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Institution of marriage is an oldest social institution and provides a foundation on which
whole superstructure of the civilization and prosperity is built. Stability i.e. a happy, cordial
and harmonious relationship between the couples has been considered as one of the most
important condition for this institution in the civilized societies-ancient as well as modern.

However due to emergence of the industrialized societies and result of the social awareness
amongst the people, especially in the females about their right of equality and personal
liberty, the meaning of stability in context of marriage has been changing gradually in the
different span of times.

Most of the crimes against women happen within marriage lock. Bride burning, dowry
deaths, domestic violence, marital rape etc. are very common in the life of Indian married

women According to the National Crime Records Bureau Report,2016 pointed out that of

4,77,986 cases that were pending in the start of 2013, only 46,217 cases were decided 6,559
were convicted while 39,658 were acquitted and 10,318 were withdrawn. Conviction rate of
the cases registered under the Section 498A IPC was also a staggering low at 14.2%.

Disposal of cases filed under Sec 498-A of IPC by Courts

Total Cases Total Cases Average

Conviction Rate
where trial Pending at Conviction Rate
Year Convicted Acquitted Withdrawn of Cases under
completed in the end of the of all IPC crimes
498-A in %
that year year in %

2006 31261 6857 24404 5679 206431 21.9 42.9

2007 32622 6831 25791 6364 228614 20.9 42.3

2008 34347 7710 26637 7310 251759 22.4 42.6

2009 37323 7380 29943 7111 278921 19.8 41.7

2010 40751 7764 32987 6601 309991 19.1 40.7

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Disposal of cases filed under Sec 498-A of IPC by Courts

2011 40338 8167 32171 7450 339902 20.2 41.1

2012 46054 6916 39138 8162 372706 15 38.5

2013 45423 7258 38165 8218 412438 16 40.2

2014 46853 6425 40428 8922 443885 13.7 45.1

2015 46217 6559 39658 10318 477986 14.2 46.9

Concept of Matrimonial Cruelty in Penal Code

Criminal law Amendment Act, 1983 inserted the Section 498A (Chapter XX-A) relating to
the cruelty by the Husband or the relatives of the Husbands to combat the social evil of
dowry and matrimonial atrocities against the married women. This measure was to make
better family system for greater society.

One side to protect society from crime against the women and other side to put matrimonial
cruelty in penal code for making it more stringent to curb wife battering, dowry system which
made society more polluted.

There are several provisions in penal law relating to offences of matrimonial nature. A
married woman is subjected to cruelty under Indian Penal Code, 1860 by her husband or his
relatives (498A) or by same husband and his relatives in demands of dowry preceding
unnatural death within seven years of marriage (Section 304B) or causing womans death
(Section 302) Amounting to murder.

In both sections 498A and 304B cruelty extends toward death. A person charged under
section 304B can be convicted under 498A without any charge under that section.

But this shield has become only and multipurpose sword against husband and his relatives.

According to Malimath Committee Report, once a complaint or FIR is lodged under

section 498A or 406 of Indian Penal Code, it becomes easy tool in the hands of the police to
arrest or threaten to arrest the husband and other relatives named in FIR without even
considering the intrinsic worth of allegations and making a preliminary investigation.

Law Commission of India in its 237th report on Compounding of IPC offences highly
recommended that Section 498A, Indian Penal Code, 1860 should be made compoundable
with permission of Court.
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This is not the first time; the same recommendation was by Law Commission on its 154th
report on 1996 and 177th report on 2001 respectively.

Apart from the Law Commission, Justice Malimath Committees report on Reform of
Criminal justice System had also suggested to bring Section 498A under purview of
compoundable offence. There was a constant demand for the flexibility of this provision from
Apex Courts in numerous cases.

In Preeti Gupta v. State of Jharkhand1, wherein complainant filed complaint before Chief
Judicial Magistrate, Ranchi under Sections 498-A, 406, 341, 323 and 120-B, Indian Penal
Code read with sections 3 and 4 of the Dowry Prohibition Act against all the immediate
relations of her husband like father-in-law, husband, mother-in-law, unmarried brother-in-law
and Preeti married sister-in-law. Since the Appellants never lived with complainant, Apex
Court came to conclusion that their implication in the complaint is meant to harass and
humiliate the husband's relatives.

Supreme Court while dealing with Writ Petition pertaining to the Constitutional Validity of
Section 498A expounded that,

A serious re-look of entire section 498A of Indian Penal Code is needed.

