SMRP Guide To The Maintenance and Reliability Body of Knowledge

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The Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) has
created the Guide to the Maintenance and Reliability Body of Knowledge.
This guide is built around the five pillars of the Maintenance and Reliability
Body of Knowledge: Business and Management, Manufacturing Process
Reliability, Equipment Reliability, Organization and Leadership, and Work
Management. This guide to the Maintenance and Reliability Body of
Knowledge was developed by SMRPs Maintenance and Reliability
Knowledge Committee using a rigorous development process. This guide
extends to level 2, the function level of the Body of Knowledge. Work is
underway to develop level 3 of the Body of Knowledge that will define the
skills required for success in the areas of tools, concepts and processes.
This guide is an aid to both new and experienced Maintenance and Reliability
professionals who are looking for a roadmap to world class performance.
This guide is designed to be used with SMRPs benchmarking and best
practice metrics.

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Maintenance and Reliability
Body of Knowledge Pillar Descriptions
Pillar 1 - Business and Management
This subject area describes the skills used to translate an organizations
business goals into appropriate maintenance and reliability goals that support
and contribute to the organizations business results.

Pillar 2 Manufacturing Process Reliability

This subject area relates maintenance and reliability activities to the
manufacturing process of the organization to ensure that maintenance and
reliability activities improve the manufacturing process.

Pillar 3 Equipment Reliability

This subject area describes two kinds of activities that apply to the equipment and
processes for which the maintenance and reliability professional is accountable.
First are those activities used to assess the current capabilities of the equipment
and processes in terms of their reliability, availability, maintainability, and criticality.
Second are the activities used to select and apply the most appropriate
maintenance practices, so that the equipment and processes continue to deliver
their intended capabilities in the safest and most cost-effective manner.

Pillar 4 Leadership and Organization

This subject area describes processes for assuring that the maintenance and
reliability staff is the most qualified and best assigned to achieve the maintenance
and reliability organization goals.

Pillar 5 Work Management

This subject area focuses on the skills used to get the maintenance and reliability
work done. It includes scheduling and planning activities, quality assurance of
maintenance activities, stores and inventory management.
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This subject area describes the skills used to translate an organizations
business goals into appropriate maintenance and reliability goals that support
and contribute to the organizations business results.

1.1 Create strategic direction and plan for Maintenance and Reliability
operations (provide vision, provide clear and measurable goals, develop
business case, etc.)
Maintenance and reliability leaders create a vision, mission, and strategic plan to
guide implementation of appropriate maintenance and reliability processes in
order to achieve organizational business goals. The strategic plan provides clear
purpose (a demonstrated need), defined goals, and in turn, benefits to the
organization. Goals should be clear, measurable and established in a top-down
(cascading) manner. Maintenance and reliability leaders utilize their knowledge of
industry benchmarks to establish these goals, provide a measurement system,
and determine gaps in their maintenance and reliability processes. It is important
for operations, maintenance, and other involved disciplines to agree on the goals
and the measures used to quantify them. Equally important is an understanding
of roles and responsibilities in the strategic plan. Routine review and discussion
of progress will ensure team commitment and provide an opportunity to make
periodic adjustments to the plan that may be required.

1.2 Administer strategic plan (develop support, prepare budgets, obtain

approval and resources, implement plan, etc.)
In order to obtain the support and resources required to implement the strategic
plan, a solid business case should be developed that specifies the benefits in
financial terms. The business case should include an understanding of the
changes that will be required to the organization structure, personnel, roles and
responsibilities, tools and training, and priorities. Support for the resource
requirements will be enhanced when management understands the value
provided by the plan. Maintenance and reliability leaders should communicate

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this vision to those with a stake in the process to garner commitment to
implementation and execution of the plan. This requires champions positioned to
lead the effort and enlist support of customers, stakeholders and staff.

