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Concrete Engineering and Technology

Prof. Sudhir Misra

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Lecture - 1
Introduction and Course Overview
[FL] and welcome to this lecture on concrete engineering and technology.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:22)

The subject of concrete engineering is acquiring tremendous significance as we continue

to use more and more concrete in diverse conditions, we use new materials new
technologies. We have more experience from previously built structures and we realize
that concrete is not a maintenance free material also in recent times there is a rising
concern about quality and durability of concrete construction.

So, in other word a concrete engineer needs to update the understanding of concrete as a
material and its properties. We should be aware of the development of special concretes
and their properties, the applications, the limitations are conscious of the limitations of
the existing test methods and specifications and work towards establishing new methods
and specifications as may be required for new concretes.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:58)

You also need to understand the issues are shifting to a more performance based thinking
rather than simply a prescriptive thought process. We must integrate words such as
maintenance and repair in the overall lifecycle of concrete, concrete structures are not
only designed. But the need to be maintained and repaired over that service life and that
is what needs to be integrated as an overall lifecycle of concrete structures.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:01)

Therefore, this course aims at revising the basic principles underlying concrete science
and engineering, because without that we cannot approach the subject of modern
concrete or new developments in concrete. We need to develop a framework which helps
us understand the present day scenario in concrete engineering as for as testing
specifications use of new materials applications limitations. We should go through some
issues in special and high performance concretes and their quality control and test
including performance based thinking durability maintenance. So, this is basically the
outline that we will try to go through in this course.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:56)

Let us review or understanding of reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete basically

consists of reinforcing steel bar ashore here and that bar is embedded in concrete. Now,
concrete itself it consists of as is shown in this picture here coarse aggregates which are
shown as dark brown embedded in paste. Now, paste is used loosely here because
actually it is molted, if this aggregate is coarse aggregate and if it is fine aggregate which
is sand then this diagram refers to mortar and then in deeds and particles are embedded
in cement paste. If we look at the neighborhood of a small particle, we have the
aggregate particle here as shown and this is surrounded by paste.

However, in this small zone here there is the so called transition zone and this transition
zone as we shall see later on, there is a very important role in determining the properties
of the concrete. Now, if we look at a small element of paste which is the cement and
water hydrates we find or we could model this small element as comprising of solid c s h
are hydration products in which there are lot of these pores, so this pore structure. Now,
we will try to understand what the geneses of these pores are, we will try to understand
what is important of these pores. And how we try to control the amount of pores, and so
on. How do we measure the pores? And then try to understand how the concrete behaves
as a material.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:00)

Continuing from here, let us look at this particular picture here which is a solid slice of
concrete real life concrete, we can see that these are large aggregate particles all over the
place which are suspended in of phase of molder which are the smaller particles
somewhere here. All these smaller particles here and then there is cement paste this
picture is modeled as shown here, that we have these larger particles which could be
considered is coarse aggregate. We have the smaller particles which could be considered
as sand then we have these still smaller particles which are cement and there is a lot of
water or some amount of water which has been added to this whole mix.

If we modeled this mix in a volumetric manner that all these coarse particles here or all
these coarse aggregate particles are slumped into one place here and that is what have
called gravel or coarse aggregate. Then all these smaller particles coming here as sand
cement particles find a place here water find its place here. We will find some amount of
air or wide space is always an integral part of concrete, what this picture shows is the as
for as concrete is concerned no matter when the normal concrete or a special concrete or
other concrete for a given volume of concrete.
We have a certain volume of a coarse aggregate a certain volume of sand cement and
water and there is some air the importance of this air component, we will discuss later
on. We will also discuss how the constituents such as cement sand and coarse aggregate
changes in special concrete and this change that we make in the concrete materials
makes a concrete behaves in different manner.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:11)

In other words, what we are saying is that normally we can consider concrete to be made
up of coarse aggregate fine aggregate cement which is O P C for all practical purposes
begin with and water. However, increasingly mineral and chemical admixtures have been
used in concrete as part of the materials to obtain or engineer the properties of fresh and
hardened concretes. Concrete as we see in the series of lectures has different properties
that we need to assure that it has properties in the fresh state. The properties harden states
and the given mix that we have should satisfy the properties not only the fresh state, but
also the harden state.