Merely because the provision was constitutional and intra vires, did not
give a license to unscrupulous persons to wreck personal vendetta or
unleash harassment. It has been very properly discussed that how sister-in-
laws become victim of section 498A without having any nexus with cruelty.
Not only that but there are many practical examples where 498A was
charged against remote relatives, friends, match makers or even priest

The rapid increase of matrimonial litigations according to Supreme Court demonstrates the
discontent and unrest in family life of a large number of people of the Society. Even false
charge of cruelty under the Criminal Law has become a ground of cruelty for the matrimonial
relief. False cases of bigamy against the Husband2 or under the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
as well as the Indian Penal Code3 are also amount to cruelty as decided by the various High

AIR 2010 SC 3363
Raj v. Raj, AIR 1986 pat. 362
Kalpana v Surendra, AIR 1985 All 253
Latest Laws

Apex Court expounded that the object was to strike at roots of the dowry menace. But by
misuse of the provision a new legal terrorism can be unleashed.4

In Ashok Kumar v. Vijay Laxmi, Respondent made false and frivolous allegations against
Appellant that there was a conspiracy to burn and kill her which was never done by him at
any time. She made a false report against him at PS Karol Bagh as a result of which he had
suffered mental pain, agony and humiliation which he continues to suffer. Thus Court has
accepted that Respondent is guilty of having caused mental torture of the gravest nature to
Appellant which in short can be termed as cruelty false allegation of cruelty is amount to

This is an irony of law that one protective legislation has become a cause for protection for

Law is always to protect its subjects and to ensure justice, which is its end. But if situation
arrives when a piece of legislation becomes a symbol of terror for the subjects, its

Imagine the plight of unmarried girl, whose life and future prospects are ruined due to arrest
and detention and frequent visits to courts, the sufferings of old aged persons, who went to
jail, the pain of married sister, and other in-laws, falsely implicated, who never lived with the
victim of 498 A and 304 B, of I.P.C.

In Preeti Gupta v. State of Jharkhand6, Apex Court enunciated that,

It is a matter of common experience that most of the complaints under the

Section 498-A IPC are filed in heat of the moment over the trivial issues
without proper deliberations. We come across a large number of such
complaints which are not even bona fide and are filed with oblique motive.
At the same time, rapid increase in number of genuine cases of the dowry
harassment are also a matter of serious concern.

Unfortunately a large number of these complaints have not only flooded

the courts but also have led to enormous social unrest affecting peace,
harmony and happiness of the society.

Sushil Kumar Sharma v Union of India, AIR 2005 SC 3100
AIR 1992 Del. 182
AIR 2010 SC 3363
Latest Laws

Basically anti-dowry laws and other laws relating to women protection are made to protect
them from greedy in laws and husbands. But there is also another section of women who
often abuse the authority of law. They snuffout vengeance with the liberty of protection of
law and find enough room to misuse the instruments of law at their pleasure. The husband is
victimized most, so also the members of his family. We dont always have Sita in every
frame of woman. The law which was meant to protect the women is often getting double
edged, hitting back the husband with deep incised wounds. The provisions of Indian Penal
Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and Domestic Violence Act 2005 become handy weapons
for those who want to settle any scores with the husband and in-laws.7

Delhi High Court in Anu Gill v. State & Anr.8 quoted Punjab and Haryana High Court
which had expounded that,

It has become a practice that whenever a police report is lodged

consequent upon a matrimonial discord, there is always a tendency on the
part of the complainant to involve practically all the relations of her in-laws
family either out of vengeance or to curl out appropriate settlement. Such a
tendency ought to be deprecated.

Delhi High Court in Savitri Devi v. Ramesh Chand9 made following recommendations
which are as follows.

Marital offences should be bailable

Offences to be compoundable

Investigation by civil authorities

Minor children not to be arrested.

In this case Delhi HC, recommended to the authorities and the law-makers to have a review
of situation and the legal provision.

Supreme Court in Sushil Kumar Sharma v. Union of India and others10 has suggested the
following remedial measures by stating that the courts have to take care of the situation
within the existing framework.

