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Electrical Power Plans for Building Construction

A Description of Electrical Load Calculations

Prepared by

George C. Chang, P.E., Ph.D.

Executive Vice Chairman
Asian Contractor Association (ACA)

Part of ACA Procurement and Technical Programs

June 2015
Electrical Power Plans for Building Construction
A Description of Electrical Load Calculations

Table of Contents

Section Page Number

I INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................1

II TERMINOLOGY USED IN THIS PAPER ...............................................................1

III CIRCUITS FOR ELECTRICAL POWER ..................................................................5


1. Electrical Riser Diagram ...............................................................................6

2. Electrical Loads for Devices .........................................................................6
3. List of Devices and their electrical loads .....................................................8
4. Electrical Power Plans for a Building ..........................................................8
5. Load Analysis ...............................................................................................12
6. Diagrams, Notes, and Legends for an Electrical Plan ..................................12

V CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................13

VI REFERENCES......................................................................................................14

Electrical Power Plans for Building Construction
Basics for Electrical Load Calculations


This paper is to provide information to contractors, engineers, and others in developing and/or
understanding an electrical plan for buildings. While the electrical energy is the capacity or
strength of an electrical system, such as the electrical circuit(s) or the electrical device(s), the
electrical power is the input to this system. Representing power by an equation, then

P = (V) (I), [1]

where P is electrical power expressed in watts (W), V is voltage expressed in volt (V), I is current
expressed in ampere (A). An electrical load is the required power for a closed circuit system to
be functioning.

This paper shall not discuss in detail the source of electrical power and how the required load
for a building is determined. It assumes that the source of electrical power is sufficient and the
required circuits or the types of devices have been identified for the building. Therefore,
It concentrates on the calculations of electrical loads for each individual circuit and for the
entire electrical system. For simplicity, the electrical load for a building or facility can also be
represented by the total current (I) or the total amount of amperes.

The objectives of this paper are:

(1) To present information on the calculation of loads for the electrical system of a building so
that one can read or prepare an electrical plan for the building.

(2) As part of the construction plans, one is able to understand and take the electrical plan for
building permit applications.

(3) With a full understanding of the electrical plan, the contractor can better estimate the cost
of a construction project.


Following terms are essential for understanding of load calculations or preparing an electrical
plan for a building:

(1) Current (I) is the flow of the electrical charge for a given time period. The electrical charge
represents a number of electrons. The unit of current is Coulombs per second, or Ampere (A/
Amp). A current of an amp is 1 Coulomb of electrons passing through any point in one second.

(2) Voltage (V) is the work that causes the current to flow. It is the required work to move a
charge from one point to another point of an electrical circuit. The unit of voltage is volt (V).

(3) Resistance (R) is an element to limit the current flow. I = V/R. Without a resistance, or R = 0,
the current shall surge without limit and thus causes dangerous conditions. The unit of
resistance, R, is in ohms.

(4) Power (P) is an input to the electrical circuit or a circuit system. It is the rate of electrical
energy delivered to the circuit system. Mathematically, P = VI, or P = IR2 (Reference 1, Cathey
and Nasar). Power is expressed in the unit of watts.

(5) Load (L) is the power consumed in a closed circuit system. The average load is an average
value of the power consumed in the circuit system during a specific time period. The maximum
load is the maximum value of the consumed loads during the same time period under all
conditions. The demand load is the required power to satisfy an adequate operation of a
device or a circuit system. Load can be expressed in the same unit, i.e., watts.

(6) NEC is National Electrical Code (Reference 2, Rosenberg), which is a minimum safety
standard for electrical installations. NEC is a common one of many codes and standards
published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Load calculations discussed in this
paper is in accordance with the standards of NEC.

(7) Phase is a wave of alternating current in a sinusoidal form. This type of sine wave moves in
a series of 360o cycles (see Figure 1). A single phase circuit has only one sine-wave, alternating
current flow; while a three phase circuit consists of three, sine-wave, alternating current flows.
The three different waves are displaced in 120 degrees from each other (Figure 2). Most electric
power sources in the United States are either three-phase or single phase, although there is
two-phase source of power. The three phase power is more efficient and often used in
commercial and industrial facilities. The single phase power is often referred to under many
situations. It can also be derived from a three phase circuit. In general, single phase power
(Figure 3) has a lower voltage and is often used for domestic purposes.

