Optimization Through Downhole Gas Separation

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I. Abstract

Pumping efficiencies are severely affected when gas is produced through the
downhole pump. In order to maintain optimum production from a well producing free
or solution gas through the pump, pumping times or speeds must often be maximized
to compensate for reduced efficiency. As a result, surface and downhole equipment
life is drastically reduced. Accordingly, proper downhole gas separation greatly
enhances equipment performance, life and wellbore productivity. This paper will
illustrate three (3) basic methods of downhole gas separation, a method of designing
modified poor boy gas anchors and results obtained from improved downhole gas
separation in the University Waddell (Devonian) Field in Crane County, Texas.

II. Introduction

The physical mechanism which separates free or solution gas from the fluid in the
wellbore can be described as a gas separator. The basic premise of gas separation
focuses on gas and fluid velocities in the wellbore and downhole production
equipment. When oil containing solution gas crosses the perforations or slots in a
mud anchor, a pressure drop is observed resulting in the evolution of free gas bubbles.
In addition, agitation, change in direction, and sudden velocity increases result in the
evolution of free gas. Depending on the size and shape of the bubbles, fluid viscosity
and velocity, the free gas bubbles will attempt to migrate upward while the fluid
moves downward. If the downward fluid velocity exceeds the critical velocity
required for upward migration of the gas bubbles, free gas will be forced through the
production equipment. For wells producing with a water cut greater than twenty
percent (20%), the critical downward velocity of fluid is .5 ft/sec. For wells
producing with water cuts less than twenty percent (20%), the critical velocity of the
fluid is .5 ft/sec divided by the viscosity of the fluid in centipoise. Therefore,
successful gas separation may be achieved by employing gas separators that ensure
downward fluid velocities which do not exceed the aforementioned critical velocities.

Ill. Tvoes of Gas Seoarators

Through the years many different types of gas separators have been developed and
utilized in sucker rod lift applications with varying degrees of success, However, this
paper will focus on the three most common types of gas separators utilized in sucker

rod lift applications: the natural gas separator, the poor boy gas separator and the
modified poor boy gas separator. To ensure common identification with the parts
composing a gas separator, this paper will refer to the piping that attaches to the
pump or seating nipple as a gas anchor and the piping which surrounds the gas anchor
will be labeled as the mud anchor.

A. Natural Gas Seoarator

The natural gas separator is the simplest type of gas separation device.
Natural gas separation is achieved by placing the gas anchor or pump
intake below the casing perforations without a mud anchor attachment
(please refer to Fig. I). The gas-liquid separation capacity of the natural
gas separator is greater than the capacity of any other separation device
because the casing is utilized as the mud anchor, providing the largest
possible separation chamber which can be employed in the wellbore.
When installing a natural gas separator, the gas anchor or pump intake
should be placed at least twenty to thirty feet (20-30) below the
lowest active perforation ensuring that the gas anchor is not in the
turbulent zone of the wellbore. Employing a natural gas separator
requires the following:

1. Sufficient rathole to allow placement of the gas anchor at the

specified depth.

2. Formations which do not produce debris, formation or frac sand

or large amounts of paraffin.

3. Special consideration should be given before installing in an open

hole environment.

A disadvantage to the natural gas separator is that the fluid is not

subject to a reduced pressure prior to entering the pump. Valve spacing
in the downhole pump is critical. A high compression ratio should be
maintained in the pump since all the solution gas will be processed
through the pump. In conjunction, the diameter of the gas anchor
should be as large as possible with minimal length in order to eliminate
friction pressure drop and minimize the occurrence of gas evolution
inside the gas anchor. Concluding, if wellbore conditions permit, the
best chance of achieving downhole gas separation is with the natural gas

