - - - 12 0

110. Based on the pairwise link costs in the Table above, and using Dijkstras algorithm,
determine the shortest path route from X to Z.
A) Infinity
B) 12
C) 16
D) 18

111. Based on the pairwise link costs in the Table above, and using Dijkstras algorithm,
determine the shortest path route from X to S.
A) Infinity
B) 10
C) 8
D) 9


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