(8) Power efficiency (E) is a ratio of the power output from an electrical system to the power
input into the system. There is a system loss from input to output. Guyer (J. P. Guyer,
Reference 3) has estimated the system loss for a building, which is about 6 percent. Therefore
E is always less than 1 or below 100 percent. In this connection, the connected load or the
required power for the circuit system has to be more than the specified power input. In a
mathematical form, L = (VI)/E, where E is power efficiency.

(9) Ratios of single phase loads refer to two different set of loads derived from a three phase
circuit. For a symmetrical, three phase, four wire wye system (see Figure 4), the voltage
between any two phases (VLL) is greater than the voltage between any phase and the neutral
wire (VLN). The multiplier of VLL to VLN is 30.5, i.e., (VLL)/(VLN) = 30.5 = 1.733.

For the same token, this ratio for a balanced, three phase, four wire delta system is 2.0, i.e.,
(VLL)/(VLN) = 2.0. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) presents the above-described wye and delta system. This
paper shall not discuss the details of these two different systems.

(10) Transformer is a machinery to transform electrical power from one circuit to another. For
an economic or consumptive reason, the electrical voltage of a circuit can be changed from low
to high, or vice versa, through a transformer. The current of the new circuit is increased or
decreased at the same time. There are different types of transformer. In particular, an auto
transformer is one where the ratio between the high voltage and the transformed low voltage
is less than two (2). This transformation is cost effective.

(11) Conductors and American Wire Gauge (AWG): Conductors are metal wires, mostly copper,
which carries flow or current for an electrical system. A current-carry conductor is insulated
from possible outside contacts. For commercial or industrial uses, conductors are installed in
metal conduits or raceways. AWG is a standardized wire gauge system used in North America
for measurement of diameters of conductors. Larger conductors have smaller AWG numbers.

(12) Raceway and Auxiliary Gutter: Raceway is an enclosed channel, in metal or nonmetallic
form, used for holding electrical wires or conductors. Auxiliary gutter is a sheet metal, or
nonmetallic trough with a removable cover, to be used in non-raceway location. It encloses
conductors and distributes them to places such as meter centers, distribution boxes, and/or
similar points of wiring systems.

(13) Factors for load calculations and analysis refer to some equations or ratios (Reference 3).
Demand Factor is the ratio of the maximum demand load to the total load connected. When
the power input is connected to a circuit system, whether the switch is closed or open, the
maximum demand load should always be equal or smaller than the connected load because of
a system loss and various other reasons. Coincidence Factor is the maximum system demand
divided by the sum of individual maximum demand, while Diversity Factor is its reciprocal, i.e.,
the sum of individual maximum demands (nominator) divided by the maximum system demand
(denominator). The power plan is generally more effective for a greater Diversity Factor
because the value of nominator is fixed but the value of denominator or the maximum system
demand changes with different designs of the power plans. Load Factor is the ratio of the
average load to the maximum load. The maximum load should occur under the Worst Case
Load Event as defined by White (R. M. White, Reference 4). In this connection, the average
load should always be less than the maximum load. It would likely be more economical in
developing a power plan if these two values are closer. This shall depend on the qualities of the
devices and equipment in the building.


The common types of electrical power consist of single-phase and three-phase circuits. As
defined earlier, these powers are alternating currents, moving in wave form as shown in Figures
1 - 2. For the single-phase power, a popular circuit is shown in Figure 3a (Reference 2).

The voltage between the two power lines (VLL) is twice of the voltage between the neutral line
and each of the power lines (VLN). The neutral line is grounded. Figure 3b is a simple form of
single-phase power, which has only one power line and a grounded neutral line.

For the three-phase power, there are two types of phase connections, the wye type and the
delta connection as shown in Figures 4(a) and 4(d). For the Wye system, the voltage between
any two power lines (VLL) is 1.733 times of the voltage between any power line and the neutral
line (VLN). In a Delta system, the voltage between any two power lines (VLL) is twice (2 times) of
the voltage between any power line and the neutral line (VLN). For each of the two connection
types, the neutral line is grounded.


The electrical load calculations for buildings consist of several components. These components
constitute an electrical power plan, which becomes part of the construction plans for a building.
This paper assumes a building of about 4,800 square-feet (SF) and is equipped as an office
(1,600 SF) and a warehouse (2,800 SF). A small portion of the building is designated for a
snack/food service room (400 SF). All of the areas are air-conditioning covered. There are
various types of equipment or devices being placed in the building, which receive electrical
power for functioning. The following paragraphs provide a description of the power plan and
the corresponding electrical load calculations.