B. Poor Bov Gas Ser>arator

When rathole is limited, gas separation is -usually achieved with the

installation of a poor boy gas separator. The poor boy gas separator

consists of a slotted mud anchor or perforated nipple/mud anchor
combination and a gas anchor (please refer to Fig. II). The mud anchor
is usually one to three (I-3) joints of pipe with the same outside and
inside diameters as the production string with the end orange peeled
closed. The mud anchor might be slotted at the top to allow fluid entry
if a perforated nipple is not employed in conjunction with the mud
anchor. The gas anchor is piping usually one inch (1) in diameter and
six to ten feet (6-10) in length with the end orange-peeled closed.
Fluid entry is achieved through perforations or slots placed in the bottom
of the gas anchor. During normal pumping operations, fluid enters the
perforated nipple or slots in the mud anchor, travels down the annular
space between the gas and mud anchors, and enters the pump via the
i gas anchor perforations or slots. Initial gas separation occurs at the mud
anchor or perforated nipple-openings due to the pressure drop required
to achieve entry coupled with the turbulence created as fluid flows into
the separator. Secondary gas separation occurs at the gas anchor
openings due to the pressure drop required to enter the pump. The
downward flow rate of the fluid inside the separator should be below the
critical velocity in order to allow the secondary gas to escape into the
casing. However, historical practices and procedures often do not
ensure that critical velocity requirements are met, therefore, the
separator does not function properly. Existing separators should be
examined to ensure that the design accounts for the critical velocity of
the produced fluid. Placement of the mud anchor or perforated nipple
openings may be above or below the casing perforations, but most often
the openings are placed above the perforations due to limited rathole.
As with the natural gas separator, the mud anchor openings should be
placed twenty to thirty feet (20-30) above or below the uppermost or
lowermost active perforation, to ensure that the openings are not in the
turbulent zone of the wellbore. In association, gas evolution inside the
gas anchor should be minimized by utilizing the largest diameter possible
in design of the gas anchor, thereby minimizing friction pressure drop.
Gas anchor size will be limited by mud anchor size which in turn is
limited by casing size. Optimizing the design will require balancing trade
offs in equipment sizes. When utilizing a poor boy gas separator, the
following design conditions should be specified:

1. The ends of the mud anchor should be orange peeled closed.

Bullplug and collar combinations are often hard to remove from
sand or scale. If removing debris from the mud anchor is a
T necessary requirement, female threads should be cut in the end of
the anchor and a male plug installed.

2. The outside diameter of the mud andhor should be less than the
internal diameter of the largest overshot which might possibly be

employed in fishing operations.

3. The slots or perforations in the mud anchor should start as close

as possible to the seating nipple but should not remove more than
half (.5) of the mud anchor circumference.

4. The mud anchor length should be no more than two to five feet
(2-5) longer than the gas anchor.

5. If the mud anchor is to be placed below the perforations, the

formation should be sand or debris production free.

6. Special consideration should be given before installing in an open

hole environment.

When rathole does not permit the installation of a natural gas separator,
availability of materials and economics makes the poor boy gas separator
the most widely utilized gas separator in sucker rod lift applications.

C. Modified Poor Bov Gas Seoarator

When rathole is limited in a wellbore with large casing (usually greater

than 4 l/2), gas separation can be enhanced by modifying the poor boy
gas separator. The modification involves the use of a mud anchor which
has a larger outside diameter than the production string (please refer to
Fig. Ill). Gas separation is enhanced because gas is forced out of
solution due to an increase in velocity in the reduced casing/mud anchor
annulus. In accordance, the gas anchor/mud anchor annulus becomes
enlarged, and downward fluid velocity is minimized thereby improving
secondary gas escape into the casing. When considering the use of a
modified poor boy gas separator, care should be taken to adhere to the
aforementioned design conditions specified for the poor boy gas
separator. The probability of sticking the mud anchor is greatly
increased with the modified poor boy gas separator. Wellbore conditions
should be carefully evaluated before placing the mud anchor below
casing perforations. The modified poor boy gas separator should never
be placed in an open hole environment. If wellbore conditions permit,
the modified poor boy gas separator should be used instead of the poor
boy gas separator because of superior performance.

Concluding, industry has developed and tested several different varieties

of gas separation devices for sucker rod pumped wells. However,
industry has yet to develop a gas separation system that will perform
effectively in every well, formation, or field. If gas interference is
limiting production, several systems may have to be tested in several


wells before the most effective means of gas separation is achieved for
a particular field.

IV. Basic Princioles of Gas Seearator Desian

Before deciding on what type of gas separator is best suited for a given well,
a study of the wells history should be undertaken. The following questions
should be answered in order to facilitate selection of gas separator type, size
and placement:

A. How much rathole does the well have?

B. What is the casing size and integrity?
C. What is the stimulation history of the well?
D. Does the well have paraffin, scale, or debris problems?
E. What is the productive capacity of the well?