To reiterate or concrete engineers talk about paste is cement and water mortar is sand
added to this paste that is mortar consist of cement water, and sand concrete our normal
understanding sense is coarse aggregate added to mortar. That is concrete basically
consist of cement water sand and coarse aggregate this is largely understood.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:02)

However, what is the need to change or reiterate this at this point in time the idea
basically is that ones we understand this, then when we add special materials or new
materials to this old combination of cement water sand and coarse aggregate. Then we
have to understand or we have to decide, whether it will be counted towards the paste
volume or the mortar volume or the coarse aggregate volume and so on. So, keep this in
mind as we go long in these lectures.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:12)

Once again, this picture only reiterates what we talked about earlier concrete is a model
of suspension of coarse aggregate particles mortar, mortar on the other hand is a
suspension of fine aggregate particles in paste and paste is a suspension of cement
particles in water. So, in another words the only fluid component in the whole the only
fluid component in concrete is what we add paste we add cement make paste. Then we
add sand to that we get mortar and we add coarse aggregate to that and then we get
concrete. So, this is basically the model that we will follow as we go along this course.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:06)

The suspension as included here deviates from a normal understanding of the word in the
following ways concentration of particle is very large making it almost a paste. Now,
differentiate between the word suspension and a paste, a paste in the normal usage of the
word is a thick viscous material which may have a large concentration of solids. In the
case of cement paste the particles suspended in water also react with it, so that is to say
that the paste is made up of reactive particles. And because of this reaction the
composition and properties of the paste need to be understood to be time dependent.

As time progresses more cements reacts with water less cement is available for further
reaction with water and the formation of hydration products alters the properties of paste.
It is not a paste in the sense that we have water and we have certain particles suspended
in it and the properties of that composition or the composite do not change with time. In
this case, we have those particles reacting with water all the time or at least sustain with
hydration reaction complete. And this reaction leads to assumption of those particles, and
formation of new hydration products and that alters the properties of the paste.

So, what we understand this it helps us greatly and understanding the properties of
concrete in all substances. In other words paste is the only reactive phase all other
aggregates which is whether sand or coarse aggregate are simply inert fillers which
means that cement particles react with water. As we have said the properties of cement
change over time as a result if this continued hydration and hydration starts as soon as
water and cement come in contact.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:21)

Now, let us look at the basic process in concrete engineering from the point of view of
the project, we normally have a specific condition or set of specifications and a structural
design and construction methodology and then try to go through these steps. Now, what
are the steps we need to choose the constituents what kind of cements what kind of
coarse aggregates what chemical admixtures or whatever is they have been used
purposely, which means how much each of these constituents will be used mixing those
constituents. How will they be mixed transporting these constituents from the site of
mixing to the site of placement placing?

Now, placing refers to the concrete been placed at the actual site of placement if a
building is been constructed the building site is the site of placement. However, the
concrete is placed in a particular beam or a slab or a column which may be at a height, if
it is a foundation it may be at a depth and so on. So, this placing here refers to the
process by which the concrete actually brought to the site of placement, which is the
building construction site is actually placed in the final place, or the final location where
the concrete needs to be set after the concrete has been set.

It needs to be vibrated or consolidated what process will be use there and finally, the
concrete needs to cured that is we need to be mixture that enough water is available to
the cement to ensure complete hydration or as complete the hydration as is possible. So,
in a project after this specific conditions and specifications the design and construction
methodology an engineer tries to understand or tries to look at how all these process is
will be managed. Thus, thus the discussion of this project specific and the engineer needs
to pick up the best option from those available.

