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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-1143 29 May, 2002

Radiographic Examination
Non-destructive Testing Standards Committee Members
Miller, S.D., Chairman
Al-Odah, F.A.
Al-Qadeeb, F.E.
Gilmour, R.A.
Irwin, R.R.
Jones, S.B.
Keck, D.L.
Matulewicz, W.R.
Perez, J.P.
Scales, T.E.
Wescott, E.A.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2
3 References.................................................... 2
4 Precautions for Personnel Safety.................. 4
5 General Requirements................................... 4
6 Equipment and Materials............................... 5
7 Examination................................................... 8
8 Radiographic Exposure Requirements.......... 9
9 Radiographic Film Interpretation.................. 15
10 Film Viewing................................................. 15
11 Final Interpretation of Radiographs.............. 16
12 Documentation............................................. 16

Figure 1 - Single Wall Radiographic Techniques............. 18

Figure 2 - Double Wall Radiographic Techniques............ 19
Figure 3 - Identification for Film Marker
Locations and Arrows...................................... 21
Appendix I - Acceptance Criteria...................................... 22
Attachment 1 - Radiographic Request / Report Forms.... 30

Previous Issue: 30 September, 1998 Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 30
Primary contact: Scott D. Miller on phone 872-0148
Document Responsibility: Non-destructive Testing SAEP-1143
Issue Date: 29 May, 2002
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

1 Scope

1.1 This Engineering Procedure establishes the minimum requirements for

performing radiographic examination conducted in accordance with the
requirements of the referenced codes/standards.

1.2 This Engineering Procedure applies to Saudi Aramco NDT personnel and to
contract personnel seconded to Saudi Aramco on an In-Kingdom Inspection
Contract conducting radiographic examination on behalf of Saudi Aramco.

1.3 This SAEP does not apply to radiography performed by out-of-kingdom


2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this procedure and other Saudi Aramco Engineering
Standards (SAES's), Materials System Specifications (SAMSS's), Standard
Drawings (SASD's), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in
writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the Manager,
Inspection Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

Direct all requests to deviate from this procedure in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Saudi Aramco Inspection

3 References

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-1140 Qual. and Cert. of Saudi Aramco NDT Personnel
SAEP-1141 Industrial Radiation Safety
SAEP-1142 Qual. of Non-Saudi Aramco NDT Personnel

Saudi Aramco General Instruction

GI-0150.003 Ionizing Radiation Protection

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Issue Date: 29 May, 2002
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

Saudi Aramco Engineering Form

SA 4719-A-ENG Radiography Request/Report Sheet

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME B31.1 Power Piping
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid
Hydrocarbons and other Liquids
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission & Distribution Piping Systems
ASME B46.1 Surface Texture
ASME SEC I Rules for Construction of Power Boilers
ASME SEC V Nondestructive Examination
ASME SEC VIII D1 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
ASME SEC IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications

American Welding Society

AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code - Steel

American Petroleum Institute

API STD 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage
API STD 1104 Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities

American Society for Testing & Materials

ASTM SE-94 Std. Guide for Radiographic Testing
ASTM E-747 Std. Test Method for Controlling Quality of
Radiographic Exam Using Wire Penetrameters
ASTM E-1079 Std. Practice for Calibration of Trans.

German Standard
DIN 54 109 Image Quality of Radiographs

International Organization for Standardization

ISO 1027 Radiographic Image Quality Indicators for NDT -
Principles and Identification

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Issue Date: 29 May, 2002
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

ISO 5580 Industrial Radiographic Illuminators - Min.


Unless otherwise noted, the referenced codes and standards shall be the latest

4 Precautions for Personnel Safety

4.1 The materials and/or equipment used during radiographic examination shall
comply with SAEP-1141 and GI-0150.003.

4.2 Protective measures shall be taken by radiographic personnel to insure that no

individual is exposed to radiation in excess of the prescribed limits as mandated
in SAEP-1141 and GI-0150.003.

4.3 All personnel performing radiography for Saudi Aramco or on Saudi Aramco
property or concessionaire areas shall have passed the Radiation Safety
examination administered by the Saudi Aramco Loss Prevention Department
and be in possession of a current Saudi Aramco Radiographer Permit issued by
the Inspection Department prior to commencement of radiography.

5 General Requirements

5.1 All industrial radiography shall be performed in accordance with this procedure.
Where radiographic techniques not covered by this procedure are developed, the
technique shall be submitted to a Saudi ARAMCO Inspection Department
recognized NDT RT Level III for approval prior to implementation.

5.2 Personnel Qualifications

5.2.1 Saudi Aramco Personnel performing radiography shall be certified in

accordance with SAEP-1140.

5.2.2 Contractor personnel performing radiography shall be certified in

accordance with SAEP-1142.

5.2.3 All personnel performing Radiographic Film Interpretation (RTFI)

shall be certified to level II and have met the requirements of SAEP-
1140 or SAEP-1142 as applicable.

5.3 Surface Preparation

5.3.1 The weld ripples or weld surface irregularities on both the inside
(where accessible) and outside shall be removed by any suitable
process to such a degree that any such irregularities appearing on the

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Issue Date: 29 May, 2002
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

resulting radiographic image do not mask nor are confused with the
image of any discontinuity.

