k9 Expeditions

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Dear Pet Owner,

Welcome to K9 Expeditions!

Thank you for choosing K9 Expeditions for all your pet needs. We are looking forward
to offering your beloved pet a safe, pleasurable, and interesting social environment
during weekday business hours. K9 Expeditions is dedicated to creating stable
temperaments through leadership, socialization, and exercise. By replicating a dogs
natural behavior and instincts to be part of a stable pack we create balanced happy

To enroll please fill out form below, once enrollment form has been completed we will
contact you to set up a meet and greet. At the time of meet and greet please have a
copy of vaccination records available for K9 Expeditions pet file.

If you have further questions, please contact Lindsey 860.287.1080.

We are looking forward to meeting you and your beloved pet! Dont forget to look at our
website to see photos of your pet while in our care!


-Lindsey Kernozek - Owner

Page for owners records

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K9 Expeditions Dog Policies
To ensure the safety and health of your pet and all guests and clients, we require all
guests, visitors, and clients to comply with the following rules and regulations:

AGE: All dogs must be at least 12 weeks of age or older

HEALTH: All dogs must be in good health. Owners must certify their dog(s) are in good
health and have not been ill with any communicable conditioning within the last 30 days.
BEHAVIOR: All dogs must be non-aggressive. Owners must certify their dogs have not
harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any
other dog(s). Health and well-being of all animals is our main concern.
FEES: Fees are based on schedule amount of days for the week: credit card
transactions with be charged a 2.75% credit card fee.
DAYS & HOURS: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm pet hikes.
RESERVATIONS: Please cancel at least 1 hour prior to pick up time of your dog.

1 hike per week / random $32

2 hikes per week $27

3 hikes per week or more $22

Pet Visit $15

Please make checks payable to: Lindsey Kernozek

Emergency Vetting Authorization Statement

In the event of an emergency, K9 Expeditions will inform owners of obvious signs of
illness, but does not claim responsibility and cannot offer professional medical
diagnosis of ill pets. All efforts will be made to contact the owner, if not possible Above
and Beyond Pet Care LLC will use own discretion in administering emergency first aid,
and seeking medical care or advice for pet(s) without owner's approval. The owner will
remain responsible to pay all medical expenses whether directly to the provider or to
Above and Beyond Pet Care LLC. Every effort to use your regular veterinary service
(as indicated on the pet profile) will be made; however, depending on circumstance and
the best interest of the pet(s) another may be used. Above and Beyond Pet Care LLC
will not be liable for the pet(s) death from illness, old age, or neglect on owner's part.

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Owner Agreement
I hereby certify that my dog(s) is (are) in good health and have not been ill with any
communicable condition in the last 30 days. I further certify that my dog(s) have not
harmed or displayed aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any
other dog. I have read and understand the following:

1. I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog(s) while my dog(s) is/are in
the care of K9 Expeditions, including veterinary care and / or hospital care of dog(s) and
/ or human(s) harmed by my dog(s).

2. I further understand and agree that in admitting my dog(s) to K9 Expeditions, the K9

Expeditions staff has relied on my representation that my dog(s) is/are in good health
and have no harmed or displayed aggressive or threatening behavior towards any
person or any other dogs.

3. I further understand and agree that K9 Expeditions and their staff and volunteers will
not be liable for any problems that develop, provided reasonable care and precautions
are followed, and I hereby release them of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising
from my dog(s) attendance and participation at K9 Expeditions.

4. I further understand and agree that any problems that develop with my dog(s) will be
treated as deemed best by staff and volunteers of Expeditions at their sole discretion,
and that I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved.

The client takes full responsibility for prompt payment of fees either before or within 5
days of completion of services (unless other arrangements are made between the client
and K9 Expeditions or a collection agency will be hired. Clients with a bill over $200
must pay one half of the total bill as advance payment before service. A $25 late fee will
be applied for any bounced checks.

