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A project of the National Center for Appropriate Technology 1-800-346-9140 www.attra.ncat.


Persimmons, Asian and American

By Guy Ames Both Asian and native American persimmons are suited to diversified, sustainable farms. American
NCAT Agriculture persimmon is widely adaptable in the eastern U.S., but markets are undeveloped. Asian persimmon is
Specialist adapted to the Southwest and the South, and markets are developed but limited. Astringency, general
Published July 2001 culture, rootstocks, pests, and marketing are discussed.
Updated Nov. 2010


Introduction ......................1
The Astringency
Problem ..............................2
Culture .................................2
Marketing ...........................4
References .........................5
Resources ...........................5

Yates American persimmon. Photo: Guy K. Ames, NCAT

Though it is accurate to say that the American

Introduction persimmon is cultivated, since there are a few

wo distinct persimmon species are small orchards in the eastern U.S., it is not yet
cultivated in the U.S. The indige- a commercially important crop. But perhaps it
nous American persimmon, Diospyros should be since it has a superb nutritional profile
The National Sustainable virginiana, is grown in USDA Hardiness Zones (USDA, 2009) and contains, like many fruits,
Agriculture Information Service,
5-9, and the Asian persimmon, D. kaki, is phytochemicals with various health benefits. It
was developed and is managed grown in Zones 7-10. Because of their general is richly flavored and very sweet, with a sugar
by the National Center for
Appropriate Technology (NCAT). freedom from insects and diseases, both types content exceeded only by dates.
The project is funded through are amenable to organic or low-spray produc-
a cooperative agreement with
the United States Department tion systems. Moreover, because of growing In contrast, the Asian persimmon has been
of Agricultures Rural Business-
Cooperative Service. Visit the
American consumer interest in locally grown successfully commercially grown in the West,
NCAT website ( foods, persimmonsespecially American with most production centered in the San Joa-
sarc_current.php) for
more information on persimmons in their native range (most of the quin Valley of California, for around 100 years.
our other sustainable
agriculture and
eastern U.S.)may have a place on some diver- Accordingly, the University of California has the
energy projects. sified farms, especially those that direct market. most and best information about commercial
cultivation. Start at
edu/pers.html for more and detailed informa- Astringency in Asian Persimmons
tion. For more information about growing Asian Nonastringent Asian cultivars include Fuyu,
persimmons outside of California, read on. Gosho, Izu, Jiro, Suruga, Chocolate, Maru,
Hyakume, and Gailey.

The Astringency Problem Astringent types include Saijo, Tamopan, Tan-

enashi, Tsuru, Fuji, Hachiya, and Hiratanenashi.
Because it is key to successful market accep-
tance of both types of persimmons (Asian and Source: Ryugo, 1994
American), a short discussion of the astringency
problem is appropriate at the outset.
showed a preference for nonastringent cultivars
Public perception of the American persimmon in at least one study (Preston and Shanks, 1991).
has been sullied by the all-too-common experi-
ence of eating an unripe astringent persimmon. In short, because of the potential astringency of
All American persimmons and some varieties unripe Asian or American persimmons, grower-
Related ATTRA marketers must be very careful to pick and mar-
publications of Asian persimmon share this problem caused
by high concentrations of tannins in the unripe ket only ripe fruit, or, at the very least, provide
Tree Fruits: Organic fruit flesh. consumers with information about how to prop-
Production Overview erly handle unripe astringent varieties. (See related
information in the Marketing section below.)
Upon eating an unripe American persimmon,
Captain John Smith of Jamestown Colony Culture
fame wrote, [It] will draw a mans mouth awry Site Selection. Persimmons generally bloom late
with much torment. However, when properly
enough in the spring to avoid spring frosts, so
ripened, many think that the persimmon
deserves its genus name, Disospyros, or food
site selection does not have to emphasize air
of the gods. drainage to the same degree that other early
blooming tree crops require (e.g., peaches). Per-
simmons grow well on a wide range of soils,
As mentioned above, even many of the Asian although they grow best on loamy, well-drained
cultivars produce fruit that is astringent before soils. As with other fruit trees, a soil pH of 6.0
ripening at home by the end consumer. (Let to 6.5 is optimal for tree growth.
it sit on a table until soft or place fruit in a
plastic bag with an apple slice for three days.) The American persimmon can be found growing
Not knowing about proper ripening of fruit, wild in wet, droughty, clayey, rocky, and sandy
unwitting consumers could easily be discour- soils. However, remember that such wild trees have
aged from future purchases of astringent-type had the advantage of being grown from seed and
persimmons. Even Asian Americans, presum- are, therefore, sporting a taproot and have not suf-
ably knowledgeable about the differences, fered the trauma of transplanting. Transplanted
nursery-grown stock will not have the same
advantage. Therefore, if planting a new orchard
rather than collecting fruit from wild, established
treesthe prudent orchardist will pick a site
with, at the very least, good soil drainage.
Planting. Rootstock selection is an important
pre-planting consideration for Asian persimmons
(but not so much for American types because all
American persimmons are grafted onto American
persimmon seedling rootstock). Asian persim-
mons for the eastern U.S. are generally grafted
onto seedlings of the American persimmon
Diospyros virginiana. In the West, Asian persim-
mons are usually grafted onto D. lotus rootstock.
The main advantage of using American seedling
Yates American persimmon. Photo: Guy K. Ames, NCAT rootstock for the Asian persimmon when planting