5.3.2 Welds shall be visually examined and found acceptable prior to release
for radiography.

5.3.3 If the weld is ground flush, markers, such as arrows or V's, pointing
toward the centerline of the weld shall be placed on both sides of the
weld approximately 0.6 mm (.25 inch) away from the toe of the weld.
At least two sets of arrows or V's shall appear on the film; one set near
each end of the interpreted area of the film.

5.4 Backscatter Radiation

A lead letter "B" with minimum dimensions of 13mm (0.5 inch) in height and
1.5mm (0.0625 inch) in thickness shall be attached to the back of each film
holder during each exposure to determine if backscatter radiation is exposing the

5.5 When the time of the examination is not specifically stated in the referenced
code or project specification, final radiography for acceptance of the
weld/material shall be performed after final post weld heat treatment.

6 Equipment and Materials

6.1 Acceptable Radiation Sources

X-ray generators (up to 6 MeV)
Iridium 192 (Ir-192) (up to 200 Ci)
Cobalt 60 (Co-60) (up to 100 Ci)
Selenium 75 (Se-75) (up to 50 Ci)

6.2 Film

6.2.1 Radiography shall be conducted with industrial radiographic film.

Film shall be either Type I or Type II. Film shall be selected to
produce radiographs possessing acceptable sensitivity, density, and
contrast. Type I film shall be used for radiography of pipe diameters
of 8 inch nominal pipe size (NPS) or less.

6.2.2 Radiographic film can be processed either manually or automatically.

Processing shall be done in accordance with procedures written to the
requirements of ASTM SE-94, Part III, the chemical manufacturer's
recommendations, and time and temperature charts. Variation to the

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Issue Date: 29 May, 2002
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

film manufacturer's processing recommendations to compensate for

exposure is not permitted.

6.2.3 Unexposed film shall be stored on its side or end and protected from
the effects of light, pressure, excessive humidity, damaging fumes,
vapors, or penetrating radiation. Expired film shall not be used.

6.3 Intensifying Screens

6.3.1 Only lead intensifying screens shall be used.

6.3.2 For radiography using gamma ray sources, the minimum thickness of
the front lead screen shall be 0.13 mm (0.005 inch) for Ir-192 and Se-
75 and 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) for Co-60 or the linear accelerator.

6.3.3 Lead screens which are an integral part of "ready pack" (i.e., Pb
contact pack) film are acceptable.

6.3.4 Special techniques involving the use of intensifying screens of

materials other than lead may be utilized provided the technique is
qualified and the density and penetrameter requirements of this
procedure are met. Such special techniques shall require prior written
approval by a designated Saudi Aramco NDT RT Level III before
employed in production radiography.

6.4 Image Quality Indicators (IQI)

6.4.1 DIN type penetrameters described in DIN 54 109, ISO type

penetrameters described in ISO 1027, or ASTM type penetrameters
described in ASTM SE-747/90 shall be used. Tables 1, 2 and 3 show
the standard identification numbers found on the penetrameter packs
and the wire sizes found in the DIN type, ISO type and ASTM type
typical packs.

Table 1 DIN Wire Type Penetrameter

DIN Pack Wire Diameter mm (inch)
Designation Corresponding Wire Number
1 FE DIN 3.20 2.50 2.00 1.60 1.25 1.00 0.80
(0.125) (0.098) (0.078) (0.062) (0.050) (0.040) (0.032)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 FE DIN 1.00 0.80 0.63 0.50 0.40 0.32 0.25
(0.040) (0.032) (0.024) (0.020) (0.016) (0.013) (0.010)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 FE DIN 0.40 0.32 0.25 0.20 0.16 0.125 0.1
(0.016) (0.013) (0.010) (0.008) (0.006) (0.004 (0.004)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

Table 2 ISO Wire Type Penetrameter

ISO Pack Wire Diameter mm (inch)
Designation Corresponding Wire Number
1 ISO 7 3.20 2.50 2.00 1.60 1.25 1.00 0.80
(0.125) (0.098) (0.078) (0.062) (0.050) (0.040) (0.032)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6 ISO 12 1.00 0.80 0.63 0.50 0.40 0.32 0.25
(0.040) (0.032) (0.024) (0.020) (0.016) (0.013) (0.010)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10 ISO 16 0.40 0.32 0.25 0.20 0.16 0.125 0.1
(0.016) (0.013) (0.010) (0.008) (0.006) (0.004) (0.004)
10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Table 3 ASTM Wire Type Penetrameter

Designation Wire Diameter mm (inch)

A .081 (.0032) .102 (.004) .127 (.005) .160 (.0063) .203 (.008) .254 (.010)
B .254 (.010) .330 (.013) .406 (.016) .508 (.020) .635 (.025) .813 (.032)
C .813 (.032) 1.016 (.040) 1.27 (.050) 1.6 (.063) 2.03 (.080) 2.54 (.100)
D 2.54 (.100) 3.2 (.126) 4.06 (.160) 5.08 (.200) 6.35 (.250) 8.13 (.320)

6.4.2 Damaged IQIs shall not be used (e.g., bent wires).

6.4.3 IQIs shall be selected from either the same alloy material group or
grade as identified in ASTM SE-747 or from an alloy material group or
grade with less radiation absorption than the material being

6.5 Viewing Facilities

6.5.1 The viewing facilities should provide subdued background lighting of

an intensity that will not cause troublesome reflections, shadows, or
glare on the radiograph.

6.5.2 Radiographic viewers shall meet the minimum requirements set forth
in ISO 5580 and shall provide a variable light source for the essential
designated wire to be visible for the specified density range.