1.3 Measure performance (select key performance indicators, track and

report, etc.)
Measuring the right things the right way is a key to any successful maintenance
and reliability process. With a clear mission, vision and strategic plan established,
you are now ready to match these ideas with some leading and lagging key
performance indicators (KPIs) or measures that will help you know when you
have achieved your goals. Each KPI should be the result of multiple dimensions
that check for quantity as well as quality. This will magnify any manipulation of
data and enable achievement of each goal. Providing written definitions of roles
and responsibilities, getting everyone in the organization involved in the process
and providing good and bad feedback weekly will ensure continuous

1.4 Manage organizational changes (develop change management

process, communicate benefits, etc.)
An organizations natural resistance to change needs a counter effort by
leadership to influence and sustain the change. Changes include the way that
maintenance is identified, planned, executed, tracked and analyzed. Developing
a change management plan is important because it affects the people who do the
work. People have a different ability to change depending on the implementation,
their role, and their diverse backgrounds and personalities. Therefore, it is
important to understand how each of them will progress through the change
process; develop a change management plan with this in mind.

1.5 Communicate with stakeholders (provide management reports,

inform staff, coordinate with operations, etc.)
Maintenance and Reliability leaders should be capable of creating and executing
a comprehensive communication plan to achieve organizational business goals.
The plan includes appropriate communication with all stakeholders and
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recognizes the audience for which the message is intended. To ensure the
engagement of the stakeholders, an effective communication plan provides
methods of sharing information, receiving feedback and providing input to
decision-making processes. Multiple communication approaches and methods
should be utilized and the advantages and limitations of each should be

1.6 Manage environmental-health-safety risk (support company EHS

and security goals, conform to applicable regulations, provide EHS
training, etc.)
Maintenance and Reliability leaders should promote work practices that achieve
excellence in environmental stewardship, comply with all rules and regulations
pertaining to occupational health and safety, security, and the environment, and
protect resources. Occupational health and safety and environmental compliance
should not be sacrificed to achieve production goals. The benefits of good EHS
practices should be recognized for helping create a better work environment that
nurtures improved job satisfaction. It is important to train and encourage
employees to conduct their work in a safe and environmentally responsible
manner and to use proactive programs to identify and eliminate deviation from
accepted EHS practices.


This subject area relates maintenance and reliability activities to the manufacturing
or production process of the organization to ensure that maintenance and reliability
activities improve the manufacturing or production process.

2.1 Understand the applicable processes (document process flow,

understand process parameters, understand quality specifications, etc.)
A complete process understanding across all disciplines and at all levels of the
organization that influence the performance and safety can provide tremendous
benefit. The ability to react appropriately to changing conditions in the
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process, not only related to ones direct function but the impact on the total
process provides real time process control and optimization. Process
understanding not only includes how to operate, shutdown, analyze and
troubleshoot but also the methods for communicating and documenting
continuous improvement activities in operations, maintenance, quality and safety.
Clearly defined process operating procedures, quality specifications and flow
diagrams are helpful tools in communicating and documenting the desired
process performance.

2.2 Apply process improvement techniques (identify production losses;

establish continuous improvement process, etc.)
The implementation of process improvement techniques is an important
cornerstone for all reliability efforts. They should incorporate best practices at all
levels of business performance and include cost, risk and benefit analysis. The
key to establishing and sustaining improvement techniques is to involve the
people who are responsible for the work and who own, operate and maintain the
process or manufacturing equipment. This heightens the sense of continuous
improvement and nurtures a culture of empowerment, discipline and
accountability. The establishment of these techniques must be focused around
the business plan and goals for the organization and include sustained workforce
excellence, quantitative organizational performance assessments and ultimate
customer satisfaction. Many organizations have adopted various tools from ISO
(International Standards Organization) standards to a Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM) operational approach in order to establish comprehensive
process improvement techniques.

