Presidentes de Nicaragua

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17 Apr 1823 independence (Province of Len)

10 Jul 1823 incorporated into Central American Federation
(see under Guatemala)
24 Jul 1824 direct rule by federal government
22 Apr 1825 merged into Nicaragua

President of the Provisional Governing Junta

17 Apr 1823 - 24 Jul 1824 Pedro Sols


20 Apr 1823 independence (Province of Granada)

10 Jul 1823 incorporated into Central American Federation
(see under Guatemala)
1824 direct rule by federal government
22 Apr 1825 merged into Nicaragua

20 Apr 1823 - 1824 Governing Junta

- Jos Antonio Velazco
- Bernab Montiel
- Venancio Fernndez
- Nicols de la Rocha


22 Apr 1825 State of Nicaragua; constituent state of

Central American
Federation to 30 Apr 1838 (see under
30 Apr 1854 Republic of Nicaragua

Supreme Chiefs of State

22 Apr 1825 - 1825 Manuel Antonio de la Cerda
(1st time) (b. ... -
d. 1828)
1825 - 1827 Juan Argello (1st time)
1826 Pedro Benito Pineda
(acting; in rebellion)
1827 - 1828 Manuel Antonio de la Cerda
(2nd time) (in rebellion) (s.a.)
12 Sep 1827 - Nov 1827 Cleto Ordez (Commandant-General)
1827 - 1828 separate Governing Juntas in Len and in
1828 - Jan 1830 Juan Argello (2nd time)
Jan 1830 - 1834 Jos Dionisio de Herrera (b. 1790 -
d. 1850)
1834 - 10 Mar 1834 Benito Morales (acting)
10 Mar 1834 - 23 Apr 1835 Jos Nez (1st time) (acting)
23 Apr 1835 - 25 Jan 1837 Jos Zepeda (b. ... -
d. 1837)
25 Jan 1837 - Jan 1838 Jos Nez (2nd time) (acting)
Jan 1838 - 13 Mar 1838 Francisco Jimnez Rubio (acting)
13 Mar 1838 - 1838 Jos Nez (3rd time)
Supreme Directors of the State
1838 - 1839 Jos Nez
1839 Evaristo Rocha (acting)
Jun 1839 - Jul 1839 Patricio Rivas (1st time) (acting)
Jul 1839 - Oct 1839 Joaqun del Coso (acting)
Oct 1839 - Nov 1839 Hilario Ulloa (acting)
Nov 1839 - Sep 1840 Toms Valladares (acting)
Sep 1840 - Mar 1841 Patricio Rivas (2nd time) (acting)
4 Mar 1841 - 1 Apr 1843 Pablo Buitrago (b. ... -
d. af.1852)
1 Apr 1843 - 31 May 1843 Juan de Dios Orozco (acting)
31 May 1843 - 26 Sep 1844 Manuel Prez
26 Sep 1844 - 16 Dec 1844 Emiliano Madriz (acting)
16 Dec 1844 - 20 Jan 1845 Silvestre Selva (acting)
(in rebellion from earlier in 1844)
20 Jan 1845 - 4 Apr 1845 Blas Antonio Senz (acting)
4 Apr 1845 - 12 Mar 1847 Jos Len Sandoval
12 Mar 1847 - 6 Apr 1847 Miguel R. Morales (acting)
6 Apr 1847 - 1 Jan 1849 Jos Mara Guerrero (b. ... -
d. af.1852)
1 Jan 1849 - Mar 1849 Toribio Tern (acting)
Mar 1849 - 1 Apr 1849 Benito Rosales (acting)
1 Apr 1849 - 1 Apr 1851 Norberto Ramrez (b. 1800 -
d. 1856)
1 Apr 1851 - 5 May 1851 Justo Abaunza (1st time) (acting)
5 May 1851 - 4 Aug 1851 Laureano Pineda (1st time)
4 Aug 1851 - 11 Nov 1851 Justo Abaunza (2nd time) (acting)
Aug 1851 - 11 Aug 1851 Jos Francisco del Montenegro
(acting) (in rebellion)
11 Aug 1851 - 2 Nov 1851 Jos de Jess Alfaro
(in rebellion)
11 Nov 1851 - 1 Apr 1853 Laureano Pineda (2nd time)
(in rebellion from 2 Nov 1851)
1 Apr 1853 - 30 Apr 1854 Fruto Chamorro (b. 1806 -
d. 1855)
30 Apr 1854 - 12 Mar 1855 Fruto Chamorro (s.a.)
(provisional to 1854, acting to 1855)
12 Mar 1855 - 22 Oct 1855 Jos Mara Estrada (acting) (b. 1802? -
d. 1856)
30 Oct 1855 - 24 Jun 1857 Patricio Rivas (provisional)
24 Jun 1857 - 19 Oct 1857 Governing Junta
- Mximo Jerez
- Toms Martnez (b. 1812 -
d. 1873)
19 Oct 1857 - 15 Nov 1857 Governing Junta
- Gregorio Jurez
- Rosalo Corts
15 Nov 1857 - 1 Mar 1867 Toms Martnez (s.a.)
1 Mar 1867 - 1 Mar 1871 Fernando Guzmn
1 Mar 1871 - 1 Mar 1875 Jos Vicente Cuadra
1 Mar 1875 - 1 Mar 1879 Pedro Joaqun Chamorro