6.5.3 Light coming from the outer edges of the radiograph or through low
density portions of the radiograph shall not interfere with

6.5.4 Densitometers shall be used to measure the density of the film. The
densitometer shall be calibrated annually in accordance with ASTM

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Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

SE-1079. Performance shall be verified before each use with a density

film strip traceable to a national standard.

7 Examination

7.1 A single wall exposure technique shall be used for radiography whenever
practical. When it is not practical to use a single wall technique, a double wall
technique shall be used. (See Table 4 for Technique and Exposure

Table 4 Technique and Exposure Requirements

Nominal Type of Exposure Min. Num. of Location
Pipe Size Technique and Viewing Exposures Figure
Elliptical Dbl. Wall Exp. 2 2F
3-" Dbl. Wall Viewing (0,90)
Elliptical Dbl. Wall Exp. 4 2E or F
Or Sgl. Wall Viewing (0,90,180,270)
Superimposed Dbl. Wall Exp. 3 3G
Less Dbl. Wall Viewing (0,60,l20)
Contact Dbl. Wall Exp. 3 2D or E
Above Sgl. Wall Viewing (0,120, 240)
Panoramic Sgl. Wall Exp. 1 1A
3-" Sgl. Wall Viewing
Sgl. Wall Exp. 4 1B or 1C
Sgl. Wall Viewing (0,90,180,270)
Sgl. Wall Exp. 4 1A, B, C
Sgl. Wall Viewing
1. Techniques other than those described in Table 4 may be used with the approval of the Saudi
Aramco Inspection Department, NDT Unit, Dhahran.
2. If the minimum number of exposures, shown above, are not adequate to demonstrate the required
coverage, additional exposures shall be made as specified by the certified Saudi Aramco film

7.2 Single Wall Exposure - Single Wall Viewing (SWE/SWV) Technique - the
radiation passes through only one wall of the weld (material), which is viewed
on the radiograph for acceptance. (Figure 1)

7.3 Double Wall Exposure - Single Wall Viewing (DWE/SWV) Technique-

Radiation passes through two walls and only the weld (material) on the film side
wall is viewed for acceptance on the radiograph. For full weld coverage of
circumferential welds at least 3 exposures taken 120 apart shall be taken.
(Figure 2)

7.4 Double Wall Exposure - Double Wall Viewing (DWE/DWV) Technique -

radiation passes through two walls and both walls are viewed for acceptance on
the radiograph. These techniques shall only be used for materials and welds in
piping 3.5 inch NPS or less. (Figure 2)

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Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

7.4.1 Only a source side penetrameter shall be used for the double wall
viewing technique.

7.4.2 For the elliptical DWE/DWV technique the radiation beam shall be
offset from the plane of the weld at an angle sufficient to separate the
images of the source side and film side portions of the weld so that
there is no overlap of the areas to be interpreted. The elliptical
technique requires at least 2 exposures 90 to each other for each weld
to be radiographed to achieve complete coverage.

7.4.3 In the superimposed DWE/DWV technique, the source shall be at right

angles to the weld and the image of both walls are superimposed. The
superimposed technique, as a minimum, requires three (3) exposures
taken either 60 or 120 to each other for each weld to be radiographed
to achieve complete coverage.

8 Radiographic Exposure Requirements

8.1 Selection of Radiation Energy

8.1.1 The voltage for examinations with x-ray tubes shall be selected to
insure that the required wire is visible on the radiograph.

8.1.2 Gamma Radiation of Ir-192, Se-75 and Co-60 may be used for any
material thickness provided the radiographic technique used
demonstrates that the required radiographic sensitivity has been
obtained. Use of Co-60 is only permitted when the thickness of the
material exceeds the practical limits of Ir-192 or Se-75.

8.2 Geometric Unsharpness

8.2.1 Geometrical unsharpness, "Ug", equals source size times thickness

divided by the object-to-source distance.

Ug = Ft/D (1)

Ug = Geometrical Unsharpness
F = Source size, the maximum projected dimension of the
radiating source (or effective focal spot) in the plane
perpendicular to the distance (D) from the weld or object
being radiographed.
D = Distance from source of radiation to weld or other object
being radiographed.

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Issue Date: 29 May, 2002
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

t = Distance from source side of the object being radiographed to

the film.

8.2.2 The minimum source to object distance, D, shall be great enough to

insure that geometric unsharpness, Ug, of the radiograph does not
exceed the values listed in Table 5.

Table 5 Geometrical Unsharpness

Material Ug
Thickness, mm (Inches) Maximum mm (Inch)
Under 50.8 (2 in.) 0.500 (0.020 in.)
50.8 - 76.2 (2 in. through 3 in.) 0.760 (0.030 in.)
Over 76.2 - 101.6 (> 3 in. through 4 in.) 1.010 (0.040 in.)
Greater than 101.6 mm (> 4 in.) 1.780 (0.070 in.)

8.2.3 The following formula should be used to determine the minimum

source to object distance, D, necessary to insure that the Ug does not
exceed the values listed in Table 5.