A crucial step in any process improvement effort is to identify key performance

indicators (KPIs) that align with the business goals of the organization. The type
of metrics, the process for implementing the metrics and determining the quality
of the metrics are just some of the considerations an organization must take into
account in the development stage. Metrics must realistic, achievable, and be
designed around the objectives of the business goals, specify accomplishments
and drive continuous improvement while identifying the progress of the criteria

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2.3 Manage effects of change to processes and equipment (establish
change protocol, update documentation and procedures, etc.)
The success of a maintenance or reliability program can be greatly hampered
when changes made to the process or equipment they govern is not properly
managed. Change can occur intentionally, such as a process modification or
improvement, or by unintentional means, such as component wear or general
equipment degradation over time. The effects of these changes must be
analyzed and managed in order to ensure the desired level of reliability is
maintained. A formal change management process is needed to identify any
significant changes to the process, equipment capability, and/or inventory items.
A basic component of an effective change management program is the
requirement that all intentional changes (this should include temporary changes
and engineered experiments) to the process must be submitted and approved
before the change can occur. After a proper application has been submitted, it is
reviewed by all affected parties within the organization. This includes
management, engineering, maintenance, safety, production, environmental, and
possibly others. The review insures that the effects of the change are properly
evaluated and all stakeholders are properly prepared.

The change management process also insures that all effected documents are
updated. This includes: a) drawings such as plant layouts, P&IDs, PFDs, etc. b.)
Maintenance documents such as MELs, PMs, FMEAs, parts lists and others. c.)
a variety of others including production control documents, safety documents,
asset lists and other documents. Upon approval of the requested change, the
change can then be implemented. The management-of-change process must
include devices to monitor the progress of the implementation. This includes
ensuring that documentation is created, collected and stored in an appropriate
manner. Upon completion of the change, devices must be in place to insure that
the change has achieved its desired effect and that all subsequent changes to
methods and documentation have been properly addressed.

At issue in one plant is the potential liability a planner may have should that
individual make an unapproved change to the facility. Liability may include
personnel as well as process safety.

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2.4 Maintain processes in accordance with applicable standards and
regulations (understand industry standards, understand regulatory
requirements, ensure compliance, etc.)
Maintenance & Reliability professionals use standards and specifications as a
way of translating the efforts of the reliability program into improved performance.
One approach is to use comparative analysis (benchmarking) between internal
results and the results of others, particularly if their performance is seen as a
world class. Gaps in performance of the reliability program must be identified,
quantified, interpreted, and communicated to other functions, e.g. financial,
operational and other service departments. Action plans to close the gaps are
created, reviewed, and improved on a continuous basis as part of a "living
program" approach to reliability. Measurements and action plans are posted in
designated areas of the company for all employees to review.

Regulations specify legal requirements that are mandatory. They include such
topics as environmental effects, safety, product safety, health or other matters in
the employee, consumer or public interest. A regulation usually consists of either
a federal, state or local government technical specification or requirement but on
occasion permit the use of a particular private sector standard as a means of
compliance. Regulations may seem a bit confusing and intimidating but having a
proper understanding of them and how they affect a business model may actually
save companies money and be more productive. The integration of regulatory
requirements with operational best practices in a continuous improvement culture
is the best way to ensure that compliance is achieved and that risk and potential
liabilities are also managed.

3.0 Equipment Reliability

This subject area describes two kinds of activities that apply to the equipment and
processes for which the maintenance and reliability professional is accountable. First are
those activities used to assess the current capabilities of the equipment and processes
in terms of their reliability, availability, maintainability, and criticality. Second are the
activities used to select and apply the most appropriate maintenance practices, so that

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the equipment and processes continue to deliver their intended capabilities in the safest
and most cost-effective manner.

3.1 Determine equipment reliability expectations (identify reliability

goals, identify process expectations, etc.)
Business plan goals and stakeholder expectations are the foundation on which
equipment reliability and availability requirements are formed. Knowledge of the
plant processes and business objectives, together with an understanding of
regulatory and code requirements and inherent design capabilities, enable the
development of meaningful and measurable equipment reliability and availability

3.2 Evaluate equipment reliability and identify improvement opportunities

(measure and track performance, determine best demonstrated
performance, analyze gaps, etc.)
Evaluating equipment reliability begins with selecting where, how, and when to
measure equipment performance. Consistent and accurate data collection
methods are essential. Analysis of performance data must also take into account
load, speed, environment, and other factors that may influence performance.
When sufficient equipment data has been gathered, it can be compared with
established reliability and availability expectations. Gaps identified in this
comparison are candidates for further investigation.

