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If you are interested in watching the Scholar continue

to evolve as it is developed into a full 1 - 20 level class

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Class Features
As a scholar, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per scholar level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution modifier per scholar level after 1st
Scholar Proficiencies
The Scholar class is an Intelligence based non-
spellcaster class that lets D&D players take on the role Armor: Light armor
of tactical geniuses, medical prodigies, and savants of Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbow, heavy
all stripes. Previously on the Sterling Vermin we were crossbow
careful to spend time honing the first 5 levels and our Tools: Any one
last version took the class up to level 10. Todays update
brings the Scholar class up to level 14 and gives us one Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
last shot at making whatever fine tuning we need to do Skills: Choose four from Animal Handling, Arcana,
to the early levels before we have a full 1 - 20 version. History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature,
The Scholar class is built around the core identity Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Religion, and
of the Sage Advice & Erudite Application features as Survival.
well as the Field of Study archetypes. Sage Advice
helps set the tone of the Scholar as a support role in Equipment
the party. Erudite Applications provide a wealth of You start with the following equipment in addition to the
ways for the Scholar to decide to specialize his talents, equipment gained by your background.
extrapolating on his proficiencies in various skills, tool
kits, and languages. Finally, the Field of Study broadens (a) leather armor and a simple weapon or (b) leather
the Scholar a substantial amount. In the case of the armor and a hand crossbow or (c) a heavy crossbow
Physician, the Scholar becomes a healer of great skill. (a) diplomats pack or (b) explorers pack
In the case of the Tactician, the Scholar learns to hold A book on a topic of your choice
his own in a fight as well as support his team in dishing A scholars pack & any two tools or tool kits
out damage.

Classes | Scholar
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Players Handbook by /u/Barkalot
The Scholar
Proficiency Analysis Erudite
Level Bonus Features Modifier Applications
1st +2 Sage Advice, Expertise, +2 -
Reasoned Defense
2nd +2 Erudite Applications, Well +2 2
3rd +2 Field of Study +2 2 Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you
4th +2 Ability Score Increase +2 3 can choose one of the applications you know and
replace it with another application that you could learn
5th +3 Sagacious Font, Intelligent +3 3
at that level.
6th +3 Expertise, Quick Study +3 4
7th +3 Iron Will, Keen Mind +3 4 Well Educated
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement +3 5 When you reach 2nd level, choose any combination of
9th +4 Field of Study feature +4 5 three tools and languages. You gain proficiency in those
10th +4 Ability Score Improvement +4 6 tools and can read, write, and speak those languages.
11th +4 Analytical Assault +4 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement +4 7 Field of Study
13th +5 Expansive Intellect +5 8
+5 At 3rd level, you commit yourself to a field of study of
14th Field of Study feature +5 8
your choice: physician or tactician, both detailed at the
end of the class description. Your field of study grants
you features at 3rd level and then again at 9th, 14th, and
Sage Advice 20th level.
Scholars analyze their circumstances, hypothesize
about the best course of action, and advise their allies Ability Score Improvement
with carefully calculated plans. When a creature within
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th,
60 feet of you who can hear you makes an ability check,
16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score
attack roll, or saving throw you can use your reaction to
of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability
add your critical analysis modifier to the result of that
scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you cant increase
roll. You can wait until after the creature makes the
an ability score above 20 using this feature.
roll but must decide to use this feature before the DM
says whether the roll succeeds or fails. You can use this
feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence Sagacious Font
modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended
uses when you complete a long rest. Beginning when you reach 5th level, you regain all of
your expended uses of Sage Advice when you finish a
short or long rest.
Starting at 1st level, choose any combination of two of Intelligent Assault
your skill or tool proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is
doubled for any ability check you make that uses either Beginning at 5th level, you add your Intelligence
of the chosen proficiencies. modifier to the damage you deal with weapon attacks.
At 6th level, you can choose another two skill or tool
proficiencies to gain this benefit. Quick Study
Beginning at 6th level, when you complete a long rest
Reasoned Defense you choose a skill or tool you are not proficient with. You
Starting at 1st level, you can add your Intelligence add your critical analysis modifier to the roll when you
modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier to determine make an ability check that includes that skill or tool until
your armor class when you are wearing light armor or you use this feature again.
no armor.
Iron Will
Erudite Applications By 7th level, you have acquired greater mental strength.
At 2nd level, you learn to apply your vast scholarly You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws.
aptitudes to practical tasks. You gain two Erudite
Applications of your choice detailed at the end of this Keen Mind
class description. When you gain certain scholar levels,
you gain additional applications of your choice, as At 7th level, when you fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or
shown in the Applications Known column of the Scholar Charisma saving throw or ability check you can choose
table. to reroll the saving throw or ability check and use the
second result. You can use this feature again after you
complete a short or long rest.

