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Dietary Fiber
in Human
3rd Edition

Dietary Fiber
in Human
3rd Edition

Edited by
Gene A. Spiller, D.Sc., Ph.D.
Health Research and Studies Center, Inc.
SPHERA Foundation
Los Altos, California

CRC Press
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

CRC Handbook of dietary fiber in human nutrition / edited by Gene A. Spiller.3rd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8493-2387-8 (alk. paper)
1. Fiber in human nutritionHandbooks, manuals, etc. I. Spiller, Gene A.

QP144.F52 C73 2001

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To Hugh Trowell and Denis Burkitt, who pioneered a new understanding of the role of plant
fibers in human health. They have been to me teachers of science, medicine, and humility. They
should be remembered not only as pioneers in medicine, but also for their selfless and total
dedication to the prevention of disease and human suffering.
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Preface to the First Edition

The CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in Human Nutrition is proof of the amazing growth in
the study of dietary fiber during the 1970s and 1980s. When I first edited a book on dietary fiber,
Fiber in Human Nutrition, in the mid-1970s, I was happy to find at least a few good investigators
who could contribute chapters to it. It would have been impossible to find a large number of
scientists that could have made a major contribution to that early book.
However, as work was beginning on this Handbook in 1982 and I was presenting the design
at the Symposium on Fiber in Human and Animal Nutrition in New Zealand that year, not only
was I able to find all the 50-plus authors I needed, but I had the sad task of omitting some
outstanding names.
Interest in what used to be the disregarded Cinderella nutrient of the early 20th century has
grown at a rate greater than almost any other nutrient. The plant cell wall and the gums and
mucilages had found their well-deserved niche in nutrition and medicine.
Even though few people still believe that dietary fiber has not found the ultimate proof that
makes it a required nutrient, the momentum is with the ones who have found valid uses for it in
high-fiber foods in treating diseases such as type-II diabetes. The momentum is also with the
epidemiologists who have found correlations with lower incidence of colorectal cancer, the ones
that have found in high-fiber foods one of the best ways to prevent excessive fat and food intake.
It is a list that can go on and on.
Has the ultimate study on the long-range effects of dietary fiber been published? Of course not.
It is probably impossible to carry out the ultimate study on the correlation of nutrition to chronic
diseases under present conditions: we must accept the pieces of evidence derived from good
epidemiology, from controlled human studies and, of course, animal studies. The lifetimes of many
of us would be needed to satisfy the purists who hope for the ultimate study, in this or any other
field in which we deal with the lifetime of a human being.
There is more to complicate things: dietary fiber polymers are quite elusive, unlike vitamins
that can be isolated or synthesized readily. Some of these polymers may change when torn apart
from their complex structure in the cell wall. Thus, when we attempt to extract them, too often we
isolate something quite different from the original material, perhaps useful, but most certainly
different. This bothers many scientists who would like to use the pure form of nutrients for their
investigations. There is more: dietary fiber is so interactive that other components of the diet probably
vary its effect on humans. All this makes dietary fiber research so challenging and so difficult!
This book is proof that there are many dedicated scientists and clinicians that have given their
best efforts to dietary fiber. There are many who could not be included here, as there is a point in
an effort of this kind at which the editor must sadly stop asking for contributions and recognize
that the book must be a finite number of pages. I owe a very special thanks to all the authors in
this book, for, after all, it is their book.
The book presents a large volume of data. The reader is directed to the Table of Contents
which illustrates the design of the book, a design that was conceived to make it as easy as possible
to find the needed data. Chemistry, analytical methodologies, physiological and biochemical
aspects, clinical and epidemiological studies, and consumption patterns are covered extensively.
Tables with the dietary fiber content of various foods analyzed by different methods are given at
the end of the book.

Gene A. Spiller
Los Altos, California February 1985
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Preface to the Second Edition

Dietary fiber research has seen a great deal of progress since the first edition of this Handbook.
This new edition is revised and updated by individual authors and, with the exception of a few
chapters, such as the Southgate and the crude fiber analytical methods, that are unchanged, new
material is added. Some new authors and chapters have been added, including the new method of
analysis by Englyst and Hudson (Chapter 3.3) and Bosello, Armellini, and Zambonis chapter on
fiber consumption in Italy. Hugh Trowell passed away in 1989; his chapter has been left untouched.
A major addition in the second edition is the inclusion of more extensive tables of data on dietary
fiber in foods. They are prepared by various authors to give the reader a chance to compare data
from different sources or methods.
This new edition should give researchers, physicians, nutritionists, and other health professionals
a useful and ready source of information, as a handbook should. Again, as in the first edition, we
could not ask all the experts in this field to contribute, so we decided to stay with the original
authors as much as possible. We hope that our efforts will make this work valuable to everyone
interested in this topic.

Gene A. Spiller
Health Research and Studies Center, Inc.
SPHERA Foundation, Los Altos, California January 1992
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Preface to the Third Edition

Dietary fiber research has seen a great deal of progress since the first and second editions of
this Handbook. This new edition has been revised and updated by individual authors, with the
exception of a few chapters that either have historical value or have data that should be available
in a handbook of this nature, even though it may have been written a few years before the publication.
I like to define the latter as classic chapters that have an essential, timeless nature. Some new
authors and chapters have been added, including a new section on cereal fiber that emphasizes the
crucial role of associated phytochemicals.
Hugh Trowell passed away in 1989; his chapter has been left untouched. Denis Burkitt passed
away soon after the publication of the second edition, in which he had written the opening chapter
with me. I have chosen to expand this first chapter without changing the part published in the
second edition of the Handbook. I have added a second part to that chapter to bring it up to date.
This new edition should give researchers, physicians, nutritionists, and other health professionals
a useful and ready source of information, as a handbook should. Again, as in the other editions,
we could not ask all the experts in this field to contribute.
We hope that our efforts will make this work valuable to everyone interested in this topic. One
new chapter (2.8) discusses a fiber from animal sources. This is an interesting topic in fiber
definitions, as dietary fiber is considered to be from plant sources.
With all the great progress we have made in the past 10 years in nutrition research, it is
unfortunate that the past 10 years have also seen conflicting studies on fiber, as on other topics in
nutrition. In the late 1970s, Hugh Trowell, during one of our many meetings, expressed to me his
concern that in the earnest desire to do more research, the picture of the benefits of fiber may
become muddled. I would like to close this preface with an appeal to all fiber researchers to be
careful in reaching sweeping conclusions before considering carefully the complexity and the
interactivity of dietary fiber. Some major publications have reached conclusions on the effects of
fiber after studying diets that were a long way from diets that could be called high-fiber diets.
Dietary fiber is a precious gift that plants bring to us. Lets research it and teach about it with care.

Gene A. Spiller
Health Research and Studies Center, Inc.
SPHERA Foundation, Los Altos, California December 2000
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The editor wishes to thank Monica Alton Spiller for her extensive assistance in all phases of
editing, from the original design to the various stages of manuscript assessment and the final
proofreading of the first edition of this Handbook.
For the second edition of this Handbook, the editor wishes to thank Rebecca Carr and Monica
Alton Spiller for their assistance in the editing process.
For the third edition of this Handbook, the editor wishes to thank Rosemary Schmele, Connie
Burton, and Len Marquart for their assistance.
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The Editor
Gene A. Spiller is the director of the Health Research and Studies Center and of the SPHERA
Foundation in Los Altos, California.
Dr. Spiller received a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Milan (Italy) and later a
masters degree and a Ph.D. in nutrition from the University of California at Berkeley. He did
additional studies at the Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California. He is a
Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, and a member of
many professional nutrition societies.
In the 1970s, Dr. Spiller was head of Nutritional Physiology at Syntex Research in Palo Alto,
California, where he did extensive research on dietary fiber and related topics. At the same time
he edited many clinical nutrition books. He continued his work in clinical nutrition research and
publishing in the 1980s and 1990s, as a consultant and as the director of the Health Research and
Studies Center and of the SPHERA Foundation. Many human clinical studies, reviews, and other
publications were the results of this work. Dr. Spiller has carried out clinical studies on the effect
of dietary fiber and high-fiber foods including nuts, raisins, and whole grains. Other studies have
focused on antioxidants and lipids. He is a lecturer in nutrition at Foothill College in the San
Francisco Bay Area and earlier taught at Mills College in Oakland, California.
Dr. Spiller is the editor of many clinical nutrition books on fiber and other topics at the forefront
of nutrition research, such as caffeine and lipids. Among his multi-author books on fiber are Fiber
in Human Nutrition (Plenum, 1975), Topics in Dietary Fiber Research (Plenum, 1978), and Medical
Aspects of Dietary Fiber (Plenum, 1980), followed by the CRC Handbook of Fiber in Human
Nutrition, 1st and 2nd Editions (CRC Press, 1985 and 1992).
He has a special interest in lesser-known nutritional factors that may be beneficial to human
health, though not essential to life, especially factors that are present in plant foods and that may
work together with dietary fiber in the prevention of degenerative diseases.
Dr. Spiller has been responsible for organizing international workshops on dietary fiber, such
as the International Nutrition Congress in Brazil in 1978 and in Brighton (U.K.) in 1985, and has
chaired many symposia and sessions on this and related topics at national meetings of various
scientific societies.
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Abayomi O. Akanji, M.D., Ph.D. Sheila Bingham, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology Medical Research Council
Kuwait University Faculty of Medicine Dunn Clinical Nutrition Centre
Kuwait Cambridge, England

Per man, Dr. Agr. Ottavio Bosello, M.D.

Professor of Plant Foods Professor
Department of Food Science Istituto di Clinica Medica
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Policlinico di Borgo Roma
Uppsala, Sweden Universit di Verona
Verona, Italy
James W. Anderson, M.D.
Professor of Medicine and Clinical Nutrition John H. Cummings, M.D.
V.A. Medical Center and Department of Molecular and Cellular
University of Kentucky Pathology
Lexington, Kentucky Ninewells Medical School
University of Dundee
Roger Andersson, Ph.D. Dundee, Scotland
Department of Food Science
Hans N. Englyst, Ph.D.
Swedish University of Agricultural
Medical Research Council Southampton
East Leigh, Hants., England
Uppsala, Sweden
Sharon E. Fleming, Ph.D.
Fabio Armellini, M.D. Professor
Istituto di Clinica Medica College of Natural Resources
Policlinico di Borgo Roma Agricultural Experiment Station
Universit di Verona Department of Nutritional Sciences
Verona, Italy University of California
Berkeley, California
Nils-Georg Asp, M.D.
Professor Hugh J. Freeman, M.D.
Department of Food Chemistry Professor of Gastrointestinal Medicine
Chemical Center Department of Medicine
University of Lund University of British Columbia
Lund, Sweden Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Katrine I. Baghurst, B.Sc., Ph.D. Wenche Frlich, D.Ph.

Consumer Science Program Lindebergveien 39
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial JAR, Norway
Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Health Sciences and Nutrition Division Ivan Furda, Ph.D.
Adelaide, Australia Furda and Associates, Inc.
Wayzata, Minnesota
Peter A. Baghurst, B.Ag.Sci., Ph.D., M.Sc.
Consumer Science Program Daniel D. Gallaher, Ph.D.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Assistant Professor
Research Organisation (CSIRO) Department of Food Science and Nutrition
Health Sciences and Nutrition Division University of Minnesota
Adelaide, Australia St. Paul, Minnesota
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Sherwood L. Gorbach, M.D. David J. A. Jenkins, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

Department of Family Medicine and Department of Nutritional Sciences
Community Health University of Toronto
Tufts University School of Medicine Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Boston, Massachusetts
Julie M. Jones, Ph.D.
Mary Beth Hall, Ph.D. Department of Family and Consumer
Assistant Professor Science
Department of Animal Science College of Saint Catherine
University of Florida St. Paul, Minnesota
Gainesville, Florida
Heinrich Kasper, M.D.
Barbara F. Harland, Ph.D., R.D. Professor
Professor Department of Internal Medicine
Department of Nutritional Sciences Medical University Clinic
College of Pharmacy University of Wrzburg
Nursing and Allied Health Sciences Wrzburg, Germany
Howard University
Washington, D.C.
Joseph Keenan, M.D.
Department of Family Practice and
John H. Himes, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Community Health
Professor and Director
University of Minnesota Medical School
Nutrition Coordinating Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Division of Epidemiology
School of Public Health
University of Minnesota Hanako Kobayashi, M.S.
Minneapolis, Minnesota Department of Nutritional Science and
Peter J. Horvath, Ph.D. University of California
Department of Animal Science Berkeley, California
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York Yves Le Quintrec, M.D.
Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris
Geoffrey J. Hudson, Ph.D. Service de Gastro-enterologie et Pathologie
Cambridge, England Digestive Postoperatoire
Hospital Rothschild
David R. Jacobs, Jr., Ph.D. Paris, France
Division of Epidemiology
School of Public Health Betty A. Lewis, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota Division of Nutritional Sciences
Minneapolis, Minnesota Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
Mazda Jenab, Ph.D.
Department of Nutritional Sciences Leonard Marquart, Ph.D., R.D.
University of Toronto Nutrition Research Department
Toronto, Ontario, Canada General Mills, Inc.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Alexandra Jenkins, R.D., C.D.E.
Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor (Harold E.) Gene Miller, Ph.D.
Modification Center Principal Scientist
St. Michaels Hospital General Mills, Inc.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Minneapolis, Minnesota
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Bunpei Mori, Ph.D. Sally J. Record, M.A.C.S.

Professor Consumer Science Program
Department of Life Science Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Toita Womens College Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Tokyo, Japan Health Sciences and Nutrition Division
Adelaide, Australia
David G. Oakenfull, Ph.D.
Hydrocolloids Research James B. Robertson, Ph.D.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Department of Animal Science
Australia Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
Donald Oberleas, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus Sally F. Schakel, R.D.
Texas Tech. University Database Nutritionist
Lubbock, Texas Nutrition Coordinating Center
University of Minnesota
Mark A. Pereira, Ph.D. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Department of Nutrition
Harvard School of Public Health Barbara O. Schneeman, Ph.D.
Department of Pediatrics Professor
Division of Endocrinology Department of Nutrition
Childrens Hospital University of California
Boston, Massachusetts Davis, California

Janet Pettit, B.S. Zhi-Ping Shen, M.D.

Database Nutritionist Professor
Nutrition Coordinating Center Institute of Nutrition and Food Science
Division of Epidemiology Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine
School of Public Health Beijing, China
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota David A. T. Southgate, Ph.D.
Former Head
Joel J. Pins, M.P.H., M.S. Nutrition, Diet and Health Department
University of Minnesota AFRC Institute of Food Research
School of Medicine Norwich, England
Department of Family Practice and
Community Health Gene A. Spiller, D.Sc., Ph.D.
Minneapolis, Minnesota Director
SPHERA Foundation
John D. Potter, M.D., Ph.D. Health Research and Studies Center
Head Los Altos, California
Cancer Prevention Research Program
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Monica Spiller, MS
Professor of Epidemiology SPHERA Foundation
University of Washington Los Altos, California
Seattle, Washington
Olof Theander, Dr. Techn.
Kim M. Randles, B.S. Professor Emeritus - Organic Chemistry
V.A. Medical Center and Department of Chemistry
University of Kentucky Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Lexington, Kentucky Uppsala, Sweden
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Lilian Thompson, Ph.D. Eric Westerlund, Ph.D

Department of Nutritional Sciences Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry
University of Toronto Department of Chemistry
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Uppsala, Sweden
Keisuke Tsuji, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief of Laboratory Thomas M. S. Wolever, B.M., B.Ch., Ph.D.
The National Institute of Health Department of Nutritional Sciences
and Nutrition University of Toronto
Tokyo, Japan Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Peter J. Van Soest, Ph.D. Margo N. Woods, D.Sc.

Professor Associate Professor
Animal Nutrition Department of Family Medicine and
Department of Animal Science Community Health
Cornell University Tufts University School of Medicine
Ithaca, New York Boston, Massachusetts

Vladimir Vuksan, Ph.D. Mauro Zamboni, M.D.

Clinical Nutrition and Risk Factor Istituto di Clinica Medica
Modification Center Policlinico di Borgo Roma
St. Michaels Hospital Universit di Verona
Toronto, Ontario, Canada Verona, Italy

Alexander R. P. Walker, D.Sc. Su-Fang Zheng, M.D.

Human Biochemistry Research Unit Professor
The South African Institute for Medical Institute of Cancer
Research Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Johannesburg, South Africa Beijing, China
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Section 1. Overview
Chapter 1.1
Dietary Fiber: From Early HunterGatherers to the 1990s ..............................................................3
Denis P. Burkitt and Gene A. Spiller

Section 2. Definitions and Properties of Dietary Fiber

Chapter 2.1
Definitions of Dietary Fiber...............................................................................................................9
Gene A. Spiller

Chapter 2.2
Dietary Fiber Parts of Food Plants and Algae ................................................................................11
David A. T. Southgate

Chapter 2.3
Food Components That Behave as Dietary Fiber ...........................................................................15
David A. T. Southgate

Chapter 2.4
Food Components Associated with Dietary Fiber ..........................................................................19
David A. T. Southgate

Chapter 2.5
Polysaccharide Food Additives That Contribute to Dietary Fiber..................................................23
David A. T. Southgate

Chapter 2.6
Glossary of Dietary Fiber Components...........................................................................................27
David A. T. Southgate and Gene A. Spiller

Chapter 2.7
Physical Chemistry of Dietary Fiber ...............................................................................................33
David Oakenfull

Chapter 2.8
Chitin and Chitosan Special Class of Dietary Fiber..................................................................45
Ivan Furda

Section 3. Methods of Analysis for Dietary Fiber

Chapter 3.1
Enzymatic Gravimetric Methods .....................................................................................................51
Nils-Georg Asp

Chapter 3.2
Detergent Analysis of Foods............................................................................................................63
James B. Robertson and Peter J. Horvath
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Chapter 3.3
Dietary Fiber Analysis as Non-Starch Polysaccharides (NSPs) .....................................................67
Hans Englyst and Geoffrey Hudson

Chapter 3.4
The Southgate Method of Dietary Fiber Analysis ..........................................................................83
David A. T. Southgate

Chapter 3.5
Determination of Total Dietary Fiber and Its Individual Components by
the Uppsala Method ........................................................................................................................87
Olof Theander, Eric Westerlund, Roger Andersson, and Per man

Chapter 3.6
The Crude Fiber Method ...............................................................................................................111
Ivan Furda

Chapter 3.7
Newer Methods for Phytate Analysis ............................................................................................113
Donald Oberleas and Barbara F. Harland

Chapter 3.8
Determination of the Saponin Content of Foods ..........................................................................127
David Oakenfull and John D. Potter

Section 4. Physiological and Metabolic Effects of Dietary Fiber

Chapter 4.1
Effect of Dietary Fiber on Protein Digestibility and Utilization ..................................................133
Daniel D. Gallaher and Barbara O. Schneeman

Chapter 4.2
Effects of Dietary Fiber and Phytate on the Homeostasis and Bioavailability of Minerals ........161
Barbara F. Harland and Donald Oberleas

Chapter 4.3
Effects of Dietary Fiber on Vitamin Metabolism..........................................................................173
Heinrich Kasper

Chapter 4.4
The Effect of Dietary Fiber on Fecal Weight and Composition...................................................183
John H. Cummings

Chapter 4.5
Correlations of Transit Time to a Critical Fecal Weight (CFW) and to Substances
Associated with Dietary Fiber .......................................................................................................253
Gene A. Spiller and Monica Spiller

Chapter 4.6
Influences of Fiber on the Ecology of the Intestinal Flora...........................................................257
Margo N. Woods and Sherwood L. Gorbach
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Chapter 4.7
Interaction between Human Gut Bacteria and Dietary Fiber Substrates......................................271
Betty A. Lewis, Mary Beth Hall, and Peter J. Van Soest

Chapter 4.8
Effects of Dietary Fiber on Digestive Enzymes............................................................................277
Barbara O. Schneeman and Daniel D. Gallaher

Chapter 4.9
The Source of Dietary Fiber Influences. Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production and
Concentrations in the Large Bowel ...............................................................................................287
Hanako Kobayashi and Sharon E. Fleming

Chapter 4.10
Effects of Dietary Fiber on Fecal and Intestinal Luminal Mutagens ...........................................317
Hugh J. Freeman

Chapter 4.11
Effect of Dietary Fiber and Foods on Carbohydrate Metabolism ................................................321
Thomas M. S. Wolever and David J. A. Jenkins

Section 5. Dietary Fiber in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease

Chapter 5.1
Disease Patterns in South Africa as Related to Dietary Fiber Intake...........................................363
Alexander R. P. Walker

Chapter 5.2
Development of the Dietary Fiber Hypothesis of Diabetes Mellitus ...........................................369
Hugh C. Trowell

Chapter 5.3
Treatment of Diabetes with High-Fiber Diets...............................................................................373
James W. Anderson, Abayomi O. Akanji, and Kim M. Randles

Chapter 5.4
Fiber in the Treatment of Hyperlipidemia.....................................................................................401
Alexandra L. Jenkins, Vladimir Vuksan, and David J. A. Jenkins

Chapter 5.5
Human Studies on Dietary Fiber and Colon Neoplasia................................................................423
Hugh J. Freeman

Chapter 5.6
Fiber and Colonic Diverticulosis ...................................................................................................431
Hugh J. Freeman

Chapter 5.7
Fiber and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns Disease)....................435
Hugh J. Freeman
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Chapter 5.8
Disease Patterns in Japan and Changes in Dietary Fiber (19301980) .......................................441
Keisuke Tsuji and Bunpei Mori

Chapter 5.9
Dietary Fiber Modification of Toxin- or Carcinogen-Induced Effects on Intestinal and
Mammary Tissues ..........................................................................................................................445
Hugh J. Freeman and Gene A. Spiller

Section 6. Effect of Whole Grains, Cereal Fiber, and Phytic Acid on Health
Chapter 6.1
Whole Grain, Fiber, and Antioxidants...........................................................................................453
Gene Miller

Chapter 6.2
Whole Grains, Cereal Fiber, and Chronic Diseases: Epidemiologic Evidence............................461
Mark A. Pereira, Joel J. Pins, David R. Jacobs, Jr., Leonard Marquart, and Joseph Keenan

Chapter 6.3
Whole Grains, Cereal Fiber, and Chronic Diseases: Experimental Evidence and
Possible Biologic Mechanisms ......................................................................................................481
Joel J. Pins, Mark A. Pereira, David R. Jacobs, Jr., Len Marquart, and Joseph M. Keenan

Chapter 6.4
Bioavailability of Minerals from Cereals ......................................................................................499
Wenche Frlich

Chapter 6.5
Phytic Acid and Cancer .................................................................................................................531
Mazda Jenab and Lilian U. Thompson

Section 7. Definitions and Consumption

Chapter 7.1
Consumption of Dietary Fiber 19922000....................................................................................553
Julie M. Jones

Chapter 7.2
Patterns of Dietary Fiber Consumption in Humans to 1992 ........................................................567
Sheila Bingham

Chapter 7.3
Dietary Fiber, Non-Starch Polysaccharide, and Resistant Starch Intakes in Australia ................583
Katrine I. Baghurst, Peter A. Baghurst, and Sally J. Record

Chapter 7.4
Consumption of Dietary FiberRich Foods in China ...................................................................593
Zhi-Ping Shen and Su-Fang Zheng
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Chapter 7.5
Consumption of Dietary Fiber in France (19501981) ................................................................597
Yves Le Quintrec

Chapter 7.6
Fiber Consumption in Italy............................................................................................................605
Ottavio Bosello, Fabio Armellini, and Mauro Zamboni

Appendix: Tables of Dietary Fiber and Associated Substances Content in Food

Table A.1
Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods .....................................................................................615
Sally F. Schakel, Janet Pettit, and John H. Himes

Table A.2
Dry Matter, Ash, Crude Protein, Total Dietary Fiber, Soluble Fiber, Neutral Detergent
Residue, Hemicellulose, Cellulose, and Lignin Content of Selected Foods ...................................649
James B. Robertson

Table A.3
Dietary Fiber Content of Selected Foods by the Southgate Methods ..........................................659
David A. T. Southgate

Table A.4
Dietary Fiber Content of Cereals in Norway ................................................................................663
Wenche Frlich

Table A.5
Crude Fiber Values of Typical Samples ........................................................................................665
Ivan Furda

Table A.6
Comparison of Analyses of Dietary Fiber and Crude Fiber.........................................................669
Gene A. Spiller

Table A.7
Phytate Contents of Foods .............................................................................................................673
Barbara F. Harland

Table A.8
Tartaric Acid Content of Foods .....................................................................................................681
Monica Spiller and Gene A. Spiller

Table A.9
Plant Foods That Contain Significant Levels of Saponins and
Their Estimated Saponin Content..................................................................................................683
David Oakenfull and John D. Potter

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Dietary Fiber: From Early HunterGatherers

to the 1990s

Denis P. Burkitt and Gene A. Spiller

The decline in plant fiber consumption by humans over tens of thousands of years is shown in
Figure 1.1.1. According to Kliks, the author of this figure, over the past 20,000 years the human
diet has changed from one based on a coarse, plant-based regimen of greens, seeds, stalks, roots,
flowers, pollen, and small amounts of animal products to a more limited, often monotypic diet in
which the plant foods are primarily a few cereal grains, tubers, and legumes. Even though the study
of specimens of coprolite from lower Pleistocene humans has proved difficult, this coprolite has
been extremely valuable in the study of human diets of civilization dating back about 10,000 years.1
These specimens of coprolite showed a high consumption of fibrous plant food.
In more recent history, the concept that coarse foods of plant origin help to combat constipation
goes back to Hippocrates in the 4th century B.C., who commented on the laxative action of outer
layers of cereal grains, an observation repeated over 1000 years later (9th century A.D.) by the
Persian physician Hakim. Shakespeare referred to the action of cereal bran in his play Coriolanus
in 1610.
In the early 19th century, Graham2 and Burne3 in the U.S. and, in the late 19th century and at
the dawn of the 20th century, Allinson in Britain extolled the virtues of whole grains in improving
health by combating constipation.
The history of dietary fiber and health in the first 50 years of the 20th century reveals occasional
interest but very few scientific publications. Fiber was relegated to being the Cinderella of nutrients.
Remember that these were the days of major discoveries in vitamins, minerals, and all the other
digestible nutrients. Somehow the concept that a group of substances practically undigestible by
human GI enzymes could be important to health did not appeal to nutritionists, physiologists, and
physicians in those years.
In the 1920s, McCarrison4 drew attention to the good health of tribesmen in North India, which
he attributed to the consumption of whole grains little tampered with by modern technology. In
the same decade, John and Harvey Kellogg were extolling the virtues of whole grains in the U.S.
The convictions of the latter culminated in the development of the breakfast cereal industry. Cowgill
and Anderson in the 1930s published well-controlled research that proved that fiber was respon-
sible for the laxative action of wheat bran. At the same time, the British surgeon Albuthnot Lane,
whose name is eponymously commemorated in anatomical anomalies and surgical instruments,
recognized the dangers of stagnant fecal content in the colon. His first reaction was to remove
the colon surgically, but fortunately he subsequently appreciated that the administration of bran

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Figure 1.1.1 The decline in fiber consumption by humans. (From Kliks, M., in Topics in Dietary Fiber Research,
Spiller, G. A. and Amen, R. J., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1978, 182. With permission.)

was altogether simpler, safer, and equally effective. In the late 1930s, Dimmock, a young British
physician, reported his careful studies on the effectiveness of wheat bran in treating constipation
and, in the late 1940s, Walker of South Africa was one of the first to appreciate the properties of
plant fibers and to study them in a truly scientific manner.
In the years that followed, some epidemiological correlations by Cleave in Britain (1956 to
1966) and Trowell in Africa, with his 1960 book, Non-Infectious Diseases in Africa,5 attributed
protective effects to unrefined carbohydrates and bulky foods.
This, we could say, is the early history of fiber.
Other events took place in the 1970s and 1980s: the publication of a series of multiauthor books
contributed to the clarification of the role of dietary fiber. As books are key steps in the growth of
any field of science and as they become an intrinsic part of the history of science, it is worthwhile
to recall some of their titles.
Some of the pioneering books appeared in 1975 to 1976: Burkitt and Trowell published Refined
Carbohydrate Foods and Disease,6 Reilly and Kirsner published Fiber Deficiency and Colonic
Disorders,7 and Spiller and Amen published Fiber in Human Nutrition.8 They were followed in
1977 by Spiller and Amen, Topics in Dietary Fiber Research,9 in 1978 by Heaton, Dietary Fiber:
Current Developments of Importance to Health,10 and in 1979 by Inglett and Falkenhag, Dietary
Fibers: Chemistry and Nutrition.11 In the 1980s, as dietary fiber became well established as a topic
worthy of extensive research in human nutrition, more books on specific topics began to appear:
Spiller and McPherson-Kay published Medical Aspects of Dietary Fiber,12 the Royal College of
Physicians wrote Medical Aspects of Dietary Fiber,13 James and Theander wrote The Analysis of
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Dietary Fiber in Food,14 Vahouny and Kritchevsky wrote Dietary Fiber in Health and Disease,15
and Trowell and Burkitt wrote Western Diseases: Their Emergence and Prevention.16
Many more books followed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, too many to list here. The
pioneering days were over and dietary fiber had become an established, important factor in human
nutrition and medicine.
It is interesting to realize that only 4 or 5 years before the publication of the first edition of
this Handbook in 1986, it would have been quite difficult to find sufficient scientific and medical
data to publish a Handbook such as this. This Handbook is proof of how rapidly the field of dietary
fiber research is growing. Fast growth is exciting, but we should also take time to set up proper
experiments and to review the literature carefully. In spite of all this growth, there are still conflicting
views as to how dietary fiber should be defined (see Chapter 2.1) and there is less than precise use
of terms in some publications. The complexity of dietary fiber and its tremendous interactions with
other food components make its study a most difficult one indeed!
Since 1978 many major meetings that focused on various aspects of dietary fiber have taken
place, meetings that have led to important debates on definition, functions, and health effects of
dietary fiber. International congresses of nutrition in Brazil (1978), San Diego (1981), Brighton
(U.K., 1985), and others began to include dietary fiber as an integral part of their programs. The
National Institutes of Health sponsored a major international meeting in Washington, D.C. (1977)
that appears to us now as a milestone in the history of dietary fiber. The proceedings were published
in a special supplement of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition17 in 1978. In 1981 and 1984,
two major symposia were also held in Washington at George Washington University. The Royal
Society of New Zealand held a major symposium18 in Palmerston North in 1982 which was reported
in their Bulletin 20. Many other meetings have taken place in recent years, including several in
analytical and chemical aspects of dietary fiber.
Notwithstanding all this progress and widespread interest by scientists, physicians, and health
professionals on every continent, there are still many controversial aspects that will become evident
to the reader of this Handbook, not the least of which is the definition of dietary fiber, and even
the term fiber itself.
Since the first edition of this Handbook, the field of fiber research has also suffered the loss of
two great pioneers in dietary fiber work. Hugh Trowell passed away in England in 1989, at the age
of 85, after a lifelong dedication to medicine. During the last 20 years of his life, dietary fiber was
the most important topic in his work, work he carried on to his very last days. And George Vahouny,
who had developed many animal models for fiber research and who was an author in the first
edition of this Handbook, passed away in Washington, D.C.
Denis Burkitt passed away in England soon after the publication of the second edition. I have
left the preceding section unchanged as it was written with him. It has a great historical value and
the insight that Denis Burkitt had in all his work. It is strange that some researchers remember
him more for his Burkitt lymphoma than for his work with fiber. What follows is a brief update
since 1992.
Since 1992, perhaps the most important development has been the tremendous amount of
research on the hundreds of phytochemicals that are present in plant foods and how many of them
are closely linked with fiber foods. Such phytochemicals range from many antioxidants with a
variety of health benefits to tartaric acid, all working together with fiber. These phytochemicals,
from antioxidants to tartaric acid, closely interact with fiber, and this is reflected in some of the
new chapters in this edition.
As often happens in science, what was true is 1992 is still true now: there are still some
controversial aspects of the effects of fiber that will become evident to the reader of this Handbook.
Dietary fiber is so complex that it defies the reductionist scientists desire to isolate a pure substance
and study it in humans or animals. Too often fiber purification means major structural alterations.
While we can study fiber concentrates, and while many of them have a valuable place in health
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maintenance, the ultimate purification of fiber often implies physicalchemical changes that need
to be carefully remembered when studies are carried out.
The Fiber Hypothesis of Trowell and Burkitt is now beyond a hypothesis: it is a truth that
can help people lead much healthier lives and prevent many chronic diseases.


1 . Kliks, M., Paleodietetics: a review of the role of dietary fiber in preagricultural human diets, in Topics
in Dietary Fiber Research, Spiller, G. A. and Amen, R. J., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1978, 181.
2. Graham, S., Lectures on the Science of Human Life, Capen, Lyon and Webb, Boston, 1829.
3. Burne, J., Treatise on the Causes and Consequences of Constipation, Haswell, Barrington and Haswell,
New Orleans, LA, 1840.
4. McCarrison, R., Studies in Deficiency Disease, Frowde, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1921.
5. Trowell, H., Non-Infectious Diseases in Africa, Edward Arnold, London, 1960.
6. Burkitt, D. P. and Trowell, H. C., Refined Carbohydrate Foods and Disease, Academic Press, New
York, 1975.
7. Reilly, W. R. and Kirsner, J. B., Fiber Deficiency and Colonic Disorders, Plenum Press, New
York, 1975.
8. Spiller, G. A. and Amen, R. J., Fiber in Human Nutrition, Plenum Press, New York, 1976.
9. Spiller, G. A. and Amen, R. J., Topics in Dietary Fiber Research, Plenum Press, New York, 1978.
10. Heaton, K. W., Dietary Fiber: Current Developments of Importance to Health, John Libbey,
London, 1978.
11. Inglett, G. E. and Falkenhag, S. I., Dietary Fibers: Chemistry and Nutrition, Academic Press, New
York, 1979.
12. Spiller, G. A. and McPherson-Kay, R., Medical Aspects of Dietary Fiber, Plenum Press, New
York, 1980.
13. Royal College of Physicians, Medical Aspects of Dietary Fiber, Pitman Medical, Tunbridge Wells,
Kent, U.K., 1980.
14. James, W. P. T. and Theander, O., The Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Food, Marcel Dekker, New
York, 1981.
15. Vahouny, G. V. and Kritchevsky, D., Dietary Fiber in Health and Disease, Plenum Press, New
York, 1982.
16. Trowell, H. C. and Burkitt, D. P., Western Diseases: Their Emergence and Prevention, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1981.
17. Roth, H. P. and Mehlman, M. A., Eds., Proceedings: symposium on the role of dietary fiber, Am. J.
Clin. Nutr., 31S, 1978.
18. Wallace, G. and Bell, L., Eds., Proceedings: fiber in human and animal nutrition, R. Soc. N.Z.
Bull., 1983.
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Definitions and Properties of Dietary Fiber

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Definitions of Dietary Fiber

Gene A. Spiller

Term recommended Definition

and author
Dietary Fiber (DF) Plant substances not digested by human digestive enzymes,
(Trowell) including plant cell wall substances (cellulose, hernicelluloses,
pectin, and lignin) as well as intracellular polysaccharides such as
gums and mucilages. Largely identical to undigested (unavailable)
carbohydrates plus lignin. The early definition by Trowell of the
remnants of plant cells resistant to hydrolysis by the alimentary
enzymes of man remains as a key definition, even though it may
better apply to the dietary fiber complex defined below. A key
contribution by Trowell was to emphasize the distinction between
dietary fiber and crude fiber.
Dietary Fiber Complex Same as dietary fiber but defined to include other plant substances
(Trowell, Spiller) that are undigested by human digestive enzymes, such as waxes,
cutins, and undigestible cell wall proteins. These are the substances
that are normally associated with and concentrated around the plant
cell wall.
Dietary Fiber The sum of lignin and the polysaccharides that are not hydrolyzed
(Southgate) by the endogenous secretions of the human digestive tract. Southgate
considers this as a physiological and philosophical definition and
feels that it is necessary to produce a definition that can be translated
into purely analytical terms. This author suggests a chemical
definition based on the fact that the sum of lignin and the non-
glucan polysaccharides (nonstarch polysaccharides) is the best index
of dietary fiber in the diet.
Dietary Fiber Chemical definition: the sum of the plant nonstarch polysaccharides
(Furda) and lignin. Physiological definition: the remnant of plant foods
resistant to hydrolysis by the alimentary enzymes of humans.

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Plantix A term designed to represent dietary fiber as defined by Trowell but

(Spiller) that avoids the word fiber, since many of the substances defined
may not, strictly speaking, be of a fibrous nature. In fact, cellulose
is the only truly fibrous component of the plant cell wall. It also
implies that the material is present in plants only. It includes the
plant polysaccharides and lignin that are not digested by human
digestive enzymes.
Plantix Complex Suggested to replace dietary fiber complex, again to avoid the word
(Spiller) fiber. It includes undigestible parts of the plant cell that are not
included in plantix, such as waxes, undigestible proteins, and others.
Purified Plant Fiber Any highly purified single polymer derived from plants that is not
(Spiller) digested by human digestive enzymes but that may be digested by
microorganisms in the human intestinal tract. Examples are purified
pectin and purified cellulose. This is a modification of an earlier
definition that included more than one substance.
Unavailable Carbohydrate A classical term used in nutrition for many years to distinguish
(McCance and Lawrence) between available and nonavailable carbohydrate in humans. As
originally defined it included lignin, which is not a carbohydrate.
Furthermore, the fact that some of these carbohydates are digested
by bacteria in the human intestine and produce fatty acids that are
actually available makes the term unavailable ambiguous.
Edible Fiber An expanded definition of dietary fiber as given above; other groups
(Trowel, Godding) of undigested (human enzymeundigested) polysaccharides and
related substances are added: (1) animal fibers not digested by human
digestive enzymes, e.g., aminopolysaccharides; (2) synthetic or
partially synthetic polysaccharides not digested by human digestive
enzymes, e.g., methylcelluloses; (3) polysaccharides that are not part
of traditional foods and that are not digested by human digestive
enzymes. These products may be of pharmaceutical importance.
Neutral Detergent Residues A residue after special digestion (see Section 3) with detergents,
(NDR) essentially the sum of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Often
(Van Soest) called neutral detergent fiber (NDF).
Crude Fiber The remnants of plant material after extraction with acid and alkali.
The term should not be used with reference to dietary fiber. Old
definition from the 19th century. Crude fiber values include only
variable portions of the cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin present
in dietary fiber.
Nonstarch Polysaccharides The carbohydrate plant cell wall material originally called dietary
(NSP) fiber less the lignin, analyzed in such a way as to eliminate any other
(Englyst) plant substance that may appear as fiber in other analytical methods.
Methods to determine NSP must be such that any resistant starch
(see below) is not taken into account.
Resistant Starch (RS) Starch that is not digested by human digestive enzymes and that
(Englyst) reaches the colon, often acting in the same way as fiber.
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Dietary Fiber Parts of Food Plants and Algae

David A. T. Southgate

The major portion of dietary fiber in foods is derived from the plant cell walls in foods.1 A
wide range of plant organs and types of tissue is consumed in the human diet, although highly
lignified (woody) tissues are rejected during food preparation.2
The organization and detailed composition of the plant cell wall varies with the type of tissues,
but the essential features are common to virtually all walls. This is a network of cellulose fibers
in a matrix of non-cellulosic polysaccharides. The composition of the matrix varies with the maturity
of the plant tissues, the plant species, and the major plant grouping.3,4
The nomenclature used to describe the detailed composition of the plant cell wall is based on
the classical schemes for fractionating the components. The essential features of this scheme are
given in Figure

Plant Tissue

Extract with Aqueous Alcohol

Alcohol Insoluble Material

Extract with Hot Water plus Chelating Agent Pectic Substances

Extract with Alkali Hemicelluloses

Insoluble in Alkali -Cellulose

Figure 2.2.1 Schematic representation of the major stages in the classical scheme for the fractionation of the
plant cell wall that forms the basis for the nomenclature used to describe the components of the
plant cell wall.

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The plant tissue was extracted with aqueous alcohol and the insoluble material was extracted
first, with hot water. This often contained a chelating agent to disrupt the polysaccharides forming
the intercellular middle lamellae. This gave a pectic substances fraction, which included, in
addition to the rhamnogalacturonans (true pectins), arabinogalactans, -glucans, and arabinoxylans.
The water-insoluble material was then extracted with increasing strengths of alkali to give the
so-called hemicellulose fraction, which included a range of xylans, with arabinosyl and 4-0-
methylglucuronyl substituents, gluco- and galactomannans, and xyloglucans. The material insoluble
in the strongest alkali was designated the -cellulose, which contained cellulose and lignin.
Where a mature plant tissue that contained substantial amounts of lignin was being fractionated,
it was necessary to oxidize the lignin before the hemicelluloses could be extracted.
It is known that the fractions obtained in the classical fractionation schemes are arbitrary and
that artifacts are often produced. Although modern derivatives of this method 6 have refined the
alkaline extraction stages to avoid some of the degradation from the alkali, Albersheim7 proposed
that the term non-cellulosic polysaccharides (NCP) should be used for this fraction, which would
include a spectrum of polysaccharides which range from those rich in uronic acids to those poor
in uronic acids.
Although lignin is an aromatic polymer and therefore not a carbohydrate, it is covalently
linked to the polysaccharides and was included in the original definition of dietary fiber (see
Trowell et al.8).
It important to recognize that the plant cell wall is a highly organized structure, not merely a
collection of polysaccharides. These polysaccharides are linked together in what can be described
as a supramolecular structure which confers additional properties on the wall.6 Furthermore, plant
tissues are highly organized structures which confer physical properties on these materials when
they are consumed in foods.
Plant foods contain a range of water-soluble gums and mucilages. These have structures
analogous to many cell wall components and are included in the non-cellulosic polysaccharides
and the non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) of Englyst et al.9
The major components of dietary fiber are summarized in Table 2.2.1.

Table 2.2.1 Dietary Fiber Components of Foods

Classical Solubility Nomenclature Used in
Nomenclature Characteristics Classes of Polysaccharide Dietary Fiber Literature

Plant Cell Wall Components

Pectic Water-soluble Rhamnogalacturonans, Included in non-cellulosic
substances arabinogalactans, -glucans, polysaccharides (NCP)
arabinoxylans and non-starch
polysaccharides (NSP);
soluble fiber
Hemicelluloses Insoluble in water, Arabinoxylans, galactomannans, Included in NCP and NSP
soluble in dilute alkali xyloglucans
-Cellulose Insoluble in alkali Cellulose (and lignin where present) Included in NSP
Lignin Insoluble in 12M H2SO4 Aromatic polymer, non-carbohydrate Lignin, and in total dietary
fiber (AOAC method)

Non-Structural Components
Gums and Water-soluble or Galactomannans, arabinogalactans, Included in NCP and NSP;
mucilages dispersible wide range of branched and soluble fiber
substituted galactans
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1. Southgate, D. A. T., Fibre in nutrition, Bibl. Nutr. Dieta, 22, 109, 1975.
2. Southgate, D. A. T., The chemistry of dietary fiber, in Fiber in Human Nutrition, Spiller, G. A. and
Amen, R. J., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1976, 31.
3. Brett, C. and Waldron, K., Physiology and Biochemistry of Plant Cell Walls, 2nd ed., Chapman and
Hall, London, 1996.
4. Selvendran, R. R., The plant cell wall as a source of dietary fiber: chemistry and structure, Am. J.
Clin. Nutr., 39, 320, 1984.
5. Gaillard, B. D. E., A detailed summative analysis of the crude fibre and nitrogen-free extractives
fraction of roughages. Proposed scheme of analysis, J. Sci. Food Agric., 9, 170, 1958.
6. Selvendran, R. R. and ONeill, M. A., Plant glycoproteins, in Methods of Chemical Analysis, Glick, D.,
Ed., John Wiley, New York, 1987, 32, 25.
7. Albersheim, P., Biogenesis of the cell wall, in Plant Biochemistry, Bonner, J. and Varner, J. E., Eds.,
Academic Press, 1965, 298.
8. Trowell, H., Southgate, D. A. T., Wolever, T. M. S., Leeds, A. R., Gassull, M. A., and Jenkins, D. A.,
Dietary fibre redefined, Lancet, 1, 967, 1976.
9. Englyst, H. N., Quigley, M. E., and Hudson, G. J., Determination of dietary fibre as non-starch
polysaccharides, with gas-liquid chromatographic, high-performance chromatographic or spectropho-
tometric measurement of constituent sugars, Analyst, 119, 1511, 1994.
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Food Components That Behave as Dietary Fiber

David A. T. Southgate

Dietary fiber exerts a wide range of physiological effects when consumed, and its complex
nature is responsible for a range of physical and chemical properties that are responsible for these
physiological effects. One characteristic property is that dietary fiber is not hydrolyzed by the
endogenous enzymes of the human gastrointestinal tract.1 It therefore escapes digestion in the small
intestine and passes into the large intestine, where it provides a substrate for the microflora of the
large intestine which can degrade many of the polysaccharides present.2
By convention, dietary fiber has been restricted to the indigestible polysaccharides and lignin,1
although some proteins and fats in the human diet are also indigestible. Some authors have argued
that all the indigestible components of the diet should be considered part of dietary fiber.3,4
Table 2.3.1 lists various indigestible components of food other than dietary fiber.

Table 2.3.1 Food Components That Share Indigestibility with Dietary Fiber
Category Dietary Sources Occurrence
Indigestible components of plant Lignin Most mature plant tissues
cellular tissues Cutin Epidermal tissues of plants
Suberin Subepidermal tissues
Waxes Surfaces of fruits
Protein, inorganic constituents Virtually all plant tissues
Resistant starch Crystal structure Green banana
Physically enclosed Cereal grains, broken
Retrograded amylose Many heat-processed foods
Indigestible carbohydrates Fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto- Many plants, especially
oligosaccharides vegetables and fruits
Sugar alcohols Added to processed foods
Non-structural carbohydrates Gums, modified starches, Many processed foods; used as
semi-synthetic polymers ingredients
Non-assimilable components Hydrocarbon oils, waxes Contaminants
Dyes Processed foods
Pigments Natural and synthetic
Chitin from exoskeleton Insects and crustaceans
Mucopolysaccharides, hair Animal tissues

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In most human diets the plant cell wall material in the diet is the major source of indigestible
polysaccharides; however, plants contain other substances that are indigestible. These include non-
carbohydrate materials which are associated with or are integral parts of the plant cell wall structure,
such as lignin, cutin, suberin, waxes, protein, and inorganic constituents. Most of these escape
digestion in the small intestine either because they are intrinsically nondigestible or because the
cell wall structures inhibit or prevent enzymatic attack.


This latter effect is also seen with starches that are contained within cellular structures. A few
foods also contain starch grains with special crystalline structures that resist enzymatic hydrolysis.
Many starch-rich foods, especially those which have been processed by heat treatment in moist
conditions and allowed to cool, contain retrograded amylose, which forms an insoluble crystalline
material that is resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis.
These three types of enzymatically resistant starch are often grouped as resistant starch, which
refers to resistance to hydrolysis under physiological conditions.6


In addition to the carbohydrates in the plant cell wall, there are a range of indigestible carbo-
hydrates in foods. These include fructan, inulin, and two series of oligosaccharides those based
on fructose and the galacto- series: raffinose, stachyose, and verbascose. These compounds are
present at significant levels in many fruits and vegetables. The other major series of oligosaccharides
in foods, the malto- series, are hydrolyzed to glucose very effectively by the brush-border enzymes
of the small intestine.
Processed foods and a few raw foods also contain sugar alcohols that are only partially absorbed.
These carbohydrates are soluble in 80% v/v ethanol and therefore require additional stages to
the NSP methods and total dietary fiber (AOAC) to measure them.8


The fourth group includes polysaccharides which are not alpha-linked glucans (and therefore
indigestible) that are present in foods but are not part of cell wall structures. These may occur
naturally in plant foods or may be food ingredients of additives that have been added to processed
foods. These ingredients include semi-synthetic, randomized polymers of glucose, such as poly-
dextrose. Some exudate gums are used as ingredients in confectionery, and a range of other
polysaccharides are used as food additives, usually to control or influence the physical properties
of a food.9


A fifth group contains degraded carbohydrates, usually in the form of carbohydrateprotein

complexes formed during the processing of foodstuffs.
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Finally, there is a range of non-assimilable components of food, hydrocarbon oils, waxes and
dyes, degraded connective tissue components, the exoskeleton of insects and crustacea, muco-
polysaccharides, and hairs.10
All these substances can be said to behave as dietary fiber in the sense that they are indigestible.
Many authors believe that most of these components are not considered appropriate to include in
dietary fiber because they include a heterogeneous collection of materials far removed from the
original conceptual definition of dietary fiber, which was not synonymous with indigestibility.11


1. Trowell, H., Southgate, D. A. T., Wolever, T. M. S., Leeds, A. R., Gassull, M. A., and Jenkins, D. A.,
Dietary fibre redefined, Lancet, 1, 967, 1976.
2. Stephen, A. M. and Cummings, J. C., Mechanism of action of dietary fibre in the human colon, Nature
(London), 284, 283, 1980.
3. Hellendoorn, E. W., Some critical observations in relation to dietary fibre, the methods of determi-
nation and the current hypotheses for the explanation of its physiological action, Voeding, 33,
230, 1978.
4. Saunders, R. M. and Betschart, A. A., The significance of protein as a component of dietary fiber,
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 960, 1980.
5. Gudmand-Hayer, E., Methodological aspects of the in vivo methods for measurement of starch digest-
ibility, Euresta, Contract No. AGRF/0027, European Union, Brussels,1992.
6. Englyst, H. N., Kingman, S. M., and Cummings, J. C., Classification and measurement of nutritionally
important starch fractions, Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 46, S33 (Suppl. 2), 1992.
7. Guillon, F. et al., Eds., Functional Properties of Non-Digestible Carbohydrates. Profibre, European
Air Concerted Action, AIR3CT94-2203, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Nantes, 1998.
8. Southgate, D. A. T., Dietary Fibre Analysis, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1995.
9. Glicksman, M., Gum Technology in the Food Industry, Academic Press, New York, 1969.
10. Southgate, D. A. T., Non-assimilable components of foods, in Nutritional Problems in a Changing
World, Hollingsworth, D. F. and Russell, M., Eds., 1973, 199.
11. Englyst, H. N., Trowell, H., Southgate, D. A. T., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fiber and resistant
starch, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 46, 873, 1987.
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Food Components Associated with Dietary Fiber

David A. T. Southgate


Plant foods contain a wide range of substances and many of these are biologically active (for
example, vitamins, phytoestrogens, glucosinolates, and polyphenolic substances). These phy-
tochemicals are therefore consumed with dietary fiber components, and it is highly probable that
they contribute to the protective effects of high-fiber diets. This section is, however, concerned with
the components of plant foods that are intimately associated with dietary fiber (Table 2.4.1).

Table 2.4.1 Food Components Associated with Dietary Fiber

Component Sources Main Structural Features
Lignins Found in all vascular plants; major Complex aromatic polymers formed from
component of woody tissues and coumaryl, guaiacyl, coniferyl, and
some seeds sinapyl alcohols
Protein Present in all cell walls Often rich in hydroxyproline and linked
to polysaccharides
Cutin External surfaces of many fruits and Polymeric internal esters of C16 and
leaves C18 hydroxyaliphatic acids
Suberin Sub-epidermal tissues of many plants, Polymeric material from C20, C26 acids
especially roots and tubers and alcohols with phenolics and
dicarboxylic acids
Plant waxes External surfaces of many fruits Complex mixtures of hydrocarbons,
ketones, ketols, etc.
Inorganic constituents Virtually all walls Ca, K, Mg salts and silicates common

The plant cell wall contains or is very closely associated with a range of non-carbohydrates.
Some of these are integral to the cell wall structures, whereas others appear to be chance inclusions,
and still others are closely associated with the walls on the exterior surfaces of the plants.1 The
non-carbohydrates are usually quantitatively minor components of the plant cell wall; nevertheless,
they modify the physical and chemical properties of the wall polysaccharides and thereby can be
expected to modify the physiological properties of dietary fiber when eaten.2

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Although many authors consider the lignins (a wide range of structures are found in plants) as
part of dietary fiber in a formal sense, it is more appropriate to consider lignin as an associated
component, because it is only by conventional usage that lignin is included in dietary fiber.3
Lignin is the name given to a complex group of aromatic polymers formed by the condensation
of aromatic alcohols, coumaryl, guaiacyl, coniferyl, and sinapyl alcohols. This condensation is, in
the main, non-enzymatic, and this accounts for the very wide range of structures observed.
Lignification of the plant cell wall is an infiltration process of the matrix where the lignin forms
a three-dimensional structure within the polysaccharide matrix and the wall expands in volume
during the process.4
In many food plants, which are consumed relatively immature, the lignification is limited to
the spiral and annular bands in the walls of the xylem vessels. As the plant matures the lignification
spreads through the entire wall of the xylem and extends into supporting tissues.5 In mature woody
tissues the xylem walls are completely lignified. These woody tissues are most frequently not
consumed as foods, especially in the developed world.
Lignified tissues are present in the cell walls of the seed coats of cereals, and lignified seeds
are widely distributed in many fruits and vegetables. Pears contain clumps of lignified cells within
their flesh.5
Lignification produces a hydrophobic region within the wall, and as lignin is highly resistant
to bacterial and enzymatic attack, lignified tissues from foods are recoverable virtually intact from
fecal material.
Analytical procedures for lignin are often nonspecific and depend on the resistance of lignin
to chemical attack. Thus, insolubility in 12M H2SO4 is the basis of the measurement of Klason
lignin.6 In the Van Soest and Wine method the susceptibility to oxidation by alkaline permanganate
is the basis of the determination.7 Colorimetric procedures for some grass species have been
described, but these are specific for the species concerned.


Some protein is found in virtually all cell walls and may form up to 10% of the wall in immature
plants. The proportion falls as the wall matures and proportionately more polysaccharides are
deposited in the wall. The cell wall proteins appear to play an important structural role and are in
some tissues characteristically rich in hydroxyproline.8 The proteins are often covalently linked to
polysaccharide side chains.
The cell wall proteins in some tissues appear to have an intrinsically lower digestibility, and
for this reason some authors believe that these proteins should be considered part of the dietary
fiber complex.9


These substances are complex lipid materials present in many plant tissues.


Many external surfaces of plants are covered with a waxy layer which includes a range of
complex substances containing long-chain hydroxy aliphatic acids which form internal esters. This
material is highly hydrophobic and intimately associated with the cell wall at the plant surface.
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Cutinized tissues are resistant to hydrolysis and degradation in the intestine and frequently can be
recovered from fecal material. In some analytical schemes the cutin is analyzed with the lignin
unless the material is extracted with a lipid solvent. The detergent fiber procedures of Van Soest
provide an extension which provides a method for measurement of cutin.6


Suberin is also a complex mixture with a composition analogous to cutin which includes
phenolic components. Suberin is characteristically deposited in sub-epidermal layers in many plant
tissues, particularly in underground organs such as roots and tubers, but it is also found in the skins
of some fruits. Suberinized tissues are also hydrophobic and resistant to degradation in the intestine
and usually are analyzed with lignin.


Complex hydrocarbon waxes are found in many plants in very small quantities. The waxes are
mixtures of ketones, esters, phenolic esters, and alcohols. These waxes coat external surfaces of
many fruits with a hydrophobic layer. Although these materials are hydrolyzed by lipases in the
presence of bile salts, their degradation in the intestine appears to be limited.


Most plant cell walls contain inorganic material. In some plants the inorganic material apparently
has structural significance, this being especially true for silica and silicates.10 Calcium is also closely
involved in the structure of the pectic components of the middle lamellae between cells and the
integrity of plant tissues. Other inclusions of potassium and magnesium salts with phosphates and
oxalates are quite common.


1. Bonner, J. and Varner, J. E., Eds., Plant Biochemistry, 2nd ed., Academic Press, New York, 1977.
2. Southgate, D. A. T., The structure of dietary fibre, in Dietary Fiber in Health and Disease,
Kritchevsky, D. and Bonfield, C., Eds., Eagan Press, St. Paul, MN, 1995, 26.
3. Trowell, H., Southgate, D. A. T., Wolever, T. M. S., Leeds, A. R., Gassull, M. A., and Jenkins, D. A.,
Dietary fibre, Lancet, 1, 967, 1976.
4. Brett, C. and Waldron, K., Physiology and Biochemistry of Plant Cell Walls, 2nd ed., Chapman and
Hall, London, 1996, 58.
5. Cutting, E. G., Plant Anatomy, Experiment and Interpretation, part 2, Edward Arnold, London, 1971.
6. Goering, H. K. and Van Soest, P. J., Forage Fiber Analysis (Apparatus Reagents, Procedures and
Some Applications), Agricultural Handbook No. 379, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington,
D.C., 1970.
7. Van Soest, P. J. and Wine, R. H., Determination of lignin and cellulose in acid detergent fiber by
oxidation with permanganate, J. Assoc. Off. Analyt. Chem., 52, 780, 1968.
8. Selvendran, R. R. and ONeill, M. A., Plant glycoproteins, in Plant Carbohydrates, Loewus, F. A.
and Tanner, W., Eds., Springer-Verlag, Basel, 1982, 575.
9. Saunders, R. M. and Betschart, A. A., The significance of protein as a component of dietary fiber,
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 960, 1980.
10. Jones, L. H. P., Mineral components of plant cell walls, Am. J.Clin. Nutr., 31, 594, 1978.
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Polysaccharide Food Additives That

Contribute to Dietary Fiber

David A. T. Southgate

A variety of polysaccharides are added to processed foods. While none are synthetic in the true
sense, many of them have been extensively modified chemically to enhance specific properties or
to reduce undesirable characteristics.1,2 A few are prepared biosynthetically using microorganisms,
but the majority are derived from plant polysaccharides and many from cell wall polysaccharides.
The polysaccharides all share one common structural feature: they do not contain -glucosidic
links (i.e., they are nonstarch polysaccharides) and are, therefore, not hydrolyzed by mammalian
digestive enzymes. For this reason, they fall within the most commonly used definition of dietary
fiber.3 Many have been, and still are, used as models for cell wall components of dietary fiber in
experimental physiological studies. They fall into a number of distinct categories.


These native structures have been chemically modified to improve their solubility or capacity
to form gels. They are added to foods to modify or control the physical properties of foods.


The additives are selected from high-methoxyl varieties which have higher gelling properties.
Amidation also improves the gelling capacity, and amidated pectins are used in low-sugar jams
and as emulsifiers and stabilizers.


A relatively simple modification involves the reduction in the chain lengths of the polymers by
ball milling; this produces water-dispersible celluloses which are used as fillers. Chemical modi-
fication involves the introduction of methyl and methoxyl groups which create a range of dispersible
compounds which are used as emulsifiers and stabilizers.

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Modified Starches

The chemical modifications include the introduction of phosphate groups or isopropyl groups
and a variety of other substituents primarily aimed at preventing retrogradation in heat-processed
foods where the introduced groups prevent association of the amylose chains.


Many vegetable foods such as Jerusalem artichokes and chicory contain the fructan inulin.
Modern extraction techniques have made inulin available as an ingredient. Fructan is an indigestible
carbohydrate and contributes substrate to the large intestinal flora.4
A range of fructose oligosaccharides which are also indigestible is available as ingredients with
claimed probiotic properties.


Several exudate gums for example, gum Arabic and gum tragacanth are used as additives
and food ingredients. The most widely used gums are the galactomannan gums, guar and carob
(locust) bean gums which are used as thickeners in soups and other foods.


Algae provide a range of polysaccharides used in processed foods. Agar is used as a thickening
agent in a wide range of foods. Alginates, extracted from brown algae and modified alginates, are
also used as thickening agents. Carrageenans, extracted from Irish moss and other algae, are used
in many milk products because of the ability to associate with milk proteins.


These polymers include xanthan gum produced biosynthetically and are used as gelling agents.
A number of randomized glucose polymers have been prepared which are resistant to small
intestinal digestion, and polydextrose is in use as an ingredient in low-calorie yogurts and
similar products.
Table 2.5.1 summarizes the major types of polysaccharides in use. In most foods the concen-
tration of the additives is less than 1% by weight and usually less than 0.5%. Some exudate gums
and some randomized glucose polymers are used as ingredients at higher concentrations.
These polysaccharides make a minor contribution to the total intake of dietary fiber5 but have
been fed at much higher levels of intake in experimental studies.
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Table 2.5.1 Polysaccharide Food Additives That Contribute to Dietary Fiber

Major Category Polysaccharides Major Types Used Main Structural Features
Modified cell wall Pectins High methoxyl Methoxyl esters of
components rhamnogalacturonans
Amidated Amidated rhamnogalacturonans
Cellulose Methyl, methoxyl Both ether and ester derivatives
are used
Modified starches Cross-linked Phosphate, isopropyl Cross-linked to prevent
association between amylose
Indigestible fructose Fructans Inulin Relatively low molecular weights
polymers Fructo-oligosaccharides Range of polymers Range of oligosaccharides
Gums Exudate gums Arabic, tragacanth Complex heteropolysaccharides
Galactomannan gums Guar, carob (locust) bean Variable proportions of glucose
Algal Agar Two major polymers Linear polymer of D-galactose
polysaccharides and L-anhydrogalactose
Alginates Salts of copolymers Salts of D-mannuronic and
L-gluronic acid
Carrageenans Range of different Polymers of anhydro-galactose,
polymers sulfated galactose, and sulfated
Semi-synthetic Bacterial synthesis Xanthan gum Backbone of glucose with
polymers alternating trisaccharide side
chains of mannose and
glucuronic acid, with terminal
pyruvic acid and acetyl groups
Randomized glucans Polydextrose is an Thermally randomized polymers


1. Glicksman, M., Gum Technology in the Food Industry, Academic Press, New York, 1969.
2. Guillon, F. et al., Eds., Functional Properties of Non-Digestible Carbohydrates, Institut National de
la Recherche Agronomique, Nantes, 1998.
3. Trowell, H., Southgate, D. A. T., Wolever, M. S., Leeds, A. R., Gassull, M. A., and Jenkins, D. A.,
Dietary fibre redefined, Lancet, 1, 967, 1976.
4. Gibson, G. R., Beatty, E. B., Wang, X., and Cummings, J. H., Selective simulation of bifidobacteria
in the human colon by oligofructose and iulin, Gastroenterology, 108, 975, 1995.
5. Wirths, W., Aufnahme an Hydrocolloiden in der Bundersrepublick Deutschland, in Pflanzenfasen-
Ballastoffe in der menschlichen Ernahrung, Rottka, H., Ed., Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1980, 76.
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Glossary of Dietary Fiber Components*

David A. T. Southgate and Gene A. Spiller

Acid detergent fiber (ADF) The cellulose plus lignin in a sample; it is measured as the
residue after extracting the food with a hot dilute sulfuric acid solution of the detergent, cetyl
trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). See Chapter 3.2.
Agar A mixture of polysaccharides occurring as the cell wall constituents of certain red
marine algae Rhodophytaceae, e.g., Gelidium sp., from which it can be extracted with hot water.
It gels on cooling at a concentration as low as 0.5%. Agarose, the main constituent, is a neutral
polysaccharide containing 3,6-anhydro-L-galactose and D-galactose as the repetitive unit. Agaropec-
tin is a minor constituent polysaccharide and contains carboxyl and sulfate groups. It is not
hydrolyzed by mammalian digestive enzymes and is, therefore, part of dietary fiber when used as
a thickening agent in foods; it is a laxative. The chief use, however, is as a solid medium for
cultivating microorganisms, since it is undigested by almost all of them.
Algal polysaccharides The extract from the tissues of algae, divided into two groups: (1)
reserve polysaccharides which are water soluble and (2) structural polysaccharides which are not.
They are not hydrolyzed by the mammalian digestive enzymes and are therefore part of dietary fiber.
Alginates Algal polysaccharides not hydrolyzed by mammalian digestive enzymes and,
therefore, part of dietary fiber. Commercial algin is sodium alginate: it is slowly soluble in water,
forming an extremely viscous solution. It is used as a stabilizer for ice cream and other food
Alginic acid Water-insoluble algal polysaccharide, polymannuronic acid, which can be
extracted from certain dried seaweeds, as a water-soluble alginate with aqueous alkali metal
hydroxides or carbonates, and precipitated by the addition of an acid. Alginic acid is not hydrolyzed
by mammalian digestive enzymes and is, therefore, part of dietary fiber.
Arabinans Polysaccharides that give L-arabinose on hydrolysis. They are present in wood
cellulose, are associated with pectin, and have been isolated from the pectic substances of mustard
seed and sugar beet.
Arabinogalactans Substituted galactans that form part of the hemicellulose complex in many
tissues. Although most emphasis has been given to arabinogalactans from woody tissues, polymers
of this type are widely distributed. The water-soluble arabinogalactan of larch has received con-
siderable study.

* Adapted from Southgate, D. A. T., Medical Aspects of Dietary Fiber, Spiller, G. A. and Kay, R. M., Eds., Plenum Press,
New York, 1980. With permission.

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Arabinoxylans Have a main chain composed of (1 4) -D-xylopyranosyl units with an

occasional branching in some preparations. The arabinose is present as single- or double-residue
side chains. Arabinoxylans are widely distributed in the cell walls of many materials, although they
are uncommon in woody tissues; they have been isolated from the husks of many grains.
Carrageenan An algal polysaccharide chiefly composed of polymerized sulfated D-galacto-
pyranose units, but with other residues also present. It is the dried extract from certain red marine
algae Rhodophytaceae, and often from the species Chrondus crispus (carrageenan, Irish moss). The
ability of carrageenan to react with milk protein has led to its widespread use in preparations
containing milk and chocolate. It has been shown to be a potent cholesterol-lowering agent but,
unlike almost any other plant polysaccharide, has an adverse effect on the gut. Ulceration of the
cecum of both rats and guinea pigs has been demonstrated when carrageenan was added to the diet.
Cellulose Best known, most widely distributed, and only truly fibrous component of the
plant cell wall. It is a polymer of glucose and the glucoside linkage is . The -linkages in cellulose
are not hydrolyzed by the enzymes present in man; cellulose is therefore part of dietary fiber.
Cellulose also has the property of taking up water (0.4 g water per gram of cellulose), and this
explains its ability to increase fecal weight when added to the diet.
Crude fiber Residue left after boiling the defatted food in dilute alkali and then in dilute
acid. The method recovers 50 to 80% of cellulose, 10 to 50% of lignin, and 20% of hemicellulose.
Inconsistent results are obtained, and it should not be used as a method for the determination of
dietary fiber.
Cutin A complex polymer of mono-, di-, tri-, and polyhydroxy fatty acids, it is a lipid
component of the waterproof covering and cuticle on the outer cellulose wall of plants. Cuticular
substances are extremely resistant to digestion and in turn are thought to impair the digestibility
of the other cell wall constituents. Their resistance to digestion means they appear in the feces and
may constitute a large proportion of the fecal fat. Cutins may account for a substantial part of the
increased fecal fat seen in subjects on a high cereal-fiber diet.
Dietary fiber Includes all the polymers of plants that cannot be digested by the endogenous
secretions of the human digestive tract, i.e., cellulose, pectins, hemicellulose, gums, mucilages, and
lignin; see also Chapter 2.1.
Galactans Polysaccharides which, on hydrolysis, give galactose. They occur in wood and
in many algae. The most important galactan is agar.
Galactomannans Polysaccharides that have both galactose and mannose in the chain, in
varying proportions. Guar gum (guaram) is a representative example. Galactomannans are part of
the hemicellulose fraction of the plant cell wall.
Glucofructans Linear polymers with both fructose and glucose in the chain. They are found
in the hemicellulose section of the cell wall and form the storage polysaccharides in many temperate-
climate grasses.
Glucomannans Appear to be linear polymers with both mannose and glucose in the chain.
The ratio of mannose to glucose is between 1:1 and 2.4:1. Hardwood glucomannans appear to
contain no galactose and are relatively insoluble, but the glucomannans from gymnosperms have
galactose side chains and a higher mannose-to-glucose ratio (3:1). The presence of side chains
tends to make these polysaccharides more soluble in water, possibly because the side chains prevent
the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Glucomannans are part of the hemicellulose
fraction of the plant cell wall.
Glucoronoxylans Have a main backbone chain of (1 4) linked -D-xylopyranosyl
residues, containing side chains of 4-O-methyl--D-glucopyranosyluronic acid and, in some annual
plants, unmethylated D-glucuronic acid. Glucuronoxylans are found in the hemicellulose fraction
of all land plants and most plant organs.
Glycan Generic name for a polysaccharide; from glycose, a simple sugar, and the ending
-an signifying a polymer.
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Glycuronans Generic name for the polymers of uronic acids; e.g., galacturonan is a polymer
of galacturonic acid and is therefore, a glycuronan.
Guar gum (guaran) A neutral polysaccharide, a D-galacto-D-mannan, that is isolated from
the ground endosperm of guar seed, a leguminous vegetable cultivated in India for animal feeds.
In small amounts it finds widespread use in the food and pharmaceutical industries as a thickener
and stabilizer in, for example, salad dressing and ice cream, as well as in nonfood items such as
Gum (exudates and seed gums) Complex polysaccharides, each containing several different
sugar molecules and uronic acid groups. The true plant gums, gum acacia and gum tragacanth, are
the dried exudates from various plants obtained when the bark is cut or the plant is otherwise
injured. They are soluble in water to give very viscous colloidal solutions, sometimes called
mucilages, and are insoluble in organic solvents. These are not part of the cell wall structure but
are generally indigestible and are thus considered a part of dietary fiber. Guar and locust bean gums
are examples of gums derived from seeds.
Hemicelluloses A wide variety of polysaccharide polymers, at least 250 of which are known.
The largest group consists of pentosans such as the xylans and arabinoxylans; a second group
consists of hexose polymers such as the galactans. The acidic hemicelluloses which contain galac-
turonic acid or glucuronic acid form a third group of hemicelluloses. Hemicelluloses are those
polymers extractable from plants by cold aqueous alkali. They are not precursors of cellulose and
have no part in cellulose biosynthesis but represent a distinct and separate group of plant polysac-
charides. Together with pectin, the hemicelluloses form the matrix of the plant cell wall in which
are enmeshed cellulose fibers. The hemicelluloses are not digested in the small intestine but are
broken down by microorganisms in the colon more readily than cellulose.
Heteroglycans Polysaccharides that hydrolyze to two, three, or more monosaccharides. They
have prefixes of di-, tri- , and so on to indicate the number of different types of sugar residues.
Hexoses Monosaccharides with each molecule containing six carbon atoms. Glucose, fruc-
tose, galactose, and mannose are all hexoses.
Homoglycan Polysaccharide containing only one type of sugar unit and hence on hydrolysis
giving only one monosaccharide type. The most abundant polysaccharides are of this type, e.g.,
starch and cellulose.
Lignin An aromatic polymer of molecular weight of about 10,000 based on coniferyl and
sinapyl alcohols; it occurs in woody plant tissues. Since it is virtually indigestible, lignin is usually
classified as part of dietary fiber. It is a commercial source of vanillin and other aromatic chemicals.
Mannans Polysaccharides made up of mannose units, found in the hemicellulose fraction
from many cell walls. They seem to be storage polysaccharides.
Middle lamella Develops from the cell plate that forms between the daughter nuclei of the
plant cell wall and extends to meet the existing wall, and therefore is the structure between adjacent
cell walls. It appears to be rich in galacturonans, which are characteristically part of the pectic
Mucilages Polysaccharides usually containing galactose, galacturonic acid residues, and
often xylose and arabinose. Structurally, they resemble the hemicelluloses and are water soluble,
being obtained as slimy, colloidal solutions. They are found mixed with the endosperm or storage
polysaccharides or in special cells in the seedcoat. They retain water and so protect the seed against
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) That part of food remaining after extraction with a hot neutral
solution of the detergent sodium lauryl sulfate. It is a measure of the cell wall constituents of
vegetable foodstuffs. The method for determining NDF was designed to divide the dry matter of
feeds very nearly into those constituents which are nutritionally available for the normal digestive
process and those which depend on microbial fermentation for their availability. See Chapter 3.2.
Noncellulosic polysaccharides Another term for hemicelluloses, which include all the matrix
polysaccharides from the cell wall, other than cellulose.
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Nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) A term suggested by Englyst and co-workers for the
carbohydrate plant cell wall material originally called dietary fiber less the lignin; considered by
the authors to be a better definition than fiber.
Oligosaccharides Collective term for di-, tri-, and tetrasaccharides; processed foods may
contain oligosaccharides with up to 9 residue.
Pectic substances Mixtures of acidic and neutral polysaccharides that can be extracted with
water from plant tissues. They are characteristically rich in galacturonic acid and are galacturonans
with a variable degree of methyl esterification.
Pectin General term designating those water-soluble pectinic acids of varying methyl ester
content and degree of neutralization which are capable of forming gels with water and acid under
suitable conditions. Pectin is found in the primary cell wall and intracellular layer. It changes from
an insoluble material in the unripe fruit to a much more water-soluble substance in the ripe fruit.
Its ability to form gels and its ion binding capacity may be important in human nutrition. Also see
pectic substances.
Pectinic acid Groups of pectins in which only a portion of the acidic groupings are
Pentoses Monosaccharides with each molecule containing five carbon atoms. Pentose sugars
most commonly present in human foods are L-arabinose and D-xylose, which are widely distributed
in the polysaccharides in plants. Pentoses are present in small amounts in all cell walls whether
animal, plant, or bacterial. Dietetically, the five-carbon sugars are of little importance as a source
of energy for the body.
Plantix A term coined from plant and matrix to replace dietary fiber to avoid the uncertain
and diversified meaning of the term fiber. It includes the same polymers found in dietary fiber from
Primary plant cell wall The cellulose fibers of the primary cell wall are laid down in a
random network on the middle lamella. The fibrils are surrounded by an amorphous matrix of
Protopectin Term applied to the water-insoluble parent pectic substance which occurs in
plants, and which upon hydrolysis yields pectinic acid.
Resistant starch Starch that is not digested by human digestive enzymes and that reaches
the colon, often acting in the same way as fiber.
Sclerenchyma Tissue forming the hard parts of plants such as nutshell or seedcoat.
Secondary cell wall Polysaccharide in nature and apparently amorphous. It is formed after
the cell has reached maturity and is laid down inside the primary cell wall, either as a continuous
layer or as localized thickenings or bands.
Silica Deposited in the plant cell wall, usually in the aerial part of the plant. The amount
varies according to the species, the silica content of the soil, and the maturity of the plant. The ash
content of the cell wall, particularly of wheat, may be as high as 10%; of this, the principal element
present is often silicon. Silica has the capacity to impair the digestibility of cell wall materials.
Suberin A cutin-like substance found in cork. It is a plant lipid that cannot be extracted with
a simple solvent but needs saponification before extraction.
Uronic acids Present in the pectic substances and the hemicellulose portion of the plant cell
wall. They are found in about half the known plant polysaccharides, the most common being
D-galacturonic and D-glucuronic acids. Uronic acids are derived from sugars by oxidation of the
terminal CH2OH to COOH and, when present as glycosides, behave like simple hydrocarboxylic
acids, forming metal salts, amides, and alkyl and methyl esters.
Water-holding capacity Amount of water that can be taken up by unit weight of dry fiber
to the point at which no free water remains. A close relationship exists between acid detergent fiber
content of vegetable dietary fiber and water-holding capacity, but there is no such relationship
between lignin content and water-holding capacity.
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Water-soluble fraction Fraction of dietary fiber soluble in water; it includes pectic substances,
gums, mucilages, and some polysaccharide food additives.
Xylans Groups of polymers having a main chain of (1 4) -D-xylopyranosyl residues;
arabinose and 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid are the most usual substituents. A few D-xylans are
neutral molecules containing D-xylose residues only. Xylans are found in the hemicellulose portion
of the plant cell wall in all land plants and in most plant organs.
Xylem Water-conducting elements of plant tissues, usually made up of cells with lignified
walls. In mature woody tissues, the walls of xylem vessels are completely lignified; in less mature
tissues, the lignification is partial and localized.


1. Southgate, D. A. T., White, M., Spiller, G. A., and Kay, R. M., Glossary, in Medical Aspects of Dietary
Fiber, Spiller, G. A. and Kay, R. M., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1980.
2. Smith, F. and Montgomery, R., Eds., The Chemistry of Plant Gums and Mucilages and Some Related
Polysaccharides, Reinhold, New York, 1959.
3. Butler, G. W. and Bailey, R. W., Chemistry and Biochemistry of Herbage, Vol. 1, Academic Press,
New York, 1973.
4. Windholz, M., Budavari, S., Stroumtsos, L. Y., and Fertig, M. N., Eds., The Merck Index, 9th ed.,
Merck, Rahway, NJ, 1976.
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Physical Chemistry of Dietary Fiber

David Oakenfull


As explained in other parts of this Handbook, dietary fiber is a complex mixture of polysac-
charides with many different functions and activities as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract.
Many of these functions and activities depend on its physical chemistry.
This chapter outlines how physical chemistry impacts with chemical composition and influences
the many different roles of dietary fiber at the various stages in its passage through the gut from
its role in influencing what we eat to its role in easing defecation.


Dietary fiber often has a negative impact on food preference. (If this were not so, consumption
of fiber-rich foods would have increased by far more than it actually has in response to fibers clear
health benefits.) Most people, for example, prefer white bread to wholemeal bread and white rice
to brown rice. One reason for this may be that fiber-rich foods often require considerable effort to
chew. A study comparing breakfast cereals suggested that the energy required to break the product
down into small pieces (the comminution energy) increases with its dietary fiber content. Further,
the popularity of these products (reflected by sales in supermarkets) was inversely proportional to
the comminution energy, as shown in Figure Apparently, we prefer foods that require
little chewing.
A positive effect of fiber on food preference can be seen in the use of non-starch polysaccharides
as texture-modifying agents by the food industry. The remarkable ability of polysaccharides to
thicken or gel aqueous solutions is exploited in numerous food products ranging from dessert jellies
to oil-free salad dressings. Through subtle adjustment to formulation and processing methods, these
materials can greatly enhance the consumer appeal of otherwise unattractive products. For example,
a great deal of attention is currently being paid in the use of polysaccharides to mimic the texture
of fat. There are already a number of polysaccharide-based products available which their manu-
facturers claim can be used to formulate low-fat versions of traditionally high-fat products such as
ice cream (see also, for example, Ward 2). Although not usually added to foods at significantly high
levels, these additives significantly boost our intake of dietary fiber.

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Relative Sales
1.20 Weetbix


0.40 All-Bran Rice Bubbles

Puffed Wheat
Shredded Wheat 0 5 10 15 20 25
1/(Comminution Energy)
Figure 2.7.1 Relative sales in Australia of breakfast cereals plotted against the reciprocal of the comminution
energy as determined from the electrical energy required to grind the cereal to fine particles in
a small hammer mill (see text).


How Dietary Fiber Influences Satiety

Not surprisingly, physical factors are also significant in the influence of dietary fiber on satiety
and hence energy intake. Because distension of the stomach is believed to be one of the signals to
stop eating, several investigators have speculated that the bulk associated with high-fiber foods
induces a feeling of satiety and thus reduces meal size and food intake. Experimentally, though,
conflicting results have been reported. Some workers have found that fiber decreases energy
intake3,4; others have found that it has no effect.5,6
A numerical measure of the satiating effects of different foods has recently been developed
called the satiety index (SI).7 The SI compares how full (on average) different foods made a group
of volunteers feel for the same intake of energy. White bread is given a score of 100, and the SI
for all other foods is based on this standard. A plot of satiety index against dietary fiber content
for a broad range of different foods (Figure 2.7.2) shows no correlation (the correlation coefficient
is 0.0864.). This is perhaps not surprising, because energy density has a strong effect on satiety8
and may well swamp any effect of fiber on SI. Nonetheless, the high-satiety foods tend to have
bulky, fibrous, or crunchy textures which make them relatively more difficult to chew or swallow.9
Fiber appears to influence satiety when other, more dominant, influences are more or less
equal and it seems that solubility and viscosity are critical factors. A supplement of psyllium
gum, which is rich in soluble fiber, decreased spontaneous energy intake in a group of 12 women,
whereas wheat bran had no effect.10 Studies in experimental animals and in humans have suggested
that viscous polysaccharides can slow the rate of gastric emptying.11 Furthermore, consumption of
fiber in a meal appears to reduce energy ingested at a subsequent meal.12 Blundell and his
colleagues13 have recently found that soluble and insoluble fiber behave differently. Soluble fiber
reduced appetite a longer time after eating than insoluble fibers, but there was no difference between
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Dietary fiber (g/100g)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Figure 2.7.2 Dietary fiber content (g/100 g) for a range of different foods plotted against the corresponding
satiety index.

how the two types affected total energy intake. Solubility and viscosity both depend on the chemical
composition of the fiber and the molecular structure of its component polysaccharides.


Solubility is a major factor in the nutritional properties of dietary fiber, generally speaking. So
what determines whether a particular fiber fraction is soluble or insoluble? The key to understanding
why some polysaccharides are soluble in water and others are not is molecular structure.14 Polysac-
charides are composed of linked monosaccharide units, of which the most common is D-glucose
(Figure 2.7.3). Many different structures are possible with different linkage geometries and different
monosaccharide units. But physical properties (such as solubility) are determined more by the
linkages than by the nature of the monosaccharide units.14
This is illustrated by comparing two forms of poly-D-glucose familiar from other chapters of
this book cellulose, which is insoluble, and the water-soluble -glucans from barley and oat
bran. Cellulose has exclusively (14) linkages, whereas the -glucans have mixed (14) and
(13) linkages. Celluloses regularity enables it to adopt ordered crystalline structures of polysac-
charide chains held together by hydrogen bonds.14,15 These ordered structures are insoluble.14 In
contrast, the irregular structure of the -glucans prevents the formation of ordered crystalline
structure, so these polysaccharides tend to be water soluble. Branched structures, as in the arabi-
noxylans in wheat, are similarly unable to adopt ordered crystalline structures, and these compounds
are also water soluble. Polysaccharides with charged groups (COO or SO3), such as the pectins
and carrageenans, are also often water soluble, in this case because electrostatic repulsion prevents
the molecules from packing close together in ordered structures.14


Almost all water-soluble polysaccharides produce viscous solutions. Viscosity is caused by

physical interactions between polysaccharide molecules in solution in simple terms, by the
2387_ch2.7_fm Page 36 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:31 PM


Figure 2.7.3 Representations of D- and L-glucose in open chains and -D-glucose and -L-glucose in ring forms.

molecules becoming entangled.16 At low concentrations the molecules are well separated from each
other and free to move independently. At a critical concentration (c*) the molecules become
sufficiently crowded to start to interpenetrate one another and form a tangled network.16 (This is
shown diagrammatically in Figure 2.7.4.) The viscosity then increases sharply with concentration
and becomes more dependent on the rate of shear (this means, in effect, the rate at which the liquid
is stirred). Polysaccharide solutions usually show shear thinning the apparent viscosity decreas-
ing with increasing rate of shear.17,18


Effects of Viscosity

Viscous polysaccharides or polysaccharides which form a gel matrix may slow absorption by
trapping nutrients, digestive enzymes, or bile acids in the matrix and by slowing mixing and
diffusion in the intestine.19 In an in vitro model using dialysis tubing, Johnson and Read20 showed
that guar gum appears to inhibit absorption by resisting the convective effects of intestinal con-
tractions. Polysaccharides that give viscous solutions seem to be those most effective in lowering
plasma cholesterol concentrations (Table 2.7.1).
Thus, it is not unreasonable to suppose that viscous, soluble fiber inhibits absorption of cho-
lesterol and bile acids from the small intestine.20,21,22 Newman and her colleagues,23 for example,
have suggested that the cholesterol lowering observed in rats fed high -glucan barley fractions is
related to the increased viscosity in the small intestine, and Tietyen and colleagues24 found that
2387_ch2.7_fm Page 37 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:31 PM


Low Concentration High Concentration

Figure 2.7.4 Random coil molecules at low concentrations the molecules move independently through the
solution; at higher concentrations (greater than the critical overlap concentration, c*) they become
entangled, giving very viscous solutions.

Table 2.7.1 Effect of Fiber from Different Sources on Plasma Cholesterol

Quantity Ingested Change in Plasma
Source of Fiber (g/day) Cholesterol (%)
Cellulose 16 0
Wheat bran 17 +1
Whole oatsa 15 11
Oat brana 27 17
Pectina 25 13
Guar gum a 24 16
Beans a,b 30 19
a Composed of or containing viscous polysaccharides.
b Would also contain saponins which have cholesterol-lowering activity.
Source: Data from Chen and Anderson.19

reducing the viscosity of oat bran fiber (by treatment with enodo--glucanse from Bacillus subtilis)
reduced its ability to lower plasma cholesterol. In a study using everted sacs of rat jejunum, Johnson
and Gee25 found that viscous gums (guar and carboxymethyl cellulose) increased the thickness of
the unstirred layer overlying the mucosa (Table 2.7.2). But the relevance of the unstirred layer has
been questioned,26 and in an experiment in which rats were fed methylcelluloses of different
viscosity grades, no differences between plasma or liver cholesterol concentrations were observed.27
In another study, in which guar gum, locust bean gum, and fenugreek gum were compared, reduction
of plasma cholesterol was again not related to viscosity (Table 2.7.3).28 Viscosity does, however,
appear to influence glucose absorption, and guar gum and pectin have proved beneficial in controlling
hyperglycemia.29 Ellis and his colleagues30 have shown that guar gum inhibits glucose absorption
in inverse proportion to the viscosity of the digesta. Also, high dietary intakes of pectin (6 and 8%
of the diet) decrease the availability of vitamin E in rats.31 But, in contrast, gum acacia, which is
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Table 2.7.2 Apparent Thickness of Mucosal Unstirred Layer in Jejunal Sacs

Preincubated with and without Guar Gum or Carboxymethylcellulose
Unstirred Layer Thickness (m)
Polysaccharide Control With Polysaccharide
Guar gum (viscosity 16 cP) 317 15 468 25
Carboxymethycellulose 346 12 402 12
Source: Data from Tietyen et al.24

Table 2.7.3 Relationship between Viscosity and

Cholesterol-Lowering Comparison of
Three Galactomannans and -Cellulose in the
Cholesterol-Fed Rat
Total Plasma
Fiber Viscosity Cholesterol (mM)
-Cellulose (Insoluble) 4.60 0.34
Guar gum High 3.26 0.09
Locust bean gum Medium 3.46 0.12
Fenugreek gum Low 3.16 0.09
Source: Data from Topping et al.27

not viscous, also improves glucose tolerance32 and viscosity is not predictive of glycemic response.33
Eastwood and Morris34 have concluded that there is, in fact, little evidence to suggest that viscous
polysaccharides inhibit transport across the small intestinal epithelia. This is obviously a complex
and controversial area.

Adsorption of Bile Acids

Another questionable concept is the frequently cited ability of fiber to bind bile acids.35,36 The
cholesterol-lowering effect of dietary fiber, it is suggested, can (at least in part) be explained by
adsorption of bile acids to fiber in the small intestine. Bile acids are thereby diverted from the
enterohepatic cycle, lost by fecal excretion, and the loss is made good by conversion of cholesterol
into bile acids by the liver.35,36 Although dietary fiber (for example, oat bran) can indeed increase
fecal excretion of bile acids, adsorption of bile acids to fiber preparations in vitro is so small as to
be trivial when expressed quantitatively in terms of moles adsorbed per gram of fiber.37 Moreover,
pectin also causes increased fecal excretion of bile acids, and adsorption of bile acids onto pectin
is physically unlikely because both molecules are negatively charged at gut pH.38,39


Effects of Physical Properties and Structure on the Fermentability of Fiber

Although, by definition, fiber is not broken down by the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract,
virtually all fiber fractions are broken down to some extent by the microorganisms in the colon.
Pectin, gum arabic, and guar gum disappear almost completely during transit; in humans, about
40% of dietary cellulose is broken down.40 Fermentation depends on the accessibility of the
polysaccharide molecules to the microorganisms, which depends, in turn, on chemical structure
and physical properties, particularly solubility. The chemical properties of the polysaccharide also
appear to influence the types of microbial activity present in the large intestine.40 Soluble fiber
2387_ch2.7_fm Page 39 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:31 PM


fractions are very accessible and ferment rapidly in the proximal colon; insoluble fiber fractions
ferment much more slowly in a process that is continuous during transit. The extent of breakdown
may also be related to the physical structure of the plant fiber from fruits and vegetables appears
to be more fermentable than that from cereals.41 Thus, physical effects have a profound effect on
the kinetics of release of metabolically important metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids. It is
often suggested that short-chain fatty acids may be factors in controlling cholesterol metabolism,
although some evidence suggests otherwise,27 and short-chain fatty acids, particularly butyrate,
may influence the development of colorectal cancer.40,42 In this connection, the kinetics of fermen-
tation appears to be a particularly important factor.
Animal studies have shown that readily fermented fiber, such as guar gum and pectin, offer
little protection from colorectal cancer. In contrast, slowly fermented fiber, such as wheat bran, has
the more protective effect.43,44 These studies are summarized in Table 2.7.4. The explanation seems
to be that readily fermented fiber produces a short-lived burst of metabolites, confined to the
proximal colon, whereas slowly fermented fiber produces a sustained release of metabolites along
the full length, reaching the distal colon.44 The fermentation pattern also seems to be important. In
a series of rat studies with partially hydrolyzed guar gum, Weaver and colleagues45 found that
propionate as a fermentation product promotes the development of cancer, whereas butyrate was
confirmed as having a protective effect.

Table 2.7.4 Summary of Published Reports on Effects of Dietary Fibers on Tumorigenesis

in Rat Models of Large Bowel Cancer
Effect on Tumorigenesis
Fiber Type Protective Equivocal Enhanced Total Number

Poorly fermentable:
Cellulose 8 3 0 11
Lignin 2 0 0 2

Slowly fermentable:
Wheat bran 7 9 0 16

Rapidly fermentable:
Guar 0 2 1 3
Pectin 0 2 3 5
Oat bran 0 0 1 1
Source: Data from Young.44

Particle Size and Porosity

Particle size particularly affects fermentation. The range of particle sizes depends on the types
of plant cell walls present in the foods and on their degree of processing. Particle size may vary
during transit through the gut as a result of chewing, grinding in the stomach, and bacterial
degradation in the colon. Some components involved in the cohesiveness of the fiber matrix may
be progressively solubilized. Thus, particle size before ingestion of the food is not necessarily
related to the subsequent behavior of the fiber during transit.46 Porosity and surface area are also
relevant factors in controlling susceptibility to bacterial and enzymic attack. Again, these factors
are related to origin and processing history. Chemical composition may be another significant factor
here, and it is possible that pectins have a dominant role in determining cell wall porosity.47
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Microstructure Resistant Starch

Resistant starch (discussed in more detail in other chapters of this Handbook) behaves func-
tionally as dietary fiber because it resists digestion by the enzymes of the stomach and small
intestine. This is a case in which microstructure has a powerful effect on physiological properties.
Starch is poly-D-glucose in a complex structure a mixture of linear amylose and highly branched
amylopectin. Amylose has (14) linkages which introduce a twist in the molecule, leading to the
formation of helical structures; amylopectin has mixed (14) and (16) linkages, giving rise to
its highly branched structure. In the plant, the starch is mostly packaged as starch granules, but the
majority of starch-rich foods have been processed by a combination of heat and moisture which
disrupts the native granular structure and causes partial solubilization of the starch polysaccharides.
Starch that has been gelatinized by heating in water is readily hydrolyzed by the amylolytic enzymes.
However, on cooling to room temperature the solubilized polysaccharides can reassociate or
retrograde. 48 Retrograded amylose is more than 70% resistant to amylolysis in vitro 49 and restricts
access of the enzyme to the starch substrate as a whole in vivo.50 Gidley and his colleagues51 have
investigated the molecular structure of resistant starch in great detail using a combination of
physicochemical techniques. They have shown that resistant starch has substantial segments of the
amylose chains in the form of double helices loosely arranged into aggregates. Single-chain material
is also present as imperfections in helices or as chains trapped between aggregates. The double-
helical conformation appears to be the primary barrier to enzyme action.51

Water-Holding Capacity

Polysaccharides are hydrophilic molecules; they have numerous free hydroxyl-groups which
can form hydrogen bonds with water. Consequently, soluble and insoluble polysaccharides alike
have the ability to hold water. The most obvious demonstration of the ability of soluble polysac-
charides to hold water is the phenomenon of gelation.52 A relatively small amount of polysaccharide,
such as 1% agarose, can be enough to entrap the water in which it is dissolved in a three-dimensional
network of polysaccharide molecules. The water is held within the polysaccharide matrix, unable
to flow away, and the system has the semisolid properties characteristic of a gel.52 Insoluble fibers
can also absorb water but more in the manner of a sponge. They also form a hydrophilic matrix
in which water is entrapped but where the quasi-crystallinity of the polysaccharide remains and
water fills the interstices, often causing considerable swelling.
Measurement of water-holding capacity is surprisingly problematic for such an apparently
simple parameter. A recent European collaborative study53 addressed this problem. Its authors
reported that a method based on centrifugation gave tolerably consistent results across different
laboratories, but the results were dependent on the sample weight used. (The percentage of water
retained by the hydrated fiber pellet was measured. This probably depends on sample size because
of a proportionate increase in the contribution from soluble material retained by the pellet at
increased sample weight.)

Absorption of Small Molecules and Ions

In addition to binding water, polysaccharides have the ability to bind other polar molecules and
ions. The reduced mineral availability and electrolyte absorption associated with some diets high
in fiber appear to be due to binding of metal ions.41,54 The number of free carboxyl groups and
particularly the uronic acid content seem to be the major factors determining the ability of polysac-
charides to bind metal ions. It is possible, though, that these ions are subsequently released and
absorbed as fiber is broken down in the colon. It has been reported that absorption of zinc and iron
are actually enhanced by sugar beet fiber and that the inhibition of absorption observed with wheat
bran is caused by phytate.55
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The huge displays of laxatives to be seen in any supermarket or pharmacy testify to popular
concern with this topic. Feces are approximately 25% water and 75% dry matter. The major
components are undigested residues plus bacteria and bacterial cell debris. These form a sponge-
like, water-holding matrix which conditions fecal bulk and consistency.56 Thus, the effect of fiber
on laxation depends not only on the undegraded fiber residue but also on bacterial cell mass. The
ability of different fiber types to increase fecal bulk depends on a complex relationship between
the chemical and physical properties of the fiber and the bacterial population in the colon. Cereal
fibers are highest in pentoses and therefore have the greatest fecal bulking power.56,57 This is
illustrated by comparing the results from studies of increased fecal bulk in response to various fiber
supplements (Table 2.7.5).

Table 2.7.5 Effect of Fiber Supplements on Fecal Bulk

Increase in
Fiber Supplement Fecal Wet Weight (%)
Oat bran 15
Pectin 1635
Guar gum 20
Apple 40
Carrot 59
Cabbage 67
Cellulose 75
Wheat bran, coarse 80127
Wheat bran, fine 24
Source: Data from Cummings.41

The physical form of the fiber is also important. Coarsely ground wheat bran is a very effective
fiber source in increasing fecal bulk, whereas finely ground wheat bran has little or no effect
and may even be constipating.58 Additionally, some laxation effects may be due to the short-chain
volatile fatty acids produced by fermentation,41,57 and it is probably for this reason that resistant
starch has a mild laxative effect.59,60 Osmotic effects may be important in a way that is not yet well
defined. Kinetic effects may also be significant again here, with rapidly fermented fiber different
in its effects from slowly fermented fiber which gives a sustained release of low molecular weight
(osmotically active) metabolites along the full length of the colon.61


The physiological functions of dietary fiber change as it progresses through the gastrointestinal
tract. These functions depend to a large extent on physical properties which also change. Thus, we
are dealing with a highly complex kinetic system which is still not well understood. Although the
chemistry of dietary fiber is now well defined, it does not in itself predict biological activity.
Biological activity depends on physical properties which do not relate in any simple way to crude
chemical composition. The polysaccharides of which dietary fiber is mostly composed are complex
structures in which the geometry of the linkage between monomer units largely defines physical
properties. This means that we cannot assume that any material which falls within the chemical
definition of dietary fiber, and analyzes as dietary fiber by the usual methods, will necessarily be
of significant health benefit to consumers.
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54. Schneeman, B. O., Dietary fiber: physical and chemical properties, methods of analysis and physio-
logical effects, Food Technol., 40, 104, 1986.
55. Fairweather-Tait, S. J. and Write, A. J. A., The effects of sugar beet fibre and wheat bran on iron and
zinc absorption in rats, Brit. J. Nutr., 64, 547, 1990.
56. Stephen, A. M. and Cummings, J. A., Mechanism of action of dietary fibre in the human colon, Nature,
284, 283, 1980.
57. Cummings J. H., Southgate, D. A. T., Branch, W., Houston, H., Jenkins, D. J. A., and James, W. P. T.,
Colonic response to dietary fibre from carrot, cabbage, apple, bran and guar gum, Lancet, I, 5, 1978.
58. Oakenfull, D. and Topping, D. L., The nutritive value of wheat bran, Food Tech. Aust., 39, 288, 1987.
59. Topping, D. L., Soluble fiber polysaccharides: effects on plasma cholesterol and colonic fermentation,
Nutr. Rev., 49, 195, 1991.
60. Cummings, J. H., Beatty, E. R., Kingman, S. M., Bingham, S. A., and Englyst, H. N., Digestion and
physiological properties of resistant starch in the human large bowel, Brit. J. Nutr., 75, 733, 1996.
61. Edwards, C. A., Bowen, J., and Eastwood, M. A., Effect of isolated complex carbohydrates on cecal
and fecal short chain fatty acids in stool output in the rat, in Dietary Fiber: Chemical and Biological
Aspects, Southgate, D. A. T., Waldron, K., Johnson, I. T., and Fenwick, G. R., Eds., Royal Society of
Chemistry, London, 1990, 273.
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Chitin and Chitosan Special Class of Dietary Fiber

Ivan Furda


Chitin and chitosan are natural aminopolysaccharides which consist of linear chains containing
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and D-glucosamine units which are linked together by (14)- glycosidic
linkages. While the chitin contains predominantly N-acetyl-D-glucosamine units, chitosan is based
primarily on D-glucosamine units. In chitin, the typical content of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine is
7095%, and the reverse is true with chitosan, which usually contains 7095% of D-glucosamine.
Although there is no sharp distinction between these two biopolymers, it is generally accepted that
chitin is highly acetylated, while chitosan is extensively deacetylated.
The unique structural feature of these polysaccharides, unlike other fibers, is the presence of amino
groups in their molecules. Therefore, they are basic, or polycationic, while polysaccharides of common
dietary fibers are either neutral or acidic (polyanionic).1


Unlike other common dietary fibers which are of plant origin, chitin and chitosan are predom-
inantly of animal origin but could also be of plant origin. Chitin is mainly present in exoskeletons
of arthropods such as insects, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, and other shells of shellfish, but it is also
present in many fungal cell walls and yeasts.2 Chitosan had been also found in different fungal cell
walls, namely Mucorales, such as Mucor rouxii,3,4 cell walls of the green alga Chlorella,4 and
others. Mucorales are used for preparation of numerous oriental fermented foods such as tempeh,
sufu, ragi, and a few others.3


Since chitin and chitosan have the same glycosidic linkages in their molecules as cellulose,
they cannot be hydrolyzed by enzymes secreted in humans. In the gastrointestinal tract, therefore,
they are not hydrolyzed in the small intestine and are partially degraded by the microbial flora in
the large intestine. Chitin behaves as typical insoluble dietary fiber, while chitosan has a unique
solubility profile. When ingested, chitosan is insoluble; however, in the stomach, due to low pH,
it becomes fully or partially solubilized, depending on the particle size, concentration, and other

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factors. In the small intestine, due to the neutral pH, chitosan precipitates and thus becomes again
insoluble. The polycationic nature and the unique in vivo solubility of chitosan may be responsible
for special physiological attributes of this biopolymer.
Chitin and chitosan are biopolymers of very low toxicity. According to Arai et al.,5 the LD50
of chitosan in laboratory mice is 16 g/kg of body weight. This is similar to that of salt or sugar.
Since the late 1970s, it has been repeatedly reported that chitosan has strong hypocholester-
olemic and hypolipidemic properties. The initial studies were conducted in experimental animals
such as rats,6,7 mice,8 rabbits,9,10 and broiler chickens,11,12 to mention a few. Lately, a number of
clinical studies confirmed the results previously observed in experimental animals.1317 In addition,
it was shown in animals and in humans that chitosan can augment high-density lipoproteins1315,18
and act as an effective lipid binder in vivo.1923
The binding and reduction of absorption and utilization of lipids should lead to weight loss.
This effect has been observed in recent studies in which a controlled low-calorie diet in placebo
and in test groups was combined with ingestion of chitosan during main meals by overweight
subjects. These studies lasted on average 4 weeks, and the subjects consumed 2 to 3 g of chitosan
per day.14,15,24,25 The studies in which free-living diets with no restrictions were used showed
conflicting results. In one such study, which lasted 12 weeks, two-thirds of the subjects showed
significant weight loss, while one-third of the subjects did not respond.26 In two similar studies,
one lasting 4 weeks27 and one 8 weeks,17 no weight loss was observed. There are a few plausible
explanations why the studies using free-living diets did not always result in weight loss.
Unlike strong anion exchangers such as cholestyramine, chitosan did not show adverse effects
on the morphology of the gastrointestinal tract when tested in experimental animals at moderate
levels.7,28 In the clinical studies no adverse effects have been reported, except for a few transient
effects such as constipation.1317,24,25
In order to explain chitosan activity, a number of mechanisms have been proposed and inves-
tigated. They have been reviewed, and at this time it is believed that a few mechanisms working
sequentially may be involved.29
Since important benefits may be gained from using chitosan in oral applications, this area is
currently under detailed investigation.


1. Furda, I., Aminopolysaccharides Their potential as dietary fiber, in Unconventional Sources of

Dietary Fiber, Furda, I., Ed., American Chemical Society, Symposium Series, Vol. 214, Washington,
D.C., 1983, chap. 8.
2. Muzzarelli, R. A. A., Enzymic synthesis of chitin and chitosan, in Chitin, Muzzarelli, R. A. A., Ed.,
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1978, chap. 1.
3. Fenton, D., Davis, B., Rotgers, C., and Eveleigh, D. E., Enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan, in Pro-
ceedings of the First International Conference on Chitin/Chitosan, Muzzarelli, R. A. A., and Pariser,
E. R., Eds., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1978, 525.
4. Mihara, S., Change of glucosamine content of Chlorella cells during their life cycle, Plant Cell
Physiol., 2, 25, 1961.
5. Arai, K., Kinumaki, T., and Fujita, T., Toxicity of chitosan, Bull. Tokai Reg. Fish Res. Lab., 56, 89, 1968.
6. Sugano, M., Fujikawa, T., Hiratsuji, Y., and Hasegawa, Y., Hypocholesterolemic effects of chitosan in
cholesterol fed rats, Nutr. Rep. Int., 18, 531, 1978.
7. Vahouny, G. V., Satchithanandam, S., Cassidy, M. M., Lightfoot, F. B., and Furda, I., Comparative
effect of chitosan and cholestyramine on lymphatic absorption of lipids in the rat, Amer. J. Clin. Nutr.,
38, 278, 1983.
8. Miura, T., Usami, M., Tsuura, Y., Ishida, H., and Seino, Y., Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect
of chitosan in normal and neonatal Streptozotocin induced diabetic mice, Biol. Pharm. Bull., 18,
11, 1995.
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9. Hirano, S., Itakura, C., Seino, H., Akiyama, Y., Nonaka, I., Kanbara, N., and Kawakami, T., Chitosan
as an ingredient for domestic and animal feeds, J. Agric. Food Chem., 38, 1214, 1990.
10. Hirano, S. and Akiyama, Y., Absence of hypocholesterolemic action of chitosan in high-serum-
cholesterol rabbits, J. Sci. Food Agric., 69, 91, 1995.
11. Razdan, A. and Pettersson, D., Effect of chitin and chitosan on nutrient digestibility and plasma lipid
concentrations in broiler chickens, Brit. J. Nutr., 76, 387, 1994.
12. Razdan, A. and Pettersson, D., Broiler chicken body weights, feed intakes, plasma lipid and small-
intestinal bile acid concentrations in response to feeding of chitosan and pectin, Brit. J. Nutr., 78,
283, 1997.
13. Maezaki, Y., Tsuji, K., Nakagawa, Y., Kawai, Y., Akimoto, M., Tsugita, T., Takekawa, W., Terada, A.,
Hara, H., and Mitsuoka, T., Hypocholesterolemic effect of chitosan in adult males, Biosci. Biotech.
Biochem., 57, 1439, 1993.
14. Veneroni, G., Veneroni, F., Contos, S., Tripodi, S., DeBernardi, M., Guarino, C., and Marletta, M.,
Effect of a new chitosan dietary integrator and hypocaloric diet on hyperlipidemia and overweight in
obese patients, Acta Toxicol. Ther., 17, 1, 53, 1996.
15. Sciutto, A. M. and Colombo, P., Lipid lowering effect of chitosan dietary integrator and hypocaloric
diet in obese subjects, Acta Toxicol. Ther., 16, 4, 215, 1995.
16. Jing, S. B., Li, L., Ji, D., Takiguchi, Y., and Yamaguchi, T., Effect of chitosan on renal function in
patients with chronic renal failure, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 49, 721, 1997.
17. Wuolijoki, E., Hirvela, T., and Ilitalo, P., Decrease in serum LDL cholesterol with microcrystalline
chitosan, Methods Find. Exp. Clin. Pharmacol., 21(5), 357, 1999.
18. Sugano, M., Fujikawa, T., Hiratsuji, Y., Nakashima, K., Fukuda, N., and Hasegawa, Y., A novel use
of chitosan as a hypocholesterolemic agent in rats, Amer. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 787, 1980.
19. Furda, I., Nonabsorbable lipid binder, U.S. Patent 4,223,023, 1980.
20. Deuchi, K., Kanauchi, O., Imasato, Y., and Kobayashi, E., Decreasing effect of chitosan on the apparent
digestibility by rats fed on a high-fat diet, Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 58, 1613, 1994.
21. Kanauchi, O., Deuchi, K., Imasato, Y., Shizukuishi, M., and Kobayashi, E., Mechanism for the
inhibition of fat digestion by chitosan and for the synergistic effect of ascorbate, Biosci. Biotech.
Biochem. 59(5), 786, 1995.
22. Han, L.-K., Kimura, Y., and Okuda, H., Reduction of fat storage during chitin-chitosan treatment in
mice fed a high-fat diet, Int. J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disorders, 23, 174, 1999.
23. Nauss, J. L., Thompson, J. L., and Nagyvary, J. J., The binding of micellar lipids to chitosan, Lipids,
18, 10, 714, 1983.
24. Macchi, G., A new approach to the treatment of obesity: chitosans effect on body weight reduction
and plasma cholesterol levels, Acta Toxicol. Ther., 17(4), 303, 1996.
25. Giustina, A. and Ventura, P., Weight-reducing regimens in obese subjects: effect of new dietary fiber
integrator, Acta Toxicol. Ther., 16(4), 199, 1995.
26. Wadstein, J., Thom, E., Heldman, E., Gudmunsson, S., and Lilja, B., Biopolymer L 112, a chitosan
with fat binding properties and potential as a weight reducing agent: a review of in vitro and in vivo
experiments, in Chitosan Per Os: From Dietary Supplement to Drug Carrier, Muzzarelli, R. A. A.,
Ed., Atec, Grottammare, 2000, 65.
27. Pittler, M. H., Abbot, N. C., Harkness, E. F., and Ernst, E., Randomized, double-blind trial of chitosan
for body weight reduction, Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 53, 379, 1999.
28. Jennings, C. D., Boleyn, K., Bridges, S. R., Wood, P. J., and Anderson, J. W., A comparison of the
lipid-lowering and intestinal morphological effects of cholestyramine, chitosan and oat gum in rats,
Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 189, 13, 1988.
29. Furda, I., Reduction of absorption of dietary lipids and cholesterol by chitosan and its derivatives and
special formulations, in Chitosan Per Os: From Dietary Supplement to Drug Carrier, Muzzarelli,
R. A. A., Ed., Atec, Grottammare, 2000, 41.
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Methods of Analysis for Dietary Fiber

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Enzymatic Gravimetric Methods

Nils-Georg Asp


Enzymatic gravimetric methods date back to the 19th century. In the 1930s, McCance et al.1
measured total unavailable carbohydrates in fruits, nuts, and vegetables by determining the residue
insoluble in 80% ethanol. This was corrected for starch measured after enzymatic hydrolysis with
taka-diastase and for protein. Similar procedures have been used more recently.2,3 The main limi-
tation of this approach is that the protein correction gives an unacceptable error in samples with
low dietary fiber and high protein content.


Methods employing both amylolytic and proteolytic treatment and separation of an insoluble
undigestible residue are listed in Table 3.1.1. Weinstock and Benham4 used the enzyme preparation
Rhozyme S with high amylase activity. Thus, starch was removed efficiently, whereas a consid-
erable protein residue remained associated with the fiber.5,6 Thomas7 improved the method by
adding a pancreatin step. Later on, Elchazly and Thomas8 omitted the crude Rhozyme preparation
and used amyloglucosidase or takadiastase and trypsin or pancreatin. These authors also introduced
special centrifugation tubes with fritted glass filters for separation of the insoluble fiber from the
enzyme digest.

Table 3.1.1 Enzymatic Gravimetric Methods Measuring

Insoluble Fiber
Agents for Protein and Incubation
Starch Solubilization Time (h) Ref.
Rhozyme S 24 4
Pancreatin 5 7
Rhozyme or other amylase 18
Amyloglucosidase or 3 8
takadiastase 18
Trypsin or pancreatin 18
Pepsin 18 9
Pancreatin 1

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Hellendoorn et al.9 used only physiological enzymes, pepsin plus pancreatin. This analytical
method is therefore related to a physiological dietary fiber definition.10,11 The residues of protein
and starch associated with the dietary fiber after enzymatic treatment6,12 were even considered an
advantage, representing in vivo undigestible material.13 Saunders and Betschart14 also suggested
that indigestible protein could play a significant role in the physiological effects of dietary fiber.
However, the protein and starch residues are dependent upon the choice of enzymes and the
conditions for enzymatic digestion,1214 and it is impossible to define exactly the degree of hydrolysis
obtained in vivo. This fact has led most workers to prefer a more chemical definition of dietary
fiber, i.e., the sum of undigestible polysaccharides and lignin.15 However, in practice the delimitation
is always related to a method involving enzymatic degradation of starch in vitro, which may be
more or less related to in vivo conditions.


Soluble dietary fiber components constitute a considerable fraction of the total dietary fiber in
mixed diets5,6 and include polysaccharides such as pectins and gums with important physiological
effects. It is generally agreed that soluble components should be included in the definition and
determination of dietary fiber.1518 Table 3.1.2 lists developments of enzymatic methods, also
measuring soluble dietary fiber components.

Table 3.1.2 Enzymatic Gravimetric Methods Measuring Both

Soluble and Insoluble Fiber
Agents for Protein and Starch Incubation
Solubilization Time Ref.
B. subtilis amylase and protease 1618 h 19, 20
Pepsin 20 h 21
Pancreatin + glucoamylase 18 h
Pepsin 18 h 6
Pancreatin 1h
Termamyl 15 min 12
Pepsin 1h
Pancreatin 1h
Amyloglucosidase 3h 22
Pancreatin/trypsin 1518 h
Termamyl 1530 min 23
B. subtilis protease 30 min
Amyloglucosidase 30 min

Furda19,20 used Bacillus subtilis amylase and protease in a single overnight incubation at neutral
pH. Soluble dietary fiber components were recovered by precipitation with 4 vol of 95% (v/v)
ethanol. Both insoluble and precipitated soluble fiber were separated by filtration in crucibles with
glass wool as a filtering aid.
The methods of Schweizer and Wrsch21 and Asp et al.6,12 are developments of Hellendoorn et
al.9 using the physiological enzymes pepsin and pancreatin. Soluble dietary fiber is precipitated
with ethanol. Two of these methods6,21 employ long (19- to 38-h) incubation times and repeated
centrifugations to recover the dietary fiber fractions. In the more recent modification of Asp et al.,12
enzyme incubation time was reduced to 2 h, and separation of both insoluble and precipitated
soluble fiber either separately or together was carried out by filtration using Celite as a
filtering aid. The main steps of this method are shown in Figure 3.1.1.
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Figure 3.1.1 Flow diagram of the method of Asp et al.12

Meuser et al.22 developed a method based on the enzymatic method of Elchazly and
Thomas,8 using membrane ultrafiltration to separate the soluble dietary fiber components from
the enzyme digest.
The AOAC method2326 is based on the common experience of three groups that have developed
enzymatic gravimetric methods for the assay of total dietary fiber.12,20,21 The main steps are shown
in Figure 3.1.2, and a detailed step-by-step description is given at the end of this chapter. This
method employs the short technique, incubation times, and filtration introduced by Asp et al.12 but
with other enzymes. A modification of the AOAC method with further simplifications has recently
been tested collaboratively by Lee et al.27 and approved.
The separate determination of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber was suggested in the different
enzymatic gravimetric methods6,12,1922 (Figure 3.1.1) and has been tested collaboratively for the
AOAC method.25,27 The solubility of the dietary fiber polysaccharides is method dependent, and
the experimental conditions giving a solubility closest to that in the intestinal content have not yet
been defined. Furthermore, physiological effects on plasma lipid levels and postprandial glucose
and hormone response, attributed to soluble fiber, seem to be related to the properties of the soluble
fiber, especially the viscosity.
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Figure 3.1.2 Flow diagram of the AOAC method for total dietary fiber.2327


Sample Preparation

Milling to small particles is essential for proper enzyme action. Usually, milling to pass a 0.3-
to 0.5-mm screen is recommended, but it is recognized that milling to such a small particle size
may present difficulties with some materials.
Defatting is usually recommended and may be necessary for proper milling. In the AOAC
method,23,31,32 simple defatting with petroleum ether at room temperature is recommended whenever
the fat content exceeds 10%. It should be noted, however, that Asp et al. were able to analyze
dietary fiber with their method12 in samples with 20% fat without defatting. Probably much of the
fat melts at the high temperature during the starch gelatinization step, and any fat residue will be
dissolved by the alcohol and acetone washing of the dietary fiber residue after filtration.

Starch Gelatinization and Hydrolysis

Whereas some authors21, 22 employ autoclaving for starch gelatinization, Asp et al.12 demon-
strated that a 15-min. heating in a boiling waterbath in the presence of the thermostable -amylase
Termamyl gave sufficient gelatinization and prehydrolysis of the starch. Even in starchy materials
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such as wheat flour and potatoes, which are recognized as difficult in this respect, only a small
amount of starch available to glucoamylase remained in the dietary fiber residue.12,28
Resistant starch, i.e., starch available to glucoamylase only after solubilization with 2 M KOH,
remained associated with the dietary fiber in bread,26 similarly as found with a gas-chromatographic
method30 using 1-h boiling for starch gelatinization. The total starch remaining in the dietary fiber
residue prepared with an enzymatic gravimetric method can be differentiated into one fraction
available to glucoamylase without alkali solubilization (residual starch) and another fraction
available only after solubilization in 2 M KOH or dimethylsulfoxide, DMSO (resistant starch).31
The resistant starch in the fiber residue is mainly retrograded amylose.32 This fraction is resistant
to degradation also in the small intestine of both rat33 and man.34
Recently it has been suggested that the term resistant starch be used in a broader sense,
representing all the starch escaping digestion and absorption in the human small intestine.35
Different methods employ either only -amylases6,9,12 or only glucoamylase,19,20 or a combina-
tion of both types of amylase.2127 An advantage with glucoamylase is that it degrades the starch
to free glucose, which can easily be analyzed in the filtrate to measure starch.
It is essential that all enzyme preparations used are free from contaminating activities hydro-
lyzing dietary fiber. This can be checked most conveniently by running samples of known polysac-
charide preparations through the whole procedure.23 The reason why the crude Termamyl prepa-
ration can be used is the high temperature employed, inactivating contaminating activities. Thus,
heating should be performed immediately after Termamyl addition to avoid hydrolysis of dietary
fiber components.

Protein Hydrolysis

At very acidic pH (around 1) as originally used by Hellendoorn et al.,9 acid-labile groups of

dietary fiber polysaccharides, such as arabinose residues in cereal pentosans, may be hydrolyzed.
By increasing the pH to 1.5 and reducing the incubation time to 1 h, Asp et al.12 were able to use
pepsin without measurable loss of dietary fiber constituents. The AOAC method2327 employs the
B. subtilis protease originally used by Furda19,20 at neutral pH.
To be consistent with the definition of dietary fiber as the sum of undigestible polysaccharides
and lignin, values obtained with enzymatic gravimetric methods need to be corrected for undigest-
ible protein associated with the fiber. This can be done by analyzing the dietary fiber residue for
nitrogen with the Kjeldahl method.12,2327 The universal protein conversion factor 6.25 should be
used, since the true correct factor of the undigestible protein is not known. It may differ from that
in the original protein.

Recovery of Soluble Dietary Fiber Constituents

Most methods employ precipitation with 7880% (v/v) ethanol to separate soluble fiber com-
ponents from the enzyme digest. The precipitate is recovered by centrifugation21 or filtration using
glass wool19,20 or Celite12,2327 as a filtering aid. Procedures using ultrafiltration22 or dialysis have
not been documented to be more selective. The 80%-ethanol precipitation is an arbitrary delimitation
between polysaccharides included in dietary fiber and oligosaccharides not included. Polysaccha-
rides with DP (degree of polymerization) >10 are usually precipitated, but in some cases larger
polysaccharides will stay in solution, especially if highly branched. This has been demonstrated
for arabinans and pectic substances in sugar beet fiber.37
Coprecipitation of minerals may be a problem when using alcohol precipitation.38,39 Although
correction for ash is recommended,12,2327 the buffer strength of the incubation medium should be
kept low enough to avoid excessive ash precipitation and thus an unnecessary source of variability
between samples.
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Enzymatic gravimetric methods have been compared and evaluated vs. other methods. In the
EEC/IARC study conducted in 1978, three groups participated with enzymatic methods. Although
incompletely developed at that time, the enzymatic methods gave comparatively consistent results
and good agreement with gas chromatographic methods.40
Raw and processed wheat and potato products were analyzed in another interlaboratory study.28
Enzymatic methods showed good agreement with each other and with gas chromatographic meth-
ods. The AOAC method23 and the method of Asp et al.12 showed good agreement on these samples
and also on the samples analyzed in the first AOAC collaborative study (Figure 3.1.3). Similar
results have been obtained when comparing the component analysis methods of Theander et al.
and the enzymatic gravimetric method of Asp et al. for both processed and unprocessed cereals
and vegetables.37 The lower values obtained with the Englyst method can generally be explained
by the fact that this method does not include lignin and resistant starch.
The first interlaboratory study with the AOAC method for total dietary fiber (TDF)23 was the
biggest collaborative effort reported so far. It identified a number of problems that were corrected
in the second study, after which the method was approved by the AOAC.24 A Swiss collaborative
study with a slightly modified TDF method26 reported the best precision measures obtained so far.
These modifications were introduced and approved in the third AOAC study.25 Insoluble fiber
determination also showed satisfactory results in that study, and soluble fiber determination was
approved as the difference between total and insoluble fiber. Later on, direct determination of
soluble fiber was approved, as well.27
All the collaborative studies reported so far both with enzymatic gravimetric methods and with
the method of Englyst et al. have recently been calculated in the same way and compared.41 The
gravimetric AOAC method has been tested on a wider range of foods with more variable dietary fiber
content and has generally shown reproducibility values as good as or better than the Englyst method.
The AOAC method has been officially approved in Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Finland,
Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and The Netherlands. It is recommended in several other countries.
Gravimetric dietary fiber values, both with and without correction for protein, have recently been
introduced in the Japanese food tables.42


Enzymatic gravimetric methods using alcohol precipitation of soluble dietary fiber components
are suitable for assay of total dietary fiber or insoluble and soluble fiber separately. Correction for
undigestible protein and ash associated especially with the soluble fiber should be made to conform
with currently accepted definitions of dietary fiber. Once a protein correction is accepted, a some-
what higher protein residue obtained at the very short incubation time in the protease step(s) can
be accepted, as well as some variation in the residue due to choice of enzymes.
Alcohol precipitation is the most rapid way to separate soluble dietary fiber components from
the enzyme digest. Ultrafiltration and especially dialysis are much slower processes and have not
been documented to be more selective and complete.
Filtration in glass filter crucibles can be used to recover both insoluble and alcohol-precipitated
soluble components if a filtering aid such as Celite is used. Centrifugation is an alternative,
especially to recover very viscous types of fiber that can give filtration problems.
Enzymatic methods are useful as preparatory steps before detailed analysis of dietary fiber
composition. The enzymatic treatment removes material that might interfere in later steps, and the
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Figure 3.1.3 Comparison of the methods of Asp et al.12 and Prosky et al.23 using different enzymes on samples
in the first interlaboratory study of the AOAC method. The different symbols denote two different

total fiber value obtained in the gravimetric assay can serve as a control of the standardization of
detailed analyses. The efficiency of starch removal and presence of resistant starch can be checked
by analyzing the dietary fiber residue.




Duplicate samples of dried foods, fat extracted if containing more than 10% fat, are gelatinized
with Termamyl (heat stable -amylase), then enzymatically digested with protease and amyloglu-
cosidase to remove the protein and starch present. Then 4 vol of 95% ethanol (v/v) is added to
precipitate the soluble dietary fiber. The total residue is filtered, washed with 78% ethanol, 95%
ethanol, and acetone. After drying, the residue is weighed. One of the duplicates is analyzed for
protein, and the other is incinerated at 525C and the ash determined. Total dietary fiber is the
weight of the residue less the weight of the protein and ash present.
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1. Balance, analytical, capable of weighing to 0.1 mg.

2. Fritted crucible, porosity #2. Clean thoroughly, ash at 525C, soak in distilled water, and rinse in
same. Add approximately 0.5 g of Celite 545 to dried crucibles before drying to obtain constant
weight. Dry at 130C for 1 h, cool, and store in desiccator until used. The fritted crucible is a Pyrex
32940, Course ASTM 40 to 60 m, and may be purchased from Scientific Products Co., C-8525-
1; V. W. R. Scientific Co., 23863-040; Fisher Scientific Co., 08237-1A; Sargent Welch Co., F-243-
90-B or F-243-90-C, depending on size needed.
Crucibles indicated in the procedure may not be available in Europe. Porosity #2 in Europe
signifies pores of 40 to 90 m, whereas it means 40 to 60 m in the U.S. Several collaborators
have reported breakage of crucibles when the temperature was raised to 525C and have recom-
mended Corning No. 36060 Buchner, fritted disk, Pyrex, 60-ml ASTM 40 to 60, which seems to
have less breakage and gives the same results.
3. Vacuum source: a vacuum pump or aspirator equipped with an inline double vacuum flask should
be used to prevent contamination in case of water backup.
4. Vacuum oven at 70C and desiccator; alternatively, an air oven capable of operating at 105C can
be used.
5. Boiling water bath.
6. Constant-temperature water bath adjustable to 60C and equipped to provide constant agitation of
the digestion flasks during enzymatic hydrolysis. This can be accomplished with either a multistation
shaker or multistation magnetic stirrer.
7. Vortex mixer.
8. Beaker (tall form) 400 ml.


1. Distilled water (DW).

2. 95% ethanol (v/v)technical grade.
3. 78% ethanol: mix one volume of distilled water with four volumes of 95% ethanol.
4. Acetonereagent grade.
5. Phosphate buffer 0.08 M pH 6.0: dissolve to 1.400 g of sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous (or
1.753 g of the dihydrate) and 9.68 g sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (or 10.99 g of the
dihydrate) in approximately 700 ml of DW. Dilute to 11 with DW. Check pH.
6. Termamyl (heat-stable -amylase) solution: 120 L (Novo Laboratories Inc.). Store the enzyme
solution in refrigerator after each use.
7. Protease P-3910 (Sigma Chemical Co.): refrigerate the dry enzyme after each use.
8. Amyloglucosidase A-9913 (Sigma Chemical Co.): keep refrigerated when not in use.
9. Sodium hydroxide solution (0.275 N): dissolve 11.00 g sodium hydroxide AR in approximately
700 ml DW in 1-1 volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with DW.
10. Hydrochloric acid solution (0.350 N): dilute a stock solution with known titer, e.g., 350 ml of
1 M HCl to 11 with distilled water. Dilute to volume with DW.
11. Celite 545 (Fisher Scientific Co.). Acid washed. Equivalent to Celite C-211.
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1. Run a blank through the entire procedure along with the samples to measure any contribution from
reagents to the residue.
2. Weigh, in duplicate, 1 g of sample accurate to 0.1 mg (sample weight should not differ by more
than 20 mg) into 400-ml tall form beakers. Add 50 ml of pH 6.0 phosphate buffer to each beaker.
Check pH. Adjust to pH 6.0 0.2 with 0.275 N NaOH if necessary.
3. Add 100 l Termamyl solution.
4. Cover beaker with aluminum foil and place in boiling waterbath for 15 min. Shake gently at 5-min
intervals. Increase the length of incubation time when the number of beakers added to the boiling
waterbath makes it difficult for the beaker contents to reach an internal temperature of 100C;
30 min should be sufficient.
5. Cool. Adjust to pH 7.5 0.1 by adding 10 ml of 0.275 N NaOH solution.
6. Add 5 mg of protease. Since protease sticks to the spatula, it may be preferable to make an enzyme
solution just prior to use with a small amount of (about 100 l) phosphate buffer and pipette the
required amount.
7. Cover with aluminum foil. Incubate at 60 for 30 min with continuous agitation.
8. Cool. Add 10 ml of 0.350 M hydrochloric acid solution to adjust pH to 4.0 to 4.6.
9. Add 0.3 ml of amyloglucosidase solution.
10. Cover with aluminum foil. Incubate at 60C for 30 min with continuous agitation.
11. Add 280 ml of 95% ethanol preheated to 60C. Measure volume after heating.
12. Allow precipitate to form at room temperature for 60 min.
13. Tare crucible containing Celite to nearest 0.1 mg. After taring the crucible containing the Celite,
redistribute the bed of Celite in the crucible using a stream of 78% ethanol from a wash bottle.
Suction is then applied to the crucible to draw the Celite onto the fritted glass as an even mat.
When the fiber is filtered, i.e., Step 14, the Celite effectively separates the fiber from the fritted
glass of the crucible, allowing for easy removal of the crucible contents.
14. Filter enzyme digest from Step 12 through crucible.
15. Wash residue successively with three 20-ml portions of 78% ethanol, two 10-ml portions of 95%
ethanol, and two 10-ml portions of acetone. With some samples a gum is formed, trapping the
liquid. If the surface film that develops after the addition of the sample to the Celite is broken with
a spatula, filtration is improved. Long filtration times can be avoided by careful intermittent suction
throughout the filtration. Normal suction can be applied at washing. Back-bubbling of air is another
way of speeding up filtrations, if available.
16. Dry crucible containing residue overnight in a 70C vacuum oven or a 105C air oven.
17. Cool in desiccator and weigh crucible, Celite, and residue to nearest 0.1 mg.
18. Analyze the residue from one sample of the set of duplicates for protein. Protein is probably most
easily analyzed by carefully scraping the Celite and the fiber mat onto a suitable piece of filter
paper which can then be folded shut and analyzed for protein. A piece of filter paper should be
analyzed to assure that it will not affect the protein value obtained. Collaborators should use the
Kjeldahl analysis as specified in Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Use 6.25 for the
protein factor.
19. Incinerate second sample of the duplicate for 5 h at 525C.
20. Cool in desiccator. Weigh crucible containing Celite and ash to nearest 0.1 mg. (See flow diagram
in Figure 3.1.4 and formula for calculating total dietary fiber from the data in Figure 3.1.5.)
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Figure 3.1.4 Sequences in the analysis of total dietary fiber by the official AOAC method.24,25
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Figure 3.1.5 Calculation of percentage dietary fiber from data obtained by official AOAC method.24,25


1. McCance, R. A., Widdowson, E. M., and Shackleton, L. R. B., The nutritive value of fruits, vegetables
and nuts, Med. Res. Counc. (G.B.) Spec. Rep. Serv., 213, 32, 1936.
2. Katan, M. B. and van de Bovenkamp, P., Determination of total dietary fiber by difference and of
pectin by colorimetry of copper titration, in The Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Food, James, W. P. T.
and Theander, O., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1981, 217.
3. Sandberg, A.-S., Hallgren, B., and Hasselblad, C., Analytical problems in the determination of dietary
fibre, Nringsforskning, 4, 132, 1981.
4. Weinstock, A. and Benham, G. H., The use of enzyme preparations in the crude fibre determination,
Cereal Chem., 28, 490, 1951.
5. Asp, N.-G., Critical evaluation of some suggested methods for assay of dietary fibre, in Dietary Fibre:
Current Developments of Importance of Health, Heaton, K. W., Ed., John Libbey, London, 1978, 21.
6. Asp, N.-G. and Johansson, C.-G., Techniques for measuring dietary fiber: principal aims of methods
and a comparison of results obtained by different techniques, in The Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Food,
James, W. P. T. and Theander, O., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1981, 173.
7. Thomas, B., Enzymatische Rohfaserbestimmung in Getreideprodukten, Getr. Mehl Brot., 29,
115, 1975.
8. Elchazly, M. and Thomas, B., ber eine biochemische Methode zum Bestimmen der Ballaststoffe
und ihrer Komponenten in pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln, Z. Leb-ensm. Unters. Forsch., 162, 329, 1976.
9. Hellendoorn, W., Noordhoff, M. G., and Slagman, J., Enzymatic determination of the indigestible
residue of human food, J. Sci. Food Agric., 26, 1461, 1975.
10. Trowell, H. C., Crude fibre, dietary fibre and atherosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, 16, 138, 1972.
11. Trowell, H. C., Definitions of fibre, Lancet, 1, 503, 1974.
12. Asp, N-G., Johansson, C.-G., Hallmer, H., and Siljestrm, M., Rapid enzymatic assay of insoluble
and soluble dietary fiber, J. Agric. Food Chem., 31, 476, 1983.
13. Hellendoorn, E. W., Some critical observations in relation to dietary fibre, the methods for its
determination and the current hypotheses for the explanation of its physiological action, Voeding, 39,
230, 1978.
14. Saunders, R. M. and Betschart, A. A., The significance of protein as a component of dietary fiber,
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 965, 1980.
15. Trowell, H., Southgate, D. A. T., Wolever, T. M. S., Leeds, A. R., Gassull, M. A., and Jenkins, D. A.,
Dietary fibre redefined, Lancet, 1, 967, 1976.
16. Southgate, D. A. T., Hudson, G. J., and Englyst, H., The analysis of dietary fibrethe choices for the
analyst, J. Sci. Food Agric., 29, 979, 1978.
17. Theander, O. and Aman, P., Studies on dietary fibres, Swed. J. Agric. Res., 9, 97, 1979.
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18. Cummings, J. H., What is fiber?, in Fiber in Human Nutrition, Spiller, G. A. and Amen, R. J., Eds.,
Plenum Press, New York, 1976, 5.
19. Furda, I. Fractionation and examination of biopolymers from dietary fiber, Cereal Foods World, 22,
252, 1977.
20. Furda, I., Simultaneous analysis of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, in The Analysis of Dietary
Fiber in Food, James, W. P. T. and Theander, O., Eds., Marcell Dekker, 1981, 163.
21. Schweizer, T. F. and Wrsch, P., Analysis of dietary fibre, J. Sci. Food Agric., 30, 613, 1979.
22. Meuser, F., Suckow, P., and Kulikowski, W., Analytische Bestimmung von Ballaststoffen in Brot, Obst
und Gemuse, Getreide Mehl Brot., 37, 380, 1983.
23. Prosky, L., Asp, N.-G., Furda, I., DeVries, J., Schweizer, T. F., and Harland, B., Determination of
total dietary fiber in foods, food products and total diets: interlaboratory study, J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem., 67, 1044, 1984.
24. Prosky, L., Asp, N.-G., Furda, I., DeVries, J. W., Schweizer, T., and Harland, B., Determination of
total dietary fiber in foods and food products: collaborative study, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 68,
677, 1985.
25. Prosky, L., Asp, N.-G., Schweizer, T. F., DeVries, J. W., and Furda, I., Determination of insoluble
soluble and total dietary fiber in foods and food products: inter-laboratory study, J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem., 71, 1017, 1988.
26. Schweizer, T. F., Walter, E., and Venetz, P., Collaborative study for the enzymatic, gravimetric deter-
mination of total dietary fibre in foods, Mitt., Geb. Lebensmitte-lunters. Hyg., 79, 57, 1988.
27. Lee, S., Prosky, L., and DeVries, J., Determination of total, soluble, and insoluble dietary fiber in
foods. Enzymatic-gravimetric method, MES-TRIS buffer: collaborative study, J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem., 75, 395, 1992.
28. Varo, P., Laine, R., and Koivistoinen, P., Effect of heat treatment on dietary fiber: interlaboratory study,
J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem., 66, 933, 1983.
29. Johansson, C.-G., Siljestrm, M., and Asp, N.-G., Dietary fibre in bread and corresponding floursfor-
mation of resistant starch during baking, Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch., 179, 24, 1984.
30. Englyst, H. N., Anderson, V., and Cummings, J. H., Starch and non-starch polysaccharides in some
cereal foods, J. Sci. Food Agric., 34, 1434, 1983.
31. Siljestrm, M. and Asp, N.-G., Resistant starch formation during bakingeffect of baking time and
temperature and variations in the recipe, Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch., 181, 4, 1985.
32. Siljestrm, M., Eliasson, A. C., and Bjrck, I., Characterization of resistant starch from autoclaved
wheat starch, Starch/Staerke, 41, 147, 1989.
33. Bjrck, I. Nyman, M., Pedersen, B., Siljestrm, M., Asp, N.-G., and Eggum, B., On the digestibility
of starch in wheat bread, J. Cereal. Sci., 4, 1, 1986.
34. Schweizer, T. F., Andersson, H., Langkilde, A. M., Reimann, S., and Torsdottir, I., Nutrients excreted
in ileostomy effluents after consumption of mixed diets with beans or potatoes. II. Starch, dietary fibre
and sugars, Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 44, 567, 1990.
35. Englyst, H. N. and Kingman, S. M., Dietary fiber and resistant starch. A nutritional classification of
plant polysaccharides, in Dietary Fiber, Kritchevsky, D., Bonfield, C., and Anderson, J. W., Eds.,
Plenum, New York, 1990, 49.
36. Jeraci, J. L., Lewis, B. A., Van Soest, R. J., and Robertsson, J. B., Urea enzymatic dialysis procedure
for determination of total dietary fiber, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 72, 677, 1989.
37. Asp, N.-G., Delimitation problems in definition and analysis of dietary fiber, in Furda, I. and Brine,
C. J., Eds., New Developments in Dietary Fiber, Plenum Press, New York, 1990, 227.
38. Schweizer, T. F., Frolich, W., DeVedovo, S., and Besson, R., Minerals and phytate in the analysis of
dietary fiber from cereals. I, Cereal Chem., 61, 116, 1984.
39. Frlich, W., Asp, N.-G., and Schweizer, T. F., Minerals and phytate in the analysis of dietary fiber
from cereals. II, Cereal Chem., 61, 357, 1984.
40. James, W. P. T. and Theander, O., Eds., The Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Food, Marcel Dekker, New
York, 1981.
41. Asp, N.-G., Schweizer, T. F., Southgate, D. A. T., and Theander, O., Dietary fiber analysis, in Dietary
FibreA Component of FoodNutritional Function in Health and Disease, Eastwood, M., Edwards,
C., Mauron, J., and Schweizer, T., Eds.. Springer, London, 1992, 57.
42. Nishimune, T., Sumimoto, T., Yakusiji, T., Kunita, N., Ichikawa, T., Doguchi, M., and Nakahara, S.,
Determination of total dietary fiber in Japanese foods. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 74, 350, 1991.
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Detergent Analysis of Foods

James B. Robertson and Peter J. Horvath

The use of detergents to isolate plant cell walls of low nitrogen content from forages was
proposed in 1963. The detergent systems are neutral solutions of sodium lauryl sulfate1 for cell
wall analysis and an acidic medium containing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide for isolation of
the less fermentable fraction of low hemicellulose content from forages.2,3 Thus, the detergent
system has a nutritional basis for the fractionation of food components.4 The neutral detergent
(ND) system has undergone many changes from its inception for use with ruminant forages to
human foods. A major advantage of the ND procedure for dietary fiber analysis is that microbial
material is soluble.5 Fecal analysis by the detergent system is not complicated by microbial mass
produced during colonic fermentation.6 The primary drawback of ND is that soluble dietary fiber,
primarily pectic substances and soluble hemicelluloses, is not recovered. However, it is normally
totally digested.7
The original acid detergent (AD) system has not changed much for human food analysis. Baker8
suggested buffering the AD (pH 1.5 to 2.0) to reduce cellulose loss. This buffered AD system
recovered more material. However, some of this additional residue was hemicellulose9 and pectic
substances.10 ADF has usually been used as a starting material for lignin determination, so hemi-
cellulose should be removed to avoid the production of artifact lignin.11 Pectin can also undergo
Maillard reactions. Because of these problems, a preliminary extraction with ND before refluxing
with AD has been suggested.12,13 ADF has also been used to predict cell wall digestibility, and for
this purpose removal of the insoluble hemicellulose and recovery of the AD-soluble cellulose may
not be desirable.14 These celluloses are easily fermentable and the linear hemicelluloses are of
low fermentability.15 The decision to obtain an ADF of low fermentability or an ADF composed
of cellulose and lignin, free from hemicellulose, depends on how the ADF will be used.
A complex system of detergent extractions and subsequent hydrolysis and oxidation has been
developed for a gravimetric component analysis of insoluble dietary fiber.16 Figure 3.2.1 shows a
flow diagram for this system. The classification of fiber components and how they can be determined
is displayed in the center of Figure 3.2.1. Typically, the detergent system has been used as a
gravimetric method. Sugar analysis of the NDF and ADF has been progressing.1719 One problem
with a gravimetric method is that small samples or components in low concentration are difficult
to weigh accurately. A semimicro method has been developed for samples of 0.2 g.20 For very small
samples, a sugar component analysis may be useful. Lignin is usually present in low amounts and
can be assayed in other ways.
Other problems with the detergent systems include difficulty in starch removal, lipid and protein
interference, and difficulty in filtration. Starch in low concentrations is solubilized in the ND, but

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Figure 3.2.1 Flow diagram for fiber analysis by the detergent system. (The quantity of each fraction is measured
as either the amount of residue or the weight loss after each procedure. The materials measured
by weight loss are shown in brackets.)

certain types (modified or retrograded) and high concentrations can lead to filtration problems and
an overestimation of dietary fiber (as currently defined). The problem of starch removal has been
explored by many workers. In most cases treatment during ND extraction with an amylase from
Bacillus subtilis is adequate.6,21 Other procedures have been compared by Mascarenhas-Ferreira et
a1.22 Some studies suggested a mammalian or fungal enzyme and a protease, but Marlett and Lee23
found little difference in results from these methods. They found that temperature, not the length
of incubation, is most important. Heat-stable bacterial amylase might be the fastest and easiest.24,25
Difficulty with filtration can also occur when other polysaccharides such as -glucan are present.
-glucanase has been used to remove these glucans.26 This may not be desirable because -glucans
are included in the dietary fiber complex as water-soluble unavailable carbohydrates.
Lipids and proteins interfere when in amounts that exceed the capacity of the reagents. The
limits are about 10% of dry matter for lipid and 30% for protein. Preextraction with ethanol or
ether will remove lipids. Detergent-stable proteases are available to hydrolyze protein for removal.
The sample is usually dried before it is ground. Both drying and particle size can affect the
values. Heller et al.27 found that as particle size was decreased, NDF decreased with other fractions
varying nonuniformly. Drying above 60C or in a microwave oven can increase NDF, ADF, and
lignin values.28,29 Freeze-drying may be the optimum way to dry the sample for grinding.
The reagents used for detergent extractions have undergone important changes since 1970.14
Cellosolve (2-ethoxy ethanol) is an eye and mucous membrane irritant and could adversely affect
the kidneys, liver, and central nervous system. It has the potential to cause adverse reproductive
effects in males and females and embryotoxic effects including teratogenesis in the offspring of
the exposed, pregnant female. Consequently, 2-ethoxy ethanol should no longer be used in the
neutral detergent solution. Since cellosolve was included in the original reagent because it facilitates
the solution of starch, it can be omitted if only forages are being analyzed. However, in starch
containing feeds and foods, a volume-for-volume substitution of cellosolve with triethylene glycol
2387_ch3.2_fm Page 65 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:37 PM


produces identical analytical values. Decalin has been omitted from both detergent solutions to
eliminate filtering problems and the consequent high fiber values. Sulfite, which was used to reduce
the nitrogen content of the NDF, has been shown to cause a significant loss of lignin21 and should
be omitted in sequential analysis. The permanganate solution is essentially unchanged.3 If a detailed
analysis of the ADF is done, it is recommended that hydrolysis with 72% H2SO4 without the use
of asbestos30 be carried out before lignin oxidation. Cutin can be determined as the residue lost
upon ashing.14
Detailed instructions and procedures are described in Robertson and Van Soest16 and Van Soest
et al.25 A summary of total dietary fiber and detergent values is given in Table 2 of the Appendix.


1. Van Soest, P. J., Use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds. I. Preparation of fiber residues of
low nitrogen content, J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem., 46, 825, 1963.
2. Van Soest, P. J., Use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feeds. II. A rapid method for the
determination of fiber and lignin, J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem., 46, 829, 1963.
3. Van Soest, P. J. and Wine, R. H., Use of detergents in the analysis of fibrous feed. IV. Determination
of plant cell-wall constituents, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 50, 50, 1967.
4. Robertson, J. B., The detergent system of fiber analysis, in Topics in Dietary Fiber Research, Spiller,
G. A. and Amen, R., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1978, 1.
5. Mason, V. C., Some observations on the distribution and origin of nitrogen in sheep feces, J. Agric.
Sci. Camb., 73, 99, 1969.
6. McQueen, R. E. and Nicholson, J. W. G., Modification of the neutral-detergent fiber procedure for
cereals and vegetables by using alpha-amylase, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 62, 676, 1979.
7. Cummings, J. H., Southgate, D. A. T., Branch, W. J., Wiggins, H. S., Houston, D. J. A., and Jenkins,
D., Digestion of pectin in the human gut and its effect on calcium absorption and large bowel function,
Br. J. Nutr., 41, 477, 1979.
8. Baker, D., Determining fiber in cereals, Cereal Chem., 54, 360, 1977.
9. Morrison, I. M., Hemicellulose contamination of acid detergent residues and their replacement by
cellulose residues in cell wall analysis, J. Sci. Food Agric., 31, 639, 1980.
10. Belo, P. S., Jr. and De Lumen, B.O., Pectic substance content of detergent-extracted dietary fibers,
J. Agric. Food Chem., 29, 370, 1981.
11. Goering, H. K., Van Soest, P. J., and Hemken, R. W., Relative susceptibility of forages to heat damage
as affected by moisture temperature and pH, J. Dairy Sci., 56, 137, 1973.
12. Bailey, R. W. and Ulyatt, M. J., Pasture quality and ruminant nutrition. II. Carbohydrate and lignin
composition of detergent-extracted residues from pasture grasses and legumes, N.Z. J. Agric. Res.,
13, 591, 1970.
13. Testolin, G., Bossi, E., Vercesi, P., Porrini, M., Simonetti, P., and Ciappellano, S., A rapid method for
the analysis of alimentary fiber, Nutr. Rep. Int., 25, 859, 1982.
14. Goering, H. K. and Van Soest, P. J., Forage fiber analysis (apparatus, reagents, procedures and some
applications), Agricultural Handbook 379, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 1970.
15. Gaillard, B. D. E., The relationship between the cell-wall constituents of roughages and the digestibility
of the organic matter, J. Agric. Sci. Camb., 59, 369, 1962.
16. Robertson, J. B. and Van Soest, P. J., The detergent system of analysis and its application to human
foods, in The Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Foods, James, W. P. T. and Theander, O., Eds., Marcel
Dekker, New York, 1981, 123.
17. Bittner, A. S. and Street, J. C., Monosaccharide composition of alcohol- and detergent-insoluble
residues in maturing reed canary grass leaves, J. Agric. Food Chem., 31, 7, 1983.
18. Slavin, J. L. and Marlett, J. A., Evaluation of high-performance liquid chromatography for measure-
ment of the neutral saccharides in neutral-detergent fiber, J. Agric. Food Chem., 31, 467, 1983.
19. Windham, W. R., Barton, F. E., and Himmelsbach D. S., High pressure liquid chromatographic analysis
of component sugars in neutral-detergent fiber for representative warm- and cool-season grasses,
J. Agric. Food Chem., 31, 471, 1983.
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20. Sills, V. E. and Wallace, G. M., A semi-micro neutral-detergent fiber method for cereal products, in
Fiber in Human and Animal Nutrition, Bulletin 10, Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington, N.Z.,
1983, 116.
21. Robertson, J. B. and Van Soest, P. J., Dietary fiber estimation in concentrated feedstuffs, J. Anim. Sci.,
45(Suppl. 1), 254 (Abstr.), 1977.
22. Mascarenhas-Ferreira, A., Kerstens, J., and Gasp, C. H., The study of several modifications of the
neutral-detergent fibre procedure, Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 9, 19,1983.
23. Marlett, J. A. and Lee, S. C., Dietary fiber, lignocellulose and hemicellulose contents of selected foods
determined by modified and unmodified Vap Soest procedures, J. Food Sci., 45, 1688, 1980.
24. Jeraci, J. L., Hernandez, T. H., Lewis, B. A., Robertson, J. B., and Van Soest, P. J., New and improved
procedure for neutral-detergent fiber, J. Anim. Sci., 66 (Suppl. 1), 351 (Abstr.), 1988.
25. Van Soest, P. J., Robertson, J. B., and Lewis, B. A., Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber,
and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition, J. Dairy Sci., 74, 3583, 1991.
26. Roth, N. J. L., Watts, G. H., and Newman, C. W., Beta-glucanase as an aid in measuring neutral-
detergent fiber in barley kernels, Cereal Chem., 58, 245, 1981.
27. Heller, S. N., Rivers, J. M., and Hackler, L. R., Dietary fiber: effect of particle size and pH on its
measurement, J. Food Sci., 42, 436, 1977.
28. Van Soest, P. J., Use of detergents in analysis of fibrous feeds. III. Study of effects of heating and
drying on yield of fiber and lignin in forages, J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem., 48, 785, 1965.
29. Darrah, C. H., Van Soest, P. J., and Fick, G. W., Microwave treatment and heat damage artifacts in
forages, Agron. J., 69, 120, 1977.
30. Van Soest, P. J., Collaborative study of acid-detergent fiber and lignin, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 56,
781, 1973.
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Dietary Fiber Analysis as Nonstarch

Polysaccharides (NSPs)

Hans Englyst and Geoffrey Hudson


There is a steadily growing body of evidence that both the amounts and the types of dietary
carbohydrates are important for the promotion and maintenance of public health. As a consequence,
scientists, nutritionists, health professionals, and the compilers of food tables and databases have
argued strongly for the acquisition of specific analytical values for dietary carbohydrates, including
dietary fiber.13 In 1998, FAO/WHO3 presented a list of recommendations on the role of carbohy-
drates in nutrition, proposing that the analysis and labeling of dietary carbohydrates, for whatever
purpose, be based on the chemical divisions recommended. Additional groupings such as polyols,
resistant starch, non-digestible oligosaccharides and dietary fiber can be used, provided the included
components are clearly defined. The methods that we have developed for the specific measurement
of chemically identified carbohydrate fractions, including nonstarch polysaccharides (see
Table 3.3.1), are in keeping with these requirements.
The term dietary fiber was coined as a description of the plant cell wall material that was
recognized as the common characteristic of the unrefined plant foods that composed a naturally
high-fiber diet.48 The main component (approximately 90%) of the cell walls of the plant foods
in the human diet is carbohydrate, specifically, polysaccharides that do not have -glucosidic
linkages, collectively termed nonstarch polysaccharides (NSPs).9,10 NSP values provide a reliable
marker of a naturally high-fiber diet, which justifies their use for food labeling for dietary fiber,
and this has repeatedly been recommended by the U.K. Committee on Medical Aspects of Food
and Nutrition Policy (COMA).11,12
For more than 15 years, the widely used McCance and Widdowson Food Tables13 have contained
values for dietary fiber measured as NSP.14,15 The food industry is at liberty to use appropriate
values from these tables without carrying out or commissioning its own analysis. The NSP content
of cooked foods can be calculated from analytical values for the raw ingredients, since the NSP
content of a food is not dependent on processing, such as heating, cooling, and drying.
The classification and measurement scheme for dietary carbohydrates shown in Table 3.3.1 has
evolved in a virtually unbroken chronological sequence from the work of McCance and
Widdowson,16 then Southgate,17 and, more recently, Englyst,18 and their colleagues. The classifica-
tion scheme is complete, but not immutable, and analytical procedures are available for all of the
major categories of dietary carbohydrates so far identified. A cornerstone of this classification

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Table 3.3.1 Classification of Dietary Carbohydrates

Main Components Comments

Free sugars (Soluble in 80% ethanol; 2 sugar

Mono- and disaccharides Glucose, fructose, sucrose, Glucose, maltose, and sucrose
maltose, lactose rapidly digested. Fructose and
lactose may, in part, escape
digestion and absorption in the
small intestine. Physiological
response depends on identity

Sugar alcohols (Soluble in 80% ethanol; 2 sugar

Mono- and disaccharides Sorbitol, inositol, mannitol, Poorly absorbed in the small
galactitol, maltitol intestine. May reach the large

Short-chain carbohydrates (Soluble in 80% ethanol; > 2 sugar

Maltodextrins -Glucans Partly hydrolyzed starch. Normally
included in the measurement of
Resistant short-chain Fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto- Escape digestion in the small
carbohydrates (non-digestible oligosaccharides, pyrodextrins, intestine and are fermented to
oligosaccharides) polydextrose different extents. Some may
stimulate growth of
bifidobacteria. Physiological
effect largely unknown

Polysaccharides (Insoluble in 80% ethanol)

Starch -Glucans The most abundant dietary
Rapidly digestible starch Rapidly released glucose Rapidly digested in the small
(RDS) intestine.
Slowly digestible starch Slowly released glucose Slowly digested in the small
(SDS) intestine.
Resistant starch (RS) RS1 (physically inaccessible), RS2 The three types of RS escape
(resistant granules), RS3 digestion in the small intestine
(retrograded amylose) and are fermented to different
extents. Physiological effect
largely unknown
Nonstarch (NSPs) Many different types of Escape digestion in the small
polysaccharides intestine and are fermented to
different extents.
Plant cell-wall NSPs Main constituents: arabinose Encapsulate and slow absorption
xylose, mannose, galactose of nutrients. Good marker for
glucose, uronic acids naturally high-fiber diets for
which health benefits have been
Other NSPs Many types of constituents Food additives. Minor
components of the human diet.
The amounts added to foods are
known and regulated
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scheme is the measurement of chemically identified components, which, on the basis of current
knowledge of the relation between dietary carbohydrates and health, may be grouped into categories
of specific nutritional importance. The information on the composition, fate, and physiological
properties of the various types of dietary carbohydrates shown in Table 3.3.1 is useful when
considering the definition and measurement of dietary fiber.
The link between the ingestion of unprocessed foods and good health is chronicled as far back
as Hippocrates (4th century B.C.), who recommended the eating of wholemeal bread for its salutary
effects upon the bowels. The term dietary fiber was used first by Hipsley.8 The dietary fiber
hypothesis, which was put forward by Cleave, Burkitt and Trowell,5 was related to the health
benefits consequent upon the ingestion of a diet rich in unrefined plant foods and was specifically
related to the plant cell wall. The plant cell wall encapsulates and thus controls the release of
nutrients, including free sugars and starch, from the plant tissue and thereby influences the glycemic
response. This ability to influence digestion and absorption, and thus the physiological effects of
other nutrients, was seen at an early stage to be an important property of dietary fiber. The other
main properties associated with dietary fiber were its abilities to increase fecal bulk and reduce
transit time.
There is convincing evidence and a general consensus that (1) naturally high-fiber diets, i.e.,
those rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, are beneficial to health, and (2) at least some of
the benefits to health may reflect the fact that such diets tend to be rich in vitamins, minerals, and
antioxidants, and are often low in fat.
A naturally high-fiber diet has been suggested to be protective against (1) coronary heart diseases
(CHD), (2) diabetes, and (3) colon cancer. The evidence for the first two, CHD and diabetes, is
convincing. However, this is not the case for colon cancer, as a considerable number of studies
have failed to show a protective effect of dietary fiber, and some studies even suggest that fiber
supplementation and RS may promote colon cancer. On the basis of its extensive review of the
scientific evidence, the FDA has stated the following (10 October 2000):

FDA has concluded from this review that the totality of the publicly available scientific evidence
not only demonstrates lack of significant scientific agreement as to the validity of a relationship
between dietary fiber and colorectal cancer, but also provides strong evidence that such a relationship
does not exist.

The weight of the evidence for a health claim about dietary fiber and colorectal cancer is outweighed
by the evidence against such a claim. Therefore, FDA has determined that health claims relating
dietary fiber and reduced risk of colorectal cancer are inherently misleading.

The use of such health claims is therefore prohibited by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
A dietary supplement that bears a claim about dietary fiber and reduced risk of colorectal cancer will
be subject to regulatory action as a misbranded food under 21 U.S.C. 343.

It is clear that (1) the material measured as dietary fiber must be a reliable marker for the type
of naturally high-fiber diet for which benefit to health has been shown, and that (2) lack of digestion
in the small intestine is not a characteristic on which to base the definition of dietary fiber. In
unrefined and minimally processed foods, the plant cell walls encapsulate and moderate the release
of nutrients, including sugar and starch. This property is related to the integrity of the cell wall
structure, which is not a characteristic of RS, non-digestible digosaccharides (NDO), or any fiber
supplement. The main component (approximately 90%) of the cell walls of the plant foods in the
human diet is carbohydrate, specifically, polysaccharides that do not have -glucosidic linkages,
collectively termed nonstarch polysaccharides (NSPs). NSPs therefore, provide a reliable marker
of a naturally high-fiber diet for which benefit to health is shown, and this justifies the use of NSP
values for food labeling for dietary fiber. The measurement of NSP is described here.
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MAFF-organized trials. The Englyst procedure has been the subject of a series of international
collaborative trials organized by the U.K. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food. In the MAFF
IV study,19 37 laboratories from 11 countries took part to compare the accuracy and precision of the
Englyst gas-liquid chromatographic (GLC) and colorimetric procedures. This series of trials culmi-
nated in the publication of the GLC and the colorimetry techniques as MAFF-approved methods.20,21

Certification of Reference Materials

EC-organized trials. As the result of a large international trial of methodology, following

rigorous study of stability of the test materials, five BCR-certificated reference materials (CRMs)
are available for the Englyst GLC and colorimetry NSP procedures:22 (1) dried haricot bean powder,
CRM 514; (2) dried carrot powder, CRM 515; (3) dried apple powder, CRM 516; (4) full fat soya
flour, CRM 517; and (5) dried powdered bran breakfast cereal, CRM 518. These CRMs can be
used to check the performance of the analytical method and as quality control of analytical
measurements for nutritional labeling.

Methods and Principles of Measurement

The Englyst procedure measures dietary fiber as NSP, using enzymatic chemical methods, and
has evolved from the principles laid down by McCance and Southgate. Starch is completely removed
enzymatically, and NSPs are measured as the sum of the constituent sugars released by acid
hydrolysis. The sugars may be measured by gasliquid chromatography (GLC) or by high-pressure
liquid chromatography (HPLC) to obtain values for individual monosaccharides, or a single value
for total sugars may be obtained by colorimetry. Values may be obtained for total, soluble, and
insoluble NSP, and a small modification allows cellulose to be measured separately.
The Englyst procedure allows measurement of total, soluble, and insoluble NSP in plant food
products within an 8-hour working day using the colorimetric endpoint, or within 1.5 working days
with the chromatography procedures. Preparation of the hydrolyzate for analysis is virtually a
single-tube procedure, and no special skill or equipment is needed for the colorimetric version.
The procedure as described here provides the following options: (1) GLC procedure that
measures NSP as the sum of neutral sugars obtained by GLC and uronic acids measured separately;
(2) HPLC procedure: measures NSP as the sum of neutral sugars and uronic acids; (3) colorimetric
procedure that measures NSP as reducing sugars; and (4) colorimetric procedure with separate
measurement of uronic acids.


1. Dry/defat sample if necessary

2. Disperse (DMSO) and hydrolyze starch enzymatically
3. Precipitate NSP in acidified aqueous ethanol
4. Disperse and hydrolyze NSP with sulfuric acid
5. Measure released constituent sugars by:

Option 1 GLC*
Option 2 HPLC*
Option 3 Colorimetry**

* Values for individual constituent sugars of insoluble and total NSP. Soluble
NSP calculated as the difference between insoluble and total NSP.
** Single values for insoluble and total NSP. Soluble NSP calculated as the
difference between insoluble and total NSP.
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Apparatus and Reagents

High-purity reagents and distilled, deionized water, or water of equivalent purity, should be
used throughout the method.

Reagents Common to the GLC, Colorimetric, and/or HPLC Procedures

All sugars used for standards should be dried to constant mass under reduced pressure with
phosphorus pentoxide before use.
Acidified ethanol, absolute and 85% (v/v). Add 1 mL of 5 M hydrochloric acid per liter of ethanol.
Dimethylphenol solution. Dissolve 0.1 g of 3,5-dimethylphenol in 100 mL of glacial acetic acid.
Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO).
Enzyme solution I. Take 2.5 mL of heat-stable amylase (EC Termamyl), make to 200 mL
with pre-equilibrated sodium acetate buffer, mix, and keep it in a 50C waterbath. Prepare the
solution immediately before use.
Enzyme solution II. Take 1.2 g of pancreatin into a 50-mL tube, add 12 mL of water, vortex-mix
initially, and then mix for 10 min with a magnetic stirrer. Vortex-mix again, then centrifuge for 10
min. Take 10 mL of the (cloudy) supernatant, add 2.5 mL of pullulanase (EC Promozyme),
and vortex-mix. Prepare the solution immediately before use and keep it at room temperature.
Glass balls, 2.5 to 3.5 mm diameter.
Sand, acid-washed, 50100 mesh.
Sodium acetate buffer, 0.1 M, pH 5.2. Dissolve 13.6 g of sodium acetate trihydrate and make to 1 L
with water. Adjust to pH 5.2 with 0.1 M acetic acid. To stabilize and activate enzymes, add 4 mL
of 1 M calcium chloride to 1 L of buffer.
Sodium chlorideboric acid solution. Dissolve 2 g of sodium chloride and 3 g of boric acid in 100
mL of water.
Sodium phosphate buffer, 0.2 M, pH 7. Adjust 0.2 M Na2HPO4 to pH 7 with 0.2 M NaH2PO4.
Sulfuric acid, 12 M.
Sulfuric acid, 2 M. Add 5 mL of 12 M sulfuric acid to 25 mL of water. Allow to cool to room
temperature before use.
Sulfuric acid, 2.4 M. Add 5 mL of 12 M sulfuric acid to 20 mL of water and mix.

Reagents Used Only in the GLC Procedure

Acetic anhydride.
Ammoniumsodium tetrahydroborate solution. A solution of 6 M ammonium hydroxide, containing
200 mg/mL of sodium tetrahydroborate [NaBH4]. Prepare immediately before use.
Benzoic acid, saturated. Prepare a saturated solution of benzoic acid at room temperature. Add 0.5
g of benzoic acid per 100 mL of water; some benzoic acid should remain undissolved after overnight
stirring. The saturated solution is stable at room temperature for long periods.
Bromophenol blue solution, 0.4 g/L.
GLC internal standard solution, 1 mg/mL. Weigh to the nearest 1 mg: 500 mg of allose. Dissolve
in water, add 250 mL of saturated benzoic acid, and make to 500 mL with water to give a 1 mg/mL
solution. The solution is stable at room temperature for several months.
Glacial acetic acid.
GLC stock sugar mixture. Weigh to the nearest 1 mg: 0.52 g of rhamnose, 0.48 g of fucose, 4.75 g
of arabinose, 4.45 g of xylose, 2.3 g of mannose, 2.82 g of galactose, 9.4 g of glucose, and 2.79
g of galacturonic acid (or 3.05 g of galacturonic acid monohydrate). Dissolve together in water,
add 500 mL of saturated benzoic acid, and make to 1 L with water. The solution is stable at room
temperature for several months.
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Reagents Used Only in the HPLC Procedure

HPLC neutral sugars internal standard solution. Weigh to the nearest 1 mg: 10,000 mg of deoxy-
galactose. Add 10 mg of thiomersal (C2H5HgSC6H4COONa) as preservative and make to 1 L
with water.
HPLC neutral sugars stock sugar mixture. Weigh to the nearest 1 mg: 0.52 g of rhamnose, 0.48 g
of fucose, 4.75 g of arabinose, 4.45 g of xylose, 2.3 g of mannose, 2.82 g of galactose, and 9.4 g
of glucose. Dissolve together in water, add 10 mg of thimerosal as preservative, and make to 1 L
with water. Store at 4C.
HPLC uronic acids internal standard solution. Weigh to the nearest 1 mg: 0.0454 g of mannuronic
acid lactone. Dissolve in water, add 1 mg of thimerosal as preservative, and make to 100 mL with
water. Store at 4C.
HPLC uronic acids stock sugar mixture. Weigh to the nearest 1 mg: 0.0930 g of galacturonic acid
(or 0.102 g of galacturonic acid monohydrate) and 0.0233 g of glucuronic acid. Dissolve together
in 2 M sulfuric acid, and make to 100 mL with 2 M sulfuric acid. Store at 4C.
Pectinase solution (EC Novo Nordisk). Add 25 volumes of water to 1 volume of pectinase.