D = (Ft/Ug) + t (2)

8.3 Location Markers

8.3.1 Each radiograph shall exhibit location markers which appear as

radiographic images on the film. The markers shall be placed on the
part being examined and not on the exposure holder/cassette. Figures
1, 2, and 3 indicate the recommended placement of location markers.
Location markers shall not intrude into the area of interest. The starting point and the direction of numbering shall be

identified adjacent to the weld. Number belt spacing around the circumference of the

piping shall not exceed the requirements of Table 6.
Number belts shall be in "inch" units of measure unless
specifically noted on the report.

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Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

Table 6 Number Belt Spacing

Nominal Pipe Size Spacing
Over 3 inches through 8 inches 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart
Over 8 inch through 20 inches 4 inches (10 cm) apart
Over 20 inches Up to the discretion of of the Film
Interpreter or Field Supervisor

8.3.2 When using a DWE/DWV technique for pipe or tube welds 3.5 inch
NPS or less in diameter, the first exposure shall be identified with a
lead letter "A" and the second exposure shall be identified with a lead
letter "B" (and "C" for third exposure, superimposed).

8.3.3 Location markers shall be identified on the surface of the specimen

being radiographed. Regardless of the technique used, the area of
interest of the radiograph shall be accurately traceable to its location on
the part until acceptance.

8.3.4 Station or location markers (i.e., numbers) shall be spaced in inches or

centimeters, with the unit of measure clearly identified on the RT

8.3.5 For pipe or tube welds greater than 3.5 inch NPS, a number belt shall
be used. The number belt shall consist of lead numbers between 6 mm
(0.25 inch) and 12 mm (0.5 inch) in height.

8.4 Film Identification

8.4.1 Each radiograph shall be permanently identified using lead numbers

and/or letters. The radiographic identification shall include the
following information:
JO number or BI number
Component, vessel, or piping identification
Seam or weld identification
R1 for Repair, if necessary; R2, etc., if more than one repair.
Cutouts shall be identified as a new weld, e.g., NW1, etc.
Date of radiography

8.4.2 Radiographs misidentified may be re-identified, with correction tape or

equivalent, only when the Saudi Aramco film interpreter or field

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Issue Date: 29 May, 2002
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

supervisor has determined that it is impractical to re-radiograph. Re-

identification of radiographs shall be noted on the inspection report.

8.5 Penetrameter (IQI) Selection

8.5.1 Penetrameters shall be wire type penetrameters and shall be selected to

insure that the designated wire required by Table 7 shall be included in
the penetrameter pack used. When possible the penetrameter shall be
selected to insure that there exists wires both above and below the
designated wire.

8.5.2 Welds with Reinforcement - Selection of the penetrameter shall be based

on the nominal thickness of the base material plus the estimated weld
reinforcement not to exceed the maximum permitted by the referencing
code section. Internal protrusion of single bevel welds, backing rings or
strips shall not be considered as part of the thickness in penetrameter
selection. In general, the following applies: SWE/SWV or DWE/SWV techniques - the required wire size

is based on the wall thickness plus one reinforcement where
such reinforcement is not ground off. DWE/DWV elliptical technique - the required wire size is

based on two wall thickness plus one reinforcement where such
reinforcement is not ground off. DWE/DWV superimposed technique - the required wire size is

based on two wall thickness plus two reinforcements were such
reinforcement is not ground off.

8.5.3 Welds without Reinforcement - the thickness on which the penetrameter

is based is the nominal single wall thickness for SWE/SWV and the
nominal double wall thickness for DWE/DWV technique.

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Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

Table 7 IQI Selection

Unless otherwise stated in the Scope of Work, penetrameters
shall be selected as shown in the following columns.
Nominal Material Thickness Source Side Film Side
inch mm Wire Number Wire Number
Up to 0.25, incl. Up to 6, incl 13 14
Over 0.25 through 0.375 6 through 10 12 13
Over 0.375 through 0.50 10 through l2 11 12
Over 0.50 through 0.75 l2 through 18 10 11
Over 0.75 through 1.00 18 through 25 9 10
Over 1.00 through 1.50 25 through 40 8 9
Over 1.50 through 2.00 40 through 50 7 8
Over 2.00 through 2.50 50 through 60 6 7
Over 2.50 through 4.00 60 through 100 5 6
Over 4.00 through 6.00 100 through 150 4 5
Over 6.00 through 8.00 150 through 200 2 4
Over 8.00 through 10.00 200 through 250 1 2

8.6 Penetrameter (IQI) Placement

8.6.1 Source side penetrameter(s) shall be used at all times unless placement
of the penetrameter(s) on the source side of the object is not possible.

8.6.2 When film side penetrameters are used, the penetrameters shall be in
contact with the part being examined. A lead letter "F", as least as high
as the penetrameter identification numbers, shall be placed adjacent to
or on each penetrameter and shall not interfere with the penetrameter
or be in an area of interest.

8.6.3 When configuration or size prevents placing the penetrameter(s) on the

part or weld, the penetrameter(s) may be placed on a separate block of
radiographically similar material. The block shall be placed as close as
possible to the item being examined, and the resulting radiographic
density of the block image shall be within the prescribed
penetrameter/area of interest density variation tolerances as stated in
paragraph 8.4. Refer to an Inspection Department recognized NDT RT
Level III for evaluation of radiographically similar material.

8.6.4 The penetrameters shall be placed perpendicular across the weld. ID

numbers and, when used, the lead letter "F", shall not be in the area of
interest. Where placement of the penetrameter across the weld or area

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Issue Date: 29 May, 2002
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

of interest is not possible refer to the paragraphs above and/or refer to

an Inspection Department recognized NDT RT Level III for

8.6.5 Penetrameter Location for Materials other than Welds - The

penetrameter(s) with the penetrameter identification number(s), and,
when used, the lead letter "F", may be placed in the area of interest.

