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Many factors make a person unique in his or her own way. One of this is
personality. We can define personality as the distinctive and characteristic pattern of
thought, emotion, and behavior that define an individuals personal style of interacting
with the physical and social environment.
Personality plays an important part in the identification and choice of specific career. The
first step to career choice and planning understands oneself. According to Holland (1985), a
person may possess the following personality types:
Realistic technician/engineer
Investigate scientist/chemist
Artistic musician/sculptor
Social teacher/social worker
Enterprising salesperson/lawyer
Conventional accountant/banker
Realistic and Investigative types lack interpersonal skills and have difficulty with
emotional expression of feelings. The artistic and social types are emotional in the expression of
feelings and may dislike highly ordered and repetitive activities.
The personality type one has is linked to specific work environments.
1. MENTAL ASPECT refers to his intellectual capacity.
2. EMOTIONAL ASPECT a person emotional make up is shown in his likes and dislikes.
3. SOCIAL ASPECT how well a person conducts himself with other people and how well
he observes the rules of etiquette that govern society.
4. PHYSICAL ASPECT heredity and environment determine the entire physiological
system of an individual. Posture, body build and size, compression and facial expressions,
as well as the appropriateness and condition of clothes, comprise the physical appearance of
a person. It has a lot to do with personality.
5. MORAL ASPECT this aspect personality has to do with a persons awareness of the
differences between what is wrong or right.
6. SPIRITUAL ASPECT is the consciousness of the higher values in life.

DEVELOPMENT a continuous change for improvement in all aspects of the person: motor,
social, emotional, intellectual, and moral.
INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP (outer self) Personal and social relationship of a person
with others which develops systems of shared expectations.
INTRAPERSONAL DYNAMICS (inner self) dealing with ones inner self, like emotions
VISION Philosophy of life.


The exploration of ones interest and aptitudes lead one to formulate career and educational
decisions. It is important for one to focus on personal and social development.
Know Thyself it means giving more than what is observed or what is public knowledge as
ones name. It means really knowing oneself in terms of ones strengths and limitations. Ones
sense of identity is usually defined by individual traits and goals, by personal; achievement and
fulfillment, by social responsibilities and relationships.
A. Strengths
These are qualities, which we consider valuable or helpful in the things that we do. These
are usually seen as positive and traits that enable us to achieve what we set out to do.
B. My Interests
Ones interests are usually manifested in what one chooses or prefers to do. A person
may be interested in a basketball game, in reading a book, or in gardening. Any of these
activities may give a person a sense of satisfaction or enjoyment.
C. Parents Interests and Expectations
The career development of an individual and ones career decision- making skills will be
enhanced if the family becomes involved in the process. The family has expectations, dreams,
aspirations, and hopes for each member, which ultimately influences the persons goals and
D. My Values
A persons values are his/her personal convictions about what is desirable. Values
influences how a person acts and what we expect of others. These also influence our choices and
our goals.


A person cannot align his career unless he has aligned his personal life. He knows what
he is headed to, what he wants and how to get it. Many people are so focused on their career but
their personal life in a mess.
Career goals must be aligned to ones personal mission and life goals. If a person has a
personal mission of making his life meaningful and memorable, he will align his career towards
that direction. He will probably choose a job where he can maximize his service to others. Make
decisions that will not only serve his personal interest and always righteous in his actions and
As a starting point in your personal and professional growth, make your personal
mission-vision statement. This represents your desired ultimate outcome. What your life stands
for and the contributions you want to make. As an example:
My Personal Mission
To maximize my contributions in making this world a better place to live in by reaching
out to others with the use of my God given talents and resources.
My Ultimate Vision
I envision myself coming face to face with my creator, happy to make an account of my
contributions in the mission that he entrusted to me.
Once you are clear about your life mission-vision, proceed to the planning of your career.
The first step towards building a successful career is to plan your career direction. This
entails formulation of your career goals and aspirations and the action you need to take to
materialize them.
To arrive at workable action plan, you must be able to recognize what is important to
you, what you want and what is needed to achieve them. Then asses your strengths and
weaknesses so that you make right choices, one that best suits your personality, talents and inner
You Need a Growth Plan to Serve as your Guide
A growth plan is like a map that states the direction towards where you decide to grow
both in your personal and professional life within a given period of time
This growth plan consists of three parts:
1. Inventory of Assets, Liabilities, Opportunities and Threats
The assets include ones talents, abilities, skills and competencies as well available
resources money, contacts, materials, etc.
Liabilities include weaknesses, personal handicaps, and skills deficiency

