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List of ELT Topics

Lesson Planning
- Elements of a Lesson Plan
- Relationship Lesson & Programme/Syllabus
- Elements Aim (who, what, when, how, why, what
- Main Objective
- Supplementary Objectives
- Personal Objectives
- Learners Profile
- Sequence of Stages
- Activities and Learners Profile
- Activities and objectives
- Timing
- Materials and Resources/ Learners Profile
- Materials and Resources/Objectives
- Possible/Anticipated Problems
- Possible/ Anticipated Solutions

Learning Theories/Teaching Principles

Schools of Thought

Learner Styles
Learner Needs and Interests

Learners Autonomy

Classroom Management
- Elements in the Classroom
- Teacher and Ss Roles
- Feedback
- Interaction Patterns
- Classroom layout/Setting
- Routines
- Institution (noise, etc)
- Giving Instructions
- Regulations
- Discipline
- Motivation
- etc.

Language Knowledge
- Skills
- Sub-skills or Microskills
- Language Systems
- Parts of Speech


Classroom Environment
- Rapport
- Engaging Learners
- Lowering Affective Filter
- Spacious
- Comfortable

- Teachers knowledge of his/her ss
- Teacher as a lovely human being or an ogre if
- Teachers Use of English, Language
- Teachers Voice
- Teachers Pronunciation
- Teachers Roles
- Teachers Talking Time
- Students Talking Time
- Elicitation
- Instructions
- Conveying Meaning
- Checking Understanding
- Controlling
- Monitoring
- Facilitating
- Time Management
- Use of Materials/Resources
- Controlling maintaining learners on task
- Adaptability/Flexibility
- Discipline
- Giving Feedback
- Promote Learners Autonomy
- Grouping/Interaction Patterns
- Diaries/Portfolios
- Measuring Achievement of Aims

21st Century Skills/Fluencies/Competences

- Technological knowledge and use/tools(Digital
- Critical Thinking
- Collaboration
- etc.

Ethical Issues (e.g., values, relationship ss,

colleagues, authorities, general staff, parents and

Professional Development (further study, further

ELT contact, e.g., conferences, seminars, journals, e-
forums, projects/initiatives)

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