1 Mar 1879 - 1 Mar 1883 Joaqun Zavala (1st time)
1 Mar 1883 - 1 Mar 1887 Adn Crdenas (b. 1836 -
d. 1916)
1 Mar 1887 - 1 Aug 1889 Evaristo Carazo (b. 1822 -
d. 1889)
1 Aug 1889 - 5 Aug 1889 David Osorno (acting)
5 Aug 1889 - 1 Jan 1891 Roberto Sacasa (1st time) (acting)
1 Jan 1891 - 1 Mar 1891 Ignacio Chvez (acting)
1 Mar 1891 - 11 Jul 1893 Roberto Sacasa (2nd time)
May 1893 - Jul 1893 Jos Santos Zelaya (1st time) (b. 1853 -
d. 1919)
(President of Governing Junta; in rebellion)
11 Jul 1893 - 15 Jul 1893 Salvador Machado (acting)
16 Jul 1893 - 25 Jul 1893 Joaqun Zavala (2nd time) (acting)
25 Jul 1893 - 21 Dec 1909 Jos Santos Zelaya (2nd time) (s.a.)
(President of Governing Junta to 15 Sep 1893)
21 Dec 1909 - 20 Aug 1910 Jos Madriz (acting) (b. 1867 -
d. 1911)
20 Aug 1910 - 27 Aug 1910 Jos Dolores Estrada (acting) (b. 18... -
d. 1911)
27 Aug 1910 - 30 Aug 1910 Luis Mena (acting)
30 Aug 1910 - 9 May 1911 Juan Jos Estrada (b. 1871 -
d. 1947)
(acting; in rebellion from Oct 1909)
9 May 1911 - 1 Jan 1917 Adolfo Daz (1st time) (b. 1877 -
d. 1964)
(acting to 1 Jan 1913)
1 Jan 1917 - 1 Jan 1921 Emiliano Chamorro Vargas
(1st time) (b. 1871 -
d. 1966)
1 Jan 1921 - 12 Oct 1923 Diego Manuel Chamorro Bolaos (b. 1881 -
d. 1923)
12 Oct 1923 - Oct 1923 Rosendo Chamorro (acting) (b. ... -
d. 1947)
Oct 1923 - 1 Jan 1925 Bartolom Martnez (acting) (b. 1860 -
d. 1936)
1 Jan 1925 - 14 Mar 1926 Carlos Jos Solrzano (b. 1860 -
d. 1936)
14 Mar 1926 - 11 Nov 1926 Emiliano Chamorro Vargas
(2nd time) (acting) (s.a.)
11 Nov 1926 - 14 Nov 1926 Sebastin Uriza (acting)
14 Nov 1926 - 1 Jan 1929 Adolfo Daz (2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1929 - 1 Jan 1933 Jos Mara Moncada Tapia (b. 1871 -
d. 1945)
1 Jan 1933 - 9 Jun 1936 Juan Bautista Sacasa (b. 1874 -
d. 1946)
9 Jun 1936 - 1 Jan 1937 Carlos Alberto Brenes Jarqun (b. 1884 -
d. 1942)
1 Jan 1937 - 1 May 1947 Anastasio Somoza Garca (1st time) (b. 1896 -
d. 1956)
1 May 1947 - 27 May 1947 Leonardo Argello (b. 1875 -
d. 1947)
27 May 1947 - 15 Aug 1947 Benjamn Lacayo Sacasa (b. 1884 -
d. 1959)
15 Aug 1947 - 6 May 1950 Vctor Manuel Romn y Reyes (b. 1872 -
d. 1950)
6 May 1950 - 7 May 1950 Manuel F. Zurita (acting)
7 May 1950 - 29 Sep 1956 Anastasio Somoza Garca (2nd time) (s.a.)
29 Sep 1956 - 1 May 1963 Luis Anastasio Somoza Debayle (b. 1922 -
d. 1967)
1 May 1963 - 3 Aug 1966 Ren Schick Gutirrez (b. 1909 -
d. 1966)
3 Aug 1966 - 4 Aug 1966 Orlando Montenegro Medrano
4 Aug 1966 - 1 May 1967 Lorenzo Guerrero Gutirrez (b. 1900 -
d. 1981)
1 May 1967 - 1 May 1972 Anastasio Somoza Debayle
(1st time) (b. 1925 -
d. 1980)
1 May 1972 - 1 Dec 1974 National Government Junta
- Roberto Martnez Lacayo (b. 1899 -
d. 1984)
- Fernando Bernab Agero Rocha (b. 1917)
(to 1 Mar 1973)
- Edmundo Paguaga Iras (b. 1923)
(from 1 Mar 1973)
- Alfonso Lovo Cordero (b. 1927)
1 Dec 1974 - 17 Jul 1979 Anastasio Somoza Debayle
(2nd time) (s.a.)
17 Jul 1979 - 18 Jul 1979 Francisco Urcuyo Maliaos (acting) (b. 1915)
20 Jul 1979 - 10 Jan 1985 Junta of National Reconstruction
- Daniel Ortega Saavedra (b. 1945)
(coordinator from 4 Mar 1981)
- Sergio Ramrez Mercado (b. 1942)
- Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (f) (b. 1929)
(to 19 Apr 1980)
- Luis Adolfo Robelo Callejas (b. 1939)
(to 23 Apr 1980)
- Moiss Hassn Morales (b. 1942)
(to 5 Mar 1981)
- Rafael ngel Crdova Rivas
(from 20 May 1980)
- Arturo Jos Cruz Porras (b. 1931)
(20 May 1980 - 5 Mar 1981)
10 Jan 1985 - 25 Apr 1990 Daniel Ortega Saavedra (s.a.)
25 Apr 1990 - 10 Jan 1997 Violeta Barrios de Chamorro (f) (s.a.)
10 Jan 1997 - Arnoldo Alemn (b. 1946)