After answering the above questions and selecting the type, size, and
placement of the gas separator, the actual design of separation equipment may
commence. Listed below are seven basic principles applying to the design of
poor boy gas separators:

Princiole Number One: The minimum separation area (gas anchor/mud anchor
annulus) should be large enough so the fluid velocity does not exceed the
critical velocity of .5 ft/sec. If the viscosity of the produced fluid is
significantly more viscous than water, the critical velocity should be adjusted
by dividing by the viscosity of the produced fluid. The only limitation on
separation area is casing size. The outside diameter (O.D.) of the mud anchor
should be less than the inside diameter (I.D.) of the largest overshot which can
be run in the casing in question.

Princiole Number Two: The area of the mud anchor or perforated nipple
openings should be equal to or greater than four times the minimum separation
area. The openings should be placed as close to the seating nipple as possible.
The slot area should be within one and one-half to two feet (1 l/2-2) of the
seating nipple. Recommended dimensions are one-half inch (l/2) in width and
four inches (4) in length. Never remove more than half (.5) of the mud anchor

Principle Number Three: The area of the openings in the gas anchor should be
equal to or greater than four times the standing valve inside diameter area. If
slots are utilized, the dimensions should be one half inch (l/2) in width and
four inches (4) in length.

Princiole Number Four: The separation volume (vertical space between the
bottom of the mud anchor openings and top of the gas anchor openings) should


be a minimum of one and one-half (1 l/2) pump displacements and no greater
than two (2) pump displacements.

Princiole Number Five: The gas anchor length should be minimized to prevent
excessive pressure drops. The total length of the gas anchor is the sum of the
separation length (separation volume divided by separation area), the perforated
nipple or slot length, and the seating nipple length. The end of the gas anchor
should be orange peeled closed.

Principle Number Six: The mud anchor should be no more than two to five feet
(2-5) longer than the gas anchor with the end orange peeled closed.

Princiole Number Seven: Placement of the separator should be at least twenty

to thirty feet (20-30) above or below the highest or lowest active perforation.

Understanding and adhering to these seven basic principles will improve the
chance of success and performance of the poor boy gas separator.

V. Modified Poor Bov Gas SeDarator Desian

As mentioned previously, the most effective type of gas separator is the natural
gas separator. However, sometimes wellbore conditions do not permit the use
of the natural gas separator. In such an event, the modified poor boy gas
separator should be utilized if casing size permits. The following is a detailed
discussion explaining the steps necessary to design a modified poor boy gas

Reauired Data

I. Expected total fluid production at one hundred percent (100%)

volumetric efficiency in barrels per day (BPD).

2. Pump plunger diameter.

3. Pump stroke length. (If the pump stroke length is unknown, use the
polish rod stroke length.)

Desian Calculations

A. Select the gas anchor size and outside diameter area from Table I based
on total fluid production from Step 1.

B. Determine the area of the plunger and the internal diameter area of the
standing valve seat from Table II based on the plunger diameter specified
in Step 2.

C. Calculate the required separation area:

RSA = TFP (bbl/dav) X 9702 (in3/bbl)

VEL (ft/sec) X 12 (in/ft) X 86,400 (set/day)

= .009358 set-bbl X TFP (bbl/dav)
VEL (ft/sec)

, where:

RSA = Required Separation Area (in2)

TFP = Total Fluid Production (bbl/day) at 100% V.E.
.009358 = Conversion factor ( in2-ft-day)
VEL = Critical Velocity (ft/sec)

For most design applications the critical velocity will be .5 ft/sec, and the
formula is reduced to:

RSA = .0187 (in2-day) X TFP (bbl/day)


D. Calculate the area of the openings (flow area) in the mud anchor or
perforated nipple.

t MAFA = 4 X RSA

t where:

MAFA = Mud Anchor Flow Area (in2)

RSA = Required Separation Area (in2) From Step C

E. Calculate the number of slots required in the mud anchor if the slot
dimensions are one-half inch (l/2) by four inches (4):

No. of Slots = MAFA (in2)

(.5 in)(4 in)

= MAFA (in2)
2 (in2)

F. Calculate the area of the openings (flow area) in the gas anchor.

GAFA = 4 X IDSVA (in2)


GAFA = Gas Anchor Flow Area (in2)

IDSVA = Internal diameter area of the standing valve
seat (in2) from Step B

G. Calculate the number of slots required in the gas anchor if the slot
dimensions are one-half inch (l/2) by four inches (4).