8.6.6 For piping 3.5 inch NPS and less, when using the DWE/SWV
technique, only that portion of the weld adjacent to the film, when the
penetrameter is placed on the film side of the object, may be viewed
for acceptance for the radiographic technique.

8.7 Number of Penetrameters

8.7.1 For DWE/SWV or SWE/SWV techniques requiring multiple exposures

for complete inspection of the weld, and where the length of the film to
be interpreted is greater than 127 mm (5 inches), two penetrameters
placed across the weld and perpendicular to the weld length shall be
used. One shall be within 25.4 mm (1 inch) of the end of the film
length to be interpreted and the other shall be at the center of the film
length to be interpreted. When the film length to be interpreted is 127
mm (5 inches) or less, one penetrameter shall be placed across the weld
and perpendicular to the weld length at the center of the length to be

8.7.2 If more than two penetrameters are used because of density

requirements, one shall be placed in the lightest area of interest and the
other in the darkest area of interest. The intervening densities on the
radiograph shall be considered as having acceptable density.

8.7.3 When a complete circumferential weld is radiographed in a single

exposure using a source inside the piping, i.e., panoramic radiography,
at least four (4) penetrameters shall be used and placed perpendicular
to the weld and spaced equally around the circumference.

8.7.4 When an array of objects in a circle is radiographed, at least one

penetrameter shall show on each radiograph.

8.7.5 Where portions of longitudinal welds adjoining the circumferential

weld are being examined simultaneously with the circumferential weld,
additional penetrameters shall be placed on the longitudinal weld at the
ends of the welds being radiographed.

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Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

9 Radiographic Film Interpretation

9.1 All radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemical, or other blemishes to
the extent that they do not mask and are not confused with the image of any
discontinuity in the area of interest. Such blemishes include, but are not limited
to; fogging, processing defects such as streaks, watermarks, or chemical stains,
scratches, finger marks, crimps, dirt, static marks, smudges, or false indications
due to defective screens.

9.2 One sheet of film shall be used for each exposure. If an area of interest contains
an artifact a second exposure shall be made.

9.3 Radiographic Film Density - For Gamma radiography the minimum density
shall be 2.0. For X-radiography, the minimum density shall be no less than 1.8.
Radiographic film density through the area of interest or adjacent to the
designated wire type penetrameter shall be no greater than 4.0 for radiographs
produced by Gamma Rays or X-rays.

9.4 Density Variation

9.4.1 Radiographic density anywhere through the area of interest shall not
vary more than -15% and +30% from the measured density next to the
designation wire of the penetrameter. If density variation exceeds the
permissible -15% and +30% range, additional penetrameters shall be
used for each exceptional area or areas and the area of interest re-

9.4.2 The maximum permissible +30% may be exceeded for penetrameters

with shims provided penetrameter sensitivity meets the requirements of
this SAEP.

9.5 IQI Sensitivity - Acceptance of the radiograph for sensitivity is based on ability
of the radiograph to display the required wire on the penetrameter, viewed
across the weld, and the penetrameter identifying numbers and letters.
Radiographs not meeting this requirement shall be re-radiographed.

9.6 Back Scatter Radiation - Radiographic film displaying a light image of the letter
"B" on a darker background shall be cause for rejection of the radiograph. A
dark image of the letter "B" on a lighter background shall be considered

10 Film Viewing

10.1 Film shall be viewed in an area with subdued lighting as required by paragraph

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Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Radiographic Examination

10.2 Personnel interpreting radiographs shall allow 3 minutes in any darkened area
for their eyes to adjust if coming into the darkened area from normal room light
and at least 5 minutes if coming in from full sunlight.

10.2 Radiographs shall be interpreted only in those areas in which the

penetrameter(s) have established that a suitable radiographic technique has been

10.3 Composite viewing of double film exposure is not permitted unless approved in
writing by an Inspection Department approved NDT RT Level III.

10.4 Each exposed film shall be properly stored to prevent damage to the film.

11 Final Interpretation of Radiographs

12.1 The radiographs shall be examined and interpreted for film quality and for
discontinuities by personnel certified to perform RTFI by Saudi ARAMCO.

12.2 The film interpreter shall record on a review form (Attachment 1) accompanying
the radiographs, the type of defects present on each radiograph and the area(s)

12 Documentation

12.1 Radiography reports shall be issued using Saudi Aramco form 4719-A-ENG
"Radiography Request & Report Sheet" (Attachment 1). As a minimum, the
report shall include:

12.1.1 Report number, date, BI or JO number, names and Saudi Aramco

badge numbers of the radiographers, and the governing acceptance

12.1.2 Weld Identification number and orientation of individual films which

clearly shows the sequence of exposures, location of weld and
component designation.

12.1.3 Radiation source, type, strength, and size.

12.1.4 The radiographic interpreter's full name and Saudi Aramco badge

Note: Any individual interpreting or reviewing the film shall insure

that their identification, meeting the requirement of this
paragraph, is recorded on the form. Initials, either on Saudi

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Aramco Form 4719-A-ENG or on the film envelope, are not


12.1.5 Film brand, type, and processing method,

12.1.6 IQI and designated wire.

12.1.7 Legible signature of all personnel interpreting or reviewing the film.

12.2 The following information shall either be provided on each film jacket or on the
final report noted above.

12.2.1 Shooting sketch showing the geometric arrangement of source, weld,

film, penetrameters, shims, and location markers, or technique
shooting sketch may be listed from this document.

