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A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle

without Chassis Velocity
Dejun Yin and Yoichi Hori
University of Tokyo

1. Introduction
Due to the growing concern about global environmental problems and shrinking non-
renewable energy sources, research on electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles is once
again attracting significant attention. Meanwhile, significant improvements in power
electronics, energy storage and control technology have made electric vehicles fully feasible,
preparing the state of the art for their return to the market (Chau et al., 2008; Affanni et al.,
2005; Nagai, 2007).
Beside the advantages for the environment, manufacture and maintenance, from the
viewpoint of control technology, the most distinct advantages of electric vehicles have not
been well recognized. Since electric vehicles and some specially configured hybrid electric
vehicles are driven by electric motors, the advantages provided to these electric vehicles can
be summarized as follows (Hori, 2004):
1. Quick torque generation
2. Easy torque measurement
3. Possibility of independently equipped motors for each wheel
On the other hand, considering the different regions of the world, the increase of the
mobility shows a clear correlation to the gross domestic product. With further economic
growth, we can predict an even greater increase in mobility and in traffic density
throughout the world. For this reason, vehicle motion control systems have been developed
to provide active safety control, and have made significant technological progress over the
last decade to enhance vehicle stability and handling performance in critical dynamic
situations by introducing computer control technology.
From the development history of vehicle motion control, it can also be found that, effective
operation of any vehicle control system is based on some basic assumptions, for example,
the output torque being able to accurately work on the vehicle. For this purpose, traction
control, as the most primary active safety control for vehicles, is developed to ensure the
effectiveness of the torque output. The key to traction control is antislip control, when the
vehicle is driven or brakes on a slippery road, especially for light vehicles because they are
more inclined to skid on slippery roads. Traction control must not only guarantee the
effectiveness of the torque output to maintain vehicle stability, but also provide some
information about tire-road conditions to other vehicle control systems. Moreover, in electric
vehicles a well-managed traction control system can cover the functions of ABS, because
Source: Motion Control, Book edited by: Federico Casolo,
ISBN 978-953-7619-55-8, pp. 580, January 2010, INTECH, Croatia, downloaded from SCIYO.COM
122 Motion Control

electric motors can generate deceleration torque as easily as acceleration torque (Mutoh et
al., 2007). Based on the core traction control, more complicated two-degree-of-freedom
motion control for vehicles can be synthesized by introduction of some additional
information on steering angle, yaw rate, lateral acceleration and so on (Saito et al., 2002;
Fujimoto et al., 2004). Moreover, from the viewpoint of the relation between safety and cost,
a more advanced traction control synthesis also means lower energy consumption.
However, actual vehicles present challenges to research on traction control. For example, the
real chassis velocity is not available, and the friction force that it is to drives the vehicle is
immeasurable in real time. Conventional traction control in internal combustion engine
vehicles, according to nonlinear tire models such as the Magic Formula (Pacejka & Bakker,
1992), has to calculate the chassis velocity and the slip ratio to acquire maximum friction
force from the road. For this purpose, due to physical and economic reasons, the non-driven
wheels are usually utilized to provide an approximate vehicle velocity. However, this
method is not applicable when the vehicle is accelerated by 4WD systems or decelerated by
brakes equipped in these wheels. For this reason, the accelerometer measurement is also
used to calculate the velocity value, but it cannot avoid offset and error problems. Other
sensors, e.g., optical sensors (Turner & Austin, 2000), sensors of magnetic markers (Lee &
Tomizuka, 2003; Suryanarayanan & Tomizuka, 2007), etc., can also obtain the chassis
velocity. However, they are too sensitive and reliant on the driving environment or too
expensive to be applied in actual vehicles.
In order to overcome the obstacles of calculating chassis velocity, some controllers in electric
vehicles, for example Model Following Control (MFC), do not need information on chassis
velocity or even acceleration sensors. In these systems, the controllers only make use of
torque and wheel rotation as input variables for calculation. Fewer sensors contribute not
only to lower cost, but also higher reliability and greater independence from driving
conditions, which are the most outstanding merits of this class of control systems.
Accordingly, research on more practical and more sophisticated antislip control based on
MFC continues until now. Sakai et al. proposed a primary MFC system for antislip control
(Sakai & Hori, 2001). Saito et al. modified it and proposed a novel stability analysis to
determine the maximum feedback gain, and furthermore, used the antislip control as a core
subsystem and extended it to two-degree-of-freedom motion control (Saito et al., 2002;
Fujimoto et al., 2004). Akiba et al. improved the control performance by introduction of back
electromotive force, and added a conditional limiter to avoid some of its inherent drawbacks
(Akiba et al., 2007). Nevertheless, these control designs based on compensation have to
consider the worst stability case to decide the compensation gain, which impairs the
performance of antislip control. Furthermore, gain tuning for some specific tire-road
conditions also limits the practicability of this method.
Therefore, this work, making use of the advantages of electric vehicles, focuses on
development of a core traction control system based on Maximum Transmissible Torque
Estimation (MTTE) which requires neither chassis velocity nor information about tire-road
conditions. In this system, use is made of only the torque reference and the wheel rotation to
estimate the maximum transmissible torque to the road surface, then the estimated torque is
applied for antislip control implementation. Moreover, the proposed control method is
expected to provide a general approach for traction control, as well as a basis for more
complicated and advanced motion control in electric vehicles.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. A novel topology of traction control, based on
the proposed maximum transmissible torque estimation, is presented in Section 2, and an
equivalent model is used to provide the stability analysis of the control system. Section 3
A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity 123