Equipment not meeting performance expectations may be analyzed using a

variety of methods (e.g. root cause analysis, Weibull analysis). Nominal design
parameters and best demonstrated performance levels should also be compared
with the process requirements to determine if the requirements have changed
over time to the point that they exceed the inherent design capacity of the
equipment. This comprehensive analysis results in clearly defined improvement
opportunities for achieving equipment performance that meets expectations.

3.3 Establish a strategic plan to assure reliability of existing equipment (identify

appropriate analysis techniques, develop maintenance strategy and tactics, etc.)

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Properly developed maintenance and reliability plans consist of the optimum
tasks to safely meet reliability and availability requirements at the lowest cost.
Achieving this requires a thorough understanding of the scope and applications
of maintenance activity types (e.g. condition-based, restorative/replacement,
failure-finding, autonomous, etc.). The use of one or more processes focused on
developing reliability-based maintenance plans is recommended. Selection may
be based on the criticality and failure consequences of the asset, system, or
process to ensure alignment with the strategic plan. It is important to perform
periodic reviews of these plans and equipment reliability performance, and to
make adjustments as business needs, performance, or requirements change.

3.4 Establish a strategic plan to assure reliability of new equipment

(establish reliability specifications and acceptance criteria, obtain
complete documentation, etc.)
An equipment reliability strategy is developed using defined performance,
availability, and maintainability requirements needed to achieve the business
mission. These requirements are translated into reliability specifications and
acceptance criteria, including documentation requirements, for use in procuring
equipment. They also provide specific guidance for use in the maintenance
planning process. A documented equipment reliability strategy that is fully
integrated into the equipment selection, procurement, and commissioning
processes is the essential first step in assuring reliability over the life of the
equipment. The strategy for new equipment should be congruent with the
strategic plan.

3.5 Cost-justify selected plans for implementation (conduct cost-benefit

analysis, communicate benefits, obtain approval, etc.)
Cost justification uses identified and quantified benefits or values, costs or
resources, and possibly risks associated with a proposed equipment reliability
plan to produce an information package for decision making and performance
measurement. The information package, presented as a business case in a
format suitable for enterprise budget reporting and analysis, is a useful tool for
obtaining management approval for financial and labor resources needed to
implement strategic and tactical plans that will achieve specified reliability
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3.6 Implement selected plans to assure equipment reliability (apply
reliability strategies, establish organizational structure, provide
resources, etc.)
Implementing an equipment reliability strategy may include monitoring equipment
condition, measuring equipment performance, analyzing data, communicating
results and recommendations, and taking appropriate action to achieve specified
reliability requirements. Properly applied technologies and procedures are often
key components to an implementation solution. The organization should be
structured to support and enable reliability strategy implementation.

3.7 Review reliability of equipment and adjust reliability strategy

(assess key performance indicators, analyze deviations, identify
relevant best practices, implement continuous improvement, etc.)
Every reliability program should be assessed against the established reliability
goals and process expectations. Carefully selected maintenance and reliability
key performance indicators (KPIs) provide insight into the effectiveness of the
applied reliability strategy. Analysis and comparison of KPI trends, along with
research into the cause of deviations from expected performance, lead to tactical
implementation adjustments which in turn impact the KPI results. Relevant
industry best practices and related metrics that are integrated appropriately at the
strategic and tactical levels also drive continuous improvement of the
maintenance and reliability processes which support business objectives.

4.0 Organization & Leadership

This subject area describes processes for assuring that the maintenance and
reliability staff is the most qualified and best assigned to achieve the
maintenance and reliability organization goals.

4.1 Determine organizational requirements (review strategic plan,

determine required skills and staffing levels, etc.)

