Look at The Clocks and Write The Time

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Put in the correct preposition

1. ___Christmas 6.____ April

2. ___ the evening 7.___ Monday
3. ___ Christmas evening 8. ___ Monday morning
4. ___ the weekend 9. ___ 1997
5. ___the 1-st of April 10.___ night

2. Look at the clocks and write the time.

3. Write some or any.

1. There is milk in your cup.

2. There isnt bread for breakfast.
3. There areapples in the basket.
4. Are theresausages in the fridge?
5. There arentoranges on the plate.
6. Therescheese on the table.

4. Write much or many.

1. Howsandwiches would you like?

2. Howjam do you need?
3. Howtea do you drink for dinner?
4. Howeggs are there on the table?
5. Howmilk have you got?

5. Put in a lot of / much / many.

1. Do you drink __________ tea?
2. I like reading. Ive got __________ books.
3. There isnt __________ milk in the fridge.
4. How ________ apples are there in the basket?
5. There were ________ children on the bus.
6. Theres ________ snow outside. Lets make a snowman.
7. Paula hasnt got __________ money.

6. Circle the correct option:

1. I think spring is _________ season of the year.
a) beautiful b) very beautiful c) more beautiful d) the most beautiful
2. Maths is _____________ than Biology.
a) important b) so important c) more important d) the most important
3. My phone is ___________ than my sisters phone.
a) expensive b) so expensive c) more expensive d) the most expensive
4. Mary is ____________ than Ben in my class.
a) clever b) clever as c) cleverer d) the cleverest
5. Dora is _ _ _ _ than Paula.
a) young b) younger c) older
6. Paula is _ _ _ _ than Lily.
a) taller b) taler c) the tallest

7. Present simple or continuous?

a) Mr Jones usually _______________ (wear) a shirt but today he _______________
(wear) a t-shirt.

b) On Mondays, I _______________ to the swimming-pool with my friends (go)

c) Stop singing! I ______________________ my lessons (learn)

d) Where are the children? They _________________ outside (play)

e) What _________ you __________ now (do)?

8. Translate:
1. Ale cui sunt aceste creioane? Ele nu sunt creioanele mele. Ele sunt ale Ralucai.
2. Se afla 50 de oi si 40 de gaste la ferma.
3. Eu am doua paini si trei pachete de unt.

4. Se afla cinci politisti in fata casei.
5. In fiecare duminica eu ma joc in parc cu prietenii mei.
6. Eu imi fac acum tema in camera mea.
7. Calul mananca iarba acum.
8. Citeste el des carti?

9. Gateste mama voastra cina acum?

10. Tu esti bolnav. Ar trebui sa mergi la doctor.

11. Elevii nu trebuie sa sara pe banci.

12. Mama mea este cea mai draguta persoana din lume.

13. Se afla multe legume pe masa? Nu, nu se afla multe. Sunt niste rosii, niste cartofi si
niste morcovi. Nu sunt si niste fructe.

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