discusses the experimental electric vehicle and presents the experimental results, as well as
additional simulation results. These comparative results are followed by a detailed
discussion including stability, control performance and robustness in Section 4.

2. Maximum transmissible torque estimation for antislip control

2.1 Longitudinal model and dynamic analysis
Because only longitudinal motion is discussed in this paper, the dynamic longitudinal
model of the vehicle can be described as in Fig. 1 and the parameter definition is listed in
Table 1. Generally, the dynamic differential equations for the calculation of longitudinal
motion of the vehicle are described as follows:

J w$ = T rFd (1)

MV$ = Fd Fdr (2)

Vw = r (3)

Fd ( ) = N (4)

Vw T

Fig. 1. Dynamic longitudinal model of the vehicle

1 Vw


Vw V
Fd Vw
1 V
Fig. 2. One-wheel vehicle model with Magic Formula.
The interrelationships between the slip ratio and friction coefficient can be described by
various formulas. Here, as shown in Fig. 2, the widely adopted Magic Formula is applied to
build a vehicle model for the following simulations. The slip ratio in (4) is defined as (5). Fig.
3 describes a typical relationship between slip ratio and friction coefficient.

Vw Vx
= (5)
max(Vw , Vx )
124 Motion Control

Stable Unstable

Friction Coefficient


0 1
Slip Ratio
Fig. 3. A typical curve

2.2 Maximum transmissible torque estimation

In this work, in order to avoid the complicated - relation, only the dynamic relation
between tire and chassis is considered based on the following considerations, which
transform the antislip control into maximum transmissible torque control.
1. Whatever kind of tire-road condition the vehicle is driven in, the kinematic relationship
between the wheel and the chassis is always fixed and known. Although this
relationship also exists in the dynamics of an internal combustion engine vehicle, it is
very difficult to realize this consideration in these vehicles. However, the rigidity of an
electric motor makes this possible.
2. During the acceleration phase, considering stability and tire abrasion, well-managed
control of the velocity difference between wheel and chassis is more important than the
mere pursuit of absolute maximum acceleration.
3. If the wheel and the chassis accelerations are well controlled, the difference between the
wheel and the chassis velocities, i.e. the slip, is also well controlled.
According to (1) and (3), the driving force, i.e. the friction force between the tire and the
road surface, can be calculated as (6). Assuming T is constant, it can be found that the higher
Vw, the lower Fd. In normal road conditions, Fd is less than the maximum friction force from
the road and increases as T goes up. However, when slip occurs, Fd will become smaller
than the maximum friction force that the tire-road relation can provide and cannot increase
with T. Here, there are only two parameters, r and Jw, so Fd is easily calculated in most tire-
road conditions.