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It is important to identify the organizational requirements needed to align to the
organizational strategic plan. Requirements that need to be considered are
analyzing the overall capability of the organization, understanding the business
conditions in which the organization operates, understanding the capability and
skills of personnel, evaluating industry trends, issues, and opportunities that
might affect the organizational programs, developing strategic and tactical plans,
and communicating to all levels of the organization. Establishing and
communicating these requirements early will provide direction and assist in
maintaining alignment to the organizational strategic plan.

4.2 Analyze organizational capability (inventory staff skills, determine

performance gaps, etc.)
Assessment of organizational capability begins with a performance analysis. The
organization needs to measure actual performance against desired performance
by assessing personnel in order to identify any gaps.

4.3 Develop the organization structure (establish reporting channels,

determine roles and responsibilities, manage reorganization, etc.)
Organizational structure development identifies the work functions needed to
carry out the strategic plan, structures these functions to facilitate effective
organizational performance, and delineates functional interaction. The
organizational structure defines roles, responsibilities, relationships, governance,
and other organizational characteristics that, when effectively communicated,
facilitate work by the people and teams to which the various functions are

4.4 Develop personnel (provide training, hire needed expertise,

delineate career paths, etc.)
Development of personnel is an essential part of improving organizational
performance, aligning staff with the strategic plan, and providing a career path for
personnel. A training plan is the method used to develop a structured curriculum
that fits the training requirements of each job role. The predefined curriculum will
facilitate the development of the performance assessment for measuring actual
performance against desired performance. Thus, it identifies the right training to
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close the gap. Training plans also provide career paths to enhance company

4.5 Lead and manage people (develop leadership skills, assess

performance, promote cooperative work environment, facilitate
communication, etc.)
A manager's most important and most difficult role is to lead and manage people.
Leaders must lead, motivate, inspire, and encourage their staff. Managers have
to hire, fire, discipline, and evaluate their staff. Employees are an organization's
most valuable asset. What managers make of them depends on how they treat
them, how they manage them, and how they lead them. Therefore, managers
need to be equipped with these skills and know how to successfully demonstrate
these competencies in the workplace.

5.0 Work Management

This subject area focuses on the skills used to get the maintenance and
reliability work done. It includes planning and scheduling activities, quality
assurance of maintenance activities, stores and inventory management.

5.1 Identify, validate, and approve work (establish work identification

processes, select and approve viable work, etc.)
It is important for those who identify needed maintenance work to understand the
different types of actions that can be taken and when they should be applied from
a technical standpoint. Of equal importance is the ability to assess the business
justification for the maintenance plan and to develop the needed data support
systems for it. The ability to manage the work, to maintain the appropriate
backlog, and to minimize overdue work must also be evident. The maintenance
professional needs to understand the importance of and the inputs to the work
identification phase of a planned work process. Planning, scheduling, reliability
and supply chain efforts rely on the early identification of work to be successful.

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An effective work identification process employs objective methods to manage
planned and unplanned work. It utilizes concepts such as FMEA or RCM
analysis to identify planned work. The work or task has to be validated and
classified accurately based on various categories such as preventive
maintenance, predictive inspection and testing, corrective maintenance or
emergency work.

5.2 Prioritize work (develop and implement formal prioritization system, etc.)
A well-defined and properly executed work prioritization process must be
employed to effectively manage resources (manpower, time, tools, and materials)
available to the maintenance professional. An effective prioritization process will
assure the most serious problems (safety and environmental) are corrected
expeditiously, proactive maintenance strategies are executed, and critical
equipment that has reached functional failure are quickly restored to meet
operational requirements. Work that involves improvements, modification of
processes, enhancements to safety, etc. that will improve conditions must also
be prioritized, planned, scheduled, and executed in an appropriate amount of

The prioritization of maintenance tasks and activities is defined as the process for
approving and selecting the most important work to be planned first, scheduling
these tasks, and executing those tasks based on the priority assigned during the
identification and planning processes. The most successful companies employ a
risk-based strategy to assure that work is prioritized and managed to ensure their
business goals and objectives are safeguarded. Key to the success of such a
program is having performance metrics in place to measure compliance with the
prioritization, planning, scheduling, and execution of the most critical tasks and

5.3 Plan work (develop job package including scope, procedures,

references, materials, tools, testing, etc.)