V.K Dewan, Law relating to Cruelty and Offences against Husbands, (2009), p. 4
2001 (2) JCC (Delhi) 86
2003 Cri. LJ 2759 (Delhi)
Latest Laws

The courts and the investigation agencies should not deal with the allegations
The Courts should not follow any strait jacket formula, any pre conceived notion or

Justice Markendey Katju has rightly expressed his opinion in Som Mittal v. Govt. of

The experiences have shown that absence of provision for the Anticipatory
Bail has been causing great injustice and hardship to citizens, for instance,
often false FIRs are filed e.g. under Section 498-A of Indian Penal Code.
There are some reported incidents. Many cases remain unreported. But it is
unfortunate that no authentic data is available of its misuse. However,
courts all over country are experiencing that misuse of the matrimonial
offences has reached to drastic level, which have reflected in remarks made
by the higher courts in several cases.

Apex Court, in Kanaraj v. State of Punjab12 expounded that,

for the fault of the husband, the in-laws or other relatives cannot in all
cases held to be involved. The acts attributed to such persons have to be
proved beyond reasonable doubt and they cannot be held responsible by
mere conjectures and implications. The tendency to rope in relatives of the
husband as accused has to be curbed.

Punjab and Haryana High Court, in Bhupinder Kaur and others Vs. State of Punjab,
enunciated that,

From the reading of the FIR, it is evident that there is no specific allegations
of any act against petitioners, which constitute offence under section 498-A,
I.P.C. I am satisfied that these two persons have been falsely implicated in the
present case, who were minor at the time of marriage and even at the time of
lodging FIR. Neither of these two persons was alleged to demand of dowry
article nor they alleged to have ever demanded any dowry article. No specific

AIR 2005 SC 3100
AIR 2008 SC 1126
2000 Cri. LJ 2993
Latest Laws

allegation of demand of dowry, harassment and beating given to the

complainant by the two accused has been made. The allegations made are
vague and general. Moreover, it cannot be ignored that every member of the
family of the husband has been implicated in the case. The initiation of
criminal proceeding against them in the present case is clearly an abuse of
the process of Law.

Thus taking into consideration the above stated judgments, it can be concluded that Section
498-A of IPC is incorporated by Legislatures basically in interest of women and to safe
guards them from harassment. But, it has become somewhat counterproductive. In the several
cases, women are harassed, arrested and humiliated on complaints given under section 498-A
IPC. The truth or otherwise of allegations is subject to proof. For giving complaint absolutely
no authentic and prima facie material like medical evidence is required, but on such
complaints, in several of cases, number of women are being arrested. In cases of arrest of
married young women are being arrested.

In cases of arrest of married young women, they might face some problem from their
husband and in-laws. In case unmarried women are arrested their marriage prospectus would
be badly affected and if Government servants are arrested their service prospectus are
affected. In the present case, only one woman is alleged to victim; but at least four women
might have to go to jail even before trial, effecting their reputation, subjecting them to rude
treatment in police station etc.13

Prohibition of Casual Arrest under Section 498A, Indian Penal Code

Supreme Court in Arnesh Kumar v. State of Bihar14 expounded that, Men and his Family
cannot be arrested automatically just because a dowry harassment complaints filed by
their wives.

Supreme Court added that, Complaint under Sec 498-A allows immediate arrest and jailing
of the accused, since the offence is cognizable and non-bailable. This is evidence of violation
of human rights, if the complaint is false and motivated.

Dr. Shobharam Sharma, Legal Terrorism in India: Need to Change the Law Cri. LJ, Vol:117, p.371,
(2014) 8 SCC 273
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Apex Court instructed all the State Governments to instruct its Police Officers not to
automatically arrest when a case under Section 498-A of the IPC is registered but to
satisfy themselves about the necessity for arrest under the parameters laid.

It was more often being used as the weapons rather than being used as the shields by
disgruntled wives enunciated the Apex Court Bench.

Apex Court Bench expounded that, The simplest way to harass husband and his relatives
was to get them arrested under Section 498A, Indian Penal Code. There are a number of cases
where bedridden grandfathers and grandmothers of the husbands, their sisters living abroad
for decades have been arrested.

Four-judge Bench of Apex Court comprising of CJI Thakur, Justice Anil R. Dave, Justice
J.S. Khehar and Justice P.C. Ghose while dealing with the curative petition filed by Women
Panel found no fault with the verdict that the dowry harassment law which had become a
menaceto the Society.

Formulation of Family Welfare Committees

In a landmark move, Supreme Court in Rajesh Sharma v. State of UP15 has issued a set of
directives related to application of Section 498A, Indian Penal Code (IPC), with a view to
prevent misuse of this provision in cases filed under it.

Section 498A tends to be misused a lot to exact revenge on men or their families for their
perceived misdeeds. In some cases, sources say, the offences may be trivial, such as a
husband's inability to guarantee a certain lifestyle for his wife or any other sore point in the
marriage that may escalate into a legal battle.