Rival government (State of Nicaragua)

Supreme Directors of the State

11 Jun 1854 - 2 Sep 1855 Francisco Castelln (provisional) (b. ... -
d. 1855)
2 Sep 1855 - 30 Oct 1855 Nazario Escoto (acting)

Rival government (Republic of Nicaragua)

1856 - 13 Aug 1856 Jos Mara Estrada (acting) (s.a.)
13 Aug 1856 - Sep 1856 Nicasio del Castillo (acting)

Rival government (Republic of Nicaragua)

20 Jun 1856 - 12 Jul 1856 Fermn Ferrer (provisional)
12 Jul 1856 - 1 May 1857 William Walker (b. 1824 -
d. 1860)


1661 Mosquitian Nation established as a kingdom

12 Sep 1861 kingdom transformed into Mosquito Reservation
Nicaraguan sovereignty
7 Aug 1894 (ratified 28 Feb 1895) reservation abolished,
with full
incorporation into Nicaragua

1661 - 1677 Oldman I
1677 - 1686 Oldman II
1686 - 1720 Jeremy I
1720 - 1729 Jeremy II
1729 - 1739 Peter
1739 - 1755 Edward
1755 - 1776 George I Samuel Roderick Kandler
1777 - 1800 George II Augustus
1800 - 14 Nov 1815 Stephen (king-regent)
14 Nov 1815 - 9 Mar 1824 George III Frederick Augustus (b. ... -
d. 1824)
1824 - Oct 1842 Robert Charles Frederick
Oct 1842 - 4 May 1843 Archibald Alexander Macdonald
(chairman Regency Commission)
4 May 1843 - 17 Apr 1845 Regency
- Prince Wellington
- Lowry Robinson
- Johnson (to 1843)
17 Apr 1845 - 12 Sep 1861 George IV Augustus Frederick
Hereditary Chiefs
12 Sep 1861 - 27 Nov 1865 George IV Augustus Frederick
27 Nov 1865 - 23 May 1866 Henry Patterson
(vice-president of the Council)
23 May 1866 - 5 May 1879 William Henry Clarence
5 May 1879 - 17 Jun 1879 Charles Patterson (1st time)
(vice-president of the Council)
17 Jun 1879 - 8 Nov 1888 George V William Albert Hendy
8 Nov 1888 - 8 Mar 1889 Charles Patterson (2nd time)
(vice-president of the Council)
8 Mar 1889 - 11 Nov 1890 Jonathan Charles Frederick
11 Nov 1890 - 30 Jan 1891 Charles Patterson (3rd time)
(vice-president of the Council)
30 Jan 1891 - 7 Aug 1894 Robert Henry Clarence (b. 18... -
d. 1908)

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