The work planning function uses knowledge and information about equipment,
job tasks, tools and materials, worker skills, and work environment to produce a
worker information package (job plan). The package, containing detailed
information about work scope and procedures, specifications and regulations,
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and required tools and materials, is produced and communicated prior to
commencing work. The planning function also includes securing of permits and
clearances, assuring availability of tools and materials, and estimating time and
material costs. Work planning leads to increased efficiency and effectiveness of
the maintenance workforce, thus producing business value by lowering costs.

5.4 Schedule work (develop scheduling process, produce work

schedules, balance resources, monitor backlog, manage break-in work,
coordinate equipment access, etc.)
Implementing a scheduling process that incorporates the planning process will
enable effective execution of work. The needs of plant groups and the business
need to be considered in the scheduling process. An understanding of how to
balance all factors and create a logical and achievable schedule is required. The
systems that are connected to and support the scheduling process need to be
well understood. The scheduling function starts after planning of work is
completed. The purpose of scheduling is to ensure that resources are available
at the specified time. All activities need to be scheduled in order to optimize the
resources including labor and material. Work is scheduled after confirmation that
all prerequisite work has been completed. Coordination and communication will
require periodic meetings to review planned work, production requirements,
material availability and backlog activities. The maintenance professional needs
to understand the critical success factors for proper work scheduling. Effective
implementation and execution of scheduling will require managing the process to
meet expectations using pre-determined key performance indicators and
managing the work to meet or exceed performance thresholds.

5.5 Execute work (manage labor, material, and services; control

productivity, ensure HSE compliance, etc.)
The methods and best practices for effective use of maintenance resources need
to be clearly understood. The skills of the maintenance workforce must be
evergreen so they can satisfy the collective needs of the maintenance plan. The
systems needed to properly support the management of critical resources should
readily available and well understood. The criteria for the appropriate use of the
various methods of making spare parts available to the maintenance function,

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along with the benefits and the risks associated with each, need to be known.
Methods for sound cost management of the maintenance function and how the
value of the work performed impacts the business financial metrics needs to be
thoroughly understood. Health, Safety and Environmental guidelines are used to
develop and implement efficient, comprehensive and proactive programs to
ensure a safe and environmentally compliant work environment.

5.6 Document work (create post-work documentation process, record

failure events, etc.)
Maintenance professionals must demonstrate their ability to create, update and
manage work orders in a way that insures those who execute the work
understand the tasks that need to be done including what safety precautions
need to be taken and an estimate of the time, tools and materials required.
Instructions should be provided on how to capture the as-found condition of the
equipment, what components were failed, and the steps that were taken to return
the equipment to service. Accurate and detailed documentation of work will
provide information on resource utilization (e.g. skill sets, tools, special
equipment, delays, etc), actual costs of maintenance to support budget and
planning efforts, and enhance the ability of the reliability function to document
and categorize trends. Effective and accurate documentation can be a tool for
analyzing and comparing maintenance activities including failure history, repair
cost, or production downtime so that it can be improved.

A maintenance professional should use a Computerized Maintenance

Management System (CMMS) as the management tool to capture information
after the maintenance tasks are completed. Proper recording of information after
the completion of work is essential for measuring and communicating
maintenance performance, and for supporting the analysis of equipment failure.

5.7 Analyze work and follow-up (compare actual work with plan, identify
variances, etc.)
The maintenance professional should be able to analyze work and compare the
actual work with the plan set forth for the identified maintenance tasks.
Documentation of the work is used to determine when adjustments need to be

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made to measure the accuracy of the job plan in such areas as the estimated job
duration, materials and tools required, etc. After completion, the work order
should be analyzed and compared with the equipment history and to benchmark
data, maintenance costs should be reviewed and improvements made to the
work process. This could be used as inputs to programs such as Failure Mode
Effect Analysis (FMEA), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), and/or Root
Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) that will assist in changing maintenance job plans
and improve reliability.