T J w$
Fd = (6)
When slip starts to occur, the difference between the velocities of the wheel and the chassis
becomes larger and larger, i.e. the acceleration of the wheel is larger than that of the chassis.
Furthermore, according to the Magic Formula, the difference between the accelerations will
make the slip more severe.
A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity 125

Symbol Definition
Jw Wheel Inertia
Vw Wheel Velocity (Circumferential Velocity)
Wheel Rotation
T Driving Torque
r Wheel Radius
Fd Friction Force (Driving Force)
M Vehicle Mass
N Vehicle Weight
V Chassis Velocity (Vehicle Velocity)
Fdr Driving Resistance
Slip Ratio
Friction Coefficient
Table 1. Parameter list
Therefore, the condition that the slip does not start or become more severe is that the
acceleration of the wheel is close to that of the chassis. Moreover, considering the -
relation described in the Magic Formula, an appropriate difference between chassis velocity
and wheel velocity is necessary to provide the friction force. Accordingly, (7) defines as a
relaxation factor to describe the approximation between the accelerations of the chassis and
the wheel. In order to satisfy the condition that slip does not occur or become larger,
should be close to one.

(F F ) M
= $ * , i.e. =
V$ *
(Tmax rFd )r J w
d dr

With a designed , when the vehicle enters a slippery road, Tmax must be reduced adaptively
following the decrease of Fd to satisfy (7), the no-slip condition.
Since the friction force from the road is available from (6), the maximum transmissible
torque, Tmax can be calculated as (8). This formula indicates that a given Fd allows a certain
maximum torque output from the wheel so as not to increase the slip. Here, it must be
pointed out that driving resistance, Fdr, is assumed to be zero, which will result in an over
evaluation of Tmax and consequently impair the anti-slip performance. However, Fdr is a
variable related with the chassis velocity and the vehicle shape, and can be calculated or
estimated in real time if higher anti-slip performance is required or if the vehicle runs at
high speed (Sakai et al., 1999; Cao et al., 2006). Although the vehicle mass, M can also be
estimated online (Ikeda et al., 1992; Winstead & Kolmanovsky, 2005; Phornsuk et al., 2006),
in this paper it is assumed to be constant. Due to these assumptions, the following sections
will evaluate and analyze the robustness to disturbances in driving resistance and the
perturbation in vehicle mass.

Tmax = w 2 + 1 rFd

Finally, the proposed controller can use Tmax to constrain the torque reference if necessary.
126 Motion Control

Tmax T

2s + 1 1s + 1
1 1

1 + Jws
r r
+ 1 r

Fig. 4. Primary control system based on MTTE

2.3 Controller design

The torque controller is designed as in Fig. 4, in which the limiter with a variable saturation
value is expected to realize the control of torque output according to the dynamic situation.
Under normal conditions, the torque reference is expected to pass through the controller
without any effect. On the other hand, when on a slippery road, the controller can constrain
the torque output to be close to Tmax.
Firstly, the estimator uses the driving torque generated by the motor and the rotation speed
of the wheel to calculate the friction force, and then estimates the maximum transmissible
torque according to (8). Finally, the controller utilizes the estimated torque value as a
saturation value to limit the commanded torque, T*. In essence, the estimation shown in Fig.
4 is a disturbance observer.
Here, although it will cause some phase shift, duo to the low resolution of the shaft encoder
installed in the wheel, a low pass filter (LPF) with a time constant of 1 is introduced to
smooth the digital signal, , for the differentiator which follows. In order to keep the filtered
signals in phase, another LPF with a time constant of 2 is added for T.
In the actual controllers, the wheel radius, r, in the blocks can be combined to reduce the

2.4 Stability analysis

Considering that the Magic Formula included in the vehicle model shown in Fig. 2 is non-
linear, this work makes use of an equivalent model for stability analysis to decide on
Slip occurs when part of the outputted torque cannot be transmitted to the chassis by the
tire-road interaction, resulting in lower chassis acceleration than that of wheel. Here, (9) uses
to describe the ratio of the under-transmitted torque.
In addition, taking into account the ideal state and the worst-case slip in which the wheel
spins completely idly, that is, the inertia of the whole system is equal to the inertia of wheel,
Jw, the variation range of , as (10), is available too.
A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity 127

V$ V$w = (9)

[0, Mr 2 J w ] (10)

According to (1), (2) and (9), the dynamic longitudinal model of the vehicle can be simplified
as in (11), a Single-Input-Single-Output system which masks the complicated interaction
among tire, chassis and road, which contributes to the stability analysis. That is, the
unwanted wheel acceleration that causes slip can be regarded as the result of a decrease in
system inertia. And, can also be treated as a description of variation in system inertia.

J$ = T (11)
Here, as shown in (12), J is the equivalent inertia of the whole vehicle system from the
viewpoint of the driving wheel, and Jn the nominal inertia where no slip occurs.