12.2.2 Exposure time.

12.2.3 Source to weld or object distance.

12.2.4 Effective focal spot of the radiation source.

12.2.5 Calculated geometric unsharpness when required.

12.2.6 Weld thickness.

12.3 Final disposition of the radiographs and records shall be in accordance with the

12.3.1 Radiographs shall be turned over to the proponent upon completion of

the work.

12.3.2 The radiographs may be retained at the proponent's facilities or turned

over to Saudi Aramco's Management Records Group. Refer to
"Records Management Manual, Part II, Section 2.

Revision Summary
29 May, 2002 Major revision.

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Figure 1 Single Wall Radiographic Techniques

Pipe Exposure Radiographic IQI Location
OD Technique Viewing End View Side View Placement Marker
Side Placement
12" Single Single Source side Either
Wall Wall if accessible, Side
film side if

12" Single Single Source Source

Wall Wall Side Side

Any Single Single Source Source

Wall Wall Side Side

The above sketches are standard techniques. Other exposure arrangements may be made provide the Saudi Aramco Inspection
Department, NDT Unit, approves them.

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Figure 2 Double Wall Radiographic Techniques

Pipe Exposure Radio- IQI Location
OD Technique graphic End View Side View Placement Marker
Viewing Side Placement
Any Double Single Either Film
Wall, at Wall Side Side
least 4
90 to
each other

Any Double Single Either Film

Wall, at Wall Side Side
least 4
90 to
each other

3-" Double Double Wall: Source Either

or Wall, at (Ellipse) Side Side
less least 2 Read offset
exposures source side
at 90 to and film side
each other images

The above sketches are standard techniques. Other exposure arrangements may be made with documented Saudi Aramco
Inspection Department NDT RT Level III approval.

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Figure 2 (Con't) Double Wall Radiographic Techniques

Pipe Exposure Radio- IQI Location
OD Technique graphic End View Side View Placement Marker
Viewing Side Placement
3-" Double Double Wall: Source Either
or Wall, at Read Super- Side Side
less least 3 imposed
exposures source and
at 60 or film side
120 to images
each other

The above sketches are standard techniques. Other exposure arrangements may be made with documented Saudi Aramco
Inspection Department NDT RT Level III approval.

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Figure 3 Identification for Film Marker Locations & Arrows

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Appendix I Acceptance Criteria

The following tables are provided as a guide only. Code or contract governs

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ASME SEC I, Paragraph PW-51, ASME SEC VIII D1, ASME B31.1,
Paragraph 136.4.5, API STD 650

Table 1-1 Maximum Discontinuity Size Allowed

ASME B31.1 UW-51; API STD 650 Paragraph UW-52
Crack None None None
Lack of Fusion None None None
Incomplete None None None
Elongated 6.0 mm (") for t up to 6.0 mm (") for t up to 2/3 t where t is the
Indications 19.0 mm (") inclusive; 19.0 mm ("); thickness of the weld
1/3t for t from 19.0 mm (") 1/3t for t from 19.0 mm (") excluding allowed
to 57.0 mm (2") inclusive; to 57.0 mm (2") inclusive; reinforcement
19 mm (") for t over 19 mm (") for t over
57 mm (2") 57 mm (2")
Group of aggregate length greater aggregate length greater the sum of the longest
Aligned than t in a length of 12t, than t in a length of 12t, dimensions of all such
Indications except when the distance except when the distance indications is < t in a length
between successive between successive of 6t & the longest
indications exceeds 6L indications exceeds 6L indications are separated
where L is the longest where L is the longest by 3L where L is the length
indication in the group indication in the group of the longest indication.
The maximum length of
acceptable indication shall
be ". Any such indication
shorter than " shall be
acceptable for any plate
Porosity & Refer to Table 2-2 of this Refer to Table 2-2 of this Round indications are not a
Rounded Appendix Appendix factor unless 100%
Indications examination is required.
Tungsten Refer to Table 2-2 of this Refer to Table 2-2 of this Rounded tungsten
Appendix Appendix. inclusions are to be
evaluated as rounded
indications per UW-51.
Elongated and aligned
tungsten inclusions are
Root Concavity Unacceptable if the
density is greater than that
of the parent material.
Rounded Indications shall be judged against the standards set forth in ASME SEC VIII D1, Appendix 4.

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ASME B31.3
The type of weld joints and service conditions shall be considered to determine the method of
NDE required. Table 2-1 is to be used with all notes and is included with this SAEP for
radiographic film interpretation.
Porosity - Refer to Table 1.1 of this appendix.