Classes | Scholar
Analytical Assault
Beginning at 11th level, when you deal damage with a
weapon attack add your critical analysis modifier to the
damage done.

Expansive Intellect
Starting at 13th level, your Intelligence score increases
by 2 to a maximum of 22. Additionally, you can now use
ability score increase features to raise your Intelligence
score to a maximum of 22 rather than 20.

Fields of Study
Scholars who become physicians dedicate themselves
to the health, safety, and wellbeing of their companions.
Physicians bend their considerable intellect towards
avoiding injury when possible and treating ailments
when not.

Bonus Proficiencies
When you select this field of study
at 3rd level, you gain proficiency
with the Medicine skill and
herbalism tool kit.

Doctors Orders
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your
bonus action to administer first aid to
an adjacent creature. That creature can
spend 1 hit dice to heal a number of hit
points equal to the maximum result of
their hit die + their Constitution modifier +
your Intelligence modifier.

Treating Physician
Starting at 3rd level, you gain a pool of
physician points. This pool consists of
physician points equivalent to your level in
this class. During a short rest you can spend
any number of physician points to allow a
creature you are attending to to regain the
same number of expended hit dice up to their
maximum. You can also spend a physician
point to remove a disease of your choice from
a creature you are attending to. You regain all
expended physician points when you complete a long

Resuscitating Procedure
At 9th level, your medical expertise has advanced to the
point where you can restore the bodies of the recently
deceased to life. This procedure takes 1 minute to
complete and can only affect a creature who has been
dead no longer than 10 minutes. The creature returns
to life with 1 hit point. This procedure cannot return to
life a creature that has died of old age, nor can it restore
any missing body parts. You can use this feature again
when you complete a long rest.

Classes | Scholar
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Players Handbook by /u/Barkalot
Restorative Treatment When you use this feature you may make a weapon
At 9th level, you can use advanced medical science to attack as a bonus action on the same turn.
end a debilitating condition. As an action you can apply
one of the following benefits to a creature you touch:
Erudite Applications
End an effect that leaves the creature blinded, If an erudite application has prerequisites, you must
charmed, deafened, frightened, incapacitated, meet them to learn it. You can learn the application at
paralyzed, poisoned, stunned, or unconscious. the same time that you meet its prerequisites. You may
End a reduction to one of the targets ability scores. only take an erudite application once.
End an effect reducing the targets hit point maximum.
Reduce the creatures exhaustion level by one.
Beast Whisperer
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Animal Handling
You can use this feature again when you complete a
short or long rest.
You can communicate with beasts and other natural
animals as if under the effect of the spell, speak with
Rejuvenating Technique animals. This is not a magical effect.
At 14th level, when you take a short rest you can choose
one creature other than you taking a short rest and
Bonus Proficiencies
administer advanced clinical care to that creature. That
Choose and gain proficiency in any two skills.
creature gains the benefits of a long rest from the short
rest. You can use this feature again when you complete
a long rest. Clean Living
Prerequisite: Proficiency with the herbalism kit