J= , J n = J w + Mr 2

Consequently, use is made of (12) to take place of the vehicle model shown in Fig. 4 for
stability analysis. When the vehicle rapidly accelerates on a slippery road, the estimated Tmax
will constrain T* and take its place to be treated as the input value to the motor. In this case,
the whole system will automatically transform into a closed feedback system, as shown in
Fig. 5.

P(s ) z w

r + Vw
s + 1

1 + Jws
2s + 1 1s + 1
1 1
r r2
+ 1 r

Fig. 5. Equivalent closed-loop control system
Here, in order to analyze the stability easily, the delay of the electro-mechanical system is
simplified as a LPF with a time constant of . However, in the following simulation,
according to the behaviour of real vehicle, the system delay is simulated by a pure delay and
a LPF.
The system of Fig. 6, which is the equivalent block diagram of Fig. 5, is used for the analysis
of the closed-loop stability against , the model variation. Tzw, the transfer function from w
to z in Fig. 6, is described in (13).
128 Motion Control

z w


Fig. 6. Equivalent block diagram for stability analysis

J wK
Tzw =
J n r 1s 2 + J n (( r K ) + r 1 )s + J nr Mr 2 K


K = w 2 + 1r

As a result, the following conditions in (16) must be satisfied to ensure the closed-loop
stability, that is, ensure the real part of the roots of the characteristic equation, (15), to be
negative (Ioannou & Sun, 1995). Here, 2 is assumed equal to 1 to simplify the solution.

1 Tzw = 0 (15)

1 J w Mr 2

> J w

1 Mr 2

It can be found in (16) that if there is no limiter, when the vehicle runs in a normal state,
must be larger than 1 to fulfil the requirement for stability. However, considering (8), when
is larger than one, Tmax will be always restrained to be smaller than the torque that the tire-
road interface can provide, which will impair the acceleration performance. Therefore, in
this work, is designed to be slightly smaller than one to ensure acceleration performance
while improving the antislip performance.

2.5 Compensation for acceleration performance

In real experiments, even in normal road conditions, Tmax may be smaller than T* due to
system delay at the acceleration start, which will cause suddenly commanded acceleration
to be temporarily constrained by Tmax during the acceleration phase.
In order to avoid this problem, the increasing rate of T* is amplified as a stimulation to force
the under-evaluated Tmax to the acceleration reference. T'max is used instead of Tmax as the
input to the controller, whose relation is described by (17). Here, G is a compensation gain.
Additionally, the over-expanded T'max can be automatically constrained by the following

Tmax = Tmax + T$ *G (T$ * >0) (17)

The value of G should be decided corresponding to the total delay in the system and the
maximum acceleration rate that the vehicle permits. Generally, larger delay or a higher
acceleration rate requires a larger value for G.
A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity 129

Fig. 7. COMS3 - a new experimental electric vehicle

3. Experiments and simulation

3.1 Experimental electric vehicle
In order to implement and verify the proposed control system, a commercial electric vehicle,
COMS, which is made by TOYOTA AUTO BODY Co. Ltd., shown in Fig. 7 was modified to
fulfil the experiments requirements. Each rear wheel is equipped with an Interior
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPMSM) and can be controlled independently after
As illustrated in Fig. 8, a control computer is added to take the place of the previous ECU to
operate the motion control. The computer receives the acceleration reference signal from the
acceleration pedal sensor, the forward/backward signal from the shift switch and the wheel
rotation from the inverter. Then, the calculated torque reference of the left and the right rear
wheel are independently sent to the inverter by two analog signal lines. Table 2 lists the
main specifications of the experimental electric vehicle.

3.2 Experiments
Based on the algorithm shown in Fig. 4, the controllers were synthesized and discretized,
and then implemented to COMS3 for experiments.
In these experiments, the slippery road was simulated by an acrylic sheet with a length of
1.2 m and lubricated with water. However, in all of the experiments, the friction coefficient
between the tire and road surface was not measured and was unknown.
The initial velocity of the vehicle was set higher than 1 m/s to avoid the immeasurable zone
of the shaft sensors installed in the wheels. However, the results of some additional
experiments which were not included in this dissertation proved that the proposed control
algorithm can also work when the vehicle starts off on a slippery road. In the comparative
experiments, the initial velocities were kept to the same value as much as possible.
Here, it must be pointed out that in order to detect the chassis velocity and avoid mounting
additional sensors for the experiment, only the left rear wheel is driven by the motor, while
the right rear wheel rolls freely to provide a reference value of the chassis velocity for
comparison. Due to the short track and small torque, the yaw moment resulting from the
difference of torque between the left and the right wheels was too small to affect the
Motion Control