So, for a particular project one may choose a particular method of transportation for a
particular project one may choose a specific constituent, a specific method of vibration
sometimes vibration is not possible. Therefore, you need to change the constituents of
the material and so on and so forth. So, concrete engineer really needs to know the
importance of all these processes and how they are interconnected and that precisely
objective of this course.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:00)

We often use the word special concrete now what is special concrete given the fact that
there are several process is involved there is a certain range of the variable over which
the operation or the process can be called normal. Now, if any processes goes out of
range or another special process becomes involved the concrete needs to be treated as

(Refer Slide Time: 15:29)

In other words, what makes the concrete or a concreting operation special it could be
which are sub materials other than the usual ordinary Portland cement fine and coarse
aggregated water. We could use fibers, we could use chemical admixtures or mineral
admixtures and it is a concrete special or mixing can be done in different ways it could
be mixed manually which is done for very small projects or very small applications. We
could use a small mixture that we often do in the laboratory studies and then there is a
ready mix concrete plant. So, that the mixing is done any of these places or in these
places is quite different and that makes the concrete for the same ingredients.

For the same proposition, the properties will be different because the mixing process is
different transportation concrete can be transported in different ways conveyor belts
agitator trucks placing issues concretes placed with shotcrete or tremie vibration concrete
could be form vibrated. It could be needle vibrated the environment of placing where the
concrete is actually placed. For example, in a factory and that is why we make precast
concrete elements, if it is under water it could be extreme hot or cold weather or if their
structures happen to be highly congested.
Then the kind of concrete that is required in any of these environment by different the
property that we require for concrete we may require high strength or low strength, we
may sometimes require early strength which is especially for this case. For example, in a
repaired project we may require a low heat of hydration which is the case and case of
mass concrete project and so on. Sometimes, we use high flowing concrete when the
reinforcement is very congested as we should see in this course curing conditions gunny
bags plastic sheets curing compounds so on. So, the point is that wants that any of these
conditions or any of these processes goes out of a normal range, we would call the
concrete and the concreting operation especially.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:56)

Now, let us look at some examples of this slide as look at materials. Now, this is the
moment we add is fibers to concrete the properties change, but so also we need to change
the properties of the mortar the properties of the materials that we have otherwise
selected for the normal concrete. Let us look at mixing this is the process of manual
(Refer Slide Time: 18:22)

So, that you can see that water is been dumped into this larger pile here, where all the
ingredients have been put together and a kind of mixing process is as that will be
completed in this it will be different.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:37)

If the same proportion and the same material was mixed for example in a small
laboratory mixture or for example, in a R M C plant.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:44)

Mixture that is a ready mix concrete plant the concrete is makes for commercial
applications, so that is about mixing.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:53)

Now, let us look at transportation how concrete is transported. This slide here shows
transportation of concrete using the conveyor belt this picture here on the left shows
concrete transported with an agitator truck, this drum here has to kept rotating in order to
ensure that the concrete does not set and stick to the sides of the drum depending on the
time of travel. Some chemical admixtures are some thing is to be added to ensure that the
setting process does not get started to an unacceptable level because hydration anyways
starts as soon as water and cement are in contact.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:53)

It is only matter of delaying that process, if we are transporting in a conveyor belt then
concrete is being exposed to the atmosphere that is it is liable or it is likely to get ride in
the process of the transported. These are the things which could be corporate in our
thought process when they are choosing the proportions when the materials and so on.
Let, us look at placing this process here.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:06)

Both of them they referred to shotcrete, shotcreting as you can see here is a process
where the concrete is being deposited on the surface without any form work on the other
side this makes this concrete very special. We cannot use the kind of concrete here for
normal construction, on the other side, if we want to concrete using shotcreters the
processs, we cannot use normal materials and process.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:42)

This slide shows construction of concrete with the tremie, now in this case concrete is
being deposited at depth possibly under the water using a tremie. Now, the concrete is
been dropped all the length of this pipe and it is ensured or it needs to be ensure that the
pipe is always embedded in the concrete as more and more concrete is dumped.