Page 2 ATTRA Persimmons, Asian and American

also work (with the warning that growers need to
Rootstock Summary: make sure they dont inadvertently girdle trees).
American persimmon cultivars
are best grafted onto American
Another insect pest, at least in North Carolina
persimmon seedlings. and presumably the rest of the Southeast, is the
Asian persimmons for the east-
persimmon phylloxera, which is a small insect
ern U.S. should be grafted onto that feeds on persimmon leaves (Parker, 1993).
American seedlings. Although the leaves may be deformed by the
Asian persimmons for the feeding insect, control measures are usually
western U.S. should be grafted not recommended.
onto Asian roots.
Acremonium diospyri is a fungal pathogen of the
American persimmon that has been researched as a
biocontrol of young persimmon seedlings in Okla-
in the East is that they tolerate excessive mois-
homa rangeland (Butt et al., 2001). It is not noted
ture and drought quite well; however, they are
in any publication as a serious impediment to cul-
prone to suckering, which needs to be pruned
ture of persimmon, and nothing is registered for
out annually. (Otherwise, the suckers from the
control. It appears as black spots on the leaves.
rootstock could overgrow and out-compete

the grafted tops.) Asian cultivars grafted onto Water Relations. Persimmon trees will with- ike all fruit
D. virginiana rootstocks also show a lack of stand drought, but fruit size and yield will be trees,
uniformity of tree vigor and size. reduced. Also, adequate moisture is required to persimmons
produce sufficient shoot growth and the forma-
Like all fruit trees, persimmons require full sun require full sun to
tion of flower buds for the next years crop. Dur-
to assure good tree and fruit growth, as well as assure good tree
ing extended dry periods, irrigation should be
fruit bud development. Trees should be spaced
provided to the trees on a weekly basis. and fruit growth,
15 to 16 feet apart within the rows, and rows
need to be far enough apart to accommodate Pruning. American persimmon trees in the wild as well as fruit bud
mowing, harvesting, etc. can grow to 70 feet tall, though that is unusual. development.
Still, in an orchard situation, trees could eas-
Fertilization. Persimmons have no special fer-
ily get too tall to manage, so a modified central
tilization requirements, but they will benefit
leader approach is recommended for both Asian
from a general fertility regimen as described in
and American persimmons (see any of many
the ATTRA publication Tree Fruits: Organic
books or websites such as
Production Overview (
mg345 for a description of the modified central
attra-pub/fruitover.html). Again, in California,
leader). Otherwise, pruning for balance, light
contact your county Extension agent if you have
penetration, and removal of damaged limbs is
specific concerns regarding soil fertility.
the rule of thumb. Probably the most impor-
Insects and Diseases. In the San Joaquin Val- tant thing to remember is that fruit is borne
ley, the center of commercial Asian persimmon on shoots from -year-old wood, so periodic
production, pests are more common and signifi- pruning, which induces new growth, can be a
cant than elsewhere. Generalist feederspests beneficial practice.
that attack a wide range of plants, such as scale,
Pollination. The American persimmon is dioe-
aphids, and mealybugsare occasionally trouble-
cious (i.e., individual trees are either male or
some but are relatively easy to control organically
female). Generally this does not present prob-
with dormant oils. Photographs of these and
lems for growers in the native range because
other pests, as well as control information, appear
of the presence of male trees in nearby woods.
Sometimes, seedless fruit is produced where
There is a persimmon trunk borer in the east- male trees are not present, but bigger and better
ern U.S. that will tunnel into the trunk of young flavored fruit is produced if pollinated (Reich,
trees near the soil line or at the grafting scar 1988). If trying to grow American persimmons
(Parker, 1993). If detected early, this insect can with no native persimmons near, growers will
be removed with a sharp knife before extensive have to plant a male tree to get consistent crops
damage is caused to the tree. Simple exclusion by from most named American cultivars (though
wrapping the trunks with window screen should there are some, including Meader, that will set ATTRA Page 3