Main Battery

Auxiliary Battery Charger

Main Relay

Shift Switch Select Switch

ODO/Trip Meter
Select Switch Indicator Control Torque Reference
Computer AD

Turn Signal

System Down Motor
Brake Lamp Switch Vehicle Contro
Control Rotation ECU
Accelerator Pedal
Torque Reference AD
Lamp Relay

Rotation/2ms R
Key Switch
LAN Note Computer
A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity 131

Total Weight 360 kg

Max. Power 2000 W 2
Max. Torque 100 Nm 2
Wheel Inertia 0.5 kgm2 2
Wheel Radius 0.22 m
Sampling Time 0.01 s
Controller PentiumM 1.8G, 1 GB RAM
A/D and D/A 12 bit
Shaft Encoder 36 pulse/round
Table 2. Specification of COMS3
experiments. Furthermore, this experimental method makes the vehicle skid more easily on
the simulated slippery road.
In the following experiments where the robustness to disturbances in driving resistance was
evaluated, the vehicle was attached to concrete blocks that were connected in a chain and
dragged along the road to simulate the driving resistance due to wind or an uphill slope.
The simulated driving resistance was measured by a dynamometer.
Fig. 9 describes the comparison of control performance between the control based on MTTE
and MFC, as well as the non-control case.

Velocity: MTTE vs. MFC

10 V(MTTE)
Velocity (m/s)

6 Vw(None)
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Torque: MTTE vs. MFC

Torque (Nm)

2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Time (s)

Fig. 9. Comparison of experimental results of two control designs
132 Motion Control

Because the vehicle mass varies significantly in a real driving environment, In order to
evaluate the robustness to variation in vehicle mass, some comparative experiments were
performed with different nominal mass in the proposed controller while keeping the real
vehicle mass fixed at 360 kg. Fig. 10 provides these comparative results, in which the
nominal mass varied from 180 kg to 360 kg.
Fig. 11 describes the results of the experiment with driving resistance. In these experiments,
the driving resistance was simulated at 230 N, corresponding to the air resistance of a BMW
8-series running at a speed of 86 km/h.

Wheel Velocity vs. Chassis Velocity

No Control
Velocity (m/s)

10 Mn=300
7.5 Mn=240
5 Mn=180

2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Torque Reference vs. Torque Output

Torque (Nm)

60 Reference
0 Mn=180
2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Time (s)

Fig. 10. Comparison of experimental results with variation in vehicle mass

3.2 Simulation
Due to the limitation of experimental equipment and facilities, the existing experimental
results could not provide a comprehensive comparative demonstration to sufficiently reflect
the features and essence of the proposed control topology. Therefore, numerical simulations
were performed to provide more detailed comparisons and analysis, in which parameters
could be set more precisely, providing finer insight into the controller behaviour than is
possible through experiments alone. The following analysis and discussion will based on the
experimental results, as well as on the simulation results.
Simulation systems were synthesized based on the algorithm in Fig. 4 and the vehicle model
in Fig. 2. Here, it is must pointed that, in the vehicle model, a LPF with a time constant of 1
ms is placed after the friction coefficient to simulate the dynamics of the tire. The time
constant is linearly related to the softness of the tire.
A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity 133

Wheel Velocity vs. Chassis Velocity

Vw (No Control)
V (No Control)
Velocity (m/s)
10 Vw (Controlled)
V (Controlled)
3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6

Torque Reference vs. Torque Output

Torque (Nm)

0 Controlled
3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
Time (s)

Fig. 11. Comparison of experimental results with driving resistance of 230 N

Fig. 12 illustrates the stability of the control system in which is designed to be 0.9 for two
different slip states. In these simulations, the system delay and time constants in LPFs are
shortened to make the primary tendency clear. Here, system delay was set to 0, and time
constants in the LPFs were set to 20 ms. In the simulation of severe slip, the maximum
friction coefficient is set to 0.3, and a slight slip of 0.6. Here, the commonly used and
values are utilized to describe the extent of slip.