In the concrete rises in this form work here and the construction process is completed
this slide shows, concrete construction using a tremie concrete is allowed to fall through
the pipe. It needs to be ensuring that the pipe is always buried in the concrete that has
been placed as more and more concrete is placed into the form work, it raises up and
gradually fills the total space completing the construction process.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:45)

Let us look at vibrations we have form vibrators we have needle vibrators and sometimes
we use rural compacted concretes and we have form vibrators which are the stuck or
which are applied on the form work and the concrete within is vibrated. We have internal
vibrators which is the normal concrete practice with the needle is inserted inside, the
concrete that to be placed and the concrete is consolidated into the air and so on, the
environment of placing.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:21)

This is the factory environment of concrete placement where we use where we get
precast concrete elements. So, the environment here is largely controlled that is not
exposed to rain, it is not exposed direct sunshine and so on.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:40)

Whereas, this is a completely different environment concrete is been placed under water.
And we can see the diverse are involved in the process, these are the reinforcing bars that
you can see as concrete is been placed.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:58)

This is an example of congested reinforcement in concrete construction, now you can
imagine that if the concrete has to place around this structure or around this part of a
structure how difficult it is for a concrete is to flow. So, all these gaps are a still or as the
concrete flows through these gaps, how it will be vibrated. So, it requires a special
concrete to be used so that concrete find its way through the gaps, these reinforcing bars
which are very close to each other and still we compact it.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:37)

An example of its special properties of concrete, these two pictures here shows high
workability concrete and the method that we use evaluate the workability of such
concretes cannot be the normal method such as the slump of the compaction factor.
There are be the steps like slump flow of the U tube test which is used, we will discuss
this later in detail, but we can see that the slum flow here is nothing but how much is the
spread of the concrete was the slump cone is removed.

This is the U box test that the concrete is filled in one side of the U and the barrier in the
bottom is removed and the concrete flows to the other side. If the concrete was to behave
with the perfect or a fluid then at the end of this process of the concrete moving from one
side to the other. The two sides will be exactly at the same height in normal concretes we
do not even expect the concrete is able to flow through the barrier here as far as the
curing is concerned.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:47)

These pictures here show three example where curing is been done with gunny bags or
plastic sheets or application of water in curing compounds from outside and so on. So,
what the model of the story is that each of these processes has a normal range and ones
we deviate from that range this construction process becomes special. Therefore, we
need to have special concretes we need to use special materials and be aware of that in
our thinking as for as quality control and specification test methods are concerned.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:28)

Indeed for a special concrete the entire operation all that processes have to be looked at
more carefully, the case. And proportion of materials methods of transportation placing
and curing all have to be specially designed and special measures need to be taken for
quality control and assurance in construction.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:48)

Now, what are the properties of fresh and hardened concrete as for as the properties of
fresh concrete is concerned workability air content segregation resistance temperature,
and setting time these are some of the fundamental properties.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:00)

That we will take about in this course as for as the hardened concrete is concerned
characteristic compressive strength is something we aware of tensile and or flexural
strength is a requirement. In a special cases modulus of elasticity stress strain curve creep
shrinkage permeability durability, all these are different properties of hardened concrete
and they need a special methods or specific tests to be carried out.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:40)

In order to make sure that the concrete needs the requirements coming to the contents of
this series of lectures. What we will try to do is the revise the fundamental concrete, we
try to propose the concrete mixtures. We will go through the stages of concrete
construction we talk about special concretes, we will discuss a little bit about
mechanisms of deterioration in concrete we will talk about reinforcement in concrete
structures. We will talk a little bit about maintenance of concrete structures in other
words we will try to go through the subjects which are concrete engineer of the present
day is often required or expected to know this set of discussion here.

The discussion here will help one who wants to study more about any of these issues in
rate a detail at any of the point in time. Please note that the discussion in this set of
lectures will assume that this is not a first time that you are hearing about the concrete
and perhaps this is not the last time you are hearing of concrete. I hope that in this set of
lectures you are able in to still ensure a sense of curiosity and better understanding as for
as behavior of concrete is concerned.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:59)

Now, revision of fundamentals of concrete what we will try to do is overview of the

course which is what we are doing today. We will talk in detain or in some detail about
constituents of concrete properties of fresh and hardened concrete hydration of cement
and strength development of concrete. We will talk about quality control and it quality
assurance in quality control construction coming to proportion of concrete mixes.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:25)

We will go back to this picture and we will talk of basic proposition were only waters
cement sand and coarse aggregate is involved and we will talk about additional topics or
special topics proportioning when chemical admixtures or mineral admixtures are used. I
would like to reiterate that at the end of it, it is of fixed volume of material and within
that fixed volume. It is our responsibility as concrete engineers to proportion the
different constituents whether it is the only basic constituents as shown here or any other
special constituents that we may choose to add in the concrete mix.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:13)

(Refer Slide Time: 29:24)

(Refer Slide Time: 29:46)

As far as the stages in concrete is concerned, we have already gone through it the
materials, and proportioning mixing transportation placing vibration curing coming to
special concretes. There is fiber reinforced concrete mass concrete self compacting
concrete underwater concrete roller compacted concrete and shotcretes. These are some
of the examples that we need try to cover in this set of discussions here.