I certify that I have read and understand the policies of K9 Expeditions as set forth on
the preceding pages and I have read and understand the conditions, and statements of

Page for owners records

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Dog Profile

Dogs Name:

Dog's Breed:


Dog's Sex:

Dogs Age:

Where did you get your dog?: ______________________________________________

If Adopted, do you have any knowledge of your dogs history?: ____________________



Does your dog have any medical condition?: __________________________________

If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________


Medication and instructions: _______________________________________________


Does your pet wear a collar, if yes what color?: ________________________________

Location of leash: _______________________________________________________

Has your dog ever had formal obedience training?: _____________________________

What commands does your dog know?: ______________________________________


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Dog Profile
What skills does your dog have already that you would like to improve upon?: ________


Is there anything new that we can help teach your dog?: _________________________


Please add any other information that will help us understand and meet your dogs



Does your dog like children?: ______________________________________________

How does your dog behave around children? List any pertinent information: ________


How does your dog get along with other animals? List any pertinent information: _____


How does your dog react to strangers coming into your yard?: ___________________


Are there any kinds of people or dogs your dog automatically dislikes?: _____________


Has your dog ever growled or snapped at anyone who has taken food or a toy away

from him / her? If yes please explain: ________________________________________


Does your dog share toys with other animals?: ________________________________

Does your dog play with other dogs?: _______________________________________

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Home Emergency Information

Should I be expecting anyone in your home during your absence? If yes, who?: ______


Person to contact in the even of a home maintenance emergency: _________________


Location of extra key or person with extra key: ________________________________


Alarm System Location(s): ________________________________________________

Alarm Company / Phone: _________________________________________________

Alarm Entry and Exit code: ________________________________________________

Door Entry (check what applies): Front door Side door Back door Garage

To be locked (check what applies): Dead bolt Door handle Both

Other Security Information: ________________________________________________


How many vehicles should I expect to see in the driveway? Make(s) and Model(s)?: ___



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Emergency Contact Information
Owners Name:


City, State, Zip:


Cell Phone:

Home Phone:

Best way to contact you in case of an emergency?: _____________________________

Vets Name:


City, State, Zip:

Phone number:

Pre-authorized amount for emergency vetting: _________________________________

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Pet Sit Information
Feedings per day (check which applies): 1 2 3

Times (check which applies): AM Midday PM

Brand and type of food: __________________________________________________

Feeding instructions: _____________________________________________________



Is the pet allowed treats? If yes what type: ____________________________________


Location of litter box(s): __________________________________________________

Any special instructions?: _________________________________________________










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Owner Agreement

I hereby certify that my dog(s) is (are) in good health and have not been ill with any
communicable condition in the last 30 days. I further certify that my dog(s) have not
harmed or displayed aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any
other dog. I have read and understand the following:

1. I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog(s) while my dog(s) is/are in
the care of K9 Expeditions, including veterinary care and / or hospital care of dog(s) and
/ or human(s) harmed by my dog(s).

2. I further understand and agree that in admitting my dog(s) to K9 Expeditions, the K9

Expeditions staff has relied on my representation that my dog(s) is/are in good health
and have no harmed or displayed aggressive or threatening behavior towards any
person or any other dogs.

3. I further understand and agree that K9 Expeditions and their staff and volunteers will
not be liable for any problems that develop, provided reasonable care and precautions
are followed, and I hereby release them of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising
from my dog(s) attendance and participation at K9 Expeditions.

4. I further understand and agree that any problems that develop with my dog(s) will be
treated as deemed best by staff and volunteers of K9 Expeditions at their sole
discretion, and that I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses

The client takes full responsibility for prompt payment of fees either before or within 5
days of completion of services (unless other arrangements are made between the client
and K9 Expeditions or a collection agency will be hired. Clients with a bill over $200
must pay one half of the total bill as advance payment before service. A $25 late fee will
be applied for any bounced checks.

I certify that I have read and understand the policies of K9 Expeditions as set forth on
the preceding pages and I have read and understand the conditions, and statements of

Signature of Owner: _____________________________________________________

(typed signature is legally binding)

Date: __________

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