4. Discussion
4.1 Stability analysis
When is smaller than one, according to (1) and (8), it can be found that when the vehicle
runs in no-slip conditions, as described as (18), Tmax will be larger than T*, and the unwanted
torque will be eliminated by the limiter, which keeps the system stable and responsive to the
drivers torque reference. In this case, the torque reference from the driver passes through
the controller and enters the motor, which makes the whole system operate like an open-
loop control system.

Jw 1 $ $
Tmax = T + V Vw
134 Motion Control

Severe Slip
Slip Ratio Slight Slip

Ratio 0.09
1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15
Variation of Equivalent System Inertia

1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15
Ratio of Chassis Acc. to Wheel Acc.


1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15
Max. Transmissible Torque
Torque (Nm)

1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15
Friction Force
Force (N)

1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15
Time (s)

Fig. 12. System stability in different slippery conditions

On the other hand, when the vehicle enters a slippery road, as described in Fig. 12, due to
the system delay, a sudden slip will occur at the first, and then, the whole system will work
in two different states:
1. Slight slip that makes (16) valid, that is, the system is theoretically unstable. Therefore,
at this time, the difference between the accelerations of the wheel and the chassis is in
an expanding state, and this state will last until the ratio of the acceleration of the
chassis to that of the wheel arrives at the designed value, . However, a well designed
will allow Tmax to rise to increase the slip properly, according to the Magic Formula, so
as to provide an increased friction force, as expected.
2. Severe slip that satisfies (16) occurs. The system is stable, that is, Tmax will become
smaller and smaller to restrain the slip. The ratio of the acceleration of the chassis to that
of the wheel will become larger and larger to meet the designed .
A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity 135

In conclusion, the simulations and experiments indicate that, a relaxation factor which is
smaller than 1 makes the system work in a critical state, which results in the best antislip
performance while keeping the system stable.

4.2 Control performance

Fig. 9 also shows that compared to the no-control case, the difference between the wheel
velocity and the chassis velocity caused mainly by the delay in the control system does not
increase. The estimated maximum transmissible torque is close to the input reference torque
in the normal road, and corresponds to the maximum friction force allowed by the slippery
tire-road surface. Moreover, the comparison with the control based on MFC demonstrated
this control performance furthermore (Yin et al., 2009).
Perturbations in vehicle mass and the disturbances in driving resistance are usually the most
uncertain factors in real driving environments. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show that the proposed
control system has high robustness to perturbations in vehicle mass and disturbances in
driving resistance.

4.3 Theoretical analysis with partially linearized model

Detailed analysis of control characteristics can be performed with a partially linearized
vehicle model. When the control system operates in the closed-loop control state, if only the
basic fact that the friction coefficient decreases with the velocity difference between the
wheel and chassis is considered, the whole controlled system can be simplified as in Fig. 13.
Note that when the vehicle accelerates in a normal condition, that is, the friction force
increases with the slip, considering the nonlinear tire model, in this model Ku should be a
varying negative value. However, Ku is partially assumed to be positive, because the
following discussion is limited to the condition where the slip ratio is in the unstable area as
shown in Fig. 3.
In Fig. 13, Fdo is the friction force between the tire and road surface when antislip control
starts. Mn denotes the nominal vehicle mass and generally it is equal to the mass of the
vehicle and the driver. Here, in order to simplify the analysis, the delay in the vehicle
system is ignored and 2 is assumed to be equal to 1. Differentiation of the difference
between the velocities is introduced due to the integral relation between the forces and the
The transfer function from Fdo to AD, and the one from Fdr to AD can be defined as TAd and
TAr respectively, in which J is the equivalent system inertia.

J = J w + Mr 2 (19)

J 1s 2 + 1 J ws

MJ w 1s + ( MJ w JK u 1 ) s +
TAd (20)
1 J wK u


M n

J w 1s 2 + J ws
TAr =
MJ w 1s 2 + ( MJ w JK u 1 ) s +
1 J wKu
136 Motion Control

1 V


Jws Vw
2s + 1 1s + 1
1 1

Mn r 2

Fig. 13. Partially linearized control system
Here, Equation (20) is used as an example to examine the relation between the friction force
and the differential of the velocity difference as follows.