Now, let us look at fiber reinforced concrete for example, I am not sure whether the
picture is very clear, but what is shown is the fibers that are sticking out here between the
two fractured phases of concrete. That is what makes these concrete special normal
concrete were just fractured, but fiber concretes because of the presence of small fibers
here does not fracture in a brittle manner, it still carries some load after the concrete has
largely filled. Now, these are the ideas that are important where concrete has largely
filled means there has there is perhaps a large amount of deformation which has
occurred, but the concrete can still sustain at least some load.

Now, let us look at mass concrete mass concrete these are examples of dams or hydraulic
structures these concrete structures are very large in scale in geometry and so on. Placing
concrete in these structures has certain special problems, one it is not very heavily
reinforced. Number two, we may choose to use large aggregates number and three we
may choose to use large volumes of concrete in a single port.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:37)

Now, the moment we decide to use large volumes of concrete in a single port, we have
the problem of heat of hydration and related thermal stresses. So, once we start talking
about a concrete were specials efforts needs to be made to handle the heat of hydration of
cement that concrete is basically called mass concrete. And that is what we will try to
study in one of the discussions that we have coming to the self compacting concrete.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:39)

We have shown this picture earlier were this concrete is almost like a fluid it flows. And
we use slump flow or the U tube or the U box test to measure its properties under water
concrete, we have also seen this picture.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:00)

You can imagine that it requires a very different kind of concrete which will be required
for this kind of placing. The concrete has to be highly segregation resistance that is the
cement particles that should not just get washed away, and should not move away roller
compacted concrete.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:22)

Now, when a concrete is placed in a very open space for example, in a high way of that
matters sometimes in a dam then concrete need not to be very fluid because there is
enough space for the concrete to be placed and compacted reinforcement is very small.
We may use, what is called the roller compacted concrete and this roller here could be a
vibrator roller, which act as a form vibrator to this concrete which has been to this
concrete which has been placed on the surface.

So, a form vibrator is applied on the form work where as in the case of roller compacted
concrete the vibrator if it is a roller vibratory roller the vibration is applied to the surface
of the concrete directly. So, these for different technology cause the properties of
concrete that are required to be different. Therefore, the concrete engineer is called a
point to propose in the mix differently and do quality control in a different manner.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:33)

As far as shotcrete is concerned, we have already seen these pictures and we know the
concrete is to be placed in this application has to be designed very differently from the
concrete, which is required for under water placement or roller compacted concrete and
so on.

Let us talk little bit about the mechanisms of the deterioration concrete structures, we
know from our experience in the last about the 45 years that concrete is not a
maintenance free material. And when concrete structures are exposed different
environments the concrete deities the reinforcement corrodes. Sometimes, there is a
problem with the material that we use, and that shows up after only a reasonably a long
time causing the structures to reiterate and so on.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:19)

Some of their mechanisms that we take on discussion her are reinforcement corrosion
alkali aggregate reaction and cyclic freezing and thawing. So, let us take a look at what a
reinforcement corrosion does to the concrete structures.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:33)

If we look at the pictures here we find that corrosion has caused lot of damage to this
concrete structure. It has cause a lot of damage in this part of the structure here we can
see that the cover concrete has spoiled of has been removed and the reinforcing bars
which are here have been exposed and are very much the reinforcing bars. Here are
exposed and are corroded it is the corrosion of these bars has caused cover concrete to be
removed from the concrete structure from this pick. This equally here that at the bottom
of this reinforcing bars has cause the concrete to be removed from this structure.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:29)

We said in the beginning of the discussion today, that aggregates are all inert fillers that
is true when the normal sense of the world when the normal aggregates and normal
cements have been used some aggregates. However, have be found to be reactive that is
they react with the hydration products of the cement paste and that cause the concrete to
deriterate and what we called that is the alkali aggregate reaction. So, what we seen
alkali aggregate reaction is shown here that is a lot of surface cracks of here on the
concrete and they cause the stress. They are visually unacceptable and also cause
problems as for as the structural behavior of the concrete is concerned.