Reagents Used Only in the Colorimetric Procedure

Color reagent. Dissolve 10 g of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid and 300 g of sodium/potassium tartrate in
approx. 300 mL of water plus 400 mL of 1 M NaOH. Dissolve by stirring (overnight) and make
to a final volume of 1 L with water. Sparge for 10 min with helium or nitrogen, or degas using an
ultrasonic bath. Store in well-capped opaque bottles, and keep for 2 days before use. The reagent
is stable at room temperature for at least 6 months.
Dimethylglutaric acid solution, 0.5 M. Add 98.5 g of 5 M NaOH to 8.0 g (weighed to the nearest
1 mg) of dimethylglutaric acid (DMG) and make to 100 mL with water at room temperature. [Note:
since the purity of DMG varies between lot numbers, it is essential that the pH is checked. A portion
of the DMG solution should be diluted 1:1 (v/v) with 2 M sulfuric acid; the pH should be 3.75
(0.15) at room temperature. If the pH is greater than 3.9, add 1 mL of water to the stock solution
and check the pH again. If the pH is less than 3.9, add 1 mL of 5 M NaOH to the stock solution
and check the pH again. Repeat as necessary.]
Color stock sugar mixture. Make the color stock sugar solution by weighing to the nearest 1 mg:
10.185 g of arabinose, 5.145 g of glucose, and 2.16 g of galacturonic acid (or 2.36 g of galacturonic
acid monohydrate). Dissolve together in water, add 500 mL of saturated benzoic acid, and make
to 1 L with water. The solution is stable at room temperature for several months.
Pectinase solution (EC Novo Nordisk). Add 9 volumes of water to 1 volume of pectinase.

Sample Preparation

All samples must be finely divided (to pass a 0.5-mm mesh) so that representative subsamples
may be taken. Foods with a low water content (<10 g per 100 g of sample) may be milled, and
foods with a higher water content may be homogenized wet or milled after freeze-drying. Analysis
of three subsamples, A, B, and C, allows separate values to be obtained directly for total NSP,
insoluble NSP, and cellulose, respectively. Soluble NSP is determined as the difference between
total and insoluble NSP. Portions A and B are treated identically throughout the procedure, except
in steps 3 and 4. The third portion, C, is needed only if a separate value for cellulose is required;
carry it through steps 1, 2, and 3 of the procedure; then go to step 5.2.
Step 1.1 Weigh, to the nearest 1 mg, between 50 and 1000 mg, depending on the water and NSP
content of the sample (to give not more than 300 mg of dry matter; e.g., 300 mg is adequate for
most dried foods but smaller amounts should be used for bran and purified fiber preparations), into
5060 mL screw-top glass tubes. Add 300 (20) mg of acid-washed sand and approximately 15
glass balls to each. If the sample is dry (85100 g of dry matter per 100 g of sample) and contains
less than 10 g of fat per 100 g of sample, proceed to step 2.1; otherwise, go to step 1.2. All analyses
should be done in duplicate.
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Step 1.2 Add 40 mL of acetone, cap the tubes, and mix several times over 30 min. Centrifuge at
1000g for 10 min to obtain a clear supernatant and remove as much of the supernatant liquid as
possible without disturbing the residue. Vortex-mix vigorously to ensure that the residue is dispersed
thinly around the bottom 5 cm of the tube. Place the rack of tubes in a pan of water at 75C in a
fume-cupboard. Remove the tubes singly and vortex-mix vigorously at frequent intervals until the
tubes and residues are dry.

Isolation and Hydrolysis of NSP

Dispersion and Enzymatic Hydrolysis

Pre-equilibrate sufficient acetate buffer at 50C (8 mL required per sample).

Step 2.1 Add 2 mL of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to the dry sample, cap the tube, and immediately
mix the contents using a vortex-mixer, treating each tube in turn. It is essential that all the sample
is wetted and no material is encapsulated or adhering to the tube wall before proceeding. When
DMSO has been added to all the tubes, vortex-mix three or four times for 5 min. Vortex-mix and
immediately place 2 tubes into a boiling waterbath. Remove after 20 s, vortex-mix, and immediately
replace the tubes in the bath. Repeat this for subsequent pairs of tubes until all the tubes are in the
bath; leave them for 30 min from that time. During this period, prepare enzyme solutions I and II
(see Step 4.1; the volumes given are suitable for 24 samples).
Step 2.2 Remove one tube at a time, vortex-mix, uncap, and immediately add 8 mL of enzyme
solution I (kept at 50C), cap the tube, vortex-mix thoroughly ensuring that no material adheres
to the tube wall and replace it in the boiling waterbath. Leave the tubes there for 10 min, timed
from the last addition of enzyme. Transfer the rack of tubes to the 50C waterbath. After 3 min,
add 0.5 mL of enzyme solution II to each tube and mix the contents thoroughly to aid distribution
of the enzyme throughout the sample. Replace the tubes in the 50C waterbath and leave them
there for 30 min. Mix the contents of each tube continuously or after 10 min, 20 min, and 30 min.
Transfer the rack of tubes to the boiling waterbath and leave them there for 10 min.

Precipitation and Washing of the Residue for Measurement of Total NSP

Only sample portion A is given this treatment.
Step 3.1 Cool the samples by placing in ice water. Add 0.15 mL of 5 M hydrochloric acid and vortex-
mix thoroughly 2 or 3 times for 5 min with samples being replaced in the ice water. Add 40 mL
of acidified absolute ethanol and mix well by repeated inversion, then leave in ice water for 30
min. Centrifuge at 1500 g for 10 min to obtain a clear supernatant liquid. Remove as much of the
supernatant liquid as possible, without disturbing the residue, and discard it.
Step 3.2 Add approximately 10 mL of acidified 85% ethanol to the residue and vortex-mix. Make
to 50 mL with acidified 85% ethanol, mix thoroughly by repeated inversion. Centrifuge and remove
the supernatant liquid as above. Repeat this stage using 50 mL of absolute ethanol.
Step 3.3 Add 30 mL of acetone to the residue and vortex-mix thoroughly to form a suspension.
Centrifuge and remove the supernatant liquid as described in step 3.1.
Step 3.4 Place the rack of tubes in a pan of water at 75C in a fume-cupboard or a TurboVap (Zymark
Ltd.) at 65C. Remove the tubes singly and vortex-mix vigorously at frequent intervals, to ensure
that the residue in each tube is finely divided, until each tube and residue appears dry. Place the
rack of tubes in a fan oven at 80C for 10 min to remove any last traces of acetone. It is essential
that the residues and tubes are completely free of acetone.

Extraction and Washing of the Residue for Measurement of Insoluble NSP

Only sample portion B is given this treatment.
Step 4.1 After the treatment with enzymes in step 2, add 40 mL of sodium phosphate buffer. Place
the capped tubes in a boiling waterbath for 30 min. Mix continuously or a minimum of three times
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during this period. Remove the tubes and equilibrate to room temperature in water. Centrifuge and
remove the supernatant liquid as described in step 3.1.
Step 4.2 Add approximately 10 mL of water and vortex-mix. Make to approximately 50 mL with
water and mix well by repeated inversion. Centrifuge and remove the supernatant liquid as described
in step 3.1. Repeat this stage using 50 mL of absolute ethanol. Proceed as described for steps 3.3
and 3.4.

Acid Hydrolysis of the Residue from Enzymatic Digestion

Step 5.1 Add 5 mL of 12 M sulfuric acid to one tube and immediately vortex-mix vigorously; ensure
that all the material is wetted. Repeat this for each tube in turn. Once the acid has been added to
all the tubes, vortex-mix again and place all the tubes into a waterbath at 35C. Leave the tubes at
35C for 30 min with vigorous vortex-mixing after 5, 10, and 20 min to disperse the cellulose. Add
25 mL of water rapidly and vortex-mix. Place into a boiling waterbath and leave for 1 hour, timed
from when boiling recommences; mix after 10 min. Cool the tubes in tap water.
Step 5.2 A modification allowing the separate measurement of cellulose and non-cellulosic polysac-
charides (NCPs). To portion C, after steps 1 through 3, add 30 mL of 2 M sulfuric acid, and mix.
Place in a boiling waterbath and leave for 1 hour, timed from when boiling recommences, stirring
continuously or after 10 min. The value for cellulose is obtained as the difference between glucose
(measured by GLC or by glucose oxidase) for sample portions A and C. NCP is calculated as the
difference between total NSP and cellulose.

Breaks in the Procedure

The procedure may be halted at the following stages. (1) After precipitation, washing, and
drying the starch-free residue in steps 3 and 4. The residue may be stored for long periods. (2)
After the hydrolysis with 2 M sulfuric acid in step 5. The hydrolysate may be kept at 4C for
48 hours.

Determination of Constituent Sugars by GLC

This assay includes the measurement of neutral sugars by GLC and the separate measurement
of uronic acids by colorimetry.

Measurement of Neutral NSP Constituents by GLC

Preparation of the standard sugar mixture. Mix 1.0 mL of the GLC stock sugar solution and
5 mL of 2.4 M sulfuric acid. Treat 2 1.0 mL of this standard sugar mixture for calibration in
parallel with the hydrolysates from step 5 of the procedure.
Prepare the alditol acetate derivatives for chromatography as follows. Add 0.50 mL of GLC
internal standard (1 mg/mL allose) to 1.0 mL of the cooled hydrolysates from step 5 and to 2 1 mL
of the standard sugar mixture; vortex-mix. Place the tubes in ice water, add 0.4 mL of 12 M
ammonium solution, and vortex-mix. Test that the solution is alkaline (add a little more ammonium
solution if necessary, but replace the ammonium solution if more than 0.1 mL extra is required),
then add approximately 5 L of the antifoam agent octan-2-ol and 0.1 mL of the ammoniumsodium
borohydride solution; vortex-mix. Leave the tubes in a heating block or in a waterbath at 40C for
30 min, then remove and add 0.2 mL of glacial acetic acid, and mix again. Remove 0.5 mL to a
30 mL glass tube and add 0.5 mL of 1-methylimidazole and 5 mL of acetic anhydride. Vortex-mix,
then leave the tubes for 10 min for the reaction to proceed (the reaction is exothermic and the tubes
will become hot). Add 0.9 mL of absolute ethanol, vortex-mix, and leave for 5 min. Add 10 mL
of water, vortex-mix, and leave for 5 min. Add 0.5 mL of bromophenol blue solution. Place the
tubes in ice water and add 5 mL of 7.5 M potassium hydroxide; a few minutes later add a further
5 mL of 7.5 M potassium hydroxide, cap the tubes, and mix by inversion. Leave until the separation
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into two phases is complete (10 to 15 min) or centrifuge for a few minutes. Draw part of the upper
phase into the tip of an automatic pipette; if any of the blue lower phase is included, allow it to
separate, then run it out of the tip before transferring a portion of the upper phase alone to a small
(auto-injector) vial. Inject 0.5 to 1 L of the alditol acetate derivatives.

GLC Conditions
Injector temperature, 275C; column temperature, 220C; detector temperature, 275C; carrier
gas, helium; flow rate, 8 mL/min. Under these conditions, a GLC chromatograph fitted with flame
ionization detector, auto-injector, and computing integrator, using a Supelco SP-2330 wide-bore
capillary column (30 m 0.75 mm) or a Supelco SP-2380 wide-bore capillary column
(30 m 0.53 mm), will allow accurate determination of the individual sugars in the GLC standard
sugar mixture within 8 min. Carry out conventional GLC measurement of the neutral sugars. At
the beginning of each batch of analyses, equilibrate with the isothermal elution conditions for at
least 1 hour. Do several calibration runs to check that the response factors are reproducible.

Table 3.3.2 Calibration Ratios for GLC Standard Sugar and GLC Internal Standard Combination
Actual Recovery Apparent Calibration
Sugar (mg/mL) (%) (mg/mL) Ratio
Rhamnose 520 52 1000 1
Fucose 480 96 500 0.5
Arabinose 4750 95 5000 5
Xylose 4450 89 5000 5
Mannose 2300 92 2500 2.5
Galactose 2820 94 3000
Glucose 9400 94 10,000 10
Allose (Int. std.) 3

In Table 3.3.2, the calibration ratios are shown for the combination of the GLC standard sugar
mixture and GLC internal standard (allose). The Actual column shows the amount of each sugar
in the mixture, and the Apparent column shows the values to be used for calibration, taking into
account the recovery of NSP constituents. The calibration ratio column gives the ratio of sugars to
the internal standard after the addition of allose to the standard sugar mixture, as described in the
text. (The experimental evidence for the recovery values has been published and is discussed in
detail below.)

Calculation of Neutral Sugars

The amount of each individual sugar (expressed as grams of polysaccharide per 100 g of sample)
is calculated as

A ( t ) W ( i ) 100 R ( f ) 0.89
Sugar = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3.3.1)
A(i) W (t)

where A(t) and A(i) are the peak areas of the sample and the internal standard, respectively; W(i)
is the weight (in mg; here 15: total hydrolysate 30 ml 0.5 mg allose) of the internal standard;
W(t) is the weight (mg) of the sample; R(f) is the response factor for individual sugars obtained
from the calibration run with the sugar mixture and internal standard (allose) treated in parallel
with the samples; and 0.89 is the factor for converting experimentally determined values for
monosaccharides to polysaccharides.
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Measurement of Uronic Acids by Colorimetry

Make the standard solutions as follows. The GLC standard sugar mixture in 2 M sulfuric acid
contains, for the purpose of calibration, 500 g/mL of galacturonic acid. To prepare the uronic
acid standard solutions, take 0.5 mL, 2.0 mL, and 3.0 mL of this sugar mixture into separate
tubes, and make to 10 mL with 2 M sulfuric acid to give standards of 25, 100, and 150 g/mL
of galacturonic acid.
Place into separate tubes (4050 mL capacity) 0.3 mL of blank solution (2 M sulfuric acid),
0.3 mL of each of the standard solutions, and 0.3 mL of the sample hydrolysates, diluted if necessary
(with 2 M sulfuric acid) to contain no more than 150 g/mL of uronic acids (e.g., no dilution for
flour, 1:2 for bran, 1:5 for most fruits and vegetables). Add 0.3 mL of sodium chlorideboric acid
solution and mix. Add 5 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid and vortex-mix immediately. Place the
tubes into a heating block at 70C for 40 min. Remove the tubes and cool to room temperature in
water (the tubes may be kept in the water for up to 1 hour). Add 0.2 mL of dimethylphenol solution
and vortex-mix immediately. After 15 min measure the absorbance at 400 nm and at 450 nm in
the spectrophotometer against the blank solution. The timing for measurement of the absorbance
of standards and samples should be identical. In practice, this is achieved by adding the color
reagent at 1-min intervals. Subtract the absorbance reading at 400 nm from that at 450 nm, to
correct for interference from hexoses. A straight line should be obtained if the differences in
absorbance for the standards are plotted against concentration. Only the 100 g/mL standard is
required for routine analysis, and it may be kept at 5C for several weeks.

Calculation of Uronic Acids

The amount of uronic acids (expressed as grams of polysaccharide per 100 g of sample) is
calculated as

A ( t ) V ( t ) D C 100 0.91
Uronic acids = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.3.2)
A(s) W (t)

where A(t) is the difference in absorbance of the sample solution; V(t) is the total volume of sample
solution (mL, here 30); D is the dilution of the sample solution; C is the concentration of the
standard (here 0.1 mg/mL); A(s) is the difference in absorbance of the 100 g/mL standard; W(t)
is the weight (mg) of the sample; and 0.91 is the factor for converting experimentally determined
values for monosaccharides to polysaccharides.

Calculation of NSP
The amount of total, soluble, and insoluble NSP (in grams per 100 g of sample) is calculated as

Total NSP = Neutral sugars calculated for portion A

+ Uronic acids calculated for portion A
Insoluble NSP = Neutral sugars calculated for portion B
+ Uronic acids calculated for portion B
Soluble NSP = Total NSP Insoluble NSP

It is recommended that a sample be taken for determination of the dry matter as the loss in
weight after overnight incubation at 104C. Results may then be expressed as grams of polysac-
charides per 100 g of dry matter.
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Breaks in the GLC Procedure

The procedure may be halted at either of the following stages: (1) after acidification of the
reduced samples (see Determination of Constituent Sugars by GLC section); the samples may be
stored at room temperature for 2 to 3 days; or (2) the acid hydrolysate from Step 5 may be kept
at 5C for several weeks before the measurement of uronic acids.

Determination of Constituent Sugars by HPLC

This assay includes dilution of one subsample of the hydrolysate and direct measurement of
the neutral sugars, and the separate measurement of uronic acids in a second subsample of the
hydrolysate subjected to treatment with pectinase.

Measurement of Neutral Sugars by HPLC

Preparation of the HPLC standard sugar mixture. Mix 1.0 mL of the HPLC stock sugar mixture
and 5 mL of 2.4 M sulfuric acid. Treat 2 0.15 mL of this standard sugar mixture for calibration
of HPLC in parallel with the hydrolysates from step 5 of the procedure.
To 0.15 mL of hydrolysate or the HPLC standard sugar mixture, add 5 mL of the neutral sugars
internal standard solution (deoxygalactose) and mix well. Inject 25 L for analysis.

HPLC Conditions
A Dionex model PAD 2 detector may be used with the following pulse potentials and durations:
E1 = 0.05 V (t1 = 300 ms); E2 = 0.60 V (t2 = 120 ms); E3 = 0.60 V (t3 = 60 ms), and with a
response time of 1 s and the detector output set at 1000 nA.
A Dionex AG-5 guard column, an inert high-pressure valve, and a CarboPac PA-1 column are
placed in series. The AG-5 column and inert high-pressure valve are used to retain and bypass
sulfate ions around the analytical column. Elute with the following: 23% (v/v) solution 1 (0.020 M
NaOH) from 0 to 3.5 min; a gradient from 23% to 1% (v/v) solution 1 from 3.5 to 4.5 min; and
1% (v/v) solution 1 from 4.5 to 30 min at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Re-equilibrate with the starting
conditions for at least 6 min between runs. Add 0.30 M NaOH at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min to the
column effluent before the PAD cell to minimize baseline drift and increase the analytical signal.
Saturate the eluent with helium (Dionex Eluent De-gas module) to minimize CO2 absorption. Under
the conditions described here, sulfate ions are retained for 80 s on the AG-5 guard column, and
column switching (via the inert high-pressure valve) is applied after 60 s to prevent sulfate ions
from reaching the analytical column. Sulfate ions are purged from the guard column within 19
min, well within the total run time. To regenerate the PA-1 column at the end of the chromatographic
run, wash with 0.10 M NaOH0.60 M sodium acetate for 1 hour at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Then
wash with 1 M NaOH (1 mL/min) for 1 hour but, to avoid contamination of the internal reference
solution, do not allow this solution to pass through the detector.

Table 3.3.3 Calibration Ratios for HPLC Standard Sugar and HPLC Internal Standard Combination
Actual Recovery Apparent Calibration
Sugar (mg/mL) (%) (mg/mL) Ratio
Rhamnose 520 52 1000 1
Fucose 480 96 500 0.5
Arabinose 4750 95 5000 5
Xylose 4450 89 5000 5
Mannose 2300 92 2500 2.5
Galactose 2820 94 3000 3
Glucose 9400 94 10,000 10
Deoxygalactose (Int. std.) 2
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Table 3.3.3 shows the calibration ratios for the combination of the standard sugar mixture and
deoxygalactose and the HPLC internal standard; the Actual column shows the amount of each sugar
in the mixture, and the Apparent column shows the values to be used for calibration, taking into
account the recovery of NSP constituents.
The amount of each individual sugar (in grams per 100 g of sample) is calculated as

A ( t ) W ( i ) 100 R ( f ) 0.89
Sugar = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3.3.3)
A(i) W (t)

where A(t) and A(i) are the peak areas of the sample and the HPLC internal standard, respectively;
W(i) is the weight of the internal standard if added to the whole sample (in mg, here 25); W(t) is
the weight of the sample (mg); R(f) is the response factor for individual sugars obtained from a
calibration run with the sugar mixture treated in parallel with the samples; and 0.89 is the factor
for converting experimentally determined values for monosaccharides to polysaccharides. It is
recommended that a sample be taken for the analysis of the dry matter as the material remaining
after overnight incubation at 104C. Results may then be expressed as grams of polysaccharides
per 100 g of dry matter.

Measurement of Uronic Acids by HPLC

To 0.5 mL of hydrolysate or calibration mixture, add 0.5 mL of the HPLC uronic acid internal
standard solution (mannuronic acid lactone), 0.5 mL of dimethylglutaric acid solution (8 g/100 mL),
and 2.1 mL of 1 M NaOH. After vortex-mixing, the pH must be between pH 3.5 and 4.0. (If the
pH is not correct, prepare fresh DMG solution and repeat). Add 0.1 mL of pectinase solution,
vortex-mix, and place the tubes into a waterbath at 50C for 20 min. Cool the tubes, remove 0.5 mL,
and add 0.1 mL of phenol red indicator solution (1 mg/mL); add sufficient (approximately 2 mL)
freshly prepared 0.017 M NaOH until the pH is between 7 and 8. Inject 25 L onto the chroma-
tography column. Baseline separation of galacturonic acid (GalA), glucuronic acid (GlcA), and
mannuronic acid is achieved isocratically within 13 min using 25% solution 2 (0.10 M NaOH,
0.6 M sodium acetate) and 75% water at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. Use the following ratios for
the calibration mixture for the calculation of the response factors: 0.5 for GalA, 0.125 for GlcA,
and 0.25 for mannuronic acid to take into account losses during hydrolysis. The values for the
calculation of response factors take into account 7% loss of both GalA and GlcA and the hydrolysis
of mannuronic acid lactone to mannuronic acid, as described above.
The amount of uronic acids (in grams per 100 g of sample) is calculated as

A ( t ) W ( i ) 100 R ( f ) 0.91
Uronic acids = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3.3.4)
A(i) W (t)

where A(t) and A(i) are the peak areas of the test and the internal standard, respectively; W(i) and
W(t) are the weight of the internal standard (in mg; here 15) and the mass of the test sample (mg),
respectively; R(f) is the response factor for individual uronic acids obtained from the calibration
mixture; and 0.91 is the factor for converting the experimentally determined values for monosac-
charides to polysaccharides.

Determination of Constituent Sugars by Colorimetry

Preparation of the Standard Sugar Mixture

Take 0.5 mL of the colorimetry stock sugar mixture into a glass tube, add 2.5 mL of 2.4 M
sulfuric acid, and mix to give 3 mL of 3 mg/mL color sugars standard solution in 2 M sulfuric
2387_ch3.3_fm Page 79 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:39 PM


acid. The colorimetric reaction is linear up to 3 mg/mL sugar. The absorbance of the test samples
should not exceed that of the standard.

Measurement of Total Reducing Sugars

Place into separate glass tubes: 0.5 mL of the standard sugar solution and 0.5 mL of the
hydrolysate from step 5; and place into each of two tubes (blanks 1 and 2): 0.5 mL of 2 M sulfuric
acid. Add 0.5 mL of DMG solution and vortex-mix. Check the pH of 1 drop of blank 1; it should
be between 3.5 and 4. If it is different from this, check the preparation of the 2 M and the 12 M
sulfuric acid, and the DMG solution. If the pH is correct, add 0.1 mL of diluted pectinase solution,
vortex-mix, and place all the tubes into a waterbath at 50C for 20 min. Cool the tubes to room
temperature, add 0.1 mL of 3 M sodium hydroxide, vortex-mix, and leave for 5 min. Add 1 mL
of the dinitrosalicylate reagent to each tube and vortex-mix. Place all the tubes together into a
briskly boiling waterbath for 5 min. Remove the rack of tubes and cool to room temperature in
water. Add 10 mL of water (at room temperature) and mix well by inversion (do not use a vortex-
mixer at this stage). Measure the absorbance at 530 nm against blank 2.
Note: Sample blanks may be prepared by diluting the hydrolysates as described above, replacing
the color reagent with water, and reading the absorbance against water. Alternatively, and more
conveniently, the absorbance of the undiluted hydrolysate can be measured against water and the
value divided by 24.4 (the dilution of the hydrolysate after addition of the color reagent and water).
The absorbance of the test sample is then calculated by subtracting this value. When the hydrolysate
is colorless and the NSP content is more than 5%, the sample blank is not required.

Calculation of NSP
The amount of total NSP (portion A) and of insoluble NSP (portion B), in grams of polysac-
charide per 100 g of sample, is calculated as

A ( t ) V ( t ) D F C 100 0.89
NSP = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3.3.5)
A(s) W (t)

where A(t) is the absorbance of the sample solution (minus the absorbance of the hydrolysate blank
if measured); V(t) is the total volume of the sample solution (in mL, here 30); D is the dilution of
the sample solution (D = 1 if no dilution); F is the factor correcting the difference between the
composition of monosaccharides in the standard sugar mixture and that in NSP of various types
of plant foods (for the calculation of NSP in cereals (except oats), F = 0.95; for fruit and nonstarchy
vegetables, F = 1.05; and for starchy vegetables, oat products, and unknown samples, F = 1; using
the standard sugar mixture as specified and these factors makes corrections for the 2 to 4% hydrolytic
losses); C is the concentration (in mg/mL sugars) of the standard; A(s) is the absorbance of the
standard; W(t) is the weight (mg) of sample taken for analysis; and 0.89 is the factor for converting
experimentally determined monosaccharides to polysaccharides. The amount of soluble NSP is
calculated as the difference between total NSP and insoluble NSP. It is recommended that a sample
be taken for the analysis of the dry matter as the material remaining after overnight incubation at
104C. Results may then be expressed as grams of polysaccharides per 100 g of dry matter.

Correction Based on Separate Measurement of Uronic Acids

When a sample, e.g., pectin, has a high content of uronic acids, a more accurate value for NSP
may be obtained if uronic acids are measured separately. The color standard sugar mixture contains
12.5% (w/v) uronic acids, and it has been determined (data not shown) that this leads to 17%
underestimation of NSP when the sample contains only uronic acids (using F = 1). Correction for
the underestimation is straightforward if a separate value for uronic acids is obtained. If the sample
2387_ch3.3_fm Page 80 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:39 PM


contains 12.5% monomeric uronic acids, the color standard sugar mixture is entirely appropriate
and no correction is required; otherwise, the correction required is an increment or decrement to
the NSP value obtained by colorimetry equivalent to 17% of the uronic acid content that is in
excess of or less than 12.5% of the sample, respectively.
The percentage of the NSP value to be corrected for is the difference () between the value
for uronic acids (Z; expressed as a percentage of the NSP value, X) and 12.5, and it is calculated as

= (Z/X 100) 12.5 (3.3.6)

and the correction factor Y is calculated as

Y = 0.17 (X/100 ) (3.3.7)

which may be reduced to 0.17Z 0.021X, and the value for total NSP after correction is X + Y.

Breaks in the Colorimetry Procedure

The procedure may be halted at either of the following stages: (1) after precipitation, washing
and drying the starch-free residue (see step 3.4); the residue may be stored for long periods; or
(2) after the hydrolysis with 2 M sulfuric acid; the hydrolysate may be kept at 4C for 48 hours.


The certificated reference materials (CRMs) may be used as part of a complete quality control

Trouble Shooting for the Common Hydrolysis Steps

1. Variation between replicate analyses may be due to inaccurate pipetting (test/calibrate dispensers
by weighing replicates of water) or to incomplete removal of acetone in step 3.4.
2. If values for glucose are too high for samples of known composition and/or variable for replicates,
this may be due to incomplete wetting of sample with DMSO in step 2.1. Mix vigorously imme-
diately after addition of DMSO.
3. If values for glucose and uronic acids for samples of known composition are too low and/or are
variable for replicates, this may be due to incomplete wetting of samples with 12 M sulfuric acid
in step 5. Vortex-mix vigorously before and after addition of sulfuric acid and at intervals during
the incubation.

Trouble Shooting for the GLC Procedure

1. Extra peaks on the chromatogram may be due to incomplete reduction of monosaccharides. Ensure
alkaline pH before adding NaBH4. Replace old NaBH4 ; do not compensate for loss of activity by
adding more NaBH4.
2. Variation between replicate analyses may be caused by nonreproducible pipetting of the internal
standard or hydrolysates. Test/calibrate dispensers by weighing 1-mL replicates of water.
3. If the response factors are not reproducible, this may be due to inaccurate pipetting of the sugar
mixture and/or internal standard. Test/calibrate dispensers by weighing replicates of water.
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Trouble Shooting for the HPLC Procedure

1. If retention times vary during chromatography, regenerate the analytical columns as described in
the section on Determination of Constituent Sugars by HPLC.

Trouble Shooting for the Colorimetry Procedure

1. Variation between replicate analyses may be due to inaccurate pipetting (test/calibrate dispensers
by weighing replicates of water) or to incomplete removal of acetone in step 3.4.
2. If no color is produced for standards and/or samples, this may be due to an error in the preparation
of the sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide solutions. Make new reagents. Test that the pH of the
solution is between 7 and 8 before adding the color reagent solution.


1. Southgate, D. A. T. and Greenfield, H., Principles for the Preparation of Nutritional Databases and
Food Composition Tables, Siminopoulos, A. P., Butrum, R. R., Eds., International Food Data Bases
and Information Exchange, World Rev. Nutr. Diet., 68, 27, 1992.
2. Koivistoinen, P. E., Asp, N.-G., Englyst, H. N., Hudson, G. J., Hyvnen, L., Kallio, H., and
Salo-Vnnen, P. P., Memorandum on terms, definitions, and analytical procedures of protein, fat
and carbohydrates in food for basic composition data: issues and recommendations, Food Chem., 57,
33, 1996.
3. FAO, Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, Rome,
14-18 April 1997. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 66. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Rome.
4. Trowell, H., Ischemic heart disease and dietary fibre, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 25, 926, 1972.
5. Trowell, H., Dietary fibre; a paradigm, in Dietary Fibre, Fibre-Depleted Foods and Disease, Trowell,
H. C., Burkitt, D., and Heaton, K. W., Eds., Academic Press, London, 1985, 120.
6. Cleave, T. L., Campbell, G. D., and Painter, N. S., Diabetes, Coronary Thrombosis and the Saccharine
Disease, John Wright, Bristol, 1969.
7. Burkitt, D. P. and Trowell, H., Eds., Refined Carbohydrate Foods and Disease. Some Implications of
Dietary Fibre, Academic Press, New York, 1975.
8. Hipsley, E. H., Dietary fibre and pregnancy toxaemia, Br. Med. J., ii, 420, 1953.
9. Englyst, H. N., Wiggins, H. S., and Cummings, J. H., Determination of the nonstarch polysaccharides
in plant foods by gasliquid chromatography of constituent sugars as alditol acetates, Analyst, 107,
307, 1982.
10. Englyst, H. N., Trowell, H., Southgate, D. A. T., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fiber and resistant
starch, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 46, 873, 1987.
11. COMA Committee News, Dietary Fibre. Food Safety Information Bulletin, No. 97, June 1998.
12. COMA Committee News, Definition of Dietary Fibre for Labelling Purposes. Food Safety Information
Bulletin, No. 109, June 1999.
13. Holland B., Welch, A. A., Unwin, I. D., Buss, D. H., Paul, A. A., and Southgate, D. A. T., McCance
& Widdowsons The Composition of Foods, 5th ed., Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries & Food and
Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge and London, 1991.
14. Englyst, H. N., Bingham, S. A., Runswick, S. A., Collinson, E., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fibre
(nonstarch polysaccharides) in fuit, vegetables and nuts, J. Hum. Nutr. Dietet., 1, 247, 286, 1988.
15. Englyst, H. N., Bingham, S. A., Runswick, S. A., Collinson, E., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fibre
(nonstarch polysaccharides) in cereal products, J. Hum. Nutr. Dietet., 2, 253, 1989.
16. McCance, R. A., Widdowson, E. M., and Shackleton, L. R. B., The nutritive value of fruits,vegetables
and nuts. Special Report Series, MRC, London, No. 213, HMSO, London, 1936.
17. Southgate, D. A. T., Determination of carbohydrates in foods. II. Unavailable carbohydrates, J. Sci.
Food Agric., 20, 331, 1969.
2387_ch3.3_fm Page 82 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:39 PM


18. Englyst, H. N. and Hudson, G. J., The classification and measurement of dietary carbohydrates, Food
Chem., 57, 15, 1996.
19. Wood, R., Englyst, H. N., Southgate, D. A. T., and Cummings, J. H., Determination of dietary fibre
in foods collaborative trials. IV. Comparison of Englyst GLC and colorimetric measurement with
the Prosky procedure, J. Assoc. Publ. Analysts, 29, 57, 1993.
20. V39, Dietary fibre: Englyst procedure for determination of dietary fibre as nonstarch polysaccharides:
measurement of constituent sugars by gasliquid chromatography, J. Assoc. Publ. Analysts, 33,
127, 1997.
21. V40, Dietary fibre: Englyst procedure for determination of dietary fibre as nonstarch polysaccharides:
measurement of constituent sugars by colorimetry, J. Assoc. Publ. Analysts, 33, 145, 1997.
22. Pendlington, A. W., Meuree-Vanlaethem, N., and Brookes, A., The Method Specific Certification of
the Mass Fraction of Dietary Fibre in Lyophilised Haricot Beans, Carrot, Apple, Full Fat Soya Flour
and Bran Breakfast Cereal Reference Materials, CRMs 514, 515, 516, 517 & 518. Office for Official
Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1996.
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The Southgate Method of Dietary Fiber Analysis

David A. T. Southgate


This method, strictly speaking for the measurement of unavailable carbohydrates,1,2 was
developed in the late 1950s in connection with a major study for the evaluation of the energy
conversion factors used to calculate the energy value of the human diet.3 In this study we were
concerned about the factor which should be used for available carbohydrates1 as compared with
carbohydrate by difference4 as used in the classical Atwater system of factors.5 The protocol for
the study also required us to measure all the carbohydrates, and therefore, a method was required
for unavailable carbohydrates.
The conceptual basis for the method was the method used by McCance et al.6 and aimed to
measure the carbohydrates in the alcohol-insoluble residue.
I also decided to introduce a number of constraints: first, to develop a procedure that measured
all the carbohydrates in the same analytical sample, to avoid measuring a fraction twice; second,
to attempt to use specific methods for the carbohydrates; and third, to start with a sample of a
sufficient size because of the problems of taking a representative sample of many foods.


The stages are summarized in Figure 3.4.1.

Initial Extraction of the Sample

Preparation of Alcohol-Insoluble Residue

(Two analytical portions of the food are taken through the whole scheme.)
The analytical samples should be of sufficient size (at least 510 g) to be representative and
thoroughly mixed. The volume of alcohol added depends on the moisture content of the mixture
and is about 85% v/v with respect to methanol; the mixture is brought to a boil with constant
stirring (later versions of the method used ethanol at 80% v/v7). After filtering the residue is extracted
with three further portions of aqueous alcohol. The alcoholic filtrates are combined and used for
the measurement of free sugars.

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Food Sample

Extract with 4 portions of boiling 80% v/v ethanol

Alcohol-Insoluble Residue Extract Measure Free Sugars

Wash with acetone and dry

Grind thoroughly

Take 100 mg

Add 4 ml water, gelatinize in boiling water

Cool, adjust pH to 4.6 (acetate buffer)

Incubate with amyloglucosidase overnight

Add 4 vols ethanol, mix, centrifuge.

Wash residue with 4 portions 80% ethanol

Centrifugates Combine and measure glucose Starch

Hydrolyze residue with 10 ml 1 M H2SO4

At 100C for 45 min, add 10 ml ethanol

Centrifuge decant and wash residue 3 with

50% ethanol.

Centrifugates Combine and measure hexoses,

pentoses and uronic acids Non-Cellulosic Polysaccharides

Stand residue overnight in 12 M H2SO4

Filter through sintered filter and wash with water

Filtrates Combine and measure hexoses, Cellulose

pentoses, and uronic acids NCP

Wash residue with diethyl ether and dry.

Weight Lignin

Figure 3.4.1 Schematic flow diagram of modified Southgate method.

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Starch

The alcohol-insoluble residue is extracted with diethyl ether and allowed to air-dry and weighed.
The residue is finely ground and portions are taken for the measurement of polysaccharides. These
portions are gelatinized with water in tubes immersed in a boiling waterbath for at least 10 min.
After cooling the pH is adjusted with acetate buffer, amyloglucosidase enzyme is added, and the
2387_ch3.4_fm Page 85 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:41 PM


mixture is incubated at 37C overnight (about 18 h). In the original method, a commercial Taka-
diastase for analysis on talc (Parke Davis) was used; this preparation had some proteolytic activity
which assisted in starch hydrolysis. This preparation is no longer available.
Four volumes of ethanol are added and the mixture is centrifuged to recover unchanged
polysaccharides. After removal of the centrifugate, the residue is washed and recentrifuged with
three portions of 80% v/v ethanol. The centrifugates are combined and glucose is measured to give
a starch value.

Dilute Acid Hydrolysis (for Non-Cellulosic Polysaccharides, NCP)

The residue after enzymatic hydrolysis is suspended in 10 ml 1 M H2SO4 and heated for 2.5 h
in a boiling waterbath. 10 ml of ethanol are added and the mixture is filtered. The residue is washed
with three portions of 50% ethanol. The combined filtrates are analyzed for hexoses, pentoses, and
uronic acids4 to give a measure of the composition of the NCP.

Hydrolysis in Strong Acid

The residues are washed in ethanol followed by diethyl ether, and the ether is allowed to
evaporate; 12 M H2SO4 are added and the mixture is stirred and left overnight. The mixture is
filtered through a tared sintered glass filter and washed with water. The combined filtrates are made
to volume and analyzed for hexoses, pentoses and uronic acids.

Measurement of Residual Lignin

The residue on the filter is washed with ethanol followed by diethyl ether and dried and weighed.
The residue is taken as lignin.

Expression of Results

The colorimetric values for hexoses, pentoses, and uronic acids are not totally specific and need
to be corrected for cross-interference.8 The values are expressed as monosaccharides and are
approximately 10% higher than if expressed as polysaccharides.


This method is now really only of historical interest, having been superseded by more specific
gasliquid chromatographic (GLC) and high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods
for measuring the component sugars and uronic acids in the hydrolysates.4 The method did, however,
provide a quantitative direct measure of those components that approximated the original concept
of dietary fiber9 and showed that the composition of dietary fiber varied between the major classes
of foods.10


1. Southgate, D. A. T., Determination of carbohydrates in foods. I Available carbohydrates, J. Sci. Food

Agric., 20, 326, 1969
2. Southgate, D. A. T., Determination of carbohydrates in foods. II Unavailable carbohydrates, J. Sci.
Food Agric., 20, 331, 1969.
2387_ch3.4_fm Page 86 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:41 PM


3. Southgate, D. A. T. and Durnin, J. V. G. A., Calories conversion factors. An experimental assessment

of the factors used in calculation of the energy value of human diets, Br J. Nutr., 24, 517, 1970.
4. Southgate, D. A. T., Determination of Food Carbohydrates, 2nd ed., Chapman and Hall, 1992.
5. Merrill, A. L. and Watt, B. K., Energy Value of Foods. Basis and Derivation. Agriculture Handbook
No. 74, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1955.
6. McCance, R. A., Widdowson, E. M., and Shackleton, L. R. B., The nutritive value of fruits, vegetables,
and nuts, Spec. Rep. Ser. Med., Res., Coun., no. 213, HMSO, London. 1936.
7. James, W. P. T. and Theander, O., Eds., The Analysis of Dietary Fibre in Foods, Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1981.
8. Hudson, G. J. and Bailey, B. S., Mutual interference effects in the colorimetric methods used to
determine the sugar composition of dietary fibre, Food Chem., 5, 201, 1980.
9. Southgate, D. A. T. and Englyst, H., Dietary fibre: chemistry, physical properties and analysis, in
Dietary Fibre, Fibre-Depleted Foods and Disease, Trowell, H., Burkitt, D., and Heaton, K., Eds.,
Academic Press, London, 1985, 31.
10. Southgate, D. A. T., Bailey, B., Collinson, E., and Walker, A. F., A guide to calculating intakes of
dietary fibre, J. Human Nutr., 30, 303, 1976.
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Determination of Total Dietary Fiber and Its

Individual Components by the Uppsala Method

Olof Theander, Eric Westerlund, Roger Andersson, and Per man


In recent years, it has become apparent that our understanding of the nutritional effects of
dietary fiber (DF) has been considerably hampered by the lack of an appropriate definition of DF
and, consequently, a lack of adequate analytical methods. In the original version of our methodology,
Theander and man proposed that DF could be defined as the sum of nonstarch (amylase-resistant)
polysaccharides and Klason lignin and, in conjunction with this chemical definition, published a
gas-chromatographic method for analysis and characterization of DF.1 In this method, the degree
of polymerization of the nonstarch polysaccharides was intended to be the same as that defined by
the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), that is, greater than 10. This
original method has now gained merit as a Current Contents Citation Classic.2
Enzyme-resistant starch, defined as the starch that resists hydrolysis with the thermostable
-amylase and the amyloglucosidase used in the method, is included in the dietary fiber polysac-
charides, but not oligosaccharides or fructans. When human foods are analyzed, the value of Klason
lignin includes native lignin but also other components such as tannins, cutins, and some protein-
aceous products as well as Maillard reaction products in heat-treated foods. The latest version of
the method, the Uppsala method,3 has been studied in a collaborative study and is now approved
as an official method by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC-method 994.13),
the American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC-method 32-25), and the Nordic Committee
on Food Analysis (NMKL-method 162).
The Uppsala method for total DF analysis, two AOAC enzymatic gravimetric methods, and a
U.K. method were evaluated in an intercomparision and certification study organized by the
Community Bureau of Reference, Commission of the European Communities.4 The results showed
that the five samples in the study could be accepted as standards for all four methods. The Uppsala
method and the AOAC enymatic gravimetric methods often give similar results because they use
a similar definition for DF, while the U.K. procedure that only includes plant cell wall nonstarch
polysaccharides in the analysis generally gives lower values.
Today it is often proposed to expand the definition of dietary fiber to include other components
for example, oligosaccharides and fructans in the analysis. AACC recently suggested DF be
defined as follows: DF consists of the remnants of edible plant cell, polysaccharides, lignin, and

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associated substances resistant to (hydrolysis) digestion by the alimentary enzymes of humans.5,6

In accordance with a broader definition, we recently published a method for analysis of human
digesta, which, besides dietary fiber polysaccharides and Klason lignin, also will include oligosac-
charides, sugar alcohols, and fructans.7 In Europe, however, efforts to agree upon a common
definition on DF have not been successful, so far.


Our understanding of the chemical composition of DF in foods was to a large extent pioneered
by Southgate, whose studies are based on the fractionation and colorimetric assay of the hexose,
pentose, and uronic acid constituents.8 This method, despite its complexity, is still not specific in
regard to individual sugars, and the starch is incompletely removed. This was demonstrated at the
meeting on DF analysis in Cambridge, U.K. in 1978,9 where results from analyses of different
types of food samples by Southgates and other methods were presented. A large variability in
results of the method between different laboratories was shown, although the agreement within
laboratories seemed to be good.10,11 In the Cambridge study, which initiated several new collabo-
rative studies and further developments in the field of DF analysis, rapid gravimetric methods, as
well as more comprehensive, informative ones, were also explored. These included two fractionation
methods for soluble and insoluble fibers devised by Englyst12 and Theander and man.1,13 In both
methods starch is removed enzymatically, but with different systems, and a direct gasliquid
chromatographic (GLC) assay is used for the neutral sugar constituents of the fiber fractions. The
Englyst method has undergone a number of modifications,1417 including the development of a
colorimetric procedure.18 The original method of Theander and man1 was later developed into
two modifications19,20 for analysis of total DF. The main differences between the present method3
for total DF, developed by the Uppsala group, and that of the U.K. method of Englyst17 are shown
in Table 3.5.1.
The U.K. group used extraction with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in combination with enzymatic
treatments to remove not only the enzymatically available starch but also the so-called enzyme-
resistant starch. We, as well as the scientists who have developed the enzymatic gravimetric AOAC
method for analysis of DF, on the other hand, consider such enzymatically nonavailable starch as
part of the DF complex.21 In a comparison between the U.K. and Uppsala methods,22 there was a
rather good agreement in total DF when the values for enzyme-resistant starch and Klason lignin,
obtained by the Uppsala method, are added to the values for nonstarch polysaccharides found by
the U.K. method (Table 3.5.2). There was, however, a trend that these sums were slightly lower in
the latter method. One possible explanation for this may be that the presence of DMSO partly
hampers the precipitation of soluble DF polysaccharides.23
Marletts group has made extensive studies on measurement of DF using a modification of the
Uppsala methodology (see Marlett24 and references therein). Another method, which is related to
the Uppsala methodology but which uses DMSO for solubilization of starch, is that of Faulks and
Timms.25 A group that has been actively engaged in studies of individual fiber components in
particular, the preparation of cell wall materials is that of Selvendran.26,27 Their method involves
extensive ball milling, gelatinization at pH 7 and 85 to 90C, enzymatic treatments with -amylase
and pullulanase, GLC determination of sugar constituents, and colorimetric uronic acid determi-
nation. Selvendran has also published a review of methods for DF analysis which is recommended
for further reading,28 as well as the previously cited book by James and Theander.9
A more detailed description of the Uppsala methodology, including a critical discussion of the
various steps and of alternative methods, is given below. For several polysaccharides, there is
generally no sharp distinction between water-extractable (or removable) and water-unextractable
fractions; the ratio between them is dependent on the choice of conditions during the pretreatment
2387_ch3.5_fm Page 89 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:43 PM


Table 3.5.1 Comparison of Main Steps in Total Dietary Fiber Determination by GLC with the Latest
Modifications of the Uppsla Method3 and the U.K. Method17
Procedure Uppsala method U.K. method
Sample size (dry 250500 mg 50300 mg
Fat removal Extraction with petroleum ether when Extraction with acetone when content
content exceeds 5% exceeds 10%
Removal of low Extraction with 80% ethanol when
molecular weight content is very high
Starch removal 1. Termamyl (0.5 h, boiling waterbath) in 1. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) (0.5 h,
acetate buffer (0.1 M, pH 5.0) boiling waterbath)
2. Amyloglucosidase (16 h, 60C) 2. Termamyl (10 min, boiling waterbath)
in acetate buffer (0.08 M, pH 5.2)
3. Pancreatin and pullulanase (0.5 h,
50C + 10 min, boiling waterbath)
Precipitation of 80% (v/v) ethanol (1 h, 4C) 80% (v/v) ethanol (0.5 h, ice water) at
soluble fiber pH 2
Analysis of neutral 1. 12 M H2SO4 (1 h, 30C) 1. 12 M H2SO4 (0.5 h, 35C)
2. Addition of internal standard myo- 2. 2 M H2SO4 (1 h, 100C)
3. 0.4 M H2SO4 (1 h, 125C) 3. Addition of internal standard allose
4. Alditol acetate preparation by sodium 4. Alditol acetate preparation by sodium
borhydride reduction and 1-methyl- borhydride reduction and 1-methyl-
imidazole/acetic anhydride treatment imidazole/acetic anhydride treatment
5. Individual correction factor for each 5. Individual correction factor for each
sugar sugar
Analysis of uronic Colorimetry with 3,5-dimethylphenol Colorimetry with 3,5-dimethylphenol
acids (Scott, 1979) (Scott, 1979)
Lignin Gravimetrically as Klason (sulfuric acid) Not determined
lignin including ashing
a Theander et al.3
b Englyst et al.17

Table 3.5.2 Content of Dietary Fiber (DF), Klason Lignin (KL), and Enzyme-Resistant Starch (RS)
as Determined by the Uppsala Method, Nonstarch Polysaccharides (NSP) as
Determined by the U.K. Method, and the Sum of NSP, KL, and RS for Comparison
Uppsala Methoda U.K. Methodb NSP + KL + RS
Product DF KL RS NSP (% dry matter)
Corn flakes 2.7 0.3 1.5 0.8 2.6
Bread crust 3.7 0.3 0.5 2.7 3.5
Bread crumb 3.8 0.3 0.8 2.7 3.8
Rye crisp 23.2 2.1 0.2 20.0 22.3
Green peas 14.5 0.3 0.3 12.8 13.4
Soybean 16.8 0.8 ndc 15.1 15.9
Deskinned onion 20.1 1.0 nd 19.2 20.2
Sugar-beet fiber 64.7 1.3 nd 67.0 68.3
a Theander et al.3
b Englyst and Cummings.15
c Not detected.
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and solubilization procedure. These conditions are, however, never identical with in vivo conditions.
Polysaccharides such as arabinoxylans, mixed-linkage -glucans, and pectins (including associated
neutral polysaccharides) are found both as water-soluble and water-insoluble components in plant
materials. The yield of these components can vary considerably with the fractionation conditions
used (physical pretreatment, enzymatic treatment, temperature, time, and so on). Thus, studies29,30
have shown that the yield and composition of soluble fibers are very dependent on extraction
conditions used. The use of DMSO in the U.K. method can be expected to increase the solubility
of DF, since the reagent is an excellent solvent for hemicellulose polysaccharides.23
Recently, the Uppsala method (Figure 3.5.1) for routine analysis of total DF was tested in a
collaborative study.3 This method has been applied to a number of divergent samples, including
foods, feeds, digesta, and feces, and has proven to be rugged, reproducible, adaptable, and accurate.
A skilled analyst can run over 40 samples per week by this improved procedure. The Uppsala
method is not much more time-consuming than the gravimetric enzymatic methods,31,32 in which
protein in the residue must be analyzed.



Removal of Free Sugars and Lipids

It is important that the samples are representative and homogeneous. Foods with low water
content (<15%) are ground in a Cyclotec Sample Mill (Foss Tecator AB, Hgans, Sweden) fitted
with a 0.5-mm screen.3 Materials with high water contents are generally freeze-dried, and samples
which also have high sugar contents, like fruits and vegetables, are preferably extracted with 80%
aqueous ethanol in an ultrasonic waterbath. If the lipid content of the sample exceeds 5%, extraction
with petroleum ether at room temperature is efficient for most lipids.

Removal of Starch

Enzymatic removal of starch is a crucial operation in the Uppsala method in order not to
overestimate the DF glucans. Starch is removed by incubations with a thermostable -amylase
(Termamyl) and amyloglucosidase. This enzyme system has proved to be very effective for various
types of starch-containing fiber sources and products. The powerful Termamyl enzyme causes a
rapid hydrolysis of starch during gelatinization. In the present procedure, the sample is treated with
Termamyl for 30 min in a boiling waterbath. For practical reasons, the incubation with amyloglu-
cosidase is then left to stand overnight, although complete hydrolysis to glucose is reached after
about 6 h.33 We usually quantify the glucose by a glucose oxidase reagent (Megazyme Int. Ireland
Ltd., Bray, Ireland). Under the conditions used, neither of the enzymes liberated detectable amounts
of sugars from purified barley grain -glucan, barley straw arabinoxylan, or cotton cellulose.1 The
specificity of the Termamyl enzyme is probably explained by a rapid inactivation, at the high
temperature used, of any nonstarch polysaccharide-degrading enzymes present. It is imperative that
the enzymes used are free from fiber-degrading activity. Unfortunately it would appear that some
commercial amyloglucosidase preparations at present have, for example, -glucanase activity and
will thus give low values for the fiber contents in, for instance, cereal samples. All enzyme
preparations and batches should, therefore, be checked for such activities. Commercially available
fractions of arabinoxylan, oat -glucan, and citrus pectin are recommended for such use in the
Uppsala method.
2387_ch3.5_fm Page 91 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:43 PM


Figure 3.5.1 Analysis of dietary fiber by the Uppsala method. (Source: Theander, O. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Chem., 78, 1030, 1995. With permission.)
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Batey34 reported that the gelatinization and solubilization of starch with a thermostable -amy-
lase prior to amyloglucosidase treatment resulted in higher starch values than those obtained after
8 M hydrochloric acid, DMSO or potassium hydroxide treatments. He pointed out that the good
reproducibility of the analytical values using thermostable -amylases which is also our expe-
rience from various types of food products is due to the rapid degradation of starch to lower
molecular oligomers, which eliminates the phenomenon of retrogradation. The main advantage of
using such enzymes both for removal of starch in the DF determination and for direct starch
analysis is that autoclaving is not needed. Holm et al.35 have studied in vitro and in vivo enzymatic
digestibility of amyloselipid complexes and found, among other things, that the use of Termamyl
in combination with pancreatin almost completely hydrolyzed the complex. A number of other
reactions and modifications of starch are conceivable during various normal heat treatments of food
such as extrusion cooking, autoclaving, baking, frying, and so on. The two main routes whereby
the amount of enzymatically available starch may decrease (and the DF glucan may consequently
increase) are (1) retrogradation and (2) chemical modification of the starch structure.
It is well established that, after heat treatment, part of the starch in foods may be resistant to
-amylase hydrolysis and that a solution of gelatinized starch may retrograde on cooling and
drying.14,27 In connection with DF analysis, Englyst et al.14 solubilized this retrograded enzyme-
resistant starch with 2 M potassium hydroxide solution or DMSO16 before hydrolysis with amylo-
glucosidase to glucose. They have applied this technique on a large series of cereal foods and
reported values of enzyme-resistant starch in the range of 0.1 to 1.2% (except for one breakfast
cereal having 3.1%).36 We, as well as several others working in this field, regard this enzymatically
nondegradable starch as a DF constituent and call it enzyme-resistant starch.
We have found that starch under food-technical conditions can also to some extent be modified
nonreversibly via fragmentation to saccharides with 1,6-anhydroglucose end units, which can via
further transglucosidation form enzyme-resistant, branched polysaccharide structures.37,38 These
modifications are, among other factors, dependent on the extent of heat treatment, the moisture
content, and other factors. In the interlaboratory Helsinki study,39 there was a slight but significant
increase for the DF glucan values of extruded wheat flour and whole meal samples as well as for
various heat-treated potato samples. Another factor contributing to the DF increase is from the
Maillard reaction, which will be discussed below under the lignin determination.
A study40 in our laboratory has shown that the formation of enzyme-resistant starch decreased
from crumb to outer crust during baking (Table 3.5.3). This progressive decrease was probably
due to water and temperature gradients formed in the bread during heating. The total content of
dietary fiber glucans (enzyme-resistant starch is not included), on the other hand, increased from
crumb to outer crust, mainly as a result of increasing contents of water-soluble glucans. This
observation strongly suggested that formation of nonstarch glucans had, at least in part, occurred

Table 3.5.3 Content (g/100 g dry sample) of DF Polysaccharides and Enzyme-Resistant Starch in
Dough and White Bread Fractions
Dough Crumb Inner crust Outer crust
Fraction yield 100 44 44 12
Soluble DF glucan 0.11 0.08 0.10 0.21
Insoluble DF glucana 0.49 0.60 0.65 0.65
Soluble arabinoxylan 0.72 0.58 0.64 0.86
Insoluble arabinoxylan 1.20 1.09 1.03 0.70
Resistant starch 0.09 1.02 0.62 0.30
a Enzyme-resistant starch is not included.
Source: Westerlund, E. et al., J. Cereal Sci., 10, 149, 1989.
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via fragmentation of starch and subsequent reactions of the fragments. The content of insoluble
arabinoxylans decreased during baking, particularly in the outer crust. This decrease was partly
accompanied by an increase in the content of water-soluble arabinoxylans. The total dietary fiber
content was higher in the bread fractions than in the dough, mainly due to the formation of RS.

Precipitation of Soluble Polysaccharides

In previous studies on rapeseed flour,41,42 we found that some polysaccharides may remain in
solution after precipitation with 80% ethanol. In the Uppsala method, it is a key point to reach as
complete a recovery as possible of soluble DF on their precipitation in 80% aqueous ethanol. We
have previously shown20 that such precipitation losses did not exceed 3% of the total DF polysac-
charides of, e.g., wheat flour, raw potato, carrot, and wheat bran. Recently in a detailed study using
gel filtration of the ethanolic supernatant,43 the polysaccharide fraction (DP > 10) escaping precip-
itation was analyzed in various foods. The amounts of soluble fiber polysaccharides not recovered
were low: 16% (Table 3.5.4). These losses of the total fiber content of the original sample were
observed, with the highest values found for the most severe heat-treated sample (bread crust). This
indicates that the solubility of DF polysaccharides may be changed by thermal treatment, probably
by depolymerization.40

Table 3.5.4 Amounts of Neutral Polysaccharide Residues Not Recovered on Precipitation of Soluble
Fiber with 80% Ethanol in Samples Analyzed by the Uppsala Procedure (% of total fiber
Sample Rhamnose Arabinose Xylose Mannose Galactose Glucose Total
Corn flakes 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.6
Bread crust 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.5 3.8 5.6
Bread crumb 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.1 0.2 1.9 3.8
Rye crisp 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 1.1 1.8
Green peas 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 traces 0.3 0.7
Soybean 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 1.5
Deskinned onion 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 1.1 1.9
Sugar-beet fiber 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0
Source: Theander, O. et al., J. AOAC Int., 77, 703, 1994.

Determination of Neutral Polysaccharide Constituents

Treatments with 12 M sulfuric acid aiming to effect dissolution of cellulose, followed by a

secondary hydrolysis in dilute acid for hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials in combination with
Klason lignin determination as originally developed by Hgglund et al.44 and later modified by, for
example, Saeman et al.,45 are widely used (see below). Such a method is used for the hydrolysis
of the polysaccharides in the Uppsala method, namely pretreatment with 12 M sulfuric acid at room
temperature for 2 h, dilution to 0.4 M, and hydrolysis for 6 h under reflux1 or to gain time for 1 h
at 125C20 (in an autoclave, essentially according to Sloneker46). It is important that the hydrolysis
step with dilute sulfuric acid is sufficient to hydrolyze sulfate ester groups introduced in the first
step. Figures 3.5.2 and 3.5.3, from an investigation made at the Swedish Forest Research Labora-
tories on the polysaccharide analysis, show an example of the sugar yield and rate of sulfate ester
removal after different times of hydrolysis for xylose and glucose.47 They illustrate the well-known
higher rates of degradation with acids for pentoses (in particular xylose) and also why we choose
6 h for the posthydrolysis step to ensure hydrolysis of sulfate ester groups (also 1 h at 125C is
enough). In a preparative experiment in which the cellulose was hydrolyzed for only 4 h, we isolated
part of the original cellulose as glucose-6-sulfate.48 It is notable that Neilson and Marlett,49 when
2387_ch3.5_fm Page 94 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:43 PM


50 100

40 Yield 80
Sulfur content (g/mg)

30 60

Yield (%)
20 40

10 20

Sulfate ester content

0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (h)
Figure 3.5.2 Yield and sulfate ester decomposition of xylose by reflux in 0.4 M sulfuric acid hydrolysis after
pretreatment (30C, 1 h) with 12 M sulfuric acid. (Source: Bethge, P. O. et al., Kvantitativ
Kolhydratbestmning en detaljstudie, Communication No. 63B, Swedish Forest Products Lab-
oratory, Stockholm, 1971. With permission.)

comparing a modified neutral detergent fiber method with a modified Uppsala procedure with only
3 h in the second hydrolysis step, found appreciable amounts of cellobiose (around 10% of total
sugars) in the hydrolysates of the latter method. Using the autoclaving conditions, the amounts of
cellobiose or other oligosaccharides in our hydrolyzed fractions are negligible. The efficiency of
our conditions for hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose has been demonstrated by eight independent
analyses of purified cotton linter. On average, a cellulose content of 99.0% (SD 1.3) and a xylan
content of 0.25% were found.22 The effect of particle size and different prehydrolysis conditions
to achieve optimum hydrolysis yield has been investigated.50
In the Uppsala method we have not, as have certain other workers in the field, attempted to
estimate the noncellulose component of the insoluble DF separately from the cellulose by using
an extra heterogeneous hydrolysis step with dilute sulfuric acid, since varying amounts of noncrys-
talline cellulose (depending on the source of the sample) may also be hydrolyzed under these
conditions. Further, part of the hemicellulose fraction may be difficult to get into solution. It has
been reported that for materials such as carrot, cabbage, and soybean, part of the xylose- and
mannose-containing polymers need pretreatment with strong sulfuric acid to be completely hydro-
lyzed with the dilute acid.14 The so-called -glucans (containing -1,4-linked glucose units inter-
dispersed with -1,3-linkages) are important components of some oat and barley products and can
be determined by separate methods.51
2387_ch3.5_fm Page 95 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:43 PM


50 100

40 80
Sulfur content (g/mg)

30 60

Yield (%)
20 40

10 20

Sulfate ester content

0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time (h)
Figure 3.5.3 Yield and sulfate ester decomposition of glucose by reflux in 0.4 M sulfuric acid hydrolysis after
pretreatment (30C, 1 h) with 12 M sulfuric acid. (Source: Bethge, P. O. et al., Kvantitativ
Kolhydratbestmning en detaljstudie, Communication No. 63B, Swedish Forest Products Lab-
oratory, Stockholm, 1971. With permission.)

GLC, particularly on capillary columns, is the method of choice for an efficient separation and
accurate determination of the sugar constituents in hydrolysates. The sugars are first converted to
the volatile alditol acetate derivatives,1 essentially as described by Sloneker.52 Hydrolysates con-
taining appreciable amounts of uronic acids must be carefully neutralized and the pH adjusted to
the slightly alkaline side with, for instance, dilute ammonium hydroxide (without causing any
epimerization of sugars) in order to open any uronolactones, which would otherwise be reduced
with borohydride to alditols in the subsequent reduction step. The reduction is left to stand at 40C
for 1 h, but most sugars are probably transformed into alditols much quicker. We have, however,
not found any epimerization of hexoses or pentoses under the conditions used. In the original
procedure (see, e.g., References 1, 47, and 52), the borate from the borohydride, after acidification,
has usually been removed as the volatile trimethylborate by repeated evaporation with methanol.
This is essential, since borate forms complexes with the alditols and interferes with the subsequent
acetylation with acetic anhydride and the commonly used catalyst pyridine. Connors and Pandit53
introduced the use of 1-methylimidazole as an effective catalyst for rapid acetylation of polyhydroxy
compounds, and later Blakeney et al.54 reported the use of this catalyst for the quantitative and
rapid acetylation of alditols in the presence of borate (at room temperature for 10 min). This
technique, which we now generally use, facilitates and shortens the derivatization step considerably.
A procedure for direct acetylation of aldoses in the acidic hydrolysate (without previous reduction)
2387_ch3.5_fm Page 96 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:43 PM


7 8

3 4
Detector response


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Retention time (min)

Figure 3.5.4 GLC-analysis of a monosaccharide reference mixture as alditol acetates. Capillary fused silica
column (25 m 0.25 mm). Peak 1, rhamnitol; 2, fucitol; 3, arabinitol; 4, xylitol; 5, mannitol; 6,
galactitol; 7, glucitol; and 8, myo-inositol (internal standard).

was developed in our laboratory.55 So far this procedure has been tested on only a limited number
of samples, but the agreement is good compared with the Uppsala method.
In the GLC separation, myo-inositol is added as internal standard before the hydrolysis step
with dilute sulfuric acid. Figure 3.5.4 shows a typical GLC separation of alditol acetates derived
from a reference mixture, and Figure 3.5.5 shows the corresponding separation from a wheat bran
concentrate. Correction factors for hydrolysis losses, derivatization yields, and GLC responses for
the individual sugars have been applied. As the ratio between the different sugars may influence
these factors, reference sugar mixtures, typical for the DF composition of the food sample in
question, are also analyzed concomitantly. In these correction factors are also included the factors
0.88 and 0.90 used to convert the pentose/deoxyhexose and hexose contents, respectively, to
polysaccharides. Capillary column chromatography has been a key factor in the separation of these
complex mixtures, and the so-called bonded phase (BP) columns, in which the liquid phase is
covalently bonded to the column, imparting good thermal stability and prolonged life, have intro-
duced a further degree of efficiency into the chromatographic operations.
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) offers an alternative procedure for analyzing
aldoses in polysaccharide hydrolysates but has not so far proved to be as powerful a technique as
GLC. The choice of method is, however, governed by the requirements of the investigation. An
advantage of HPLC is that the preparation of derivatives is obviated, although derivatization has,
in fact, often been used in HPLC in order to enhance resolution and detection of the components
and to shorten the analysis time. Comprehensive reviews5658 on HPLC with various applications
in the carbohydrate field have been published, including the use of amperometric determination59
of monosaccharides, which seems promising. Automated procedures using ion-exchange resins
have also been successfully employed for the separation of monosaccharides.60,61
2387_ch3.5_fm Page 97 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:43 PM


Detector response

3 7


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Retention time (min)

Figure 3.5.5 GLC-analysis of the monosaccharides in a hydrolysate of wheat bran concentrate as alditol
acetates. Conditions and peak numbering as in Figure 3.5.4.

Determination of Uronic Acid Residues in DF Polysaccharides

The determination of uronic acid constituents in DF by GLC presents a greater problem than
in the case of the neutral sugar constituents.62 Although free, low-molecular uronic acids may be
readily analyzed by GLC in the presence of neutral sugars,63 the release of these acids in acceptable
yields from the polymers is complicated by the high stability of glycosyl uronic acid linkages
toward acid hydrolysis resulting often in the formation of aldobiouronic acids. Further, the
monomeric uronic acids when released are degraded to noncarbohydrate products more rapidly
than the neutral sugars. A useful technique has been developed for the separation and analysis of
individual monomeric uronic acids by partition chromatography of ion-exchange resins
unmodified64 (including oligomeric acids) or after transformation to aldonic acids.65
Most workers in the DF field have used colorimetric assays and, in particular, the modified
carbazole method according to Bitter and Muir.66 Common disadvantages with colorimetric methods
are the sensitivity to reaction conditions, interference from absorbing compounds resulting from
neutral sugars, proteins, phenols, and other components present, and the inability to distinguish
between individual uronic acids. The introduction of 3-phenylphenol by Blumenkrantz and Asboe-
Hansen67 and later 3,5-dimethylphenol by Scott,68 who also compared the use of different phenol
derivatives for colorimetric determination of uronic acids in plant materials, offers certain advan-
tages. The rate of formation of 5-formyl-2-furancarboxylic acid, on which the colorimetric deter-
mination is based, was shown to be faster for galacturonic than for glucuronic acids.68 The Uppsala
group uses galacturonic acid for calibration because of this and the fact that galacturonic acid is
more predominant in most DF samples (pectins) compared to glucuronic acid. The latter phenol
reagents seem to suffer less interference from hexoses and have a greater sensitivity than the
carbazole reaction. In the Cambridge study, Katan and Van de Bovenkamp69 used a copper-binding
method for determining the uronide content. They also calculated the methyl ester content from
the binding of copper to the sample before and after saponification. Methanol released by such a
treatment can also be determined by GLC.
2387_ch3.5_fm Page 98 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:43 PM


Figure 3.5.6 Differences in absorbance obtained by colorimetric determination of uronic acids in autoclaved
hydrolysates of citrus pectin (upper line) and galacturonic acid (lower line).

In the Uppsala procedure, the degradation of D-galacturonic acid is compared with that of a
well-characterized citrus pectin treated under identical acidic conditions (0.4 M sulfuric acid, 125C,
1 h) to account for observed differences in the degradation rate70 of polygalacturonic acid residues
and that of the free monomer. Different amounts of rhamnogalacturonan from citrus with a well-
determined content of polygalacturonic acid residues (analyzed by titration and corrected for the
presence of acetyl groups) and the D-galacturonic acid were subjected to acid treatment in separate
experiments.62 The straight lines through the origin (Figure 3.5.6) showed that the rate of degradation
of the uronic acidcontaining samples was reproducible. Thus, if the calculated content of uronic
acid residues is based on the degradation observed for the monomer, polyuronide values have to
be multiplied by 0.88 to compensate for the lower degree of acid degradation of citrus pectin
compared to that of the free monomer. One should be aware of the fact that variations in the pectic
polysaccharide structure and molecular mass as well as experimental conditions may influence the
value of this factor.
The decarboxylation method for uronic acid determination does not suffer from the interference
problems which are incurred with the colorimetric methods. We have established that the decar-
boxylation method developed by Bylund and Donetzhuber71 for woods and pulps also affords a
rapid, accurate, and reproducible method for DF samples, even those with low uronic acid con-
tents.1,13,19 The sample, containing 1 to 20 mg uronic acid, is refluxed for 30 min with hydroiodic
2387_ch3.5_fm Page 99 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:43 PM


acid under nitrogen. The carbon dioxide released is trapped in a cell containing dilute sodium
hydroxide, and the conductivity changes are registered by means of a potentiometric recorder. We
have found that the uronic acid determination gives essentially the same result whether it is
performed before or after the extraction with organic solvent and starch removal.20 Different types
of uronic acids, such as D-galacturonic acid, D-glucuronolactone, the aldobiouronic acid 2-O-(4-O-
methyl--D-glucopyranosyluronic acid)-D-xylose, and pectic acid give the same change in conduc-
tivity per mole of hexuronic acid.1 This method, like the colorimetric methods, does not estimate
the amount of individual uronic acid constituents but only the sum of uronic acids. If the uronide
content mainly comprises pectin, acidic xylan constituents, or alginate, paper electrophoresis of
the polysaccharide hydrolysate from the sugar analysis (even though the uronides are not completely
hydrolyzed) affords a rapid, rough estimate of the ratio between the corresponding galacturonic,
glucuronic (or its 4-O-methyl ether), and mannuronic acids.72

Determination of Lignin

There is no specific method for the determination of lignin, the complex polymer of phenyl-
propane units at least, if one wishes to avoid laborious and time-consuming procedures. We
have applied an oxidation/methylation technique to determine the lignin contents of different light-
and dark-colored turnip rapeseed cultivars without interference from condensed tannins.73 The acetyl
bromide method, originally introduced by Johnson et al.74 for wood and wood products, has been
further developed and applied to forage crops by Morrison.75 This method has the advantage of
being rapid and requires only about 50 mg of material. The sample is extracted with water and
organic solvents, and the lignin content is measured by dissolving the residue in 25% acetyl bromide
in acetic acid and measuring the absorption at 280 nm. Eastwood and colleagues, however, con-
sidered the method inappropriate and not directly applicable to foods.76,77 More recently, Selvendran
et al.28 pointed out that the acetyl bromide procedure can be used only to compare the lignin contents
of different organs from the same plant or samples from similar species, since different species
require different conversion factors.
We have, like many others working with lignified plant materials, chosen the sulfuric acid
method, which was first applied by Klason78 at the beginning of this century, but which has since
been further modified.79 Essentially, it involves removal of extractives and polysaccharides and the
gravimetric determination of the residue as lignin after washing and drying. In the present Uppsala
method, an ashing step is also included. It is conveniently combined with the determination of the
neutral polysaccharide constituents of the DF.1,22 When applied to human foods, however, the values
in most cases represent not only native lignin but also tannins, cutin, and some proteinaceous
products. From heat-treated foods, the residue may also contain products of the Maillard reaction
and caramelization reactions. These constituents of the Klason lignin residue most likely represent
food components, which, like lignin, are unavailable to human enzymes. We therefore propose that
the Klason lignin value will be designated the noncarbohydrate part of the DF.
The lignin content determined according to Goering and Van Soest80 by KMnO4 oxidation of
the ADF (acid detergent fiber) residue is probably generally closer to the amount of native lignin.
Van Soest has demonstrated for some forages and feeds that high-temperature treatment increases
the amount of crude protein and Klason lignin of the ADF residue.81 We have found a similar
increase of the Klason lignin residues and their crude protein contents with the extent of heat
treatment for potato and cereals37,39 (see Table 3.5.5 for some examples). A brown water-insoluble
polymer was obtained (together with low molecular weight furans, phenols, pyrroles, pyridines,
carboxylic acids, and lactones) by refluxing a slightly acidic aqueous solution of glucose and
glycine.82 It analyzed as 90% Klason lignin with a recovery of 84% of the original nitrogen.83 The
crude protein contents which one finds in the Klason lignin residue from heat-treated foods,
besides originating from such Maillard reaction products, might also originate from protein-tannin
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Table 3.5.5 Klason Lignin Values in Heat-Treated Cereals and Potato Samples
Klason Lignin Crude Protein in the Klason Lignin
Sample (%) (% of original protein)
Wheat Flour
Untreated 0.2 0.3
Extruded at 168C 0.4 2.3
Wheat Whole Meal
Untreated 1.4 4.7
Extruded at 180C 2.8 11.0
Raw 0.4
Boiled 1.2
Pressure-cooked 2.6
Sources: Theander, O. and Westerlund, E., Strke, 39, 88, 1987. Varo, P. et al., J. Assoc.
Off. Anal. Chem., 66, 933, 1983.

complexes, cell wall protein, and other nitrogen-containing components. In residues from unproc-
essed foods, however, we do not find more than 1 to 5% of the nitrogen of the original food. For
brans, which represent a very lignin-rich food ingredient, this corresponds to not more than about
10% of the Klason lignin residue, when calculated as crude protein (N 6.25).
The chemistry of DF polysaccharides, lignin, and other nondigestible substances associated
with plant cell walls, which may be included in a broader definition of the term dietary fiber, is
discussed in Theander and man,84 Theander,85 and Selvendran.86 Cell wall proteins, cutin, waxes,
polyphenols other than lignin, phytic acid, silica, and compounds such as acetic acid and phenolic
acids, which are present as ester-linked substituents to DF polysaccharides and/or lignin, may be
included in this group. So far, the importance of such plant fiber substituents, as well as lignin, has
been discussed mainly in connection with digestion of plant materials by the rumen microflora. It
is very likely, however, that phenolic acids, lignin, and other phenolic compounds may also play
an important role relative to the microbial fermentation in the human gut, although generally present
in only small amounts in human food. Acetyl and phenolic acid substituents in grasses can be
analyzed by GLC methods.87 Hartley and Haverkamp88 reported the presence of 0.02% p-coumaric
acid and 0.66% ferulic acid in wheat bran, as determined by HPLC after removal by alkali. Recently,
the contents of these components were determined22 in some high-fiber products (Table 3.5.6). The
acetyl constituents were quantified as 1-acetylpyrrolidin by GLC89 and phenolic acids, after release
by alkaline treatment by HPLC.90

Table 3.5.6 Content of Ester Substituents in Some High-Fiber Products

(% of dry matter)
Dietary Coumaroyl Feruloyl Acetyl
Product Fiber Groups Groups Groups
Maize bran 76.4 0.2 2.4 1.5
Wheat bran 37.2 trace 0.2 0.3
Potato fiber 71.9 trace trace 0.7
Sugar beet fiber 70.8 trace 0.5 1.6
Source: Theander, O. et al., in New Developments in Dietary Fiber, Furda, I.
and Brine, C. J., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1990, 273.
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Markwalder and Neukom91 have isolated dehyrodiferulic acid from wheat flour, where it is
thought to be a possible cross-link in pentosans. Maize bran is rich in phenolic acid residues.92
By using controlled mild acid hydrolysis it was possible to release oligosaccharides with ester-
linked phenolic residues still attached. Three main feruloylated saccharides were identified, which
all had the same basic unit with an arabinofuranosyl residue esterified on position O-5 by ferulic
acid. From this unit the other two saccharides were built by adding one xylopyranosyl residue on
position 2 of the arabinose residue, and further one galactopyranosyl residue on position 4 of the
xylose residue. These saccharides are probably side chains of the heteroxylan which have been
released by the cleavage of the acid-labile glycosidic bonds of the arabinofuranosyl residues
attached to the main xylan backbone. Both ferulic acid (2.9%) and dehydrodimers of ferulic acid
(2.5%) were released from maize bran by alkaline treatment. The 5-5, 8-O-4 and 8-5 dimers
dominated, but the 8-8 dimer was also present. Recently, the same group has also isolated and
structurally elucidated two new 5-5-diferuloyl oligosaccharides, which were also released by mild
acid hydrolysis of maize bran.93 In one of the oligosaccharides, both phenolic acids of the dimer
were esterified to arabinose, and in the other oligosaccharide one phenolic acid was esterified to
arabinose and the other to arabinose, which was further substituted with a 2-linked xylose residue.
The structure of these saccharides indicates that the heteroxylans in maize bran are covalently
cross-linked through dehydrodiferulates.


The Uppsala method for DF analysis has been successfully applied to the analysis of a number
of divergent samples and tested in a collaborative AOAC/AACC study.3 The study was completed
by nine laboratories, four from North America and five from Europe, and eight unknown products
were analyzed for total DF and DF constituents in duplicate by each collaborator. The samples
wheat bran concentrate, Potex (an enriched potato fiber product), carrot, oat bran, apple, green
peas, rye bread and wheat bread were selected to represent a wide range in the content and
composition of DF and to represent important foods with significance for the intake of DF. The
values determined for average total DF contents of these samples, calculated on a dry matter basis,
varied from 4.6% for wheat bread to 84.3% for wheat bran concentrate, with generally small
differences between laboratories (Figure 3.5.7).
Method performance for determination of total DF was good (Table 3.5.7), both for repeatability
within laboratories (RSDr) and reproducibility among laboratories (RSDR). The average RSDR value
was 8.4% (range 4.811.1%), which is good considering that this enzymaticchemical method is
based on the determination of several analytes, i.e., the individual neutral sugar residues, uronic
acid residues, and Klason lignin. The content of neutral polysaccharide residues ranged from 3.8
to 64.1% with an average RSDR value of 7.5%. Individual sugar residues (rhamnose, arabinose,
xylose, mannose, galactose, and glucose) generally also had good RSDR values when present above
1%, whereas corresponding values for uronic acid residues and Klason lignin were higher. A
collaborative study on an enzymatic gravimetric AOAC method has shown a similar range of RSDR
values (0.912.2%) for food samples with a total DF content of 13.171.8% of dry samples.32


An obvious advantage of the Uppsala method is that the content of individual sugar residues
and Klason lignin of the DF is determined. Such information is valuable, for instance, when
properties of DF are to be investigated and predicted. A gravimetric method for determination of
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100 Wheat bran Potex

Total dietary fiber (% of DM)

40 Carrot Oat bran
12 3456 78 9 12 3456 78 9 12 3456 78 9 12 3456 78 9

Total dietary fiber (% of DM)

30 Apple Green peas Rye bread Wheat bread
12 3456 78 9 12 3456 78 9 12 3456 78 9 12 3456 78 9

Figure 3.5.7 Results from individual laboratories on determination of total dietary fiber by the Uppsala method.
Figures given are a percentage of dry matter as an average of duplicate analysis. (Source:
Theander, O. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 78, 1030, 1995.)
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Table 3.5.7 Method Performance for Determination of Total Dietary

Fiber by the Uppsala Method
Sample (% DM) sr sR RSDr RSDR
Wheat bran 84.3 1.52 4.90 1.8 5.8
Potex 80.4 2.88 3.86 3.6 4.8
Carrot 24.1 1.16 2.50 4.8 10.4
Oat bran 18.4 1.04 1.42 5.6 7.7
Apple 17.9 0.90 1.58 5.0 8.8
Green peas 16.7 0.93 1.43 5.6 8.6
Rye bread 10.3 0.48 1.02 4.7 9.9
White bread 4.6 0.32 0.52 6.9 11.1
Source: Theander, O. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 78, 1030, 1995.

total DF can never provide such information. The Uppsala method consequently provides a tool to
determine the DF content and composition for the purposes of research, quality control, and labeling.
Total DF results published from our applications during many years using the Uppsala meth-
odology on batches and/or varieties of cereals, vegetables, fruits, and products thereof are given in
Table 3.5.8. In cereal products total DF ranged from 2.7% in corn flakes to 84.9% in enriched
wheat bran. Also, for products of legume seeds, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits, large variations
in content were found. The large ranges in total DF within the different sources demonstrate that
care must be taken when generalizing from a single analysis of a certain DF source. This variation
is due to cultivar as well as growing and processing conditions.
Contents of individual dietary fiber components are presented in Table In concentrated
wheat bran arabinoxylans (arabinose and xylose residues), cellulose (glucose residues) and Klason
lignin dominate. Major components in Potex, carrot, apple, and green peas are pectin (uronic acid
residues), cellulose (glucose residues), and xyloglucan (glucose and xylose residues). Galactose
residues in Potex and arabinose residues in peas, both probably part of the pectic polysaccharide
complex, were also notably high in content. In oat bran, rye bread, and white bread arabinoxylan,
mixed-linkage -glucan (glucose residues) and cellulose are important DF components, together
with Klason lignin, mainly in the two former samples, and enzyme-resistant starch, mainly in the
two latter samples.
The application of the Uppsala methodology on a series of fiber-rich foodstuffs, namely wheat
bran, rye bran, whole potato, carrot, pea, white cabbage, lettuce, and apple, is presented in
Table The figures based on dry matter are in the range of 1 to 4% for water-soluble DF
and 8 to 34% for insoluble DF. On a fresh weight basis, the brans are particularly rich fiber sources.
The great differences in chemical composition among the different foods are notable, and one
would therefore also expect great differences among the physical, biological, and nutritional prop-
erties of the different DF sources. The analyses thus indicate that brans have the highest Klason
lignin values and are rich in arabinoxylans and cellulose but have a low proportion of uronic acid
constituents. The other sources have higher cellulose contents and also more pectic and associated
substances (galacturonic acid, rhamnose, arabinose, and galactose being typical constituents) than
brans. The high galactan content is also typical for potatoes.
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Table 3.5.8 Contents of Dietary Fiber (% of dry matter) in Products of Cereals, Legume Seeds,
Potato Products, Vegetables, and Fruits as Determined by the Uppsala Method
Samples Total Dietary Fiber n Range
Cereal Products
Corn flakes 2.7 1
White bread crust 3.2 5 2.93.7
White bread crumb 3.3 3 2.93.2
White flour 3.5 49 2.74.7
White bread 4.6 1
Corn 9.4 1
Rye bread 10.3 1
Whole winter wheat 10.5 15 9.211.6
Dehulled oats 10.7 1
Oat bran bread 10.9 1
Whole spring wheat 11.3 14 9.913.8
Whole triticale 13.1 10 10.015.0
Rolled barley flakes 13.7 6 12.014.5
Rye biscuit 13.9 2 13.813.9
Whole rye 14.7 6 13.416.5
Rye crisp bread 15.1 2 7.123.1
Dehulled barley 15.9 12 12.318.2
Whole barley 18.8 18 15.924.8
Oat bran 19.8 4 19.720.5
Rye bran 25.8 2 23.528.1
Whole oat 29.6 16 19.838.7
Wheat bran 40.0 8 36.546.0
Wheat bran concentrate 84.9 10 81.089.0
Legume Seeds
Dehulled broad bean 8.1 1
Dehulled yellow peas 8.2 34 6.89.5
Dehulled dark peas 8.3 6 7.69.0
Dehulled soy bean 11.8 13 10.514.5
Dehulled brown bean 13.0 1
Green peas 15.6 2 14.516.7
Soy bean 16.8 1
Frozen green peas 22.3 2 21.323.3
Mung bean 23.0 1
Brown bean 23.9 1
Chick pea 24.0 1
Potato Products
Raw potato 5.9 14 4.57.9
Potato powder 6.0 1
Enriched potato pulp 73.2 12 68.480.4
Deskinned onion 20.1 1
White cabbage 20.7 1
Lettuce 21.1 2 16.226.0
Carrot 25.3 5 23.828.1
Sugar beet fiber 78.2 7 64.783.5
Apple pulp 10.2 1
Apple 17.7 2 17.517.9
Citrus pectin 84.0 1
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Table 3.5.9 Content and Composition of Dietary Fiber in Some Food Products
Wheat Oat Green Rye White
Bran Potex Carrot Bran Apple Peas Bread Bread
Individual sugar residues
Rhamnose 1.5 0.6
Arabinose 14.8 4.6 1.4 1.7 1.7 3.2 1.7 0.7
Xylose 29.4 1.9 0.4 2.6 1.0 1.3 2.8 1.0
Mannose 0.7 1.3 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4
Galactose 1.3 20.4 2.2 0.4 1.1 0.9 0.4 0.3
Glucose 17.8 26.0 6.9 9.8 5.0 6.5 3.4 1.5
Uronic acids 4.4 22.4 11.1 1.0 6.5 3.7 0.6 0.4
Klason lignin 15.5 2.6 0.9 1.9 1.7 0.6 0.9 0.4
Total dietary fiber 84.3 80.4 24.1 18.4 17.9 16.7 10.3 4.6
Source: Theander, O. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 78, 1030, 1995.

Table 3.5.10 Chemical Characterization of Water-Extractable and Water-Unextractable Dietary Fibers

in Various Foods
Wheat Rye Potato White
Bran Bran (whole) Carrot Pea Cabbage Lettuce Apple
Neutral sugar 2.1 2.3 3.1 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.5
Uronic acid residues 0.2 0.2 1.2 2.0 0.5 1.9 0.5 2.3
Relative composition of
neutral sugar residues
Glucose 41.8 36.9 45.9 14.0 24.1 tra 8.9 10.8
Galactose 3.4 8.3 45.3 40.1 17.4 38.9 40.0 26.2
Mannose tr tr tr tr tr tr 5.0 tr
Xylose 20.8 30.3 tr 1.9 3.7 8.3 10.3 tr
Arabinose 34 24.5 5.8 28.2 51.9 40.9 34.3 58.2
Rhamnose tr tr 2.0 15.8 2.8 11.9 1.5 4.8
Fucose 1.0
Neutral sugar 28.3 21.1 6.2 15.1 15.9 14.3 8.6 11.1
Uronic acid residues 1.2 0.6 0.4 5.5 1.7 2.7 4.5 2.3
Klason lignin 4.7 3.9 0.9 1.5 2.6 0.9 2.3 1.3
Relative composition of
neutral sugar
Glucose 31.3 28.2 46.1 60.5 69.0 62.8 63.5 46.0
Galactose 3.7 1.8 34.5 12.5 1.0 9.1 9.7 9.5
Mannose 1.3 tr 1.5 5.4 tr 4.3 4.2 2.8
Xylose 39.2 39.5 6.3 6.3 5.7 9.6 9.1 10.9
Arabinose 24.5 30.5 10.0 11.3 23.3 9.6 9.0 27.5
Rhamnose tr tr 1.4 3.8 1.0 3.4 4.5 1.6
Fucose tr tr 0.2 0.2 tr 1.2 tr 1.7
Total DF content 36.5 28.1 11.8 25.0 21.3 20.7 16.2 17.5
Note: All figures, except composition of neutral sugars, are given as a percentage of dry matter.
a Traces.
Source: Theander, O. and man, P., Swedish J. Agric. Res., 9, 97, 1979.
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62. Westerlund, E., Andersson, R., man, P., and Theander, O., Determination of uronic acids as com-
ponents of dietary fibre polysaccharides, in Recent Progress in the Analysis of Dietary Fibre, European
Commision, Brussels, 1994, 163.
63. Lehrfeld, J., Differential gas-liquid chromatography method for determination of uronic acids in
carbohydrate mixtures, Anal. Biochem., 115, 410, 1981.
64. Johnson, S. and Samuelson, O., Automated chromatography of uronic acids on anion-exchange resins,
Anal. Chim. Acta, 36, 1, 1966.
65. Samuelson, O. and Thede, L., Automated ion exchange chromatography of organic acids in acetate
media, J. Chromatogr., 30, 556, 1967.
66. Bitter, T. and Muir, H. M., A modified uronic acid carbazole reaction, Anal. Biochem., 4, 330, 1962.
67. Blumenkrantz, N. and Asboe-Hansen, G., New method for quantitative determination of uronic acids,
Anal. Biochem., 54, 484, 1973.
68. Scott, R. W., Colorimetric determination of hexuronic acids in plant materials, Anal. Chem., 51, 936,
69. Katan, M. B. and Van de Bovenkamp, P., Determination of total dietary fiber by difference and of
pectin by colorimetry or copper titration, in The Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Food, James, W. P. T.
and Theander, O., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1981, chap. 14.
70. Selvendran, R. R., March, J. F., and Ring, S. G., Determination of aldoses and uronic acid content of
vegetable fibre, Anal. Biochem., 96, 282, 1979.
71. Bylund, M. and Donetzhuber, A., Semimicro determination of uronic acids, Svensk Papperstidn., 15,
505, 1968.
72. Carlsson, B., Samuelsson, O., Popoff, T., and Theander, O., Isomerisation of D-glucuronic acid in
neutral aqueous solution, Acta Chem. Scand., 23, 261, 1969.
73. Theander, O., man, P., Miksche, G. E., and Yasuda, S., Carbohydrates, polyphenols, and lignin in
seed hulls of different colors from turnip rapeseed, J. Agric. Food Chem., 25, 270, 1977.
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74. Johnson, D. B., Moore, W. E., and Zank, L. C., The spectrophotometric determination of lignin in
small wood samples, TAPPI, 44, 793, 1961.
75. Morrison, I. M., A semi-micro method for the determination of lignin and its use in predicting the
digestibility of forage crops, J. Sci. Food Agric., 23, 455, 1972.
76. McConnell, A. A. and Eastwood, M. A., A comparison of methods of measuring fibre in vegetable
material, J. Sci. Food Agric., 25, 1451, 1974.
77. Robertson, J. A., Eastwood, M. A., and Yeoman, M. M., An investigation of lignin extraction from
dietary fibre using acetyl bromide, J. Sci. Food Agric., 30, 1039, 1979.
78. Klason, P., Die Verfahren der Holzzellstoff-Fabrikation. Aussprache, in Verein der Zellstoff and
PapierChemiker and Ingenieure, Hauptversammlung, Berlin, 1908, 52.
79. Browning, B. L., Determination of lignin, in Methods of Wood Chemistry, vol. 2, Interscience, New
York, 1967, chap. 34.
80. Goering, H. K. and Van Soest, P. J., Forage fiber analyses, U.S. Dept. Agric. Agricultural Handbook
No. 379, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1970.
81. Van Soest, P. J., Use of detergents in analysis of fibrous feeds. III. Study of effects of heating and
drying on yield of fiber and lignin in forages, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 48, 785, 1965.
82. Olsson, K., Pernemalm, P.-A., and Theander, O., Formation of aromatic compounds from carbohy-
drates, VII. Reaction of D-glucose and glycine in slightly acidic, aqueous solution, Acta Chem. Scand.
B, 32, 249, 1978.
83. Theander, O., Advances in the chemical characterisation and analytical determination of dietary fibre
components, in Dietary Fibre, Birch, G. G. and Parker, K. J., Eds., Applied Science, London, 1983,
chap. 6.
84. Theander, O. and man, P., The chemistry, morphology, and analysis of dietary fiber components, in
Dietary Fibers: Chemistry and Nutrition, Inglett, G. E. and Falkehag, S. I., Eds., Academic Press,
New York, 1979, chap. 15.
85. Theander, O., The chemistry of dietary fibres in different sources, in Nahrungsfasern Dietary Fibres,
Amado, R. and Schweizer, T., Eds., Academic Press, London, 1986, 13.
86. Selvendran, R. R., The chemistry of plant cell walls, in Dietary Fibre, Birch, G. G. and Parker, K. J.,
Eds., Applied Science Publishers, London, 1983, 95.
87. Theander, O., Udn, P., and man, P., Acetyl and phenolic acid substituents in timothy of different
maturity and after digestion with rumen microorganisms or a commercial cellulase, Agric. Environ.,
6, 127, 1981.
88. Hartley, R. D. and Haverkamp, J., Pyrolysis-mass spectrometry of the phenolic constituents of plant
cell walls, J. Sci. Food Agric., 35, 14, 1984.
89. Mnsson, P. and Samuelsson, B., Quantitative determination of O-acetyl and other O-acetyl groups
in cellulosic material, Svensk Papperstidn., 84, R15, 1981.
90. Ternrud, I. E., Lindberg, J. E., and Theander, O., Continuous changes in straw carbohydrate digestion
and composition along the gastro-intestinal tract in ruminants, J. Sci. Food Agric., 41, 315, 1987.
91. Markwalder, H. V. and Neukom, H., Diferulic acid as a possible crosslink in hemicelluloses from
wheat germ, Phytochemistry, 15, 836, 1976.
92. Saulnier, L. and Thibault, J.-F., Review: Ferulic and diferulic acids as components of sugar-beet pectins
and maize bran heteroxylans, J. Sci. Food Agric., 70, 396, 1999.
93. Saulnier, L., Crepeau, M.-J., Lahaye, M., Thibault, J.-F., Garcia-Conesa, M., Kroon, P., and
Williamson, G., Isolation and structural determination of two 5,5-diferuloyl oligasaccharides indicate
that maize heteroxylan are covalently crosslinked by oxidatively coupled ferulates, Carbohydr. Res.,
320, 82, 1999.
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The Crude Fiber Method1

Ivan Furda

Crude fiber is the loss of ignition of dried residue remaining after digestion of a sample with
1.25% sulfuric acid and 1.25% sodium hydroxide solutions under specific conditions. The principle
of the method is that a finely ground air-dried sample of the food is extracted with ether to remove
lipids and that this dry sample is then extracted successively with boiling acid and alkali. The
residue is filtered off and washed. After drying and weighing, the residue is ashed and residual
inorganic matter is measured. The method is applicable to grains, cereals, flours, feeds, and any
fiber-bearing material from which fat can be extracted to leave workable residue.

Figure 3.6.1 Flow chart for determining crude fiber.

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1. Horwitz, W., Ed., Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists,
13th ed., AOAC, Washington, D.C., 1980, 132.
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Newer Methods for Phytate Analysis

Donald Oberleas and Barbara F. Harland

Good analytical methods, both qualitative and quantitative, are necessary for the study and
understanding of phytate. There are no known reagents specific for the identification of phytate.
The nature of the compound with its saturated ring does not lend itself to absorption within the
ultraviolet (UV) or visible spectra. Therefore, many methods were tested throughout the twentieth
century to achieve accurate identification and quantitation of phytate. These methods have been
reviewed by Oberleas,1 Cosgrove,2 Cheryan,3 Maga,4 Oberleas,5 and Oberleas and Harland.6 By
current standards and technology, some methods now have little more than historic value. The
reader interested in the history of phytate analytical methods is directed to the above references
for details.


A detection system was devised by Wade and Morgan7 that takes advantage of the strong
complexation of inositol phosphates with the ferric ion. This paper chromatographic technique
separated phosphate esters that were sprayed with a mixture of ferric ions in dilute acid. The
chromatograms were then sprayed with an alcoholic solution of sulfosalicylic acid. Where free
ferric ions were present, ferric sulfosalicylate formed a colorful complex, and where ferric ion was
complexed with phosphate or phosphate esters, color did not develop. A later modification of this
procedure by Sobolev and Vyskrebentseva8 utilized ammonium thiocyanate as the colored iron-
complexing reagent with similar results.
Anion exchange columns were employed in the separation and identification of phytate and
inositol phosphates even before the principles and benefits of this technology were fully understood.
Smith and Clark9 selected a weak-anion exchange resin (6080 mesh) in a 1.25 24 cm resin bed
and used a step gradient elution of 0.1 to 0.8 N HCl. The elution was 32 mL per hour with 1-hour
fraction collection for up to 280 h. Nine distinct fractions were separated and identified, but this
represented an impractical analytical technique.
Other qualitative separations were effected by Tomlinson and Ballou10 using Dowex 1 (Cl form).
Extensive efforts were made by Cosgrove,2,11,12 whose earliest efforts used Dowex 1 (X8, Cl form,
200400 mesh) with a non-linear gradient of water and 1.5 N HCl. Anion-exchange techniques are
available for the separation of mixtures of isomeric inositol polyphosphates.1315 A long column
packed with Dowex 1 and eluted with 0.48 N HCl worked well. This concentration of acid is just

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sufficient for the elution of inositol hexakisphosphate and the subtle differences in isomeric con-
figuration effects the differences in separation.12,13,16,17


Quantitative analytical methods underwent a considerable evolution within the twentieth cen-
tury. The original method reported by Heubner and Stadler18 was based on the principle that phytate
was the only phosphate compound found in nature that formed an insoluble complex with ferric
iron in dilute acid. Titration with a standard ferric iron solution against a sensitive ferric ion indicator
identified the endpoint in this method. Several modifications of this original method are recorded
in the reviews cited above. Phytate contains phosphate that can be quantified, but this is not specific
and can be expressed only as phytate equivalent or phytate phosphorus. Phytate does complex
heavy metals with some specific characteristics. Most of these complexes are pH-sensitive, and
with careful separation and specific reagents, the properties of these metals and their complexing
characteristics can be made quantitative for phytate and other inositol phosphates. With modern
HPLC technology, it is possible to separate, identify, and quantify the various inositol phosphates
The quantification of phytate may be divided into three phases. Being a natural compound in
plant seeds, some roots and tubers, and some fruits, the sample must be extracted from a complex
set of matrices. It must then be separated from other soluble and thus extractable constituents.
Finally, it must be detectable either in toto or some component that is proportional to the concen-
tration in the original foodstuff. A reliable standard must always be considered important in
quantitative analytical procedures and is essential for phytate analysis.

Extraction Methods

Phytic acid and its sodium and potassium salts are hydrophilic and hygroscopic. Though the
salts are slow to dissolve in water, they are readily soluble. Free phytic acid is not found in plants
because it is too strong an acid and phytate will complex with several minerals at neutral or slightly
acidic pHs. Yet, for accuracy in any quantitative technique, assurance of complete extraction is the
imperative first step in the analytical process. Heubner and Stadler18 titrated isolated phytate samples
in 0.6% HCl worked with isolated phytate rather than phytate extracted from foodstuffs. This has
served as a working acid concentation, defining a dilute acidic solution, by many investigators as
opposed to an extraction solution. Rather19 recommended 1.2% HCl for extraction from food
samples, whereas Averill and King20 reported slightly better results with 2% HCl with a 25/1 (v/w)
ratio and a 3-hour extraction time. In all cases, the acid concentration was diluted to 0.6% for
titration against an ammonium thiocyanate indicator. Latta and Eskin21 indicated that 2.4% HCl
(0.66 mol/l) gave a more complete extraction in a 1-hour extraction of phytate from rapeseed.
De Lange et al.22 used 5% TCA with centrifugation and re-extraction of the residue. Wheeler
and Ferrel23 extracted wheat and high-protein flour concentrates with 3% TCA and compared these
results with 0.6 mol/l HCl with extractions of 30 to 45 min of shaking. Cilliers and van Niekerk24
reported that 3% TCA was the preferred extractant. Tangendjaja et al.25 selected this extraction
procedure when they attempted their pioneering studies of adapting an HPLC procedure to phytate
analysis. Bos et al.26 reported that extraction with 0.8 mol/L HCl provided consistently higher
extraction rates. Several other acids, in various concentrations, have been used by investigators for
specific extractions. There appears to be little agreement with regard to the type or concentration
of acid appropriate for extraction. Thus, any of the above conditions may be appropriate for a
specific group of foodstuffs. Little effort has been extended toward finding an appropriate acid and
concentration that can be utilized universally in all situations. Also, the addition of water-soluble
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sodium phytate or acid-soluble barium phytate (Wheeler and Ferrel23) to samples for measurement
of recoveries is totally inadequate. It should be obvious that these salts would be recovered under
the mildest of conditions. Table 3.7.1 shows the results of one effort for comparison among an
almost endless variety of possible combinations.

Table 3.7.1 Evaluation of Various Extraction Acids of Wheat Cereals for Phytate Analysis
(mg phytate/kg air dry cereal)
Sample Name Shredded Grain Bran Fortified Mini Wheat
3% TCA 4798.6 3270.3 914.2 2965.6
5% TCA 4717.9 3833.4 1009.1 2686.8
10% TCA 8014.5 6299.8 1506.7 5214.7
0.5 mol/L HCl 6557.3 6623.2 1627.7 3775.4
0.66 mol/L HCl 6379.1 5783.2 1706.4 5085.1

Notes: All extractions were for 3 h with gentle, continuous shaking. Paired t statistical analysis indicated
that 3% and 5% TCA is not as effective as other extractions; 10% TCA, 0.5 and 0.66 mol/L HCl
were not different.

Regardless of the extraction method, the hydrophilic nature of phytate dictates that an aqueous
acid is necessary and that the fat content of the sample may interfere with the extraction process.
Thus, the fat content of samples must be low or reduced before extraction with aqueous acid.
Though no designed formal studies of fat content have been made, experience has shown that fat
content less than about 5% poses no problem with the acid extraction process. Fat extraction may
be done with diethyl ether27 or petroleum ether28 for 1 h or more. The lipophobic nature of phytate
will preclude any loss of sample during fat extraction.

Extraction Time

Extraction time is another important consideration for which very little objective data are
available. First, extraction is the dissociation and acid solubilization of phytate from its native
matrix, whether that be as mixed salts or associated with proteins. Thus, vigorous physical
agitation of the mixtures does not improve the chemical solubility or separation of the phytate from
the organic matrix (foodstuff). Second, once solubilized, the phytate is stable in the acid for several
days at room temperature. Thus, overextension or overextraction does not occur. The phytase activity
inherent in the foodstuff would be inactivated by the acid and would not become a factor in the
extraction process. The important aspect of extraction is to recover as much of the phytate as
possible from all possible sample matrices with the conditions utilized.
The shortest extraction time reported was the 5-min blending of potato or other plant tissue
with 100 mL of 10% TCA in a Waring Blender.29 Averill and King20 analyzed a large number of
foodstuffs using a 3-hour extraction period under their conditions. McCance and Widdowson30 used
a 2-hour extraction period for their analyses, whereas Young31 did not address the extraction time
issue for her analytical method. Oberleas27 suggested that overnight extractions would represent an
8- to 16-hr extraction time. Since too much extraction is a non-issue, certainly the extraction time
was not a factor in the analyses; however, in retrospect, this lengthy extraction time was not essential.
When incorporating the anion-exchange concept into quantitative phytate analysis, Harland and
Oberleas32 considered a 2-hour extraction period appropriate. With the introduction of HPLC to
the analysis of phytate, Tangendjaja et al.,25 Camire and Clydesdale,33 and Cilliers and van Niekerk24
each used a 2-hour extraction time with 3% TCA as the extracting reagent. Graf and Dintzis28 used
2 hours, but extraction was with 0.5 N HCl. In none of these studies were objective data provided
indicating an ideal extraction time. Only Young31 indicated subjectively that repeated extractions
did not improve the analysis. The best extraction time remains to be determined. With ideal
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conditions, it appears that 2 hours is the minimum extraction time that can be recommended and
3 hours may be optimum.

Sample-To-Solvent Extraction Ratio

Another factor to be considered is the ratio of the sample weight to the volume of the appropriate
solvent. Averill and King20 were the first investigators to analyze a large number of foodstuffs.
They used a sample-to-solvent ratio of 1:25 of 2% HCl. Earley and DeTurk34 and Earley35 used a
sample-to-solvent ratio of 1:20. Haug and Lantzsch36 varied the sample size from 0.005 to 0.06 g
of sample, depending on an estimated phytate content and extracted with 10 mL of extractant. This
provides sample-to-solvent ratios from 167 to 2000, but, unfortunately, they were extracting with
0.2 N HCl, a solvent concentration that would not provide consistently reliable extractions.
McCance and Widdowson30 used a more casual 510 g of dried, finely ground material with 100 mL
0.5 N HCl, giving a sample-to-solvent ratio of between 10 and 20. The standard appeared to be 20
for several years,27,32 until high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) entered the analytical
scene. Tangendjaja et al.25 used a 1:10 ratio with 3% TCA, and this was followed quickly by others
who tested their method.24 Graf and Dintzis28 performed their analyses following extraction with
a 1:20 sample-to-solvent ratio of 0.5 N HCl. Samples in Table 3.7.1 were extracted with 1:10
sample-to-solvent ratios.
In the final analysis, when developing an analytical method for quantitation of phytate, the
following considerations appear to be important for extraction of the samples: (1) an adequate
concentration of an appropriate acid, either 0.5 or 0.66 mol/l HCl or 10% TCA, (2) gentle agitation
for a period of at least 2 and possibly 3 hours, and (3) a sample-to-solvent ratio of at least 1:10 (w/v).

Purification Methods

With consideration of the multitude of possible food matrices, extraction with one of the
appropriate extraction acids includes several acid-soluble compounds. Each of these compounds
will react according to its chemical nature within the reaction system. This was shown by Heubner
and Stadler18 when the precipitation of white ferric phytate in their titration system made the
observation of the pink titration endpoint difficult and thus compromised the accuracy and sensi-
tivity of that original method. This observation was repeated subsequently by Rather,19 Averill and
King,20 McCance and Widdowson,30 and Young.38 This caused Earley and DeTurk34 to modify the
analytical method to precipitate acid-insoluble ferric phytate in dilute acid and collect the resulting
precipitate on asbestos pads in Gooch crucibles which could then be dry-ashed. The resulting
phosphate was eluted with acid and quantified colorimetrically. Modifications of the iron precip-
itation purification were then developed. Oberleas27 conducted the ferric phytate precipitation in
a 50-mL centrifuge tube, washed the precipitate with dilute acid, and wet-ashed prior to colori-
metric phosphate analysis.

Detection Methods

It has been acknowledged that because of the nature of the phytate molecule, no useful UV or
visible spectra are available. Dependence on wet chemistry methods and improved technology has
provided alternatives that have served well, though some methods were nonspecific and most
were laborious.
HPLC has the potential to become the panacea for phytate and inositol phosphate ester analysis,
both qualitative and quantitative. The differential refractive index detector was the first successful
detector to be applied to HPLC analysis of phytate.25 However, this detector has several disadvan-
tages. First, it is the least sensitive of the detectors available; second, it must be used in an isocratic
system; and third, it is nonspecific because it detects only a change in the refractive index. This
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could be caused by any substance not present in the mobile phase. Using a reverse phase, C-18
column, most phytate peaks elute with the void volume in 2 to 4 min, depending on the flow
rate.25,28,33,37 Lee and Abendroth38 were concerned by the lack of retention and thus added tetrabu-
tylammonium hydroxide as an ion pair. In this system the void volume was 1.3 min, whereas
phytate elution could be varied from 4.75 min to 11.3 min. The higher the concentration of the
ion pair, the shorter was the elution time. The detection limit was reported at 2 ng and linearity
was reported up to 40 g of phytate. Other HPLC methodology variations include the isocratic
anion exchange columns with post column derivatization.39,40 These methods were non-specific
for phytate.
A unique gradient HPLC method was reported by Rounds and Nielsen.41 This method provides
both a specific separation and quantitative detection to about 35 nmol. This can be adapted to
provide both qualitative and quantitative detection of phytate and other inositol phosphates. It is
being described in greater detail because the described modification of this method is being pursued
for submission to AOAC International for consideration as an Official Method.



The following equipment is necessary when using this method for the analysis of phytate. Brand
names are not used because several brands are available that are equally effective. A typical layout
of the instrumentation is shown in Figure 3.7.1.

1. A pumping unit capable of creating a gradient.

2. A UV/Vis detector capable of monitoring specific wavelengths. In this method that wavelength is
500 nm (Figure 3.7.2). This detector may be connected to a recorder, a digital printout or single
computer with appropriate software, or a computer network with appropriate analytical software.
3. An autosampler is not essential but is a convenient component to the system. The autosampler
usually may be programmed for injection volume and the multiple number of injections per sample.
The system may be programmed for a large number of samples, allowing the analyses to be
performed over an extended period of time without close monitoring.
4. Some means of recording the output for analysis is essential. This may be as simple as an analog
recorder. There is computer software capable of digitizing the output data, analyzing these data,
and printing the results. An analog/digital converter between the detector and the computer network
allows the data to be transmitted to a centralized network server unit.
5. A secondary pump is necessary for pumping Wades reagent, which is used for post column reaction
with phytate and inositol phosphates.

Several accessory items are needed to complete the HPLC system for the analyses of phytate.

1. Inline check valve (two required). These are absolutely necessary because of the pressure differ-
entials that may be generated between the gradient pump and the reagent pump. These check valves
require very small (i.e., 1.5 psi) breaking pressure and must sustain a sizeable (i.e., 5000 psi) reverse
pressure. This is necessary so that at any time, gradient reagents do not back up into the Wades
reagent and vice versa.
2. A mixing tee, mixing cross, or similar device is needed for the initial mixing of all reagents combined
to complete the analytical reaction.
3. A sample loop, mixing loop, web, etc. of the same dimensions (0.020" [0.5 mm] ID 1/16" OD
by 200 cm) as the operating tubing. This mixing loop is used to obtain thorough mixing of the
post-column reactants.
4. PEEK or similar tubing, 0.020" [0.5 mm] ID 1/16" OD, was adequate for connecting all of the
necessary components of the system.
2387_ch3.7_fm Page 118 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:47 PM


Figure 3.7.1 A typical schematic layout of the equipment needed for HPLC analysis for phytate.

5. PEEK or similar fittings and ferrules with appropriate thread pattern to connect the tubing with the
HPLC system.
6. An inline filter with 0.45-m filter frits that can be easily removed and the frits exchanged as
frequently as needed. The frits should be easy to replace and may be recycled by sonication with
detergent or, when necessary, 30% HNO3, then rinsed by sonication with water. Clogged filter frits
may create considerable noise in the analytical curves.
7. A pulse damper is necessary to smooth the flow following passage through the inline filter. This
should be a low-volume damper.
8. A PL SAX (50 4.6 mm, particle size 8 m, 100 nm pore type) or equivalent anion exchange
column. This column is suitable for 20 L injections of sample. A smaller column, 8 m, 1000 ,
stainless steel, 50 2.1 mm, is available and may be successful with some HPLC systems. With
this smaller column, 5 L samples may be used.
2387_ch3.7_fm Page 119 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:47 PM


Peak: IP6

200 200
Peak: IP6

mAU 150 150

100 100

50 50

400 450 500 550 600


Figure 3.7.2 A visible spectrum of the ferric sulfosalicylate complex for the analysis for phytate.


1. N-methyl piperazine (FW100.17) (corrosive, toxic, hygroscopic, combustible), pK about 4.3.

2. Sodium nitrate (FW 84.99) (strong oxidizer, toxic irritant, hygroscopic) or sodium chloride (FW
58.44) (irritation, systemic toxicity), reagent grade.
3. Ferric chloride (FW 270.30) (harmful solid, corrosive, hygroscopic), reagent grade.
4. 5-sulfosalicylic acid (FW 239.25) (corrosive), reagent grade.
5. Trichloroacetic acid, reagent grade or hydrochloric acid, reagent grade.
6. Sodium phytate (hygroscopic), 99% purified, used for standards. Obtain a Certificate of Analysis
or standardize as described below.


Two systems have been tested and work equally satisfactorily. One system utilizes N-methyl
piperazineHNO3 buffer with sodium nitrate as the gradient; the second system utilizes the N-methyl
piperazine buffer with sodium chloride as the gradient. As a displacement anion, either nitrate or
chloride ions have similar properties.42

1. 0.01 mol/L methyl piperazineHNO3 buffer (pH 4.0). Weigh 1.0 g/L of N-methyl piperazine into a
small beaker. Wash into an appropriate graduate cylinder containing about 500 mL of HPLC-grade
water (milliQ water is satisfactory). Fill to volume with HPLC-grade water. Stir for about 5 min
with a magnetic stirrer. The initial pH of this buffer is about 10. This should be adjusted to pH 4
with either 1 mol/L nitric acid or 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid, depending upon which system is being
utilized. Filter through 0.45-m nylon filter, degas with helium at 25 mL/min or a vacuum degasser
if available with the HPLC system. Store in a stoppered clear glass bottle at room temperature.
This is a stable reagent.
2. 0.5 mol/L sodium nitrate in 0.01 mol/L methyl piperazineHNO3 buffer (pH 4.0). Weigh 42.5 g
sodium nitrate, place into a 1-L graduate cylinder, make to volume with buffer. Alternatively, weigh
the sodium nitrate and 1 g of N-methyl-piperazine and make to volume. Adjust to pH 4.0 with 1
mol/L nitric acid, filter through 0.45 m nylon filter, degas as above. (With some HPLC systems
it may be necessary to increase the sodium nitrate concentration to 0.6 mol/L or 51.0 g/L to effect
separations within the operating framework.) The pK of N-methyl-piperazine is about 4.24.3.
These solutions are colorless and stable.
3. Alternate: 0.7 mol/L sodium chloride in 0.01 mol/L methyl piperazineHCl buffer (pH 4.0). Weigh
40.9 g sodium chloride, place into a 1-L graduate cylinder, make to volume with buffer adjusted
with 1 mol/L HCl. Alternatively, weigh the sodium chloride and 1 g of N-methyl-piperazine and
make to volume. Adjust to pH 4.0 with 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid, filter through 0.45 m nylon
filter, degas as above. The buffered solutions are prepared as above and adjusted to pH 4 with
2387_ch3.7_fm Page 120 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:47 PM


1 mol/L HCl. The initial pH for the piperazine solutions will be 9 to 10.5. This solution is colorless
and stable when stored in a stoppered glass bottle at room temperature.
4. Wades reagent. Weigh 0.2 g (0.74 mmol) ferric chloride6H2O. Weigh 1.5 g (6.87 mmol)
5-sulfosalicylic acid (SSA). Combine into a 1-L graduate cylinder, make to volume with HPLC-
grade water, adjust to pH 1.8 with 1 mol/L HNO3 or HCl as appropriate, filter through 0.45-m
nylon filter, store in brown glass bottle. This is a light-sensitive reagent but is stable for several
months in a stoppered brown glass bottle at room temperature. This combination provides a 9.2:1
molar ratio of SSA to Fe in the reagent solution. Wades reagent, ferric chloride and sulfosalicylic
acid, initially should have a pH of 2.53.0. This solution will be reddish-purple in color; that is the
reaction between ferric iron and sulfosalicylic acid. It has an absorbance maximum of 500 nm.
Sulfosalicylic acid appears to have a pK of about 22.2 that provides some buffering in that
pH range.

Extracting Solutions

As noted earlier, three extracting solutions are equally effective in extracting phytate, phosphate,
and inositol phosphates from several food samples.

1. Trichloroacetic acid (10%): Weigh 100 g of TCA, make to 1 L with HPLC grade water. Filter
through 0.45-m nylon filter, store in a stoppered clean glass bottle. This reagent is stable for an
extended period of time when stored at room temperature.
2. 0.5 M HCl: Measure 41.8 mL of concentrated HCl and make to 1 L. Filter through 0.45-m nylon
filter and store in a stoppered clean glass bottle. This is a very stable reagent for an extended period
of time when stored at room temperature.
3. 0.66 M HCl: Measure 54 mL of concentrated HCl and make to 1 L. Filter through 0.45-m nylon
filter, store in a stoppered clean glass bottle. This is a very stable reagent for an extended period
of time when stored at room temperature.

Preparation of Standards

Label information of sodium phytate as purchased is not reliable for standard preparation. A
Certificate of Analysis based on the lot number may be available from the supplier which contains
more detailed and more accurate information on each lot of sodium phytate. This may be available
for download via the Internet using the lot number as the reference or may be requested from the
supplier. As with many techniques, the results of analyses for phytate are determined by the care
in preparation and accuracy of the standards. Dodecasodium phytate (FW 923.8) as purchased is
adequate for standards with some precautions. The molecular weight of undissociated phytic acid
(MW 660) has classically been used in the calculation of phytate equivalent from phosphate content
of purified, ashed sodium phytate. There has been no absolute agreement that the phytate should
be expressed on the basis of the undissociated phytic acid equivalent or MW 648, which is the
molecular weight of the totally dissociated anion that is the active species. It makes little difference
as long as everyone is consistent in this usage. Tradition has been to use MW 660 in all calculations
where the specific species is not apparent. The analysis varies slightly from lot to lot and thus must
be recalculated from the Certificate of Analysis, which provides precise information for each lot,
or the phytate must be restandardized within the laboratory.
Phosphorus or phosphate is one entity that can be reanalyzed by most laboratories to update
the sodium phytate for use as a standard. Thus, procedures for restandardization of phytate are
included later in this chapter. Calcium is variable for different lots and must be corrected
individually. Water is a critical variable that may change with different climates and, in some
cases, with different seasons of the year. Sodium phytate has a tendency to be hygroscopic and
therefore must be stored carefully to prevent water accumulation. This can always be corrected
if needed by phosphate analysis. Therefore, the weight of sodium phytate as purchased made to
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100 mL with HPLC grade water to provide 1 g of phytic acid/100 mL is not constant and must
be determined by each laboratory for the lot of sodium phytate utilized.
To calculate the weight of dodecasodium phytate as purchased for your standard, utilize the
percent phosphorus (g/100 g) from the Certificate of Analysis. Divide this by 0.282 (fractional
portion of phosphorus in phytic acid; MW 660) or the percentage of phytic acid based on phosphorus
analysis. To obtain 1 g phytate per 100 mL, divide 1 g by the fractional portion of phytic acid to
obtain the grams of that lot necessary to obtain that 1 g, and dilute to 100 mL with 0.5 N HCl to
correct for acid effects.
This would be equivalent to 200 g (303 nmol) phytate (MW 660)/20 L injection and is the
stock standard. Working standards are prepared by dilution of the stock standard, i.e., 1:4 = 50 g
(75.7 nmol); 1:825 g (37.9 nmol); 1:10 = 20 g (30 nmol); 1:25 = 8 g (12.1 nmol); and
1:50 = 4 g (6 nmol) per 20 L injection.
For 5-L injection, dilutions of stock standard would be 1:2 = 25 g (37.85 nmol); 1:4 =
12.5 g (18.925 nmol); 1:10 = 5.0 g (7.5 nmol); 1:25 = 2.0 g (3.025 nmol); and 1:50 = 1 g
(1.5 nmol). The 1:50 may be below the detection limit for some instruments.


The prepared solutions are placed in their appropriate locations. The N-methyl piperazine may
also be used as the wash solution for washing the injection needle of the autosampler. The piperazine
buffer and gradient solutions are pumped with the gradient pump; Wades reagent is pumped with
the auxiliary pump. The piperazine buffer and Wades reagent are pumped until stability is reflected
on the detector and system pressures are stabilized. The instrument operates at relatively low
pressures, but these pressures may be different for each analytical HPLC system. Several parameters
should be monitored, i.e., pressures of both pumps, pH of the final eluent, flow rate of each pump,
and total flow rate.
The principle of the method is to separate inorganic phosphate and the various inositol phos-
phates in the sample by eluting them from the column with the gradient of NaNO3 or NaCl. The
buffer or buffered gradient mixed with the Wades reagent forms a stable baseline. When phosphate
or inositol phosphates are eluted from the column, they form a more stable complex with ferric
iron than does sulfosalicylic acid. Thus, they displace ferric iron from the colored complex, reducing
the color produced by the complex. Ferric phytate is white and thus decreases the color produced
by the ferric sulfosalicylate reaction. The decreased color is recorded as a decreased absorbance
and is proportional to the concentration of phytate or inositol phosphates in the eluting sample.
Negative peaks are an inherent part of this procedure but can be made positive by reversing the
polarity of the recording instrument or inverting the peaks within the software of most instrument
outputs. The mechanism for accomplishing this is otherwise individual for each of the software
systems available.

Instrumentation Conditions

Equilibrate the system with 1 mL/min N-methyl piperazine buffer and 0.5 mL/min Wades
reagent until the absorbance changes only minimally. The following are typical operating conditions,
but these may vary slightly for different systems:

A. Column PL-SAX or equivalent strong anion exchange column.

B. Column temperature ambient.
C. Gradient 100% N-methyl piperazine buffer at baseline or zero time; 100% buffered salt (nitrate
or chloride) at the end of the run (26 or 30 minutes).
D. Injector temperature ambient.
E. Detector Visible region, 500 nm.
F. Injection volume 5 or 20 L, depending on column diameter.
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G. Total run time 31 or 36 min, which sometimes varies with different HPLC systems and buffered
salt concentrations.
H. Gradient time 26 or 30 min, again dependent upon different HPLC systems and choice of
buffered salt concentrations.
I. Flow rate 1 mL/min for the baseline buffer and gradient buffer salt solutions. 0.5 mL/min Wades
J. Pressures 200400 pounds per square inch (psi) or equivalent should be appropriate for starting
or baseline pressures. When pressures increase above 10001200 psi, this should be an indication
of a need to change filter frits or locate a precipitate plug in the system. Cautions are discussed below.

Extraction of Samples

Three extraction solutions were shown to be comparable for extracting samples. When tested
on identical samples, 10% trichloroacetic acid, 0.5 mol/L HCl, or 0.66 mol/L HCl gave results that
were not different statistically. Neither 3% TCA nor 5% TCA provided comparable results when
used as extracting solutions. Recovery studies that add very water-soluble sodium phytate to a
sample and consider the recovery of this as a measure of completeness of recovery from the matrix
are not adequate as a measure of completeness of recovery from the matrix. Food matrices are too
complex for this criterion to be meaningful.
Weigh approximately 1 g of sample (1.00001.2000 g is a good guide) and place 10 mL of
one of the extracting solutions on the sample. Stir vigorously to be certain the sample is wet
throughout. Place the samples on the appropriate device for gentle agitation. It is important that
the samples be extracted by gentle agitation over a large surface area. This may be accomplished
in several ways. A 50-mL polyethylene or polypropylene centrifuge tube with a screw cap may be
satisfactory. It may be necessary to mix the tubes on a vortex before shaking and at about the
midpoint, to assure that all of the sample is wet and to incorporate that which is clinging to the
side of the tube into the extraction process. These tubes laid on their sides and taped to an orbital
shaker or other mild shaking device should serve satisfactorily. A 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask will
serve well, either on an orbital shaking platform, a dry Dubnoff shaking incubator, a radial arm
shaker at low speed, or some other device that will roll or shake gently over the large surface at
the bottom of the flask. Samples should be shaken for a minimum of 2 h but preferably 3 or more
hours. Depending on circumstances, samples may be shaken overnight.
After extraction, the extract must be removed from the matrix. This can be accomplished in
several ways. If the centrifuge tubes are used for extraction, they may be centrifuged using a clinical
centrifuge at about 3500 rpm (~1800 g) for 20 minutes (a high-speed centrifuge is not necessary).
At this point several secondary measures may be taken. First, the extracting solution may be removed
from the top of the centrifuge tube with a Pasteur pipet, placed in a micro-centrifuge tube, and
centrifuged a second time using a higher-speed centrifuge for 10 min. Transfer the supernatant with
a Pasteur pipet directly to a HPLC vial. Second, the extractant from the first centrifugation may
be placed into a 3-mL polyethylene syringe and forced through a 0.45-m nylon filter directly into
a HPLC vial. Third, if extraction was done in an Erlenmeyer flask, the sample may be filtered with
gravity or vacuum through Whatman #1, 2, or equivalent filter paper. Then place some filtrate into
a micro-centrifuge tube as above or force it through a 0.45-m filter.


Ferric phytate is insoluble in dilute acid and forms a precipitate in the system. This is effectively
removed by the inline filter frit. The frits must be exchanged or cleaned frequently; otherwise,
pressures may increase rapidly. These frits can be readily cleaned in one of several ways. The filter
can be cleaned by pumping 0.2 mol/L sodium hydroxide through the reagent side only, then flushing
2387_ch3.7_fm Page 123 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:47 PM


thoroughly with water. The filter frits may be removed and replaced with clean filter frits. The
plugged filter frits then can be collected and sonicated with dilute, mild detergent or, if necessary,
with 30% nitric acid, rinsed by sonication with water, and recycled. Sometimes more than one
procedure is needed.
When the phytate reaction occurs, the ideal window of reaction should occur between pH 1.5
and 2.5. For this reaction to be most stable, all solutions are adjusted to specific pHs of 4 for the
buffered solutions and 1.8 for the Wades reagent. This provides a final pH of 2.12.2 at most
times. This is not the pH of maximum precipitation for ferric phytate, which is about 1, but provides
a stable environment for the reaction to occur.


Though sodium phytate as purchased is quite stable and free of most contaminating phosphate
compounds, there may be occasions that necessitate the analysis and standardization for use as a
standard, i.e., inability to obtain a Certificate of Analysis, long-term storage, etc. It will be
necessary to be able to analyze the inorganic phosphate in the presence of and without hydrolyzing
any phytate. Total phosphate following an ashing procedure is also needed. This phosphate proce-
dure is a modification of the FiskeSubbarow43 method. It has a long history, has stable reagents,
and can be read from 640 to 720 nm with equal sensitivity.


1. Sulfuric (sulphuric) acid (5 N). Dilute 70 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid to 500 mL. Stable reagent.
2. Ammonium molybdate reagent. Dissolve 12.5 g ammonium molybdate in 200 mL water. Transfer
to a 500-mL volumetric flask, add 100 mL 5 N sulfuric acid, and dilute to volume with water. This
is a stable reagent.
3. Sulfonic acid reagent (1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid). Dissolve 0.16 g 1-amino-2-naphthol-
4-sulfonic acid, 1.92 g sodium sulfite, and 9.6 g sodium bisulfite in about 90 mL water. Heat to
dissolve if necessary. Quantitatively transfer to 100-mL volumetric flask. Make to volume with
water. Store in brown bottle or cover flask with brown paper or aluminum foil and refrigerate.
Stable for at least 2 weeks.

Standard Phosphate Solution

Stock phosphate solution. Prepare a standard solution by weighing 0.1757 g of dried, dessicated,
potassium dihydrogen phosphate (primary standard) per liter in a volumetric flask. Add 20 mL 5 N
sulfuric acid and make to volume with water. This solution contains 40 mg P (as phosphate) per
liter (40 g/mL). Dilute as necessary to obtain other standard concentrations.


This can be done in 25- or 50-mL volumetric flasks, provided the standard curve is determined
in the same-sized flasks. Pipette blank (water), standard, or sample (in duplicate or triplicate) into
an appropriate set of flasks. Add distilled water to about 10 or 20 mL, depending on flask size.
Mix thoroughly. Add 2 mL molybdate reagent; mix well. Add 1 mL sulfonic acid reagent, dilute
to volume, and mix well. Wait 15 min and read at 640 nm. The peak for this reaction is about
910 nm, but the slope is so gradual as to provide stability at 640 nm, which is within the capability
of all spectrophotometers.
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Total Phosphate

After measuring the inorganic phosphate, it is necessary to hydrolyze the phytate and measure
the total phosphate. There are several important considerations necessary when wet-ashing samples
for phosphate analysis. Phosphoric acid has several forms which boil at fairly low temperatures.
According to the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, hypophosphoric acid decomposes at 100C,
metaphosphoric acid sublimates, and orthophosphoric acid decomposes at temperatures less than
213C. Various forms of phosphorus acids decompose or boil below 200C. The importance of all
this is that it is necessary to hydrolyze the phytate samples completely, the wet-ash must be at as
low a temperature as possible, and the heating time should be the minimum required. Otherwise,
variability may be encountered in phosphate content by any or all of the above.


Pipette a measured aliquot of phytate solution to be standardized into a microkjeldahl flask or

25 200 mm digestion tubes. Add 0.5 mL concentrated sulfuric acid to each tube. Add 2 mL of
30% hydrogen peroxide to each tube. Add two boiling beads to each tube. Heat on a microkjeldahl
digestion rack or block heater until only the sulfuric acid remains. If the digestion solution is clear,
digestion is complete; in the event of any color or turbidity, cool to touch, add 1 mL 30% hydrogen
peroxide, and continue heating as before. Continue the process until a clear solution results.
Quantitatively transfer samples to appropriate volumetric flasks and continue color development
and measurement as above.


The calculation of phytate concentrations from the analyses begins with the understanding of
the formula from the BeerLambert Law as follows:

Concentration Standard Concentration Sample

- = -------------------------------------------------------------------
Absorbance (Response) Standard Absorbance (Response) Sample
Sum [Concentration Standard /Absorbance (Response) Standard ]/n Standards = Mean K

Mean K R W M = mg phytate/g sample

Mean K = mean of the concentrations (nmol)/response (area) for standards
R5 or 20 mL = Response Sample
W5 mL = 2000 (20 10 10 mL extractant/sample weight (g)) [corrects for volume
and weight of sample] (5 mL 20 = 0.1 mL) (0.1 mL 10 = 1.0 mL)
(1.0 mL 10 mL extractant corrects for volume of extractant)
W20 mL = 500 (5 10 10 mL extractant)/sample weight (g) [corrects for volume and
weight of sample] (20 mL 5 = 0.1 mL), etc.
M5 or 20 mL = 660 (MW)/106 [Corrects for nmol/g to mg/g]
multiply mg/g phytate by 1000 = mg phytate/kg sample
multiply mg/g phytate by 100/1000 = % phytate in sample

Molar Ratios

When calculating this ratio, it is important that the initial units of both components be the same
(i.e., mg/kg, mg/100 g, g/kg, etc.):
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mg/kg phytate
660 (MW)
---------------------------------- = Phytate:Zinc molar ratio
mg/kg zinc
65.4 (At wt)

When calculating [Ca][Phytate]/Zn molar ratio, which is more precise, it is necessary to convert
all components to grams per kilogram and thus the appropriate definition of molar.

g/kg phytate g/kg calcium

----------------------------- -------------------------------
660 (MW) 40.1 (At wt)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- = [ Calcium ] [ Phytate ]:[Zinc] molar ratio
g/kg zinc
65.4 (At wt)


The HPLC method described above was developed in the laboratories and with the assistance
and cooperation of Gerber Products Company, Fremont, Michigan, and its employees. This assis-
tance is greatly appreciated.


1. Oberleas, D., The determination of phytate and inositol phosphates, in Methods of Biochemical
Analysis, vol. 20, Glick, D., Ed., Wiley, New York, 1971, 87.
2. Cosgrove, D. J., Inositol Phosphates, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1980, 12.
3. Cheryan, M., Phytic acid interactions in food systems, CRC Crit. Revs. Food Sci. Nutr., 1980, 297.
4. Maga, J. A., Phytate: its chemistry, occurrence, food interactions, nutritional significance, and methods
of analysis, J. Agri. Food Chem., 30, 1, 1982.
5. Oberleas, D., Phytate content in cereals and legumes and methods of determination, Cereal Foods
World, 28, 352, 1983.
6. Oberleas, D. and Harland, B. F., Analytical methods for phytate, in Phytic Acid: Chemistry and
Applications, Graf, E., Ed., Pilatus Press, Minneapolis, 1986, 77.
7. Wade, H. E. and Morgan, D. M., Fractionation of phosphates by paper ionophoresis and chromatog-
raphy, Biochem. J., 60, 264, 1955.
8. Sobolev, A. M. and Vyskrebentseva, E. I., The problem of identification of organic acid-soluble
phosphorus compounds in plants by means of regulated paper chromatography, Fiziol. Rastenii, 6,
257, 1958.
9. Smith, D. H. and Clark, F. E., Chromatographic separations of inositol phosphorus compounds, Soil
Sci. Soc. Proc., 1952, 170.
10. Tomlinson, R. V. and Ballou, C. E., Myoinositol polyphosphate intermediates in the dephosphorylation
of phytic acid by phytase, Biochem., 1, 166, 1962.
11. Cosgrove, D. J., The isolation of myoinositol pentaphosphates from hydrolysates of phytic acid,
Biochem. J., 89, 172, 1963.
12. Cosgrove, D. J., The chemistry and biochemistry of inositol polyphosphates, Rev. Pure Appl. Chem.,
16, 209, 1966.
13. Cosgrove, D. J., Ion-exchange chromatography of inositol polyphosphates, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 165,
677, 1969.
14. Cosgrove, D. J., Chemical nature of soil organic phosphorus. II. Characterization of the supposed DL
chiro-inositol hexaphosphate component of soil phytate as D chiro-inositol hexaphosphate, Soil Biol.
Biochem., 1, 325, 1969.
15. Irving, G. C. J. and Cosgrove, D. J., Inositol phosphate phosphatases of microbiological origin. Inositol
pentaphosphate products of Aspergillus ficuum phytases, J. Bacteriol., 112, 434, 1972.
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16. Cosgrove, D. J., Inositol phosphate phosphatases of microbiological origin. Inositol phosphate inter-
mediates in the dephosphorylation of the hexaphosphates of myo-inositol, scyllo-inositol and D-chiro-
inositol by a bacterial species (Pseudomonas sp.) phytase, Aust. J. Biol. Sci., 23, 1207, 1970.
17. Cosgrove, D. J., Phosphorylation of epi-inositol and muco-inositol with phosphoric acid, Carbohydrate
Res., 40, 380, 1975.
18. Heubner, W. and Stadler, H., Uber eine Titration-methode zur Bestimmung des Phytins, Biochem. Z.,
64, 422, 1914.
19. Rather, J. B., Determination of phytin phosphorus in plant products, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 39, 2506, 1917.
20. Averill, H. P. and King, C. G., The phytin content of foodstuffs, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 48, 724, 1926.
21. Latta, M. and Eskin, M., A simple and rapid colorimetric method for phytate determination, J. Agri.
Food Chem., 28, 1313, 1980.
22. de Lange, D. J., Joubert, C. P., and du Peez, S. F. M., The determination of phytic acid and factors
which influence its hydrolysis in bread, Proc. Nutr. Soc. S. Africa, 2, 69, 1961.
23. Wheeler, E. L. and Ferrel, R. E., A method for phytic acid determination in wheat and wheat fractions,
Cereal Chem., 48, 312, 1971.
24. Cilliers, J. L. and van Niekerk, P. J., LC determination of phytic acid in food by postcolumn colorimetric
detection, J. Agri. Food Chem., 34, 680, 1986.
25. Tangendjaja, B., Buckle, K. A., and Wootton, M., Analysis of phytic acid by high-performance liquid
chromatography, J. Chromat., 197, 274, 1980.
26. Bos, K. D., Verbeek, C., van Eeden, C. H. P., Slump, P., and Wolters, M. G. E., Improved determination
of phytate by ion-exchange chromatography, J. Agri. Food Chem., 39, 1770, 1991.
27. Oberleas, D., Dietary Factors Affecting Zinc Availability, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri-
Columbia, 1964.
28. Graf, E. and Dintzis, F. R., High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination
of phytate, Anal. Biochem., 119, 413, 1982.
29. Samotus, B. and Schwimmer, S., Phytic acid as a phosphorus reservoir in the developing potato tuber,
Nature, 194, 578, 1962.
30. McCance, R. A. and Widdowson, E. M., Phytin in human nutrition. Biochem. J., 29, 2694, 1935.
31. Young, L., The determination of phytic acid, Biochem. J., 30, 252, 1936.
32. Harland, B. F. and Oberleas, D., A modified method for phytate analysis using an ion-exchange
procedure: application to textured vegetable proteins, Cereal Chem., 54, 827, 1977.
33. Camire, A. L. and Clydesdale, F. M., Analysis of phytic acid in foods by HPLC, J. Food Sci., 47,
575, 1982.
34. Earley, E. B. and DeTurk, E. E., Time and rate of synthesis of phytin in corn grain during reproductive
period, J. Am. Soc. Agron., 36, 803, 1944.
35. Earley, E. B., Determining phytin phosphorus: stoichiometric relation of iron and phosphorus in ferric
phytate, Anal. Chem., 16, 389, 1944.
36. Haug, W. and Lantzsch, H-J., Sensitive method for rapid determination of phytate in cereals and cereal
products, J. Sci. Food Agri., 34, 1423, 1983.
37. Graf, E. and Dintzis, F. R., Determination of phytic acid in foods by high-performance liquid chro-
matography, J. Agri. Food Chem., 30, 1094, 1982.
38. Lee, K. and Abendroth, J. A., High performance liquid chromatographic determination of phytic acid
in foods, J. Food Sci., 48, 1344, 1983.
39. Fitchett, A. W. and Woodruff, A., Determination of polyvalent anions by ion chromatography, Liq.
Chromat. HPLC, 1, 48, 1983.
40. Phillippy, B. Q. and Johnston, M. R., Determination of phytic acid in foods by ion chromatography
with post-column derivatization, J. Food Sci., 50, 541, 1985.
41. Rounds, M. A. and Nielsen, S. S., Anion-exchange method for determination of phytate in foods, J.
Chromat. A, 653, 148, 1993.
42. Snyder, L. R. and Kirkland, J. J., Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, 2nd ed., John Wiley,
New York, 1979, 410.
43. Fiske, C. H. and Subbarow,Y., The colorimetric determination of phosphorus, J. Biol. Chem., 66,
375, 1925.
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Determination of the Saponin Content of Foods

David Oakenfull and John D. Potter


There is currently much interest in the nutritional properties of phytochemicals plant

materials present at relatively low levels in foods but with significant biological activity.1 Saponins
are one such class of phytochemicals which are present in many fiber-rich foods, particularly
legumes. Their presence is relevant to human nutrition because they have been shown to increase
fecal excretion of bile acids in human2,3 and animal studies.46 In particular, yucca saponins2 and
saponin-rich alfalfa seeds7 have been shown to lower plasma cholesterol in humans.
Saponins are a structurally diverse group of triterpene or steroid glycosides.8,9 The molecules
are amphiphilic, the triterpene or steroid part being hydrophobic and the sugar part hydrophilic.
This gives saponins their characteristic surface activity, from which the name is derived. The
structure of a typical saponin, one of those present in soybeans, is shown in Figure 3.8.1. Saponins
have been identified in many hundreds of plant species, but only a few of these are used as food
by humans (see Appendix, Table 9).
There appear to be two mechanisms by which saponins can affect cholesterol metabolism:

1. Some saponins, with particularly defined structural characteristics, form insoluble complexes with
cholesterol (e.g., the well-known precipitation of cholesterol by digitonin). When this complexation
process occurs in the gut, it inhibits the intestinal absorption of both endogenous and exogenous
2. Saponins can interfere with the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids by forming mixed micelles.
These can have molecular weights of several millions,11 and the reabsorption of bile acids from the
terminal ileum is effectively blocked.12


The dried plant material is first extracted with acetone, chloroform, or hexane, preferably using
a Soxhlet extractor, to remove lipids, pigments, etc. The residue is then further extracted with
methanol, which removes the saponins, along with many other compounds, such as simple sugars,
oligosaccharides, and flavonoids.

2001 by CRC Press LLC 127
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Figure 3.8.1 Structure of one of the saponins from soybeans.


Saponins have proved very difficult to assay, and many of the results in the literature are, at
best, only approximations. For this reason, the majority of the values given in Table 3.8.1 of the
Appendix are quoted as a range there are often major discrepancies between results from different
techniques and different laboratories. The difficulty is compounded by the fact that saponin content
2387_ch3.8_fm Page 129 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:49 PM


can vary considerably between different cultivars of the same plant species and can also depend
on growing conditions. The major methods of analysis are thin-layer chromatography (TLC),13,14
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),15,16 and gas chromatography with mass spec-
troscopy to identify the saponin (trimethylsilylated sapogenol) peaks (GC-MS).17


The essence of the technique is to spot a TLC plate with a crude saponin extract, develop the
plate with a suitable solvent system, and use one of a number of methods for estimating the quantity
of saponin on the plate. Suitable solvent systems are n-butanolethanolconcentrated ammonia
(7:2:5) or chloroformmethanolwater (13:7:2). Spots can be visualized by spraying with 10%
H2SO4 in ethanol or p-anisaldehydeH2SO4glacial acetic acid (1:2:100) and estimated by densit-
ometry. The method is open to criticism in that spots may be wrongly identified as saponins or
may be overlapped by other compounds (such as oligosaccharides). (However, techniques such as
atomic bombardment mass spectrometry have been used to unequivocally identify the spots.18)


This technique has been used for the separation and analysis of both aglycones (the steroid or
triterpene part of the molecule) and intact saponins. A rapid method for soybean saponins has been
described16 in which defatted soy flour is boiled under reflux with 1.5 M H2SO4 in dioxanewater
(1:3). This hydrolyzes the saponins, and the sapogenins can then be extracted with ethyl acetate.
HPLC is carried out with a commercial silica column, eluting with light petroleumethanol with
a gradient technique. The saponin content can be estimated by assuming that the carbohydrate-to-
sapogenin ratio is 1:1 (by weight).

Table 3.8.1 Plant Foods that Contain Significant Levels of Saponins

and Their Estimated Saponin Content

David Oakenfull and John D. Potter

Saponin Content
Plant (g/kg dry weight)
Alfalfa sprouts (Medicago sativa) 80
Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) 15
Broad bean (Vicia faba) 3.5
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) 0.760
Green pea (Pisum sativum) 1.811
Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 216
Lentil (Lens culinaris) 0.71.1
Mung bean (Phaseolus mungo) 0.56
Navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 4.521
Oats (Avena sativa) 0.20.5
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) 0.0516
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) 1023
Sesame seed (Sesamum indicum) 3
Silver beet (Beta vulgaris) 58
Soy bean (Glycine max) 5.656
Spinach (Spinacea oleracia) 47
Sweet lupin (Lupinus augustifolius) 0.40.7
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A method has been described in which the methanol saponin extract is evaporated to dryness
and hydrolyzed by refluxing with dry HCl in methanol (5% v/v). The mixture is neutralized with
ammonia and the sapogenols extracted with ethyl acetate. The dry sapogenols are derivatized by
heating with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide in pyridine prior to chromatography on a silica
column. Quantitation is via an internal standard (cholesteryl n-decylate) and comparison with
isolated, pure sapogenols. Peak identities are confirmed by mass spectroscopy.18


1. Temple, N. J., Antioxidants and disease: more questions than answers, Nutr. Res., 20, 449, 2000.
2. Bingham, R., Harris, D. H., and Laga, T., Yucca plant saponins in the treatment of hypertension and
hypercholesterolemia, J. Appl. Nutr., 30, 127, 1978.
3. Potter, J. D., Illman, R. J., Calvert, G. D., Oakenfull, D. G., and Topping, D. L., Soya saponins, plasma
lipids, lipoproteins and fecal bile acids: a double-blind cross-over study, Nutr. Rep. Int., 22, 521, 1980.
4. Malinow, M. R., McLaughlin, P., Kohler, G. O., and Livingston, A. L., Prevention of elevated
cholesterolemia in monkeys by alfalfa saponins, Steroids, 29, 105, 1977.
5. Oakenfull, D. G., Fenwick, D. E., Topping, D. L., Illman, R. J., and Storer, G. B., Effects of saponins
on bile acids and plasma lipids in the rat, Br. J. Nutr., 42, 209, 1979.
6. Topping, D. L., Storer, G. B., Calvert, G. D., Illman, R. J., Oakenfull, D. G., and Weller, R. A., Effect
of dietary saponins on fecal bile acids and neutral sterols, plasma lipids and lipoprotein turnover in
the pig, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 783, 1980.
7. Molgaard, J., von Schenk, H., and Olsson, A. G., Alfalfa seeds lower low density lipoprotein cholesterol
and apoprotein B concentration in patients with type II hyperlipoproteinemia, Atherosclerosis, 65,
173, 1987.
8. Oakenfull, D. G. and Sidhu, G. S., Could saponins be a useful treatment for hypercholesterolaemia?,
Eur. J. Clin. Nutr., 65, 173, 1987.
9. Oakenfull, D. G. and Sidhu, G. S., Saponins, in Toxicants of Plant Origin, vol. 2, Cheeke, P., Ed.,
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1989.
10. Gestetner, B., Assa, Y., Henis, Y., Tencer, Y., Royman, M., Birk, Y., and Bondi, A., Interaction of
lucerne saponins with sterols, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 270, 181, 1972.
11. Oakenfull, D., Aggregation of saponins and bile acids in aqueous solution, Aust. J. Chem., 39,
1671, 1986.
12. Oakenfull, D. G. and Sidhu, G. S., A physico-chemical explanation for the effects of dietary saponins
on cholesterol and bile salt metabolism, Nutr. Rep. Int., 27, 1253, 1983.
13. Fenwick, D. E. and Oakenfull, D. G., Saponin content of soya beans and some commercial soya
products, J. Sci. Food Agric., 32, 273, 1981.
14. Price, K. R., Curl, C. L., and Fenwick, G. R., The saponin content and sapogenol composition of the
seed of thirteen varieties of legume, J. Sci. Food Agric., 37, 115, 1986.
15. Kesselmeier, J. and Stack, D., High performance liquid chromatography analysis of steroidal saponins
from Avena sativa L., Z. Naturforsch., 36c, 1072, 1981.
16. Ireland, P. A. and Dziedzic, S. Z., High performance liquid chromatography on silica phase with
evaporative light scattering detection, J. Chromatogr., 361, 410, 1986.
17. Ng, K. G., Price, K. R., and Fenwick, G. R., A TLC method for the analysis of quinoa (Chenopodium
quinoa) saponins, Food Chem., 49, 311, 1994.
18. Ridout, C. L., Price, K. R., DuPont, M. S., Parker, M. L., and Fenwick, G. R., Quinoa saponins
analysis and preliminary investigations into the effects of reduction by processing, J. Sci. Food Agric.,
54, 165, 1991.
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Physiological and Metabolic Effects of Dietary Fiber

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Effect of Dietary Fiber on Protein Digestibility

and Utilization

Daniel D. Gallaher and Barbara O. Schneeman

Determination and prediction of the quality of dietary protein has been a research interest almost
since the beginning of nutrition as a science. For many years attention focused primarily on the
evaluation of particular protein sources, either by chemical analysis or by biological assay using
standardized diets. However, there is considerable interest in the influence on protein quality of
dietary components other than protein. For example, the influence of digestible carbohydrates,
particularly starch, has been studied extensively.9 Dietary fiber, an indigestible carbohydrate, has
also received considerable attention with regard to its effect on protein digestibility and utilization.
This chapter is a collation of data from these studies.
Three pairs of tables are presented. For each pair, the first table contains information from
studies using purified dietary fibers, with the second describing studies where fiber-rich sources
were utilized. In all tables, information on diet composition, species studied, time period evaluated,
and the method of fiber incorporation has been included to assist in evaluating the results of each
study. The method of incorporation of the fiber or fiber source into the diet is of particular interest,
since it influences the protein-to-calorie ratio of the diet. One of two methods is usually employed.
The more common method is incorporation by substitution, in which the fiber is added to the diet
at the expense of the digestible carbohydrate source. With the second method, called the dilution
(or addition) method, the fiber is added to the basal or control diet, thus causing a dilution of all
components of the diet.
With the substitution method, the protein content remains unchanged on a weight basis, but the
protein-to-calorie ratio is increased. In contrast, with a fiber-diluted diet the protein-to-calorie ratio
remains unchanged. As animals will normally consume diets to meet their energy needs,31,32,37
incorporation of moderate amounts of fiber usually causes an increased food intake. Hence, with
incorporation of fiber by substitution, animals will be consuming a greater proportion of their diet
as protein than will animals fed a fiber-free or low-fiber diet. Animals fed a fiber-diluted diet,
however, are likely to consume an equivalent amount of protein compared to control animals. In
some studies, in which very high levels of fiber have been fed and/or weanling animals used, the
animals have not been able to increase food intake sufficiently to meet their energy needs. This
problem is a complicating factor in whether fiber is incorporated by substitution or dilution. The
difference in the incorporation method becomes potentially significant when one considers that
utilization of a protein varies with the amount of protein consumed.26 This problem has been

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examined experimentally by Delorme et al.,7 who showed that when rats were fed cellulose in the
diet by the substitution method, the protein efficiency ratio (PER) decreased with increasing
cellulose. However, when the diet was diluted with cellulose, the PER did not change, except at
the very highest level of cellulose, where a slight decrease was noted. Thus, for experiments
investigating the effect of dietary fiber on measures of protein utilization, it would appear that diet
dilution is the better method of fiber incorporation.
The effect of purified dietary fibers on protein digestibility in animals and humans is presented
in Table 4.1.1. In most cases, only apparent digestibility was determined. However, in those instances
where both apparent and true digestibility were reported, the trend was similar for both. In most
instances, purified fibers, regardless of type, reduced digestibility significantly in animals. Two
carbohydrates with fiber-like properties, inulin and resistant starch, have also been shown to signif-
icantly reduce protein digestibility.50, 53 This is consistent with several reports of increased protein
in the small-intestinal contents when cellulose or wheat bran is fed.34,35 The two human studies
reported, however, showed no effect of purified fiber on digestibility.38 Protein digestibility during
consumption of fiber-rich sources is shown in Table 4.1.2. As with the purified fibers, the presence
of fiber-rich sources in the diet led to significant decreases in both apparent and true digestibility
in animals for all fibers for which statistics were reported. In contrast to the diets containing purified
fibers, protein digestibility was lower in humans consuming the fiber-rich sources.
Fiber-rich sources usually contain significant quantities of protein which can influence the
digestibility data, since part of this protein is indigestible.13 This points out a potential difference
in the source of fecal nitrogen between the purified fibers and the fiber-rich sources. For the
purified fibers containing no protein (guar gum, usually considered a purified fiber, often contains
a small amount of protein), the source of fecal protein must be from incomplete digestion of the
dietary protein, the secreted digestive enzymes, sloughed mucosal cells, and microbial protein.
In the case of fiber-rich sources, the protein associated with the fiber source will contribute to
the fecal nitrogen. Thus, a low protein digestibility may be due, in part, to the presence of
indigestible protein within the fiber source. Weber et a1.48 examined this possibility in cirrhotic
subjects fed an animal or vegetable diet. They found that little fecal nitrogen was associated with
the fecal fiber fraction, regardless of the diet. Large increases in fecal nitrogen with the vegetable
diet were due to increases in the bacterial fraction and, to a lesser extent, the soluble fraction.
Thus, at least for vegetable sources of fiber, fiber-associated protein appears to contribute little
to fecal nitrogen.
Which attribute of dietary fiber is most responsible for the reduction in protein digestibility
is unclear. Generally, the viscous and highly fermentable fibers, such as pectin and guar gum,
reduce digestibility more than the nonviscous and relatively nonfermentable fibers such as cellu-
lose on an equal weight basis. Fermentation could reduce protein digestibility by its action of
promoting microbial growth, whereas viscosity could reduce digestibility by slowing protein
digestion and absorption in the small intestine. Both these attributes could contribute to the effect,
as they are not mutually exclusive. At this time, however, experiments feeding fiber sources that
would allow the attribute most responsible for the reduced protein digestibility to be identified
have not been published.
Most studies on fiber digestibility have been conducted in animals, usually rats. The question
naturally arises as to how good animals are as a model for the effect of dietary fiber on protein
digestibility. Bach Knudsen et al.49 have examined this question directly by measuring protein
digestibility in both humans and rats fed identical diets. They used diets containing either fruits
and vegetables, a citrus fiber concentrate, or insoluble barley fiber as the fiber sources. Their results
indicated that overall, apparent protein digestibilities were similar between the two species, and
that the rank of the protein digestibilities of the different diets was the same for both rats and
humans. Thus, rats would appear to be a very good model for humans in this context.
Table 4.1.1 Effect of Purified Dietary Fibers on Protein Digestibility

Time on Dietb Concentration in Diet Protein Digestibility

Method of Species Adaptation Balance Fiber Proteinc Apparent True
Fiber Incorporationa Studied (days) (%) (%) (%) (%) Ref.
Cellulose Substitution Rats, weanling 10 2.0 (10.0) 92.5 NRd 46
 and  7.0 92.0
12.0 90.0
Cellulose Substitution Rats, weanling 54 0.0 (12.0) 89.0 4.7eNR 28
 10.0 86.0 5.5
20.0 85.3 6.9
Cellulose Substitution Rats, weanling 25 3 0.0 (8.5) 93.0 1.0 19
 2.5 92.0 0.7
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5.0 90.4 0.6

10.0 89.8 1.1
20.0 81.6 2.3
r = 0.851
Cellulose Substitution Rats,  4 to 56 5 0.0 (14.0) 89.7 50
8.0 89.2
Cellulose Substitution Rats, weanling 25 3 0.0 (22.0) 94.9 0.6 19
 2.5 96.1 0.6
5.0 95.5 0.8
10.0 92.6 0.7
20.0 91.6 0.5
r = 0.801
Cellulose Dilution Rats, weanling 21 0.0 (10.0) 92.3 0.5 92.9 0.5 36
 5.0 (9.5) 88.7 0.6* 90.8 0.8
10.0 (9.0) 86.4 0.9* 89.2 0.9*

20.0 (8.0) 81.9 0.6* 86.2 0.6*

Cellulose Substitution Rats, weanling 21 7 0.2 12.4 93.0 NR 7
 5.9 11.6 91.9
Cellulose Dilution Rats, weanling 21 7 0.1 10.4 89.3 NR 7
 4.9 9.9 90.3
8.9 10.0 85.9
16.2 8.6 85.8
27.5 8.3 74.7
Cellulose Substitution Rats,  45 5.2 9.3 100.0 2
15.2 99.4
Table 4.1.1 (Continued) Effect of Purified Dietary Fibers on Protein Digestibility

Time on Dietb Concentration in Diet Protein Digestibility

Method of Species Adaptation Balance Fiber Proteinc Apparent True
Fiber Incorporationa Studied (days) (%) (%) (%) (%) Ref.
Cellulose Substitution Mice, weanling 28 5.0 (10.0) 86.7 0.7 21
 10.0 82.2 2.5
20.0 77.5 3.9*
Cellulose Dilution Dogs,  14 5 0.0 37.8 90.8 0.9 3
2.9 29.5 88.8 0.5
5.6 30.2 87.7 1.0
8.3 28.5 87.0 1.4
r = 0.59f
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Cellulose Substitution Rats, weanling 35 0.0 10.0 92.8 12

 10.0 9.0 85.4*
Cellulose Dilution Human, adult, 20 30 9.5 23.0 93.2 0.8 38
 g/d NDFg
23.5 92.9 0.5
g/d NDF
Hemicellulose Substitution Mice, weanling 28 5.0 (10.0) 74.4 2.6 21
 10.0 67.0 3.7*
20.0 62.0 6.1*
Xylan Substitution Rats, weanling 35 0.0 10.0 92.8 12
 10.0 9.8 80.8
Raffinose Substitution Rats, weanling 35 0.0 10.0 92.8 12
 1.0 8.8 90.9
Lignin Substitution Mice, weanling 28 5.0 (10.0) 74.4 2.6 21
 10.0 67.0 3.7*
20.0 62.0 6.1*
Lignin Dilution Rats, weanling 21 0.0 (10.0) 92.3 0.5 92.9 0.5 36
 3.0 (9.7) 89.5 0.7* 90.6 0.8*
6.0 (9.4) 84.8 0.4* 87.4 0.5*
Acid detergent Substitution Rats,  and  7 10 0.0 16.0 90.9 0.8 14
fiber 5.0 87.8 1.6*
10.0 83.6 2.1*
15.0 82.6 1.3*
Pectin Substitution Rats, weanling 10 0.0 (10.0) 92.5 NR 17
 and  5.0h 85.5
10.0h 79.5
10.0i 79.0
Pectin Substitution Rats, weanling 25 3 0.0 (8.5) 93.3 0.5 19
 2.5 88.3 1.4
5.0 88.7 0.6
7.5 86.0 0.8
10.0 85.1 21
r = 0.78f
Pectin Substitution Rats, weanling 25 3 0.0 (22.0) 95.4 0.1 19
 2.5 94.8 0.5
5.0 94.6 0.8
7.5 92.3 1.5
10.0 91.5 0.8
r = 0.68f
Pectin Dilution Rats, weanling 21 0.0 (10.0) 92.3 0.5 92.9 0.5 36
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 5.0 (9.5) 86.3 0.2* 88.9 0.3*

10.0 (9.0) 83.4 0.4* 88.4 0.5*
20.0 (8.0) 79.1 1.0* 86.9 0.9*
Pectin Substitution Rats, weanling 37 0.0 (10.0) 92.0 0.3 1
 10.0 (HMW,HDE)j 79.4 2.2*
10.0 (HMW,LDE) 87.4 0.06*
10.0 (LMW,HDE) 81.6 1.0*
10.0 (LMW,LDE) 87.4 0.6*
Pectin Substitution Rats,  45 0.0 (10.0) 92.8 1.2 101.8 1.2 30
9.3 (HDE) 77.7 1.0* 86.9 1.0*
9.4 (LDE) 81.9 1.0* 91.1 1.0*
Pectin Substitution Rats, weanling 35 0.0 10.0 92.8 12
 10.0 78.2*
Pectin Substitution Rats,  4 to 56 5 0.0 (14.0) 89.7 50
8.0 84.5*
Guar gum Dilution Rats, weanling 21 0.0 (10.0) 92.3 0.5 92.9 0.5 36

 5.0 (9.5) 81.4 0.8* 83.9 0.8*

10.0 (9.0) 79.9 0.9* 84.5 1.1*
20.0 (8.0) 63.3 1.3* 70.8 1.3*
Guar gum Substitution Rats,  45 0.0 10.0 92.8 1.2 101.8 1.2 30
10.0 78.3 2.3* 87.2 5.1*
Guar gum Substitution Rats, weanling 38 0.0 8.0 87.8 0.5 16
 10.0 78.0 0.4*
Guar gum Dilution Rats, weanling 21 0.0 9.4 89.4 0.4 15
 4.8 9.4 82.3 0.3*
0.0 4.7 80.0 1.3
4.8 4.7 70.4 1.4*

Table 4.1.1 (Continued) Effect of Purified Dietary Fibers on Protein Digestibility

Time on Dietb Concentration in Diet Protein Digestibility

Method of Species Adaptation Balance Fiber Proteinc Apparent True
Fiber Incorporationa Studied (days) (%) (%) (%) (%) Ref.
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Guar gum Substitution Rats,  4 to 56 5 0.0 (14.0) 89.7 50

8.0 83.8*
Guar gum Dilution Dogs,  &  21 7 0 (24.5) 90.9 1.2 53
7 (23.0) 85.6 3.3*
Agar Substitution Rats, weanling 38 0.0 8.0 87.8 0.5 16
 10.0 79.5 0.2*
Alginate, Na Substitution Rats, weanling 38 0.0 10.0 87.7 0.5 16
 10.0 81.0 0.2*
Alginate, Na Substitution Rats, weanling 10 0.0 (10.0) 92.5 NR 46
 and  10.0 88.5
Carrageenan Substitution Rats, weanling 38 0.0 8.0 87.8 0.5 16
 10.0 82.6 0.6*
Carob bean Substitution Rats, weanling 38 0.0 8.0 87.8 0.5 16
gum  10.0 75.0 0.8*
Ispaghula husk Dilution Humans, adult 14 5 0g Not stated 88.5 NR 33
(Isogel)  and  (19.7 g)k
25 g 87.3
(43.5 g)k
Inulin Dilution Dogs,  &  21 7 0 (24.5) 90.9 1.2 53
7 (23.6) 88.3 1.5*
Resistant starch Substitution Rats,  4 to 56 5 0.0 (14.0) 89.7 50
8.0 85.6*
Mixed Substitution Dogs,  35 7 0 65 g/1000 kcal 87.8 0.5 52
(oligofructose 5 66.9 g/1000 kcal 86.3 0.5
& sugar beet 10 68.8 g/1000 kcal 83.8 1.0*
fiber, 4:1)
Mixed (cellulose, Substitution Rats, weanling 35 0.0 10.0 92.8 12
pectin, xylan,  10.2 9.6 82.2*
Note: An asterisk indicates that the value is significantly different from fiber-free or low fiber control group (p < 0.05).
a Indicates method by which fiber or fiber source was incorporated into the diet. Substitution signifies addition to the diet at the expense of the digestible carbohydrate
source. Dilution signifies addition to the diet, resulting in a whole diet dilution. In the case of dilution, the fiber or fiber source concentration in the diet indicates the actual
concentration of fiber in the diet, not the percentage of fiber added to the diet. See text for further explanation.
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b Indicates time of the experimental diet. Where two values appear separated by an arrow, the first value is the time allowed for adaptation to the experimental diet. The
value after the arrow, or where only one value is present, indicates the length of time for which sample collections were made.
c Values in parentheses indicate concentration of protein sources (usually casein) in diet, as the actual crude protein concentration was not reported, otherwise reported
as grams per day or grams nitrogen (N) per day.
d NR, no statistics reported.
e Mean SEM.
f Correlation between the percentage of fiber in the diet and the apparent protein digestibility. The correlation is statistically significant.
g NDF, neutral detergent fiber.
h Slow setting, 55% esterified.
i Fast setting, 65% esterified.
j MW, molecular weight; DE, degree of esterification; H, high; L, low.
k Total dietary fiber.
Table 4.1.2 Effect of Fiber-Rich Sources on Protein Digestibility

Time on Dietb Concentration in Diet Protein Digestibility

Method of Adaptation Balance Fiber Proteinc Apparent True
Fiber Incorporationa Species Studied (days) (%) (%) (%) (%) Ref.
Wheat bran Substitution Rats,  45 0.0 (10.0) 92.8 1.2d 101.8 1.2 30
10.0 87.4 1.2* 96.2 1.3*
Wheat bran Dilution Rats, weanling 21 0.0 (10.0) 92.3 0.5 92.9 0.5 36
 5.0 (9.5) 89.0 0.4* 89.9 0.5
10.0 (9.0) 86.3 0.4* 87.9 0.4*
20.0 (8.0) 77.0 1.0* 77.7 0.8*
Wheat bran Substitution Rats, weanling 35 0.0 10.0 92.8 12
 16.8 12.5 83.0*
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Wheat bran Dilution Humans, adult 18 4 0 (33.0 g/d)e 15.4 g N/d 89.7 0.6 11
 12 g (53.5 g/d) 16.4 g N/d 87.6 0.5*
Wheat bran Substitution Rats,  95 0(4.3)h 9.8 97.9 8
5.2 i 97.2
6.1 96.3
7.9 95.2*
11.6 92.6*
Wheat bran Dilution Pigs,  20 10 0.0 16.9 97.01 42
6.9e 16.3 93.4
12.8 16.3 91.8
18.0 15.6 88.5
22.4 15.6 78.9
Wheat bran Substitution Pigs,  77 1.21 (8.13) 91.3 55
6.38 (8.90) 85.8*
Wheat bran Substitution Chickens,  7 4.5 (15.7) 67 54
13.2 (17.1) 61*
20.3 (18.4) 57*
Corn bran Substitution Rats, weanling 35 0.0 10.0 92.8 12
 16.8 12.5 83.0*
Oat bran Dilution Humans, adult 14 0 (3.8 g/d)e 10.7 g N/d 91 3 NRf 4
 45 g (12.0 g/d) 10.5 g N/d 85 4
Oat bran Substitution Chickens,  7 4.5 (15.7) 67 54
9.1 (18.9) 64*
12.7 (21.1) 55*
Sorghum meal Substitution Humans, adult 56 3.3e 10.6 g N/d 65.4 1.8 5
 4.8 60.5 2.1*
5.4 56.9 2.3*
Pea fiber Substitution Chickens,  7 4.5 (15.7) 63 54
14.9 (15.3) 60*
25.1 (16.0) 55*
Barley fiber, Substitution Humans, adult 14 7 5.4 (16.4) 87.0 49
insoluble  8.7 (15.9) 86.2
9.2 (11.6) 79.9NR
Barley hulls Substitution Rats,  45 0.0 9.3 100.0 2
10.0 97.3*
Barley fiber, Substitution Rats,  17 5 5.4 (16.4) 91.7 49
insoluble 8.7 (15.9) 88.5
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9.2 (11.6) 87.0NR

Barley husk Substitution Rats,  45 0.0 9.7 87.8 10
7.7e 12.8 86.9*
Barley husk Substitution Rats,  95 0(4.3)h 9.8 97.9 8
5.1i 9.7 98.4
6.0 9.7 96.7
7.9 96.1*
11.7 94.9*
Maize hulls Dilution Pigs,  20 10 0.0 16.9 97.0 42
7.4e 15.6 94.7
14.7 14.4 91.3
21.7 13.8 88.0
23.6 12.5 83.7
Oat hulls Dilution Pigs,  20 10 0.0 16.9 97.0j 42
7.4e 15.6 95.5

14.7 14.4 94.1

21.8 13.1 92.6
28.7 11.9 90.7
Soybean hulls Dilution Pigs,  20 10 0.0 16.9 97.0j 42
7.3e 14.4 93.0
14.1 15.6 88.6
20.6 15.0 82.9
26.6 14.4 80.3
Soybean hulls Substitution Rats,  16 0 13 98 47
12 14 92*

Table 4.1.2 (Continued) Effect of Fiber-Rich Sources on Protein Digestibility

Time on Dietb Concentration in Diet Protein Digestibility

Method of Adaptation Balance Fiber Proteinc Apparent True
Fiber Incorporationa Species Studied (days) (%) (%) (%) (%) Ref.
Soybean hulls Substitution Dogs,  &  10 4 3.05 93.4 84.3 51
4.09 80.4 81.4
6.03 83.4 82.7
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7.32 93.9 83.2

Lupin hulls Dilution Pigs,  20 10 0.0 16.9 97.0j 42
7.41 15.6 91.9
14.5 14.4 90.7
21.6 13.1 86.0
28.5 12.5 81.4
Pea hulls Dilution Pigs,  20 10 0.0 16.9 97.0j 42
7.21 15.6 89.6
13.8 14.4 81.7
19.8 13.1 74.8
25.4 12.5 65.3
Canola hulls Substitution Rats,  16 0.0 13 98 47
12 15 87*
Bean cell wall Substitution Rats, weanling 35 0.0 10.0 92.8 12
 10.0 11.8 85.8*
Soybean cell wall Substitution Rats,  16 0.0 13 98 47
12 14 90*
Soy Formulatedh Humans,  a&nd 3 45 0.0 g/d 13.1 g/d 92.2 2.9 18
polysaccharide  8.8 g/d 14.3 g/d 90.0 1.6
Canola cell wall Substitution Rats,  16 0.0 13 98 47
12 13 90*
Sugar beet fiber Substitution Rats,  45 0.0 (10.0) 92.8 1.2 101.8 2.6 30
10.0 84.6 0.8* 92.5 0.8*
10.0g 83.0 1.5 92.0 1.5*
Sugar beet fiber Dilution Dogs,  &  21 7 0 (24.5) 90.9 1.2 53
7 (23.3) 88.2 1.6*
Brown rice Substitution Humans, adult 1 14 5.7 g/de 4.74 g N/d 68.0 3.5 83.2 3.5 27
 13.9 g/de 4.65 g N/d 48.4 3.8* 63.8 3.6
Barley, wheat, pea Substitution Rats,  4 5.6 (15.5) 86.1 57
fiber, and pectin 25.7 (17.2) 72.7*
Fruits, vegetables, Unclear Human,  27 6.2 g/d 13.1 g N/d 92.1 0.6NR 40
and whole meal 16.2 g/d 13.9 g N/d 90.8 0.5
bran 31.9 g/d 14.7 g N/d 85.2 0.5
Fruits and Unclear Humans, adult 19 7 3.6 g/de 93.0 g/d 90.4 0.9 22
vegetables  20.0 g/d 96.0 g/d 81.1 1.1*
Fruits and Unclear Humans, adult 14 7 1.9 g/d 13.6 N/d 89.9 0.5 23
vegetables  10.0 g/d 14.1 g N/d 86.9 0.7*
19.4 g/d 13.8 g N/d 83.5 0.8*
25.6 g/d 13.9 g N/d 81.2 1.1*
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Fruits and Substitution Humans, adult 21 7 17.8 g/d 15.8 g N/d 90 2 25

vegetables  41.0 g/d 16.5 g N/d 84 4*
Fruits and Substitution Human, adult 14 7 7.3 (19.3) 90.0 49
vegetables  14.6 (20.3) 84.1
Fruits and Substitution Rats,  17 5 7.3 (19.3) 91.5 49
vegetables 14.6 (20.3) 85.8
Konjac and Substitution Humans, adult 5 0.0 26 g/d 81.2 20
seaweed  18 g/de 27 g/d 55.5*
Guatemalan Dilution Humans, adult 14 3.8 g/d 10.7 g N/d 91 3 NR 4
diet  93.0 g/d 10.8 g N/d 69 2
Note: An asterisk indicates that the value is significantly different from fiber-free or low-fiber control group (p < 0.05).
a See footnote a of Table 4.1.1.
b See footnote b of Table 4.1.1.
c See footnote c of Table 4.1.1.
d Mean SEM.

e Neutral detergent fiber.

f NR, no statistics reported.
g Treated with hot water to increase the solubility of pectin.
h Enteral formulas.
i Total dietary fiber.
j Statistically significant linear decrease (p < 0.001) with increased NDF intake.
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Tables 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 show the effect of fibers on nitrogen excretion and on nitrogen balance
for the purified and fiber-rich sources. It is apparent from the data that fiber consumption causes
a shift in the pattern of nitrogen excretion. Fecal nitrogen increases are often accompanied by a
decrease in urinary nitrogen. This occurred with all types of fibers and fiber sources. However, in
most instances the decrease in urinary nitrogen did not fully compensate for the increase in fecal
nitrogen, such that nitrogen balance was often significantly reduced, although in all cases it remained
The effect of dietary fibers on several measures of protein utilization is found in the last two
tables (Tables 4.1.5 and 4.1.6). The most common measure of protein utilization is the protein
efficiency ratio, undoubtedly due to its ease of determination. It should be understood, however,
that this is not the same PER as described by the AOAC, since the cellulose concentrations differed
from 1% and the protein concentrations were not always in the 9.5 to 10.5% range. However, the
term is retained, since the PER is calculated in the same way (body weight gain per protein
consumed). Given the decrease in protein digestibility and the consequent increase in fecal nitrogen,
one might expect a decrease in protein utilization parameters that have a digestibility component,
such as PER and net protein utilization (NPU), and an increase in parameters measuring the
utilization of absorbed protein, such as biological value (BV). However, the results from protein
utilization studies are quite variable. For example, in rats the PER of diets containing 10 to 12%
cellulose are either significantly higher,12 lower,7 or unchanged,38,47 than in fiber-free controls. The
fiber with the most consistent effect on PER is pectin. A level of 10% or greater in the diet almost
invariably led to a significant reduction in this measure of protein utilization. Interestingly, two
other soluble fibers showed divergent effects on the PER. Guar gum at 10% of the diet led to a
significant reduction in PER,36 whereas alginate did not.46 Few studies have investigated the effect
of fibers on NPU and, consequently, no trends can be discerned regarding the effect of fibers on
NPU. Although a large number of studies have reported the BV of fiber-containing diets, the results
are too inconsistent to make any meaningful statements about the effect of fibers as a whole.
Unfortunately, because of differences in the protein and/or fiber concentrations of the diets, as well
as the method of fiber incorporation into the diet, comparisons between studies using the same
fiber type are often not possible.
From the available studies it is clear that dietary fiber and fiber-rich foods reduce protein
digestibility, often in an approximately linear fashion. However, it remains to be established whether
dietary fiber has a detrimental effect on protein utilization.
This review covers the published literature through November 2000.
Table 4.1.3 Effect of Purified Dietary Fibers on Nitrogen Excretion and Balance
Time on Dietb Nitrogen Excretion
Method of Species Balance Nitrogen Nitrogen Balance
Fiber Incorporationa Studied (days) Fiber in Diet Intake (g/day) Fecal (mg/day) Urinary (mg/day) (mg/day) Ref.
Cellulose Substitution Rats, 54 0.0 0.121 22.93.2cNRd 10.4 1.4 NR 40.0 4.6 NR 18
weanling 10.0 0.132 20.2 2.9 11.1 1.5 45.1 5.6
 20.0 0.132 19.8 3.1 12.7 1.6 51.3 6.8
Cellulose Dilution Rats, 21 0.0 0.289 22.0(6)e 36
weanling 5.0 0.276 31.0*(10*)
 10.0 0.266 36.0*(12*)
20.0 0.264 47.0*(16*)
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Celulosef Dilution Rats,  35 7 0.0 0.188 16.0 2.4 NR 163.4 8.3 NR 8.2 NR 44
2.0 g/d 25.5 5.0 249.4 4.3 12.7
Celluloseg Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.289 18.0 9.60 181.0 29
2.1 0.287 17.0 106.0 165.0
Celluloseh Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.319 20.0 139.0 154.0 29
2.1 0.316 21.0 114.0* 186.0*
Cellulose Substitution Mice, 28 5.0 0.080 10.0 1 10.0 3 50.0 7 21
weanling 10.0 0.070 10.0 1 10.0 2 50.0 9
 20.0 0.070 20.0 2 10.0 3 50.0 10
Cellulose Substitution Rats, 30 1 0.0 0.256 133.0 30 17
growing 15.0 131.0 12
Cellulose Dilution Monkeys,  77 1.0 g/d 250 41
7.0 g/d 200
16.0 g/d 225

20.0 g/d 275

Cellulose Dilution Humans, 34 0 7.910 970 5840 1100 24
adult,  (6.8 g/d)i
14.2 g/d 1140* 5950 820*
(21.0 g/d)
Cellulose Dilution Humans, 37 0 7.880 910 5750 1220 24
adult, (6.8 g/d)i
 and  14.2 g/d 1170* 5740 970*
(21.0 g/d)
Table 4.1.3 (Continued) Effect of Purified Dietary Fibers on Nitrogen Excretion and Balance

Time on Dietb Nitrogen Excretion

Method of Species Balance Nitrogen Nitrogen Balance
Fiber Incorporationa Studied (days) Fiber in Diet Intake (g/day) Fecal (mg/day) Urinary (mg/day) (mg/day) Ref.
Cellulose Dilution Humans, 34 0 7.850 860 5080 1910 24
adolescent (6.8 g/d)i
 14.2 g/d 920 5570 1360*
(21.0 g/d)
Hemicellulose Substitution Mice, 28 5.0 0.060 20.0 4 10.0 4 30.0 4 21
weanling 10.0 0.070 20.0 4* 10.0 4 40.0 6

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20.0 0.060 20.0 5* 10.0 5 30.0 6

Hemicellulose Dilution Humans, 34 0 7.910 970 5840 1100 24
adult, (6.8 g/d)i
 14.2 g/d 1180* 5990 740*
(21. g/d)
Hemicellulose Dilution Humans, 37 0 7.880 910 5750 1220 24
adult, (6.8 g/d)i
 and  14.2 g/d 1290* 5730 860*
(21.0 g/d)
Hemicellulose Dilution Humans, 34 0 7.850 860 5080 1910 24
adolescent, (6.8 g/d)i
 14.2 g/d 1110* 5730 1380*
(21.0 g/d)
Lignin Dilution Rats, 21 0.0 0.289 22.0(6)e 36
weanling, 3.0 0.275 29.0(10*)
 6.0 0.264 40.0*(14)
Lignin Substitution Mice, 28 5.0 0.070 10.0 3 10.0 5 40.0 15 21
weanling, 10.0 0.070 10.0 2 20.0 6 40.0 9
 20.0 0.050 10.0 4 20.0 7 20.0 8*
Neutral Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.289 18.0 96.0 181.0 29
detergent 2.1 0.297 26.0* 80.0 187.0
fiber (wheat
Neutral Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.319 20.0 139.0 154.0 29
detergent 2.1 0.332 34.0* 118.0* 172.0
fiber (wheat
Acid detergent Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.289 18.0 96.0 181.0 29
fiber (wheat 2.1 0.289 22.0* 90.0 182.0
Acid detergent Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.319 20.0 13.9 154.0 29
fiber (wheat 2.1 0.321 25.0 122.0* 174.0*
Pectin Substitution Rats,  45 0.0 10.5 30
9.3 (LDE)j 23.7*
9.4 (HDE) 30.0*
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Pecting Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.289 18.0 96.0 181.0 29

2.1 0.288 24.0* 97.0 182.0
Pectinh Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.319 20.0 139.0 154.0 29
2.1 0.316 25.0 132.0 159.0
Pectinh Substitution Rats,  21 7 0.0 0.319 20.0 139.0 154.0 29
2.1 0.316 25.0 132.0 159.0
Pectin Dilution Humans, 34 0 7.910 970.0 5840.0 1100.0 24
adult, (6.8 g/d)i
 and  14.2 g/d 1060.0 5510.0 1090.0
(21.0 g/d)
Pectin Dilution Humans, 37 0 7.880 910 5750 1220 24
adult, (6.8 g/d)i
 and  14.2 g/d 1060 5510 1310
(21.0 g/d)
Pectin Dilution Humans, 34 0 7.850 860 5080 1910 24

adolescent, (6.8 g/d)i

 14.2 g/d 1010 5010* 1830
(21.0 g/d)
Pectin Dilution Monkeys,  77 1.0 g/d 190 41
7.0 g/d 250
13.0 g/d 210
20.0 g/d 230
Pectin Dilution Rats, 21 0.0 0.289 22.0(6)e 36
weanling, 5.0 0.241* 33.0*(11*)
 10.0 0.191* 31.0*(15*)
20.0 0.146* 30.0*(19*)

Table 4.1.3 (Continued) Effect of Purified Dietary Fibers on Nitrogen Excretion and Balance
Time on Dietb Nitrogen Excretion
Method of Species Balance Nitrogen Nitrogen Balance
Fiber Incorporationa Studied (days) Fiber in Diet Intake (g/day) Fecal (mg/day) Urinary (mg/day) (mg/day) Ref.
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Guar gum Substitution Rats, 38 0.0 0.142 17.3 0.6 58.9 1.6 66.0 k 16
weanling, 10.0 0.152 33.5 1.0* 43.8 1.3* 75.0

Guar guml Dilution Rats,  0.0 0.335 6.0 92.0 234.0 45
5.0 0.311 18.0* 56.0 228.0
Guar gum Dilution Rats, 8 Casein
weanling, 0.0 0.234 24.5 152.3 57.2k 15
 5.0 0.237 42.0 129.5* 65.6
Egg albumin
0.0 0.109 21.8 69.4 17.7
5.0 0.114 33.8* 57.6* 22.5
Guar gum Substitution Rats,  45 0.0 10.5 30
10.0 26.8*
Guar gum Dilution Rats, 21 0.0 0.289 22.0(6)e 36
weanling, 5.0 0.259 48.0*(12*)
 10.0 0.217 44.0*(17*)
20.0 0.168 61.0*(20*)
Carrageenan Substitution Rats,  and 148 0.0 55.0 4.8%m 17
 2.0 49.0 3.0%
5.0 53.0 2.9%
10.0 52.0 3.0%
15.0 44.0 3.0%
20.0 43.0 4.2%
Carrageenan Substitution Rats, 38 0.0 0.142 17.3 0.6 58.9 1.6 66.0* 16
weanling, 10.0 0.138 24.8 0.5* 61.9 0.6* 51.0

Carob bean Substitution Rats, 38 0.0 0.142 17.3 0.6 58.9 1.6 66.0k 16
gum weanling, 10.0 0.154 38.4 1.4* 49.5 1.3* 66.0

Na-alginate Substitution Rats, 38 0.0 0.142 17.3 0.6 58.9 1.6 66.0k 16
weanling, 10.0 0.149 28.2 1.0* 51.4 1.9* 70.0

Algar Substitution Rats, 38 0.0 0.142 17.3 0.6 58.9 1.6 66.0 16
weanling, 10.0 0.134 27.5 1.6* 61.2 1.8 45.0

Vegetable Substitution Humans, 36 0.15 g/kg 118.2 mg/kg 11.7 1.7 mg/kg 106.0 6.5 mg/kg 3.4 4.1 mg/kg 48
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adult 0.67 g/kg 124.8 mg/kg 27.6 4.7* mg/kg 85.3 4.1* mg/kg 6.4 6.5 mg/kg
Note: An asterisk indicates that these values are significantly different from the fiber-free or low-fiber control group (p < 0.05).
a See footnote a in Table 4.1.1.
b See footnote b in Table 4.1.1.
c Mean SEM.
d Nr, no statistics reported.
e Endogenous fecal nitrogen, uncorrected for nitrogen content of nonprotein diet.
f Rats were made obese, then fed an energy-restricted regime with or without cellulose.
g Metabolizable energy of diet was 57 kcal/day.
h Metabolizable energy of diet was 67 kcal/day.
i Total dietary fiber intake.
j De, degree of esterification; L, low; H, high.
k Calculated from intake and excretion means.
l Data chosen from 1.2% dietary arginine groups. Nitrogen intake and balance calculated from data presented in article.
m Values are mean SEM for nitrogen excreted per day as a percentage of ingested nitrogen.