Opportunities are external factors in the environment which facilitate goal attainment. For
example: opportunities to work abroad, scholarships made available to students, job
opportunities, etc.
Threats are those that serve as stumbling blocks to goal attainment.
2. Inventory of Resource Requirements
What is needed to realize goals, like personality attributes, required competencies,
educational and academic requirement, etc?
3. Action Plan
This consists of specific mission-vision statement, long term goals specific objectives and
action plans that will best respond to the mission and the goals. The plan must also
describe the mechanics of implementation like when, how it will be done, who will be
involved, etc.
All these information provide the basis for effective goal setting and action planning. A
person must know his strengths, limitations and inner resources so that he can plan ways
of using his assets to his best advantage. Improve his weaknesses and overcome threats
for goal attainment. He also needs to know what is required to reach certain goals so that
he can plan ways to meet them.


1. Prepare a personal mission statement
This must state what you wish to accomplish for a meaningful career. A meaningful
mission statement must not be confined to satisfying personal needs. You will find greater
meaning in life when you aim for serving others through the career you have chosen.
2. Formulate long-term goals
No success will ever be realized without goals and actions. Actions must be directed
towards goals it must be established from well-examined realities and sensible values so that
they become realistic, attainable and meaningful.
3. Identify the requirements to attain your goal.
Then assess your capacities to meet these requirements.
4. Establish specific, measurable, attainable and relevant objectives in relation to each
The goals must also respond to the requirements that have identified in number 3.
5. Prepare action plans

After identifying requirements, identify the steps, strategies and actions you will take to
satisfy each requirement. This is your action plan. It must include a timetable for
accomplishment- when to start and when it is expected to be finished.
6. Identify needed resources
Identify what resources are needed suppliers, materials, money, etc.
How much?
How many?
Where will you get these resources?

Learning to commit oneself to goals and career
Making a public commitment to something makes people more hesistant to make
changes. When one has showed his/her commitment to something especially if this done
publicly, the person will ultimately tend to carry out.Very often, after setting our own goals, we
may have the tendency to set this aside or even forget them. Thus it is important that one does
not only identify or set goals but makes it public in order to elicit greater chance of attainment.
The Organizational Climate. This is one factor that must be considered to satisfied people to
There are two Aspects of Organizational Climate
1. Organizational Character which consists of the structure, strategy, purposes, and goals,
and internal social system.
2. Management practices which cgoal setting consists of goal setting, task management
feedback, and people relationships.
Five Characteristics of a Good Organizational Climate
1. Clarity is the individuals sense of understanding or organizational goals and policies and
of being clear about the job, the feelings that things are organized and running smoothly.
2. Recognition is the feeling that the people are rewarded and recognized for doing good
work as constructed of the criticism for poor performance is more likely to be received than
recognition to good performance.
3. Commitment is defined as the feeling of continuing support to good achievement related
to acceptance and realism of goals.
4. Responsibility is the feeling of personal accountability for work comma, a sense of
individual initiative.
5. Teamwork is the feeling of belonging to an organization characterized by cohesion ,
mutual warmth and support, trust and pride.
Two Key Factors that Determine How Employee Will Perform the Job
1. His Motivation These factors hold the answer to why an employee behaves the way he
does and why one is more productive than another under similar circumstances.
2. His Ability An individuals value system made up of many but interrelated factors affects
his perception of a particular task and helps to determine his inclination to perform.
The influence of this factor is filtered through the individuals needs co cycled with
organizational conditions leads to his motivation to peform at some degree of capacity.
The motivation of an individual in addition to being determined by his peceived needs is also
affected by organizational conditions positively or negatively impact motivation depends on the
organizations existing in the company.