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Table 2-2 Acceptance Criteria for Table 2-1

Symbol Measure Acceptable Value Limits (Note 6)
A Extent of imperfection Zero (no evident imperfection)
B Depth of incomplete penetration 0.8 mm (1/32 in.) and 0.2Tw
Cumulative length of incomplete penetration 38 mm (1.5 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
C Depth of lack of fusion and incomplete 0.2Tw
Cumulative length of lack of fusion and 38 mm (1.5 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
incomplete penetration [Note (7)]
D Size and distribution of internal porosity See BPV Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 4
E Size and distribution of internal porosity For Tw 6.4 mm ( in.), limit is same as D
For Tw > 6.4 mm ( in.), limit is 1.5 X D
F Slag inclusion or elongated indication
Individual length Tw/3
Individual width 2.4 mm (3/32 in.) and Tw/3
Cumulative length Tw in any 12Tw weld length
G Slag inclusion or elongated indication
Individual length 2Tw
Individual width 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) and Tw/2
Cumulative length 4Tw in any 150 mm (6 in.) weld length
H Depth of undercut 0.8 mm (1/32 in.) and Tw/4
I Depth of undercut 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) and Tw/4 or 0.8 mm (1/32 in.)
J Surface roughness < 500 min. Ra per ASME B46.1
K Depth of root surface concavity Total joint thickness, incl. weld reinf., Tw
L Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion For Tw mm (in.) Height, mm (in.)
[Note (8)] in any plane through the weld shall 6.4 () 1.6 (1/16)
be within limits of the applicable height value > 6.4 (), 12.7 () 3.2 (1/8)
in the tabulation at right. Weld metal shall > 12.7 (), 25.4 (1) 4.0 (5/32)
merge smoothly into the component surfaces. > 25.4 (1) 4.8 (3/16)
M Height of reinforcement or internal protrusion Limit is 2L
[Note (8)] as describe in L
** Tungsten Inclusions To be evaluated as rounded indications. Elongated
or aligned tungsten inclusions are unacceptable.
Tw = Nominal wall thickness of the thinner of two components joined by a butt weld.

(1) Criteria given are for required examination. More stringent criteria may be specified in the engineering design. See also
paragraphs. 341.5 and 341.5.3 of ASME/ANSI B31.3
(2) Longitudinal groove weld includes straight and spiral seam. Criteria are not intended to apply to welds made in accordance
with a standard listed in Table A-I or Table 326.1 of ASME B31.1.
(3) Fillet weld includes socket and seal welds, and attachment for slip-on flanges and branch reinforcement.
(4) Branch connection weld includes pressure containing welds in branches and fabricated laps.
(5) These imperfections are evaluated only for welds 5 mm (3/16 in.) in nominal thickness.
(6) Where two limiting values are separated by "and", the lesser of the values determines acceptance. Where two sets of values
are separated by "or", the larger value is acceptable.
(7) Tightly butted unfused root faces are unacceptable.
(8) For groove welds, height is the lesser of the measurements made from the surfaces of the adjacent components. For fillet
welds, height is measured from the theoretical throat, Fig. 328.5.2A, of ASME/ANSI B31.3 internal protrusion does not apply.

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Table 3-1 is applicable in determining the size and type of discontinuities when viewing
radiographs for final acceptance in accordance with API STD 1104, ASME/ANSI
B31.4, Paragraph 434.8.5, and ASME/ANSI B31.8.

Table 3-1 Acceptance Criteria for API STD 1104

Indication/Defect Unacceptable if any of the following conditions exist:

Inadequate Penetration (IP) 1. Length of an individual indication of IP exceeds 25.4 mm (1.0").
(without high-low) 2. The aggregate length of indications of IP in any continuous 304.8 mm (12")
length of weld exceeds 25.4 mm (1.0").
3. The aggregate length of indications of IP exceeds 8% of the weld length in
any weld less than 304.8 mm (12") in length.
Inadequate Penetration due 1. Length of an individual indication of IPD exceeds 50.8 mm (2.0").
to High-Low (IPD) 2. The aggregate length of indications of IP in any continuous 304.8 mm (12")
length of weld exceeds 76.2 mm (3.0").
Incomplete Fusion (IF) 1. Length of an individual indication of IF exceeds 25.4 mm (1.0").
2. The aggregate length of indications of IF in any continuous 304.8 mm (12")
length of weld exceeds 25.4 mm (1.0").
3. The aggregate length of indications of IF exceeds 8% of the weld length in
any weld less than 304.8 mm (12") in length.
Incomplete Fusion due to 1. Length of an individual indication of IFD exceeds 50.8 mm (2.0").
Cold Lap (IFD) 2. The aggregate length of indications of IFD in any continuous 304.8 mm
(12") length of weld exceeds 50.8 mm (2.0").
3. The aggregate length of indications of IFD exceeds 8% of the weld length.
Internal Concavity (IC) Any length of IC is acceptable provided the density of the radiographic image of
the IC does not exceed that of the thinnest adjacent base metal. For areas that
exceed the density of the thinnest adjacent base metal, the criteria for burn
through are applicable.
Burn-Through (BT) Pipe OD 2-3/8" Pipe OD < 2-3/8"
1. Maximum dimension exceeds 1. Maximum dimension exceeds
6.35 mm (") and the density of 6.35 mm (") and the density of
the BT's image exceeds that of the BT's image exceeds that of
the thinnest adjacent base metal the thinnest adjacent base metal
2. Maximum dimension exceeds the 2. Maximum dimension exceeds the
thinner of nominal wall thinner of nominal wall
thicknesses joined, and the thicknesses joined, and the
density of the BT's image density of the BT's image
exceeds that of the thinnest exceeds that of the thinnest
adjacent base metal adjacent base metal
3. Sum of maximum dimensions of 3. More than one BT of any size is
separate BTs whose image present and the density of more
density exceeds that of the than one of the images exceeds
thinnest adjacent base metal that of the thinnest adjacent base
exceeds 12.7 mm (") in 304.8 metal.
mm (12") of weld or the total weld
length, whichever is less.