1. Electrical Riser Diagram: A diagram as shown in Figure 5 is an important element of the

electrical power plan. It usually depicts the power source and its distribution on the outside
wall of the building. In Figure 5, the three phase electric power of 277/480V comes in either
from a power post or from the underground. This power goes through a utility meter for
measurement. A transformer is also needed so the voltage can fit to the power requirement of
the equipment in the building. The transformer lowers the power to 120/208V from the
incoming electricity. Conductors from the transformer pass through an auxiliary gutter and
create two lower voltage boxes. Each box can carry up to 200 Amps input. Based on load
calculations, Box 1 and Box 2 are equipped with 150 and 100 Amp fuses, respectively. From
there the electricity is distributed to equipment in the building through two breaker panels.

2. Electrical Loads for Devices: Devices in a building usually consist of three categories, the
lighting groups, the receptacles, and the power equipment. Lighting groups consist of paneled
fluorescent lights, and recessed ceiling lights. Receptacles are generally designated for tools,
and consumer devices such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, coffee machines, etc. Power
equipment usually refers to machinery devices such as air conditioning equipment, heating
furnaces, walk-in cooler and freezer, etc. When the devices are placed for functioning, the
electrical powers in the closed circuits are the connected loads. These loads can generally be
determined from the following information.

(1) The manufacturing company of a device provides information on electrical load by
specifying voltage and current quantities for functioning. For example, an 18-cubic feet
refrigerator may require a voltage of 120 volts and a current of 6 amperes for operation. The
maximum demand load is therefore 720 watts. For the same token, a group of 40-watt,
fluorescent lights of 20 pairs (20 x 2) is to draw an electrical load of 1,600 watts. Also, a 5-ton
air conditioning condenser may generate energy of about 60,000 B.T.U., which is equivalent to
a power capacity of up to 17, 580 watts. Its circuit load is likely smaller, may be about 8,000
watts, or even less, depending on the efficiency of the condenser.

(2) The above-described load, as specified by the manufacturer, should be adjusted for a
system loss when the circuit is closed. Additional load should be added in considering the
system loss (Reference 3). In other word, the connected load is equal to the specified load
divided by the power efficiency as pointed out in Section II, Item (8). This efficiency is
considered to be about 94 percent (Reference 3).

3. List of Devices/Equipment and Their Electrical Loads: This paper provides an example of
building and its devices as specified in Section IV. Each device or a group of devices is connected
to a specific circuit. These devices or equipment have a demand load as described in Section IV-
2-(1). Table 1 presents a list of equipment and the grouped devices in the building, and their
corresponding characteristics. Based on Table 1, this paper calculated loads for various
electrical circuits. It further develops electrical power/lighting plans for the building.

4. Electrical Power Plans for a Building: This component presents two electrical power plans as
listed in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 is a power plan of load calculations for mostly power
equipment. Table 3 is a power plan of load calculations for light groups in the building. Each of
the two plans presents a total load and a current capacity. In mathematical form, the total
connected load is:

LT = Sum of [(Vi)(Ii)(DFi)], i = 1, 2, 3, ----, n [2]

where LT is total load in watts, Vi is voltage for each circuit of a device or a device group in volts,
and Ii is the current for each circuit of a device or a device group in amperes. The Demand
Factor, DF, is a ratio as defined in Section II, item 13. The values of DF are between zero and
one. The final calculation is to find the total current capacity for each electrical power plan. This
capacity equals the total load divided by the product of a voltage and a conversion factor. In
equation, it is:

IT = LT/[(1.733)(Vp)], [3]

where IT is the total current capacity for the power plan or electrical system, in amperes, and Vp
is voltage for a three-phase power, in volts. In this paper, the voltage for each 3-phase power
plan is 208 volts. The value of 1.733 is a conversion factor as defined in Section II, Item (9), i.e.,
208V/120V = 1.733.