Influences of Meaningful Goals in Organization

It is the job of manager to achieve organizational goals. He does this through management
systems and the proper utilization of human resources. There is synergistic relationship between
interpersonal competence, goals and systems. Successful goal setting is a formal organization
Being able to relate personal goals to organizational goals.
Having helpful systems for setting and achieving goals.
Being ready to respond favorably to organizational goals.
Effective management systems are those which enable individuals to achieve a personal goals
by achieving organizational goals and are managed by the individual rather than managing the
individual in the achievement of goals. They also reflect a development philosophy of


Physical Health and Hygiene
Hygiene means health and healthful living. Good health means well balances condition of
body and mind which enables one to perform all functions normally. The rules of hygiene vary
with the requirement of each individual, and each person adapts what is needed from the general
rules and formulates a code of rules for personal hygiene. The rules cover all consideration of
personal characteristics including but not limited to:
1. Cleanliness daily bath
2. Oral hygiene care of mouth and teeth
3. Diet including weight control
4. Posture walking, standing, sitting
5. Clothing good quality which can be kept fresh and crisp by frequent laundering
6. Relaxation mental and physical exertion, sufficient time for rest.

Personal Hygiene Checklist

1. Daily bath and deodorant.
2. Oral hygiene- brushing of teeth and mouthwash
3. Diet weight control
4. Hairstyle
5. Clothes- uniform and shoes should be properly fitted
6. Facial make-up wear appropriate cosmetics
7. Posture
8. Hands must be cleaned and fingernails cut or trimmed short
9. Avoid dangling jewelry
10. Be relaxed
Keeping oneself in good health makes one feel optimistic and everyday activities tend to
run smoothly. On the contrary, when one is sick, it almost seems that life is not worth living.
Poor health handicaps you in all your enterprises, limits your achievements and robs you on the
enjoyment of living.

Rules of Health
1. Get sufficient exercise.
2. Provide for an adequate amount of sleep.
3. Maintain good habits of eating
4. Cultivate personal neatness.

Rules in Taking Food

1. Avoid sweets like candy and pastry.
2. Cultivate a desire for the natural flavors than to choose artificially seasoned foods.


This means making you become more accepted socially and improves your own self-respect. It
stimulates you to your best efforts. Unless personal neatness and cleanliness is given proper
attention, friends and associates will tend to accord the person.


For the men:
1. Keep your fingernails short and clean.
2. When cutting your toe nails, do it straight across.
3. Keep your tie and shirt wrinkle-free.
4. Wear a necktie with a long sleeved shirt.
5. Dont wear belt and suspender together.
6. Wear dark suits at night and for formal occasions.
7. Shoes must be polished or washed as needed.

For the ladies:

1. Keep your hair neat and tidy. Keep it out of other persons faces. Never brush your hair in
public places.
2. Never remove your shoes in public.
3. Fragrance of cologne or perfume should be subtle, never overwhelming and sneeze


The organization gives attention to fair employment practices. All employees are appraised on
their job performances.
Traditional Performance Appraisal Systems
Two Techniques
1. Job evaluation
2. Performance Appraisal
Some Performance Appraisal System:
1. Ranking the oldest and simplest system of formal, systematic rating is to compare one
person with all others for the purpose of placing them in a simple rank order of worth.
2. Person - to person- comparison certain factor, such as leadership, initiative and
dependability were analyzed and a scale was designed for each factor. Personnel are
compared to key persons, one factor at a time.
3. Grading in the grading system, categories of worth are established in advance and
carefully defined. For example, there are three categories of personnel: outstanding,
satisfactory and unsatisfactory. The employee will be rated O, S and U.
4. Graphic Scales It is an approach similar to that of the person-to-person system except that
the degrees on the factor scales are represented by definition rather than by key people.
5. Checklists the rater does not evaluate employee performance, it is merely reported. The
staff personnel department accomplishes the evaluation of the worth of reported behavior.
6. Essay a simple description of employee performance. The rater will compose a narrative
explaining this rating.
The organization must do the following:
1. set standards of performance
2. identify work activities
3. measure performance
4. evaluate results and causes
5. correct variances
The employee must ensure to know the following:
1. the job itself
2. the performance yardstick
3. the performance appraisal
4. the reasons for results
5. how to improve performance