No. of Slots = GAFA (in2)

(.5 in)(4 in)

= GAFA (in2)
2 (in2)

H. Determine the minimum internal diameter of the mud anchor. The

minimum internal diameter of the mud anchor is obtained by employing
Table Ill. Calculate the minimum separation area by using the following

MSA = RSA (in2) + GAODA (in2)


RSA = Required Separation Area (in2) from Step C

GAODA = Gas Anchor Outside Diameter Area (in2) from
Step A.

After determining the minimum separation area, enter column three (3)
in Table Ill and select the pipe size which has an internal diameter (I.D.)
area equal to or just larger than the minimum separation area. The
minimum separation area should be larger than the required separation
area obtained in Step C. Make sure the restrictions outlined in Principle
Number One are considered before selecting the mud anchor size.

I. Calculate the actual separation area

ASA = MIDAMA (in2) - GAODA (in2)



ASA = Actual Separation Gas (in2)
MIDAMA = Minimum Internal Diameter Area of Mud Anchor
(in2) From Step H
GAODA = Gas Anchor Outside Diameter Area (in2) from
Step A

J. Calculate the separation volume

sv = 2 X PA (in2) X S (in)

sv = Separation Volume (in3)

PA = Plunger Area (in2) from Step B
S = Pump Stroke (in) from Step 3

K. Calculate the separation length

SL = a (if?)
ASA (in2)


SL = Separation Length (in)

sv = Separation Volume (in3) from Step J.
ASA = Actual Separation Area (in21 from Step I.

L. Calculate gas anchor length

GAL = SL (in) + PNL (in) + SNL (in)


GAL = Gas Anchor Length (in)

SL =. Separation Length (in) from Step K
PNL = Perforated Nipple Length (in). Usually
thirty six inches (36). When the mud anchor is slotted,
use the distance from the top of the first layer of slots to
the bottom of the last layer of slots. Should be eighteen to
twenty-four inches (18-24)
SNL = Seating Nipple Length (in). Usually twelve
inches (12)

M. Calculate mud anchor length

MAL = GAL (in) + 24 (in)



MAL = Mud Anchor Length (in)

GAL = Gas Anchor Length (in) from Step L.

The aforementioned discussion can be utilized in designing poor boy gas

separators as well. For poor boy gas separator design, substitute the tubing
internal diameter (I.D.) area for the minimum internal diameter area in Step H.
Depending on the gross fluid production, the poor boy gas separator may not
provide enough area to obtain adequate separation. After performing several
designs for a given field, a table of various productive rates versus separator
sizes may be developed, thereby facilitating design. As mentioned previously,
several different types of gas separators may have to be tested before an
effective method is discovered. However, following the seven basic principles
and the design procedure will enhance the chance of success. To aid in the
design of modified poor boy gas anchors, a data sheet and sample problem
have been included (please refer to Figures IV and V).

VI. Case Histories

In association with improving equipment life and efficiency, proper gas separation will
optimize production from the wellbore. The University Waddell (Devonian) Field is
located in Crane County, Texas. Production originates from three distinct Devonian
intervals located at a depth of 8400-9200. The field is currently under secondary
recovery operations, and the average well produces 22 BOPD, 108 BWPD, and 31
MCFD. The majority of the wells employ sucker rod lift utilizing fiberglass or steel rod
strings. Prior to May 1991, gas separation was achieved by implementing the
following assembly:

A. The seating nipple placement was at &8400, slightly above or in the

top set of perforations.

B. Tailpipe with the same outside diameter as the production tubing was
installed open-ended to a depth of 8800-9000, above or in the middle
and lower sets of perforations.