Table 4.1.4 Effect of Fiber-Rich Sources on Nitrogen Excretion and Balance

Time on Dietb Nitrogen Excretion
Method of Species Balance Nitrogen Nitrogen Balance
Fiber Incorporationa Studied (days) Fiber in Diet Intake (g/day) Fecal (mg/day) Urinary (mg/day) (mg/day) Ref.
Wheat bran Substitution Rats,  45 0.0% 10.5 30
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10.0% 19.7
Wheat bran Substitution Rats,  28 7 0.0% 0.289 18.0 96.0 181.0 29
2.0% 0.287 26.0* 80.0 185.0
Wheat bran Dilution Rats,  3 15 0.0% 0.335 6.0 92.0 237.0c 45
5.0% 0.322 12.0* 87.0* 223.0
Wheat bran Dilution Humans, 18 4 0.0% 6300 11
(largely) adult 12.0% 8200*
Wheat bran Substitution Humans, 45 7 0.0 18.2 0.8d 1150 210 NRe 39
adult, 5.0 g 19.1 0.9 1650 220
Wheat bran Not stated Humans 14 7 0.0 1400 NR 43
18.0 g 2000
Wheat fiberf Substitution Humans,  21 0 21.9 1400 300 6
(21.8 g/d)g
31 g/d 26.9 2490 100*
(53.2 g/d)
Sorghum fiber Substitution Humans 56 3.3%h 10.6 4020 270 5500 360 2020 230 5
4.8% 10.6 4139 240 4830 200 1470 210*
5.4% 10.6 4730 390 4960 270 1110 310*
Oat brani Substitution Humans,  14 3.8 g/dj 10.7 0.9 1000 320 NR 8390 420 NR 800 440k NR 4
12.0 g/d 10.5 0.8 1610 560 8160 280 260 320
Sugar beet Substitution Rats,  45 0.0% 10.5 30
fiber 10.0% 26.2*
Locust bean Dilution Monkeys,  77 1.0 g/d 260 41
gum 15.0 g/dl 280
Slippery elm Dilution Monkeys,  77 1.0 g/d 190 41
20.0 g/dl 390
Rice hulls Dilution Monkeys,  77 1.0 g/d 200 41
16.0 g/dl 335
Oat straw Dilution Monkeys,  77 1.0 g/d 200 41
15.0 g/dl 385
Soy husks Dilution Monkeys,  77 1.0 g/d 205 41
20.0 g/dl 470
Psyllium seed Dilution Monkeys,  77 1.0 g/d 335 41
18.0 g/dl 320
Fruits and Substitution (?) Humans,  19 7 3.6 g/dj 14.9 1350 11450 1090 22
vegetables 20.0 g/d 15.4 2480 10810 740
Fruits and Substitution Humans,  14 7 1.9 g/dj 13.6 1380 80 23
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vegetables 10.1 g/d 14.1 1840 120*

19.4 g/d 13.8 2280 140*
25.6 g/d 13.9 2600 180*
Cabbage Not stated Humans 47 0.0 g/d 1400 43
18.3 g/d 2100
Vegetables Substitution Humans, 36 12.5 g/d 9.8 955 8798 282 48
adult 55.6 g/d 10.4 2291* 7080* 531
Brown rice Substitution Humans, 1 15 5.7 g/dj 4.74 0.65 1500 140 3950 390 710 290 27
adult  13.9 g/d 4.65 0.64 2410 430 3330 510 1090 330
Note: A single asterisk indicates that the value is significantly different from the fiber-free or low-fiber control group (p < 0.05).
a See footnote a in Table 4.1.1. g Total dietary fiber.
b See footnote b in Table 4.1.1. h Crude fiber.
c Calculated from intake and excretion means. i Data from untoasted oat bran group study.
d Mean SEM. j Neutral detergent fiber.

e NR, no statistics reported. k Corrected balance, with one subject omitted.

f High protein diets. l Highest level fed.
Table 4.1.5 Effect of Purified Dietary Fibers on Measures of Protein Utilization

Method of Species Concentration in Diet Measures of Protein Utilizationc

Fiber Incorporationa Studied Fiber (%) Proteinb (%) PER NPU BV Ref.
Cellulose Substitution Rats 0.0 7.6 76.0 19
2.5 (8.5) 78.0
5.0 76.0
10.0 79.0
20.0 76.0
0.0 19.7 64.0
2.5 (22.0) 72.0
5.0 61.0
10.0 65.0
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20.0 69.0
Cellulose Substitution Rats 0.0 9.98 2.89(2.50)d 12
10.0 8.98 3.94*(3.41)
Cellulose Substitution Rats 0.0 10.0 79.1 4.6e NRf 60.4 3.6 NR 28
10.0 (12.0) 80.2 5.3 57.8 3.1
20.0 78.1 4.2 63.4 3.8
0.0 9.5% 83.7 6.1 64.7 5.0
10.0 of calories 84.9 5.7 58.9 4.3
20.0 (12.0) 80.7 5.6 59.3 4.0
Cellulose Substitution Rats 0.0 12.38 2.24 0.21 7
5.0 11.61 2.29 0.10
10.0 11.89 2.06 0.05*
20.0 12.05 2.06 0.12*
40.0 11.82 1.98 0.06*
Dilution 0.0 10.38 2.70 0.24
5.0 9.94 2.72 0.12
10.0 9.95 2.57 0.11
20.0 8.58 2.82 0.22
40.0 8.25 2.36 0.19*
Cellulose Substitution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 3.2 0.2 46
5.0 3.3 0.1
10.0 2.8 0.7
Cellulose Substitution Mice 5.0 10.0 1.7 0.2 21
10.0 (10.0) 1.7 0.5
20.0 1.4 0.3
Cellulose Dilution Rats 0.0 10.0 3.98 0.14g(87)h 4.31 0.15i 36
(4.28 0.14) j
5.0 3.90 0.21 (85) 4.40 0.29
(4.30 0.28)
10.0 3.71 0.37 (81) 4.30 0.50
(4.16 0.47)
20.0 3.79 0.20 (83) 4.63 0.19*
(4.40 0.19)
Cellulose Substitution Rats 0.0k 12.78 2.89 75.4 29
2.1 (2.044% N) 2.95 70.2
0.0l 1.86 63.9
2.1 1.98* 74.4*
Cellulose Substitution Rats 5.2 9.38 87.4 95.7 2
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15.2 (1.5% N) 87.7 93.3*

Cellulose Substitution Rats,  0.0 13 3.00 47
12 13 2.99
Xylan Substitution Rats 0.0 9.98 2.89 (2.50)c
10.0 9.75 3.79*(3.28)
Hemicellulose Substitution Mice 5.0 10.0 1.1 0.3
10.0 (10.0) 2.3 0.5*
20.0 1.9 0.7
Lignin Substitution Mice 5.0 10.0 1.2 0.6 21
10.0 (10.0) 2.3 0.4
20.0 1.0 0.9
Lignin Dilution Rats 0.0 10.0 3.98 0.14g(87)h 4.31 0.15i 36
(4.28 0.14) j
3.0 3.48 0.22 (76) 3.89 0.20
(3.83 0.20)

6.0 3.05 0.20 (67) 3.60 0.24

(3.49 0.23)
Neutral Substitution Rats 0.0k 12.78 2.89 75.4 29
detergent 2.1 (2.044% N) 2.91 78.0
fiber (wheat 0.0l 1.86 63.9
bran) 2.1 1.96* 71.3*
Acid detergent Substitution Rats 0.0k 12.78 2.89 75.4 29
fiber (wheat 2.1 (2.044% N) 2.91 77.7
bran) 0.0l 1.86 63.9
2.1 1.99* 70.7*

Table 4.1.5 (Continued) Effect of Purified Dietary Fibers on Measures of Protein Utilization

Method of Species Concentration in Diet Measures of Protein Utilizationc

Fiber Incorporationa Studied Fiber (%) Proteinb (%) PER NPU BV Ref.
Pectin Substitution Rats 0.0 7.6 75.0 19
2.5 (8.5) 83.0
5.0 78.0
10.0 76.0
20.0 72.0
0.0 19.7 66.0
2.5 (22.0) 66.0
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5.0 63.0
10.0 64.0
20.0 63.0
Pectin Substitution Rats 0.0 10.0 3.2 0.2 46
5.0i 3.6 0.5
10.0i 2.8 0.3
10.0i 2.3 0.3*
Pectin Substitution Rats 0.0 9.98 2.89 (2.50)d 12
10.0 j 9.95 2.21* (1.91)
Pectin Substitution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 64.3 8.0 67.9 8.9 1
10.0 (HDE, HMW)m 60.0 11.5 76.4 18.1
10.0 (LDE, HMW) 71.3 5.2* 81.6 5.5*
10.0 (HDE, LMW) 67.4 5.3 82.7 7.0*
10.0 (LDE, LMW) 74.5 6.4* 85.4 8.0*
Pectin Substitution Rats 0.0 12.78 2.89 75.4 29
2.1 (2.044% N) 2.96 78.2
0.0 1.86 63.9
2.1 2.11* 66.4
Pectin Dilution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 3.98 0.14g(87)h 4.31 0.15i 36
(4.28 0.14)j
5.0 3.05 0.33*(66) 3.54 0.04*
(3.44 0.38)*
10.0 3.00 0.42*(65) 3.59 0.47*
(3.39 0.47)*
20.0 1.83 0.31*(40) 2.32 0.40*
(2.11 0.37)*
Pectin Substitution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 82.9 4.4 30
9.3 (HDE)m 81.6 3.1
9.4 (LDE) 79.9 5.0
Guar gum Substitution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 82.9 4.4 30
84.3 3.1
Guar gum Dilution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 3.98 0.14g(87)h 4.31 0.15i 36
(4.28 0.14)j
5.0 3.65 0.38(79) 4.48 0.35
(4.35 0.32)
10.0 3.45 0.18*(76) 4.33 0.30
(4.00 0.30)
20.0 2.24 0.32*(47) 3.57 0.64*
(3.19 0.56)*
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Algin Substitution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 3.2 0.2 46

10.0 2.9 0.4
Note: An asterisk indicates that the value is significantly different from the fiber-free or low-fiber control group (p < 0.05).
a See footnote a of Table 4.1.1.
b Values in parentheses are the concentrations of the protein source (usually casein) or the percentage of nitrogen (where so indicated) in the diet.
c PER, protein efficiency ratio; NPU, net protein utilization; BV, biological value.
d PER, corrected for fiber-free group = 2.50.
e Mean SD.
f NR, no statistics reported.
g Net protein ratio (NPR).
h Relative net protein ratio (RNPR).
i NPR apparent digestibility (NPR/AD).
j NPR true digestibility (NPR/TD).
k Metabolizable energy of diet was 57 kcal/day.
l Metabolizable energy of diet was 67 kcal/day.
m DE, degree of esterification; MW, molecular weight; L, low; H, high.

Table 4.1.6 Effect of Fiber-Rich Sources on Measures of Protein Utilization

Method of Species Concentration in Diet Measures of Protein Utilizationc

Fiber Incorporationa Studied Fiber (%) Proteinb (%) PER NPU BV Ref.
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Wheat bran Substitution Rats 0.0 9.98 2.87 (2.50) d 12

10.0 12.50 3.02 (2.61)
Wheat bran Substitution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 82.9 4.4 24
10.0 77.1 5.1
Wheat bran Dilution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 2.98 0.14e,f(87)g 4.31 0.15h 36
(4.28 0.14)i
5.0 3.22 0.22*(70) 3.61 0.26*
(3.57 0.26*)
10.0 2.92 0.18*(64) 3.38 0.22*
(3.33 0.22*)
20.0 2.52 0.12*(55) 3.28 0.17*
(3.16 0.16*)
Wheat bran Substitution Rats 0.0 j 12.78 2.89 75.4 29
5.0 (2.044% N) 3.03* 80.1
0.0k 1.86 63.9
5.0 2.07* 69.5*
Wheat bran Substitution Rats,  0(4.3)n 9.8 82.6 84.3 8
5.2l 9.8 83.3 85.8
6.1l 9.8 83.3 86.5
7.9l 9.8 83.4 88.3*
11.6l 10.0 83.3 90.1
Corn bran Substitution Rats 0.0 9.98 2.89 (2.50)d 12
10.0 10.59 3.26 (2.82)
Barley hulls Substitution Rats 0.0 9.38 87.4 95.7 2
10.0 (1.5% N) 87.5 94.2*
Barley husk Substitution Rats,  0(4.3)n 9.8 82.6 84.3 8
5.1i 9.7 80.7 83.5
6.0i 9.7 80.7* 83.5
7.9i 9.8 80.1* 83.4
11.7i 9.8 79.5* 83.7
Barley husk Substitution Rats,  0.0 9.7 68.0 77.4 10
7.7o 12.8 67.9 78.1
Sugar beet Substitution Rats 0.0 (10.0) 92.9 4.4 24
fiber 10.0(7.67)l 75.2 3.3*
10.0m(7.43) 74.4 4.3*
Bran cell wall Substitution Rats 0.0 9.98 2.89 (2.50)d 10
fiber 10.0 11.78 2.97 (2.57)
Note: An asterisk indicates that the value is significantly different from the fiber-free or low-fiber control group (p < 0.05).
2387_ch4.1_fm Page 157 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:57 PM

a See footnote a in Table 4.1.1.

b See footnote b in Table 4.1.1.
c See footnote c in Table 4.1.1.
d PER, corrected for fiber-free group = 2.50.
e Mean SD.
f Net protein ratio (NPR).
g Relative net protein ratio (RNPR).
h NPR apparent digestibility (NPR/AD).
i NPR true digestibility (NPR/TD).
j Metabolizable energy of diet was 57 kcal/day.
k Metabolizable energy of diet was 67 kcal/day.
l Total dietary fiber.
m Treated with hot water to increase the solubility of pectin.
n Cellulose content of 0% fiber diet.
o Neutral detergent fiber.
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37. Sibbald, I. R., Berg, R. T., and Bowland, J. P., Digestible energy in relation to food intake and nitrogen
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39. Southgate, D. A. T., Branch, W. J., Hill, M. J., Draser, B. S., Welters, R. L., Davies, P. S., and Baird,
I. M., Metabolic responses to dietary supplements of bran, Metabolism, 25, 1129, 1976.
40. Southgate, D. A. T. and Durnin, J. V., Calorie conversion factors. An experimental reassessment of
the factors used in the calculation of the energy value of human diets, Br. J. Nutr., 24, 517, 1970.
41. Spiller, G. A., Effect of graded dietary levels of plant fibers on fecal output in pig-tailed monkeys,
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fibre on apparent digestibility, nitrogen balance and rate of passage, Br. J. Nutr., 53, 513, 1985.
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man, Proc. Nutr. Soc., 38, 141A, 1979.
44. Sundaravalli, O. E., Shurpalekar, K. S., and Narayana Rao, M., Inclusion of cellulose in calorie-
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45. Ulnan, E. A. and Fisher, H., Arginine utilization of young rats fed diets with simple versus complex
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46. Viola, S., Zimmerman, G., and Mokady, S., Effect of pectin and algin upon protein utilization,
digestibility of nutrients and energy in young rats, Nutr. Rep. Int., 1, 367, 1970.
47. Ward, A. T. and Reichert, R. D., Comparison of the effect of cell wall and hull fiber from canola and
soybean on the bioavailability for rats of minerals, protein and lipid, J. Nutr., 116, 233, 1986.
48. Weber, F. L., Minco, D., Fresard, K. M., and Banwell, J. G., Effects of vegetable diets on nitrogen
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49. Bach Knudsen, K. E., Wisker, E., Daniel, M., Feldheim, W., and Eggum, B. O., Digestibility of energy,
protein, fat and non-starch polysaccharides in mixed diets: comparative studies between man and the
rat, Br. J. Nutr., 71, 471, 1994.
50. Brunsgaard, G., Bach Knudsen, K. E., and Eggum, B. O., The influence of the period of adaptation
on the digestibility of diets containing different types of indigestible polysaccharides in rats, Br. J.
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J. L., Jr., Soybean hulls as a dietary fiber source in dogs, J. Anim. Sci., 77, 917, 1999.
52. Diez, M., Hornick, J.-L., Baldwin, P., and Istasse, L., Influence of a blend of fructo-oligosaccharides
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53. Diez, M., Hornick, J. L., Baldwin, P., Van Eenaeme, C., and Istasse, L., The influence of sugar-beet
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healthy Beagle dogs, Res. Vet. Sci., 64, 91, 1998.
54. Jrgensen, H., Zhao, X.-Q., Bach Knudsen, K. E., and Eggum, B. O., The influence of dietary fibre
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55. Leenaars, M. and Moughan, P. J., The apparent digestibility of energy, nitrogen, and fibre and the
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187, 1993.
56. Pettersson, D. and Razdan, A., Effects of increasing levels of sugar-beet pulp in broiler chicken diets
on nutrient digestion and serum lipids, Br. J. Nutr., 70, 127, 1993.
57. Zhao, X., Jorgensen, H., and Eggum, B. O., The influence of dietary fibre on body composition,
visceral organ weight, digestibility and energy balance in rats housed in different thermal environments,
Br. J. Nutr., 73, 687, 1995.
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Effects of Dietary Fiber and Phytate on the

Homeostasis and Bioavailability of Minerals

Barbara F. Harland and Donald Oberleas

Phytate is found in all plant seeds (both cereals and legumes), many roots and tubers, and in
fruits. Dietary fiber is also derived from many of these same plants as a part of the stems, stalks,
and leaves that support the growing plant. Phytate is a distinct, identifiable, and quantifiable
compound, but it is frequently considered a component of dietary fiber particularly in cereal
bran. Other components of dietary fiber such as cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, gums, and lignin
have properties generally associated with fiber or roughage.
In order to understand the effects of these various components of dietary fiber, it is important
to understand the physical and chemical properties of these various constituents that make up
dietary fiber. The two major components are the water-insoluble cellulose, lignin, and some hemi-
celluloses and the water-soluble pectin, gums, and other hemicelluloses. With the exception of
lignin, these all consist of polysaccharides or poly-alcohols. Pectin and gums hydrate and imbibe
water and thus tend to provide bulk and lubrication to the GI tract; the cellulose and lignin provide
bulk without hydration. The hydroxyl groups are weak binding and complexing sites and thus, with
the exception of adsorption of the minerals on the large cellulose structure, fibers do not have
sufficient binding characteristics to significantly alter the balance of any minerals.
Phytate, on the other hand, has strongly electrovalent phosphate acid groups that have stronger
binding and complexing properties. Also, for this relatively small molecule there is a large capacity
for the complexation of essential divalent cations. There is also good evidence that calcium,
magnesium, and zinc are recycled through the pancreas.1 This should make these essential divalent
mineral elements more vulnerable to complexation. Though fiber would pass through this same
region of the GI tract, the greater compleximetric strength of phytate toward cations would favor
phytate as having the greater effect on the homeostasis of these minerals. The special exception to
this may be iron, which has special complexing properties with phytate.2
All people who consume a well-balanced diet also consume a diet containing phytate.3 There-
fore, phytate is a component of most human diets throughout the world. Whereas phytate and
inositol phosphates cannot be absorbed,4 phytates hydrolysis products, both phosphate and inositol,
are absorbable. Independent of phosphate esters, inositol is absorbable and is metabolized as
glucose. Thus, if dietary phytate is to exhibit some effect, that effect must be limited to the
gastrointestinal tract.

2001 by CRC Press LLC 161
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The other characteristic chemical property of phytate is that it dissociates to a very large anion
in acid solution and has a capability for complexing heavy metals. This complexation effect may
be positive, as in the case of non-essential metals such as cadmium and lead, or negative, as in the
case of essential metal elements such as calcium, iron, and zinc, and to a lesser extent copper,
magnesium, manganese, and others. Only calcium, iron, and zinc have been studied in detail.
Several in vitro studies have been carried out that have helped to clarify the complexing charac-
teristics with various mineral elements.5 More recent studies of several divalent cations in vitro
demonstrated a reciprocal relationship between the atomic weights and the relative strengths of the
phytatecation complexes (Figure 4.2.1).6


1/Atomic weight


0.02 Zn


0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 4.2.1 The correlation between atomic weight and the concentration of precipitates of each cation at
a phytate-to-cation molar ratio of 1:2 at pH 6.0. The correlation equation is atomic weight
(Y ) = 0.0412 0.0034X (moles precipitated), r 2 = 0.92. (Source: Oberleas, D. and Chan, H.-
C., Trace Elem. Elec., 14, 173, 1997. With permission.)


Zinc deficiency was first described in rats by Todd et al.7 This was accomplished with a diet
that was chemically depleted of zinc. So little zinc was required to meet the needs of the animals,
it was thought that zinc deficiency was not possible with natural foodstuffs. Yet zinc deficiency,
with apparent adequate dietary zinc but containing plant seed protein, was reported by Tucker and
Salmon.8 Phytate was not implicated in zinc deficiency until ODell and Savage9 demonstrated that,
with chickens, phytic acid added to a casein-based (animal protein) diet produced the same
deficiency symptoms as a soybean-based (plant seed protein) diet. This was repeated in several
species including rainbow trout,10 Japanese quail,11 rats,5 pigs,12 dogs,13 and humans.14 These
observations established a definite relationship between phytate and zinc homeostasis.
Most investigators continued to believe that the major effect of phytate was on the absorption
of dietary zinc. The word "bioavailability" was coined in the early 1970s to describe this phe-
nomenon. In vitro studies have also shown that zinc complexes strongly with phytate at pH 6.5
This pH is ideal for maximum complexation and is also the approximate pH of the duodenum.
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Investigators have ignored the secretion of zinc via the pancreatic fluid in quantities as much as
four times that likely to be consumed in foods each day.1517 Evidence in other species has
continued to be developed.1820 Zinc is the only essential divalent trace element cation that is
secreted via the pancreas. It is also obvious that much of this secreted zinc must be reabsorbed
in order for zinc homeostasis to be sustained. With dietary zinc representing only 20 to 25% of
the duodenal pool, it was possible to measure relative absorption of dietary zinc utilizing radio-
active 65zinc. However, any result must be assigned to the total duodenal zinc pool to become of
any value. This parameter is more difficult to measure and has as yet to be adequately determined
in humans.21 Computer models developed to study human fluxes have either avoided or ignored
this fact.2225
Only recently were efforts made to understand the pancreatic pool and its importance in the
maintenance of zinc homeostasis. This was done using a rat model in which the endogenous pool
was labeled with radioactive 65zinc (Oberleas20). Some of the rats were fed a phytate-containing diet
using soybean protein as the native phytate source. An equal number of animals were fed a non-
phytate-containing animal protein diet. Simply measuring the differential of fecal zinc excretion and
comparing the ratio of radioactive excretion indicates that the major effect of phytate is not on the
dietary pool, but rather on the duodenal pool. Thus, the effect is not dietary zinc bioavailability but
zinc homeostasis. The results of these studies are shown in Figure 4.2.2. This clearly shows that the
effect of phytate on endogenous zinc is two to four times the effect on dietary zinc. From these
results a theoretical model was developed. This theoretical model is represented in Figure
This model has been confirmed also in rats, as shown in Figure
Little effort has been made to study this zinc pool, and most investigators utilize experimental
diets in animal studies that contain dehydrated ovalbumin, again an animal protein deficient in zinc.
No population group in the world consumes such a diet; therefore, a practical relationship of this
type of diet to any culture or world population is nonexistent.

Figure 4.2.2 Ratios of 65zinc excreted following intraperitoneal injection as affected by isolated soybeancasein
diets and dietary calcium levels. (Source: Oberleas, D., J. Inorg. Biochem., 62, 231, 1996. With
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Dietary Zinc Pool
Size = Unity (1)
Phytate:Zinc > 10

Pancreatic Endogenous Zinc Pool

Size = 2-4

Saliva + Stomach +

Stomach = 1
Pancreas = 3
Total = 4

Fractional Zinc Absorbed

0.10 = 0.4
0.50 = 2
0.80 = 3.2 (Homeostasis)

Fecal Excretion

0.90 = 3.6
0.50 = 2
0.20 = 0.8

Figure 4.2.3 A mathematical model for zinc homeostasis. This model assumes a daily dietary intake expressed
as unity, and all other values are relative to the dietary intake. (Source: Oberleas, D., J. Inorg.
Biochem., 62, 231, 1996. With permission.)


In humans, magnesium is absorbed in both the jejunum and the ileum. Magnesium is secreted
into the GI tract related to the flux of water,1 with absorption dependent upon the movement of
water. The concentrations of secretory fluids in decreasing order are bile, 0.70 mmol/L; gastric
fluid, 0.50 mmol/L; saliva, 0.15 mmol/L; and pancreatic fluid, 0.05 mmol/L. Secreted magnesium
appears to be almost completely reabsorbed. The efficiency of absorption ranges from 21 to 70%.
Some factors which influence magnesium absorption include dietary intake, intestinal transit time,
rate of water absorption, dietary calcium and phosphate, source of magnesium, and age. The kidney
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Figure 4.2.4 Confirmation of zinc homeostasis with the rat as the experimental model. (Source: Oberleas, D.
and Kwun, I. S., in Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, vol. 5, Collery, P., Bratter, P., Negretti
de Bratter, V., Khassanova, L., and Etienne, J. C., Eds., John Libbey Eurotext, Paris, 1998, 140.
With permission.)

is the primary site for magnesium reabsorption and regulation of homeostasis, where it may be
influenced by water reabsorption and parathormone. Considerable magnesium excretion may occur
via sweat loss.
Much of the fecal magnesium appears to be unabsorbed dietary magnesium. Ten to 30% of
plant cell magnesium is associated with chlorophyll. Nothing is known about the bioavailability of
chlorophyll magnesium, which could be a major contributor to the fiber effect. Several reports of
decreased magnesium absorption with human subjects have been reported using cellulose as the
fiber source,2731 and Kelsay et al.32 used pectin as the fiber source. Drews et al.33 reported no effect
with adolescent male subjects, utilizing either cellulose or pectin.
With phytate, magnesium alone does not complex well,6 but magnesium serves well as a tertiary
synergistic cation. Several studies with a rat model reported an adverse effect of dietary phytate
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on magnesium absorption.3437 Two studies with human subjects reported a negative effect of dietary
phytate on magnesium absorption.38,39


Calcium is normally the divalent mineral cation in greatest concentration in the diet. Calcium
absorption occurs from all segments of the small intestine, particularly the proximal colon.40
Calcium is also secreted into the duodenum at 30 to 40% of the dietary concentration.1 Calcium
absorption is enhanced by lysine, arginine, fructose, glucose, lactose, and xylose.41 Phytate, fiber,
and oxalate decrease the absorption of calcium by forming complexes, and some adsorption occurs
in the case of fiber. Calcium does not complex as tightly with phytate as does copper or zinc, but
by virtue of its dietary concentration it is usually, but erroneously, given responsibility for the
synergistic secondary cation effect observed in practical animal experiments.6,9 Truly, the synergism
works both ways and, thus, that affected by other dietary divalent cations makes calcium vulnerable
to phytate complexation and subsequent decreased absorption. There are many accessory dietary
factors that need to be evaluated to determine the net effect of phytate on calcium absorption and
bioavailability. It is difficult to arrive at a uniform conclusion because most experiments used diets
containing both phytate and dietary fiber,33,38,39,42,43 and, under these circumstances, differentiating
between a phytate effect and a fiber effect is most difficult.
Again, a true effect of fiber is difficult to ascertain. The adsorption of an insoluble calcium salt
onto a fiber matrix without the demonstration of a chemical complex formation is not an effect of
fiber in reducing the absorption of that mineral. An insoluble calcium salt that coincidentally adsorbs
upon a fiber matrix without chemical reaction with some fiber component would not have been
absorbed if the diet were devoid of fiber. This is one reason for the variety of results that make
simple conclusions questionable.33,44
An important characteristic of dietary fiber or dietary fiber adjuncts in our diets is that they are
fully or partially fermented in the large intestine where the lower pH fosters this activity. Soluble
oligosaccharides such as inulin and fructooligosaccharides have been shown to enhance calcium
and magnesium absorption quantifiable by increased femoral bone volume and mineral concentra-
tions in rats.45 In another study, Bird et al.46 showed decreased large bowel calcium concentrations
in pigs fed brown rice compared with boiled white rice, showing significantly greater calcium
absorption from all sections of the lower bowel.


In most species, dietary copper is poorly absorbed.47 The extent of absorption is influenced
by the amount and chemical form of the copper ingested, by the dietary level of other metal ions,
and by organic substances that may include both dietary fiber and phytate. In adults, copper is
absorbed from the stomach and all portions of the small intestine with decreasing efficiency in
descending order.4851 Copper is absorbed in the cupric state and is more easily oxidized and/or
reduced than is iron. Thus, those substances that tend to favor the absorption of iron by reducing
ferric iron to ferrous can have a devastating effect on copper absorption. Ascorbic acid is renowned
in this regard,5254 and fructose or fructose-containing sugars, i.e., sucrose, have been shown to
alter copper absorption.55
The normal site of excretion of copper is via the bile. The excretory products are very stable
complexes which are not susceptible to being reabsorbed or altered by dietary fiber or phytate.
Thus, any effect of fiber or phytate on copper in the GI tract must be on dietary copper. There is
little agreement on fiber having an effect on copper bioavailability, but it could contribute to the
synergistic co-precipitation of calcium, lead, magnesium, and zinc by phytate in the GI tract.6
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Very little interest has been shown regarding the effect of phytate or fiber directly on copper
absorption or bioavailability. Davis et al.56 reported that an isolated soybean protein diet fed to
chickens decreased the bioavailability of copper. This was later confirmed by Davies and
Nightingale using a rat model.37 Human studies indicating an effect of phytate on copper absorption
have been reported by Moser et al.57 Without further information on details of the diets used in
these studies, investigators must withhold definitive conclusions.


Several studies have indicated that phytate in the diet decreases the iron balances in human
subjects.38,5864 Some animal studies have also confirmed the effect of phytate on iron absorption
to a greater37 or lesser6567 extent. Iron absorption is dependent upon several factors, including the
size of iron stores and particularly the extent of stores in enterocytes, which are the sites of regulation
of iron absorption. There are two chemical forms of dietary iron: heme and non-heme. Heme iron
is present in hemoglobin from blood and myoglobin from muscle meat. Heme iron, by the presence
of the heme complex, is non-ionic and is absorbed intact and thus protected from the possible
complexation by phytate. Heme represents approximately 10 to 15% of the total iron intake within
the developed world.67
Non-heme iron is also found in two forms: ferrous and ferric iron. Though the chemical
difference is one electron, this makes for considerable chemical and physiological difference,
including its reaction with phytate. Non-heme iron constitutes the remaining 85 to 90% of dietary
iron in the developed world and maybe more in the developing countries. The most active site of
iron absorption is the duodenum and upper jejunum. However, the effect of phytate on iron
absorption may have already occurred in the stomach. Ferric ion was declared the only ion that
would complex with phytate in dilute acid conditions and thus was the basis for the first and many
subsequent analytical methods for phytate.68 More recently, in vitro studies have been made of the
complexation between phytate and ferric and ferrous ions independently. It is this chemistry of
ferric ions with phytate that describes the mechanism for the alteration of ferric iron availability.
Thus, the resultant complexation does not occur in the duodenum as with most cations but in the
stomach, where the acid conditions dissociate phytate from its various dietary complexes and
provide the ideal environment for complexation with ferric iron. Interestingly, ferrous iron, though
not quite as insoluble as ferric iron, starts precipitating at about pH 2, which also gives it some
advantage over other essential cations for complexation, and thus, vulnerability toward reduced
iron bioavailability. The other important characteristic of both ferric and ferrous complexes is that
they remain fairly stable through pH 7. This is shown in Figure 4.2.5. Since there is no recycling
of iron via the duodenum or bile, the only logical mechanism is that iron merely gets first chance
to complex and, whereas other cation complexes are soluble in dilute acid, ferric and ferrous irons
form very stable, insoluble complexes.


Manganese may be found in several valence states from +1 to +7, with Mn+2 being the most
stable. Absorption has been reported as low as 1%69 to as high as 40%70 using rat models. The
dietary factors which affect the absorption and distribution of manganese have not been clearly
identified. Only Davies and Nightingale37 have reported an effect of phytate on the absorption of
manganese, also in a rat model. The main route of manganese excretion is via the bile.71 The
homeostatic regulation of manganese in the body appears to be effected by a very efficient excretory
process.72 Much of the excreted manganese may be reabsorbed in a hormonally regulated pattern.
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Fraction Pptd



1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Fraction Pptd




1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 4.2.5 Chemical precipitation of ferrous (top) and ferric (bottom) ions at various pHs at a 2:1 molar ratio
of cations to phytate. (Source: Oberleas, D., in Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, vol. 6, Centano,
J. A., Collery, P., Vernet, G., Finkelman, R. B., Gibb, H., and Etienne, J. C., Eds., John Libbey
Eurotext, Paris, 2000, 558. With permission.)

At this time it is difficult to ascertain whether either phytate or dietary fiber could have a significant
effect on manganese homeostasis.


Phytate is rich in phosphate, but its non-availability to monogastric species was first shown by
Common73 with young chicks as the model. This has been confirmed many times in several
monogastric species reviewed by Nelson74 and more recently by Soares.75 Since phosphorus is
absorbed as orthophosphate, the conclusion was that chicks did not have the inherent ability to
hydrolyze phytate. This same conclusion has been shown for rats,76 pigs,77 and recently with dogs
by Schoenherr et al.4 This is a fair conclusion for humans, also.38,78
This lack of bioavailability of phosphorus from phytate means that much of the dietary phos-
phorus is excreted in the feces. Phosphorus from phosphorus-rich chicken and pig manure has
created another international problem of phosphorus pollution when applied to cropland as fertilizer
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in the Netherlands, Germany, and Taiwan and in the U.S. (North Carolina, Maryland, Delaware,
Virginia, and Arkansas), where chicken and pig production is high and the land available for
spreading the manure is limited. This has led to the development of microbial phytase products
that, when added to animal diets, are effective in improving the utilization of phytate phosphorus
in both pigs and poultry.79,80 Incorporating phytase into animal feeds can improve phytate phos-
phorus bioavailability by 40 to 50%. An added benefit from phytase is an enhancement of the
bioavailability of copper, zinc, and other divalent trace minerals.81
The effect of fiber (cellulose) on phosphorus bioavailability is less distinctive. Only Godara
et al.82 reported some decrease in phosphorus absorption, whereas others indicated no differ-
ences.32,43 Here again, the effect may be related to the relative solubility of the phosphate salts
contained in the diet and the greater or lesser degree of adsorption of these salts on the dietary
fiber components.


It is well established that phytate, with its strong complexing bonds, is capable of combining
with essential divalent cations, decreasing their absorption or, in the case of zinc and possibly
magnesium, their reabsorption and thus homeostasis. The environmental conditions, such as the
pH of the GI tract (acidic in the stomach for iron and about pH 6 in the duodenum and upper
jejunum), combined with the secretion of calcium, magnesium, and particularly zinc, create realistic
metabolic deficits. With respect to dietary fiber, the case is not as well defined. The fibers provide
bulk, and pectin and gums provide osmotic potential. However, these compounds have weak binding
characteristics, and thus much of their effect is limited to the adsorption of the mineral elements.
Adsorption has a less reliable and less effective impact on the mineral elements and, coupled with
several dietary variables, produces outcomes that are less conclusive.


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8. Tucker, H. F. and Salmon, W. D., Parakeratosis or zinc deficiency disease in the pig, Proc. Soc. Exptl.
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9. ODell, B. L. and Savage, J. E., Effect of phytic acid on zinc availability, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med.,
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10. Ketola, H. G., Influence of dietary zinc on cataracts in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri ), J. Nutr., 109,
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1083, 1981.
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Effects of Dietary Fiber on Vitamin Metabolism

Heinrich Kasper


Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Starting from the fact that fecal fat excretion is increased after a high-fiber diet, the question
arises whether dietary fiber substances (DF) affect ingested fat-soluble vitamins being utilized in
the GI tract. The exact mechanism by which the intake of DF induces fecal fat excretion is not
known. Interactions between DF and bile salts or the formation of micelles are discussed, as is the
impaired activity of intestinal enzymes. DF binds components of mixed micelles, such as bile salts,
fatty acids, monolene, phospholipids, etc., and may therefore impair fat absorption in the upper
jejunum.1 Reduced lymphatic absorption of both cholesterol and triglycerides in rats receiving
pectin, alfalfa, and cellulose also supports this hypothesis.2 Reports on the way different DFs
influence pancreatic enzyme activity, especially lipase activity, are contradictory.36 Due to the close
relationship between the absorption of triglycerides and fat-soluble vitamins, disorders of fat
absorption are invariably always associated with a disorder of the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
Esters of fat-soluble vitamins, dissolved in nutritional fat, are hydrolyzed in the intestinal lumen
by pancreatic carboxylic ester hydrolases.7,8 Hydrolysis takes place in the intestinal lumen during
solubilization of the vitamin esters in the mixed micelles.9 Across the unstirred water layer the fat-
soluble nutrients have to be moved toward the cell membrane in the form of mixed micelles.

Vitamin A and Carotene

Experiments on Test Animals

Experiments on rats have shown that there is no decrease in vitamin A accumulation in the
liver when vitamin A or carotene and 3% of pectin are added to the feed, whereas the same amount
of pectin has a hypocholesterinemic effect when cholesterin is added to the diet.10 Due to the
different concentrations of vitamin A and cholesterin when pectin is administered, the authors
believe that this DF substance does not affect the common steps of vitamin A and cholesterin
absorption. Even the addition of 5 or 10% of microcrystalline cellulose had no effects on the
postprandial serum vitamin A concentrations in rats when radioactively labeled vitamin A was
administered orally.11 Under these experimental conditions there were no indications of DF
influencing vitamin A or carotene absorption. Polish investigators12 have shown that DF, according

2001 by CRC Press LLC 173
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to individual test conditions, can have a positive as well as a negative effect on vitamin A
absorption. Increased vitamin A absorption in rats, indicated by accumulation in the liver and
plasma concentration, was found when the daily vitamin A intake with feed was 30 or 90 IU and
10% methylcellulose, agar, pectin, or wheat bran was added to the feed. With the vitamin A dose
increased to 300 IU/day, the same amount of DF had a negative effect on vitamin A absorption.

Experiments on Man
Among the fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin A has been the most extensively studied in man. Mahle
and Patton13 reported that subsequent to 8 g of a hydrophilic mucilloid laxative extracted from
psyllium being administered daily, neither the fecal excretion of vitamin A and carotene was
increased nor were plasma vitamin A and carotene concentrations affected by long-term intake of
hyrophilic mucilloid. In contrast to this, Kelsay et al.,14 using other experimental conditions, reported
that carotene excretion after a high-fiber diet was approximately double that of a low-fiber diet. In
healthy subjects, a mixed diet containing fiber from fruits and vegetables was compared with the
same diet, in which fruit and vegetable juices replaced the fruits and vegetables. Carotene was
added to the low-fiber diet to make the two diets as equivalent as possible in all respects except fiber.
Besides fat intake and the efficiency of extraction from the food matrix, the amount and type
of dietary fiber in the diet seem to determine carotenoid bioavailability (Parker 1997, Rock 1997,
Williams et al., 1998). Because detailed information on the effect of different kinds of dietary fiber
on carotenoid absorption in humans is lacking, the effects of different kinds of dietary fiber on the
absorption of carotenoids were investigated. Six healthy young women received an antioxidant
mixture consisting of -carotene, lycopene, lutein, and canthaxanthin together with a standard meal.
The meal did not contain additional dietary fiber or was enriched with pectin, guar, alginate,
cellulose or wheat bran (0.15 g kg body weight1). The increases in plasma carotenoid concen-
trations were followed over 24 h, and the areas-under-curves (AUC24h) were calculated. The mean
AUC24h of -carotene was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced by the water-soluble fibers pectin, guar,
and alginate with a mean decrease of 3343%. All tested fibers significantly reduced the AUC24h
of lycopene and lutein by 4074% (P < 0.05). The dietary fiber effect on the AUC24h of canthaxanthin
was almost significant (P = 0.059). It is concluded that the biovailability of -carotene, lycopene,
and lutein given within a mixed supplement is markedly reduced by different kinds of dietary fiber.58
Wheat bran, pectin, carob seed flour, microcrystalline cellulose, and guar, administered
together with a formula diet, had no negative effect on a vitamin A tolerance test in healthy
subjects. Compared with the area under the postprandial serum concentration curve, there was an
increase in vitamin A absorption subsequent to the above-mentioned DF being administered.15
Barnard and Heaton16 stress the point that in healthy subjects cholestyramine added to a test meal
reduced vitamin A absorption, whereas lignin had no significant effect. In patients suffering from
steatorrhea in the course of an excretory pancreatic insufficiency in chronic pancreatitis (mean
daily fecal fat excretion 38 g), the additional ingestion of 10 g pectin together with a standard
meal had no effect on the serum vitamin A concentrations when 300,000 IU vitamin A palmitate
were added to the meal.17
Single tests are inappropriate to determine whether or not long-term administration of large
amounts of DF leads to the concentration of an essential serum nutrient or impairment of the supply
required. The three well-known long-term studies on man on serum vitamin A concentrations
subsequent to increased ingestion of DF come to different conclusions. During an experiment on
68 patients receiving two tablespoons of bran per day over a period of at least 6 months, it was
found that serum vitamin A concentrations were higher compared to the initial figures,18 whereas
in another experiment on 4 subjects after the daily intake of 15 g apple pectin or 30 g wheat bran
over a period of 50 days, a decrease in vitamin A concentrations was found, while serum carotene
concentrations remained unchanged.16 Wahal and co-workers19 tested the effect of wheat bran on
serum vitamin A levels in healthy subjects during a 6-week trial. The addition of wheat bran to a
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standard diet with 20,000 units of vitamin A significantly lowered serum vitamin A levels within
1 week, and this trend continued over 3 weeks. They suggest that bran in the wheat flour which
forms the staple diet in some parts of India may contribute towards the vitamin A deficiency state
commonly observed in this country.

Vitamin D

Experiments on Test Animals

Investigations on chickens revealed that carboxymethylcellulose, pectin, and guar led to

decreased fat and nitrogen utilization and, if given with diets marginally deficient in vitamin D3,
led to the development of rickets. These findings indicate that the above-mentioned carbohydrates
have a negative effect on vitamin D3 absorption.20

Experiments on Man
Several findings indicate that a high intake of fiber from unleavened whole meal wheat flat
bread is responsible for rickets occurring in population groups in Asia. The significance of the rich
phytate concentration and the role of wheat fiber, especially its lignin component, are currently
being discussed. Lignin combines with bile acids and increases their excretion. The authors postulate
that vitamin D probably becomes attached to the fiber/bile acid complex and is transported unab-
sorbed through the gut.21 Serum or urinary calcium and phosphate concentrations and the serum
alkaline phosphatase concentrations, obtained during investigations on children treated with bran
for constipation, indicate that under this therapy vitamin Ddeficiency rickets may develop.22
Experimental high-fiber diets have been reported to reduce plasma half-life of 25 (OH) D.23 This
finding, in combination with a low vitamin D intake and bioavailability, may explain the high
incidence of rickets and low plasma 25 (OH) D concentrations in some population groups and in
infants on macrobiotic diets.24,25

Vitamin E

Experiments on Test Animals

There have been several fiber and vitamin E studies conducted on rats. From these studies it
appears that intakes of pectin decrease vitamin E bioavailability, but fiber-containing breads or
cereals have only transient or no effects.2628

Experiments in Man
The glucomannan konjac mannan has a lowering effect on vitamin E absorption in healthy
volunteers and in diabetic patients. This could be demonstrated with the vitamin E tolerance test
when the glucomannan was added to the test meal.29
Riedl et al.58 found that a meal enriched with pectin, guar, alginate, cellulose, or wheat bran
(0.15 g kg body weight) did not affect the plasma response curves of -tocopherol.

Vitamin K

It is uncertain whether there are relations between vitamin K metabolism and ingestion of
dietary fiber. Investigations on the influence of DF on vitamin K absorption and serum vitamin K
concentration are not available. The prothrombin and thromboplastin times of diabetics who were
treated with a high-fiber diet (25 to 35 g dietary fiber per 1000 kcal) for an average of 21 months
remained unchanged. This indicates that the high-fiber diet does not impair vitamin K absorption.30
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From the fact that the concentration of coagulation factors is changed if the fat and dietary fiber
content of the diet is altered, it must be inferred that coagulation factors are not sufficiently reliable
parameters for judging vitamin K absorption.31

Water-Soluble Vitamins

The underlying mechanisms of water-soluble vitamins being absorbed are more complex and
less uniform than those of the fat-soluble vitamins. Some water-soluble vitamins, such as folic
acid, must be transformed in the intestinal lumen prior to absorption.

Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Pantothenic Acid, Biotin

No data published.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

The influence of high- and low-fiber diets on urinary riboflavin excretion was examined in
healthy subjects. Compared to a control group receiving a low-fiber diet, coarse and fine bran,
cellulose, and cabbage increased urinary excretion for 8 h when 15 mg riboflavin-5-phosphate
were administered orally with breakfast. The authors concluded that dietary fiber accelerates GI
riboflavin absorption.32 In another study the impact of psyllium gum, wheat bran, and a combination
of the two on the absorption of pharmacological doses of riboflavin (30 mg) was examined with
a riboflavin load test. Fractional urine collections were made for 24 h. No effect of wheat bran on
riboflavin absorption was detected, but psyllium gum reduced the 24-h apparent absorption of
riboflavin from 31.8 to 25.4%.33

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

Experiments on Test Animals

A number of experiments on animals and man using natural and purified forms of dietary fiber
suggest that dietary fiber has little effect on the bioavailability of vitamin B6 in foods.34 Bioassays
on rats and chickens receiving cellulose, pectin, wheat bran, and mixtures of cellulose, pectin, and
lignin indicated no inhibitory effect of these test materials on the bioavailability of pyridoxine.35

Experiments on Man
In man receiving 15 mg pectin daily, there was no negative effect on plasma pyridoxal-5-
phosphate concentration and urinary 4-pyridoxic-acid excretion. This indicates that dietary pectin
supplementation has no effect on the utilization of dietary vitamin B6.36 There were no uniform
results in experiments on the bioavailability of vitamin B6 in bread containing varying amounts of
wheat bran. Whereas some investigators37 found similar plasma pyridoxal-5-phosphate concentra-
tions in man after the intake of white and whole wheat breads, others reported significantly higher
fecal B6 excretion with whole grain bread than with white bread. The plasma vitamin B6 concen-
trations were slightly lower subsequent to whole grain bread being ingested.37 It appears that the
significantly higher consumption of dietary fiber by vegetarians has no adverse effect on the
availability or metabolism of vitamin B6.38,39
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Nicotinic Acid (Niacin, Vitamin PP)

Sina et al.11 studied the influence of microcrystalline cellulose on the absorption of radioactively
labeled nicotinic acid in rats. Serum activity was measured subsequent to the labeled vitamin being
administered orally with or without the addition of 5 or 10 g microcrystalline cellulose to the feed.
Serum radioactivity was significantly higher when microcrystalline cellulose was added.

Folic Acid

According to the experiments of Luther et al.,40 DF can bind pteroylmonoglutamates but not
polyglutamates. This would suggest that naturally occurring dietary polyglutamates could be split
by the normal intestinal conjugase activity, but the product might be bound in the presence of DF.
Despite the fact that insoluble dietary residue of various foods was used in this study, other
investigators41 incubated folic acid with defined DF (cellulose, pectin, lignin, sodium alginate, and
wheat bran) without observing an absorptive effect. No effects of these DF on plasma or hepatic
folate concentrations could be demonstrated in feeding experiments on chickens. Two 6-month
studies on patients with diverticulosis, constipation, and irritable colon yielded opposite results. In
the patients of one study receiving 3 teaspoons of wheat bran daily, serum folic acid concentration
was significantly decreased.42 In the patients of the other study, administered 10 to 40 g wheat bran
daily, there was a significantly higher average folic acid concentration at the end of the observation
period than there was at the beginning.17 These fluctuations of serum folic acid concentrations are
probably due to different eating habits during the various seasons rather than to the ingestion of
wheat bran. Results were negative when folic acid monoglutamate was incubated with high-fiber
bread like that consumed in Iran. Experiments on healthy subjects showed that there is no change
in folate absorption between the low-fiber and the high-fiber bread meals.43 After a 21-month
treatment of diabetics with a high-fiber diet, serum folic acid levels were normal.30 The results of
the investigation show that supply of folic acid requirements is not impaired if a mixed high-fiber
diet is administered like the one recommended for prophylaxis and therapy of metabolic and GI
disorders. Since, however, there are indications that conventional nutrition in Western industrialized
countries does not invariably meet folic acid requirements,44 it cannot be denied that ingestion of
bran or isolated DF leads to folic acid requirements being impaired.
As studies on healthy subjects show, maximum postprandial serum folic acid concentrations
were obtained subsequent to 200-mg folic acid monoglutamate being ingested together with a
standardized test meal. The above-mentioned concentrations were obtained 1 to 2 h later than in
the control experiment when 5 g guar, 10 g pectin, or 20 g wheat bran were added to the test meal.
The areas under the folic acid concentration curves show that total absorption was significantly
decreased up to 7 h after the intake when guar and bran were added to the test meal.17 Keagy and
co-workers45 have examined the effect of wheat bran or California small white beans in the diet
on absorption of monoglutamyl (PteGlu) and heptaglutamyl folic acid (PteGlu7) in healthy men.
Relative folate absorption was determined by measuring 24-h urinary folate excretion and serum
folate levels at 0, 1, and 2 h after ingestion of a formula meal containing 1.13 mol PteGlu or
PteGlu7 (500 g PteGlu equivalent). Addition of 30 g wheat bran accelerated PteGlu absorption,
whereas PteGlu7 absorption was not significantly affected by either food. Effects of the two foods
were qualitatively different. Wheat bran increased the absorption of PteGlu relative to PteGlu7,
whereas beans minimized the difference between PteGlu and PteGlu 7 serum areas.
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Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

Experiments on Test Animals

Cullen and Oace46 have examined the effects of cellulose or pectin supplements upon vitamin
B12 metabolism in rats. The experiments demonstrated that the addition of either 20 to 50% cellulose
or 5 to 20% pectin to the semipurified B12-deficient diet enhanced the depletion of body stores of
vitamin B12. The authors suggest that both fibers interfere with the recovery of biliary vitamin B12
by binding to a residue that is little metabolized until it passes the ileum reabsorption site. Urinary
methylmalonic acid excretion was also measured and used as a parameter of vitamin B12 deficiency.
Compared to the control group, urinary excretion increased significantly subsequent to cellulose
and pectin being ingested. However, this occurred much earlier and to a greater extent with pectin
than with cellulose. The reason for this is not known. The authors postulate that there may be
greater production of propionate during the bacterial decomposition of pectin. In B12 deficiencies,
methylmalonic acid is produced from propionic acid in the liver. Another explanation would be a
change in the intestinal flora, with a resulting increase in B12 consumption.

Experiments on Man
The influence of DF on vitamin B12 has not been studied systematically hitherto. It is only
known that there is no change in serum vitamin B12 concentrations in patients with diverticulosis
on 6-month wheat bran therapy.42 The serum vitamin B12 concentration of diabetics 21 months
subsequent to a high-fiber diet being administered was also in the normal range.30 In healthy
volunteers and in diabetic patients, vitamin B12 absorption was not affected when the glucomannan
konjac mannan was added to a test meal.29

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

With 100 mg ascorbic acid being administered daily to healthy subjects, a significant increase
in urinary excretion of the vitamin was observed when 14 g hemicellulose was added to the diet.
Cellulose and pectin had no effect on urinary ascorbic acid concentration.47 Postprandial serum
concentrations were not measured. Contrary to all expectations, these findings might indicate an
increase in intestinal ascorbic acid absorption. Preliminary results of other investigators confirm
these findings. They were able to show that 5 g pectin as well as 10 g wheat bran increase serum
vitamin C concentration and urinary excretion significantly when they are ingested together with
a formula diet containing 400 mg ascorbic acid.48


Due to the findings of a large number of experiments on animals, it could be definitely

demonstrated that those carbohydrates which are hard to digest stimulate the intestinal synthesis
of B vitamins and vitamin K. There have been various studies, especially on raw potato starch,
inositol, mannitol, sorbitol, pectin, and cellulose. Since the colon is the site of vitamin synthesis,
vitamins synthesized in the intestine can probably contribute to the supply of what is required only
when coprophagy takes place.49 For example, rats resist dietary vitamin K deficiency by eating
their own feces. Prevention of coprophagy in these animals leads to vitamin K deficiency after a
short time.50 There are findings, however, which indicate that vitamin K requirements even in man
are met to a large extent by the intestinal flora.51 It is not known whether during possible absorption
of internally synthesized vitamin K the content of nutritional DF in man determines the amount
of synthesized, and hence absorbed, vitamin K.
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Since the human small intestine often harbors considerable microflora,52 and a free intrinsic
factor is often present in the lumen of the small intestine,53 there has been speculation that vitamin
B12 synthesized by the small intestinal flora contributes to vitamin B12 requirements being met.
This might account for the absence of vitamin B12 deficiency in some groups of vegetarians.54 It
is not known to what extent bacterial vitamins synthesize in mans small intestine and thus, the
requirement in vitamin B12 being met can be influenced by those carbohydrates being ingested
which are difficult to absorb.


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14. Kelsay, J. L., Behall, K. M., and Prather, E. S., Effect of fiber from fruits and vegetables on calcium,
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16. Barnard, D. L. and Heaton, K. W., Bile acids and vitamin A absorption in man: the effects of two bile
acid-binding agents, cholestyramine and lignin, Gut, 14, 316, 1973.
17. Kasper, H. and Schrezenmeir, J., unpublished data.
18. Rattan, J., Levin, N. E., Graff, N., Weizer, T., and Gilat, N., A high-fiber diet does not cause mineral
and nutrient deficiencies, J. Clin. Gastroenterol., 3. 389, 1981.
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20. Kratzer, F. H., Rajaguru, R. W., and Vohra, P., The effect of polysaccharides on energy utilization,
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23. Batchelor, A. J. and Compston, J., Reduced plasma half-life of radio-labelled 25-hydroxyvitamin D3
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25. Gibson. R. S., Bindra, G. S., Nizan, P., and Draper, H. H., The vitamin D status of East Indian Punjabi
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26. deLumen, B. O., Lubin, B., Chiu, D., Reyes, P., and Omaye, S. T., Bioavailability of vitamin E in
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27. Omaye, S. T. and Chow, F. I., Effect of hard red spring wheat bran on the bioavailability of lipid-
voluble vitamins and growth of rats fed for 56 days, J. Food Sci., 49, 504, 1984.
28. Schaus, E. E., deLumen, B. O., Chow, F. I., Reyes, P., and Omaye, S. T., Bioavailability of vitamin
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29. Doi, K., Matsuura, M., Kawara, A., Tanaka, T., and Baba, S., Influence of dietary fiber (konjac mannan)
on absorption of vitamin B12 and vitamin E., Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 141 (Suppl.), 677, 1983.
30. Anderson, J. W., Ferguson, S. K., et al., Mineral and vitamin status on high-fiber diets: long-term
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35. Nguyen, L. B., Gregory, J. F., and Damron, B. L., Effects of selected polysaccharides on the bioavail-
ability of pyridoxine in rat and chickens, J. Nutr., 111, 1403, 1981.
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41. Ristow, K. A., Gregory, J. F., and Damron, B. L., The effect of dietary fiber on folic acid bioavailability,
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The Effect of Dietary Fiber on

Fecal Weight and Composition

John H. Cummings


Present-day interest in fiber stems from the middle of the nineteenth century when the preoc-
cupation of the Victorians with their bowel habits led many physicians to declaim the virtues of
bran. John Burne,1 writing in 1840 in A Treatise on the Causes and Consequences of Habitual
Constipation, recommends that coarse brown and bran bread is very efficacious, the bran acting
as a salutory stimulus to the peristaltic action of the intestines. There was little need to convince
Burne and his generation that bran stimulated colonic movement and increased fecal output.
Nevertheless, each generation of medical scientists seems to have to rediscover this fact for itself,
and medical and nutritional literature in the 1970s contained many papers in which little else but
the laxative properties of bran were reported.
By 1909, Sir Arthur Hertz (later Sir Arthur Hurst)2 was writing, One of the most valuable
foods for constipation in whole-meal bread white bread, which is made of the endosperm alone
and those varieties of brown bread, such as Hovis, which are made from the endosperm and germ,
contain only about one-fifth of the cellulose present in whole-meal bread. It is clear, therefore, that
the substitution of whole-meal bread for white bread is a very important part of the dietetic treatment
of constipation. Thus, 75 years ago fiber was being singled out as the principal component of bran
responsible for its colonic effects.
In 1936, Dimock,3 in his M.D. thesis for the University of Cambridge entitled Treatment of
Habitual Constipation by the Bran Method, was able to review over 50 papers reporting clinical,
biochemical, radiological, and physiological studies of the use of fiber in constipation. He discussed
various current ideas about the way bran produces its laxative effect, such as the presence of
undigestible fiber, its content of vitamin B, phytin, hemicellulose, inorganic salts, and the production
of volatile fatty acids from decomposition of cellulose and hemicellulose. As a result of his own
observations, he concluded, My view is that bran exerts a mechanical laxative action due to its
fibre content. The fibre mixes intimately with the food residues in the colon, even when bran is
taken only once a day. I believe that by so doing, it not only retains moisture itself but enables the
other residues in the colon to resist dehydration.
The 1930s were a time of vigorous investigation of the laxative properties of dietary fiber.
Purified forms of fiber such as ispaghula, various celluloses, agar, karaya, sterculia, and psyllium

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were all in common use and were a focus of some interesting studies on their mechanism of action.
It was widely believed at the time that fiber acted by virtue of its capacity to absorb and retain
water in the gut.48 However, the work by Williams and Olmsted,9 which involved careful metabolic
balance studies and fecal analysis of subjects ingesting various fibers prepared from peas, carrots,
cabbage, corn bran, wheat bran, etc., concluded that contrary to the accepted belief, the effective-
ness of indigestible residues is not due primarily to the mechanical stimulus of distention but rather
to chemical stimuli which arise from the destruction of hemicelluloses and cellulose by the intestinal
bacterial flora. One of these stimulating products is the lower volatile fatty acids. These studies
contradicted the experimental data of others and questioned the whole basis of then currently
accepted beliefs about fiber. Surprisingly, perhaps because of the international conflict which
involved many nations at that time, there followed an apparently complete loss of interest in the
subject and no significant developments were reported for the next 30 years.
Attention to the effect of dietary fiber on bowel habit returned around 1970, not because of any
new insights into the problem of constipation but as a result of epidemiological observations relating
bowel habit to disease by Burkitt1014 and studies by Painter on the etiology and treatment of
diverticular disease.1517 In his paper on the etiology of large bowel cancer in 1971, Burkitt suggests
that fiber affects bowel function by speeding up transit time, diluting gut contents, and favorably
influencing the microbial flora. At the same time, Painter was concluding a series of studies in the
U.K. which he interpreted as showing that diverticular disease of the large intestine was due to
lack of bulk in colonic contents. He surmised from these studies that propulsion of intestinal contents
was more difficult if they were dry, inspissated, and of small volume, thus requiring increased
intraluminal pressures. He then went on to show that, contrary to current medical opinion, diver-
ticular disease could be satisfactorily treated by increasing the amount of dietary fiber in the form
of wheat bran. These studies stimulated new research into the mode of action of fiber in the colon.
Since then, much of the early work on fiber has inevitably been repeated and many papers do little
if anything to advance our knowledge or understanding of the mode of action of dietary fiber in
the colon. However, as a result of better chemical techniques and advancing knowledge of colonic
physiology, new concepts have emerged with regard to the mode of action of fiber in the colon
and its role in determining colonic function.

Table 4.4.1 Average Increase in Fecal Output per Gram Fiber Fed
Increase No. of Studies
Source g/g Fiber SEM (see Tables 2-15) Comments
Wheat 5.4 (0.7) 41 Mainly bran. Raw 7.2; cooked
4.9 (p < 0.05)
Fruit and vegetables 4.7 (0.7) 28 Carrot, peas, cabbage, apple,
potato, banana, prunes, and
mixed sources
Gums and mucilages 3.7 (0.5) 27 Psyllium/ispaghula, 4.0 (N =
14). Other: traga canth,
xanthan, sterculia, bassara,
xylan, agar, gum arabic, 4.0
(N = 9.0)
Cellulose 3.5 (0.8) 7 Also carboxymethylcellulose,
4.9 (N = 3); methylcellulose,
8.9 (N = 4)
Oats 3.4 (1.1) 4 Oat bran or oats
Corn 3.3 (0.3) 5 Corn meal or bran
Legumes 2.2 (0.3) 17 Soya products, 2.5 (N =11)
Pectin 1.2 (0.3) 11 Degree of methoxylation not
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Table 4.4.1 is a summary of the result of nearly 100 studies of the effect of the dietary fiber on
bowel habit and fecal composition published between 1932 and 1984 and given in detail in
Tables 4.4.2 to 4.4.9. All sources of fiber lead to an increase in fecal output and therefore in the
components which make up feces such as fat, nitrogen, water, minerals, and trace elements. What
is clear from Table 4.4.1, however, is that not all fibers are equal in this respect, pectin for example
giving an increase of about 1.3 g of stool per gram of fiber fed while pure cellulose has an effect
more than double (3.0 g/g fiber fed), and fruit, vegetables, and bran as sources of fiber being yet
more effective (4.9 and 5.7 g/g, respectively).
The reasons for these differences relate to the physicochemical properties of dietary fiber. Two
factors, particle size and chemical composition of individual fiber polysaccharides, have already
emerged from experimental studies as specifically affecting the mode of action of dietary fiber.
Table 4.4.10 summarizes studies of the effect of particle size on the efficacy of wheat bran in
altering colonic function. In general, these show that if exactly the same source of fiber is fed at
two different particle sizes, the greater particle size preparation will produce larger changes in stool
output. The reason for this is thought to relate to the extent and rate of breakdown of dietary fiber
in the large intestine. Large particles are more slowly degraded and so are more likely to survive
passage through the gut. In so doing they are able to exert a physical effect on colonic function by
providing both bulk to gut contents and a surface for the bacteria which allows for their more
efficient metabolism.
Chemical analysis of dietary fiber sources also shows a relation to fecal bulking properties. The
more pentose sugars present in the dietary fiber polymers, the greater the increase in stool weight
(other factors being equal).18 This association is an intriguing one and one which is at the present
time unexplained. It was initially felt that the response to pentose-containing polysaccharides was
simply a reflection of the water-holding capacity of a particular fiber. However, both pentose- and
hexose-containing polysaccharides hold water and further research has cast doubt on the water-hold-
ing hypothesis19 as the sole explanation for the action of fiber, although its water-holding properties
are still an important component of the explanation of its role in altering gut function.2025
The most telling argument against the water-holding hypothesis is that virtually all fiber is
broken down in the gut. Fiber digestion in man has been reported in the literature on many occasions
in the past century. Despite this, the popular view has persisted that it is not degraded, although
there is now ample evidence to the contrary.26,27 For example, when fiber in mixed diets is fed to
healthy subjects, 70 to 80% of it disappears during passage through the gut.28 The cellulosic fraction
tends to survive digestion better than the noncellulosic polysaccharides, and fiber from cereals
survives better than that from fruit and vegetables. When the digestion of cabbage and bran fiber
was compared in healthy subjects taking equal doses of each material, only 10% of the cabbage
fiber could be recovered in feces, while 60% of bran fiber was excreted.25
Since fiber is extensively degraded, it is not surprising that its water-holding capacity alone is
insufficient to explain its physiological effects in the colon. Another mechanism has to be sought
whereby fiber can alter colonic metabolism. Williams and Olmsted9,29 were probably the first to
recognize the significance of the extensive breakdown of fiber in the human gut. They suggested
that the fecal bulking by fiber could be accounted for by the stimulatory effect on colonic smooth
muscle of the major end products of fiber breakdown, the short chain, or volatile fatty acids. Today,
however, short-chain fatty acids are known to be rapidly absorbed from the human colon and are
thought not to control laxation in man.30 Because of this, little has been learned from the study of
their fecal excretion and, therefore, data from the few studies where they have been measured are
not included in the accompanying tables.
A component of normal stools that has been neglected in studies of fiber for many years is the
microflora. Bacteria are about 80% water and, therefore, a potentially important component of
stools. Because of their ability to resist dehydration, bacteria are more likely to retain their water
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against the absorptive forces of the colonic mucosa than are the cellular skeletons of plant material
that remain after cooking of food and its subsequent passage through the gut. Stephen and
colleagues31 developed a method for fractionating human feces which allows the contribution from
microbial material to be estimated. Using this technique, it can be shown that bacteria compose
up to half of the fecal solids in subjects eating typical Western diets. Bacteria are therefore probably
an underestimated component of human feces, and their role in changes in fecal composition is
important. In Tables 4.4.2 to 4.4.9, it will be seen that fiber almost always brings about an increase
in fecal nitrogen excretion. Studies in both man32 and animals3334 have shown that this N is most
likely to be bacterial N which increases as the result of microbial growth in the colon through
fermentation of fiber. An increase in lipid excretion may, in part, also be explained this way.


The way in which dietary fiber affects bowel habit cannot be explained on the basis of one
simple hypothesis. There are probably at least four distinct effects of fiber by which it brings about
an increase in stool weight. First, plant cell walls which resist breakdown by the microflora, e.g.,
because of lignification as in bran, are able to exert a physical effect on intestinal bulk by retaining
water within their cellular structure. Increasing bulk stimulates colonic movement. Second, most
forms of dietary fiber are extensively degraded by the microflora. The result of this is to stimulate
microbial growth and a greater excretion of microbial products in feces. This again contributes to
the change in fecal mass. Third, substances which increase bulk in the large intestine often speed
up the rate of passage through the bowel. As transit time falls, the efficiency with which the bacterica
grows improves. Shortened transit time also leads to reduced water absorption by the colon and
therefore wetter stools. Fourth, dietary fiber is an important source of gas in the colon since the
gases H2, CH4, and CO2 are some of the principal end products of fermentation. Gas trapped within
gut contents again adds to their bulk. These mechanisms together combine to increase stool weight.
Many workers who have studied the effect of dietary fiber on bowel function have noted the
wide range in response among individuals. Table 4.4.11 summarizes studies of dietary fiber in
subjects with diverticular disease of the colon. In general, it would appear that in response to bran,
these patients exhibit only about 50% of the response seen in healthy subjects. Whether this is the
result or cause of the diverticular disease cannot be said but is worth further study.
Although the literature on dietary fiber and bowel habit contains much that is repetitious, in a
small number of papers evenly distributed over the years, experiments are described which dem-
onstrate new aspects of large bowel physiology hitherto unrecognized. The advent of better carbo-
hydrate chemistry, microbiological techniques, and noninvasive methods of studying colonic func-
tion has allowed investigators in recent years to show that dietary fiber has, through its breakdown
in the large intestine by the microflora, an important role in maintaining normal digestive function
as it does in the ruminant and other hind gut fermenting species.


Selection of Papers

These tables summarize essential experimental details from a selection of reports of the effect
of dietary fiber, in many forms, on bowel function, fecal weight, and composition published during
the past 55 years. It is not a comprehensive survey since such a report would have been very extensive
and have contained probably little more useful information than the present one. Studies have been
selected for inclusion provided they were conducted on man, were reported as full papers in the
English language, and contained numerical data on changes in large bowel function, particularly
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fecal output and composition. Many early studies from the period 1920 to 19503552 have not been
included because they report only qualitative data, percent changes, or results that are otherwise
difficult to convert to tabular form. Nevertheless, some of these studies are detailed and thoughtful
and well worth consulting .
The series of papers by Fantus and colleagues in 1940 to 1942,37,40,41 together with the classic
work of Williams and Olmsted,9,29,5356 that of Cowgill and associates,58,59 and the Comprehensive
studies of Tainter et al.7,8,60,61 on the mode of action of bulk laxatives, laid the foundation for much
of present-day thinking about dietary fiber. Unfortunately, only a minority of modern researchers
seem to have read or taken note of these early studies. If these studies had received greater attention,
much that is mundane and repetitious in current nutritional research would have been obviated.
A great deal that is written about fiber and bowel habit concerns constipation. The majority of
these papers, however, are worthless, being reports of uncontrolled studies which usually show a
beneficial effect of bran or other bulk laxatives. They have not been included in this survey unless
they contain clear data on the role of fiber. In general, studies of young children have also been
excluded, as have those where data are based on a single stool or only 1 day of fecal collection.
Most studies reported are within-subject crossover type design where each person takes both
test and control diets. To say that they are solely experiments to determine the effect of dietary
fiber on bowel function is an overstatement, however, since many investigators have used fiber
sources such as bran or foods which contain other nutrients. Nevertheless, there are problems in
interpreting information and extrapolating foods that are normally eaten when dealing with studies
where purified materials, such as cellulose, are used.62 Thus, both types of experiments, whole
foods and purified materials, are needed to give a full understanding of the effects of fiber. The
problem of the purity of fiber sources has been recognized for many years and early studies of
bran, such as those reported by Dimock,3 discuss at length the potential of various components of
bran to induce laxation. The answers to some of the questions Dimock posed have not yet been
found or even looked for.
Finally, the age-old question what is fiber constantly appears when reading the literature. The
word fiber is used in many different contexts in the papers reported here and clearly means
different things to different investigators. All definitions and concepts are included in the tables.
Some guide as to the meaning of the word in individual studies is given by an indication of the
chemical methods used in the study to measure fiber intake in the experimental subjects.

TABLES 4.4.2 TO 4.4.11

An asterisk in all columns means that the value is significantly different from basal (or other
appropriate) control diet.

Column 1: Literature Sources, Diet, Fiber Source

The principal literature sources for the data given in the table are recorded in column 1. In
recent years the practice has developed in which authors publish the results of a single complete
study in several parts, possibly in different journals. Alternatively, and to be decried, is the repeated
publication of the same data in several journals. Small alterations may be made to numbers of
subjects or details and the work republished. All this conspires to crowd the literature with irrelevant
and superfluous information while apparently enhancing the reputation of the authors for industry,
science, and original thought. As a means of guiding the reader through this morass, all citations
to a single experiment are recorded in this column, insofar as they can be identified.
Diets are either controlled or ad lib. Controlled diets are where the food is cooked and
prepared for the subjects by the investigators and provides a constant background against which
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to judge the effect of fiber. These are sometimes referred to as metabolic studies. Commendably,
many studies are now carried out in this way. Ad lib diets are self-selected by the subjects.
Fiber sources are described as in the paper.

Column 2: Total Number of Subjects in Study, Sex, and Age

The number of subjects of each sex (M = male, F = female) who took part in the whole study
or part of the study are recorded together with the range of ages. A dash indicates that no data are

Column 3: Study Period

Study period describes the diet and/or fiber source relevant to the data given on that line. Basal
= control diet against which fiber supplements were compared.

Column 4: Fiber Intake (g/day) and Fiber Method

Many authors have attempted to measure fiber intake using one of a number of methods (see
below). Where no method is given in the paper, an attempt has been made to calculate dietary fiber
intakes using currently available food tables or analytical information. If errors have been committed
or wrong assumptions have been made by me in doing this, I apologize in advance to the investi-
gators concerned.

I. Crude fiber 6364

II. Williams and Olmsted 193556
III. Southgate6570
IV. Paul and Southgate71
V. Van Soest and modifications 7276
VI. Crampton and Maynard77
VII. OShea, Ribiero, and Moran78
VIII. McCance, Widdowson, and Shackleton79
IX. Katan and von de Bovenkamp80
X. Englyst8182
XI. Schweizer8384
XII. Angus, Sutherland, and Farrell 85

Column 5: Days on Diet

This information appears as in the paper. Where this was varied, a range is given. (No figure
is given for ad lib diets since it is assumed to be the subjects usual diet.)

Column 6: Fecal Collection Period (Days)

This is the number of days of fecal collection pooled for analysis. It is the minimum included
since investigators have used, on occasion, averages of several collection periods for the data.

Column 7: Number of Subjects Collecting Feces

This number may be less than the total number participating in the study either because the
subjects were split into groups or some did not collect feces. It is the number which has been used
to calculate standard errors in other columns.
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Column 8: Fecal Weight (g/day)

Average value ( 1 SE of the mean). Some of these figures are derived by calculation on the
basis of data in the original papers. Any errors are therefore not the fault of the original authors,
and investigators seeking to follow up these studies should consult the publications themselves.
Where data are given in the paper for several periods on the same diet, the information relating to
the final period has been used in this table.

Column 9: Percent Moisture

If not given in the original paper, this has been calculated as:

total fecal weight g/day fecal solids g/day

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100
total stool weight g/day

Column 10: Fecal Solids (g/day)

As given in the paper or calculated from data related to percent moisture of feces ( 1 SE of
the mean).

Column 11: Apparent Increase in Fecal Weight Per Gram Dietary Fiber Fed

Calculated as:

fecal output with fiber source g/day basal fecal output g/day
g fiber fed per day

Gram of fiber fed per day is always dietary fiber as defined in 1972 and 1976.8687 Where
dietary fiber data are not given in the paper, these have been calculated from available knowledge
of the food and fiber source used.

Column 12: Transit Time Hours and Transit Method

Transit time, the time it takes a substance to pass through the gut, can be measured using a
number of techniques, in the majority of which an oral dose of inert marker is given with food and
its appearance in feces is noted. Values for transit time obtained are very dependent on the method
used. Colored dyes give short transit times since it is difficult to detect other than the first
appearance of marker in feces. Methods which measure mean transit time are probably most
accurate, while the radio-opaque pellet technique of Hinton et al.88 gives values which are about
20% greater than the mean transit time methods. Values in this column must be interpreted,
therefore, in the light of the method used and are not directly comparable with one another.

Transit Methods

I. Hinton, Lennard-Jones, and Young (1969)88

II. Cummings, Jenkins, and Wiggins (1975 and 1976)8990
III. Colored dyes first apperance method9193
IV. 51Cr sodium chromate94

V. Cr2O6 chromic oxide

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Column 13: Fat (g/day)

Note that various methods are used to recover fat, including those which measure total lipid,
triglycerides, and fatty acids and fatty acids alone (after hydrolysis); millimoles converted to
milligrams by factor 280.

Column 14: N (g/day)

This is usually measured by the Kjeldahl technique. Note variable conversion factors used by
authors to convert fecal N to protein (from 5.75 to 6.25).

Column 15: Neutral Steroids (mg/day)

See original papers for methodology which affects results especially in early (pre-1970) papers.
Millimoles converted to milligrams by factor 386.

Column 16: Acid Steroids (mg/day)

See notes for Column 15. Millimoles converted to milligrams by factor 400.

Column 17: Energy (kcal/day)

Total fecal energy excretion, usually measured by calorimetry.

Column 18: Comments, Notes, Other Data Available

This column includes special notes about the studies and lists other data available from related
publications of the same study.

Other Data Available From Study

A = Digestibility (fecal excretion) of fiber

B = Volatile fatty acids
C = Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus (including
D = Iron, zinc, copper, and other trace elements
E = Blood lipids
F = Intestinal motility
G = Polyethylene glycol, Cr2,O6, used as markers
H = Sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, ash, or
other electrolytes
J = Microflora
K = Glucose tolerance
L = Bile composition and bile acid kinetics
M = Breath CH4, and H2.
N = Hematology
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TABLES 4.4.12 TO 4.4.15 (19861992)

These additional tables detail papers on the effects of dietary fiber on bowel habit and fecal
composition published between 1986 and 1992, and also include one or two additional reports
omitted from the earlier survey. As before, the criteria for inclusion are that the studies have been
undertaken in adults, contain quantitative data of an experimental, not observational, nature, and
must include, as a minimum, fecal weights. There may be some publications that do not appear in
these tables but which fit the criteria for inclusion. Such omissions are inadvertent and the author
apologizes to anyone whose work has been so excluded.
While in 1985 it appeared that everything that could be said about dietary fiber and bowel habit
had been said, papers still continue to appear on this topic at a steady rate. Some of them add little
to what is already known, although there is clearly now an increased interest in forms of dietary
fiber other than bran. This is seen in the papers on different plant gums and legumes, especially
soya. The impetus for these studies is partly commercial, since few investigators use these studies
to cast light on the unresolved question as to how dietary fiber works. Some progress has been
made in this area, by study of the physical properties of fiber in relation to its effect on fecal
composition, but a number of important questions remain unanswered .220,247,248
The revised version of Table 4.4.1 shows average increases in fecal weight (g per day per g
fiber fed) for the major sources of dietary fiber, ranked according to their effectiveness. Thirty-
seven additional papers have been added to the original compilation of about 80, detailing a total
of approaching 150 individual dietary studies of assorted fiber sources. These additional data have
not made a great deal of difference to the overall rankings, and the message remains the same.
Dietary fiber is laxative, but the significant differences among the results confirm that not all fibers
are the same, and one cannot really generalize about the whole group. Therefore, a single number
on a food label for fiber is going to give the consumer very little useful information about its
laxative effects, without some additional information. Wheat products, usually bran, remain
unequivocally at the top of the league, although a small number of studies of methylcellulose
suggest it is equally, if not more, effective as a laxative. With regard to wheat, there are now enough
studies of both raw and cooked products to show a statistically significant difference in favor of
raw bran (7.2 g/g raw vs. 4.9 cooked, t = 2.65, p = 0.012). The disadvantage of raw bran, of course,
is its high content of phytate.
Fruits and vegetables remain second in the table, well ahead of the rest. While many people
believe fruits and vegetables contain mainly soluble fiber with little potential to alter bowel habit,
in fact this is clearly not the case. Many fruits and vegetables contain significant amounts of
insoluble fiber.253,254 These studies were mostly done with foods rather than purified forms of fiber,
which means that the subjects are eating intact cell walls, which probably contributes to the effect.
Gums and mucilages have risen up the list to third place, although they are well behind wheat,
fruits, and vegetables. There is clearly a lot of commercial interest in adding these preprations to
food due to their potential cholesterol lowering properties. However, wide differences in the fecal
bulking properties of gums are evident. For example, guar is a poor bulker in general, giving
increases of around 1.0 g/g,220,225 while tragacanth seems to be the best at 6.4 g/g,228 although this
is only one study.
Cellulose, corn, and oats are all effective laxative substances and give similar effects, with
the exceptions of methylcellulose and carboxymethylcellulose, which are better. The legumes,
despite being a good source of insoluble fiber,253 are poor fecal bulkers. Since they also frequently
contain resistant starch,255 this is hard to understand. Finally, pectin remains the least effective
along with guar.
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How reliable are these rankings? Within each group there is great variability, although despite
this the overall differences are statistically significant (by ANOVAR F 4.78 p < 0.001). The
variability is due in part to the inherent difference in individual responses and to varying experi-
mental designs, some of which are uncontrolled diets. However, a major problem is lack of
consistency in methodology for measurement of dietary fiber. In the earlier part of this chapter, 12
methods were listed as being used to measure fiber in the various studies. A further seven have
been added for the present update as follows:

XIII. Anderson, Sieling, and Chen197

XIV. Mergenthaler and Scherz199
XV. Meuser et al.200
XVI. Prosky et al.202204
XVII. Slavin et al.215
XVIII. Theander and Westerlund 231
XIX. Asp et al.232

In addition, a further seven methods or modifications to methods have been developed over this
period.239245 Because these methods give widely differing results for the amount of dietary fiber
in a food,256 this creates a problem in comparing data.
What of the future? The emergence of starch as a fecal bulking agent 248252 is probably the
single most important discovery to challenge the role of fiber in the diet. At the very least, the
amount and type of starch in experimental diets must be controlled (as must its processing) to
eliminate this as a variable. More than likely, we shall have to re-evaluate the whole dietary fiber
story in the light of emerging evidence of the importance of resistant starch.
Table 4.4.2 Effect of Wheat Fiber in Various Forms on Fecal Composition (See Also Table 4.4.10)

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Cowgill and 5M Low fiber 5.2 14 14 5 116 77 27 Both brans equally
Anderson basal (11) effective
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(1932)58 + Whole 14 14 5 193* 79 40

Controlled diet bran, (8)
Normal foods 111/2 oz
Low fiber or very Low fiber basal 5.2 14 14 5 112 (7) 76 27
low fiber + Acid- 14 14 5 171* 77 39
Bran whole or washed bran, 14 4 (13) 70 28
with weak acid 111/2 oz 93 (7)
Very low fiber 3.1 14
+ Whole bran,
111/2 oz
14 14 4 189* 74 49
Very low fiber 3.1 14 14 4 93 (5) 76 22
basal + Acid-
washed bran,
111/2 oz

14 14 4 185* 76 44
Cowgill and 6M Basal 3038 7 7 6 78 (15) Constipated
Sullivan (1933)59 subjects
Controlled diet + Bran 50 7 7 6 121* Also studied effect
Normal foods (6) of fruits and
Bran and breakfast + High bran 90 7 7 6 187* vegetables (see
bran (a (18) Table 4.4.8)
commercial Whole bran
+ Breakfast 90 7 7 6 176*
breakfast cereal) slightly better
bran (12) than breakfast
bran but less
Table 4.4.2 (Continued) Effect of Wheat Fiber in Various Forms on Fecal Composition (See Also Table 4.4.10)

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Noted greater
fiber digestibility
than in normal
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Williams and 3M Bran + 24 6 7 3 +79b 3.2 Part of a larger
Olmsted study in which 9
(1936) 9,29,57 other fiber
Controlled diet sources fed (see
Normal foods Tables
excluding fruit
and vegetables A, B
Bran, prepared by
washing for 24 h
in warm water,
extracting with hot
ethanol, and
McCance and 3 M, 3 White 10 7 6 116 Laxative
Widdowson properties of
(1942)95 brown breads
Controlled diet F, 21 Brown 10 7 6 224 similar
Bread as 40 to 50% 42 Brown 10 7 6 209 C
of energy intake dephytenized
Bread either white, Brown dephy- 10 7 6 226
brown, brown with tenized +
dephytenized minerals
bran, or brown
with dephytenized
bran and mineral
Eastwood et al. 8 M, Basal 7 7 8 107 76 26 (3) 62 216 Cellulose also
(1973)96 2543 (15) (46) studied (see
Ad lib diet + Bran,16 g + 7c 21 7 8 174* 76 41* (3) 9.5 43 207 Table 4.4.4)
Bran (18) (34) E
Connell and Smith 10, 25 Cornflakes 28 7 8 119 (9) 93 (16)
(1974)97 45 1 oz
Ad lib diet
Bran buds or Bran buds, +8 28 7 8 218* 12.3 44* (4)
cornflakes 1 oz (20)
Study included
additional group
with diverticular
disease (see
Table 4.4.11)
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 195 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Findlay et al. 6, 28 Basal 7 7 6 120 72 33 (4) 66 (18) 296 See original paper
(1974)98 36 (18) (32) for comments on
Ad lib diet + Bran, 20 g + 9c 35 7 6 183* 74 46* (3) 7.2 50 (11) 352 liquid and solid
Bran (22) (45) phases of gut
F, G
Walters et al. 2 M, 3 Basal 15 12 7 5 93 (10) 75 23 (1) 2.8 1.1 646 199 108 (6) Two separate
(1975)107 F, 52 (0.2) (0.2) (73) (44) studies: one of
69 bagasse biscuits
in nuns living in a
convent (see
Table 4.4.7); the
Southgate et al. + Bran crisp- 28 12 7 5 166* 77 38* (8) 5.5 3.8 1.6* 675 195 166*
sec- ond an in-
(1976)108 bread (15) (0.6) (0.2) (81) (17) (6) patient controlled
McLean Baird et al. diet study of
(1977)109 wheat bran
Controlled diet biscuits
Hospital low fiber A, CE, J

Bran crisp-bread
Cummings et al. 6 M, Basal 17 21 7 6 79 (7) 73 21 (1) 58 (3) 1.7 1.2 602 199 B, C, E, H
(1976)99 2125 (0.2) (0.0) (79) (19)
Jenkins et al. + Fiber 45 21 7 6 228* 80 45* (2) 5.3 40* (4) 2.7* 2.0* 820 279*
(1975)100 (30) (0.2) (0.1) (121) (19)
Controlled diet
Normal foods
Table 4.4.2 (Continued) Effect of Wheat Fiber in Various Forms on Fecal Composition (See Also Table 4.4.10)

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Whole meal bread,

All Bran, bran,
and bran biscuits
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 196 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Fuchs et al. 4 M, 2 Basal 21 3 6 103 73 28 Eating habits
(1976)101 F, 22 (20) showed reduced
Kahaner et al. 47 All Bran, 3 oz + 23 21 3 6 226* 74 59 5.3 eggs, butter, and
(1976)102 (45) breakfast meats
Floch and Fuchs with increased
(1977/78)103,104 milk and fruit
Ad lib diet during bran
All Bran (Kelloggs) period
Stool pH
Fecal anaerobe:
aerobe ratio
increased by
E, J
Reinhold et al. 2 M, White Bread 22d 20 2 244 91 21 (5) 2.3
(1976)105 24, 35 500 g (92) (0.1)
Controlled diet A, C, D
Normal foods, 58 Basari, 500 g 30d 20 2 403 90 40 (8) 2.9
to 62% of energy (121) (0.1)
as bread
Bread: white or
basari (80 to 90%
Wyman et al. 10 M, Basal 5 10 131 75 30 (3) 65 (8) Stool weight not
(1976)106 1141 (17) significantly
Ad lib low fiber Raw bran, + 3.6 14 5 10 183 76 42* (5) 14.4 53 (17) increased by any
avoiding cereals, 12 g 21 treatment
bread, fruit, and Cooked bran
Raw bran, + 5.9 14 5 10 159 76 38* (3) 4.7 48* (7)
vegetables (13) thought to be
20 g
less effective
Raw bran or All All Bran, + 3.6 14 5 10 139 (9) 73 36 (3) 2.2 58 (6) than raw bran
Bran (Kelloggs) 13.2 g
All Bran, 22 g + 5.8 14 5 10 164 77 35 (3) 5.6 50 (9)
Kay &Truswell 3 F, 3 Basal 3.7 14 6 5 125 71 32 288 312 Study design was
(1977)110 M, + Fiber (2335 8.6 21 6 5 225* 74 53* 5.3e 256 233 basal-fiber-basal
Controlled low fiber 2227 g bran) Steroid output
Normal foods also higher in
White bread or second basal
coarse bran period
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 197 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

(Prewetts) made C, E
into bread and
whole meal bread
Cummings et al. 19 M, Basal 22 21 7 6 95 (8) 72 27 (1) 73 (10) 1.5 Part of a larger
(1978) 18 study in which
2038 (0.1)
Stephen and + Bran, 30 g 40 21 7 6 197* 76* 46* (1) 5.7 43* (3) 2.0* fiber from carrot,
Cummings (13) (0.1) cabbage, apple
(1980) 25 (see Table 4.4.7),
and guar gum
Controlled (see Table 4.4.5)
Normal food were fed
Bran prepared by J
extracting with
ethanol and
V, VI,

Farrell et al. 14 M, Basal 33 9 4 14 29 (1) 2.9 1.6 151 (6)
(1978)111 2246 (0.4) (0.1)
Controlled or + Fiber 53 9 4 14 50* (1) 3.7* 2.0* 241* A, CE, H
specified menus (0.3) (0.1) (6)
Table 4.4.2 (Continued) Effect of Wheat Fiber in Various Forms on Fecal Composition (See Also Table 4.4.10)

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Normal foods
All bran, whole
meal bread,bran,
and bran biscuits
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 198 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Mathur et al. 10 M Basal 10 255 I

(1978)112 (17) 37 (2) Significant effect
Ad lib diet + Bran, 30 g 30 10 295* of bran on
Reground bran (14) 3.0 c 32 (2) patients with
dysentery also
noted in
separate study
Cummings et al. 4 M, High protein 22 21 7 4 80 (11) 72 22 (2) 70 (6) 221
(1979)113 2024 (19) No effect of
Controlled diet High protein 53 21 7 4 210* 73 56* (1) 4.2 50* (7) 444* protein intake on
Normal food + Fiber (9) (27) stool weight
Fiber from bran noted in other
crispbread, whole part of study
meal bread, C
All Bran, and fine
Munoz et al. 10 M, Basal 2830 12 6 64 (10) 275 Part of a larger
(1979)114 1954 (40) study of corn
Bell et al. (1981)115 Soft white + 11 2830 12 6 99* (7) 3.2 328 bran, soybean
Sandstead et al. wheat bran, (86) hulls, etc. on
(1978),116 26 g various aspects
(1979)117,118 of metabolism
Basal 2830 12 9 81 (6) 530 (see Tables 4.4.5
(21) to 4.4.7)
Munoz et al. Hard red spring + 13 2830 12 9 151* 5.4 477 CE, K
(1978),119 wheat bran, (8) (107)
(1979)120 26 g
Controlled diet
Normal food
Hard and soft bran
fed as bread
V f f
Huijbrechts et al. 7,
 Basal 31 4 194 74 42 (2) 17.3 10.7 Seven subjects
(1980) 122 studied for 4
22.5 (32) (3.5) (2.5)
Ad lib but semi- + Bran 0.5 g/kg 45 56 4 4 273 76 62* 5.8 18.8 11.9 weeks, then 4 for
controlled (34 g) (49) (11) (1.1) (2.2) a further 4 weeks
Average weight
Normal food
of 4 subjects:
AACC bran 67.8 kg
No change in bile
composition or
kinetics after bran
Smith et al. 18 M, Basal 5 10 27 8 3.6 160 Elderly
(1980)123 19 F + Fiber, 20 g +8 28 5 10 62 17 4.4 4.8 216 hospitalized
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 199 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Ad lib hospital diet

 1 81, subjects also
6596 studied with
ispaghula (see
AACC bran
also Table 4.4.5)
Also transit
studies with
capsule, colonic
C, F, H
Stasse-Wolthuis 40 M, Basal 18 35 7 16 89 (12) 22 67 (7) 1.7 597 288 Part of a larger
et al. (1980)124 22 F, (0.3) study including
Stasse-Wolthuis 1828 + Bran, 38 g 37 35 7 16 166* 36* 4.0 48* 2.9 629 254* pectin and the
(1979)125,126 effects of fruits
and vegetables

Controlled diet
(see Table 4.4.3)
Normal food Blood pressure
Bran unchanged
C,E, H
Yu & Miller 10 M, Basal 18 6 10 143 74 (1) 36 (1) 32 (2) 4.5 1.9 179 (5) Nitrogen balances
(1981) 127
2035 (11) (0.4) (0.1)

Table 4.4.2 (Continued) Effect of Wheat Fiber in Various Forms on Fecal Composition (See Also Table 4.4.10)
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 200 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Controlled diet + Bran, 15 g +6 18 6 10 172* 75 (1) 43* (1) 4.8 29 (2) 5.4 2.1* 211* A, H
Normal food (12) (0.6) (0.1) (5)
AACC bran added
to food and
Van Dokkum et al. 12 M, Basal 9 20 4 12 77 21 88 1.1 374 Mainly a study of
 23 + Coarse bran 22 20 4 12 140* 34* 4.8 52* 1.6* 322 mineral balance
(1983)129 Coarse bran, and fiber
low dose 22 20 4 12 137 34 77 1.3 324 digestibility
Controlled diet Coarse bran, 35 20 4 4 202* 46 5.0 45* 1.8 355 Also studied
Normal food high dose coarse and fine
Breads containing Coarse bran 22 20 4 4 158 35 35 1.8 316 brans (see Table
coarse and fine Whole meal 22 4 4 143 34 45 1.5 258 4.4.10)
bran bread AE
Graham et al. 11 F, Basal 14 7 5 31 (9) 67 10 Constipated
(1982) 130 subjects; also
Ad lib low-fiber diet + Bran, 20 g +8 14 7 5 58* 72* 16* 3.4 studied with corn
bran (see Table
4.4.6) which was
AACC bran
more effective
per gram
material fed
Andersson et al. 5 M, 1 White bread 16 24 6 6 137 79 29 (5) 46 (17) Principally a study
(1983)131 F (38) of the effect of
Controlled diet Brown bread 24 24 6 6 175* 79 37* (6) 5.0 41 (13) fiber or mineral
Normal food Whole meal (50) balance, and
bread which showed no
Bread either white, 31 24 6 6 236* 80 47* (6) 6.4 39 (12)
(51) effect
brown, or whole
C, D
meal with added
phytic acid
Eastwood et al. 9 M, Basal 19 7 7 8 120 (6) 72 33 (1) 55 220 A study com-
(1983) 24 paring in vitro
2644 (17)
Ad lib diet Bran, 16 g 27 21 7 8 183* 75 46* (1) 7.9 49 212 and in vivo
Coarse bran (8) (35) properties of
potato and bran
fiber (see
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 201 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Table 4.4.7)
Stephen et al. 19 M, Basal 20 21 6 7 114 75 28 (3) 66 (17) 2.3 1.5 125 A doseresponse
(1986)132 11 F (20) (0.3) (0.2) (12) study showing a
Controlled + Bran bread, 22 21 6 7 128* 76 30* (2) 6.4 53 (12) 2.4 1.6 136* linear increase in
Normal food 30 g (22) (0.3) (0.2) (12) stool output with
increasing doses
Bran-enriched Basal 21 21 6 8 130 78 29 (3) 68 (14) 2.8 1.5 135
of bran-enriched
breads (28) (0.3) (0.2) (14) bread
+ Bran bread, 25 21 6 8 163* 78 36* (3) 7.7 54* 2.9 1.7* 162* A, CE
60 g (27) (10) (0.5) (0.2) (14)
Basal 21 21 6 7 110 74 28 (3) 73 (15) 3.5 1.5 133
(15) (0.7) (0.2) (18)
+ Bran bread, 30 21 6 7 145* 75 36* (2) 4.4 59 (7) 3.7 1.6 163*
110 g (13) (0.8) (0.2) (14)
Basal 24 21 6 8 173 79 37 (2) 39 (4) 4.3 2.1 178 (9)

(15) (0.3) (0.1)

+ Bran bread, 36 21 6 8 240* 77 54* (2) 5.4 34 (3) 4.7 2.4* 263*(9)
170 g (14) (0.3) (0.1)
a Milligrams of crude fiber per kilogram body weight per day.
b Figures are increases over basal diet periodfiber remaining in stool.
c Assumes bran is about 44% dietary fiber.
d Acid detergent fiber.
e Per gram of dietary fiber.
f Micromole per kilogram per day.
g A variety of fiber methods used (see paper).
Table 4.4.3 Effect of Purified Pectin on Fecal Composition
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 202 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram Dietary
Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Drasar and Jenkins 10 M, Basal 14 7 4 119 Also studied were
(1976)133 2225 (22) guar gum and
Ad lib diets + Pectin 35 g +32 14 7 4 148 0.9 bananas (see
PectinBulmers (13) Tables 4.4.5 and
NF 4.4.8)
Serum choles-
terol lowered by
pectin but fecal
E, J
Durrington et al. 12 M, Basal 7 5 12 150 59 (9) Serum cholesterol
(1976)134 2245 (10) fell but not

Ad lib diet + Pectin, 12 g +10 21 5 12 186* 3.6 44 (6) E
PectinBulmers (15)
Kay and Truswell 4 M, Basal 14 6 9 140 71 40 34 3.8 335 265 Study design was
(1977)135 5 F, + Pectin, 15 g +12 21 6 9 168 68* 52* 2.3 37 8.6 390* 371* control-test-
Controlled diet 2128 control;
Normal food data from first
PectinBulmers control period
NF reported here
Serum cholesterol
fell but not

Miettinen and 5 F, Basal 14 3 9 200 36 (3) 3.1 585 342 (8) 2 Normal subjects,
Tarpila (1977)136 4 M, (89) (0.4) (62) 6 hyper-
Controlled diet 3360 lipidemics,
Normal food 1 diabetic,
Pectin-Firmagel 1 diverticular
Bucness Ltd. disease
+ Pectin, +37g 14 3 9 269 46* (6) 1.9 3.9 642 537* Serum cholesterol
405 g (49) (0.4) (87) (93) decreased but
not triglycerides
Bile composition
E, L
Cummings et al. 5 M, Basal 15 21 7 5 107 73 27 (3) 77 (18) 1.5 1.3 239 After 3 weeks on
(1979)137 2124 (25) (0.1) (0.2) (42) pectin, changes
Controlled diet +Pectin, 36 g 48 42 7 5 123* 72 31*(3) 0.5 70 (16) 2.7* 1.6* 322* in bowel habit
Normal food (25) (0.2) (0.2) (37) somewhat
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 203 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

greater than at
6 weeks
Serum glutamyl
A, C
Stasse-Wolthuis 40 M, Basal 18 35 7 15 89 (9) 75 22 (5) 59 (6) 1.6 617 263 Part of a larger
et al. (1980)124 25 F, (0.5) study including
1828 + Pectin, 10 g 27 35 7 15 99 74 26 1.0 63 2.8* 669 398 wheat bran and
Stasse-Wolthuis the effect of fruit
(1979)125,126 and vegetables
Controlled diet (see Tables 4.4.2
Normal food and 4.4.8)
PectinBulmers Blood pressure
NF unchanged
Serum cholesterol
C, E, H
Spiller et al. 42, Basal 14 7 12 55 (5) 118 Subjects selected
(1980)138 2360 (13) for low stool
Ad lib diet but + Pectin, 6 g +6 21 7 12 54 (8) 0 120 weight and slow
excluding certain (17) transit
high fiber foods Cellulose also
PectinSunkist given (see
Table 4.4.4)
Table 4.4.3 (Continued) Effect of Purified Pectin on Fecal Composition
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 204 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram Dietary
Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Ross and Leklem 8 M, Basal 22 6 8 105 70 31 32 5.1 866 425 No significant
(1981)139 2027 changes in fecal
Controlled diet +Pectin, +12 22 6 8 126 74 33 1.5 34 4.9 863 464 excretions,
15 g but fecal
Normal food -glucuronidase
Low fiber activity
Pectin increased 35%
slow set grade while 7--

activity was
Judd and Truswell 5 M, 5 F, Low methoxy, 34 21 7 10 124 (8) 72 34 (2) 25 (3) 6.2 399 412 Both pectins
(1982)140 2338 15 g (0.5) (71) (31) reduced blood
Ad lib diets High methoxy, 34 21 7 10 161* 74 39*(2) 23 (3) 6.8 452 436 cholesterol to a
PectinBulmers 15 g (21) (0.8) (60) (51) similar extent;
NF triglycerides
Either 37% (low)
High methoxy
methoxy or 71%
pectin produced
(high) methoxy
greater fecal bulk
Fleming et al. 5 M, Basal 0 9 3 5 54 14 Part of a study
(1983)141 2132 including
Marthinsen and + Pectin, +32b 9 3 5 86 22 1.0 cellulose, corn
Fleming (1982)142 0.5 g/kg bran, and xylose
Fleming and (see Tables 4.4.4
Rodriguez to 4.4.6)
(1983)143 Fecal pH
PectinSigma unchanged
Fecal mutagenic
activity negligible
in all diets
A, B, M
Hillman et al. 10 M, Basal 28 2 10 135 51 (7) Cellulose and
(1983)144 20 F, (21) lignin also
Ad lib diet 2143 + Pectin, 12 g +11 28 2 10 119 0 57 (4) studied (see
Pectin, 9.3 g/kg, (25) Tables 4.4.4 and
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 205 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

methoxyl 4.4.7)
Stool pH
a A variety of fiber methods used.
b Assumes average weight of subjects 70.0 kg and pectin 91% dietary fiber.
Table 4.4.4 Effect of Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram Dietary
Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Williams and 3M Celluflour + 12a 6 7 3 + 15 1.2 Part of a larger
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 206 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Olmsted study in which 9

(1936)9,29,57 other fiber
Controlled diet sources fed (see
Normal food Tables 4.4.2,
Cellulose 4.4.5, 4.4.6, and
celluflour 4.4.7)
commercially A, B
available Part of a study in
Tainter (1943)60 Basal 714 714 127 81 24 which a variety of
Constant diet + Methylcel- + 10 714 714 232 82 41 10.5 combinations of
Normal food lulose, 10 g methylcellulose,
Methylcellulose magnesium
oxide, and bran
were tested for
their laxative
effect (see
Table 4.4.9)
Berberian et al. 8 Control 7 8 163 80 32 6.0 Further studies
(1952)61 + Methylcel- + 45 7 8 190 80 38 were undertaken
Ad lib diet lulose 4.5 g in the same
Methylcellulose subjects with a
tablets combination of
psyllium and
(see Table 4.4.9)
Marks (1949)145 38 Basal 7 7 100 An early study
Ad lib diet briefly described
Sodium + CMC, 10 g +10 7 7 140 4.0
cellulose (CMC) + CMC, 20 g +20 7 7 180 4.0
Eastwood et al. 8 M, Basal 7 7 4 152 81 29 (4) 55 396 Bran also studied
(1973)96 2543 (16) (see Table 4.4.2)
Ad lib diet + Cellulose, + 16 21 7 4 221* 74 57*(6) 4.3 36 478 E
Cellulose 16 g (29) (122)
(Whatman CFI)
Ismail-Beigi et al. 3M Basal white 920 3 141 20
(1977)146 bread (24) (1.5)
Controlled diet
Normal food + Celluloseb +12 920 3 223 32 6.8
60% of energy 12 g
from bread Basal Basari 14 2 280 Cellulose caused
Cellulose bread (112) increased fecal
Whatman No. 3 + Cellulose, + 12 14 2 482 16.8 excretion of
taken with either 12 g (225) calcium,
white bread or magnesium, and
Basari (80 to 90% zinc and negative
extraction brown balances of all
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 207 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

bread) three
C, D
Slavin and Marlett 7 F, Basal 9 2030 5 7 75 (9) 75 19 102 2.8 1.3 103 (9) Fecal calcium and
(1980)147,148 2039 (1.6) (22) (0.2) (0.1) magnesium
Controlled diet excretion
Normal food +Cellulose, 24 2030 5 7 130* 70 39* (3) 3.5 63 (10) 3.4 1.4 189 Fat, nitrogen, and
Cellulose 16 g (11) (0.3) (0.1) (12) energy
Solka floc digestibilities
A, C
Spiller et al. 42, Basal 14 7 13 64 (7) 122 Subjects selected
(1980)138 2360 (12) for low stool
Ad lib diet but + Cellulose, + 14 21 7 13 97 (11) 2.3 62 (8) weight and slow
excluding certain 14 g transit
high fiber foods

Cellulose Pectin also given

Solka floc (see Table 4.4.3)
Fleming et al. 5 M, Basal 0 9 3 5 54 14 Part of a study
(1983)141 2132 including pectin,
Marthinsen and + Cellulose + 35 g e 9 3 5 106 42 1.5 corn bran, and
Fleming (1982)142 0.5 g/kg xylan (see Tables
Fleming and 4.4.3, 4.4.5, and
Rodriguez 4.4.6)
(1983)143 Fecal pH
Controlled Fecalmutagenic
semipurified diets activity negligible
Cellulose on all diets
Alphacell from ICN A, B, M
Table 4.4.4 (Continued) Effect of Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram Dietary
Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h)
and Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Hillman et al. 10 M, Basal 28 2 10 133 55 (6) Pectin and lignin
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 208 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

(1983)144 20 F, (21) also fed (see

Ad lib diet 2143 + Cellulose, + 15 28 2 10 208* 5.0 40*(4) Tables 4.4.3 and
Cellulose 15 g (30) 4.4.7)
-cellulose from Stool pH fell
Wrick et al. 24 Basal 24 7 12 102 25 56d Part of a larger
(1983)149 + Cellulose, 24 7 12 137 33 47 study in which
Van Soest et al. 1318 g day coarse and fine
(1978)150 bran and
Ehle et al. (1982)151 cabbage fiber
Heller et al. were fed (see
(1980)152 Tables 4.4.7 and
Van Soest 4.4.10)
(1981),153 A, B
Van Soest et al.
Controlled diet
Normal food
Low fiber
Solka floc baked
into bread
a Figures are increases over basal diet periodfiber remaining in stool.
b Cellulose taken with 150 g apple compote (90 g apple + 60 g syrup).
c Assumes average weight of subjects of 70 kg.
d Various transit methods used (see Van Soest et al. [1983]).156
Table 4.4.5 Effect of Plant Gums, Mucilages, and Other Polysaccharides on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of Subjects
in Study (sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day) and
Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection Period
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Percent Moisture
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Williams and 3M Agar-agar +16 6 7 3 +111a 8.7 Part of a larger
Olmsted study in which 9
(1936) 9,29,57 other fiber
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 209 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Controlled diet sources were fed

Normal food (see Tables 4.4.2,
Agar-agar 4.4.4, 4.4.6, and
A, B
Gray and Tainter 5M Basal 7 3 5 68 18(2) A major early study
(1941)7 + Karaya, 5 g +5 7 3 5 83 20 3.0 of the laxative
Ad lib diet (17) (40) effects of plant
Karaya gums including
gumsterculia animal data and
urens extensive in vitro
Bassora gum Basal 7 3 5 84 21
(Imbicoll) (2)
Psyllium seed + Imbicoll, 5 g +5 7 3 5 135 31 10.2
(back psyllium (24) (5)

Ispaghula - Basal 7 3 5 96 20
from Plantago (2)
ovata (Konsyl
Psyllium - + Psyllium +5 7 3 5 118 26 4.4
from Plantago seed, 5 g (24) (6)
Basal 7 3 5 96 20
+ Konsyl, 5 g +5 7 3 5 122 22 5.2
(30) (6)
Basal 7 3 5 96 22
Table 4.4.5 (Continued) Effect of Plant Gums, Mucilages, and Other Polysaccharides on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of Subjects
in Study (sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day) and
Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection Period
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Percent Moisture
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

+ Mucilose, +5 7 3 5 110 17 2.8

5g (25) (4)
Basal 7 3 5 90 19
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 210 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

+Siblin, 5 g +5 7 3 5 99 16 1.8
(37) (4)
Block (1947)157 22 M, Basal 7 1 14 52 Mental hospital
Ad lib diet 18 F (6) patients
Psyllium +Psyllium, +12 7 1 14 63 0.9 Includes one of the
(Metamucil) 12 g (23) earliest
observations of
the moderating
effect of fiber on
blood glucose
Drasar and 10 M, Basal 14 7 3 100 Also studied were
Jenkins 2225 pectin and
(1976) 133 banana (see
Ad lib diets + Guar gum, +30 14 7 3 204 3.5 Tables 4.4.3 and
Guar gum (clear 35 g (21) 4.4.8)
gum, Hercules Guar lowered blood
Powder Co.) cholesterol but did
not produce a
change in the
fecal microflora
E, J
Cummings et al. 19 M, Basal 22 21 7 3 120 74 30 Part of a larger
(1978)18 2038 (20) (3) study in which
Controlled + Guar, 20g 39 21 7 3 139 74 35 1.1 fiber from bran,
Normal food (17) (1) carrot, cabbage,
and apple were
Guar gum (clear
studied (see
gum, Hercules
Tables 4.4.2 and
Powder Co.)
Prynne and 2M, Basal 20 21 5 4 162 77 37 Data also given for
Southgate 2 F, (22) (5) apparent
(1979)158 2831 + Ispaghula, 44 21 5 4 242* 82 43* 3.2 digestibilities of N,
25 g fat, en-ergy, and
Controlled diet (188) (14)
ash, none of which
Normal food changed
Ispaghula husk significantly
(Isogel) Great detail of
intakes and
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 211 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Spiller et al. 50, Basal 21 7 10 58 19 101 1.0 Subjects selected

(1979)159 2565 (0.1) for low stool
Ad lib low fiber- + Psyllium +10 21 7 10 107 29 4.9 92 1.1 weight and slow
restricted diet powder, 20 g (0.2) transit, double
blind parallel
Psyllium seed
A cellulose-pectin
biscuit also
studied (see
Table 4.4.9)
C, H, N
Smith et al. 18 M, Basal 5 15 37 10 4.2 104 Elderly
(1980)123 29 F, + Ispaghula, +8 28 5 15 75 20 4.7 7.9 216 hospitalized
Ad lib hospital diet 6596 10 g subjects
Ispaghula Also studied with

(Fybogel) bran (see Table

Ispaghula and bran
equally effective
per gram of fiber
C, F, H
Table 4.4.5 (Continued) Effect of Plant Gums, Mucilages, and Other Polysaccharides on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of Subjects
in Study (sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day) and
Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection Period
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Percent Moisture
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Eastwood et al. 5M Basal 7 5 5 135 73 36 63 4.2 699 372 The gum had no
(1983)160 + Karaya, discernable effect
Ad lib diet 10.5 g +8 21 5 5 139 73 38 0.5 68 3.9 540 272 on anything
2387_ch4.4pt1_fm Page 212 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:04 PM

Gum Karaya
(Sterculia urens
from Nargina)
Fleming et al. 5 M, Basal 0 9 3 5 54 14 Part of a study
(1983)141 21-32 including
Marthinsen and + Xylan, +35b 9 3 5 65 16 0.3 cellulose, corn
Fleming (1982)142 0.5 g/kg bran, and pectin
Fleming and (see Tables 4.4.3,
Rodriguez 4.4.4, and 4.4.6);
(1982)143 fecal pH
Controlled unchanged
semipurified diets A, B, M
Xylan (ICN)
Ross et al. 5 M, Basal 5 5 147 37 51 699 472 Serum cholesterol
(1983)161 3055 reduced and
Ad lib diet + Gum Arabic, 25 21 5 5 161 52 0.6 71 779 424 some changes in
Gum Arabic 25 g breath, H2
breakdown of
gum in gut
A, B, E, H, K, M, N

a Figures are increases overbasal diet periodfiber remaining in stool.

b Assumes average weight of 70 kg and also that xylan was 100% dietary fiber.
Table 4.4.6 Effect of Oats and Corn Products on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of Subjects
in Study (sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day) and
Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection Period
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Williams and 3M Corn germ +26 6 7 3 +96a 4.6 Part of a larger
Olmsted meal, 55 g study in which 9
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 213 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

(1936))9,29,57 other fiber

Controlled diet sources fed (see
Normal food but Tables 4.4.2,
excluding fruits 4.4.4, 4.4.5,
and vegetables and 4.4.7)
Corn germ meal A, B
prepared by
washing for 24 h in
warm water,
extracting with hot
ethanol, and
Calloway and 6 M, Formula diet 4 15 6 6 68 79 14 28 1.2 1.0 238 98 Subjects average
Kretsch (1978)162 2842 (10) (1) (10) (0.3) (0.1) (24) (16) weight, 72.8 kg
Kretsch et al. Oat branb 12 15 6 6 112* 75 28* 5.5 31 2.0* 1.5* 504* 184* No difference
(1979)163 (toasted) (16) (3) (7) (0.4) (0.2) (37) (27) between toasted
Controlled egg- Oat brain 12 15 6 6 128* 77 29* 5.0 27 1.9* 1.6* 501 189* and plain bran for

based high protein (plain) (29) (2) (6) (0.3) (0.2) (62) (41) any parameter
formula diet Principally a study
Cooked oat bran, of N balance
either plain or which was not
toasted affected by oat
Blood lipids
Guatemalan diet
also fed (see
Table 4.4.8)
A, E

Table 4.4.6 (Continued) Effect of Oats and Corn Products on Fecal Composition
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 214 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of Subjects
in Study (sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day) and
Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection Period
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Munoz et al. 10 M Basal 2830 12 7 72 337 Part of a larger
(1979)114,120 1954 + Corn bran, (10) (68) study including
Controlled diet 26 g wheat bran and
Normal food soybean hulls
Dry milled corn bran (see Table 4.4.2
baked into bread and 4.4.7)
+24 2830 12 7 144* 3.0 483
(10) (52)

Judd and Truswell 6 M, Basal 23 21 6 10 114 74 29 36 3.4 282 230 Study design was
(1982)164 4 F, + Oats, 25c 21 6 10 125 73 34* 5.5 30 5.1* 315 372* control-oats-
Controlled diet 2437 110160 g control; data from
Normal food first control period
Rolled oats served presented here
as porridge and Blood cholesterol
substituted for flour fell significantly
in bread, cakes, E
and biscuits
Kirby et al. (1981)165 8 m, Basal 20 10 3 8 147 35 862 230 Serum cholesterol
3562 (14) (2) lowered
(68) (33)
Controlled diet
Normal food + Oat bran, 43 10 3 8 169* 43* 1.0 819 354* Glucose tolerance
Oat branserved 100 g (16) (2) (61) (28) unaffected
as muffins or hot E, K
Graham et al. 11 F, Basal 14 7 6 31 65 11 Constipated
(1982)130 2040 (2) subjects also
Ad lib low fiber diet +Corn bran, 17 14 7 6 82* 66 28* 3.0 studied with wheat
Corn bran (G-60 20 g (18) bran which was
grade Staley Mfg. less effective per
Co.) fine particle gram material fed
size (see Table 4.4.2)
Fleming et al. 5 m, Basal 0 9 3 5 54 14 Part of a study
(1983)141 2132 including
Marthinsen and cellulose, pectin,
Fleming (1982)142 and xylose (see
Fleming and + Corn bran, + 29d 9 3 3 139* 46 2.9 Tables
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 215 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Rodriguez 0.6 g/kg

(1983)143 Fecal pH
Controlled unchanged
semipurified diets A, B, M
Corn bran (Quaker
a Figures are increases over basal diet periodfiber remaining in stool.
b Oat bran fed at 0.6 g/kg/day.
c Oatmeal diet contained only 2 g more dietary fiber because of substitutionsaccording to the authors.
d Assumes average weight of subjects of 70 kg.

Table 4.4.7 Effect of Miscellaneous Purified Forms of Fiber on Fecal Composition

2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 216 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day) and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

II a
Williams and 3M Alfalfa leaf +13 6 7 3 +40 3.0 Also studied:
Olmsted meal, 21 g cellulose, wheat
(1936)9,29,57 Carrot, 38 g +18 6 7 3 +90 5.6 bran, agar-agar,
Controlled diet Cotton seed +18 6 7 3 +16 2.1 and corn germ
hulls, 25 g meal (see Tables
Normal food,
4.4.2, 4.4.4,
excluding Sugar beet +15 6 7 3 +67 4.9 4.4.5, and 4.4.6)
vegetables and pulp, 27 g
fruit Canned peas, +12 6 7 3 +28 3.3
Carrots, cabbage, 27 g A
and peas Cabbage, 35g +17 6 7 3 104 6.9
obtained on the
open market,
chopped and
washed in warm
water for 24 h,
then extracted
with hot ethanol
and dried
Alfalfa leaf meal,
cotton seed hull
meal, and sugar
beet pulp from
Ralston Purina
Co, then
processed as
other materials
Walters et al. 20 F, Basal 18 7 9 88 75 22 47 4.3 420 156 Blood lipids and
(1975)107 2572 (6) (2) (6) (0.5) (51) (20) fecal microflora
McLean Baird +Bagasse, 27 84 7 9 140* 76 33* 5.8 37 6.7* 377 234* unchanged
(1977)109 10.5 g (10) (1) (3) (0.5) (13) (16) A separate study
Ad lib diet in of bran also
convent reported (see
Bagasse (sugar Table 4.4.2)
cane residue from E, J
Tate and Lyle)
made into biscuits
Cummings et al. 19 M, Basal 22 21 7 6 88 70 26 80 Bran and guar
(1978)18 2038 (9) (1) (11) gum also studied
Stephen and +Cabbage, 40 21 7 6 143* 75* 35 3.0 64* (see Tables 4.4.2
Cummings 30 g (16) (6) (8) and 4.4.5)
(1980)25 J
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 217 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Controlled diet Basal 22 21 7 6 117 74 30 60

(7) (1) (9)
Cabbage, carrot, +Carrot, 42 21 7 6 189* 79* 39* 3.6 50
and apple 30 g (16) (2) (6)
obtained Basal 22 21 7 6 141 77 30 50
(20) (2) (9)
dried, extracted
with hot ethanol +Apple, 44 21 7 6 203* 80* 37* 2.8 43*
and acetone, then 25 g (29) (3) (6)
dried and ground
Munoz et al. 10 M, Basal 2830 12 5 68 388 Also studied on
(1979)114,120 1954 (9) (51) bran and corn
Controlled diet +SBH, +23 2830 12 5 128* 2.6 330 bran (see Tables
Soybean hulls 26 g (16) (87) 4.4.2 and 4.4.6)
(SBH) and Plasma
Basal 2830 12 3 92
textured cholesterol
(10) unchanged but
vegetable protein

+TVP, +4 2830 12 3 102 triglycerides fell

(TVP) fed as 26 g (21) with SBH
C, D, E, K
Eastwood et al. 9 M, Basal 20 7 7 7 161 75 39 50 4.9 368 Also studied on
(1983)24 26-44 (26) (1) (5) (11) (0.9) (116) bran (see Table

Table 4.4.7 (Continued) Effect of Miscellaneous Purified Forms of Fiber on Fecal Composition
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 218 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day) and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Ad lib diet + Roller-dried 33 21 7 7 215 76 47 4.1 33 6.9 340 No significant

Potato concentrate potato, 20 g (44) (2) (6) (5) (1.3) (84) effect on fecal
purified by Basal 18 7 7 7 170 74 42 48 4.2 392 composition or
commercial (32) (1) (6) (8) (0.8) (50) blood lipids
company and A, E
+ Air-dried 28 21 7 7 207 75 47 3.7 42 4.7 392
either air or roller- potato, 20 g (42) (2) (6) (6) (0.8) (47)
dried or boiled;
fed with either Basal 7 7 5 204 78 39 35 3.5 352
milk or soup (50) (3) (7) (7) (0.7) (52)
+ Boiled 21 7 5 231 78 47 2.7b 32 4.5 340
potato, 20 g (51) (2) (7) (10) (0.7) (59)
Hillman et al. 10 M, Basal 28 2 10 139 50 Cellulose and
(1983)144 2 F, (17) (5) pectin also
Lignin pure 2143 + Lignin, 12 g +12 28 2 10 177 3.2 40 studied (see
Aspen auto- (25) (5) Tables 4.4.3 and
hydrolyzed from 4.4.4)
Stake Technology Stool pH
Ltd. unchanged
Schweizer et al. 2 M, Basal 14 14 7 6 129 77 28 62 735 242 Never-dried soya
(1983)166 4 F, (16) (4) (49) (19) increased fecal
Ad lib diet 2030 + Never-dried 33 21 7 6 153* 77 34* 1.3 44 726 294 deoxycholate
Soya: a never-dried soya pulp, (14) (4) (9) (28) (23) while purified
pulp obtained as 54 g soya increased
a by-product of low-density
+ Purified soya lipoprotein
milk production; pulp, 26.5 g 34 21 7 6 178* 77 39* 2.4 59 764 215
purified soya fiber cholesterol and
(28) (4) (11) (66) (17) altered glucose
obtained from
soya flour by tolerance
extraction A, C, D, E, K
Tsai et al. (1983)167 14 M, Basal 17 14 140 76 34 26 7.2 1.6 246 109 263 Fasting blood
Controlled diet 2030 (11) (3) (3) (0.8) (0.2) (59) (8) (32) glucose fell but
Normal food but + Soy, 25 g 17 14 176* 78 39 29 5.7* 1.9 289 118 279 lipids unchanged
low fiber (16) (4) (3) (1.0) (0.2) (49) (16) (23) C, D, E, H, K
Soy polysac-
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 219 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Wrick et al. 24 Basal 24 7 12 102 25 56d 12 g cell wall
(1983)149,156 + Cabbage 24 7 12 110 24 58 material daily at
Controlled diet first but
Normal food increased later
Cabbage up to 24 g/day
ethanol extracted Bran and cellulose
and incorporated also fed (see
into bread Tables 4.4.4 and
A, B
a Stool weights are increased over basal periodfiber remaining.
b Assumes fiber intake increased by about 10 g.
c Soy polysaccharides a fiber-rich product purified from soy bean cotyledon.
d Various transit methods used (see Van Soest et al., 1983).156
Table 4.4.8 Effect of Foods Containing Fiber on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Cowgill and 6M Basal 3038a 7 7 6 78 Constipated
Sullivan (1933)59 (15) subjects
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 220 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Controlled diet + Fruit and 90 7 7 5 165a Also studied

Normal food vegetables (27) effect of
Fruit and +Fruit and 108113 7 7 3 193a various brans
vegetables vegetables (10) (see Table
and bran 4.4.2)
Noted greater
digestibility of
fiber than in
McCance and 2 M, Basal 1428 7 4 155 A chance
Widdowson 2 F, observation in
(1942)168 2741 + Fruit, 7 4 156 a study of
Controlled diet 31183 g mineral
balance on
Normal food
Fruit had no
pears, and
Antonis and 58 M: High fat, 15 2229b 7 22 Wh 236 2.1 479 463 Prisoners in
Bersohn 29 high fiber (13) (0.1) (10) (29) South Africa
(1962)169,170 white, High fat, 4 2229 7 22 Wh 85* 1.2* 324* 450 A very large
Controlled diets 29 low fiber (6) (0.1) (31) (38) study of the
Normal prison black High fat, 15 2229 7 21 Bl 259 4.4 590 517 effect of diet,
foods high fiber (16) (0.3) (62) (31) especially fat
and fiber, on
High fat, 4 2229 7 21 Bl 99* 2.1* 310* 521
fecal lipids,
low fiber (6) (0.2) (27) (31) blood lipids,
Low fat, 15 1517 7 18 Wh 209 2.2 537 459 and bile acids
high fiber (13) (0.1) (35) (28) E
Low fat, 4 1517 7 18 Wh 100* 1.5* 297* 320*
low fiber (9) (0.1) (25) (25)
Low fat, 15 1517 7 13 Bl 240 2.6 543 393
high fiber (10) (0.1) (51) (18)
Low fat, 4 1517 7 13 Bl 97* 1.6* 277* 316*
low fiber (7) (0.1) (24) (20)

Southgate and 23 M, Diet 1 9.7 1014 7 12 YM 82 75 21 4.1 1.8 117 A large and
Durnin (1970)28 26 W, (6) (1) (0.3) (0.1) (6) detailed study
Controlled diet 18-78 206* of the energy
normal food Diet 2 21.5 1014 7 12 YM 163* 76 38* 8.3 6.4* 2.2* (6) value of the
Diet 1: no fruit or (8) (1) (0.3) (0.1) diet as
vegetables influenced by
Diet 1 6.2 1014 7 14 YW 47 68 15 3.0 1.0 83
except potato fiber
Diet 2: contains (3) (0.8) (0.2) (0.1) (4) A
fruit and
vegetables and Diet 2 16.2 1014 7 14YW 91* 73 24* 4.4 3.7* 1.3* 127*
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 221 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

whole meal bread (5) (1.0) (0.2) (0.1) (5)

Diet 3: contains
larger amounts of Diet 3 31.9 1014 7 14 YW 181* 78 40* 5.2 6.2* 2.2* 210*
fruit and
(8) (1.1) (0.3) (0.1) (7)
Diet 1 9.6 1014 7 11 EM 79 77 18 5.1 1.4 103
(11) (1.0) (0.3) (0.1) (5)
Diet 2 28.3 1014 7 11 EM 140* 77 32* 3.3 5.4 2.0* 164*
(12) (1.7) (0.4) (0.2) (8)
Diet 1 7.4 1014 7 12 EW 60 75 15 4.5 0.9 90
(5) (0.8) (0.3) (0.1) (5)
Diet 2 20.9 1014 7 12 EW 130* 79 28* 5.1 4.8 1.4* 150*
(7) (1.0) (0.0) (0.1) (6)
Drasar and Jenkins 10 M, Basal 14 7 5 121 Also studied
(1976)133 2225 (15) pectin and

Ad lib diet + Banana, +34 14 7 5 170 1.4 guar (see

Bananas and 1000 g (23) Tables 4.4.3
Plantain + Plantain, +58 14 7 4 208 1.5 and 4.4.5)
banana 1000 g (46) Blood lipids
and fecal
E, J

Table 4.4.8 (Continued) Effect of Foods Containing Fiber on Fecal Composition

2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 222 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Flynn, Beirn, and 48 M, Basald 5.6 5 149 46 No change in
Burkitt (1977)171 2056 (20) (20) blood lipids
+ Potato, 7.3 5 249* 11.6 33 E, F
Ad lib diet 860 g (+8.6)e (39) (21)
Cooked potato
Basald 3.5 18 125 62
(low fiber) (15) (18)
+Potato, 6.6 18 294* 19.6 35*
860 g (+8.6)e (24) (24)

Beyer and Flynn 6 M, Low fiber 1.1 5 5 6 51 15 48 2.5 1.1 63
(1978)172 2129 Increased fiber 8.7 5 5 6 157 37 3.5f 12 6.1* 2.2* 140*
Controlled diet
Normal food
Mixed sources
Calloway and 6 M, Formula diet 0 15 3 6 68 79 14 1.2 1.0 238 98 Also studied
Kretsch (1978)162 28-42 (26) (3.2) (0.7) (0.3) (58) (40) with oat bran
Kretsch et al. Guatemalan 89 15 3 6 327* 81 62* 2.9 1.9* 3.4* 502* 348* (see Table
(1978)162 diet 4.4.6)
Controlled egg- (89) (10) (0.1) (0.3) (160) (64) A, E
based high
protein formula
Guatemalan diet
contained mainly
black beans and
corn tortilla
together with rice,
bread, cheese,
pumpkin, squash,
and banana
Robertson et al. 5 Basal 21 21 7 5 142 75 35 72 2.7 602 271 Serum
(1979)173 (1433) (37) (6) (12) (0.4) (73) (29) cholesterol
Ad lib diet + Carrot +6 21 7 5 177* 76 42 5.8 55 3.5 645 389 Breath
Raw carrot (33) (6) (14) (0.7) (96) (33) hydrogen
C, E, H, M
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 223 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Stasse-Wolthuis 23 M, Low fiber 12 21 35 43 69 74 18 55 1.2 Diets were fed
et al. (1979) 174 at either high
23 F, (8) (2) (3) (0.1)
Controlled diet 2027 High fiber 33 21 35 43 184* 76 44* 3.5 37* 2.5* or low
Normal food (11) (7) (2) (0.1) cholesterol
(about 200
Mixed fiber sources
and 600
fell in both
groups with
fiber but

by changes in
fat intake
C, E, H

Table 4.4.8 (Continued) Effect of foods Containing Fiber on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 224 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

g I
Stasse-Wolthuis 40 M, Low fiber 18 35 7 15 89 23 66 2.2 682 364 Also studied
et al. (1979)124126 22 F, (10) (10) (0.5) with pectin
Controlled diet 1828 + Fruit and 43 35 7 15 138* 32* 2.0 53* 2.9 888 290 and wheat
Normal food vegetables, bran (see
Fruit and 1065 g Tables 4.4.2
vegetables and 4.4.3)
changes not
No change in
C, E, H
Kelsay et al. 12 M, Low fiber 4 26 7 12 89 73 23 52 4.9 1.3 117 Blood pressure
(1978)175178 3758 (9) (2) 6.0 (4) (0.5) (0.1) unchanged
Controlled diet High fiber 24 26 7 12 209* 75 52* 38* 6.4* 2.6* 255* except in
Low fiber with fruit (9) (2) (4) (0.4) (0.2) those in
and vegetable whom
juices then with diastolic was
whole fruit and 80 mm +
vegetables (no Mineral
cereals) balances
A, C, D
Kelsay et al. 12 M, Low fiber 2 21 7 12 87 74 23 30 4.8 1.4 113 Latin square
(1981)179 3549 (5) (1) (3) (0.4) (0.1) (6) design
Controlled diet + Fruit and 10 21 7 12 127* 75 32* 4.9 27 5.4 1.8 162* Blood pressure
Low fiber with fruit vegetables (8) (2) (2) (0.4) (0.1) (10) unchanged
and vegetable + Fruit and 19 21 7 12 171* 75 42* 2.5 27 6.0 2.3 209* Calcium,
juice then vegetables (12) (2) (2) (0.4) (0.1) (11) magnesium,
increasing and copper
+ Fruit and 26 21 7 12 274* 78 50* 5.8 31 6.2 2.6 255*
amounts of fruit balance
vegetables (26) (3) (4) (0.1) (0.2) (16)
and vegetables unchanged
Zinc balance
A, C, D
Leeds et al. 8 F, Basal 22 14 14 68 115 31 53 All subjects
(1982)180 2136 (15) (8) noted marked
Ad lib diet with + Haricot 49 14 14 68 150* 38 1.3 45 increase in
substitution of beans, 450 g (14) (6) flatulence
meat and Noticeable
vegetables by effect of
canned baked menstruation
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 225 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

beans (Haricot) on transit time

a Milligrams of crude fiber per kilogram body weight per day.

b Weeks on diet (data are from Table 4.4.5).
c YM, young men; YW, young women; EM, elderly men; EW, elderly women.
d Subjects divided into those consuming more than 5 g crude fiber per day (average 5.6 g/day) and those consuming less (average 3.5 g/day).
e Dietary fiber equivalent.
f Dietary fiber values calculated from food tables (IV).
g A variety of fiber metods used (see paper).
Table 4.4.9 Effects of Mixed Sources of Fiber on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Berberian et al. 8 Basal 7 8 163 80 32 Also studied with

(1952)61 pure methylcellu-
Ad lib diet +6 Tablets +3 7 8 184 81 35 7 lose (see Table
Tablets containing +9 Tablets +41/2 7 8 213 82 38 11.1 4.4.4)
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 226 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

0.4 g methyl-
cellulose and
0.1 g psyllium

Tainter (1943)60 Basal 714 714 127 81 24 Also studied with

pure methylcellu-
lose (see Table
Constant diets,
normal foods 35% MC 3.2* 714 714 145 78 31 5.6 Magnesium oxide
Various 65% B providing
combinations of 5g 714 714 160 81 31 5.2 significant
methylcellulose additional
10 g 6.4
(MC), bran (B), laxation
and magnesium 3.5% MO 6.2 714 714 179 81 35 8.4
oxide (MO) 35% MC
61.5% B
10 g
10% MO 6.5 714 714 177 83 30 7.7
45% MC
45% B
10 g
10% MO 9 714 714 231 84 36 11.6
90% MC
10 g
Raymond et al. 3 F, Low 0 28 7 6 177 82 32 60 505 194 Hospitalized
(1977)181 5 M, cholesterol (46) (2) (9) (41) (23) subjects, 5 with
Controlled formula 1967 basal 60 28 7 6 239* 77 54* 1.0 35* 656 266 lipid disorders,
diets + Fiber (35) (9) (8) (75) (47) 3 normals
Either high High 0 28 7 6 192 89 22 66 1189 423
(1000 mg) or low cholesterol (41) (2) (11) (84) (122) No decrease in
(<50 mg) basal 60 28 7 6 286* 77 66* 1.6 46* 1152 401 plasma
cholesterol + Fiber (21) (4) (9) (57) (89) cholesterol
Fiber muffins E
containing corn
pericarp, soybean
hulls, wheat bran,
cellulose, and
Spiller et al. 50, Basal 21 7 16 62 17 95 0.9 Subjects selected
(1979)159 2565 (0.1) for low stool
Ad lib but low fiber- + Cellulose- +20 21 7 16 106 31 2.2 69 1.1 weight and slow
restricted diets pectin (0.1) transit. Double-
blind parallel
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 227 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Also studied with
psyllium (see
Table 4.4.5)
C, H, N
Spiller et al. 22, Basal 28 5 11 100 77 Considerable
(1982)121 2457 (16) (12) individual
Ad lib low fiber Low fiber +2 28 5 11 114 70 variation in
normal food diet (18) (12) responses noted
Low fiber bar High fiber +10 28 5 11 146* 70
containing mainly (25) (14)
oats and rice.
High fiber bar
containing soy
and corn bran,

peanut butter,
oats, carrots,
prunes, pectin,
rice, etc.

* Assumes bran about 44% fiber.


Table 4.4.10 Effects of Particle Size on Fecal Composition

2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 228 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Macrae et al. 6 White bread 0.9 10 7 6 62 18 2.7 1.4 99 A study of the
(1942)182 (530630 g) digestibility of the
Semicontrolled Medium whole 11.7 10 7 6 283* 69* 4.9* 2.3* 325* nutrients in
diet; mainly bread meal bread
(74% of energy Fine whole 12.0 10 7 6 232* 69* 4.5* 2.3* 317* Fineness of
intake) meal grinding made
White bread and no significant
whole meal bread difference to
made from either energy or
medium or fine- nitrogen
ground flour utilization but
medium flour
greater stool bulk
than fine flour

Brodribb and 9 M, Basal 7 7 21 140 Coarse bran
Groves (1978)183 12 F increased stool
Ad lib diet with + Coarse bran, +10 14 7 21 219 8.0 weight
either coarse 20 g significantly
bran or same + Fine bran, +9 14 7 21 199 6.6 more than fine
bran finely milled 20 g bran
V a
Heller et al. 24 Basal 14 4 8 Also studied with
(1980)152 cabbage and
Controlled diet Coarse bran, +12 14 4 8 123 74 31 37 cellulose (see
Normal food 32 g Tables 4.4.4 and
AACC white wheat Fine bran +12 14 4 8 108 72 29 56 4.4.7)
bran fed whole Coarse bran
and after fine produced greater
grinding, in bread fecal bulk, high
moisture content,
and faster transit
than fine bran;
fiber digestibility
less in coarse
bran; dietary
changes during
the study made
with basal diet
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 229 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM


Smith et al. 24b Basal 7 7 6 80 56 Coarse brans both
(1981)184 (6) (11) produced
Ad lib diet + Fine CRSW, +58 28 7 6 92 2.1 51 significantly
Canadian red 20 g (11) (12) greater effects
spring wheat bran Basal 7 7 6 96 61 on bowel habit
(CRSW) or (6) (6) Effects on motility
French soft wheat + Coarse +7.5 28 7 6 123* 3.6 21* not great
bran (FSW) in CRSW (11) (9) F
either coarse or Basal 7 7 6 81 54
fine form (11) (8)
+ Fine FSW, +59 28 7 6 102 3.6 41
20 g (6) (5)
Basal 7 7 6 68 48

(9) (8)
+ Coarse FSW, +6.9 28 7 6 106* 5.5 20*
20 g (6) (7)
Van Dokkum et al. 12 M, Coarse bran 22 20 4 12 126 33 44 1.7 327 (See also Table
(1982),128 23 Fine bran 22 20 4 4 102* 29 62 1.6 315 4.4.2)
(1983)129 Fecal weight
Controlled diet significantly
Normal food lower with fine
Breads containing bran than coarse
coarse and fine bran
brans A, B, C, D, E, N
a Various transit methods used (see papers).
b Patients with diverticular disease.

Table 4.4.11 Effects of Fiber on Fecal Composition in Patients With Diverticular Disease (See Also Table 4.4.10)
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 230 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Findlay et al. 7 Basal 7 7 7 84 70 23 93 273 Study included a
(1974)98 control group of
Ad lib diet 3084 + Bran, 20 g 9 a 35 7 7 101 74 24 1.9 58* 241 healthy subjects
Coarse bran (19) (3) (8) (85) (see Table 4.4.2)
Effect of bran on
fecal weight only
one-third that
seen in controls
pressure in
response to food
reduced by bran.
F, G

Parks (1974)185, 186 11 M, Low fiber 4 6 21 96 77 20 44 2.0 Similar value for
Out-patient 10 F High fiber +12 4 6 21 176* 78 34 6.7 37* 2.0 transit by both
semicontrolled methods
diet Increased
Lower residue than abdominal
with addition of discomfort noted
40 g bran, fruit, in early weeks
vegetables, and
whole meal bread
Brodribb and 10 M, Basal 4 40 66 Colonic motility in
Humphreys 30 F, response to
(1976) 187 2585 + Bran, 24 g +10 8b 4 40 89* 2.3 eating reduced
Ad lib diet Patients had lower
Coarse bran basal fiber
intakes than
health controls
F, K

Taylor and Duthie 20 Basal 5 20 79 97 Bran was the most
(1976)188 (7) (7) effective of the
Ad lib diet High fiber diet 28 5 5 102 76* three treatments
High fiber diet (16) (7)
Normacol (an Normacol 28 5 5 105* 72*
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 231 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

ispaghula (13) (11)

derivative) Bran tablets (9) ~8 28 5 10 121* 56*
Bran tablets (7) (4)

Eastwood et al. 31, Basal 7 7 82 88 268 Bran reduced
(1978)189 3284 + Bran, 20 g +9 28 7 7 103 2.4 50* 164 postprandial
Ad lib diet motility while
Coarse bran Basal 7 14 75 62 2.8 145 ispaghula
Ispaghula + Ispaghula, +7 28 7 14 108 4.7 72 2.8 226 increased basal
(Fybogel) 7g pressures
Lactulose Basal 7 10 95 48 3.4 206 C, F, H
Lactulose, +20 28 7 10 160* 3.2 40 3.2 218
2040 ml
Table 4.4.11 (Continued) Effects of Fiber on Fecal Composition in Patients With Diverticular Disease (See Also Table 4.4.10)

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Tarpila et al. 11 M, Time zero 3 11 167 33 5.3 733 330 No effect on biliary
(1978)190 11 F, control (20) (4) (1.1) (106) (48) cholesterol
2387_ch4.4pt2_fm Page 232 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:05 PM

Ad lib diet 3564 High fiber 3 11 215 38 4.2 816 475 saturation
Bran rusks 6 per (28) (4) (0.7) (133) (82) Biliary
day 6 Months 3 11 155 29 4.2 697 320 deoxycholate
control (19) (2) (0.5) (93) (49) decreased by
High fiber 3 11 272* 55* 6.9* 883 384 bran. No
(24) (5) (1.4) (147) (61) consistent
12 Months 3 11 179 37 5.5 709 346
lowering effect
control (35) (6) (1.4) (91) (89)
E, L
High fiber 3 11 265 47 5.0 541 240
(44) (7) (0.9) (46) (39)

Ornstein et al. 22 M Placebo 17.5 4 7 57 119 50 Fiber supplement
(1981)191 (6) (4) conferred no
Ad lib diet Bran 22.2 4 7 57 137* 3.9 45 benefit on
Bran crisp bread (7) (4) symptoms but
Ispaghula Ispaghula 24.2 4 7 57 161 6.3 47 did relieve
(Fybogel) (8) (4) constipation
a Assumes bran about 44% fiber.
b After 8-month treatment, patients showed satisfactory clinical response.
c Some 22 patients allocated to control or high fiber diet and followed for 12 months.
d Four months on each diet; 58 patients divided into 3 groups, each of which took all 3 treatments in random order.
Table 4.4.12 Effects of Cereal Products on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Fedail et al. 10 M Basal 20 21 3 10 138 31 Sudan medical
(1984)192 23 (14) (2) students
2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 233 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

Controlled diet (2224) Sorghum + 2.5 21 3 10 173 14.0 30 Symptom diary

Wheat bran (15) (1) Stool consistency
Sorghum barn Wheat + 7.9 21 2 10 221a 10.5 26a
(31) (1)

Eastwood et al. 14 M Ad lib 1314 7 28 74 72 21 80 2.5 640 266 Long-term study in
(1986)193 14 F (5) (1.4) (5.8) (0.2) (60) (31) the community
Ad lib diet 69 + White bread 1214 182 7 28 80 75 20 76 3.1 640 243
White or (5082) (4.8) (1) (6.4) (0.3) (48) (23)
Whole meal bread + Whole meal 2223 182 7 28 101a 73 27a 3.4 74 3.6 720 232
bread (5.9) (1.3) (5.9) (0.3) (84) (19)
Marlett et al. 5F Ad lib 8.5 11 9 7 122 76 29 Dietary
(1986)194 2M (44) (5) compliance
Ad lib diet 5976 + Bran 20.9 22 9 7 170a 74 44a 3.9 study
AACC wheat bran (52) (6)

Mallet et al. 3M Ad lib 1621 21 5 6 44 Study of fecal flora
(1987)195 3F (12) and enzymes. J,
Ad lib diet 2226 Bran +13 21 5 6 137 4.4 Ammonia
Wheat bran (30) Also pectin (see
Ad lib 21 5 6 92 Table 4.4.14) g
(27) fecal weight/g
fiber based on
average of 3
control periods
Table 4.4.12 (Continued) Effects of Cereal Products on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Reddy et al. 8M Ad lib 2 15 151 75 38 Fecal
(1987)196 7F (18) (4) mutagenesis
2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 234 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

Ad lib + Bread + 11g 28 2 15 228 77 52 7.0 pH

Mixed grain bread (21) (5)
and X
Wisker et al. 6F Low 19.7 21 5 6 144 2.4 1.7 144 Study of energy
(1988)198 2327 (17) (0.2) (0.2) (17) metabolism
Controlled diet High 48.3 21 5 6 329a 6.5 4.2 2.9 307 Body weight
Wheat/Rye (39) (0.2) (0.3) (41) A
Spiller et al. 36 F Basal 15 13 5 36 73 73 20 77 641 58 Dose response
(1986)201 19.8 (3) (6) (1.5) (8) (86) (7.9) study
Semi-controlled 1832 B + 5.7 13 5 12 95a 74 25a 3.8 58 568 80 H, L
Wheat bread (10) (2.2) (5) (72) (13)
C + 17.1 13 5 12 139a 76 34a 3.8 58 550 96
(12) (2.6) (10) (93) (14)
D + 28.5 13 5 12 212 77 49a 4.9 50 492 92
(17) (3.2) (5) (65) (9)

Stevens et al. 12 F Basal 21 7 7 12 79 75 20 70 Also psyllium
(1988)205 29 (8) (1) (6.3) (Table 4.4.14)
Semi-controlled 2238 Bran 40 14 7 12 135a 75 34a 2.9 47a Stool consistency
AACC Bran (9) (2) (3.2)

Villaume et al. 5 Basal 21 5 77 62 29 Letter

(1988)206 2 diet periods at
Controlled diet + Bran + 8.8 49 5 95 65 33 2.0 1 year interval
Wheat bran A, K
Melcher et al. 14 M Ad lib 7 7 24 155 74 40 Consistency
(1991)207 10 F (18) (4.1) M
Ad lib 2036 + Fiber-One + 240 13 13 24 287a 74 74 5.5
Fiber-One (21) (4.3)
(Wheat and
corn bran)
Jenkins et al. 34 M Dose-response
(1987)208 39 F Ad lib 14 3 124 study
(12) Fecal weight on
Ad lib diet 29 Bran Flakes, 5.6 14 3 136 control periods
Bran Flakes and 1861 30 g (13) varied (see
All Bran 60 9.5 14 3 137 original paper)
All Bran
30 11.2 14 3 138
60 19.0 14 3 168
90 28.4 14 3 212 2.7
2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 235 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

Anderson et al. 20 M Also beans (see
(1984)209 Control 19 3 134 80 27 719 109 Table 4.4.13)
Controlled diet 3466 (27) (4) (140) (37) Hypercholesterol-
Oats (and Beans) Oats 47 3 191a 78 42a 2.0 829 180 emic volunteers
(20) (4) (9) (43) E, K
Miyoshi et al. 5M C, E, H, N
(1987)210 21.4 Polished rice 6.2 14 5 125 80 25 26 2.3 1.5 106 Blood urea
(19) (1.3) (5.2) (0.3) (0.1) (13)
Controlled diet
Rice Brown rice 15.0 8 5 192a 73 51a 7.6 24a 10.6a 2.4a 249a
(23) (9) (1.9) (2.1) (0.4) (34)

Miyoshi et al. 5M A, E, N

(1986)211 20.2 Brown rice 30.1 14 5 238a 77 54 a 5.5 27 12a 2.5 278 Blood Urea
(20) (4) (0.2) (1.1) (0.2) (30) Proteins
Controlled diet Polished rice 14.8 14 5 154 81 29 28 2.5 2.0 140
(22) (3) (0.3) (0.2) (0.2) (12)
Table 4.4.12 (Continued) Effects of Cereal Products on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Kaneko et al. 5F A 18.2 5 5 5 276 44 8.6 21 1.7 Diets
(1986)212 (27) (4.4) (3.5) (0.3) A: High fiber,
low protein
2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 236 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

Controlled diet 1820 B 5 5 5 120 19 6.3 0.7

Rice (9.4) (1.5) (0.7) (0.1) brown rice
(Agar) C 11.8 5 5 5 126 25 7.8 1.0 B: Semi-purified
(14) (2.9) (0.6) (0.1) low protein
D 16.2 5 5 5 242 41 7.5 24 1.8 agar
(15) (2.5) (1.2) (0.3) C: Low fiber,
normal protein
white rice
D: High fiber,
normal protein
brown rice
pH, fecal
C, A
Sugawara et al. 6 Basal 10 6 6 115 79 24 pH
(1991)213 2632 (4.5) (1.3) Fecal ammonia
Controlled diet Corn + 4.2 10 6 6 128 79 26 2.8 and enzymes
Corn residue (7.3) (1.8) J
Basal 10 6 6 117 78 26
(4.0) (1.4)
a Significantly different from control.
Table 4.4.13 Effect of Legumes on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Slavin et al. 16 M Ensure 10 5 67 19 72 Liquid diets with
2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 237 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

(1985)214 (5) added soya fiber.

Controlled diets 2034 Enrich + 25 10 5 115 29 1.9 48 Fecal consistency
Soya 30 g soya (13) See also
Ensure + 25 10 5 100 25 1.3 57 Reference 216
30 g soya (10)
Ensure + 50 10 5 150 30 1.7 51
60 g soya (20)
Ad lib 5 145 55

Kurpad et al. 6M A, H
(1988)217 Ad lib 3 6 196 87 25 27 3.5
Ad lib diet (23) (5.8) (5.9) (0.7)
Beans (haricot) Beans +18 7 3 6 216 86 29 1.1 33 3.3
(31) (3.1) (6.6) (0.4)


Anderson et al. 20 M See also Table

(1984)209 3466 Control 19 3 132 80 31 878 154 4.4.12 (Oats)
Controlled diet (23) (7) (206) (37) E, K
Beans (Oats) Beans 47 3 140 77 32 0.3 894 108a
(14) (3) (184) (20)

Fleming et al. 12 M B, M
(1985)218 2135 Ad lib 23 3 172 78 38 42 pH
Ad lib diet (12) (21) (3)
Red kidney beans Beans + 8.4 23 3 198a 78 44 3.1 41
(12) (12) (3)
a Significantly different from control.