= lim TAd (s )
AD (t )
t Fdo (t ) s 0
J 1s 2 + 1 J ws
< lim Mn
s 0 MJ s 2 + ( MJ JK ) s
w 1 w u 1


MJ w JK u 1

Equation (22) shows that the differential of the slip is proportional to the friction force,
which agrees with the additional simulation results shown in Fig. 14, in which small time
constants in LPFs and small delay in the electromechanical system were adopted to examine
the relation between the friction force and the velocity difference, was set to 0.5, and the
velocity difference representing the extent of the slip is equal to the difference between the
wheel velocity and chassis velocity.
Equation (22) also indicates that when 1 or Ku is considerably larger, that is, the system
delay causes the controller to be unable to follow the quickly varying friction force, the slip
will become larger. Here, Fdo is assumed to be a unit step reference.

4.4 Applied for two-degree-of-freedom motion control

From the viewpoint of the object of control, in the traction control based on MFC, the
nominal model in the observer is the whole vehicle which varies drastically when the
A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity 137

Velocity Difference (m/s)

Max. Miu=0.3
Max. Miu=0.5

0 2 4 6 8
Time (s)
Fig. 14. Comparison of simulation results in different roads with small time constants
vehicle mass changes or load transfer among the driving wheels occurs during acceleration,
braking or when the vehicle enters a curve. Therefore, this type of control method can be
thought of as a control for the chassis behavior, which introduces the possibility that this
control will interfere with other chassis control systems.
In contrast to this, the proposed control method is essentially based on control of wheel
behavior rather than control of the whole chassis behavior, which decreases the interference
with chassis controls, and also provides a sound independent basis for them.
Here, this work presents an example to demonstrate the application of the proposed traction
control to planar motion control of electric vehicles. Fig. 15 shows the architecture of a
Direct Yaw Moment Control enhanced by MTTE. Here, the steering-wheel angle, the
estimated vehicle linear velocity and friction coefficient are used to calculate the nominal
yaw rate, then the difference between the measured yaw velocity and the nominal yaw rate
acts as the input to the traction distribution module. Finally, the traction distribution
module generates the nominal torque reference for the MTTE.

5. Conclusion
This work proposed an estimator of maximum transmissible torque and applied it to the
control of the driving motors in electric vehicles for slip prevention. This estimator, which
does not calculate chassis velocity, instead using only the input torque and output rotation
of the wheel, provides a good foundation for antislip control. The effectiveness of the
estimation demonstrated that motors can act not only as actuators but also as a good
platform for state estimation because of their inherently fast and accurate torque response.
The experiments and simulations verified the effectiveness of the estimation in antislip
control. Additionally, this estimator is also expected to provide the maximum transmissible
torque for other vehicle control systems to enhance their control performance when the
vehicle runs in slippery conditions.
The controller designed to co-operate with the estimator can provide higher antislip
performance while maintaining control stability. When excessive torque is commanded, this
controller constrains the control output to follow the actual maximum driving force between
the tire and the road surface to prevent slip. In addition, the acceleration compensation
resolved the problem of deterioration of pedal response due to system delay.
138 Motion Control




Friction Coefficient Estimator

Chassis Velocity Estimator

Single-track Model

Traction Distribution



Fig. 15. A DYC system based on MTTE
Comparative experiments and simulations with variation of control variables and road
conditions demonstrated the advantages of the proposed control design. The proposed
control not only has a better antislip performance and higher adaptability in different tire-
road conditions, but also has greater robustness to perturbations in vehicle mass and
disturbances in driving resistance. These features enhance the applicability and practicality
of this method. Furthermore, the detailed discussion and analysis on the experiments and
simulations agreed with above evaluations and provided theoretical support for the
proposed control topology. These advantages qualify the proposed control method as a
general approach for traction control, as well as a basis for more sophisticated and advanced
motion control in electric vehicles.

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Motion Control
Edited by Federico Casolo

ISBN 978-953-7619-55-8
Hard cover, 590 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 01, January, 2010
Published in print edition January, 2010

The book reveals many different aspects of motion control and a wide multiplicity of approaches to the
problem as well. Despite the number of examples, however, this volume is not meant to be exhaustive: it
intends to offer some original insights for all researchers who will hopefully make their experience available for
a forthcoming publication on the subject.

How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:

Dejun Yin and Yoichi Hori (2010). A Novel Traction Control for Electric Vehicle without Chassis Velocity, Motion
Control, Federico Casolo (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-7619-55-8, InTech, Available from:

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