C. The insert pump was equipped with a short strainer nipple.

The aforementioned gas separation design was actually a lethal gas trap. As a result
of the tailpipe length, placement, and configuration the majority of the free gas
entered the pump, taking the path of least resistance. The gas which broke out of
solution at the strainer nipple was forced through the pump because of the absence
of an escape path (i.e. no slots were cut in the tailpipe). As might be expected, pump
efficiencies were low and fluid levels were high due to the gas interference in the
downhole pumps. In association, several of the fiberglass rod strings were failing due


to the excessive minimum stresses encountered in the gas pound environment. In
order to eliminate the gas interference, whenever a well experienced a downhole
failure, a modified poor boy gas separator was designed and installed in the wellbore.
Care was taken to ensure that the placement of the mud anchor openings was not in
the turbulent zone of any set of perforations. As a result of the installations, pump
efficiencies improved, fluid levels dropped, failures decreased and production
increased (please refer to Table IV and Fig. VII). As one may readily observe, the
success rate varied from well to well, but the economic benefits of proper gas
separator design and installation are readily apparent.

VII. Conclusions

Adhering to the basic principles of gas separator design will improve the effectiveness
and efficiency of the separator by ensuring that the critical velocity requirements are
satisfied. However, the best designed separator will not function properly unless care
is taken to ensure proper installation. Communication between engineering and field
personnel is essential to the implementation of a successful gas separation program.
As mentioned previously, extensive testing may be required to determine the optimum
separator application for a given field. Communication is essential to guarantee that
test results are interpreted accurately and corresponding modifications implemented
correctly. Regardless, the cost of testing and employing a gas separation technique
for a given field will be offset by the economic realization of reduced lifting cost and
optimum wellbore productivity.

VIII. Acknowledaements

The author would like to thank the management of Meridian Oil Company and Coastal
Management Corporation for the opportunity to publish and present this paper.

Special thanks are extended to Mr. Dick Hergenreter, Mr. Mike Miller and the
operations staff of Coastal Management Corporation in Penwell, Texas for their
assistance in development, testing and implementation of a successful gas separation
program. Concluding, the author deeply appreciates the assistance of the Coastal
Management Corporations operations staff in Midland, Texas for assistance in
preparing and publishing the paper.


1. Gipson, F.W., and Swaim, H. W., The Beam Pumping Design Chain, Proceedinas of the
Thirtv First Annual Meeting, Southwestern Petroleum Short Courts, April, 1984.

2. Eubanks, J. M., Franks, B. L., Lawrence D. K., Maxwell, T. E., and Merryman, C. J., Pumoing
Well Problem Analvsis, Sun Oil Company, 1958, Artificial Lift Efficiency School, Chastain,


Table I
Gas Anchor Selection Chart
Production Nominal OD Collar
Rate Pipe Size ID Area OD Area OD
fBPD1 iin) m (in2) m lin) plJ

<lOO 314 .824 .533 1.050 ,866 1.313

100-200 1 1.049 .867 1.315 1.358 1.576

200-400 l-114 1.380 1.496 1.660 2.164 2.054

> 400 l-112 1.610 2.036 1.900 2.835 2.200

Table II
Pump Data

Pump Pump ID
Plunger Plunger S.V. ID Area
Diameter Areas Seat S.V. Seat
* JbJy m fin)

l-1116 .886 .500 .196

l-1/4 1.227 ,578 .262

l-1/2 1.767 .656 ,338

Table Ill
l-3/4 2.405 .844 ,559
Mud Anchor Selection Chart
2 3.146 .937 .689 Nominal
Pipe ID OD Collar
2-114 3.976 1.062 .887 Size ID Area OD Area OD
JllJ- m (in2l m (in21 m
2-112 4.909 1.312 1.350
l2 1.995 3.125 2.375 4.430 3.063
l2-3.14 5.940 1.312 1.350
92-112 2.441 4.680 2.875 6.492 3.668
l3 7.069 1.688 2.238
3 3.068 7.393 3.500 9.620 4.250
*3-l 14 8.296 1.688 2.238
3-112 3.548 9.886 4.000 12.566 4.625
3-112 9.621 1.750 2.405
4 4.026 12.730 4.500 15.900 5.200
3-314 11.045 1.750 2.405

*Not API *External upset; all others are line pipe

Table IV
Lift Design - University Waddell (Devonian) Field
East Waddell Ranch
Before After Incremental
BOPD m BOPD Action Taken

164 130 25 32 7 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake

165 101 112 129 17 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake
267 101 30 35 5 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake
666 429 18 30 12 Install MA/GA
718 123 60 94 34 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake
742 429 9 30 21 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake
978 130 22 46 24 Install MA/GA. lower pump intake
988 429 15 16 1 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake
1099 101 20 22 2 Install MA/GA
1101 123 22 26 4 Install MAIGA
1103 123 22 27 5 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake
1105 101 25 46 21 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake
ill9 123 19 24 5 Install MA/GA
1123 101 25 25 0 Install MA/GA
1126 101 95 j&j 10 Install MA/GA, lower pump intake
519 687 168




1. With relatively low fluid levels -TUBING

or low intake pump pressures.