Table 4.4.14 Effect of Gums and Mucilages and Other Purified Sources on Fecal Composition

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Abraham and Mehta 7M Fiber from psyllium
(1988)219 31.8 Basal 21 5 7 104 75 26 556 289 measured by
2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 238 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

Controlled diet 2638 + 18 (24) (3) (44) (93) Englyst method82

Psyllium Psyllium 21 5 7 223 84 36 6.6 732 320 E, K
(39) (5) (100) (89) Retinyl esters
Tomlin and Read 6M Control 7 7 7 160 51 In vitro fermentation
(1988)220 1F Ispaghula + 12.8 7 7 7 214a 4.2 46 Data read from
Semi-controlled graphs
Guar Control 7 7 7 160 51 Fiber data by
Ispaghula Guar + 13.5 7 7 7 173 1.0 40 Englyst82
Xanthan gum
Control 7 7 7 159 51
Xanthan + 14.0 7 7 7 186 1.9 53

Rasmussen et al. 6M Ad lib 3 178 In vitro fermentation
(1987)221 3F (20) B
Ad lib 30.3 Ispaghula + 25 14 3 276a 3.9 Fiber by Englyst82
Ispaghula (15)
Lactulose 2538 Lactulose + 30 14 3 200 0.7

Miettenen et al. 9 Patients with lipid

(1989)222 Basal 3 159 78 35 3 787 346 disorders
Controlled diet (26) (4) (1) (103) (64) Also guar study with
Plantago ovata Plantago + 25 11 3 251a 84 39 3.7 4a 759 468a diverticular disease
(39) (4) (1) (96) (72) patients
Hamilton et al. 44 F Data read from
(1988)223 6M Placebo 7 9 101 graphs
Ad lib 27 Also constipated
Methylcellulose M-C +2 7 20 115 7.0 subjects studied
1870 2g with psyllium and
M-C +4 7 21 154a 12.2 methyl cellulose
4g See also Refer-
ence 224.
Perragini et al. 6M Basal 22 14 6 68 46 E, M, A
(1986)225 2128 (6) (3.5)
Controlled diet Guar + 10 14 6 76 0.8 54
Guar (14) (7.2)

Anderson et al. 5M Ad lib 7 5 5 140 73 38 53 5.3 672 364 B, E, K, M, N
(1986)226 (33) (7) (10) (0.8) (120) (77) Blood biochemistry
Ad lib diet 38 CMC +15 23 5 5 242 75 60 6.8 46 7.8 728 664
Carboxymethyl- (20) (5) (10) (0.8) (160) (116)
cellulose 2458
2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 239 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

Eastwood et al. 5M Ad lib 7 5 5 187 76 44 56 7.8 560 347 B, E, K, M, N

(1987)227 35 (27) (3) (12) (2.2) (80) (39) Blood biochemistry
Ad lib 2650 Xanthan 10.4 to 23 5 5 242 79 51 4.8 45 8.1 600 656 Immunoglobulins
Xanthan gum 12.9 (39) (6) (10) (1.4) (40) (116)

Eastwood et al. 5M Control 7 5 5 125 74 32 46 3.9 386 368 B, E, K, M, N

(1984)228 36 (18) (5) (1) (66) (36) Blood biochemistry
Ad lib 2157 Gum 9.9 21 5 5 188a 75 46a 6.4 36 7.0 521 752
Tragacanth (26) (6) (1.4) (111) (112)
Tomlin and 12 M Basal 10 10 171 54 Stool consistency
Read (1988)229 2030 I 7g +6 10 10 180a 1.5 59 Medians, not means
Ad lib P 30g + 30 10 10 174a 59
Ispaghula (I) I 2g and + 32 10 10 183a 59
Polydextrose (P) P 30 g
Basal 10 10 220 33
I 7g +6 10 10 254a 5.7 35

I 2g and + 12 10 10 236a 36
P 10 g
Stevens et al. 12 F Basal 21 7 7 12 79 75 20 70 Also bran (see
(1988)205 29 (8) (1) (6.3) Table 4.4.12)
Semi-controlled 2238 Psyllium 40 14 7 12 163a 80 33a 4.4 59a
Psyllium (11) (1) (3)
Mallet et al. 3M Ad Lib 1621 21 5 6 103 Also bran (see
(1987)195 3F (18) Table 4.4.12)
Ad lib 2226 Pectin + 16 21 5 6 93a 6.8 Mainly study of fecal
Pectin (36) flora
See notes to Table
a Significantly different from control.

Table 4.4.15 Effect of Foods and Mixed Diets on Fecal Composition

2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 240 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

Literature Source
Fiber Source
Total Number of
Subjects in Study
(sex and age)
Study Period
Fiber Intake (g/day)
and Fiber Method
Days on Diet
Fecal Collection
Period (days)
Number of Subjects
Collecting Feces
Fecal Weight (g/day)
Moisture (%)
Fecal Solids (g/day)
Apparent Increase in
Fecal Weight per Gram
Dietary Fiber Fed
Transit Time (h) and
Transit Method
Fat (g/day)
N (g/day)
Neutral Steroids (mg/day)
Acid Steroids (mg/day)
Energy (kcal/day)
Other Data Available

Allinger et al. 6M Fecal pH
(1989)230,246 20 F Ad lib 20 91 2 118 72 33 L
Ad lib 44 Urinary N, K,
Vegetarian 2761 Vegetarian 30 91 2 176a 78 38a 5.8 Na

Kesaniemi et al. 34 M Basal 12 56 3 144 71 33 2268 1351 E
(1990)233 50 (18) (1) (115) (83) Biliary lipids
Semi-controlled 4755 High fiber 26 56 3 197a 78 43a 3.6 2088 1391a Cholesterol
Mixed foods (10) (2) (102) (91) kinetics
Tinker et al. 41 M Grape 18 28 3 171 77 40 501 E
(1991)234 (5) (1) (54)
Ad lib (grape juice) Prunes 24 28 3 209a 78 47a 6.3 518
Prunes (7) (1) (67)
Forsum et al. 21 A 57.6 20 5 5 288 80 58 4.7 A
(1990)235 (62) (8.9) Fecal biomass
Controlled diet B1 71.4 20 5 5 179 80 36 1.8 A = Cereals
Mixed sources (19) (1.7) B1, B2 = digestible
B2 55.0 20 5 5 108 77 25 0.8 fibers
(21) (1.5) C = low fiber
C 12.0 20 5 6 74 72 21
(9) (2.4)
Ghoos et al. 11 F Low 13.2 3 25 136 85 20 115 E, L
(1988)236 14 M (15) (1.7) (18) Monastery
Semi-controlled 45.8 High 23.2 3 26 288a 86 39 393
Mixed sources 47.8 (25) (3.5) (44)

Miles et al. 12 M High 37 42 7 4.3 2.6 249 A

(1988)237 41 (0.4) (0.2) (18) Digestible energy
Controlled Low 26 42 7 3.5 1.6 134 Metabolizable
Fruit and (0.3) (0.1) (9) energy
vegetables Week 5 values
2387_ch4.4pt3_fm Page 241 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:07 PM

Reddy et al. 11 F Ad lib 17 2 86 Also follow up at
(1988)238 4667 (26) one year
Low fat/high fiber Low fat/high 37 26 2 145a 3.0 Fecal steroids
fiber (18) pH
a Significantly different from control.
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244. Jeraci, J. L. and Van Soest, P. J., Improved methods for analysis and biological characterization of
fiber, in New Developments in Dietary Fiber, Furda, I. and Brine, C. J., Eds., Plenum Press, New
York, 1990, 245.
245. Lee, S. C. and Hicks, V. A., Modifications of the AOAC total dietary fiber method, in New Developments
in Dietary Fiber, Furda, I. and Brine, C. J., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1990, 237.
246. Johansson, G. K., Ottova, L., and Gustafsson, J. A., Shift from a mixed diet to a lactovegetarian diet:
influence on some cancer-associated intestinal bacterial enzyme activities, Nutr. Cancer, 14, 239, 1990.
247. Adiotomre, J., Eastwood, M. A., Edwards, C. A., and Brydon, W. G., Dietary fiber: in vitro methods
that anticipate nutrition and metabolic activity in humans, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 52, 128, 1990.
248. Kurpad, A. V. and Shetty, P. S., Effects of antimicrobial therapy on faecal bulking, Gut, 27, 55, 1986.
249. Shetty, P. S. and Kurpad, A. V., Increasing starch intake in the human diet increases fecal bulking,
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 43, 210, 1986.
250. Tomlin, J. and Read, N. W., The effect of resistant starch on colon function in humans, Br. J. Nutr.,
64, 589, 1990.
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251. Cummings, J. H., Beatty, E. R., Kingman, S., Bingham, S. A., and Englyst, H. N., Laxative properties
of resistant starches, Gastroenterology, 102, A548, 1992.
252. Flourie, B., Florent, C., Jouany, J. P., Thivend, P., Etanchaud, F., and Rambaud, J. C., Colonic
metabolism of wheat starch in healthy humans. Effects on fecal outputs and clinical symptoms,
Gastroenterology, 90, 111, 1986.
253. Englyst, H. N., Bingham, S. A., Runswick, S. A., Collinson, E., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fibre
(non-starch polysaccharides) in fruit, vegetables and nuts, J. Hum. Nutr. Dietet., 1, 247, 1988.
254. Englyst, H. N., Bingham, S. A., Runswick, S. A., Collinson, E., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fibre
(non-starch polysaccharides) in cereal products, J. Hum. Nutr. Dietet., 2, 253, 1989.
255. Englyst, H. N., Kingman, S. M., and Cummings, J. H., Classification and measurement of nutritionally
important starch fractions, European J. Clin, Nutr., 1992 (in press).
256. Wood, R., Englyst, H. N., Southgate, D. A. T., and Cummings, J. H., Determination of dietary
fibrecollaborative trials Part IV. A comparison of the Englyst and Prosky procedures for measurement
of soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibre, J. Assoc. Publ. Analysts, 1992 (in press).
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Correlations of Transit Time to a

Critical Fecal Weight (CFW) and to Substances
Associated with Dietary Fiber

Gene A. Spiller and Monica Spiller


The correlation of transit time (TT) to fecal wet weight (FWW) is important, as it gives a simple
method to help individuals determine whether their diet supplies enough fiber and enough of the
right kind of fiber. In a more general way, it is useful in arriving at desirable recommendations for
fiber intake on various diet patterns and for different populations.
Several studies15 have shown that (1) TT decreases rapidly as FWW increases to about 200 g/d
and (2) beyond FWWs of about 200 g/d there is little change in TT as FWW increases. The line
correlating TT to FWW becomes practically asymptotic to the abscissa for this FWW. Figures 4.5.1
and 4.5.2 summarize these concepts. When data correlating TT to FWW are presented for individual
subjects (Figure 4.5.2), one finds a wide scatter of points correlating TT to FWW below FWW
values of about 180 g/d; many values for TT are as high as 4 or 5 days. This indicates that as FWW
values increase, there is a critical fecal wet weight (CFW) of about 200 g/d, beyond which practically
no TT is greater than 2 days. While we do not know the ideal transit time for humans, it may be
reasonable to assume that extremely long transit times are not desirable, and that a more predictable
colon function is preferable.


A well-executed epidemiological study6 on two Scandinavian populations showed lower colon

cancer incidence in the population with an average FWW of 200 g/d compared to the group with
an average of 150 g/d. This supports the concept that there is a CFW, that its value is in the range
of 200 g/d for adults, and that the CFW is a basic physiological concept.

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40 B

20 C

30 60 90 120 150 200 250 300 400 500

Figure 4.5.1 Correlation of transit time to fecal weight in three different studies. Curve A is from Spiller et al.,2
curve B is from Connell,8 and curve C is from Burkitt et al.1



The amount of fiber needed to achieve the CFW appears to be in the range of 35 to 45 g/d, as
long as enough cereal fiber is included (probably 60 to 70%), especially wheat-type fiber. Wheat-
type fibers are high in water-insoluble fractions. The question of how much of the water-soluble
fibers we need in relation to their effect on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism has not yet been
answered, but it is certainly logical to assume that a fraction of the fiber should be of the water-
soluble type, perhaps 30 to 40%. Pharmacological uses of dietary fiber and their effective levels
are not part of these considerations. It also appears that other substances present in plant foods,
such as tartaric acid in grapes and raisins, may decrease the amount of fiber needed to achieve a
desirable TT.



Many plant foods contain substances other than dietary fiber that affect colon function. A typical
example of such compounds in common foods is tartaric acid, which is present in grapes and their
products such as sun-dried raisins and in tamarinds. The effect of various amounts of raisin on TT
is greater than expected by their fiber content,7 and tartaric acid appears to play an important role.
When 120 g of raisins were fed, subjects TT decreased from 42 hours at baseline to 28 hours after
a week of adaptation to the raisin diet. When the same subject consumed the amount of tartaric
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Figure 4.5.2 Scatter of points for individual subjects below and above a critical threshold (CFW).

acid equivalent to that present in the raisins, the TT decreased from 42 to 31 hours. In addition,
on both the raisins and the tartaric acid, feces were softer and easier to eliminate. While tartaric
acid affected TT, it did not significantly affect FWW, which was increased by the raisins. This
example was used to emphasize the importance of considering dietary fiber when present in whole
foods as part of a complex matrix of bioactive compounds.
More studies are needed to determine other non-fiber substances in plant foods that may work
together with fiber to normalize colon function.


Part of any recommendation on the intake of dietary fiber to obtain ideal transit times should
include the importance of eating a variety of dietary fibers. In this way, both water-insoluble and
water-soluble components will be represented.
The data on dietary fiber content of various foods, as presented in the Appendixes of this
Handbook, indicate that it is difficult to obtain sufficient dietary fiber from a single food (except
for concentrated sources) and that the easiest way to obtain a reasonable amount of dietary fiber
in the daily diet is to consume a diversity of unrefined plant foods, such as whole grain products,
in the form of breads and prepared cereals, whole grains such as brown rice, whole corn and oats,
2387_ch4.5_fm Page 256 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:09 PM


beans, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. Some Asian populations obtain additional dietary fiber from sea
vegetation. Whole grain wheat deserves a special mention as a high source of insoluble dietary
fiber, while beans and oats deserve a special mention as a source of good mixtures of water-soluble
and water-insoluble fiber. The use of concentrated sources such as wheat bran (for the wheat-type
fiber portion) or oat bran offers additional assurance of a sufficient daily intake of particular fiber
types. In bread selection great care should be taken, as there is a tremendous diversity of breads
on the market; the amount and type of dietary fiber may vary greatly according to the level of
extraction and type of flours used.


1. Burkitt, D. P., Walker, A. R. P., and Painter, N. S., Dietary fiber and disease, JAMA, 229, 1068, 1974.
2. Spiller, G. A., Chernoff, M. C., Shipley, E. A., Beigler, M. A., and Briggs, G. M., Can fecal weight
be used to establish a recommended intake of dietary fiber (plantix)?, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 39, 659, 1977.
3. Spiller, G. A., Shiplet, E. A., and Blake, J. A., Recent progress in dietary fiber (plantix) in human
nutrition, CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 10, 31, 1978.
4. Spiller, G. A., Wong, L. G., Whittam, J. H., and Scala, J., Correlation of gastrointestinal transit time
to fecal weight in adult humans at two levels of fiber intake, Nutr. Rep. Int., 25, 23, 1982.
5. Spiller, G. A., Story, J. A., Wong, L. G., Nunes, J. D., Alton, M., Petro, M. S., Furarnoto, E. J.,
Whittam, J. H., and Scala, J., Effect of increasing levels of hard wheat fiber on fecal weight, minerals
and steroids and gastrointestinal transit time in healthy young women, J. Nutr., 116, 778, 1986.
6. International Agency for Cancer Research, Dietary fiber, transit time, fecal bacteria and colon cancer
in two Scandinavian populations, Lancet, i, 207, 1977.
7. Spiller, G. A., Bruce, B. and Spiller, M., Effect of tartrate and dietary fiber in sun-dried raisins on
colon function in healthy adults, J. Am. Coll. Nutr., 14, 536, 1995.
8. Connell, A. H., Fiber, bulk and colonic activity, in Fiber Deficiency and Colonic Disorders, Reily, R.
W. and Kirsner, J. B., Eds., Plenun Press, New York, 1975, 81.
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Influences of Fiber on the Ecology

of the Intestinal Flora

Margo N. Woods and Sherwood L. Gorbach


A variety of environmental and physiological conditions are known to influence microbial

composition and metabolic activities of the intestinal microflora.13 Among the recognized factors
within the bowel lumen are

1. Diet, substrata, and nutrient availability

2. Redox potential
3. Gas composition
4. Acidity or pH
5. Osmotic and ionic effects
6. Surface tension and liquid flow
7. Endogenous and exogenous substances that may inhibit bacterial growth (bile salts, volatile and
nonvolatile fatty acids, bacteriocides, intestinal antibodies, and drugs)
8. Bacterial interactions and competition
9. Intestinal motility

Individual microbial species vary in their sensitivity to changes in these parameters. The
composition of the flora itself can affect many of these factors. Fiber has the potential to influence
most of the factors listed above. This complex interactive system is only now being explored, and
only partial data are available in humans.


Bacteria are distributed throughout the intestine, but the major concentration reside in the large
bowel. The upper bowel, including the stomach, duodenum, and jejunum, has a sparse microflora
derived largely from the oral cavity. The bacteria are washed down in a wave-like fashion, along
with saliva. The organisms are found in the upper bowel in relatively low concentrations, up to 105
colony-forming units (CFU) per milliliter. The ileum is a transitional zone, with a flora containing
elements from the upper intestine, along with some coliforms and anaerobes from the colon. Across

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the ileocecal valve there is a marked increase in numbers and types of bacteria, which remain fairly
consistent throughout the large bowel. Total concentrations are 1011 to 1012 CFU per gram, approach-
ing the theoretical limit of forms that can be accommodated in that mass.
Although over 400 species of anaerobic bacteria are present in the large intestine of a human
being, five genera account for the majority of the viable forms: Bacteroides, Eubacterium, Bifido-
bacterium, Lactobacillus, and Gram-positive cocci.4 The first four are saccharolytic, indicating that
they can break down various complex carbohydrates present in the intestine and colon. The majority
of microorganisms present in the large intestine have a strictly anaerobic metabolism, and the
number of facultative anaerobes are several orders of magnitude lower than those of the obligate
anaerobes.57 Bacteria account for 35 to 50% of volume of the contents of the human colon or 41
to 57% of the dry weight.8,9
Another way of describing the intestinal flora is by morphological characteristics. Six major cate-
gories are listed in Table 4.6.1, including an example of typical species found in the human intestine.

Table 4.6.1 Morphologic Characteristics of Human Intestinal Microflora

Gram-negative anaerobic nonsporing rods
Gram-negative facultative rods
Gram-positive cocci
Streptococcus facultative bacteria
Peptostreptococcus anaerobic bacteria
Gram-negative anaerobic cocci minor contribution to flora in man
Gram-positive nonsporing rods
Bifidobacterium anaerobic bacteria
Lactobacillus facultative or anaerobic bacteria
Eubacterium anaerobic bacteria
Gram-positive spore-forming anaerobic rods

When evaluating the composition of the intestinal flora, it is useful to keep in mind some general
considerations regarding classifications of the most typical intestinal flora as harmful/pathogens,
neutral/potentially harmful, and healthful/beneficial flora.4 Some of the general harmful effects that
can be caused by bacteria include (1) production of toxins, (2) diarrhea/constipation, (3) infection,
(4) liver damage, (5) encephalopathy, and (6) increased cancer risk.4 A number of health-promoting
actions have also been associated with some intestinal flora, and they include (1) inhibition of
growth of harmful bacteria, (2) decreasing gas formation, (3) stimulation of immune functions, (4)
improved absorption of nutrients (calcium, zinc, and iron), and (5) synthesis of B-vitamins that are
available to the host. Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus are the two common microflora most often
described as desirable.

Table 4.6.2 Division of Common Bacteria into Harmful, Neutral, or Beneficial

(Some Species) Neutral/Potentially Harmful Healthful/Beneficial
Ps-Aeruginosa Peptostreptococci Bifidobacteria a
Proteus E. coli Lactobacilli
Staphlococci Streptococci Eubacteria a
Clostridia Bacteroides a
Veillonellae Fusobacteria a
Source: From Gibson, G. R. and Roberfroid, M. B., J. Nutr., 125, 1401, 1995. With permission.
a Genera that account for the majority of viable bacterial forms found in the large intestine.4,20
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Table 4.6.2 lists some common bacteria in each of the three categories of desirability of the
microflora. A number of studies have looked at the advantageous physiological characteristics of
Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus.10,11 Bifidobacteria may constitute up to 25% of the total population
in the gut of adults.12 Bifidobacteria produce strong acids and metabolic products (acetate, lactate)
that lower gut pH and exert an antibacterial effect directly.13 It has also been reported that Bifido-
bacteria excrete a metabolic end product inhibitory to a number of pathogenic bacteria.14,15 An
increase in Bifidobacteria also results in lower levels of the bacterial enzymes glucosidase and
-glucuronidase in the bacterial milieu, which results in lower levels of secondary bile acids in the
intestinal lumen.16,17 These secondary bile acids have been reported to be co-carcinogens.18,19
Understanding the factors that encourage the presence of these beneficial vs. potentially
harmful intestinal flora provides many useful research questions. Enhancing beneficial bacteria has
become a new food technology and market opportunity termed probiotics. Probiotics are defined as
live microbial food supplements which beneficially affect the host animal by improving its intestinal
microbial balance.11,21,22 Probiotics are reported to have many positive effects on numerous medical
conditions, as reviewed by Goldin and Gorbach.19 Alternatively, investigations into intestinal con-
ditions, intestinal bacterial substrates, and food intake patterns that affect type and prevalence of
intestinal organisms offer a second approach to enhancing beneficial bacteria. A non-digestible food
ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of
one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon and thus improve host health is termed a prebiotic.4
Certain dietary fibers have been labeled prebiotics, notably the fructooligosaccharides.4
An example of the changes observed in the predominant bacterial groups in eight volunteers fed
a strictly controlled diet for 45 days is shown in Table 4.6.3. During days 015, the diet was supple-
mented with 15 g of sucrose, and during days 1630, the supplementation was 15 g of oligofructose.20

Table 4.6.3 Percentage of Microflora from Humans

on Two Different Diets
Bacterial Group Sucrose Oligofructose
Bacteroides 72% 16%
Bifidobacteria 17% 82%
Fusobacteria 9% 1%
Clostridia 2% 1%
Note: The four groups represented were taken as 100% of the fecal flora.
Source: From Roberfroid, M. B. et. al., J. Nutr., 128, 11, 1998. With permission.


Definitions of fiber are broad but, as stated earlier in this text, it is generally agreed to include
the components of plant cells which are resistant to hydrolysis by the digestive enzymes of
humans.23 Food components that are included in this definition are presented below:

Resistant starch
Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP)
Non-carbohydrate aromatic polymers
Non-digestible oligosaccharides
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Most of these food components or undigested residues are good substrates for intestinal flora.
Estimates of daily intake of dietary fiber in the U.S. as NSP + lignin are 818 g/day,24 while non-
digested carbohydrates account for 1060 g/day.3 Resistant starch provides 840 g/day of substrate
to the large intestine,25 and oligosaccharides provide 110 g of substrate per day.25
Foods in our usual diet that are high in dietary fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
and legumes. These provide pectins, hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin. Pectins and hemicellulose
are generally considered soluble fiber, have higher water-holding capacity, form gels in the intes-
tines, and are in higher quantities in fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Oat bran is a good example
of a soluble fiber. Insoluble fibers, cellulose and lignin, are not water-soluble, have a lower water-
holding capacity, and are derived from the tougher structural components of plants. These are more
prevalent in grains. Wheat bran is an example of an insoluble fiber. There is great variation in fiber
amount and type within each food group, however. The fructooligosaccharides are the most widely
studied of the oligosaccharides. They are naturally found in such foods as garlic, onion, leek,
artichoke, asparagus, banana, and wheat.25 They are defined by the degree of polymerization (DP).
If the DP is <9, then they are termed oligofructose, and with an average DP of 12 (but up to 60),
they are termed inulin. Inulin is obtained by hot water extraction of chicory root and, as such, is
an ingredient in a number of food products due to its fat-like properties and its sweet taste (1/3
the sweetness of sugar). Inulin is on the Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) list.
As can be seen, dietary fiber includes a heterogeneous mixture of materials. Its physiological
effects depend on specific properties, some of which can influence the intestinal flora. Among these
properties are the following:

1. Particle size: Particle size determines the surface area of the fiber and alters its susceptibility to
digestion, binding properties, water-holding properties, and transit time in the bowel.
2. Cation-exchange characteristics: The ability to bind endogenous and exogenous materials in the
intestine is related to the ionic binding properties of the fiber, which appear to be influenced by
the amount of lignin present. The binding capacity of fiber may determine its availability for
metabolism by the flora.
3. Water-holding capacity: The swelling and permeability properties can influence the ability of
bacteria to infiltrate and digest the fiber by changing the surface area available for digestion and
the speed of transport through the intestine.
4. Digestibility or degradability: This depends on the composition of the fiber.
A. Lignin not digested by the flora
B. Cellulose 30 to 50% digested by the flora
C. Hemicellulose 50 to 80% digested by the flora
D. Pectin and gums 90 to 100% digested by the flora
E. Non-digestible oligosaccharides 95 to 100% digested by the flora

Most of the research investigating the effect of dietary fiber on intestinal and fecal flora has
been carried out with wheat bran, pectin, and inulin (fructooligosaccharides). This is in contrast to
information on hemicellulose, cellulose, or lignin, which are difficult to obtain in their pure form
with their physiological properties intact. Pectin is used widely in the food industry to obtain certain
properties of texture and binding. Standardized forms of wheat bran have also been developed to
facilitate studies investigating their potential benefits. Studies on fructooligosaccharides, which are
readily available, have been used for some time in food manufacturing. They are available under
the product names of RAFTILOSE (oligofructose) and RAFTILINE (inulin). It is of interest to
note that the direction of this research appears to be determined by the availability of pure or
standardized forms of the dietary components and their usefulness to the food industry. If benefits
are observed, the addition of these fiber components to standard food products would allow labeling
of their health benefits and advertising as functional foods. An alternative approach is the
investigation of specific, commonly consumed foods that contain high levels of these specific types
of fiber and their role in supporting and/or maintaining health or markers of health.
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In order to evaluate the potential benefit or harm of specific dietary fibers on the intestinal flora,
one needs to identify criteria that are generally accepted as beneficial vs. undesirable. The
factors given below, which represent our current understanding of the biochemistry and physiology
of intestinal flora, will be the focus for the evaluation and rating of the cited literature.

1. Increase in the bacteria generally recognized as desirable. An increase in Bifidobacteria or

Lactobacillus and/or the decrease of bacteria generally recognized as neutral or potentially harm-
ful (Bacteroides and Fusobacteria) is considered desirable. Justification of this position was
previously stated and is related to the ability of Bifidobacteria to decrease pathogenic organisms
and promote physiological properties such as increased immune response. A rating of 1+ indicates
a higher level or increase of one or both of the desirable microflora and/or a lower level or
decrease in the undesirable. A rating of 1 would indicate the reverse, and 10 would indicate
no difference.
2. Change in intestinal pH. A decrease in the pH of the intestinal contents is deemed to support an
increase in bifidobacteria and to generally decrease pathogens. Therefore, such a change caused by
the presence of specific fibers or fiber in general would be considered a beneficial change. A rating
of 2+ would indicate a lower intestinal or fecal pH. A rating of 2 would indicate a higher pH, and
20 would indicate no difference.
3. Production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). The increase in SCFAs is generally agreed to be
beneficial, since they decrease the pH, act as antibacteriacidals, and serve as substrates for colonic
cells. The most typical acids formed are acetic, lactic, butyric, and proprionic. A rating of 3+ would
indicate a higher level or increase in SCFA. A rating of 3 would indicate a lower level or decrease,
and 30 would indicate no difference.
4. Production of immunostimulants. It has been reported and previously stated that Bifidobacteria
excretes a metabolic product that results in the decrease in pathogenic flora.14,15 A decrease in known
pathogens could be an indicator of this capability. A rating of 4+ would indicate that the results of
the study supported the excretion or presence of a metabolite that decreased known microbial
pathogens. (No study reported in Tables 4.6.4 or 4.6.5 supplied data on this topic.)
5. Changes in bacterial enzymes. A decrease in bacterial glucuronidase and/or glycosidase would
be considered a positive change, due to their association with decreased absorption of intestinal
cholesterol and other steroids. A decrease in 7--hydroxylase would also be considered a positive
observation, since it would indicate a decrease in formation of secondary bile acids (lithocholic
and deoxycholic acids), which are considered co-carcinogens.2,19 A rating of 5+ would indicate a
lower level or decrease in one or both of these enzymes. A rating of 5 would indicate a higher
level or increase in the enzyme, and 50 would indicate no change.

A reasonable number of human experiments have been performed with fiber sources such as
wheat bran (N = 8 studies). Thus, there is more information on the effect of wheat bran on the
intestinal flora. Fructooligosaccharides have also been studied in a reasonable number of controlled
experiments (N = 8 studies).
Two approaches have been taken in studies of fiber and its effect on the intestinal microflora.
In the first approach, the intestinal flora has been measured in people eating customary diets with
different levels of fiber intakes (Table 4.6.4). For example, vegetarians and non-vegetarians, or
Western and Japanese people eating their customary diet, have been studied. The second approach
involves a defined diet or a controlled diet in a study population to which the fiber of interest is
added as a supplement (Table 4.6.5).
Evaluation of data from Table 4.6.4 indicates that the Western-type or high-risk diets (high fat,
low fiber) generally showed higher levels of Bacteroides and sometimes lower levels of Bifidobac-
teria. Four studies reported on bacterial enzymes. The Western diet, omnivore diet, or high-risk
diet (high fat, low fiber) reported higher levels of -glucuronidase or dehydrogenation or steroids
and increased secondary bile acids.
Table 4.6.4 Fecal Microflora in Different Human Populations

Western Diet (N) Non-Western Diet (N) Fecal Microflora Characteristics Scorea Ref.
Western Vegetarian No change in predominant fecal flora 1 26
English Ugandans (48) English had 30-fold more Bacteroids and 4-fold more Bifidobacterium; 1+ 27
Ugandans had significantly greater numbers of Strepotococci,
Enterococi, Lactobacilli, and yeasts
British (91), American (34) Ugandans, South Indians, Japanese British and Americans had greater numbers of Bacteroides and a 1+ 28
higher ratio of anaerobes
British Strict vegetarians Vegetarians had fewer isolates of Bacteroides that could 5+ 29
dehydrogenate bile acids
Western (17) Japanese, Seventh-Day Adventists (11), Westerners had greater conversion of bile acids to secondary bile acids 5+ 30
American vegetarians (12), Chinese (11) and 2.5 times more -glucuronidase activity
American diet in Japanese (1) Japanese diet in Japanese (1) Western diet resulted in disappearance of Fusobacterium (10-month 31
2387_ch4.6_fm Page 262 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:27 PM

High risk Low risk High-risk populations had higher levels of Clostridium paraputrificum 5+ 32
which was able to dehydrogenate steroids
Western Japanese (18) Traditional Japanese (15) Traditional diets have more aerobes and facultative bacteria, higher 1+ 33
Streptococcus faecalis, and fewer Bifidobacterium; Western diet
eliminated Eubacterium contortum
North American Japanese, Hawaiian (20) No consistent pattern between types or numbers in fecal samples; 1 34
great differences between individuals
High-risk colon cancer Low-risk colon cancer High-risk group had more anaerobes (Bacteroides and 1 35
Fusobacterium); low-risk had more Eubacterium
Non-Seventh-Day Adventists Seventh-Day Adventists Seventh-Day Adventists had higher Lactobacillus and lower Clostridium 1+ 36
perfringens than the U.S. population. Clostridium septum, C. tertim,
and Fusobacterium were lower in the Adventist group
Nonvegetarian-Seventh-Day Adventists Adhering and nonadhering Seventh-Day Adventists showed little 1
High-risk colon cancer, urban Low risk colon cancer, rural Finns High-risk group had higher ratio of anaerobes due to decrease in 37
Danes, Copenhagen aerobes (Enterococcus, Streptococcus, and Lactobacillus)
England (36), Scotland (11), Japan, Hong Kong, Uganda Western population had greater numbers of Clostridium paraputrificum 1+ 38
Wales (65), U.S. (8) than non-Western groups
High risk, U.S. Low risk, Africa Western population had higher levels of Bacteroides and 1 39
U.S. (15) Lacto-ovo vegetarians (13), Vegetarians (17) Fecal bacterial enzymes, -glucuronidase, nitroreductase, and azo- 5+ 40
reductase were higher in the omnivores compared to the vegetarian
groups; 7--dehydroxylase was higher in omnivores compared to
lacto-ovo vegetarians
a A positive sign indicates more desirable microflora characteristics in the Non-Western Diet group compared to the Western diet group.
Table 4.6.5 Effect of Various Fiber on Fecal Microflora
Diet and Fiber Amount Duration No. of subjects Fecal Microflora Characteristics Scorea Ref.

Low-Residue Diets
Low-residue diet 2156 days 6 astronauts No significant change in fecal flora; decrease in Enterococci in low- 1 41
residue diet
Low-residue diet (glucose- 15 days 11 Diverse microbial population reduced to bacteroids, coliforms, and 1 42
base) Enterococci
Vivonex low-residue diet 9 days 3 Disappearance of Bifidobacterium and increase in E. coli; decrease 1 43
in very oxygen-sensitive anaerobes
Chemically defined diet 10 days 3 Enterobacteria increased, Enterococci and other lactic acid bacteria 44
decreased in number
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Elemental-low residue 12 days 14 Decrease in Enterococci; no change in total anaerobes, aerobes, or 45

Low-residue diet 7 days 10 No change in fecal flora 1 46

Usual Diet with Fiber Supplement

American diet plus
Laminarin In vitro Plant sources cited resulted in induction of enzymes in Bacteroides 5 47
Xylan incubation of species that were capable of degrading the polysaccharides
Guar gum colon flora
Psyllium hydrocolloid
American diet plus
All Bran 1 oz 3 weeks 6 No significant difference in qualitative or quantitative count of 1 48
bacteria; ratio of anaerobes to aerobes appeared to increase.

British diet plus

Carrots 200 g, raw 3 weeks 5 Total breath hydrogen increased twofold by the third week; no change 49
was seen until 10 days after the start of eating carrots; this suggests
an increase in bacteria capable of digesting carrots or an induction
of enzymes present in the flora
British diet plus
Wheat bran 18 g DF 3 weeks 6 Cabbage stimulated growth of intestinal flora 50
Cabbage 18 g DF
Western diet plus
Bran 30 g 12 months 4 Addition of fiber led to a reduction of fecal 7--dehydroxylase activity 5+ 40
Wheat germ 30 g 5
Table 4.6.5 (Continued) Effect of Various Fiber on Fecal Microflora

Diet and Fiber Amount Duration # of subjects Fecal Microflora Characteristics Scorea Ref.
British diet plus
Coarse bran 1226 g 1470 days 24 Fecal samples from persons on fiber-supplemented diets showed no 3+ 51
difference in the in vitro digestibility of the individual fiber; this might
suggest that endogenous sources of nutrients and not diet are the
energy source of flora; however, increased volatile fatty acids were
observed in fecal samples of persons on the fiber diets for more
than two weeks.
Western diet plus
Wheat bran 1 oz 14-Mar 7 No change in flora; no change in ability to digest bran 1 52
British diet plus
2387_ch4.6_fm Page 264 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:27 PM

Pectin 35 g/day 2 weeks 4 No significant difference in composition of flora 1 53

Guar 35 g/day 3
Plantains 1000 g/day 5
Bananas 1000 g/day 4
American diet plus 3 oz/day (27 g 3 weeks 6 Increase in anaerobes in high-fat diet; no change in aerobes; slight 1 54
All Bran dietary fiber) increase in Streptococcus during fiber supplement; slight decrease
in Lactobacillus during fiber supplementation
British diet plus 11.7 g of 3 weeks 4 No change in relative number of the following: Enterobacteria, 1 55
Wheat bran crude fiber Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Clostridium, Bacteroides,
Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, or Streptococcus
Western diet plus
Bran 39 g 12 weeks 20 No change in composition of the bacteria; increase in total bacteria 1 56
Bagasse 10.5 g 20 excreted associated with increase in stool weight
British diet plus
Gum arabic (GA) 25 g 7-day 5 Flora not tested effect on metabolism tested; GA caused a 57
control; significant increase in breath hydrogen after chronic but not acute
21-day test treatment with GA; this suggests increases in number of flora
diet capable of metabolizing GA or induction of bacterial enzymes
American diet plus
Pectin 15 g 21 days 6 Pectin caused a decrease in anaerobic/aerobic ratio from 3.6 to 2.6 5 58
(p < .01); 7--dehydroxylase increased and cholesterol
dehydrogenase decreased, but neither reached significance
Basal diet (12% protein, 18-day 8 (M) 35% increase of -glucuronidase on pectin diet 5 59
33% fat, 260 mg cycles No effect of pectin on 7--dehydroxylase (question of adequacy of 5
cholesterol, 5 g NDF) plus fiber supplementation and wash-out times)
Pectin 15 g Only pectin decreased fecal pH 2+
Basal diet (.8 g kg wgt of (3040 g 9-day cycles 5 (M) Indirect effect on flora via changes of pH which can affect species 2+ 60
egg albumin, 30% fat and 1 day) and enzymatic activity
0 gm DF) plus
Cellulose 0.5 g/kg wgt
Pectin 0.5 g/kg wgt Pectin decreased fecal pH 2+
Xylan 0.5 g/kg wgt
Corn Bran 0.6 g/kg wgt
Controlled diet (33 design) 12 females SCFA production
Low-fiber diet 20 g 3 weeks Baseline 61
2387_ch4.6_fm Page 265 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:27 PM

High-fiber/high-protein 34 g 3 weeks NC 3
High-figer/low-protein 36 g 3 weeks NC 3
Barley fiber 23 g 3 weeks Decrease in total SCFA 3

Oligosaccharides (Fructooligosaccharides)
Japanese diet plus
Oligofructose (OF) 8 g/day 2 weeks __ Tenfold increase in Bifidobacteria; decrease in C. perfringens 1+ 62
Japanese diet plus
Oligofructose 8 g/day 5 weeks Hyperlipidemics Fivefold increase in Bifidobacteria after oligofructose and decrease 1+ 63
in Bacteroides and Eubacteria
Sucrose (placebo) 8 g/day 5 weeks
Typical Western diet plus

Oligofructose 4 g/day Significant increase in Bifidobacteria with oligofructose 1+ 64

Controlled diet plus 15 days 8
Oligofructose 15 g/day 15 days 8 Increase of Bifidobacteria; decrease in Bacteroides 1+ 65
Inulin 15 g/day 15 days 4 Increase of Bifidobacteria; decrease in Bacteroides 1+
Typical diet (France) +BFMb 38 days 12 Increase in Bifidobacteria with BFM 1+
Inulin 18 g/day 12 days No increase in Bifidobacteria with BFM and inulin, only BFM alone; 1, 2, 66
no change in pH, nitrate reductase, nitro-reductase or azoreductase 5
placebo 12 days
Table 4.6.5 (Continued) Effect of Various Fiber on Fecal Microflora

Diet and Fiber Amount Duration # of subjects Fecal Microflora Characteristics Score Ref.
Typical diet (American) plus
Inulin 20 g 18 days 10 Increased Bifidobacteria and decreased Enterobacteria 1+ 67
40 g 919 days 10
Lactore 20 g 18 days 15 Decreased Lactobacilli and increased Enterococci 1
40 g 919 days 15 No change in pH or -glucosidase or -glucuronidase 2, 5
Controlled diet baseline 2 weeks 8 (M+F)
plus Fn type 8 g/day 2 weeks Increased Bifidobacteria; decreased pH 1+, 2+ 68
Usual diet plus 8 g/day 3 weeks Increased Bifidobacteria; decreased pH 1+, 2+
2387_ch4.6_fm Page 266 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:27 PM

Controlled diet (CD) 16 days 12 Increased Bifidobacteria on CD 1+ 69
plus oligofructose (OF) 4 g/day 732 days Increased Bifidobacteria by one log 1+
(neosugar) OF decreased -glucuronidase 5+
OF decreased glycocholic acid hydroxylase 5+
OF resulted in no change in nitroreductase 5
a A positive sign indicates that the tested fiber supplement restulted in more desirable microflora characteristics.
b Bifidoborterium of fermented milk.
2387_ch4.6_fm Page 267 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:27 PM


In Table 4.6.5, the use of low-residue diets caused a decrease in Bifidobacteria and a general
indication of a rise of less desirable microflora. Studies of fiber supplementation with wheat bran
indicated no change or a decrease in beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus). One study with bran40
reported a reduction of fecal 7--dehydroxylase. Studies using oligosaccharides (N = 8) resulted in
seven of the eight studies reporting an increase in the desirable over the undesirable microflora. The
one study that did not report an increase in Bifidobacteria with inulin was designed to deliver inulin
in a probiotic of Bifidobacteria. The addition of inulin with the probiotic did not increase Bifido-
bacteria over the level achieved with the probiotic alone. Four studies reported on changes in pH:
two saw a decrease, and two failed to see a decrease. Two studies of fructooligosaccharides reported
on fecal enzymes, and only one study69 reported a decrease in -glucuronidase.
Additional studies are needed to clarify the effect of fiber, including oligosaccharides, on
bacterial enzymes, to determine the amount necessary to elicit desirable effects and the equivalent
intake of usual foods (whole wheat, wheat bran, fruit, vegetable, etc.) that produce similar results.


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Interaction between Human Gut Bacteria

and Dietary Fiber Substrates

Betty A. Lewis, Mary Beth Hall, and Peter J. Van Soest

Dietary fiber plays an important physiological and nutritional role in human diets. It encom-
passes a wide range in its chemical composition and physical characteristics.13 Each source of
dietary fiber has an intrinsic property that is based on its chemical composition and physical
properties and which determines the biological and fermentive properties, i.e., the maximum limit
for the rate and extent of fermentation for a specific substrate under optimal environmental condi-
tions.4,5 The effects of different dietary fibers on human intestinal bacteria are further complicated
since these dietary fibers also affect environmental conditions throughout the GI tract.58 Attempts
to understand interactions between dietary fiber and intestinal bacteria also have to consider how
responses of the GI tract will affect the fermentation.8 The presence of dietary fiber in the human
diet could affect intestinal bacteria directly through catabolite regulation and indirectly through
physical changes in the GI tract environment. The amount of fiber fermented, the amount of
microbial organic matter produced, and the amount of water held by each fraction must be con-
sidered in order to predict the effect of dietary fiber on colonic contents.9 References 1012 give
more detailed information about the bacteria and the intestinal environment.
Intrinsic properties of cereal brans have received considerable attention, but other sources of
dietary fiber, which include vegetables, fruits, plant gums, bacterial and wood-derived polysa-
charides, and chemically and physically modified polysaccharides, offer a wide variety of proper-
ties.1315 Mucopolysaccharides from sloughed epithelial cells and secreted mucin glycoproteins are
carbohydrates supplied by the host that are available to intestinal bacteria.16,17 However, in vitro
studies with Bacteroides species suggest that these host substances are not an important energy
source for the bacteria.18,19 The Bacteroides, numerically a major bacterial genus in the colon, may
utilize low levels of a variety of polysaccharides in vivo rather than a single source. Some of the
predominant anaerobic species found in the human intestine which have been studied in pure culture
with carbohydrate substrates are summarized in Table 4.7.1. It is apparent that the colonic bacterial
species vary in their specificity for different polysaccharides.20 Thus, some Bacteriodes species can
utilize different types of polysaccharides, while other species are more limited. In a study based
on DNA homologies of fecal bacteria, the colon of each person evaluated had a bacterial population
specific for that individual.21
The mechanism by which colonic bacteria digest a particular polysaccharide depends on the
structure of the polysaccharide and the bacterial species.20 Several polysaccharide-degrading
enzymes have been isolated from colonic Bacteroides species, revealing aspects of their mode of

2001 by CRC Press LLC 271
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Table 4.7.1 Some of the Predominant Anaerobic Bacterial Species Found in the
Human Intestine and Studied in Pure Cultures with Selected
Substrate Degradability Bacterial Speciesa
Cellulose Partially fermentable 1
Methyl and carboxymethyl Partially fermentable or N.K.
cellulose unfermentable
Hemicellulose Partially fermentable 3,4,5,8,11,13
Pectin Highly fermentable 4,5,6,8,10,15
Cereal gums Highly fermentable 2,6,7,9
Guar gum, locust bean gum Highly fermentable 5,7,11,16
Arabinogalactans Partially fermentable 5,6,7,8,9,10,14
Maillard polymer Unfermentable N.K.
Algal gum Unfermentable N.K.
Mucopolysaccharide Highly fermentable 4,5,6,10
Mucin glycoprotein Partially fermentable Few Bacteroides
strains: 12, 17
a Adapted from Reference 20: 1, Bacteroides sp.; 2, B. distansnis; 3, B. eggerthii;
4, B. fragilis subspecies; 5, B. ovatus; 6, B. thetaiotaomicron; 7, B. uniformis; 8, B. vulg-
atus; 9, B. T4-1; 10, B. 3452A; 11, Bifidobacterium adolescentis; 12, B. bifidum;
13, B. infantis; 14, B. longum; 15, Eubacterium eligens; 16, Ruminococcus albus; and
17, R. torques. N.K., not known.

action. Thus, B. thetaiotaomicron degrade starch,22 laminaran,23 polygalacturonic acid,24 and chon-
droitin sulfate25 by induced enzymes that are cell-associated rather than extracellular. These gly-
canases, either soluble or membrane bound, appear to be located in the periplasmic space of the
cell. They degrade the polysaccharides directly to mono- and oligosaccharides. Proteins bound to
the outer cell surface of the bacteria may act as receptors to bind and facilitate transport of the
polysaccharide into the cellular periplasmic space where the glycanases are located.26 Although the
neutral polysaccharides are hydrolyzed to mono- and oligosaccharides, the acidic polysaccharides
are broken down by lyase enzymes which cleave glycosidic bonds by a -elimination reaction,
giving rise to C4-C5-unsaturated uronic acid oligosaccharides. In both cases the oligosaccharides
are further digested to the sugars by intracellular glycosidases. Not all polysaccharides are digested
to mono- and oligosaccharides by the glycanases, however. The viscous guar galactomannan was
digested only to high molecular weight fragments,27 which may be related to the distribution of
branches or to the high viscosity. Aspects of the mechanisms by which colonic bacteria utilize
polysaccharides have been reviewed.28
Person-to-person variation in the microbial fermentation of dietary fiber as shown in Table 4.7.2
was the most consistent result reported when mixed cultures of human fecal bacteria were incubated
with various dietary fibers.29,30 Variation in the microbial fermentation of different sources of dietary
fiber among people reflects responses by the bacteria and responses by the intestinal tract in a
particular individual. This variation was dramatic with Solka floc as the source of dietary fiber,2931
with fermentation ranging from 0 to 40%. Solka floc is a processed wood cellulose, which has
been used as a source of dietary fiber for human and animal experimental diets and is commercially
available for food-processing applications. The chemical and biological properties of Solka floc
are different from native vegetable and forage celluloses.32 Mixed rumen bacteria incubated with
Solka floc usually demonstrate an 18- to 24-h lag before significant fermentation is observed.4,5
Rumen bacteria and human fecal bacteria that ferment dietary fiber have many similarities in
respect to nutritional requirements, volatile fatty acid production, and fermentation balances.3336
However, human fecal, bovine ruminal, and equine cecal bacteria differed in their ability to ferment
fiber from various sources (Table 4.7.3).4 Some humans also produce methane gas.36
The source of fiber supplement can have both short- and long-term effects on digestibility of
other fiber sources. Ehle et al.30 reported that the source of dietary fiber (coarse white wheat bran,
AACC-certified food grade R07-3691; cabbage; and Solka floc) in the diet was a significant factor
2387_ch4.7_fm Page 273 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:28 PM


Table 4.7.2 Concentration (g/g) of Various Neutral Detergent Fibers Remaining

after Incubation with Inoculum from Three Human Donors at Various Times
in Batch Culture
Human Donor
Substratea Hours 1 SD 2 SD 3 SD
Cabbage 6 0.58b 0.03 0.56 0.02 0.39 0.05
Wheat bran 6 0.69 0.02 0.86 0.01 0.72 0.02
Alfalfa 6 0.85 0.01 0.83 0.02 0.89 0.02
Cabbage 24 0.10 0.01 0.20 0.03 0.17 0.02
Wheat bran 24 0.56 0.04 0.53 0.03 0.53 0.04
Alfalfa 24 0.61 0.03 0.65 0.02 0.59 0.05
Cabbage 48 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.14 0.05
Wheat bran 48 0.56 0.02 0.53 0.03 0.53 0.01
Alfalfa 48 0.59 0.04 0.60 0.04 0.54 0.03
Solka floc 48 1.00 0.01 0.99 0.03 0.77 0.02
a Ethanol-extracted cabbage, coarse white wheat bran (AACC-certified RO7 3691), Solka floc
(food grade cellulose), and alfalfa hay.
b n = 3, replicates.

Table 4.7.3 Effect of Inoculum Source on the Fermentation of Neutral Detergent Fibers
of Various Substrates
Fermentation (%)
Inoculum: Bovine Equine
Human Concentrate- Hay-Fed Hay-Fed Hay- and
Source: Feces Fed Rumen Rumen Cecum Grain-Fed Cecum
Alfalfa 38 53 57 49 50
Timothy 1 40 50 32 27
Wheat brana 53 56 71
Cabbageb 91 91 91
Wheat straw 0 31 42
a Coarse white wheat bran (AACC-certified food grade RO7-3691).
b Ethanol-extracted cabbage, see Ehle et al.30
Source: Jeraci, J. L., Interactions between Rumen or Human Fecal Inocula and Fiber Substrates, Masters
thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1981. With permission.

influencing the in vitro fermentation of coarse white wheat bran, ethanol-extracted cabbage, Solka
floc, and alfalfa hay when incubated with the respective human fecal bacteria. No long-term
microbial adaptation to these fiber-supplemented diets was observed, since fermentation values
obtained from 12 individuals who received a single fiber supplement for an extended period of
time (approximately 70 days) did not differ from fermentation values obtained in another 12
individuals who received a different fiber supplement every 2 weeks. In the same study, the apparent
in vivo fermentation of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was significantly affected by the source of
dietary fiber in the fiber-supplemented diets. Estimates of the apparent in vivo fermentation were
confounded by the quantity of microbial organic matter and the presence or lack (for cabbage) of
unfermented residue from the diet in the feces. However, the true calculated in vivo fermentation
of NDF was affected by the source of dietary fiber. Regardless of the dietary fiber source, ingestion
of Solka floc in any 2-week period resulted in the carryover effect of depressed fermentation of
NDF in all future periods.
The observation that previous exposure to Solka floc depressed the fermentation of other dietary
fiber substrates was confirmed with in vitro techniques.8,37 Fermentations with human fecal bacteria
showed a 36-h depression of pectin fermentation in batch culture only when the bacterial inoculum
came from a continuous culture that received Solka floc as the substrate. A selective depression of
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Solka floc fermentation in the batch culture flasks was not observed when bacteria received
Solka floc or pectin as the continuous culture substrate. This would suggest that certain modified
or highly crystalline sources of cellulose may generate unexpected artifacts in fiber digestion studies.
Although colonic fermentation of the hydrated and less lignified cellulose of plant foods has been
well established for humans,32,38 fermentation of the more crystalline isolated celluloses (Solka floc,
filter paper) by fecal bacteria has been demonstrated for only 20 to 30% of the subjects studied.3032,39
Resistance of polysaccharides to fermentation has also been related to binding to other com-
ponents in the plant cell wall and to branching patterns of polysaccharides, in addition to intra-
and intermolecular H-bonding with consequent lack of hydration and solubility.
Significant amounts of starch (20%) may survive digestion and absorption in the small intes-
tine.40 The proportion of dietary starch passing the ileum is related to the plant source, food-
processing effects, diet portion, and individual variation. This resistant or nondigested starch, like
other nondigestible polysaccharides, is fermented to short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) and the gases
hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide. Recent studies have shown differences among human
subjects in the rate at which the fecal bacteria ferment the starch and in the relative proportions of
the individual SCFA formed.41,42 Weaver et al.43 observed significantly higher proportions of acetate
and lower proportions of butyrate to total SCFA in subjects with polyps or colon cancer. Butyrate,
the predominant energy source for colonocytes, may play a regulatory role in the pathogenesis of
colon cancer.
In vitro systems have been evaluated as models for fermentation of fiber in the large intestine.8,44
Human feces afford an adequate and representative inoculum for in vitro systems and have been
used in many studies of colonic fermentation.9,45,46 In an in vitro system, SCFA production from
fermentation of ileal effluents was significantly correlated with SCFA production from dietary fiber
isolates but not with the SCFA production from whole foods.47


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2. Selvendran, R. R. and MacDougall, A. J., Cell-wall chemistry and architecture in relation to sources
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8. Jeraci, J. L., Use of the High Fiber Chemostat System to Study Interactions among Gut Microflora,
Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1984.
9. McBurney, M. I., Horvath, P. J., Jeraci, J. L., and Van Soest, P. J., Effect of in vitro fermentation using
human faecal inoculum on the water-holding capacity of dietary fibre, Br. J. Nutr., 53, 17, 1985.
10. Roth, H. P. and Mehlman, M. A., Eds., Symposium on role of dietary fiber in health, Am. J. Clin.
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11. Hentges, D. J., Ed., Human Intestinal Microflora in Health and Disease, Academic Press, New
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13. Cummings, J. H., Hill, M. J., Jenkins, P. J. A., Pearson, J. R., and Wiggins, H. S., Changes in fecal
composition and colonic function due to cereal fiber, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 29, 1468, 1976.
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15. Horvath, P. J., The Measurement of Dietary Fiber and the Effects of Fermentation, Ph.D. thesis, Cornell
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16. Savage, D. C., Factors involved in colonization of the gut epithelial surface, in Symp. on Role of
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17. Salyers, A. A., OBrien, M., and Schmetter, B., Catabolism of mucopolysaccharides, plant gums, and
Maillard products by human colonic Bacteroides, in Unconventional Sources of Dietary Fiber, Series
214, Furda, I., Ed., American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C., 1983.
18. Salyers, A. A. and McCarthy, R. E., Assessing the importance of host-derived polysaccharides as
carbon sources for bacteria growing in the human colon, Anim. Feed Sci. Tech., 23, 109, 1989.
19. Salyers, A. A., Activities of polysaccharide-degrading bacteria in the human colon, in Dietary Fiber:
Chemistry, Physiology, and Health Effects, Kritchevsky, D., Bonfield, C., and Anderson, J. W., Eds.,
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20. Salyers, A. A., Energy sources of major intestinal fermentative anaerobes, in 5th Int. Symp. on Intestinal
Microecology, Luckey, T. D., Ed., Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 32, 158, 1979.
21. Johnson, J. L., Specific strains of Bacteroides species in human fecal flora as measured by deoxyri-
bonucleic acid homology, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 39, 407, 1980.
22. Smith, K. and Salyers, A. A., Purification and characterization of enzymes involved in starch utilization
by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, J. Bacteriol., 173, 2962, 1991.
23. Salyers, A. A., Palmer, J. K., and Wilkins, T. D., Laminarinase (-glucanase) activity in Bacteroides
from the human colon, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 33, 1118, 1977.
24. McCarthy, R. E., Kotarski, S. F., and Salyers, A. A., Location and characteristics of enzymes involved
in the breakdown of polygalacturonic acid by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, J. Bacteriol., 161,
493, 1985.
25. Salyers, A. A. and OBrien, M., Cellular location of enzymes involved in chondroitin sulfate breakdown
by Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, J. Bacteriol., 143, 772, 1980.
26. Cheng, Q., Yu, M. C., Reeves, A. R., and Salyers, A. A., Identification and characterization of a
Bacteriodes gene, csuF, which encodes an outer membrane protein that is essential for growth on
chondroitin sulfate, J. Bacteriol., 177, 3721, 1995.
27. Gherardini, F. C. and Salyers, A. A., Characterization of an outer membrane mannanase from Bacte-
riodes ovatus, J. Bacteriol., 169, 2031, 1987.
28. Salyers, A. A., Polysaccharide utilization by human colonic bacteria, in New Developments in Dietary
Fiber, Furda, I. and Brine, C. J., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1990, 151.
29. Jeraci, J. L., Robertson, J. B., and Van Soest, P. J., A human fecal inoculum in the in vitro fermentation
procedure, J. Anim. Sci. Suppl., 51, 206, 1980.
30. Ehle, F. R., Robertson, J. B., and Van Soest, P. J., Influence of dietary fibers on fermentation in the
human large intestine, J. Nutr., 112, 158, 1982.
31. Betian, H. G., Linehan, B. A., Bryant, M. P., and Holdeman, L. V., Isolation of a cellulolytic Bacteroides
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32. Van Soest, P. J., Jeraci, J. L., Foose, T., Wrick, K., and Ehle, F. R., Comparative fermentation of fibre
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34. Miller, T. L. and Wolin, M. J., Fermentations by saccharolytic intestinal bacteria, in 5th Int. Symp.
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36. Wolin, M. J. and Miller, T. L., Carbohydrate fermentation, in Human Intestinal Microflora in Health
and Disease, Hentges, D. J., Ed., Academic Press, New York, 1983, 147.
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37. Jeraci, J. L. and Horvath, P. J., In vitro fermentation of dietary fiber by human fecal organisms, Anim.
Feed Sci. Tech., 23, 121, 1989.
38. Cummings, J. H., Microbial digestion of complex carbohydrates in man, Proc. Nutr. Soc., 43, 35, 1984.
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40. Stephen, A. M., Haddad, A. C., and Phillips, S. F., Passage of carbohydrates into the colon, Gastro-
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43. Weaver, G. A., Krause, J. A., Miller, T. L., and Wolin, M. J., Short chain fatty acid distributions of
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45. McBurney, M. I. and Thompson, L. U., Effect of human faecal inoculum on in vitro fermentation
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dietary fibers, and whole foods in predicting the physiological importance of colonic fermentation,
Am. J. Gastroenterol., 83, 536, 1988.
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Effects of Dietary Fiber on Digestive Enzymes

Barbara O. Schneeman and Daniel Gallaher

Dietary fibers affect the functioning of the GI tract as indicated by a lower digestibility and
availability of nutrients from high-fiber diets. Assimilation of nutrients from diets requires the
movement of the bolus of food through the gut, the enzymatic hydrolysis of complex nutrients to
simpler compounds, and absorption of these compounds into and through the small intestinal cells.
The presence of dietary fibers can alter these processes, resulting in a slower rate of nutrient
absorption and a shift in the site of absorption to the more distal areas of the small intestine. In
this chapter, the effects of dietary fibers on digestive enzyme activity and on the intestinal contents
are reviewed.
Table 4.8.1 presents the effects of various fiber sources on amylase, lipase, trypsin, chymot-
rypsin, or pepsin activity in vitro. The enzymes were derived from human samples or from
commercial enzyme preparations. In general, commercial lipase or amylase is of porcine origin,
and -trypsin and chymotrypsin are of bovine origin. Discrepancies are most likely due to the enzyme
source or to the method of incubating the fiber and enzyme and reporting values. As shown in
Table 4.8.2, lipase inhibitory activity is associated with several cereals.
Addition of fiber sources to an in vitro protein digestibility test can lead to reductions in the
percentage of digestible casein (Table 4.8.3), indicating that fibers can interfere with proteolytic
enzyme activity. Other in vitro data indicate that certain foods which contain fiber may slow starch
or carbohydrate hydrolysis (Table 4.8.4). For both carbohydrates and protein, the change in in vitro
digestibility was dependent on the source of fiber (Tables 4.8.3 and 4.8.4). The data in Table 4.8.4
indicate that the physical state of the plant cell wall rather than simply the presence of dietary fiber
may be important in slowing the rate of carbohydrate hydrolysis. Grinding brown rice or lentil
samples significantly increased the percentage of starch hydrolyzed in a 30-minute period.11 These
results indicate that the physical state of the food or of the cell wall layers can slow the penetration
of digestive enzymes.11,13 Tinker and Schneeman14 demonstrated in vivo that the consumption of
the viscous polysaccharide, guar gum, slows the disappearance of starch from the small intestine
of rats. An interference with starch hydrolysis by amylase may contribute to this effect. These
studies suggest that slowing enzymatic hydrolysis in the intestine could contribute to the apparent
slower rate of nutrient assimilation associated with certain fiber-rich foods or diets.
The activity of digestive enzymes in vivo has been estimated (Table 4.8.5). Both rat studies,
collecting total intestinal contents, and human studies based on a sample of duodenal aspirate
indicate that within the intestinal contents pancreatic enzyme activities are either similar or signif-
icantly higher when a fiber supplement is added to a basal diet. In pancreatic duct cannulated rats,
instillation of a pectin test diet reduced amylase and chymotrypsin secretion; however, infusion of

2001 by CRC Press LLC 277
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Table 4.8.1 Percent of Control Enzyme Activity In Vitro

Fiber Source Amylase Lipase Trypsin Chymotrypsin Pepsin Ref.
Alfalfa 48.6 63.0* 93.9 1c
Alfalfa 87.3 72.8 29.0* 51.6* 2d
Oat bran 72.6 83.83 94.9 71.3 2
Wheat bran 8.0 1
Wheat bran 82.1 96.1 90.8 1
Wheat bran 66.9* 85.9 93.8 76.2 2
Rice bran 70.0 92.1 90.1 1
Safflower meal 44.6* 56.3* 90.1 1
Xylan 32.7* 31.0* 11.2* 20.0* 2
Xylan 20.8* 91.8 98.5 1
Cellulose 20.4* 4.6* 55.3* 52.9* 2
Cellulose 9.9* 87.5 78.3* 1
Pectin 113.0 105.0 105.0 1
Pectin 148.0* 123.0 100.0 129.0* 2
Pectin-HMa 50.0 20.0 40.0 20.0 4+e
Pectin-LMb 0.0 5.0 12.0 25.0 4+
Pectin 98.0 5+c
Guar gum 54.0 3+e
Guar gum 60.0 45.0 90.0 95.0 4+
Guar gum 74.0 6+c
Carob bean 121.0 6+
Na-alginate 89.0 6+
Agar-agar 101.0 6+
Carrageenan 74.0 5+
Carrageenan Inhibits 7+c
Carrageenan Inhibits 8+c
Carrageenan 59.0 6+
Psyllium 59.0 3+
Lignin 100.0 3+
Note: An asterisk means that there was a significant change from control. A plus sign in the reference
column indicates that a statistical analysis was not reported in these studies.
a High methoxy.
b Low methoxy.
c Commercial enzyme source was used.
d Human pancreatic juice was used.
e Human duodenal juice was used.

Table 4.8.2 Pancreatic Lipase Inhibition by Cereals, In Vitro

Cereal Source Lipase Inhibitory Activitya (IU/g)
French soft wheat 25.6 1.1
French durum wheat 33.6 1.0
Scandinavian soft wheat 43.3 4.1
North American hard wheat 37.9 1.1
Barley (8 varieties) 23.5 2.0
White sorghum (5 varieties) 22.4 4.8
Red sorghum (4 varieties) 3.3 1.5
Millet (6 varieties) 37.3 3.3
a Defined by Borel et al. (1989) as the mg of material that decrease lipase activity
by 50% under their experimental conditions.
Source: Adapted from Cara et al.9
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Table 4.8.3 Decrease in In Vitro Casein Digestibilitya Due to Fiber Addition

Decrease Digestibility
Fiber Source of Casein Fiber: Protein (wt:wt)
Holocellulose 1.66 0.4
Lignin 1.36 0.4
Citrus pectin 4.03 0.4
Xylan 5.34 0.4
Karaya gum 4.42 0.4
Wheat bran 0.15 0.5
Brown rice 7.64 0.5
Cooked broccoli 8.93 0.5
Cooked blackeyed peas 9.35 0.5
Canned corn 14.86 0.5
a Enzyme mixture was trypsin, chymotrypsin, and peptidase followed by a bacterial protease.
Source: Adapted from Gagne, C. M. and Acton, J. C., J. Food Sci., 48, 734, 1983. With permission.

Table 4.8.4 In Vitro Carbohydrate Hydrolysis of Foods

% Starch Hydrolyzed % Carbohydrate
Product in 30 min Released in 3 h Ref.
Rolled 5.1 11a
Cooked, rolled 45.8 11a
White bread 77.6 11a
Whole meal bread 80.1 11a
Whole meal bread 27 12b
Cooked, brown 17.6 11a
Cooked, ground 68.2 11a
Cooked, white 30.8 11a
Cooked, ground 71.8 11a
Rye, rolled 11.9 11a
Barley, rolled 13.5 11a
Oats, rolled cooked 68 11a
Maize, cooked rneal 71.5 11a
Brown lentils
Whole 12.1 13a
Ground 60.9 13a
Lentils, ground 15 12b
Soybeans, ground 6 12b
a Enzyme source is commercial -amylase and amyloglucosidase.
b Enzyme source is human saliva and jejunal juice.

a pectin alone (i.e., not in a test diet) did not change basal pancreatic protein secretion from basal
values.17 In contrast, two viscous polysaccharides, konjac mannan and Na-alginate, have been
reported to increase pancreatic output,18 although this response could be due to long-term adaptation
to continual feeding and not a change in the acute response. The data in Table 4.8.5 illustrate an
interesting point: although various fibers may interfere with digestive enzyme activity based on in
vitro evidence, they do not reduce the total amount of measurable digestive enzyme activity in the
gut contents. The only reported significant decrease in enzyme activity occurred in pancreatectomy
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Table 4.8.5 In Vivo Pancreatic Enzyme Activity: Values Expressed as Percentage of Fiber-Free Treated
Fiber Source Amylase Lipase Trypsin Chymotrypsin Protease Species Ref.

Total Units in Intestinal Contents (% Control)

Apple pectin 119 193* 142* Rat 18

Carrageenan 121 203* 140*
Na-alginate 111 208* 136*
Locust gum 104 167* 134*
Xanthan gum 109 303* 142*
Guar gum 115 321* 161*
Cellulose 142 89.5 114 69.6 Rat 15
Wheat bran 71 172* 101 80.4
Pectin 152* 216* 240* 138*
Guar gum 141* 218* 159*

Total Units in Ileostomy Fluid (% Control)

Pectin 883 359* 151 Rat 19
Wheat bran 488 187 180*

Units per ml of Intestinal Fluid (% Control)

Pectin 175* 144 154 130 Human 16
Carob flour 179* 218* 228 163*
Pectina 53* 37* 37* Human 20
Wheat branb 48* 45 65

Rate of Pancreatic Secretion (% Control)

Pectin 47.8* 61.5 44.9* Rat 16
Carob flour 91.4 108 63.6
Carrageenan 56.8 51.4 51.3
Guar gum 67.2 114 102
Pectin 122 125 185 Rat 18
Carrageenan 115 132 217*
Na-alginate 155* 109 170
Locust gum 153* 160 208*
Xanthan gum 173* 155 205*
Guar gum 232* 186* 250*
Cellulose No change in pancreatic protein secretion from baseline Rat 17
Note: * The value was reported as different from the fiber-free treated control.
a Pancreatectomized patients who received a pancreatic enzyme supplement.
b Chronic pancreatitis patients who did not receive an enzyme supplement.

or pancreatitis patients, who cannot respond effectively by increasing secretion.20 Enzyme activity
from intestinal contents is typically measured under in vitro conditions that optimize activity and
thus may not reflect the physiologically available activity within the gut contents. To answer the
question of whether fiber sources cm slow the rate of substrate hydrolysis, in vivo studies have
been conducted that estimate the rate or extent of lipid and carbohydrate disappearance from the
gastrointestinal tract.
Table 4.8.6 summarizes several studies conducted in humans and rats to determine if fiber
supplements will delay the absorption of lipid. The physiological importance of in vitro lipase
inhibition by wheat bran and wheat germ has been studied extensively.9,25 Borel et al.25 reported
that feeding wheat bran or wheat germ decreases gastrointestinal lipolysis of fats, resulting in lower
intestinal absorption of cholesterol and fatty acids. Experimental evidence suggests that in vitro
inhibition of lipase by cereal fractions may be due to a protein fraction.9 However, in vivo reductions
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Table 4.8.6 Effect of Fiber Sources on Lipid Digestion and Absorption

Fiber Source Dose Results Ref.

Human Studies
Pectin 5g Triolein breath test indicated a 30% reduction in lipid 20
digestibility in pancreatectomized patients receiving enzyme
Pectin 15 g/day Fat excretion in ileostomy fluid increased by 36% 21
Wheat bran 20 g Triolein breath test indicated up to a 30% reduction in lipid 20
digestibility in pancreatitis patients
Wheat bran 16 g/day No change in fat excretion in ileostomy fluid 22

Animal Studies
Cellulose 20% Intestinal disappearance of triolein reduced by 2030% for 23
5-h period after meal compared to fiber-free group
Cellulose 10% Lymphatic appearance of triolein was not lower than fiber-free 33
adapted rats; appearance of cholesterol was lower at 4 h but
not at 24 h after lipid infusion
Wheat bran 10% Delayed the disappearance of triglyceride from the 25
gastrointestinal tract
Wheat bran 20% 1.6-fold nonsignificant increase in the excretion of fat in 19
ileostomy fluid
Wheat germ 10% Delayed the disappearance of triglyceride from the 25
gastrointestinal tract
Guar gum 5% Lymphatic appearance of triolein and cholesterol was lower 33
than fiber-free adapted rats at 4 h after lipid infusion; only
cholesterol appearance was lower at 24 h
Guar gum 5% Intestinal disappearance of cholesterol and triolein was 24
2025% lower than cellulose at 2 h after meal
Pectin 5% Lymphatic appearance of triolein and cholesterol was lower 33
than fiber-free adapted rats at 4 h after lipid infusion; only
cholesterol appearance was lower at 24 h
Pectin 5% Threefold significant increase in the excretion of fat in 19
ileostomy fluid
Konjac mannan 5% Intestinal disappearance of cholesterol and triolein was 40% 24
lower than cellulose at 2 h after meal
Chitosan 5% Intestinal disappearance of cholesterol and triolein did not 24
differ from cellulose at 2 h after meal
Psyllium husk 5% Lymphatic appearance of triolein and cholesterol was lower 33
than fiber-free treatment at 4 and 24 h after lipid infusion

of lipid digestion may be due to interference with micelle formation as well as direct inhibition of
lipolytic activity. The results summarized in Table 4.8.6 indicate that sources of viscous polysac-
charides reduce the overall rate of lipid digestion.
The change in the activity of small intestinal brush order enzymes with fiber treatments in
animals is shown in Table 4.8.7. Two of the studies tend to report increases in enzyme activity due
to the fiber supplement where a change in activity was observed, and two studies reported decreases
with pectin treatment. One study reported that thymidine kinase activity was higher than the fiber-
free control in rats fed alfalfa, guar gum, or psyllium, but not in those fed cellulose or pectin. This
apparent discrepancy is most likely due to factors such as feeding very high levels of fiber, use of
weanling animals that may be unable to adapt to high fiber intakes, not fasting the animals prior
to killing them for collection of intestinal mucosa, or differences in the site of tissue sampling. In
Table 4.8.8, we have summarized a variety of reasons that will lead to different observations when
examining digestive enzyme adaptation and activity.
In altering digestion and absorption in the small intestine, another effect of dietary fiber could
be to alter the composition of the intestinal contents. Table 4.8.9 gives the effect of several fibers
on viscosity of human duodenal juice, and Figure 4.8.1 presents the viscosity of gastric and intestinal
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Table 4.8.7 Small Intestinal Enzyme Activity: Change in Enzyme Activity

Fiber Thymidine
Source Peptidase Sucrase Lactase Maltase Kinase Ref.
Pectin NC 26
Pectin NC 27
Pectin 28
Pectin a 29
Pectin NC NC 30
Cellulose NC 26
Cellulose NC NC NC 27
Cellulose NC NC NC 28
Cellulose NC NC 30
Oat bran NC NC 26
Wheat bran NC NC NC 31
Alfalfa b 30
Guar gum a a,b 30
Psyllium a a,b 30
Note: , = direction of change from control; NC = no change; = not determined.
a Proximal intestine.
b Distal intestine.

Table 4.8.8 Reasons for Differences in Enzyme Values

Use of weanling vs. adult animals
Level and type of fiber added
Protein content of the diet
Fasting or fed state at time of killing
Methodology differences relative to sample preparation and analysis
Method of expressing units relative to volume of sample, milligrams of tissue, protein, or DNA

Table 4.8.9 Effect of Dietary Fiber on Viscosity

of Duodenal Juice (mPa)
Duodenal juice 30
LM-pectin (2.5 g%) 40
HM-pectin (1.5 g%) 200
Guar gum (0. 15 g%) 500
Wheat bran (1.5 g%) 90
Source: Adapted from Isaksson, G., et al., Gastro-
enterology, 82, 918, 1982.

contents of rats fed different fiber sources. In addition, it has been reported that addition of fiber
to a basal diet will increase the volume and weight of intestinal content in rats.15,31,32 Sandberg et
al.21,22 reported that the wet weight of ileostomy fluid was increased by 94 g/d due to wheat bran
and by 314 g/d due to pectin. The greater volume or viscosity of intestinal contents will have an
impact on the interaction of substrates and enzymes as well as on the movement of nutrients to
sites for absorption.
Hydrolysis of triglycerides in the stomach and small intestine is related to the surface area
available. The lipase enzymatic systems act at this interface to release free fatty acids, diglycerides,
and monoglycerides. The amount of surface area available is determined by the size of lipid droplets
and/or micelles.34 Pasquier et al.35,36 have demonstrated in vitro that viscous polysaccharides
increase the size of lipid droplets under conditions that mimic the stomach or small intestine.
Under conditions that mimic gastric contents, a threefold increase in droplet size was associated
2387_ch4.8_fm Page 283 Tuesday, May 8, 2001 3:00 PM


Figure 4.8.1 Gastric and intestinal viscosity in rats fed different fiber sources. *Value differs
significantly from the fiber-free control group (p < 0.05). (Data adapted from
Ikegami et al., 1990.18)

with reduced surface area and about a 30% reduction in the extent of triglyceride hydrolysis.
Likewise, with conditions that mimic the duodenum in vitro, triglyceride hydrolysis was inversely
correlated with viscosity and an increase in viscosity resulted in larger lipid droplets. The effects
of viscous polysaccharides on in vitro lipid emulsification and hydrolysis have been confirmed
in vivo in rat studies.34


1. Schneeman, B. O., Effect of plant fiber on lipase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin activity, J. Food Sci., 43,
634, 1978.
2. Dunaif, G. and Schneeman, B. O., The effect of dietary fiber on human pancreatic enzyme activity
in vitro, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 34, 10349, 1981.
3. Hansen, W. E. and Schulz, G., The effect of dietary fiber on pancreatic amylase activity in vitro,
Hepato-Gastroenterology, 29, 157, 1982.
4. Isaksson, G., Lundquist, I., and Ihse, I., Effect of dietary fiber on pancreatic enzyme activity in vitro,
Gastroenterology, 82, 918, 1982.
5. Houck, J. C., Bhayana, J., and Lee, T., The inhibition of pepsin and peptic ulcers, Gastroenterology,
39, 196, 1960.
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6. Harmuth-Hoene, A. E. and Schwerdtfeger, E., Effect of indigestible polysaccharides on protein digest-

ibility and nitrogen retention in growing rats, Nutr. Metab., 23, 399, 1979.
7. Gatfield, I. L. and Stute, R., Enzymatic reactions in the presence of polymers. The competitive
inhibition of trypsin by A-carrageenan, FEBS Lett., 28, 29, 1972.
8. Anderson, W., Baille, A. J., and Harthill, J. E., Peptic inhibition by macroanions, J. Pharm. Pharmacol.,
20, 715, 1968.
9. Cara, R., Borel, P., Armaud, M., Lafont, H., Lesgards, G., and Lairon, D., Milling and processing of
wheat and other cereals affect their capacity to inhibit lipase in vitro, J. Food Sci., in press.
10. Gagne, C. M. and Acton, J. C., Fiber constituents and fibrous food residues effects on the in vitro
enzymatic digestion of protein, J. Food Sci., 48, 734, 1983.
11. Snow, P. and ODea, K., Factors affecting the rate of hydrolysis of starch in food, Am. J. Clin. Nutr.,
34, 2721, 1981.
12. Jenkins, D. J. A., Rate of digestion of foods and postprandial glycaemia in normal and diabetic subjects,
Br. Med. J., 281, 14, 1980.
13. Wong, S. and ODea, K., Importance of physical form rather than viscosity in determining the rate
of starch hydrolysis in legumes, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 37, 66, 1983.
14. Tinker, L. F. and Schneeman, B. O., The effect of guar gum or wheat bran on the disappearance of
14C-labelled starch from the rat gastrointestinal tract, J. Nutr., 119, 403, 1989.

15. Schneeman, B. O., Forman, L. P., and Gallaher, D., Pancreatic and intestinal enzyme activity in rats
fed various fiber sources, in Fiber in Human and Animal Nutrition, Wallace, G. and Bell, L., Eds.,
Bulletin 20, The Royal Society of New Zealand, 1983, 139.
16. Sommer, H. and Kasper, H., The effect of dietary fiber on the pancreatic excretory function, Hepato-
Gastroenterology, 27, 477, 1980.
17. Schneeman, B. O., Acute pancreatic and biliary response to protein, cellulose and pectin, Nutr. Rep.
Int., 20, 45, 1979.
18. Ikegami, S., Tsuchihashi, N., Harada, H., and Innami, S., Effects of viscous indigestible polysaccha-
rides on pancreatic biliary secretion and digestive organs in rats, J. Nutr., 120, 353, 1990.
19. Isaksson, G., Asp, N.-G., and Ihse, I., Effects of dietary fiber on pancreatic enzyme activities of
ileostomy evacuates and on excretion of fat and nitrogen in the rat, Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 18,
417, 1983.
20. Isaksson, G., Lundquist, I., Akesson, B., and Ihse, I., Effects of pectin and wheat bran on intraluminal
pancreatic enzyme activities and on fat absorption as examined with the triolein breath test in patients
with pancreatic insufficiency, Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 19, 467, 1984.
21. Sandberg, A.-S., Ahderinne, R., Andersson, H., Hallgren, B., Hasselblad, K., Isaksson, B., and
Hultn, L., The effects of citrus pectin on the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, Human
Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition, 37C, 171, 1983.
22. Sandberg, A.-S., Andersson, H., Hallgren, B., Hasselblad, K., Isaksson, B., and Hulten, L., Experi-
mental model for in vivo determination of dietary fibre and its effects on the absorption of nutrients
in the small intestine, Br. J. Nutr., 45, 283, 1981.
23. Gallaher, D. and Schneeman, B. O., Effect of dietary cellulose on site of lipid absorption, Am. J.
Physiol., 249, G184, 1985.
24. Ebihara, K. and Schneeman, B. O., Interaction of bile acids, phospholipids, cholesterol, and triglyc-
erides with dietary fibers in the small intestine of rats, J. Nutr., 119, 1100, 1989.
25. Borel, P., Lairon, D., Senft, M., Chantan, M., and Lafont, H., Wheat bran and wheat germ: effect on
digestion and intestinal absorption of dietary lipids in the rat, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 49, 1192, 1989.
26. Farness, P. L. and Schneeman, B. O., Effects of dietary cellulose, pectin and oat bran on the small
intestine in the rat, J. Nutr., 112, 1315, 1982.
27. Thomsen, L. L. and Tasmen-Jones, C., Disaccharide levels of the rat jejunum are altered by dietary
fibre, Digestion, 23, 252, 1982.
28. Schwartz, S. E., Starr, C., Backman, S., and Holtzapple, P. G., Dietary fiber decreases cholesterol and
phospholipid synthesis in rat intestine, J. Lipid. Res., 24, 746, 1983.
29. Brown, R. C., Kelleher, J., and Losowsky, M. S., The effect of pectin on the structure and function
of the rat small intestine, Br. J. Nutr., 42, 357, 1979.
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30. Calvert, R., Schneeman, B. O., Satchithanandam, S., Cassidy, M., and Vahouny, G. V., Dietary fiber
and intestinal adaptation: effects on intestinal and pancreatic digestive enzyme activities, Am. J. Clin.
Nutr., 41, 1249, 1985.
31. Stock-Damg, C., Aprahamian, M., Raul, F., Humbert, W., and Bouchet, P., Effects of wheat bran on
the exocrine pancreas and the small intestinal mucosa in the dog, J. Nutr., 114, 1076, 1984.
32. Poksay, K. S. and Schneeman, B. O., Pancreatic and intestinal response to dietary guar gum in rats,
J. Nutr., 113, 1544, 1983.
33. Vahouny, G. V., Satchithanandam, S., Chen, I., Tepper, S. A., Kritchevsky, D., Lightfoot, F. G., and
Cassidy, M. M., Dietary fiber and intestinal adaptation: effects on lipid absorption and lymphalic
transport in the rat, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 47, 201, 1988.
34. Lairon, D., Soluble fiber and dietary lipids, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., 427, 99108, 1997.
35. Pasquier, B., Armand, M., Castelain, C., Guillon, F., Borel, B., Lafont, H., and Lairon, D., Emulsifi-
cation and lipolysis of triacylglycerols are altered by viscous soluble dietary fibres in acidic gastric
medium in vitro, Biochem. J., 314, 269275.
36. Pasquier, B., Armand, M., Guillon, F., Castelain, C., Borel, B., Barry, J. L., Pieroni, G., and Lairon,
D., Viscous soluble dietary fibres alter emulsification and lipolysis of triacylglycerides in duodenal
medium in vitro, J. Nutr. Biochem., 7, 293302, 1996.
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The Source of Dietary Fiber

Influences Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production
and Concentrations in the Large Bowel

H. Kobayashi and Sharon E. Fleming

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), also referred to as volatile fatty acids, primarily include acetate,
propionate, and butyrate, which compose more than 80% of all SCFAs. They are produced from
carbohydrates or dietary fiber which cannot be degraded by human digestive enzymes, but which
are hydrolyzed and fermented by intestinal microflora in the large bowel.47 Carbohydrate and dietary
fiber affect colonic metabolism and the luminal environment, since they stimulate SCFA production,
absorption, and excretion which, in turn, affect characteristics such as luminal and fecal pH.
This chapter summarizes data which show the effects due to dietary fiber on SCFA production
and excretion, and on fecal pH. Since SCFA production cannot easily be measured directly in
humans due to difficulties obtaining human colonic contents, animal models are widely used. Data
from various strains of rats, pigs, and humans are included. Data from ruminant animals, dog, cats,
and rabbits are excluded due to important differences from humans in their intestinal physiology
and functions. In the previous edition,48 the summarized data illustrated the importance of intestinal
microflora on SCFA production and of having internal consistency within each experiment regarding
gender of animal due to differences between gender in SCFA production, absorption, and excretion.
These earlier data showed also that the age of animal used in experiments might affect SCFA
production, absorption, and excretion. In this edition, we extended the data from studies conducted
from 1990 to the present.


The studies reported in the previous edition of this review48 generally showed that increasing
the duration of dietary fiber consumption increased SCFA concentration in the intestinal lumen,
increased SCFA digesta pool size, and increased SCFA absorption. Of the three more recent studies
(Table 4.9.1), two studies showed increases in SCFA concentration in cecal digesta production
with increasing duration of dietary fiber consumption,1,2 while one study showed a possible decrease
in SCFA excretion in feces with increased exposure to fiber.3 Decreased fecal excretion may be
due to increased SCFA absorption, as shown in an earlier rat study.48

2001 by CRC Press LLC 287
Table 4.9.1 Influence of the Duration of Feeding on SCFA Concentrations in Luminal Contents and Feces

Animal Model Specimen and Diet Duration of Feeding Comments Ref.

Rats, male Cecal contents 1
Wistar, 115 g (Mean, n = 6, mol/g wet contents) 2 wk 8 wk 27 wk
Acetate Control 44.0 55.9 47.6
Fructooligosaccharide 55.2 a 53.3 69.5 a duration [Ac] for FOSb
at 27 wks
Propionate Control 12.0 16.5 19.2
Fructooligosaccharide 14.7 14.5 17.4 duration [Pr] at 27 wks
Butyrate Control 4.9 5.3 4.7
Fructooligosaccharide 13.5 a 25.3 a 15.3 a duration may [Bu] for
FOS at 8 wks, then [Bu]
at 27 wks
2387_ch4.9_fm Page 288 Tuesday, May 8, 2001 3:02 PM

Total SCFA Control 62.0 79.4 73.2

Fructooligosaccharide 83.8 a 94.2 a 103.5 a duration [total SCFA]

Rats, male Cecal contents 2

Wistar, 115 g (Mean, n = 6, mol/g wet) 0.5 mo 2 mo 6 mo
Acetate Control 44.0 55.9 47.6
Resistant potato starch 64.9 a 66.8 94 a duration [Ac]
Propionate Control 12.0 16.5 19.2
Resistant potato starch 12.9 16.4 21.3 duration [Pr]
Butyrate Control 4.9 5.3 4.7
Resistant potato starch 11.2 a 31.4 a 45.4 a duration [Bu]
Total SCFA Control 62.0 79.4 73.2
Resistant potato starch 90.3 a 115.9 a 162.3 a duration [total SCFA]

Rats, male Feces

Sprague-Dawley (Mean SEM, n = 10, mol/g wet) 4 wk 8 wk 12 wk 16 wk 3
4060 g Acetate Wheat bran 24.3 10.9 17.7 3.7 14.4 1.7 15.7 1.7
Oat bran 28.3 2.6 32.1 2.8 20.5 2.8 26.3 2.5
Propionate Wheat bran 4.2 1.4 2.4 0.6 2.1 0.4 2.4 0.3
Oat bran 8.7 1.1 7.1 1.3 5.4 0.8 5.3 1.1
Butyrate Wheat bran 7.5 2.5 4.3 1.3 4.9 1.0 4.6 1.1
Oat bran 16.2 2.9 18.5 2.2 11.9 2.3 12.6 2.0
Total SCFA Wheat bran 37.4 13.7 25.4 5.4 23.1 3.0 23.8 3.0 duration may SCFA
Oat bran 55.5 4.8 60.2 4.9 40.5 5.5 46.7 4.7 Differences between diets
were statistically significant
a Significantly different from control group p <0.05.
b FOS = fructooligosaccharides.
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The influence of the amount of fiber ingested was evaluated by increasing the concentration of
fiber in the diet (Table 4.9.2). In one of the two recent studies, SCFA concentrations in rat cecal
contents were increased in a dose-dependent manner with increasing dietary concentrations of both
inulin and resistant starch.4 With both of these fiber sources, the molar ratios of propionate and
butyrate increased, whereas the molar ratio of acetate decreased with increasing dietary fiber
concentrations. In the one human study, fecal SCFA concentrations were increased by increasing
the vegetable fiber, but not the wheat bran, concentration in the diet.5 Both studies were conducted
for only 1 week; thus, caution should be used in extrapolating these findings to physiological
situations. The reader is referred to the earlier review, since the effects of concentration of fiber on
SCFA production and excretion was more thoroughly studied in the previous years.



The SCFA concentrations in intestinal segments including the cecum, proximal colon, and distal
colon, and in excreted feces, are reported for several fiber sources (Table 4.9.3). Although not the
purpose of this review, SCFA concentrations were highest in the contents of the cecum and lowest
in feces,2,3,68,10,12 with only one exception.9 Differences among segments in the molar ratios of the
three major SCFAs are worth noting. In the one study where these were reported, acetate constituted
a greater proportion of the three SCFAs in contents of the distal colon than in the cecum or proximal
colon; this increase was offset by a decrease in the proportion of propionate, whereas butyrate
percentages were unchanged.12 Calculations performed on original data indicated, however, that
differences between segments in molar percentages of the three SCFAs were not consistent. By
comparing data within the study, it appears that the source of dietary fiber may play a role in
determining the longitudinal gradient in molar percentages among the three major SCFAs. Specif-
ically, the proportion of acetate was higher in the cecum than the distal colon for treatments
including cellulose,8 pectin,8 and psyllium;10 was similar for treatments including potato starch,2
wheat bran,3,9 oat bran,8 and pectin;9 and was lower in the cecum than the distal colon for treatments
including rolled oats12 and wheat bran.12 Some inconsistencies among studies are evident.
In most,2,3,69,11 but not all,10,11 studies, the effects of a dietary fiber on SCFA concentrations
were consistent along the length of the large bowel. As one example, when compared to a low-
fiber diet, a high-fiber diet caused total SCFA concentrations to be higher in lumenal contents of
both the cecum and colon of rats.7 Similarly, potato starch increased the concentrations of acetate
and butyrate in the intestinal contents of both the proximal and distal colon of rats,2 and differences
for pectin and oat bran vs., cellulose were consistent among the cecum, proximal colon, and distal
colon contents of rats.8 As a result, it is possible to use data from one segment to predict the relative
differences among dietary fibers in another segment. Unfortunately, insufficient data are available
to conclude that differences in fecal SCFA concentrations can equally well predict dietary differ-
ences in the luminal contents of the cecum or colon.


Comparisons among fiber sources have been made most commonly by feeding diets that contain
equivalent concentrations of fiber but which differ in the source from which the fiber is derived
(Tables 4.9.3 and 4.9.4). Based on earlier studies, it was noted that feeding cellulose resulted in
lower SCFA production than pectin, oat bran, wheat bran, and psyllium.48 In several recent studies,
data suggest that cellulose consumption may depress cecal SCFA concentrations below those
Table 4.9.2 Influence of the Dietary Fiber Concentration on SCFA Concentration in Cecal Contents and Fecal Fluid

Animal Model Fiber Specimen/Data Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Rats, male Inulin Cecal contents 4
Wistar, 200 g, Mean SEM, n = 10
fed 7 days Fiber free Inulin (3.75%) Inulin (7.5%) Inulin (15%)
SCFA conc, mM 101 7 104 6 117 6 129 8a [fiber] [SCFA]
Molar Ratio (Ac:Pr:Bu) 69:24:07 60:29:11 50:33:17 43:37:20 [fiber] %Ac, %Bu

Resistant starch Fiber free Resistant Resistant Resistant

starch (5%) starch (10%) starch (20%)
SCFA conc, mM 101 7 114 6 149 9a 173 10a [fiber] [SCFA]
Molar Ratio (Ac:Pr:Bu) 69:24:07 61:26:13 56:27:17 53:30:17 [fiber] %Ac, %Bu
2387_ch4.9_fm Page 290 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:31 PM

Human, Wheat bran Fecal dyalysate fluid Fiber free Wheat Wheat 5
fed 8 days Mean SEM, n = 9 bran (10g) bran (30g)
SCFA conc, mM 58.2 3.6 99.3 3.6 75.5 3.4 No change in [SCFA]
Molar Percentage 55/23/9 55/22/14 52/22/16 No change in molar
(Ac/Pr/Bu) percentage

Veg fiber Vegetable Vegetable

fiber (10g) fiber (30g)
SCFA conc, mM 74.5 4.1 90.0 4.1 [fiber] [SCFA]
Molar Percentage 58/22/10 60/22/12 No change in molar
(Ac/Pr/Bu) percentage
Note: Ac = acetate; Pr = propionate; Bu = butyrate.
a Significant differences from fiber-free group.
Table 4.9.3 Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Concentrations and Proportions in Various Intestinal Segments
Animal Model Specimen/Intestinal Segment Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Rats, male Luminal contents Basal Wheat Bran Ispagula 6
Wistar, 150 g, fed Mean SEM, n = 920, mol/g dry (10%) (5%)
28 days
Total SCFA
Cecal 441 17.9 380 23.4 517 26.7* [Total SCFA] higher for ispagula in
Proximal colon 201 16.5 218 24.9 326 20.2* [Total SCFA] higher for ispagula in
prox. colon
Distal colon 158.5 15.7 120.4 12.1 180 16.4 No differences among fibers in distal
2387_ch4.9_fm Page 291 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:31 PM

Rats, male Luminal contents Low fiber High fiber 7

Wistar, fed 18 mo Mean SEM, n = 10, mol/g dry (17 g NSP/kg) (133 g NSP/kg)
Total SCFA
Cecum 60.2 10.3 296.6 18.4* [Total SCFA] higher for high-fiber diet
in cecum

Colon 24.7 3.5 135.9 12.1* [Total SCFA] higher for high-fiber diet
in colon
Rats, male Luminal contents 2
Wistar, 115 g Mean, n = 6, mol/g wet Basal Potato starch
Proximal colon 29.6 66.3*
Distal colon 15.5 52.7*
Proximal colon 11.9 16.6
Distal colon 6.8 10.9
Proximal colon 2.8 30.5*
Distal colon 1.7 25.2*
Total SCFA
Proximal colon 45.3 114.5* Potato starch increases the conc. of
Distal colon 24.5 89.5* each SCFA in both the proximal and
distal colon
Table 4.9.3 (Continued) Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Concentrations and Proportions in Various Intestinal Segments

Animal Model Specimen/Intestinal Segment Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Rats, male Colonic contents Wheat bran Oat bran 3
Sprague-Dawley Mean SEM, n = 11, mol/g
4060 g Acetate
Proximal colon 29.2 2.6 27.1 2.5
Distal colon 24.2 2.6 23.8 2.9
Proximal colon 4.9 0.6 6.7 0.6
Distal colon 4.6 0.6 7.0 0.7
Proximal colon 9.6 1.8 17.2 1.7
2387_ch4.9_fm Page 292 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:31 PM

Distal colon 8.2 1.8 19.0 2.0

Total SCFA
Proximal colon 45.4 4.1 53.5 4.0 [SCFA] are similar for wheat and oat
Distal colon 38.7 4.1 53.5 4.6 bran at both the proximal and distal
Rats, male Luminal contents Cellulose Pectin Oat bran 8
Sprague-Dawley, Mean SEM, n = 1920, mol/g (6%DF) (6%DF) (6%DF)
270320 g, Acetate
fed 4 wk Cecum 28.8 1.3c 52.3 2.0a 36.6 2.6b
Proximal colon 13.3 0.8b 31.7 1.7a 28.8 1.7a [Ac] for pectin and oat bran >
Distal colon 5.8c 13.6 0.6b 21.4 1.0a cellulose at all three sites
Cecum 5.9b 7.9a 7.2a
Proximal colon 4.2b 6.7a 6.7a [Pr] for pectin and oat bran >
Distal colon 1.9c 3.9 0.3b 4.9 0.3a cellulose at all three sites
Cecum 1.7b 1.3b 11.8a
Proximal colon 0.8b 1.25b 5.4a [Bu] for oat bran > cellulose and oat
Distal colon 0.6c 1.9b 5.2 0.3a bran at all three sites
Total SCFA
Cecum 37.9 1.3b 62.8 2.6a 57.6 2.6a
Proximal colon 20 1.25b 40.8 1.7a 42.5 1.7a [total SCFA] for pectin and oat bran
Distal colon 9.7 0.3c 21.4 1.0b 33.1 1.3a > cellulose at all three sites
Rats, male Luminal contents Fiber-free Pectin Wheat bran 9
Sprague-Dawley, Mean SEM, n = 10, mmol/l (8% DF) (8% DF)
200230 g body wt, Acetate
fed 3 wk Cecum 39.1 11.2 53.0 19.5 64.2 14.0
Proximal colon 55.8 11.2b 92.1 11.2a 72.6 14.0a,b In prox. colon only, [Ac] for pectin >
Distal colon 44.7 11.2 36.3 5.6 37.7 8.4 fiber-free
Cecum 9.5 3.6 9.2 4.9 9.0 2.1
Proximal colon 1.5 0.8b 13.3 7.4a 10.8 3.1a,b In prox. and distal colon, [Pr] for
Distal colon 0.3 0.1b 5.1 1.5a 3.1 1.5a,b pectin > fiber-free
Cecum 4.7 1.0b 2.5 0.8b 1.6 3.3a
Proximal colon 1.6 0.8b 3.1 2.0b 12.4 2.4a At all 3 sites, [Bu] for wheat bran >
2387_ch4.9_fm Page 293 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:31 PM

Distal colon 0.4 0.4b 3.1 1.4b 11.6 2.7a fiber-free and pectin
Total SCFA
Cecum 45 13a 65 23a,b 92 18b
Proximal colon 60 10b 110 40a 97 20a In prox. colon only, [total SCFA] for
Distal colon 45 10 43 7 53 13 pectin and wheat bran > fiber-free

Rats, male Luminal contents and feces Low Amylose Starch High Amylose Starch
Sprague-Dawley, Mean, mol/g wet Alone with Psyllium Alone with Psyllium 10
208234 g body wt, Acetate
fed 2 wk Cecum 35.3b 29.3a 34b 29.3a Psyllium [Ac] in cecum
Proximal colon 26 30 31.3 26 [Ac] in feces
Distal colon 13.3 23.3 16.6 23.3
Fecal 12.6a 23.6b 18a,b 22.6b
Cecum 14.2b 10.3a 14.2b 12.4b With low amylose,
psyllium [Pr] in cecum
Proximal colon 10.7 5 10.7 4.6 [Pr] in feces
Distal colon 4.6 7.5 8.9 6
Fecal 1.1a 5.3b 5.3b 8.5b
Cecum 4a 4a 9.3b 8.7b Psyllium had little or no effect on [Bu]
Proximal colon 3.1 3.6 7.1 4.9 at all sites
Distal colon 2.2 1.8 5.3 6.4
Fecal 0.4a 0.9a 2.7b 5.3c

Table 4.9.3 (Continued) Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Concentrations and Proportions in Various Intestinal Segments
Animal Model Specimen/Intestinal Segment Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Total SCFA
2387_ch4.9_fm Page 294 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:31 PM

Cecum 53.3b,c 43.3a 57.8c 50b Psyllium [total SCFA] in cecum

Proximal colon 40 37.8 48.9 35.6 [total SCFA] in feces
Distal colon 21.1 32.2 31.1 35.6
Fecal 14.4a 24.4b 26.7b 36.7c

Rats, male Luminal contents Cellulose Pectin 11

Sprague-Dawley, Mean + SD, n = 5 , mol/g wet (6 g/100 g diet) (6 g/100 g diet)
4060 g, Acetate
fed 38 wk Proximal colon 21.8 2.32 50.7 5.1 [Ac] for pectin > cellulose at both
Distal colon 15.3 1.3 29.1 3.6
Proximal colon 4.79 0.39 4.22 0.21 [Pr] for pectin and cellulose similar at
both sites
Distal colon 2.68 0.34 3.01 0.15
Proximal colon 4.22 0.19 4.68 0.30 [Bu] for pectin and cellulose similar
at both sites
Distal colon 3.86 0.28 4.36 0.26

Pigs, Luminal contents Wheat Flour

fed 34 days Mean, n = 4 Alone w/ Aleurone w/ Pericarp w/Bran 12
Molar percentage (Ac/Pr/Bu)
Cecum 51/40/6 44/40/6 51/40/7 56/36/7 Adding wheat bran to wheat flour did
Proximal colon 55/31/6 55/31/8 51/36/7 56/34/8 not, substantially change the
percentages of the three SCFAs
Distal colon 70/18/6 59/26/6 63/23/7 69/19/7 In comparison to the cecum and
prox. colon, the distal colon
appeared to have higher % Ac and
lower % Pr

Pigs, Luminal contents Wheat Flour Rolled Oats 12

fed 42 days Mean, n = 4 Alone & Oat Bran Alone & Oat Bran
Total SCFA (mmol/l)
Cecum 100.5 117.8 133 144.9 Adding oat bran to wheat flour or
Proximal colon 91.9 108.1 143.8 121.1 rolled oats tended to increase
Distal colon 54.1 51.9 75.7 60.5 [SCFA] in cecum, but decrease
[SCFA] in distal colon contents
Molar percentage (Ac/Pr/Bu)
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Cecum 55/34/6 50/38/8 52/38/7 53/31/11 Adding oat bran did not consistently
Proximal colon 60/23/8 57/26/8 52/34/9 55/28/12 influence percentages of the three
Distal colon 69/14/6 66/15/9 58/22/9 61/19/10 SCFAs
In comparison to the cecum, the distal
colon tended to have higher % Ac

and lower % Pr
* Significantly different from basal group p < 0.05.
Data was extrapolated from the original graphs.
a,b,c Values in a row with different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05.
2387_ch4.9_fm Page 296 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:31 PM


observed for animals fed a fiber-free diet.15,16 More recent studies confirmed previous observations48
that, in comparison to cellulose, pectin ingestion increased luminal SCFA concentrations and pool
size.8,15 This study extended our knowledge by showing that cecal SCFA concentration and pool
size was higher also for pea fiber than cellulose.14
In comparison to a cellulose diet, the cereal fibers oat bran and corn bran resulted in higher
luminal propionate concentration in pigs21 and higher concentrations of each of the three major
SCFAs when this comparison was made using rats.8 When compared to methylcellulose consumption,
cecal SCFA concentrations in rats were higher for diets containing both rice bran and wheat bran.17
The results of these most recent studies show that water-dispersible fibers such as inulin, pectin,
indigestible dextrins, and ispagula provide higher luminal SCFA concentrations than do cereal
fibers or brans from wheat, oats, and corn.6,14,18,19 Furthermore, it appears that fiber from chicory,
carrots, and cocoa might respond similarly to inulin.14,18 Among the cereal fibers, wheat bran, corn
bran, and oat bran may support similar luminal SCFA concentrations, while rice bran might support
higher concentrations.3,14,17,21

Dietary Fiber Source Influences Fecal SCFA Excretion

The generalizations that were made earlier regarding the influence of various sources of dietary
fibers on luminal concentrations of SCFA appear to apply, but to a more limited extent to fecal
excretion of SCFA (Table 4.9.5). In particular, there is evidence that fecal excretion of SCFA is
increased when water-dispersible compounds such as ispagula,6,27 inulin,24 galactooligosaccha-
rides,24 senna,25 and resistant starch26 are consumed. By contrast, wheat bran had little or no effect
on fecal SCFA excretion.6,22,23,25

Many Dietary Fiber Sources Reduce Luminal pH

The effect of the dietary fiber on luminal pH has been studied most commonly in rats, although
fecal pH data are also available for humans (Table 4.9.6). In general, wheat bran did not have a
consistent significant effect on either luminal or fecal pH using rats,9,28 pigs,12 or humans.25 Also,
cellulose consumption did not appear to lower luminal pH.29 Luminal and fecal pH, however,
appeared to be reduced following consumption by rats of dietary fibers including fructooligosac-
charides,1 galacto-oligosaccharides,29 inulin,4,14 pectin,8,9 psyllium,21 oat bran,8,12 and following con-
sumption of diets high in resistant starch.4,13,26 Results using inulin and resistant starch suggest that
there is a doseresponse relationship such that increasing fiber consumption shows further decreases
in luminal pH.4 Results of another study suggest that there may be a threshold, however, after which
further increases in fiber intake do not further influence fecal pH.30 Overall, the pH values of control
treatments, even when compared within a specific site, varied considerably among the experiments.
If one focuses simply on the absolute pH values, rather than on the significance of differences
between a specific fiber treatment and a control, then it appears that luminal pH values of 6 or less
can be attained by feeding water-dispersible but fermentable constituents including inulin, galac-
tooligosaccharides, resistant starch and, in some cases, fructooligosaccharides.

In Vitro SCFA Production Varies with the Source of the Dietary Fiber

Since it is difficult to examine the fermentation dynamics within the intestine of humans or
animals, in vitro fermentation systems have been developed and utilized to study the influence
of dietary fiber (substrate) on SCFA production (Table 4.9.7). Many research groups presented
data for SCFA as a function of fermentation time.6,21,22,34,35,37,4046 In general, time-dependent
increases in SCFA production were observed. Since SCFA production tended to level off after
a 24-hour incubation period, data are presented only for this later time point in an attempt to
simplify this presentation.
Table 4.9.4 Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Concentration, or Quantity, in Cecal Contents
Animal Model Specimen/Data Source of DF (Level) Comments Ref.
Rats, male Cecal contents Control Pea starch Potato starch Resistant starch 13
Wistar, 75 5 g, Mean SEM, n = 7
fed 12 days SCFA conc. mmol/l 58 4a 76 5a,b 85 4b 61 4a [SCFA] for potato starch >
resistant starch
SCFA pool, mol 48 6a 78 10a 150 19b 153 15b SCFA pools for potato and
resistant > pea starch
Molar percentage 72/21/4 69/19/5 71/15/10 72/16/8 Molar ratios not different

Rats, male Cecal contents Inulin Carrot Cocoa 14

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Fischer, 10 wk, Mean SEM, n = 6, mol/g

280 g, fed 8 wk wet
Acetate 31.42 1.91a 32.66 3.04a 32.16 0.65a [Ac] for Inulin, carrot, and
cocoa > others
Propionate 8.65 0.26 8.80 0.55 8.71 0.21

Butyrate 14.83 0.88a 3.66 0.27b 4.16 0.30b [Bu] higher for inulin than
Total SCFA 55.83 2.69a 46.02 3.66a,b 45.99 0.97a,b

Wheat bran Pea Oat

Acetate 28.40 1.53a,b 23.91 1.22b 23.27 1.29b
Propionate 9.42 0.41 9.44 0.26 9.15 0.35
Butyrate 4.14 0.33b 3.12 0.60b 3.20 0.29b
Total SCFA 43.20 2.11b 37.62 1.84b 36.81 1.65b

Rats, male Cecal contents Control Cellulose Pectin Pea fiber 15

Sprague-Dawley, Mean SEM, n = 5 (30% DF) (30% DF) (30% DF)
150200 g, Total SCFA, mmol/l 37.1 2.3a 15.7 2.7b 45.9 3.2a 46.3 3.6a
fed 4 wk Acetate, mol/animal 48.9 3.4c 21.9 2.8d 386.4 58.2a 167.4 8.7b
Propionate, mol/animal 18.4 1.4c 9.5 1.6d 121.4 20.6a 51.3 5.7b Cellulose had lowest conc. of
all SCFAs
Butyrate, mol/animal 3.3 0.3b,c 1.7 0.3c 7.1 2.5b 25.4 1.6a Pectin had greatest [Ac] and
Total SCFA, mol/animal 70.6 4.9c 33.1 4.6d 515 78a 244 12.8b Pea fiber had greatest [Bu]
Table 4.9.4 (Continued) Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Concentration, or Quantity, in Cecal Contents

Animal Model Specimen/Data Source of DF (Level) Comments Ref.

Rats, male Cecal contents Acid-treated 16
Sprague-Dawley, Mean SE, n = 6 Fiber-free Maize husk Maize husk
125150 g, Conc, mol/ g (100 g/kg) (100 g/kg)
fed 22 days Acetate 33.9 5.3 32.7 1.8 40.5 2.4
Propionate 17.3 1.8b 16.1 0.6b 23.2 2.4a Higher amount of SCFA for
maize husk groups
Butyrate 7.1 1.2c 10.7 0.6b 14.3 0.6a Acid treating husks
increased SCFA concs. and
Pool, mol/ cecum
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Acetate 41.1 6.9c 85.7 6.9b 116.6 6.9a

Propionate 24.0 2.7c 39.4 2.7b 68.6 6.9a
Butyrate 10.3 1.7c 27.4 1.7b 37.7 3.4a

Rats, male Cecal contents Low Amylose Low Amylose/ High Amylose High Amylose/ 10
Sprague-Dawley, Mean, n = 8 Starch Psyllium (1.5%) Starch Psyllium (1.5%)
208234 g, Molar percentage (Ac:Pr:Bu) 66:26:8 68:24:9 59:25:16 58:25:17 High amylose starch had
fed 2 wk lower % Ac and higher % Bu

Rats, male Cecal contents Methyl- Parboiled 17

Sprague-Dawley, Mean SEM, n = 8, mmol/l Fiber-free cellulose rice bran Coarse WB
150200 g, Acetate 70.0 3.9c 13.1 0.7a 67.0 3.0c 32.9 2.0b Low levels of all SCFAs were
fed 4 wk seen for methylcellulose
Propionate 23.5 1.5c 4.9 0.3a 16.0 1.0b 13.6 0.9b [Pr] was significantly higher
for no-fiber group
Butyrate 5.3 0.6a 1.6 0.3a 18.0 1.0b 15.2 0.9b [Bu] rice and wheat bran >

Rats, male Cecal contents Fiber-free Chicory (1%) Chicory (5%) Inulin (5%) 18
SpragueDawley, Mean, n = 8, mmol/g wet
152 g, Acetate 55.2 41.6 51.5 40.9
fed 4 wk Propionate 24.8c 28.0b,c 33.6a 31.5a,b [Pr] for chicory and inulin >
fiber-free group
Butyrate 9.1 7.8 9.0 8.0
Rats, male Cecal contents Control Indigestible Pectin Corn fiber 19
Sprague- Dawley, Mean SEM, n = 79 dextrin (5%) (5%) (5%)
6 wks old, mol/cecum
fed 8 wk Acetate 48.8 7.8a 93.4 7.1b 96.8 13.5b 64.1 7.8a
Propionate 18.5 1.5a 40.5 2.2b 45.2 8.1b 22.6 2.7a
Butyrate 8.4 1.1a 19.7 1.6b 21.2 3.5b 12.7 2.3a Output of each SCFA for
dextrin and pectin > others
Rats, male Cecal contents Casein/Starch Casein/Wheat Chickpea/Wheat 20
Sprague-Dawley, Mean SD, n = 18, mol/g
5 wks old, Acetate 148.3 31.0f 169.4 43.9f 231.8 48.0e
fed 28 wk Propionate 31.3 10.9g 51.0 18.9f 78.2 17.8e
Butyrate 29.1 10.5g 59.0 16.4f 81.5 19.0e
Total SCFA 208 43 279 72 390 66 Chickpea had highest [Ac],
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[Pr], and [Bu]

Pigs, male, Cecal digesta Cellulose Oat bran Corn bran Corn bran 21
Hanford Miniature, Mean SEM, n = 5 (7%) (7%) (7%) (13%)
~5 mo old, 40 kg SCFA conc., mmol/l
body wt Acetate 37.9 1.7 42.6 3.6 55.4 4.3 47.1 3.7

Propionate 14.9 1.0a 25.7 3.0b 23.7 3.1b 20.1 2.8a,b [Pr] for oat and corn bran >
Butyrate 3.9 0.5 9.2 2.3 6.4 0.7 5.9 1.0
Total SCFA 58.5 3.5a 81.4 8.6a,b 88.5 7.2b 72.6 8.0a,b [total SCFA] for 7% corn bran
> cellulose
Molar ratio (Ac:Pr:Bu) 67:26:07 55:33:12 65:28:07 64:27:08 Oat bran had lower % Ac and
higher % Bu than others
SCFA pool, mmol/animal
Acetate 25.2 2.3 27.9 2.1 21.8 5.2 22.1 3.5
Propionate 10.0 1.2a,b 17.0 2.3b 9.1 2.0a,b 9.0 1.2a
Butyrate 2.6 0.5a 5.5 0.7b 2.5 0.7a 2.7 0.5a Bu and total SCFA pools for
oat bran > corn bran
Total SCFA 39.0 4.0a,b 52.9 3.8b 34.6 7.3a 33.3 4.6a
a,b,c,d Values in a row with different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.05.
e,f,g Values in a row with different superscripts are significantly different at p < 0.001.
Data was extrapolated from the original graphs.
Table 4.9.5 Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on Fecal Excretion of SCFA

Animal Model Specimen/Data Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Rats, male Feces
Wistar, 150 g, Mean SEM, n = 920 Basal Wheat bran Ispagula SCFA excretion for ispagula 6
fed 28 days (10%) (5%) > wheat bran > basal
Total SCFA, mol/day 127.4 11.4 287 51.3 572.6 54.7

Rats, male Feces Low-amylose Low-amylose High-amylose High amylose 10

Sprague-Dawley, n=8 starch and psyllium starch and psyllium
220 g, fed 2 wk Molar percentage (Ac/Pr/Bu) 90/6/3 76/21/3 70/21/11 66/24/14 Psyllium reduced % Ac and
increased % Pr or Bu
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Pigs, barrow Feces Low-fiber Oat bran Wheat bran 22

Cross-bred, Mean SD, n = 5 (56g NSP/kg) (93g NSP/kg) (102g NSP/kg)
5085 kg, Total SCFA (mmol/kg dry) 248 61.6 270 62.7 252 66.2
fed > 7 days Molar percentage 60/21/6 57/21/9 63/21/6 Oat bran gave significantly
(Ac/Pr/Bu) higher % Bu

Humans, Feces Elemental Wheat bran 23

12 male, 12 pre- Mean SEM, n = 24 (30 g DF/d)
menopausal Concentration (mmol/l)
female, Acetate 60.7 4.6 64.2 3.9
33 2 yr old Propionate 14.2 1.2 14.3 1.2
Butyrate 19.2 2.4 21.3 1.9* Wheat bran [Bu]
Output (mmol/d)
Acetate 10.21 1.62 16.82 2.13*
Propionate 2.34 0.38 3.86 0.60*
Butyrate 3.07 0.51 5.35 0.66* Wheat bran fecal
output of Ac, Pr, and Bu
Humans, 12 male, Feces Control Inulin Fructooligo- Galactooligo- 24
23 3 yr, Mean SD, n = 12 (15 g/d) saccharides saccharides
fed 3 wk mmol/100 g dry (15 g/d) (15 g/d)
Acetate 854 541 1181 355* 1058 444 1246 698* Acetate excretion for inulin
and GOS > control and
Propionate 671 297 795 300 707 297 679 293
Butyrate 313 177 401 179 318 105 369 199
Humans, 3 male, Feces Control Wheat bran 25
10 female, Mean, n = 13, mol/g wet (28.3 8.7 g/d)
fed 9 days Acetate 72.9 81.0
Propionate 24.0 21.9
Butyrate 69.0 79.4
Total SCFA 95.0 113.0
Control Senna
Acetate 63.9 138.2*
Propionate 18.4 40.3*
Butyrate 16.6 59.1* Senna fecal [Ac], [Pr],
Total SCFA 111.0 202.0* and [Bu]
Control Loperamide
Acetate 79.8 51.6
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Propionate 27.2 16.6*

Butyrate 24.8 6.0* Loperamide fecal [Pr]
Total SCFA 152.0 82.0* and [Bu]
Humans, 10 male, Feces Low-resistant starch Highly resistant starch 26

fed 4 days Mean, n = 10, mmol/kg dry (fresh maize porridge) (stale maize porridge)
Acetate 65.8 93.9*
Propionate 24.8 43.1
Butyrate 17.6 35.1* Highly resistant starch
Total SCFA 116.1 182.6* treatment had higher
excretion of Ac and Bu
Humans, 5 male, Fecal water Placebo Ispagula 27
2 female, Mean SEM, n = 7, mmol/l (18g/d)
2125 yr old, Acetate 25.7 2.3 60.1 6.3 Ispagula increased fecal
fed 15 days [Ac] and [Pr]
Propionate 7.5 1.3 24.9 5.4
Butyrate 7.3 1.0 11.1 2.0
Total SCFA 44.7 4.4 100.9 12.6
Note: NSP = non-starch polysaccharide; GOS = galactooligosaccharides; FOS = fructodigosaccharides.
* Significant difference from control at p < 0.05.
Table 4.9.6 Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on Luminal and Fecal pH

Animal Model Specimen/Data Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Rats, male Cecal contents Basal FOS 1
Wistar, 115 g, (9 g/100 g)
fed 27 wk Mean pH, n = 6 7.5 6.6 FOS may fecal pH at
all timepoints
Rats, male, Cecal contents Basal Wheat Bran 28
fed 17 days Mean pH, n = 4 (200 g/kg diet)
4 h post-feeding 6.1 5.9
16 h post-feeding 5.9 6

Rats, male, Cecal contents Basal Resistant starch 2

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Wistar, 115 g, Mean pH, n = 6 from potato

fed 0.5 or 6 mo 0.5 mo 7.5 6.4
6 mo 7.5 6.4 Resistant potato
starch pH in cecum
Rats, male Cecal contents Control Pea starch Potato starch Resistant 13
Wistar, 75 5 g, starch
fed 12 days from wheat
Mean pH SEM, n = 7 7.8 0.1c 7.2 0.0b 6.5 0.1a 7.0 0.1b Each starch pH in
Rats, male Cecal contents Fiber-free Inulin (3.75%) Inulin (7.5%) Inulin (15%) 4
Wistar, 200 g, Mean pH SEM, n = 10 7.02 0.08 6.40 0.11* 5.93 0.13* 5.34 0.08* Inulin pH in cecum
fed 7 days
Res starch (5%) Res starch (10%) Res starch
6.58 0.06* 5.99 0.09* 5.61 0.08* Resistant starch pH
in cecum
Rats, male Cecal contents Low-Fat Low-Fat
Wistar, 8 wk old, Mean pH, n = 39 Low-Cellulose High-Cellulose Low-GOS High-GOS 29
fed 9 mo 6.5 6.5 6.3 5.8**
Cellulose did not influence
cecal pH at any fat level
Medium-Fat Medium-Fat
Low-Cellulose High-Cellulose Low-GOS High-GOS
6.6 6.4 6.2 5.8**
GOS pH in cecum at
all fat levels
High-Fat High-Fat
Low-Cellulose High-Cellulose Low-GOS High-GOS
6.5 6.4 6.2 5.8**

Rats, male Cecal contents Inulin Carrot Cocoa 14

Fischer, 280 g, Mean pH SEM, n = 6 5.9 0.1a 6.3 0.1b 6.5 0.1b
fed 8 wk Cecal pH was lowest for the
inulin-fed group
Wheat bran Pea Oat
6.3 0.1b 6.3 0.1b 6.5 0.1b

Rats, male Luminal content Cellulose Pectin Oat bran 8

Sprague-Dawley, Mean pH SEM, (6%DF) (6%DF) (6%DF)
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270300 g, n = 1920
fed 4 wk Cecum 7.11 0.08a 6.67 0.06b 6.57 0.06b Cecal pH for pectin and oat
bran < cellulose
Proximal colon 6.72 0.03a 6.36 0.06b 6.30 0.04b Prox. colon pH for pectin
and oat bran < cellulose

Distal colon 7.22 0.03a 7.05 0.03a 6.97 0.11b Distal colon pH for oat bran
< pectin and cellulose
Rats, male Feces and colonic digesta Low-amylose Low-amylose High-amylose High-amylose 21
Sprague-Dawley, Mean pH SEM and psyllium and psyllium
208234 g, Cecum 7.5b 7.3b 6.9a 7.0a
fed 2 wk Proximal colon 7.7 7.4 0.1 6.9 6.8 0.2
Distal colon 7.7 7.0 0.1 6.6 6.3 0.1
Feces 7.5c 7.3b 7.3b 6.7a Psyllium in fecal pH

Rats, male Luminal contents Fiber-free Pectin Wheat bran 9

Sprague-Dawley, Mean pH SEM, n = 10 (8% DF) (8% DF)
200-220 g, Cecum 7.35 0.05a 6.34 0.05c 6.74 0.08b Pectin pH in cecum
fed 8 wk and prox. colon
Proximal colon 6.98 0.08a 6.16 0.03b 6.55 0.18a,b Wheat bran pH in
cecum only
Distal colon 7.27 0.05 7.03 0.03 7.27 0.05

Rats, male Luminal contents Cellulose Pectin 11

Sprague-Dawley, Mean pH SE, n = 5
4060 g, Proximal colon 6.66 6.67
fed 38 wk Distal colon 6.85 6.81

Table 4.9.6 (Continued) Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on Luminal and Fecal pH
Animal Model Specimen/Data Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Pigs, male Cecal digesta Cellulose Oat bran Corn bran 21
Hanford miniature, Mean pH SEM, n = 5
~5 months old, 0~4 h postprandial 6.47 0.30a,b 6.14 0.27a 6.92 0.23b Cecal pH was lower for oat
40 kg than corn bran at 04 hr
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8~12 h postprandial 6.51 0.09 6.04 0.37 6.310.45

Pigs, Luminal content Wheat flour Wheat flour + 12

fed 34 days Mean pH, n = 4 wheat bran
Cecum 5.97 5.78
Proximal colon 6.71 5.91
Distal colon 6.77 6.52

Pigs, Luminal content Wheat flour Wheat flour Rolled oats Rolled oats 12
fed 42 days Mean, n = 4 and oat bran and oat bran
Cecum 6.65 5.91 5.91 5.66
Proximal colon 7.26 6.52 5.91 5.91 Oat bran, when added to
Distal colon 6.77 6.09 6.28 6.28 wheat flour, may lower pH
at all three sites

Humans, Feces and colon 25

3 male, 10 female, Mean pH SD, n = 13 Control Wheat Bran
fed 9 days Mid-colon 6.83 0.39 6.59 0.48
Distal colon 7.08 0.47 6.88 0.43
Feces 6.82 0.73 6.80 0.52 Wheat bran may lower pH
in mid- and distal colon
Control Senna
Mid-colon 6.85 0.48 6.39 0.48
Distal colon 7.14 0.52 6.66 0.48
Feces 6.99 0.67 6.70 0.35 Senna may lower pH at all
Control Loperamide
Mid-colon 6.89 0.46 6.96 0.39
Distal colon 7.11 0.25 7.15 0.37
Feces 6.89 0.42 7.22 0.53

Humans, male, Feces Low-fiber Medium-fiber High-fiber

22 1 yr old, Mean pH SEM, n = 9 (16 g/d) (30 g/d) (42 g/d) 30
fed 4 wk 6.9 0.1a 6.5 0.1b 6.6 0.1b Fiber appears to have a
threshold effect on pH
Humans, male, Feces Control Inulin FOS GOS 24
23 3 yr old, Mean pH SD, n = 12 (15 g/d) (15 g/d) (15 g/d)
fed 3 wk 6.83 0.19 6.70 0.46 6.88 0.23 6.72 0.48
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Humans, male, Feces Maize porridge 26

fed 3 days Fresh Stale
Mean pH, n = 14 6.7 5.91* Starch resistance
fecal pH
Humans, female Feces White omnivore Indian vegetarians White vegetarian 31

Mean fiber intake SEM, 16.6 0.97 g/da 16.2 1.17 g/da 29.3 2.57 g/db
n = 18-22
Mean pH, (95% CI) 6.65 (6.406.91)a 6.18 (5.916.45)b 6.55 (6.276.82)a Fecal pH was lowest for
Indian vegetarians
Note: GOS = galactooligosaccharides; FOS = fructooligosaccharides.
a,b,c Different superscripts within row indicate significant differences between diets at p < 0.05.
* Significantly different from fiber-free group at p < 0.05.
** Significantly different at p < 0.01.
Data was extrapolated from the original graphs.
Table 4.9.7 Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Production In Vitro

Animal model Inoculum Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Rats, male Cecal content Agiolax Cenat Metamucil Fibra Kneipp 32
Wistar, 190 g, Mean SD, n = 6 mol/mg
24 h incubation substrate
Acetate 3.4 0.5 2.9 0.2 7.1 0.3 4.8 0.2
Propionate 2.5 0.2 2.1 0.1 5.6 0.1 2.4 0.1
Butyrate 0.6 0.04 0.5 0.02 0.8 0.04 0.8 0.08
Total SCFA 6.5 0.7 5.5 0.2 13.5 0.4 8.0 0.3

Humamil Fibra Leo Fybogel Fibraplan

Acetate 9.2 1.3 6.0 0.2 7.3 0.3 6.4 0.3
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Propionate 5.0 0.6 2.9 0.1 5.4 0.2 4.9 0.2 Metamucil, Humamil,
Butyrate 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.02 0.5 0.04 0.4 0.02 Fybogel, and Fibraplan,
Total SCFA 15.2 1.9 9.9 0.3 13.2 0.5 11.6 0.5 which are mainly soluble
fiber components,
produced more SCFA
than others.
Rats, male Cecal contents Control Citrus pectin Indigestible Corn fiber 18
Sprague-Dawley, Mean SEM, n = 8 (5%) dextrin (5%) (5%)
6 wk old, Total SCFA, mM 10.59 0.37a 10.88 0.46a 7.20 0.62b 1.83 0.19c SCFA for control and pectin
24 h incubation > corn and dextrin
Molar ratio (Ac:Pr:Bu) 15:27:58 49:05:56 38:19:43 64:11:25 % of the 3 SCFAs differed
greatly among treatments

Rats, female Cecal contents Ileal digesta from pigs consuming 33

Sprague-Dawley, Mean, n = 5 Oat bran Wheat bran
24 h incubation Total SCFA, mol 3319a 1617 SCFA for oat bran > wheat
Pigs, barrows, Feces Cellulose Beet pulp Citrus pulp Citrus pectin 34
50 kg body wt, Mean, n = 6 mol/g
24 h incubation substrate organic matter
Acetate 0.03a 2.97b 3.97c 4.13c
Propionate 0.03a 1.41b 1.48b 1.97c
Butyrate 0.00a 0.54b 0.78c 0.92c
Total SCFA 0.06a 4.93b 6.23c 7.02c Cellulose had the lowest
SCFA production
Humans, Feces Apple fiber Pea fiber 35
24 h incubation Mean SEM, n = 4
Total SCFA, mmol/g 75.2 5.7 54.6 2.7 SCFA production from
apple fiber > pea fiber
Molar percentage 68/16/13 66/18/11
Humans, Feces Mixed fiber -Glucan Psyllium 36
24 h incubation Mean SEM, n = 12
mmol/g organic matter
Acetate 2.86 0.05c 5.22 0.32b 3.12 0.05a Mixed fiber contains pea
Propionate 0.89 0.03c 1.77 0.21b 1.49 0.03a fiber, oat fiber, sugar beet
Butyrate 0.60 0.02a 1.23 0.04b 0.45 0.03c fiber, and xanthan gum.
Total SCFA 4.50 0.05c 8.24 0.27b 5.57 0.10a Total SCFA production for
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-glucan > psyllium >

mixed fiber
Humans, Feces Wheat bran Sugar beet Maize Pea 37
24 h incubation Mean, n = 2, mmol/l
Acetate 44 88 24 48 [Ac] and [Pr] were highest

for sugar beet

Propionate 17.6 33.6 11.2 12.8
Butyrate 18 20 7.3 12.2 [Bu] wheat bran and sugar
beet > maize and pea
Humans, Feces Williamson Canadian Harvest Corn bran 38
28-42 yr old, Mean, n = 3 mmol/g oat fiber oat fiber
24 h incubation original org. matter
Acetate 0.28a 0.48a 0.45a
Propionate 0.09a 0.16a,b 0.16a,b
Butyrate 0.12a 0.13a 0.11a
Total SCFA 0.48a 0.77a 0.71a
Molar ratio (Ac:Pr:Bu) 56a,b:19c,d:25e 62a,b:21c,d:17c,d 62a,b:22d:16c,d

Wheat bran fiber Xanthan gum Gum karaya

Acetate 1.23a,b 3.05b 5.28d,e Production of SCFA and
Propionate 0.24a,b,c 0.59b,c,d 0.90d,e ratios among the 3 major
Butyrate 0.52b,c 0.27a,b 0.68c,d SCFAs were significantly
Total SCFA 1.99a,b 3.91b,c 6.86d influenced by the fiber
Molar ratio (Ac:Pr:Bu) 61a,b:13b:26e 78c:16b,c:7a 79c:12b:9a,b

Table 4.9.7 (Continued) Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Production In Vitro
Animal model Inoculum Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Oat bran fiber Soy fiber Guar gum
Acetate 2.4b,c 3.82c,d 3.59c,d
Propionate 0.78c,d,e 1.24e 2.32f
Butyrate 0.89d,e 1.09e,f 0.95d,e,f
Total SCFA 4.08b,c 6.14c,d 6.85d
Molar ratio (Ac:Pr:Bu) 59a,b: 19c,d:22d,e 62a,b:20c,d:18c,d 53a:33e:14b,c

Gum arabic Citrus pectin

Acetate 6.38e 5.7d,e
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Propionate 2.02f 0.45a-d

Butyrate 1.24f 1.22f
Total SCFA 9.64e 7.37d
Molar ratio (Ac:Pr:Bu) 66b:21c,d:13a,b,c 77c:6a:17c,d

Humans, 3 male, Feces Williamson Canadian Harvest Gum arabic Carboxymethyl- 39

2541 yr old, Mean, n = 6 mmol/g dry oat fiber oat fiber cellulose
24 h incubation substrate matter
Acetate 0.26 0.52 5.38 0.27 Gum arabic and soy fiber
Propionate 0.07 0.16 1.87 0.08 produced the highest
Butyrate 0.09 0.19 0.93 0.05 amounts of SCFA
Total SCFA 0.42 0.87 8.19 0.41

Soy fiber Psyllium

Acetate 3.71 2.10
Propionate 1.12 0.72
Butyrate 0.92 0.18
Total SCFA 5.75 3.00

Humans, 4 male, Feces Fig Oat Soy fibrium Pea 40

3561 yr old, Mean SEM, n = 6 mmol/g
24 h incubation of dietary fiber
Acetate 2.55 0.06 1.32 0.05 1.19 0.08 1.46 0.11
Propionate 0.33 0.01 0.96 0.01 1.14 0.05 0.42 0.01
Butyrate 0.04 0.002 0.38 0.01 0.22 0.01 0.11 0.01
Total SCFA 2.92h 2.66i 2.55i 1.99j
Apple Corn Wheat Pear
Acetate 1.06 0.03 0.76 0.02 0.62 0.01 0.66 0.02 There were significant
Propionate 0.41 0.01 0.21 0.01 0.36 0.01 0.24 0.01 differences among
Butyrate 0.09 0.002 0.16 0.01 0.11 0.003 0.05 0.002 substrates for total SCFA
Total SCFA 1.56k 1.13l 1.09l 0.95m production, and it
appeared that differences
were present also for each
of the the 3 major SCFAs
Humans, 4 male, Feces Starch (whole) Resistant Starch Pectin -glucan 40
3561 yr old, Mean SEM, n = 6
24 h incubation mmol/g polysaccharide
Acetate 2.39 0.07 1.30 0.04 5.18 0.20 2.41 0.04 In comparison to uncooked
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Propionate 0.96 0.01 0.89 0.02 0.76 0.05 1.69 0.06 (whole) starch, total SCFA
Butyrate 1.00 0.02 1.23 0.05 0.57 0.02 1.44 0.01 production was lower for
Total SCFA 4.35 3.42* 6.51* 5.54* resistant starch and
higher for pectin and

Humans, 3 donors, Feces Methycellulose Methycellulose Methycellulose Viscosity for methyl- 41

av. 43 yr old, Mean, n = 9 15 1500 4000 cellulose 15 > 1500 >
24 h incubation mmol/g organic matter 4000
Acetate 0.00a 0.06b 0.03a
Propionate 0.01a 0.01a 0.00a
Butyrate 0.02a,b 0.01a 0.03a,b Negative values indicate
Total SCFA 0.04a 0.08a 0.00a that SCFA production was
lower than in controls, but
differences not significant
Pectin Psyllium Solka Floc
Acetate 5.48c 0.83b 0.01a There were significant
Propionate 0.79b 0.65b 0.02a differences among
Butyrate 1.53d 0.24c 0.01a substrates for production
Total SCFA 7.81c 1.72b 0.04a of individual and total
SCFA; production was
highest for pectin
Humans, 3 donors, Feces Soy fiber Sugarbeet fiber Pea fiber Citrus pectin 42
24 h incubation Mean, n = 3, mol/g substrate
Acetate 1385b 1074b 564a 5765c Ac, Pr, and Bu production
Propionate 400b 77a 127a 453b for citrus pectin > pea and
Butyrate 158b,c 9a 70a,b 182c sugarbeet

Table 4.9.7 (Continued) Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Production In Vitro
Animal model Inoculum Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Humans, 3 donors, Feces
24 h incubation Mean, n = 3, mol/g Gum arabic Oat fiber Apple pectin Corn fiber 42
Acetate 4593b 68a 5620b 401a
Propionate 1758c 55a 793b 188a
Butyrate 585b 10a 472b 47a

Human, 3 donors, Feces Glucose Soy Fructo- Hydrolyzed

24 h incubation Mean SE, n = 2, mg/ml Oligosaccharide oligosaccharide Guar Gum 43
Acetate 30.5 1.6 17.7 1.3* 22.7 1.2* 19.2 0.4*
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Propionate 8.9 0.1 11.7 0.2* 9.8 0.7 19.8 0.3*

Butyrate 4.6 0.1 12.2 2.5* 6.0 0.4 15.5 0.03*
Total SCFA 44.0 1.6 41.8 1.4 38.6 2.3 54.6 0.7*

Cellulose Powdered Methyl Psyllium

Cellulose Cellulose Husk
Acetate 13.4 0.6* 11.0 0.3* 22.1 0.8* 12.5 0.2*
Propionate 21.0 0.5* 14.8 0.2* 10.4 0.1* 14.3 0.3*
Butyrate 3.4 0.02 7.5 0.1 10.6 0.5 16.8 0.5*
Total SCFA 38.3 1.1 33.5 0.01* 43.1 0.2 43.6 0.9

Inulin Hydrolyzed Inulin

Acetate 19.4 0.4* 21.7 0.9* All treatments Ac prod.
Propionate 13.9 0.1* 11.4 0.2* All treatments (except
FOS) Pr prod.
Butyrate 11.3 0.2* 8.3 0.7 Bu prod. increased by soy,
guar, psyllium, and inulin
Total SCFA 44.7 0.21 41.4 0.01

Human, 3 male, Feces Corn Fiber Fractions

2840 yr old, Mean, n = 6, Original Total dietary Cell wall 44
48 hr incubation mmol/g substrate material fiber residue polysaccharides
Acetate 2.24d,e 1.75e 5.60a Ac and Pr from cell wall
Propionate 0.56g 0.50g 2.58a polysacc. > TDF fraction
Butyrate 0.74 0.38 0.7
Oat bran fractions
Original material Total dietary Cell wall
fiber residue polysaccharides
Acetate 4.43b 3.17b,c 4.93a,b
Propionate 1.60b,c 1.15d,e 1.65b Pr from Cell wall polysacc.
Butyrate 1.43 0.85 0.91 > TDF fraction

Wheat bran fractions

Original material Total dietary Cell wall
fiber residue polysaccharides
Acetate 2.85c,d 2.28d,e 4.27b Ac and Pr from cell wall
Propionate 0.91e,f 0.58f,g 1.27c,d polysacc. > TDF fraction
Butyrate 0.96 0.72 0.84
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Humans, 3 male, Feces Cellulose Beet pulp Citrus pulp Citrus pectin 34
32 5 yr old, Mean, n = 6 mmol/g
24 h incubation substrate org matter
Acetate 0.03a 2.04b 2.68b 2.80b,c

Propionate 0.02a 0.97b 1.04b 1.05b

Butyrate 0.00a 0.42b 0.61c 0.96d
Total SCFA 0.00a 3.43b 4.32b 4.81b,c SCFA prod. for cellulose <
other treatments
Humans, 2 donors, Feces No fiber Himanthalia Laminaria Undaria 45
24 h incubation Mean SE, n = 27 elongata digitata pinnatifida
Total SCFA, mmol/l 10.6 1.7d 39.5 0.6c 54.6 1.0b 46.2 2.7b,c In comparison to the no-
Molar % (Ac/Pr/Bu) 73/15/10 69/19/9 75/14/9 fiber treatment, all fibers
except for fucans
produced more total
Alginates Fucans Laminarans Sugar beet
Total SCFA, mmol/l 54.3 3.6b 11.4 1.5d 87.6 3.6a 73.1a
Molar % (Ac/Pr/Bu) 80/14/5 60/23/16 66/19/12

Table 4.9.7 (Continued) Influence of the Source of Dietary Fiber on SCFA Production In Vitro
Animal model Inoculum Source (and Level) of Fiber in Diet Comments Ref.
Humans, 3 donors, Feces Corn Oat Rice Wheat 46
24 h incubation Mean SEM,
n = 6 mmol/g organic
Acetate 1.63 0.21a 3.89 0.49b 1.75 0.21a 3.42 0.11b Ac production for oat and
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wheat > corn and rice

Propionate 0.60 0.09a 1.20 0.08b 0.90 0.10a,b 1.02 0.04b Pr production for oat and
wheat > corn
Butyrate 0.55 0.03b 1.37 0.28c,d 0.78 0.15a,b 1.58 0.07c Bu production for oat and
wheat > corn and rice
Total SCFA 2.78 0.28a 6.45 0.33b 3.42 0.45a 6.01 0.07b Total SCFA prod. for oat
and wheat > corn and rice

Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Lettuce

Acetate 4.38 0.87b 4.53 0.53b 4.10 0.82b 4.23 0.84b SCFA production
Propionate 1.31 0.22b 1.24 0.12b 1.21 0.09b 1.03 0.21b vegetables > corn and rice
Butyrate 1.14 0.23a,c,d 1.45 0.09c,d 1.15 0.06a,c,d 1.01 0.17a,d
Total SCFA 6.82 1.29b 7.22 0.59b 6.46 0.92b 6.27 1.20b
Note: Solka Floc; registered trademark of Fiber Sales and Development Corp., St. Louis, MO.
a,b,c,d,e,f,g Different superscripts within row (or within individual or for Total SCFA) indicate significant difference between diets at p < 0.05.
h,i,j,k,l,m Different superscripts within row indicate significant differences, between diets at p < 0.01.
Data were extrapolated from the original graphs.
* Significant difference from control treatment.
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In vitro, SCFA production appears to be higher for water-dispersible sources of dietary fiber
than for fibers composed of a heterogeneous mix of water-dispersible and -indispersible compounds.
More specifically, fibers derived from citrus or sugar beets produced more SCFA in vitro than did
cellulose or corn bran.18,34,38,41,42 Also, a range of plant gums appeared to produce more SCFA
in vitro than did cereal fibers derived from oats, corn, or wheat.38,39,42 Results with three different
types of cereal suggest that SCFA production arises primarily from the cell wall polysaccharides
of the brans rather than from the total dietary fiber residue.44 In a separate study, vegetables were
shown to support higher SCFA production in vitro than cereals. Taken together, it appears that
foods rich in water-dispersible cell wall polysaccharides support greater SCFA production than do
foods rich in cellulose, lignin, or other water-indispersible but structurally important components.


It is now evident that the quantity and source of fiber affect SCFA production and absorption,
and luminal pH. Since SCFA transport from the lumen to the mesenteric and portal blood supply
is strongly dependent on luminal SCFA concentration, SCFA absorption will increase along with
increased SCFA production. Given these kinetics, luminal SCFA concentrations will be attenuated
by absorption. Thus, changes in luminal concentration will almost certainly underestimate the effect
of the dietary component on SCFA production in vivo. While a standard in vitro system is useful
to determine SCFA production under defined and rigorously controlled conditions, this approach
is unable to consider fully aspects of the physiological situation, including differences in residence
time, interaction effects with other luminal constituents, etc.
Much interest has been focused on the physiological roles of SCFA for the intestine and also
for other tissues and cells. The importance of fiber in the diet evolved from viewing this as a
nonnutritional and noncaloric substance to valuing dietary fiber as an important substance able to
effect the health of the intestine as well as lipid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and pre-
vention of cancer development. As more information becomes available, identifying the precise
mechanism by which dietary fiber and SCFA exert their physiological effects, differences among
fibers will be able to be more effectively exploited to optimize health and prevent disease.


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Effects of Dietary Fiber on Fecal

and Intestinal Luminal Mutagens

Hugh J. Freeman

Human feces contain mutagens and have been assessed by a variety of short-term in vitro
methods.16 Fecal mutagenic activity has been postulated to influence colon cancer risk, and this
activity may be modulated by the diet. Generally, methods employed to measure mutagenic activity
have involved bacterial mutation assays; these are based on a qualitative relationship between
carcinogenicity and DNA damage. They are sensitive and rapidly performed.7 Initially, the presence
of mutagenic activity was shown in feces from healthy human male volunteers consuming a
Western diet.1 It was subsequently claimed that stool samples contain both volatile and nonvolatile
N-nitroso compounds8 as well as nitrite and nitrates;9 however, the precise nature of the compound
or compounds in feces causing bacterial mutations was not known. Using a different approach,
genotoxic effects of human feces were demonstrated using induction of chromosome damage in
cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells as the indicator of mutagenic activity.10 Later, fecal extracts
from both carnivorous and herbivorous animals were demonstrated11 with high chromosome dam-
aging potency observed in three carnivorous species examined. It was noted that the chromosome
aberrations seen were comparable to those in mammalian cells exposed to 250 to 400 rads of X-
rays as well as to several known carcinogens.11
Subsequent studies focused on changes induced in mutagen levels of feces by altered diets or
lifestyles. For example, ingestion of antioxidants such as ascorbic acid or tocopherol caused a
reduction in fecal mutagenic activity followed by a gradual return to control values over a 1-month
period.12 Later, fecal mutagens were defined in a single stool sample from each individual in groups
of South Africans (i.e., urban whites, urban blacks, and rural blacks) with differing colon cancer
risks.13 Urban whites, a high colon cancer risk population, had a significantly higher percentage of
mutagen-positive stools compared to two low-risk black populations. Later, it was suggested that
bacterial flora are involved in the formation of this mutagenic activity.14 Others15 examined fecal
mutagens in three groups: Seventh-Day Adventists living in New York consuming an ovo-lacto
vegetarian diet (milk and milk products but no fish, poultry, or meat) with a low colon cancer risk,
inhabitants of Kuopio, Finland with a low risk, and omnivorous New Yorkers, a high-risk group.
The Finns consumed more milk, dairy products, and fiber but less animal fat than New Yorkers.
No Adventist sample was mutagenic; however, positive activity was observed in 13% of Finnish
samples compared to 22% of New Yorkers. In Vancouver, Canada, fecal mutagens were determined
in strict vegetarians, ovo-lacto vegetarians, and nonvegetarians16 using the fluctuation test for weak
mutagens.17 Because this bacterial assay method is extremely sensitive compared to the method

2001 by CRC Press LLC 317
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used in earlier studies,1,1215 virtually all samples showed mutagenic activity. Ovo-lacto vegetarians
and strict vegetarians had significantly lower levels of fecal mutagens than nonvegetarians, and the
presence of at least two fecal mutagens was suggested. Later, it was shown that formula-fed
individuals with consistent nutrient levels had fecal mutagenic activities that did not vary signifi-
cantly within an individual; however, there were significant differences between subjects on iden-
tical diets, suggesting that long-term dietary and possibly genetic factors influence mutagen levels.18
The effects of short-term dietary modification on fecal mutagens were also assessed:9 two dietary
regimes were used, a low colon cancer risk non-meat diet was consumed for 2 weeks, followed by
2 weeks on a high-risk beef diet. Within a 2-week period, mutagen levels increased on the high-
meat diet. More recent studies have shown that fecal mutagen levels are lower in a rural low-risk
colon cancer population (i.e., Kuopio, Finland) compared to an urban high-risk colon cancer
population (i.e., Helsinki, Finland).20 Multiple types of mutagens may be present, as shown in a
New York population consuming a high-fat, low-fiber mixed Western diet. Fecal mutagenic
activities were determined after a period of supplementation with high fat and high fiber. Although
no significant change was seen in the high-fat group, high-fiber feeding reduced fecal mutagenic
activities.22 Human studies have demonstrated that only specific sources of ingested dietary fibers,
such as wheat bran or cellulose, reduce the production and/or excretion of fecal mutagens.23 In
addition, a shift from a well-balanced mixed diet to a lacto-vegetarian diet reduced direct-acting
mutagen activities in human urine and feces, measured with the fluctuation assay for weak mutagens,
possibly related to higher water content in feces from dilution of fecal mutagens.24 Finally, in vitro
studies have shown a dietary fiberinduced reduction in fecapentaene excretion, a potent mutagen
present in human feces related to fecapentaene fiber adsorption.25
Studies specifically focused on the effect of dietary fibers per se are limited.26 Extracts were
obtained from fecal pellets and the luminal contents along the length of the GI tract in rats fed
either a chemically defined fiber-free diet or nutritionally and calorically equivalent diets with
differing amounts of purified cellulose or pectin (4.5 or 9%) or a mixture of cellulose and pectin
(4.5% each). Mutagenicity was measured using the fluctuation test for weak mutagens17 with
Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 and TA 1535 as tester strains. Over a 6-week period only the high-
cellulose diet influenced fecal mutagen levels; significant reduction was observed with the TA 1535
strain. Analysis of the contents of the stomach, distal small bowel, cecum, and colon after 8 weeks
on the fiber-free diet revealed that the distal small bowel had a several-fold-higher mutagen
concentration than any other site. These activities were significantly reduced by ingestion of either
the cellulose or pectin single-fiber diet. Previous studies using chemically induced animal models
demonstrate protective effects for some dietary fibers in rats exposed to exogenously administered
chemical carcinogens (see Chapter 5.9). This study further extended these observations to endog-
enous mutagenic activities and provided strong evidence that these mutagens are formed within
the small bowel. Subsequently, they are presented to the cecum and colon in high concentrations.
Some studies have explored possible mechanisms for these dietary effects on mutagens. These have
revealed that different fiber sources including corn bran, wheat bran, and alfalfa directly bind
carcinogens in a pH-dependent manner, optimally in the pH range of 4 to 6 found in the human
GI tract and apparently through a mechanism of cation exchange.2730 Alternatively, specific types
of dietary fibers, such as pure cellulose, have been shown to alter colonic bacterial enzyme activities
important in mutagen metabolism, in experimental colon cancer31 as well as in humans on high-
fiber diets.32 This differed from effects of the purified fiber, lignin, that did not lead to reduced
levels of colon cancer in chemically treated rats.33 Finally, some recent studies have explored the
effects of luminal mutagenic activities on the colonic mucosa per se. Surrogate endpoint biomarkers
for colon cancer risk in both rats and humans have been evaluated.34 In these studies, both wheat
bran fiber supplementation and phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphate) resulted in decreased formation
of aberrant crypt foci.34,35
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1. Bruce, W. R., Varghese, A. J., Furrer, R., and Land, P. C., A mutagen in feces of normal humans, in
Origins of Human Cancer, Book C, Cold Spring Harbor Conferences on Cell Proliferation, vol. 4,
Hiatt, H. H., Watson, J. D., and Winsten, J. A., Eds., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring
Harbor, NY, 1977, 1641.
2. Stich, H. F. and Kuhnlein, U., Chromosome breaking activity of human feces and its enhancement
by transition metals, Int. J. Cancer, 24, 284, 1979.
3. de Vet, H. C. W., Sharma, C., and Reddy, B. S., Effect of dietary fried meat on fecal mutagenic and
co-mutagenic activity in humans, Nutr. Rep. Int., 23, 653, 1981.
4. Nader, C. J., Potter, C. D., and Weller, R. A., Diet and DNA-modifying activity in human fecal extracts,
Nutr. Rep. Int., 23, 113, 1981.
5. Venitt, S., Faecal mutagens in the aetiology of colonic cancer, in Colonic Carcinogenesis, Falk
Symposium 31, Malt, R. A. and Williamson, R. C. N., Eds., MTP Press, Lancaster, England, 59, 1982.
6. Wilkins, T. D., Lederman, R. L., van Tassell, R. L., Kingston, D. G. I., and Henion, J., Characterization
of a mutagenic bacterial product in human feces, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 2513, 1980.
7. Ames, B. N., McCann, J., and Yamasaki, E., Methods for detecting carcinogens and mutagens with
the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test, Mutat. Res., 31, 347, 1975.
8. Wang, T., Kakizoe, T., Dion, P., Furrer, R., Varghese, A. J., and Bruce, W. R., Volatile nitrosamines
in normal human feces, Nature (London), 276, 280, 1978.
9. Tannenbaum, S. R., Fett, D., Young, V. R., Land, P. C., and Bruce, W. R., Nitrite and nitrate are formed
by endogenous synthesis in human intestine, Science, 200, 1487, 1978.
10. Stich, H. F., Wei, L., and Lam, P., The need for a mammalian test system for mutagens: action of
some reducing agents, Cancer Lett., 5, 199, 1978.
11. Stich, H. F., Stich, W., and Acton, A. B., Mutagenicity of fecal extracts from carnivorous and
herbivorous animals, Mutat. Res., 78, 105, 1980.
12. Bruce, W. R., Varghese, A. J., Wang, S., and Dion, P., The endogenous production of nitroso compounds
in the colon and cancer at that site, in Naturally Occurring Carcinogens Mutagens and Modulators
of Carcinogenesis, Miller, E. C., Ed., University Park Press, Baltimore, 221, 1979.
13. Erhrich, M., Aswell, J. E., van Tassell, R. L., Walker, A. R. P., Richardson, N. J., and Wilkins, T. D.,
Mutagens in feces of 3 South African populations at different levels of risk for colon cancer, Mutat.
Res., 64, 231, 1979.
14. Lederman, M., van Tassell, R., West, S. E. H., Erhrich, M. F., and Wilkins, T. D., In vitro production
of human fecal mutagen, Mutat. Res., 79, 115, 1980.
15. Reddy, B. S., Sharma, C., Darby, L., Laakso, K., and Wynder, E. L., Metabolic epidemiology of large
bowel cancer. Fecal mutagens in high- and low-risk populations for colon cancer, Mutat. Res., 72,
511, 1980.
16. Kuhnlein, U., Bergstrom, D., and Kuhnlein, H., Mutagens in feces from vegetarians and nonvegetar-
ians, Mutat. Res., 85, 1, 1981.
17. Green, M. H. L. and Muriel, W. J., Mutagen testing using TRP+ reversion in Escherichia coli, Mutat.
Res., 38, 3, 1976.
18. Kuhnlein, H. V. and Kuhnlein, U., Mutagens in feces from subjects on controlled formula diets, Nutr.
Cancer, 2, 119, 1981.
19. Kuhnlein, H. V., Kuhnlein, U., and Bell, P. A., The effect of short-term dietary modifications on human
fecal mutagenic activity, Mutat. Res., 113, 1, 1983.
20. Reddy, B. S., Sharma, C., Mathews, L., Engle, A., Laakso, K., Choi, K., Puska, P., and Korpella, R.,
Metabolic epidemiology of colon cancer: fecal mutagens in healthy subjects from rural Kuopio and
urban Helsinki, Finland, Mutat. Res., 152, 97, 1985.
21. Reddy, B. S., Sharma, C., Mathews, L., and Engle, A., Fecal mutagens from subjects consuming a
mixed-Western diet, Mutat. Res., 135, 11, 1984.
22. Venitt, S., Bosworth, D., and Aldrick, A. J., Pilot study of the effect of diet on the mutagenicity of
human faeces, Mutagenesis, 1, 353, 1986.
23. Reddy, B. S., Engle, A., Katsifis, S., Simi, B., Bartram, H. P., Perrino, P., and Mahan, C., Biochemical
epidemiology of colon cancer: effect of types of dietary fiber on fecal mutagens, acid, and neutral
sterols in healthy subjects, Cancer Res., 49, 4629, 1989.
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24. Johansson, G., Holmen, A., Persson, L., Hogstedt, R., Wassen, C., Ottova, L., and Gustafsson, J. A.,
The effect of a shift from a mixed diet to a lacto-vegetarian diet on human urinary and fecal mutagenic
activity, Carcinogenesis, 13, 153, 1992.
25. de Kok, T. M., van Iersel, M. L., ten Hoor, F., and Kleinjans, J. C., In vitro study on the effects of
fecal composition on fecapentaene kinetics in the large bowel, Mutat. Res., 302, 103, 1993.
26. Kuhnlein, U., Gallagher, R., and Freeman, H. J., Effects of purified cellulose and pectin fiber diets
on mutagenicity of feces and luminal contents of stomach, small and large bowel in rats, Clin. Invest.
Med., 6, 253, 1983.
27. Barnes, W. S., Maiello, J., and Weisburger, J. H., In vitro binding of the food mutagen 2-amino-3-
methylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline to dietary fibers, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 70, 757, 1983.
28. Morotomi, M. and Mutai, M., In vitro binding of potent mutagenic pyrolysates to intestinal bacteria,
J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 77, 195, 1986.
29. Takeuchi, M., Hara, M., Inoue, T., and Kada, T., Adsorption of mutagens by refined wheat bran, Mutat.
Res., 204, 263, 1988.
30. Roberton, A. M., Harris, P. J., Hollands, H. J., and Ferguson, L. R., A model system for studying the
adsorption of a hydrophobic mutagen to dietary fibre, Mutat. Res., 244, 173, 1990.
31. Freeman, H. J., Effects of differing purified cellulose, pectin, and hemicellulose fiber diets on fecal
enzymes in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced rat colon carcinogenesis, Cancer Res., 46, 5529, 1986.
32. Reddy, B. S., Engle, A., Simi, B., and Goldman, M., Effect of dietary fiber on colonic bacterial enzymes
and bile acids in relation to colon cancer, Gastroenterology, 102, 1475, 1992.
33. Cameron, I. L., Hardman, W. E., and Heitman, D. W., The nonfermentable dietary fiber lignin alters
putative colon cancer risk factors but does not protect against DMH-induced colon cancer in rats,
Nutr. Cancer, 28, 170, 1997.
34. Earnest, D. L., Einspahr, J. G., and Alberts, D. S., Protective role of wheat bran fiber: data from marker
trials, Am. J. Med., 106, 32S, 1999.
35. Reddy, B. S., Prevention of colon carcinogenesis by components of dietary fiber, Anticancer Res., 19,
3681, 1999.
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Effect of Dietary Fiber and Foods

on Carbohydrate Metabolism

Thomas M. S. Wolever and David J. A. Jenkins


This chapter will review the relationship between gastrointestinal events and carbohydrate
metabolism in the short and long terms, beginning with the effects of dietary fiber and including
the extension of this to more recent work on the glycemic index of foods where fiber, food form,
and the so-called antinutrients all combine to produce the glycemic response typical of the
whole food.


There is evidence that the viscosity of purified dietary fiber is directly related to its effect on
glucose tolerance.1,16 Guar, pectin, psyllium, and other viscous fibers have been shown to flatten
postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses more consistently than wheat bran and other
nonviscous fibers, which have little or no acute effect (Tables 4.11.1 through 4.11.4, Figure 4.11.1).
In 24 groups of subjects in 15 studies, when guar gum was adequately mixed with a test meal, the
blood glucose response was reduced by an average of 44% (p < 0.001). The addition of pectin or
hemicellulose did not enhance the effect of guar alone (Table 4.11.1). By contrast, pectin reduced
the glucose response by an average of 29% (n = 10, p < 0.01, Table 4.11.2), psyllium by 29%
(n = 13, p < 0.001, Table 4.11.3), 6 other gelling agents by 23% (n = 8, p < 0.01, Table 4.11.3),
wheat bran by 27% (n = 6, p < 0.01, Table 4.11.2), and 7 other nongelling fibers by only 17%
(n = 10, ns, Table 4.11.4). The degree of flattening of the glycemic response does not appear to be
related to the dose of guar or pectin, possibly due to differences in experimental design, but a linear
dose-response relationship is seen with psyllium (Figure 4.11.2, Table 4.11.3).

Necessity of Adequate Mixing of Fiber with Food

To be effective, guar and other viscous fibers must be mixed with the carbohydrate in a hydrated
form. Thus, when guar (4 studies, Table 4.11.1) or psyllium (1 study, Table 4.11.3) was sprinkled
dry onto foods or taken before the main carbohydrate portion of the test meal, there was no effect
on blood glucose responses. The necessity of adequate mixing of fiber with carbohydrate for

2001 by CRC Press LLC 321
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Table 4.11.1 Effect of Adding Guar Gum (G) Alone or with Hemicellulose (H) or Pectin (P) on
Blood Glucose, and Insulin Responses to Single Test Meals

Fiber Available Carbohydrate % Change with Fibera

(g) (g) Source Subb Glucose Insulin Ref.
G 2.5 50 Glucose N 24% ns 64%*** 1
G 2.5 50 Glucose N 34%* 65%** 2
G5 50 Glucose N 0% ns 44% + 3
G5 50 Glucose N 66%** 4
G5 49 Guar bread and soup N 41% + + + 37% + + + 5
G5 49 Bread and guar soup N 54%*** 50%*** 5
G10 85 Cornflakes, sucrose, milk, bread, and D 2% ns 20% ns 6
jam (guar sprinkled on cereal)
G8 58 Biscuits D 53% 7
G15 100 Glucose N 36% + + 37%** 8
G15 100 Glucose GD 32%* 68% ns 8
G7 42 Bread and cheese D 49% 9
G7 42 Bread and soybeans D 58% 9
G9 50 Glucose N 23%* 3
G10 52 Soup, bread, egg, and butter N 48%** 48%** 10
G10 52 Soup, bread, egg, and butter D 58%** 10
G10 47 Soup and bread N,D 78%* 59%** 10
G10 46 Guar bread and guar soup N 68%*** 65%*** 5
G5 23 Mashed potato (guar mixed with D 42%** 40% ns 11
G5 23 Mashed potato (guar taken before D 5% ns 0% ns 11
G16 66 Guar pasta, butter, cheese N,D 9%* 12
G20 83 Guar pasta, egg, cheese, butter, ham N 80%** 45%** 12
G23 80 Sucrose N 29% ns 55% + + + 13
G14.5 50 Glucose N 50%** 54%** 2
G14.5 50 Glucose N 38%** 60%** 14
G14.5 50 Glucose (mixed with guar) N 27%* 15
G14.5 50 Glucose (taken after guar) N 0% ns 15
G14.5 50 Glucose N 68%** 58%*** 16
G15 50 Glucose (taken after guar) N 2% ns +28% ns 17
G10 20 Oatmeal porridge D 61%* 18
G 5,P 5 72 Bread, butter, honey, egg, and milk N 60%* 6% ns 19
G 5,P 5 72 Bread, butter, honey, egg, and milk D 41%* 16% ns 19
G 5,P 5 72 Bread, butter, honey, egg, and milk AN 2% ns 0% ns 19
G16,P10 102 Bread, margarine, jam, and milk N,D 23% 51% 20
G16,P10 106 Bread, butter, jam, and milk D 51%** 50%** 21
G15,P10 50 Glucose (after fiber) N 7% ns 1% ns 17
G 4,H 4 25 Bread D 22% 71% 22
a % change in area under the curve (or peak rise) of blood glucose and insulin (lack of a figure means that the
data is not available). * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.005; + + + = p < 0.002;
*** = p < 0.001; ns = not significant.
b Subjects: N = normal, D = diabetic, GD = gestational diabetes, AN = diabetes with autonomic neuropathy.

effectiveness is important because the mechanism of action of viscous fiber is related to its ability
to reduce the rate of diffusion of nutrients from the lumen of the small intestine,14,213215 although
delayed gastric emptying may also play a role.26,30,77,216 Nevertheless, viscous fiber has not been
demonstrated to cause carbohydrate malabsorption.16,30

Effect of Food Refining on Postprandial Glucose Responses

Removal of cereal fiber from foods by refining has no effect on the postprandial glucose and
insulin responses (Table 4.11.5). This is consistent with the lack of effect of cereal fiber when
added to carbohydrate test meals (Table 4.11.2). On the other hand, the consumption of fruit juice
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Table 4.11.2 Effect of Adding Pectin (P) Alone or Wheat Bran (B) on Blood Glucose,
and Insulin Responses to Single Test Meals

Fiber Available Carbohydrate %Change with Fibera

(g) (g) Source Subb Glucose Insulin Ref.
P10 100 Glucose and beef N 59%** 22% ns 23
P10 100 Glucose N 4% ns +11% ns 23
P10 85 Cornflakes, sucrose, milk, N 23% ns 18% ns 6
bread, and jam (pectin
sprinkled on cereal)
P7 60 Bread, cheese, rice, meat, and D 12%* 35%* 24
P15 105 Bread and jam D 44% 25
P10.5 75 Glucose PGS 23%** 56% + 26
P10 50 Glucose (after pectin) N +5% ns +6% ns 17
P9 45 Glucosec IGT 25% + 11% ns 27
P14.5 50 Glucose N 11% ns 2% ns 16
P14.5 50 Glucose PGS 20%** 28
P14.5 50 Glucose PGS 40%*** 76%*** 29
P14.5 50 Glucose N 55% + 30
B10 50 Glucose (after bran) N +7% ns +11% ns 17
B0.2g/kg 1 g/kg Glucose N 37%** 31
B20 90 Beef, bread, rice, corn, tomato D 11% ns +6% nsd 32
B36 50 Glucose, beef, lactulose N 54% ns 16% ns 33
B41.5 50 Glucose N 27% ns 8% ns 16
B50 50 Glucose D/D 13% ns 34% ++ 34
B50 50 Glucose D/O 21% + 0% ns 34
a % change in area under the curve (or peak rise) of blood glucose and insulin (lack of a figure means that
the data is not available). * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.005; + + + = p < 0.002;
*** = p < 0.001; ns = not significant.
b Subjects: N = normal; D = diabetic; PGS = postgastric surgery: IGT = impaired glucose tolerance with
reactive hypoglycemia; D/D = diabetic on diet alone; D/O = diabetic on oral agents.
c Grams pectin and glucose are per square meter of body surface.
d Represents change in insulin requirements of Type 1 diabetics on an artificial pancreas.

as opposed to whole fruit is associated with a somewhat greater blood glucose response and
markedly enhanced peripheral insulin levels.5052 In these cases, disruption of food form, rather
than removal of fiber per se, may be important.


Normal Volunteers

Nonviscous fibers have been added to the diets of normal individuals more often than viscous
fibers (Table 4.11.6). These studies show, paradoxically, that nonviscous fibers have more effect
than viscous fibers in improving fiber-free glucose tolerance tests given after a period of fiber
supplementation (Table 4.11.6).

Treatment of Diabetes

There have been more than 20 studies using guar gum or other viscous fibers to treat diabetes
and about half that number using various nonviscous fibers (Tables 4.11.7 and 4.11.8). The improve-
ments in diabetic control after the addition of viscous fibers were larger and more consistent than
after the addition of nonviscous fibers (Figure 4.11.3). In 18 studies where urinary glucose was
measured, losses were reduced by 41% after guar (p < 0.001), but in seven studies with nonviscous
fibers, there was a mean increase of 34% (ns). Fasting blood glucose was reduced by a mean of
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Table 4.11.3 Effect of Adding Various Gelling Agents on Blood Glucose and Insulin Responses to
Single Test Meals
% Change with Fiberb
Fibera Available Carbohydrate
(g) (g) Source Subc Glucose Insulin Ref.
T14.5 50 Glucose N 34%** 10% ns 16
M14.5 50 Glucose N 29%* 18% ns 16
L2.5 50 Glucose N 29% ns 19% ns 1
L10 85 Cornflakes, sucrose, milk, bread, jam D 15% ns 11% ns 6
X2.5 50 Glucose N 41%* 37%** 1
X/L2.5 50 Glucose N 28% ns 64%** 1
A10 85 Cornflakes, sucrose, milk, bread, jam D 7% ns +17% ns 6
K5 80 Glucose N 0% ns 28%* 35
S3.5 50 Glucose (psyllium as Fibogel) N 33% ns 39% ns 2
S3.6 Bread, butter, cheese, meat, milk D 33%* 19%*d 36
S6.6 50 Bread, butter, cheese D 29% 37
S7 50 Glucose (psyllium as Fibogel) N 12% ns 28% ns 2
S7 50 Glucose (psyllium as Fibogel) D 17% ns 13% ns 2
S7 50 Glucose (psyllium as Metamucil) N 0% ns 2
S3.9 50 Psyllium-enriched flaked bran cereal N 12% ns 38
S8.1 50 Psyllium-enriched flaked bran cereal N 24% ns 38
S12.7 50 Psyllium-enriched flaked bran cereal N 20% ns 38
S16.8 50 Psyllium-enriched flaked bran cereal N 46%** 38
S15.7 50 Psyllium-enriched flaked bran cereal N 46%** 38
S15.7 50 Psyllium-enriched flaked bran cereal D 51%* 38
S16.2 50 Psyllium sprinkled on bran flakes N 56%** 38
S16.2 50 Psyllium taken just before bran flakes N 4% ns 38
a T = Gum tragacanth; M = Methyl cellulose; L = Locust bean gum; A = agar; S = psyllium; K = Konjac mannan.
b % change in area under the curve (or peak rise) of blood glucose and insulin (lack of a figure means that
the data is not available). * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.005; + + + = p < 0.002;
*** = p < 0.001; ns = not significant.
c Subjects: N = normal; D = diabetic.
d This figure represents the percent reduction of GIP response.