HUMAN DIGNITY consciousness of the basic right of all human beings to have respect and
to have their basic needs met, so that each person has the opportunity to develop full potential.
DIGNITY OF LABOUR respect and appreciation for all forms of work recognizing their
contributions to both the individuals self-fulfillment and to societal progress and development.
1. HEALTH AND HARMONY WITH NATURE refer to holistic health, a state of physical,
mental, emotional, social and spiritual well -being and the symbiotic relationship between
humans and the natural environment entailing the duty to care of their health and protect other
forms of life on earth as stewards of the environment.
2. TRUTH AND WISDOM truth and wisdom are the ultimate goals of intellectual
development. Love of truth implies the constant search of knowledge. Wisdom is the ability to
discern and understand the deepest meanings and values in life and to act accordingly.
3. LOVE AND COMPASSION love is committed to the good of the whole human person. It
includes love for one self as well as for others. Love seeks the good of another person without
expecting anything in return. Compassion is being sensitive to the needs and suffering of others
and actively finding ways to improve their condition.
4. CREATIVITY is the capacity for original thought and expression that brings new ideas and
images into a practical and concrete reality in ways that did not previously exist.
5. PEACE AND JUSTICE peace are not merely the absence of violence but the presence of
respect, tolerance, trust, mutual understanding, cooperation, justice, and freedom. Justice is a
cornerstone of piece which is based on the recognition of the universality of human rights.
6. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT sustainable development involves striving for
environment protection, equitable sharing of social and economic well-being, security and self-
sufficiency at the local, national, regional and global levels, and seeking peace with oneself and
with others. It is sustainable when it is continuing and independent, ensuring the welfare of
present and future generation.
consciousness of common national identity and cultural heritage amidst differences in
language, religion, culture, and political beliefs, and the commitment to work together
towards a nations development. Global solidarity refers to the cooperation and just
relationships between and among nations in the economic, social, and political spheres.


To ensure safety and practice economic use of resources company adhere guidelines on the
maintenance of equipment.
1. Follow all established safety regulations.
2. All required safety outfits for the job must be worn at all times.
3. Always wear uniforms during work hours and be sure to put on the required safety outfits
while on work.
4. Do not engage in any form of horseplay, practical jokes, throw things and other activities that
are dangerous.
5. Do not enter processing sections or operate equipment not under your charge. Never enter
restricted areas you have been authorized to do so.
6. Equipment, tools and spare parts are to be properly arranged, kept clean, orderly, and in their
proper locations.
7. Handle carefully all equipment, tools fixtures, spare parts etc. Never transfer or take them out
without proper authorization from the supervisor.
8. Never operate any machine or equipment until you have been properly instructed on how to
use it safely and properly.
9. Do not use any vehicle unless you have been authorized to do so.
10. Safety equipment and gadgets have been installed for the protection of all employee. Never
remove or take off any of these gadgets and fixtures.
11. Handle all inflammable materials with care.
12. Always follow good housekeeping practices and keep all common areas and work areas
clean and orderly at all times.


General Provisions:
1. Use of mechanical equipment. Where mechanical handling equipment is used, sufficient safe
clearance shall be allowed for aisles at loading decks, through doorways and wherever turns or
passage must be made. Aisles and passage ways shall be kept clear and in good repair, with no
obstruction across that could create a hazard. Permanent aisles and passageways shall be
appropriately marked.
2. Secure Storage. Storage of material shall not create a hazard. Bag container, bundle etc. stored
in tiers shall be stacked, blocked, interlocked and limited in height so that they are stable and
secure against sliding or collapse.

3. Housekeeping. Storage areas shall be kept free from accumulations of materials that constitute
hazards from tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harborage vegetation control shall be exercised
when necessary.
4. Clearance limits. Clearance signs to warn of clearance limits shall be provided.
5. Rolling Railroad Cars. De rail and /or bumper blocks shall be provided on spur railroad tracks
where a rolling car could contact other cars being worked, enter a building, work or traffic areas.
6. Guarding. Covers and /or guardrails shall be provided to protect personnel from the hazards of
open pits, tanks etc.


To provide adequate protection, the protective clothing and equipment selected must always be:
1. appropriate for the particular hazards
2. maintained in good condition
3. properly stored when not in use, to prevent damage or loss
4. kept clean and sanitary

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) includes all clothing and accessories

designed to create a barrier against workplace hazards. Some examples are as follows:
Head protection hard hats
Eye - safety glasses
Face - face shields
Ear - ear plugs
Body - special suits
Hand - gloves
Foot - safety shoes
Personal protective equipment can be very effective in reducing injuries when the
protective equipment is selected based on its intended use, when employees are trained to its use,
and when that equipment is properly maintained. The company is required by the law to provide
protection for the employees and to ensure that the equipment is worn by the workers.

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