5.8 Measure work management performance (establish performance

indicators, report schedule compliance and rework, etc.)
The understanding of maintenance performance metrics and how to apply them
needs to be demonstrated. The ability to identify and use complementary metrics
to give a well-rounded assessment of performance and to support the needs of
the business should be evident. . It is important to identify and measure
performance to determine the current state of the maintenance function,
recognize the gaps against expectations or established benchmark information,
and develop a process affecting the necessary changes.

The key principle of performance management is to ensure you are measuring

what should be managed. Appropriate and achievable metrics should be selected
across all work management functions to support the needs of the business and
lead the workforce to higher levels of performance. Performance measures may
include metrics for measuring the effectiveness of planning, scheduling and
execution along with reliability and production measures. Some of the metrics
that can be utilized are percentage of planned work, schedule compliance,
percentage of rework, etc.

5.9 Plan and execute projects (define scope, estimate project and life
cycle costs, apply critical path methods, track progress, coordinate
staffing, etc.)
The maintenance professional understands all the steps required to plan and
implement a capital project. The requirements of each step need to be known
and understood. The ability to use tools and techniques critical to the success of
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the project planning process needs to be evident. The project scope, time to
execute and cost should be defined taking into consideration the materials, plant
configuration, spare parts (new and obsolete), manpower and financial
requirements. An analysis must be made of various activities required for project
execution in order to identify a proper project team and define the responsibilities
for each individual team member. The execution of the project should enable
completion of the project on time and without rework or faults. Project execution
should be continuously monitored and reported. Any deviations to the plan must
be communicated in order to make adjustments to the project design, scope and
resources. A maintenance professional should be able to utilize life cycle cost
analysis (total cost for design, purchase, installation, maintenance and disposal)
for capital projects to achieve the most effective approach for least cost of
ownership of an asset.

5.10 Use information technologies effectively (leverage capabilities of

data historian, process control systems, condition monitoring software,
EAM/CMMS, etc.)
The maintenance professional needs the ability to use a wide variety of
computerized systems for the management of the information used in the
management of the maintenance function. An understanding of the functionality
of a Computerized Maintenance Management System as well as systems used
to transfer or share data and documents between both people and various
databases needs to be evident. The ability to manipulate data into information on
a host of computerized systems commonly used by maintenance needs to be
demonstrated. An understanding of when and how to most appropriately use
computerized tools to manage maintenance work, assess the health of
equipment, and to guide improvement efforts should be part of the maintenance
professionals abilities.

5.11 Manage resources and materials (control materials inventory,

manage spares and equipment, establish MRO procurement process,
manage contractors, etc.)
The effective management of inventory (spare parts, tools, etc.) for maintenance
activities is critical to the work management process. When the procurement
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process is performed by another organization, the maintenance professional
needs to support that process to ensure that what is purchased meets the over
business needs of the organization (i.e. cost versus reliability). When the
inventory management system used to manage spare parts and materials is not
a function of the CMMS, the maintenance professional should ensure that the
methods and/or software used fully support the goals of the maintenance
function. The process should provide a framework of what to buy, when to buy,
what to keep in stock and what inventory should be eliminated. This will provide
effective control of storerooms and inventory related costs while maintaining an
expected level of service. The process depends on accurate documentation of
equipment components and parts in the CMMS along with recording information
after completion of maintenance activities. This will enable setting up stocking
parameters and prioritizing inventory to support work planning and scheduling
processes. In addition to materials and spares, contract resources should also be
documented in order to be requested, planned and scheduled for work. A
maintenance professional should develop measurements to gauge performance
(e.g. stock outs, excess inventory, obsolete inventory, etc.) for inventory and
resources. Proper management of spares, tools and resources will facilitate
continuous improvement of cost, workforce productivity and process availability.

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