Table 4.11.4 Effect of Adding Various Nongelling Fibers on Blood Glucose

and Insulin Responses to Single Test Meals

Fiber Available Carbohydrate % Change with Fiberb

(g) (g) Source Sub c Glucose Insulin Ref.
Q14.5 50 Glucose N 26% ns 24% ns 16
B15 105 Bread and jam D 6% 25
C9 45 Glucose IGT 22% ns 0% ns 27
C 0.2g/kg 1 g/kg Glucose N +16% ns 31
G 0.2g/kg 1 g/kg Glucose N +24% ns 31
S20 86 50 g sucrose, 45 g flour N 14% ns 0% ns 39
S22 50 Glucose, beef, lactulose N 65%* 24% ns 33
F30 50 Glucose, beef, lactulose N 39% ns 19% ns 33
P10 58 Noodles, egg, milk, juice, margarine DO 21% 0% ns 40
P10 67,35 Liquid formula diet D 18% ns 7% ns 41
a Q = cholestyramine; B = barley bran; C = cellulose; G = bagasse; S = sugar beet fiber; P = soy polysaccharide;
F = pea fiber.
b % change in area under the curve (or peak rise) of blood glucose and insulin (lack of a figure means
that the data is not available). * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.005; + + + = p < 0.002;
*** = p < 0.001; ns = not significant.
c Subjects: N = normal; D = diabetic; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; DO = obese diabetic.
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Figure 4.11.1 Effect of various types of purified dietary fiber on acute glycemic responses: proportion of studies
with a statistically significant reduction (data from Tables 4.11.1 through 4.11.4).

Figure 4.11.2 Effect of psyllium dose on acute glycemic responses (data from Table 4.11.3).

11% after guar ( p < 0.001) and 3.8% after nonviscous fibers ( p < 0.02). Glycosylated hemoglobin
fell by a mean of 5.0% after guar ( p < 0.01) and 3.4% (ns) after nonviscous fibers. Insulin doses
tended to be reduced on guar (11%, p < 0. 05) but not after nonviscous fibers (+1%, ns). Serum
cholesterol fell by 11% after guar ( p < 0.001) but not after nonviscous fibers (1%, ns).

Summary Long-Term Effects of Dietary Fiber Supplements

Those types of fiber with the most marked short-term effects also appear to have the greatest
ability in the longer term to improve diabetic control. Viscous forms of dietary fiber such as guar
gum are most able to alter events occurring within the gastrointestinal tract, such as the rate of
absorption of glucose. These fibers are associated with short- and long-term beneficial changes in
carbohydrate metabolism.
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Table 4.11.5 Effect of Refining Food (i.e., Removal of Fiber) on Blood Glucose
and Insulin Responses
Test Meal Contents (g)
Available Dietary Fiber % Change with Refininga
Food Carbohydrate Whole Refined Subb Glucose Insulin Ref.
Wheat bread 50 10.2 2.8 N 6% ns 42
Wheat bread 50 10.2 2.8 D 2% ns 43
Wheat bread 58 and 60 N 14% ns 18% ns 44
Wheat bread 50 N 5% ns 45
Wheat bread 25 D + 7% ns 46
Rice 50 3.5 1.4 N +11% ns 42
Rice 75 D + 6% ns +14% ns 47
Spaghetti 50 7.3 2.0 N +11% ns 42
Maize meal 50 N + 4% ns 48
Potato 50 N +14% ns 49
Oranges 50 N +15% ns 49
Oranges 50 16.0 0.0 N ns +50% + + + 50
Oranges 30 8.0 0.2 N +6% ns 51
Grapes 60 4.6 0.0 N +28%* +32% + 50
Apples 60 N ns +51%** 52
a % change in area under the curve (or peak rise) of blood glucose and insulin (lack of a figure means that
the data is not available). * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.005; + + + = p < 0.002;
*** = p < 0.001; ns = not significant.
b Subjects: N = normal; D = diabetic.

Table 4.11.6 Effect of Dietary fiber on Fiber-Free Glucose Tolerance Testsa

Diet Constituents Change after Fiberc
Fiber Dose Study b

(g/day) Length CHO PRO FAT Comments Glucose Insulin Ref.

Gum arabic, 25 21 D 39 15 42 FRD, all fiber in +100% ns ns 53
Pectin, 36 6W MD +18% ns +11% ns 54
Wheat bran, 12 4W 47 14 36 FRD ns ns 55
Wheat bran, 20 7W MD 32%* +36% + 56
Wheat bran, 24 6M FRD 15%** 45
Wheat bran, 26 30 D MD 17% ns 57
Wheat bran, 26 30 D MD +24% ns 57
Corn bran, 26 30 D MD 56%* ns 57
Soy hulls, 21 3W 40 19 40 FRD undried DF +5% ns +10% ns 58
Soy hulls, 21 3W 42 19 37 FRD dried DF +59%* 7% ns 58
Soy hulls, 26 30 D MD 72%* ns 57
Apple/carrot, 26 30 D MD 28%* ns 57
Xanthan gum, 12 6W FRD 25% nsd 59
Xanthan gum, 12 6 W(D) FRD 31%* 6% ns 59
Guar gum, 15 2W FRD 5% ns 4 % ns 60
Guar gum, 15 2 W(D) FRD 4% ns +13% ns 60
a Subjects are normal except where indicated after study length (i.e., (D) = diabetic).
b Study length: D = days; W = weeks; M = months.
c % change in area under the curve (or peak rise) of blood glucose and insulin (lack of a figure means that the
data is not available). * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.005; + + + = p < 0.002; *** =
p < 0.001; ns = not significant.
d 2-h postglucose blood glucose values.
Table 4.11.7 Treatment of Diabetes with Guar (G) or Guar plus Wheat Bran (B)
Dose Commentsb % Change after Fiber Treatmentc
(g) Length Subjects a Diet Form FBG HbA1c UG Loss Insulind CHOL TG Ref.
G25 5D 6I,1N MD 50%** 61
G23 5D 6I,3N MD CB 22%** 38%+ + 62
G10 7D 2I,6N FRD BI 20%* 7
G24 7D 12I HD 7% 32% 63
G 9.2 2W 5I FRD BI 8% ns 11% ns 80%** 7
G 9.2 2W 5N FRD BI 18%** 3%* 62%** 7
G20 3W 6I,11N FRD GR 10%* 14%* 64
G1525 4W 10N FRD GR +13% ns 51%** 14%** 65
G.45g/kg 4W 10I,Child FRD BR 8% 66
G2025 4W 6I FRD SW ns 49% ns 4% ns 9% 67
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G15 4W 41N,SU FRD MT 50%* 9%* 12%* 68

G15 4W 38N,In FRD MT 14%* 0% 10%* 2% ns 68
G15 4W 18N FRD GR 11%* 10%* 10%* +13% ns 69
G20 4W 9I FRD GR +2% ns 5%+ 21%+ 25% ns 70
G15 4W 9N,O,PC FRD GR 25%* 7% ns 10% ns 8% ns 0% ns 71
G8 6W 14N FRD BR ns ns ns ns 72
G1219 6W 22I,Child FRD VF 9%*** 15%*** 3% ns 11%+ 73
G10 8W 20N FRD GR 3% ns 9%*** 32% ns 0% ns +5% ns 74
G 1015 8W 2I,3N MD P 24%** 66%+ 16%* 17%* 12
G15 8W 8N,ND,O LOW GR 16% ns 7% ns 2% ns 75
G 15 8W 29N,EC FRD MT 0% ns +2% ns 10%*** +8% ns 76
G20,B10 8W 12N,O,PC FRD GR 39%+ 73%* 30%+ 40% ns 77
G21 3M 9N FRD GR 17%+ 60% 14%+ +11% ns 78
G22 3M 10I,B FRD R 19% ns 3% ns 18%** 79
G15 3M 6N,O,NC FRD CAP 0% ns 80
G15 3M 20N,O,PC FRD GR 10% ns 5%ns 9%*** 4% ns 81
G1426 6M 8I,3N FRD CB +4% ns 7% ns 28%*** 10%* +8% ns 82

G1426 12M 6I,2N FRD CB 44%* 26%** 82

a Subjects: I = insulindependent; N = noninsulin-dependent; Child = children; SU = controlled on sulfonylureas; In = controlled on insulin; O = obese; PC = poorly
controlled; ND = newly diagnosed; EC = excellent control; B = brittle; NC = poorly compliant.
b Diets: MD = metabolic diet; FRD = free-range diet; HD = hospital diet; LOW = weight-reducing, low-calorie (results for guar compared to a separate control group on
a low-calorie diet not given guar). Form = type of guar formulation; CB = crispbread; BI = biscuits; P = pasta; GR = granulate; BR = bread; SW = snacks and sweets;
MT = minitablets; FP = flavored powder taken in water before meals; VF = guar incorporated into various foods (bread, jelly, jam, fruit bar); R = rusks; CAP = capsules.
c FBG = fasting blood glucose; HbA1c = glycoylated hemoglobin; UG = urinary glucose; Insulin = daily insulin dose; CHOL = serum cholesterol; TG = serum triglycerides.
* = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.002; *** = p < 0.001.
d Represents fall in fasting serum insulin. In this study, guar increased peripheral insulin sensitivity by 70% (p < 0.025), insulin binding to monocytes by 28% (p < 0.025),
and insulin receptor number by 50% (p < 0.05).
Table 4.11.8 Treatment of Diabetes with Miscellaneous Types of Dietary Fiber Nonviscous Fibers

Dose Commentsb % Change after Fiber Treatmentc

(g) Length Subjects a Diet Form FBG HbA1c UG Loss Insulind CHOL TG Ref.

Apple Fiber
26 4W 10N FRD 2% ns +2% ns +49% ns 5% ns +5% ns 83
52 4W 10N FRD 2% ns +3% ns +119% ns +6%* +2% ns 83
15 7W 12N FRD 8% ns 8%** 5% ns 0% ns 84

Corn Bran
26 4W 10N FRD 6% ns 2% ns +26% ns 2% ns +1% ns 83
52 4W 10N FRD +2% ns 8%* +67% ns +1% ns 4% ns 83
2387_ch4.11_fm Page 328 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:53 PM

Soy Hulls
26 4W 10N FRD 10% ns 2% ns + 5% ns 0% ns +9% ns 83
52 4W 10N FRD 1% ns 1% ns + 7% ns +3% ns +3% ns 83

Wheat Bran
14 1015D 17I MD BR 13% ns 36%** +2% ns 85
15 4W 18N FRD 0% ns 2% ns 0% ns +7% ns 69
20 4W 38IGT FRD 5% ns 9%*** 10%* 86
15 10D 8I MD BR 6% ns 0% 87

10.8 7D 9I FRD MM +6% ns 0% 35
3.6 2M 20N FRD MM 19%** 6% ns 5%* 88
7.2 2M 20N FRD MM 18%** 11% ns 5%* 87

Konjac Mannan
3.67 30D 13N MD 29%+ Reduced 11% 89

Xanthan Gum
12 6W 9N FRD MU 38%* 13%* 25% ns 59
a Length: D = days; W = weeks; M = months. Subjects: N = noninsulin-dependent diabetes; I = insulin-dependent diabetes; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance.
b Diets: MD = metabolic diet; FRD = free-range diet. Form = type of fiber formulation; MM = Metamucil"; BR = bread; MU = fiber in muffins.
c FBG = fasting blood glucose; HbA1c = glycoylated hemoglobin; UG = urinary glucose; Insulin = daily insulin dose; CHOL = serum cholesterol; TG = serum
triglycerides. * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.002; *** = p < 0.001.
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Figure 4.11.3 Effect of purified dietary fiber in the treatment of diabetes. Proportion of studies with statistically
significant improvements in fasting blood glucose (FBG), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c),
urinary glucose excretion, and serum cholesterol concentration (data from Tables 4.11.7
and 4.11.8).


In whole foods, many factors in addition to dietary fiber may alter digestion and absorption of
nutrients and hence the glycemic response. Among these are antinutrients such as phytate,105,217
lectins,218 tannins,219 and enzyme inhibitors,220,221 macronutrient interactions such as protein-starch222
and lipid-starch,223 the nature of the starch (amylose vs. amylopectin),224,225 gastric emptying rate226
food form (e.g., bread as opposed to spaghetti), cooking, and particle size. It therefore becomes
important in any discussion of glycemic response to be able to assess the collective interaction of
all these factors in terms of the glycemic response to the whole food, and also to compare the full
range of foods, so that the relative importance of each of the factors can be determined, again in
the context of the whole food.

The Glycemic Index of Foods

The glycemic index (GI) of foods is an expression which permits the blood glucose response
to different foods to be compared directly and so allows the relevance of their constituents (e.g.,
fiber) to be assessed. It is defined as the incremental blood glucose response following consumption
of a 50-g-available carbohydrate portion of a food expressed as a percent of the response after a
standard 50-g-available carbohydrate portion of white bread taken by the same individual. The
methods used to determine the glycemic response and calculate the area under the curve can have
a major influence on the results obtained;227 exact GI methods are given elsewhere.158

Area under the glucose curve after a food 100%

Glycemic Index = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Area under the glucose curve after white bread

In this way, the GI makes it possible to compare the blood glucose responses of foods tested
in different groups of subjects. Tables 4.11.9 and 4.11.10 show the wide range of Gl values for
different foods. The legumes, as a class, have the lowest GI of all starchy foods. Table 4.11.9 shows
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Table 4.11.9 Glycemic Index Values of Foods Tested in Several Studies

Food Individual GI Valuesa Studiesb Mean SD CVc
Rye (crispbread) 90, 100 C, A 95
Rye (whole meal) 82, 89, 97, 105, 119 Ti, G, Tn, #, # 98 14 15%
Rye (whole grain-pumpernickel) 58, 78 C, G 68
Wheat (white) 100 (Defined) AK, M 100
Wheat (whole meal) 93, 95, 96, 96, 100, 104, C, Tn, Ti, G, B, 100 6 6%
106, 106, 108 A, J, S, #
Spaghetti (white) 46, 59, 68, 72, 88 I, B, C, A, Z 67 16 23%
Cereal grains
Barley (pearled) 31, 41 F, Xi 36
Buckwheat 70, 74, 90 Xn, A, Xi 78 11 14%
Rice (polished) 68, 70, 73, 77, 78, 83, 92, M, L, C, Z, B, H, 81 12 15%
104 W, A
Rice (parboiled) 58, 66, 72, 78 D, H, E, P 69 9 12%
Sweet corn 66,67, 85, 86, 87, 90 E, L, P, A, J, D 80 11 13%
Breakfast cereals
All Bran 71, 74, 76 B, A, N 74 3 3%
Cornflakes 107, 116, 121, 139 L, A, B, W 121 13 11%
Porridge oats 71, 88, 93, 96, 96 A, C, K, B, W 89 10 12%
Digestive 77, 86 B, A 82
Plain crackers (water biscuits) 91, 108 A, S 100
Root Vegetables
Carrots 96, 131 , A 114
Potato (instant mashed) 116, 119, 126 A, L, Y 120 5 4%
Potato (mashed) 96, 100 Y, J 98
Potato (new/white boiled) 67, 75, 77, 78, 101 C, B, Y, L, A 80 13 16%
Potato (Russett, baked) 80, 112, 134, 137 Y, E, P, D 116 26 23%
Baked beans (canned) 60, 69, 80 A, , U 70 10 14%
Bengal gram dal 7, 16 J, M 12
Butter beans 39, 52 J, A 46
Chick peas (dried) 44, 46, 52 U, B, A 47 4 9%
Green peas (dried) 32, 68 C, A 50
Green peas (frozen) 55, 74 C, A 65
White beans (dried) 18, 27, 43, 44, 45, 46, 56, @n, @h, U, O, 45 20 43%
84 A, , Pn, Pi
Kidney beans (dried) 27, 31, 32, 42, 60, 65 M, W, Z, A, U, B 43 16 38%
Lentils (green, dried) 31, 41 U, Z 36
Lentils (red, dried) 25, 30, 42, 43, 43, 45, 45 R, Xn, A, B, , 39 8 21%
Xi, W
Pinto beans (dried) 55, 65 U, B 60
Peanuts 10, 19 J, A 15
Apple 48, 52, 57 C, V, A 52 5 9%
Banana 66, 75, 81, 90, 99 C, $, B, A, J 82 13 16%
Orange 46, 58, 73 J, A, C 59 14 23%
Orange juice 56, 67, 90 V, A, V 71 17 24%
Fructose 9, 29, 30, 35 V, A, C, K 26 11 45%
Glucose 122, 131, 132, 137, 140, E, K, Q, C, D, W, 138 10 7%
141, 145, 158 J, A, M
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Table 4.11.9 (Continued) Glycemic Index Values of Foods Tested in Several Studies
Food Individual GI Valuesa Studiesb Mean SD CVc
Lactose 45, 69 V, K 57
Sucrose 61, 85, 86, 87, 91, 92, 100 V, C, A @h, K, J, 86 12 14%
Dairy Products
Ice cream 52, 54, 84, 86 A, @h, @n, S 69 19 27%
Whole milk 26, 29, 39, 49 @h, @n, S, A 36 10 29%
Snack Foods
Potato chips 74, 79 A, L 77
a Individual mean values from groups of subjects. Values have been adjusted proportionately so that the glycemic
index (GI) of white bread = 100. Values have also been adjusted proportionately (studies C, peas; T, breads;
Z, instant potatoes) for unequal amounts of carbohydrate. Where glucose, but not white bread, was given, the
GI values were multiplied by 1.38 (the GI of glucose/100).
b The studies are listed in the same order as the values: A(49), B(90), C(46), D(91), E(92), F(93), G(94), H(95),
I(96), J(97), K(98), L(99), M(100), N(101), O(102), P(103), Q(104), R(105), S(106), T(107), U(108), V(109),
W(110), X(111), Y(112), Z(113), (114), $(115), (116), (117), #(118), @(119), &(120): h = healthy subjects;
i = IDDM; n = NIDDM.
c CV = coefficient of variation (100 SD/Mean).

the mean GI values for foods tested in different groups of subjects and by different investigators.
In general, there is reasonable agreement between the values derived in different centers. For 27
foods tested by 3 or more groups of subjects, the mean SD of the mean Gl values is 12 (Table 4.11.9),
regardless of whether the subjects tested were normal or diabetic
Insulin-dependent diabetic subjects (IDDM) tend to show slightly higher GI values than subjects
with noninsulin dependent diabetes.111 This may be a reflection of the high degree of within-
individual variability of blood glucose responses in IDDM to the same meal rather than to true
differences between foods tested in these individuals.111 In a recent study, 12 subjects with diabetes,
including individuals with IDDM and NIDDM, tested 3 different foods 4 times each. Most of the
variability in GI values was due to day-to-day variability within subjects with no significant
difference in GI values between the different individuals. In all 12 subjects, the mean glycemic
response to bread was greater than that to rice, which, in turn, was greater than that to spaghetti.228
The GI values of foods relate strongly to the rate of digestion of foods in vitro,99,106,229234 but
only weakly to total fiber content, and not significantly to soluble fiber.235 However, in one study,
increasing the soluble fiber content of a meal with no change in its GI resulted in a major reduction
of the postprandial glycemic response in subjects with NIDDM.236 Surprisingly, the strongest
correlation between food GI and components of fiber was with cellulose and the uronic acid fraction
of insoluble fiber, major components of the cell wall (Figure 4.11.4). The lack of relationship
between food GI and soluble fiber is probably due to the fact that many other factors in foods
influence digestibility, and that soluble fibers have differing viscosities and hence variable effects
in impeding glucose absorption.
The GI values of foods are related to their fat and protein contents.49 Fat delays gastric
emptying237 and enhances GIP responses.123,126 However, only in large amounts (45 to 65% of total
test meal calories) does it significantly reduce postprandial glucose and insulin responses
(Table 4.11.11). In addition, fat taken at one meal may impair carbohydrate tolerance in the
subsequent meal.238 Large amounts of protein enhance insulin secretion (Table 4.11.11) but have
little effect on the blood glucose response in the smaller amounts normally eaten, e.g., bread with
Particle size is particularly important in determining the responses of starchy foods
(Table 4.11.12). The glycemic response to wheat and barley breads increases linearly as the pro-
portion of flour, as opposed to whole grains, in the bread increases;135 finely ground flour produces
higher glycemic responses than coarse flour;136 and the whole grain rye breads popular in Northern
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Europe have relatively flat glycemic and insulinemic responses.94 Increased particle size is probably
related to the reduced glycemic effect after swallowing foods without adequate chewing.239 In
addition, cooking and processing of foods markedly affect their in vitro digestibility, and these
changes are reflected in similar alterations of metabolic responses in vivo (Table 4.11.13). Differ-
ences in food form may also be of great importance in determining the glycemic index of a food,
as exemplified by the similar composition but very different GI values of white bread and spaghetti
(Table 4.11.9). Variables such as food variety (e.g., new vs. russet potato; Table 4.11.9), the degree
of ripeness (e.g., banana; Tables 4.11.9, 4.11.10), and differences in cooking and processing (e.g.,
rice; Table 4.11.9) may therefore explain some of the differences in GI values obtained for the
same food by different investigators.

Clinical Utility of the Glycemic Index

The GI of mixed meals can be estimated from the weighted mean of the GI values of the
individual carbohydrate foods in the meal, with the weighting based on the proportion of the total
carbohydrate contributed by each food (Table 4.11.14). In our hands, the GI value of mixed meals
predicts almost exactly the relative differences between their mean glycemic responses
(Figure 4.11.5). To be of predictive value, accurate GI values for the foods fed must be used, the
calculation of meal GI must take into account all of the carbohydrate foods in the meal, and the
method of calculation of area under the curve must be the same as that used for the GI.160,240 In a
meta-analysis of data from the literature (Table 4.11.14), the Stanford group has been unable to
predict mixed meal glycemic responses using the GI of foods. However, data from 11 other groups
worldwide (Lund, Melbourne, Morgantown, Minneapolis (2 different groups), Toronto, Naples,
Aarhus, London (Canada), Bristol, and Sydney) are grouped around the line of identity
(Figure 4.11.6). For small numbers of subjects, the most appropriate use of the GI is to help in
determining which of two meals is likely to produce the greater glycemic response. The chance of
a correct prediction depends upon the day-to-day variability of glycemic responses in the subjects
being tested, the expected difference in meal GI, and the number of subjects or repeat tests done.161,228
For a subject with NIDDM, there is a 95% chance of a correct prediction for a GI difference of
34 (i.e., 34 is the predictive difference); in subjects with IDDM, who have greater variability of
glycemic responses, the predictive difference is 50. As the number of tests done increases, the
predictive difference is reduced by a factor of 1/ n. 161

Treatment of Diabetes with High-Carbohydrate, High-Fiber Diets

High-carbohydrate diets, in the absence of increased fiber, are not consistently effective in
reducing fasting blood glucose and serum cholesterol levels (mean reductions, 3.4 2.0% and
3.4 2.2%, respectively [ns], Table 4.11.15) and may increase postprandial blood glucose and
insulin responses, increase fasting triglyceride levels, and reduce HDL cholesterol, at least in the
short term (2 to 6 weeks; Table 4.11.15, Figure 4.11.7). For these reasons, the safety of high-
carbohydrate diets in diabetes has been questioned.241 However, the use of foods rich in dietary
fiber may offset the deleterious effects of high-carbohydrate diets on blood glucose, insulin, and
triglycerides and enhance their cholesterol-lowering effects.
The use of high-fiber foods in the diet, where overall carbohydrate content is kept constant,
improves diabetic blood glucose and lipid control, but only when the increase in fiber comes from
low-glycemic-index foods (Table 4.11.16, Figure 4.11.8). In the limited number of studies done in
this situation, fiber appears to be more effective at higher rather than lower carbohydrate intakes
(Table 4.11.16). When guar gum was added to the diets of diabetic patients for 5 days, a similar
phenomenon was observed.242 Those patients whose diets contained more than 40% carbohydrates
had a larger reduction of their urinary glucose output on guar than those patients whose diets
contained less than 40% carbohydrates (64% compared with 33%, p < 0.02).
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The combined use of high-carbohydrate/high-fiber diets has benefited both IDDM and NIDDM
patients in terms of improved blood glucose control, reduced serum lipid levels, and lower insulin
dosage, but only in those studies where the increase in carbohydrate and fiber was achieved with
low-GI foods such as legumes and pasta (Table 4.11.16, Figure 4.11.8). In studies where the
carbohydrate and fiber intakes were increased using high-GI, cereal products (e.g., whole meal
bread), fasting blood glucose and cholesterol levels were improved, but this was achieved often at
the expense of increased postprandial blood glucose and serum triglyceride levels (Table 4.11.16,
Figure 4.11.8).
A number of dietary trials have been undertaken where the GI of the diet has been reduced
without changing its overall macronutrient or fiber content (Table 4.11.17, Figure 4.11.7). In these
studies, blood glucose and lipid lowering effects similar to those produced by high-carbohy-
drate/high-fiber diets were seen with no changes in carbohydrate or fiber intake. This suggests that
the long-term metabolic effects of high-carbohydrate/high-fiber diets depend, at least in part, upon
the ability to reduce the rate of carbohydrate absorption and hence reduce the acute postprandial
blood glucose response. The mechanism for the lipid-lowering effect of slow absorption may relate
to reduced insulin secretion and hence reduced stimulus to lipid synthesis. Recent studies where
the rate of absorption was reduced by nibbling small meals at regular intervals throughout the day
instead of consuming exactly the same food in three large meals indicate that nibbling reduces
mean day-long insulin levels by about 30%243,244 and is associated with significant reductions in
serum total and LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B levels.244


Long-term benefits have been demonstrated using high-carbohydrate/high-fiber diets in both

insulin- and noninsulin-dependent diabetes. These are associated with, and may be due to, slowing
the rate of carbohydrate absorption within the gastrointestinal tract. Slow-release carbohydrate may
be obtained by the addition of viscous types of dietary fiber, the use of low-glycemic-index foods,
increased meal frequency, or pharmacologic intervention with amylase inhibitors such as Acar-
bose.245,246 Fiber has been shown to alter gut morphology in experimental animals.247252 Increased
starch consumption,253,254 low-glycemic-index foods,255260 and dietary fiber261264 also increase the
amount of fermentable carbohydrate which enters the colon. This will result in the formation and
absorption of the short-chain fatty acids and acetic, propionic, and butyric acids,265268 which
influence carbohydrate and lipid metabolism269271 and may be part of the mechanism of action of
high-carbohydrate/high-fiber diets.272274 The long-term consequences of these morphologic and
absorptive changes are likely to be important and remain to be explored.
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Table 4.11.10 Glycemic Index (GI) of Foods Tested

Only Once
Food GI Ref.a
Wheat (French baguette) 131 Z
Wheat (puffed crispbread) 112 S
Fettuccine (nondurum) 44 #
Ravioli (durum) 54 #
Macaroni (white, boiled 5) 64 I
Spaghetti (brown, boiled 15) 61 I
Spaghetti (white, boiled 5) 45 I
Spaghetti (protein-enriched) 38 I
Spirali (durum) 59 #
Star pasta (white, boiled 5) 54 I
Vermicelli (nondurum) 48 #
Cereal Grains
Bulgur (cracked wheat) 65 G
Millet 103 A
Rice (instant, boiled 1) 65 H
Rice (instant, boiled 6) 121 L
Rice (polished, boiled 5) 58 H
Rice (parboiled, boiled 5) 54 H
Rye kernels 47 6
Unrefined maize meal porridge 71 J
Refined maize meal porridge 74 J
Wheat kernels 63 G
Wheat kernels (quick-cooking) 75 S
Breakfast Cereals
Muesli 96 A
Puffed rice 132 L
Puffed wheat 110 S
Shredded wheat 97 A
Weetabix 109 A
Oatmeal 78 A
Rich Tea 80 A
Shortbread 88 S
Mars bar 99 A
Corn chips 99 L
Tomato soup 55 A
Root Vegetables
Beetroot 93 A
Cassava (flakes) 113 &
Cassava (Eba) 99 &
Cassava (Lafun) 73 &
Mfino 68 J
Sweet potato 70 A
Yam 74 A
Pumpkin 75 J
Chick peas (canned) 60 U
Kidney beans (canned) 74 U
Lentils (green, canned) 74 U
Pinto beans (canned) 64 U
Black-eyed peas 48 A
Brown beans 24 J
2387_ch4.11_fm Page 335 Tuesday, May 8, 2001 3:04 PM


Table 4.11.10 (Continued) Glycemic Index (GI) of Foods

Tested Only Once
Food GI Ref.a
Soybeans (canned) 20 A
Soybeans (dried) 22 A
Apple juice 45 V
Banana (slightly underripe) 59 $
Banana (slight overripe) 90 $
Cherries (raw) 32 C
Grapefruit 36 C
Grapes 62 C
Peaches 40 C
Pears 47 C
Plums 34 C
Raisins 93 A
Honey 126 A
Maltose 152 A
Dairy Products
Custard 59 S
Skim milk 46 A
Yogurt 52 A
a See legend for Table 4.11.9 for identification of references.

Figure 4.11.4 Relationship between the glycemic index values of 25 foods and their content of total dietary
fiber, and selected fiber fractions (grams/50 g available carbohydrate portion; data from Refer-
ence 235).

Table 4.11.11 Effect of Fat and Protein on Metabolic Responses to Foods

CHO Added (g) % Changeb

Test Meal Constituents (g) PRO FAT Suba Glucose Insulin GIP Ref.

Effect of Adding Fat Alone

Flummery fat 50 0 10 N 49%* 8% ns +100% ns 121
Flummery fat 50 0 10 NID 0% ns +5% ns +400%** 121
Flummery fat 50 0 10 ID 0% ns +700%* 121
2387_ch4.11_fm Page 336 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:53 PM

Potatoes olive oil 50 0 18 N +40% 122

Rice olive oil 50 0 18 N +108% 122
Lentils olive oil 50 0 18 N 27% 122
Bread butter 50 0 23 NID 16% ns 103
Potato butter 75 0 38 N 58%* 9% ns +640%** 123
Lentils butter 75 0 38 N 52%* 26% ns +650%** 123
Potato corn oil 50 0 28 N 85%** 89%** 124
Glucose avocado oil 50 0 40 NID 12% ns +14% ns 125
Potato intralipid (ileum)c 50 0 41 N 87%** 79%*** 125
Potato intralipid (duodenum)c 50 0 41 N 85% 63% 125
Potato butter 50 0 50 N 52%++ 7% ns +800%+ + 126

Effect of Adding Protein Alone

Glucose lean hamburger 50 10 3 NID +9% ns +25% ns 127
Bread cottage cheese 50 12 2 NID 2% ns 90
Bread skim milk cheese 50 12 2 NID 21% ns 103
Potato tuna 25 25 1 NID 8%* +59%*** 128
Spaghetti tuna 25 25 1 NID +9% ns +69%*** 128
Glucose beef 50 25 8 NID 10% ns +230%* 129
Glucose turkey 50 25 3 NID 20%* +230%* 129
Glucose gelatin 50 25 0 NID 33%* +260%* 129
Glucose egg white 50 25 0 NID 0% ns +190%* 129
Glucose cottage cheese 50 25 0 NID 34%* +360%* 129
Glucose fish 50 25 1 NID 10% ns +230%* 129
Glucose soy 50 25 0 NID 33% ns +220%* 129
Glucose casein 50 30 0 NID 37% +99%** 125
Potatoes veal 50 42 1 N +29% 122
Rice veal 50 42 1 N +52% 122
Lentils veal 50 42 1 N +12% 122
Glucose lean hamburger 50 30 9 NID 9% ns +100%* 127
Glucose lean hamburger 50 50 15 NID 35%** +207%** 127
Sugars milk/soy protein 58 16 tr N 40%** +102%** 130
Sugars milk/soy protein 58 25 tr N 51%** +117%** 130
Sugars milk/soy protein 58 34 tr N 70%** +115%** 130
Sugars milk/soy protein 58 50 tr N 78%** +129%** 130

Effect of Adding Fat and Protein

Bread, rice, spaghetti, or 50 8 11 NID +3% ns 111
2387_ch4.11_fm Page 337 Sunday, May 6, 2001 6:53 PM

barley cheddar cheese 50 8 11 ID +25%* 111

Flummery fat and protein 50 21 10 N 89%* +70%* +340%** 121
Flummery fat and protein 50 21 10 NID 0% ns +185%** +600%** 121
Flummery fat and protein 50 21 10 ID +63%** +1000%* 121
Bread, potato, rice, spaghetti, or 50 420 19 NID 20% ns +56%* 113
beans cheese and butter
Bread skim cheese and butter 50 12 25 NID 4% ns 103
Bread peanut butter 50 14 25 NID 27%** 103
Bread peanut butter 50 14 25 ID +2% ns 103
Potato tuna and margarine 25 25 26 NID 27%*** +70%*** 128
Spaghetti tuna and margarine 25 25 26 NID 7% ns +85%*** 128
Glucose casein and avocado oil 50 30 40 NID 60%*** +16% ns 125
a Sub = subjects; NID = noninsulin-dependent diabetes; ID = insulin-dependent diabetes; N = normal.
Change in incremental area under curve or peak rise compared to low protein/fat; * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01;
+ + = p < 0.005; *** = p < 0.001; ns = not significant.

The fat was infused into the intestine and the potato taken by mouth.
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Table 4.11.12 Effect of Grinding on Metabolic Responses

Carbohydrate (g) Degree of % Changeb

and Source Grinding Suba Glucose Insulin GIP Ref.
75, White rice Fine N +38%** +138%+ + 131
75, Brown rice Fine N +46%*** +95%*** 128
75, Brown rice Fine D +67%* +46%* +60%+ 132
75, Brown rice Fine N +48%* +54%** +54%* 132
50, Cooked lentils Fine N +6% ns 133
50, Lentils Fine N +80%+ 11% ns 134
50, Cracked wheatc 25% Flour D +5% ns 135
50, Cracked wheat 50% Flour D +26%* 135
50, Cracked wheat 100% Flour D +39%* 135
50, Barleyc 25% Flour D 0% ns 135
50, Barley 50% Flour D +59%* 135
50, Barley 100% Flour D +146%* 135
50, Wheat kernels 100% Flour D +52%* 94
50, Wheat kernels Cracked (bulgur) D +3% ns 94
50, Rye kernels 100% Flour D +89%* 94
50, Rye kernels Pumpernickeld D +66% 94
50, Wheate Cracked grains N +7% ns +16% ns 136
50, Wheat Coarse flour N +34% ns +42%* 136
50, Wheat Fine flour N +32% ns +95%*** 136
50, Corne Cracked grains N 21% ns +18% ns 136
50, Corn Flour N 3% ns +89%** 136
50, Oatse Rolled oats N +29% ns +53% ns 136
50, Oats Flour N +75% ns +19% ns 136
a Sub = subjects; D = diabetic; N = normal.
b Change in incremental area under the curve or peak rise; * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01;
+ + = p < 0.005; *** = p < 0.001; ns = not significant.
c Varied proportions of whole grain and flour in breads compared to whole grain alone. Wheat breads made
with bulgur (cracked, parboiled wheat) plus various proportions of whole meal flour; barley bread vs. cooked
pearled barley.
d Rye kernels vs. pumpernickel bread (bread containing whole kernels).
e Wheat: cracked, each kernel broken into 6 pieces; coarse, 17% retained on 2200-m sieve, 52% retained
on 710-m sieve; fine, 0% retained on 710-m sieve. Corn; cracked, each kernel broken into 23 pieces; flour,
0.2% retained on 710-m sieve. Oats, flour, 0.2% retained on 710-m sieve.
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Table 4.11.13 Effect of Cooking/Processing on Metabolic Responses

Carbohydrate (g) % Changeb

and Source Cooking/Processing Procedures Suba Glucose Insulin Ref.
50, Red lentils Boiled: 1 h vs. 20 min N +24% ns 133
50, Red lintils Boiled 20 min, ground and dried N +78% + 133
12 h at 250F vs. boiled 20 min and
1 g/kg, Corn starch Heated in water at 68 to 70C until N +160%** +133%** 137
gelled vs. raw
50, Yamc Roasted vs. boiled N +15% ns 138
50, Plantainc Roasted vs. boiled N 2% ns 138
50, Potatoes Raw vs. boiled 20 min D +196% ++ 139
25, Carrots Raw vs. boiled 20 min D +3% ns 139
50, Polished rice Boiled 5 min vs. boiled 15 rain D +43% ** 95
50, Parboiled rice Boiled 5 min vs. boiled 15 min D +24% ns 95
50, Parboiled rice Boiled 5 min vs. boiled 25 min D +22% ns 95
50, Spaghetti Boiled 5 min vs. boiled 15 min D +2% ns 96
50, Spaghetti Boiled 11 min vs. boiled 16.5 min N +10% ns +8% ns 140
50, Spaghetti Boiled 11 min vs. boiled 22 min N 22% ns 0% ns 140
50, Baked beans Home cooked vs. canned N +50% + +100%** 116
50, White beans Home cooked vs. canned D +86%* 108
50, Green lentils Home cooked vs. canned D +139%** 108
50, Pinto beans Home cooked vs. canned D +16%** 108
50, Chick peas Home cooked vs. canned D +36% ns 108
50, Kidney beans Home cooked vs. canned D +23% ns 108
a Sub = subjects; D = diabetic; N = normal.
b Change in incremental area under the curve or peak rise; * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + =
p < 0.005; *** = p < 0.001; ns = not significant.
c Tested in different groups of nonstandardized subjects.

Table 4.11.14 Utility of Glycemic Index of Foods in Predicting the Relative Blood Glucose Responses
of Single Mixed Meals

Meal % Differencea
1. White bread 89 141
2. Whole grain bread 56 38% 39%* (8)

1. Flummery 96 142
2. Salad and apple 100 +4% 0% ns (12) +5% ns (13)

1. Potato and sucrose 110 143

2. Rice and corn 85 22% 28% + (12) 8% ns (22) 144

1. Formula 117 145

2. Brown rice and beans 74 37% 31%* (7)

1. Low-fiber 84 146
2. High-fiber 85 +1% 0% ns (8)

1. Cornflakes, banana 113 147

2. Cornflakes, juice 90 21% 31%* (8)
3. Potato, bread, juice 88 27% 31%* (8)
4. Griddle cakes, juice 99 12% 20% ns (8)
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Table 4.11.14 (Continued) Utility of Glycemic Index of Foods in Predicting the Relative Blood Glucose
Responses of Single Mixed Meals

Meal % Differencea
1. Glucose, rice 111 148
2. Fructose, rice 53 52% 46%* (12) 78%* (10) 55% ns (10)
3. Sucrose, rice 82 26% 23% ns (12) 60%* (10) 16% ns (10)
4. Potato starch, rice 92 17% 7% ns (12) 56%* (10) 6% ns (10)
5. Wheat starch, rice 94 16% 0% ns (12) 25% ns (10) 8% ns (10)

1. Potato meal 123 149

2. Rice meal 89 28% 23%** (8)
3. Spaghetti meal 77 37% 31%** (8)
4. Lentils meal 62 50% 43%** (8)

1. Potato meal 97 150

2. Bread meal 86 10% 13% ns (6)
3. Rice meal 76 22% 26%** (6)
4. Spaghetti meal 65 33% 44%** (6)
5. Barley, lentils meal 47 52% 56%** (6)

1. Mashed potato, bread 92 151

2. Sweet potato, orange 66 29% 5% ns (12) 11% ns (13)
3. Beans, cherries 53 42% 9% ns (12) 44% ns (13)

1. Bread meal 75 152

2. Potato meal 67 11% 12%
3. Spaghetti meal 60 20% 41%** (7)

1. Potato meal 80 153

2. Spaghetti meal 66 17% 49%***(7)

1. Rice meal 71 154

2. Spaghetti meal 48 32% 13% ns (9) 6% ns (6)
3. Lentils meal 34 52% 19% ns (9) 6% ns (6)

1. Mashed potato meal 105 155

2. Lentils, barley meal 41 61% 61%* (5)

1. Cornflakes, juice 95 156

2. All Bran, juice 68 28% 24%* (11)

1. Candy bar, tea 110 157

2. Cola, potato chips 105 4% 7% ns (10)
3. Raisins, peanuts 87 21% 2% ns (10)
4. Banana, peanuts 75 32% 51% ns (10)

1. Lebanese meal 69 158

2. Western meal 69 0% 27% (8)
3. Chinese meal 65 6% 15% (8)
4. Indian meal 60 13% 30% (8)
5. Italian meal 40 42% 40% (8)
6. Greek meal 38 45% 53% (8)
a Percent difference from meal 1 for each study for GI = glycemic index, BG = blood glucose response incremental
area, NIDDM = noninsulin-dependent diabetic subjects, IDDM = insulin-dependent diabetic subjects. GI values
have been adjusted for unequal carbohydrate in meals. Figures in brackets = number of subjects. Meal GI for
references 141 through 149, 152, 153, 156, and 157 were not reported in the original references. The meal
GI calculations for studies 141 through 146 are presented in (159), for studies 147 and 148 in (102), for study
149 in (160), for studies 152 and 153 in (161), and for study 156 in (162). The GI values for the meals in study
157 have not been presented previously.
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Figure 4.11.5 Prediction of mixed meal glycemic response using the glycemic index by Wolever et al.150,155
Solid line = regression equation (% difference in glycemic response = 3.3 + 1.01 % difference
in GI); dotted line = line of identity.

Figure 4.11.6 Prediction of mixed meal glycemic response using the glycemic index using the data from Table
4.11.14. Expected difference (ED) = percent difference of the glycemic index of each mixed
meal from that of the meal with the highest glycemic index; observed difference (OD) = percent
difference of glycemic response of each meal from that of the meal with the highest glycemic
index. Dashed line, open circles = regression equation of data from the Stanford group (OD =
13 + 0.18 ED, r = 0.168, n = 9, ns); solid line, closed circles = regression equation of data
from 11 other groups worldwide (OD = 6 + 0.88 ED, r = 0.690, n = 41, p < 0.001); dotted
line = line of identity.

Table 4.11.15 Metabolic Effects of High-Carbohydrate, Low-Fiber Diets

Diet Compositiona % Change on High-Carbohydrate Dietb
44 77% 36 16% MD,NF 7D IGt 15%* G 7% ns +36%** 163
40 55% 45 30% FD 10D N 2% ns D 0% ns 0% ns +42%*** 164
40 60% 41 21% HD,NF 10D N 0% ns D 0% ns 2% ns +49%*** 165
45 85% 40 0% FD 710D UD +7% ns 166
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45 85% 40 0% FD 710 TD 13%+ 166

45 85% 40 0% FD 10D IGT 10%*** G 8%* 167
42 53% 37 30% MD,NF 10D D 2% ns D +3% ns +5% ns ns 168
41 60% 41 20% OPD 10D ID +6% ns D +36%*** 2% ns +19% ns 169
35 60% 47 22% OPD 4W NID 10%* D +11%+ 0% ns +11% ns 170
40 60% 40 20% MD,NF 6W NID +2% ns D +65%*** +2% ns +25%*** 171
42 55% 39 29% OPD 6W NID 14% ns 2% ns 172
41 56% 43 28% OPD 40W NID 0% ns ns ns 173
40 54% 40 26% OPD 12M NDN +3% ns 11%* 0% ns 174
53 58% 33 29% OPD 12M IDC +1% nse 6%* +33%* 175
41 64% 42 20% OPD 13M ID 0% ns 21%*** 17% ns 176
a % of energy as carbohydrate (CARB) or fat on low high carbohydrate diet. MD = metabolic diet, NF = normal foods, FD = formula diet, OPD
= outpatient diets.
b % change of: FBG = fasting blood glucose; GTT = area under blood glucose curve after a standard oral glucose load (G) or while actually
eating the diet (D); CHOL = serum cholesterol; TG = serum triglyceride. * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; *** = p < 0.001.
c Study length: D = days; W = weeks; M = months.
d Subjects: N = normal; IGT = impaired glucose tolerance; UD = untreated diabetics; TD = treated diabetics; NID = noninsulindependent diabetes;
NDN = newly diagnosed, noninsulin-requiring diabetes; ID = insulin-dependent diabetes; D = combined ID and NID; IDC = insulin-dependent
diabetic children.
e Change in HbA1c.
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Figure 4.11.7 Left: effect of increasing dietary carbohydrate with no change in fiber on fasting (FBG) and
postprandial (PPBG) blood glucose and serum cholesterol (CHOL) and triglyceride (TG) levels
(mean SEM of data from Table 4.11.15). Right: effect of decreasing dietary glycemic index
with no change in carbohydrate or fiber intake on glycosylated hemoglobin or albumin (GlyPr),
postprandial blood glucose (PPBG), and serum cholesterol (CHOL) and triglyceride (TG) levels
(mean SEM of data from Table 4.11.18).

Table 4.11.16 Metabolic Effects of Increasing Fiber Intake from Whole Foods with no Change in Available Carbohydrate
Diet Compositiona % Change on High-Fiber Dietd

Fiber Increased with LOW Glycemic Index Foods

53 17 30 16 54 10D 8D 34%* 37%** 82%+ 14%* 12%* 177
53 17 30 16 54 10D 14D 6% ns 24%+ + 20%** ns 168
39 20 40 2 20e 15D 8D 24%+ + 18%+ + 178
55 15 30 19 56 6W 10C 38%** 30%*** 76%** 179
35 17 47 18 33 6W 16D 20%* 19% ns 0% ns 180
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40 13 46 18 36 6W 10CSII +1% ns 5% ns 26% ns 181

53 30 14 23 6W 25NID 9% ns 5%h ns 13%* 172

Fiber Increased with HIGH Glycemic Index Foods

47 21 34 19 42 3W 14NID 6%* 13%** 37%* +2% ns +11% ns 182
59 17 23 11 27f 4W 6NID +10% ns ns 10% ns +5% ns +8% ns 183
44 19 37 + 14 24 gg 4W 12ID 14% 15% 184
44 23 33 16 44 8W 14NID 6%** +6% ns 4%+ +10% ns 185
53 16 28 30 41 8W 42NID 7%h 6% ns 7% ns 186
a Percent of calories from carbohydrate (CHO), protein (PRO), and fat, and increase in dietary fiber (FIBER) from low to high fiber diet.
b Study length: D = days; W = weeks.
c Subjects: D = diabetic; NID = noninsulindependent diabetic; C = diabetic children; CSIIID = on continuous insulin infusion therapy.
d % change of: FBG = fasting blood glucose; PPBG = postprandial blood glucose levels; UGO = urinary glucose output; CHOL = serum cholesterol;
TG = serum triglyceride. * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; + + = p < 0.005; *** = p < 0.001.
e Crude fiber.
f Grams dietary fiber per 1000 Kcal.
g Increase in fiber of 14 to 24 g/day.
h Change in HbA1c, ns.
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Figure 4.11.8 Effect of high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets on fasting (FBG) and postprandial (PPBG) blood
glucose and serum cholesterol (CHOL) and triglyceride (TG) levels. Left: increased fiber
from foods with high glycemic index (GI). Right: increased fiber from foods with low GI. Top:
effects of increasing fiber intake with no change in available carbohydrate intake (data from
Table 4.11.16). Bottom: effects of increasing both fiber and available carbohydrate intakes (data
from Table 4.11.17).
Table 4.11.17 Metabolic Effects of High-Carbohydrate, High-Fiber Diets

Diet Compositiona % Change on High-Carbohydrate Dietb


Fiber and Carbohydrate Increased with LOW Glycemic Index Foods

42 53% 37 37% 20 54 g 10D D 13% ns U-56% ns 19%*** + 23% ns 177
42 53% 37 30% 20 54 g 10D D 7% ns B-15% + 16%*** ns 168
40 50% 51 38% 22 65 g 10D D,R 0% ns B-20%* 18%* 6% ns 187
43 75% 34 9% 5 14e 2W NID 26% + + I-56% + 24%*** 15% ns 188
43 70% 37 9% 26 65 g 16D NID 7% ns I-58%*** 29%*** 2% ns 189
43 68% 42 14% 17 78 g 34W H 5%* 22%** + 21% ns 190
43 65% 42 21% 9 19f 5W NID + 5% ns U-11% ns 10% ns ns 191
6W NID 10% + U-94%* 14%** 192
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40 61% 39 18% 18 97 g 15%*** 14% ns

40 61% 39 18% 18 97 g 6W ID 38% ns 2% ns U-80%* 15%* 18% ns 192
42 50% 39 32% 8 23 g 6W NID 23%* 19%* 15%* 172
40 58% 40 30% 30 70 g 2M ID 5% 12%** U-64% ns 4% ns + 11% ns 193
43 55% 34 27% 26 40 g 15M NID 25%*** I-90%*** 5% ns 43% + + 194
? 66% ? 13% ? 25 g 48M NID 18%* 13%* 15%* 195

Fiber and Carbohydrate Increased with HIGH Glycemic Index Foods

46 60% 35 23% 22 64 g 14D ID 11% ns B- ns 196
28 60% 49 21% 21 57 g 3W NID 18%** U33% ns 10%*** + 10% ns 197
45 65% 40 20% 28 50 g 4W ID 1% ns U14% ns 22%* + 20%** 198
34 61% 50 23% 36 78 g 6W NID 12%** 11%** R-+26% + 14%*** 6% ns 199
34 61% 50 23% 36 78 g 6W ID 36%** + 1% ns I-6%** 10%*** 9% ns 200
45 65% 40 20% 28 50 g 6W ID 1% ns + 2% ns I-0% ns 22%* + 61%** 201
47 53% 40 25% 20 42 g 12W NH 15%*** 2% ns 17%* 202
38 45% 43 34% 20 32 g 4M ID + 19%** 203
40 65% 40 15% 20 65 g 4M D,P 30% I-65%* 204
35 40% 45 41% 19 35 g 6M PC + 17%** + 6% ns B-+7% 205
a % of energy as carbohydrate (CARB), fat, and dietary fiber (FIBER) on low high carbohydrate diet.
b + change of: FBG = fasting blood glucose; HbA1c = glycosylated hemoglobin; UGO = urinary glucose output (U); ID = insulin dose (I) or
rate of glucose disposal during euglycemic insulin clamp (R); mean blood glucose on the diet (B); CHOL = serum cholesterol; TG = serum
triglyceride. * = p < 0.05; + = p < 0.025; ** = p < 0.01; *** = p < 0.001.
c Study length: D = days; W = weeks; M = months.
d Subjects: D = diabetic, unspecified or mixed types; R = chronic renal failure; NID = noninsulindependent diabetes; ID = insulindependent
diabetes; H = healthy; NH = hypertensive NID; P = pregnant; PC = NID in poor control.
e Grams of crude fiber.
f Grams dietary fiber per 1000 Kcal.
Table 4.11.18 Long-Term Effects of Low-Glycemic-Index (GI) Diets
Diet Compositiona Change on Low GI Dietb
61% 20% 19% 29 g 2W 6N 41(39%) 37%** F 2% ns C 39%** 11%* 13% ns 206
50% 29% 21% 21 g 1M 12HT 13(16%) 9%** 16%*** 93
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49% 29% 19% 22 g 1M 24HT 11(13%) 9%** 19%** 207

49% 29% 19% 22 g 1M 6HC 11(13%) 3% ns 1% ns 207
60% 20% 4W 24N + I 7(12%) 13% H 0% ns 208
54% 25% 21% 31 g 2W 8NID 23(26%) H 3% ns 0% ns 3% ns 0% ns 209
48% 35% 17% 32 gc 6W 7IDC 12(15%) F 27%* I 14% ns 9%** 3% ns 210
46% 36% 17% 31 gd 3W 8IDA 14(23%) F 22% I 9%* 0% ns 16%* 211
45% 31% 21% 26 g 3M 16NID 13(14%) 14%* H 11%* 0% ns +6% ns 212
a These studies were designed to have equivalent dietary composition during the high and low GI periods, but in some cases there were small differences in
macronutrients. CHO = carbohydrate as % of energy; FAT = fat as % of energy; PRO = protein as percent of energy; DF = dietary fiber in grams per day; LEN
= study length (W= weeks; M = months); SUBJ = subjects (N = normal; HT = hypertriglyceridemic; HC = type 2a hypercholesterolemia; NID = noninsulin-dependent
diabetes; IDC = insulin-dependent diabetes, children; IDA = insulin-dependent diabetes, adults; N + I = NID and IDA.
b PPBG = postprandial blood glucose high-GI diet vs. low-GI diet; GlyPr = glycosylated protein (F = fructosamine; H = hemoglobin); Ins/CP = Insulin dose (I) or
urinary c-peptide output (C); CHOL = serum cholesterol; TG = serum triglycerides.
c Significant increase in dietary fiber on low-GI diet (39 vs. 24 g/d).
d Significant decrease in dietary fiber on low-GI diet (28 vs. 34 g/d).
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259. McBurney, M. I., Thompson, L. U., Cuff, D. J., and Jenkins, D. J. A., Comparison of ileal effluents,
dietary fibers, and whole foods in predicting the physiological importance of colonic fermentation,
Am. J. Gastroenterol., 83, 536, 1988.
260. McBurney, M. I., Thompson, L. U., and Jenkins, D. J. A., Colonic fermentation of some breads and
its implication for energy availability in man, Nutr. Res., 7, 1229, 1987.
261. Cummings, J. H., Southgate, D. A. T., Branch, W. J., Wiggins, H. S., Houston, H., Jenkins, D. J. A.,
Jivraj, T., and Hill, M. J., The digestion of pectin in the human gut and its effect on calcium absorption
and large bowel function, Brit. J. Nutr., 41, 477, 1979.
262. Holloway, W. D., Tasman-Jones, C., and Lee, S. P., Digestion of certain fractions of dietary fiber in
humans, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 31, 927, 1978.
263. Holloway, W. D., Tasman-Jones, C., and Maher, K., Pectin digestion in humans, Am. J. Clin. Nutr.,
37, 253, 1983.
264. McBurney, M. I. and Thompson, L. U., In vitro fermentabilities of purified fiber supplements, J. Food
Sci., 54, 347, 1989.
265. Bond, J. H. and Levitt, M. D., Fate of soluble carbohydrate in the colon of rats and man, J. Clin.
Invest., 57, 1158, 1976.
266. Bond, J. A., Currier, B. E., Buchwald, H., and Levitt, M. D., Colonic conservation of malabsorbed
carbohydrate, Gastroenterology, 78, 444, 1980.
267. Cummings, J. H., Short chain fatty acids in the human colon, Gut, 22, 763, 1981.
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268. Cummings, J. H., Pomare, E. W., Branch, W. J., Naylor, C. P. E., and MacFarlane, G. T., Short chain
fatty acids in human large intestine, portal, hepatic and venous blood, Gut, 28, 1221, 1987.
269. Wolever, T. M. S., Brighenti, F., Royall, D., Jenkins, A. L., and Jenkins, D. J. A., Effect of rectal
infusion of short chain fatty acids in human subjects, Am. J. Gastroenterol., 84, 1027, 1989.
270. Royall, D., Wolever, T. M. S., and Jeejeebhoy, K. N., Clinical significance of colonic fermentation,
Am. J. Gastroenterol., 85, 1307, 1990.
271. Wolever, T. M. S., Spadafora, P., and Eshuis, H., Interaction between colonic acetate and propionate
in man, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 53, 681, 1991.
272. Chen, W.-J. L., Anderson, J. W., and Jennings, D., Propionate may mediate the hypocholesterolemic
effects of certain soluble plant fibers in cholesterol fed rats, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 175, 215, 1984.
273. Illman, R. J., Topping, D. L., McIntosh, G. H., Trimble, R. P., Storer, G. B., Taylor, M. N., and Cheng,
B. Q., Hypocholesterolaemic effects of dietary propionate: studies in whole animals and perfused rat
liver, Ann. Nutr. Metab., 32, 97, 1988.
274. Thacker, P. A., Salomons, M. O., Aherne, F. X., Milligan, L. P., and Bowland, J. P., Influence of
propionic acid on the cholesterol metabolism of pigs fed hypercholesterolemic diets, Can. J. Anim.
Sci., 61, 969, 1981.
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Dietary Fiber in the Prevention and

Treatment of Disease
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Disease Patterns in South Africa

as Related to Dietary Fiber Intake

Alexander R. P. Walker

In South Africa there are four ethnic populations: blacks (25 million), coloreds (Euro-Africa-
Malay) (3 million), Indians (1 million), and whites (5 million). These populations exhibit consid-
erable differences in patterns of diseases. Indeed, between them they afford probably greater
contrasts, as juxtaposed populations, than are encountered elsewhere in the world. The Asian
population exhibits high frequencies of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and coronary heart disease
(CHD).13 Among rural blacks, there are very low frequencies of dental caries, hypertension, CHD,
noninfective bowel diseases, e.g., appendicitis and certain cancers (e.g., colon, breast).59 Among
urban blacks, Asians, and coloreds, rises are occurring in all these disorders and diseases. To
exemplify the magnitude of changes, the teeth of urban black children are now inferior to those
of white children.10 Among urban black adults, the frequency of hypertension (WHO criteria) now
exceeds that in whites11 (Tables 5.1.1 through 5.1.3).
Most of the differences, although not all, are related to differences in environmental factors,
especially diet. In this respect there are great contrasts in the patterns consumed by the different
populations and their segments. At the one extreme, the diet of rural blacks12 (which in pattern
resembles that of ancestors of Western populations13,14) is characterized by a relatively low intake
of energy, of total protein (especially of animal protein), and of total fat (especially of animal fat),
yet their diet is high in fiber intake. In contrast, the diet of whites,15 and that of the more privileged
segments of the other populations, is high in energy, total protein, and fat, especially the respective
moieties of animal origin; however, dietary fiber intake is low. The first pattern of diet, in contexts
of indigence, is well nigh invariably associated with very low or low frequencies of degenerative
disorders and diseases (although high frequencies of infections); conversely, the second is associated
with very high or high frequencies of diseases of prosperity (Table 5.1.4).
As to the precise assessment of the protective role of dietary fiber intake, first it must be
appreciated that patterns of health and disease are determined not only by diet but also by genetic
and by nondietary factors. The latter include degree of physical activity,16 extent of smoking
practice,17 stresses (particularly those linked with urbanization and rise in income), and the avail-
ability and utilization of medical services. Each of these components has a variable although often
powerful influence in the regulation of the frequencies of the diseases mentioned. Next, it must be
appreciated that the levels of a number of dietary components are powerfully correlated with level
of fiber. Thus, the latter is inversely correlated with level of fat intake (especially of animal fat),
of protein intake (especially animal protein), and with animal foods as a whole. Thus, with changes

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Table 5.1.1 Frequencies of Some Diseases of Prosperity in South African Populations

Rural Urban
Blacks Blacks Coloreds Indians Whites
Dental caries + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + +
Femoral fractures + + + + + + + + +++
Obesity + + ++ + + + + + + + + +
Hypertension + + +++ + + ++ + + + + + +
Diabetes + + ++ + + ++ + + +++ + + +
CHD a + + + + + + + +++ + + +++
Stroke + + + + + + + + + + +
a Implies that occurrence is rare.

Table 5.1.2 Cancer Patterns in South African Populations

Rural Urban
Blacks Blacks Coloreds Indians Whites
Lung a + + + + + + + + + ++
Breast a + + + + + + ++ + + +++
Colon + + + + + + + +++
Stomach + + + + + + + +
Pancreas + + + + + + +
Liver + +b + + + + + +
Esophagus + + + +b + ++ + + + +
Cervix ++ + +++ + + + + +
a Implies that occurrence is rare.
b Frequency of occurrence related to some regional but not nationwide populations.

Table 5.1.3 Frequencies of Noninfective Bowel Diseases in South African Populations

Rural Urban
Blacks Blacks Coloreds Indians Whites
Hemorrhoids a ++ + + + + + + +
Appendicitis + ++ + + + + + + + + +
Ulcerative colitis + + + + + + + +
Irritable bowel syndrome ++ + + + + + + +
Diverticular disease + + + + + + + + + +
Colon cancer + + + + + + + + + +
a Implies that occurrence is rare.

Table 5.1.4 Dietary Patterns Respecting Fat, Total Carbohydrate, and Fiber Intakes
Rural Urban
Blacks Blacks Coloreds Indians Whites
Energy from fat (%) 1015 2030 3035 3540 3545
Energy from carbohydrate (%) 7075 6575 60 60 55
Dietary fiber (g) 2025a 1020 1520 1520 1520
a Intake depends on the season; seasonal fruits and spinaches are high in dietary fiber.
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in diet, such as those which took place from the time of our ancestors to the present, and also
which occurred when such changes became somewhat reversed as prevailed in certain wartime
populations,18,19 propounders of etiological hypotheses must be on their guard against overclaiming
and overblaming. Account must be taken of changes and of contexts, holistically, rather than the
focusing of attention and explanations almost exclusively on the changes that occurred in one or
more food components. However, having said this, there is little doubt that changes in intakes of
fat and of fiber are particularly influential.
Understandably, therefore, the extent of the specific involvement of dietary fiber remains a
subject of uncertainty,2022 which does not lend itself to ready resolution. On the positive side,
experimental studies on animals support the validity of a relationship,23 as do many short-term
studies on humans.2426 Probably the epidemiological evidence of the character already referred
to provides the most persuasive support for a relationship. Briefly, there are similarities in the
patterns of diet and disease exhibited by ancestors of Western populations and the patterns
displayed by rural third-world dwellers, such as South African blacks. Moreover, in World War
II, circumstances caused diets in certain countries to change, involving, inter alia, reductions in
fat intake and increase in fiber intake.18,19 There were associated changes in disease pattern; e.g.,
there were falls in dental caries, obesity, diabetes, atherosclerotic lesions of aorta and coronary
vessels, constipation, and appendicitis.18,19,2729 Additionally, among church groups such as Seventh-
Day Adventists,30,31 and among vegetarians whose diet usually contains much more dietary fiber
than the diet of omnivorous eaters, there are lower frequencies of a number of diseases32
obesity,33 hypertension,34 diabetes,35 CHD,36 appendicitis,37 diverticular diseases,38 cancers of the
breast39 and colon,30,31 and osteoporosis.40
In fairness, it must be stressed that although ameliorative decreases in degenerative diseases
can be accomplished by changes in diet, the magnitude of the alterations required is too great to
win widespread public acceptance. As evidence of this, prosperous Western populations are having
enormous difficulties in seeking to reduce their energy intake from fat to that level recommended
of 30%. Equally great problems are latent in endeavors to, say, double intake of dietary fiber. Only
a very small proportion of populations have changed their eating habits and adopted a prudent diet.41
A perplexing fact in the present local situation in South Africa is that among urban blacks,
while their frequencies of chronic bowel diseases have risen slightly, they are still far lower than
those in the white population, despite the fact of the now relatively low fiber intake of urban
dwellers.42 Can this be explained? In his recent review, Heaton22 noted that there are many ways
in which a high fiber intake ought to protect against colorectal cancer;43 yet low fiber intakes are
not a consistent feature of populations prone to this cancer, nor of people who actually have it.44,45
He suggested that fiber is only a part of the story, and that if fiber exerts its anticancer effect by
being fermented into short-chain fatty acids, then any carbohydrate that enters the colon and is
similarly fermented could be protective, since a considerable amount of the starch consumed escapes
digestion and enters the colon, where it is rapidly fermented.46 Perhaps starch intake matters as
much as fiber intake in terms of protection from cancer. How much starch reaches the colon? This
varies enormously, tenfold, from person to person.47 According to one small study, people with
colonic polyps are unusually efficient at digesting starch.48 Should this be confirmed, then possibly
cancer might be prevented by people eating more starch and by eating it in a less digestible form.49
In South Africa, evidence indicates that maize, the staple food of the black population, is malab-
sorbed.50 This implies that a variable, indeed, possibly a large proportion of resistant starch enters
the colon and is therefore available for fermentation. Conceivably, therefore, it is this phenomenon
which contributes to maintaining blacks still faster transit time51 and lower fecal pH value52 and
so protects them in measure against the development of chronic bowel diseases. In this type of
context, it is important to keep in mind that while different sources of fiber have different physio-
logical actions, it must be recognized that in rural Africa, irrespective of the source of fiber (cereals,
legumes, vegetables, or fruit), chronic bowel diseases are uniformly rare or very uncommon.
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1. Seedat, Y. K., Lifestyle and disease: hypertension and ischaemic heart disease in Indian people in
South African and in India, S. Afr. Med. J., 61, 965, 1982.
2. Omar, M. A. K., Seedat, M. A., Dyer, R. B., Rajput, M. C., Motala, A. A., and Joubert, S. M., The
prevalence of diabetes mellitus in a large group of South African Indians, S. Afr. Med. J., 67, 924, 1985.
3. Seedat, Y. K., Mayet, F. G. H., Khan, S., Somers, S. R., and Joubert, G., Risk factors for coronary
heart disease in the Indians of Durban, S. Afr. Med. J., 78, 447, 1990.
4. Walker, A. R. P., Walker, B. F., Dison, E., and Walker, C., Dental caries and malnutrition in rural
South African Black ten to twelve-year-olds, J. Dent. Assoc. S. Afr., 43, 581, 1988.
5. Seedat, Y. K. and Hackland, D. B. T., The prevalence of hypertension in 4,993 rural Zulus, Trans. R.
Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 78, 785, 1984.
6. Walker, A. R. P. and Walker, B. F., Appendicectomy in South African inter-ethnic school pupils, Am.
J. Gastroenterol., 82, 219, 1987.
7. Walker, A. R. P. and Segal, I., Colorectal cancer. Some aspects of epidemiology, risk factors, treatment,
screening and survival, S. Aft. Med. J., 73, 653, 1988.
8. Walker, A. R. P., Walker, B. F., Funani, S., and Walker, A. J., Characteristics of black women with
breast cancer in Soweto, South Africa, The Cancer J., 2, 316, 1989.
9. Walker, A. R. P. and Walker, B. F., Coronary heart disease in blacks in underdeveloped populations,
Am. Heart J., 109, 1410, 1985.
10. Steyn, N. P. and Albertse, E. C., Sucrose consumption and dental caries in twelve-year-old children
residing in Cape Town, J. Dent. Assoc. S. Afr., 42, 43, 1987.
11. Seedat, Y. K. and Seedat, M. A., An inter-racial study of the prevalence of hypertension in an urban
South African population, Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., 76, 62, 1982.
12. Richter, M. J. C., Langenhoven, M. L., Du Plessis, J. P., Ferreira, J. J., Swanepoel, A. S. P., and
Jordaan, P. C. J., Nutritional value of diets of blacks in Ciskei, S. Afr. Med. J., 65, 338, 1984.
13. Steven, M., Food and longevity in 18th century Scotland, Nutr. Health, 7, 3, 1990.
14. Hollingsworth, D., Changing patterns of food consumption in Britain, Nutr. Rev., 32, 353, 1974.
15. Rossouw, D. J., Fourie, J. J., van Heerden, L. E., and Engelbrecht, F. M., A dietary survey of free-
living middle-aged white males in the Western Cape, S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 2528, 1974.
16. Blair, S. N., Kohl, H. W., Paffenbarger, R. S., Clark, D. G., Cooper, K. H., and Gibbons, L. W.,
Physical fitness and all-cause mortality: a prospective study of healthy men and women, JAMA, 262,
2395, 1989.
17. Stokes, J., III and Rigotti, N. A., The health consequences of cigarette smoking and the internists
role in smoking cessation, Adv. Intern. Med., 33, 431, 1988.
18. Banks, A. L. and Magee, H. E., Effect of enemy occupation on the state of health and nutrition in the
Channel Islands, Mon. Bull. Min. Health Publ. Lab. Serv., 16, 184, 1945.
19. Fleisch, A., Nutrition in Switzerland during the war, Schweiz. Med. Wochenschr., 16, 889, 1946.
20. Council on Scientific Affairs, Dietary fiber and health, JAMA, 118, 1591, 1988.
21. Nestel, P. J., Dietary fibre, Med. J. Aust., 153, 123, 1990.
22. Heaton, K. W., Dietary fibre: After 21 years of study the verdict remains one of fruition and frustration,
Br. Med. J., 300, 1479, 1990.
23. Bianchini, F., Caderni, G., Dolara, P., Fanetti, L., and Kriebel, D., Effect of dietary fat, starch and
cellulose on fecal bile acids in mice, J. Nutr., 119, 1617, 1989.
24. Malinow, M. R., Regression of atherosclerosis in humans, Postgrad. Med., 73, 232, 1983.
25. DeCosse, J. J., Miller, H. H., and Lesser, M. L., Effect of wheat fiber and vitamins C and E on rectal
polyps in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis, J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 81, 1290, 1989.
26. Ornish, D., Brown, S. E., Scherwitz, L. W., Billings, J. H., Armstrong, W. T., Ports, T. A., McLanahan,
S. M., Kirkeeide, R. L., Brand, R. J., and Gould, K. L., Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart
disease?, Lancet, 336, 129, 1990.
27. Pezold, F. A., Arteriosclerose and Ernahrung, Steinkopf, Darmstadt, 1959, 162.
28. Trowell, H., Diabetes mellitus death-rates in England and Wales 192070 and food supplies, Lancet,
ii, 998, 1974.
29. Schettler, G., Cardiovascular disease during and after World War II: a comparison of the Federal
Republic of Germany with other European countries, Prev. Med., 8, 581, 1979.
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30. Phillips, R. I., Role of life-style and dietary habits in risk of cancer among Seventh-Day Adventists,
Cancer Res., 35, 3513, 1975.
31. Snowdon, D. A., Animal product consumption and mortality because of all causes combined, coronary
heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer in Seventh-Day Adventists, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 48, 739, 1988.
32. Dwyer, J. T., Health aspects of vegetarian diets, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 48, 712, 1988.
33. Barbosa, J. C., Shultz, T. D., Filley, S. J., and Nieman, D. C., The relationship among adiposity, diet,
and hormone concentrations in vegetarian and nonvegetarian postmenopausal women, Am. J. Clin.
Nutr., 51, 798, 1990.
34. Beillin, L. J., Rouse, I. L., Armstrong, B. K., Margetts, B. M., and Vandongen, R., Vegetarian diet
and blood pressure levels: incidental or causal association?, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 48, 806, 1988.
35. Anderson, J. W., The role of dietary carbohydrate and fibre in the control of diabetes, Adv. Intern.
Med., 26, 67, 1980.
36. Burr, M. L. and Butland, B. K., Heart disease in British vegetarians, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 48, 830, 1988.
37. Westlake, C. A., St. Leger, A. S., and Burr, M. L., Appendicectomy and dietary fibre, J. Hum. Nutr.,
34, 267, 1980.
38. Gear, J. S. S., Fursdon, P., Nolan, D. J., Ware, A., Mann, J. I., Vessey, M. P., and Brodribb, A. K. M.,
Symptomless diverticular disease and intake of dietary fibre, Lancet, i, 511, 1979.
39. Adlercreutz, H., Hmlinen, E., Gorbach, S. L., Goldin, B. R., Woods, M. N., and Dwyer, J. T., Diet
and plasma androgens in postmenopausal vegetarian and omnivorous women and postmenopausal
women with breast cancer, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 49, 433, 1989.
40. Marsh, A. G., Sanchez, T. V., Michelsen, O., Chaffee, F. L., and Fagal, S. M., Vegetarian lifestyle and
bone mineral density, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 48, 837, 1988.
41. Anonymous, Nutrition and cancer, facts, fallacies, and ACS activities, Cancer News, Summer, 18, 1987.
42. Segal, I. and Walker, A. R. P., Low-fat intake with falling fiber intake commensurate with rarity of
noninfective bowel diseases in Blacks in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa, Nutr. Cancer, 8,
185, 1986.
43. Cummings, J. H. and Bingham, S. A., Dietary fibre, fermentation and large bowel cancer, Cancer
Surv., 6, 601, 1987.
44. Jacobs, L. R., Fiber and colon cancer, Gastroenterol. Clin. North Am., 17, 747, 1988.
45. Rozen, P., Horwitz, C., and Tabenkin, C., Dietary habits and colorectal cancer incidence in a second-
defined kibbutz population, Nuir. Cancer, 9, 177, 1987.
46. Cummings, J. H. and Englyst, H. N., Fermentation in the human large intestine and the available
substrates, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 45, 1243, 1987.
47. Stephen, A. M., Haddad, A. C., and Phillips, S. F., Passage of carbohydrate into the colon. Direct
measurements in humans, Gastroenterology, 85, 589, 1983.
48. Thornton, J. R., Dryden, A., Kelleher, J., and Losowsky, M. S., Super-efficient starch absorption.
A risk factor for colonic neoplasia?, Dig. Dis. Sci., 32, 1088, 1987.
49. Heaton, K. W., Marcus, S. N., Emmett, P. M., and Bolton, C. H., Particle size of wheat, maize and
oat test meals: effects on plasma glucose and insulin responses and on the rate of starch digestion in
vitro, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 47, 675, 1988.
50. Segal, I., Walker, A. R. P., Naik, I., Riedel, L., Daya, B., and De Beer, M., Malabsorption of
carbohydrate foods by blacks in Soweto, South Africa, S. Afr. Med. J., 80, 543, 1991.
51 Walker, A. R. P., Walker, B. F., Lelake, A., Manetsi, B., Tlotetsi, G. N., Verardi, M. M., and Walker,
A. J., Transit time and fibre intake in black and white adolescents in South Africa, S. Aft. J. Food
Science Nutr., in press.
52. Walker, A. R. P. and Walker, B. F., Intra- and inter-individual variations in serial faecal pH values in
South African interethnic schoolchildren, S. Afr. J. Food Science Nutr., 4(l), 10, 1992.
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Development of the Dietary Fiber Hypothesis of

Diabetes Mellitus*

Hugh C. Trowell



Diabetes mellitus and obesity were extremely rare diseases in East African blacks when I started
treating medical patients in Nairobi Hospital, Kenya, in 1930. After teaching medicine for nearly
30 years in East Africa, I reviewed the rising incidence of diabetes in sub-Saharan urban blacks
and suggested that their high-carbohydrate low-fat diets are protective and that low-carbohydrate
high-fat diets predispose. African diets are usually high in their fiber content but in towns refined
flours, sugar, and fats form a large part of the diet which may contain little fiber.1 No earlier
reference has been traced to any connection between fiber and diabetes. On returning to East Africa
in 1970 I was amazed to see two new phenomena: first, many grossly obese African blacks in urban
streets and second, large diabetes clinics in all towns.2


In 1948, Himsworth published diabetes mortality death rates in British women during the period
of the Second World War (1940 to 1945) and the postwar food rations; he attributed falling death
rates to reduced fat intakes.3 In 1966, Cleave and Campbell republished these mortality and food
data but concluded that reduced sugar intakes caused the falling death rates.4 Postwar food regu-
lations, however, lasted until 1953. A comprehensive British government report on human food
supplies from 1938 through 1958 allowed a more detailed reexamination of this problem. This
reported that diabetes death rates started falling not in 1940, but in 1942, and fell until 1953, not
only until 1948, 55% in men and 54% in women, mainly in middle-aged and elderly groups.
Diabetes death rates started to rise again in 1954. Fat and sugar supplies, however, rose in 1949 to
prewar levels and continued thus thereafter, but death rates continued falling for another 5 years.
High fiber high extraction national flour became mandatory for the entire British population from
1942 until 1953, then ceased and low fiber white bread was eaten. During the years of the national

* Dr. Trowell passed away in 1989. This historical chapter is unchanged from the 1986 edition of this handbook.

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flour, bread consumption rose about 25%. Total energy intakes rarely decreased below 3000 kcal/day
per head and were stationary during all these years.5
This provided the basis of the hypothesis that high fiber high starchy carbohydrate diets are
protective against maturity-onset noninsulin-dependent Type II diabetes mellitus.6 This protective
diet, which resembles the ancient tranditional diet of most peasants, is not the same as a high
carbohydrate high fiber diet because the latter might be a diet containing much white flour and
sucrose supplemented by much wheat bran. The original hypothesis carries a corollary that low
fiber starchy carbohydrates, such as white wheat flour and white rice, are the main causative factors
in the production of Type II diabetes mellitus. High energy diets, containing much fat and sucrose,
both of which contain no fiber, encourage overweight and obesity; they are probably contributory
etiological factors.


Genetic factors predispose strongly to Type II diabetes but are weak in Type I diabetes. Possibly
viral infection or other noxious agents damage the pancreatic cells in Type I diabetes. This variety
is an autoimmune disease. Many autoimmune diseases are certainly very rare in African blacks:
multiple sclerosis has not yet been definitely reported; pernicious anemia and Hashimotos thy-
roiditis are extremely rare; rheumatoid arthritis is certainly uncommon.7 Unknown dietary factors
or lifestyle protect sub-Saharan blacks from all or almost all autoimmune diseases.


In the U.S., Anderson and colleagues pioneered high fiber high starch carbohydrates in the
treatment of diabetes.8 In Britain, Mann and colleagues treated both Type I diabetes and Type II
diabetes with a comparable diet; they reported improved diabetic control.9 Jenkins studied purified
fiber supplements such as pectin and guar gum; these slowed digestion and absorption, reduced
GIP, and lowered enteroglucagon responses.10


In 1979, the American Diabetes Association recommended that carbohydrate intakes of Type I
diabetic patients be increased to 50 to 60% of total calories.11 In 1981, the British Diabetic
Association made similar recommendations.12 These also recommended that simple sugar intakes
be restricted and that carbohydrate, wherever possible, should be fiber-rich unprocessed starchy
foods. One overall aim was to reduce fat consumption and hopefully in the long term to reduce
the risk of cardiovascular disease.


In 1983, the (British National) Health Council recommended guidelines for nutritional changes
in the whole population to decrease the incidence of modern metabolic diseases such as overweight
and obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and gallstones. They recommended increasing starch
carbohydrates to 50% total calories by increased consumption of fiber-rich whole wheat and brown
bread and potatoes, thereby increasing dietary fiber intake by 25%; they recommended that sugar
intake be decreased to 50% and fat decreased by 25%.13
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A consensus of opinion is emerging about desirable changes in modem Western diets in order
to decrease the incidence of many diseases characteristic of modern affluent communities.
Uncertainty about the degree of change and the desirable rate of change will continue for a
decade or more.14


1. Trowell, H. C., Non-Infective Disease in Africa, Edward Arnold, London, 1960, 217, 218, 303.
2. Trowell, H., Diabetes mellitus and dietary fiber of starchy foods, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 31, S53, 1978.
3. Himsworth H. P., Diet in the aetiology of human diabetes, Proc. R. Soc. Med., 42, 323, 1949.
4. Cleave, T. L., Campbell, G. D., and Painter, N. S., Diabetes, Coronary Thrombosis, and the Saccharine
Disease, John Wright, Bristol, 1969, chap 3.
5. Trowell, H., Diabetes mellitus death rates in England and Wales 192070 and food supplies, Lancet,
2, 998, 1974.
6. Trowell, H., Dietary-fiber hypothesis of the etiology of diabetes mellitus, Diabetes, 24, 762, 1975.
7. Trowell, H. C. and Burkitt, D. P., Eds., Western Diseases, Their Emergence and Prevention, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1981, 439.
8. Anderson, J. W. and Ward, K., Long-term effects of high carbohydrate, high fiber diets on glucose
and lipid metabolism, Diabetes Care, 1, 77, 1982.
9. Mann, J. L., Diet and diabetes, Diabetologia, 18, 89, 1980.
10. Jenkins, D. J. A., Taylor, R. H., and Wolever, T. M. S., The diabetic diet, dietary carbohydrates and
differences in digestibility, Diabetologia, 23, 477, 1982.
11. Committee of the American Diabetes Association on Food and Nutrition Special Report, Principles
of nutrition and dietary recommendations for individuals with diabetes mellitus, Diabetes Care, 2,
520, 1979.
12. British Diabetic Association Medical Advisory Committee, Dietary recommendations for diabetes for
the 1980s, Hum. Nutr. Appl. Nutr., 36A, 378, 1982.
13. National Advisory Committee on Nutrition Education, Proposals for nutritional guidelines for health
education in Britain, Lancet, ii, 719, 782, 835, 902, 1983.
14. Do, R., Prospects for prevention, Lancet, i, 445, 1983.
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Treatment of Diabetes with High-Fiber Diets

James W. Anderson, Abayomi O. Akanji, and Kim M. Randles


Diabetes mellitus is emerging as a major health problem throughout the world, and current
evidence suggests that increased fat intake and decreased fiber intake may contribute.1,226 These
and other observations led Trowell1 to postulate that diabetes was a fiber deficiency disorder. Since
1976,3,4 many basic and clinical investigators have documented the therapeutic benefits of fiber in
diabetes and its complications.
While the clinical utility of dietary fiber in the treatment of diabetes is well established,2 the
role of fiber in the prevention of diabetes and reduction of risk for atherosclerotic complications
is not established and data are still emerging. Some studies, however, report that

1. The frequency of post-meal hypoglycemica is reduced in chemical diabetes on a high-fiber

2. High-fiber diets have favorable effects on blood rheology and hemostatic variables in diabetic
3. High-fiber diets may reduce risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease serum lipids
(see tables), blood pressure,125,134,143,219 and obesity.229
4. High-fiber diets may ameliorate the frequency of discomfort associated with intermittent claudica-
tion in diabetic subjects.144
5. High-fiber diets may specifically prevent the carbohydrate-induced hypertriglyceridemia associ-
ated with low-fiber, high-carbohydrate intakes for diabetic subjects.215,226
6. High-fiber diets may decrease the emergence of obesity and resultant diabetes.115,134,143,144,156,159,229

The tables summarize the clinical studies of diabetic subjects using either fiber supplements
or diets generous in high-fiber foods (herein termed high-fiber diets). The tables are an extension
of our earlier report225 and include material in the medical literature between 1976 and 2000,
drawn from the following sources: (1) computer (Medline) search on diabetes and fiber, including
Scientific Citation Indexes, Nutritional Abstracts, and Index Medicus; (2) an excellent biblio-
graphic survey of dietary fiber, up to and including the year 1986;10 and (3) review of references
in cited articles and reviews.

2001 by CRC Press LLC 373
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Fiber-Supplemented Meals

Table 5.3.1 summarizes the reported responses of diabetic subjects to glucose loads or meals
with or without fiber supplements of high-fiber foods. The responses of normal subjects to similar
test meals are described in a separate chapter. Water-soluble fibers such as guar, pectin, and psyllium
extract clearly have greater effects on the glycemic response than do water-insoluble fibers such
as cellulose and wheat bran. Other fiber supplements investigated in this context include cottonseed
fiber,99 soy fiber,40,76,190 apple powder,68,76 Mexican nopal leaves,70 Indian fenugreek seeds,88 Japanese
glucomannan,48,206 and xanthan gum.83 High-fiber foods with a low glycemic index oat bran,
legumes, or barley had greater effects than high-glycemic foods such as white bread or pota-
toes.19,39 The glucose loads or meals supplemented with these soluble fibers are followed by lower
glycemic responses than are control loads without fiber. These findings could be interpreted to
suggest that fiber supplements may improve long-term glycemic control.

Fiber-Supplemented Diets

To extend the meal studies, many investigators examined the response of diabetic subjects to
fiber-supplemented diets (Table 5.3.2). Most investigators used guar or another fiber source rich in
soluble fiber such as glucomannan, psyllium, or apple fiber. To improve palatability, and hence
acceptability, these fiber supplements, especially guar, were incorporated into everyday foods such
as bread,15,46,95,199 biscuits,27 and chocolate bars.90 Most studies suggest that fiber supplements lower
average blood glucose and cholesterol (especially LDL) levels and reduce requirements for insulin
or oral hypoglycemic agents. Many of the studies78,79,89,92,100 were adequately controlled and used
random allocation, random order, or crossover techniques. The controlled studies of Uusitupa
et al.102 in NIDDM and Vaaler et al.89 in IDDM demonstrate the effects of guar supplementation
on long-term (3-month) glycemic control and blood cholesterol levels. Several studies suggest that
wheat bran supplements11,57,89 also improve glycemic control and reduce the requirements for insulin
and/or oral hypoglycemic agents. Corn bran hemicellulose198 and oat bran199 were also shown to
lower the serum insulin response.

High-Fiber Diets

Table 5.3.3 summarizes the responses of diabetic subjects to high-fiber diets developed from
high-fiber foods rather than fiber supplements. Most investigators used high-carbohydrate, high-
fiber (HCHF) diets, although some tested high-fiber (HF) diets that were similar in carbohydrate
content to the control diets. Our initial studies3,105 with HCHF diets documented that these diets
improved glycemic control, lowered insulin requirements, and reduced blood lipid levels. We have
extended these studies106,109,110,212 and they have been confirmed by many other groups (Table 5.3.3).
Many of the more recent studies were well controlled using random allocation and crossover
techniques, and it is now generally accepted that diabetic subjects derive distinct advantages from
both HCHF and HF diets, the former probably being more beneficial. A particularly useful study
is that reported by ODea et al.,156 which investigated the effects of varying proportion of carbo-
hydrate, fiber, and fat on metabolic control in NIDDM and concluded that high-carbohydrate diets
for diabetic patients should select carbohydrates that are unrefined and high in fiber. It should be
noted that one study217 found that a high-carbohydrate, moderately high-fiber diet does not improve
glycemic control in patients with mild NIDDM as compared to a low-carbohydrate, moderately
high-fiber diet. In fact, the high-carbohydrate, moderately high-fiber diet actually increased plasma
triglyceride and VLDL cholesterol concentrations. Another study216 indicated that a high-carbo-
hydrate diet without a concomitant increase in fiber intake results in deterioration of glycemic
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control and increased plasma triglyceride and VLDL levels. High-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets
have also been shown to improve peripheral insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals.218

Use of Dietary Fiber in Distinct Diabetic Groups

The various investigators (Tables 5.3.1, 5.3.2, and 5.3.3) confirm that fiber confers distinct
advantages to both IDDM and NIDDM subjects, including patients on the insulin pump and artificial
pancreas treatment,26,28,52 improving glycemic and lipidemic control, irrespective of body weight
(lean or obese), state of diabetic control, or degree of compliance to treatment. Special groups such
as children,22,63,94,118,132 pregnant women,23,71,75,119 and geriatric subjects61,95 also benefit from fiber
supplementation. Dietary fiber confers additional benefits in the management of diabetic patients
who are hypertensive,101,130,134,143,196 have chronic renal failure,139,150 or have hepatic encephalopathy
from liver cirrhosis.85

Mechanism of Effect of Dietary Fiber

High-fiber diets, especially those with a high carbohydrate content, probably exert their effect
on glycemic control by improving insulin sensitivity. This is obvious from the reduced need for
antidiabetic medication or insulin in subjects on these diets. However, reports on insulin clamp
studies to assess insulin sensitivity in these subjects are not consistent, being variously reported as
unchanged98,117,162 or improved.164,212 However, various studies120,123,126 report increased insulin bind-
ing to monocytes and adipocytes in subjects on HF diets. It has also been reported in both normal
subjects and diabetics165167,193 that fiber taken at a meal could improve glycemic response to
subsequent meals. Other possible mechanisms of action of fiber may be via modulation of the
secretion of gut hormones13,25,30,40,86,101,140,194 or the intermediary metabolic effects of short-chain
fatty acids acetate, propionate, and butyrate derived from the colonic fermentation of fiber
in the diet.174,175 High-fiber foods also are rich in phytochemicals and phytoestrogens that may
favorably affect glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.222

Long-Term Safety of Fiber Preparations

Many investigators have reported on the long-term efficacy and safety of high-fiber
diets.90,100,102,157 The consensus is that there are no significant long-term nutritional risks for patients
on these diets. Vitamin, mineral, and trace element levels were generally unaffected, as was
absorption of simultaneously administered drugs.168,169 A potential problem is with acceptability
and palatability of the diets, especially in light of abdominal discomfort routinely experienced by
many patients. This has partially been obviated by the use of low-dose guar preparations,80,93
impregnation of guar with fructose for children,94 and incorporation of natural high-fiber foods
rather than fiber-enriched supplements. The major potential problems with prolonged fiber intake
remain hypertriglyceridemia, especially in high-carbohydrate, low-fiber diets,155 and small bowel
obstruction,170 although the latter appears quite rare.

High-Fiber Diets and Lipid Levels

Many studies have shown a clear correlation between a high-fiber diet and reduced plasma lipid
levels. Plantago psyllium has been shown to reduce both total and LDL cholesterol levels while
raising HDL cholesterol levels.197 Wheat bran,30,89,91 oat bran,199 apple fiber,68 xantham gum,83 beet
fiber,101 fenugreek seeds,88 guar and glucomannan48,196,206 also demonstrate cholesterol- and triglyc-
eride-reducing properties. In the long term, both high-fiber and high-fiber, high-carbohydrate diets
reduce plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels.96,152,213
Table 5.3.1 Effects of Dietary Fiber on Glycemic Responses to Single Meals for Diabetic Subjects

No. of
Subjects Special Group Nature of Meal Type of Fiber Glycemic Response Comments Ref.
11 Breakfast Guar and pectin Lower Serum insulin lower after test than after 4
3 IDDM control meal
6 IDDM Breakfast Guar Lower Serum alanine, lactate, and pyruvate 11
similar after control and test meals
6 IGT Chemical diabetes Breakfast Guar and hemicellulose Lower Fiber decreased reactive 12
6 IDDM Mixed Guar Lower Serum GIP lower, glucagon 13
unchanged after test compared to
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control meal
14 NIDDM Glucose solution Wheat bran Lower or unchanged Metabolic clearance of radioactive 14
glucose unaffected by bran
6 Breakfast Guar or lentils or All lower High-fiber foods used 15
1 IDDM soybeans
12 NIDDM Autonomic neuropathy Breakfast Guar and pectin Lower or unchanged Fiber did not affect response of 16
patients with autonomic neuropathy;
serum insulin, glucagon, GIP
13 NIDDM Breakfast Guar or pectin or agar or All unchanged These fiber-supplemented meals were 17
locust bean gum unpalatable
8 NIDDM Breakfast High-fiber foods Lower Whole grain bread and apples 19
compared to white bread and apple
12 NIDDM Mixed meal Psyllium Lower 20
12 NIDDM Mixed High-fiber Unchanged Blood glucose and insulin response 21
similar after control and test meals
21 IDDM Children Mixed High-fiber foods Lower Exercise did not affect blood glucose 22
4 GDM Gestational diabetes Glucose solution Guar Lower Glucose tolerance normalized 23
10 DM Oatmeal Guar Lower Gastric emptying time similar after 24
control and test meals
8 IGT Chemical diabetes Glucose Pectin or cellulose Lower for pectin and Variable changes in serum insulin 25
phosphate or cellulose cellulose phosphate;
unchanged for cellulose
4 IDDM Mixed meal Pectin Insulin needs with artificial pancreas 26
lower after test than control meals
9 Glucose solution Guar Lower Guar biscuit used 27
6 IDDM Breakfast and lunch Guar Lower HF breakfast had no effect on glucose 28
tolerance to lunch (insulin pump
5 Pasta breakfast Guar Lower 29
8 NIDDM Breakfast Mixed and rye Lower Postprandial C-peptide, GIP response 30
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14 NIDDM OGTT Psyllium Unchanged Insulin response unchanged 31
7 IDDM Lunch or supper Wheat bran Unchanged Insulin requirement unchanged with 32
artificial pancreas
5 NIDDM Lean Breakfast Wheat bran Lower Xylose absorption reduced; insulin 33
levels unchanged
10 NIDDM Breakfast Guar Lower Absorption of lactose from milk- 34

containing foods reduced

9 NIDDM Breakfast Wheat flour: extrusion Lowest with whole grain Insulin response lowest with 35
vs. baking bread conventional whole grain bread
37 Breakfast Rye bread Lower 36
22 Breakfast or lunch Guar Lower Glycemic effect persisted through late 37
20 NIDDM postprandial period
19 Breakfast Mixed (and beans) Lower with beans Postprandial insulin reponse lowest 38
8 IDDM with beans; effect of processed food
11 NIDDM may be different in diabetic vs. non-
diabetic subjects
4 NIDDM Obese subjects Breakfast Beans vs. potato Lower with beans Glucose oxidation rates, insulin, and 39
GIP reponses reduced after beans
despite similar fiber content to potato
7 NIDDM Obese subjects Mixed breakfast Soy polysaccharide Lower Insulin unchanged, serum 40
triglycerides, glucagon, pancreatic
polypeptide, somatostatin reduced

Table 5.3.1 (Continued) Effects of Dietary Fiber on Glycemic Responses to Single Meals for Diabetic Subjects
No. of
Subjects Special Group Nature of Meal Type of Fiber Glycemic Response Comments Ref.
5 IGT North Indians OGTT Mixed high-fiber Lower Typical North Indian diet improves 41
glucose tolerance
13 NIDDM Breakfast Mixed high-fiber Lower Postprandial insulin responses lower 42
22 Breakfast Mixed high-fiber Unchanged Insulin requirement with artificial 43
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10 IDDM pancreas reduced in IDDM but not in

55 DM Indian population OGTT Bran Lower Platelet adhesiveness reduced when 44
fiber was given with glucose
12 NIDDM Breakfast Plantago psyllium Lower Lower AUC-glucose, AUC-insulin, and 180
insulinic index
4 NIDDM Obese Breakfast and lunch Fiber + lactulose Lower Lower glucose and insulin responses 181
to meals
14 NIDDM Breakfast Guar Lower Lower postprandial rise in blood 182
glucose, lower plasma insulin and
plasma GIP; no reduction in
postprandial plasma C-peptide levels
8 NIDDM Mildly hypertriglyceridemic Breakfast Oat bran, wheat bran, Lower Lower area under curve for glucose 183
fruit and insulin; soluble:insoluble ratio did
not affect glycemic response
8 NIDDM Breakfast Oat bran enriched with Lower Lower AUC-glucose and postprandial 184
-glucans insulin level
14 NIDDM Breakfast Locust bean Lower Decreased glucose response; lower 185
insulin response in patients with
BMI > 30
14 NIDDM Breakfast Lupin No change Glucose and insulin levels unchanged 185
14 NIDDM Breakfast Insoluble maize-cob No change Glucose and insulin levels unchanged 185
10 NIDDM Breakfast Oat bran Lower Reduced postprandial plasma glucose 186
and insulin
10 NIDDM Breakfast Wheat farina + oat gum Lower Reduced postprandial plasma glucose 186
and insulin
8 NIDDM Dinner Food fiber Higher Greater postprandial glycemic 187
response compared to equicaloric
higher-fat and lower-fiber meal
6 NIDDM Breakfast Vegetable Lower Blood glucose levels inversely related 188
to quantity of vegetable fiber in test
6 NIDDM Spaghetti Guar No change No change in integrated postprandial 189
glucose or C-peptide response
8 NIDDM Breakfast Soya Lower Lower glycemic profile as compared to 190
that produced by equivalent weight of
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6 NIDDM Breakfast Psyllium flake cereal Lower Lower blood glucose; no effect on 192
blood glucose when psyllium taken in
water before the cereal
18 NIDDM Breakfast and dinner Psyllium Lower Reduced postprandial glucose 193
elevation and serum insulin
concentration; reduced postprandial
glucose elevation after lunch,

categorized as second-meal effect

7 NIDDM Well-controlled Breakfast Algae-isolate Lower Lower postprandial rises in blood 194
glucose, serum insulin, and plasma
C-peptide; slower gastric emptying
30 IDDM Youths Pasta Guar No change No change in blood sugar levels 195
10 NIDDM Excellent metabolic Pasta Beet fiber Lower Lower AUC-glucose vs. pasta, rice, 214
control and barley
10 NIDDM Excellent metabolic Pasta Barley Lower Lower AUC-glucose vs. pasta or rice 214
Note: DM, diabetes mellitus (type not indicated); IDDM, insulin-dependent (type I) diabetes mellitus; NIDDM, noninsulin-dependent (type II) diabetes mellitus; GDM, gestational
diabetes mellitus; IGT, impaired glucose tolerance (formerly called chemical or latent diabetes); OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; HF, high-fiber; MFLC, moderate-
fiber, low-carbohydrate; HCHF, high-fiber, high-carbohydrate; LFHC, low-fiber, high-carbohydrate.
Table 5.3.2 Response of Diabetic Subjects to Fiber-Supplemented Diets

No. of
Subjects Special Group Type of Fiber Duration (days) Glycemic Response Comments Ref.
9 DM Guar 7 Glycosuria with guar supplements 45
less than half of control values
9 Guar 5 Glycosuria 38% lower with guar 46, 49
7 IDDM crispbread than with control diet

8 IDDM Cellulose in bread 10 Lower 47

13 NIDDM Glucomannan 90 Lower Insulin requirements, cholesterol 48
6 DM Guar 56 Insulin requirements lower 50
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38 IGT Wheat bran 30 Lower Serum cholesterol, triglycerides 51

7 IDDM Guar 1 Unchanged Insulin needs with artificial 52
pancreas lower in 5 out of 7
22 NIDDM Poorly controlled, poorly Guar or wheat bran 91 Unchanged No beneficial effects 53

19 IDDM Guar 5 Glycosuria reduced more with 54

higher than lower carbohydrate
11 Guar + pectin 3 Lower Glucose and insulin responses 55
5 IGT lower

11 Guar 183365 Unchanged Insulin requirements, serum 56

8 IDDM cholesterol lower

14 IDDM Wheat bran 1428 Lower Insulin requirements lower 57

10 IDDM Guar 91 Unchanged Serum cholesterol lower 59
6 IDDM Guar 28 Lower Serum cholesterol 9% lower 60
8 IDDM Guar 91 Unchanged Body weight, insulin requirements, 61
cholesterol lower
8 NIDDM Wheat bran 91 Unchanged Oral hypoglycemic agent doses 61
and cholesterol decreased
10 NIDDM Guar 28 Glycosuria and cholesterol 62
10 NIDDM Children Guar 28 Insulin requirements decreased 63
14 NIDDM Geriatric subjects Guar 61 Lower Serum cholesterol lower 64
17 IDDM Stable and labile diabetic Wheat bran 1015 Lower Improved glycemic control 65

10 NIDDM Subjects taken off all drugs Guar Urine glucose excretion 31% lower 66
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40 NIDDM Constipated patients Psyllium 122 Lower Glycohemoglobin and serum 67

cholesterol lower
12 NIDDM Apple fiber 49 Lower Serum cholesterol lower 68
17 Guar 721 Lower Serum cholesterol lower 69

7 DM Boiled nopal leaves 10 Lower Body weight, total, LDL cholesterol, 70

(Mex.) triglycerides reduced

12 IDDM Pregnant Guar 7 Unchanged Improvements with guar persisted 71

after guar was stopped
12 NIDDM Obese, poorly controlled Guar + wheat bran 61 Lower Plasma cholesterol lower on guar 72

28 IDDM Guar or wheat bran 91 Lower Guar lowered glycohemoglobin, 73

cholesterol; bran increased
17 IDDM Pectin 91 Unchanged Glycohemoglobin, glycated 74
albumin unchanged
5 Guar 14 Lower Total cholesterol, triglyceride, drug 29
2 IDDM requirements reduced
Table 5.3.2 (Continued) Response of Diabetic Subjects to Fiber-Supplemented Diets

No. of
Subjects Special Group Type of Fiber Duration (days) Glycemic Response Comments Ref.
8 NIDDM Soy hull 28 Lower Glycosuria, glycohemoglobin 76
unchanged, HDL cholesterol
Corn bran 28 Unchanged VLDL cholesterol, triglyceride,
glycohemoglobin lower
Apple powder 28 Unchanged Total, LDL cholesterol higher
79 Guar 14 Lower Serum cholesterol, glycosuria 77
38 IDDM reduced, blood/urine chemistry
41 NIDDM unchanged
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12 IDDM Rye bran 28 Lower Insulin requirements lower 78

4 IDDM Cellulose 42 Lower Total, HDL cholesterol lower, insulin 79
need greater with cellulose
Wheat bran 42 Lower Glycohemoglobin, insulin need
lower with wheat bran
20 Guar (low dose) 61 Unchanged Glycohemoglobin, antidiabetic 80
8 IDDM medication reduced

8 NIDDM Guar 112 Unchanged Hematologic parameters, blood 81

chemistry, trace elements
13 Guar 98 Serum cholesterol lower, 82
8 IDDM triglyceride unchanged

9 NIDDM Xanthan gum 42 Lower Total, VLDL, LDL cholesterol, total, 83

VLDL triglyceride, gastrin, and
GIP responses lower
10 NIDDM Guar 42 Lower Insulin response, glycohemoglobin, 84
total, HDL cholesterol lower,
insulin sensitivity and receptor
binding greater, HDL, phospho-
lipids, triglycerides, hepatic
glucose production unchanged
8 NIDDM Subjects with portal Vegetable protein and 15 Lower Tolbutamide dose reduced, bowel 85
systemic encephalopathy psyllium movements greater, PSE
(PSE) from liver cirrhosis parameters unchanged

11 NIDDM Guar 14 Unchanged Serum cholesterol, GIP response 86

lower, insulin, C-peptide
responses unchanged
8 NIDDM Obese Guar 183 Serum triglyceride higher, LDL 87
lower in men, effect not
maintained over 6 months
5 NIDDM Asian Indians Fenugreek seeds 21 Lower Glycosuria, serum cholesterol, 88
insulin response lower
28 IDDM Guar 91 Lower Glycohemoglobin, total, LDL 89
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cholesterol lower
Wheat bran 91 Lower HDL cholesterol total cholesterol
ratio higher
16 NIDDM Guar 183 Nutritional parameters unchanged 90
7 NIDDM Poorly controlled, non- Guar 30 Lower Glycosuria, fasting insulin lower, 91
compliant subjects erythrocyte insulin binding, serum
calcium, cholesterol triglyceride,

OGTT and glycohemoglobin

29 NIDDM Subjects with near normal Guar 56 Unchanged Glycohemoglobin, C-peptide, HDL 92
fasting plasma glucose cholesterol, triglyceride
levels unchanged, LDL cholesterol lower

16 NIDDM Guar 42 Unchanged Glycohemoglobin, LDL, total 93

cholesterol, triglyceride reduced
22 IDDM Children Guar 42 Glycosuria, glycohemoglobin, total 94
cholesterol reduced
14 NIDDM Geriatric Guar 183 Lower C-peptide lower, glycohemoglobin 95
increased, HDL cholesterol,
triglycerides unchanged
17 NIDDM Obese Guar gum 112 Unchanged No additional benefit 97
9 IDDM Lean patients on insulin Guar 28 Lower Glycohemoglobin, insulin 98
pump treatment sensitivity unchanged, insulin
needs, LDL cholesterol lower
Table 5.3.2 (Continued) Response of Diabetic Subjects to Fiber-Supplemented Diets

No. of
Subjects Special Group Type of Fiber Duration (days) Glycemic Response Comments Ref.
12 NIDDM Cotton seed fiber 30 Lower Insulin response to test meal, 99
serum lipids unchanged
8 NIDDM Guar 183 Mineral (Fe, Cu, Zn, Ca, Mn, Mg) 100
balance unchanged
12 NIDDM Beet fiber 56 Unchanged Systolic BP, cholesterol, 101
triglycerides lower, HDL
increased, postprandial insulin,
pancreatic polypeptide and motilin
lower in obese, glycohemoglobin
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33 NIDDM Poorly controlled obese Guar 396 Unchanged Serum total cholesterol, vitamins A 102
and E lower, plasma Zn higher
19 NIDDM Obese Guar 91 Lower Total, LDL cholesterol lower (if 103
serum cholesterol > 6.5 mmol/l)
12 NIDDM Guar 14 Lower Serum cholesterol, triglyceride 104
lower, insulin enteroglucagon,
glucagon, GIP, PYY unchanged,
neurotensin higher
11 NIDDM Hyperlipidemic, Glucomannan 21 Lower Lower fructosamine, cholesterol, 196
hypertensive and blood pressure; glucose and
insulin unchanged
125 IDDM Plantago psyllium 42 Lower Lower fasting plasma glucose, total 197
cholesterol, LDL, and
triglycerides; higher HDL
28 NIDDM Mild IGT, 20 obese, Soluble corn bran 180 Lower Lower serum insulin response, 198
8 non-obese hemicellulose decreased HbA1c , and fasting
8 NIDDM Free-living men Oat bran 84 Lower Lower mean glycemic and insulin 199
responses, lower total cholesterol,
100 NIDDM Hyperlipidemic Wheat bran 28 Lower Hypoglycemic effect 200
100 NIDDM Hyperlipidemic Lignin-enriched bran 28 No change No change in basal or aftermeal 200
100 NIDDM Hyperlipidemic Cellulose pulp 28 No change No change in basal or aftermeal 200
100 NIDDM Hyperlipidemic Citrus pectin 28 No change No change in basal or aftermeal 200
15 NIDDM Guar 336 Lower Improved long-term glycemic 201
control, postprandial glucose
tolerance, and lipid
concentrations; C-peptide
response increased; insulin
response unchanged
16 NIDDM Guar 56 Lower Lower fasting insulin and HbA1c 202
7 IDDM Moderately poor metabolic Guar 90 No change Lower cholesterol; concentrations 203
control of all other substrates unchanged
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13 NIDDM Beet fiber 42 No change No change in fasting blood glucose, 204

HbA1c , serum triglycerides, or
body weight
16 NIDDM Sweet lupine hull 60 No change Blood glucose increased and 205
cholesterol decreased during first
month of supplementation; blood
glucose decreased to control

levels during second month

72 NIDDM Konjac food 65 Lower Reduced fasting blood glucose, 206
postprandial blood glucose, and
HbA1c ; decreased triglyceride
levels in hypertriglyceridemic
10 NIDDM Wheat bran 90 Lower Lower postprandial plasma insulin; 207
no change in blood glucose or
HbA1c .
10 NIDDM Guar 90 Lower Lower postprandial plasma insulin; 207
no change in blood glucose or
HbA1c .
17 IDDM Mildly hypercholesterolemic Guar 42 Lower Decreased fasting blood glucose 208
and HbA1c
40 Guar 90 Lower Lower HbA1c and cholesterol 191
Note: See Table 5.3.1 for definition of abbreviations.
Table 5.3.3 Response of Diabetic Subjects to High-Fiber Diets Developed from High-Fiber Foods

No. of
Subjects Special Group Nature of Diet Duration (Days) Glycemic Response Comments Ref.
13 HCHF 1228 Lower Insulin or oral hypoglycemic agent 3
8 IDDM needs, blood lipids reduced

14 HCHF 1478 Lower Insulin dose, serum cholesterol, 96

3 IDDM triglycerides lower; good long-term
11 NIDDM outpatient compliance

10 HCHF 1821095 Lower Insulin requirements, serum lipids lower 105

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20 IDDM Lean HCHF 16 Lower Insulin requirements, blood lipids 106

14 NIDDM HCHF 42 Lower Glycohemoglobin, cholesterol lower 107
11 IDDM HCHF 42 Unchanged Insulin requirements, serum cholesterol 108
21 Obese HCHF 1242 Lower Insulin requirements, blood lipids lower 109

11 HCHF 1826 Lower HCHF and LFHC diets had equivalent 110
4 IDDM insulin dose-reducing effects

8 HCHF 10 Lower Serum cholesterol lower 111


5 NIDDM Geriatric nursing home HF 14 Lower Diabetic control improved 112

16 MFLC 42 Slightly lower With low carbohydrate, increasing fiber 113
10 IDDM from 18 to 33 g/day did not change
6 NIDDM glycemic control

27 HCHF 42 Lower Serum cholesterol lower, HDL:LDL ratio 114

9 IDDM higher
60 NIDDM Pritikin program with exercise HCHF 26 Lower Insulin or oral hypoglycemic agent 115
needs, blood lipids, body weight lower
8 NIDDM Obese HF 2 Lower Urinary C-peptide excretion lower on 116
high-bean diet than on high-bran diet
7 NIDDM Very obese HCHF 7 Unchanged Insulin sensitivity unchanged 117
10 IDDM Children HF 42 Lower Glycosuria decreased 118
20 Pregnant HCHF 28210 Lower Insulin requirements decreased 119
20 IDDM HCHF 28 Unchanged Insulin requirements lower, insulin 120
binding to circulating monocytes
21 HCHF 42 Slightly lower Plasma-clotting factors reduced 121
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7 NIDDM HCHF 42 Insulin binding to circulating monocytes 123
69 NIDDM Pritikin program and exercise HCHF 7301095 Lower Diet and exercise sustained lower serum 124

35 16 white, 10 black, 9 Asian, HCHF (low sodium) 30 Blood pressure lower in whites and 125
hypertensives blacks, but not in Asians
9 NIDDM HCHF 21 Lower Glycosuria reduced; fasting insulin 126
unchanged; improved insulin receptor
binding and sensitivity
10 Long-term outpatient study HF 91 Lower Serum triglycerides lower 127
10 IDDM HCHF 42 Serum cholesterol lower by 15%; 128
postheparin plasma lipoprotein lipase
activity unchanged
14 HCHF 10 Lower Total, LDL, VLDL cholesterol lower 129
25 NIDDM Mild hypertension HF 91 Glycohemoglobin, triglyceride, mean 130
blood pressure lower
Table 5.3.3 (Continued) Response of Diabetic Subjects to High-Fiber Diets Developed from High-Fiber Foods

No. of
Subjects Special Group Nature of Diet Duration (Days) Glycemic Response Comments Ref.
14 NIDDM HF 21 Lower Insulin sensitivity improved; glycosuria, 131
HDL, total cholesterol reduced; lipase
activity in muscle or adipose tissue, i.v.
fat tolerance, fecal fat, trace elements
(K, Zn), hematologic variables
12 IDDM Children HCHF 14 Unchanged Frequency of hypoglycemic reactions 132
and insulin dose unchanged
25 Mild hypertension HCHF (low-fat, low- 91 Triglyceride, glycohemoglobin, body 134
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5 IDDM sodium) weight lower; same blood pressure

20 NIDDM reduction as bendrofluazide; HDL higher

14 HCHF 10 Lower LDL, HDL, total cholesterol lower, body 135

6 IDDM weight higher

4 IDDM HF 42 Lower Glycohemoglobin, insulin requirement, 136

total, HDL cholesterol lower
6 IDDM Self-selected foods used HCHF 42 Unchanged Glycosuria, insulin need, 137
glycohemoglobin unchanged
compared to MCLF (high-fat) diet
13 IDDM Poorly controlled HCHF 580 Worsened Health education is probably the best 138
method for achieving optimal control in
IDDM subjects
5 IDDM Chronic renal failure HF 10 Lower No deleterious effect on blood urea and 139
(hospitalized) nutritional status; plasma creatinine
22 NIDDM HCHF 42 Lower Total, HDL cholesterol lower when diet 141
complements intensive patient
6 NIDDM Lean HCHF 28 Unchanged Insulin, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, total 142
cholesterol unchanged
7 NIDDM Moderate hypertension; no HCHF 91 Glycohemoglobin, LDL cholesterol, 143
drug treatment blood pressure, body weight lower
17 Intermittent claudication HF (low-fat, low-sodium) 91 Blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, 144
6 IDDM triglyceride, glycohemoglobin, body
11 NIDDM weight lower; symptom frequency
reduced; Doppler ankle/arm ratios
35 HCHF 365 Unchanged Glycohemoglobin, cholesterol, body 145
15 IDDM weight unchanged

15 NIDDM Poorly controlled in metabolic HF (legumes) 21 Lower Glycosuria lower, insulin, insulin 146
ward study sensitivity unchanged
1 GDM Mixed HF 30 Lower Control throughout pregnancy with high- 147
cereal, -legumes, and -fiber diet without
2387_ch5.3_fm Page 389 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:34 PM

need for insulin

14 NIDDM Obese, geriatric HF 56 Lower Total, LDL cholesterol, LDL:HDL ratio 149
lower; glycohemoglobin, insulin,
C-peptide, glucagon, somatostatin
6 IDDM Chronic renal failure, moderate HCHF 10 Lower Total cholesterol lower, triglycerides, 150
protein restriction renal function, nitrogen balance,

nutritional status unchanged; serum

phosphate increased
28 NIDDM Poorly controlled HF 183 Elevated Glycohemoglobin, total, and HDL 151
13 NIDDM Poorly controlled HCHF 21 Lower Glycosuria, total, HDL cholesterol, tri- 152
glyceride, glucagon reduced; insulin,
fatty acids, insulin receptor binding
10 IDDM Patients on insulin pump HF 42 Unchanged Body weight, insulin needs, blood lipids 153
treatment unchanged
40 Retrospective evaluation of HCHF 700 Subjects complied best to fiber 154
19 IDDM three studies recommendation; least compliance was
21 NIDDM to carbohydrate recommendation

10 NIDDM Outpatient study HCHF 14 Lower Body weight, body mass index, total, 156
LDL cholesterol, insulin responses
reduced, OGTT improved
16 NIDDM To compare low glycemic index About 45% carbohydrate 84 Lower on low-GI diet Glycohemoglobin, glycosuria reduced 158
(GI) with high-GI foods on low-GI diet; lipoproteins unchanged

Table 5.3.3 (Continued) Response of Diabetic Subjects to High-Fiber Diets Developed from High-Fiber Foods
No. of
Subjects Special Group Nature of Diet Duration (Days) Glycemic Response Comments Ref.
9 IDDM Well controlled, highly HF 12 Lower Lower postprandial capillary blood 209
motivated glucose
NIDDM Early NIDDM HF Lower Lower basal insulin and body weight; 210
amelioration of clinical symptoms;
2387_ch5.3_fm Page 390 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:34 PM

increase in insulin immediate pool;

reduction of insulinemia and
hyperglycemia in glucose tolerance test
70 NIDDM HCHF 540 No change Improvement in glycemic control during 211
recruitment phase
10 IDDM HCHF 28 Lower Reduced basal insulin requirements; 212
lower total cholesterol and HDL;
glycemic control and other lipid
fractions unchanged
84 NIDDM Obese HCHF 30 Lower Better glycemic control, lower blood 213
glucose, HbA1c , and fructosamine;
decreased total cholesterol and
triglycerides with no effect on HDL
13 NIDDM HF 42 Lower Lower preprandial plasma glucose, 215
glucose excretion, AUC-glucose, and
AUC-insulin; lower total cholesterol,
triglyceride, and VLDL
Note: See Table 5.3.1 for definition of abbreviations.
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High-Fiber Diets and Epidemiological Studies

High fiber intakes appear to reduce risk for developing diabetes. Two independent studies have
confirmed an inverse correlation between a high-fiber diet and the risk for NIDDM in both men
and women.223,224 Insulin resistance appears to be a forerunner or risk factor for development of
diabetes.222 In non-diabetic subjects, a high-fiber diet is associated with a lower fasting insulin
concentration.220 A high fasting insulin concentration has been linked to an increased incidence of
heart disease.221 Several epidemiological studies have indicated a strong link between a high-fiber
diet, especially a generous intake of whole grains, and the prevention of coronary heart dis-
ease.222,227,228 High fiber intakes also appear to protect from development of hypertension.219 Further
observational studies suggest that high fiber intakes may protect from development of obesity.229


High-fiber diets provide many benefits for diabetic patients, by lowering blood glucose con-
centration, reducing postprandial insulin levels and antidiabetic drug requirements, and decreasing
blood lipid concentrations. For lean individuals with type 1 diabetes, these diets can reduce insulin
requirements by 25 to 50% and improve glycemic control.171 For lean individuals with type 2
diabetes, these diets can lower antidiabetic drug needs by 50 to 100% and often eliminate the need
for insulin.171 For obese persons with diabetes, these diets associated with high satiety promote
weight loss and usually provide reasonable glycemic control without specific antidiabetic medica-
tion. These diets also lower blood glycohemoglobin levels, plasma cholesterol levels (20 to 30%),
triglycerides (slightly to moderately), and blood pressure (average of 10%).
We routinely recommend a prudent diabetic diet containing the following:7,161,226

1. 55 to 60% of energy from carbohydrate (two-thirds derived from polysaccharides).

2. 12 to 16% of total calories from protein (or daily intake of 0.81.2 g/kg desirable body weight to
a maximum of 90 g/day). This amount should be reduced in individuals with nephropathy.176,226
3. Less than 30% of total calories from fat, consistent with the American Heart Association recom-
mendations,177 with less than 10% saturated fat and daily cholesterol intake of less than 200 mg.
When increased carbohydrate intake cannot be tolerated or is impractical, total fat intake could be
increased to 30 to 40% energy, with the increase mainly from monounsaturated fats. While still
controversial with yet unclear long-term effects,179 a highmonounsaturated fat diet has been shown
to increase HDL cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of hypertriglyceridemia associated with
high-carbohydrate, fiber-deficient diets.135,148,155,178
4. Dietary fiber of about 35 g/d (or 15 to 25 g/1000 kcal), to include soluble and insoluble fibers from
commonly available foods. Diets high in carbohydrate but not fiber content, as indicated above,
may adversely affect blood lipid levels.
5. The specific benefits of whole grain intake deserve special mention. Whole grains appear to increase
insulin sensitivity and reduce risk for developing diabetes and coronary heart disease. The bran
layer of cereal fibers is rich in fiber and phytochemicals that may have specific antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, phytoestrogen, and other effects that provide these benefits.222,227 We recommend
three servings daily.

Other features of the diabetes diet, especially in relation to total caloric intake, use of alternative
sweeteners, intake of salt and vitamin and mineral supplements, as well as alcohol ingestion, have
been reviewed elsewhere.7,226 Because of the cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of
vitamin E, we recommend an intake of 800 IU daily for adults with diabetes.230
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Fiber in the Treatment of Hyperlipidemia

Alexandra L. Jenkins, Vladimir Vuksan, and David J. A. Jenkins


It is now well accepted that viscous types of fiber may lower serum cholesterol levels, and
national agencies concerned with cardiovascular health also endorse the use of soluble fiber foods
(oats, barley, and legumes) as part of the strategies to reduce the risk of CHD.1 Indeed, the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed two viscous fiber health claims, one for oats
and the other for psyllium, for cholesterol lowering and cardiovascular risk reduction. These two
fiber sources were the first of the four food components to be permitted by FDA to make health
claims. The others include soy proteins and most recently plant sterols.2,3 One is tempted to speculate
that studies of viscous fibers opened the way for the systematic assessment of food components
with cholesterol-lowering properties. Furthermore, a combination of these four elements viscous
fibers, vegetable protein, low-glycemic-index foods, and plant sterols into a cholesterol-lowering
diet portfolio may permit a diet to reduce serum lipids to a similar extent to a starting dose of a
statin, the currently preferred treatment for cholesterol reduction (Table 5.4.1).

Table 5.4.1 Dietary Factors Portfolio for Cholesterol Reduction

Reductions in LDL
Dietary Strategy Amount (approx. % reduction)
Viscous fibers: 510 g/day 5
Beta-glucan, etc.
Soy protein 25 g/day 5
Plant sterolsa 13 g/day 5
Dietary cholesterol <200 mg/day 5
Saturated fatb <7% of calories 10
Body weight Lose 10 lb 5
Low-glycemic-index diet Reduce by 10 GI units 5
Total Full portfolioc 40%
a Depending on the sterol and stanol.
b Reduce trans-fatty acids to as close to zero as possible.
c Assuming the effects are additive.
Source: Adapted from Jenkins et al.151

2001 by CRC Press LLC 401
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There are a number of meta-analyses of the effects of viscous fibers in lowering serum choles-
terol.46 The meta-analysis by Brown et al. looked at four viscous fibers: pectin, oat bran, guar, and
psyllium. The authors emphasized the smallness of the reduction of LDL-cholesterol (0.57 mmol/l/g
fiber) with no major differences between the fibers.6 However, this meta-analysis did not include
all the studies which were used by the FDA in determining health claims. Other meta-analyses on
psyllium4,5 alone found reductions in LDL-cholesterol of 0.7 mmol/l/g of psyllium. Although this
reduction is not equivalent to reductions seen with standard drug therapies, it represents a potential
building block for a dietary portfolio (Table 5.4.1). Implementing a range of dietary strategies, such
as incorporating viscous fibers, soy protein, plant sterols, and low-glycemic-index foods together
with a National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) step 2 diet,7 may result in clinically
significant reductions in serum cholesterol (Table 5.4.1).


A number of possible mechanisms are likely to be involved in the hypocholesterolemic effect

of dietary fiber, and different mechanisms are likely to predominate depending on the fiber. The
pioneer studies of Kritchevsky and colleagues demonstrated that a number of fiber sources were
capable of binding bile acids in vitro 810 and provided a rationale for the increased bile acid losses
seen in vivo. Together with this mechanism of action, there are possibly three other broad reasons
why fiber lowers serum cholesterol levels, none of which are mutually exclusive in providing an
explanation of the mechanism for an individual food. Indeed, it is likely that for a given food, more
than one mechanism is operative.

Increased Fecal Sterol Losses

From the beginning, it was recognized that increased fecal sterol losses provided one explanation
for the lipid-lowering effect of fiber.8 There is general agreement that purified viscous fiber11
administration increases bile acid outputs by 20 to 80%,12,13 but the effect of fiber in foods is less
clear.14,15 Studies have been limited in number due to the unsavory nature of this line of work, and
further data are therefore urgently required.

Increased Short-Chain Fatty Acid Generation

Bacterial fermentation of fiber in the colon gives rise to short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), which
are absorbed. One of the SCFAs, propionate, has been shown in pigs16 and rats17 to reduce serum
cholesterol levels and to inhibit cholesterol synthesis in liver in vitro. Propionate has also been
demonstrated in humans to inhibit, acutely, the acetate-induced rise in serum cholesterol after rectal
infusion.19 However, human-feeding studies of propionate20,21 have not demonstrated a clear effect
in reducing LDL-cholesterol levels. On the other hand, when colonic fermentation is increased
using the non-absorbable sugar lactulose, LDL-cholesterol levels appear to rise rather than fall.22
Another mechanism through which SCFAs may reduce cardiovascular risk factors is through their
effects on clotting factors.23 Increasing acetate levels by feeding either pectin or acetate increases
permeability and lysability of fibrin networks while at the same decreasing the tensile strength.23
This effect is seen despite total plasma fibrinogen levels remaining unchanged.23 The nature of the
fermentation and the type of fiber may therefore be important in determining the final outcome.
This area also requires further studies for its definition.
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Reduced Insulin Levels

Increased insulin levels have been linked with CHD.2427 A common effect of the viscous fibers
and high-fiber foods which reduce serum cholesterol levels is that they produce relatively flat
postprandial glucose and insulin responses.28,29 Early studies demonstrated that hepatic cholesterol
synthesis in the rat increased during periods of maximum insulin secretion.30 The explanation was
that insulin induced an increase in activity of hepatic HMG-COA reductase, a rate-limiting step in
cholesterol synthesis.30 The cholesterol-lowering effect associated with reduced insulin levels has
been confirmed using a model of altered food frequency (nibbling)31 to mimic slow absorption.
Finally, fiber consumption predicted insulin levels and other cardiovascular risk factors more
strongly than did total or saturated fat consumption in a 10-year, multicenter population-based
cohort study.32

Altered Lipid Absorption and Genetic Factors

Fiber delays the rate of nutrient absorption29 and, in the longer term, may alter small intestinal
morphology and lipid absorption.33,34 Alteration in the rate and site of lipid absorption may alter
the pattern of lipoprotein secretion35 and catabolism. Vitamin A tolerance tests with added fiber
indicate that some fibers appear to enhance chylomicronemia.36,37 Added to this are the genetic
differences which may make fiber more or less effective. Among genetic variants which influence
serum lipids, differences in the apo E genotype and dietary change, including a prudent diet, dietary
cholesterol, and vegetable protein39,40 have attracted much attention and may influence the response
to drugs such as gemfibrozil.38 In view of the association of E genotype with differences in remnant
particle uptake, cholesterol absorption, and bile acid excretion,4146 this genetic classification may
be particularly useful in predicting responses to altered fat and fiber intakes. Viscous fiber seems
to equally effective in lowering serum cholesterol in both E3 and E4 phenotype; however, only
those with the E3 phenotype have shown an increase in apparent fat absorption, presumably due
to an increase in the bile acid pool and chylomicron formation.37 Insoluble fiber does not seem to
alter fat absorption, irrespective of phenotype.37 Other genetic markers have not, as yet, received
this degree of scrutiny. No detailed studies have been carried out at different levels of dietary fat
to assess the effect on the different possible mechanisms of action of dietary fiber, i.e., whether
some mechanisms are more or less effective at different levels of dietary fat intake. Hypothetically,
fiber foods which induce a bile salt loss might be more effective if the bile salt pool is expanded
through greater intakes of dietary fat. On the other hand, reduction in carbohydrate intake may
minimize differences in glycemic response and, hence, mechanisms which relate to altered insulin
secretion. In the absence of studies, however, these are simply speculations to be explored.


The early studies described the hypolipidemic effects of fibers in healthy volunteers before they
were tested on patient groups. The literature relating to healthy volunteers has already been
reviewed. The present discussion will therefore focus on the therapeutic use of fiber. In general,
viscous fibers have proved useful in lowering serum lipids,4752 while nonviscous fibers have for
the most part been without effect.5357 There are exceptions to this generalization.58

Lignin and Cellulose

Early on, the suggestion that lignin may be hypocholesterolemic by virtue of its bile acidbinding
ability resulted in two conflicting clinical studies.54,59 The dosages were small (Table 5.4.2), and

Table 5.4.2 Effects of Lignin and Cellulose on Serum Lipid Concentrations

Dose Cholesterol (% change) TG

2387_ch5.4_fm Page 404 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:37 PM

Fiber (g/day) Control Duration Subjects Total LDL VLDL HDL (% change) Comments Ref.
Lignin 4 Cholestyramine 25 mo 6 hyperlipidemia 21 Celluline duplicated effect or 59
maintained effect of
2 Normal diet 4 wk 7 hyperlipidemia +8 0 53
12 Normal diet 4 wk 10 healthy NC 6.3 NS 2.6 NS 56
Cellulose 60 60 healthy NC NC 22% change in total-C on 54
test and control
Soyhull 3 mo 14 hyperlipidemia +8 NS +6 NS 55
15 Normal diet 12 wk Type 2 diabetes 1.6 NS NC NC NC in FBG, or HbA1c 55
15 Normal diet 4 wk 10 healthy 5.6 NS 11.8 NS 10.7 NS 56
Note: Abbreviations: TG, triglycerides; HLP, hyperlipoproteinemia; HC, hypercholesterolemia; NC, no change; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; total-C, total
cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
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the work has not been repeated. Similarly, the particulate fiber,54,55 cellulose, was without effect on
serum cholesterol or triglyceride levels (Table 5.4.2).


Psyllium is a concentrated source of soluble fiber derived from the husks of blonde psyllium
seed. Psyllium has long been accepted as a safe and reliable bulk laxative. Many studies have been
conducted to explore the lipid-lowering effects of psyllium,52,6082 including three meta-analyses4,5,6
(Table 5.4.3). Psyllium consumption of 9.110.2 g/day is associated with reductions in LDL-cho-
lesterol of 67.2%, with no change in HDL-cholesterol level.4,5,6 Improvements in the ratio of Apo
B to Apo A-1 are also observed. Consistent with the postulated mechanism of action that fiber
delays the rate of nutrient absorption, and hence needs to be mixed intimately with the food,
psyllium too seems to exerts its greatest effect only when mixed with foods.83

Table 5.4.3 Meta-Analysis on LDL Reduction by Psyllium

Mean LDL LDL Reduction
No. of Subjects Average Dose Starting Value Reduction per Gram
Taking Psyllium (g/day) (mmol/l) (%) Psyllium Ref.
479 9.1 4.37 6.0 0.66 6
209 9.4 4.33 7.4 0.79 4
384 10.2 4.19 7.2 0.70 5
Source: Adapted from Jenkins et al.151


The early studies of Palmer and Dixon84 in normal volunteers were followed by those of
Miettinen and colleagues85 on hyperlipidemic patients who consumed relatively large doses of pectin
(40 to 50 g/d) (Table 5.4.4). The observation that the resulting falls in serum cholesterol levels
were associated with only modest increases in fecal sterol loss suggested that increased sterol
excretion was likely to be only one of a number of mechanisms responsible. No changes were seen
in serum triglycerides. Palmer and Dixon demonstrated that little cholesterol-lowering effect could
be seen in healthy individuals taking 6 g or less of pectin daily.84 Subsequent studies in hyperlip-
idemic patients confirmed this observation.86 However, a substantial lowering of serum total and
LDL-cholesterol levels was observed even when as little as 12 g of pectin daily were taken.48 A
clear doseresponse is not evident from these studies. The interest in pectin has continued, in
general, to support the earlier work87 (Table 5.4.4).


Again following observations in healthy volunteers, studies testing the effects of guar were
undertaken in hyperlipidemic patients.47,49,8893 The cholesterol-lowering results with guar were
materially the same as those observed with pectin. The effect was predominantly reflected in the
LDL-cholesterol fraction, with much less or no change in the HDL-cholesterol fraction. Triglyceride
levels were reduced, but the reduction was significant only when the guar was incorporated into
very low fat, starchy carbohydrate foods, such as crisp bread or spaghetti.47,89
The physicochemical nature of the guar and the formulation in which it is provided may be
very important factors, since greatly differing effects were reported by different investigators
when doses of guar of the order of 15 g/d were given.47,49,8893 Nevertheless, in a study in which
the same guar was added in powder form to fruit juices and soup, baked into conventional breads,
or incorporated into a dry crisp bread or melba toast-type formulation, all were equally effective.89
These findings suggested that prehydration was not a prerequisite for the hypolipidemic action
Table 5.4.4 Effects of Soluble, Purified Fibers on Lipid Concentrations in Normal and Hyperlipidemic Subjects

Dose Cholesterol (% change) TG

Fiber (g/day) Duration Subjects Total LDL VLDL HDL (% change) Comments Ref.
4050 2 wk 7 hyperlipidemia 13 5 NS 85
2 healthy
Lemon 6 6 wk 33 hyperlipidemia +5 +0.7 NS 86
Apple 6 6 wk 33 hyperlipidemia 4 NS +36 NS 86
Citrus 15 3 wk 10 healthy 18 51
Grapefruit 15 4 wk 27 hyperlipidemia 7.6 10.7 2.4 NS 1.2 NS 2.7 NS 9.8% decline in 56
Cereal 57 6 wk 58 hyperlipidemia 2.1 NS 3.8 NS 2.5 NS 3.7 NS 73
2387_ch5.4_fm Page 406 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:37 PM

Citrus 12 4 wk 10 healthy NC NC 4.1 NS 56

K-Pectin + Gum 515 8 wk 110 hyperlipidemic 3.5 28.5 Fiber was 149
Arabic incorporated into
apple juice
Granules 912 5 wk 9 healthy 14.4 NS 26.6 22.1 NS 11.7 NS Weight loss with 60
Metamucil 11 8 wk 14 HC 14.8 20.1 6.5 NS 12.7 NS 63
Ground husk 21 3 wk 7 healthy 16 18 8.2 52
Cereal 57 6 wk 58 HC males 5.9 5.7 1.6 NS 10.9 73
Vi-Siblin 30 11 d 9 HLP 6.0 9.2 20.0 6 NS 64
Metamucil 20.4 13 wk 27 HC 7.1 8.6 6.2 10.9 NS LDL:HDL decreased 74
Metamucil 10.2 8 wk 20 HC 4.2 7.7 1.9 NS 2.6 NS 8.8% fall in Apo B on 62
Plantago 15 6 wk 125 type 2 diabetes 9 15 45 25 75
Seed husk 10.2 24 wk 70 HLP 5.3 NC NC 76
Cereal 1.4 g/MJ 4 wk 32 HLP 12.3 NS 6% MUFA diet 77
1.4 g/MJ 4 wk 27 HLP 15.3 16.6 12% MUFA diet
Husk 7 90 d 24 HC type 2 diabetes 19.7 23.7 23.7 27.2 78
Cereal 6.4 12 wk 50 healthy children 63 79
(611 y)
Cereal 6.7 2 wk 42 HLP 6.4 7.8 3.5 NC LDL:HDL decrease 80
by 4.8%
Metamucil 10.2 26 wk 250 HLP 4.7 6.7 NC NC 50 subjects acted as 81
Metamucil 10.2 8 wk 34 type 2 diabetes, male 8.9 13 NC NC control group 82
15 2 wk 10 type 2 diabetes 11 13 NS 88
Crispbread 13 8 wk 11 HLP 14 16 26 NS 13 NS 89
Granules 15 4 mo 32 HLP, females 3 NS 0 3 NS 90
Granules 16 2 mo 12 HLP 7 14 NC 13 NS 28 NS Apo B decreased by 91
18 312 mo 17 HLP 13 18 17 NS 0.4 NS 8 NS Preparation with gel 49
In pasta 1419 2 wk 8 HLP 32 40 47
8 wk 5 HLP 6 27
Granulate 15 12 wk 14 HC, males 8 NS 14 NS 21 NS 6 NS 4 NS Significant changes 92
seen at 6 weeks,
but not sustained
2387_ch5.4_fm Page 407 Tuesday, May 8, 2001 3:06 PM

Powder 16 60 d 12 HLP 10 10 23 2 22 93
Gel 16 6 wk 10 type 2 diabetes 11 18 17.9 NS 1.8 NS 10.8 NS FBG decreased 94
Guar bars 2640 24 wk 8 type 2 diabetes 3 NS 16 NS 9 NS 9 95
Crispbread 11.4 2 wk 6 healthy, male 16 1.8 NS 106

Pasta 10 4d 10 obese women 11.9 2.2 NS 6 NS Diabetes control 107

Granules 2030 50 wk 23 HC 10 14.9 23.5 NS 17.9 NS 9.9 NS Increase in 96
ApoA1/ApoB by
Cracker 15 8 wk 32 HLP 5.8 9.8 2.2 NS 12 NS 97
15 12 wk 22 type 2 diabetes 10.6 NC NC 57
Gel 40 11 d 8 diverticular disease 9.6 13.2 3.7 NS 1.1 NS 2.1 NS 64
Powder 15 21 d 13 HLP 10 17 3 1.6 1.4 127
Granules 15 24 mo 20 with carotid stenosis 17 NC 26 NC 98
Minolest 16.5 3 mo 83 healthy/HLP 3.2 5.4 NC 99
(guar +
20 14 mo 20 obese, females NC NC NC Weight gain same in 100
control and test
Guarita 8 wk 16 type 2 diabetes NC NC NC NC FBG + HbA1c 102
Guar, pectin, soy, 20 36 wk 58 HLP 8.5 12.1 NC NC 103
pea, corn bran

Table 5.4.4 (Continued) Effects of Soluble, Purified Fibers on Lipid Concentrations in Normal and Hyperlipidemic Subjects

Dose Cholesterol (% change) TG

2387_ch5.4_fm Page 408 Tuesday, May 8, 2001 3:06 PM

Fiber (g/day) Duration Subjects Total LDL VLDL HDL (% change) Comments Ref.
Locust Bean Gum
1830 8 wk 18 HC adults/children, 6 to 19 10 to 19 10 to 19 0 to 17 10 50
10 healthy
Locust, psyllium, 15 412 wk 8.3 12.4 NC NC 58
pectin, guar
Locust, psyllium, 15 6 mo 6.4 10.5 NC NC 99
pectin, guar
Note: Abbreviations: TG, triglycerides; HLP, hyperlipoproteinemia; HC, hypercholesterolemia; NC, no change; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; total-C, total
cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
2387_ch5.4_fm Page 409 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:37 PM


of this viscous fiber. In 2-week studies in which the maximum acceptable dose of guar given in
crisp bread form was compared with the maximum acceptable dose of cholestyramine in the
same patients, the falls in total and LDL-cholesterol were comparable.89 This indicates that, in
pharmacological terms, the effects of viscous fiber on lipid metabolism might have significant
clinical utility.
Results from long-term studies of guar have been conflicting,49,57,89,94103 possibly because of
differences in dietary formulations of the guar supplement, study design, etc. However, of the 13
studies cited, 9 reported a sustained, positive effect of guar.49,89,94,95,98,100103 In the majority of the
guar and pectin studies, fiber was added to the patients preexisting diet and/or drug therapy, which
was then maintained constant. This included low-fat, low-cholesterol diets, with or without
cholestyramine, clofibrate, or their analogs. It is not possible at present to say whether the mech-
anism or action of fiber overlaps with those of the established hypolipidemic drugs and whether
specific combinations might bestow an advantage. In view of the relatively small bile acid losses
seen with pectin85,104,105 and guar104 compared with specific drugs, it is likely that the mechanisms
of fiber will complement those of the bile saltbinding (anion exchange) resins (e.g., cholestyramine).
On the other hand, when the maximum effect has been achieved with clofibrate, it is possible that
any further effect of the fiber may be reduced.91 Further work has contributed support to previous
evidence (Table 5.4.4).57,64, 65,9497,106,107

Locust Bean Gum

This viscous fiber has also been used successfully in a range of hyperlipidemic patients to lower
serum cholesterol50 (Table 5.4.4). Its advantage has been claimed to be its superior taste (or lack
of taste) in comparison with guar. However, the taste of guar depends on its purity and, since both
substances are galactomannans, direct comparative studies must be undertaken before any statement
about their relative efficacy can be made.

Konjac Mannan

Konjac-mannan fiber is obtained from the tuber of the perennial Amorphophallus Konjac k and
has been known in Japan for over 1000 years. Traditionally, Konjac mannan is made into a rubbery
jelly and has been used as a food and a remedy. The purified powder (Konjac mannan) from the
tuber is a viscous, water-soluble fiber which has been shown to lower blood lipids,108111 systolic
blood pressure,112 and glycemia112114 when taken as a supplement. The physiologically active
component is a high-molecular-weight glucomannan polymer. After 3 weeks of Konjac supplemen-
tation, subjects with insulin resistance syndrome showed decreases in total and LDL-cholesterol
by 12 and 22%, respectively.114 Improvements in the ratio of Apo B to Apo A were also observed.
These results were accompanied by a 5% reduction in serum fructosamine levels, a marker of
glycemic control.114 Konjac also reduced serum fructosamine (5.7%), the ratio of total to HDL
cholesterol (10%), and systolic blood pressure (6.9%) in subjects with diabetes, following a 3-week
Konjac-supplemented diet compared to the control.112

Wheat Bran

Wheat fiber appears to protect from cardiovascular disease despite115,116 its lack of consistent
effects on serum lipids.63,117121 Of the different wheat brans, only hard red spring wheat bran has
been convincingly shown to lower serum cholesterol levels in normal humans.117 As with normal
volunteers, almost all studies which have used other wheat bran preparations have failed to show
significant reductions in blood lipid levels of hyperlipidemic individuals118,119,122 (Table 5.4.5),
although there is one report of a significant rise in HDL-cholesterol.120 The lack of consistent effect
of wheat bran on blood lipids is of interest from the standpoint of mechanisms, since the bile acid
2387_ch5.4_fm Page 410 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:37 PM


losses in the stool following bran consumption have been shown to be comparable to those following
pectin,104 which consistently lowers serum cholesterol. It has been suggested that perhaps the
displacement of carbohydrate by wheat gluten on a highwheat bran diet122 may be responsible for
the positive relationship of wheat bran and cardiovascular disease. Further studies are required to
explore this relationship.

Oat Bran

Since the early studies of DeGroot et al.,123 it was realized that oat constituents may have
hypocholesterolemic effects. Unlike wheat bran, oat fiber contains an appreciable proportion of
viscous fiber (beta glucan), and it is likely that this constituent may be one of its active hypolipidemic
ingredients. Studies of Anderson and co-workers have demonstrated the lipid-lowering effect of
oat bran given to hyperlipidemic patients (predominantly Types IIa and IIb) for 10 days to
2 years124126 (Table 5.4.5). Although there were highly significant falls in all cholesterol fractions
together with serum triglyceride during the initial 3 weeks of fiber treatment, the HDL-cholesterol
level increased slowly to almost approximately the starting value by 24 weeks. The other fractions
remained low throughout the maintenance treatment period and for the four patients who were
followed for 2 years.126 Again, the increase in fecal acidic steroids was small, in proportion to the
increase in fecal bulk, and unlikely to provide more than a small part of the explanation of the
hypocholesterolemic action of oat bran. In this respect, it has been proposed that the volatile fatty
acids from oat bran and other viscous fibers, which arise from colonic fermentation of fiber and are
subsequently absorbed, may produce metabolic changes which favor reduced cholesterol synthesis.124
Despite early enthusiasm, then apparent despair, the body of evidence supports that oat bran will
have a significant, although small, beneficial effect on serum lipids (Table 5.4.5).63,65,69,127129

Dried Legumes

Cooked, dried legumes have been shown to lower serum cholesterol levels of middle-aged
men,130 although not of young student volunteers.131 More recently, with interest in their effect of
improving glucose tolerance132 and other aspects of diabetic control,133 high-legume diets have been
studied in types IIa and IV hyperlipidemic patients124,126,134,135(Table 5.4.5). All studies have shown
falls in serum cholesterol irrespective of the class of hyperlipidemia studied. One investigator also
recorded falls in serum triglyceride comparable to those seen with oat bran of equivalent soluble
fiber content (20 g/day).126 As with oat bran, the effects on blood lipids appear to be sustained for
4 months to 2 years.126 Diets which increased the total fiber intake by increasing not only the intake
of legumes but also of whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and nuts and seeds have also been shown
to be effective in reducing cardiovascular risk factors.136,137 The reasons for the effects, however,
are not clear. Increases in fecal output on 115 g of beans are small and not significant in hyper-
lipidemic individuals.124 In addition, where recorded, increases in fecal acidic steroid losses were
not noted. Nevertheless, the falls in blood lipids, especially triglycerides, may be related to the
flatter postprandial glucose and insulin responses elicited by legumes.132 These may result in a
chronically reduced stimulus to hepatic triglyceride synthesis and hepatic lipid synthesis in general.
Evidence for this hypothesis has been drawn together in the studies of Albrink et al.138 in healthy
volunteers and is supported by the observation, also in healthy volunteers, that 24-h urinary
C-peptide outputs were reduced on high-legume diets.139

Legume Protein

In addition to legume fibers (e.g., guar and locust bean gum), some legume proteins, notably
soy protein, have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels of hyperlipidemic patients (total and
LDL)140146 (Table 5.4.6). The effect does not appear to be related to associated fiber or saponins,
Table 5.4.5 Effects of Fiber-Rich Whole Foods and Supplements on Serum Lipids
Cholesterol (% change)
Dose TG
Fiber (g/day) Duration Subjects Total LDL VLDL HDL (% change) Comments Ref.
Wheat bran 50 3 mo 5 HLP 3 2 NS 20 NS 30 NS 0 118
50 2 mo 8 HLP, male 2 NS 5 NS 119
Fiberform 10.5 8 wk 12 HC, male 0.7 NS 2 NS 30 NS 23 24 120
Bread, muffins 35 4 wk 24 HC males 0.8 0.2 3.8 3.1 NC insulin, glucose, 63
Oat bran 100 3 mo 8 HLP, healthy 13 14 2 NS 9 NS 125
Flakes 25 2 wk 12 HC, male 5.4 8.5 3.3 NS 8.7 Apo B decreased by 69
2387_ch5.4_fm Page 411 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:37 PM

17 28 d 19 Healthy 5 NS 9 NS 2 NS 8 NS 66
Bread, muffins 95 4 wk 24 HC, male 4.9 6.8 2.9 3.1 63
Powder 77 21 d 13 moderate HLP 3.3 5.9 3.3 NC 5.5 127
100 3 wk 10 HLP 19 23 6 NS 18 124
Mixed 52 511 mo 31 HLP, 6 Healthy 22 25 37 4 24 150

Cookies 2.6 8 wk 30 HLP, males 26 NC 28 128

Instant oats 56.7 8 wk 42 HC 6.3 9.2 1.4 0.8 1.3 65
Oatmeal 56 8 wk 113 Healthy 3 NS NS NS NS 67
84 6 wk 13 HLP 13 17.1 NC NC 129
Beans 50 36 mo 136 HLP 17 1332 NS 134
(100 g 106 9
110 dried 2 wk 17 HLP 8 25 NS 135
140 dried 4 mo 7 HLP 7 5 15 NS 25 135
115 3 wk 10 HLP 10 24 12 3 NS 124
Baked beans 450 2 wk 13 Healthy, male 12 14.8 7.5 NS 68
120162 3 wk 24 HLP 10.4 8.4 6.9 10.8 70
Beans/oat bran 100 beans 3 wk 10 HLP, male 23 23 20 21 126
or oats
50 oats or 24 wk 10 HLP, male 4 2 17 NS 6 4 subjects were 126
134 beans followed for 99 weeks
Note: Abbreviations: TG, triglycerides; HLP, hyperlipoproteinemia; HC, hypercholesterolemia; NC, no change; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total-C, total
cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
2387_ch5.4_fm Page 412 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:37 PM


since it is also found after administration of soy isolate. The effects of soy protein in lowering
serum cholesterol are well recognized. A large meta-analysis of studies up to 1997 by Anderson
et al. demonstrated a 13% reduction in LDL cholesterol for a soy protein intake of 43g/d.147 In a
study with hyperlipidemic subjects where both the soy protein and the soluble fiber intake were
increased, the total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio was reduced by 6.3%.136 However, the capacity to
lower blood lipids may not be a universal property of all legume proteins, since fava protein isolate
failed to achieve the desired effect.145
The mechanisms for the hypolipidemic action of soy protein remain obscure but may relate to
the amino acid profile148 or the presence of specific pharmacologically active peptides liberated
during digestion. With respect to the whole bean, although specific fiber and protein effects may
be relevant to the action of some beans, other factors will have to be uncovered to explain the
general hypolipidemic effect of legumes in hyperlipidemic individuals. Data continue to accumulate
supporting the lipid-lowering effect of legume protein (Table 5.4.6).71,72

Effective Fiber Dosage and Formulation

In general, the effective dose of the viscous fibers required to lower serum cholesterol levels
has been of the order of 12 to 30 g/d. Interestingly, the levels of fiber in the oat bran and
beancontaining diets have also been of this order of magnitude, since soluble fiber composes
approximately 20% of the dry weight of both beans and oat bran. However, the effectiveness of
the supplement in hyperlipidemia may be determined by its formulation, in addition to the back-
ground diet. The viscosity of viscous fibers is responsible for the slowing of absorption in the small
intestine; therefore, reducing or destroying the viscosity will eliminate its beneficial effects. Incor-
poration of a small quantity of pectin into apple juice failed to reduce cholesterol levels, presumably
because of the low viscosity of the apple juice mixture.149 On the other hand, when Gatti and
colleagues enriched spaghetti with guar, the greatest lowering of cholesterol and triglyceride levels
of all the studies to date was seen.47 Spaghetti is already recognized as a slowly digested carbo-
hydrate form which causes an unexpectedly low rise in blood glucose.150 This effect is likely to
have been greatly enhanced by the addition of guar, resulting in the creation of a very effective
sustained release carbohydrate source. The addition of guar would likely not only have enhanced
the reduction of glycemic and insulinemic responses to the pasta but may, in effect, have resulted
in a proportion of the pasta starch being converted to fiber, i.e., carbohydrate which is unavailable
for small intestinal absorption but which acts as an additional source for synthesis of SCFAs in the
colon. The choice by Gatti and co-workers of spaghetti as the vehicle for delivery of the fiber may
have been in large measure the reason for the success of their trial, since it encompassed many of
the mechanisms responsible for reducing blood lipids. One of the important directions for future
development in this field would, therefore, appear to lie in finding the most effective food vehicles
in which to incorporate fiber.


Viscous fibers such as pectin, guar, locust bean gum, Konjac mannan, and high-fiber foods such
as oat bran and dried beans, all providing 12 to 30 g fiber daily, have been shown to reduce serum
total and LDL-cholesterol levels by 10 to 20% and with a lesser fall in HDL-cholesterol levels.
When the fiber was provided in a starchy food such as pasta, crisp bread, oat bran, or beans,
significant falls in serum triglyceride levels have also been observed. The mechanisms of action of
fiber are likely to be complex and possibly include increased bile salt loss, altered site and rate of
absorption, reduced hepatic lipogenesis secondary to reduced postprandial glucose and insulin
responses, and enhanced colonic synthesis and uptake of SCFAs.
Table 5.4.6 Effects of Legume Protein ( Saponins) on Serum Lipid Concentrations of Hyperlipidemic Subjects

Dose Cholesterol (% change) TG

Fiber (g/day) Duration Subjects Total LDL VLDL HDL (% change) Comments Ref.
2387_ch5.4_fm Page 413 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:37 PM

Textured soybean
Granules 3 wk 20 HLP 19 18 17 140
Granules 6 wk 8 HLP 23 NC 500 mg cholesterol 140

Granules 60100 8 wk 127 HLP 20 NC 11 141

Cholsoy 60100 4 wk (18 mo) 27 HLP 26 33 15 NS Changes sustained 153
over 18 months
Cholsoy 60100 4 wk 19 HLP 21 26 13 144
Mixed food 2 wk 6 HLP 10 9 17 0 11 NS 143
Mixed meals 4 wk 21 HLP, 3 NS 0.8 NS 3 NS 12 NS 3 NS 144
1 healthy
Cholsoy 7080 4 wk 21 HC 20.8 25.8 32.6 NS 7.2 NS 69 NS 71
Note: Abbreviations: TG, triglycerides; HLP, hyperlipoprotemia; HC, hypercholesterolemia; NC, no change; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total-C, total
cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
2387_ch5.4_fm Page 414 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:37 PM


Further developments to enhance the clinical utility of this approach should include not only
a search for effective fiber types but also the appropriate vehicles in which to deliver them.


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menting self-selected low-fat diets with soluble-fiber, soy and vegetable protein foods, Metabolism,
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137. Jenkins, D. J. et al., Combined effect of vegetable protein (soy) and soluble fiber added to a standard
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138. Albrink, M. J., Newman, T., and Davidson, P. C., Effect of high- and low-fiber diets on plasma lipids
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139. Burke, B. J., Hartog, M., Heston, K. W., and Hooper, S., Assessment of the metabolic effects of dietary
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140. Sirtori, C. R., Agradi, E., Conti, F., Mantero, O., and Gatti, E., Soybean-protein diet in the treatment
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Human Studies on Dietary Fiber

and Colon Neoplasia

Hugh J. Freeman


The possible role of dietary fiber in human colon cancer pathogenesis became of particular
interest following epidemiologic studies in different populations; colon cancer was observed to be
uncommon in many developing countries but relatively common among age-matched inhabitants
of most Western nations. In large part, the hypothesis that fiber consumption may prevent subsequent
colon cancer development appears to have emerged subsequent to the report by Higginson and
Oettle1 on studies in the Bantu of rural South Africa. Malhotra2 subsequently found a low incidence
of colon cancer in northern India, where the usual diet apparently contains large amounts of dietary
fiber, and a high incidence of colon cancer in southern India, where the usual diet contains less
cellulose. Later, the fiber hypothesis was widely popularized by Burkitt and colleagues,35 and the
possible role of fiber in prevention of the disease was emphasized.


Following the development of the fiber hypothesis, a number of epidemiologic reports appeared,
either supporting or refuting the importance of dietary fiber in colon cancer pathogenesis. A case-
control study from Israel6 described a highly significant inverse correlation between colon cancer
and ingestion of certain fiber-containing foods. Interviewers were not aware of which patients had
histologically confirmed malignant disease of the large bowel. Black patients from the San Francisco
Bay area reported less frequent consumption of foods containing 0.5% fiber, although methods
used to determine fiber content were not indicated.7 A report by Graham and associates8 suggested
that the frequency of ingestion of certain vegetables, especially cabbage, sprouts, and broccoli, but
not beef or other meats, was lower in white males with an increased colon cancer incidence.
Certain groups of Inuit in the Canadian Arctic, however, are not unusually prone to colon cancer,
despite a diet low in plant fiber,9 yet the Inuit eat large amounts of animal connective tissues
composed of apparently nondigestible aminopolysaccharides.10 Although this dietary characteristic
is thought to be shared with certain African tribes, the role of these dietary substances, if any, in
the pathogenesis of colon cancer has not been defined. Seventh-Day Adventists in Loma Linda,
California, are reported to eat vegetarian diets11 and have a low incidence of colon cancer.12 However,

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other malignant diseases also occur at a low incidence in this group, and precise measurements of
the content of individual fiber polymers in their diets have not been performed.
Some international and in-country studies were also done soon after this hypothesis was
developed. In one, no correlation between crude dietary fiber consumption and colon cancer
mortality was observed.13 In another, cereal consumption appeared to be negatively correlated with
colon cancer incidence data.14 In a report from the U.K., differences in dietary fiber consumption
within that country were correlated with its apparent protective role in colon carcinogenesis.15
Haenszel and colleagues16 found a significant positive association between colon cancer and
the frequency of ingestion of fiber containing legumes in Hawaiian Japanese. However, no other
quantitative data were provided. In another study from Japan, cabbage was reported to be protec-
tive.17 Graham and Mettlin,18 on the other hand, drew attention to studies showing a protective role
for vegetable intake, especially cruciferous vegetables rich in indoles. Similar observations sup-
porting a possible protective role for vegetables were also previously noted.19 While it was difficult
to conduct studies on the basis of retrospective dietary histories dependent on respondent recall,
discrepancies that emerged may have also reflected inadequate definition of the precise dietary fiber
composition of foods ingested by the different groups.
Other earlier studies from Europe20,21 further attempted to examine the fiber question from this
perspective. Using the Southgate method of fiber measurement, diets from population samples in
an area with a low incidence of colon cancer (Kuopio, Finland) and an area with a high incidence
(Copenhagen) were analyzed. Although the proportions of dietary fiber polymers were similar, the
mean intakes of total dietary fiber as well as specific fiber polymers (cellulose and lignin) were
significantly less in Copenhagen. Although preliminary, measured intakes of specific fiber polymers
were documented for the first time and differed in human populations with different incidence rates
of colon carcinoma.


These early studies served to stimulate considerable interest in the role of dietary fiber in colon
cancer pathogenesis. Indeed, several epidemiologic studies appeared (Table 5.5.1); these included
case-control studies, international and within-country correlation studies, cohort studies, and time-
trend studies concerning colon cancer and fiber, vegetables, grains, or fruit. Most provided evidence
for a protective effect, while some revealed only equivocal results or no evidence of a protective
effect for fiber in colon cancer.
In the past decade, several studies have been published. Some of these have attracted significant
media publicity. Review is critical to further refine the direction of future research. All of these
recent studies have aided in definition of critical variables (Table 5.5.2) for subsequent studies
important in further definition of dietary fiber in colon cancer. Particular emphasis may be needed
for prevention studies in those with colonic disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease (see
Chapter 5.7) and colon polyps, both conditions that predispose to colon cancer. Clearly, there may
be individual genetic factors that influence the potential benefits of dietary fiber and other environ-
mental factors in risk reduction. In a recent study,64 the effective risk reduction was less for those
with a family history of colon cancer; in other words, genetic factors may be so significant in some
highly predisposed individuals that it may be difficult to define any potential beneficial role for
dietary fiber.
In a recent study by Fuchs et al.,65 nurses who completed a retrospective dietary semiquantitative
food frequency questionnaire in 1980 were evaluated. Over 16 years, follow-up studies included
questions related to specific dietary constituents. Although 121,700 nurses were initially enrolled,
almost 33,000 were excluded from the final analysis because of recognition of a potential high
risk factor, such as familial polyposis, or loss of follow-up. In total, 787 cases of invasive
adenocarcinoma and 1012 cases of adenoma in the distal colorectum were detected. Nurses were
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Table 5.5.1 Studies on Fiber in Colon Neoplasia

Author, Year Ref.
Evidence for Protective Effect
Tuyns, 1986 22
Manousos et al., 1983 23
Macquart-Moulin et al., 1986 24
Kune et al., 1987 25
Slattery et al., 1988 26
Young and Wolf, 1988 27
La Vecchia et al., 1988 28
Graham et al., 1988 29
Lyon et al., 1987 30
Bristol et al., 1985 31
McKeown-Eyssen and Bright-See, 1984 32
Bingham et al., 1985 33
Rosen et al., 1988 34
Helms et al., 1982 35
Hirayama, 1981 36
Tuyns et al., 1988 37
Heilbrun et al., 1989 38
West et al., 1989 39
Lee et al., 1989 40
Freudenheim et al., 1990 41
Trock et al., 1990 42a
Olsen et al., 1994 55
Steinmetz et al., 1994 56
McKeown-Eyssen et al., 1994 57
Tsuji et al., 1996 59
Hardman et al., 1997 61
Ghadirian et al., 1997 62
Franceschi et al., 1998 63
Sellers et al., 1998 64
Macrae, 1999 66

Equivocal or Lack of Protective Effect

Martinez et al., 1981 43
Pickle et al., 1984 44
Rozen et al., 1981 45
Jensen, 1983 46
Boing et al., 1985 47
Phillips and Snowdon, 1985 48
Tajima et al., 1985 49
Powles et al., 1984 50
Tajima and Tominaga, 1985 51
Potter and McMichael, 1986 52
Miller et al., 1983 53
Willett et al., 1990 54
Giovannucci et al., 1994 58
Alberts et al., 1997 60
Fuchs et al., 1999 65
a Meta-analyses of other published studies.

categorized into quintiles depending on computed fiber intake from the retrospective dietary data.
The highest fiber diet was about 25 g per day. No difference in colon cancers or polyps was
detected between different fiber groups. Several issues were not addressed in this highly publicized
study. First, the measures used to collect data were imprecise and based on retrospective diet recall.
Food-frequency questionnaires often fail to provide a true estimate of dietary macronutrient or
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Table 5.5.2 Variables for Fiber Studies

Dietary Factors
Individual fiber components (cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, etc.)
Fibermacronutrient interactions (fat, protein, etc.)
Fibermicronutrient interactions (trace elements, vitamins, etc.)
Digestion products of fiber (short-chain fatty acids, etc.)
Source of dietary fiber components (grains, vegetables, etc.)
Food preparation methods

Patient or Population Factors

Sex and age
Geographic locale
Genetic variables (blood type, HLA type, etc.)
Environmental variables (smoking, etc.)
Medications for treatment (antibiotics, ulcer drugs)
Medications for prophylaxis

Colonic Factors
Colonic site-specific effects (e.g., cecal vs. rectosigmoid)
Preneoplastic disorders (ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease)
Other colonic neoplastic disorders (colon polyps, polyposis syndrome)
Underlying gastrointestinal or other diseases (diabetes, etc.)

micronutrient intakes, including dietary fiber. Second, high-fiber foods may not be equivalent,
particularly in relation to individual fiber components, such as cellulose. Total dietary fiber mea-
surements are of interest, but specific components of fiber in animal fiber studies have been shown
to be critical for cancer prevention. Moreover, there was only a 2.5-fold difference in estimated
total dietary fiber between the highest and lowest quintile, likely not sufficient to detect any
differences. Finally, other important concerns have been subsequently raised, including the methods
used to measure the endpoints of data collection; i.e., endoscopic evaluations and pathology reports
may differ depending on levels of expertise. Moreover, important differences, even if present, may
be missed because of the reported time-lag effects of dietary fiber in colon cancer, estimated to
demonstrate a maximal negative correlation after a 15- to 27-year delay, with a maximum 23-year
lag.59 Clearly, the evaluation of this study raised many criticisms that need to be considered in the
design of future, more definitive studies.67,68


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N. Engl. J. Med., 340, 169, 1999.
66. Macrae, F., Wheat bran fiber and development of adenomatous polyps: evidence from randomized
controlled clinical trials, Am. J. Med., 106 (1A), 38S, 1999.
67. Ravin, N. D., Mohandras, K. M., Cummings, J. H., Southgate, D. A. T., Heaton, K. W., Lewis, S. J.,
Madar, Z., Stark, A., and Camire, M. E., Dietary fiber and colorectal cancer, N. Engl. J. Med., 340,
1924, 1999.
68. Freeman, H. J., Role of high fibre foods in the prevention of colorectal neoplasia, Canad. J. Gastro-
enterol., 13, 379, 1999.
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Fiber and Colonic Diverticulosis

Hugh J. Freeman

Colonic diverticular disease is an acquired deformity of the colon that is generally irreversible
but usually asymptomatic.1 In developed nations, the disorder is extremely common and prevalence
correlates well with increasing age.2 Although there are different anatomical forms of colonic
diverticulosis, the basic abnormality observed in most North American and European populations
is the pseudodiverticulum; this is a herniation of mucosa and submucosa through the colonic muscle
wall. Most often, these are multiple and involve the left side of the colon, especially the sigmoid
colon. While precise figures are not available, it has been estimated that about 20% of patients with
diverticulosis will develop symptoms and signs of illness, but only a small minority will endure
more serious complications including diverticulitis, sepsis, obstruction, and hemorrhage.1,3
Dietary fiber was recommended for symptomatic diverticular disease as early as 1929 by
Spriggs.4 Subsequently, Painter and Burkitt published their hypothesis that diverticular disease was
caused by a reduced intake of dietary fiber.5 Later, this fiber hypothesis was examined in carefully
matched population groups from Oxford; diverticulosis was observed to be significantly more
frequent in non-vegetarians compared to vegetarians.6
A variety of epidemiologic studies on the relationship between dietary fiber consumption and
diverticular disease have been done both from a historical as well as a geographic perspective.
Although it has been suggested that the prevalence of diverticular disease has increased over the
past century,7 precise analyses are not available. Barium enema and colonoscopy are the most
common current methods of diagnosis, but these techniques were not available to earlier clinicians;
indeed, radiographic appearances were not described in detail until 1925.8 Interestingly, Brodribb
has cited several autopsy studies reporting very high prevalences of diverticular disease (Graser in
1899, 64%; Sudsuki in 1900, 37.5%; and Mourges in 1931, 30%).9 To date, therefore, historical
data providing strong support for an increased prevalence of colonic diverticulosis at the present
time are limited and controversial.
More interesting information comes from geographic studies. Painter and Burkitt, using a
variety of anecdotal sources,7 suggested that diverticulosis is rare in many parts of Africa, except
among Europeans, and uncommon in the Indian subcontinent, Middle East, Far East, and South
America; all are economically developing areas with cereal-based diets typically high in fiber. This
contrasts with the well-developed countries in Europe and North America where diets tend to be
highly refined and fiber-depleted and where a high prevalence of diverticular disease is observed.

