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Department of Industrial Engineering Lecture 1:

Course: CAD/CAM Introduction to CAD/CAM
Semester: 7th

Lecturer: Engr. Muhammad Abas

Learning Objectives Computer Aided Design

Computer Aided Design(CAD) is defined as the
Upon completion of this lecture, you will be use of computer systems to assist in the creation,
able to: modification, analysis, or optimization of a
Define CAD
Computer system
Define CAM Hardware
Graphic display terminals
Applications of CAD and CAM Keyboards
Relation between CAD and CAM Mouse etc
Application programs
Example Auto Cad, ProE, Ansys, Solid Works etc


Advantages of CAD system Advantages of CAD system

1. To increase the productivity of the designer: 2. To improve the quality of design :
This is accomplished by helping the designer The use of a CAD system with appropriate
to conceptualize the product and its hardware and software capabilities permits
components. In turn, this helps reduce the the designer to do a more complete
time required by the designer to synthesize, engineering analysis and to consider a larger
analyze, and document the design. number and variety of design alternatives.
The quality of the resulting design is thereby

Advantages of CAD system Applications of CAD system

3. To improve documentation: 4. To create a data base for manufacturing:
The graphical output of a CAD system results In the process of creating the documentation
in better documentation of the design than for the product design (geometric
that of manual drafting. specification of the product, dimensions of
The engineering drawings are superior, and the components, materials specifications, bill
there is more standardization among the of materials, etc.), much of the required data
drawings and fewer drafting errors. base to manufacture the product is also


Computer Aided Manufacturing Computer Aided Manufacturing

Computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM) is Computer monitoring and control
defined as the use of computer systems to Computer process monitoring involves direct
plan, manage, and control the operations of computer interface with the manufacturing
manufacturing plant through either direct or process for the purpose of observing process and
indirect computer interface with plant associated equipment and collecting data from
production resources. the process
Computer monitoring and control Computer process control not only observe the
process but control it based on observation
Manufacturing Support Application

Computer Aided Manufacturing Advantages of CAM

Manufacturing Support Application Programming for NC, CNC, and industrial
Computer is not directly linked to the manufacturing robots.
Instead the computer is used off line to provide plans,
Design of dies and molds.
schedules, forecasts, instructions, and information's Design of tools and fixtures for manufacturing.
by which the production resources can be managed
more effectively. Quality control and inspection with the help of
NC programming coordinate-measuring machine.
Computer automated process planning
MRP Process planning and scheduling.
Shop floor control



Computer-aided design and computer-aided There are numerous CAD/CAM/CAE packages available for direct
manufacturing are combined to form CAD/CAM usages that are user friendly and very proficient.
systems. AutoCAD, CADKEY, DELCAM, SolidEdge and SolidWorks are some
low end and easy to use CAD softwares.
This combination allows the transfer of Unigraphics, Pro-Engineer, CATIA and I-DEAS are higher order
information from the design into the stage of modeling and designing software that are costlier but more
planning for the manufacturing of a product, efficient. The other capabilities of these software are
without the need to reenter the data on part manufacturing and analysis
Ansys, Abaqua, Nastran, Fluent, and CFX are packages mainly used
geometry manually. for analysis of structures and fluids. Different software are used for
The database developed during CAD is stored; different purposes.
then it is processed further by CAM, into the ALIBRE, Cyber-Cut and CollabCAD are software which are focusing
on collaborative design. Collaborative design is computer aided
necessary data and instructions for operating and designing for multiple users working at the same time
controlling production machinery and automated
testing and inspection for product quality.

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