1. Which do not have sump.

c 2. Which produce a considerable

amount of sand.


1. Installation benefits from -PLUNGER

maximum submergence.

2. The small suction and large

casing annulus offer maximum
gravity separation.


1. The fluid is not subjected to a OIL

reduced pressure prior to

entering the pump.

2. All the gas contained or trapped - SEATlNG NIPPLE

within the fluid must be
processed through the pump.

3. The pump, anchor, and screen are

susceptible to the blocking - GAS ANCHOR
action of cavings.

4. Some formations will be more

readily blocked by paraffin using
this system.

Note: The seating nipple and

gas anchor should be at
least 30' below the
bottom producing zone;
the tubing anchor
should be set just
above the casing

Figure I - Natural gas separator




1. System permits fluid to rise to a PLUNGER

lower pressure area and to fall

back to the pump suction.

2. The fluid velocity is stabilized

after the fluid enters the mud

3. System is economical. Material

is available in field. PUMP BARREL


1. The fluid velocity is not

increased to force gas breakout
prior to fluid entrance into the
mud anchor.
2. The mud anchor size does not
offer the benefit of maximum
gravity separation.
Mud anchor is usually two inch pipe
and the gas anchor is one inch pipe or



Figure II - Poor boy gas separator

.. . -CASING



1. System permits fluid to rise to a PLUNGER

lower pressure area and to fall
back to the pump suction.

2. Over-sized mud anchor permits

gravity separation.
3. System is economical. Material
is available in the field.
4. System permits fluid velocity
increase in casing annulus to
breakout gas. PUMP BARREL
5. Mud anchor/gas anchor size ratio
can be varied as circumstances .


I 1. Over-sized mud anchor could cause

a recovery problem.

change that TUBING INTAKE
2. A fluid velocity
could cause a gas breakout will
exist at the gas anchor inlet.



t Figure III - Modified poor boy gas anchor


1. Total fluid production (TFP) at 100% V.E. __ (BPD)

2. Pump plunger diameter .- (in)

3. Pump or surface stroke length (S) - (in1

4. Seating nipple length (SNL) - (in)

5. Perforated nipple length (PNL) .- (in)


A. Gas anchor size: (in)

[From col. 2 - Table II

1. Gas anchor outside diameter area (GAODA): (in2)

[From col. 6 - Table II

8. Pump plunger area (PA): (in)

[From col. 2 - Table III

1. Internal diameter area of standing valve seat (IDSVA): (if?)

[From col. 4 - Table III

C. Required separation area (RSA):

RSA = .0187 x TFP

= .0187x- - (in)
Line Ill

*Note: Assumes critical velocity to be .5 ftlsec.

D. Mud anchor flow area (MAFA):

MAFA = 4 x RSA
=4x- (in2)
Line IC)

E. Number of mud anchor slots:

# = MAFA! 2
= -12
Line (DI

lNote:Assumes slot dimensions of W inch wide by 4 inches long.

F. Gas anchor flow area (GAFA):

=4x (in*1
Line B (11

G. Number of gas anchor slots:

# = GAFA I 2 =
= -12
Line F

*Note: Assumes slot dimensions of W inch wide by 4 inches long

Figure IV - Modified poor boy gas separator design sheet


H. Minimum separatron area (MSAI:

= -+- fin?
Line c Line A (II

1. Minimum internal diameter area of mud anchor (MIDAMA): (in)

[From col. 3 - Table 1111

2. Mud Anchor Nominal Size (in)

[From col. 1 - Table 1111

I. Actual separation (ASA):


= - (in)
Line H (11 Line A (11

J. Separation volume (SW:

sv = 2xPAxS
=2x -X- (in?
Line B Line 3

K. Separation length (SL):

= -I- (in)
Line J Line I

L. Gas Anchor Length (GAL]:


=-+-+ (in)
Line K Line 5 Line 4

*Note: May substitute slot length for perforated nipple

length if slots are placed in the mud anchor.