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This relationship between decreasing dietary fiber and increasing prevalence of diverticular disease
has also been reported in urban South African blacks10 and Hawaiian Japanese,11 but not in the
Orient, including Japan.12 Indeed, recent studies on the distributional pattern of diverticular disease
contrast with the increased frequency in the left colon in Western communities compared to the
right colon in Oriental populations.13 Similar observations have been reported from Europe.1416
Although intriguing, the true incidence of diverticular disease in these populations is not known,
in part because of variable diagnostic methods and availability of accurate postmortem studies. In
those populations with available data, it is unknown how accurately these reflect the true frequency
in the population as a whole. Finally, a major weakness of such correlative studies relates to the
dietary component of the equation and, specifically, methods used to precisely calculate the fiber
content of the diet or specific fiber components.
Although a definitive role for fiber-deficient diets in the pathogenesis of colonic diverticulosis
has not been proven, a number of uncontrolled trials suggested that added fiber in the form of
bran supplements may be therapeutically beneficial.1719 In addition, some supportive evidence for
a role for deficient dietary fiber in the pathogenesis of diverticulosis comes from animal studies.
As early as 1937, Lubbock et al.20 fed low-fiber diets to rats and showed the development of
diverticulae. Carlson and Hoelzel21 found that about 57% of a colony of Wistar rats more than
100 weeks old had diverticulae in the proximal colon, while only 4% of rats fed a psyllium seed
supplement developed diverticulae. Similar observations have been reported in rats and rabbits,
but the presence of a large cecum in these animals raises doubts regarding the applicability of
these results to humans; indeed, many dietary fibers are more extensively degraded in these animals
than in humans. Brodribb et al.22 chose the stub-tailed monkey with a gastrointestinal anatomy
more similar to humans as a model for colonic studies. He found that colonic intraluminal pressure
increased as the amount of fiber in the diet decreased gradually from 20 to 15, 10, 5, and 0 g per
day. More recent studies in adult female vervet monkeys revealed that diverticulosis frequently
developed in those administered a Western-type high-fat, low-fiber diet compared to diets with
low fat and higher fiber content.23 Using an experimental model, some studies24,25 have also
explored factors that may influence the appearance of increased numbers of colonic diverticulae
in rats administered a fiber-deficient diet. In one report,24 a high-fiber diet appeared to protect
against collagen cross-linking with a resultant reduction in appearance of diverticulae. Later, the
same investigators noted that maternal diet during gestation, including fiber intake, and subsequent
nutrition of progeny may play a critical role in development of diverticulae.25 Subsequently, the
role of bran was examined in five controlled trials (Table 5.6.1).2630 In addition, ispaghula alone31
and methylcellulose alone32 have been studied in controlled trials; subjective improvement was
reported with ispaghula but no effect was noted with methylcellulose. It appears that a high-fiber
diet may be effective treatment for symptoms in some patients with uncomplicated diverticular
disease, especially if symptoms are severe, but the data remain limited. Moreover, the most
comprehensive and best-conducted study,29 largely using patients with mild symptoms, showed
no major benefit in pain scores but there was improvement in constipation.
Additional studies, especially in humans, are still required to determine if high-fiber diets can
alter the natural history of diverticular disease over the long term or prevent its complications. In
one interesting report, Hyland and Taylor33 described 100 patients that had been retrospectively
reviewed after 5 to 7 years on a high-fiber diet over 90% remained symptom-free. In one
prospective study in American males, the incidence of symptomatic colonic diverticular disease
was lowest in those with high-fiber diets.34 In a subsequent report of a prospective study of different
dietary fiber types, this inverse relationship with measurable insoluble fiber was confirmed, espe-
cially for cellulose fiber.35
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Table 5.6.1 Controlled Clinical Trials of Bran in Colonic Diverticular Disease

Fiber Type
and Form No. patients Study Protocol Results Comments Ref.
Wheat vs. bran 18 with X-ray Double-blind Reduced symptom pain Symptoms 26
crispbread diagnosis control trial scores, early placebo moderate to
12 wk effect noted severe; pain
scores subjective
Wheat bran 31 with X-ray Control trial Symptoms relieved to an 27
(coarse) vs. diagnosis 4 wk equivalent extent in all
isphagula vs. groups; only bran
lactulose reduced colon motility
and pressures
Coarse bran vs. 20, but Sterculia or bran Equivalent improvement 28
sterculia with or diagnostic 4 wk in constipation, but bran
without method not or sterculia with
antispasmotic defined antispasmotic better
than sterculia alone for
pain relief
Bran crispbread 58 with X-ray Double-blind Pain score not improved Pain symptoms 29
vs. isphagula diagnosis randomized but improvement in mild in degree;
vs. placebo controlled trial crossover constipation near normal stool
(either wheat 16 wk weights and
crispbread or transit times
refined wheat)
Coarse bran vs. 105 with X-ray Control trial up to Improved symptom scale Symptom scale 30
hyoscyamine diagnosis 52 wk for bran and based on ability
vs. placebo hyoscyamine to work


1. Almy, T. P. and Howell, D. A., Diverticular disease of the colon, N. Engl. J. Med., 302, 324, 1980.
2. Parks, T. G., Natural history of diverticular disease of the colon, Clin. Gastroenterol., 4, 53, 1975.
3. Hughes, L. E., Complications of diverticular disease: inflammation, obstruction and bleeding, Clin.
Gastroenterol., 4, 147, 1975.
4. Spriggs, E. I., Diverticulitis, Br. Med. J., 2, 569, 1929.
5. Painter, N. G. and Burkitt, D. P., Diverticular disease of the colon: a deficiency disease of western
civilization, Br. Med. J., 2, 450, 1971.
6. Gear, J. S. S., Ware, A., Fursdon, P., Mann, J. L., Nolan, D. J., Brodribb, A. J. M., and Vessey, M. P.,
Symptomless diverticular disease and intake of dietary fiber, Lancet, 1, 511, 1979.
7. Painter, N. S. and Burkitt, D. P., Diverticular disease of the colon, a 20th century problem, Clin.
Gastroenterol., 4, 3, 75.
8. Spriggs, E. I. and Marxer, O. A., Intestinal diverticula, Q. J. Med., 19, 1, 1925.
9. Brodribb, J. M., Dietary fiber in diverticular disease of the colon, in Medical Aspects of Dietary Fiber,
Spiller, G. A. and Kay, R. M., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1980, 43.
10. Segal, I., Solomon, A., and Hunt, J. A., Emergence of diverticular disease in the urban South African
black, Gastroenterology, 72, 215, 1977.
11. Stemmermann, G. N. and Yatani, R., Diverticulosis and polyps of the large intestine: a necropsy study
of Hawaii Japanese, Cancer, 31, 1260, 1973.
12. Narasaka, T., Watanabe, H., Yamagata, S., Munakata, A., Tajima, T., and Matatsunaga, F., Statistical
analysis of diverticulosis of the colon, Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 115, 271, 1975.
13. Segal, I. and Leibowitz, B., The distributional pattern of diverticular disease, Dis. Colon Rectum, 32,
227, 1989.
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14. Kohler, R., The incidence of colonic diverticulosis in Finland and Sweden, Acta. Chir. Scand., 126,
148, 1963.
15. Havia, T., Diverticulosis of the colon, Acta. Chir. Scand., 137, 167, 1971.
16. Hughes, L. E., Post-mortem survey of diverticular disease of the colon, Gut, 10, 336, 1969.
17. Painter, N. S., Almeida, A. Z., and Colebourne, K. W., Unprocessed bran in treatment of diverticular
disease of the colon, Br. Med. J., 2, 137, 1972.
18. Brodribb, A. J. M. and Humphreys, D. M., Diverticular disease: three studies, Br. Med. J., 1, 424, 1976.
19. Plumley, P. F. and Francis, B., Dietary management of diverticular disease, J. Am. Dietet. Assoc., 63,
527, 1973.
20. Lubbock, D. M., Thomson, W., and Garry, R. C., Epithelial overgrowth and diverticula of the gut,
Br. Med. J., 1, 1252, 1937.
21. Carlson, A. J. and Hoelzel, F., Relationship of diet to diverticulosis of the colon in rats, Gastroenter-
ology, 12, 108, 1949.
22. Brodribb, A. J. M., Condon, R. E., Cowles, V., and DeCosse, J. J., Effect of dietary fiber on intraluminal
pressure and myoelectrical activity of the left colon in monkeys, Gastroenterology, 77, 70, 1979.
23. Jaskiewicz, K., Rossouw, J. E., Kritchevsky, D., van Rensburg, S. J., Fincham, J. E., and Woodroof,
C. W., The influence of diet and dimethylhydrazine on the small and large intestine of vervet monkeys,
Br. J. Exp. Pathol., 67, 361, 1986.
24. Wess, L., Eastwood, M. A., Edwards, C. A., Busuttil, A., and Miller, A., Collagen alteration in an
animal model of colonic diverticulosis, Gut, 38, 701, 1996.
25. Wess, L., Eastwood, M., Busuttil, A., Edwards, C., and Miller, A., An association between maternal
diet and colonic diverticulosis in an animal model, Gut, 39, 423, 1996.
26. Brodribb, A. J. M., Treatment of symptomatic diverticular disease with a high fiber diet, Lancet, 1,
664, 1977.
27. Eastwood, M. A., Smith, A. N., Brydon, W. G., and Pritchard, J., Comparison of bran, ispaghula, and
lactulose on colon function in diverticular disease, Gut, 19, 1144, 1978.
28. Srivastava, G. S., Smith, A. N., and Painter, N. S., Sterculia bulk-forming agent with smooth muscle
relaxant versus bran in diverticular disease, Br. Med. J., 1, 315, 1976.
29. Ornstein, M. H., Littlewood, E. R., Baird, I. M., Fowler, J., North, W. R. S., and Cox, A. G., Are fibre
supplements really necessary in diverticular disease of the colon? A controlled clinical trial, Br. Med. J.,
282, 1353, 1981.
30. Weinreich, J., Controlled studies with dietary fibre in the therapy of diverticular disease and irritable
bowel syndrome, in Colon and Nutrition, Goebell, H. and Kasper, H., Eds., Falk Symposium 32, MTP
Press, Lancaster, England, 1982, 239.
31. Ewerth, S., Ahlberg, J., Holmstrom, B., Persson, U., and Uden, R., Influence of symptoms and transit
time of Vi-Siblin in diverticular disease, Acta. Chir. Scand. Suppl., 500, 49, 1980.
32. Hodgson, W. J. B., The placebo effect, is it important in diverticular disease?, Am. J. Gastroenterol.,
67, 157, 1977.
33. Hyland, J. M. P. and Taylor, I., Does a high fibre diet prevent the complication of diverticular disease?,
Br. J. Surg., 67, 77, 1980.
34. Aldoori, W. H., Giovannucci, E. L., Rimm, E. B., Wing, A. L., Trichopoulos, D. V., and Willett, W.
C., A prospective study of diet and risk of symptomatic diverticular disease in men, Am. J. Clin. Nutr.,
60, 753, 1994.
35. Aldoori, W. H., Giovannucci, E. L., Rockett, H. R., Sampson, L., Rimm, E. B., and and Willett, W. C.,
A prospective study of dietary fiber types and symptomatic diverticular disease in men, J. Nutr., 128,
714, 1998.
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Fiber and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

(Ulcerative Colitis And Crohns Disease)

Hugh J. Freeman

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to that group of conditions in which inflammation
involves the small or large intestine or both. In common usage, IBD is restricted to those conditions
whose etiology is unknown and generally includes Crohns disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis
(UC). As with many other intestinal conditions of undetermined or uncertain etiology, dietary
factors, including fiber, have been proposed to play an important role in pathogenesis.
The low incidence of Crohns disease in less-industrialized third-world countries and its appar-
ently increasing incidence in more industrialized Western countries have led to speculation that
dietary changes in the Western world that have developed in the past few decades may be partly
responsible. For example, a consistent dietary difference between patients with CD and controls is
the high refined-carbohydrate intake observed in CD, a finding which was first reported in 19761
and which has subsequently been confirmed.2,3


Fiber consumption in CD has also been examined in some studies (Table 5.7.1). Kasper and
Sommer employed an experienced dietitian to perform dietary histories in CD patients and controls
over 7 successive days.4 They reported that patients with CD consumed slightly, but significantly,
more fiber than control subjects (26.6 vs. 22.3 g). This increase was largely in the form of a
significantly increased consumption of non-cellulose polysaccharide (17.3 vs. 14.5 g). In contrast,
Thornton and co-workers reported that pre-illness dietary fiber intake of 30 patients with CD were
significantly less than that of 30 controls.5 While the median duration of symptoms in the CD
patients was only 15 months, the range was wide, from 1 to 92 months; this confirmed the well-
appreciated phenomenon that the validity of recall in some patients with longstanding symptoms
may not be precise. Of interest was the finding that the CD patients consumed only about 25% of
the raw fruit and vegetable fiber as the controls (0.6 vs. 2.3 g/d). A further study by Mayberry and
co-workers found no difference between the dietary fiber intakes of patients with CD compared
with normal controls.2

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Table 5.7.1 Fiber Intake in Crohns Disease

Fiber Intake (g/day)
No. Patients Disease Duration Pre-Illness Current Ref.
35 Crohns 1 year (av.) a
26.6 (17.7 ) 4
70 Control 22.3 (14.5a)

30 Crohns 5 mo 17.3 (0.2b) 5

30 Control (range: 192) 19.2 (2.3b)

16 Crohns Not stated 14 2

16 Control 20
a Non-cellulose polysaccharides.
b Raw fruit and vegetable fiber.

The observations by Thornton et al.5 that the pre-illness diet of Crohns patients may have been
low in fiber, especially raw fruit and vegetable fiber, led to several further studies (Table 5.7.2).
Heaton et al.6 reported the effects of treating 32 CD patients with a fiber-rich diet for a period of
4 years and 4 months. CD patients who were not provided with dietary instruction served as
retrospective controls. While the study reports higher refined carbohydrate intake in controls
compared to CD patients on the diet, no figures for dietary fiber intake in controls were given. The
CD patients on the modified high-fiber, low-sugar diet had significantly fewer hospital admissions
and total days in hospital compared to the control patients. While the number of operations in those
patients on the special diet was fewer (1 vs. 5), the statistical significance of this was not defined.

Table 5.7.2 Fiber Trials in Crohns Disease

Study Daily Daily Patient
No. Patients Duration Fiber (g) Sugar (g) Admissions Operations Ref.
Retrospective controls
32 Fiber 52 mo 33.4 39 11 (111 d) 1 6
32 Control 90 18 (533 d) 5
Prospective, randomized
30 Normalized 29 mo 13a 4 7
28 Low-residue 3 5

190 High-fiber 2 yr 27.9a 9 18 7 8

162 Low-fiber 15.7 92 21 14
a Low refined carbohydrate, high vegetable, and fruit fiber (Bristol diet).

The apparent success of this Bristol diet led to a prospective study by Levenstein et al.7 Thirty
patients with CD placed on a normalized diet were compared to 28 patients given the usual
low-residue diet prescribed in Italy. The number of portions of fiber consumed by those on the
normalized diet was significantly higher than the number taken by those on the usual diet, but
the significance of the difference in the total fiber intake (13 vs. 3 g) was not stated. Over a period
of 29 months, there were no differences in outcome with respect to symptoms, hospitalizations,
operations, complications, nutritional status, or postoperative recurrence. A second prospective
randomized controlled study was reported by Ritchie et al.,8 in which 190 patients with CD received
the high fiber Bristol diet while 162 received the low-fiber diet. Patients in the high-fiber
group also restricted their intake of refined carbohydrate, while those in the low-fiber group were
encouraged to eat refined carbohydrate. No differences were found in clinical outcome over the
two-year study period. Significantly more patients in the high-fiber group withdrew from the trial
for reasons other than disease deterioration.
More recently, a population-based case-control study on dietary habits of patients with inflam-
matory bowel disease in Stockholm was reported.9 Retrospective dietary habits over a five-year period
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were evaluated in 152 patients with Crohns disease and compared to 145 ulcerative colitis patients
and 305 controls. The relative risk of Crohns disease was decreased in those consuming a high intake
of fiber (15 g or more per day). Later, Geerling et al.10 observed that the mean daily intake of fiber
was significantly lower in Crohns disease patients than in controls from the Netherlands.


Only limited studies have examined the effects of dietary fiber in UC (Table 5.7.3). Davies and
Rhodes divided 39 patients with UC in remission on sulfasalazine into two groups.11 Fifteen patients
continued on sulfasalazine and their regular diet, while 20 of the 24 patients who tolerated a high-
fiber diet were continued on that diet with sulfasalazine being stopped. The increased fiber was
taken in the form of whole wheat bread, vegetables, and a supplement of 25 g bran supplied as
Kelloggs All Bran or Allinsons Bran Plus. The cumulative relapse rates of the sulfasalazine group
and the fiber group were 20 and 70%, respectively, over 6 months. The relapse rate on the high-
fiber diet was similar to that expected in UC patients treated with placebo. A second study by
Thornton et al.12 examined the pre-illness diet of 30 patients with UC diagnosed within the
previous 3 months. No differences were detected in refined carbohydrate or fiber intakes between
these UC patients and 30 control subjects. Later, Hallert et al.13 reported that ispaghula husk may
relieve gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with UC.

Table 5.7.3 Fiber in Ulcerative Colitis

Daily Fiber (g) Daily Relapse No.
No. Patients Disease Duration Pre-Illness Trial Sugar (g) (rate, %) Ref.
Retrospective controls
30 UC 2 mo 19.9 97 12
30 Control 18.3 96
Prospective, randomized
15 Sulfasalazine 8.5 yr 13a 3 (15%) 11
20 High-fiber 3 15 (75%)
a Fiber added as bran cereal, whole wheat bread, and vegetables.

In a recent randomized clinical trial of dietary fiber (administered in the form of Plantago ovata
seeds), a Spanish group14 described its effectiveness in maintaining remission in UC, being equiv-
alent to mesalamine, a commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory pharmacologic agent. Finally, the
effects of different forms of fiber have been evaluated in UC patients that have been surgically
treated with an ileal pouchanal anastomosis.15 In a study from Seattle, no definite effects were
documented on pouch function with either pectin or methyl cellulose.


While only limited data are available to support a prominent role for fiber in the treatment of
IBD, renewed interest has resulted from the recognition that important metabolic by-products of
fiber, i.e., short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), in the colon may be very relevant in disease pathogenesis
and, possibly, therapy. Several studies in ileostomy subjects have shown that about 90 to 100% of
orally admininstered fiber is recoverable in the ileostomy effluent.16,17 When the fiber reaches the
colon, anaerobic bacteria metabolize a varying amount to gases (CO2, H2, CH4) and SCFAs
(predominately butyrate, propionate, and acetate).18 The SCFAs which are produced have been
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shown to be important sources of energy for colonocytes.19 In addition, SCFAs stimulate colonic
sodium and water absorption.20,21 Diversion of the fecal stream as occurs, e.g., following colostomy,
may result in an inflamed distal excluded segment, called diversion colitis. Harig and co-workers22
have reported improvement in diversion colitis using rectal SCFA irrigations.
In addition to a possible role for fiber in the generation of SCFAs in various colonic disorders,
unabsorbed complex carbohydrates per se have been hypothesized to play a part in the diarrhea
pathogenesis in IBD. Of course, totally undigested fiber probably has minimal effects, since fiber
has very little osmotic activity. Metabolism of fiber entering the colon to SCFAs and lactic acid,
however, would increase the osmotic load and provide a mechanism for diarrhea in IBD. However,
as noted above, SCFA production may not lead to diarrhea due to their rapid absorption by the
colon, their use as a colonic fuel, and their stimulation of sodium and water absorption.
Vernia et al.23,24 have shown that fecal lactic acid concentrations are increased in both Crohns
colitis and UC, but that fecal weights correlate with lactic acid concentrations only in UC. Fecal
SCFA concentrations were found to be much lower in patients with UC than in those with Crohns
colitis, in whom fecal concentrations were similar to those of normal controls. Holtug and co-
workers have reported that some of the changes in SCFA pattern in UC may be due to bacterial
fermentation of blood.25 Indeed, other investigators have found higher SCFA levels in severe UC
when compared with normal controls.26 The reasons for the discrepancy in these studies are not
clear but may relate to differences in methods or severity of disease.
The abnormalities in SCFAs in UC led Breuer et al.27 to perform rectal irrigation of SCFAs in
patients with distal UC. Twelve patients were treated with SCFA rectal irrigation over a period of
6 weeks in a non-blinded fashion. Nine were judged to be much improved. Clearly, a blinded,
randomized, controlled trial will need to be conducted. If SCFAs are found to be better than
placebos, the importance of these substances in UC will be confirmed.


1. Martini, G. A. and Brandes, J. W., Increased consumption of refined carbohydrates in patients with
Crohns disease, Klin. Wochenschr., 54, 367, 1976.
2. Mayberry, J. F., Rhodes, J., and Allan, R., Diet in Crohns disease. Two studies of current and previous
habits in newly diagnosed patients, Dig. Dis. Sci., 26, 444, 1981.
3. Janerot, G., Jarnmark, I., and Nilsson, K., Consumption of refined sugar by patients with Crohns
disease, ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 18, 999, 1983.
4. Kasper, H. and Sommer, H., Dietary fiber and nutrient intake in Crohns disease, Digestion, 20,
323, 1979.
5. Thornton, J. R., Emmett, P. M., and Heaton, K. W., Diet and Crohns disease: characteristics of the
pre-illness diet, Br. Med. J., 2, 762, 1979.
6. Heaton, K. W., Thornton, J. R., and Emmett, P. M., Treatment of Crohns disease with an unrefined-
carbohydrate, fibre-rich diet, Br. Med. J., 2, 764, 1979.
7. Levenstein, S., Prantera, C., Luzi, C., and DUbaldi, A.., Low residue or normal diet in Crohns disease:
a prospective controlled study in Italian patients, Gut, 26, 989, 1985.
8. Ritchie, J. K., Wadsworth, J., Lennard-Jones, J. E., and Rogers, E., Controlled multicentre therapeutic
trial of an unrefined carbohydrate, fibre-rich diet in Crohns disease, Br. Med. J., 295, 517, 1987.
9. Persson, P. G., Ahlbom, A., and Hellers, G., Diet and inflammatory bowel disease: a case-control
study, Epidemiology, 3, 47, 1992.
10. Geerling, B. J., Badart-Smook, A., Stockbrugger, R. W., and Brummer, R. J., Comprehensive nutri-
tional status in patients with long-standing Crohn disease in remission, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 67, 919, 1998.
11. Davies, P. S. and Rhodes, J., Maintenance of remission in ulcerative colitis with sulfasalazine or a
high-fibre diet: a clinical trial, Br. Med J., 1, 1524, 1978.
12. Thornton, J. R., Emmett, P. M., and Heaton, K. W., Diet and ulcerative colitis, Br. Med. J., 280,
293, 1980.
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13. Hallert, C., Kaldma, M., and Petersson, B. G., Ispaghula husk may relieve gastrointestinal symptoms
in ulcerative colitis in remission, Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 26, 747, 1991.
14. Fernandez-Banares, F., Hinojosa, J., Sanchez-Lombrana, J. L., Navarro, E., Martinez-Salmeron, J. F.,
Garcia-Puges, A., Gonzalez-Huix, F., Riera, J., Gonzalez-Lara, V., Dominguez-Abascal, F., Gine, J. J.,
Moles, J., Gomollon, F., and Gassull, M. A., Randomized clinical trial of Plantago ovata seeds (dietary
fiber) as compared with mesalamine in maintaining remission in ulcerative colitis. Spanish Group for
the Study of Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis, Am. J. Gastroenterol., 94, 427, 1999.
15. Thirlby, R. C. and Kelly, R., Pectin and methyl cellulose do not affect intestinal function in patients
after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, Am. J. Gastroenterol., 92, 99, 1997.
16. Englyst, H. N. and Cummings, J. H., Digestion of the carbohydrates of banana (Musa paradisiacal
sapientum) in the human small intestine, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 44, 42, 1986.
17. Englyst, H. N. and Cummings, J. H., Digestion of polysaccharides of potato in the small intestine of
man, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 45, 423, 1987.
18. Cummings, J. H., Short chain fatty acids in the human colon, Gut, 22, 763, 1981.
19. Roediger, W. E. W., Utilization of nutrients by isolated epithelial cells of the rat colon, Gastroenter-
ology, 83, 424, 1982.
20. Ruppin, H., Bar-Meir, S., Soergel, K. H., Wood, C. M., and Schmitt, M. G., Absorption of short-chain
fatty acids by the colon, Gastroenterology, 78, 424, 1980.
21. Roediger, W. E. W. and Rae, D. A., Trophic effect of short chain fatty acids on mucosal handling of
ions by the defunctioned colon, Br. J. Surg., 69, 23, 1982.
22. Harig, J. M., Sorgel, K. H., Komorowski, R. A., and Woods, C.M., Treatment of diversion colitis with
short chain fatty acid irrigation, N. Engl. J. Med., 320, 23, 1989.
23. Vernia, P., Gnaedinger, A., Hauck, W., and Breuer, R. I., Organic anions and the diarrhea of inflam-
matory bowel disease, Dig. Dis. Sci., 33, 1353, 1988.
24. Vernia, P., Caprilli, R., Latella, G., Barbetti, F., Magliocca, F. M., and Cittadini, M., Fecal lactate and
ulcerative colitis, Gastroenterology, 95, 1564, 1988.
25. Holtug, K., Rasmussen, H. S., and Mortensen, P. B., Short chain fatty acids in inflammatory bowel
disease. The effect of bacterial fermentation of blood, Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest., 48, 667, 1988.
26. Roediger, W. E. W., Heyworth, M., Willoughby, P., Piris, J., Moore, A., and Truelove, S. C., Luminal
ions and short chain fatty acids as markers of functional activity of the mucosa in ulcerative colitis,
J. Clin. Pathol., 35, 323, 1982.
27. Breuer, R. I., Buto, S. K., and Christ, M. L., Rectal irrigation with short chain fatty acids for distal
ulcerative colitis, Dig. Dis., Sci., 36, 185, 1991.
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Disease Patterns in Japan and Changes

in Dietary Fiber (19301980)

Keisuke Tsuji and Bunpei Mori

Figure 5.8.1 Dietary fiber (DF) intake by the Japanese people since 1930, where DF intake (grams per capita
per day) = food intake DF content. Food intake values are from Food Balance Tables of Japan.1
DF content values are rice, 1.18 to 2.70%;2 wheat, 1.02%;3 and barley, 4.86%.4

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Figure 5.8.2 Dietary fiber (DF) intake by the Japanese people from potatoes, vegetables, fruit, pulses, and
seaweeds since 1930 where DF intake (grams per capita per day) = food intake DF content.
Food intake values are from Food Balance Tables of Japan.1 DF content values are sweet potatoes,
1.01%;5 potatoes, 0.54%;5 pulses as soybeans, 7.77%;5 total vegetables, 0.96%;2 total fruits,
1.14%;2 seaweeds, 23.6%;2 and konjac flour, 80%.6
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Figure 5.8.3 Changes of death rates from adult disease in Japan.7

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Figure 5.8.4 Number of patients in Japan suffering from adult diseases8 and from gallstones.9


1. Food Balance Tables of Japan, 19301980.

2. Mori, B., Contents of dietary fiber in some Japanese foods and the amount ingested through Japanese
meals, Nutr. Rep. Int., 26, 159, 1982.
3. Paul, A. A. and Southgate, D. A. T., McCance and Widdowsons The Composition of Foods, 4th ed.,
Her Majestys Stationary Office, London, 1978.
4. Ayano, Y., Chori Kagaku, 15, 16, 1982.
5. Hoshi, S. and Takehitsa, F., Insoluble dietary fiber contents of foodstuffs, Eiyo to Shokuryo, 35,
133, 1982.
6. Tsuji, K. et al., unpublished data.
7. Japan Vital Statistics (19001980).
8. Japan Patient Survey (19551982).
9. Kameta, H. et al., Jpn. Med. J., 2924, 24, 1980.
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Dietary Fiber Modification of Toxin-

or Carcinogen-Induced Effects
on Intestinal and Mammary Tissues*

Hugh J. Freeman and Gene A. Spiller

The possible antitoxic effect of dietary fiber or fiber-rich foods and, more specifically, the
possible protective role of dietary fiber in carcinogenesis has been the subject of many studies.
After the hypothesis that colon cancer may be less common in populations consuming a high-fiber
diet was proposed (see Chapter 5.5), the number of laboratory animal model studies on chemically
induced carcinogenesis in the presence of various types of dietary fiber increased rapidly. Many of
the early studies were done by Erschoff,1,4,9,11 who demonstrated that otherwise-toxic levels of
various substances in foods became either less toxic or non-toxic if the subject was fed with foods
high in dietary fiber or some of the fiber polymers. This complex function of the fiber polymers,
or high-fiber foods, is an important one. The long-term effects of low fiber compared to high fiber
intakes on the toxic effects of food components, food contaminants, and, in general, environmental
toxic substances, can have major implications on the etiology and/or pathogenesis of some diseases,
specifically those that might be induced by carcinogens. It is interesting to note that some dietary
fibers or dietary fiber-rich foods are protective for some toxic substances but not for others, and
Erschoff showed that other beneficial effects such as the hypocholesterolemic effect of some fibers
is often not connected to their antitoxic effects.8 An example is locust bean gum, which is hypo-
cholesterolemic but does not prevent cyclamate toxicity in rats when cyclamate is fed at the 5%
level. Other examples of the specificity of the antitoxic effect of high-fiber substances are given in
Tables 5.9.1 and 5.9.2. These studies emphasize that the effect of dietary fiber depends on the
composition of its fiber components.
A problem instrinsic to these animal studies is that the same toxicity experiments cannot be
done in humans. As a result, their limitation is the extrapolation to humans from animal studies.
Table 5.9.1 summarizes some of the studies of protection against toxicity in general and some early
carcinogenesis studies. Table 5.9.2 focuses on more recent studies on carcinogenesis and the
possible protective effect of dietary fiber polymers or high-fiber foods. Caution is required in the
interpretation of results with high-fiber foods, as other non-fiber components of food might be
responsible for the antitoxic or cancer-preventing effect. Differences in research protocols, diet
composition, and many other factors are certainly responsible for the differences in some results
obtained. The interaction between dietary fiber polymers and other components of the diet means
that the composition of the entire diet is a key factor in carcinogenesis and toxicity studies.
* This chapter is an updated version of Chapter 7.10, Modification by Dietary Fiber of Toxic or Carcinogenic Effects, by
Bandaru S. Reddy and Gene A. Spiller, in the second edition of the Handbook.

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Table 5.9.1 Studies on the Antitoxic Effect of Dietary Fiber or High-Fiber Foods and Early
Carcinogenesis Studies in Experimental Animals
Amount in Diet
Toxic Substance Dietary Fiber Source (%) Animal Effecta Ref.

Tween 60 Soybean meal 15 Rats + 3

Glucoascorbic acid (4%) Alfalfa meal 20 Rats + 4
Tween 20 Alfalfa meal 10 Rats + 5
Tween 60 Rye grass 10 +
Wheat grass 10 +
Fescue grass 10 +
Orchard grass 10 +
Purified cellulose 10 +
Span 20 Alfalfa meal 20
2,5-Di-t-butyl- Stock diet b vs. purified Rats + 6
hydroquinone diet
Chlorazanil Alfalfa Rats + 7
Sodium cyclamate Locus bean gum 10 Rats 8
Purified cellulose 10
Psyllium seed powder 10 +
Alfalfa meal 20 +
Carrot root powder 20 +
Gum karaya 10 +
Tween 60 Sodium alginate 15 Rats + 8
Psyllium seed 2.5 or 5 +
Alfalfa meal 10 +
Rice straw 10 +
Carrot root powder 10 +
Purified cellulose 10
FD & C Red #2 Alfalfa meal 10 Rats + 9
Watercress powder 10 +
Parsley powder 10 +
Calcium (CdCl2) Increased fiberc but Rats + 10
differing diets
Tween 60 Alfalfa meal 10 Mice + 11
Wheat grass meal 10 +
Rye grass meal 10 +
Sodium alginate 5 +
Agar 5 +
Alfalfa juiceb
Locust bean gum 10
Apple powder 10
2-Acetylaminofluorene Stock dietsc vs. purified Rats + 12
Note: This table summarizes only selected results of the cited studies. In many of these studies, many other
high-fiber substances and polymers were tested.
a + indicates a general protective effect (such as weight maintenance or survival) when compared to controls
on fiber-free or lower-fiber diets, without specific studies on tumorigenesis; indicates no protective effect.
b Amount corresponding to the alfalfa meal fed.
c The term stock diet refers to diets based on natural foods (grains, alfalfa, etc.). These diets were usually
compared to diets based on purified ingredients such as casein, starch, and glucose.
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Table 5.9.2 Studies on the Protective Effect of Dietary Fiber or High-Fiber Foods in Chemical
Carcinogenesis Studies
Dietary Fiber Amount in
Carcinogen Source (%) Diet (%) Animal Effecta Ref.

Colon Studies
1,2-DMH Oat bran 20 SD rats 26
1,2-DMH Guar gum 10 SD rats 26
1,2-DMH Guar gum 5 SD rats 27
AOM Phytic acid 1 Fischer rats +++ 28
1,2-DMH Wheat bran 20 SD rats +++ 13
AOM Wheat bran 15 Fischer rats +++ 14
AOM Wheat bran 15 Fischer rats +++ 15
3,2-DM-4-ABP Wheat bran 15 Fischer rats +++ 16
AOM Wheat bran 20 SD rats +++ 17
AOM Wheat bran 30 SD rats +++ 17
1,2-DMH Wheat bran 20 SD rats +++ 18
1,2-DMH Wheat bran 20 Fischer rats +++ 19
1,2-DMH Wheat bran 20 SD rats 20b
1,2-DMH Wheat bran 20 SD rats 18c
1,2-DMH Wheat bran 20 Balb/c mice 21d
MNU Wheat bran 15 Fischer rats 14e
AOM Wheat bran Fischer rats +++ 40f
AOM Citrus fiber 15 Fischer rats +++ 15
3,2-DM-4-ABP Citrus fiber 15 Fischer rats +++ 16
3,2-DM-4-ABP Corn bran 15 Fischer rats 22
1,2-DMH Corn bran 20 Balb/c mice 21d
1,2-DMH Corn bran 20 Fischer rats 19
1,2-DMH Rice bran 20 Fischer rats 19
1,2-DMH Soybean bran 20 Fischer rats 19
1,2-DMH Soybean bran 20 Balb/c mice 21d
AOM Alfalfa 20 SD rats +++ 17
AOM Alfalfa 30 SD rats +++ 17
AOM Alfalfa 15 Fischer rats 14
MNU Alfalfa 15 Fischer rats 14c
1,2-DMH Barley fiber SD rats +++ 33
AOM Coffee fiber 10 Fischer rats +++ 34a
1,2-DMH Carrot fiber 20 SD rats 20b
AOM Pectin 15 Fischer rats +++ 14
1,2-DMH Pectin 4.5 Wistar rats 23
1,2-DMH Pectin 9 Wistar rats 23
1,2-DMH Pectin 6.5 SD rats 20b
1,2-DMH Pectin 4.5 Wistar rats 35
1,2-DMH Pectin 9 Wistar rats 35
1,2-DMH Hemicellulose 4.5 Wistar rats +++ 36
1,2-DMH Cellulose 4.5 Wistar rats +++ 24
1,2-DMH Cellulose 4.5 Wistar rats +++ 23
1,2-DMH Cellulose 9 Wistar rats +++ 23
1,2-DMH Cellulose 4.5 Wistar rats +++ 35
1,2-DMH Cellulose 9 Wistar rats +++ 35
AOM Cellulose 40 Fischer rats +++ 25
AOM Cellulose 20 SD rats +++ 17
AOM Cellulose 30 SD rats +++ 17
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Table 5.9.2 (Continued) Studies on the Protective Effect of Dietary Fiber or High-Fiber Foods in
Chemical Carcinogenesis Studies
Dietary Fiber Amount in
Carcinogen Source (%) Diet (%) Animal Effecta Ref.
AOM Cellulose 20 Fischer rats 25
3,2-DM-4-ABP Lignin 7.5 Fischer rats +++ 22
1,2-DMH Cellulose SD rats +++ 37
1,2-DMH Lignin SD rats 37
1,2-DMH Cellulose 5 SD rats +++ 38
1,2-DMH Cellulose 15 SD rats +++ 38
1,2-DMH Cellulose 10 SD rats +++ 39

Mammary Studies
MNU Wheat bran 10 Fischer rats +++ 26
Note: Listed studies refer to chemically induced carcinogenesis, but genetic model of intestinal polyposis
(Apc knockout mice) shows protective role of high-fiber-containing diet for small and large intestinal
a +++ indicates a protective effect against tumorigenesis in the cited study (compared to fiber-free or
lower-fiber diets); indicates no protective effect in the cited study; indicates enhancing effect
in the cited study.
b Experimental fiber diets were fed to animals 3 days before, during, and 14 days after carcinogen
treatment. The animals were then transferred to standard rat pellets and fed this diet until termination
of the experiment.
c Effect of wheat bran on stage of initiation was studied. Wheat bran was fed to rats during carcinogen
treatment only. They were transferred to fiber-free diet until termination of the experiment.
d Animals fed the control diet or fiber-free diet had very low colon tumor incidence.
e MNU, methylnitrosourea is a direct-acting carcinogen. Other abbreviations used for indirect-acting
carcinogens include 1,2-DMH, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine; AOM, azoxymethane; 3,2-DM-4-ABP,
f Study showed lipid portion of wheat bran critical for protective effect, with associated reduction in nitric
oxide synthase and total cyclooxygenase activities (COX-1, COX-2).


1. Ershoff, B. H., Antitoxic effects of plant fibers, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 27, 1395, 1974.
2. Kritchevsky, D., Modification by fiber of toxic dietary effects, Fed. Proc. Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol.,
36, 1692, 1977.
3. Chow, B. F., Burnett, J. M., Ling, C. T., and Barrows, L., Effect of basal diet on the response of rats
to certain dietary non-ionic surface-active agents, J. Nutr., 49, 563, 1953.
4. Ershoff, B. H., Beneficial effect of alfalfa and other succulent plants on glucoascorbic acid toxicity
in the rat, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 95, 656, 1957.
5. Ershoff, B. H., Beneficial effect of alfalfa meal and other bulk-containing or bulk-forming materials
on the toxicity of nonionic surface-active agents in the rat, J. Nutr., 70, 484, 1960.
6. Ershoff, B. H., Comparative effects of a purified and stock diet on DBH (2,5-di-t-butylhydroquinone),
toxicity in the rat, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 141, 857, 1972.
7. Ershoff, B. H., Beneficial effect of alfalfa meal on chlorazanil hydrochloride toxicity in the rat, Exp.
Med. Surg., 17, 204, 1959.
8. Ershoff, B. H. and Marshall, W. E., Protective effect of dietary fiber in rats fed toxic doses of sodium
cyclamate and polyoxyethelene sorbitan monostearate (Tween 60), J. Food Sci., 40, 357, 1975.
9. Ershoff, B. H. and Thurstun, E. W., Effects of diet on amaranth (FD & C Red No.2) toxicity in the
rat, J. Nutr., 104, 937, 1974.
10. Wilson, R. H. and De Eds, F., Importance of diet in studies of chronic toxicity, Arch. Ind. Hyg. Occup.
Med., 1, 73, 1950.
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11. Ershoff, B. H. and Hernandez H. J., Beneficial effects of alfalfa meal and other bulk-containing or
bulk-forming materials on symptoms of Tween 60 toxicity in the immature mouse, J. Nutr., 69,
172, 1959.
12. Engel, B. W. and Copeland, D. H., Protective action of stock diets against the cancer-inducing action
of 2-acetylaminofluorene in rats, Cancer Res., 12, 211, 1952.
13. Wilson, R. B., Hutcheson, D. P., and Wideman, L., Dimethylhydrazine-induced colon tumors in rats
fed diets containing beef fat or corn oil with and without wheat bran, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 30, 176, 1977.
14. Watanabe, K., Reddy, B. S., Weisburger, J. H., and Kritchevsky, D., Effect of dietary alfalfa, pectin,
and wheat bran on azoxymethane- or methynitrosourea-induced colon carcinogenesis in F344 rats, J.
Natl. Cancer Inst., 63, 141, 1979.
15. Reddy, B. S., Mori, H., and Nicolais, M., Effect of dietary wheat bran and dehydrated citrus fiber on
azoxymethane-induced intestinal carcinogenesis in Fischer F344 rats, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 66,
553, 1981.
16. Reddy, B. S. and Mori, H., Effect of dietary wheat bran and dehydrated citrus fiber on 3,2-dimethyl-
4-aminobiphenyl-induced intestinal carcinogenesis in F344 rats, Carcinogenesis, 2, 21, 1981.
17. Nigro, N. D., Bull, A. W., Klopfer, B. A., Pak, M. S., and Campbell, R. L., Effect of dietary fiber on
azoxymethane-induced intestinal carcinogenesis in rats, J. Natl. Cancr Inst., 62, 1097, 1979.
18. Jacobs, L. R., Enhancement of rat colon carcinogenesis by wheat bran consumption during the stage
of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine administration, Cancer Res., 43, 4057, 1983.
19. Barnes, D. S., Clapp, N. K., Scott, D. A., and Berry, S. G., Effects of wheat, rice, corn, and soybean
bran on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced large bowel tumorigenesis, Nutr. Cancer, 5, 1, 1983.
20. Bauer, H. G., Asp, N., Oste, R., Dahlquist, A., and Fredlund, P. E., Effect of dietary fiber on induction
of colorectal tumors and fecal B-glucuronidase activity in the rat, Cancer Res., 39, 3752, 1979.
21. Clapp, N. K., Henke, M. A., London, J. F., and Shock T. L., Enhancement of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-
induced large bowel tumorigenesis in Balb/c mice by corn, soybean and wheat bran, Nutr. Cancer, 6,
77, 1984.
22. Reddy, B. S., Maeura, Y., and Wayman, M., Effect of dietary corn bran and autohydrolyzed lignin on
3,2-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl-induced intestinal carcinogenesis in male F344 rats, J. Natl. Cancer
Inst., 71, 419, 1983.
23. Freeman, H. J., Spiller, G. A., and Kim, Y. S., A double-blind study on the effects of differing purified
cellulose and pectin fiber diets on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced rat colonic neoplasia, Cancer Res.,
40, 2661, 1980.
24. Freeman, H. J., Spiller, G. A., and Kim, Y. S., A double-blind study on the effects of purified cellulose
dietary fiber on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced rat colonic neoplasia, Cancer Res., 38, 2912, 1978.
25. Ward, J. M., Yamamoto, R. S., and Weisburger, J. H., Cellulose dietary bulk and azoxymethane-induced
intestinal cancer, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 51, 713, 1973.
26. Jacobs, L. R. and Lupton, J. R., Relationship between colonic luminal pH, cell proliferation, and colon
carcinogenesis in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine treated rats fed high fiber diets, Cancer Res., 46, 1727, 1986.
27. Bauer, H. G., Asp, N. G., Dahlquist, A., Fredlund, P. E., Nyman, M., and Oste, R., Effect of two kinds
of pectin and guar gum on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine initiation of colon tumors and on fecal B-glucu-
ronidase activity in the rat, Cancer Res., 41, 2518, 1981.
28. Ullah, A. and Shamuddin, A. M., Dose-dependent inhibition of large intestinal cancer by inositol
hexaphospate in F344 rats, Carcinogenesis, 11, 2219, 1990.
29. Cohen, L. A., Kendall, M. E., Zang, E., Meschter, C., and Rose, D. P., Modulation of N-nitroso-
methylurea-induced mammary tumor promotion by dietary fiber and fat, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 83,
496, 1991.
30. Reddy, B. S., Dietary fiber and colon carcinogenesis: a critical review, in Dietary Fiber in Health and
Disease, Vahouny, G.V. and Kritchevsky, D., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1982, 265.
31. Freeman, H. J., Experimental animal studies in colon carcinogenesis and dietary fiber, in Medical
Aspects of Dietary Fiber, Spiller, G. A. and McPherson-Kay, R., Eds., Plenum Press, New York,
1980, 83.
32. Pilch, S. M., Physiological Effects and Health Consequences of Dietary Fiber, Life Sciences Research
Office, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD, 1987.
33. McIntosh, G. H., Jorensen, L., and Royle, P., The potential of an insoluble dietary fiber-rich source
from barley to protect from DMH-induced intestinal tumors in rats, Nutr. Cancer, 19, 213, 1993.
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34. Rao, C. V., Chou, D., Simi, B., Ku, H., and Reddy, B. S., Prevention of colonic aberrant crypt foci
and modulation of large bowel microbial activity by dietary coffee fiber, inulin and pectin, Carcino-
genesis, 19, 1815, 1998.
35. Freeman, H. J., Effects of differing purified cellulose, pectin and hemicellulose fiber diets on fecal
enzymes in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-iduced rat colon carcinogenesis, Cancer Res., 46, 5529, 1986.
36. Freeman, H. J., Spiller, G. A., and Kim, Y. S., Effect of high hemicellulose corn bran on 1,2-
dimethylhydrazine-induced rat intestinal neoplasia, Carcinogenesis, 5, 261, 1984.
37. Sloan, D. A., Fleiszer, D. M., Richards, G. K., Murray, D., and Brown, R. A., The effect of the fiber
components cellulose and lignin on experimental colon neoplasia, J. Surg. Oncol., 52, 77, 1993.
38. Hertman, D. W., Ord, V. A., Hunter, K. E., and Cameron, I. L., Effect of dietary cellulose on cell
proliferation and progression of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis in rats, Cancer
Res., 49, 5581, 1989.
39. Sakamoto, J., Nakaji, S., Sugawara, K., Iwane, S., and Munakata, A., Comparison of resistant starch
with cellulose diet on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colonic carcinogenesis in rats, Gastroenterology,
110, 116, 1996.
40. Reddy, B. S., Hirose, Y., Cohen, L. A., Simi, B., Cooma, I., and Rao, C. V., Preventive potential of
wheat bran fractions against experimental colon carcinogenesis: implications for human colon cancer
prevention, Cancer Res., 60, 4792, 2000.
41. Hioki, K., Shivapurkar, N., Oshima, H., Alabaster, O., Oshima, M., and Taketo, M. M., Suppression
of intestinal polyp development by low-fat and high-fiber diet in Apc (delta716) knockout mice,
Carcinogenesis, 18, 1863, 1997.
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Effect of Whole Grains, Cereal Fiber, and

Phytic Acid on Health
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Whole Grain, Fiber, and Antioxidants

Gene Miller


Considerable scientific data suggest that the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other chronic
diseases of aging is reduced by diets high in fruits, whole grain products, and vegetables.16 Several
decades of research have focused on identification of food components and mechanisms to explain
the positive health effect. Lignans have been the subject of considerable study,79 but for grain
products, most research centered on fiber as the efficacious agent. Such studies demonstrate the
benefits of grain fiber, and sound mechanisms have been proposed to explain biological function.1013
Still, it has been suggested that fiber alone does not explain the full effect of whole grain prod-
ucts.11,14,15 Epidemiological studies regarding fruits and vegetables clearly indicate their positive
impact on health regarding chronic, degenerative disease.1618 Natural antioxidants such as vitamin
C, vitamin E, and -carotene were identified as potential active components. Experimental studies
with individual compounds validate their importance but do not explain completely the efficacy of
fruits and vegetables. The French paradox observation, where heart disease is relatively low for a
wine-drinking population with high saturated fat intake,19 draws attention to the wide variety of
phenolic antioxidants that may act to prevent disease. In fact, flavonoids were recognized by Szent-
Gyrgyi20 in 1937 to have vitamin-like activity. In spite of sometimes-ambiguous results from
experiments to test ability of pure compounds to inhibit cancer or coronary heart disease, it is
generally accepted that natural antioxidants are important to good health.


Whole grains contain numerous antioxidants of different structural types.21 Many are common
among plants, but some are unique. Examples of a few grain antioxidant structures are shown in
Figure 6.1.1. Cinnamic acids, benzoates, flavonoids, and tocopherols are basic antioxidant com-
pounds common to grains, fruits, and vegetables in diverse structural combinations. Avenanthra-
mides are unique to oats. Tocotrienols, long-chain mono- and diol-esters of ferulic and caffeic acids
and alkyl resorcinols, are abundant in most grains. In addition, there are many other antioxidant
compounds that occur in lesser amounts in grains. These compounds vary in solubility from freely
soluble in water to fat soluble. Insoluble antioxidants include phenolic acids covalently bound by
ester linkages to the arabinose side chains of arabinoxylan fiber polymers of cell walls.22,23 These
esters are about 90% ferulate and 10% coumarate, which together constitute about 1% of the grain

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2387_ch6.1_fm Page 454 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:46 PM


R3 CH3
R1 CH3

Cinnamic Acids Tocopherols



Flavonoids Avenanthramides

O HO (CH2)nH

Diol Esters Alkyl Resorcinols

Figure 6.1.1 Plant antioxidants.

seed coat. A substantial part of ferulate esters dimerizes to form diferulate bridges between fiber
strands and give structural strength to the cell walls. Seven different diferulates have been identified
that could be formed by a radical mechanism.24
Fiber-bound phenolic esters are common to grains and grasses but are found in only a few of
the dicots, spinach and beets being familiar examples.25 Antioxidants esterified to grain fiber are
not available for absorption unless freed by enzymatic hydrolysis in the colon. The majority of
grain antioxidants are found in outer layers of grain seeds, as are most other phytonutrients.
Components of grain contained in thick-walled bran cells are hindered from absorption. Even
soluble materials may be carried to the colon with bran, where they may or may not be released
for absorption, dependent on microflora activity. In this respect, results from studies on physiological
effects of diets that contain raw grain and bran or intact cooked grain could differ from studies
using the same grains but that have been processed in ways that disrupt cellular structure.
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Since grains contain many different antioxidants with potential for health benefit, it was of
interest to estimate total activity in grain products, fruits, and vegetables. The relative amount of
antioxidant activity in these foods is an indication of potential contribution to disease reduction by
antioxidant mechanisms. Analysis of antioxidant activity was done using a stable free radical, 1,1-
diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), in 50% aqueous methanol.26 DPPH has been thoroughly studied
as an analytical reagent for antioxidants.27,28 A significant part of the antioxidants in grains is not
readily soluble in 50% aqueous methanol, is trapped in coarse cells of the bran, or is covalently
bound to cell walls. Because of this, DPPH was reacted directly with finely ground sample in warm
aqueous methanol for 4 hours.29 This procedure measures soluble antioxidants and also allows the
DPPH to react with insoluble antioxidants distributed throughout the food matrix. In addition to
solubility issues, antioxidants have a wide range of activity, from highly reactive to very weak
activity. The significance to human health of different antioxidant compounds that have diverse
chemical properties is unknown, but a variety of compounds and activities offer potential protection
for a range of human disease mechanisms.
Fruits, grains, vegetables, processed products, and ingredients were analyzed for antioxidant
activity using the DPPH method. Results shown in Table 6.1.1 are expressed as Trolox equivalents
per 100 g (TE) of sample. It is apparent that whole grain products average higher in antioxidant
activity than fruits or vegetables on an as is basis. Similar results were reported for aqueous extracts
of foods using ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) technology.30 The same kinds of fruits
and vegetables were analyzed in both studies, but average activity for vegetables was similar to
fruits by the ORAC method. This may be due to differences in products analyzed, solvent systems,
or methodology. The ORAC method utilizes a high-energy free radical (2,2-azobis(2-amidinopro-
pane) dihydrochloride), which can react with weak antioxidants. DPPH is a bulky, stable free radical
that reacts slowly with some antioxidants, and not at all with very weak proton radical donors. For
example, DPPH reacts very slightly with -carotene and only slowly with vanillic acid. This may
partially explain why ORAC values on aqueous extracts of cereal products were similar to DPPH
results of the whole product. Regardless, whole grain products are substantially higher in antioxidant
activity than commonly consumed fruits and vegetables.

Table 6.1.1 Average Antioxidant Activity for

Food Products
Food Material TE/100 g
Common vegetables 400
Common fruits 1200
Whole wheat bread 2000
Whole grain breakfast cereals 2800

Antioxidant activity of different fruits, grains, and vegetables varies considerably, as previously
reported.26 Vegetables range from 1400 TE for red cabbage to 50 TE for celery; fruits vary from
2200 TE for red plums to 100 TE for melons. Antioxidant activity was 3000 TE for a whole wheat
cereal and 1300 TE for a cereal made from refined rice. Consumption of a variety of foods is
important to ensure a balanced intake of phytonutrients including antioxidants.
Antioxidant activity for common grains is shown in Table 6.1.2. As for fruits and vegetables,
there are significant differences in activity between different grains. White rice with no bran has
significant antioxidant activity but is considerably lower than brown rice with bran. Red wheat is
higher in antioxidant activity than white wheat or oat groats. Pearled barley with partially removed
bran is higher in antioxidant activity than red wheat. Rye is exceptionally high in antioxidant
activity but, unfortunately, is a minor grain in most Western diets. Annual consumption of rye is
2387_ch6.1_fm Page 456 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:46 PM


Table 6.1.2 Antioxidant Activity of Grains

Grain TE/100 grams
White rice 700
Whole white wheat 1400
Brown rice 1500
Oat groats 1800
Whole red wheat 2500
Pearled barley 3100
Rye 4700

high in Finland, and it is believed to have important health benefits due to lignans and other
phytonutrients.7,31 All whole grains contain substantial antioxidant activity when compared to an
average value for common fruits or vegetables. There is not a convenient way to evaluate the relative
health significance of antioxidant mixtures in different foods, but it is reasonable to assume that
very low activity foods have less potential for benefit than the medium or high activity foods.
Antioxidant activities calculated for an average serving of fruit, vegetable, whole wheat bread,
or whole grain breakfast cereal are compared in Table 6.1.3. The amount of antioxidants from a
serving of whole grain product is similar to that from an average serving of fruit and greater than
an average serving of vegetables. Since Western diets typically contain relatively little whole grain
products and are low in fruits and vegetables, antioxidant intake could be increased significantly
by modest diet changes such as eating whole grain breakfast cereals and whole grain breads in
place of refined grain products.

Table 6.1.3 Antioxidant Content For Average Servings of Whole

Grain Products, Fruits, and Vegetables
Product Serving (g) TE Activity
Whole grain breakfast cereals 50 1400
Whole wheat bread 50 1000
Average fruit 100 1200
Average vegetable 100 630

Antioxidant activity is compared for grain fractions and grain products in Table 6.1.4. Antiox-
idants are concentrated in bran fractions, although the endosperm has significant activity. It is not
possible from these results to determine how much of total bound or insoluble antioxidants is
measured by DPPH, but DPPH analysis indicates that there is significant antioxidant activity
associated with fiber of cereal grains. Even oat hulls that were extracted with aqueous alkali retained
high antioxidant activity. Whole grain cereal that was extracted with 50% aqueous methanol had
about 65% of starting activity. Insoluble antioxidants have not been completely identified, but it is
reasonable to assume a significant part is from phenolic acids esterified to fiber. Tannins, which
have very high antioxidant activity,32 and lignins may explain some of the activity.

Table 6.1.4 Antioxidant Activity of Grain

Fractions and Products
Ingredient TE/100 grams
Red wheat flour 900
Red wheat bran 11000
Whole red wheat 2500
Alkali extracted oat hulls 6000
Aq. MeOH extd wheat cereal 1700
White bread (dry) 1600
Bread, crust (dry) 2050
Bread, white (dry) 1100
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Another aspect of grain antioxidant activity is that it does not appear to decrease during bread
making or processing for breakfast cereals. For example, antioxidant activity in baked bread is
higher than the starting flour (Table 6.1.4). It appears that there is essentially no loss of natural
antioxidants while there is formation of new antioxidant activity, most likely Maillard reaction
products. This is demonstrated by comparison of crust antioxidant activity to that of crust-free
white bread. The crust is about double in antioxidant activity compared to the crust-free part. The
crust-free part is about the same as flour on an equal moisture basis. This suggests that there is
little change in antioxidants in the interior of the bread loaf during baking. High temperature
conditions at the loaf surface promote crust browning. Reductone products are characteristic of the
Maillard reaction and may explain the increase in crust antioxidant activity. A similar effect is seen
for breakfast cereals. Antioxidant activity increases gradually during cooking steps of breakfast
cereal processing, but the biggest increase is from toasting.


It has been shown that natural antioxidants are bioavailable and that the level of antioxidant
activity in blood increases on a diet high in fruits and vegetables or after consumption of foods
high in antioxidants such as tea, wine, or fruits.3335 And it is known that antioxidants released in
the colon by microbial action can be absorbed.36 However, bioavailability of grain antioxidants
in food products has not been determined specifically. Potential health benefit of unique antiox-
idants, including Maillard reaction products, is not known. It is reasonable to assume that many
of the grain and grain product antioxidants are bioavailable and can function as free radical
scavengers in the body. In addition, these compounds may also participate in other mechanisms
suggested for specific antioxidants, such as reducing platelet adhesion, vasorelaxation, cell apop-
tosis, and induction of detoxification enzymes.3742 Further, antioxidants in the digestive tract have
potential to react with nitrites and free radicals existing in food when consumed or generated by
biological processes.
Bran fiber is of interest because of how it may effect the distribution and absorption of
phytonutrients. If the bran of whole grains is essentially intact when it is consumed, the contents
of cells will be much less available for absorption. Small molecules, readily soluble in water, may
diffuse out of the bran cells, but other constituents would not be available at all except after fiber
degradation by bacteria in the colon. Covalently bound phenolics are resistant to digestion in the
stomach and small intestine, but enzymatic hydrolysis is possible in the colon.4345 Arabino-ferulates
and free phenolic acids are released by microorganism fermentation. Diferulate release is possible
but is more difficult because of attachment to two fiber chains.
From experiments with rats fed 14C-labeled bound phenolics in spinach, it was determined that
19% of the label was excreted in the feces, 20% was excreted in urine, and over 34% of the label
was retained in body tissues after 18 hours.45 These results demonstrate that bound phenolics, after
release in the colon by enzymatic hydrolysis, are bioavailable. High-protein and fatty diets reduce
the abundance of colon microorganisms as compared to a high-fiber diet. In addition, antibiotics
can inhibit growth of colon microflora that ferment fiber for over 30 days.46 This suggests that
availability of phytonutrients in whole grain will be reduced unless the grain is processed to open
bran cells and colon microflora are healthy. It is essential that the everyday diet is relatively high
in fiber to help sustain a microflora that is optimum for obtaining maximum health benefit from
grain phytonutrients.
Fiber-bound phenolics were identified many years ago and have been the subject of considerable
study in recent years.22,44,47,48 Grain fiber material has significant antioxidant activity. This activity
is consistent with reports for phenolic content in bran fractions, with consideration for natural
2387_ch6.1_fm Page 458 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:46 PM


variability and activity from insoluble polyphenolics such as lignin or tannins.32,44,49 Antioxidant
activity for a very pure sample of corn bran was 20,000 TE by DPPH analysis. This calculates for
3.9% ferulic acid if all activity is due to ferulates. It may be that corn bran contains high levels of
ferulate, and it may contain small amounts of highly active compounds such as tannins.32 The
sample of very pure red wheat bran (Table 6.1.4) was 11,000 TE, equivalent to 2.1% ferulate.
Although high, this is in the range of ferulate concentrations reported for wheat bran.44,49,50 It is of
interest that carob hulls, which are known to be high in tannin compounds, analyzed for 160,000
TE. Based on the activity measured for tannic acid (1,400,000 TE), carob could contain roughly
11% tannic acid that is reactive with DPPH in 50% aqueous methanol.
Processed whole grain products contain considerable antioxidant activity in the form of phenolic
acids covalently bound to cell wall fiber. Grain products provide many phytonutrients, including
antioxidants that are concentrated in the bran. It is possible that there is a synergistic relationship
with fiber that goes beyond a simple combination of chemical compounds. In the case of antioxi-
dants, there are several ways they can be utilized by the body. Fat-soluble antioxidants can be
absorbed through the lymphatic system, and water-soluble antioxidants can be absorbed in the
small intestine. Antioxidants covalently bound to cell wall fiber and compounds contained within
cellular structures are transported to the large intestine, to be released by fermentation in the
presence of appropriate microorganisms. Antioxidants released in this manner are available to
scavenge free radicals present in the colon. Epithelial cells of the colon absorb free phenolics and
can benefit from their antioxidant activity. In this manner, whole grain antioxidants can act as free
radical scavengers through the entire digestive tract and in colon tissues. When fiber carries bound
antioxidants to the colon, there is time-delayed activity present in the digestive tract. This activity,
along with the protective effect of fiber and fiber fermentation products, may provide unique
protection that is not possible by any single component. Transport of antioxidants to the colon is
characteristic to whole grain materials because of covalently bound phenolics but is possible for
only a few vegetables and fruits.


It is well established that grain fiber is important to human health. In addition, there are many
other potential health-supporting phytonutrients in whole grains, including antioxidants, lignans,
phytates, sterols, sphingolipids, tocotrienols, vitamins, and minerals. The health contribution of
antioxidants in grain products has received little attention. Whole grain products provide equal or
greater antioxidant activity compared to fruits or vegetables on a per-serving basis. Whole grain
antioxidants represent a variety of structural types, including significant amounts of phenolic acids
esterified to cell wall fiber. Covalently bound antioxidants are transported to the colon along with
fiber and remain functional agents for an extended time period. Enzymatic hydrolysis in the colon
can free phenolics for absorption into the epithelium. It is hypothesized that bound antioxidants,
in synergy with fiber, deliver a unique functionality to the colon and are an important part of the
overall health benefit provided by whole grain products. These hypothetical mechanisms offer
additional possibilities to explain the efficacy of whole grain products to reduce chronic disease.


1. National Academy of Sciences, Diet and Health, Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease, National
Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1989.
2. World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research, Food, Nutrition and
Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, AICR, Washington, DC, 1997.
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3. Rimm, E. B., Ascherio, A., Giovannucci, E., Spiegleman, D., Stampfer, M. S., and Willet, W.C.,
Vegetable, fruit and cereal fiber intake and risk of coronary heart disease among men, JAMA, 275,
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Technology, Webster, F. H., Ed., American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, 1986, chap. 3.
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ferulic dehydrodimers in 17 rye (secale cereale L.) varieties, J. Agric. Fd. Chem., 48, 2837, 2000.
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Whole Grains, Cereal Fiber, and Chronic Diseases:

Epidemiologic Evidence

Mark A. Pereira, Joel J. Pins, David R. Jacobs, Jr.,

Leonard Marquart, and Joseph Keenan


The finding on cereal fibre illustrates one of the uses of epidemiology in exploration.
J. N. Morris et al., British Medical Journal, 1977

The hypothesis that dietary fiber may reduce the risk for chronic diseases was extrapolated
from the ecological observations of Burkitt et al.,1 who compared and contrasted the diets and
disease patterns of Westernized and non-Westernized cultures. This hypothesis came from whole
plant foods, with fruits and vegetables historically and contemporaneously receiving much public
health attention, and less attention being given to whole grain foods. Over the past few decades,
important epidemiologic observations have been made on the topic of dietary fiber and chronic
disease risk, thus fueling a reductionist approach rather than a whole food one. Recent epidemi-
ologic findings on whole grain foods allow us to evaluate the food source of fiber, with its nutrient-
rich complex still somewhat intact, in association with chronic disease risk. As such, we have
developed a nontraditional hypothesis that fiber alone is only one potentially efficacious component
of whole grains and other appropriately processed plant foods.
As indicated by the quote above by Morris and colleagues,2 exploratory findings for cereal fiber
intake and CHD risk were in need of support by candidate mechanisms, which we describe in
Chapter 6.3, and confirmation from other studies in similar and different populations, which we
describe herein. The goal of this chapter is to review the observational epidemiologic evidence for
the potential role of cereal fiber and its primary food source whole grains in reducing risk
for chronic diseases.


At the base of the Food Guide Pyramid, grains compose approximately 25% of the food supply
in the U.S.3 However, very little grain is available in whole or minimally refined form, with at least
95% being stripped of its bran and germ.4,5 It has been estimated that average intake of whole grain

2001 by CRC Press LLC 461
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products in the U.S. is ~0.5 eating occasions per day, with total grain products (whole + refined)
being less than 3 per day in comparison to the recommended intake of 6 to 11 servings per day.6
In observational epidemiologic studies based on self-reported dietary intake, we are limited to
rather crude differentiation between whole and refined grain intake. Foods coded as whole grain
are those that we know or suspect to include bran and/or germ and therefore are a potentially
nutrient-rich fiber complex. These include commercially available dark or mixed grain breads,
brown rice, or brand-name breakfast cereals with a whole grain (or whole grain flour) as the first
ingredient or elsewhere on the ingredient list with at least 2 g of fiber per serving.7,8 In contrast,
refined grains are defined for epidemiologic purposes as those foods that are known or strongly
suspected to have no bran or germ due to the refining process and only the fiber-poor, nutrient-
poor endosperm present. These include white bread, white rice, and brand-name breakfast cereals
with a refined grain as the first ingredient and less than 2 g of fiber per serving. Table 6.2.1
summarizes the foods contributing to whole and refined grain intake for epidemiologic studies
utilizing databases of self-reported intake.
The loss of critical nutrients in the bran and germ during the refining process is acknowledged
by the enrichment of refined grains with many vitamins and minerals by the food industry in an
attempt to replace natural nutrients. However, enrichment is insufficient when one considers that
fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, and many micronutrients and phytochemicals, including some uni-
dentified, are not able to be replaced. We have hypothesized that these nutrients present in grains
in their natural form may act together, perhaps synergistically, in the body to modify risk for
chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer (see Chapter 6.3).9 Epide-
miologic evidence reviewed in this chapter, and experimental evidence of the accompanying
chapter, may help to provide further impetus for modification of the current dietary guidelines in
Westernized countries.


The methodologic nuances of nutritional epidemiology should be reviewed prior to embarking

on a critical evaluation of the published studies. We have arranged tables in this chapter to guide
the reader through the salient features of many studies of dietary fiber, whole grain foods, and
chronic disease risk. A quick review on the interpretation of the studies described in these tables
and the accompanying text may help in judging strengths and weaknesses of the literature. For a
thorough review of nutritional epidemiologic methods, the reader is referred to Willett.10

Study Design

Prospective studies are stronger than cross-sectional, because with cross-sectional studies it is
not possible to establish temporality that is, that the exposure (diet) precedes disease onset.
Furthermore, the presence of frank disease in cross-sectional studies may result in reverse causality
real changes in diet due to secondary prevention efforts or consequences of illness or medication
use or self-report bias in dietary recall due to knowledge of diet and health. Prospective studies
have the capability to exclude those with the disease of interest at baseline, or time 0, and follow
them through time to track the number of cases (e.g., incidence of myocardial infarction), thereafter
conducting analyses to determine if self-reported diet at baseline is associated with incidence of
disease. Given the wealth of longitudinal studies on fiber, whole grains, and CVD and type 2
diabetes, we will not thoroughly review the cross-sectional studies.
Case-control studies have commonly been done for cancer, as this study design is more efficient
for less common diseases. Case-control studies are particularly prone to bias, however, especially
recall bias and other biases related to the selection of controls and interviews that probe for exposure
status. Cases, because of their disease status, may recall dietary and other exposures differently
Table 6.2.1 Description and Relative Consumption of Common Whole and Refined Grain Foods in Epidemiologic Studies
Whole Grain Refined Grain
Estimated Relative Estimated Relative
Food Group Foods Contribution to Food Group Foods Contribution to Food Group
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 463 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM

Bread and bread Dark, brown, mixed grain bread 60% White bread 30%
Breakfast cereal Whole grain or bran as first 25% Refined grain or sugar as first ingredient 4%
Whole grain or bran elsewhere in Whole grain or bran elsewhere in
ingredient list AND at least 2 g fiber ingredient list AND less than 2 g of
per serving fiber per serving
Oatmeal and other hot whole grain Cream of wheat and other hot refined
cereals grain cereals
Other breakfast Whole wheat, rye, and bran muffins 1% Regular white flour muffins, rolls, 10%
items donuts, and croissants
Whole wheat pancakes and waffles Regular pancakes and waffles
Pizza, pasta, Made from whole wheat or other Made from white or semolina flour or 8%
tortillas, etc. whole grain other refined grain flour
Rice Brown and wild rice 1% White rice 3%
Snacks and Popcorn, corn chips, whole wheat or 13% White wheat flour crackers and pretzels, 45%
desserts rye crackers, and pretzels cakes, cookies and brownies
Source: Adapted from Jacobs et al.5,30 and Pereira et al.8
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 464 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM


(overestimating or underestimating exposure) than controls. However, some comprehensive meta-

analyses of whole grain and cancer have considered these biases in their methods, and the discrep-
ancies between these case-control studies and the few prospective studies of fiber and cancer will
be discussed.

Measurement of Diet

There is a large degree of error in self-reported diet in epidemiologic studies. This error is
generally agreed by nutritional epidemiologists to be random in nature, thus biasing associations
toward the null hypothesis of no association between diet and disease, and increasing the probability
of missing a true association (type II error). Therefore, when one finds a statistically significant
and biologically meaningful association in support of some a priori hypothesis, especially after
control for potentially confounding factors (see below), the association is likely to be real. In fact,
there is evidence that adjustment for this measurement error may sometimes strengthen associa-
tions,10 depending on the nature and quality of the measurement error adjustment and, of course,
whether there is a true association as hypothesized.

Adjustment for Other Potential Confounders

Adjustment for confounders is especially critical with such self-reported behaviors as intake of
fiber-rich foods, which correlates strongly with important lifestyle behaviors such as cigarette
smoking, physical activity, vitamin supplement use, and other dietary factors. Not only must
epidemiologists control for these potential confounders in their statistical modeling, but they must
have measured these potential confounders accurately to minimize susceptibility to residual con-
founding. For example, if a certain study of fiber and risk for coronary heart disease has a crude
measure of physical activity, such as classifying participants, into two categories sedentary vs.
active physical activity level could still confound associations between fiber and incidence of
coronary disease. Within the physically active group of participants there may be a broad distribution
of physical activity and dietary fiber intake, leaving open the possibility of confounding within
subgroups of physical activity. This potential problem would be minimized if a study had a very
detailed measure of physical activity, such as a continuous metabolic index derived from a series
of questions about type, frequency, and intensity of activity. Many studies discussed in some detail
in this chapter have rigorously controlled for potential confounders. In addition, if one also finds
support for physiologic effects from animal experiments and human trials, as reviewed in
Chapter 6.3, residual confounding is less likely to be operating to explain the observational findings.

Sample Size and Characteristics

The larger the sample size and the more representative the sample is of the overall population,
the more likely the sample is to have a broad distribution of dietary intake and the greater the number
of disease endpoints that will be accumulated over time. These factors will increase the likelihood of
detecting an association between exposure (fiber or food intake) and endpoint (risk factor or incidence
rate of disease). However, depending on the sampling strategy and age, gender, and racial composition
of the sample, a larger sample size may not always result in an unbiased and representative sample
of the population in terms of dietary intake and characteristics. The overall population from which
the participants are recruited may be an entire country (e.g., National Health Interview Survey) or a
population subgroup (e.g., the Nurses Health Study). Although female nurses may be a relatively
homogenous group, such a sample has internal validity due to the comprehensive and careful methods.
The high response rate and very large sample size in the Nurses Health Study also contribute to the
enhanced likelihood of detecting important associations between diet and health and generalizing
these findings to middle-aged and older women who have similar characteristics. Indeed, as will be
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 465 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM


discussed below, some nutritional findings from the Nurses Health Study and another study of
postmenopausal women from the state of Iowa (the Iowa Women's Health Study) are consistent.

Magnitude and Nature of Association

Generally, with such common diseases as cardiovascular disease, a 20% reduction in risk may
have public health relevance, especially if this risk reduction is observed between groups within
the study population consuming realistic, generalizable amounts of a nutrient or food. For example,
one might ask: What is the relative risk reduction for coronary heart disease for each increase in
cereal fiber of five grams per day or the equivalent of one or two servings of whole grain
breakfast cereal? If a dose-response curve is also observed across increments of increasing nutrient
intake (whereby risk for the disease is decreased with increasing intake), then the findings are more
likely to be real rather than spurious or confounded.


In this section we will provide a brief overview of observational studies of dietary fiber or
whole grain intake and risk factors for chronic disease, while a more thorough review of associations
between fiber (and its food sources) and actual incidence of frank disease will follow. The cross-
sectional studies of dietary fiber reviewed herein do not include frank cases of disease. Instead,
these studies have examined associations between dietary fiber and risk factors or biomarkers for
chronic disease. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes will not be differentiated,
because these diseases have many risk factors in common. Indeed, these diseases are thought to
have a common etiology in the insulin resistance syndrome, including hyperinsulinemia, impaired
glucose metabolism, dyslipidemia, hypertension, hypofibrinolysis, obesity, and central fat pattern-
ing.11 Risk factors for cancer are less clear, in part because cancer is a much more heterogenous
set of diseases than CVD and type 2 diabetes. There are a few biomarkers reflecting risk for CVD
and type 2 diabetes that also may be important in the etiology of certain cancers. These may include
blood insulin concentration, systemic inflammation, and antioxidant capacity. Insulin may promote
the growth of tumors, markers of inflammation may reflect an immune response, and reduced
antioxidative capacity may indicate susceptibility to free-radical damage of tissue or DNA. Fiber-
rich foods, for reasons discussed in the accompanying chapter along with a review of the experi-
mental evidence, have the potential to affect all of these risk factors for the three main chronic
diseases cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
Although the cholesterol-lowering effect of dietary fiber appears to be modest and dependent
on its solubility (as discussed in the accompanying chapter), there are many other potential mech-
anisms whereby dietary fiberrich foods may reduce risk for chronic diseases. One of the most
promising fiberrisk factor associations is that of glucose control and insulin sensitivity. Such effects
of dietary fiber may operate systemically, resulting in benefits on blood pressure and hemostatic
factors through the clustering of related abnormalities as mentioned above. However, because of
the difficulty in measuring diet by self-report and the expense of collecting good risk factor data
in large samples of individuals for epidemiologic purposes, few studies have provided good detail
of fiberrisk factor associations. The few cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of dietary fiber
and fasting insulin and other markers of insulin sensitivity have revealed that fiber appears to be
favorably associated with insulin sensitivity.1215 This association appears to be independent of other
dietary and lifestyle factors.
Humble et al.16 have identified possible mechanisms to explain their associations between intake
of crude fiber and coronary heart disease incidence (included in the next section) in hypercholester-
olemic middle-aged men. Across quintiles of increasing fiber intake at baseline of the study, a strong
inverse linear trend was observed for post-challenge glucose concentration (p = .001), with a weaker
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 466 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM


inverse (p = .06) and positive (p =.11) trend for body mass index and HDL cholesterol. No association
was found for systolic blood pressure, and insulin was not measured. It should also be noted that
these associations were not adjusted for potential confounding factors, such as physical activity habits.
A prospective study was recently undertaken to assess the relative capacity of the major
macronutrients to predict changes in cardiovascular disease risk factors over a 10-year period
(1985/6 to 1995/6).17 Total dietary fiber from all sources was used, as source of fiber was not
available for analyses. Study participants were 2909 young black and white adults enrolled in the
Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. In addition to comparing
fiber to saturated fat, unsaturated fat, protein, and carbohydrate in this regard, these authors
hypothesized that dietary fiber may exert its beneficial effects on attenuating atherogenesis through
its effects on circulating insulin concentrations. As such, the findings may also apply to type 2
diabetes and certain hormonally mediated cancers in which insulin levels may be important. Dietary
fiber intake was consistently associated in a protective dose response manner with 10-year body
weight gain.17 Those in the highest 20% of dietary fiber intake (>21 g/2000 kcal) gained approx-
imately 8 fewer pounds of weight over the 10-year period than those in the lowest 20% of dietary
fiber intake (<12 g/2000 kcal). Similar results were found for the waisthip ratio. Fasting and
2-hour post-glucose insulin concentrations demonstrated graded inverse associations with dietary
fiber intake in both black and white women and men, even after adjustment for all known potential
cofounders as well as body mass index. Furthermore, 10-year changes in blood pressure, LDL
cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, as well as cross-sectional associations with fibrin-
ogen (a marker of hemostasis as well as inflammation), were all associated with dietary fiber intake
in a doseresponse manner in whites. (Weaker but consistent associations were observed in blacks.)
Most of these associations could be explained by adjustment for fasting insulin concentration,
supporting a mechanistic role of insulin sensitivity in the effect of fiber intake on CVD risk factors.
In comparison, while a recent cross-sectional study found no association between dietary fiber
intake and fibrinogen, a graded inverse association between fiber intake and PAI-1 concentration
was reported.18 These findings from the Family Heart Study18 are consistent with the PAI-1 and
fibrinogen findings for our human experiments discussed in the accompanying chapter.
In the study described above,17 not only were these associations for dietary fiber and risk factors
stronger than those for saturated fat, unsaturated fat, carbohydrate, and protein, but the few asso-
ciations that were observed between total or saturated fat and body weight or insulin were consid-
erably attenuated and no longer statistically significant after adjustment for dietary fiber intake.
This is a classic example of confounding that has often been overlooked with respect to the classic
dietheart hypothesis. Previous studies have demonstrated that fiber may have stronger associations
with risk for coronary disease than saturated fat or cholesterol,19,20 and that the association between
saturated fat intake and coronary disease risk may in fact be confounded by intake of dietary
fiber.19,21 Dietary fat and fiber intake are inversely and moderately correlated high-saturated-fat
diets almost invariably include little dietary fiber. Therefore, it may not be the saturated fat itself
that is the most pernicious factor in the Westernized diet, but rather the lack of fiber and associated
nutrients, such as minerals, antioxidants, and phytoestrogens, or other factors (e.g., red meat and
its processing) related to a high-saturated-fat dietary pattern.
While the above study did not examine intake of whole foods, the dietary fiber consumed by
this population came predominantly from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and some contribu-
tions from nuts and legumes.22 In fact, a previous report from the CARDIA Study described inverse
doseresponse associations between whole grain intake and fasting plasma insulin concentration.8
These associations were independent of many other lifestyle factors associated with whole grain
intake and fasting insulin. Factors potentially on the causal pathway between whole grain intake
and fasting insulinbody mass index (through satiety or insulin itself), magnesium (abundant in
whole grains and potentially an important nutrient for type 2 diabetes evolution), and dietary
fiber were each shown to explain some of the observed association between whole grain intake
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 467 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM


and fasting insulin.8 Only when all three of these variables were added to the model simultaneously
was all of the association explained.


Cardiovascular Disease

Table 6.2.2 describes the salient features of epidemiologic studies of dietary fiber and coronary
heart disease. The studies are heterogenous in that they span a time period of 23 years and include
small and large numbers of men and women, differing in characteristics from male British men2
to U.S. nurses.23 The studies are relatively homogenous in their dietary and analytic methods, having
followed healthy individuals over time to accumulate cases and deaths of coronary heart disease,
and regress these events on categories fiber intake derived from self-reports at baseline. All studies
have adjusted for potential confounders, such as age, cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, energy
intake, body mass index, and physical activity. Some studies have adjusted for additional dietary
factors a particular strength of those studies such as fruit and vegetable intake when regressing
heart disease incidence on whole grain intake or cereal fiber, or intake of fatty acids and cholesterol.
The early study by Morris et al.2 is particularly intriguing, for several reasons. This is a very
small study sample of English men (n = 337) whom the authors had to follow for 20 years in order
to have the minimal number of events (45) for which to conduct their analyses. They reported a
graded inverse association between intake of cereal fiber and incidence of CHD events over the
20-year period such that men in the middle tertile of cereal fiber intake had a relative risk of 0.57,
or a 43% reduction in risk of CHD in comparison to the reference group men in the lowest tertile
of cereal fiber intake. Those men in the highest tertile of cereal fiber intake had an 82% lower risk
than those in the lowest tertile. Although these estimates of relative risk have wide confidence intervals
(not shown) due to the small sample size of this study, the p-value for this observation was very low,
suggesting that the chances of this finding being spurious were 5 out of 1000. Still, Morris and
colleagues admitted that they didn't have an a priori hypothesis for this finding. They proceeded to
investigate this finding further by stratification for potential confounders as one alternative to mul-
tivariate adjustment. The findings were startling. For every stratum of smoking status and occupation
and for duration of follow-up (years since baseline in intervals of 5 and 10 years), the same inverse
association persisted for cereal fiber and incidence of coronary heart disease. Upon examination of
the foods that contribute to dietary cereal fiber, brown breads were found to be the most influential,
while white (refined) bread was found to have no correlation with CHD incidence.
Studies by Kushi et al.24 and Khaw and Barrett-Connor25 in the mid-1980s examined CHD
deaths over 23 and 13 years, respectively, regressed on total dietary fiber intake in their respective
populations. Kushi et al.24 observed a 43% reduction in CHD risk for the highest tertile of fiber
intake, whereas Khaw and Barrett-Connor25 observed a 15% (not significant) reduction in men and
a 33% reduction in women. Humble et al.16 reported weaker findings for quintiles of fiber intake,
with a nonsignificant 8% reduction for the highest vs. lowest quintile of intake. However, a limitation
of these studies was that they did not examine the type of dietary fiber. If the observations of Morris
et al.2 were real, then total dietary fiber should have a weaker association with coronary disease
incidence than cereal fiber.
From 1996 to the present, there have been a series of studies with very consistent findings for
risk of CHD according to intake of cereal fiber and whole grain foods. The one exception is the
study by Mann et al.,26 which did not include type of fiber in the analyses. Although Mann et al.26
observed a nonsignificant increased risk of CHD with increasing total fiber consumption, this
finding may have been spurious due to the small number of events. In support of this possibility
of a spurious finding, these authors reported no association between dietary fiber intake and all-
cause mortality.

Table 6.2.2 Prospective Epidemiologic Studies of Dietary Fiber and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

Study Sample Outcome Exposure Relative Risks per Increasing Category of Intake
1 2 3 4 5 p Value
Morris et al.2 337 English men 45 cases over Tertiles of fiber intake Cereal 1.0 0.57 0.18 <.005
20 years Fruit, veg., pulses, 1.0 1.29 0.93 NS
and nuts
Kushi et al.24 1001 Irish/American 110 deaths over Tertiles of fiber intake 1.0 0.88 0.57 <.05
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 468 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM

men 23 years
Khaw et al.25 356 U.S. men 65 deaths over Difference in fiber intake 1.0 0.85 .15
13 years of 6 g
503 U.S. women 1.0 0.67 .05
Humble et al.16 1801 U.S. men 249 cases over Highest and lowest quintiles of 1.0 0.92 <.10
10 years fiber intake
Pietinen et al.27 21,930 Finish 635 deaths over Quintiles of fiber intake from Cereal 1.0 0.91 0.90 0.83 0.78 .01
smoking men 6 years cereal, vegetable, and fruit Vegetable 1.0 0.86 0.89 0.66 0.88 .08
Fruit 1.0 1.09 1.39 1.26 1.16 .77
Rimm et al.20 43,757 U.S. male 734 cases over Quintiles of fiber intake from Cereal 1.0 0.96 0.88 0.86 0.71 .007
health professionals 6 years cereal, vegetable, and fruit Vegetable 1.0 1.08 0.99 1.00 0.83 .05
Fruit 1.0 0.93 0.83 0.84 0.81 .10
Mann et al.26 10,802 U.K. men and 64 deaths over Tertiles of fiber intake 1.0 1.92 2.25 NS
women 13 years
Todd et al.28 5754 Scottish men 296 cases Quartiles of dietary fiber intake 1.0 0.68 0.70 0.64 Not given
5875 Scottish women 97 cases over 9 1.0 0.94 0.60 0.56
Wolk et al.23 68,782 U.S. female 591 cases over Quintiles of fiber intake from Cereal 1.0 1.06 0.71 0.76 0.66 <.001
nurses 10 years cereal, vegetable, and fruit Vegetable 1.0 1.05 1.11 1.10 1.13 .63
Fruit 1.0 0.92 0.82 1.00 0.94 .51
Note: All studies adjusted for potentially confounding variables, including demographics, other dietary factors, body mass, and lifestyle factors. Cases = fatal + nonfatal
events. p-values are for tests of linear trend for relative risks across categories of intake for studies with three or more categories.
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 469 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM


Pietinen et al.27 compared the rate of CHD deaths across quintiles of cereal fiber, vegetable
fiber, and fruit fiber intake among 21,930 male Finnish smokers enrolled in the ATBC Study. These
authors found a reduced rate of death with increasing quintile of cereal fiber intake that reached
a 26% reduction in risk for men in the highest quintile (consuming an average of 26 g of cereal
fiber per day) relative to those in the lowest quintile of intake (consuming an average of 9 g per
day). Findings for vegetable fiber appeared to be somewhat weaker, with some of the association
being explained by intake of antioxidant vitamins. Although fruit fiber also appeared to be pro-
tective for coronary death, the protective associations were entirely explained by antioxidant intake,
suggesting that it may not be the fiber in fruit that is responsible for reducing risk. Alternatively,
because fruits and vegetables contain a great deal of water and relatively little fiber per unit volume,
the amount of fiber obtained from fruit may be insufficient in most diets to observe an association
with disease risk. Following this line of thought, in this population intake of cereal fiber was much
greater than for fiber from vegetables and fruits, and this may partly explain why findings were
more robust for cereal fiber. Also, findings were weaker and not statistically significant when the
endpoint used was all major coronary events (fatal and nonfatal). A possible explanation for this
discrepancy is that dietary fiber intake reduces the case-fatality rate in men with coronary disease
and has less impact on the incidence of coronary disease in a population at high risk, such as male
smokers in Finland.
Rimm et al.20 reported findings from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study in the U.S. very
similar to those just described from the ATBC Study. The distribution of dietary fiber intake, unlike
the ATBC Study, was relatively similar across food groups (vegetable, fruit, and cereal), although
total intake appeared to be lower than in the ATBC Study. The authors did note that age-adjusted
findings were stronger for fatal than for non-fatal myocardial infarction but that fatal and nonfatal
categories were grouped together due to a limited number of cases. Shown in Table 6.2.2 are the
relative risk estimates from this study from a regression model which simultaneously included
cereal, fruit, and vegetable fiber and a long list of potential confounding variables. Although all
three types of fiber appeared to reduce risk for myocardial infarction, the findings were strongest
and statistically significant for cereal fiber, with a reduced risk of 29% (95% confidence interval =
46% to 8%) in the highest quintile of intake relative to the lowest quintile. Interestingly, the average
intake in this quintile was only 9.7 g per day similar to the lowest quintile from the ATBC
Study. Although cross-cultural comparisons are of interest in evaluating consistency among studies,
caution should be used in such endeavors for cultural and methodologic reasons. For example,
Finnish smoking men generally eat few fruits and vegetables and a lot of whole grain rye bread;
and the method of quantifying dietary intake in the ATBC Study is much more comprehensive than
the food frequency questionnaire used in the HPFS Study.
From the Scottish Heart Health Study, Todd et al.28 reported the relative risk of CHD incidence
for men and women. Although the sample size (n = 3,833 women and 4,036 men available for
analysis) and number of events (n = 97 women) were small in comparison to the other studies in
Table 6.2.1, these authors observed a consistent decrease in CHD risk with increasing quartile of
dietary fiber intake that reached a magnitude of 44% reduced risk for the highest quartile of women.
Although the confidence interval around this estimate was wide and not statistically significant,
the reduced risk across quintiles was graded and appeared to be stronger than the association in
men. This possible gender difference is consistent with the findings of Khaw and Barrett-Connor.25
The findings for men, with more statistical power due to a larger number of cases, were statistically
significant for each of the second through fourth quartiles of fiber intake when compared to the
lowest quartile.
Wolk et al.23 reported particularly robust associations between intake of cereal fiber and CHD
risk in a large cohort (n = 68,782) of women from the Nurses Health Study. In comparison to
women in the lowest quintile of intake, women in the highest quintile were observed to have a
relative risk of CHD of 0.66, indicating a 34% reduction in risk of coronary heart disease. Further-
more, for every increase of 5 g of cereal fiber intake, it was estimated that risk of heart disease
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 470 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM


was reduced by 37% (95% confidence interval = 51% to 19%). In comparison, 10 g of cereal fiber
per day appeared to be necessary to reduce the risk of CHD by a similar amount in the men of the
Health Professionals Follow-up Study, for which the same dietary questionnaire and analytical
methods were used.20 Consistent with the findings of Rimm et al.20 and Pietinen et al.,27 the
corresponding relative risks for fruit and vegetable fiber were weaker and not statistically significant
in the Nurses Health Study.23
Table 6.2.3 describes findings from prospective epidemiologic studies of whole and refined
grain intake and risk for coronary heart disease as well as total cardiovascular disease. Morris and
colleagues described the relative contribution of various grain products to dietary cereal fiber intake
and their qualitative association with CHD risk. Brown bread and some whole meal breads and
breakfast cereals were found to be strongly associated with cereal fiber intake and were therefore
presumed to explain the robust association between intake of cereal fiber and CHD risk. However,
no association was found between intake of other grains and white bread and CHD incidence.
From the Seventh-Day Adventists Study, Fraser et al.29 supported the earlier findings by Morris
et al.,2 demonstrating a 43% reduction in risk of CHD for men and women who endorsed whole
grain bread intake relative to those endorsing white bread consumption. Those endorsing mixed
grain breads also appeared to have a reduction in risk of 41% compared to white bread eaters,
although this finding was not statistically significant.
In their study of fiber and coronary disease incidence in the ATBC Study, Pietinen et al.27
examined dietary intake of various food groups and food sources which contribute fiber as well as
many other nutrients. The only food group that appeared to offer protection from CHD incidence
was vegetables, whereas vegetables, fruits and berries, and rye products in particular were all
associated with reduced risk for coronary death in a doseresponse manner. The contrast between
rye products, primarily consumed in whole grain form in Finland, and other cereal products, which
probably included a lot of refined grain foods, is displayed in Table 6.2.3 for this study. While rye
products were associated with a reduced risk for CHD death of 25% in the highest (172 g per day)
in comparison to the lowest (16 g per day) quintile, no such apparent protection was observed for
other cereal products (215 vs. 47 g per day).
Using data on postmenopausal women from the Iowa Womens Health Study, Jacobs et al.5,30
published studies of whole grain intake and mortality from cardiovascular disease and other causes.
Whereas the previous studies2,27,29 had made simple observations regarding specific whole grain
breads, Jacobs et al.5,30 developed an algorithm for breakfast cereals according to whole grain
content described earlier and incorporated these cereals along with breads and many other types
of whole grain foods into food groups of whole and refined grains. Reductions in risk for CHD
mortality were observed within increasing whole grain intake, whereas no such protection was
observed for refined grain intake. Women who reported consuming more than one serving of whole
grains per day had a 30% lower risk (95% confidence interval = 50% to 2%) of ischemic heart
disease death than those women who reported one-half or fewer servings per day. This association
was attenuated but could not be entirely explained by adjustment for selected constituents of whole
grain (dietary fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, phytic acid, iron, magnesium, and manganese). Recently,
Jacobs et al.5 expanded these analyses to include all CVD deaths (as well as deaths from cancers
and all causes). These findings were confirmed by Liu et al.,31,32 using the same food groups for
whole and refined grain, in 75,521 women in the Nurses Health Study for endpoints of coronary
disease31 and incident ischemic stroke.32 Most of the protective association of whole grain intake
with CHD risk in the study by Liu et al.31 was observed for whole grain breakfast cereals, brown
rice, and bran, whereas in the study by Jacobs et al.,30 considerable CHD risk reduction was also
observed specifically for intake of dark bread. These findings are summarized in Table 6.2.3. The
consistent reduction in risk for cardiovascular disease incidence or mortality, as well as the lack
of any association between refined grain intake and these endpoints, is apparent.
In summary, observations from epidemiologic cohort studies reported over the past few years
are novel and important in two respects: (1) whole grain foods appear to offer protection from
Table 6.2.3 Prospective Epidemiologic Studies of Whole and Refined Grain Intake and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Relative Risks per
Increasing Category of Intake
Study Sample Outcome Exposure 1 2 3 4 5 p-Value
Morris et al. 2 337 English 45 CHD cases Intake of brown and whole meal Analyses were described qualitatively.
men over 20 years breads, breakfast cereals, Largest differences across tertiles of cereal fiber intake
cakes, biscuits, and white bread were observed for brown and whole meal breads and
breakfast cereals.
No association was observed between white bread and
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 471 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM

other refined carbohydrates and CHD incidence.

Fraser et al.29 31,208 U.S. 134 CHD cases Whole wheat and mixed grain Whole 1.0 0.56 <.01
Seventh-Day bread relative to white bread Mixed 1.0 0.59 NS
Pietinen et al.27 21,930 Finnish 635 CHD deaths Rye products 1.0 0.87 0.86 0.79 0.75 .02
smoking men over 6 years Other cereal products 1.0 0.94 0.93 1.03 1.05 .83
Jacobs et al.30 34,492 U.S. 438 CHD deaths Quintiles of whole and refined Whole 1.0 0.96 0.71 0.64 0.70 .02
women over 9 years grain intake Refined 1.0 0.99 1.14 1.04 1.12 .57
Jacobs et al.5 38,740 U.S. 1,097 CVD Quintiles of whole and refined Whole 1.0 1.01 0.85 0.78 0.82 .02
women deaths over grain fiber intake Refined 1.0 1.08 1.03 0.96 1.09 .70
9 years
Liu et al.31 75,521 U.S. 761 CHD cases Quintiles of whole grain intake Whole 1.0 0.92 0.93 0.83 0.75 .01
female nurses over 10 years
Liu et al.32 75,521 U.S. 352 ischemic Quintiles of whole and refined Whole 1.0 0.72 0.78 0.60 0.69 .08
female nurses stroke cases grain intake Refined 1.0 1.11 1.18 0.94 0.97 .58
over 12 years
Note: All studies adjusted for potentially confounding variables, including demographics, other dietary factors, body mass, and lifestyle factors. CHD = coronary heart
disease. CVD = cardiovascular disease (heart disease + stroke and other events). Cases = fatal + nonfatal events. p-values are for tests of linear trend for
relative risks across categories of intake for studies with three or more categories.
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cardiovascular disease above and beyond the effects that may be explained by fiber or dietary fat,
and (2) the benefits of dietary fiber and whole grain foods have been observed in women with
magnitudes of association that may be stronger than those in men. Previous studies in the U.S. and
Finland had suggested that cereal fiber, coming primarily from whole grain foods, may be associated
with coronary heart disease more consistently and strongly than fiber from fruits and vegetables.
The stronger associations of cereal fiber, if real, could possibly be due to a synergy of nutrients in
the bran and germ that cannot be explained by quantifying the fiber itself or a few common nutrients
in the diet.33 As discussed in the chapter on mechanisms and experimental evidence, there may be
many yet-to-be identified biologically active constituents in these parts of the plant that tend to be
retained in whole grain foods.

Type 2 Diabetes

As discussed above, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes share common etiologies in
which diet appears to play an important role. Therefore, given the evidence described above for
cereal fiber, whole grains, and heart disease risk, it is not surprising that recent epidemiological
evidence from prospective studies suggests that intake of dietary fiber, and especially cereal fiber
and whole grain foods, is inversely associated with risk for developing type 2 diabetes. These recent
observations may have great public health importance because of the rising incidence of type 2
diabetes in the Westernized world.34,35
An early study reported no differences in dietary fiber intake or foods providing dietary fiber
between women who did and did not develop type 2 diabetes in the future.36 However, this study
used a single 24-hour recall of diet, which is known to be a poor measure of habitual dietary intake
and would have considerably biased any real association toward the null hypothesis.
Findings from the Nurses Health Study,37 the Health Professionals Follow-up Study,38 and the
Iowa Women's Health Study39 have revealed that cereal fiber, but not fruit and vegetable fiber, is
inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes in a doseresponse manner in both women and
men (Table 6.2.4). The magnitude of the risk reduction observed for the highest quintile of cereal
fiber intake (median intake of ~710 g/day) was 3035% relative to the lowest quintile (median
intake ~24 g/day). An interesting aspect of these studies was that the association between cereal
fiber and type 2 diabetes incidence was independent of the dietary glycemic index or glycemic
load, which is an estimate of potential for the diet to increase blood glucose acutely, primarily
through amount and type of carbohydrate reported. However, the nature of the joint associations
of cereal fiber and glycemic load on risk for type 2 diabetes is not clear from these three studies.
The results from the Nurses Health Study37 suggested that cereal fiber and the dietary glycemic
load were additive in their association with type 2 diabetes; women in the lowest tertile of cereal
fiber intake and the highest tertile of glycemic load were 2.5 times more likely to develop diabetes
over the 6-year period in comparison to women in the highest tertile of cereal fiber and lowest
tertile of glycemic load. Although the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study confirmed this additive
finding for cereal fiber and glycemic load on risk of type 2 diabetes, it also appeared that cereal
fiber had no association with risk for type 2 diabetes in those men in the lowest tertile of glycemic
load, whereas glycemic load had no association with diabetes in those men in the top two tertiles
of cereal fiber intake. Meyer et al.39 observed no association between glycemic load or glycemic
index and incidence of type 2 diabetes in the Iowa Womens Health Study, with fiber intake
appearing to protect women from type 2 diabetes at all levels of the glycemic load.
Finally, the study by Meyer et al.39 and an additional report from the Nurses Health Study40
have confirmed that whole grain intake is inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes, while
refined grain intake is not associated with risk of type 2 diabetes. This risk reduction was approx-
imately 20%39 and 25%40 for women in the highest quintile of whole grain intake in comparison
to those in the lowest quintile in these two studies. In the Nurses Health Study, the apparent
protection conferred by whole grain foods was observed for virtually every whole grain food item
Table 6.2.4 Prospective Epidemiologic Studies of Dietary Fiber, Whole Grain Foods, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Relative Risks per Increasing Category of Intake
Study Sample Outcome Exposure 1 2 3 4 5 p-Value
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 473 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM

Salmeron et al.38 42,759 U.S. men 523 cases over Quintiles of fiber intake Cereal 1.0 1.14 0.95 0.91 0.70 .01
6 years Fruit 1.0 1.01 0.89 1.14 1.01 .68
Vegetable 1.0 1.12 1.22 1.10 1.12 .65
Salmeron et al.37 65,173 U.S. female 915 cases over Quintiles of cereal fiber intake Cereal 1.0 1.01 0.85 0.82 0.72 <.01
nurses 6 years Fruit 1.0 0.87 0.95 0.94 0.87 .39
Vegetable 1.0 1.40 1.23 1.29 1.27 .54
Meyer et al.39 35,988 U.S. women 1,141 cases Quintiles of fiber and whole Cereal 1.0 0.93 0.88 0.77 0.64 <.01
over 11 years and refined grain intake Fruit 1.0 0.98 1.14 1.06 1.17 .08
Vegetable 1.0 1.07 1.12 1.12 0.97 .77
Whole 1.0 0.99 0.98 0.92 0.79 .01
Refined 1.0 0.96 0.81 0.98 0.87 .36
Liu et al.40 75,521 U.S. female 1,879 cases Quintiles of whole and refined Whole 1.0 0.91 0.94 0.75 0.74 <.01
nurses over 10 years grain intake Refined 1.0 1.10 1.02 1.10 1.11 .26
Note: All studies adjusted for potentially confounding variables, including demographics, other dietary factors, body mass, and lifestyle factors. p-values are for tests of
linear trend for relative risks across categories of intake.
2387_ch6.2_fm Page 474 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:47 PM


(dark bread, whole grain breakfast cereal, popcorn, cooked oatmeal, brown rice, wheat germ, bran,
and other whole grains).40 In the Iowa Womens Health Study, cereal fiber and dietary magnesium
intake appeared to explain most of the protective associations between whole grain intake and risk
of type 2 diabetes.39 This is not to say that there arent other possible mechanisms or constituents
of whole grains for which cereal fiber and magnesium serve as markers in epidemiologic data. As
described earlier in this chapter, Pereira et al.8 observed an inverse association between whole grain
intake and fasting insulin concentration in young adult men and women that was explained by fiber
intake, magnesium intake, and body mass index. Each of these factors may be on the causal pathway
between whole grain intake and glucose control, which is important to remember when interpreting
studies because most of the studies on fiber and chronic diseases have adjusted the associations
for body mass index. The reader is referred to Chapter 6.3, which provides insight into the
experimental evidence on this important topic.


Studies of dietary fiber and cancer have revealed mixed findings. Therefore, this area of nutrition
research remains very controversial. Case-control and prospective studies of dietary fiber and
colorectal cancer have been inconsistent.4149 Few studies have explored other types of cancer,
because dietary fiber has been thought to reduce risk for colorectal cancer through actions in the
colon that are described in the accompanying chapter. Until recently there has been little develop-
ment of biological plausibility for fiber and other cancers.
The most rigorous prospective epidemiologic analysis on this topic to date, from the Nurses
Health Study, found no association between dietary fiber intake and the incidence of colorectal
cancer in 88,757 women followed for 16 years, in which 787 cases of colorectal cancer were
documented and 1,012 adenomas of the distal colon and rectum were identified by endoscopy.49
These authors attempted to uncover many methodologic barriers that may have masked a real
association. They examined types of fiber (fruit, vegetable, and cereal) and many subgroups of
women, but no association emerged between intake of fiber and risk for colorectal cancer. This
finding is probably not explained by inaccuracies in dietary reporting because, as discussed above,
there have been strong associations between cereal fiber and whole grains with risk of heart disease
and type 2 diabetes in this same study.
Jacobs and colleagues have conducted a meta-analysis of 40 case-control studies of cancer in
order to estimate the odds of having various cancers contingent upon dietary whole grain intake.50
Although case-control studies of diet and cancer may be particularly susceptible to recall bias, most
of the case-control studies included in this meta-analysis did not have a hypothesis about whole grain
intake or a specific hypothesis about diet in general. Therefore, Jacobs et al.50 took advantage of
existing dietary data in the published reports where whole grain was not a main focus of any of the
studies. It is the main exposure of interest that would be most susceptible to recall or interviewer bias
in these studies. A further strength is the inclusion of many types of cancers in this meta-analysis.
The findings from the meta-analysis of Jacobs et al.50 revealed that individuals who reported
habitual diets including whole grain foods were at significantly reduced odds of having 18 types
of cancer. Whole grain intake was observed to reduce the odds of having colorectal cancer by 21%
(95% confidence interval = 31% to 11%). The pooled odds ratio for all cancers was 0.66, or a 34%
reduction in odds (95% confidence interval = 40% to 28%) for whole grain eaters compared to
non-eaters. These results were similar after excluding six instances of design/reporting flaws or
low intake and were also similar when examined in studies that adjusted for the most covariates.
A meta-analysis by Chatenoud et al.51 revealed findings very similar to those reported by Jacobs
et al.50 Using data from an integrated series of case-control studies in northern Italy from 1983 to
1996, these authors observed odds ratios less than 1.0 for whole grain eaters in comparison to
non-eaters for 17 of 18 cancers (the one exception being thyroid cancer). It is important to note
that the authors selected 7990 controls who were admitted to the hospitals for acute, non-neoplastic
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conditions, unlikely to have been caused by diet, tobacco use, or alcohol. These observations were
strengthened by the documentation of a doseresponse association in comparing odds of cancers
across low, intermediate, and high consumption of whole grain intake.
Slattery et al.52,53 used data from a population-based study conducted in Northern California,
Utah, and Minnesota to examine associations between dietary eating patterns and risk of developing
colon cancer among 1993 cases and 2410 controls. Total fruit intake was not associated with colon
cancer risk.52 Among men, higher levels of whole grain intake were associated with a 40% reduction
in the odds of having colon cancer (95% confidence interval, 60%10%).52 Dietary fiber intake
was associated with a 50% reduction in the odds of having colon cancer for older men, 30%
reduction in older women, 40% reduction for men with proximal tumors, and 50% reduction for
women with proximal tumors.52 A prudent dietary pattern, identified by factor analysis, was
associated with higher levels of vigorous leisure-time physical activity, smaller body size, and
higher intakes of dietary fiber and folate.53 This dietary pattern appeared to confer protection from
colon cancer, with the strongest associations being observed among people diagnosed prior to age
67 years (men, 47% reduction in odds of colon cancer, 95% confidence interval = 57%8%; women,
42% reduction in odds, 95% confidence interval = 62%13%) and among people with proximal
tumors (men, 45% reduction in odds, 95% confidence interval = 62%20%; women, 36% reduction
in odds, 95% confidence interval = 55%8%).53
In summary, findings of cereal fiber, whole grains, and risk of colorectal cancer have been
inconsistent, with the clearest evidence for a potentially protective association coming from case-
control studies of whole grains, dietary fiber, and cancer. If cereal fiber really does protect against
colorectal cancers, why hasnt this been borne out in prospective studies as it has for heart disease
and type 2 diabetes? There may be etiological as well as methodologic reasons for this discrepancy.
Colorectal cancer may depart from heart disease and type 2 diabetes in its long latency period. Risk
factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes may be modified over relatively short periods
of time, such as weeks, whereas slow-growing colon polyps may be less mutable and may require
longer periods of dietary stimulus to affect their growth and malignant potential. Perhaps case-control
studies, although susceptible to recall bias and interviewer bias (important issues discussed in some
detail above), have more accurate reports of long-term diet, potentially including early adulthood,
than prospective studies which may span only a decade or two at most. Certainly there have been
secular trends toward improving diet in the U.S. over the past few decades, such that diet as reported
for the past month or year may not reflect the habitual diet of 5 years or 10 years or longer. Perhaps
most importantly, there is a need to examine the association between whole grain intake and risk
for colorectal cancer prospectively. Only fiber and colorectal cancer have been examined in prospec-
tive studies. Beyond fiber, there are many constituents, nutrients, and phytochemicals present in
whole grain foods that may offer protection from colorectal cancer.9 That the case-control meta-
analyses by Jacobs et al.50 and Chatenoud et al.51 both demonstrate decreased risk for many types
of cancer in addition to colorectal provides evidence that whole grains are offering much more than
just cereal fiber. Chapter 6.3 discusses in greater detail these possible mechanisms, as well as the
animal experiments and a few randomized trials in humans on this topic.

Total Mortality

Given the epidemiologic studies reviewed in the previous sections, one would expect that studies
which have included all-cause mortality as an endpoint would reveal that dietary fiber, and therefore
foods providing fiber, would appear to extend life. This would, of course, be true even if there is
no benefit from these foods for cancer risk, because the inverse associations with cardiovascular
disease and type 2 diabetes are quite consistent across various populations with different study
methods. Some of the studies described above have, in fact, examined the association between
types of dietary fiber and whole grain foods in association with the risk of all-cause mortality. The
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findings have been generally consistent, although not as strong as for cardiovascular disease and
type 2 diabetes.
Recently, fiber and fiber-rich foods have been more closely examined in studies examining
cardiovascular disease incidence in older women. In the Iowa Womens Health Study, we asked:
Does the association between cereal fiber and risk for disease depend on its source? While this
issue has been partly addressed in studies evaluating associations of fruit, vegetable, and cereal
fiber with risk for coronary disease, this trial used a unique approach: partitioning cereal fiber eaters
into those consuming cereal fiber from refined grains vs. those consuming cereal fiber from whole
grains. A subset of 11,040 women was selected on their similar consumption of cereal fiber
(total = 5.8 g/day), with one group consuming predominantly whole grain cereal fiber (71% of
cereal fiber, n = 7481) and the other consuming predominantly refined grain cereal fiber (77% of
cereal fiber, n = 3559).33 From 1986 to the end of 1997, 1341 deaths were observed among these
women. Those reporting consumption of mostly whole grain fiber had an average death rate that
was 17% lower (95% confidence interval = 27% to 6%) than those consuming mostly refined grain
fiber, after adjustment for potentially confounding factors including demographics, other dietary
factors, body habitus measures, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, and hormone replacement
therapy.33 Although this subset analysis had limited statistical precision to evaluate cause-specific
mortality, death rates from coronary disease and other cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer
also appeared to be lower for the whole grain fiber consumers compared to their refined-grain-
consuming counterparts.
The results of this study were very enlightening and, in fact, confirmed the findings of Jacobs
et al.5,30 and Liu et al.31 in that fiber itself does not explain all of the association between whole
grains and risk for CVD. One might ask that, if the previous studies were able to explain all of the
associations between whole grain intake and coronary disease by fiber intake, then why would it
matter if the fiber came from the starchy nutrient-poor endosperm exclusively (refined grain) or
also from the nutrient-packed bran and germ (whole grain)? As discussed earlier, we submit that,
while fiber itself may have many important physiologic effects that may modulate risk for coronary
disease, the fiber- and nutrient-dense structures of certain plants, such as the germ and bran of
grains, may be particularly efficacious for controlling cardiovascular disease risk factor evolution.
Taken together, the epidemiologic findings for disease incidence and for death suggest that a
diet rich in minimally or appropriately processed plant foods, and perhaps whole grains, may
improve the quality (delaying disease incidence) and the quantity (delaying death, especially due
to cardiovascular diseases) of life.


What have we learned by reviewing the epidemiology of dietary fiber, fiber-rich foods, and
chronic disease risk? Do we now know, with this wealth of data from studies around the world,
what Morris and his colleagues2 felt that they knew 23 years ago?

The finding on cereal fibre illustrates one of the uses of epidemiology in exploration. The physical
and chemical properties of cereal and fruit and vegetable fibre differ substantially, so different
physiological effects are to be expected. The linoleate is only one possibility that cereal fibre may
be the vehicle for other effectual nutrients. So, meanwhile, no mechanisms can be postulated of the
present observation (which could be tested fairly quickly); and since we ourselves are only now and
painfully learning about fibre, we shall not speculate. Historically, the observation makes sense: if
dietary fibre is related to the modern epidemic of CHD, the link should be with the fibre in cereals.
It is the intake of that which has fallen; potatoes apart, consumption of fruit and vegetables has if
anything increased. To those who wilt at the possibility of yet another behavioural risk factor for CHD
it may be said that what is presently known by no means accounts for the occurrence of heart attack
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and immunity from it; that this one would be easier to put right than some; and, as in so much of
todays health and prevention, makes good sense in itself.2

So what is new in 2001? We have confirmed Morriss findings2 for coronary disease and extended
them to the newer epidemic of type 2 diabetes a disease with much in common, etiologically,
with heart disease. We have also, as described in Chapter 6.3, heeded the call of Morris et al.2 in
conducting experiments in animals and humans to identify many promising and possible biological
mechanisms through which dietary fiber, and cereal fiber and whole grain foods in particular, may
reduce risk for these diseases. Finally, we are making progress toward changing dietary patterns
in the population by specifying whole grain intake rather than simply total grain intake. And we
are setting population goals to strive toward increased whole grain consumption (Healthy People
2010, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion), which has lagged far behind the promotion of fruit and vegetable intake.
One area of continued controversy is the role of dietary fiber in the etiology of colorectal cancer.
Results have been inconsistent, without sufficient support for either increased or decreased risk for
cancer according to intake of dietary fiber. The potential mechanisms are many, but it is difficult
to make recommendations specific to cancer when benefit has not been consistently observed in
observational studies of free-living humans. Cancer may be more etiologically heterogenous than
cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, and the progression of cancer may be less mutable in
response to behavioral modification. Risk for type 2 diabetes and coronary disease, on the other
hand, may be effected in weeks or less in response to diet or exercise.
While the jury is still out on cancer, findings for cardiovascular disease and diabetes and total
mortality are sufficiently strong to warrant continued public health efforts, primarily on the part of
government and industry, to promote the consumption of foods rich in dietary fiber especially
whole grains. As such, in 1999 the U.S. Food and Drug Admistration allowed the following health
claim: Diets rich in whole-grain foods and other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat and
cholesterol may reduce the risk for heart disease and certain cancers. (FDA Docket #99P-2209).


1. Burkitt, D. P., Walker A. R., and Painter N. S., Dietary fiber and disease, JAMA, 229, 1068, 1974.
2. Morris, J. N., Marr, J. W., and Clayton, D. G., Diet and heart: a postscript, BMJ, 2, 1307, 1977.
3. Putnam, J. J. and Allshouse, J. E., Food consumption, prices, and expenditures, 1996. Annual data,
1970-94. USDA Economic Services Report, Statistical Bulletin #928.
4. Gerrior., S., Personal communication, January 29, 1997, based on Census of Manufacturers, Grain
Mill Products, Industry Series, MC92-1-20D, USDA.
5. Jacobs D. R., Jr. et al., Is whole grain intake associated with reduced total and cause-specific death
rates in older women? The Iowa Womens Health Study, Am. J. Pub. Health, 89, 322, 1999.
6. Albertson, A. M. and Tobelmann, R. C., Consumption of grain and whole-grain foods by an American
population during the years 1990 to 1992, J. Am. Diet. Assoc., 95, 703, 1995.
7. Jacobs, D. J., Jr. et al., Whole-grain intake and cancer: an expanded review and meta-analysis, Nutr.
Cancer, 30, 85, 1998.
8. Pereira, M. A. et al., The association of whole grain intake and fasting insulin in a biracial cohort of
young adults: the CARDIA Study, CVD Prevention, 1, 231, 1998.
9. Slavin, J. L. et al., Plausible mechanisms for the protectiveness of whole grains, Am. J. Clin. Nutr.,
70, 459S, 1999.
10. Willett, W. C., Nutritional Epidemiology, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 1998.
11. Reaven, G., Role of insulin resistance in human disease, Diabetes, 37, 1595, 1988.
12. Lovejoy, J. and DiGiroloama, M., Habitual dietary intake and insulin sensitivity in lean and obese
adults, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 55, 1174, 1992.
13. Feskens, E. J. M., Loeber, J., and Kromhout, D., Diet and physical activity as determinants of
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14. Vitelli, L. L. et al., Association of dietary composition with fasting serum insulin level: the ARIC
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15. Marshall, J. A., Bessesen, D. H., and Hamman, R. F., High saturated fat and low starch and fibre are
associated with hyperinsulinemia in a non-diabetic population: the San Luis Valley Diabetes Study,
Diabetologia, 40, 430, 1997.
16. Humble, C. G., Malarcher, A. M., and Tyroler, H. A., Dietary fiber and coronary heart disease in
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17. Ludwig, D. S. et al., Dietary fiber, weight gain, and cardiovascular disease risk factors in young adults,
JAMA, 282, 1539, 1999.
18. Djousse, L. et al., Relationship between dietary fiber consumption and fibrinogen and plasminogen
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Clin. Nutr., 68, 568, 1998.
19. Ascherio, A. et al., Dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease in men, BMJ, 313, 84, 1996.
20. Rimm, E. B. et al., Vegetable, fruit, and cereal fiber intake and risk of coronary heart disease among
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21. Pietinen, P. et al., Intake of fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in a cohort of Finnish men.
The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study, Am. J. Epidemiol., 145, 876, 1997.
22. Ludwig, D. S., Pereira, M. A., and Jacobs, D. R., Dietary fiber and weight gain [letter to the editor],
JAMA, 283, 1821, 2000.
23. Wolk, A. et al., Long-term intake of dietary fiber and decreased risk of coronary heart disease among
women, JAMA, 281, 1998, 1999.
24. Kushi, L. H. et al., Diet and 20-year mortality from coronary heart disease. The Ireland-Boston Diet-
Heart Study, N. Engl. J. Med., 31, 811, 1985.
25. Khaw, K. T. and Barrett-Connor, E., Dietary fiber and reduced ischemic heart disease mortality rates
in men and women: a 12-year prospective study, Am. J. Epidemiol., 126, 1093, 1987.
26. Mann, J. I. et al., Dietary determinants of ischaemic heart disease in health conscious individuals,
Heart, 78, 450, 1997.
27. Pietinen, P. et al., Intake of dietary fiber and risk of coronary heart disease in a cohort of Finnish Men.
The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study, Circulation, 94, 2720, 1996.
28. Todd, S. et al., Dietary antioxidant vitamins and fiber in the etiology of cardiovascular disease and
all-cause mortality: results from the Scottish Heart Health Study, Am. J. Epidemiol., 150, 1073, 1999.
29. Fraser, G. E. et al., A possible protective effect of nut consumption on risk of coronary heart disease,
Arch. Intern. Med., 152, 1416, 1998.
30. Jacobs D. R., Jr. et al., Whole grain intake may reduce risk of coronary heart disease death in
postmenopausal women: the Iowa Womens Health Study, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 68, 248, 1998.
31. Liu, S. et al., Whole-grain consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: results from the Nurses
Health Study, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 70, 412, 1999.
32. Liu, S. et al., Whole grain consumption and risk of ischemic stroke in women, JAMA, 284, 1534, 2000.
33. Jacobs, D. J., Jr. et al. Fiber from whole grains, but not refined grains, is inversely associated with
all-cause mortality in older women: the Iowa Womens Health Study, J. Am. Coll. Nutr., 19, 326S, 2000.
34. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Trends in the prevalence and incidence of self-reported
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35. Burke, J. P. et al., Rapid rise in the incidence of type II diabetes from 1987 to 1996, Arch. Intern.
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37. Salmern, J. et al., Dietary fiber, glycemic load, and risk of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
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38. Salmern, J. et al., Dietary fiber, glycemic load, and risk of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
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39. Meyer, K. A. et al., Carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and incident type II diabetes mellitus in older women,
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40. Liu, S. et al., A prospective study of whole-grain intake and risk of type II diabetes mellitus in U.S.
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41. Howe, G. R. et al., Dietary intake of fiber and decreased risk of cancers of the colon and rectum:
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42. Friedenreich, C. M., Brant, R. F., and Riboli, E., Influence of methodologic factors in a pooled analysis
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45. Heilbrun, L. K. et al., Diet and colorectal cancer with special reference to fiber intake, Int. J. Cancer,
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46. Kato, I., et al., Prospective study of diet and female colorectal cancer: the New York University
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47. Steinmetz, K. A. et al., Vegetables, fruit, and colon cancer in the Iowa Women's Health Study, Am. J.
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48. Thun, M. J. et al., Risk factors for fatal colon cancer in a large prospective study, J. Natl. Cancer
Inst., 84, 1491, 1992.
49. Fuchs et al., Dietary fiber and the risk of colorectal cancer and adenoma in women, New Engl. J.
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50. Jacobs, D. J., Jr. et al., Whole grains intake and cancer: an expanded review and meta-analysis, Nutr.
Cancer, 30, 85, 1998.
51. Chatenoud, L. et al., Whole grain food intake and cancer risk, Int. J. Cancer, 77, 24, 1998.
52. Slattery, M. L. et al., Plant foods and colon cancer: an assessment of specific foods and their related
nutrients (United States), Cancer Causes Control, 8, 575, 1997.
53. Slattery, M. L. et al., Eating patterns and risk of colon cancer, Am. J. Epidemiol., 148, 4, 1998.
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Whole Grains, Cereal Fiber, and Chronic Diseases:

Experimental Evidence and Possible
Biologic Mechanisms

Joel J. Pins, Mark A. Pereira, David R. Jacobs, Jr.,

Len Marquart, and Joseph M. Keenan


Despite the efforts of early health advocates, grain consumption in the U.S. fell throughout the
1900s until 1972, with some recovery since then. Recent data indicate that grain intake currently
composes about 25% of total energy consumption, with whole grain intake providing only 1% of
our total energy.13 Nevertheless, evidence continues to amass supporting the health benefits of
increased whole grain intake. The evidence was sufficiently strong that in 1999 the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) allowed the following health claim: Diets rich in whole-grain foods
and other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk for
heart disease and certain cancers (FDA Docket #99P-2209). Based on the same evidence, the
USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans were amended to include specific mention of whole
grains: Eat a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains (pp. 2930, Dietary Guideline
Advisory Committee Rationale, ).
The current research on whole grain intake and health tends to be nonspecific as to mechanisms.
More research is warranted to understand how whole grain foods might produce health benefits.
Historically, most of the research in this field has focused on the magic bullet approach testing
a single grain component rather than foods rich in whole grains. Such methodology is built on
many assumptions and fails to recognize the possible interactive and/or additive effects of all whole
grain components.4 The whole food approach does make studying biological mechanisms chal-
lenging, but it likely is a more realistic model for testing outcomes. Few clinical trials have been
done investigating the causal relationships and the potential biological pathways by which whole
grains might modify chronic disease and possibly mortality. This chapter will provide a working
definition of whole grains as well as explore several possible biological mechanisms linking whole
grain intake with coronary heart disease (CHD), type II diabetes, and cancer.

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In terms of production, the major cereal grains are wheat, rice, and corn, with minor grains
including oats, rye, barley, triticale, sorghum, and millet.5 Though minor in terms of pounds of
production, oats are generally eaten whole and contribute disproportionately to whole grain con-
sumption. Moreover, wheat and rice account for over 50% of total grain production.5 In developed
countries, to increase shelf life and palatability, most grains undergo considerable refinement. Such
processing includes, but is not limited to, milling, heat extraction, cooking, parboiling, extruding,
puffing, flaking, and other techniques.5 Prior to processing, all grains are similar in structure
composed of an endosperm, germ, and bran layer. The percentage of bran and germ varies between
grains, but the endosperm consistently represents a little more than 80% of the kernel. In milling,
the most common of the refinement processes listed above, the bran and germ are stripped from
the endosperm and the latter is ground into flour.
Refined flour products contribute a significant percentage of total carbohydrate intake in the
U.S. Unfortunately, most nutrients, dietary fiber, and phytochemicals are disproportionately con-
centrated in the bran and germ and are therefore lost in milling.5 For example, one of the more
recently researched whole grain phytochemicals is a family of compounds named phenolic acids.
Recent data indicate that refinement of whole grains results in significant reduction of the content
of phenolic acids.6 Based on this information, grain foods that are unrefined (retain the bran and
germ) can be classified as whole. Whether the bran and the germ are removed, modification of
the harvested kernel occurs in almost all cases prior to human consumption. Whole grains must
then, by definition, be minimally processed grains. More specifically, the American Association of
Cereal Chemists has created the following working definition: Whole grains shall consist of the
intact, ground, cracked, or flaked caryopsis, whose principal anatomical components, the starchy
endosperm, germ, and bran, are present in substantially the same relative proportions as they exist
in the intact caryopsis. 7 Furthermore, the FDA has adopted a definition in the health claim
mentioned above that whole grain foods must consist of at least 51% whole grain flour (containing
bran, germ, and endosperm) by weight. Examples of foods made with whole grain flours include
some breakfast cereals, whole grain pasta, and a few commercial breads.


As described in our accompanying chapter, numerous epidemiologic studies have demonstrated

that increased whole grain consumption is associated with reduced CHD.810 Many of the protective
effects of whole grains have been attributed to their dietary fiber content; in fact, most of the
research focuses on the lipid-modifying effects of soluble fibers. Additionally, dietary fibers have
been shown to directly and indirectly affect other CVD-related factors such as hyperinsulinemia,
hyperglycemia, hypertension, obesity, and hemostatic factors. These fiber effects may be related to
the nondigestible constituents themselves, such as hemicellulose, but they are equally likely related
to the many phytochemicals that are found intermixed with the nondigestible constituents. For
example, whole grains are also rich in antioxidants such as tocotrienols, phytoestrogens, and
phenolic acids. Antioxidant intake has been shown to decrease the incidence of CHD by slowing
the rate of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and exhibiting other vaso-protective properties.
This section of the chapter will focus on the CHD-altering effects of the fiber and antioxidant
components of whole grains.

Lipid-Modifying Effects

Since the publication of the first oat-feeding trial in the early 1960s, the beneficial cholesterol-
lowering effects of soluble fiber have been well documented: especially among hyperlipidemics,
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they reduce total and LDL cholesterol in serum, without lowering high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol or significantly altering serum triglyceride (Tg) concentrations.11 Whole grains are also
rich in fructans, oligosaccharides classified as dietary soluble fibers, because they resist digestion
in the upper gastrointestinal tract and are fermented in the large intestine by indigenous bacteria.
Results from a recent trial suggest that inulin and oligofructose (the most common fructans) might
independently improve serum lipid concentration.12 Additionally, very few human and animal trials
have suggested that wheat and other cereal brans significantly reduce serum triglyceride concen-
trations.13 Isoflavones from soy foods have also been shown to beneficially affect serum lipids.14
Analogous phytoestrogens in whole grains might then also produce beneficial effects on serum
triglyceride and HDL cholesterol concentrations.
Unfortunately, very few clinical trials have been conducted directly testing the lipid-altering
effects of whole vs. refined grains. In a recent crossover clinical trial, Leinonen et al.15 examined
the lipid-lowering effects of unrefined rye bread a rich source of dietary fiber including arabi-
noxylan, a viscous soluble fiber, which accounts for approximately 60% of the total fiber content.
During each trial phase, the healthy young participants were asked to consume either refined wheat
or whole rye bread in addition to their normal diet. Whereas no lipid changes occurred during the
wheat phase, LDL and total cholesterol reductions of 12% and 10%, respectively, were observed
in the rye phase. This effect was observed only in men, which the authors suggest may be due to
the difference in total rye bread consumed by men vs. women.
The hypocholesterolemic effects of whole grains rich in dietary fibers and oligosaccharides
appear to work via one or more of four primary pathways. Though not all fibers affect each of
these pathways equally, all mechanisms generally rely on the viscous nature of these fibers.
Consider, for example, that hydrolyzed guar gum, which does not possess the viscous properties
of unmodified guar gum, and non-viscous soluble fibers such as gum arabic are ineffective in
reducing serum cholesterol.16,17
The primary mechanism (see Figure 6.3.1) by which some viscous fibers reduce serum cho-
lesterol is by binding bile acids in the small intestine and thereby altering enterohepatic bile acid
recycling. This decreases the bile acid pool and requires more endogenous hepatic bile acid
synthesis. To do so, the liver must either up-regulate endogenous sterol synthesis or increase LDL
particle uptake from circulation.18 A second mechanism of action is stimulated by the fermentation
of fibers, oligosaccharides, and undigested starches in the large intestine by indigenous bacteria.
One of the by-products of this process is short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including acetate, butyrate,
and propionate. Some of these SCFAs (primarily propionate) enter the system via portal circulation
and are delivered to the liver, where they inhibit hepatic cholesterol synthesis by limiting the action
of HMG-CoA reductase.19 A recent animal trial demonstrated increased bacterial propionate pro-
duction after feeding of poorly digestible resistant starches. Elevated levels of propionic acid
resulted in reduced serum total cholesterol, serum LDL cholesterol, hepatic cholesterol, and hepatic
triglyceride in rats.20 Viscous soluble fibers have also been suggested to slow gastric emptying and
the digestion/absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine. Such action results in the reduction
of postprandial insulin and a decrease in the activity of HMG-CoA reductase.21 A final hypothesis
is that decreased absorption of dietary fats and cholesterol due to increased intestinal viscosity by
soluble fibers might result in serum cholesterol reduction.22
As mentioned above, the total lipid-modifying effects of whole grains might be due to the
combined effect of the fiber, oligosaccharides, and resistant starches as well as the bran fraction
and the phytoestrogens. Whether cereal bran and phytoestrogens improve lipid profile, as well as
the mechanism by which they might do so, has not yet been fully established.

Hypotensive Effects

The blood pressuremodifying effects of whole grains and their associated components have
not been studied as extensively as their hypocholesterolemic effects. Some epidemiologic studies
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Whole grains rich in dietary fiber, micronutrients, and phytochemicals

Colonic fermentation to SCFA

Increased intraluminal meal viscosity - LDL oxidation

- Rate of gastric emptying and + Rate of bile

Portal macronutrient absorption acid excretion

- Postprandial glucose + Satiety + Hepatic lipoprotein

and insulin uptake

- Serum insulin concentration - Body weight

Hepatocyte Effects - Blood pressure

Up-regulation of cell surface
+ Glucose oxidation insulin receptors - Serum LDL-C

+ Insulin clearance + LDL particle size

- Free fatty acids + Insulin sensitivity - Serum triglycerides

- Coagulation factors + Fibrinolysis + Serum HDL-C

- HMG-CoA reductase - Cholesterol synthesis

Figure 6.3.1 Whole grains and CHD/diabetes; theoretical model of mechanisms of action. Legend: + signifies
an increase in the variable after the pathway has been initiated; - signifies a decrease in the
variable after the pathway has been initiated.

have suggested that increased dietary fiber intake is associated with a decreased incidence of
hypertension as well as lower blood pressure, while other studies have failed to show an effect.
Limited clinical trials have been conducted with blood pressure as the primary outcome variable,
using whole grains rich in fiber or fiber supplements as the sole intervention. In a recent study
among diabetics, Vuksan et al.23 added a viscous soluble fiber (glucomannan) to the AHA Step 2
diet of type 2 diabetics. Participants were crossed to a wheat fiber control after 3 weeks of
intervention. Compared to the control period, the soluble fiberrich intervention reduced systolic
blood pressure (sBP) 9.4 mmHg (6.9%). Keenan et al.24 reported that oat-based cereals oats that
are rich in the soluble fiber beta-glucan reduced both sBP and diastolic blood pressure (dBP)
by 7.5 mmHg and 5.5 mmHg, respectively, when compared to refined wheat-based cereals. In a
follow-up trial, our group demonstrated that whole grain oat-based cereals significantly reduced
the need for antihypertensive medication compared to a refined grain cereal control.25
The mechanism (see Figure 6.3.1) by which soluble fibers exert their hypotensive effect is
poorly understood. It has been proposed that the increase in insulin sensitivity induced by soluble
fiber results in lower circulating insulin levels. In animal models, reduced insulin levels have been
shown to result in improved endothelial cell function and reduced blood pressure.26
Additionally, Scherrer et al.27 have reported that hyperinsulinemia causes increased renal tissue
sodium reabsorption, which subsequently increases plasma volume, enhances stimulation of the
sympathetic nervous system, and induces hypercatecholaminemia. Both conditions result in
increased vasoconstriction and further sodium retention, leading to increased blood pressure.
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Antithrombotic Effects

Various studies have noted a strong association between rates of coagulation and fibrinolysis
and CHD. Specifically, research suggests that increased concentrations of plasma fibrinogen, plas-
minogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), and factor VIIc increase CHD risk; however, the effect
of whole grains and dietary fiber on these risk factors is less clear. Animal trials have indicated
that increased dietary fiber intake might reduce both PAI-1 and fibrinogen. Our recently completed
crossover feeding experiment compared whole vs. refined grain diets in 11 overweight insulin-
resistant adults. The washout period was 6 to 9 weeks, and the non-grain part of the diets was
matched between treatments. Grain intake included 6 to 10 servings per day of breakfast cereal,
bread, rice, pasta, and various snacks.28 PAI-1 concentration was significantly reduced at weeks 2,
4, and 6 during treatment with whole grains (mean difference = 28.1 ng/ml, p < .001). This effect
appeared to be due, at least in part, to an improvement in insulin sensitivity during the whole grain
diet. Additionally, fibrinogen levels were consistently lower during all weeks of the feeding of
whole vs. refined grains, though these differences did not reach statistical significance.
The mechanism (see Figure 6.3.1) by which whole grains and dietary fibers increase fibrinolytic
activity is not well elucidated. Some have suggested that increased insulin sensitivity is pivotal in
the relationship. It has been proposed that regardless of the pathway to increased insulin sensitivity
(i.e., up-regulation of cell surface insulin receptors or suppression of hepatic free fatty acid release),
the condition may inhibit hepatic synthesis of certain coagulation factors.29

Body Weight Effect

Excessive body fatness is a primary predictor of CHD as well as type 2 diabetes. Numerous
trials to date have investigated the effects of dietary fibers or whole grains on satiety and/or body
weight. Rigaud et al.30 recently investigated the satiating effects of a psyllium supplement
(7.4 g/day) in addition to the normal diet of healthy volunteers. Compared to a placebo, the psyllium
treatment reduced feelings of hunger by 13% and decreased energy intake by 17%. Pins et al.31
recently investigated the satiety effects of a whole grain barley product vs. a refined grain wheat
product. After 1 week on the whole grain supplement treatment, participants in the whole grain
group reported a much greater feeling of fullness and being less hungry. At the end of the 4-week
study, there was a nonsignificant weight loss of 2 pounds in the whole grain group. In a controlled
feeding study of whole vs. refined grains, Pereira et al.32 reported that participants had a tendency
to be less hungry between meals on the whole grain diet. Additionally, there was a nonsignificant
trend toward weight loss on the whole grain diet when compared to the refined grain diet, even
though both diet phases were designed to maintain constant body weight. Here again, the biological
effects of whole grains rich in soluble fibers might largely be attributed to their viscous nature and
their slowing of gastric emptying; a recent trial investigating the satiating effects of a hydrolyzed
guar gum (non-viscous fiber) found no effect on various measures of satiety.
The mechanism (see Figure 6.3.1) relating whole grain and dietary fiber consumption to greater
feelings of fullness is likely related to the rate of gastric emptying as well as the rate of total
carbohydrate digestion and absorption. Bourdon et al.33 recently demonstrated that carbohydrate
digestion and absorption were significantly slowed in response to a high-soluble-fiber meal.
Additionally, cholecystokinin (CCK), which reduces the rate of gastric emptying, was elevated
for a longer time after the high-soluble-fiber meal compared to the low-fiber meal. This finding
might help explain the mechanism by which dietary fibers increase satiety and ultimately facilitate
weight loss.
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Antioxidant Effects and Other Vasoprotective Effects

Various experimental and clinical data support the hypothesis that modification (oxidation or
glycation) of the LDL particle increases the atherogenicity of the particle and is a major step in
CHD.34 Whole-grain foods are a rich source of antioxidants,3537 including vitamins, trace minerals,
and various nonnutrients such as phenolic acids, phytoestrogens, and phytic acid.38 Whole grains
are especially rich sources of vitamin E, specifically tocotrienols and (depending on the soil content)
selenium, as well. Vitamin E is incorporated into the LDL particle and can reduce oxidative
modification of LDL via its activity as a reducing agent.39 Vitamin E also keeps selenium in the
reduced state, allowing it to function as a co-factor for glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme complex
is responsible for the clearance of lipid hydroperoxides (i.e., malondialdehyde), which are known
to be atherogenic. Various phytic acids have also been shown to exhibit antioxidant properties
in vivo.
The mechanism (see Figure 6.3.1) by which antioxidants protect against CHD is fairly well
understood. Antioxidants are known to delay the onset of lipoprotein oxidative modification or at
least slow the rate at which it occurs. In comparison to unmodified particles, oxidatively modified
particles are known to be major contributors to plaque formation in the subendothelial space and
subsequent CHD.34 Vitamin E, via its functions as an antioxidant or in other capacities, has also
been shown to modify other risk factors for CHD such as smooth muscle cell proliferation, decreased
activation of protein kinase C, decreased platelet aggregation, as well as provide beneficial effects
on eicosanoid metabolism.40 Homocysteine is another known risk factor for CHD and might be
reduced by increased consumption of whole grains.41,42 Whole grains are rich in folate, which is
the primary agent responsible for lowering homocysteine levels. Some whole grain foods and all
refined grain flours are now fortified with folate in the U.S.
Another important contributor to CHD is abnormal vascular reactivity. Moreover, exogenous
estrogen has been shown to improve vascular response after an injury as well as vasodilatation.43
Recent data indicate that some plant estrogens share various chemical properties with estradiol.
Certain plant estrogens called lignans are found in whole grains, yet limited information is available
on food concentrations. However, data indicate that urinary excretion is associated with fiber intake,
suggesting that they are located in the outer layer of the grain.44 It is known that once ingested,
plant lignans (secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol) are converted to mammalian lignans (entero-
lactone and enterodiol) via the action of endogenous gut bacteria. The lignans of whole grains
share chemical properties with soy isoflavones, which have been more extensively studied. In a
recent animal trial, rhesus monkeys with known atherosclerotic disease were treated for 6 months
with soy isoflavones. Arterial response to acetylcholine was enhanced, as well as endothelium-
modulated dilatation.45 In a more recent animal trial, soy isoflavones were shown to significantly
reduce the development of atherosclerosis in disease-free rabbits.46 Rabbits in the treatment group
experienced a significant reduction in various measures of lipid oxidation, as well as 37% less
cholesterol deposition in the aortic arch when compared to controls.
Based on these data, it is apparent that whole grains and their many constituents may reduce
the risk of CHD via their effects on multiple variables. The exact mechanisms, and the extent to
which they are operative, need much further exploration. Nevertheless, it is well accepted that whole
grains improve serum lipids, decrease blood pressure, improve fibrinolysis, improve antioxidant
status, as well as improve vascular reactivity. Whole grain may help in weight loss, at least to the
extent that isovolumic replacement of refined grain flour with whole grain flour leads to a 1520%
reduction in energy intake from the grain food. Whole grains also improve insulin sensitivity, which
reduces risk for CHD. This aspect will be discussed in the next section on type 2 diabetes.
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As is the case with CHD, epidemiologic cohort studies have shown that whole grains reduce
the risk of type 2 diabetes (see Chapter 6.2). Whole grains and/or their components have been shown
to exert a significant effect on glucose and insulin metabolism. The majority of this effect might be
due to fiber content or, more specifically, the fermentable fiber content of whole grains. Of interest,
a recent epidemiologic study47 (described in detail in the accompanying chapter) found that insoluble
fiber was as predictive of reduced diabetes incidence as soluble fiber. Recent studies have shown
that certain foods possess a low glycemic index, that is, they have less postprandial effects toward
glycemia and insulinemia. Thus, the lower glycemic index of foods that contain whole grain particles
might partially explain the beneficial effects of these foods in terms of type 2 diabetes. Additionally,
it is just as likely that an unknown component of whole grains or an unexpected interaction between
grain components might be responsible for the reduced risk of diabetes observed in the epidemiologic
studies. For example, numerous plant lignans were just discovered in whole grain rye at many times
the concentration of those traditionally thought to be the most prevalent of these phytoestrogens.48
Moreover, in our recent feeding trial, we noted a significant improvement in insulin sensitivity in
response to a whole grain diet rich in foods with a moderate to high glycemic index. Such findings
suggest that many unknowns might at least in part help to explain the beneficial effects of whole
grains in terms of diabetes. The following section will focus on the glycemic and insulinemic effects
of whole grains as well as their fermentable components.

Glycemic and Insulinemic Effects

Due to their viscous nature and gastrointestinal effects, soluble fibers have been shown to exert
significant glycemic and insulinemic effects. Dietary fiber-rich interventions lower serum insulin
and glucose concentrations as well as improve insulin sensitivity.49,50 More recent trials have studied
the long-term glycemic effects of purified fibers.
The acute effects of soluble fibers on glucose and insulin have been fairly well established, as
illustrated by recent trials. Braaten et al. were one of the first to demonstrate a significant reduction
in serum glucose and insulin when oat gum was added to a glucose load. This same group showed
that both oat gum and oat bran, when added to wheat farina, significantly reduced both glucose
and insulin responses.51 More recently, other fibers have been investigated for their glucose- and
insulin-modifying properties. Lu et al.52 investigated the postprandial effects of arabinoxylan in a
normoglycemic population. Fourteen healthy individuals were asked to consume three isoenergetic
breakfast meals containing either 0, 6, or 12 g of soluble fiber on nonconsecutive days after
an overnight fast. The arabinoxylan-rich meals reduced peak postprandial glucose from 7.2 mmol/l
to 6.3 and 5.9 mmol/l for participants on the 6 g and 12 g fiber plans, respectively. Similarly, in
each case, the area under the curve for glucose (20.2% and 41.4%) and insulin (17.0% and 32.7%)
was significantly reduced by the arabinoxlyan soluble fiber. In another study, psyllium supplemen-
tation produced analogous reductions in all-day and postprandial glucose levels when added to the
traditional diabetic diet in men with type 2 diabetes (n = 34).53 In a third study, glucomannan, a
less frequently studied soluble fiber, was reported to improve long-term glycemic control, reducing
serum fructosamine levels by 5.7% after a 3-week intervention at 0.7 g per 100 kcal.23
Whole grains rich in total and soluble fiber can also improve glucose and insulin metabolism.
Granfeldt et al.54 tested the effects of raw rolled oats, boiled rolled oats, and boiled intact oat kernels
vs. white bread in older men. Only the intact oats resulted in a significant reduction in postprandial
glucose and insulin compared to white bread. Chandalia et al.55 demonstrated significant glucose
and insulin effects in a diabetic population after increasing dietary fiber intake to 25 g of soluble
and 25 g of insoluble fiber daily, some of which was provided by whole grains. Reductions were
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observed in mean daily glucose (13 mg/dl) and urinary glucose (1.3 g), as well as 24-hour glucose
(10%) and insulin (12%) areas under the curve.
Our research group conducted a trial comparing whole grain oat cereal intake with refined grain
cereals. In addition to the blood pressure reductions noted above, after 6 weeks of whole grain
cereal supplementation, the treatment group experienced a significant reduction in the amount of
insulin needed to clear a glucose load, suggesting improved insulin sensitivity.24 As described above,
Pereira et al.32 also tested the insulin-modifying effects of a whole grain vs. a refined grain diet.
The study diets included six to ten daily servings of grains. By 2 weeks into the whole grain diet,
fasting insulin was lower, although most of the whole grain foods consumed were made from whole
grain flour, with a moderate to high glycemic index. Insulin levels remained suppressed and
significantly lower than the refined grain diet through 6 weeks (p < .05). Results of euglycemic
hyperinsulinemic clamp tests in 9 of the 11 subjects confirmed that the average insulin sensitivity
of these subjects was improved by the whole grain diet.
Two primary mechanisms (see Figure 6.3.1) have been proposed for the glucose- and insulin-
improving actions of whole grains rich in fiber. The first pathway has to do with the glycemic index
of whole grain foods. The glycemic index is the elevation in plasma glucose after the consumption
of a specific carbohydrate-rich food as compared to white bread or a glucose solution.56,57 One of
the primary predictors of the glycemic index of a whole grain is the structure of food components
and soluble fiber content.58 Any processing, such as refinement, that disrupts the food structure
and/or decreases the soluble fiber content results in increased glucose and insulin responses.
Therefore, whole grains (not whole meal) tend to reduce the glycemic response.59
In fact, Jarvi et al. recently published a study showing that simply altering the structure of
starch-rich foods (decreasing glycemic index) resulted in a 30% reduction in area-under-the-curve
for glucose and insulin, as well as a significant decrease in fructosamine and PAI-1.60 Intact whole
grains have lower glycemic indexes than refined grains, with grains richest in soluble fiber having
the lowest indexes.61 Independent of their delivery medium, soluble fibers decrease the rate of
gastric emptying and slow the digestion of macronutrients. These phenomena result in a significant
reduction in postprandial glycemia. Reduced serum glucose levels decrease the amount of insulin
needed to clear the glucose load; over time, the reduced ambient insulin levels may result in an
up-regulation of cell surface insulin receptors, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity.62
A recent animal trial suggested that soluble fibers may also directly increase the translocation
of GLUT 4 receptors to the cell surface, resulting in improved insulin sensitivity without affecting
PI3 kinase activation.62 The second pathway involves the fermentation of soluble fibers, oligosac-
charides, and resistant starches by bacteria in the large intestine, producing SCFAs which then
enter the portal circulation. There is some evidence that hepatocytes, when exposed to an increase
in SCFAs, may increase glucose oxidation, decrease free fatty acid release, and increase insulin
clearance all of which might improve insulin sensitivity.63,64 In closing, again, it is likely that
other whole grain constituents or interactions between known and unknown constituents benefi-
cially modify risk for diabetes via the mechanisms highlighted above or via other currently
unexplored pathways.


It has long been thought that dietary fiber is very protective against the incidence of colon
cancer. However, findings from both a recent prospective epidemiologic study and two clinical
trials of polyp recurrence prevention have raised serious questions about this relationship.6567 Yet
various animal experiments and epidemiologic studies suggest that whole grains provide significant
protection against gastrointestinal cancers and possibly other systemic cancers as well. Such findings
suggest that other whole grain components or a synergy between components provide protection
against carcinogenesis. The following section will look at the anticarcinogenic effects of various
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components in whole grains, including the fermentable fraction, antioxidants, and phytoestrogens.
Additionally, the cumulative effect of whole grains on insulin metabolism will be explored.

Gastrointestinal Effects

Most of the research to date has investigated the effects of dietary fiber on colorectal cancer.
More recently other whole grain components, such as the lipid fraction or oligosaccharides, have
been shown to decrease risk of this cancer. The lipid fraction of whole grains is known to contain
omega-3 fatty acids, and the feeding of a diet containing 5% energy from n-3 fatty acids has been
shown to decrease the incidence of aberrant crypt foci in rats.68 Moreover, a recent interesting
animal trial demonstrated that feeding male F344 rats a 10% wheat bran diet fortified with 2%
bran oil and dephytinized resulted in a significant decrease in colon tumor incidence, multiplicity,
and volume.69
Total fiber and oligosaccharides (which are known to be more concentrated in whole vs. refined
grain) are known to exert various gastrointestinal effects, most of which appear to be protective
against colorectal cancer. Much of the action has to do with the fermentability of these agents. For
example, insoluble lignified fiber found in the outer bran of whole grains is only slightly degraded
but greatly increases fecal bulk due to its physicochemical properties and water-holding capacity.70
Highly fermentable carbohydrates such as soluble fibers and oligosaccharides also affect fecal
weight by affecting bacterial metabolism and increasing the formation of bacterial biomass.71
Importantly, increased fecal bulk has also been shown to greatly reduce intestinal transit time.72
Additionally, increased intake of fermentable carbohydrate results in corresponding increases in
the concentration of bifidobacteria and decreases in E. coli and clostridia. Certain bacteria exhibit
differential enzyme activity (i.e., beta-glucuronidase) whose by-products might be carcinogenic,
suggesting that dietary fibers might affect the cancer process by encouraging the colonization of
certain types of bacteria. Moreover, intestinal bacteria convert primary bile acids into secondary
bile acids, which have been suggested to promote the tumorigenesis process related to colon
cancer.73 Moreover, gut bacteria increase intestinal diacylglycerol content via the catabolism of
dietary fatty acids and phospholipids.74 Diacylgycerol content is further increased in the presence
of secondary bile acids. As indicated above, one of the end products of bacterial fermentation is
increased formation of SCFAs. It has been suggested that butyrate, the preferred fuel of colonocytes,
may be a protective factor in colon carcinogenesis.75
To date, only one human trial has been conducted to investigate the effects of whole grains on
risk for colon cancer. Grasten et al.76 compared the effects of whole-meal rye vs. white wheat bread
on some putative colon cancer risk markers in 17 healthy Finnish study participants. Test breads
provided a minimum of 20% of daily energy intake and were consumed for two 4-week feeding
periods separated by a 4-week washout. Compared to the white bread control, whole-meal rye
bread significantly increased fecal output and frequency as well as reduced mean intestinal transit
time in both men and women. Total and secondary bile acid concentrations were significantly lower
during the rye bread period. The findings from this human trial are congruent with many animal
and in vitro trials, suggesting that whole grains improve gastrointestinal function and reduce colon
cancer risk.
Several mechanisms (see Figure 6.3.2) help explain the protective nature of whole grain
components against colon cancer. Dietary fibers and, to a lesser extent, oligosaccharides dilute
colonic contents by increasing fecal weight, accelerate intestinal transit time, and increase fecal
frequency. Such actions decrease the opportunity for fecal mutagens to interact with intestinal
epithelial cells, thereby reducing the likelihood of cellular mutation. Colonocyte proliferation is
promoted by secondary bile acids. Hyperproliferation increases the opportunity for DNA mutations
and subsequent replication of abnormal cells. Dietary fibers protect colonocytes by binding or
diluting secondary bile acids. Additionally, the fermentable fraction of whole grains increases SCFA
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Whole grains rich in dietary fiber, micronutrients, and phytochemicals

Colonic Effects
+ antioxidant status + phytoestrogen - glycemic load
+ formation of fermentation intake + micronutrients
by-products + phytochemicals
Improved gut ecology - nitrosamines
+ fecal bulk/weight Neutralize free metals - serum insulin
- intestinal transit concentration
- formation of secondary time - fecal mutagens
bile acids
- intestinal diacyglycerol - MAP kinase &
content - oxidation reactions IGF-1
- colonocyte proliferation
- PTEN & PI-3
- DNA mutagenesis kinase
- PGE2 series prostaglandin formation
+ 2:16alpha-OHE1
- colonocyte AA content - cell proliferation ratio
- GTR production

+ n-3 fatty acid concentration + apoptosis - LH production

(from whole grains) - estrogenic activity

- testosterone production
- estrogen-related cancers
- testosterone-related cancers

Figure 6.3.2 Whole grains and cancer; theoretical model of mechanisms of action. Legend: + signifies an
increase in the variable after the pathway has been initiated; - signifies a decrease in the variable
after the pathway has been initiated.

concentrations, which lowers colonic pH and results in a decreased conversion of primary to

secondary bile acids.
Fermentable agents also alter gut ecology. In doing so, concentrations of certain bacteria, such
as bifidobacteria, increase while others decrease. Bifidobacteria possess a low beta-glucuronidase
activity, and end products of this enzyme have been suggested to be carcinogenic.77 Other bacterial
enzymes including urease (produces ammonia from urea) have been implicated in colon cancer
due to the tumor-promoting actions of their end products. However, the effect of whole grains on
these enzymes is unknown. The type of bacteria in the colon also affects intestinal concentrations
of diacylglycerols. Diacylglycerols have been shown to activate protein kinase C isozymes,78 and
different isozymes stimulate cell proliferation, increasing subsequent cancer risk.79 Wheat bran
compared to a low-fiber diet has been shown to decrease the total intestinal diacylglycerol concen-
tration, possibly via its effects on bacterial metabolism.80
The lipid fraction of whole grain includes n-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids may exert their
anticarcinogenic effects via their influence of arachidonic acid metabolism. This 20-carbon fatty
acid is the precursor of the dienoic prostaglandins. The PGE2 series of prostaglandins have been
shown to increase colon cancer cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis.81,82 n-3 fatty acids decrease
arachidonic acid concentration by competitive substitution and thereby decrease the production of
the PGE2 series prostaglandins. This is one of the anticarcinogenic effects of n-3 fatty acids. These
fatty acids have also been shown to alter oncogene expression, apoptosis, and intracellular signal
transduction pathways.

Antioxidant Effects

Antioxidants from a variety of food sources have been shown to decrease the incidence of
various types of cancer. Whole grains which contain a variety of antioxidants such as vitamin E,
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some trace minerals, phenolic acids, and phytoestrogens, and antinutrients such as phytic acid, have
also been shown to effect the carcinogenesis process (see Chapters 6.1 and 6.5). Antioxidants
function to reduce or delay the rate of oxidation reactions. In doing so, less oxidative damage
occurs in the cell and the likelihood of forming cancer cells is reduced.
Whole grains are thought to be particularly rich sources of phenolic acids, especially ferulic
acid.3537 Phenolic acids are concentrated in the bran fraction of the grain. Wheat bran and ready-
to-eat cereals containing bran have been shown to exhibit significant antioxidant activity. Phytic
acid is another antioxidant, which is concentrated in whole grains. Phytic acid is often classified
as an antinutrient due to its ability to bind various minerals in the intestinal tract, thereby making
then unabsorbable. However, such activity might explain the anticancer properties of phytic acid.
Metals such as iron and copper have been shown to initiate oxidation reactions via the formation
of reactive oxygen or nitrogen species such as the hydroxyl radical. Iron has been shown to be in
its unbound form in the intestinal tract and thereby capable of initiating such reactions. Phytic acid,
with its known chelating properties, might decrease the availability of metals and subsequent
oxidation reactions.
Grains are also potentially rich sources of vitamin E and selenium. However, the concentration
of both compounds is significantly reduced by the refining process. Under numerous experimental
conditions, vitamin E has been shown to protect electron-dense cellular components (i.e., polyun-
saturated fatty acids and genetic material) from oxidation reactions. This vitamin has also been
shown to inhibit nitrosation reactions in the gut, thereby decreasing the availability of nitrosamines
for absorption. The antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase requires selenium as a cofactor, and
compromised selenium status has been shown to decrease the activity of this enzyme.
The mechanisms (see Figure 6.3.2) by which the antioxidants in whole grains provide protection
against cancer are many. In general, antioxidants protect genetic material from oxidative damage
and subsequent mutation. If such mutations become part of the permanent genetic code, the initiation
stage of cancer is said to have begun. In addition to their general antioxidant properties, phenolic
acids protect against carcinogenesis via the induction of detoxification systems, specifically the
Phase II conjugation reactions. Moreover, certain phenolic acids (caffeic and ferulic acids) have
been defined as inhibitors of cancer cell initiation. They appear to act by preventing the formation
of carcinogens from precursor compounds and by blocking the interaction of carcinogens with
critical subcellular components.83 By chelating metals, phytic acid greatly reduces the oxidant load
in the gastrointestinal tract. Colonic bacteria also produce a significant amount of reactive nitrogen
species, which might be reduced by phytic acid. Such activities reduce the oxidant exposure of
intestinal epithelial cells and possible genetic mutation. Vitamin E, in addition to its general
antioxidant capacities, has been classified as a cancer inhibitor due to its ability to inhibit the
formation of carcinogens from precursor compounds such as nitrosamines.83 As mentioned above,
the action of glutathione peroxidase is a function of the availability of selenium. This enzyme has
been shown to inhibit cell proliferation and, in general, selenium is considered a suppressing agent
when it comes to its anticarcinogenic activity. Suppressing agents prevent the expression of neo-
plasia in cells that have previously been exposed to a carcinogen.83

Phytoestrogen Effects

Lignans, isoflavones, and coumestans (phytoestrogens) are compounds found in plants that
exhibit estrogenic activity due to their structural similarity with endogenous estrogens. Certain
whole grains such as wheat, oats, and rye are known to be concentrated sources of lignans.84 Lignans
are known to be associated with the fiber components of grains and therefore are thought to be
lost in the refining process. This suggests that only whole grains, and not refined grains, are a
significant dietary source. Phytoestrogens have been shown to exhibit certain cancer-protecting
properties. At least some of these effects are due to their effect on endogenous sex hormone
production, metabolism, and biological activity.84
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Modification of estrogen metabolism has been suggested to alter the etiology of breast and
other hormone-related cancers. For example, in women, significant lengthening of the overall cycle
duration has been shown to reduce the risk of hormone-related cancers. Due to the concentration
of lignans in flaxseed, that has been the delivery agent studied most often. Flaxseed powder
supplementation has been shown to increase the average luteal phase length of the menstrual cycle
in premenopausal women.85 Additionally, changes in endogenous estrogen metabolism products
might explain the chemoprotective effects of lignans. Estradiol and estrone are metabolized along
two irreversible and competing pathways. The end products of these hydroxylation pathways are
2-hydroxylated and the 16-alpha-hydroxylated metabolites. Due to the different biological activities
of these products, it has been proposed that an elevated ratio of 2-hydroxyestrogen to 16-alpha-
hydroxyestrone (2:16alpha-OHE1) would reduce the risk of hormone-related cancers in women.
In two recent human trials, daily consumption of 10 g of flaxseed significantly increased the urinary
2:16alpha-OHE1 ratio in premenopausal and postmenopausal women.86,87 Flaxseed has also been
shown to delay the progression of mammary tumorigenesis in a recent animal trial as well as reduce
early markers of risk for mammary and colon carcinogenesis.88 Similarly, changes in testosterone
metabolism have been suggested to protect men against hormone-related cancers, such as prostate
cancer. The phytoestrogen family of isoflavones has been studied to this end. In a recent animal
trial, the spontaneous development of prostate cancer was significantly reduced in male Lobund-
Wistar rats after the feeding of isoflavones for 22 months.89
The mechanisms (see Figure 6.3.2) by which phytoestrogens might protect against the occur-
rence of hormone-related cancers are poorly understood. Preliminary reports indicate that lignans
directly inhibit the growth of human mammary tumor cells as well as reduce mammary and prostate
tumor initiation. Additionally, 2-OHE metabolites are thought to exhibit very little estrogenic
activity and might even possess antiestrogenic properties. Conversely, the 16-alpha-OHE1 dem-
onstrates significant estrogenic activity and subsequently increases risk of breast cancer.90 The
ratio of these metabolites is a fair measure of total estrogenic activity and is decreased in women
with breast cancer.91 In men, phytoestrogens act as agonists for the action of testosterone in the
prostate and related tissues and thereby possibly reduce carcinogenesis. It has been proposed that
phytoestrogens result in decreased hypothalmic production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone,
which in turn inhibits the production of luteinizing hormone in the anterior pituitary with a
subsequent decrease in the production of circulating testosterone by the Leydigs cells of the
testes.89,92 Additionally, genistein, a specific phytoestrogen, has been shown to reduce the activity
of 5-alpha reductase, thereby decreasing the production of the powerful androgen dehydrotest-
osterone from testosterone.93 Phytoestrogens, and specifically lignans, probably exhibit many other
anticarcinogenic properties, thereby explaining their powerful cancer-reducing effects, but cur-
rently these are unknown.

Insulinemic Effects

Epidemiologic studies have reported that higher serum insulin levels are associated with
increased risk of colon, breast, and possibly other cancers.9497 As mentioned above, refined grains
on average exhibit a higher glycemic response than whole grains. Over time, a higher glycemic
index diet has been shown to decrease insulin sensitivity and results in increased serum insulin
levels.98 Therefore, whole grains might reduce the risk of certain types of cancer by preventing
acute and chronic states of hyperinsulinemia. It is also known that increased deep visceral adiposity
decreases insulin sensitivity. This may explain in part why obesity is a risk factor for cancer.
Modification of the glycemic index has been shown to affect satiety, which ultimately might affect
weight gain and subsequent insulin resistance. Either directly or indirectly, emerging evidence
suggests that increased whole grain consumption might protect against future cancers.
As might be expected, very little empirical data exist to explain the mechanism (see Figure 6.3.2)
by which insulin is related to the carcinogenesis process. Most of the evidence comes from animal
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studies investigating the effect of insulin on colon carcinogenesis. Hyperinsulinemia has been shown
to induce cell proliferation, possibly through the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway.99
Decreased apoptosis has also been associated with elevated insulin levels, and modification of the
phophatidylinositol 3-kinase and PTEN pathways might explain this effect.100 Additionally, serum
insulin growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels are elevated in response to insulin. IGF-I has also been shown
to increase cell proliferation and reduce apoptosis. Other metabolic effects (elevated triglycerides
and free fatty acids) may explain the carcinogenic effects associated with states of hyperinsulinemia;
however, most of these pathways are currently poorly understood.
Chronic hyperinsulinemia and related metabolic consequences might increase risk of future
breast, prostate, and colon cancer, but future elucidation of this relationship is necessary. More
prospective epidemiologic data are needed as well as human trials investigating the relationship
between insulin and risk markers for these cancers. Finally, more animal work is needed to determine
the possible mechanisms by which insulin and related variables might induce carcinogenesis.


Based on this review, two things are apparent: (1) the possible mechanisms by which whole
grains and their components modify risk for CHD and type 2 diabetes are better elucidated than
are mechanisms which might relate to cancer; and (2) more studies testing whole grains as the
primary intervention rather than a whole grain component are greatly needed. In terms of the latter
issue, it has become clear in recent years that the magic bullet approach for investigating the
disease-modifying effects of diet is not the best model. It is very possible that gastrointestinal
and/or systemic interactions occur between dietary components to, at least in part, explain their
physiological effects. More mechanistic work is certainly needed, but it is imperative that more
studies are conducted using whole grains as the primary intervention. In the future, this will allow
a clearer discussion of the relationship between whole grain intake and CHD, type 2 diabetes, and
cancer, as well as other diseases. Finally, it is clear from this review that the whole is greater
than the sum of its parts, and the recent health claims and public health recommendations to increase
whole grain intake appear justified.


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Bioavailability of Minerals from Cereals

Wenche Frlich


Whole grain cereals and cereal products are some of the best sources not only for dietary fiber,
but also for minerals and trace elements in our diet. An increased consumption of flours with high
extraction rates of these compounds is therefore a nutritional aim in many countries. Most minerals
and trace elements in the cereals are closely related to the outer layers, especially the aleurone
cells, where dietary fiber and phytic acid are also recovered. All these components have therefore,
to a certain extent, been defined as a part of the dietary fiber complex.
The complexity of interactions that may take place between minerals and different components
in the dietary fiber complex makes it very difficult to predict the bioavailability of minerals in
whole grain cereals by chemical determinations of minerals and trace elements present in the cereal
products. Due to the chelating properties of the dietary fiber components and the phytic acid, there
has been a lot of concern about the effect of an unrefined high-fiber diet with respect to mineral
bioavailability. An increasing knowledge of the complexity of nutrient interactions and the number
of dietary components that can influence bioavailability makes this field very complicated. This
includes both the difficulties in the analysis of dietary fiber and the various physical and chemical
conditions which may alter the interactions between the nutrients.


Bioavailability problems of practical significance are known for some minerals of long estab-
lished nutritional importance such as calcium, zinc, and iron, but there seem to be similar problems
for other minerals and trace elements such as selenium, chromium, copper, and nickel. New
knowledge of bioavailability is constantly being discovered, and it seems that currently only a small
fraction of these problems are recognized and corrected for.


It has been claimed that the bioavailability of minerals and trace elements in diets rich in whole
grain products can be reduced in comparison with diets rich in refined cereal products. Great

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controversies, in terms of mineral interactions, have been connected with the chelating properties
of dietary fiber vs. phytic acid. In earlier studies it was claimed that the phytic acid present in the
whole grain cereal products was the component chiefly responsible for the chelating of divalent
minerals. More recently it has been suggested that phytic acid is not the component which is solely
responsible for the decreased mineral availability. Fiber itself or other polysaccharides seem to a
great extent to complex with minerals. However, the results in the literature are conflicting, and it
is still debatable whether it is the fiber components, the phytic acid, or both that are responsible
for the decreased absorption of minerals from whole grain cereal products.
Dietary fiber is often divided into a soluble and an insoluble fraction due to relative solubilities
and other chemical properties. The solubilities of the minerals may be decreased as a result of
chelation to fiber components. Dietary fibers could increase the viscosity and reduce the rate of
migration of minerals, which, in addition to reduced transit time, could result in changes in the
bioavailability of minerals.
The binding behavior of different minerals to cereal fibers seems to be extremely variable,
probably due to the various chelating properties of the different fiber components. The various
cereals also have quite different dietary fiber compositions with different chemical structure and
binding capacities, making the chelating properties of the same mineral special for each cereal. As
dietary fiber and phytic acid most often occur together in the cereal foods, it is difficult to distinguish
between the effect of the different dietary fiber components and the phytic acid.
In many studies isolated fiber components and phytic acid have been added to the diet to study
the effects of the individual components on the mineral bioavailability. It is important to realize
that addition of isolated components to the diet only indicates the effect of the same amount of
native dietary fiber or phytate present in the original food item.
Generalization about the bioavailability of minerals can be misleading, because the chelating
properties are not the same in different cereals due to different amounts of fiber, different fiber
composition, and different amounts of phytate present in the different cereals.
It is also important to stress that the refining of cereals leads to a marked fall in the mineral
content. Therefore, an inhibition of the percent uptake of minerals and trace elements from the
whole grain cereal products does not necessarily mean a decreased absolute intake, due to the
considerably higher amount of minerals present in the whole grain.