For beginning Asian persimmon growers,
especially outside California, a prudent
approach to a somewhat confusing pollination
situation would be to stick with cultivars that
are known to produce fruit without cross-pol-
lination. These include Fuyu, Jiro, Hanagosho,
Korean, and Hachiya (of these, Korean and
Hachiya are astringent varieties and require
ripening by the end consumer).

seedless fruit without a male tree nearby). A

named male cultivar, Williams, is often sold as a Hachiya Asian persimmon. Photo: Rex Dufour, NCAT
pollenizer tree by nurseries that sell persimmons
(see the nursery list at the end of this publication).
often need to be eaten with a spoon. So, careful
Asian persimmon trees may be male (stami- handling is the rule.
nate), female (pistillate), or both, but pollina-

merican Direct Marketing Ideas. Because only folks with
tion is not essential for fruit set. Ample crops of
persimmons, a rural background are likely to have had any
seedless fruits can be obtained without pollina-
exposure to American persimmonsand many
most often tion. If male flowers are present in the orchard,
of those will have had a bad experience (prob-
gathered from the seeded fruits will be produced. Some cultivars ably initiated by an older sibling or someone else
wild, do sometimes will develop some fruit to maturity without pol- in the know who convinced the person to bite
show up at farmers lination, whereas other cultivars drop their fruit into one as a practical joke)the challenge and
prematurely or fail entirely to set without pol- opportunity will exist to introduce a clientele to
markets in their
lination (see something new that can be extremely delicious
climatic range in html). Seedless fruits are preferred by some cus- and nutritious. Perhaps signage that translates
autumn, so tomers, but other consumers claim that seeded the Latin genus name would be a good start:
persimmons do fruits have better flavor (Ryugo, 1994). Diospyros = Food of the Gods!
have at least some Another marketing idea helpful for all kinds of
minor commercial Marketing direct-marketed crops is to provide recipes and
appeal already. As mentioned in an earlier section, the astrin- other ideas for their use.
gency of the fruit can be such a powerful
American persimmons, most often gathered
disincentive to eating persimmons, it is
from the wild, do sometimes show up at
important that the marketer either sell only
farmers markets in their climatic range in
properly ripened fruit or provide good infor-
autumn (Lehman, 2010 and authors personal
mation to the end consumer about how to
experience), so persimmons do have at least
ripen the fruit properly at home. some minor commercial appeal already.
Packing. The fruit of the American persimmon Relatively small amounts of frozen and canned
when ripe is very soft, so extreme care must be pulp do get sold (go to www.persimmonpudding.
taken when packing for market, or you will be com for sources and ideas on processing the per-
trying to sell flats of mush. Stacking more than simmons). Jerry Lehman and other persimmon
a few fruits on top of each other will lead to an aficionados in the Midwest are leading the way
unsalable product. to commercialization of the American persimmon
Asian persimmons should be packed for mar- and held a conference in Terre Haute, Indiana,
ket when the cultivars full color has devel- in 2002 to that end. The information from that
oped. The nonastringent cultivars can be conference and much more about persimmons
appears at
shipped and eaten while still a little firm, but
they are still prone to bruising. The astringent Another source for marketing ideas is the Mitchell
types are marketed while fi rm because by the Persimmon Festival (
time they are full-ripe and nonastringent, they in Mitchell, Indiana, which boasts persimmon

