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a crime/an offence = a criminal act

alibi = a statement by somebody that they were in another playce at the time of a
crime and so could not have done it

appeal = a request for a new hearing

armed robbery = a robbery in which the robber is armed with a dangerous weapon

arson = setting fire to a building on purpose

assault = sudden, violent attack

be tried - to have a case judged in court

blackmail = to force somebody to give you money, etc. to stop you telling a sectret
about them or other people

case - a crime that is being investigated

charge someone with murder - bring someone to court

commit/perpetrate a crime/offence

conspiracy = an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime, a plot

cross-examine = to ask somebody a lot of questions to find out the truth

defend/prosecute sy in court

dock = place where the accused is sitting/standing

drink driving = driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol

drug trafficking = dealing or trading in something illegal

evidence = something that you say or show in court to make people believe that your
explanation of how something happened

fine sy a sum of money - to punish someone by making them pay

forgery = to make a copy of something to deceive people

fraud = something intended to deceive, trickery

kidnapping = to abduct someone by force or fraud

libel = to write something that is untrue about somebody so that other people will have
a bad opinion of them

manslaughter = the unlawful killing of a person, without mailice or premeditation

murder = the murder of one person bij another

perpetrator someone who committed a crime

plead guilty/not guilty - to swear in court that one is guilty or otherwise

rape = to force someone to have sex

reach/pass verdict on an accused person- to decide whether they are guilty or not

release sy from prison/jail - set someone free after a prison sentence

sentence = a punishment given by a judge

shoplifting = stealing goods from a shop

slander = to say something that is untrue about somebody so that other people will
have a bad opinion of them

theft = the act of stealing

to accuse somebody of something

to acquit somebody of something/to clear somebody of something

to argue for or against someone in trial

to bail somebody out

to be under/on oath

to charge somebody with something

to find somebody guilty of something/to convict somebody of something

to prosecute somebody for something

to try somebody for something

trial - the legal process in court whereby an accused person is investigated, or tried,
and then found guilty or not guilty

verdict - the decision: guilty or not guilty by jury

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