The binding behavior of different minerals to cereal fibers seems to be quite variable, probably
due to various chelating properties of the minerals. Little information on minerals other than Ca,
Zn, Fe, Cu, and P is available, and no agreement exists for the different minerals studied. Much
of the older work is still relevant today and has been taken into consideration when conclusions
have been drawn.


When a single mineral is added to the food, as has been done in various enrichment studies,
the balance between this mineral and the rest of the minerals and trace elements present is changed.
This type of enrichment study has given quite different results from studies with the corresponding
amount of the mineral naturally occurring in the food, even if the same amounts of dietary fiber
and phytic acid were present in the studies.
In many studies, both human and animal studies, dosages of dietary fiber and phytic acid which
are not physiological have been used. The interpretation of these studies is difficult and extrapolation
to normal diets is often impossible.
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Much less is known about the mineral requirement and bioavailability in humans than in animals.
Only limited studies on minerals connected with deficiency states can be carried out in humans. It
is also difficult to carry out long-term studies, and studies which might cause risks to humans
cannot be performed from an ethical point of view, e.g., studies on children and pregnant women.
Evidence suggests, however, that many observations carried out in animals do have relevance to
man. On the other hand, direct extrapolations from animals to humans do not give correct answers
in all cases, and before any definite conclusions can be drawn, human studies are needed.


The mechanisms by which dietary fiber chelates to the minerals are largely unknown. Several
in vitro studies have been published concerning dietary fiber components that are responsible for
the mineral association. The different isolated fiber components have been shown to have different
cation exchange potentials, and several factors must be taken into consideration when interpreting
the results: (1) presence of different chelators such as phytic acid, oxalic acid, tannins, citrate, and
amino acids, (2) pH in the solution, (3) concentration of minerals, (4) heat treatment that may affect
the binding, (5) presence of type and amount of various dietary fiber components, and (6) concen-
tration of minerals. It is important to realize that great care is needed when extrapolating results
from in vitro studies to in vivo conditions. The ability of minerals to bind or chelate to the different
cereal components or isolated fiber fractions seems to be different in an in vitro system than when
ingested alone or together with a composite diet.


The heat treatment during processing of cereal foods, both during the milling procedure and
baking of bread, also influences the bioavailability of the minerals present in the final product. This
is mainly due to the breakdown of phytic acid, but reorganization of dietary fiber components is
also a factor, changing the chelating properties of these components. This is important to bear in
mind when conclusions concerning the final cereal products (e.g., bread) are to be drawn on the
basis of the cereal ingredients like flour and bran. Fermentation and leavening seem to improve
the utilization of the minerals.


The bioavailability, which is a measure of the degree of both absorption and utilization, is
shown to be affected by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The individual needs for the mineral
due to nutritional and health status, sex, and age are intrinsic factors. Components in the diet are
the extrinsic factors and could have both promoting and inhibitory effects. It is of importance to
bear in mind that when studying mineral bioavailability, the composite diet should be taken into
consideration and not only a single food component or fraction of the food. Studies on a single
food item, on the other hand, can be used to identify the dietary components that are responsible
for the changes in the mineral absorption.
The studies made with respect to the influence of other food items on mineral absorption from
cereals are mainly done with respect to iron, with only a few studies on zinc. Ascorbic acid seems
to be the most potent enhancer of iron absorption, while animal protein improves both zinc and
iron absorption. Tea, on the other hand, seems to depress iron absorption.
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Adaptation to a diminished availability of minerals is probably of importance after continuous

addition of fiber from unrefined cereals. In experiments with a duration longer than 3 to 4 weeks,
no change in mineral availability from whole grain cereals is observed. Most of the studies published
are, however, short-term experiments, and it is therefore difficult to draw any definite conclusions
about the inhibitory/promoting factors until more long-term studies have been performed.


There seems to be an inhibitory effect on the bioavailability of some minerals due to some of
the components in the dietary fiber complex in cereals. Different cereals have different chelating
properties due to different fiber components present in the various cereals. In the numerous human,
animal, and in vitro studies on the effect of dietary fiber on mineral bioavailability, more controversy
than consensus is found. There is a general agreement in the literature that further research is
needed to clarify a number of questions still not solved.
In countries where the intake of minerals is limited and whole grain cereals account for the
main part of energy, the somewhat decreased absorption could be of importance. In diets with
extremely high dietary fiber and phytic acid content, deficiencies in both zinc and iron are likely
to occur. There is, however, no evidence that the dietary fiber intake from a fiber-rich Western diet
will interfere sufficiently with mineral absorption to cause deficiency in a healthy population. Such
a diet is usually well balanced with a good quality standard, and animal products are a natural part
of the diet. It is important to stress that a natural high-fiber diet contains more minerals and trace
elements than a low-fiber diet, as fiber and minerals are located together in the cereals. On the
other hand, if the increase in the dietary fiber content is due to increased intake of isolated fiber
components, there is no additional intake of minerals. The chelating properties of these isolated
dietary fiber components could have an influence on the utilization of minerals and trace elements.
However, much work is still needed in this field. The studies completed so far only give us an idea
of the complexity of the mineral bioavailability from cereals.
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Table 6.4.1 References to Minerals Studied with Respect to Bioavailability from Cereals
Increased Decreased or Low No Change in
Mineral Absorption, Ref. No. Absorption, Ref. No. Availability, Ref. No.
Ca 16, 106, 130 6, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 33, 4, 5, 11, 43, 44, 64, 75,
48, 58, 59, 61, 66, 74, 82, 84, 91, 94, 96, 99,
83, 87, 88, 89, 106, 106, 109, 113, 115,
108, 114, 121, 159, 152, 153, 158, 169,
163, 177, 184 175, 176, 182, 183,
P 151 87, 157, 167, 168 4, 82, 96, 106, 114,
115, 158, 175, 182
Zn 52, 72, 97, 98, 111, 276 12, 20, 34, 42, 47, 48, 4, 5, 11, 14, 31, 38, 45,
65, 69, 70, 71, 73, 84, 81, 82, 89, 97, 99,
85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 96, 103, 113, 123, 152,
114, 115, 121, 125, 156, 177, 182, 183,
136, 138, 140, 149, 184
154, 158, 159, 173, 178
Mn 64, 158, 159,160
Cu 21, 65, 115 69, 97, 152, 159, 177,
Mg 16, 77, 106, 113 12, 16, 48, 66, 93, 106, 5, 19, 64, 79, 82, 96,
115, 159 99, 110, 115, 152,
160, 175, 177, 184,
Se 182
Fe 83, 87, 88, 89, 3, 15, 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 22, 4, 9, 16, 27, 30, 35, 36,
39, 40, 53, 63, 95, 23, 24, 28, 32, 37, 46, 43, 57, 68, 82, 89, 96,
101, 116, 120, 130, 47, 49, 51, 54, 55, 56, 97, 99, 101, 106, 112,
158, 178, 186, 187 75, 78, 80, 81, 86, 88, 113, 115, 122, 123,
100, 104, 105, 107, 124, 134, 135, 145,
117, 119, 131, 132, 156, 159, 160, 177,
133, 137, 171, 172, 179 182, 183, 184
Table 6.4.2 Description of Mineral Bioavailability Studies from Cereals

Mineral Subject Exp. Design Time Diet Fiber Source Result Ref.
Fe Human, Balance 4991 days Controlled, 4050% Whole wheat meal Decreased iron absorption by 107
8 people of energy from (extraction rate 92%) brown bread, but mean
white flour replaces white bread balance positive
Fe Rat Hgb-relation Whole wheat bread Lowered availability; iron from 80
bread less available than
inorganic iron
Fe Human, Radioisotope technique 2-week Rice Increased absorption with 39
154 people period fortification with FeSO4
Fe Human Hgb, serum iron, IBC 15 days Controlled, meal Corn Decreased Fe absorption 55
radioassay, 59Fe, 56Fe
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Fe, Ca, Mg Human, Balance 7-day Brown bread (1 lb) Fe, P not affected; Mg, Ca, 106
3 people period, absorption negative after
35 weeks 4 weeks; Mg, Ca absorption
positive after 8 weeks
Fe Human, Radioassay, food Controlled, 1 meal Rice Low availability 100
66 people intrinsically labeled
with 55Fe
Fe Human, Radio-Fe erythrocyte 14 days Controlled, 1 meal Maize meal porridge Very low absorption (3.8%) 22
116 people utilization method
Fe Human, Radio-Fe, erythrocyte Controlled, 1 meal Maize, wheat Low absorption 101
66 people utilization method
Fe Human, 59Fe-labeled maize, Controlled, 1 meal Maize Low absorption (4.3%) 2
42 children whole body counter
Fe, Mg, Ca Human, Balance 3 weeks Unpolished rice (27 oz) Ca, Mg absorption lowered 16
12 people on unpolished rice for
3 weeks; long term
(18 weeks): Ca, Mg
retention improved, Fe not
Fe, Zn, Cu Human, Balance 2830 days 26 g corn bran, 26 g No significant effect of bran; 97
5 people wheat bran Cu absorption better
because of higher intake
Fe Human Hgb-measurements Wheat bread Not affected 43
Fe Human Balance Different cereals Affected by phytic acid 1
Fe Human Serum iron Whole wheat bread Affected, possible binder 24
measurements phytic acid
Fe Human, Radioisotope 17 days Chapathi from whole Affected, but not significantly 27
21 people technique; blood meal wheat flour or absorption higher from white
samples white flour flour than whole grain (3.2%
contra 1.7%), possible
binder phytate
Fe Human, Radioisotope 10 days Self-selected 1. Rolls containing 10 Decreased Fe absorption 7
6 people, or 40% bran
28 people 2. Rolls containing 0.3
to 10% bran
Fe Human, Metabolic balance, 3 weeks Metabolically 36 g bran of wheat Serum Fe level fell, 49
6 people serum Fe controlled hemoglobin decreased
Fe Rat Hgb-repletion test 3 weeks Whole grain wheat Fe utilization negatively 78
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repletion bread affected, unrelated to phytic

acid or fiber
Fe, Ca Human, Serum measurements 6 weeks Self-controlled 20 g wheat bran Serum iron fell, Ca unaltered 75
14 people
Fe, Zn, Ca, Human, Blood samples, serum 612 weeks Self-controlled 20 g wheat bran Not affected by wheat bran, 99

Mg 10 people mineral levels 1. Low phytate phytic acid no influence

2. Normal phytate level
Fe Human, Radioassay Bread, enriched with Decreased absorption with 10
9 people ferrum reductum or bread
ferric ammonium
Fe Rat 1. Chemical balance 14 days Semisynthetic, Bread/white, 60.5 g No differences in Fe 30
measurement 310 g bread/kg diet fiber/kg; brown, absorption
2. Radioassay 130.2 g fiber/kg;
whole meal, 221.2 g
Fe Human, Balance experiment, Bread 60% of Wheat bread; white Serum Fe decreased, 32
2 people serum iron energy bread, 2 g fiber; brown decreased Fe balance
bread, 15 g fiber;
whole grain, 22 g fiber
Fe Oatmeal Low availability, no correlation 104
with phytate, possible binder
Table 6.4.2 (Continued) Description of Mineral Bioavailability Studies from Cereals

Mineral Subject Exp. Design Time Diet Fiber Source Result Ref.
Fe Human, Radioactivity 1015 days Self-selected, White bread, Lowered Fe absorption in 28
4 people measurements 28 g bread exchanged for whole wheat Fe from bran
meal bread
Fe Rat Repletion experiment 24 days Bread, wheat Fe better absorption from 63
FeSO4 than bread
Fe Human, Radioiron absorption 200 g rice (2 mg Rice Low Fe absorption 54
11 people iron)
Fe Human, Radioiron absorption Controlled, Whole meal from wheat Geometric mean wheat Fe 46
42 people pancakes absorption 5.1%; 1/4 of that
of FeSO4
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Fe Human, Self-selected, meal Bran Fe absorption 6.4; in one iron 9

4 people + bread deficient 19%
Fe Rat Hemoglobin Monoferric phytate from Relative biological value of Fe 68
regeneration bran the same from bran and
technique ferrous ammonium sulfate
Fe Human, Double isotope Controlled Whole wheat bran, Decreased Fe absorption 51 105
60 people technique 12 g bran to 74%; not phytic acid, but
the soluble fraction more
than insoluble
Fe Human Isotope technique Unmilled rice Fe four times better 8
absorption from milled than
unmilled rice
Fe Dog Double radioisotope Monoferric phytate Absorption not influenced by 57
method, total body phytic acid
Fe Human Radioisotope technique Controlled, meal; Whole meal bread Significantly lower Fe 51
100 g bread absorption from whole meal
Fe Rat Hemoglobin repletion Corn, NFD up to 15% Fe 50% less available than 37
ferrous sulfate
Fe, Zn Rat Isotope dilution Semisynthetic diet; Bran No differences in Fe 14
technique, fecal and 180 g bran/kg diet absorption due to particle
urinary Zn size; small effect on Zn
retention due to particle size
Fe Pig Hemoglobin repletion 79 weeks Controlled, Fe Wheat bran 20% of diet No differences in Fe 35
intake constant absorption
Mg Phytate Bread May be affected, caused by 93
Zn, Ca, Mg, Rat Balance experiment 41 days, Controlled Wheat bran, 10% and No adverse effect on mineral 5
P 2-week 15% absorption; favored P
adaptation retention, adaptation
Zn, Cu Human, Balance 32 days Controlled Rice, corn, wheat Cu absorption not affected; 69
7 people Zn negatively affected by
fiber and phytate
Zn Rat Growth response, 4 weeks Controlled Wheat bread Not affected, probably due to 81
absorption in femur completely hydrolyzed
and serum phytate during breadmaking
Zn, Ca, P Human, Balance 2832 days Bread, 350 g Whole meal bread Negative effect on Zn 90
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3 people
Zn, Ca, P Human Balance, urine, feces 6 days Controlled, bread, Whole meal bread, Negative effect on Ca, Zn, P 87
40% of energy; unleavened
phytate content
680 and 1040

Zn Swine Growth measurements Depressed growth due to 70
phytic acid
Zn, Ca Human Balance, feces, plasma 20 days Controlled, 500 g Whole meal bread Negative Zn balance, 84
bread (60% of (25 g fiber) negative Ca balance but not
energy) significant, binder is
Zn Human, Balance 4 weeks Self-selected + bran Wheat bran, 14 g Not significantly affected by 38
4 people bran
Zn, Mg Human, Balance 7 days Controlled Wheat bran (1020 g), Tendency to increase fecal Zn 72
7 people cellulose, loss
Zn Human, Balance, plasma 15 weeks Controlled, Zn Wheatflakes, wheat Negatively affected 42
28 people intake constant bran
Ca, Zn Human, Balance 20 days Controlled, Whole wheat bread Negative balance of Ca, Mg, 85
2 people metabolic ward, Zn, P
50% of energy
from bread
Table 6.4.2 (Continued) Description of Mineral Bioavailability Studies from Cereals

Mineral Subject Exp. Design Time Diet Fiber Source Result Ref.
Zn Human, Radioisotope Controlled Whole grain bread Decreased percent 98
66 people technique; whole- absorption but increased
body counter total absorption; possible
binder phytic acid
Zn Chicken Growth response 4 weeks Controlled Corn Decreased absorption; only 71
60% Zn utilized; possible
binder phytic acid
Zn Rat Femur Zn measurement Controlled Rice, barley Barley poorer source than 103
mixed infant cereal (wheat,
corn,oat); rice poorer than
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standard; no correlation
between Zn availability and
Zn Rat Repletion experiment 28 days Wheat bran 50 g Reduced growth; decreased 20
and growth response fiber/kg zinc absorption (phytate
possible binder)
Zn Rat Weight gain, femur Zn Iranian flat bread, bread Bread better Zn source than 31
content and dough unfermented dough; no
differences on dough with
different fermenting time; no
correlation between Zn and
Zn Rat Growth response Selected cereals Phytic acid inversely related 34
to Zn availability; ratio of Zn
to phytate important; Zn
availability; more inhibition
of phytic acid in cereals than
Zn Rat Grain Availability of Zn in grain 52
better than in legumes;
phytic acid not the only
factor responsible for
decreased availability
Zn Rat Balance experiment and Cereal Phytic acid naturally 45
65Zn kinetic occurring in food; affects Zn
metabolism to the same
extent as Na phytate
Zn Rat Balance; growth Controlled Breakfast cereals: rice, If molar ratio > 15, depressed 67
response corn growth; biological response
not directly correlated to
dietary fiber in cereals;
phytate-to-Zn ratio major
factor affecting Zn availabilty
Zn, Ca Rat Metabolic balance Wheat bran 0.5%, 10%, No significant changes 4
Zn Rat Balance studies Rye Apparent Zn absorption and 73
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retention in absolute values,

higher from flour with high
extraction rate
Ca, Mg, Na, Human, Balance experiment 3 weeks Controlled Different cereals, fiber Decreased Ca absorption; K, 19
Cl, K 6 people intake increased from Na, CI small changes, fecal

17 to 45 g/day (bran, Mg increased, but probably

whole meal) due to higher Mg intake
Ca Human Balance studies 49 weeks Whole meal bread No change or adaptation 106
Zn, Ca, Mg Human, Balance 56 weeks Whole meal bread Negatively affected Ca 11
2 people absorption, Ca, Zn
Ca Human, Serum measurements 19 weeks Controlled, 230 g Whole meal bread Not affected 43
19 people bread
Ca Human, Balance 6 weeks Bran (1020 g) Lowered Ca in serum 74
27 people
Ca Human Balance Wheat whole meal Decreased Ca absorption, 6
bread, unleavened possible binder phytic acid
Ca Human Balance Whole meal bread Decreased Ca absorption 83
Ca Human Balance 7 weeks Whole meal bread Decreased Ca absorption 33
Ca Human Balance 3 weeks Whole meal bread, Negative Ca balance even if 18
bran (22 g 53 g increased Ca intake
Ca Human Whole grain Decreased Ca absorption 108
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Table 6.4.2 (Continued) Description of Mineral Bioavailability Studies from Cereals

Mineral Subject Exp. Design Time Diet Fiber Source Result Ref.
Ca Human, Balance 9 month Flour, 4050% of Whole grain flour Negative Ca balance; 59
9 people periods: energy (extraction rate 92%) possible binder phytate;
23 weeks dephytinization gives better
Zn, Ca, P Human, Balance 28 + 32 days Controlled Whole grain bread, Unleavened bread: negative 89
3 people unleavened or Ca and Zn balance; high
leavened phytate intake can cause
negative disturbance in Zn
and Ca adaptation for serum
Fe and serum Zn
Ca Human, Balance 3 weeks Wheat fiber, 31 g fiber Negative Ca balance 17
4 people
Ca Human, Balance 11 days Controlled Whole meal wheat Negative Ca balance 58
6 people bread fiber, 123 g
(standard 106 g)
Ca Human, Balance (serum) 49 weeks Controlled Wheat bran, 38 g bran No changes in plasma Ca 44
14 people per day
Ca Human, Balance (serum) 5 weeks Controlled Wheat bran, 24 g bran No changes in serum Ca 109
25 people per day
Ca Survey, Balance 19401948 Self-selected Whole meal bread Ca adaptation 94
Ca, Mg, Zn, Human, Balance Controlled, 60% of Whole meal bread; Negative Zn balance, 48
P 2 people energy from bread fiber, 12.6 g/day negative Ca balance,
negative Mg balance
Zn, Cu, Fe, Rat Balance Phytic acid Decreased absorption 21
Mg Rat Balance Wheat flour, 55% Whole grain wheat Mg available 110
Mg; the rest of Mg bread
from magnesium
Mg Rat Balance 3 weeks Whole grain wheat Mg available 79
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Mg Rat Balance 4 weeks Whole grain wheat flour Mg available; higher 77

absorption from flour than
from the same amount of
added salt
Ca, P, Zn, Mg Human, 13 months Self-selected 3 tsp bran per day No influence on mineral 82

68 people balance; bran does not

cause deficiency
P, Ca, Zn, Human, Metabolic balance 23 weeks Controlled Wheat bran, 16 g/day No effect on mineral 96
Mg, 8 people technique absorption except Zn
Fe (ileostomy)
Table 6.4.2a Description of Mineral Bioavailability Studies from Cereals (References After 1984)

Mineral Subject Exp. Design Time Diet Fiber source Result Ref.
Fe Rat Hgb regeneration assay Controlled, Baked/unbaked wheat Baking + organic acids increased 116
in weanling anemic rats juice bran muffins bioavailability
Fe Rat Whole body counter Extruded maize Extrusion no effect on Fe absorption 124
Fe Rat Hgb regeneration Bran cereal, corn meal Cereals significant contribution to 187
available Fe in diet
Fe Rat Hgb repletion Corn tortillas Maize, beans Fe availability reduced with 15% 132
and cooked NDF; correlation between soluble
beans Fe and repletion; Fe from corn
tortillas, 50% less available than
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Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Human Balance study 45 days Controlled Three levels of phytate No effect on absorption of Fe, Mn, 159
Mg, Ca Cu; decreased absorption for Zn,
Mg, Ca
Fe Human Isotope study, Muffins baked with Fiber not the major determinant of 119
absorption test wheat bran food Fe availability, but Fe
absorption lowered in bran muffins;
fruit enhanced
Fe, Zn, Ca Human Metabolic balance 26 days Controlled Wheat bran, corn bran, Increased Fe excretion 120
soybean husk
Fe, Zn, Ca Chicks Metabolic balance and 18 days Controlled Wheat bran Minerals not affected 183
tissue conc
Fe Rats Balance 10 days Controlled Whole wheat, wheat Digestibility lowest with wheat bran; 112
bran no significant relation between Fe
and phytate absorption
Fe Rat Hgb regeneration Controlled Wheat bran No change 134
Fe Rat Balance technique Controlled White bread 6% DF, Fe absorption higher in control, but 122
brown bread 13% DF, no difference within the breads;
whole meal bread fiber itself no effect
22% DF
Fe, Zn Human Balance study 12 weeks Controlled Cereals, fruits, No change in Fe or Zn absorption 156
vegetables increased
from 2030 g
Fe Rat Whole body radioassay Different wheat varieties Selection of wheat for high protein 145
procedure content, no effect on Fe
Fe Rat Retention study on rat Maize and wheat fiber Retention lowered by presence of 171
intestine fiber, polymerization
Fe Human Erythrocytes utilization Sorghum Polyphenol and phytate decreased 133
of radioactive Fe Fe absorption; hemicellulose and
lignin possible inhibitors of Fe
Zn, Fe Human Isotopic retention from 47 Days 40 g extruded/ Wheat bran and flour Extrusion cooking, no effect on 123
fecal extraction not extruded absorption
cereal + milk
Zn Rat Balance 4 weeks Dosa + milk Dosa (rice and dal) Zn absorption higher in plain dosa 111
diet than in raw dosa mixture
Zn, Fe, Ca, Human Whole body counter Extruded high-fiber The total effects of extrusion on 150
Mg, P cereals bioavailability are small but
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observable; negative effect on Zn,

Ca, Mg; no effect on Fe
Zn Human, Whole body counter Controlled 20 or 30% wheat bran Zn absorption improved when 149
33 people extrusion was performed after
phytate reduction

Zn Rat Growth response, Zn 25 weeks ad lib Endosperm, whole grain, DF and phytate from bran; limit 138
retention, Zn bran-enriched crisp availability of Zn to minor degree
concentration in serum bread when Zn is needed
and bone
Zn Rat Growth response, 3 weeks Controlled Whole meal, wheat Lowered Zn absorption when high 140
bone-Zn deposition bread, and crisp bread phytic acid/Zn ratio; improvement
by enrichment of Zn
Zn Human Whole body counter Meals based Rye, barley, oatmeal, Food preparation that decreases 173
on 60 g triticale, whole wheat the phytic acid improves Zn
cereals + milk absorption
Zn, P Rat Balance study, femur 912 days Wheat bran, barley husk Both sources had more negative 121
consistency of Zn, Ca, effect on Zn than Ca absorption;
P phytate did not appear as a major
factor affecting mineral absorption
in barley husk
Zn Human Radioisotope technique Browned and Reduced Zn absorption in browned 154
unbrowned corn products, probably due to Maillard
products products
Zn, Se Rat Whole body isotope Controlled Wheat grain Se and Zn have antagonistic effects 146
study on each other
Table 6.4.2a (Continued) Description of Mineral Bioavailability Studies from Cereals (References After 1984)

Mineral Subject Exp. Design Time Diet Fiber source Result Ref.
Zn Human Rise in plasma zinc 6 hours Wheat bran, phytate- Decreased Zn, rise mainly due to 136
reduced bran rice (low- phytate
phytate, low-fiber)
Zn, Cu, Ca, Mg Human Metabolic balance 4 weeks Controlled Wheat bran (0.4 g/kg/ No change in mineral balance 152
Zn Human Zinc tolerance test, Wheat bran Wheat bran leads to significant 125
whole body monitor reduction in Zn absorption
Zn, Fe Rat Whole body retention 19 days Controlled Sorghum products Fe highly available; Zn more 178
using radioisotopes available from fermented products
with lower phytic acid
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Ca Rat Balance study; 27 days Controlled Whole wheat bread Ca bioavailability 95% from bread, 169
bioavailability ad lib (enriched with Ca) same as milk diet
measured by TIBIA, Ca
content reflecting
Ca, P, Mg Rat Balance study, urine, 7 months ad lib Cellulose, wheat bran, Diets did not appreciably affect 175
feces, tissue oat bran, corn bran at 4 mineral levels
of 14% TDF
Ca Human Balance Controlled Oat bran No impact on Ca intake 176
Ca, Fe, Zn, Na, Human Metabolic balance 72 days Controlled Wheat bran Fecal excretion for minerals not 113
Mg changed, except Mg which
Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Human Balance serum, urine 3 months Controlled Wheat bran bread, guar No change in serum or urinary 182
Zn, Cu, Se gum bread concentration of any of the
Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, Pig Balance study 26 days Controlled, Oat husk, soybean husk No effect on mineral utilization; Zn 158
Zn, Fe + 15% fiber balance lower with oat husk: Fe
balance higher with soya husk
Ca Rat Balance 6 weeks Controlled 5, 10, 15% processed No effect on Ca absorption 153
oat husk
Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe, Human Balance study Controlled Hard red wheat bran Increased loss of Ca, but not of Zn, 177
Mg baked in yeast Cu, Fe, or Mg for the increased DF
leavened bread, 2045
g DF/day
Ca Human Urinary Ca excretion 136 Rice bran Phytic acid in rice bran decreased 163
months Ca absorption
Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe Human Balance 21 days Controlled Fiber 50 g/day; bread No effects on mineral balance; 186
w/barley fiber; bread improved absorption of Fe, Zn
w/whole wheat bran;
fruits, vegetables
Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Pig Balance study, urine, 2 weeks Controlled Wheat, oat, barley In comparison with mixed cereal 130
Zn, Mn, Se feces cereals/milk diet: barley decreased loss due
to lower content of minerals; wheat
increased loss of minerals, no
change of intake; oat higher
absorption, especially Fe, Ca
P, Ca, Zn Pig Balance study Marginal Ca Barley, wheat, corn Absorption of P high in wheat; Zn 151
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and P (0.5 and supplement affected phytase

0.35%), activity in small intestine; Ca
addition of Zn absorption influence negative by
(20 vs. 100 Zn supplement; mineral absorption
mg/kg) different in different cereals
P Pig Balance study 6 weeks Controlled Corn triticale wheat The higher the phytase activity of 167

wheat diets the diet, the greater the phytate P

availability and the lower the bone
mineral disorder; triticale and
wheat higher in phytase than corn
P, Ca, Mg, Zn Pig Balance study 3 weeks Controlled Wheat bran, 20% DF Wheat bran, a source of available 114
P and Mg, but might have an
unfavorable effect on the utilization
of Ca and Zn; Low-methoxylated
pectin has deleterious effect on
mineral balances
P Pig Balance 6 weeks Controlled Wheat or corn + 0.3% P P utilization 1.7 times higher in 168
wheat than corn due to phytase

Table 6.4.2a (Continued) Description of Mineral Bioavailability Studies from Cereals (References After 1984)
Mineral Subject Exp. Design Time Diet Fiber source Result Ref.
P, Ca, Mg, Zn, Rat Balance Controlled Wheat bran, rice, rice Phytate more reduced in wheat bran 115
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Cu corn, soybean bran cellulose diet than rice; cellulose no effect

meal + fiber on serum or tissue mineral
concentration; rice bran no effect
on serum levels of Ca, P, Mg; lower
concentration of Zn, Mg, Cu
Mg, Cu, Ca, Fe, Human Metabolic balance 22 days Controlled Coarse bran bread Balance value for Mg, Fe, Zn, and 184
Zn (35 g NDF, 22 g NDF) Cu did not differ by type of bread;
Ca balance was negative;
excretion significance greater
when consuming coarse than fine
bran bread
Na, K, P Human Balance 14 days Controlled Brown rice P balance lower in brown rice, other 157
minerals not affected
Various minerals Human Balance study 15 days Whole or dephytinized No effect on mineral bioavailability 160
(10 men) wheat bran
Note: OH = oat husk; NDF = neutral detergent fiber.
Table 6.4.3 In Vitro Binding Studies
Mineral Fiber Source Result Ref.
Ca, Mg. Zn, Fe Wheat bran and fractions of dietary Lignin, pectin; high metal-binding capacity; metal binding: pH dependent 13
Fe, Cu, Zn Rice bran All three metals bound, probably to hemicellulose sequence of binding; 65
Cu > Zn > Fe. Metals released with enzyme incubation; Zn affected dietary
Cu binding
Zn, Fe Whole meal wheat bread Bran high binding capacity for Zn and Fe. Zn binding pH dependent; lignin 47
and two fractions of hemicellulose high capacity for Zn; complexes with
wheat fiber; can to some extent explain decreased availability of Fe and Zn
Fe Wheat, rice Ionizable iron nearly twice as high when compared with that from chapathi 76
(wheat); percentage ionizable iron was lower in the parboiled rice than in
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raw rice, but actual amount the same; cereal, twofold increase of ionizable
iron when germinating; cooking of rice/wheat did not influence ionizable iron
Fe Wheat, maize Neutral detergent fiber accounts for all binding capacity of iron. Binding pH 86
dependent; iron binding by fiber is strongly inhibited by ascorbic acid, citric
acid, phytic acid, EDTA, cysteine, phosphate, and calcium; iron in wheat

and maize strongly inhibited

Fe Wheat bran Ascorbic acid inhibits complete binding of ferrous iron; boiling for 1 h no effect 12
on phytic acid; toasting for 1 h: 19% destruction of phytic acid; boiling 1 h
in 1 N HCL: 36% destruction of phytic acid
Zn Rye bread and whole wheat bread Higher availability with increased rising time 41
Zn Whole wheat bread Dephytinized fiber did bind Zn; adding of phytic acid lowered the ability to 84
bind Zn
Zn Bran, and components of bran Soluble components responsible for 39% of total binding power of wheat 32
bran; possible binder: phytate. Hemicellulose, cellulose, starch, pectin
contribute only 10% of total binding capacity
Zn, Fe, Ca, Mg Wheat bran Zn, Fe, the only soluble metals of wheat bran associated with phytic acid; at 26
least 70% of phytate does not exist as Ca5Mg-phytate
Ca Wheat bran Only weakly binding; no important contribution to Ca binding; increased 91
binding with lowered pH (pH under 5)
Ca, Mg Cell wall fraction Cellulose, hemicellulose: low availability 66
Mg, Mn, Ca Rice bran Minerals available for absorption; minerals released with incubation for 16 h 64
Fe Phytate, oatmeal No correlation with phytate and Fe absorption; oatmeal low availability, 104

Table 6.4.3 (Continued) In Vitro Binding Studies

Mineral Fiber Source Result Ref.
Ca, Zn, Fe Bread Cellulose important binder; fiber responsible more than phytic acid 88
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Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe Wheat bran Binding to cellulose and lignin not affected by cooking; pH-dependent Ca 13
binding diminished by boiling, not affected by toasting; Zn affected
significantly by pH and type of cooking (toasting had no effect), boiling no
effect at pH 6, decreasing binding by boiling pH 7
Zn, Cu, Fe Corn Cornflakes bound more Cu and less Fe than corn grits at pH 5, 6, 7 50
Na, K, Ca, Mg, P Wheat bran Ash associated with soluble fiber, coprecipitation due to isolation procedure 102
of fiber partly responsible; dependent on ionic strength and different buffers
Ash Different cereals Ash associated with soluble fiber components 36
Zn Wheat bran Soluble components responsible for 37% of total binding power of wheat 92
bran; possible binder phytate; hemicellulose, cellulose, starch, pectin
contribute only 10% of total binding capacity
Fe Wheat bread Insoluble iron generated due to baking process; the differences found 56
between iron sources prior to baking vanished in final baked product
Table 6.4.3a In Vitro Binding Studies (References After 1984)
Mineral Fiber Source Method Result Ref.
Fe Breakfast cereals In vitro procedure simulating Wheat bran, germ reduced availability; processing affects 117
w/wheat bran and germ gastro intestinal digestion availability
Fe Sorghum Solubility study Germination, soak, fermentation increased soluble Fe 179
Fe Maize Solubility boiling Availability of Fe same as for soluble Fe 135
Fe Maize Diffusing across a semipermeable Increased availability after extrusion-cooking procedure, 142
membrane mainly due to refining of maize
Fe Wheat roll Digestion under similar physical Degradation of inositol hexa- and penta-phosphates 172
conditions significantly reduced inhibitory effect on Fe availability
Fe Wheat flake cereal Solubility during sequential pH Acid incubation to form an organic acid chelate with iron 161
treatment improved bioavailability with Fe fortification of cereals
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Fe Cereals with 0973 mg Measurements of ionizable iron Tannins as well as phytates may be responsible for low 131
tannins absorption of iron in Indian diets
Fe, Zn, Mg, Ca, P Wheat bran and whole Isolation procedure The different minerals chelated to different DF 126
wheat flour components; only 10% Fe associated with phytic acid;
60% Fe associated with insoluble fractions; 24% Zn, 60%

Ca, 9% Mg associated with phytic acid

Zn Polished rice In vitro digestion; separation of More than 30% of rice zinc-solubilized; proteinaceous 147
gel; filtration of soluble Zn components increases soluble Zn
Zn, Cd, Cu Wheat, barley, rye, oat 31P-NMR spectroscopy; Minerals associated with soluble fiber fractions; phytate 131
potentiometric methods; isolation potent inhibitor in wheat, but not in the other cereals
procedures studied
Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu Different cereal products Extraction precipitation Organic ligand, EDTA, and citric acid prevented 155
precipitation; naturally occurring soluble ligands
important controlling factors for bioavailabilities
Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Whole oat grain Isolation procedures 70% of minerals present in kernel associated with soluble 127
Mg, Mn, P, Zn fiber fractions, most probably phytic acid/glucans; Fe and
Cu the only minerals that are associated with insoluble
Ca, Zn Ca-fortified wheat flake Solubility during sequential pH Citric acid increased solubility of Zn and Ca; his., cyst, 118
treatment (pH 27) alone and in combination, enhanced Zn solubility, but not
Ca; malate, citrate + malate, lactate + malate, citrate +
lactate, glucan did not affect Zn and Ca solubility

Table 6.4.3a (Continued) In Vitro Binding Studies (References After 1984)

2387_ch6.4_fm Page 520 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:49 PM

Mineral Fiber Source Method Result Ref.

Cu, Cd, Zn Soluble fiber of wheat Potentiometric method Phytic acid in wheat interacted strongly with minerals 165
bran, whole wheat grain,
inolaxol, cellulose
Cu, Cd, Zn Barley, rye, oat Potentiometric method Considerable association found between minerals and 166
soluble fractions of all three cereals; the ability to bind
was in order Cu (II) > Zn (II) > Cd (II) for cereals barley
> oats = rye; between pH 3.55, phytic acid important
chelator for oats; pure -glucan from barley no
complexing agent
Wheat bran, oat 31 P-NMR Phytase present in oats; breakdown of phytic acid in oats 129
same as for wheat
Table 6.4.4 Effect of Addition of Other Foods on Bioavailability of Minerals
Mineral Fiber Source Subject Food Addition Result Ref.
Fe Rice Human Fish Increased absorption 39
Fe Corn maize, bread Human Vitamin C Increased absorption 15
Fe Rice Human Fruit, meat Absorption increased 5 times 40
Fe Maize Human 50 g meat; 100 g fish; Absorption increased 2 times with meat and fish, 53
150 g papaya (66 mg 5 times with papaya
vitamin C)
Fe Corn Human Fish or food of animal Increased availability 55
Fe Bread Human Tea Decreased availability 23
Fe Rice Human Ascorbic acid Improved availability 100
2387_ch6.4_fm Page 521 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:49 PM

Fe Maize Human Tea, ascorbic acid Tea reduced absorption from 3.8 to 2.1%; ascorbic 22
acid increased absorption 10 times; inhibitory
effect of tea overcome if ascorbic acid given
Fe Maize, wheat Human Ascorbic acid Enhanced absorption from maize, not from wheat 101
Fe Cereals Human Ascorbic acid Improved nonheme iron absorption 29

Zn Whole grain bread Human Animal protein, milk (Ca) Both improved absorption 71
Fe Whole grain bread Human Tea, orange juice, Tea reduced to half; orange juice increased 2 times; 95
egg yolk egg yolk inhibitor
Fe Whole meal bread Human Fruit juice, egg Fruit juice enhanced absorption, egg no effect 28
Fe Rice Human Fish Absorption improved with fish 3
Fe Wheat bread Human Orange juice Improved absorption 10
Fe Whole meal bread Human Ascorbic acid Enhanced absorption 51
Zn Flat bread Rat Protein (animal) Could prevent complexation of Zn with phytic acid 31
Fe Breakfast cereal foods In vitro Milk Enhanced bioavailability 174
Fe Whole wheat flour In vitro (diffusion across Various beverages and Choice of beverage and condiments influence Fe 144
a semipermeable condiments availability in either reducing or enhancing
Fe Processed foods of white In vitro (diffusion across Fruit juices Processing increased bioavailability compared to 143
and whole meal bread, a semipermeable raw materials; Fe diffusibility was enhanced by
wheat bran, maize membrane) fruit juices
meal, corn flakes
Fe Rice Rats fed ad libitum Various carbohydrates Bioavailability higher in diets containing starch and 150

Table 6.4.4 (Continued) Effect of Addition of Other Foods on Bioavailability of Minerals

2387_ch6.4_fm Page 522 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:49 PM

Mineral Fiber Source Subject Food Addition Result Ref.

Fe Breakfast cereals In vitro Sugar, orange juice, Sugar slight increase; orange juice dramatically 117
citric acid enhanced; citric acid more potent enhancer than
ascorbic acid
Fe Cereal-based 1. In vitro solubilization Milk 1. Soluble Fe increased with milk 181
2. Isotope experiments 2. No change in Fe absorption
on humans
Fe Wheat bran Isotope experiments on Ascorbic acid or meat Iron absorption inhibited 50% by phytate; ascorbic 137
humans acid/meat counteract the inhibition
Zn Corn germ Rat depletion Citric acid Citric acid improved Zn availability 164
experiments; growth
Zn Corn germ Depletion experiment 1% citric acid Improved absorption with citric acid 164
(0.5% phytate) with rats
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Phytic Acid and Cancer

Mazda Jenab and Lilian U. Thompson


Many epidemiological studies,13 meta-analyses,46 and reviews715 suggest that diets high in
fiber and low in fat may be associated with a decreased risk of many cancers. However, not all
epidemiological findings are able to establish a clear, definitive role for all dietary fibers in cancer
prevention.1620 Differences in environmental factors, experimental design, and models used may
account for some, but not all, of the inconsistencies, suggesting that some dietary fiberassociated
components rather than dietary fiber per se may, in part, be responsible for the suggested cancer
protective effects of high-fiber diets.
Phytic acid (PA) is one fiber-associated component, found in high concentrations in cereals,
legumes, and oilseeds, that has been suggested to have cancer-protective effects. It is myoinositol
with six phosphate moieties attached and is a ubiquitous plant component often complexed with
calcium, potassium, or magnesium in cereals or a crystalline globule inside protein bodies in
legumes, nuts, and oilseeds.21 In many cereals and oilseeds, PA constitutes up to 1 to 5% of the
weight and serves as the chief storage form of phosphorus.2224
Because of its highly negatively charged phosphorylated structure, PA is able to bind with
many divalent cations, proteins, and starch and consequently reduce their bioavailability.24,2527 For
this reason, PA has traditionally been considered an antinutrient,28 and many ways of removing it
from foods have been suggested.2932 However, in the last two decades, several studies suggest
that this same reactivity may confer on PA some health-beneficial effects, particularly the reduction
of cancer risk.3337
In this chapter, in vitro and in vivo studies on the effect of PA on cancer risk, along with its
potential mechanisms of action, will be reviewed. A majority of the in vivo studies were conducted
in animal models using purified PA added to either the diet or drinking water. Only a few studies
have been conducted comparing the effect of purified PA (exogenous) to that of the naturally
occurring PA (endogenous) in foods. The limitations of these different experimental approaches to
prove the effects of PA are also discussed.

2001 by CRC Press LLC 531
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Table 6.5.1 summarizes the in vitro cell culture studies showing the antineoplastic action of
purified PA on various cell types. PA inhibited cell growth and increased cell differentiation and
maturation of HT-29 human colon carcinoma cells,38,39 K-562 human erythroleukemia cell lines,40
human PC-3 prostate adenocarcinoma,41 human rhabdosarcoma,42 human HepG2 liver cancer,43
and estrogen receptor positive MCF-7 and estrogen receptor negative MDA-MB-231 human breast
cancer cells.44 In the latter experiment, significant inhibition was achieved with 1mM PA after 6 h
of treatment, while other studies39,41 have shown a dose-dependent decrease.
Eggleton45 has shown that PA does not directly activate neutrophil inflammatory events but
does enhance immune cell response to inflammatory stimuli. In a number of the above studies,3841
PA caused a reversion of malignant phenotype, i.e., decrease in expression of tumor markers within
the cells (HT-29 cells) or change to a normal cellular appearance (K-562 erythroleukemia cells).
In addition, pure PA added to HT-29 cells has been shown to upregulate the expression of p53, a
tumor suppressor gene, and p21waf1/cip1, a growth inhibitor,46 suggesting that the antineoplastic action
of PA may involve the direct modulation of genes controlling the growth and maturation of the cell.


A strong cancer-protective effect of purified PA has been shown in a large number of animal
studies done under various experimental conditions, models, time periods, and endpoints ranging
from preneoplastic markers such as cell proliferation and aberrant crypt foci (ACF) parameters to
tumorigenesis (summarized in Table 6.5.2).

Colon Cancer

In colon cancer studies, pure PA has been shown to reduce the rate of colonic cell proliferation
at early (214 weeks)33,35,37,47 and late (3640 weeks)48,49 time points and to reduce various ACF
parameters when provided in the diet37,50 or in the drinking water.51
When provided in the drinking water, 1% PA has been shown to significantly decrease both
the number of tumors and the tumor volume of azoxymethane-treated (AOM-treated) rats when
treatment was commenced in the pre-initiation phase.34,52 When administered to AOM-treated rats
up to 5 months post-initiation, PA (2%, supplied in the drinking water) again significantly reduced
the number of colon tumors, tumor size, and mitotic rate when compared to the control group,49
suggesting that PA can have protective effects at both the initiation and promotion stages of colon
carcinogenesis. Pretlow et al.51 also found that post-initiation administration (1 week) of PA (2%,
supplied in the drinking water) reduced the number of colon tumors (by 58%) and the tumor
volume (by 76%). Similar colon cancer protective effects were observed when PA was provided
in the diet.53,54

Mammary Cancer

Cell proliferation in the mammary gland was reduced by dietary PA supplementation (1.2%),
with the reductions being more dramatic when the PA was added to diets supplemented with high
levels of iron and calcium35 (Table 6.5.2). Although an initial study showed only a non-statistically
significant decrease in mammary tumors,55 subsequent experiments36,56 have shown that pure PA,
supplemented in the drinking water, can effectively decrease mammary tumor incidence in dime-
thylbenzanthracene (DMBA)-treated rats. Similar effects have been observed with pure PA provided
in the diet.53,57
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Table 6.5.1 In Vitro Studies on the Effects of Phytic Acid on Various Cell Lines
Amount of PA
Reference Study Details Used PA Effect

Saied and HT-29 human colon 3.3, 5.0, 8.0 mM Increase in expression of p53 and
Shamsuddin46 carcinoma cell line p21waf1/cip1 with 3.3 and 5 mM PA
at 3 and 6 days
Sakamoto et al38 HT-29 human colon 0.6610.0 mM Decrease in cell proliferation and
carcinoma cell line markers of cell differentiation
Yang and HT-29 human colon 0.3320.0 mM Decrease in cell growth and
Shamsuddin39 carcinoma cell line proliferation at 1 and 5 mM;
increased differentiation and
reversion to normal phenotype;
inhibition of PA breakdown within
the cell did not alter growth

Breast, Mammary
Shamsuddin et al.44 MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 15.0 mM Dose-dependent decrease in
human breast cancer growth; decrease in DNA
cells synthesis; increase in

Vucenik et al.43 HepG2 human liver 0.255.0 mM Dose-dependent decrease in
cancer cells growth; increase in differentiation;
decrease in expression of mutant
p53 protein and increase in

Soft Tissue
Vucenik et al.42 Rhabdomyosarcoma 0.110.0 mM Dose-dependent decrease in
(soft tissue sarcoma) growth with resumption after
cells removal of PA from media

Eggleton 45 Neutrophils adherent to 100.0, 250.0 M In presence of PA, stimulated cells
plastic or laminin increased interleukin-8
production and sustained
assembly of F-actin; no effect of
PA on non-stimulated cells
Shamsuddin et al.40 K-562 erythroleukemia 0.05% and 0.1% PA decreased growth and
cell line increased differentiation,
intracellular Ca and lower IP

Shamsuddin and PC-3 human prostate 0.11.0 mM Dose-dependent decrease in
Yang41 cancer cells growth; increase in cell
Table 6.5.2 In Vivo Studies on the Effects of Phytic Acid on Various Cancers

Disease Parameter Amount of PA

Reference Study Details Studied Given Mode of PA Administration PA Effect

Colon Early Risk Markers

Nielsen et al. 33 Male Wistar rats; no Cell proliferation 0.6, 1.2, 2.0% Diet Decrease in colonic cell proliferation
carcinogen; 2 wk
Thompson and Female C57BL/6J mice; Cell proliferation 1.2% Diet Decrease in colon cell proliferation
Zhang35 DMBA; 3 wk
Pretlow et al.51 Male F344 rats, AOM, 4,12, ACF; tumor 2.0% Drinking water Decrease in number of ACF with
and 36 wk multiplicity 4 at 12 wk
Owen et al.70 Adenoma patients Cell proliferation Variable amounts N/A No association between fecal PA levels
2387_ch6.5_fm Page 534 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:58 PM

of dietary PA and colon cell proliferation, mineral

levels, or lipid content
Shivapurkar et al.53 Female SD rats; AOM; ACF 2.0% Diet Decrease in total number of ACF and ACF
MNU; 9 and 30 wk with multiplicities 4
Challa et al.50 Male F344 rats; AOM; 13 wk ACF 1.0 and 2.0% Diet Decrease in incidence of ACF
Corpet et al.47 Female SD rats; AOM; 4 wk ACF; cell proliferation 2.0% Drinking water Decrease in proliferation of normal crypts
but not of ACF
Jenab and Male F344 rats; AOM; ACF; SIM ACF; cell 1.0% Diet Decrease in number of ACF and SIM
Thompson37 14.3 wk proliferation ACF; decrease in cell proliferation and
crypt height

Colon Tumorigenesis
Shamsuddin et al. 34 Male F344 rats; AOM; 36 Tumor 2.0% Drinking water; treatment Decrease in tumor number
months commenced after 12 wk of
Shamsuddin et al.34 Male F344 rats; AOM; 24 wk Tumor 1.0% Drinking water; treatment Decrease in tumor frequency (34.7%),
commenced prior to volume (min. 63%), and colonic mitotic
carcinogen rate; decrease in hydroxyl radical
formation by PA
Nelson et al.54 Male SD rats; DMH; 24 wk Tumor 0.25% Diet Inhibit the colon cancerpromoting effect
of iron
Shamsuddin and Male F344 rats; AOM; 40 wk Tumor; mitotic rate 2.0% Drinking water; treatment Decrease in tumor number, size, and
Ullah49 (20 wk of PA treatment) commenced 20 wk after volume; decreased colonic mitotic rate
carcinogen induction
Shamsuddin et al.48 Male CD-1 mice; DMH; 19 Tumor; mitotic rate 1.0% Drinking water Decrease in tumor number; decrease in
and 36 wk mitotic rate
Ullah and Male F344 rats; AOM; PA Tumor 0.1% and 1.0% Drinking water Decrease in tumor prevalence and size
Shamsuddin52 provided prior to with 0.1% PA; 1.0% PA reduced tumor
carcinogen administration; frequency and size
38 wk
Pretlow et al.51 Male F344 rats; AOM; 4,12, ACF; tumor 2.0% Drinking water Decrease in tumor number and volume at
and 36 wk 36 wk

Mammary Early Risk Markers

Thompson and Female C57BL/6J mice; Cell proliferation; 1.2% Diet Decrease in mammary cell proliferation
Zhang35 DMBA; 3 wk nuclear aberration and nuclear aberrations; decrease in

promotional effect of Ca and Fe

Mammary Tumorigenesis
2387_ch6.5_fm Page 535 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:58 PM

Vucenik et al.55 Female SD rats; DMBA; PA Tumor 15 mM Drinking water Non-statistically-significant reductions in
provided prior to tumor frequency, multiplicity, and size
carcinogen administration;
18 wk
Hirose et al.57 Female SD rats; DMBA; Tumor 2.0% Diet Decrease in size of palpable tumors;
35 wk increase in number of surviving animals
Vucenik et al.56 Female SD rats; DMBA; Tumor 15 mM Drinking water Decrease in tumor incidence; decrease in
45 wk tumor multiplicity and burden when PA
combined with 15 mM inositol
Shivapurkar et al.53 Female SD rats; AOM; Tumor 2.0% Diet Decrease in number of tumors
MNU; 9 and 30 wk
Vucenik et al.36 Female SD rats; DMBA; Tumor 0.4% Drinking water Decrease in tumor incidence and number
29 wk

Vucenik et al. 58 Male BALB/c nude mice Tumor 40 mg/kg of body Intra-tumoral injection Decrease in tumor weight
inoculated with HepG2 weight
human liver cancer cells;
1.7 wk
Vucenik et al.58 Male BALB/c nude mice Tumor NA N/A No tumors in mice receiving cells
inoculated with HepG2 pretreated with PA vs. 71% tumor
human liver cancer cells incidence in mice receiving untreated
pretreated with PA; 8.9 wk cells

Table 6.5.2 (Continued) In Vivo Studies on the Effects of Phytic Acid on Various Cancers
Disease Parameter Amount of PA
2387_ch6.5_fm Page 536 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:58 PM

Reference Study Details Studied Given Mode of PA Administration PA Effect

Soft Tissue
Jariwalla et al. 59 Female F344 rats injected Tumor 12.0% Diet Decrease in incidence and growth rate of
with fibrosarcoma cells pentapotassium cell transplantinduced fibrosarcomas
phytate (equiv.
to 8.9% PA)
Vucenik et al.60 Male C3H/Jsed mice with Tumor 0.25% i.p. injection Decrease in tumor growth; prolonged
transplanted tumor from survival
FSA-1 fibrosarcoma cells;
up to 6.9 wk
Vucenik et al.60 Male C3H/Jsed mice Metastatic tumor 0.25% i.p. injection Decrease in number of pulmonary
injected i.p. with FSA-1 metastases
fibrosarcoma cells; 4 wk
Vucenik et al.42 Male NIH athymic nude Tumor 40 mg/kg of body Peritumoral injection Decrease in time of tumor appearance,
mice inoculated with weight tumor incidence, and growth
rhabdomyosarcoma cells;
2 and 5 wk

Ishikawa et al.61 Female ICR mice; DMBA; 3 Papillomas; cell 2.0% Drinking water Decrease in number of papillomas and
and 22 wk proliferation number of tumor-bearing mice at 3 wk;
decreased cell proliferation after 1 wk
Multi-Organ, Wide Spectrum, Bladder, and Adverse
Hirose et al. 62 Male F344 rats Tumor 2.0% Diet Increase in urinary bladder papillomas,
TTAD, DHPN, EHEN, weak decrease in neoplastic lesions in
DMAB, 32 wk liver and pancreas; no effect in lung,
colon, esophagus, forestomach, small
intestine, kidney, and thyroid gland
Hiasa et al.120 Male and female F344, Tumor 1.25, 2.5% Drinking water Necrosis and calcification of renal papillae
100108 wk with papillomas in some of the high-dose

Takaba et al.73 Male F344 rats; BBN; 32 wk Tumor 2.0% Diet Sodium-PA increased development of
pre- and neoplastic urinary bladder
lesions; Mg-PA and pure PA had no
2387_ch6.5_fm Page 537 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:58 PM

Takaba et al.76 Male F344 rats; DHPN, Tumor 1.0% Diet No modifying effects when dietary
EHEN, DMAB; 36 wk treatment commenced during initiation
stage of multi-organ carcinogenesis
Hirose et al.72 Male F344 rats; DHPN, Tumor 2.0% Drinking water Decrease in hepatic tumors; no difference
EHEN, DMAB, BBN in incidence or multiplicity but decrease
in diameter of mammary tumors;
increase in bladder carcinogenesis with
sodium salt of PA
Note: Abbreviations: AOM azoxymethane; ACF aberrant crypt foci; BBN N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine; DHPN 2,2-dihydroxy-di-n-propylnitrosamine; DMAB
3,2-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl; DMBA dimethylbenzanthracene; EHEN N-ethyl-N-hydroxy-ethylnitrosamine; F344 Fisher344; MNU methylnitrosourea; N/A
not applicable; PA phytic acid; SD Sprague-Dawley; SIM sialomucin producing; TTAD n-tritriacontane-16,18 dione.
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Other Cancers

Injection of pure PA directly into HepG2 liver cancer tumors inhibited their growth in immu-
nodeficient mice.58 Also, HepG2 cells treated with PA prior to inoculation into the mice developed
substantially fewer tumors than untreated cells, even though PA was not provided to the mice.58
PA reduced the growth of rat fibrosarcoma59 as well as subcutaneously transplanted mice fibrosar-
coma cells and the number of pulmonary metastases established after their injection.60 Furthermore,
PA delivered by injection directly into the tumor inhibited growth of human rhabdomyosarcoma,
an aggressive soft tissue tumor cell line, in immunodeficient mice.42 Supplementation of PA (2%)
in the drinking water has protective effects in skin 2-step papillomas,61 while dietary supplemen-
tation of the same amount has inhibited hepatocellular carcinomas in the liver as well as eosinophilic
foci, which are putative preneoplastic lesions, in the pancreas.62

Mode of PA Administration

Diet vs. Distilled Water

A majority of the studies on PA and cancer used pure PA at the level of 12% given either in
a low-fiber diet or in the drinking water (Table 6.5.3). Since most of these studies show positive
effects of PA on cancer prevention (Table 6.5.4), it can be argued that either mode of PA admin-
istration is effective. However, animals fed 1% PA in the diet may be receiving different amounts
of PA than animals receiving 1% PA in the drinking water, as the intake depends on how much
they eat or drink. Very few of the studies listed in Table 6.5.2 provide an assessment of overall
amount of PA consumed or information about amount of food or drinking water intake. Thus, it is
difficult to compare effective PA levels in studies that provide PA in the diet vs. in the drinking water.

Pure (Exogenous) vs. Food (Endogenous) PA

When administered as part of the diet, pure PA may form complexes with the mineral, protein,
or starch components in the diet. When given in the drinking water, the ability of PA to bind with
other dietary components depends on whether it is consumed concurrently with diet or at different
time periods than the diet. On the other hand, endogenous PA in a high-fiber food source, such as
wheat bran, may already be tightly bound to the fiber, proteins or minerals, making it less available
for absorption or interaction with other dietary components or the colonic mucosa. Hence, the
cancer-protective effect of PA may theoretically differ depending on whether it is provided in the
pure form (exogenous) or as a natural component (endogenous) of a high-fiber food such as wheat
bran. However, to date only a few studies36,37,63 have attempted to make a comparison between
endogenous and exogenous PA.
Vucenik et al.36 showed that levels of wheat bran up to 20% were ineffective in reducing rat
mammary tumorigenesis, while an amount of PA equivalent to that in 20% wheat bran (0.4%)
added in pure form to the drinking water caused a significant reduction in tumor incidence.
Nevertheless, although the authors matched the level of pure PA in the drinking water of one
group to the level of PA present in the 20% wheat bran diet of the other group, they provided no
data on the total amount of PA consumed by each group nor gave any assurance that the total
amounts consumed were equal. Thus, as discussed earlier, in such cases it is very difficult to
effectively compare the effects of the endogenous PA in wheat bran to exogenous pure PA given
in the drinking water.
Suggestions have been made that to reduce cancer risk, supplementing a diet with pure PA may
be better than eating fiber-rich foods.36,64 However, high-fiber diets provide many more phytochem-
icals than PA and are also associated with reduction in risk of diseases other than cancer. Therefore,
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Table 6.5.3 Number of In Vivo Studies Using Different Levels and Modes
of Phytic Acid (PA) Administration
Number of Studies Using Each Mode of PA Administration
Amount of PA Used Intratumoral or
in Study Diet Drinking Water I.P. Injection
<1% 1 2 0
1 to <2 % 6 4 0
2% 6 6 0
>2% 1 1 0
15 mM 0 2 0
40 mg/kg body weight 0 0 2
Total 14 15 2
Note: Values represent number of studies using a certain level of PA with each mode of PA
administration. Some studies with more than one level of PA intake were repeated in
the count.

Table 6.5.4 Summary of All In Vivo Studies on Phytic Acid and Cancer
Number of Studies
Protective Promotive/Adverse
Organ and Endpoint Total Effects No Effects/Equivocal Effects
Early risk markers 8 7 1 0
Tumor 7 7 0 0
Early risk markers 1 1 0 0
Tumor 4 3a 1 0
Tumor 2 2 0 0
Soft tissue
Tumor 4 4 0 0
Necrosis/calcification 1 0 0 1
Tumor 4 0 0 4
Tumor 1 1 0 0
Multi-organ (except 2 0 2 1
Note: Values represent number of studies. Some studies with more than one timepoint or endpoint were repeated
in the count.
a One study was effective only when phytic acid was combined with inositol.

it is still more practical to eat diets containing high-fiber foods than a refined diet supplemented
with just one phytochemical.
Jenab and Thompson37 tried to differentiate the role of endogenous versus vs. PA by deter-
mining the effect of diets supplemented with either 25% wheat bran, 1.0% pure PA (equivalent
to the amount of PA in the 25% wheat bran diet), 25% dephytinized wheat bran (wheat bran with
the endogenous PA removed), or dephytinized wheat bran with 1.0% pure PA. The effect of
endogenous PA was indicated by a comparison of wheat bran and dephytinized wheat bran, while
the effect of exogenous PA in a high- or low-fiber diet was indicated by a comparison of the 1%
PA and the 25% dephytinized wheat bran plus 1% PA diets. In this study, the actual intake of
pure PA (exogenous) was the same as the intake of endogenous PA. Results showed a significant
reduction in the number of sialomucin-producing (SIM-producing) ACF, an important early
biomarker of colon cancer risk, by all the treatment diets (Table 6.5.5). In addition, exogenous
2387_ch6.5_fm Page 540 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:58 PM


PA added to the low-fiber diet significantly reduced the number of ACF and size of ACF vs. the
control diet. All the treatment diets also significantly reduced the labeling index of cell proliferation
in the top 40% of the crypt vs. the control diet, but wheat bran, with its endogenous PA, was
significantly more effective than the other diets (Table 6.5.5). The removal of PA from the wheat
bran caused an increase in the rate of cell proliferation (Table 6.5.5), suggesting that the colon
cancerprotective effects of wheat bran may be due, in part, to its PA. The rate of cell proliferation
with the 1% PA diet was significantly lower relative to the control group but significantly higher
than the wheat bran group and not different from the other diets. This differential effect of
endogenous and exogenous PA suggests that, although both are effective, they may be acting
through different mechanisms.

Table 6.5.5 Number of Aberrant Crypt Foci and Labeling Index

of Cell Proliferation in the Distal Colon of Rats on Wheat Bran
or Phytic Acid Diets
Number of Labeling Index in
Groups Number of ACF Sialomucin ACF the Top 40%
BD 64.67 4.59a 34.33 3.58a 18.45 1.38a
WB 51.09 2.37ab 15.64 1.83b 7.97 0.99d
DWB 54.55 3.28ab 18.64 2.16b 13.71 1.48bc
DWBPA 54.82 3.46ab 18.55 3.64b 9.69 0.91cd
PA 44.93 4.01b 12.57 3.13b 12.69 1.19bc
Note: Values are means SEM on a sample size of 15 rats per group for aberrant
crypt foci data and 24 crypts per rat with 6 rats per group for labeling index of
cell proliferation data; values with different superscripts are significantly different,
p < 0.05. BD = basal diet, control group; WB = 25% wheat bran diet; DWB = 25%
dephytinized wheat bran diet; DWBPA = 25% dephytinized wheat bran plus 1.0%
added PA diet; PA = 1.0% added PA diet.
Source: Adapted from Jenab, M. and Thompson, L. U., Carcinogenesis, 19, 1087, 1998.

Reddy et al.63 found that a diet supplemented with 10% defatted and dephytinized wheat bran
had an effect on colon tumorigenesis which did not differ from that of a diet supplemented with a
similar amount (10%) of wheat bran with its endogenous PA and oil intact. Likewise, addition of
0.4% exogenous PA to a dephytinized and defatted wheat bran (10%) diet did not cause any
significant changes in colon tumorigenesis compared to a 10% wheat bran diet. Although this study
was not designed to compare the role of endogenous and exogenous PA, the results do suggest that
PA may not be a strong factor in the protective effects of wheat bran, since removal of endogenous
PA and addition of exogenous PA did not significantly affect colon tumorigenesis. However, the
amount of PA tested in this study (0.4%) is much less than the amount (12%) in most of the other
studies listed in Table 6.5.2, as well as in the Jenab and Thompson37 study cited above. Since most
of the colon cancerprotective effects of wheat bran have been found at levels of intake much
higher than 10%,6569 levels of PA greater than 0.4%, which is the amount in a 10% wheat bran
diet, may be required for reduction in risk of colon cancer. Perhaps the most important finding of
this study is that removal of both the oil and PA components of wheat bran caused a significant
increase in the number of adenocarcinomas, suggesting that the colon cancerprotective effects of
wheat bran may be associated with many of its components and not just its endogenous PA. In the
same study, addition of 2% wheat bran oil (an amount in excess of that found in 10% wheat bran)
alone or with 0.4% exogenous PA to a 10% dephytinized and defatted wheat bran diet significantly
reduced the number of adenocarcinomas vs. the 10% wheat bran diet, suggesting that wheat bran
oil may also be an important colon cancerprotective component of wheat bran. However, because
the amount of oil added in this study was largely in excess of the amount found in 10% wheat
bran, making direct comparisons with the wheat bran is difficult.
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The results of the above studies suggest that endogenous PA derived from wheat bran, as well
as exogenous PA added back to wheat bran or to a low-fiber diet, may be cancer protective,
depending on the concentration of PA. They also highlight the point that the cancer-protective
effects of high-fiber diets may stem from more than just one important component.


Limited clinical studies have been conducted on the role of PA in cancer prevention. Owen
et al.70 observed a strong correlation between fecal PA and fecal minerals, particularly iron, but no
relationship between the rate of cell proliferation and fecal PA content in adenoma patients. They
attributed the lack of an effect possibly to the presence of adenomas affecting colorectal cell
kinetics.71 However, it is unclear from this study whether the colonic sampling for the rate of cell
proliferation was performed at the same time as fecal collection or whether the patients were
maintained on the same diets as they were at the time of fecal collection, factors which may
influence the relationships. Any effects of dietary PA on cell proliferation probably require long-
term exposure to constant levels of dietary PA and, therefore, clinical experiments in this area will
require long-term consumption of controlled diets with known levels of PA and minerals. Owen
et al.70 did not relate fecal PA levels to dietary PA intake. It is possible that it is the PA that is
broken down within the colon to lower inositol phosphates or the PA that is absorbed by the
colonocytes that may be having protective effects and not the essentially unreactive PA that is
complexed with other dietary components that is excreted in the feces.


While most of the studies on PA show a protective effect (Table 6.5.2, Table 6.5.4), an exception
is an adverse effect of PA on bladder cancer.62,72,73 Since most of these studies use the sodium salt
of PA, it may be possible that the sodium-PA alters urinary sodium ion concentration or pH, with
negative consequences for the bladder,62,74 or it may directly affect transitional cell epithelial growth
in the bladder.75 Furthermore, Hirose et al.72 and Takaba et al.76 (Table 6.5.2) have found that these
bladder cancerpromotive effects are observed only with sodium-PA and not with unchelated PA
or other PA chelates. Thus, there may be little risk from consuming food sources rich in PA, such
as wheat bran. Nonetheless, the potential negative effects of PA, particularly diets supplemented
with sodium-PA, need to be further studied prior to any recommendations on its intake.


Evidently, PA has a cancer-protective effect on different tissues, as seen in various cancer models
under different experimental conditions. However, the mechanisms behind the action of PA are not
clear, although several have been suggested.

Interactions with Protein and Starch Enzyme Inhibition and Malabsorption

PA may potentially bind important proteins and enzymes within the cell and thus alter its growth
characteristics. PA has been shown in vitro to inhibit the activity of several enzymes such as
serine/threonine protein phosphatases77 as well as a number of intracellular proteins.7880 However,
the effects of PA may be different in vivo.
Within the digestive tract, PA can potentially bind dietary proteins and digestive enzymes such
as trypsin, thus inhibiting protein digestion and absorption.81,82 PA may also reduce the rate of
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digestion and absorption of starches,83,84 either by hydrogen binding to starch, indirectly by binding
to proteins that starch is bound to,82,84 or by binding amylase or enzyme cofactors such as Ca2+.24
A negative correlation has been observed between PA intake level from cereal and legume foods
and the glycemic index,85 suggesting reduced absorption of dietary starch with increasing levels
of PA. Furthermore, re-addition of PA to dephytinized navy bean flour caused a reversion of the
increased rate of digestion and blood glucose response seen upon dephytinization.86 The undigested
and unabsorbed starch reaches the colon and contributes to increased fecal bulk or is fermented
to short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and decreases pH. These, in turn, may have protective effects
on the colon.24 The SCFA butyrate has been shown in several studies to reversibly prolong the
doubling time and to slow down the growth rates of human colorectal cancer cell lines;87,88 to
reduce DNA synthesis;89 to induce apoptosis in human colon cancer cell lines90 and in rats fed
butyrate pellets;91 and to suppress colon tumor formation.92 Any starch that is not digested and
absorbed in the small intestine would also lessen the glucose absorption and potentially decrease
the insulin response. This is of consequence not only to diabetes but also to colon cancer in light
of the insulin hypothesis of colon carcinogenesis, whereby lesser insulin response is related to
decreased tumor growth promotion.9395
The extent of the proteinstarchPA interactions depends on the ability of PA to also interact
with other dietary compounds. For example, the inhibitory effects of PA on starch digestibility and
absorption have been reversed by the addition of calcium, which is preferentially chelated by the
PA.96 The PA is then unable to bind to or interact with starches in the ingested food. Thus, the
effects of reactive pure PA, i.e., exogenous PA, added to a diet or drinking water may be different
from the same amount of PA present within the matrix of a foodstuff, i.e., endogenous PA, which
may already be bound to other food components.

Interactions with Minerals and Antioxidative Effects

PA can chelate polyvalent cations, such as iron, calcium, and zinc,97 which are required for
vital cellular functions such as cofactors for enzymes and metalloproteins involved in gene regu-
lation and expression.98 For example, zinc supplementation has been shown to reverse inhibition
of colonic epithelial cell proliferation,33 suggesting that chelation of zinc by PA was inhibiting
DNA synthesis, for which zinc is required. This may also be a mechanism in the recently observed
protective effects of PA on human rhabdomyosarcoma42 and HepG2 liver cancer cells in athymic
mice, whereby PA was injected directly into the tumor daily.
Individuals consuming less dietary fiber have been shown to produce significantly more
hydroxyl radicals.99 Such oxygen-derived free radicals, generated in fecal material close to colonic
epithelium, may play a role in the etiology of colon carcinogenesis by causing either direct cellular
and genetic damage or by promoting the conversion and oxidation of procarcinogens to carcinogens
or mitogenic tumor promoters.
Iron has been associated with both the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis by
enhancing oxidative damage,100 since the formation of hydroxyl radicals within the colon depends
on iron for catalysis.101 The amount of iron necessary for such reactions can be diet-derived.102
Thus, removal of iron, perhaps via chelation with PA, may inhibit the production of hydroxyl
radicals and may be protective. PA is a particularly effective chelator of iron since it does not allow
the iron to be soluble, making it completely bio-unavailable22 and incapable of participating in free-
radical-generating pathways. PA also catalyzes the oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron, thus removing
the substrate for the Fenton reaction.23 A correlation has been observed between fecal PA and iron
content, indicating that PA is capable of binding iron within the digestive tract.70,103
In vitro addition of PA to a superoxide radical-generating system inhibits the hydroxyl radical
formation, although at different ratios of PA to iron.22,104 PA has also been shown to completely
inhibit iron-catalyzed lipid peroxidation23 and the production of reactive oxygen species103 in vitro.
However, the latter has only been shown to be true for EDTA-depleted systems, suggesting that
2387_ch6.5_fm Page 543 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:58 PM


EDTA may be a stronger chelator of iron than PA. This is important, since it shows that the inhibitory
effects of PA may be strong only in the absence of other chelating agents. Thus, in the in vivo
situation, if dietary iron is already chelated or bound, and with the mostly anaerobic environment
of the colon, the antioxidant effects of PA seen in vitro may not be strongly reproducible in vivo.
For example, Rimbach and Pallauf 104 observed no effect of PA on liver oxidant or antioxidant
status even in a high-iron situation, although Porres et al.105 have shown that breakdown of
endogenous PA in a cornsoy diet by addition of phytase enzyme can cause an increase in colonic
lipid peroxidation.
It is evident that PA may act as a preventive antioxidant by chelating and insolubilizing iron
to prevent its participation in free-radical-generating pathways in vitro, but more study is necessary
to determine whether this is applicable in vivo.

Participation in the Inositol Phosphate Pool

PA has been shown to be rapidly absorbed and to be converted to lower inositol phosphates
in various murine and human cells in vitro106 and in vivo.38 If PA can enter the cell, it can participate
in the inositol phosphate pool and be converted to lower inositol phosphates (IP15 ). PA added
to the media of K-562 erythroleukemia cells in vitro results in a 41% increase and 26% decrease
in intracellular IP3 and IP2 , respectively, indicating both absorption and conversion of PA.40
Similarly, PA has been shown in vitro to be absorbed and converted to IP3 by WRK-1 rat mammary
epithelial cells.107
The colon cancerprotective effects observed with PA supplementation are strengthened in the
presence of myoinositol, the parent compound of PA.48 Similar observations have been made in
metastatic and mammary models of cancer,55,56,62 with the PA + myoinositol group showing sig-
nificantly greater reduction of tumor burden, number, and multiplicity than PA or inositol alone.
Inositol produced from PA breakdown may also participate in the IP pool, contribute to lower IP
production, and modulate signal transduction mechanisms. This possibility is strengthened by the
observation that myoinositol protects against mammary cancer56 and lung cancer.108 In light of these
observations, and since PA can be converted to lower inositol phosphates within mammalian cells,106
it is also possible that the cancer-protective effects of PA are being mediated through the lower
inositol phosphates or myoinositol itself.109
The full functions, secondary messenger roles, and intracellular importance of inositol phos-
phates still need much further clarification. Thus, with so many roles within the cell, it is conceivable
that the dietary modulation of inositol phosphates by PA may play an as-yet undiscovered role in
colon cancer prevention or inhibition.

Other Mechanisms

A number of in vitro (Table 6.5.1) and in vivo studies (Table 6.5.2) have shown that PA can
reduce the rate of colonic cell proliferation,3335,37,47,52 suggesting that PA affects tumor growth
through changes in the rate of cell division. Interestingly, Jenab and Thompson110 have recently
shown that both the endogenous PA in 25% wheat bran and exogenous PA (1%) added either to
dephytinized wheat bran or to a low-fiber diet can increase the colonic rate of cell apoptosis and
the degree of differentiation. These measures are important prognostic indicators of colon cancer
risk and tumor development111 and thus provide a mechanism whereby endogenous and exogenous
PA may be protective of early biomarkers of colon cancer risk. Since there was no significant
difference between any of the treatment groups, endogenous and exogenous PA as well as wheat
bran fiber can all be considered to equally affect apoptosis and cell differentiation. These studies
suggest that part of the beneficial effects of PA can be modulated through alterations in cell
proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation.
2387_ch6.5_fm Page 544 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:58 PM


PA may also affect the process of tumor promotion by inhibiting 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-

13-acetate-induced (TPA-induced) ornithine decarboxylase activity in HEL-30 keratinocytes and
CD-1 mouse skin.112 PA has also been shown to block TPA or epidermal growth factorinduced
cell transformation in JB6 mouse epidermal cells by inhibiting phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI-3) kinase,
an enzyme involved in the phosphorylation and hydrolysis of lipids involved in cellular signaling.113
Enhanced natural killer cell activity has been shown in carcinogen-treated mice fed with PA
and in vitro when splenocytes from normal mice were treated with PA.114 Such immune system
effects may be another means by which PA can exert its actions.
PA may modulate cellular response at the receptor level. For example, PA has been shown to
compete for binding sites on the IGF-II receptor,115 which is over-expressed in certain tumors and
cell lines.116,117 Increased IGF-II levels have been linked to an increased risk for colorectal cancer.118
Manousos et al.118 suggest that IGF receptor activation plays a role in later stages of carcinogenesis,
indicating that IGF receptor inhibition, possibly by PA, may be a favorable event. PA has also been
shown to bind the basic fibroblast growth factor receptor (bFGF), sterically blocking its binding
domain and thus disrupting its signals.119


It is evident from in vitro and animal studies that purified exogenous PA provided either in the
drinking water or the diet has cancer-protective effects on a variety of tissues. From the limited
number of studies conducted on the role of endogenous vs. exogenous PA, it appears that endog-
enous PA may be in part responsible for the cancer-protective effects of high-fiber foods, particularly
wheat bran, a rich source of PA. Well-designed, prospective clinical studies still need to be conducted
to validate the effects of PA observed in animal studies. Several mechanisms have been suggested
for the cancer-protective effects of PA, including its ability to bind starch, proteins, enzymes, and
minerals such as the pro-oxidant iron; potential participation in cellular inositol phosphate pools;
and involvement in signal transduction, cell-signaling cascades, and gene expression. PA may have
an important role in the reduction of cancer risk by high-fiber diets advocated by major health and
government agencies. However, more research is needed to further distinguish the role of endog-
enous PA present within the matrix of a foodstuff and exogenous PA added in pure form either to
the diet or drinking water and to relate experimental studies to data to be obtained from various
human populations.


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Definitions and Consumption

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Consumption of Dietary Fiber 19922000

Julie M. Jones

Prior to 1965, fiber was given no more than a single line in nutrition textbooks and was simply
referred to as roughage and measured as crude fiber. Dietary fiber was not commonly found as
an item in Medline prior to 1970 but was described by Hipsley in 1953.1 In 1970 the dietary fiber
hypothesis was born with the return from practicing in rural Africa of three British physicians,
Burkitt, Painter, and Trowell. These men observed that the rural Africans did not have many of the
diseases that plagued the West, and they theorized that the high-fiber diet not only exerted positive
effects on the gut directly but had many other systemic effects, as well.2 Thus, fiber was launched
from merely being roughage to a substance with many possible therapeutic and preventative roles.
In the 30 years since this hypothesis was proposed, there have been nearly 8000 Medline entries
on the subject of dietary fiber.
During this time, fibers popularity with the public, the scientific community, and industry has
waxed and waned. In the 1970s and 1980s, there were several attempts by the industry to increase
the fiber content of the diet through addition of fiber to products. In 1984, Kelloggs took the bold
move of using advice on the intake of dietary fiber from the US National Cancer Institute and
placing it on the back of its bran cereal boxes. This campaign to increase consumer awareness and
increase bran cereal sales was highly effective. The messages not only increased consumption of
Kelloggs cereals, but it also had the effect of increasing consumption of all bran cereals.3,4
Furthermore, it eventually ushered in the era of allowed health claims and nutrition label changes.5
In this same time frame in which wheat brans and bran cereals were touted as a cancer
preventative, news about the soluble fibers in oat bran also reached the public. Claims were
disseminated through advertising and through a best-seller entitled The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure. 6
Oat bran became sought by the public and was being added to a vast array of food products in a
wide range of doses from the insignificant to the efficacious. However, when excerpts from a study
published in the New England Journal of Medicine 7 appeared on the front page of the New York
Times and showed that the addition of oat bran to the diets was ineffectual, the so-called oat bran
craze was crushed instantly, probably for all the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, the widely touted
study had used subjects with stellar diets and normal blood lipids. All previous studies carried out
on populations with elevated serum lipids were summarily discounted and forgotten by the public.
In a like manner, fibers role in the prevention of colon cancer has been seriously eroded by
three recently published studies8,9,10 which said that fiber did not affect polyp recurrence and did
not prevent cancer in women.

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Thus, there has been a change in consumer beliefs about including fiber in the diet, despite the
fact that most health promotion groups and government agencies recommend that fiber intake be
at the very minimum 20 g/day and some recommend up to 35 g/day (Table 7.1.1).

Table 7.1.1 North American Organizations and Their Fiber Recommendations

Organizations Which Specify a Fiber Amount

American Dietetics Association Americans should eat 2035 g of fiber each day, including both soluble
and insoluble fiber.80 The average American currently eats 1217 g of fiber a day. Only about 1/4 of this is
soluble fiber; therefore, the average American is eating only 34 g of soluble fiber below the recommended
amount of 510 g. Eating 3 g a day of soluble fiber from oats or 7 g a day of soluble fiber from psyllium has
been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels.
American Diabetes Association Daily consumption of a diet containing 2035 g of dietary fiber from a wide
variety of food sources is recommended.81
American Heart Association 25 to 30 g per day from foods, not supplements, to ensure nutrient adequacy.82
American Cancer Society Choose most of the foods you eat from plant sources.83 Eat five or more servings
of fruits and vegetables each day. Eat other foods from plant sources, such as breads, cereals, grain products,
rice, pasta, or beans several times each day (no specified quantity).
National Cancer Institute (NCI)84 25 to 35 g/d.

Organizations Which Recommend Fiber-Containing Foods But Do Not Specify Amounts

USDA Dietary Guidelines 200085 Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains.
Dietary Guidelines for Australians86 Eat plenty of breads and cereals (preferably whole grain), vegetables
(including legumes), and fruits.
The US Preventive Services Task Force Recommends that Americans increase fiber and fruit/vegetables
intake as well as lower dietary fat and cholesterol to reduce prevalence of heart disease, cancer, stroke,
hypertension, obesity, and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in the United States.87


While there is agreement that fiber is important nutritionally because of its physiological
function and its non-absorbability, there has been no agreement as to its definition. Part of the
difficulty stems from lack of agreement on what is to be included, how it can be measured, and
what most closely approximates what actually happens in the human gut. Thus, definitions as well
as methods of analysis vary from country to country. (This fact is important, as fiber data for various
countries may not be comparable.)
When the fiber hypothesis was in its infancy, the only measure of dietary fiber was crude
fiber. After the advent of the fiber hypothesis, there were many attempts to develop methods that
would accurately measure what was not digested in the human small intestine. In the 1970s the
agreed-upon definition in the US was as follows: Dietary fiber was defined as the remnants of
edible plant cells including polysaccharides, lignin, and associated substances that are resistant
to digestion in the alimentary tract of humans. This definition defined a macro constituent of foods
which includes cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, gums, modified cellulose, mucilages, oligosaccha-
rides, and pectins and associated minor substances such as waxes, cutin, and suberin. The definition
then came to be limited to those materials measured by AOAC method 985.29.11 In 1976 the
definition was widened to include all indigestible polysaccharides. This added materials such as
modified celluloses. In 2000 a committee of members of the American Association of Cereal
Chemists (AACC) agreed upon a definition that expanded somewhat the various compounds that
are not absorbed and exert a physiological effect. Thus, the latest definition includes all nonstarch
polysaccharides resistant to digestion in the small intestine and fermentable in the large intestine.
Non-starch polysaccharides include celluloses, hemicelluloses such as arabinoxylans and arabinoga-
lactans, pectins, modified celluloses, oligosaccharides, and polyfructans such as inulin, gums, and
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mucilages. Oligosaccharides of various lengths are also included in this definition. As with the
earlier definition, non-polysaccharide material that is bound to the plant cell wall is also part of
the definition. Such material includes lignin waxes, cutin, and suberin. The new definition allowed
for materials that behave analogously to dietary fiber to be included. Thus, the term analogous
carbohydrates was added to the 2000 definition.
The other important difference between the earlier definitions and the AACC definition is that
a physiological component is included. The AACC definition is as follows:

Dietary fiber is the edible parts of plants or analogous carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion
and absorption in the human intestine with complete or partial fermentation in the large intestine.
Dietary fiber includes polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, lignin, and associated plant substances.
Dietary fibers promote beneficial physiological effects including laxation, and/or blood cholesterol
attenuation, and/or blood glucose attenuation.

The committee wanted the physiological measures to be included, because that way any newly
formed analogous substance would not only need to be structurally similar to existing substances but
would also need to have a beneficial physiological effect in order to be included in the fiber label
Fiber may have more functions than those listed in the current definition, but the evidence for
these other functions is still inconclusive. Other functions can be added in subsequent iterations
when the data present a clearer picture. The wider definition will require a change in the method
in order to capture substances such as the oligosaccharides.


Fiber Intake as a Marker

Many studies indicate that fiber is a marker of a good diet. In fact, one of the reasons that
teasing out the role of fiber in disease prevention is so difficult is that there are too many confounders.
Any natural food diet that is high in fiber is also high in plant foods, fruits, vegetables, and cereals.
Furthermore, it may mean that the diet is low in saturated fats and higher in fats deemed beneficial.
Diets high in fiber usually have more vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Also, those individ-
uals with high intakes of fiber or whole grain diets are more likely to exercise, more likely to use
supplements, and less likely to smoke. Thus, attributing that fiber itself is a preventative agent is
indeed difficult. Despite overwhelming data that diets high in fiber and plant foods are useful, most
populations fail to meet the recommendations.

US General Population

Depending on the specific population group and the actual method of calculating dietary fiber,
the average dietary fiber intake for adults in the US is 11 to 15 g/d.12 Analysis of data13 from The
National Food Consumption Survey (NCFS) of 19871988 showed an average intake from 3-day
food records of over 9000 respondents at 1213 g/day. A nearly identical value was determined for
intakes in the National Health and Examination Study (NHANES II), which showed that the average
American woman ate 13.2 g/d.14 Likewise, studies conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
determined the mean dietary fiber intake in the US adult population (>19 years of age) to be 13.3
g/d, using Southgate values. Lower mean intakes of 11.1 g/d were determined if fiber values compiled
from the literature were used.15 Intakes did not vary across age groups in NCFS.13 In contrast, the
NCI data showed some differences in intake by group. On a per 1000 kcal basis, women consumed
more dietary fiber (6.5 g/1000 kcal) than men (5.5 g/1000 kcal) at every age.15
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The net analysis of all these studies is best captured by a histogram analysis of the NCI data,
which showed that 90% of the population failed to meet the bare minimum fiber intake of 20 g/d.
NHANES II data showed that vegetables, especially potatoes, were the principal sources of dietary
fiber, followed by bread and fruit. Legumes were important sources for some populations and
ranked first for several agesexrace categories. Breakfast cereals made a smaller contribution to
the total fiber intake.


In a sample specifically assessing fiber intakes of free-living elderly aged 6078 years, the
mean reported fiber intake was 18.3 g/d.16 In this sample, the overall mean intake appears to be
slightly higher than the population as a whole and would not be consistent with the finding that
there was little difference in intakes across population age groups as indicated by the NCFS data.
A factor may be that these individuals were free-living and perhaps were healthier and had greater
control over their food choices than the segment of elderly in institutions.
The rank-order of sources of fiber for the free-living elderly also varied from that of all adults
sampled in NCFS. Breads and cereals contributed 33% of the fiber intake; vegetables, 22%; fruits,
21%; legumes, 7%; and nuts and seeds, 3% in the free-living elderly. As anticipated, those who
ate the recommended minimum of 20 g or more of dietary fiber per day had diets that contained
more iron, copper, magnesium, selenium, potassium, and zinc.17

Fiber Intake in Institutions and Restaurants

Those living in situations of institutional feeding or using food service outlets may have differing
fiber intakes. Data gathered for the US Army showed that although higher fiber choices are possible,
they are not selected. US Army recruits ate approximately 4.1 g of fiber per 1000 kcal, according
to data derived from analysis of a 6-day weighed military ration. It was noted that it would be
possible to more than double this amount to 9.5 g/1000 kcal if all whole grain choices were made.18,19
Eating food not prepared at home may also be a contributor to the low fiber intakes. Currently
over half of the food dollar is spent on food eaten away from home. A recent study20 showed that
there was no increase in fiber, despite often gargantuan portion sizes which delivered an average
of nearly 300 more calories, 20 g more fat, and 400 mg more sodium in the high-eating-out group
(613 times per week) (Table 7.1.2).

Table 7.1.2 Comparison of Intakes of Selected Nutrients of Consumers Who Dine Out
Frequently vs. Those Who Dont
Eat Out Often Eat Out Seldom
Mean calories 2057 1769
Mean fat (g) 79.5 60.6
Mean sodium 3299 2903
Source: Clemens et al.20

Despite the common occurrence that eating away from home has become, many diners tena-
ciously hold onto the idea that eating out is a treat and that it is not necessary to be concerned
about nutrition.21

Data from Specific US Cohorts

Fiber intakes of various population segments have been assessed by a variety of methods. In
epidemiological data from 43,000 male health professionals who filled out food frequency
questionnaires of 131 foods, fiber intake was calculated to range from a median of 12.4 g/d in
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the lowest quintile to 28.9 g/d in the highest quintile.22 As was seen in the NCI data for the
general population, vegetables provided the most fiber, with the lowest quintile ingesting a median
of 3.2 g/d and the highest quintile 11.1 g/d. Cereal foods provided 2.2 g/d in the lowest quintile
and 9.7 g/d in the highest quintile. Fruit provided the least dietary fiber, with intakes varying
from 1.2 g/d in the lowest quintile to 7.9 g/d in the highest quintile. Similar patterns were seen
in the Nurses Health Study with over 88,000 subjects, but the total amount of fiber was lower,
with median daily dietary fiber intake ranging between 9.8 g and 24.8 g and cereal fiber
contributing 1.0 g to 4.8 g.
In the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Polyp Prevention Trial,23 the average baseline dietary
fiber intake was reported to be 1020 g/d, or an average of 9.7 g/1000 kcal. The intervention goal
was to increase this number to 18 g/1000 kcal. In this cohort, the participants ate on average 3.7
servings of fruit and vegetable per day.


Fiber intake and obesity seem to be inversely related. In one study, fiber intake as assessed by
dietary records24 in the normal weight group was 18.8 g/d, while it was lower in both the moderately
obese (13.3 g/d) and the severely obese (13.7 g/d). Another study showed the same trend but higher
fiber intakes for all groups. Lean women consumed 22.7 g/d and lean men consumed 27.0 g/d.
Their obese counterparts consumed 15.7 g/d and 20.9 g/d, respectively.25 Another study of 203 men
showed that those weighing the most ate more fat, less fiber, and less carbohydrate.26

Children and Adolescents

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends 0.5 g of dietary fiber per kg of body weight
for children and adolescents. The American Health Foundation (AHF) recommends that children
follow the age + 5 rule for the minimum dietary fiber intake and no more than age + 10 for the
safe range.27 For example, an 8-year-old should try to get 8 + 5 or 13 g/d of dietary fiber.
As seen in adults, the fiber intake of US children also fails to meet the various recommendations.
According to analysis of data from NFCS on over 2500 children,28 55 to 90% of American children
failed to meet AHF requirements for dietary fiber. Large cohorts of various-age children in the
Bogalusa Heart Study found the average fiber intake by 24-hour recalls was 12 g/d, or 5 g of dietary
fiber per 1000 kcal.29
Several studies show that the diet contains a smaller percentage of fiber as children age. While
60.2% of the children aged 25 years in the NFCS study failed to meet the age + 5 rule, over
90.3% of the girls aged 1218 years failed to meet this rule.28 The 1991 US Department of
Agriculture Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) generated similar findings.29
In this case, 45% of the 46-year-olds met the age + 5 rule and only 32% of the 710-year-olds.30
In the Bogalusa study the actual intakes varied from 10.65 to 13.48 g/d for 1017-year-olds. While
the total intake increased slightly from age 10 to 15 years, the total amount of fiber decreased by
17 years of age. Thus, the dietary fiber intake decreased as the body weight increased.28
In the North Dakota 15-year-olds,31 the Bogalusa Heart Study29 and the NFCS sample28 males
were more likely than females to have higher fiber intakes. The intake gap between males and
females widened as age increased. Black children, aged 10 to 17, had higher fiber intakes per
1000 kcal than white children. Comparison with past data on fiber intake showed a decrease in
intake from the 19771978 CSFII survey to the survey 10 years later.28 In that time period, there
was a decrease in the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Grains and ready-to-eat cereal con-
sumption did increase during this period. However, many of the newer, more popular cereals do
not offer significant increases in dietary fiber. A similar trend with respect to changing food patterns
was seen in the NFCS, where vegetables and fruits provided the most fiber in 197778 and bread
provided the most in 198788.29
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Several studies have shown that those children who met the fiber recommendations had better
diets than those who failed to meet the recommendations. Those who ate according to the age +
five rule consumed more breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. These diets
were shown to be higher in vitamins A and E, folate, magnesium, and iron.31 Similar results occurred
in North Dakota teens participating in the 24-hour recall collection, where just over a fifth of the
respondents reported consuming more than 20 g dietary fiber daily. Over half consumed less than
15 g of fiber daily. In the group with higher fiber intakes, diets were more nutrient dense and were
associated with greater likelihood of adequate intake of several key nutrients, including vitamins
A, B6, B12, and C; niacin; thiamin; riboflavin; folacin; magnesium; iron; zinc; phosphorus;
and calcium.31
Surveys of college students do not show that they fare much better.32 Of those surveyed, 45%
failed to meet the fiber recommendations. Only 8% of the students consumed the minimum
recommended number of servings for all food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid (FGP), but diets
that satisfied FGP recommendations also tended to satisfy nutrient requirements.
Family behavior also impacted fiber intake. In the families involved in the Nurses Health Study,
of the 8677 girls and 7525 boys aged 9 to 14 years, 17% ate together with their families never or
only on some days. This group of children and adolescents ate foods with higher glycemic loads,
ate fewer fruits and vegetables, and consumed less fiber.33

Fiber Intakes in Europe

It should be pointed out that values for fiber are defined differently in various countries, according
to the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), which includes
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden.34
Differing methods of measurement may also be used, so values are not always comparable.

UK and Ireland

Until 2000, fiber in the UK was measured as nonstarch polysaccharide (NSP). The NSP intake
of a sample of 739 men aged 4069 was 15.516.4 g/d using a validated food-frequency question-
naire that focused on carbohydrates. For women aged 2569 years, the NSP intake was 14.315.3
g/d. In this sample there were no clear differences by age group. These NSP intakes were reported
as higher than those from a 1977 survey but fell short of the recent government-recommended
population mean of 18 g/d.35 However, the values are far lower than values reported in 1985 based
on a 7-day food record from a small sample of omnivores and vegetarians.36 In this sample
omnivores consumed an average of 23 g of dietary fiber per day. Vegetarians were reported to eat
an average of 37 g/d and vegans 47 g/d. These substantially higher values may reflect differences
in the sample and measurement techniques and changes in dietary patterns.
Mean intakes in the UK are higher than mean intakes in the US Part of the reason for a higher
intake is the tendency to eat more bread and cereal products. A small difference may also be due to
differences in the extraction rates commonly used for bread flour. In the UK a 78% extraction rate is
used rather than a 70% extraction rate used in the US Some differences may be due to measurement.
Fiber intake of dietitians and members of their households was reportedly much higher than
of the population as a whole. A study in the UK using 7-day weighed food records showed that
the fiber intake of 472 dietitians and adult members of their households was 38 g/d.37
There appeared to be a difference in the readiness of various subgroups to adopt nutrition
information and change their fiber intake. Black housewives living in the UK were more likely to
respond to various public health programs and messages and report change in dietary fiber intake
than their white counterparts. Asians were least likely to change their dietary intake of components
such as fiber with public health campaigns and publicity.38
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Teens and Children in the UK and Ireland

In a study of Irish secondary school youths (ages 1218), the mean dietary fiber intakes were
approximately 19.625 g/d for boys and 17 g/d for girls.39 Thus, these diets would have higher
mean fiber intakes than UK adults. However, the story for children seems to be different in England,
Scotland, and Wales. Dietary data collected in 1992 and 1993 on nearly 500 children were compared
with records on diets of children collected in the 1950s. Children of the 1950s ate substantially
more bread and vegetables and less sugar and soft drinks. Thus, the diets of children 50 years ago
had higher starch and fiber contents, making those diets more in line with current recommendations
on healthy eating.40

Special Populations

According to the findings of the Irish National Nutrition Survey, Irish diabetics ate more dietary
fiber than the general population, but this is lower than recommended by the European Association
for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). The foods that were predominant contributors of dietary fiber
were bread and potatoes.41 Although a survey of Irish attitudes about diet placed nutrition/healthy
eating in the top five most frequently selected factors affecting food choice, actual diets selected
were not congruent with nutrition and health as being among the most important factors.42

Continental Europe


Using the statistical data on French food consumption published by the French National Institute
of Economic Studies, the average daily consumption of dietary fiber of French adults is about 16 g,
below the recommended range of 3040 g for French adults.43 In France, the first national dietary
survey, called ASPCC, was done in 19931994. The intake of fruit and vegetables was particularly
low for younger people and manual workers, making the fiber intake in this group low.44
Some studies have compared fiber intake of those in Europe with those in the UK. One study
compared diets of nearly 500 men and women in the UK and France. Respondents in the UK
reported eating more beans and pulses than French respondents but less cereal and fewer fruits and
vegetables. In both countries, women had healthier diets in both countries. Overall, the southern
French diet was healthier, as French respondents scored significantly better for indices for fat, fruits
and vegetables, and dietary fiber.45


Finland appears to have the highest fiber intakes of any Western diet. The median intake of
dietary fiber was 26 g/d in the cohort of 22,000 Finnish smokers in the Alpha-Tocopherol Beta
Carotene Study. The cohort with the highest intake consumed a median intake of 35 g/d and the
quintile with the lowest intake consumed 16.1 g/d.46 Increased socioeconomic status in Finland did
not improve diets or fiber intake.47 While those in higher socioeconomic groups ate more fruits and
vegetables, they ate less bread.


Intakes in Sweden appeared to be higher than in the US or some studies in the UK but were
less than those observed in Finland. In Sweden the estimated mean consumption of dietary fiber
was 19.0 g/d based on the 7-day weighed record and 18.3 g/d based on the food-frequency
2387_ch7.1_fm Page 560 Sunday, May 6, 2001 7:59 PM


questionnaire for 92 randomly selected middle-aged Swedish men.48 Thus, the method of deter-
mining the mean dietary fiber intake had only a small effect on the values. Intake of dietary fiber
in this population correlated with antioxidant intake and inversely correlated with meat intake.
Individuals with low fiber intakes ate less fruit, bread, poultry, fish, and cheese. In teens, the average
daily dietary fiber intake was 1.8 g/MJ.

The Netherlands

The average intake of dietary fiber in the Netherlands of 22 g/d was higher than in some other
European countries. According to the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey of 19871988 of
5595 subjects, about 20% of the men and 27% of the women ate the recommended levels of dietary
fiber.49 There was a difference in fiber intake by education in the Rotterdam study (a cohort of over
5000 men and women over 55), with lower intakes among the less educated (1.88/2.17 vs. 2.03/2.29
g/MJ). In 10-year-old boys, fiber intake was below the desirable level.51


According to the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey of 4030 partici-
pants, fiber intake was deemed suboptimal.52 However, studies of food offered in 20 nursing homes
in the German state of Hessan had dietary fiber contents over 30 g/d. These values exceeded that
recommended by the German Association for Nutrition (Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Ernhrung).53
In a survey of over 10,000 East Germans aged 3565 years, higher fiber intakes were associated
with supplement use. Those ingesting higher amounts of fiber also ate more fruits and vegetables,
antioxidants, and other markers of a healthy diet.54
A study of 627 healthy German children and adolescents between the ages of 1 and 18 years
found the mean fiber intake was 1.9 g/MJ. In this cohort, high sugar intake was associated with
low dietary fiber intakes.56
In a study with German insulin-dependent diabetics (EURODIAB IDDM Complications Study),
dietary fiber intakes ranged from 23.0 g/d in the highest quartile to 13.7 g/d in the lowest quartile.58


Diets of 63 youth with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus were compared with those of other
Austrian youth and were found to be very similar. Dietary fiber intakes were near the recommen-
dations, but the total carbohydrate was too low and fat and cholesterol were deemed too high.57


In Poland, dietary fiber content of 12 standard hospital diets showed that fiber was derived
mainly from grains and gave a mean dietary fiber intake of 11.5 g/d in winter and 8.5 g/d in summer.
Studies of diets in three villages showed that dietary fiber and carbohydrate were 2935% below
recommended levels.59 A study of over 4000 adults in Warsaw showed that fiber intake met the
RDA for men but not for women.60


Fiber intakes in Spain were reported as highly variable according to region and other factors.
For example, diets of adolescents in Valencia offer an excess of proteins and saturated fat, while
complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber are scarce.61
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The differences in fiber intake between men and women were observed in the six countries
studied in EURALIM. Dietary fiber density was significantly higher in women than in men.62

Some Data from Latin America, Africa, and the South Pacific


Dietary fiber intakes in some parts of Mexico are extremely high for both children63 and adults64
and have been recorded as high as 94 g/d. For example, the typical Sonoran diet is high in dietary
fiber (7.8%) and the majority of this fiber (71%) is insoluble.65 The very high dietary fiber intake
could be attributed to the intake of tortillas and beans and is not related to high intakes of fruits
and vegetables. The diet is particularly high in insoluble fiber and phytate.
Thus, the low colon cancer rates (20/100,000 in 1991 to 1995) may be attributed to components
of the grains and legumes, as fruit and vegetable consumption is fairly limited.66 In general,
Mexican-Americans born in Mexico consumed significantly less fat and significantly more fiber
than those born in the US.67


Dietary fiber intake of 559 adults (>20 years old) in Sao Paulo was assessed by the dietary
history.68 The average consumption of dietary fiber was 24 g/d, with an average consumption of
insoluble fiber of 17 g/d and soluble fiber of 7 g/d. Among women, the average consumption was
20 g/d and among men 29 g/day. Beans were the most important dietary fiber source in the
population diet. A study of 52 children (mean age of 6.8 years) with chronic constipation was age-
and gender-matched with 52 children with normal intestinal habits. The fiber content of the diet
was evaluated with a 24-hour dietary recall. The children with normal bowel habits ate a median
of 12.6 g/d using AOAC values and 17.3 g/d using Brazilian food tables. Constipated children
consumed less, 9.7 g/d using AOAC values and 13.8 g/d using Brazilian food tables.

South Africa

Nearly 800 free-living Indian men and women (1569 years of age) living in Durban were
interviewed using a 24-hour dietary recall. Median dietary fiber intakes were low and varied between
8.0 and 11.0 g per 4.2 kJ.

Australia and New Zealand

The average Australian consumes 22 g/d of dietary fiber, with vegetarians consuming more
than omnivores.69 In New Zealand, females consumed an average intake of 19 g/d and males
25 g/d.70 About 33% came from cereals, 31% from vegetables, and 20% from fruits. Seventh-Day
Adventists in New Zealand consumed 2740 g of dietary fiber per day.


The average adult in Japan was reported to have a dietary fiber intake of 2224 g/d,71 according
to 351 1-day weighed diet records. In Japanese diets, vegetables were the primary fiber source. A
study of 686 Japanese medical students showed the intake to be less that the average Japanese
adult.72 Furthermore, this study showed that the method of analysis made a difference in the actual
numbers reported. For male Japanese medical students, the dietary fiber intake was 19.4 g/d by the
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Southgate method and 15.9 g/d by the Prosky method; for females, the fiber intake was 18.3 g/d
and 16.9 g/d, respectively.


One reason for the low fiber intakes in the US and in other countries is the fact that many fail
to eat according to country recommendations or according to food guides such as the USDA Food
Guide Pyramid (FGP). If individuals followed the FGP, fiber intakes from the 611 servings of the
bread and cereals group could range from 6 to 30 g/d. From the meat group, 06 g/d of dietary
fiber could be obtained if just one serving of nuts or legumes was selected from the meat group.
From the five servings of fruits and vegetables, 412 g/d of dietary fiber could come from fruit
and 412 g/d of dietary fiber could come from vegetables.
According to NHANES II data, the survey population failed to eat according to the FGP. Only
36% of the US population consumed diets that fulfilled the USDA Pyramid recommendations on
any survey day.73 Only 10% of the population ate at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. On
any survey day, 5% of the population failed to consume any foods from the grain group, 46% of
the population failed to consume any foods from the fruit group, and 18% of the population failed
to consume any foods from the vegetable group.74 The proportion of the population consuming at
least the desired number of servings from each of these food groups was 29% for the grain group,
29% for the fruit group, and 61% for the vegetable group.
Furthermore, diets do not seem to be improving over time. Between 1987 and 1992, the
National Health Interview Survey, with 10,000 respondents, showed that the consumption of fruits
and vegetables remained constant over that time period.75 Some studies show that diets are actually
getting worse.
Another reason for a poor showing in terms of fiber intake is that many popular, good-tasting
foods contain < 2 g of dietary fiber per serving.76 Increasing the median fiber intake by an average
of 912 g to the level at which it could be protective would require selection of at least three to
four more servings of high-fiber products. While surveys suggest that the average consumer believes
that high-fiber foods, especially coarse brown breads, are good for them, many also prefer the taste
and texture of their low-fiber counterparts.
Another reason for low fiber intakes is that Americans and Europeans responded that their diets
are quite good and do not need changing.77 Furthermore, many responded that they did not want
to give up the foods they liked, preferred the low-fiber foods, or simply did not wish to change.
The strength of the associations between attitudes, knowledge, and dietary behavior varied in
some cases according to level of education and perceived barriers to eating a healthful diet. Of the
perceived barriers to eating a healthful diet, ease of eating a healthful diet was most strongly and
consistently predictive of intake. Knowledge did affect dietary fiber intake in some people. Spe-
cifically, fat, fiber, and fruit and vegetable intakes more closely approximated dietary recommen-
dations for persons with more cancer-prevention knowledge.78


Individuals living in Western countries have fiber intakes below recommended levels. Countries
such as Mexico and Brazil have higher fiber intakes. Among the Western countries, Finland has
the highest intakes and the US has the lowest. While it is not clear that fiber itself is preventative
of many diseases, it is clear that the intake of fiber-containing foods is very beneficial in the
prevention of disease. Thus, health professionals need to use every means possible to institute
programs that can increase the fiber content of the diet. The new dietary fiber definition is just one
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way to raise consumer and industry awareness so that steps may be taken to encourage the eating
of more fiber-containing foods and to strengthen the demand for more fiber in food products.


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82. American Cancer Society, Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer Prevention Guidelines.
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84. United States Department of Agriculture, USDA, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, United States
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85. National Health and Medical Research Council, Dietary Guidelines for Australians, Australian Gov-
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85a. National Health and Medical Research Council, Eat Well for Life, Dietary Guidelines for Older
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Patterns of Dietary Fiber Consumption

in Humans to 1992

Sheila Bingham


In recent years, the majority of expert committees have recommended an increase in the fiber
content of Western diets because there is accumulating evidence that fiber is important in the
prevention of a large number of bowel disorders.13 However, although it is assumed that fiber
intakes are greater in areas where these disorders are rare, in fact little is known of the patterns of
fiber consumption worldwide. This is largely due to methodological problems in both the collection
of food consumption data from representative population samples and in converting that data into
grams of fiber eaten per day, using tables of food composition.



There are various methods in existence for the measurement of fiber in foods, all of which
give different values for particular foods, especially cooked foods. Hence, incorporation of fiber
values into food tables is a difficult problem and most government-sponsored food tables do not
include values for it. Crude fiber analyses are not relevant to human population studies.
UK food tables published in 19784 included values for fiber using mainly the Southgate method,
and the majority of information about fiber consumption worldwide is based on these analyses.
However, recent supplements and editions now incorporate the analysis of nonstarch polysaccha-
rides (NSP) from the analyses of Englyst.33,36 These do not suffer from analytical problems encoun-
tered from the cooking, storage, and preservation of food, which can introduce artifactual increases
in fiber seen in some other methods. Some information on NSP consumption is beginning to
emerge, showing a reduced level using these figures compared with former estimates. In the US,
estimates based on the table of Lanza and Butrum,7,8 which incorporate data using four different
methods, are also lower than formerly. Although the data on these new estimates are limited, they
are doubtless more accurate and therefore are discussed first in this chapter.

2001 by CRC Press LLC 567
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Food Consumption

In some countries, per capita data on food consumption from national statistics and household
surveys are available for the re-analysis of long-term trends in dietary fiber consumption over this
century, but these statistics are not available for earlier years. They are also only valid indicators
of trends in countries with stable and well-documented population bases, and they give no indication
of the amounts of fiber consumed by different age, sex, and occupational groups within the
population. National per capita statistics also overestimate food consumption, probably by different
amounts in different populations. In Britain, for example, estimates of energy consumption from
national statistics are some 25% greater than the estimated energy requirement.9 Nevertheless,
published estimates of dietary fiber consumption are available for some countries using these data
and are reported below.
Definitive information on food consumption is obtained from studies of individuals where the
amount of food eaten is determined directly. There are many different ways in which this is done,10
and the data from individuals can be aggregated into group estimates. It should be borne in mind,
however, that the estimation of the food intake of free-living individuals is no easy undertaking
since all methods rely on information supplied by the subjects themselves, which may not be
correct. There are many sources of error, and average intakes estimated on the same population
using one method may be up to 30% greater or less than those obtained using a different method.10
The correct result is usually open to debate, unless actual food intakes can be observed by
investigators in certain limited situations, or an independent index, such as 24-h urine N from
validated urine collections, is used. Urine N should be 80 5% of calculated dietary N intake in
populations consuming amounts of fiber commonly found in Western-type diets.11
A second validity check for populations is to calculate basal metabolic rate (BMR) from body
weight using published equations and to compare energy intake from the dietary survey with
estimated energy expenditure, which is 1.4 to 1.6 times the BMR in sedentary populations.12 Energy
intake to BMR ratios of 1.2 or less, which have been reported in some populations, with no apparent
loss of body weight is unphysiological, and hence the validity of this dietary data is questionable.
The use of these markers in nutritional epidemiology is discussed elsewhere.11,12


Estimates of NSP and fiber using newer values are currently available for seven countries; see
Table 7.2.1. All of these except one, that based on the US NHANES II study, used the Englyst
values for the NSP content of foods. In the NHANES II study,7 several different methods were
used to compile a table of fiber values for foods, and these included the AOAC method, neutral
detergent fiber, and Englyst values.8 The food consumption values in the table also incorporate
different methods of obtaining food consumption data, ranging from 7-day weighed records in UK
men and women,16 16-day weighed records in UK women volunteers,17 interviews in South African
urban blacks,20 and 24-h recalls in the US NHANES II7 and Canadian students study.19 Recalculated
data21 from the US food balance sheets, using the publication of Heller and Hackler for 1973 to
1975 to NSP, are also shown. A figure for Finnish NSP intakes, calculated from food balance sheets,
is also shown.13 In the remaining studies in Scandinavia,14 the UK National Household Food
Survey,15 Loma Linda University volunteers,22 and Japan18 duplicate diets were analyzed directly
for NSP.
Overall, there is only a small range in average intakes worldwide, from 11 g in the US and
Japan to 18 g in men in rural Finland. Insoluble fiber is consumed in rather greater quantities than
soluble, and supplies from vegetables usually predominate over cereals. The Japanese diet seems
to differ from that of the West with its low content of pentose (xylose and arabinose) polysaccharides
Table 7.2.1 Nonstarch Polysaccharide and Fiber Intake (grams per day)
Uronic From From
Country Total SD Range Soluble Insoluble Cellulose Hexoses Pentoses Acids Cereals Vegetables Ref.
Finland 16.0 4.8 11.2 3.8 9.8 3.5 13
Rural Finland 18.4 7.8 4.2 5.3 7.4 1.9 14
Rural Denmark 18.0 6.4 3.7 5.5 6.6 2.2 14
Helsinki 14.5 5.4 3.4 3.7 5.5 2.0 14
Copenhagen 13.2 4.8 3.2 3.6 4.5 1.9 14
UK National Food 12.4 2.6 3.4 4.5 1.8 15
2387_ch7.2_fm Page 569 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:00 PM

UK Men 11.2 3.5 519 5.2 6.1 3.1 2.2 4.0 1.7
.4 5.6 16
UK Women 12.5 4.1 725 5.4 7.2 3.3 2.2 4.8 2.0 }
UK Women 15.8 5.1 168a 6.7 9.1 17
Japan 10.9 4.1 6.8 3.0 2.9 1.8 3.1 18
Canada students 12 181a 5 7 19
South Africa
urban black M 14 5
urban black F 13 5
US National 17 5.6 6.6 21

Statistics 197375
Men 13
148a 7
Women 9
US volunteers
Loma Linda Univ.
Men 17 9 8 22
Women 12 6 6 22
a = daily range.
2387_ch7.2_fm Page 570 Tuesday, May 8, 2001 3:09 PM


and higher intake of uronic acids. Men generally seem to consume more NSP than women, with
the exception of the small study in the UK. South African blacks consume remarkably little NSP
compared with previous estimates using Southgates analyses. However, starch consumption in this
area is high and would have led to an overestimate in previous analyses.
There is a very large individual range in NSP intake, up to 81 g/d in Canadian students, for
example. However, this is probably due to the fact that single-day estimates are reported in these
studies, while other estimates are used in UK volunteers and in the US NHANES study. In the
small UK study, individual intakes were averaged over 7 days, when the apparent range was reduced;
see Figure 7.2.1. Nevertheless, the individual range in NSP intake, from 7 to 25 g/d, is still greater
than the range in average intake worldwide.

Figure 7.2.1 Distribution of individual nonstarch polysaccharide intakes in 63 men and women. (From Bingham
et al., J. Hum. Nutr. Dietet., 3, 333, 1990. With permission.)



National Statistics

In Table 7.2.2, data on 23 countries from Bright-See and McKeown-Eyssen23 have been collated
into 4 regions of Europe. These data, based on food analyses of Southgate, show that fiber intakes
are greatest in the Mediterranean countries, with an equal contribution from vegetables and cereals.
East European intakes follow a similar pattern. In Scandinavia, intakes are lowest, mainly due to
the low intake of 14 g found in Iceland, and cereals contribute more than vegetables. In North and
Central Europe, vegetables are the major source.

Individual Surveys

Table 7.2.3 summarizes results from a number of surveys of between 30 and 2200 individuals
that have been carried out in Europe. Comparisons are possible because the samples were all
randomly selected from population or electoral registers and response rates were high, usually
around 80%. In all these surveys, food consumption was assessed by asking subjects to keep records
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Table 7.2.2 Per Capita Dietary Fiber Supply in Europe 19721974 (grams per day)23
Area Total From Cereal From Vegetable From Fruit
Scandinavia a (5) 21 10 7 4
North/Centralb (8) 25 9 11 5
Mediterraneanc (5) 38 16 16 6
Eastd (5) 30 14 12 4
a Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden.
b Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, Netherlands, U. K.
c Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Yugoslavia.
d Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania.

of food actually consumed, and the amounts of food eaten were in most cases weighed by the
subjects themselves. Most subjects were asked to keep a record for 1 week, but in one survey in
Scotland, each individual was studied for 1 month. The majority of the results were calculated
using Southgates method of analysis in the British food tables, although this was supplemented
in Denmark and Finland with Englysts values for rye flour26 and in the Netherlands with data from
the method of Hellendoorn37 and Karen.38 Fiber intakes in the UK were measured at around the
20-g mark, with lowest intakes recorded in Scotland. The largest survey, of over 2000 individuals,
recorded an intake as high as 25 g in men.24 However, modified values for the fiber content of bread
were used in these surveys.39 Intakes in rural Finland and Denmark and in Holland and Yugoslavia
were rather greater, whereas intakes in urban areas were also around 20 g/d.

Individual Variation

In some of these surveys in Europe, data on the distribution of dietary fiber intakes of individuals
within the overall average are published, and these are summarized in Table 7.2.3. Coefficients of
variation (standard deviation/mean %) are on average 35% and the range between individuals is
greater than that found between populations, for example, from 8 to 32 g/d in the Welsh and British
surveys. Thus, as with NSP, even though dietary fiber intakes in Europe are comparatively low,
individuals appear to vary markedly within a population.

Household Surveys

A commonly used method of assessing the dietary intake of populations is the household survey,
whereby food entering a household over a certain period, usually 1 week, is estimated and the total
food available is divided by the number of people living in the household. This does not give
information about the distribution of intakes between different individuals, but additional informa-
tion about dietary fiber consumption in European populations is provided from a survey carried
out in the EEC from 1963 to 1965 to assess levels of radioactive contamination.40 In this survey,
each family weighed all their food after preparing it, thus eliminating the need to make corrections
for inedible wastage. All the areas studied were rural, and approximately 30 families were studied
per month over a period of 3 years. Table 7.2.4 summarizes fiber intakes calculated from the
published values on food consumption, using values for British foods together with data from
another household survey, the National Food Survey, which has been carried out every year in
Britain since 1940. In this, about 6500 households are studied per year, randomly selected from
each of the nine standard regions in England, Wales, and Scotland. Food entering the household
is not weighed, but it is estimated from records of food purchases kept by the housewife for 1 week.
Total dietary fiber intakes in Britain, a largely urban area, estimated from this survey in a compar-
ative year, 1966, were 21 g/d. This is less than the rural areas of Europe with only 32% derived
from cereals, compared with an average of 45% in the EEC, although the staple food in all of the
areas was white bread.

TABLE 7.2.3 Dietary Fiber Consumption in Europe: Individual Surveys

Total Cereal Vegetable Fruit
Cooperation Survey Analytical DF DF DF DF TDF Range
Country Sample Rate (%) No. Method Method (g/d) (d/f) (g/d) (g/d) (CV %) (g) Ref.
Great Britain Randomly selected from 70
electoral registers,
2387_ch7.2_fm Page 572 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:00 PM

1664 years
Men 1087 7-d SM 25 36 1045 24
Women 1110 weighed 19 36 733 24

England Randomly selected from

electoral registers,
2080 years
Men 82 32 7-d S 19.8 5.7 8.8 2.0 27 1032 25
Women 58 31 weighed 20.1 6.6 7.6 2.6 26 1832

Wales Randomly selected men 89 119 7-d S 19.9 9.0 34 832 26

from prevalence study of weighed
heart disease record

Scotland Randomly selected men 78 107 7-d S 17.5 7.6 32 636 27

aged 40 years weighed

Scotland Randomly selected men

and women aged
2169 years
Men 84 16 28-d S 16.5 28
Women 27 estimated 15.0
N. Ireland Randomly selected from
electoral registers,
1664 years
Men 74 258 7-d S 21 37 29
Women 334 weighed 23 32
Netherlands Randomly selected from
electoral registers,
2565 years 7-d
Men 67 44 estimated K 27.5 7.7 9.8 3.6 28 30
Women 56 record S 21.3 22
Men, Zutphen 871 Diet history H 30.4 32 32
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Finland Randomly selected from

population registers,
men aged 5089 years
Rural 83 30 4-d S 26.6 19.5 4.6 1.6 42 545 32, 33
Helsinki 74 29 weighed E 21.5 12.8 6.1 1.6 42 1040

Denmark Randomly selected from

population registers,
men aged 5059 years
Rural 63 30 4-d S 23.4 13.5 6.5 2.7 37 1055 32, 33

Copenhagen 75 30 weighed E 18.0 10.6 4.7 1.7 36 230


Yugoslavia Randomly selected men; 49 7-d S 25.5 8.7 13.3 3.4 29 946 34, 35
7 countries heart study weighed
Note: S4, H37, K38, E36, SM39.
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Table 7.2.4 Sources of Dietary Fiber in 11 Regions of the European Economic Communitya
Areab Cereal Vegetable Nuts Potato Total
Friesland (H) 8.2 5.6 2.6 6.3 22.6
Gent (B) 10.9 4.1 1.7 12.3 28.9
Liege (B) 8.0 6.0 2.3 10.5 26.8
Luxembourg 7.3 6.5 2.1 13.2 29.1
Hessen (G) 11.6 4.9 2.6 8.2 27.3
Normandy (F) 9.1 5.7 2.2 7.8 24.8
Bretagne (F) 10.2 4.9 1.8 6.9 23.8
Vendee (F) 10.1 12.7 2.8 4.0 29.6
Fruili (I) 14.7 5.1 1.3 3.8 24.9
Campania (I) 13.4 7.7 4.3 1.6 26.9
Basilicata (I) 13.5 5.7 3.9 0.7 23.8
Britain (1966) 6.7 10.3c 2.3 21.1
a Values are given as grams per person per day.
b H, Holland; B, Belgium; G, Germany; F, France; I, Italy.
c Includes potato.

Seasonal variations in dietary fiber estimated from these two surveys have been reported
elsewhere.34 In the rural areas, seasonal changes from month to month were substantial and, in
some cases, greater than the variations between areas. Possible seasonal variations need, therefore,
to be taken into account when comparing dietary fiber intake of individuals or populations, although
in largely urban countries, such as Britain, quarterly seasonal variations are not as marked and are
related to consumption of different types of vegetables.34

Long-Term Trends

In Britain42 and the Netherlands,30 some long-term trends in dietary fiber consumption over the
20th century have been calculated from national statistics. These are summarized in Table 7.2.5,
together with calculations of the dietary fiber content of diets consumed by farming households in
Denmark.42 In all three European countries, cereal dietary fiber intake has probably declined,
although by only 2 to 3 g since 1909 in Britain. Cereal fiber intakes may have been greater in
1860,34 although there are no national statistics available earlier than 1909. The decline in cereal
fiber consumption has been offset somewhat by increases in vegetable sources of dietary fiber, and
the most striking change in Britain was the doubling of fiber intakes during the period 1940 to
1953. This was the result of the raising of flour extraction rates, thus more than doubling the fiber
content of bread and cereal fiber intakes during and after World War II. At the same time, bread
and vegetable consumption was encouraged while other foods such as meat and cheese were in
short supply, so that more bread was eaten.


While much has been written about dietary fiber intakes in Africa, in fact, very little is known
about it. No dietary surveys have been done specifically to measure fiber intake and nothing is
therefore known of its main sources and composition. Dietary surveys to quantitate intakes of other
nutrients have been done, and these have been used as a basis for obtaining some preliminary
figures for fiber intakes. These are summarized in Table 7.2.6. Studies on dietary fiber intake, using
7-day weighed records and values for the NDF content of foods in 300 young Nigerian women,
suggest intakes of 63 g in urban areas and 69 g in rural ones.50
Previous data44 showing intakes of 150 g in Uganda and 130 g in the Kikuyu resulted from
food analyses of 6% in plantain and 10% in maize flour.4 These high values were almost certainly
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Table 7.2.5 Long-Term Trends in Dietary Fiber Consumption in Europe (grams per head per day)
Britain42 Netherlands30 Denmark43
Year Total Cereal Total Cereal Total Cereal
19091913 24 11
1927 34
1933 32
1938 22 9
1944 3240 1925 37
19501951 27 14 31
19571960 23 9 24 10 25
19701976 23 8 25 8 23
30 Van Staveren et al., J. Am. Dietet. Assoc., 80, 324, 1982.
42 Southgate et al., Nature (London), 274, 51, 1978.
43 Helms et al., Nutr. Cancer, 4, 23, 1982.

Table 7.2.6 Dietary Fiber Intakes in Africa and India (grams per head per day)
Total Cereal Vegetable nuts Ref.
Kikuyu 86 32 54 a 45
Warriors 0 0 0 0
Women 25 25
Malawi (foothill village) 55 40 10 4 46
Swaziland (middle veld) 60 40 19 1 47, 48
Uganda (Buganda) 70 0 67 3
Nigeria (urban) 63 23 40 49
(rural) 69 10 59 }
Andhra 23 18 50
Karnataka 42 36
Kerala 22 10
Tamil Nadu 32 22
a Not available.

contaminated with starch, and recently published values are much lower, 2% and 4%, respectively.5,6
The data have therefore been recalculated and result in intakes of 70 g and 90 g, respectively, in
these areas (Table 7.2.6).
Intakes are still comparatively high, however, compared with present day estimates of 14 g
in 76 urban Sowetan black males and 13 g in 113 females, obtained by Segal and Walker20
(Table 7.2.1). They state that fiber intake in the past was higher, 40 to 50 g daily in rural blacks,
and that the current intake from unpublished surveys is 25 to 35 g/d. In Soweto, an urban area,
refined maize meal is consumed, although there is a trend for increased consumption of brown
bread. Legume consumption has decreased, and consumption of vegetables is low due to their high
cost. Despite these low fiber intakes, bowel disease is rare. However, starch (including resistant
starch) intakes are high and may account for the absence of Western bowel diseases.
Data from another African country, Mauritius, were obtained from food balance sheets by
Bright-See and McKeown-Eyssen23 and are shown in Table 7.2.7. The staple cereal in Mauritius
is rice, so that countrys intakes of cereal dietary fiber are similar to those of other rice-eating areas,
such as Japan, about 10 g/d. Intakes of vegetables and fruit dietary fiber are, however, much lower
so that total intakes are apparently some of the lowest in the world, with only Iceland having a
lower value at 14 g/d.23
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Table 7.2.7 Per Capita Dietary Fiber Supply 19721974 (grams per day)
From From From
Area Total Cereal Vegetables Fruit
Australia and New Zealand
(wheat) 24 9 10 5

Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore

(rice) 28 10 14 4
Chile, Cuba, Trinidad, Uruguay
(wheat and rice) 25 12 10 3
Costa Rica, Mexico
(maize) 33 19 9 5

North America
United States 23 6 11 6
Canada 22 6 11 5

Israel 36 16 12 8
Mauritius 17 10 6 1


Dietary fiber intakes have been calculated using data from a number of dietary surveys carried
out by the National Nutritional Monitoring Bureau in 1980 in India.49 These show a twofold range
in fiber intake from 22 g/d in predominantly rice-eating states such as Kerala to 42 g/d in Karnataka,
where additional cereals such as millet are eaten. In Kerala, 9.8 g/d of dietary fiber came from
cereals, compared with 35.9 g/d in Karnataka (Table 7.2.6).


A number of reports of the dietary fiber intake in New Zealand, Polynesia, and Australia are
available and are summarized in Table 7.2.7. All suggest that dietary fiber intakes are low and
similar to those of Europe, around 20 g/d in New Zealand women and in Australia. Intakes are
three times higher in Tongan women, 65% of the dietary fiber coming from taro, cassava, and
breadfruit, but surprisingly low on another Polynesian island, Tokelau (Table 7.2.8).

Table 7.2.8 Dietary Fiber Intakes in Australasia (grams per head per day)
Total Cereal Vegetable Fruit Ref.
New Zealand
Europeansa 18 5 6 8 4 51, 52, 53
Maoria 16 6 6 8 3 51, 52
New Zealand Tongansa 19 6 5 10 4 51, 52
Tongaa 72 29 1 48 22 51, 52
Tokelaua 15 54
Tokelaub 16 54
Adelaidea 2022 55
Adelaideb 1920 55
a Women.
b Men.
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With its highly urbanized society yet a disease pattern which contrasts with Western countries,
Japan is of special interest to the epidemiologist, particularly since these patterns of disease change
within one or two generations in Japanese who migrate.56 Traditional Japanese diets are known to
be low in fat and high in carbohydrate, on which basis dietary fiber intakes might be expected to
be high. However, since rice contains so little dietary fiber,5 it might be predicted that the fiber
intake of populations where rice is the staple cereal would be low. The Japanese diet was thus
reported to contain only 19.4 g/d in 1979.57
Mori, using his own technique for analyses of Japanese foods, reported the dietary fiber content
of two student meals to be 14.8 and 19.5 g/d.58 Estimates from food balance sheet data are rather
greater, 32 g/d.23 The estimates of Far East countries are shown in Table 7.2.7. These estimates
using Southgate values for fiber are less than those for NSPs, which are 11 g/d (Table 7.2.1).

Long-Term Trends

In Japan, yearly nationwide household surveys are carried out, and this data has been used to
calculate dietary fiber intakes using the British Food Tables together with neutral detergent fiber
plus pectin values for some seaweed-based foods.52,53 Total dietary fiber from rice has fallen from
7.7 g/d in 1965 to 5.1 g/d in 1979, and overall total dietary fiber intake has fallen from 21.2 g/d
in 1965 to 19.4 g/d in 1979 (Table 7.2.9). These changes are small compared with a 70 g/d decline
in carbohydrate intake since 1965, a threefold increase in fat intake, and a 25% increase in the
amount of protein derived from animal products since 1950.

Table 7.2.9 Secular Changes in Major Nutrient Intakes, 19501979,

(per capita per day) in Japan
Dietary Fiber Protein from
Fat Carbohydrate Total From Rice Animal Food
Year (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
1950 18 418 a 25.0
1955 20.3 411 32.0
1960 24.7 399 35.4
1965 36.0 384 21.2b 7.7b 40.0
1970 46.5 368 20.2 7.0 44.1
1975 52.0 337 20.2 5.7 48.6
1979 54.8 315 19.4 5.1 50.3
a Data not available.
b 1966.

There are no household statistics available prior to 1950, but a dietary record of an artists
family (all adults) in 1925 showed that on a typical day, rice was eaten three times a day, together
with pickles, salted fish, soybean curd, radishes, spring onions, and soy sauce. Only 12 g/d of fat
was eaten, but the dietary fiber content was the same as today, 18.2 g/d, although at that time rice
supplied 11.3 g/d.57

Present-Day Intakes

Geographic comparisons within Japan show that these changes in diet have been most marked
in the urban areas.57 In the ten largest cities in 1979, 57.5 g/d of fat were eaten, and 52% of protein
was derived from animal foods. Carbohydrate and dietary fiber intakes were also lower, 296 and
17.7 g/d in these areas. This compares with less fat, 50.6 g/d; less protein from animal sources,
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48.2%; more carbohydrate, 332 g; and more dietary fiber, 20.2 g, in towns and villages. There is
a clear trend between these extremes, depending on the size of the city.

North America

Fiber intakes calculated using Southgate analyses from the food balance sheets of Canada and
the US show almost identical intakes of 22 to 23 g per capita per day, 6 g from cereals and 11 g
from vegetables (Table 7.2.7). Previous studies suggested an intake of about 20 g/d from individual
surveys (Table 7.2.10), although the recent reanalysis of the NHANES II suggests intakes lower
than this, 11 g for women and 16 g for men, 13 g on average.7 Intakes assessed by a questionnaire
of the third quintile of 88,751 American female nurses ranged from 14 to 17 g/d, with 5 to 7 g
obtained from vegetables and 4 to 5 g from cereals.60 Intakes of 8000 American-Japanese men were
lower, 12 g/d, and range (from 24-h recall data) from 1 to 46 g/d.61

Table 7.2.10 Dietary Fiber Intake in North America (grams per head per day)
Total Cereal Vegetable Fruit Ref.
U. S.
Men 20 10 7a 9 5 60
Women 13 6 4a 5 3 60
Simulated diet 19 61
Menb 16
Womenb 11
Female nurses
Third quintile 1417 45 57 23 64
American-Japanese men 12 (range 146 g) 65
Menb 18 9 96 62
Women 19 7 63
a Includes fiber from legumes. b Food consumption estimated for 24-h recall.

NSP estimates (Table 7.2.1) are some 25% lower for food balance sheet estimates, 17 g/d in
the US, of which 7 g is derived from vegetables and 6 g from cereals. NHANES estimates using
the fiber table of Lanza and Butrum are 20% less, 11 g on average compared with 13 g using
Southgate analyses alone.7,8 Recalculations of data on long-term trends in food intake showed a
33% decrease in total dietary fiber and a 55% decrease in cereal dietary fiber in the US from 1909
to 1975.21,34

South America

No individual surveys to measure dietary fiber consumption have been published in South
American countries, although Bright-See and McKeown-Eyssen23 calculated fiber intakes from
food balance sheets which are summarized in Table 7.2.7. Calculated intakes were higher in the
two maize-eating areas, Costa Rica and Mexico. In wheat and rice areas, fiber intakes were similar
to North America, although there was a wide variation; Uruguayan intakes were 20 g/d, whereas
those in Chile were 35 g.23

The Middle East

Data from food balance sheets and individual surveys are available for Israel. Food balance
sheet data suggest that intakes are comparatively high, at 38 g/d (Table 7.2.7). Intakes assessed by
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interviews of 250 adults aged over 40 years were lower, 19 6 g in Tel Aviv, and 31 11 g and
23 8 g in two rural Kibbutz areas..66


Current evidence indicates that average dietary fiber intake is in the range of 20 to 40 g/d in
the majority of populations studied throughout the world. Evidence from Japan and India suggests
that in areas where rice is the staple cereal, intakes of dietary fiber are likely to be similar to those
in the West. The most accurate data using newer values for the fiber analysis of foods confirm this,
with average intakes of 11 to 12 g in Japan, the US, and the UK. Worldwide, newer analyses show
that there is only a small range in intake to a maximum of 16 to 18 g/d in Finland.
Trends in dietary fiber intake in Holland, Denmark, and Japan are similar to those reported in
the US and Britain, namely a decline in cereal fiber consumption which has been offset to some
extent by an increase in vegetable consumption. Relatively little data is available, however, and for
some areas, such as parts of Asia, most of the Middle East, and Russia, there is no data at all due
partly to continuing problems in the analysis of dietary fiber and the assessment of food consump-
tion. More carefully standardized and validated studies to assess dietary fiber intake worldwide are
clearly needed.


1. WHO, Diet, Nutrition and Chronic Diseases, Tech. Rep. Set. 797, World Health Organization,
Geneva, 1990.
2. COMA Report on DRV for Food Energy and Nutrients for the UK, D. H. Rep. Health Soc. Subj. 41,
Her Majestys Stationery Office, London, 1991.
3. Recommended Dietary Allowances 10th Edition, Food and Nutrition Board Sub-Committee on the
Tenth Edition of the RDAs, National Academic Press, 1989.
4. Paul, A. A. and Southgate, D. A. T., McCance and Widdowsons The Composition of Foods, 4th ed.,
MRC Spec. Rep. 297, Her Majestys Stationery Office, London, 1978.
5. Holland, B., Unwin, I. D., and Buss, D. H., Cereals and Cereal Products, 3rd Suppl., Royal Society
of Chemistry, Letchworth, UK, 1988.
6. Holland, B., Unwin, I. D., and Buss, D. H., Vegetables, Herbs and Spices, 5th Suppl., Royal Society
of Chemistry, Letchworth, UK, 1991.
7. Lanza, E., Jones, Y., Block, G., and Kessler, L., Dietary fiber intakes in the US population, Am. J.
Clin. Nutr., 46, 790, 1987.
8. Lanza, E. and Butrum, R., A critical review of fiber analysis and data, J. Am. Diet. Assoc., 86, 732, 1986.
9. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Household Food Consumption and Expenditure 1966,
Annual Reports of National Food Survey Committee, Her Majestys Stationery Office, London, 1968.
10. Bingham, S., The dietary assessment of individuals, Nutr. Abs. Rev., 57, 705, 1987.
11. Bingham, S., Validations of dietary assessment through biomarkers, in Biomarkers of Dietary Expo-
sure, Kok, F. J. and vant Voer, P., Eds., Smith-Gordon, London, 1991.
12. Bingham, S. and Westerterp, K. R., Energy expenditure as a biomarker of energy intake: workshop
report, in Biomarkers of Dietary Exposure, Kok, F. J. and vant Voer, P., Eds., Smith-Gordon, 1991.
13. Varo, P., Laine, R., Veijalainen, K., Pero, K., and Koivistoinen, P., Dietary fibre and available carbo-
hydrates in Finnish cereal products, vegetables and fruits, J. Agric. Sci. Finland, 56, 39, 1984.
14. IARC, Report of the Second IARC Coordinated International Study on Diet and Large Bowel Cancer
in Denmark and Finland, Nutr. Cancer, 4, 3, 1982.
15. Bingham, S. A., Williams, D. R. R., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fibre consumption: new estimates
and their relation to large bowel cancer mortality in Britain, Br. J. Cancer, 52, 399, 1985.
16. Bingham, S. A., Pett, S., and Day, K. C., Non-starch polysaccharide intake of a representative sample
of British adults, J. Hum. Nutr. Dietet., 3, 333, 1990.
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17. Bingham, S. A., unpublished.

18. Kuratsune, M., Honda, T., Englyst, H. N., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fiber in the Japanese diet as
investigated in connection with colon cancer risk, Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 77, 736, 1986.
19. Stephen, A. M., New perspectives on carbohydrates, Can. Pharm. J., October, 443, 1990.
20. Segal, I. and Walker, A. R. P., Low fat intake with falling fiber intake in Soweto, Nutr. Cancer, 8,
185, 1986.
21. Heller, S. N. and Hackler, L. R., Changes in the crude fibre content of the American diet, Am. J. Clin.
Nutr., 31, 1510, 1978. (Data recalculated by S. Kingman, personal communication.)
22. Rider, A. A., Arthur, R. S., and Calkins, B. M., Laboratory analysis of 3 day composite food samples,
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 40, 914, 1984. Reanalysis of composites, with Englyst method (Englyst, personal
23. Bright-See, E. and McKeown-Eyssen, G. E., Estimates of dietary fibre supply in 38 countries, Am. J.
Clin. Nutr., 39, 821, 1985; 41, 824, 1985.
24. Gregory, J., Foster, K., Tyler, H., and Wiseman, M., The dietary and nutritional survey of British
adults, OPCS: Her Majestys Stationery Office, London, 1990.
25. Bingham, S., Cummings, J. H., and McNeil, N. I., Intakes and sources of dietary fiber in the British
population, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 32, 1313, 1979.
26. Yarnell, J. W. G., Fehilly, A. M., Milbank, J. E., Sweetnam, P. M., and Walker, C. L., A short dietary
questionnaire for use in an epidemiological study, Hum. Nutr. Appl. Nutr., 37A, 103, 1983.
27. Thompson, M., Logan, R. L., Sharman, M., Lockerbie, L., Riemersma, R. A., and Oliver, M. F.,
Dietary survey in 40 year old Edinburgh men, Hum. Nutr. Appl. Nutr., 36A, 272, 1982.
28. Bull, N. L., Smart, G. A., and Judson, H., Food and nutrient intakes on Westray in the Orkney Islands,
Ecol. Food. Nutr., 12, 97, 1982.
29. Barker, M. E. et al., Diet, lifestyle and health in Northern Ireland, University of Ulster, N. Ireland, 1989.
30. Van Staveren, W. A., Hautvast, J. G. A., Katan, M. B., van Montfort, M. A., and van Oosten-van der
Goes, H. G. C., Dietary fiber consumption in an adult Dutch population, J. Am. Dietet. Assoc., 80,
324, 1982.
31. Kromhout, D., Bosschieter, E. B., and Coulander, C., Dietary fiber and 10 year mortality in the Zutphen
study, Lancet, 2, 518, 1982.
32. Bingham, S., Cummings, J. H., Cole, T. J., Helms, P., and Seppanen, R., Individual variation in dietary
fibre intake in different populations, in Fibre Hum. Nutr., Bulletin 20, Royal Society of New Zealand,
Wellington, N.Z., 1983, 33.
33. Englyst, H. N., Bingham, S. A., Wiggins, H. S., Southgate, D. A. T., Seppanen, R., Helms, P., Anderson,
V., Day, K. C., Choolun, R., Collinson, E., and Cummings, J. H., Non-starch polysaccharide con-
sumption in four Scandinavian populations, Nutr. Cancer, 4, 50, 1982.
34. Bingham, S. and Cummings, J. H., Intakes and sources of dietary fibre in man, in Medical Aspects
of Dietary Fibre, Spiller, G. A. and Kay, R. M., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, 1980, 261.
35. Buzina, R., Ferber, E., Keys, A., Brodavec, A., Agneletto, B., and Horvat, A., Diets of rural families
and heads of families in two regions of Yugoslavia, Voeding, 25, 629, 1964.
36. Englyst, H., The determination of carbohydrate and its composition in plant material, in The Analysis
of Dietary Fibre in Food, James, W. P. T. and Theander, O., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1981.
37. Hellendoorn, E. W., Noordhoff, M. G., and Slagman, J., Enzymatic determination of the indigestible
residue content of human food, J. Sci. Food Agric., 26, 1461, 1975.
38. Katan, N. and van de Bovenkamp, P., Determination of total dietary fiber by difference and of pectin
by titration or copper titration, in The Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Food, James, W. P. T. and Theander,
O., Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1981.
39. Wenlock, R. W., Sivell, L. M., and Agater, J. B., Dietary fiber fractions in cereal products in Britain,
J. Sci. Food Agric., 36, 113, 1985.
40. Cresta, M., Ledermann, S., Gardiner, A., Lombardo, E., and Lacourly, G., A dietary survey of 11 areas
of the E.E.C. in order to determine levels of radioactive contamination, Euratom, EUR.4218F, 1969.
41. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Household Food Consumption and Expenditure,
19501981. Annual reports of the National Food Survey Committee, Her Majestys Stationery Office,
London, 1953-1983.
42. Southgate, D. A. T., Bingham, S., and Robertson, J., Dietary fibre in the British diet, Nature (London),
274, 51, 1978.
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43. Helms, P., Jorgensen, I. M., Paerregaard, A., Bjerrum, L., Poulson, L., and Mosbech, J., Dietary
patterns in Them and Copenhagen, Denmark, Nutr. Cancer, 4, 23, 1982.
44. Bingham, S., Patterns of dietary fiber consumption in humans, in CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber in
Human Nutrition, Spiller, G., Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1986.
45. Orr, J. B. and Gilks, J. L., Studies of Nutrition, The Physique and Health of Two African Tribes,
M. R. C. Spec. Rep. Ser. 155, Her Majestys Stationery Office, London, 1931.
46. Platt, B. S., Unpublished report on Nyasaland held at London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, London, 1938/39.
47. Jones, S., A Study of Swazi Nutrition, Report for the University of Natal for the Swaziland Government
(not dated).
48. Ruitishauser, I., personal communication, 1977.
49. Mbofung, C. N., Atinmo, T., and Omolulu, A., Dietary fiber in the diets of urban and rural Nigerian
women, Nutr. Res., 4, 225, 1984.
50. Shetty, P. S., Dietary fibre intakes in India, Proc. Annual Conf. Ind. Soc. Gastrol., Trivandrum, 1981.
51. Stace, N. H., Pomare, E. W., Peters, S., Thomas, L., and Fisher, A., Gastroenterology, 89, 1291, 1981.
52. Pomare, E. W., Stace, N. H., Peters, S. G., and Fisher, A., Dietary intakes, stool characteristics and
biliary bile acid composition in four South Pacific populations, in Fibre in Human and Animal
Nutrition, Bulletin 20, Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington, N.Z., 1983, 33.
53. Hillman, L. C., Stace, N. J., Fisher, A., and Pomare, E. W., Dietary intakes and stool characteristics
of patients with the irritable bowel syndrome, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 36, 626, 1982.
54. Prior, I. A., Davidson, F., Salmond, C. E., and Czochanska, Z., The Pukapuka and Tokelau Island
studies, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 34, 1552, 1981.
55. Potter, J. D., McMichael, A. J., and Bonnett, A. J., A case control study of colorectal cancer in South
Australia, in Fibre in Human and Animal Nutrition, Bulletin 20, Royal Society of New Zealand,
Wellington, N.Z., 1983, 35.
56. Haenszel, W. and Kurihara, M., Studies of Japanese migrants mortality from cancer and other diseases
among Japanese in the United States, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 40, 43, 1968.
57. Minowa, M., Bingham, S., and Cummings, J. H., Dietary fibre intake in Japan, Hum. Nutr., 37A, 113,
58. Mori, B. and Aragane, K., On the determination of dietary fibre, Nutr. Food, 34, 97, 1981.
59. Nakamura, H., Tamura, A., Tanaka, H., Natsushita, C., Yamamoto, F., Yoshi, S., and Izumi, D., Dietary
fibre content of foodstuffs for diabetes, Nutr. Food, 34, 71, 1981.
60. Marlett, J. A. and Bokram, R. L., Relationship between calculated and crude fiber intakes of 200
college students, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 34, 335, 1981.
61. Ahrens, E. H. and Boucher, C. A., The composition of a simulated American diet, J. Am. Dietet.
Assoc., 73, 613, 1978.
62. Kay, R. M., Sabry, Z. I., and Csima, A., Multivariate analysis of diet and serum lipids in normal men,
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 33, 2566, 1980.
63. Gibson, R. S. and Scythes, C. A., Trace element intakes of women, Br. J. Nutr., 48, 241, 1982.
64. Willett, W. C., Stampfer, M. J., Colditz, G. A., Rosner, B. A., and Speizer, F. E., Relation of meat,
fat and fiber intake to risk of colon cancer, New Engl. J. Med., 323, 1664, 1990.
65. Heilbrun, L. K., Nomura, A., Hankin, J., and Stemmerman, G. N., Diet and colorectal cancer with
special reference to fiber intake, Int. J. Cancer, 44, 1, 1989.
66. Rozen, P., Horwitz, C., Takenkin, C., Ron, E., and Katz, L., Dietary habits and colorectal cancer
incidence in a second-defined Kibbutz population, Nutr. Cancer, 9, 177, 1987.
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Dietary Fiber, Nonstarch Polysaccharide, and

Resistant Starch Intakes in Australia

Katrine I. Baghurst, Peter A. Baghurst, and Sally J. Record


Until the early to mid-1980s, the only nationally based information about dietary fiber intake
in the Australian population came from the apparent consumption or food disappearance data
collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The only data available from direct survey of
individuals was on selected, and usually small, subpopulations and, furthermore, Australian data-
bases were limited, so survey analyses relied on British food databases.
In 1987, the Life Sciences Research Office of the Federation of American Societies for Exper-
imental Biology1 adopted a definition of dietary fiber as the endogenous components of plant
materials in the diet which are resistant to digestion by enzymes produced by humans. As pointed
out by Southgate,2 this definition is virtually identical to that for unavailable carbohydrates as
originally defined by McCance and Lawrence in 1929.3 It can be considered to include some
components of what is now known as resistant starch. One difficulty with the word endogenous
in this definition is that it excludes, for example, those forms of resistant starch that arise as a
consequence of cooking and processing techniques. It also excludes substances which are intimately
associated with the major components of dietary fiber and which are capable of having important
nutritional and/or physiological effects such as phytates, lectins, saponins, non-polymeric polyphe-
nols, and inorganic constituents.
In the absence of a consensus, a de facto working definition of the term dietary fiber appears
to be emerging which includes all nonstarch polysaccharides and lignin from plants.
The earlier surveys of the Australian population416 were limited to an estimate of total dietary
fiber using the definition of the time. Since 1983, several national or statewide, randomized surveys
of the Australian population have been undertaken1723 and, where assessed, the data is given for
dietary fiber, nonstarch polysaccharide, and resistant starch intake.


The subjects and methodologies employed in the surveys described here are shown in the
relevant tables alongside the relevant intake data. Many of the studies used traditional techniques

2001 by CRC Press LLC 583
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such as 24-hour recall or record, 3-day records, or diet history which will not be detailed here, but
a large number of the surveys employed a variation of the quantitative food-frequency technique
developed by the CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition.24 As with the methodologies used, the
techniques for sampling varied widely, as detailed in the tables. Many of the random surveys, in
particular those conducted by the CSIRO, used a random selection procedure based on the Electoral
Rolls of the States of the Commonwealth.


Tables 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 show the dietary fiber intakes and the group mean fiber-to-energy ratios
from selected non-randomized surveys from the late 1970s and early 1980s,416 and from random-
ized population surveys carried out by the Commonwealth Government and the CSIRO Division
of Health Sciences and Nutrition since 1983.1723 Assessment of trends over time is difficult because
of the non-random nature of earlier surveys and the variety of measurement techniques employed.
However, if the more generally representative data from the earlier period are used for comparative
purposes, it does appear that dietary fiber intake has increased over the past 20 years or so by about
50%, from 1718 g/day in the late 1970s to 2428 g/day in the mid-1990s.
Data from the CSIRO National Dietary Surveys (adults only, aged 18 yr plus) of 1988 and 1993
showed that, while fiber continued to increase over the period, the increases were much smaller
than had been observed from the late 1970s to late 1980s. In the 1993 survey, intakes of women
increased with age and occupational status, but this was not evident in men. Between 1988 and
1993, there was a small increase in the number of people reaching the target of 30 g/day recom-
mended by the Commonwealth Department of Health. The increase was most marked in the older
age groups, for women in the highest occupational group, and for men from the lowest occupational
group. However, well under half the population still failed to reach recommended intakes.
Figure 7.3.1 shows the percentiles of intake of dietary fiber as well as NSP and resistant starch
in the 1993 CSIRO survey.
The more recent random surveys of adults indicate that approximately 33% of dietary fiber is
currently provided by cereals, 31% by vegetables, and 20% by fruit (Table 7.3.3). When comparing
the CSIRO National Dietary Surveys of 1988 and 1993, the percentage of fiber provided by
vegetables had decreased, particularly for people in the top occupational group, while the yield
from breakfast cereal, fruit and fruit juice, and the processed meat categories increased. Breakfast
cereals were a more important source of dietary fiber in older people and for people of upper-
occupational status.
The figures for adults indicate an increasing relative contribution to total fiber intake from the
cereal group over the last decade and a lessening of the relative contribution of vegetables and, to
a lesser extent, fruit.
Until recently, there was a paucity of data on dietary fiber intakes of young children in Australia
apart from smaller, non-random population groups. However, the 1995/6 National Nutrition Survey
of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care showed intakes of 13.4 g/day in
23-year-olds rising to 16.0 g at 47 years, 18.8 g at 811 years, 21.4 g at 1215 years, and
23.0 g/day at 1618 years of age.


Tables 7.3.4 and 7.3.5 show the intakes and major food sources of total nonstarch soluble and
insoluble polysaccharides in the CSIRO National Dietary Surveys of Adults (1988 and 1993). In
general, the intake of NSP mirrored that of total dietary fiber, as assessed using the Southgate
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Table 7.3.1 Mean Daily Fiber and Energy Intakes in Selected, Non-Random Australian Population
Samples from 1977 to 1995
Energy Fiber Fiber/Energy
Survey Sex No. Method (MJ/day) (g/day) Ratioa
Urban community4 M 481 FFQ 9.9 20.2 20.4
(random within age bands) F 441 7.5 19.5 26.0
Fitness intervention group5 M 581 FFQ 9.0 21.8 24.2
F 454 7.2 22.7 31.5
Public servants6 M 142 FFQ 8.8 22.4 25.4
F 60 7.3 22.8 31.2
Parents of 10-yr-olds7 M 300 FFQ 10.1 24.2 24.2
F 300 7.83 23.5 30.0
10-yr-old children of above M and F 300 FFQ 7.76 21.5 27.7
Children, urban SA8
11 yr M 124 4-day record 8.5 17.0 20.4
F 106 7.4 15.0 20.0
13 yr M 121 9.0 19.0 21.3
F 116 7.2 15.0 21.1
15 yr M 104 9.9 21.0 21.6
F 104 6.9 15.0 21.3
Children urban WA9
11 yr M 24-hr. record 8.4 18.0 21.4
F 7.6 15.0 19.7
12 yr M 8.6 19 22.1
F 7.5 17 22.7
Rural children SA10 M 161 FFQ 10.5 24.9 23.7
aged 13 yr F 172 9.8 24.4 25.0
Urban adolescents SA M 72 FFQ 12.0 19.5 16.3
1415 yr4 F 69 9.4 18.9 20.1
Pregnant women11 F 91 3-day record 9.1 22.0 24.2
Community12 M and F 27 Hist. 8.0 20.9 26.1
Institutionalized13 M and F 87 3-day record 7.4 11.8 15.9
Nursing home14 M and F 30 6.5 13.7 21.1
Religious groups15
Adventist (vegetarian) M
F } 98 24-hr. record }11.0
Adventist (omnivore) M
F } 82 24-hr. record }10.5
Mormon (omnivore) M
F } 113 24-hr. record }11.6
Vietnamese migrants16 F 200 24-hr. record 7.53 15.5 20.6
a Group mean ratio g fiber/10 MJ.

method, with a mean intake in 1993 of some 21 g/day for both adult men and women. Insoluble
NSP accounted for about 12 g of the total, and soluble accounted for some 9 g.


To estimate current resistant starch intakes in Australia, a food database was constructed using
analytical data presented at the EURESTA25 meeting and from published figures. Because of the
small amount of available data, the varying techniques used to assess resistant starch, and a number
of inconsistencies in existing databases, care should be taken in interpreting the data. It is likely
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Table 7.3.2 Random Surveys of Australian Population Samples from 1983 to 1995
Energy Fiber Ratioa
Survey Sex No. Method (MJ/day) (g/day) (fiber/10 MJ)

Commonwealth Government Surveys

National Adults Surveyb M 3021 24-hr. recall 11.0 23.2 21.1
1983 (2564 yr.)16 F 3234 7.4 18.7 25.3
National schoolchildrens M (1011 yr) 912 24-hr. record 8.3 18.0 21.7
survey 198517 M (1215 yr) 1719 10.3 21.5 20.9
F (1011 yr) 925 7.2 15.4 21.4
F (1215 yr) 1668 7.7 17.0 22.0
National Nutrition Survey M 5079 24-hr. recall 11.0 25.9 23.3
1995/6 (19+ yr.)18 F 5770 7.48 20.3 27.1

CSIRO Surveys
Victorian State surveys
(18+ yr.)19
1985 M 1321 FFQ 9.4 23.6 25.1
F 1595 7.6 24.2 31.9
1990 M 1321 FFQ 10.0 27.3 27.3
F 1595 8.1 27.1 33.5
South Australian State
surveys (18+ yr.)20
1988 M 445 FFQ 10.5 26.4 25.3
F 456 8.0 26.0 32.4
1990 M 445 FFQ 10.3 26.8 25.9
F 456 8.3 27.2 32.8
1993 M 445 FFQ 10.3 28.3 27.5
F 456 7.9 26.0 34.3
National Dietary Surveys
(18+ yr.)21
1988 M 1115 FFQ 10.4 27.9 26.8
F 1200 8.2 26.7 32.4
1993 M 736 10.1 32.7 32.4
F 997 8.0 28.0 34.8
National Elderly Survey M 606 FFQ 9.1 28.2 31.1
(5575 yr.) 1989/9022 F 707 7.9 29.7 37.8
a Group mean ratio.
b Metropolitan sample only.

that some of the analyses based on chemical assessment of resistance might underestimate resistance
in the human gut and that much individual variation will occur with respect to physiological
functions such as degree of chewing foods, etc. The composite food database was used to estimate
intakes using data collected from the CSIRO Food & Nutrition Surveys of 1988 and 1993 and the
Commonwealth Department of Healths National Dietary Survey of Adults undertaken in 1983 and
of Schoolchildren undertaken in 1985.
The analysis of the 1988 and 1993 CSIRO National Dietary Surveys gave a mean figure of
about 5.3 g/day of resistant starch for men and 5.0 g/day for women in 1993, rising from 4.9 g in
1988 for men and 4.4 g in 1988 for women (Table 7.3.6). There was little evidence of any age- or
occupation-related trends in the density of resistant starch in the diet. Resistant starch density in
1993 was some 5.4 g per 10 MJ in men and 6.3 g per 10 MJ in women, with approximately 4%
of starch in men and 4.7% in women being resistant.
Table 7.3.7 shows the estimate of NSP plus resistant starch from the 1993 survey, showing an
average for these combined components of 26.7 g/day in men and 26.2 g in women. The main
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Minimum intake 6.2 g

Maximum intake 78.7 g

Dietary fiber (g/day)




5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95


Minimum intake 4.35 g
Maximum intake 60.07 g
Total NSP (g/day)

b. 20


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95


Minimum intake 0.12 g
Maximum intake 17.39 g
Resistant starch (g/day)


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

Percentile of intake

Figure 7.3.1 Percentiles of intake for dietary fiber, nonstarch polysaccharides, and resistant starch in the
Australian population.

sources of resistant starch found in the 1988 and 1993 CSIRO surveys of adults are shown in
Table 7.3.8. About 42% of resistant starch was provided by cereals, with 26% from vegetables and
22% from fruit and fruit juice. A re-analysis of the 1983 and 1985 CDH National Dietary Surveys
of Adults and Schoolchildren gave estimates of resistant starch intakes ranging from 5.2 g/day in
younger men to 4.0 g in older men and from 3.2 g/day in younger women to 2.7 g/day in older
women in 1983. At that time, for adults, the density of resistant starch seems to have approximated
4.2 g per 10 MJ or 3.1 g per 100 g starch.
For children, intakes rose from 4 g/day in 10-year-old boys to 5.6 g/day in 15-year-old boys.
In girls, there was no consistent age trend, with intakes ranging from 3.4 to 3.7 g/day across age
categories. This equated in both girls and boys to about 3.2% of starch being resistant, with a
resistant starch density of some 4.74.8 g per 10 MJ energy.
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Table 7.3.3 Sources of Dietary Fiber in the Australian Population

Percentage of Total Dietary Fiber Derived from Food Groups
Cereals Vegetables Fruit Othera
Brassica and Legumes, Peas,
Survey Green-Leafy and Beans Total
Urban community 32.8 4.7 13.2 37.2 23.3 6.7
samples 197883
DCSH National Adults 37.2 6.9 8.6 32.9 20.0 9.9
DCSH National School- 39.0 2.3 8.5 26.3 17.4 17.3
childrens 1985
CSIRO National Survey 33.2 4.5 5.9 30.6 20.2 15.9
a Includes composite dishes such as pies, pizzas, etc.; snack foods; beverages; nuts; and seeds.
Source: Department of Community Services and Health (DCSH).

Table 7.3.4 CSIRO National Dietary Surveys Dietary Fibera and

Nonstarch Polysaccharide (NSP) Intakes and Densities
Men Women
1988 1993 1988 1993
Intake (g/day)
Dietary fiber 27.0 27.7 25.9 27.3
Total NSP 20.7 21.4 20.1 21.2
Soluble NSP 8.9 9.2 8.6 9.1
Insoluble NSP 11.8 12.1 11.5 12.1
Density (g/10 MJ)
Dietary fiber 26.8 28.4 32.4 34.8
Total NSP 20.6 22.0 25.2 27.1
Soluble NSP 8.8 9.5 10.8 11.6
Insoluble NSP 11.8 12.5 14.5 15.5
a As measured by Southgate method.