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Table 3-1 Acceptance Criteria for API STD 1104 (Cont'd)

Indication/Defect Unacceptable if any of the following conditions exist:

Slag Inclusions Pipe OD 2-3/8" Pipe OD < 2-3/8"
Elongated (ESI) Unacceptable if: Unacceptable if:
Isolated (ISI) 1. ESI length > 2" 1. ESI > 3 X nominal WT of the
Note: ESI indications 2. ESI width > 1/16" thinner thickness joined.
separated by approx. 3. Sum of the lengths of ISI > " in 2. ESI width > 1/16"
width of root bead 12" of weld. 3. Sum of ISI lengths > 2 X nominal
(wagon tracks) to be WT of thinner thickness joined
considered as a single 4. Width of ISI > 1/8"
and ISI width > nominal WT of
indication unless the 5. > 4 ISI with maximum width of thinner thickness joined.
width of either > 1/32". 1/8" in any 12" of weld.
In that event, they 4. Aggregate length of ESI & ISI >
6. Sum of the lengths of ESI & ISI > 8% of weld length.
shall be considered as 8% of weld length.
separate indications.
Porosity - individual / Unacceptable if:
Scattered (P) 1. Size of individual pore > 1/8"
Note: Size based on 2. Size of individual pore > 25% of thinner WT joined
maximum dimensions
3. Distribution of Porosity exceeds API STD 1104 Porosity Charts.
Porosity - Cluster (CP) Unacceptable if:
1. CP dia. > "
2. Aggregate length of CP > " in any continuous 12" of weld
3. An individual pore within a cluster > 1/16" in size.
Porosity - Hollow-Bead (HB) Unacceptable if:
1. Length of individual HB > "
2. Sum of HB lengths > 2" in any continuous 12" of weld
3. Individual HB > " separated by < 2"
4. Sum of HB lengths > 8% weld length.
Cracks (C) Any size or location of cracks are unacceptable except for shallow crater or
star cracks. Shallow crater or star crack length > 5/32" is unacceptable.
Undercutting Unacceptable if:
Adjacent to cover pass (EU) 1. Any combination EU & IU length > 2" in any continuous 12" of weld.
Adjacent to root pass (IU) 2. Sum of EU & IU lengths in any combination > 1/6 of weld length.
Tungsten Inclusions Individual tungsten inclusions are be evaluated as rounded indications
(Porosity). Elongated or aligned tungsten inclusions are unacceptable.
Accumulation of Unacceptable if:
Discontinuities 1. Sum lengths of indications > 2" in any continuous 12" of weld.
Excluding IPD, EU & IU
2. Sum lengths of indication > 8% of weld length.
Pipe / Fitting Discontinuities Arc burns, long seam discontinuities and other discontinuities in the pipe or
fittings detected by RT shall be recordable.

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AWS D1.1

Radiographic acceptance criteria for AWS D1.1 is different for Statically Loaded and
Dynamically Loaded structures. This SAEP covers only statically loaded structures.
For Dynamically loaded structures, refer to the appropriate sections of AWS D1.1. If
there is doubt as to the designation of statically or dynamically loaded, refer to the
project engineer for determination. The radiographic film interpreter should confirm
the loading classification prior to proceeding the interpretation of film. Rejection
criteria for Statically loaded structures are provided below. Note that to determine the
allowable and rejectable size of discontinuities, the use of both the tables and charts are

Statically Loaded Structures

Table 4-1 (AWS D1.1 Paragraph and figure 4-1 together establish the
rejection criteria for radiographic indications of statically loaded structures.
Discontinuities exceeding the following limitations shall be unacceptable. (E = weld
size; T = material thickness)

Table 4-1 Rejection Criteria for Statically Loaded Structures, AWS D1.1 Para

Indication Rejection Criteria

Cracks None permitted
Elongated Discontinuities > maximum size of chart 4-1
Clearance between discontinuities < minimum clearance allowance of fig 4-1
Rounded Discontinuities > E/3 or > " for T 2"
> E/3 or > 3/8" for T > 2"
Minimum clearance between a rounded discontinuity > 3/32" to an
acceptable rounded or elongated discontinuity or to an edge or end
of an intersection shall be three (3) times the larger discontinuity.
Isolated Discontinuity, i.e., a cluster Sum of greatest dimension > maximum size of a single discontinuity
of rounded indications permitted in Fig. 4-1.
Minimum clearance to another cluster or elongated discontinuity or
to an edge or end of an intersecting shall be three (3) times the
larger discontinuity.
Sum of Individual Discontinuities shall not exceed 2E/3 or 3/8" which ever is less in 1" of weld.
each being < 3/32"
In-Line Discontinuities Sum > E in any length of 6E. Where length of weld is < 6E,
permissible sum shall be proportionately less.
Tungsten Inclusions Individual tungsten inclusions are be evaluated as rounded
indications (Porosity). Elongated or aligned tungsten inclusions are

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Figure 4-1 Weld Quality Requirements for Elongated Discontinuities as

Determined by Radiography for Statically Loaded Structures
(see AWS D1.1 Paragraph

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Attachment 1 Radiographic Request / Report Forms

Saudi Aramco Form 4719-A-ENG (09/98)

Saudi Aramco Form 4719-A1-ENG (09/98)

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