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Edition 5.

Technical Data Sheet BASE OILS NEXBASE 3043



Description NEXBASE 3043 is a colourless, catalytically hydroisomerized and

dewaxed base oil comprising hydrogenated, highly isoparaffinic

Applications NEXBASE 3043 is suitable for use in formulating high-quality 5W/X

and 10W/X engine oils. NEXBASE 3043 conforms with API/ATIEL
Base Stock Group III and it is used also in compressor and hydraulic
oil formulations as well as in gear and circulation oils.

Technical Data

Property Unit value Typical value (2) Test method

Appearance Pass (1) ASTM D-4176-1

Viscosity mm/s ASTM D-445

at 100C 4.2 - 4.4 4.3

40C 20

Viscosity Index () 121 122 ASTM D-2270

Pour Point C -12 -18 ASTM D-97

Flash Point C 220 228 ASTM D-92

Colour () 0.5 < 0.5 ASTM D-1500

Noack Volatility w-% 14.8 14.2 CEC L-40-93b

Density, at 15C kg/m 837 ASTM D-4052

1) Clear and bright liquid on visual observance, and no water or particulates observed at the bottom of the
2) Long-term average value

Unless otherwise specified the latest version of the test methods is referred to.
NEXBASE is a trademark or a registered trademark of Neste Corporation.
Edition 5.2

Technical Data Sheet BASE OILS NEXBASE 3043

Safety NEXBASE 3043 is stable in ambient conditions.

The product may be fatal if swallowed and enters airways
(Asp.Tox.1,H304/Not classified according to DSD/DPD)

Handling NEXBASE 3043 is non-corrosive and it can be stored in mild steel

containers. The product is practically non-irritating to skin and eyes.

Compliance with good industrial guidelines recommended.

Information ADR/RID Not classified

IMDG Not classified

IATA Not classified

Availability NEXBASE 3043 is available in bulk and in drums.

Information Further information on NEXBASE 3043 is available from

Neste N.V.
Global Customer Service Centre
Industrieweg 154
B-3583 Beringen

tel +32-11-45 95 11
fax +32-11-45 95 32

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