M. Mud anchor length (MALI:

MAL = GAL + 24
= - + 24 (in)
Line L


Dia = Lgth =
Line A Line L


Dia = Lgth =
Line H (2) Line M

Figure IV (cont.) - Modified poor boy gas separator design sheet


1. Utilizing the design sheet and the information provided in the text; design a
modified poor boy gas separator for the well conditions listed below:

Well Name: Sample I

Reservoir: Tubb - Dolomite

PBTD: 4065

Casing Size: 7 23#

Completion Interval: 4000 - 4050 (2 JSPF)

Stimulation History: Acidized with 10,000 gals 15% NEFE

Current Production: 25 BOPD, 225 BWPD, 50 MCFD

Pump Type: 2.875 X 1.5 X 14 RWBC

Pump Vol EFF: 85%

Tubing Size: 2.875

Surface Stroke Length: 120

Seating Nipple Length: 12

Perforated Nipple Length: 36

Figure V - Modified poor boy gas separator design problem


1. Total fluid production (TFP) at 100% V.E 294 (BPD)

2. Pump plunger diameter 1.5 (in)

3. Pump or surface stroke length (S) 126 fin)

4. Seating nipple length (SNL) 12 (in)

5. Perforated nipple length (PNL) 36 (in)


A. Gas anchor size: 1.25 (in)

[From col. 2 - Table II

1. Gas anchor outside diameter area (GAODA): 2.1 64 fir?)

(From col. 6 - Table II

B. Pump plunger area (PA): 1.767 (in?)

[From col. 2 - Table II]

1. Internal diameter area of standing valve seat (IDSVA): ,338 fin21

[From col. 4 - Table II]

C. Required separation area (RSA):

RSA = .0187 x TFP

= .0187 x 294 5.50 fin)
Line (1)

*Note: Assumes critical velocity to be .5 ftlsec.

D. Mud anchor flow area (MAFA):

= 4 x 5.50 22 (in2)
Line ICI

E. Number of mud anchor slots:

# = MAFA ! 2
= 22 I2 11
Line (Dl

lNote:Assumes slot dimensions of % inch wide by 4 inches long.

F. Gas anchor flow area (GAFA):

= 4x ,338 1.35 (in)
Line B ill

G. Number of gas anchor slots:

# = GAFA I 2 =
= 1.35 I2 ,676
Line F

*Note: Assumes slot dimensions of % inch wide by 4 inches long

Figure VI - Modified poor boy gas separator design problem solution


H. Minimum separation area (MSA):


= 5.50 + 2.164 7.664 fin)
Line C Line A (1 I

1. Minimum internal diameter area of mud anchor (MIDAMA): 9.886 (in)

[From col. 3 - Table Ill]

2. Mud Anchor Nominal Size 3.5 (in)

[From col. 1 - Table III]

I. Actual separation (ASA):


= . - 2.164 7.72 (in*)
Line H Ill Line A 11)

J. Separation volume (SW:

sv = 2xPAxS
=2x1767x 120 424 (in31
Line B Line 3

K. Separation length (SL):

= 424 I 7 72 55 fin21
Line J Line
- I

L. Gas Anchor Length (GAL):


=x+x+= 103 (in)
Line K Line 5 Line 4

*Note: May substitute slot length for perforated nipple

length if slots are placed in the mud anchor.

M. Mud anchor length (MAL):

MAL = GAL + 24
= 103 + 24 127 (in)
Line L


Dia = Lile.z5 Lgth = 103

Line L


Dia = 3.5 Lgth = 127

Line H (2) Line M

Figure VI (cont.) - Modified poor boy gas separator de$gn problem solution

Q 1,400

rq 1,200


8oo5,1 5/15 6/l 6115 7/l 7115 B/l 0/15 Q/l Q/15 10/l lo/15 11/l 11/15 12/l 1205 l/l l/15 l/31



dpdevo.ch3 pmh

Figure VII - Daily production- University Waddell (Devonian) Field

(Coastal Management Corporation)


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