Table 1. List of Electrical Equipment and Circuits in the Described Building

Power Breaker
Number Voltage Ampacity
Equipment Equipment Power/ of for Each for Each Equipment
ID Description Phase Circuits Circuit Circuit Location

AC cooling unit, 5 tons

C1 (CU) 3 3 120V 40 Roof
AC cooling unit, 5 tons
C2 (CU) 3 3 120V 40 Roof
AC cooling unit, 5 tons
C3 (CU) 3 3 120V 40 Roof

H1 Heating, furnace unit (HU) 3 3 120V 30 Ceiling

H2 Heating, furnace unit (HU) 3 3 120V 30 Ceiling

H3 Heating, furnace unit (HU) 3 3 120V 30 Ceiling

Walk-in cooler condenser
WCC (WC) 3 2 208V 20 Roof

WCF Walk-in cooler fan (WC) 3 2 208V 20 Cooler

Walk-in freezer condenser
WFC (WF) 3 2 208V 20 Roof

WFF Walk-in freezer fan (WF) 3 2 208V 20 Freezer

Two 208V receptacles
R1~R2 (REC) 3 2 208V 20 Warehouse
24 general purpose plugs
P1~P3 (GP) 3 2 120V 20 Warehouse
24 general purpose plugs Office &
P4~P6 (GP) 3 3 120V 20 snack room

30 fluorescent downlight
L1~L3 (4-bulb, 25W each) 3 3 120V 20 Warehouse

32 recessed, 80W Office &

L4~L6 fluorescent downlight 3 3 120V 20 snack room

F1~F12 12 ceiling fans with lights 3 3 120V 20 Warehouse

F13~F20 8 ceiling fans with lights 3 2 120V 20 Office

F21~F24 4 ceiling fans with lights 3 2 120V 20 room

Table 2. Power Plan - Electric Load Calculations for the Described Building
(Switch Box 1 / Panel 1 - 150 Amp Fuses)

Breaker Demand
Ampacity Estimated. Max. Factor, Connected
Circuit Description Power for Ea. Demand Load*, 0.00 ~ Load,
No. According to Table 1 Phase Circuit Watts 1.00 Watts
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) = (5) x (6)
1 CU-C1 A 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
2 CU-C1 B 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
3 CU-C1 C 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
4 HU-H1 A 30 2,100 0.00 0
5 HU-H1 B 30 2,100 0.00 0
6 HU-H1 C 30 2,100 0.00 0
7 CU-C2 A 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
8 CU-C2 B 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
9 CU-C2 C 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
10 HU-H2 A 30 2,100 0.00 0
11 HU-H2 B 30 2,100 0.00 0
12 HU-H2 C 30 2,100 0.00 0
13 CU-C3 A 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
14 CU-C3 B 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
15 CU-C3 C 40 2,700 1.00 2,700
16 HU-H3 A 30 2,100 0.00 0
17 HU-H3 B 30 2,100 0.00 0
18 HU-H3 C 30 2,100 0.00 0
19 WC-WCC A 20 2,000 1.00 2,000
20 WC-WCC B 20 2,000 1.00 2,000
21 WC-WCF A 20 1,400 1.00 1,400
22 WC-WCF B 20 1,400 1.00 1,400
23 WF-WFC A 20 2,000 1.00 2,000
24 WF-WFC C 20 2,000 1.00 2,000
25 WF-WFF A 20 1,400 1.00 1,400
26 WF-WFF C 20 1,400 1.00 1,400
27 REC - R1~R2 B 20 2,600 0.50 1,300
28 REC - R1~R2 C 20 2,600 0.50 1,300
Totals 60,400 40,500

Total estimated load: L = 40,500 Watts for the 3-phase, 120/208V power plan (for switch/panel box 1).

Ampacity I = L /[(V) (Conv. Factor)] = 40,500 /[(208) (1.733)] = 112.36 Amps (Eq. [3], specified before).

* Maximum demand load can be estimated using data specified by the equipment company.

Table 3. Lighting Plan - Electric Load Calculations for the Described Building
(Switch Box 2/Panel 2 - 100 Amp Fuses)

Ampacity Estimated Max. Demand Connected
Circuit Description According to Power for Ea. Demand Factor, Load,
No. Table 1 Phase Circuit Load*, Watts 0.00 ~ 1.00 Watts
(7) = (5) x
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (6)