Tactician Over the course of 10 minutes you can administer

beneficial herbs to yourself and up to your Intelligence
Scholars who become tacticians use their intellectual modifier in other creatures. When you do you and each
abilities to dominate the battlefield. With an creature you chose gain resistance to poison damage
authoritative tone and well rehearsed tactics, tacticians and have advantage on saving throws against poison
turn their adventuring parties into well drilled units. and disease for the next 8 hours. You can use this
application again when you complete a long rest.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you select this field of study at 3rd level, you gain Cunning Linguist
proficiency with martial weapons and shields. Prerequisite: You must be able to speak, read, and write
at least 5 languages
Strategic Advantage
Starting at 3rd level, when a creature hits with an attack When you hear a language being spoken for one hour
benefitting from your sage advice or tactical advice, you learn to speak that language. If you study a written
that creature adds your critical analysis modifier to the language you do not know for 8 hours you learn to read
damage they deal with that attack. and write that language. You can use this application
again after you gain a level.
Tactical Advice
Starting at 3rd level, you can use a bonus action to give Discerning Character
tactical advice to a creature within 60 feet that can Prerequisite: Proficiency with Insight
hear you. That creature gains advantage on their next
weapon attack before the end of your next turn. You have advantage on saving throws against
enchantment spells and spell effects. Additionally, after
Rallying Surge interacting with a creature for one minute you learn its
At 9th level, you can use an action on your turn to call alignment and whether or not it is a shapechanger.
out a rallying cry. Each friendly creature you choose
up to a number equivalent to your Intelligence modifier Eldritch Lore
within 60 feet that can hear you gains an additional Prerequisite: Proficiency with Arcana
action on its next turn. You can use this feature again
when you complete a long rest. When you spend 10 minutes in meditation you can
sense the presence of magic for the next hour as if
Warlords Rush under the effect of the spell, detect magic. Additionally,
At 9th level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to you can spend 1 minute examining an object with a
call out orders to reposition to your allies. Each friendly magnifying glass to discover what magical properties it
creature you choose that can hear you within 60 feet has, if any, as if you had cast the spell, identify.
can move up to their movement speed. This movement
does not provoke opportunity attacks. You can use this Enlivening Oration
feature again when you complete a short or long rest. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Performance

Commanders Strike When you give a lecture for 15 minutes or more, you
Starting at 14th level, you can use your action to direct may choose your Intelligence modifier in creatures who
an attack from a creature who can hear you within 60 have listened to the oration to inspire. Once prior to
feet. If you do, that creature can use its reaction to make your next long rest they can roll and add a d6 to any one
a weapon attack against an enemy within range of your attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can use
choosing. this application again when you finish a long rest.

Classes | Scholar
First Aid Survival Skills
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Medicine Prerequisite: Proficiency with Survival

As an action you can treat a creature within 5 feet of you You gain 1 maximum hit point for every level you have in
that is currently afflicted by the blindness, deafness, or the scholar class. Whenever you gain a new level in the
poisoned condition to end that condition. scholar class your maximum hit points increases by 1.
Additionally, you have advantage on death saving throws.
Keen Senses
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Perception Unarmored Defense
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Acrobatics
You have advantage on initiative rolls and saving throws
against illusions. While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class
equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence
More Well Educated modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Choose any combination of three tools and languages.
You gain proficiency in those tools and can read, write, Scholar Class by
and speak those languages. Benjamin Huffman
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Nature Art Credits in Order of Appearance
Library by Rei-Tanna
You can use an action to cast the spell goodberry or pass Cresh by Nadrojwobrek
without trace without material components or spending Clear Blue Sky by MRainbowwj
a spell slot. You can use this application again after you sd11.17.13 iwr Astral Link Gate by MintyFreshmangos
complete a long rest. Priest by Jesper Ejsing
eua Elinor by Cjcenteno
3 4 14 Shackles Kings Quarters by Blakez
Signs of the Supernatural
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Religion

After observing a creature for 1 minute you learn if that

creature is celestial, fey, fiend, or undead. Additionally,
you learn the secret weaknesses of these creatures and
can use this knowledge against them. When you make
a weapon attack against a celestial, fey, fiend, or undead
creature the damage is considered magical for the
purposes of damage resistance.

Silver Tongue
Prerequisite: Proficiency with Persuasion

You can easily disarm others with words alone. When

you speak with a creature for a minute they must make
a Wisdom saving throw contested by your Charisma
(Persuasion) ability check. If the creature fails its save
it regards you as a friendly acquaintance until you or a
creature friendly to you attacks them or a day passes.
You cannot use this application on a creature who
previously succeeded on its saving throw until you
complete a long rest.

Classes | Scholar
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Players Handbook by /u/Barkalot

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