Apex Court's latest directives are not only meant to curb such flippant misuse of the law but
also to prevent, as the bench says emphatically, the "violation of human rights". It should also
be noted that the judges admit to being "conscious of the reason" behind this law's existence,
even as they acknowledge the flaws inherent in it.

Supreme Court Bench has directed for establishment of one or more Family Welfare
Committees to be set up in each district in every state. From Paralegal Volunteers, Social
Workers, Retired Citizens to Wives of Government Officials, almost anyone can apply to be

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part of such panels. Whoever is selected to it will be given training for at least a week,
sometimes periodically, before they can commence their work.

Such committees will have one month to file their reports and based on their findings suitable
actions may be taken, including arrests. However, if "a bail application is filed with at least
one clear day's notice to the public prosecutor/complainant, the same may be decided as far
as possible on the same day".

Order goes on to clarify that "recovery of the disputed dowry items may not by itself be a
ground for denial of the bail if maintenance or other rights of wife/minor children can
otherwise be protected".

Practice of impounding passports of the offending husbands or issuing a Red Corner Notice
to NRIs would also no longer apply.

Although the directions given by the Apex Court are of temporary in nature and are meant to
tackle the false and frivolous Section 498A cases that are filed that eventually increase the
burden of the Courts. The Constitution of Committees is meant to provide pre-litigation
sorting of the false cases so that such cases do not eventually travel to Court and also save the
family members from humiliation that filing of such false and frivolous cases bring to the
members of family.

But this cannot overshadow the flaws that are prevalent in the directions given by the Court.

One of the major flaws that comes up is that the Family Welfare Committees will apply only
to women suffering from mental torture. Such vague and arbitrary categorization amounts to
delay in bonfide complainant getting relief, thus resulting into even more prolonged period of
mental torture till the Committee submits the report even though there is no commission of
any tangible physical injury.

The Composition of Family Welfare Committee, which comprises of Paralegal Volunteers,

Social Workers, Retired Citizens to Wives of Government Officials. There is no clarification
in the order regarding the Qualifications of the Members of the Committee or whether the
Committee will comprise of Retired Judicial Officers or what would be strength of each type
of member in the Committee has not been clarified anywhere. Further, those who join
Welfare Committees may bring in their own biases that may be inimical to any fair hearing of
the cases.
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The area of concern, is that the Constitution of Family Welfare Committees will introduce
another step towards realization of the justice in bonfide cases, which may act as deterrence
towards the victim of cruelty for dowry, forcing her to live in the torturous conditions due to
long drawn process.

The capability and expertise of the Committee in deciding whether the Complaint filed is
bonafide or malafide will play a vital role in deciding the Complaint. Since there are no
guidelines or rules laid down for this purpose, the Committee may err in treating a bonfide
complaint as malafide and vice-versa.

The fact that Apex Court failed to take into consideration while laying down the structure of
Family Welfare Committees is that the women who are filing the Bonafide cases during the
existence of such Committee they will be pushed to their limits while pursuing the matter
because by the time the matter reaches to the Court after all the Committees and Mediations,
the aggrieved women would be exhaust enough to not to pursue the matter further.

Sole object of women protective laws was to give legal protection to the married women
against the victimization by Dowry Greedy in-laws or by the stronger sex. Women protective
laws have been justified with respect to status of the women in the older times.

But now Society has progressed to such an extent that the criminality amongst women have
achieved a higher stand in Society and certainly have become influential but with respect to
law is still where it was in older times.

Repeatedly the misuse of the legal protection has led to the new legal terrorism.

The women protective laws have now become a handy weapon for many women to
blackmail, harass, humiliate and falsely implicate the innocent members of the in-laws family
in dowry demand cases and extract money from them before finally setting the marital

Laws like the Section 498-A, Indian Penal Code and the Domestic Violence Act,2005 have
number of provisions to intimidate men and their families. Effect of these laws are unjustified
power in hands of the women to harass husbands and their family members in the domestic
disput which irreparably damages life of husbands and their relatives and sometimes also
becomes the reason for their death.
Latest Laws

Judiciary has demanded that if the provisions of law are misused and subjected to abuse of
process of law, it is for legislature to amend, modify or repeal it, if deemed necessary.

While it is true that the women protective laws are marking effectively for well being of
women, there are allegation that these laws have been misused by the errant women, and
police officers for the nefarious ends.

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