Page 4 ATTRA Persimmons, Asian and American

pudding contests, persimmon fruit taste
competition and more.
Commercial Possibilities for Asian Persimmon
Culture Outside California. Up to the present,
commercial Asian persimmon culture has been
almost exclusively a California enterprise, but
growing conditions in much of the Deep South
should be conducive to Asian persimmons, and
the widespread survival and success of Asian
persimmons as dooryard trees is at least partial
proof of that. The upper- and mid-South regions
are probably too risky for commercial produc-
tion, as the Asian persimmon can be killed to
the roots by temperatures near 0F and suffer
significant damage any time temperatures dip Fuyu Asian persimmon. Photo by Rex Dufour.
below 20F.
Another encouraging factor for potential grow- more than 1,000 named cultivars, was the most
ers outside California is the growing populations widely grown fruit in China and Japan. So,
of ethnic Asians in most American towns and with growing populations of ethnic Asians in
cities (Preston and Shanks, 1991). Until apples the U.S., there should be a parallel growth in
were introduced, the Asian persimmon, with marketing possibilities.
References This site is run by Midwest persimmon growers (including
Butt, T.M., C. Jackson, and N. Magan, eds. 2001. Fungi as Lehman) and is a link to all things related to American
Biocontrol Agents. CAB Intl., NY. p. 301. persimmons: history, culture, songs, uses, recipes, festivals,
Parker, M.L. 1993. Growing Oriental Persimmons in North growers, nurseries, etc.
Carolina. Leaflet No. 377.
hil-377.html Nurseries
Preston, W.H., Jr. and J.B. Shanks. 1991. On Marketing
Oriental Persimmons. Pomona. Vol. 24, No. 3. p. 39-43. One Green World
28696 S. Cramer Rd.
Reich, L. 1988. Persimmons? No Problem. National
Gardening. November. p. 42. Molalla, OR 97038-8576
Toll-free: 877-353-4028
Ryugo, Kay. 1994. Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) Cultivars: 503-651-3005
Their Management and Usages. Fruit Gardener. October.
p. 8-11.
USDA. 2009. National Nutrient Database for Standard TyTy Nursery
Reference, Release 22, 2009. 4723 U.S. Hwy. 82 W.
foodcomp/search P.O. Box 130
TyTy, GA 31795
Resources 229-388-9999
Soumitri, Das, et al. 2001. Persimmon. Virginia Tech Fact
Sheet 13. Raintree Nursery
391 Butts Road
Lehman, Jerry.
7780 Persimmon St. Morton, WA 98356
Terre Haute, IN 47802-4994 Toll-free: 800-391-8892
[email protected]
Lehman is the chair of the North American Fruit Explorers Nolin River Nut Tree Nursery
Persimmon Interest Group, an experienced persimmon 797 Port Wooden Rd.
grower, and a proponent of persimmon commercialization.
Upton, KY 42784
North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX) 502-369-8551 ATTRA Page 5


Page 6 ATTRA Persimmons, Asian and American

Notes ATTRA Page 7

Persimmons, Asian and American
By Guy Ames
NCAT Agriculture Specialist
2010 NCAT
Tracy Mumma, Editor
Amy Smith, Production
This publication is available on the Web at:
Slot 37
Version 121410

Page 8 ATTRA

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