Now, coming to freezing and thawing of concrete structures cyclic freezing and thawing
that is the concrete is placed in an environment or the structures is in an environment
where the temperature of the atmosphere becomes less than zero and more than zero or
higher than zero causing the water in the concrete to freeze and thaw cyclic. Now, we
know that if that happens the water expands and contracts and this change in volume of
the water which is within the concrete.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:24)

In the process system causes the kind of deiteration which is shown in these pictures; we
can see that the surface of concrete has become very, very poor. Some, concrete has been
upgraded we can see here that healing has occurred that is surface this mortar has been
lost similarly, this case here aggregates pop outs.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:30)

Coming to the reinforcement concrete structures, we know that typically we use steel as
a reinforcing material we will not talk much about steel in this course, but we will talk a
little bit about epoxy coated bars and fiber reinforced plastics. These two are alternative
reinforcing material to steel and are important for a concrete engineer to know because
they are answers in cases where concrete is likely to be subjected to reinforcement.

Corrosion the steel is susceptible to corrosion epoxy coated bars are less susceptible to
corrosion fiber reinforced plastics are not corrosive nature or fiber reinforced plastics are
not corrosive. Therefore, an engineer should know about epoxy coated bars and fiber
reinforced plastics.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:22)

Let us take a look at epoxy coated bars epoxy coated bars are nothing but a normal
reinforcing bars, like this which have at deposited coating of epoxy material. This coated
material prevents the surface of the reinforcing here from corroding that is this prevents
surface from being exposed to oxygen, or water which are the necessary ingredients for
causing the corrosion. So, that is what a how a epoxy coated bars works and here we see
pictures of how epoxy coated bars are placed the place just like a normal reinforcing bar
except a certain precaution have to be taken.

This picture here shows bend epoxy coated bars because when a bend in epoxy coated
bar we subject the outside phase of the epoxy coated bar. The coating here is like to
crack and that causes, and that requires that the epoxy coated bar should be properly
tested before they are used in a concrete construction.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:43)

Now, coming to fiber reinforced plastics, now fiber reinforced plastics are F R P bars are
basically consist of these fibers, which are embedded in or resin matrix this fibers could
be made of carbon or element or glass. There are different materials that can be used for
resin and ones this is structure is set then it can be commercially available, and these
fiber reinforced plastic bars are available in different shapes and sizes that can we see in
this picture here.

(Refer Slide Time: 40:52)

On this picture here, this one here are a typical example where the F R P bar really
resembles the reinforce, or normal steel bar with all the ribs and so on to ensure that the
bond between the concrete and the reinforcing bar is also compromised. Coming to the
last topic that we will try to cover in this set of lectures is the maintenance of concrete

Maintenance involves non-destructive testing evaluation based on non-destructive testing

data and comprehensive plans for maintenance different methods are available for non-
destructive testing of concrete structure. We will be familiar with test methods like sprit
hammer or the ultrasonic pulse velocity and so on. We must remember that these
methods give a certain numbers, and those numbers actually need to be evaluated
whether that number is acceptable, unacceptable. What is the variation that is absorbed in
those numbers and so on when we look at some of issues. We will talk of the thought
process involved in a comprehensive plan of maintenance.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:43)

With this I come to an end of discussion today and I would like to acknowledge the help
and all the support from Japan society of civil engineers. In Tokyo, the Kajima
Corporation in Tokyo, friends and colleagues of I I T Kanpur, construction industry in
India. And specially Professor Uomoto of the public work research institute in Tsukuba
whose also whose a Tsukuba in Japan formerly professor of civil engineering university
of Tokyo, who gave me some insight into this concrete into this wonderful material
concrete. I hope to share some of my experience with you beginning the next class.

Thank you.

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