1 Office lighting, L4 A 20 1,200 1.00 1200

2 Office lighting, L5 B 20 1,200 0.50 600

3 Snack room lighting, L6 C 20 800 0.50 400

4 Warehouse lighting, L1 A 20 1,250 1.00 1250

5 Warehouse lighting, L2 B 20 1,250 1.00 1250

Warehouse lighting
6 (WH), L3 C 20 1,250 0.50 625

7 WH gen. purp. plugs, P1 A 20 1,440 0.50 720

8 WH gen. purp. plugs, P2 B 20 1,440 0.50 720

WH general purpose
9 plugs (GP), P3 C 20 1,440 0.50 720

10 Office GP plugs, P4 A 20 1,440 1.00 1440

11 Office GP plugs, P5 B 20 1,440 0.50 720

Snack room GP plugs,
12 P6 C 20 1,440 1.00 1440

13 WH Exh. Fans, F1~F12 A 20 5,040 0.75 3780

Office Exh. Fans,
14 F13~F20 B 20 3,360 0.75 2520

Snack Room. Exh. Fans,

15 F21~F24 C 20 1,680 1.00 1680

Totals 25,670 19,065

Total estimated Load: L = 19,065 watts for the 3-phase, 120/208V lighting plan (for switch/panel
box 2).
Ampacity I = L /[(V) (Conv. Factor)] = 19,065 /[(208) (1.733)] = 52.90 Amps (Eq. [3], specified

* Maximum demand load can be estimated using data specified by the equipment company.

The two power plans have the total current capacities of 112.36 and 52.90 Amps, respectively.
To accommodate these current capacities, the two switch boxes should be equipped with fuses
of 150 and 100 Amps, accordingly.

5. Load Analysis: The analysis for the load calculations described above refers to the
effectiveness of the power plan or electrical system for a building. The effectiveness can be
identified by some factors as specified in Section II, Item (13). For example, the Diversity
Factor is defined to be the sum of individual maximum demands divided by the maximum
system demand. The greater the Diversity Factor, the power plan is more effective. In other
word, the requirement of the sum of demand loads, or the total current capacity, can be
reduced by decreasing the maximum system demand via a better-designed power plan.

Essentially, load analysis is to present values of all identified factors. Common values of some
other factors such as demand factor and load factor for buildings are presented in a
publication referenced previously (Reference 3). It is useful to read these data for load
calculations or in developing an electrical plan.

6. Diagrams, Notes, and Legends for An Electrical Plan: The details of this section are beyond
the scope of this paper. Nevertheless, the designer must present all diagrams, notes, and
legends for an electrical plan.

Diagrams generally include a riser diagram (Figure 5), a drawing which shows the relative
locations of receptacles and electrical power equipment, and the lighting plans which usually
consist of a ceiling plan and a floor plan to show the relative locations and connections of the
lighting groups.

Notes are writings placed in the designed power plan. They may include general notes, key
notes, and work specifications. General notes often refer to coordination matters such as
wordings to require electrical contractor to communicate with owner or architects about exact
locations of some lights and receptacles. Also, the notes may require installation of additional
switches for some power equipment. Key notes are writings to require special attentions. For
example, they may require an independent circuit for a small group of electrical devices. They
may warn about using special types of equipment or wires installation for some part of the
power plan. Work specifications usually refer to job scope, NEC codes, permit and inspections,
special wiring instructions, and schedules of lights and equipment (schedules are generally
prepared as separate tables).

Legends are symbols and marks placed on the drawing of electrical power plans. They generally
include lighting symbols, marks and lines of electrical connections, and receptacles and power
equipment drawings.


The circuit of an electrical device system receives power for function from the source of
electricity. The required power for a closed or functioning circuit is the electrical load. This
paper discusses the basics of electricity and the contents of an electrical plan for a building.
Conclusions for this paper are specified below:

(1) An electrical plan is an important portion of plans for construction of a building or facility. It
provides information for cost estimates and permitting needs.
(2) The plan consists of several components. Essentially, it describes the source of power, list
of devices or equipment and their corresponding electrical loads, and the load calculations.
(3) This paper presents method or procedure in load calculations. The calculations are to
divide electrical devices in a building into different groups and to calculate loads based on
power source, the quality or characteristics of devices, and an estimated Demand Factor.
(4) Tables 1 to 3 provide an example of load calculations and how the electrical power plan for
a building is developed.
(5) The criterion for developing an electrical plan is to minimize the electrical power required
for devices operation, subject to the conditions of power source, selection of devices or
device groups, and the quality and usage of the devices.


1. Cathey, J. J. and Nasar, S. A. Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering, Second
Edition. Schaums Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, New York, etc. 1997.

2. Rosenberg, P. Guide to the 2011 National Electrical Code, All New Edition. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. 2011.

3. Guyer, J. P. Introduction to Electrical Power Requirements for Buildings, Course No. E02-
006. Continuing Education and Development, Inc., Stony Point, NY 10980, 2010.

4. White, R. M. How to Calculate Electrical Loads and Design Power System, DEB Load
Calculations. Printed in the USA 2010.


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