Table 7.3.5 Food Sources of Nonstarch Polysaccharides from CSIRO National

Dietary Surveys of Australian Adults 1993 (percentage contribution
of food groups)
Food Sources Total NSP Soluble NSP Insoluble NSP
Breakfast cereals 8 7 9
Breads and crackers 18 16 20
Rice and pasta 5 3 6
Fruit and fruit juice 20 24 17
Vegetables 34 24 34
Processed meats and 5 5 5
cooked meat dishes
Confectionery, cakes, 7 7 7
and biscuits
Takeaways and snacks 3 4 3
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Table 7.3.6 Resistant Starch Intakes and Densities by Demographics

from CSIRO National Surveys
Intake (g/day) Density (g/10 MJ)
1988 1993 1988 1993 1988 1993 1988 1993
1829 5.20 6.11 4.41 5.06 4.63 5.38 5.17 6.36
3039 4.66 5.28 4.50 5.10 4.85 5.26 5.30 6.12
4049 4.91 4.98 4.61 5.05 4.95 5.26 5.40 6.25
5059 5.30 4.99 3.94 4.81 5.25 5.41 5.3 6.57
60+ 4.63 4.88 4.34 4.70 5.01 5.76 5.73 6.12
Top 4.92 4.96 4.53 5.45 5.13 5.19 5.40 6.63
2nd 4.73 5.58 4.38 4.78 4.51 5.48 5.31 5.87
3rd 5.05 5.63 4.69 4.91 4.94 5.35 5.16 6.46
4th 4.52 5.57 4.17 4.92 4.72 5.26 5.16 6.08
5th 5.12 5.67 4.09 5.05 4.74 5.30 5.35 6.56

Table 7.3.7 Sum of Intake of Resistant

Starch and NSPs from
CSIRO National Survey 1993
Men Women
(g/day) (g/day)
Total 26.7 26.2
1829 28.5 24.5
3039 26.5 26.2
4049 25.8 26.6
5059 25.2 26.1
60+ 26.5 27.5
Top 26.7 28.7
2nd 26.8 26.6
3rd 27.9 24.3
4th 25.4 24.8
5th 28.1 24.4

Table 7.3.8 Sources of Resistant Starch % Contribution

to Total Intake
1988 1993
Breads and crackers 26.9 24.7
Vegetables 26.6 26.1
Fruit and fruit juice 21.8 22.3
Rice and pasta 8.7 11.6
Breakfast cereals 4.8 5.7
Takeaways and snacks 4.2 3.6
Processed meats + 3.8 2.6
Confectionery + 2.1 2.2
Dairy and ice cream 0.5 0.5
Chicken and fish + 0.4 0.4
Drinks 0.1 0.0
Spreads and sauces 0.0 0.3
Red and organ meat 0.0 0.0
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Estimates of resistant starch intake in developed countries vary widely in the literature, with
figures ranging from 34 g/day to 1520 g/day. Estimates for developing countries range from
910 g/day to 3040 g/day for countries with high starch intake. The range of estimates reflects the
fact that some estimates relate only to retrograded starch; others attempt to include an estimate of
all possible forms of resistant starch. A recent data-based analysis reported at the EURESTA
summary meeting in 1994 gave intakes ranging from 3.5 to 6.0 g/day for a number of European
countries. The estimates of Australian intakes show them to be at the upper end of the European range.
A more detailed review of dietary fiber, nonstarch polysaccharide, and resistant starch intakes
in Australia and New Zealand was published in 1996 and is available from the authors.26


1. Life Sciences Research Office, Physiological Effects and Health Consequences of Dietary Fibre,
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, MD, 1987.
2. Southgate, D. A. T., Determination of Food Carbohydrates, Elsevier Science, Essex, U.K., 1991.
3. McCance, R. A. and Lawrence, R. D., The Carbohydrate Content of Foods, MRC Special Report
Series no. 135, HMSO, London, 1929.
4. Baghurst, K. I. and Record, S. J., Intake and sources, in selected Australian subpopulations, of dietary
constituents implicated in the aetiology of chronic disease, J. Food Nutr., 40, 1, 1983.
5. Baghurst, K. I., Sedgwick, A. W., and Strohm, K., Nutritional profile of recruits to a fitness program,
Med. J. Aust., 143, 188, 1985.
6. Baghurst, K. I. and Record, S. J., Dietary intakes of public servants, unpublished data, 1983.
7. Syrette, J. A. and Baghurst, K. I., Dietary intake of ten-year-old children and their parents with respect
to occupational status, Proc. Nutr. Soc. Aust., 12, 160, 1987.
8. Magarey, A. and Boulton, J., The Adelaide Nutrition Study. 2. Macronutrient and micronutrient intakes
at ages 11, 13, and 15 years: age and sex differences, Aust. J. Nutr. Diet, 51:3, 111, 1994.
9. Jenner, D. and Miller, M., Intakes of selected nutrients in Year 7 Western Australian schoolchildren;
comparisons between weekdays and relationships with socioeconomic status, Aust. J. Nutr. Diet, 48 (9),
50, 1991.
10. Baghurst, K. I., Baghurst, P. A., and Record, S. J., Dietary intakes of children in Port Pirie, unpublished
data, 1988.
11. Ash, S., unpublished data.
12. Flint, D. M., Wahlquist, M., Parish, A. E., and Smith, T. J., Dietary fiber intakes of elderly Australians,
in Fibre in Human and Animal Nutrition, Wallace, G. and Bell, L., Eds., Royal Society of New Zealand,
1983, 33.
13. Flint, D. M., unpublished data.
14. Baghurst, K. I., Hope, A., and Down, E., Dietary fibre intake in a group of institutionalised elderly
and the effect of a fibre supplementation program on nutrient intake and weight gain, Comm. Hlth.
Stud., 9, 99, 1985.
15. Rouse, I. L., Armstrong, B. K., and Beilin, L. J., The relationship of blood pressure to diet and lifestyle
in two religious populations, J. Hypertension, 1, 65, 1983.
16. Baghurst, K. I., Syrette, J. A., and Tran, M. M., Dietary profile of Vietnamese migrant women in
Australia, Nutr. Res., 11, 715, 1991.
17. English, R., Cashel, K., Bennett, S., Berzins, J., Waters, A.-M., and Magnus, P., National Dietary
Survey of Adults: 1983. 2. Nutrient Intakes, AGPS, Canberra, Australia, 1987.
18. English, R., Cashel, K., Lewis, J., Waters, A.-M., and Bennett, S., National Dietary Survey of School-
children (Aged 10-15 Years): 1985. 2. Nutrient Intakes, AGPS, Canberra, Australia, 1989.
19. Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care and Australian Bureau of Statistics, National
Nutrition Survey 1995. Nutrient Intakes and Physical Measurements, ABS, Canberra, Australia, 1998.
20. Baghurst, K. I., Record, S. J., and Syrette, J. A. et al., What are Australians eating? Results from the
1985 and 1990 Victorian Nutrition Surveys, CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia, 1993.
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21. Baghurst, K. I., Record, S. J., Syrette, J. A., and Baghurst, P. A., Nutrition in South Australia from
1988 to 1993, CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia, 1989.
22. Baghurst, K. I., Record, S. J., Baghurst, P. A., Syrette, J. A., and Powis, G., Food and Nutrition in
Australia Does Five Years Make a Difference. Results from the CSIRO Australian Food and Nutrition
Surveys, 1988 and 1993, CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia, 1995.
23. Baghurst, K. I., Record, S. J., and Baghurst, P. A., National Dietary Survey of the Elderly, CSIRO,
Adelaide, Australia, 1991.
24. Baghurst, K. I. and Record, S. J., A computerized dietary analysis system for use with diet diaries or
food frequency questionnaires, Comm. Health Stud., 8, 11, 1984.
25. EURESTA summary meeting, France, 1994.
26. Baghurst, P. A., Baghurst, K. I., and Record, S. J., Dietary fibre, nonstarch polysaccharides and resistant
starch: a review, Food Australia, March suppl., s1-36, 1996.
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Consumption of Dietary FiberRich Foods in China

Zhi-Ping Shen and Su-Fang Zheng

China is a big country with great varieties of foodstuffs. However, the most important com-
ponents of the daily diets are grains and cereals, which provide about 80% of the daily caloric
intake. In south China, the predominant grain is rice and in the north, the main staple foods are
wheat and coarse grains including corn, millet, sorghum, etc. The amount and varieties of plant
subsidiary foods are dependent on the climate. In general, Chinese diets are rich in vegetables.
The supply of staple and nonstaple food varies in amount and varieties with season. National
nutrition surveys carried out in China in 1959 and 1982 indicate that the consumption pattern of
plant foods and crude fiber intake differ in different parts of China, as shown in Table 7.4.1. Crude
fiber is mainly from cereal grains and vegetables. The data in Table 7.4.2 indicate the contribution
of crude fiber from various foods in north China peasant diets1 as calculated by Zheng from the
annual dietary surveys in 1979. The crude fiber content of the Chinese daily diet is much higher
than the daily crude fiber intake in England, which was estimated to be about 4 g per capita.2 The
age-adjusted death rate for colorectal cancer in China was 5.49 per 100,000 in 1979, the second-
lowest in the world.3
The Chinese government has stipulated the standard of rice milling and wheat flour extraction
in order to retain more nutrients. Table 7.4.3 lists the crude fiber contents of processed rice and wheat.4
The comparison between crude fiber and neutral detergent fiber contents in selected Chinese
foods is listed in Table

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Table 7.4.1 Consumption Pattern of Fiber-Containing Foods and Crude Fiber Intake in Different Parts
of China (Grams/Day/Capita)
Beijing Shanghai Jiangxi Hebei Shanxi Gansu
North South South North North Northwest
Rice 90 463 558 13 11 3
Wheat flour 314 44 13 350 173 610
Coarse grains 125 252 344 49
Starchy tubers 35 43 110 97 352 149
Legumes, dried 8 4 9 3 21 5
Vegetables 440 326 383 280 305 147
Fruits 82 9 1 30 13 34
Nuts 4 1 1 2 1
Crude fiber 8.5 6.9 7.7 9.3 11.3 6.6

Table 7.4.2 Contribution of Crude Fiber from Various Foods in North China Peasant Daily Diets
Linxian County, Henan Xianxiang County, Henan
Crude Crude
Consumption Fiber Contribution Consumption Fiber Contribution
Food (g) (g) (%) (g) (g) (%)
Rice 13 0.06 0.5 66 0.29 2.7
Wheat flour 250 1.46 11.2 456 2.66 24.4
Coarse grains 300 4.47 34.2 225 0.02 26.3
Starchy tubers 646 2.76 21.1 11 0.42 0.2
Legumes 21 0.81 6.2 20 4.06 3.8
Vegetables 583 3.44 26.2 830 0.52 37.2
Fruits 3 0.03 0.2 85 4.8
Nuts 1 0.02 0.2 0.07
Seaweeds 1 0.6

Table 7.4.3 Crude Fiber Contents of Processed Cereal Grains in China

Rice, Long Grains Wheat Flour
Grade Crude Fiber (g/100 g) Extraction Crude Fiber (g/100 g)
Husked 0.7 Whole 2.4
Fine 0.3 75% extraction 0.2
Standard, 1st 0.4 81% extraction 0.4
Standard, 2nd 0.5 85% extraction 0.6
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Table 7.4.4 Comparison Between Crude Fiber and Neutral

Detergent Fiber Contents in Selected Chinese Foods
(g/100 g dried edible portion)
Corn 1.70 8.42
Corn meal 0.88 4.50
Millet 0.24 1.54
Sorghum 0.28 3.19
Rice, glutinous 0.13 0.49
Rice, long-grain 0.17 0.70
Rice, round-grain 0.11 0.24
Whole wheat flour 2.12 9.70
Legumes, dried
Adsuki bean 3.90 8.41
Kidney bean 4.04 7.81
Mung bean 3.74 7.16
Soybean, green 3.74 10.43
Soybean, yellow 3.50 10.03
Cabbage, celery 8.37 14.53
Cabbage, Chinese 10.94 18.21
Cabbage, common 7.90 18.55
Celery stem 11.79 18.20
Chive 8.99 14.30
Garlic green 11.42 17.40
Garlic shoot 8.89 10.38
Onion shallot 6.57 11.66
Spinach 8.04 21.38
Carrot 6.57 11.66
Lotus root 2.36 7.03
Potato 1.59 3.48
Yam 1.23 4.09


1. Zheng, S., The crude fiber intake of peasants in north China, unpublished.
2. Trowell, H., Definition of dietary fiber and hypothesis that it is a protective factor in certain diseases,
Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 29, 417, 1976.
3. Dai, X., Colorectal cancer, in The Investigation of The Cancer Mortality in China (in Chinese), The
National Cancer Control Office of the Ministry of Health, Ed., Peoples Medical Publishing House,
Beijing, 1979.
4. Institute of Health, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Food Composition Table (in Chinese),
3rd ed., Peoples Medical Publishing House, Beijing, 1981.
5. Zao, Z., Comparison between crude fiber and dietary fiber contents in foods, Acta Nutrimenta Simica,
9, 333, 1989.
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Consumption of Dietary Fiber in France (1950 1981)

Yves Le Quintrec


Little has been published about the consumption of dietary fiber in France and, more generally,
about food consumption. In this chapter we will make a distinction between direct and indirect
methods for evaluating this consumption.


This method is based on dietary recall in a sample of people as representative as possible of the
general population. The dietary fiber consumption can then be calculated by tables using the Paul-
Southgate method1 to obtain the total fiber consumption and not just the crude fiber consumption.
Three studies of this type have been published in France (Table 7.5.1). The results are identical
in two studies, but in the third4 the consumption of dietary fibers is far more important. This
difference can be partly explained: in the first and second studies, the calculation of the dietary
fiber content was made with Southgates table,1 which is based on English alimentation and, in
particular, English bread; in the third study, the content of dietary fiber was calculated with a new
analysis of fiber content carried out by Southgate himself on French bread and flour which showed
a higher proportion of fiber in French products (Table 7.5.2). Therefore, while the consumption of
cereal fiber is virtually the same in the three studies, the total consumption of fiber is higher in the
study by Macquart-Moulin et al.4

Table 7.5.1 Average Daily Consumption of Dietary Fiber in France

Calculated from Dietary Recall
Total Dietary Cereal Fiber
Fiber (g/day) (g/day) Ref.
Females 12.7 5.8 3.6 0.8 2
May 11.81 1.88
October 8.64 0.70 3
May 10.61 0.70
October 8.34 1.08
Females 28.0 7.0 6.6 4.0 4
Males 28.0 8.3 11.6 6.4

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Table 7.5.2 Dietary Fiber Content (g/%) of Bread and Flour from Southgate
French Bread4 English Bread1 French Flour4 English Flour1
5.675.96 2.7 3.713.93 3.0


These methods consist of measuring the total consumption of a given food in a given population
and then dividing it by the number of individuals to obtain an evaluation of the average per capita
consumption. We have, therefore, two major sources of information in France:

1. Inquiries by INSEE (National Institute of Statistic and Economic Studies5); 10,000 households,
statistically representative of the total French population, are each examined for 1 week, the study
being completed in the course of 1 year. Unfortunately, only the at-home consumption is estimated
and not the away-from-home consumption (including restaurants, canteens, etc.). Therefore, food
consumption is always underestimated; still, interesting comparisons between different population
subgroups can be made.
2. Agricultural Statistics of the CEE (European Economic Community) or Eurostat.6 Here, consump-
tion means the gross amount of foodstuffs made available at the wholesale stage, in all forms:
direct, preserved, and processed products. Consequently the consumption is overestimated, because
no account is taken of losses at the retail trade stage or at the household level.


The total cereal consumption has been quite stable for the last 10 years. The major cereal in
France is wheat (soft wheat). The consumption of rice is increasing but is still very low.
The consumption of bread has been decreasing for many years, but this tendency seems to have
now stopped. Still, bread remains the chief source of cereal fiber in the French diet. Bread
consumption appears to be higher in the agricultural population than in the urban (Table 7.5.6),
but this result may be due to the lack of information about away-from-home consumption (lunch
is frequently taken in a restaurant or a canteen by the urban population).


The consumption of potatoes has been steadily decreasing for many years. Nevertheless, it
remains high in the agricultural population and constitutes a large percentage of the total away-
from-home consumption of vegetables. The consumption of dried pulses is very small.
The consumption of other vegetables and fresh fruits, except for citrus fruits, is no longer on
the rise. There is a great discrepancy between the data on this consumption collected by Eurostat
(Table 7.5.9) and INSEE (Table 7.5.11). The estimation by Eurostat probably is more realistic
because it reflects all forms of consumption including preserves, jam, etc. It also includes the away-
from-home consumption, which represents at least 10% of the total consumption of vegetables and
about 15% of the fruit consumption.7
According to the data of INSEE, the consumption of fruits (including bananas and citrus fruits)
is certainly higher in the urban population than in the highest classes of society (Table 7.5.11).
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Table 7.5.3 Total Human Consumption of Cereals in France (1000 t/year) (Eurostats Data6)

Total Cereals Total Soft Other Cereals

Year (excluding rice) Wheat Wheat (excluding wheat and rice) Rice
19701971 5089 4978 4444 111 160
19751976 5016 4898 4426 118 211
19801981 5344 5180 4650 164 278

Table 7.5.4 Average Annual Consumption of Cereal (Kilograms per Capita) in Flour Equivalent (= Grain
0.77) (Eurostats Data6 )

Total Cereals Total Soft Other Cereals

Year (excluding rice) Wheat Wheat (excluding wheat and rice) Rice
Before 1970 80 78 70 2 2
19751976 73 79 64 2 4
19801981 76 75 67 1 4

Table 7.5.5 Average Daily Consumption of Wheat and Rice (Grams per Capita) Calculated from Annual
Wheat in
Year Total Wheat Flour Equivalent Bread Rice
19701971 268 206 199 5.5
19751976 257 198 182 11
19801981 261 201 148 12.5

Table 7.5.6 Average Annual At-Home Consumption of Cereal Foods (Kilograms per Capita) (INSEEs
Data 19805)
Bread (total) Noodles Wheat Flour Rice
Total population 48.57 5.49 4.16 3.86
Agricultural population 78.57 7.41 5.78 2.58
Nonagricultural population 45.32 5.28 3.98 4.00
Population of the greater 37.72 4.65 3.37 5.93
Paris area


An estimate of average daily fiber consumption can be made from these data, with a large
margin of error. From Eurostat (Table 7.5.13), the average Frenchmans total dietary fiber intake
ranges from 17.85 to 24.60 g/day, including 116 g of cereal fiber. From INSEE, the at-home
consumption is surprisingly not much lower: 16 to 20 g/day. If one calculates the quantity of dietary
fiber in the diets of farm owners and the unemployed (Table 7.5.14), who probably take the greatest
number of meals at home, the values are a little higher: 22 to 26 g/day and 19 to 24 g/day.
For the last century (Figure 7.5.1), the consumption of bread and potatoes has been decreasing
to a considerable extent. Conversely, the consumption of fruits and vegetables has been increasing,
but this increase cannot compensate for the lack of cereal fiber. Therefore, the intake of dietary
fiber currently is a great deal lower than in the years 1900 to 1930.9
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Table 7.5.7 Average Annual Consumption of Cereal Foods by Occupation Group (Kilograms per Capita) (INSEEs Data 19805)
Farm Farm Self-Employed Upper-Level Medium-Level White-Collar Blue-Collar
Owners Laborers Professionals Executives Executives Workers Workers Unemployed
Bread 81.11 64.03 42.43 32.38 38.53 39.17 51.22 48.75
Noodles 6.96 6.50 4.39 3.92 4.53 4.87 5.63 5.41
Wheat flour 4.65 5.27 3.32 2.58 3.49 2.99 4.52 4.12
Rice 2.12 2.55 2.97 3.85 3.00 3.86 4.75 5.13
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Table 7.5.8 Total Human Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables (100 t/Year) (Eurostats Data 6)
Dried Other Total Citrus
Year Potatoes Pulse Vegetables Fresh Fruits Fruits
19701971 4897 6632 2819 856
19751976 4790 113 6257 2890 998
19801981 3970 73 6168 2779 1015

Table 7.5.9 Average Annual Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables (Kilograms per Capita)
(Eurostats Data6)
Dried Other Total Citrus
Year Potatoes Pulse Vegetables Fresh Fruits Fruits
Before 1970 97 129 56 17
19751976 81 2.1 118 55 19
19801981 74 1.4 115 52 19

Table 7.5.10 Average Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables (Grams per Capita)
Calculated from Annual Consumption
Dried Other Total Citrus
Year Potatoes Pulse Vegetables Fresh Fruits Fruits
19701971 266 353 153 47
19751976 222 5.7 323 151 52
19801981 202 3.8 315 142 52

Table 7.5.11 Average Annual At-Home Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables (Kilograms per Capita)
(INSEEs Data 19805)

Dried Other Metropolitan Bananas and

Potatoes Pulse Vegetables Fresh Fruits Citrus Fruits
Total population 55.5 1.47 64.64 40.55 22.50
Agricultural 62.79 2.45 77.46 37.44 14.54
Nonagricultural 54.69 1.38 63.29 40.87 22.39
Population of the 40.93 1.69 63.81 45.82 29.38
greater Paris area


Statistics on this problem are very rare in France. We did not find any difference in the dietary
fiber intake between two groups of women, one consisting of women suffering from constipation
and the other of controls. In both groups, the total dietary fiber intake (12.4 and 12.7 g/day) and
the cereal fiber intake (3.3 and 3.6 g/day) were virtually the same.10 Therefore, the lack of dietary
fiber in alimentation cannot be considered the only cause of constipation.
Meyer found a negative correlation between consumption of fruits and mortality due to colonic
cancer8 but did not calculate the total dietary fiber intake or even the crude fiber intake. Recently,
Macquart-Moulin et al.4 found that, among other dietary factors, an increased intake of dietary
fiber was correlated with a diminished relative risk of colorectal cancer.

Table 7.5.12 Average Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables by Occupation Group (Kilograms per Capita) (INSEEs Data 19805)
Farm Farm Self-Employed Upper-Level Medium-Level White-Collar Blue-Collar
Owners Laborers Professionals Executives Executives Workers Workers Unemployed
Potatoes 57.83 50.42 48.12 29.24 44.34 42.68 64.74 69.03
Dried pulse 2.24 2.35 1.24 0.88 1.01 1.45 1.54 1.77
Vegetables 73.70 58.41 58.20 60.12 60.68 57.29 54.97 83.70
Fresh fruits 35.55 28.50 33.71 42.42 40.42 34.24 36.13 52.18
Bananas and 13.13 17.12 20.77 27.85 21.71 23.78 21.63 24.85
citrus fruits
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Table 7.5.13 Average Daily Fiber Intake (Eurostats Data6)

in Flour Equivalent Potatoes Vegetables Fruits Citrus Fruits Total
% of total that is dietary fiber 3.8 2 1.53 0.52 2
(g/day) 200 200 300 145 52
Dietary fiber (g/day) 7.6 4 4.59 0.753 1 17.8524.6

Table 7.5.14 Average Daily Fiber Intake by Occupation Groups (INSEEs Data) Calculated from Southgates Analyses
Wheat Dried
Bread Noodles Flour Rice Potatoes Pulse Vegetables Fruits Bananas Total
% of total that is dietary fiber 5.8 ? 3.8 2 2 15 1.53 0.52 2
Farm owners (g/day) 222 19 13 5.8 160 6 200 97 35
Dietary fiber 12.8 ? 0.5 0.1 3.2 0.9 46 0.52 0.7 22.726.1
Unemployed (g/day) 133 15 11 14 190 5 230 140 68
Dietary fiber 7.8 ? 0.4 0.3 3.8 0.75 4.66.9 0.72.8 1.3 19.6524.0
General average (g/day) 133 15 11 9.5 150 4 175 110 60
Dietary fiber 7.8 ? 0.4 0.2 3 0.6 2.65.2 0.552.2 1.2 16.3520.6
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Figure 7.5.1 Evolution of dietary fiber in France.9


1. Paul, A. A. and Southgate, D. A. T., McCance and Widdowsons: The Composition of Foods, Vol. 1,
Her Majestys Stationery Office, London, 1978.
2. Meyer, F. and Le Quintrec, Y., Rapports entre fibres alimentaires et constipation, Nouv. Presse Med.,
10, 2479, 1981.
3. Frexinos, J. and Allegret, M., Evaluation de la ration en fibres alimentaires dans la rgion Midi-
Pyrnes et en Nouvelle Caldonie, Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol., 4, 739, 1980.
4. Macquart-Moulin, G., Durbec, J. P., Corvee, J., Berthezene, P., and Southgate, D. A. T., Alimentation
et cancer recto-colique, Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol., 7, 277, 1983.
5. Mercier, M. A., Consommation et lieux dachat des produits alimentaires en 1980, Vol. 1, INSEE (Ser.
M, No. 99), 1983.
6. EUROSTAT, Statistiques de production agricole de la Communaut Europenne, Publiees par
O.F.C.E., 1970 a 1980.
7. Vlandas, S., Les fruits et 1gumes frais dans la restauration collective et communale. Centre technique
interprofessionel des fruits et lgumes, Documents, 27, 9, 1982.
8. Meyer, F., Relations alimentationcancer en France, Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol., 1, 971, 1977.
9. Meyer, F., Evolution de lalimentation des Franais 17811972, Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol., 1,
1043, 1977.
10. Le Quintrec, Y. and Meyer, F., Fibres alimentaires et constipation, Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol., 4, 174A
(summary), 1980.
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Fiber Consumption in Italy

Ottavio Bosello, Fabio Armellini, and Mauro Zamboni


Epidemiological and alimentary studies on the population of Italy from 1954 to 19781 have
shown a substantial increase in daily energy intake, a doubling of animal-origin proteins and animal
and plant fats, and a clear drop in carbohydrate consumption (Table 7.6.1). Research by the Istituto
Nazionale della Nutrizione (National Institute of Nutrition: INN) for the period 1980 to 1984 (Table
7.6.4) has shown a further increase in consumption of animal-origin products and a reduction in
those of plant origin. Caloric intake, on the other hand, has dropped to 19641966 values.
This gradual change in Italys traditional eating habits, going from the Mediterranean model2
to a Western diet, has also involved a decrease in dietary fiber consumption and is more accentuated
in northern Italy and less so in the south.8


The Trento Study (Table 7.6.2)

This research,* carried out in 1989, considered a representative sample of the city of Trento in
northern Italy: 1697 people, 809 males and 888 females, between 25 and 69 years of age. Systematic
sampling was performed on the resident population in the city and each of its suburbs. Food
consumption was monitored by simultaneous recording of the food consumed during meals, with
total quantity evaluation for a 7-day period.3 The diary, previously sent to the subjects residence,
was then checked and discussed with the subject by a dietitian when the diary was picked up.
Nutritional and fiber values were calculated using the food composition tables published by
the INN.4

Italian INN Study (Table 7.6.4)

The INN, in the period from 1980 to 1984, carried out sample monitoring and registration5 of
family food consumption in many zones of Italy (180 towns and cities, distributed over 9 regions).
Research involved about 10,000 families selected by random sampling of the civic lists of voters.

* Unpublished information from an epidemiological cross-sectional study by M. Miori (Departmentof Internal Medicine,
Trento Hospital) on a randomly selected sample of the population of Trento (northeast Italy) in 1989.

2001 by CRC Press LLC 605
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Table 7.6.1 Changes in Food Consumption from 1954 to 1978 in Italy1

19541956 19641966 19761978
Proteins g/day Plant 45.8 54.9 48.0
Animal 24.8 33.6 49.4
Total 70.6 88.5 97.4

Lipids g/day Plant 32.6 52.1 65.8

Animal 26.1 37.2 48.4
Total 58.7 89.3 114.2

Carbohydrates g/day Total 389.9 451.5 428.1

Energy MJ/day Total 9.4 11.9 13.3

Data were collected by a mixed weight and inventory method, employing specifically trained
dietitians. Nutritional and dietary fiber values were calculated using the INN tables.4

European Economic Community Survey (Table 7.6.3)

For the European Economic Community (EEC) Dietary Survey, research was performed in
Europe between 1963 and 1965, as part of studies to determine environmental radioactive contam-
ination levels.6 The weekly eating habits of 30 family units were studied each month for 3 years.
Research in Italy involved three regions: Friuli Venezia Giulia in northeastern Italy, Campania in
south-central Italy, and Basilicata in southern Italy. Each family weighed the food after preparation
but before cooking, thus avoiding the need to make corrections for waste. Fiber intake was
calculated, using British food composition tables,7 on the food intakes as measured.

Verona Vegetarian Study (Table 7.6.7)

This study* was performed in 1989 on 11 members of the vegetarian community in Verona
(northeastern Italy). Comparisons were made on a one-to-one basis with a group of subjects of
equal age, weight, body mass index, degree of physical activity, and sociocultural level. Nutritional
parameters were obtained using a diary with simultaneous registration of foods consumed during
meals, measured by quantity, for 7 days.3 Data were subsequently checked by a dietitian. Nutritional
and dietary fiber values were calculated using the INN tables.4


Table 7.6.2 gives a few results from the Trento study, separately for males and females and for
three age groups. Fiber intake is indicated. The table also includes both total and percentage values
for daily energy intake from each of the three main nutrients. There is a tendency for greater fiber
consumption in older age groups, both for males (21 9 g/day in the oldest age group, 17 8
g/day in the youngest) and for females (20 9 g/day in the oldest, 17 8 g/day in the youngest).
Table 7.6.3 gives total and food-group fiber consumption measured during the EEC study. These
results show that Italian fiber intake from potatoes is low (0.7 to 3.8 g per person per day) and that
from grains is high (13.4 to 14.7 g per person per day). Other European countries show a totally
opposite picture.8

* Unpublished information from a case-control study by M. Zamboni about dietary fiber consumption in lacto-ovo-
vegetarians and omnivores living in Verona (northeast Italy) in 1989.

Table 7.6.2 Mean ( SD) Daily Energy, Nutrient (as % Daily Energy), and Dietary Fiber Consumption
2387_ch7.6_fm Page 607 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:06 PM

in an Urban Northern Italian Population by Sex and Age, in 1989a

Age Number of Energy Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Dietary Fiber
Sex (Years) Subjects MJ/day (% Daily Energy) (% Daily Energy) (% Daily Energy) (g/day)
Males 2539 227 9.7 2.8 48 10 35 9 16 4 17 8
4054 204 9.3 3.1 45 10 34 9 16 3 20 9
5569 177 9.5 2.6 44 11 35 10 16 3 21 9

Females 2539 256 8.2 2.8 45 10 39 9 15 4 17 8

4054 172 8.0 2.6 44 10 38 10 16 4 17 8
5569 222 7.9 2.3 45 10 38 9 16 3 20 9
a Unpublished information from an epidemiological cross-sectional study by M. Miori (Department of Internal Medicine, Trento Hospital) on a
randomly selected sample of the population of Trento (northeast Italy) in 1989.
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Table 7.6.3 Dietary Fiber Intake from Food (g per person per day), in Three Italian Regions, 196319656
Region Cereals Vegetables Fruits and Nuts Potatoes Total
Friuli Venezia Giulia (northeast) 14.7 5.1 1.3 3.8 24.9
Campania (central) 13.4 7.7 4.3 1.6 26.9
Basilicata (south) 13.5 5.7 3.9 0.7 23.8

Table 7.6.4 Mean ( SE) Fiber, Nutrients, and

Energy Intake in Italy, 198019845
Fiber (g/day) 20.9 0.04
Protein (g/day)
Animal 59.7 0.12
Plant 38.1 0.07
Total 97.8 0.15

Lipids (g/day)
Animal 53.6 0.13
Plant 54.5 0.16
Total 108.1 0.22

Carbohydrates (g/day)
Available 325.6 0.54
Soluble 89.1 0.21

Alcohol (g/day) 17.8 0.09

Energy (MJ/day) 11.3 0.02

Table 7.6.4 gives mean values for fiber consumption and total and percentage energy intake
per nutrient for Italians as indicated by the Italian INN study. A look at four geographic areas
shows moderate variations (Table 7.6.5) from one area to another of Italy.9 Table 7.6.5 gives
interesting data regarding energy and nutrients. Whereas average total protein and lipid consumption
values show only small percentage differences with respect to totals between geographic areas,
these same consumption values vary much more when they are subdivided into plant and animal
protein and lipid values. Percentage differences in animal protein consumption, compared to the
national average (59.7 g/day) given in Table 7.6.4, range from +9% in northeastern Italy to 8%
in southern Italy. Plant protein consumption compared with the national average (38.1 g/day) ranges
from +8% in southern Italy to 13% in northwestern Italy. For animal fats, when compared with
the national average (53.6 g/day), consumption varies from +21% in northeastern Italy to 16% in
southern Italy, whereas plant fat consumption compared with the national average (54.5 g/day)
ranges from +7% in southern Italy to 17% in northwestern Italy. Data on fiber consumption
compared with the national average (20.9 g/day) show greater consumption in central (+4%) and
southern ( +6%) Italy than in the north (12 and 13 %). Table 7.6.6 illustrates this same territorial
variability phenomenon in terms of consumptions expressed as food preferences.
Table 7.6.7 gives results from a study on vegetarians (lacto-ovo-vegetarians) and nonvegetarians
(omnivores) living in a northern Italian town. The latter demonstrate eating habits practically
identical to the population at large, and this is true for fiber intake, as well. The vegetarians, on
the other hand, showed about twice the fiber intake (31.9 4.4 g/day) compared to the nonvegetar-
ians (17.3 2.3 g/day). The fiber intake of these northern Italian vegetarians is greater even than
that measured in 1980 to 1984 in the southern regions of Italy (22.2 g/day); see Table 7.6.5.
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Table 7.6.5 Percentage Intake of Fiber, Nutrients, and Energy in Four Geographic
Areas, Compared with the Whole of Italy (intake = 100), 19801984;
Actual Fiber Intake, g/day, Given in Parentheses9
Northwest Northeast Center South
Fiber 88 (18.4) 87 (18.2) 104 (21.7) 106 (22.2)
Animal 106 109 104 92
Plant 87 89 100 108
Total 99 101 102 98
Animal 120 121 103 84
Plant 83 95 100 107
Total 102 108 102 95
Available 95 99 99 103
Soluble 98 109 100 97
Alcohol 97 121 105 88

Energy 98 103 101 99


In Italy, it is practically impossible to evaluate mortality trends for cardiovascular diseases and
ischemic heart diseases, in particular. This is because many risk factors have undergone simultaneous
changes. Starting in 1970, for example, a continuous increase in fat consumption and cigarette smoking
has been counterbalanced by better control of high blood pressure, increased physical activity, and
improved health care for patients with coronary disease.10 On the other hand, there have been studies
in Italy that show the beneficial effects that fiber has on the main coronary risk factors.11,12


One study13 performed on 206 women with endometrial cancer and on 206 controls showed
that the risk for contracting this disease is higher for subjects consuming the more fat-rich diets
that are also poor in green vegetables, fruits, and whole foods. The risk for contracting endometrial
cancer appears inversely correlated to beta-carotene and fiber intake. The same authors14 have
performed a similar case-control study on stomach cancer; foods that are especially rich in fiber
and complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta, have a protective
effect with regard to stomach cancer.


Fiber consumption in Italy is higher in central than in northern regions of Italy and is even
greater in the south. These southern and central areas seem to still be fairly well tied to the
Mediterranean alimentary model, where the source of proteins and lipids is predominantly from
plants and where there is an evident preference for the consumption of vegetables, bread, pasta,
and pizza, in comparison with other Italian regions. In northern Italy, on the other hand, the influence
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of the Western diet is much stronger and fiber intake is low. A recent study that shows that, in the
same northern-Italian urban environment, there is lower fiber consumption in the younger age
groups compared to the elderly, who are presumably still tied to older, but healthier, eating habits
gives further confirmation of this change toward the so-called Western diet which is relatively low
in fiber.

Table 7.6.6 Food Preferences in Four Italian Geographical Areas, 198019849

Northwest Northeast Center South

More Frequently Consumed Food

Rice Cerealsa Tomatoes Pizza
Fresh fruit Potatoes Vegetables Pasta
Salted meats Dry fruit Citrus fruit Dry legumes
Giblets Fresh pork Beef Meat
Yogurt Poultry Preserved fish Fresh fish
Medium-fat cheese Milk Animal fats Low-fat cheese
High-fat cheese Plant fats and oils Soup preparations
Biscuits and cakes Pasta sauces
Artificial sweeteners Sugar
Dietetic products Soft drinks
Soft drinks Wine

Less Frequently Consumed Food

Pasta Bread and pizza Rice Cerealsa
Dry legumes Tomatoes for Potatoes Citrus fruit
Vegetables sauces Giblets Dry fruit and nuts
Fresh fish Fresh fruit Low-fat cheese Beef
Preserved fish Meat Plant fats and oils Pork
Whole milk Low-fat cheese Sugar and honey Salted meats
Eggs Soft drinks Poultry
Olive oil Beer Nonfat milk
Snacks Low-fat milk
Medium-fat cheese
Animal fats
Pasta sauces
Soup preparations
Biscuits and cakes
a Excluding bread, pizza, and pasta.
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Table 7.6.7 Mean ( SE) Fiber, Nutrients, and Energy Intake by Lacto-ovo-vegetarians
and Omnivores Living in a Northern Italian Town, 1989a
Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians Omnivores
Protein (g/day)
Animal 17.9 3.8 48.6 6.0
Plant 42.2 4.8 29.1 9.3
Total 60.1 5.7 77.7 7.8
Lipids (g/day)
Monounsaturated 32.8 5.3 32.6 4.7
Polyunsaturated 13.3 4.3 7.6 1.1
Saturated 23.2 3.5 28.5 4.3
Total 69.0 9.5 75.7 10.6
Carbohydrates (g/day)
Total 378.0 37.4 320.1 42.4
Fiber 31.9 4.4 17.3 2.3
Energy (MJ/day) 9.8 0.9 9.6 1.2
a Unpublished information from a case-control study by M. Zamboni about dietary fiber con-
sumption in lacto-ovo-vegetarians and omnivores living in Verona (Northeast Italy) in 1989.


1. Cialfa, E. and Mariani Costantini, A., Situazione ed evoluzione dei consumi alimentari in Italia, in
Nutrizione Umana, Fidanza, F. and Liguori, G., Eds., Idelson, Napoli, 1981.
2. Spiller, A. G., The Mediterranean Diet in Health and Disease, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1991.
3. Fidanza, F., Tecniche di rilevamento delle abitudini e dei consumi alimentari, in Nutrizione Umana,
Fidanza, F. and Liguori, G., Eds., Idelson, Napoli, 1981.
4. Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione, Tabelle di composizione degli alimenti, edizione 1988, Litho Delta,
Milano, 1989.
5. Saba, A., Turrini, A., Mistura, G., and Cialfa, E., Indagine nazionale sui consumi alimentari delle
famiglie 198084. Alcuni importanti risultati, La Rivista della Societa Italiana di Scienza dell
Alimentazione, 19(4), 53, 1990.
6. Cresta, M., Ledermann, S., Gardiner, A., Lombardo, E., and Lacourly, G., A dietary survey of 11 areas
of the E.E.C. in order to determine levels of radioactive contamination, Euratom, EUR.4218F, 1969.
7. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Household Food Consumption and Expenditure,
19501981, Annual reports of the National Food Survey Committee, Her Majestys Stationery Office,
London, 19531983.
8. Bingham, S., Patterns of Dietary Fiber Consumption in Humans, in CRC Handbook of Dietary Fiber
in Human Nutrition, Spiller, G. A., Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1986.
9. Cialfa, E., Turrini, A., and Lintas, C., A national food survey. Food balance sheets and other method-
ologies: a critical overview, Human Nutrition Reviews (ILSI), MacDonald, I., Ed., 1991, 24.
10. Menotti, A., Capocaccia, R., Farchi, F., and Pasquali, M., Recent trends in coronary heart disease and
other cardiovascular diseases in Italy, Cardiology, 72, 88, 1985.
11. Bosello, O., Ostuzzi, R., Armellini, F., Micciolo, R., and Scuro, L. A., Glucose tolerance and blood
lipids in bran fed patients with impaired glucose tolerance, Diabetes Care, 3, 46, 1980.
12. Rivellese, A., Riccardi, G., Giacco, A., et al., Reduction of risk factors for atherosclerosis in diabetic
patients treated with high-fiber diet, Prev. Med., 12(1), 128, 1983.
13. La Vecchia, C., De Carli, A., Fasoli, M., and Gentile, A., Nutrition and diet in the etiology of
endometrial cancer, Cancer, 57, 1248, 1986.
14. La Vecchia, C., Negri, E., De Carli, A., DAvanzo, B., and Franceschi, S., A case-control study of
diet and gastric cancer in northern Italy, Int. J. Cancer, 40, 484, 1987.
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Tables of Dietary Fiber and Associated Substances

Content in Food
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Appendix Table A.1

Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Sally F. Schakel, Janet Pettit, and John H. Himes

The dietary fiber table developed by the Nutrition Coordinating Center (NCC) contains values
compiled from scientific literature; the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference;135
manufacturers information; and estimated data. Estimated values were derived from (1) a
different form of the same food (e.g., raw to cooked), (2) a similar food, or (3) calculation of
recipes or formulations.
Where only two of the three fiber values were known for a food, the third was calculated using
the following formula: Total Dietary Fiber = Insoluble Fiber + Soluble Fiber. For some foods, the
three fiber values were obtained from different references and, therefore, the sum of the insoluble
and soluble fractions may not equal the value for total dietary fiber.

2001 by CRC Press LLC 615
Table A.1 Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Bread and Other Related Products

Bagel, egg 1 Medium 57.00 1.31 0.54 0.78
Bagel, oat bran 1 Medium 57.00 2.06 0.99 0.94
Bagel, pumpernickel 1 Medium 57.00 2.61 1.58 0.92
Bagel, rye 1 Medium 57.00 2.61 1.58 0.92
Bagel, white flour 1 Medium 57.00 1.31 0.80 0.51
Bagel, whole wheat 1 Medium 57.00 2.58 1.76 0.71
Biscuit, baking powder or buttermilk 1 Medium 37.00 0.59 0.22 0.31
Bread crumbs, plain 1T 6.75 0.16 0.09 0.07
Bread, Boston brown 1 Slice 45.00 2.11 1.62 0.49
Bread, cheese 1 Slice 31.10 0.49 0.18 0.26
Bread, cinnamon swirl 1 Slice 26.00 0.60 0.34 0.26
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Bread, cracked wheat 1 Slice 25.00 1.03 0.76 0.27

Bread, cracked wheat, reduced-calorie and high-fiber 1 Slice 28.00 3.36 1.67 1.40
Bread, egg 1 Slice 23.00 0.40 0.15 0.22
Bread, focaccia 1 Slice 70.50 1.35 0.47 0.69
Bread, French 1 Slice 25.00 0.67 0.25 0.42
Bread, hovis 1 Slice 28.35 0.59 0.35 0.23
Bread, Italian 1 Slice 20.00 0.54 0.20 0.34
Bread, multigrain or granola 1 Slice 26.00 1.79 1.48 0.31
Bread, multigrain or granola, reduced-calorie and high-fiber 1 Slice 26.00 3.12 1.55 1.30
Bread, oat bran 1 Slice 26.00 1.15 0.65 0.41
Bread, oatmeal 1 Slice 27.00 1.08 0.51 0.57
Bread, pumpernickel 1 Slice 26.00 1.51 0.73 0.78
Bread, raisin 1 Slice 26.00 1.12 0.86 0.26
Bread, rye (light or dark) 1 Slice 26.00 1.51 0.73 0.78
Bread, sourdough 1 Slice 25.00 0.67 0.25 0.42
Bread, wheat 1 Slice 25.00 1.03 0.76 0.27
Bread, wheat, reduced-calorie and high-fiber 1 Slice 28.00 3.36 1.67 1.40
Bread, white 1 Slice 25.00 0.57 0.32 0.25
Bread, white, reduced-calorie and high-fiber 1 Slice 29.00 3.48 1.73 1.45
Bread, whole wheat 1 Slice 28.35 1.96 1.62 0.34
Breadsticks, bread type 1 Medium 32.00 0.86 0.32 0.54
Coffee cake, quick-bread or crumb type 1 Square 84.00 0.92 0.30 0.45
Bread and Other Related Products
Coffee cake, yeast type 1 Square 39.00 0.64 0.23 0.33
Cornbread 1 Piece 60.00 1.27 1.07 0.19
Crepe, plain 1 Medium 54.90 0.42 0.17 0.25
Croissant 1 Medium 57.00 0.89 0.34 0.49
Croutons 1 C 30.00 1.53 0.86 0.66
Danish pastry 1 Medium 65.00 1.03 0.36 0.52
Doughnut, cake 1 Medium 47.00 0.59 0.23 0.32

Doughnut, raised or yeast 1 Medium 60.00 0.93 0.30 0.43

French toast 1 Slice 59.00 0.60 0.32 0.25
Muffins, blueberry 1 Medium 57.00 0.89 0.50 0.38
Muffins, bran 1 Medium 57.00 2.64 2.26 0.38
Muffins, carrot 1 Medium 57.00 0.95 0.41 0.48
Muffins, corn 1 Medium 57.00 1.23 1.00 0.23
Muffins, English muffin, white 1 Each 57.00 1.54 1.08 0.46
Muffins, English muffin, whole wheat 1 Each 66.00 4.42 3.58 0.62
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Muffins, oat bran or oatmeal 1 Medium 57.00 1.21 0.59 0.63

Pancake, white flour, frozen 1 Each 36.00 0.64 0.37 0.27
Pancake, white flour, prepared from a mix 1 Each 38.00 0.53 0.29 0.24
Pancake, white flour, prepared from a recipe 1 Each 38.00 0.38 0.15 0.22
Pancake, whole wheat 1 Each 44.00 1.83 1.56 0.27
Pita, white 1 Medium 45.00 0.99 0.45 0.54
Pita, whole wheat 1 Medium 45.00 3.33 2.62 0.45
Popover 1 Each 62.90 0.56 0.23 0.33
Rolls, cracked wheat 1 Medium 36.00 1.49 1.10 0.39
Rolls, crescent (refrigerated dough) 1 Each 28.00 0.45 0.17 0.24
Rolls, French or Vienna 1 Medium 45.00 1.21 0.45 0.76
Rolls, hamburger, wheat 1 Medium 43.00 1.78 1.32 0.46
Rolls, hamburger, white 1 Medium 43.00 1.16 0.77 0.39
Rolls, hamburger, whole wheat 1 Medium 43.00 2.97 2.45 0.52
Rolls, hard 1 Medium 50.00 1.15 0.83 0.31
Rolls, hot dog 1 Regular 43.00 1.16 0.77 0.39
Rolls, Kaiser 1 Medium 50.00 1.15 0.83 0.31
Rolls, multigrain 1 Medium 36.00 1.49 1.10 0.39
Rolls, oat bran 1 Medium 36.00 1.53 0.65 0.66
Rolls, oatmeal 1 Medium 36.00 1.08 0.47 0.52
Rolls, pumpernickel 1 Medium 36.00 2.09 1.01 1.08
Rolls, rye 1 Medium 36.00 2.09 1.01 1.08
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Bread and Other Related Products

Rolls, sourdough 1 Medium 45.00 1.21 0.45 0.76
Rolls, submarine or hoagie 1 Medium 94.00 2.82 2.01 0.81
Rolls, wheat 1 Medium 36.00 1.49 1.10 0.39
Rolls, white 1 Medium 36.00 1.08 0.68 0.40
Rolls, whole wheat 1 Medium 36.00 2.48 2.05 0.43
Scone 1 Medium 42.00 0.74 0.38 0.35
Sweet roll 1 Medium 57.00 1.06 0.28 0.42
Taco shell, hard 1 Regular 13.30 1.00 0.88 0.12
Toaster pastry or Pop-Tart 1 Regular 52.00 1.09 0.51 0.59
Tortilla, corn 1 Each 26.00 1.35 1.14 0.21
Tortilla, white flour 1 Each 43.00 1.42 0.99 0.43
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Waffles, white flour, frozen 1 Each 4 in. 39.00 0.53 0.22 0.32
Waffles, white flour, home recipe 1 Each 7 in. 95.00 0.97 0.39 0.57

Cereals Cooked
Cornmeal 1 C 240.00 2.64 2.62 0.02
Cracked wheat 1 C 242.00 6.39 5.44 0.94
Cream of rice 1 C 244.00 0.32 0.29 0.05
Cream of wheat, multigrain flavored 1 C 241.00 3.08 1.64 1.30
Creamed wheat, instant cooking 1 C 241.00 1.06 0.60 0.46
Creamed wheat, quick cooking 1 C 239.00 0.93 0.53 0.38
Creamed wheat, regular cooking 1 C 251.00 1.25 0.73 0.53
Grits 1 C 242.00 0.63 0.48 0.17
Mix N Eat Cream of Wheat, flavored 1 C 241.00 1.37 0.51 0.87
Mix N Eat Cream of Wheat, plain 1 C 241.00 0.82 0.48 0.36
Oat bran 1 C 219.00 5.67 3.02 2.65
Oatmeal, instant cooking, flavored 1 C 234.00 3.14 1.64 1.47
Oatmeal, instant cooking, plain 1 C 234.00 3.84 2.06 1.78
Oatmeal, quick cooking 1 C 234.00 3.98 2.13 1.85
Oatmeal, regular cooking 1 C 234.00 3.98 2.13 1.85
Rolled wheat 1 C 242.00 3.85 3.27 0.58
Cereals Ready-to-Eat
100% Bran (Nabisco) 1 C 87.09 24.78 22.40 2.37
All-Bran (Kelloggs) 1 C 62.00 20.03 18.44 1.59
All-Bran Bran Buds (Kelloggs) 1 C 90.09 35.95 28.20 7.51
All-Bran with Extra Fiber (Kelloggs) 1 C 52.00 26.57 24.67 1.40
Alpha-Bits (Post) 1 C 32.00 1.73 1.14 0.59
Amaranth Flakes (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 34.00 3.29 2.12 1.16

Apple & Cinnamon Toasty Os (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 40.00 2.24 1.19 1.04

Apple Cinnamon Cheerios (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 2.12 1.10 1.02
Apple Jacks K-sentials (Kelloggs) 1 C 33.00 0.63 0.37 0.25
Apple Zaps (Quaker) 1 C 30.00 1.42 1.34 0.07
Basic 4 (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 3.35 2.60 0.77
Berry Berry Kix (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 0.24 0.14 0.10
Berry Colossal Crunch (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 40.00 0.44 0.29 0.15
Betty Crocker Cinnamon Streusel (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 1.47 1.21 0.25
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Betty Crocker Dutch Apple (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 1.65 1.04 0.61
Bite Size Shredded Wheat, Sweetened (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 55.00 5.25 4.47 0.77
Bite Size Shredded Wheat (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 49.00 6.24 5.32 0.92
Body Buddies (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 0.93 0.68 0.21
Booberry (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 0.39 0.38 0.00
Bran Cereal with Apples & Cinnamon (Health Valley) 1 C 65.33 11.39 9.75 1.64
Bran Flakes (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 29.00 4.35 3.69 0.64
Bran Flakes (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 40.00 6.67 6.01 0.65
Bran Flakes (Post) 1 C 40.00 6.72 6.04 0.69
Capn Crunch (Quaker) 1 C 36.00 1.15 1.07 0.09
Capn Crunchs Crunch Berries (Quaker) 1 C 34.67 1.11 1.03 0.08
Capn Crunchs Peanut Butter Crunch (Quaker) 1 C 36.00 1.04 0.69 0.35
Cheerios (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 3.03 2.17 0.87
Cinnamon Life (Quaker) 1 C 50.00 2.95 2.23 0.70
Cinnamon Toast Crunch (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 2.00 1.70 0.30
Cocoa Blasts (Quaker) 1 C 33.00 1.41 1.34 0.06
Cocoa Comets (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 40.00 1.52 1.40 0.08
Cocoa Frosted Flakes K-sentials (Kelloggs) 1 C 41.33 0.33 0.21 0.07
Cocoa Krispies K-sentials (Kelloggs) 1 C 41.33 0.54 0.41 0.12
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Cereals Ready-to-Eat
Cocoa Pebbles (Post) 1 C 38.67 0.64 0.49 0.13
Cocoa Puffs (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 0.18 0.14 0.04
Colossal Crunch (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 40.00 1.77 1.57 0.20
Complete Oat Bran Flakes (Kelloggs) 1 C 40.00 4.83 3.25 1.58
Complete Wheat Bran Flakes (Kelloggs) 1 C 38.67 6.15 5.52 0.63
Corn Bursts (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 31.00 1.00 0.99 0.01
Corn Chex (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 1.05 0.96 0.09
Corn Flakes (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 35.00 1.99 1.78 0.17
Corn Flakes (Kelloggs) 1 C 28.00 0.78 0.66 0.06
Corn Flakes (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 30.00 1.00 0.89 0.06
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Corn Pops K-sentials (Kelloggs) 1 C 31.00 0.43 0.35 0.04

Count Chocula (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 0.45 0.35 0.10
Country Corn Flakes (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 0.45 0.29 0.10
Cracklin Oat Bran (Kelloggs) 1 C 65.33 7.77 6.28 1.48
Crispix (Kelloggs) 1 C 29.00 0.64 0.51 0.13
Crispy Puffs (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 20.00 1.40 1.11 0.29
Crispy Rice (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 30.00 0.66 0.51 0.15
Crispy Wheaties N Raisins (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 3.41 2.87 0.54
Crunchy Bran (Quaker) 1 C 36.00 6.41 6.11 0.18
Double Chex (General Mills) 1 C 24.00 0.43 0.34 0.10
Erewhon Apple Stroodles (U.S. Mills) 1 C 40.00 2.36 1.31 1.04
Erewhon Aztec (U.S. Mills) 1 C 30.00 1.17 0.83 0.34
Erewhon Banana-Os (U.S. Mills) 1 C 40.00 2.12 1.28 0.83
Erewhon Corn Flakes (U.S. Mills) 1 C 36.00 0.59 0.44 0.15
Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice, No Salt Added (U.S. Mills) 1 C 30.00 0.97 0.82 0.14
Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice (U.S. Mills) 1 C 30.00 1.29 1.10 0.19
Erewhon Fruitn Wheat (U.S. Mills) 1 C 70.67 8.00 6.97 1.04
Erewhon Galaxy Grahams (U.S. Mills) 1 C 37.33 2.93 2.48 0.44
Erewhon Kamut Flakes (U.S. Mills) 1 C 50.98 5.77 5.03 0.75
Erewhon Poppets (U.S. Mills) 1 C 30.00 1.18 1.01 0.17
Erewhon Raisin Bran (U.S. Mills) 1 C 52.00 6.01 5.26 0.74
Erewhon Wheat Flakes (U.S. Mills) 1 C 53.00 6.00 5.23 0.78
Fat-Free 10 Bran Os, Apple Cinnamon (Health Valley) 1 C 36.00 4.16 3.12 0.99
Fat-Free Honey Clusters & Flakes, Almond (Health Valley) 1 C 41.33 5.63 4.76 0.81
Fat-Free Honey Clusters & Flakes, Apple Cinnamon (Health Valley) 1 C 41.33 5.63 4.76 0.81
Fat-Free Honey Clusters & Flakes, Honey Crunch (Health Valley) 1 C 41.33 5.63 4.76 0.81
Fiber One (General Mills) 1 C 60.00 28.50 26.59 1.29
Frankenberry (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 0.39 0.38 0.00
French Toast Crunch (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 1.84 1.83 0.01
Froot Loops K-sentials (Kelloggs) 1 C 32.00 0.61 0.42 0.18
Frosted Cheerios (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 1.36 0.82 0.54
Frosted Flakers (Quaker) 1 C 41.33 1.97 1.95 0.01

Frosted Flakes (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 40.00 1.45 1.44 0.01

Frosted Flakes K-sentials (Kelloggs) 1 C 41.33 0.83 0.69 0.08
Frosted Oats (Quaker) 1 C 28.00 1.06 0.57 0.49
Frosted Shredded Wheat Bite Size (Nabisco) 1 C 52.00 4.08 3.48 0.60
Frosted Toasty Os (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 30.00 1.42 0.96 0.45
Fruit & Fiber Dates, Raisins & Walnuts (Post) 1 C 55.00 5.00 4.30 0.69
Fruitangy Ohs (Quaker) 1 C 31.00 1.41 1.31 0.10
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Fruity Pebbles (Post) 1 C 36.00 0.59 0.46 0.13

Golden Crisp (Post) 1 C 36.00 0.47 0.19 0.28
Golden Flax (Health Valley) 1 C 100.00 12.94 9.40 3.48
Golden Grahams (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 1.24 1.15 0.09
Golden Puffs (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 36.00 1.27 1.08 0.19
Grainfields Brown Rice (Weetabix) 1 C 30.00 1.38 1.18 0.20
Grainfields Corn Flakes (Weetabix) 1 C 30.00 1.71 1.53 0.15
Grainfields Crispy Rice (Weetabix) 1 C 30.00 0.72 0.56 0.16
Grainfields Raisin Bran (Weetabix) 1 C 44.00 6.14 5.36 0.77
Grape-Nuts (Post) 1 C 116.00 9.88 8.11 1.40
Grape-Nuts Flakes (Post) 1 C 38.67 4.00 3.24 0.76
Healthy Choice Almond Crunch with Raisins (Kelloggs) 1 C 58.00 4.22 3.62 0.55
Healthy Choice Golden Multi-Grain Flakes (Kelloggs) 1 C 41.33 3.89 3.46 0.41
Healthy Choice Toasted Brown Sugar Squares (Kelloggs) 1 C 54.00 4.66 3.94 0.72
Honey & Nut Toasty Os (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 30.00 1.94 1.07 0.88
Honey Bunches of Oats Honey Roasted (Post) 1 C 40.00 1.33 1.04 0.29
Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds (Post) 1 C 41.33 1.34 1.02 0.32
Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (Kelloggs) 1 C 40.00 0.88 0.78 0.10
Honey Frosted Wheaties (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 1.99 1.95 0.04
Honey Graham Ohs (Quaker) 1 C 36.00 0.94 0.84 0.09
Honey Nut Cheerios (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 1.56 1.01 0.55
Honey Nut Clusters (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 3.00 2.52 0.46
Honey Nut Oats (Quaker) 1 C 28.00 1.31 0.72 0.59
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Cereals Ready-to-Eat
Honey Nut Shredded Wheat - Bite Size (Nabisco) 1 C 52.00 4.05 3.44 0.61
Honeycomb (Post) 1 C 21.76 0.28 0.20 0.07
Just Right Fruit & Nut (Kelloggs) 1 C 60.00 3.00 2.45 0.56
Just Right with Crunchy Nuggets (Kelloggs) 1 C 56.00 2.86 2.43 0.41
Kaboom (General Mills) 1 C 24.00 1.20 0.74 0.45
Kamut Flakes (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 32.00 2.99 2.50 0.48
King Vitaman (Quaker) 1 C 20.67 0.79 0.56 0.22
Kix (General Mills) 1 C 22.51 0.61 0.39 0.22
Kretschmer Honey Crunch Wheat Germ (Quaker) 1 C 134.37 14.81 11.14 3.67
Life (Quaker) 1 C 42.67 2.73 1.75 0.99
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Lucky Charms (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 1.20 0.64 0.55

Maple Corns (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 53.00 6.04 5.85 0.11
Marshmallow Alpha-Bits (Post) 1 C 29.00 1.01 0.56 0.44
Marshmallow Blasted Froot Loops K-sentials (Kelloggs) 1 C 30.00 0.77 0.66 0.10
Marshmallow Mateys (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 30.00 1.23 0.65 0.56
Marshmallow Safari (Quaker) 1 C 40.00 1.39 0.73 0.63
Mini-Wheats - Apple Cinnamon (Kelloggs) 1 C 73.33 6.45 5.49 0.95
Mini-Wheats - Blueberry (Kelloggs) 1 C 72.00 6.34 5.39 0.93
Mini-Wheats - Frosted Bite Size (Kelloggs) 1 C 55.00 5.88 5.02 0.86
Mini-Wheats - Frosted Original (Kelloggs) 1 C 55.00 5.88 5.02 0.86
Mini-Wheats - Raisin (Kelloggs) 1 C 70.67 6.64 5.59 1.05
Mini-Wheats - Strawberry (Kelloggs) 1 C 66.67 5.87 4.99 0.86
Morning Traditions Banana Nut Crunch (Post) 1 C 59.00 4.00 3.03 0.98
Morning Traditions Blueberry Morning (Post) 1 C 44.00 1.60 1.39 0.22
Morning Traditions Cranberry Almond Crunch (Post) 1 C 55.00 3.00 2.40 0.60
Morning Traditions Great Grains Crunchy Pecan (Post) 1 C 79.46 6.00 4.60 1.41
Morning Traditions Great Grains Raisins, Dates & Pecans (Post) 1 C 80.96 6.00 4.81 1.21
Mueslix Apple & Almond Crunch (Kelloggs) 1 C 70.67 6.01 4.56 1.46
Mueslix Raisin & Almond Crunch with Dates (Kelloggs) 1 C 82.46 5.61 4.44 1.17
Multi Grain Cheerios Plus (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 1.92 1.52 0.39
Multi Grain Flakes (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 35.00 2.88 2.25 0.63
Multi-Bran Chex (General Mills) 1 C 46.40 5.60 5.35 0.24
Nature Os (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 32.00 3.00 1.92 1.07
Nutri-Grain Almond Raisin (Kelloggs) 1 C 39.20 3.14 2.87 0.27
Nutri-Grain Golden Wheat (Kelloggs) 1 C 40.00 5.04 4.63 0.41
Oat Bran Flakes (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 34.00 3.46 1.87 1.61
Oat Bran Ready-To-Eat (Quaker) 1 C 45.60 4.79 2.78 2.01
Oatmeal Crisp Almond (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 4.34 3.13 1.21
Oatmeal Crisp Apple Cinnamon (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 4.45 2.78 1.68
Oatmeal Crisp Raisin (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 3.52 2.49 1.03
Oatmeal Squares Cinnamon (Quaker) 1 C 60.00 4.56 2.54 2.02
Oatmeal Squares (Quaker) 1 C 56.00 4.26 2.54 1.71

Oreo Os (Post) 1 C 36.00 0.92 0.56 0.31

Organic Amaranth Flakes (Health Valley) 1 C 37.33 5.56 4.85 0.67
Organic Blue Corn Flakes (Health Valley) 1 C 37.33 5.50 5.29 0.11
Organic Bran with Raisins (Health Valley) 1 C 66.67 9.10 7.97 1.12
Organic Crisp Brown Rice (Health Valley) 1 C 42.67 2.24 1.93 0.32
Organic Fiber 7 Flakes (Health Valley) 1 C 37.33 5.56 4.85 0.67
Organic Healthy Fiber Flakes (Health Valley) 1 C 37.33 5.73 4.77 0.96
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Organic Oat Bran Flakes (Health Valley) 1 C 37.33 4.10 2.53 1.57
Organic Oat Bran Flakes with Raisins (Health Valley) 1 C 41.33 5.29 4.01 1.20
Organic Oat Bran Os (Health Valley) 1 C 37.33 3.07 2.03 1.04
Organic Raisin Bran Flakes (Health Valley) 1 C 44.00 5.26 4.58 0.68
Post Toasties (Post) 1 C 28.00 0.45 0.34 0.11
Product 19 (Kelloggs) 1 C 30.00 0.99 0.66 0.33
Puffed Corn (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 22.00 0.35 0.26 0.09
Puffed Corn (Health Valley) 1 C 32.00 1.74 1.72 0.01
Puffed Kamut (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 16.00 1.52 1.30 0.22
Puffed Millet (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 25.00 2.57 2.22 0.35
Puffed Rice (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 23.00 0.55 0.43 0.12
Puffed Rice (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 15.00 0.39 0.30 0.09
Puffed Rice (Quaker) 1 C 14.00 0.24 0.18 0.06
Puffed Wheat (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 25.00 2.37 2.02 0.35
Puffed Wheat (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 15.00 1.42 1.21 0.21
Puffed Wheat (Quaker) 1 C 12.00 1.13 0.60 0.53
Raisin Bran (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 54.00 8.06 7.04 0.95
Raisin Bran (Kelloggs) 1 C 61.00 8.17 7.15 1.02
Raisin Bran (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 61.00 7.99 7.09 0.89
Raisin Bran (Post) 1 C 59.00 8.14 7.26 0.88
Raisin Nut Bran (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 5.06 4.41 0.65
Real Oat Bran Almond Crunch (Health Valley) 1 C 96.00 9.62 5.22 4.36
Reeses Peanut Butter Puffs (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 0.52 0.40 0.12
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Cereals Ready-to-Eat
Rice Chex (General Mills) 1 C 31.00 0.75 0.58 0.17
Rice Krispies K-sentials (Kelloggs) 1 C 26.40 0.29 0.21 0.08
Rice Krispies Treats (Kelloggs) 1 C 40.00 0.40 0.28 0.11
Shredded Wheat (Nabisco) 1 BIS 23.00 2.25 1.89 0.37
Shredded Wheat (Quaker) 1 BIS 21.00 2.06 1.72 0.34
Shredded Wheat Spoon Size (Nabisco) 1 C 49.00 4.80 4.02 0.78
Shredded Wheatn Bran (Nabisco) 1 C 47.20 6.18 5.34 0.84
Skinners Corn Flakes (U.S. Mills) 1 C 41.98 2.98 2.96 0.03
Skinners Raisin Bran (U.S. Mills) 1 C 55.00 7.21 6.38 0.82
Smacks (Kelloggs) 1 C 36.00 1.26 1.01 0.25
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Smart Start (Kelloggs) 1 C 50.00 2.35 1.83 0.38

SMores Grahams (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 1.12 1.09 0.03
Special K (Kelloggs) 1 C 31.00 0.96 0.54 0.15
Spelt Flakes (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 30.00 3.12 2.75 0.36
Sweet Crunch (Quaker) 1 C 27.00 1.00 0.94 0.07
Toasted Oatmeal Honey Nut (Quaker) 1 C 49.00 3.33 2.32 1.00
Toasted Oatmeal Original (Quaker) 1 C 41.33 2.97 2.05 0.92
Toasty Os (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 30.00 2.43 1.31 1.12
Tootie Fruities (Malt-O-Meal) 1 C 30.00 1.00 0.73 0.28
Total (General Mills) 1 C 40.00 3.52 3.00 0.52
Total Corn Flakes (General Mills) 1 C 22.51 0.56 0.54 0.00
Total Raisin Bran (General Mills) 1 C 55.00 5.00 4.39 0.62
Trix (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 0.72 0.70 0.01
Uncle Sam (U.S. Mills) 1 C 55.00 9.87 7.88 1.99
Waffle Crisp (Post) 1 C 30.00 1.45 1.06 0.40
Wafflers Cinnamon (U.S. Mills) 1 C 44.98 1.89 1.58 0.31
Wafflers Maple (U.S. Mills) 1 C 44.98 1.89 1.58 0.31
Wafflers Original (U.S. Mills) 1 C 44.98 1.89 1.58 0.31
Wafflers Vanilla Nut (U.S. Mills) 1 C 44.98 1.89 1.58 0.31
Weetabix (Weetabix) 1 BIS 17.50 1.98 1.69 0.29
Wheat Bran (Arrowhead Mills) 1 C 64.00 27.39 25.22 2.18
Wheat Chex (General Mills) 1 C 66.67 5.65 4.83 0.83
Wheaties (General Mills) 1 C 30.00 2.10 1.38 0.72
Granola and Muesli
100% Natural Granola Oats & Honey (Grist Mill) 1 C 110.00 7.94 5.32 2.64
100% Natural Granola Oats, Honey & Raisins (Grist Mill) 1 C 110.00 8.00 5.33 2.66
100% Natural Low Fat Granola with Raisins (Quaker) 1 C 82.46 4.16 2.93 1.21
98% Fat-Free Granola Date Almond (Health Valley) 1 C 82.46 7.74 4.72 3.01
98% Fat-Free Granola Raisin Cinnamon (Health Valley) 1 C 82.46 7.74 4.72 3.01
98% Fat-Free Granola Tropical (Health Valley) 1 C 82.46 7.74 4.72 3.01

Alpen (Weetabix) 1 C 90.09 7.07 5.01 2.09

Erewhon #9 Granola with Bran (U.S. Mills) 1 C 144.14 15.08 9.20 5.94
Erewhon New England Style Granola Date Nut (U.S. Mills) 1 C 144.14 12.14 6.92 5.13
Erewhon New England Style Granola Honey Almond (U.S. Mills) 1 C 138.14 11.63 6.63 4.92
Erewhon New England Style Granola Maple (U.S. Mills) 1 C 150.15 12.64 7.21 5.35
Erewhon Spiced Apple Granola (U.S. Mills) 1 C 141.14 11.88 6.77 5.02
Erewhon Sunflower Crunch Granola (U.S. Mills) 1 C 147.15 12.39 7.06 5.24
Familia Swiss Muesli No Added Sugar 1 C 114.00 9.50 6.93 2.56
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Familia Swiss Muesli Original Recipe 1 C 120.00 10.00 7.30 2.70

Fat-Free Granola Os Almond (Health Valley) 1 C 41.33 3.67 2.48 1.19
Fat-Free Granola Os Apple Cinnamon (Health Valley) 1 C 41.33 3.67 2.48 1.19
Fat-Free Granola Os Honey Crunch (Health Valley) 1 C 41.33 3.67 2.48 1.19
Heartland Granola Original (Pet) 1 C 128.00 8.84 5.20 3.64
Heartland Granola Raisin (Pet) 1 C 128.00 8.84 5.20 3.64
Low Fat Alpen (Weetabix) 1 C 90.09 7.43 5.22 2.18
Low Fat Granola (Kelloggs) 1 C 98.00 5.78 4.04 1.73
Low Fat Granola with Raisins (Kelloggs) 1 C 89.96 5.40 3.73 1.64
Mountain House Granola with Blueberries (Oregon Freeze Dry) 1 C 110.00 7.94 4.76 3.20
Nature Valley Low Fat Fruit Granola (General Mills) 1 C 82.46 5.11 2.90 2.19
Sun Country Granola with Almonds (Quaker) 1 C 114.00 5.93 3.52 2.41
Sun Country Granola with Raisins & Dates (Quaker) 1 C 120.00 7.20 4.24 2.93
Vita Crunch Granola Almond (Organic Milling Company) 1 C 73.33 5.28 3.49 1.80
Vita Crunch Granola Light & Crunchy 7 Grain (Organic Milling Company) 1 C 73.33 4.88 3.21 1.69
Vita Crunch Granola Raisin (Organic Milling Company) 1 C 73.33 4.88 3.21 1.69
Vita Crunch Granola Tropical (Organic Milling Company) 1 C 73.33 5.28 3.49 1.80
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Butter 1 Round 3.00 0.05 0.02 0.03
Cheese 1 Round 3.00 0.07 0.04 0.03
Crispbread rye 1 Wafer 10.00 0.27 0.11 0.16
Flatbread 1 Each 5.80 0.16 0.06 0.09
Matzo or matzoh, plain 1 Each 28.35 0.85 0.37 0.37
Matzo or matzoh, egg 1 Each 28.35 0.77 0.30 0.47
Matzo or matzoh, whole wheat 1 Each 28.35 0.85 0.37 0.37
Melba toast 1 Rectangle 5.00 0.13 0.05 0.08
Oyster 1 Each 1.00 0.04 0.03 0.01
Rye wafer, plain 1 Wafer 11.00 0.30 0.12 0.18
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Rye wafer, seasoned 1 Wafer 11.00 0.50 0.25 0.25

Saltine or soda, white 1 Each 3.00 0.12 0.08 0.04
Saltine or soda, whole wheat 1 Each 3.00 0.11 0.07 0.04
Wheat 1 Square 2.00 0.09 0.07 0.02
Whole wheat 1 Each 4.00 0.15 0.09 0.06
Zwieback 1 Each 7.00 0.08 0.03 0.05

Snacks and Chips

Bagel chip 1 oz 28.35 1.05 0.36 0.39
Cereal bar 1 Bar 37.00 1.00 0.60 0.41
Cereal party mix, commercial 1 C 44.78 1.80 1.44 0.36
Cereal party mix, homemade 1 C 70.50 4.05 3.13 0.92
Cheese balls, puffs or twists 1 oz 28.35 1.38 1.37 0.01
Corn chip 1 oz 28.35 1.36 1.35 0.01
Corn nuts 1 C 84.08 5.80 5.75 0.05
Fried pork rinds 1 oz 28.35 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fruit bar 1 Bar 15.00 1.55 0.72 0.83
Granola bars, chocolate-coated 1 Bar 27.80 1.17 0.89 0.27
Granola bars, plain bar (no coating), flavors other than peanut butter 1 Bar 23.50 0.99 0.75 0.23
Granola bars, plain bar (no coating), peanut butter 1 Bar 23.50 1.14 0.65 0.50
Onion flavored rings 1 oz 28.35 1.66 1.64 0.01
Popcorn cake 1 Each 10.00 0.42 0.39 0.03
Popcorn, caramel or sugar-coated 1 C 35.20 1.13 1.00 0.12
Popcorn, cheese-flavored 1 C 11.00 1.13 1.09 0.04
Popcorn, commercially popped (prepopped), not buttered 1 C 11.00 1.22 1.18 0.04
Popcorn, home-popped, hot-air-popped 1 C 8.00 1.21 1.17 0.04
Popcorn, home-popped, popped in fat 1 C 12.80 1.21 1.17 0.04
Popcorn, microwave popped from package 1 C 9.00 0.83 0.80 0.02
Potato chip 1 oz 28.35 1.31 0.56 0.75
Potato sticks 1 C 36.00 1.22 0.52 0.70
Pretzels, hard type 1 oz 28.35 0.91 0.65 0.26

Rice cake 1 Each 9.00 0.38 0.36 0.03

Taco or tortilla chips 1 oz 28.35 1.68 1.67 0.01

Pasta, Rice, and Other Grains

Amaranth, dry 1 C 195.00 29.64 20.16 9.48
Barley, cooked 1 C 157.00 8.53 6.67 1.85
Barley, dry 1 C 200.00 31.20 24.40 6.80
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Bran, corn, dry 1 C 76.00 64.96 61.60 1.60

Bran, oat bran, dry 1 C 94.00 14.48 7.71 6.77
Bran, rice, dry 1 C 118.00 24.78 21.59 3.19
Bran, wheat (unprocessed) 1 C 58.00 24.80 22.88 1.92
Buckwheat groats, dry 1 C 164.00 16.89 14.55 2.31
Bulgur, dry 1 C 140.00 25.62 21.31 4.28
Bulgur, canned 1 C 135.00 5.87 4.89 0.99
Bulgur, home-cooked 1 C 182.00 7.94 6.59 1.33
Corn grits, dry 1 C 156.00 2.50 1.87 0.62
Cornmeal, dry 1 C 138.00 10.21 10.13 0.08
Couscous, cooked 1 C 157.00 2.68 2.07 0.61
Couscous, dry 1 C 173.00 8.65 6.71 1.94
Flour, arrowroot 1 C 128.00 4.35 4.22 0.13
Flour, baking mix 1 C 113.40 1.47 1.10 0.37
Flour, barley 1 C 148.00 14.95 11.69 3.26
Flour, barley bran 1 C 148.00 99.97 95.70 4.29
Flour, barley malt 1 C 162.00 11.50 8.99 2.51
Flour, buckwheat 1 C 120.00 12.00 10.34 1.66
Flour, cake or pastry 1 C 137.00 2.33 0.95 1.38
Flour, chickpea 1 C 92.00 9.94 7.84 2.09
Flour, corn 1 C 114.00 10.94 6.09 4.86
Flour, peanut, defatted 1 C 60.00 9.48 6.87 2.61
Flour, peanut, low-fat 1 C 60.00 9.48 6.87 2.61
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Pasta, Rice, and Other Grains

Flour, potato 1 C 160.00 9.44 4.32 5.12
Flour, rice, brown 1 C 158.00 7.27 6.19 1.07
Flour, rice, white 1 C 158.00 3.79 2.95 0.84
Flour, rye 1 C 102.00 14.89 10.91 3.98
Flour, soy, defatted 1 C 100.00 17.50 9.63 7.88
Flour, soy, full-fat 1 C 84.00 8.06 4.44 3.63
Flour, soy, low-fat 1 C 88.00 8.98 3.43 5.54
Flour, triticale, whole grain 1 C 130.00 18.98 15.48 3.48
Flour, white all-purpose 1 C 125.00 3.37 1.37 2.00
Flour, whole wheat 1 C 120.00 14.64 12.48 2.16
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Hominy, canned 1 C 165.00 4.13 2.34 1.78

Kasha, cooked 1 C 168.00 5.29 4.57 0.72
Millet, dry 1 C 200.00 17.00 13.82 3.18
Millet, cooked 1 C 240.00 6.48 5.26 1.22
Oatmeal, dry 1 C 81.00 8.59 4.62 3.97
Pasta, macaroni noodles, white, cooked 1 C 140.00 1.82 0.70 1.12
Pasta, macaroni noodles, whole wheat, cooked 1 C 140.00 3.92 3.08 0.84
Pasta, noodles, cellophane, cooked 1 C 160.00 1.60 1.23 0.34
Pasta, noodles, Chinese, soft type, cooked 1 C 176.00 2.29 0.88 1.41
Pasta, noodles, chow fun rice, cooked 1 C 160.00 1.60 1.23 0.34
Pasta, noodles, chow mein, crisp type 1 C 45.00 1.75 0.71 1.04
Pasta, noodles, egg, cooked 1 C 160.00 1.76 0.96 0.80
Pasta, noodles, rice, cooked 1 C 176.00 1.76 1.36 0.37
Pasta, noodles, whole wheat, cooked 1 C 160.00 4.48 3.52 0.96
Pasta, spaghetti noodles, white, cooked 1 C 140.00 1.82 0.70 1.12
Pasta, spaghetti noodles, whole wheat, cooked 1 C 140.00 3.92 3.08 0.84
Quinoa, cooked 1 C 158.00 9.32 8.06 1.26
Quinoa, dry 1 C 170.00 10.03 8.67 1.36
Rice, brown, cooked 1 C 195.00 3.51 3.28 0.23
Rice, white, instant (precooked), cooked 1 C 165.00 0.66 0.48 0.18
Rice, white, parboiled (converted), cooked 1 C 175.00 0.70 0.51 0.19
Rice, white, regular cooking, cooked 1 C 158.00 0.63 0.46 0.17
Sorghum 1 C 192.00 26.53 18.47 8.06
Tapioca, dry 1 C 152.00 1.37 1.22 0.15
Teff, dry 1 C 198.00 26.73 21.72 5.01
Wheat, cracked whole wheat 1 C 135.00 16.47 14.04 2.43
Wheat, germ 1 C 113.00 14.58 10.96 3.62
Wheat, gluten 1 C 413.99 12.42
Wheat, spelt 1 C 120.00 13.68 12.12 1.56
Wheat, sprouted 1 C 108.00 1.19 0.98 0.19
Wild rice, cooked 1 C 164.00 2.95 2.62 0.33

Apple, fresh, with skin 1 Medium 138.00 3.73 2.76 0.97
Apple, fresh, without skin 1 Medium 128.00 2.43 1.66 0.77
Apple, baked or scalloped, with skin, sweetened 1 C 190.00 4.94 3.61 1.33
Apple, baked or scalloped, with skin, unsweetened 1 C 187.00 5.42 4.02 1.40
Apple, dried, uncooked 1 C 86.00 7.48 3.44 4.04
Applesauce or stewed apples, canned, sweetened 1 C 255.00 3.06 2.09 0.97
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Applesauce or stewed apples, canned, unsweetened 1 C 244.00 2.93 2.00 0.93

Apricot, fresh 1 C 155.00 3.72 1.70 2.01
Apricot, canned, water pack 1 C 243.00 3.89 2.21 1.68
Apricot, canned, heavy syrup pack 1 C 258.00 4.13 2.58 1.55
Apricot, dried, uncooked 1 C 130.00 11.70 5.98 5.72
Apricot, dried, cooked, unsweetened 1 C 250.00 8.00 3.85 4.15
Avocado, black skin, California type 1 Each 173.00 8.65 5.54 3.11
Banana, fresh or ripe 1 Medium 118.00 2.83 2.12 0.71
Blackberries, fresh 1 C 144.00 7.63 6.19 1.44
Blueberries, fresh 1 C 145.00 3.91 3.48 0.43
Cantaloupe, fresh 1 C 160.00 1.28 0.96 0.32
Carambola (starfruit), fresh 1 C 108.00 2.92 1.62 1.30
Cherries, fresh 1 C 145.00 3.33 2.32 1.01
Cherries, canned, heavy syrup pack 1 C 253.00 3.79 2.66 1.14
Cherries, maraschino cherries 1 C 161.00 1.45 1.01 0.43
Cranberries, fresh 1 C 95.00 3.99 2.94 1.04
Cranberries, dried (Craisins) 1 C 120.12 6.01 4.44 1.56
Dates 1 C 178.00 13.35 11.21 2.14
Elderberries, fresh 1 C 145.00 10.15 8.24 1.91
Figs, fresh 1 C 177.00 5.84 2.83 3.01
Figs, canned, heavy syrup pack 1 C 259.00 5.70 2.77 2.93
Figs, dried, uncooked 1 C 199.00 24.28 16.32 7.96
Fruit cocktail, canned, water pack 1 C 237.00 2.37 1.47 0.90
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Fruit cocktail, canned, juice pack 1 C 237.00 2.37 0.95 1.42
Fruit cocktail, canned, heavy syrup pack 1 C 248.00 2.48 0.99 1.49
Gooseberries, fresh 1 C 150.00 6.45 5.10 1.35
Gooseberries, canned 1 C 252.00 6.05 4.03 2.02
Grapefruit, fresh, white 1 Medium 256.00 2.82 0.51 2.30
Grapefruit, fresh, pink or red 1 Medium 256.00 2.82 0.51 2.30
Grapefruit, canned, water pack 1 C 244.00 0.98 0.37 0.61
Grapefruit, canned, syrup pack 1 C 254.00 1.02 0.18 0.84
Grapes, fresh 1 C 160.00 1.60 0.96 0.64
Guava, fresh common 1 C 165.00 8.91 7.42 1.48
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Honeydew melon, fresh 1 C 170.00 1.02 0.68 0.34

Kiwi 1 Medium 76.00 2.58 1.98 0.61
Kumquat, fresh 1 Each 19.00 1.25 0.80 0.46
Lemon, fresh 1 Medium 58.00 1.62 0.61 1.01
Loganberries, fresh 1 C 147.00 7.20 6.47 0.73
Mandarin orange, fresh 1 C 195.00 4.48 2.73 1.75
Mandarin orange, canned, syrup pack 1 C 252.00 1.76 1.26 0.50
Mango, fresh 1 Each 207.00 3.73 2.19 1.53
Nectarine, fresh 1 Medium 136.00 2.18 1.36 0.82
Orange, fresh 1 Medium 131.00 3.14 1.31 1.83
Papaya, fresh 1 C 140.00 2.52 1.27 1.25
Passion fruit, fresh 1 Each 18.00 1.87 0.53 1.34
Peach, fresh 1 Medium 98.00 1.96 1.18 0.78
Peach, canned, water pack 1 C 244.00 3.17 1.98 1.20
Peach, canned, heavy syrup pack 1 C 262.00 3.41 2.04 1.36
Peach, dried, uncooked 1 C 160.00 13.12 7.04 6.08
Peach, dried, cooked, unsweetened 1 C 258.00 6.97 3.74 3.22
Pear, fresh 1 Medium 166.00 3.98 1.83 2.16
Pear, canned, water pack 1 C 244.00 3.90 3.12 0.78
Pear, canned, heavy syrup pack 1 C 266.00 4.26 1.97 2.29
Pear, dried, uncooked 1 C 180.00 13.50 8.10 5.40
Pear, dried, cooked, unsweetened 1 C 255.00 16.32 7.47 8.82
Persimmon, fresh 1 Each 168.00 6.05 5.26 0.79
Pineapple, fresh 1 C 155.00 1.86 1.70 0.15
Pineapple, canned, juice pack 1 C 249.00 1.99 1.49 0.50
Pineapple, canned, light syrup pack 1 C 252.00 2.02 1.51 0.50
Plantains, ripe, boiled or baked 1 C 154.00 3.54 2.77 0.77
Plum, fresh 1 C 165.00 2.47 1.15 1.32
Plum, canned, heavy syrup pack 1 C 258.00 2.58 1.21 1.37
Pomegranate 1 Each 154.00 0.92 0.75 0.17
Prune, dried, uncooked 1 C 170.00 12.07 5.61 6.46
Prune, dried, cooked, unsweetened 1 C 248.00 16.37 12.15 4.22

Raisins, uncooked 1 C 155.00 6.20 4.49 1.70

Raspberries, fresh 1 C 123.00 8.36 7.50 0.86
Raspberries, frozen, sweetened 1 C 250.00 11.00 9.75 1.25
Rhubarb, cooked from fresh, sweetened 1 C 240.00 4.80 3.60 1.20
Rhubarb, cooked from fresh, unsweetened 1 C 240.00 3.36 2.16 1.20
Sapodilla, fresh 1 Each 170.00 13.94 9.01 4.93
Strawberries, fresh 1 C 144.00 3.31 2.45 0.86
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Strawberries, frozen, sweetened 1 C 255.00 4.84 3.57 1.27

Watermelon, fresh 1 Slice 286.00 1.43 0.86 0.57

Apple juice 1 C 248.00 0.25 0.17 0.07
Apricot nectar 1 C 251.00 1.51 0.75 0.75
Black currant juice 1 C 250.00 1.50 0.52 0.97
Carrot juice 1 C 236.00 1.89 1.37 0.52
Cranberry juice 1 C 253.00 0.25 0.18 0.08
Cranapple juice 1 C 245.00 0.24 0.15 0.05
Grape juice 1 C 253.00 0.25 0.00 0.25
Grapefruit juice 1 C 250.00 0.25 0.05 0.20
Lemon juice 1 C 244.00 0.98 0.24 0.73
Orange juice 1 C 249.00 0.50 0.25 0.25
Papaya juice 1 C 247.00 1.48 0.79 0.69
Passion fruit juice 1 C 247.00 0.49 0.15 0.35
Peach nectar 1 C 249.00 1.49 0.40 1.10
Pineapple juice 1 C 250.00 0.50 0.25 0.25
Prune juice 1 C 256.00 2.56 1.28 1.28
Tomato juice 1 C 243.00 0.97 0.44 0.53
Vegetable juice 1 C 242.00 1.94 1.45 0.48
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Vegetables and Legumes

Artichoke, regular globe, cooked 1C 168.00 9.07 2.47 6.60
Arugula, raw 1C 20.00 0.32 0.27 0.05
Asparagus, cooked 1C 180.00 2.88 1.44 1.44
Asparagus, canned, drained 1C 242.00 3.87 2.90 0.97
Bamboo shoots, canned, drained 1C 131.00 1.83 1.31 0.52
Basil, fresh 1T 2.65 0.10
Beans, baked beans with pork in tomato sauce 1C 253.00 12.14 7.08 5.06
Beans, baked beans with pork in brown sugar 1C 253.00 13.16 8.10 5.06
Beans, baked beans, vegetarian 1C 254.00 12.55 7.57 4.39
Beans, bayo, cooked 1C 172.00 5.76 3.49 2.27
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Beans, garbanzo, cooked from dried 1C 164.00 12.46 9.84 2.62

Beans, green or string, cooked from fresh 1C 125.00 3.75 2.12 1.62
Beans, green or string, cooked from frozen 1C 135.00 4.05 2.29 1.75
Beans, green or string, canned, drained 1C 135.00 2.56 1.62 0.94
Beans, kidney, cooked from dried 1C 177.00 11.33 5.66 5.66
Beans, lima, cooked from dried 1C 188.00 13.16 6.20 6.96
Beans, lima, cooked from frozen 1C 170.00 9.86 7.14 2.72
Beans, navy, cooked from dried 1C 182.00 11.65 7.28 4.37
Beans, northern, cooked from dried 1C 177.00 11.15 8.32 2.83
Beans, pinto, cooked from dried 1C 171.00 14.71 10.94 3.76
Beans, refried beans, canned 1C 252.00 13.36 9.20 4.18
Beans, soybeans, cooked from dried 1C 172.00 10.32 5.68 4.64
Beans, soybeans, green or immature, cooked 1C 180.00 7.56 4.16 3.40
Beans, soybeans, roasted 1C 172.00 30.44 16.75 13.69
Beans, tepary, cooked 1C 262.00 13.36
Beans, wax or yellow, cooked from fresh 1C 125.00 3.75 2.12 1.62
Beans, wax or yellow, cooked from frozen 1C 135.00 4.05 2.29 1.75
Beans, wax or yellow, canned, drained 1C 135.00 1.75 0.81 0.94
Beets, cooked from fresh 1C 170.00 3.40 1.36 2.04
Beets, canned. drained 1C 170.00 2.89 1.53 1.36
Beet greens, raw 1C 38.00 1.41 0.99 0.42
Beet greens, cooked 1C 144.00 4.18 2.29 1.89
Broccoflower (green cauliflower), raw 1C 64.00 2.05 1.02 1.02
Broccoflower (green cauliflower), cooked 1C 82.00 2.71 1.53 1.18
Broccoli, raw 1C 88.00 2.64 1.69 0.95
Broccoli, cooked from fresh 1C 156.00 4.68 2.34 2.34
Broccoli, cooked from frozen 1C 184.00 5.52 2.76 2.76
Brussels sprouts, cooked 1C 155.00 6.35 2.48 3.88
Cabbage, green, raw 1C 89.00 2.05 1.33 0.71
Cabbage, green, cooked 1C 150.00 3.45 1.90 1.54
Cabbage, red, raw 1C 89.00 1.78 0.96 0.82
Cabbage, red, cooked 1C 150.00 3.00 1.68 1.32

Carrots, raw 1C 110.00 3.30 1.65 1.65

Carrots, cooked from fresh 1C 156.00 5.15 2.96 2.18
Carrots, cooked from frozen 1C 146.00 4.82 2.77 2.04
Carrots, canned, drained 1C 146.00 2.19 0.73 1.46
Cassava (yuca), cooked 1C 132.00 1.53 0.92 0.61
Cauliflower, raw 1C 100.00 2.50 1.60 0.90
Cauliflower, cooked from fresh 1C 125.00 3.37 2.50 0.87
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Cauliflower, cooked from frozen 1C 180.00 4.86 3.60 1.26

Celeriac or celery root, cooked 1C 155.00 1.86 0.98 0.88
Celery, raw 1C 120.00 2.04 1.32 0.72
Celery, cooked 1C 150.00 2.40 1.65 0.75
Chard, cooked 1C 175.00 3.67 3.66 0.61
Chinese cabbage, Pak-choi, raw 1C 70.00 0.70 0.38 0.32
Chinese cabbage, Pak-choi, cooked 1C 170.00 2.72 1.70 1.02
Chinese cabbage, Pe-tsai, raw 1C 76.00 2.36 1.90 0.46
Chinese cabbage, Pe-tsai, cooked 1C 119.00 3.21 1.49 1.73
Chinese vegetables, canned, drained 1C 125.49 1.42 0.88 0.53
Chives, raw 1T 3.00 0.07 0.05 0.02
Collards, raw 1C 36.00 1.30 0.51 0.78
Collards, cooked 1C 190.00 5.32 2.09 3.23
Coriander leaf, fresh 1T 2.88 0.08 0.03 0.05
Coriander leaf, dried 1 TS 0.60 0.06 0.02 0.04
Corn, cooked from fresh, cob 1 Medium 100.00 2.80 2.30 0.50
Corn, cooked from frozen, whole kernel 1C 164.00 3.94 3.44 0.49
Corn, canned, drained 1C 164.00 3.28 2.95 0.33
Cucumber, raw with peel 1C 104.00 0.83 0.62 0.21
Cucumber, raw without peel 1C 119.00 0.83 0.62 0.21
Dill weed, fresh 1T 0.56 0.01 0.01 0.00
Eggplant, cooked 1C 99.00 2.47 1.78 0.69
Endive (curly), raw 1C 29.00 0.90 0.64 0.26
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Vegetables and Legumes

Endive (curly), cooked 1C 130.00 5.19 3.68 1.51
Fennel bulb, raw 1C 87.00 2.70 1.74 0.96
Garlic, fresh 1 TS 2.83 0.06 0.01 0.05
Ginger root, raw 1C 96.00 1.92
Hearts of palm, canned 1C 146.00 3.50
Jicama or yambean, raw 1C 130.00 6.37 3.07 3.30
Jicama or yambean, cooked 1C 135.20 2.57 1.46 1.11
Kale, cooked 1C 130.00 2.60 1.17 1.43
Kohlrabi, raw 1C 135.00 4.86 1.48 3.38
Kohlrabi, cooked 1C 165.00 1.81 0.56 1.25
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Lentils, cooked from dried 1C 198.00 15.64 14.45 1.19

Lettuce, iceberg 1C 55.00 0.77 0.66 0.11
Lettuce, romaine or cos 1C 56.00 0.95 0.62 0.34
Mixed vegetables (corn, lima beans, peas, green beans, and carrots), 1C 182.00 8.01 4.19 3.82
cooked from frozen
Mixed vegetables (corn, lima beans, peas, green beans, and carrots), 1C 182.00 5.46 4.37 1.09
canned, drained
Mixed vegetables (peas and carrots), cooked from frozen 1C 160.00 4.96 3.26 1.70
Mixed vegetables (peas and carrots), canned, drained 1C 160.00 4.48 3.28 1.20
Mushrooms, raw 1C 70.00 0.84 0.70 0.14
Mushrooms, cooked from fresh 1C 156.00 3.43 3.12 0.31
Mushrooms, canned, drained 1C 156.00 3.74 3.43 0.31
Okra, cooked 1C 184.00 5.15 3.13 2.02
Onion, white, yellow, or red, raw 1C 160.00 2.88 1.12 1.76
Onion, white, yellow, or red, cooked 1C 210.00 2.94 0.84 2.10
Parsley, fresh 1T 3.75 0.12 0.02 0.10
Parsnip, cooked 1C 156.00 6.24 2.65 3.59
Peas, green peas, cooked 1C 160.00 8.80 6.24 2.56
Peas, green peas, canned, drained 1C 170.00 6.97 6.12 0.85
Peas, cowpeas, cooked from dried 1C 172.00 11.18 9.80 1.38
Peas, cowpeas, cooked from fresh 1C 165.00 8.25 7.36 0.89
Peas, snow peas or edible pea pods, cooked 1C 160.00 4.48 3.36 1.12
Peas, split peas, yellow or green, cooked from dried 1C 196.00 16.27 14.11 2.16
Peas, split peas, yellow or green, canned, drained 1 C 196.00 16.27 14.11 2.16
Peppers, green pepper sweet, raw 1 C 149.00 2.68 1.64 1.04
Peppers, green pepper sweet, cooked 1 C 184.00 2.21 0.74 1.47
Peppers, red sweet, raw 1 C 149.00 2.98 1.94 1.04
Peppers, red sweet, cooked 1 C 184.00 2.21 0.92 1.29
Peppers, yellow sweet, raw 1 C 149.00 1.34 0.85 0.49
Peppers, yellow sweet, cooked 1 C 184.00 1.73 1.09 0.63
Peppers, hot chili, green, raw 1 C 150.00 2.25 1.38 0.87
Peppers, hot chili, green, cooked from fresh 1 C 136.00 2.04 0.68 1.36

Peppers, hot chili, green, canned, drained 1 C 139.00 2.36 0.79 1.57
Peppers, hot chili, red, raw 1 C 150.00 2.25 1.38 0.87
Peppers, hot chili, red, cooked from fresh 1 C 136.00 2.12 1.31 0.82
Peppers, hot chili, red, canned, drained 1 C 136.00 1.77 0.60 1.17
Peppers, hot chili, sun-dried 1 C 37.00 10.62
Peppers, jalapeno pepper, raw 1 C 90.00 2.52 1.54 0.98
Peppers, jalapeno pepper, cooked from fresh 1 C 136.00 3.96 2.42 1.54
Peppers, jalapeno pepper, canned, drained 1 C 136.00 3.54 1.18 2.35
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Potato, baked, skin eaten 1 C 122.00 2.93 1.71 1.22

Potato, baked, skin not eaten 1 C 127.00 1.90 0.60 1.31
Potato, boiled, with skin 1 C 156.00 3.01 1.76 1.25
Potato, boiled, without skin 1 C 156.00 2.81 1.20 1.61
Potato, canned, drained 1 C 180.00 4.52 0.99 3.53
Pumpkin, canned 1 C 245.00 7.10 6.13 0.98
Radicchio, raw 1 C 40.00 0.36 0.18 0.18
Radish, raw 1 C 116.00 1.86 1.39 0.46
Rutabaga, cooked 1 C 170.00 3.06 2.55 0.51
Sauerkraut 1 C 236.00 5.90 3.85 2.05
Scallions or spring onions, raw 1 C 100.00 2.60 1.01 1.59
Scallions or spring onions, cooked 1 C 219.00 5.50 2.63 2.87
Spinach, raw 1 C 30.00 0.81 0.57 0.24
Spinach, cooked from fresh 1 C 180.00 5.40 4.32 1.08
Spinach, cooked from frozen 1 C 205.00 6.15 4.92 1.23
Spinach, canned, drained 1 C 214.00 5.14 3.85 1.28
Sprouts, alfalfa 1 C 33.00 0.82 0.63 0.20
Sprouts, mung bean, cooked from fresh 1 C 124.00 0.99 0.37 0.62
Sprouts, mung bean, canned, drained 1 C 125.00 1.00 0.52 0.47
Sprouts, soybean, raw 1 C 70.00 0.77 0.41 0.36
Squash, acorn, cooked 1 C 245.00 10.78 4.63 6.15
Squash, butternut, cooked 1 C 240.00 3.36 1.92 1.44
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Vegetables and Legumes

Squash, chayote, cooked 1 C 160.00 4.48 3.52 0.96
Squash, hubbard, cooked 1 C 236.00 6.61 2.83 3.78
Squash, spaghetti, cooked 1 C 155.00 2.17 0.93 1.24
Squash, zucchini, raw 1 C 113.00 1.36 0.79 0.56
Squash, zucchini, cooked 1 C 180.00 2.52 1.44 1.08
Squash, summer-type (green or yellow), raw 1 C 113.00 1.58 1.24 0.34
Squash, summer-type (green or yellow), cooked 1 C 180.00 2.52 1.98 0.54
Squash, winter-type (dark green or orange), cooked 1 C 240.00 6.72 2.88 3.84
Sweet potato, cooked 1 C 255.00 7.65 4.84 2.80
Sweet potato, canned, syrup-packed, drained 1 C 196.00 5.88 2.25 3.63
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Sweet potato, canned, vacuum-packed 1 C 200.00 3.60 2.22 1.38

Tomatillo, raw 1 C 132.00 2.51 2.28 0.22
Tomato, raw 1 C 180.00 1.98 1.80 0.18
Tomato, canned 1 C 240.00 2.40 1.44 0.96
Tomato, green, raw 1 C 180.00 1.98 1.80 0.18
Tomato, orange, raw 1 C 158.00 1.42 1.30 0.13
Tomato, paste 1 C 262.00 10.74 8.59 2.15
Tomato, puree 1 C 250.00 5.00 3.00 2.00
Tomato, sun-dried, dry pack 1 C 54.00 6.64 6.04 0.60
Tomato, sun-dried, oil pack, drained 1 C 110.00 6.38 5.80 0.58
Tomato, yellow, raw 1 C 139.00 0.97 0.89 0.08
Turnip, cooked 1 C 155.00 3.10 1.98 1.12
Turnip greens, cooked 1 C 144.00 5.04 2.76 2.28
Water chestnuts, canned 1 C 140.00 3.08 1.83 1.25
Watercress, raw 1 C 34.00 0.51 0.24 0.27
Yams, cooked 1 C 255.00 7.65 4.84 2.80
Yams, canned, syrup-packed, drained 1 C 196.00 5.88 2.25 3.63
Yams, canned, vacuum-packed 1 C 200.00 3.60 2.22 1.38

Meat Substitutes
Bacon bits, textured vegetable protein 1T 7.00 0.56 0.40 0.16
Breakfast strips, textured vegetable protein 1 Strip 8.00 0.21 0.12 0.09
Canadian-style bacon, soy product 1 oz 28.35 0.13 0.05 0.04
Hamburger/ground beef substitute meatless 1 oz 28.35 0.18 0.00 0.00
Hot dogs, frankfurters, or wieners substitute meatless 1 oz 28.35 1.73 0.93 0.80
Sausage, breakfast or brown-and-serve, substitute meatless, link 1 oz 28.35 0.20 0.08 0.07
Sausage, breakfast or brown-and-serve, substitute meatless, patty 1 oz 28.35 0.24 0.10 0.08
Tempeh (fermented soybean product) 1 oz 28.35 2.92 1.61 1.32
Textured vegetable protein, from dry 1 C 94.05 9.21 6.63 2.59
Textured vegetable protein, from frozen 1 oz 28.35 0.21 0.12 0.09
Tofu (soybean curd) 1 oz 28.35 0.06 0.03 0.03

Vegetable burger 1 oz 28.35 0.68 0.42 0.27

Nuts and Seeds

Almonds 1C 142.00 15.90 14.34 1.56
Almond butter 1T 15.63 0.58 0.52 0.06
Almond paste 1T 14.19 0.77 0.70 0.08
Brazil nuts 1C 140.00 7.56 5.74 1.82
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Cashews 1C 130.00 4.94 4.50 0.44

Cashew butter 1T 16.00 0.32 0.29 0.03
Chestnuts 1C 143.00 16.73 13.16 3.57
Coconut, dried (shredded or flaked), sweetened 1C 74.00 3.33 3.05 0.28
Coconut, dried (shredded or flaked), unsweetened 1C 80.00 13.04 11.92 1.12
Coconut, fresh 1 Medium 397.00 35.73 31.76 3.97
Filberts or hazelnuts 1C 135.00 8.23 4.86 3.38
Flax seeds 1C 114.00 25.46 11.57 13.89
Trail mix (nuts, seeds, and dried fruit) 1C 150.00 11.13 9.09 2.05
Hickory nuts 1C 120.00 7.68 5.88 1.80
Macadamia nuts 1C 134.00 12.46 9.92 2.55
Mixed nuts with peanuts 1C 142.00 12.78 10.22 2.56
Mixed nuts without peanuts 1C 144.00 7.92 6.61 1.31
Peanuts 1C 144.00 13.25 10.51 2.74
Peanut butter 1T 16.13 0.95 0.69 0.26
Pecans 1C 108.00 8.21 6.59 1.62
Pine nuts pignolias 1C 136.00 14.55 13.06 1.50
Pine nuts pinyon 1C 130.00 13.91 12.48 1.43
Pistachio nuts 1C 128.00 13.82 10.37 3.46
Poppy seeds 1C 140.80 14.08
Pumpkin or squash seeds 1C 227.00 8.85 6.42 2.43
Sesame seeds 1C 150.00 11.68 8.83 2.85
Tahini (sesame butter) 1T 15.00 1.39 1.10 0.29
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Nuts and Seeds

Sunflower seeds 1C 128.00 13.44 10.75 2.69
Sunflower butter 1T 16.00 1.28 0.79 0.49
Walnuts 1C 120.00 5.76 3.96 1.80

Bean with bacon, ham, or pork, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 238.00 5.31 3.95 1.38
Bean with bacon, undiluted 1 C 256.00 10.65 7.88 2.74
Beef with noodles or pasta, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 241.00 0.80 0.51 0.29
Beef with noodles or pasta, undiluted 1 C 252.00 0.76 0.43 0.35
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Black bean, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 242.00 5.30 3.94 1.38
Black bean, undiluted 1 C 252.00 6.80 5.07 1.76
Broccoli cheese, undiluted 1 C 248.00 3.92 1.96 2.01
Cheese, undiluted 1 C 248.00 0.27 0.10 0.15
Chicken with noodles or pasta, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 238.00 0.38 0.21 0.17
Chicken with noodles or pasta, prepared from ready-to-serve can, 1 C 240.00 0.67 0.38 0.26
Chicken with noodles or pasta, undiluted 1 C 252.00 0.76 0.43 0.35
Chicken with rice, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 238.00 0.33 0.21 0.12
Chicken with rice, undiluted 1 C 252.00 0.71 0.45 0.25
Chicken with vegetables, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 240.00 1.22 0.67 0.55
Chicken with vegetables, undiluted 1 C 252.00 2.44 1.36 1.13
Clam chowder, Manhattan (tomato base), prepared from 1 C 239.00 1.03 0.55 0.45
ready-to-serve can
Clam chowder, Manhattan (tomato base), undiluted 1C 252.00 2.02 1.13 0.93
Clam chowder, New England (cream base), prepared from 1C 240.00 1.61 0.70 0.91
ready-to-serve can
Clam chowder, New England (cream base), undiluted 1 C 252.00 2.12 0.66 0.88
Cream of broccoli, undiluted 1 C 248.00 1.24 0.57 0.67
Cream of celery, undiluted 1 C 248.00 2.01 1.26 0.72
Cream of chicken, undiluted 1 C 248.00 0.47 0.15 0.22
Cream of mushroom, undiluted 1 C 248.00 0.62 0.40 0.25
Cream of onion, undiluted 1 C 248.00 0.97 0.30 0.67
Lentil, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 245.00 7.52 6.44 1.08
Minestrone, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 245.00 3.33 2.20 1.10
Minestrone, undiluted 1 C 252.00 6.60 4.41 2.19
Onion, clear (French style), undiluted 1 C 252.00 3.10 0.68 1.66
Pea (green), undiluted 1 C 256.00 17.56 15.18 2.38
Split pea with bacon, ham, or pork, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 243.00 8.21 7.05 1.17
Split pea with ham or bacon, undiluted 1 C 256.00 16.46 14.13 2.36
Split pea, vegetarian, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 244.00 8.76 7.56 1.20
Tomato, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 241.00 1.08 0.77 0.31

Tomato, undiluted 1 C 248.00 2.18 1.56 0.62

Vegetable beef, prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 245.00 1.57 1.10 0.44
Vegetable beef, prepared from ready-to-serve can, chunky-style 1 C 245.00 3.28 2.20 1.15
Vegetable beef, undiluted 1 C 252.00 3.15 2.19 0.96
Vegetable, plain (vegetarian), prepared from ready-to-serve can 1 C 241.00 3.18 1.61 0.89
Vegetable, undiluted 1 C 252.00 3.28 2.07 1.18
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Candy and Sweets

Bridge mix 1 oz 28.35 0.78 0.63 0.15
Candy-coated almonds 1 oz 28.35 1.33 1.20 0.13
Candy-coated chocolate 1 oz 28.35 0.71 0.57 0.12
Candy-coated peanuts and chocolate 1 oz 28.35 0.96 0.74 0.23
Caramel, plain 1 oz 28.35 0.34 0.00 0.34
Carob 1 oz 28.35 1.08 0.29 0.79
Carob-coated peanuts 1 oz 28.35 1.77 0.67 1.11
Carob-coated raisins 1 oz 28.35 0.71 0.39 0.32
Chocolate-covered almonds 1 oz 28.35 2.45 2.18 0.27
Chocolate-covered caramel 1 oz 28.35 0.23 0.22 0.01
Chocolate-covered caramel and nougat 1 oz 28.35 0.48 0.39 0.09
Chocolate-covered caramel and peanuts 1 oz 28.35 0.99 0.80 0.20
Chocolate-covered caramel, peanuts, and nougat 1 oz 28.35 0.82 0.61 0.21
Chocolate-covered cherry 1 oz 28.35 0.33 0.27 0.07
Chocolate-covered coconut 1 oz 28.35 1.65 1.53 0.13
Chocolate-covered cream 1 oz 28.35 0.43 0.41 0.02
Chocolate-covered fondant 1 oz 28.35 0.43 0.41 0.02
Chocolate-covered marshmallow 1 oz 28.35 0.31 0.23 0.05
Chocolate-covered peanut butter 1 oz 28.35 0.91 0.69 0.21
Chocolate-covered peanuts 1 oz 28.35 1.33 1.03 0.31
Chocolate-covered raisins 1 oz 28.35 1.19 1.00 0.18
Chocolate-covered toffee 1 oz 28.35 0.71 0.59 0.12
Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble

Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Candy and Sweets

Chocolate-covered toffee with nuts 1 oz 28.35 1.45 1.28 0.17
Dark chocolate 1 oz 28.35 1.67 1.60 0.07
Fruit leather or rolls 1 oz 28.35 0.48 0.26 0.18
Fruit snacks 1 oz 28.35 0.06 0.00 0.01
Halvah, plain 1 oz 28.35 1.28 1.01 0.27
Licorice 1 oz 28.35 0.37 0.15 0.22
Malted milk balls 1 oz 28.35 1.05 0.53 0.52
Marshmallow 1 C 50.00 0.05 0.00 0.00
Milk chocolate with almonds 1 oz 28.35 1.76 1.50 0.26
Milk chocolate with cereal 1 oz 28.35 0.88 0.72 0.16
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Milk chocolate with peanuts 1 oz 28.35 0.99 0.78 0.21

Milk chocolate, plain 1 oz 28.35 0.96 0.79 0.17
Salted nut roll 1 oz 28.35 1.62 1.28 0.33
White chocolate 1 oz 28.35 0.00 0.00 0.00
Yogurt-covered almonds 1 oz 28.35 1.39 1.25 0.14
Yogurt-covered peanuts 1 oz 28.35 0.39 0.28 0.10
Yogurt-covered raisins 1 oz 28.35 0.57 0.41 0.16

Spices, Condiments, and Miscellaneous

Allspice (ground) 1 TS 2.00 0.43
Anise seed 1 TS 2.23 0.33
Baking chocolate 1 oz 28.35 4.37 4.19 0.18
Basil (ground) 1 TS 1.50 0.61
Bay leaf 1 TS 0.60 0.16
Caraway seed 1 TS 2.23 0.85
Cardamom (ground) 1 TS 1.93 0.54
Carob powder 1 TS 2.33 0.93 0.25 0.68
Catsup 1T 15.00 0.19 0.15 0.04
Celery seed 1 TS 2.17 0.26
Chervil (dried) 1 TS 0.63 0.07
Chili powder 1 TS 2.50 0.85
Cinnamon (ground) 1 TS 2.27 1.23
Cloves (ground) 1 TS 2.20 0.75
Cocoa powder, unsweetened 1 TS 1.79 0.59 0.47 0.13
Coriander seed 1 TS 1.67 0.70
Cumin seed 1 TS 2.00 0.21
Curry powder 1 TS 2.10 0.70
Dill seed 1 TS 2.20 0.46 0.28 0.18
Dill weed, dried 1 TS 1.03 0.16 0.10 0.06

Fennel seed 1 TS 1.93 0.77

Fenugreek seed 1 TS 3.70 0.91
Garlic, powder 1 TS 2.80 0.28 0.06 0.22
Ginger (ground) 1 TS 1.80 0.22
Hot chili pepper mature red (dried), with seeds 1 TS 2.00 0.19
Hot chili pepper mature red (dried), without seeds 1 TS 2.00 0.22
Mace (ground) 1 TS 1.77 0.36
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Marjoram (dried) 1 TS 0.57 0.23

Miso (soybean paste) 1 TS 5.73 0.31 0.16 0.15
Mustard 1 TS 5.21 0.14
Mustard, powder 1 TS 1.50 0.02
Nutmeg 1 TS 2.33 0.49
Olives, black 1 Medium 4.00 0.13 0.12 0.01
Olives, green 1 Medium 3.40 0.03 0.03 0.00
Olives, stuffed 1 Medium 4.00 0.04 0.04 0.00
Onion powder 1 TS 2.17 0.12 0.05 0.08
Oregano (ground ) 1 TS 1.50 0.64
Paprika 1 TS 2.30 0.48
Parsley (dried) 1 TS 0.43 0.13 0.07 0.07
Pepper (ground), black 1 TS 2.13 0.57
Pepper (ground), red 1 TS 1.77 0.48
Pepper (ground), white 1 TS 2.37 0.62
Pickles, bread-and-butter 1C 160.00 1.76 1.36 0.40
Pickles, dill 1C 143.00 1.72 1.36 0.36
Pickles, sweet gherkins 1C 160.00 1.76 1.36 0.40
Pimiento 1T 12.00 0.23 0.09 0.13
Rosemary, dried 1 TS 1.10 0.47
Rosemary, fresh 1 TS 0.57 0.08
Saffron 1 TS 0.70 0.03
Sage (ground) 1 TS 0.67 0.27

Table A.1 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Values for Common Foods

Weight Total Dietary Insoluble Soluble
Amount a (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g) Fiber (g)

Spices, Condiments, and Miscellaneous

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Savory (ground) 1 TS 1.47 0.67

Tarragon (ground) 1 TS 1.60 0.12
Thyme, fresh 1T 2.40 0.34
Thyme (ground) 1 TS 1.43 0.53
Turmeric (ground) 1 TS 2.27 0.48
Yeast, baking compressed 1 Cake 17.00 1.38
Yeast, baking active dry 1T 12.00 2.52
Yeast, Brewers 1T 15.00 3.00
Note: Includes both analytic and estimated values. This table has been revised since the 1994 2nd edition, based on the availability of improved data. For
further information regarding specific values, contact The Nutrition Coordinating Center, Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, 1300 South
Second Street, Suite 300, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454-1015.
a Abbreviations: T = tablespoon, C = cup, oz = ounce, BIS = biscuit, TS = teaspoon.
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Appendix Table A.2

Dry Matter, Ash, Crude Protein,
Total Dietary Fiber, Soluble Fiber,
Neutral Detergent Residue, Hemicellulose,
Cellulose, and Lignin Content
of Selected Foods

James B. Robertson

2001 by CRC Press LLC 649
Table A.2 Dry Matter Content of Selected Foods

In Dry Matter (%)

Description Maker % DM ASH CP TDF SF NDR HC CE Ls

Breads, Crackers, etc.

Apple honey wheat, toasted Brownberry 76.64 ND 13.23 5.50 0.54 8.19 4.06 2.52 1.61
Apple honey wheat Brownberry 64.82 ND 12.64 5.76 0.08 6.43 4.10 1.22 1.10
Bagel 69.89 2.17 16.32 4.41 ND 2.63 1.39 0.58 0.66
Bagel, plain Cornell 67.37 2.24 16.11 4.35 1.83 3.25 2.17 0.50 0.57
Biscuit mix, buttermilk Quaker 89.53 5.21 ND 5.67 ND 1.14 1.00 0.28 0.13
Biscuits, reg. recipe, baked 92.96 4.84 9.20 4.22 1.60 7.51 5.72 0.58 1.21
Bread mix, corn, white Quaker 88.79 5.95 ND 10.76 ND 7.55 5.20 1.98 0.38
Bread mix, corn, yellow Quaker 88.41 5.41 ND 6.02 ND 4.06 2.68 1.13 0.25
Bread, corn Homemade 62.39 2.85 9.99 5.43 0.25 6.05 3.33 1.37 1.35
Bread, French 64.34 3.17 14.52 4.99 0.37 5.96 3.87 0.92 1.18
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Bread, wheat Less 51.22 3.67 18.71 19.42 3.30 17.65 3.79 12.85 1.00
Bread, white Millbrook 59.65 2.82 14.33 5.29 3.41 2.64 1.69 0.49 0.46
Bread, white Less 52.63 3.74 20.21 19.07 1.80 18.22 3.11 13.66 1.46
Bread, white 62.13 3.40 14.06 5.48 4.81 1.15 0.87 0.03 0.25
Bread, whole wheat Pepperidge Farm 57.30 3.90 17.13 13.99 1.89 14.32 8.73 2.25 3.35
Cake, yellow Homemade 72.01 2.09 7.40 3.36 2.97 0.68 0.46 0.06 0.16
Cookie, plain 95.62 1.56 6.29 2.99 1.99 1.53 1.08 0.07 0.38
Cookies, ginger snaps 95.77 1.94 6.18 4.31 1.01 3.97 2.47 0.31 1.19
Cookies, Oreo 93.89 2.11 5.09 14.72 ND 3.33 0.61 0.72 2.01
Cookies, shortbread 92.81 1.52 6.26 9.76 ND 2.22 1.55 0.24 0.46
Fibre Goodness Bread Stroehmann 56.01 2.98 20.21 11.19 3.31 8.70 2.28 5.77 0.65
Fibread Dr. Olindo 52.08 4.39 19.99 26.24 6.13 27.52 18.33 19.03 3.07
Flour, enriched, self-rising Quaker 89.21 4.50 ND 3.46 ND 1.17 0.98 0.06 0.13
Flour, white 90.20 0.69 12.70 3.70 2.76 1.31 0.98 0.19 0.14
Graham crackers 94.31 2.35 7.15 3.52 3.94 2.69 1.26 1.29 0.13
Muffin mix, blueberry Quaker 91.78 2.63 ND 4.12 ND 0.57 0.42 0.19 0.04
Muffin mix, corn Quaker 91.06 3.17 ND 5.19 ND 2.33 1.56 0.54 0.22
Muffins, plain 70.23 2.49 8.39 3.75 0.33 4.94 3.05 0.71 1.18
Natural bran Brownberry 63.19 0.00 13.51 10.09 0.97 11.60 8.44 1.95 1.20
Natural bran, toasted Brownberry 73.72 0.00 13.96 9.47 1.05 12.24 8.13 2.34 1.77
Norwegian flatbread Kavli 91.99 2.44 9.33 15.32 5.16 11.71 8.17 1.26 2.28
Oatmeal bread Pepperidge Farm 61.25 3.62 14.22 9.39 7.30 3.25 2.17 0.50 0.57
Pancake mix 90.39 6.40 10.10 4.36 0.70 3.95 2.24 0.52 1.18
Pancake mix, buckwheat Quaker 90.57 6.64 ND 11.64 ND 9.45 3.39 3.46 2.61
Pancake mix, whole wheat Quaker 90.78 6.81 ND 9.55 ND 6.89 4.79 1.48 0.62
Premium saltines Nabisco 96.71 3.53 9.40 5.55 3.88 2.63 1.69 0.06 0.88
Pretzels, hard Wege 95.79 4.79 10.91 4.58 2.94 3.49 2.55 0.30 0.64
Pretzels, whole wheat Wege 96.04 1.12 10.50 8.11 4.06 7.20 4.87 1.18 1.15
Prograin bread Friehofer 63.92 4.03 18.96 13.10 5.92 8.92 4.96 2.35 1.61
Rice cakes Quaker 93.77 0.00 9.67 4.05 0.98 5.53 4.04 1.17 0.32
Rolls, sweet, cinnamon 69.96 1.92 10.72 5.76 1.57 4.66 2.88 0.66 1.12
Rye cakes Quaker 94.61 0.00 16.09 12.21 5.45 7.37 5.14 1.78 0.47

Saltine crackers 96.84 3.36 10.05 3.77 2.11 1.66 0.78 0.92 0.04
Sesame crackers Ak-Mak 95.60 3.50 16.36 12.64 2.25 13.74 8.90 2.27 2.57
Snackbread Ryvita 92.44 1.71 11.25 5.61 2.16 3.82 3.30 0.35 0.17
Snackbread, whole wheat Ryvita 95.26 2.46 12.67 12.18 3.28 10.10 7.85 1.57 0.68
Swedish rye crispbread Siljans 90.78 2.27 10.03 17.86 5.46 15.29 12.15 2.00 1.14
Taco shells Old El Paso 93.76 2.78 6.55 12.42 2.51 11.30 8.14 1.67 1.49
Taco shells 94.42 1.85 6.61 7.49 2.07 6.73 3.63 2.73 0.37
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Triscuit Nabisco 97.19 2.69 8.28 12.43 2.49 10.84 8.70 1.86 0.28
Wheat cakes Quaker 94.88 0.00 16.41 9.77 3.31 7.07 5.29 1.33 0.50
Wheat thins Nabisco 97.92 2.57 7.54 8.12 3.69 5.16 3.42 0.50 1.24
White extra fiber, toasted Arnolds 73.86 0.00 15.50 6.15 1.03 8.55 2.80 4.56 1.20
White extra fiber Arnolds 60.92 0.00 15.40 7.33 0.60 7.01 2.54 3.92 0.57

Macaroni 97.01 0.59 15.54 5.07 1.47 4.32 1.44 2.25 0.63
Macaroni, Cooked 28.18 0.42 16.80 4.41 2.50 2.35 1.84 0.37 0.13
Noodles, egg, cooked 30.94 1.22 19.45 3.41 1.72 1.87 1.17 0.53 0.18
Spaghetti Goia 90.02 0.87 16.68 3.47 1.27 2.47 1.57 0.53 0.37
Spaghetti, cooked 37.12 0.74 15.67 4.34 2.57 2.07 1.62 0.31 0.14
Spaghetti w/sauce, cooked 26.38 3.95 13.96 6.88 ND 3.49 1.77 1.26 0.46
Spaghetti, whole wheat Goia 91.33 1.80 15.87 10.44 1.07 9.82 7.36 1.70 0.76

100% Bran Nabisco 95.42 6.45 12.30 35.67 5.90 33.16 24.16 6.55 2.45
100% Bran Nabisco 96.60 6.19 12.42 34.16 5.87 32.63 22.18 7.21 3.24
100% Bran Nabisco 95.79 6.75 13.45 36.89 5.36 32.67 22.50 6.05 3.64
100% Natural Quaker 96.41 2.01 12.93 9.78 5.58 4.55 2.70 0.93 0.69
40% Bran Flakes 95.53 4.79 12.02 19.75 9.76 11.76 7.21 2.89 1.41
Bran Flakes 95.93 4.60 11.87 19.90 4.26 21.44 11.76 5.20 4.48
All Bran Kelloggs 96.86 7.18 12.75 38.13 5.40 37.65 27.63 7.30 2.72
Table A.2 (Continued) Dry Matter Content of Selected Foods

In Dry Matter (%)

Description Maker % DM ASH CP TDF SF NDR HC CE Ls

All Bran Kelloggs 94.98 6.74 12.78 37.76 6.28 35.41 22.28 8.55 4.59
All Bran Kelloggs 98.39 7.29 13.47 40.26 10.34 38.10 25.09 8.72 4.30
All Bran w/ Extra Fiber Kelloggs 95.84 6.03 10.80 50.46 7.00 47.46 34.14 10.76 2.56
All Bran w/ Extra Fiber Kelloggs 96.20 6.09 11.82 49.61 6.57 47.45 33.26 11.30 2.90
Bran Flakes Kelloggs 96.66 4.65 12.00 16.93 6.40 15.18 8.74 4.08 2.36
Capn Crunch Quaker 96.35 2.45 ND 2.79 ND 3.67 2.27 1.22 0.19
Cheerios General Mills 94.48 5.04 14.38 11.04 ND 6.46 4.33 0.95 1.19
Cheerios General Mills 94.47 4.40 16.63 13.03 8.95 5.06 3.25 0.71 0.94
Cheerios 93.59 4.21 12.78 11.35 6.54 12.76 7.03 2.69 3.04
Choco Crunch Quaker 95.59 1.94 ND 3.59 ND 4.69 2.99 0.71 0.78
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Corn Bran Quaker 97.73 3.07 ND 18.03 ND 20.35 15.66 3.88 0.82
Corn Flakes Kelloggs 94.63 3.37 7.60 3.30 3.38 0.81 0.43 0.19 0.14
Corn Flakes Kelloggs 94.24 2.90 6.87 3.62 3.60 1.59 0.78 0.35 0.47
Corn Flakes Kelloggs 95.45 3.04 7.24 3.68 ND 2.74 1.19 0.46 1.09
Corn Flakes Kelloggs 96.19 3.15 6.73 3.24 2.21 4.97 2.12 1.34 1.52
Corn Flakes General Mills 95.39 5.94 6.59 2.69 0.44 2.73 1.10 0.39 1.24
Cream of Wheat, cooked 11.33 1.74 11.96 6.30 2.65 9.50 6.70 1.66, 1.14
Creamy Wheat, quick Quaker 87.42 0.49 ND 3.47 ND 4.49 3.87 -0.09 0.71
Crunchberries Quaker 96.82 2.23 ND 3.17 ND 4.33 2.78 0.72 0.83
Crunchy Nut Ohs Quaker 97.15 1.70 ND 5.72 ND 4.65 2.99 0.84 0.82
Double Chex Ralston Purina 97.36 0.00 7.62 5.08 2.54 3.74 1.91 1.35 0.48
Fibre One General Mills 95.38 6.56 11.66 48.42 7.39 44.76 33.22 9.50 2.04
Fibre One General Mills 96.09 6.58 12.92 48.12 6.91 45.94 33.18 10.08 2.68
Grits 89.97 0.43 8.30 7.32 3.54 4.56 2.39 1.95 0.21
Grits, instant Quaker 90.43 4.25 ND 9.12 ND 6.55 5.21 1.06 0.27
Honey Graham Ohs Quaker 97.40 2.22 ND 3.34 ND 5.14 2.47 0.46 2.22
King Vitamin Quaker 95.93 2.75 ND 4.99 ND 4.98 3.41 0.64 0.93
Life Quaker 95.82 4.13 21.59 10.10 8.07 2.47 1.28 0.46 0.50
Life Quaker 94.61 4.14 ND 9.77 ND 4.98 3.32 0.87 0.79
Life, Cinnamon Quaker 95.07 4.14 ND 9.76 ND 5.75 3.87 0.95 0.82
Natural Cereal Quaker 96.93 1.97 ND 10.78 ND 6.98 4.61 1.25 1.11
Natural Cereal, Apple Cinnamon Quaker 95.44 1.76 ND 10.30 ND 7.32 4.81 1.51 1.01
Natural Cereal, Raisin Date Quaker 94.83 1.93 ND 9.31 ND 8.08 4.78 1.39 1.91
Natural Cereal, Whole Wheat Quaker 88.81 1.79 ND 12.39 ND 12.59 7.35 2.56 1.08
Nature Valley Granola General Mills 94.35 1.73 9.86 10.47 6.04 7.18 5.56 0.83 0.79
Natures Harvest Granola 96.12 2.24 16.28 22.08 14.40 8.51 4.57 1.50 1.80
Nutrigrain Kelloggs 96.45 2.74 8.97 10.71 2.16 11.30 7.62 1.77 1.91
Oat Bran Kelloggs 97.83 3.61 10.32 17.30 2.28 17.87 11.34 3.45 3.08
Oat Bran Creamy Hot Cereal Quaker 91.22 3.39 ND 19.64 ND 16.29 12.77 1.82 1.84
Oats, Instant Quaker 90.57 5.38 ND 11.81 ND 6.64 4.64 1.00 1.00
Oats, Instant, Apple Cinnamon Quaker 92.30 4.26 ND 9.41 ND 5.77 3.61 1.28 0.88
Oats, Instant, Apple Raisin Quaker 92.86 2.40 ND 9.98 ND 6.04 3.13 2.05 0.85

Oats, Instant, Blueberries and Quaker 93.65 3.21 ND 6.87 ND 5.80 3.76 0.66 1.38
Oats, Instant, Peaches and Cream Quaker 91.62 3.21 ND 9.45 ND 5.76 3.98 1.12 0.66
Oats, Instant, Raisin Date Walnut Quaker 92.36 3.71 ND 10.82 ND 6.42 3.67 1.10 1.66
Oats, Instant, Raisin Walnut Quaker 91.12 3.50 ND 9.75 ND 4.66 3.13 0.90 0.63
Oats, Instant, Strawberries and Quaker 92.41 3.49 ND 8.25 ND 4.07 2.98 0.78 0.31
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Oats, Old Fashioned Quaker 90.02 2.17 ND 11.90 ND 7.50 5.60 0.89 1.00
Oats, One-Minute, Apple Raisin Quaker 90.25 1.88 ND 9.24 ND 5.10 3.35 1.04 0.71
Oats, One-Minute, Raisin Quaker 89.41 1.88 ND 7.80 ND 6.12 3.28 0.54 2.30
Peanut Butter Crunch Quaker 97.08 2.50 ND 4.56 ND 5.11 2.82 0.93 1.36
Popeye Sweet Puffs Quaker 97.79 1.23 ND 4.14 ND 4.79 2.47 1.39 0.93
Post Toasties General Foods 94.12 2.76 8.08 3.75 3.61 1.88 1.16 0.25 0.37
Product 19 Kelloggs 95.43 3.81 9.42 6.08 6.38 1.73 1.23 0.25 0.12
Product 19 Kelloggs 95.83 3.48 8.12 4.27 0.81 7.09 2.79 1.39 2.91
Puffed Rice Quaker 95.10 0.48 ND 1.23 ND 4.68 3.86 0.66 0.17
Puffed Rice Quaker 93.19 0.39 ND 2.13 ND 0.80 0.47 0.13 0.16
Puffed Wheat Quaker 95.17 1.57 ND 9.50 ND 9.99 5.56 1.26 3.15
Puffed Wheat Quaker 93.94 0.88 ND 12.24 ND 5.71 3.16 1.35 0.97
Rice Krispies Kelloggs 95.37 3.42 6.82 1.90 2.20 3.31 2.05 0.38 0.89
Rice Krispies Kelloggs 95.28 3.26 7.35 2.01 ND 5.74 3.45 0.76 1.52
Rice Krispies Kelloggs 94.95 3.38 6.64 2.02 1.50 2.21 1.50 0.23 0.35
Shredded Wheat Nabisco 91.85 1.69 10.43 13.21 1.21 13.51 10.91 2.23 0.37
Shredded Wheat 92.21 1.71 13.80 12.96 2.62 13.65 8.72 4.01 0.93
Shredded Wheat Nabisco 94.70 1.72 13.13 13.49 5.70 10.02 6.81 1.69 0.97
Shredded Wheat N Bran Nabisco 95.30 0.00 12.10 14.38 4.81 10.61 6.36 0.15 1.21
Special K Kelloggs 93.74 2.54 20.30 3.15 2.91 2.35 1.78 0.18 0.38
Sweet Crunch Quaker 96.20 2.33 ND 3.20 ND 2.92 2.01 0.68 0.24
Table A.2 (Continued) Dry Matter Content of Selected Foods

In Dry Matter (%)

Description Maker % DM ASH CP TDF SF NDR HC CE Ls

Team Nabisco 95.45 2.10 7.43 4.17 3.28 2.04 1.22 0.35 0.35
Total General Mills 95.28 4.82 12.35 10.66 4.35 7.64 5.25 1.24 0.69
Wheat Germ Kretschmer 96.27 4.80 30.35 18.10 7.81 10.73 6.49 2.56 1.35
Wheat Germ 95.77 5.11 32.58 17.70 3.37 15.91 9.87 3.38 2.66
Wheaties General Mills 94.77 5.06 11.82 10.79 7.10 6.04 3.86 1.38 0.71

Apple Juice Cornell 10.85 2.25 0.50 2.14 ND 1.27 0.14 0.38 0.75
Apple Sauce 18.13 0.95 0.63 8.36 ND 4.90 1.53 2.54 0.83
Apple, Red Delicious, cored 14.79 3.41 1.19 14.72 7.84 7.06 1.63 4.46 0.97
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Apple, Red Delicious, cored and 13.90 2.11 0.32 11.40 4.49 6.91 2.03 4.15 0.73
Avocado, California 21.73 7.92 10.65 25.60 1.78 27.66 7.25 10.79 9.63
Banana 22.56 3.24 5.14 8.54 3.37 5.83 1.25 1.83 2.75
Blueberries 13.71 1.27 3.25 20.12 ND 17.75 5.24 5.54 6.98
Blueberries Fresh 11.83 1.51 2.68 22.15 7.12 15.43 3.27 8.06 4.10
Canteloupe Fresh 9.82 11.33 8.79 9.22 4.55 4.74 0.66 3.31 0.77
Cherries, tart Canned 7.70 2.96 8.62 13.26 8.25 5.67 1.19 2.53 1.96
Grapes, Thomson Fresh 17.98 5.64 5.00 6.02 2.20 4.29 0.43 2.35 1.52
Orange juice Cornell 10.81 13.97 5.22 4.57 ND 1.32 0.02 0.61 0.70
Orange, Florida, peeled Fresh 11.72 3.69 4.68 17.95 11.76 6.25 1.15 4.19 0.91
Orange, navel, peeled Fresh 12.76 3.48 7.21 16.39 10.88 5.51 0.88 3.63 1.01
Oranges, mandarin Canned 11.96 1.85 3.63 4.85 ND 2.26 0.31 0.83 1.12
Peaches Canned 12.77 1.85 3.68 8.75 ND 4.91 0.94 2.51 1.46
Pear, Bartlett, cored Fresh 13.74 1.87 1.81 26.28 13.25 13.16 2.20 8.35 2.61
Pears Canned 9.73 1.16 2.07 17.59 5.78 12.00 2.32 7.80 1.88
Pineapple Canned 14.83 1.92 2.93 5.05 0.54 4.73 1.99 2.33 0.41
Plum, friar Fresh 10.97 5.78 4.32 15.59 10.13 5.98 1.05 3.02 1.91
Raisins, seedless Fresh Wegmans 85.78 2.13 3.88 ND ND 4.32 1.06 1.09 2.17
Strawberries 26.11 0.95 1.63 6.32 ND 4.25 0.94 1.83 1.47
Strawberries Fresh 8.76 4.45 7.53 19.50 7.16 13.53 2.01 6.27 5.25
Tangerine, peeled Fresh 13.30 4.14 6.17 15.21 9.68 5.59 1.05 3.67 0.86
Watermelon Fresh 8.69 17.19 6.40 4.32 1.59 2.79 0.61 1.58 0.60

Artichoke hearts, frozen General Foods 12.10 ND 20.40 48.98 ND 12.50 3.10 8.10 1.50
Asparagus, frozen General Foods 8.50 ND 36.10 25.17 ND 12.60 2.40 9.10 1.10
Asparagus spears, canned 6.14 17.93 36.08 23.31 10.17 17.51 3.22 10.81 3.48

Bean sprouts, canned 3.49 5.01 32.20 30.83 9.26 29.64 6.63 16.65 6.36
Beans, green, cooked 8.83 5.91 15.22 32.42 ND 18.43 6.52 9.95 1.96
Beans, green, canned 5.29 14.93 16.18 34.69 19.73 22.69 4.29 14.52 3.88
Beans, green, frozen 10.79 ND ND 32.41 ND 18.76 7.68 10.08 1.01
Beans, green, frozen General Foods 7.70 ND 18.10 30.09 ND 17.60 3.30 11.20 3.10
Beans, green, boiled 9.24 ND ND 34.11 ND 24.69 10.78 12.42 1.49
Beans, kidney, canned 21.93 5.64 23.41 23.91 10.40 17.22 4.18 11.12 1.93
Beans, kidney, boiled 39.58 ND ND 28.86 ND 54.83 43.08 9.50 2.24
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Beans, lima, boiled 40.36 ND ND 27.12 ND 43.97 35.78 7.57 0.62

Beans, lima, canned 24.30 5.31 20.71 18.85 3.94 15.66 3.58 10.83 1.25
Beans, lima, frozen General Foods 33.20 ND 19.30 20.32 ND 11.90 3.70 7.40 0.80
Beans, navy, microwaved 47.08 ND ND 35.10 ND 45.62 37.07 8.21 0.34
Beans, pork, canned 23.62 7.01 18.49 22.22 12.36 14.50 0.77 10.49 3.25
Beans, wax, frozen General Foods 8.50 ND 18.90 37.66 ND 18.70 2.30 14.30 2.10
Beans, wax, microwaved 9.31 ND ND 37.73 ND 24.27 7.57 14.85 1.85
Beet root, canned 7.17 11.62 10.92 25.26 10.29 15.99 6.92 8.83 0.24
Broccoli, frozen General Foods 7.30 ND 33.60 35.60 ND 18.40 2.00 13.60 2.70
Broccoli, cooked 9.12 6.74 39.61 36.30 15.68 22.20 4.89 13.43 3.88
Broccoli, cooked 9.18 7.10 29.91 34.84 ND 18.53 5.37 11.38 1.78
Brussels sprouts, frozen 12.41 ND ND 33.86 ND 28.35 12.19 14.61 1.54
Brussels sprouts, frozen General Foods 10.20 ND 23.90 35.23 ND 21.90 7.40 13.00 1.80
Cabbage, boiled 20.91 ND ND 28.98 ND 18.33 5.74 11.42 1.16
Cabbage 6.01 10.82 20.89 28.70 15.26 13.77 2.05 11.18 0.54
Cabbage, red, microwaved 12.87 ND ND 30.19 ND 15.89 3.80 11.51 0.58
Carrots, peeled 11.64 6.75 9.17 24.25 14.18 10.31 1.47 8.48 0.36
Carrots, boiled 11.70 ND ND 27.53 ND 10.15 1.96 7.67 0.52
Carrots, cooked 11.63 4.66 6.46 34.18 ND 11.64 2.13 9.01 0.50
Cauliflower, cooked 5.43 6.59 27.34 36.49 16.37 21.75 4.76 15.34 1.64
Cauliflower, cooked 5.43 6.59 27.34 36.49 16.37 21.75 4.76 15.34 1.64
Cauliflower, frozen General Foods 6.20 ND 24.70 27.67 ND 16.00 4.10 10.80 1.50
Cauliflower 8.03 ND ND 34.89 ND 23.89 8.07 13.47 2.35
Table A.2 (Continued) Dry Matter Content of Selected Foods

In Dry Matter (%)

Description Maker % DM ASH CP TDF SF NDR HC CE Ls

Celery 5.17 16.96 11.24 40.12 19.55 21.04 1.80 17.95 1.29
Collard greens, frozen General Foods 9.60 ND 27.80 32.83 ND 18.60 3.20 12.10 3.10
Corn, canned 21.96 3.98 10.94 7.87 1.43 7.58 5.00 2.01 0.58
Corn, frozen General Foods 20.40 ND 13.80 11.65 ND 7.90 3.40 2.60 1.90
Cucumber, with skin 3.66 10.74 18.43 27.21 10.14 17.83 2.09 11.57 4.17
Cucumber, peeled 3.36 10.31 16.13 19.49 7.17 12.44 2.56 9.09 0.79
Kale, frozen General Foods 8.40 ND 27.70 34.91 ND 16.50 2.00 12.30 2.30
Lentils, boiled 40.28 ND ND 32.95 ND 43.90 33.93 7.69 2.28
Mushrooms 9.85 ND ND 20.83 ND 21.65 12.10 9.31 0.24
Mustard greens, frozen General Foods 7.60 ND 31.20 36.21 ND 21.70 4.10 14.40 3.10
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Okra, frozen 9.07 ND ND 40.08 ND 24.51 7.22 9.74 7.55

Okra, frozen General Foods 7.50 ND 20.60 40.91 ND 14.10 3.30 9.20 1.60
Olives, black 18.88 10.52 5.50 14.68 6.93 26.00 7.90 5.16 12.95
Olives, green, stuffed 23.24 25.16 3.67 13.30 5.18 20.96 6.98 4.88 9.15
Onions, boiled 8.96 ND ND 19.48 ND 11.05 3.09 7.02 0.93
Onions, frozen General Foods 6.60 ND 9.20 18.65 ND 7.60 0.90 6.20 0.60
Onions, peeled 9.05 4.39 8.96 16.35 8.84 7.64 1.93 5.47 0.24
Onions, green 6.69 11.00 20.24 28.58 12.86 15.72 3.29 10.65 1.78
Peas, black-eyed, canned 20.75 6.23 26.86 18.86 2.20 27.65 18.91 7.02 1.73
Peas, black-eyed, frozen General Foods 35.00 ND 27.00 19.34 ND 9.00 0.90 6.30 1.80
Peas, black-eyed, boiled 41.71 ND ND 32.54 ND 19.10 13.66 4.07 1.36
Peas, green, microwaved 44.26 ND ND 31.75 ND 11.71 6.77 4.00 0.94
Peas, green, canned 17.58 5.00 23.34 26.49 8.17 19.28 4.25 14.87 0.16
Peas, green, frozen General Foods 20.70 ND 30.90 20.51 ND 13.30 2.80 10.00 0.50
Pepper, green seeded 5.58 6.03 11.68 29.36 8.97 20.39 2.09 11.63 6.67
Pickles, dill 4.95 61.05 6.39 23.09 8.88 14.21 1.10 11.10 2.01
Potatoes, french fries Ore-Ida 30.62 3.21 7.83 7.11 2.90 4.40 1.41 2.37 0.62
Potatoes, boiled, mashed 18.84 3.07 7.61 13.73 ND 4.89 2.21 1.97 0.71
Potatoes, peeled, boiled 19.38 3.40 10.91 9.61 5.69 3.92 0.88 2.99 0.06
Potatoes, w/skins, baked 25.23 4.55 11.74 9.29 3.17 6.41 1.43 4.18 0.79
Radishes 5.32 12.96 14.86 25.32 12.26 13.06 1.35 10.93 0.79
Rice, cooked 27.40 0.68 7.49 1.49 1.08 1.25 0.69 0.31 0.25
Rice, boiled 26.85 0.95 7.32 7.09 ND 3.75 1.80 1.11 0.83
Rutabaga, boiled 11.14 ND ND 28.67 ND 14.11 2.91 10.60 0.60
Spinach, microwaved 9.70 ND ND 29.27 ND 26.56 12.93 9.93 3.70
Squash, frozen General Foods 11.20 ND ND 21.48 ND 15.14 3.58 11.43 0.13
Squash, cooked 9.80 ND 20.60 19.28 ND 13.60 2.40 10.50 0.70
Squash, summer, frozen General Foods 5.00 ND 20.60 21.41 ND 11.40 1.60 8.10 1.70
Squash, summer, microwaved 14.86 ND ND 20.83 ND 13.82 4.15 8.21 1.46
Squash, summer, zucchini 4.89 11.77 19.43 22.42 11.96 10.46 1.87 7.77 0.82
Squash, zucchini, frozen General Foods 4.60 ND 18.90 23.51 ND 12.50 2.10 8.80 1.60
Sweet potatoes 23.36 2.12 4.81 7.85 1.82 7.91 1.46 4.47 1.99

Sweet potatoes, baked 21.86 ND ND 14.48 ND 8.16 2.67 4.59 0.90

Tomato catsup 27.96 11.90 4.32 5.09 2.32 2.98 0.38 2.11 0.49
Tomatoes, canned 5.46 21.63 16.48 13.63 4.58 10.33 1.74 6.28 2.32
Turnip 8.28 ND ND 29.24 ND 15.23 2.02 12.52 0.69
Turnip greens, frozen 6.65 13.47 29.47 37.39 17.93 21.12 3.34 15.15 2.63
Turnip greens, frozen General Foods 6.60 ND 34.90 35.51 ND 19.40 1.40 15.20 2.80
Vegetable soup, canned 16.53 13.33 12.48 12.27 0.94 14.29 8.19 5.05 1.05
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Yams 26.15 ND ND 11.36 ND 11.09 7.21 3.48 0.40

Peanuts 95.50 3.40 29.57 9.18 3.88 10.27 4.16 4.35 1.76
Walnuts 99.05 1.64 16.72 6.30 2.27 4.30 1.47 2.35 0.48

Fruit Wrinkles (Fruit Punch) Fresh 95.64 0.00 0.00 1.27 1.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fruit Wrinkles (Strawberry) Fresh 93.15 0.00 0.00 1.15 0.99 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.16

Fiber Supplements
Fiber 88 Natrol 94.88 8.38 6.32 48.80 1.12 48.28 21.12 21.36 5.80
Fiber Diet Puritans Pride 95.45 5.92 6.94 54.12 10.54 47.27 6.57 39.47 1.23
Fiber Diet Vitamin World 94.10 6.52 9.31 52.73 9.63 45.55 8.08 35.77 1.70
Fiber Diet BQE Vit & Suppl. 96.16 28.91 17.86 53.57 2.45 51.12 14.95 33.27 2.90
Fiber Filler Your Life 94.70 2.08 1.45 83.39 3.47 80.80 3.49 74.90 2.42
Fiber Full Solar Nutrition 93.63 6.84 9.96 64.34 8.73 58.77 20.36 31.04 7.37
Fiber-Off Nutrition Headquarters 95.18 5.60 13.00 47.86 8.00 41.00 6.34 33.93 0.73
Fiberall Orange Sugarfree Rydelle Laboratories 89.07 3.06 6.99 65.57 52.82 12.75 8.48 3.87 0.40
Fiberall Regular Sugarfree Rydelle Laboratories 89.59 2.91 8.24 84.53 72.28 12.25 7.70 4.23 0.32
Fiberall Wafers Rydelle Laboratories 93.49 1.62 6.41 28.37 24.10 6.72 4.65 1.51 0.55
Fiberguard Ayerst 91.79 14.33 14.41 62.74 32.43 33.70 12.99 19.34 1.37

Table A.2 (Continued) Dry Matter Content of Selected Foods

In Dry Matter (%)
Description Maker % DM ASH CP TDF SF NDR HC CE Ls

Fiber Supplements
Fiberguard Ayerst 92.13 15.21 13.53 59.04 23.36 40.43 18.33 19.03 3.07
Fibermed Wafers Purdue Fredrick 92.86 3.57 9.76 30.69 6.45 28.34 21.39 6.20 0.75
Fibretrim Schering 90.86 5.03 24.86 44.88 8.80 42.71 21.41 15.26 6.03
Fibretrim Schering 92.71 6.11 23.85 46.00 9.07 48.22 25.18 16.51 6.53
Fibretrim w/Calcium Schering 92.99 23.26 19.58 41.97 6.85 44.93 25.02 14.77 5.14
Full of Fiber Jameson Nutritional 95.80 42.27 6.43 14.58 3.36 12.01 2.41 9.08 0.52
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Grain N Citrus Hilstone 94.66 38.18 4.18 49.70 16.20 35.72 12.19 17.51 6.02
Hi-Fiber Walgreen Laboratories 93.83 5.32 9.04 51.96 8.34 45.89 8.40 36.09 1.40
Metamucil Regular Searle 90.47 1.40 17.40 52.59 44.31 8.28 6.55 1.68 0.05
Metamucil Regular Sugarfree Searle 89.80 2.76 16.16 98.51 84.51 14.00 10.20 3.92 0.12
Serutan, Regular J. W. Williams Co 94.10 1.91 4.66 52.98 44.48 8.50 5.88 2.26 0.36
Serutan, Toasted J. W. Williams Co 97.05 3.65 11.31 46.82 35.32 11.50 8.85 2.25 0.40
Slim with Fiber Natures Bounty 95.18 9.14 10.07 49.65 8.72 43.25 6.58 34.09 2.58
Ultra Plan Hi-Health 93.10 6.83 12.54 16.95 4.04 13.64 4.54 5.25 3.85
Notes: 1. DM = Dry matter; CP = Crude protein (N 6.25): TDF = Total dietary fiber; SF = Soluble fiber; NDR = Neutral detergent residue (insoluble fiber); HC =
Hemicellulose; CE = Cellulose; Ls = Klason lignin.
2. METHODS: (A) Total dietary fiber values obtained by the methods of: Prosky, L., Asp, N.-G., Furda, I., DeVries, J. W., Schweizer, T. F., and Harland, B.,
Determination of total dietary fiber in foods, food products and total diets: interlaboratory study, J. AOAC, 67, 1044, 1984. Prosky, L., Asp, N.-G., Schweizer, T. F.,
DeVries, J. W., and Furda, I., Determination of insoluble, soluble, and total dietary fiber in foods and food products. Interlaboratory study, J. AOAC, 71, 1017, 1988.
(B) Neutral detergent residue and its components by the methods of Van Soest: Robertson, J. B. and Van Soest, P. J., The detergent system of analysis and its
application to human foods, in The Analysis of Dietary Fiber in Food, James, W. P. T. and Theander, O., Eds., Marcel Deckker, New York, 1981. 123. Jeraci, J. L.,
Hernandez, T. M., Robertson, J. B., and Van Soest, P. J., New and improved procedure for neutral-detergent fiber, J. Anim. Sci., 66 (Suppl.) 1, 351, 1988. (C) Soluble
fiber determined directly or by the difference (TDF-NDF corrected for residual protein).
3. Samples provided mainly by J. A. Marllett, B. A. Lewis, D. H. Hurt, and P. J. Van Soest.
4. The majority of these analyses were supported by the National Cancer Institute Contract N01-CN-45182.
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Appendix Table A.3

Dietary Fiber Content of Selected Foods
by the Southgate Methods

David A. T. Southgate

2001 by CRC Press LLC 659
2387_chzAppendix_T3_fm Page 660 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:12 PM


Table A.3 Dietary Fiber Content of Selected Foods by the Southgate Methods
(Grams Per 100 g Edible Part)
Total Dietary Noncellulosic
Fiber Polysaccharidesa Celluloseb Ligninc
White, bread-making 3.15 2.52 0.60 0.03
Brown 7.87 5.70 1.42 0.75
Whole meal 9.51 6.25 2.46 0.80
White 2.72 2.01 0.71 Tr
Brown 5.11 3.63 1.33 0.15
Hovis 4.54 3.19 1.04 0.32
Whole meal 8.50 5.95 1.31 1.24
Breakfast cereals
All Bran 26.70 17.82 6.01 2.88
Cornflakes 11.00 7.26 2.42 1.32
Grapenuts 7.00 5.14 1.28 0.58
Readibreak 7.60 5.39 0.99 1.22
Rice Krispies 4.47 3.47 0.78 0.22
Puffed Wheat 15.41 10.35 2.59 2.47
Sugar Puffs 6.08 4.00 0.99 1.09
Shredded Wheat 12.26 8.79 2.63 0.84
Special K 5.45 3.68 0.72 1.05
Swiss breakfast (mixed brands) 7.41 5.31 1.36 0.74
Weetabix 12.72 9. 18 2.35 1.19
Cookies and crispbreads
Chocolate digestive (half-coated) 3.50 2.13 0.59 0.78
Chocolate (fully coated) 3.09 1.36 0.42 1.31
Crispbread, rye 11.73 8.33 1.66 1.74
Crispbread, wheat 4.83 3.34 0.94 0.55
Ginger biscuits 1.99 1.45 0.30 0.24
Matzo 3.85 2.72 0.70 0.43
Oatcakes 4.00 3.16 0.40 0.44
Semisweet 2.31 1.76 0.33 0.22
Short-sweet 1.66 1.42 0.11 0.13
Wafers (filled) 1.62 1.08 0.47 0.07
Leafy vegetables
Broccoli tops (boiled) 4.10 2.92 1.15 0.03
Brussels sprouts (boiled) 2.86 1.99 0.80 0.07
Cabbage (boiled) 2.83 1.76 0.69 0.38
Cauliflower (boiled) 1.80 0.67 1.13 Tr
Lettuce (raw) 1.53 0.47 1.06 Tr
Onions (raw) 2.10 1.55 0.55 Tr
Beans, baked (canned) 7.27 5.67 1.41 0.19
Beans, runner (boiled) 3.35 1.85 1.29 0.21
Peas, frozen (raw) 7.75 5.48 2.09 0.18
Garden (canned)d 6.28 3.80 2.47 0.01
Processed (canned)d 7.85 5.20 2.30 0.35
Peanuts 9.30 6.40 1.69 1.21
Root vegetables
Carrots, young (boiled) 3.70 2.22 1.48 Tr
Parsnips (raw) 4.90 3.77 1.13 Tr
Swedes (raw) 2.40 1.61 0.79 Tr
Turnips (raw) 2.20 1.50 0.70 Tr
Main crop (raw) 3.51 2.49 1.02 Tr
Chips (fries) 3.20 2.05 1.12 0.03
Crisps 11.90 10.60 1.07 0.32
Canned 2.51 2.23 0.28 Tr
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Table A.3 (Continued) Dietary Fiber Content of Selected Foods by the Southgate Methods
(Grams Per 100 g Edible Part)
Total Dietary Noncellulosic
Fiber Polysaccharidesa Celluloseb Ligninc
Peppers (cooked) 0.93 0.59 0.34 Tr
Fresh 1.40 0.65 0.45 0.30
Cannedd 0.85 0.45 0.37 0.03
Sweet corn
Cooked 4.74 4.31 0.31 0.12
Cannedd 5.69 4.97 0.64 0.08
Flesh only 1.42 0.94 0.48 0.01
Peel only 3.71 2.21 1.01 0.49
Bananas 1.75 1.12 0.37 0.26
Cherries (flesh and skin) 1.24 0.92 0.25 0.07
Grapefruit (canned)d 0.44 0.34 0.04 0.06
Guavas (canned)d 3.64 1.67 1.17 0.80
Mandarin oranges (canned)d 0.29 0.22 0.04 0.03
Mangoes (canned)d 1.00 0.65 0.32 0.03
Peaches (flesh and skin) 2.28 1.46 0.20 0.62
Flesh only 2.44 1.32 0.67 0.45
Peel only 8.59 3.72 2.18 2.67
Plums (flesh and skin) 1.52 0.99 0.23 0.30
Rhubarb (raw) 1.78 0.93 0.70 0.15
Raw 2.12 0.98 0.33 0.81
Cannedd 1.00 0.48 0.20 0.33
Sultanas 4.40 2.40 0.83 1.17
Brazil 7.73 3.60 2.17 1.96
Plum 0.96 0.80 0.14 0.03
Strawberry 1.12 0.85 0.11 0.15
Lemon curd 0.20 0.18 0.02 Tr
Marmalade 0.71 0.64 0.05 0.01
Fruit mincemeat 3.19 2.09 0.60 0.50
Peanut butter 7.55 5.64 1.91 Tr
Pickle 1.53 0.91 0.50 0.12
Dried soups (as purchased)
Minestrone 6.61 4.60 1.91 0.10
Oxtail 3.84 2.89 0.94 0.01
Tomato 3.32 1.95 1.33 0.04
Beverages (concentrated)
Cocoa 43.27 11.25 4.13 27.90
Drinking chocolate 8.20 2.61 1.16 4.43
Coffee and chicory essence 0.79 0.73 0.02 0.04
Instant coffee 16.41 15.55 0.53 0.33
Bovril (beef extract) 0.91 0.85 0.03 0.03
Marmite (yeast extract) 2.69 2.60 0.03 0.06
a Expressed as the sum of the component monosaccharides.
b Expressed as glucose.
c This value includes heat-induced artefacts analyzing as lignin.
d Drained material.
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Figure A.3.1 Percentage composition of the noncellulosic polysaccharides in wheat flours, vegetables, and


Southgate, D. A. T., Bailey, B., Collinson, E., and Walker, A. F., A guide to calculating intakes of dietary fiber,
J. Hum. Nutr., 30, 303, 1976.
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Appendix Table A.4

Dietary Fiber Content of Cereals in Norway

Wenche Frlich

2001 by CRC Press LLC 663
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Table A.4 Dietary Fiber Content of Cereals in Norway

Dietary Fiber Moisture Dietary Fiber
(wet weight %) (%) (dry weight %)
White wheat flour (78 to 80% extraction) 3.1 11.2 3.5
Whole grain flour 12.1 11.4 13.6
Rye flour (mixed with 15% white wheat flour) 6.9 10.9 7.7
Whole grain flour, rye 14.1 11.4 15.9
Barley flour (50% extraction) 10.8 10.7 12.1
Barley flour (70% extraction) 13.6 10.4 15.2
Whole grain, barley 21.5 8.5 25.3
Oat flakes 10.7 8.6 11.7
Bran of wheat 50.7 11.4 57.2
Bran-germ of wheat 22.1 8.1 24.0
Germ of wheat 18.4 9.1 20.2
Semolina 2.3 11.7 2.6
Triticale 13.9 7.4 15.0
Everyday breakfast cereal 9.8 6.1 10.2
4-Grain breakfast 10.0 8.0 10.9
Bran-cracker type I 45.8 4.4 47.9
Bran-cracker type II 34.9 2.9 35.9
Bran-cracker type III 42.0 3.5 43.5
Bran-cracker, health shop 36.6 4.9 38.5
Kavli flatbread 17.9 3.4 18.5
Kavli breakfast flatbread 18.6 3.0 19.2
Kavli flatbread with bran 22.0 4.2 23.0
Kavli thin crispbread 21.9 4.8 23.0
Ideal flatbread 7.6 3.0 7.8
Ideal homemade 10.7 3.2 11.1
Ideal fiber flatbread 15.7 3.7 16.2
Spaghetti, wheat flour 4.1 9.6 4.5
Macaroni, wheat flour 4.5 8.9 5.0
Spaghetti, whole wheat flour 9.7 8.7 10.7
Macaroni, whole wheat flour 10.8 8.1 11.0
Rice, porridge 3.0 10.0 3.3
Rice, parboiled 3.1 7.8 3.4
Rice, precooked 3.3 8.9 3.6
Rice, quick rice 2.5 9.0 2.7
Rice, nature rice 4.6 10.7 5.1
Rice, brown rice 9.1 10.2 10.1
Unpolished, round-grain rice (health shop) 3.4 6.8 3.7
Unpolished, long-grain rice (health shop) 4.2 11.6 4.7
Nature, biodynamic-grown rice (health shop) 4.5 10.2 5.0


Asp, N.-G., Johansson, C.-G., Hallner, H., and Siljestrm, M., Rapid enzymatic assay of insoluble and soluble
dietary fiber, Agric. Food Chem., 31, 476, 1983.
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Appendix Table A.5

Crude Fiber Values of Typical Samples

Ivan Furda

2001 by CRC Press LLC 665
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Table A.5 Crude Fiber Values of Typical Samplesa

Crude Fiber
Crude Fiber Moisture (moisture-free basis)
Sample (g/100 g) (%) (%)
Avocados, raw 1.6 74.0 6.2
Artichokes, raw 2.4 85.5 16.5
Apples, fresh, raw 1.0 84.4 6.4
Almonds, dried 2.6 4.7 2.7
Bean flour, lima 2.0 10.5 2.2
Beans, lima, raw 1.0 90.1 10.0
Bananas 1.8 67.5 5.5
White 0.2 35.6 0.31
Rye 0.4 35.5 0.6
French 0.2 30.6 0.3
Pumpernickel 1.1 34.0 1.7
Whole wheat 1.6 36.4 2.5
Broccoli, raw 1.5 89.1 13.6
Cabbage, raw 0.8 92.4 10.5
Carob flour 7.7 11.2 8.7
Chocolate, bitter 2.5 2.3 2.6
Cocoa, dry powder 4.3 3.0 4.4
Corn grits, dry 0.4 12.0 0.5
Corn flour 0.7 12.0 0.8
Corn, field, whole grain, raw 2.0 13.8 2.3
Raw 1.0 88.2 8.5
Dehydrated 9.3 4.0 9.7
Cauliflower, raw 1.0 91.0 11.1
Cornmeal, whole-ground 1.6 12.0 1.8
Grapefruit, raw 0.2 88.4 1.7
Grapes, raw 0.6 81.6 3.2
Horseradish, raw 2.4 74.6 9.4
Macadamia nuts 2.5 3.0 2.6
Malt, dry 5.2 5.7 5.5
Mushrooms, raw 0.8 90.4 8.3
Oatmeal, dry 1.2 8.3 1.3
Okra, raw 1.0 88.9 9.0
Olives, green 1.3 78.2 6.0
Onions, raw 0.6 89.1 5.5
Onions, dehydrated 4.4 4.0 4.6
Oranges, raw peeled fruit 0.5 86.0 3.6
Peaches 0.6 89.1 5.4
Peanuts, raw without skins 1.9 5.4 2.0
Peanut flour, defatted 2.7 7.3 2.9
Pears, raw (including skin) 1.4 83.2 8.3
Peas, edible podded, raw 1.2 83.3 7.2
Peppers, sweet, immature, green, raw 1.4 93.4 21.2
Pineapple, raw 0.4 85.3 2.7
Plums, raw prune type 0.4 78.7 1.9
Popcorn, popped, plain 2.2 4.0 2.3
Potatoes, raw 0.5 79.8 2.5
Potato flour 1.6 7.6 1.7
Pumpkin, raw 1.1 91.6 13.1
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Table A.5 (Continued) Crude Fiber Values of Typical Samplesa

Crude Fiber
Crude Fiber Moisture (moisture-free basis)
Sample (g/100 g) (%) (%)
Rice, white (milled or polished), enriched, raw 0.3 12.0 0.3
Rice, brown, raw 0.9 12.0 1.0
Rice bran 11.5 9.7 12.7
Rye (whole grain) 2.0 11.0 2.2
Rye flour (light) 0.4 11.0 0.4
Rye flour (dark) 2.4 11.0 2.7
Rye wafers (whole grain) 2.2 6.0 2.3
Soybeans (mature seeds), dry, raw 4.9 10.0 5.5
Soybean flour
(full-fat) 2.4 8.0 2.6
(defatted) 2.3 8.0 2.5
Spinach, raw 0.1 90.7 6.5
Squash, raw 0.6 94.0 10.0
Strawberries, raw 1.3 89.9 12.9
Sweet potatoes, raw 0.7 70.6 2.4
Tomatoes, ripe, raw 0.5 93.5 7.7
Turnips, raw 0.9 91.5 10.6
Walnuts, black 1.7 3.1 1.8
Wheat, whole grain
Hard Red Spring 2.3 13.0 2.6
White 1.9 11.5 2.1
Wheat flours
Whole (from hard wheats)
80% extraction 0.5 12.0 0.6
Straight, soft wheat 0.4 12.0 0.45
Bread flour (enriched) 0.3 12.0 0.3
Wheat bran (crude, commercially milled) 9.1 11.5 10.3
Wheat germ (crude, commercially milled) 2.5 11.5 2.8
Yeast (Brewers, debittered) 1.7 5.0 1.8
Yam, tuber, raw 0.9 73.5 3.4
a Adapted from Composition of Foods, Agriculture Handbook No. 8, Watt, B. K. and Merrill, A. L., Eds.,
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 1963.
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2387_chzAppendix_T6_fm Page 669 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:14 PM

Appendix Table A.6

Comparison of Analyses of Dietary Fiber
and Crude Fiber

Gene A. Spiller

2001 by CRC Press LLC 669
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Table A.6 Comparison of Analyses of Dietary Fiber and Crude Fiber

Crude Fiber1 Total Dietary Fiber2

Foods (%) (%)
Beans, baked 1.50 7.27
Beans, green 1.00 3.35
Carrots, cooked 1.00 3.70
Corn, sweet, cooked 0.70 4.74
Lettuce, raw 0.60 1.53
Onions, raw 0.60 2.10
Parsnips, raw 2.00 4.90
Peas, frozen, raw 1.90 7.75
Peas, canned 1.40 7.07
Potatoes, raw 0.50 3.51
Tomatoes, fresh 0.50 1.40
Apples, flesh only 0.60 1.42
Bananas 0.50 1.75
Cherries, flesh and skin 0.40 1.24
Peaches, flesh and skin 0.60 2.28
Pears, flesh only 1.40 2.44
Plums, flesh and skin 0.50 1.52
Strawberries, raw 1.30 2.12
Nut-like products
Peanut butter 1.90 7.55
Grains and grain products
Flour, white 0.30 3.15
Flour, whole wheat 2.30 9.15
Bran 9.41 44.00
Bread, white 0.20 2.72
Bread, whole wheat 1.60 8.50
All Bran cereal 7.80 26.70
Corn Flakes 0.70 11.00

Figure A.6.1 Data for dietary fiber (Southgate method, Chapter 3.4) and crude fiber for various
foods showing lack of correlation between the two measurements.
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1. Crude fiber data from Composition of Foods, Handbook Number 8, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D.C., 1963.
2. Dietary fiber data from Southgate, D. A. T., Bailey, B., Collinson, E., and Walker, A. F., A guide to
calculating intakes of dietary fiber, J. Hum. Nutr., 30, 303, 1976.
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2387_chzAppendix_T7_fm Page 673 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:15 PM

Appendix Table A.7

Phytate Contents of Foods

Barbara F. Harland

2001 by CRC Press LLC 673
Table A.7 Phytate Contents of Foodsa

Moistureb Serving Size Phytate per Serving 100 g

Food (%) (Uc) (g) (mg) EPd, mg Dry Wt, mg
Almonds (Taylors Sunshine Colony) 5.0 1/2 c 71 909 1280 347 17c
Apples, raw, not pared 84.4 1 150 94 63 404
Artichoke, Jerusalem, boiled 80.2 1 bud 380 110 29 146
Artichoke, Jerusalem, flour 10.9 1 Tbsp 15 70 468 525 24f
Artichoke hearts, whole (S & W) 90.0 1 120 11 9 88 2c
Avocado 66.1 1 201 2 1 3 2c
Bacon chips, imitation (Bacos, Betty Crocker) 5.0 1 Tbsp 15 196 1310 1379 9e
Baking mix, buttermilk (Bimix, Martha White) 7.5 1 Tbsp 15 27 180 195 14e
Baking mix, buttermilk (Bisquick) 7.5 1 Tbsp 15 11 73 79 7e
Barley, infant cereal, instant cooking, dry (Gerber) 10.3 1 oz 28 251 897 1000
Barley, pearl, boiled 69.6 1/2 c 120 197 164 539
Beans, broad, boiled 83.7 1/2 c 120 22 18 110
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Beans,g green, casserole with cheddar cheese 70.0 1c 124 112 90 300
Beans, kidney, canned, drained 69.0 1/2 c 92 282 307 990 2h
Beans, lima, immature, raw 67.5 1/2 c 55 124 226 695 9f
Beans, lima, mature, dry, raw 10.3 1/4 c 40 404 1010 1126
Beans, navy, mature, dry, boiled, drained 69.0 1/2 c 85 294 346 1116
Beans, navy, mature, dry, raw 10.9 1/2 c 62 564 910 1021 18e
Beans, pinto, raw 67.5 1/2 c 55 122 222 684 5f
Beans, snap, green, canned, drained 91.9 1/2 c 62 56 91 1123
Beets, canned, sliced (Del Monte) 90.7 1/2 c 85 2 3 30 7e
Blackberries 82.0 1/2 c 72 7 10 56
Blueberries, sweetened, canned, drained 72.3 1/2 c 115 3 3 11 4h
Boullion cubes, beef-flavored (Wylers) 4.0 2 cubes 8 7 88 92 2e
Boullion cubes, chicken-flavored (Wylers) 4.0 2 cubes 8 3 32 33 2e
Brazil nuts 8.5 1/2 c 70 1259 1799 1966
Bread, French 30.6 1 sl 35 6 17 24
Bread, high-fiber, wheat (Fresh Horizons) 36.4 1 sl 28 65 232 365 2h
Bread, high-fiber, white (Fresh Horizons) 35.8 1 sl 27 21 79 123 1h
Bread, Norwegian flat (Kauli) 4.3 1 10 65 654 683 3h
Bread, pita (Giant) 25.0 1 35 43 123 164 2h
Bread, pumpernickel (Giant) 34.0 1 sl 32 34 107 162
Bread, raisin (Giant) 35.3 1 sl 25 14 58 89
Bread, rye, American (Giant) 35.5 1 sl 25 39 155 240
Bread, wheat (Melba Toast, Borden) 6.0 2 sl 10 18 183 195 5e
Bread, white, enriched (Giant) 35.8 1 sl 27 18 69 107
Bread, whole wheat (Giant) 36.4 1 sl 28 109 390 613
Bread, whole wheat (Oroweat) 36.9 1 sl 24 80 334 529 2e
Breading mix (Shake n Bake) 8.0 1 oz 28 102 365 397 2e
Broccoli, fresh 88.8 1 bud 44 8 18 164 0e
Bun, plain, hamburger (United Premium Quality) 33.3 1 52 43 82 124 0e
Cake, chocolate, without icing (Duncan Hines Swiss 24.2 1 sl 120 637 531 701 6h
Choc. Mix)
Cake, white, lightly iced (Duncan Hines Mix) 20.0 1 sl 104 18 17 21

Candy, milk chocolate (Hershey) 0.9 1 oz 28 36 127 128 12h

Caraway seeds 5.5 1 Tbsp 8 81 1019 1078 11h
Carrots, raw 88.2 1 81 8 9 76
Cashew nuts 5.2 1/2 c 70 1306 1866 1968 31h
Cashew nuts, honey-roasted (Eagle Snacks) 5.0 1/2 c 70 665 950 1000 20e
Chestnuts 51.7 1/2 c 80 38 47 97
Chickpeas (garbanzos), dry, raw 10.7 1/2 c 100 730 730 817 9h
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Chickpeas or garbanzos, mature seeds, dry, boiled, 69.0 1/2 c 62 129 208 670
Chili con carne, no beans (Wolf) 70.7 1c 225 187 83 284 10e
Chili con carne, w/ beans (Wolf) 73.1 1c 225 169 75 280 3e
Cocoa, dry powder (Hershey) 4.1 1 Tbsp 5 94 1880 1960
Coconut meat, dried, sweetened, shredded 3.3 1 oz 28 65 230 237
Coffee cake (Butter Streusel, Sara Lee) 22.0 1 sl 42 21 50 64 6h
Coffee, brewed (Folgers Flaked) 98.1 6 oz c 180 12 7 368
Coffee, instant (Tasters Choice 100% Freeze-Dried) 98.1 6 oz c 180 1 0.7 37
Coffee substitute, grain and spice (Celestial 98.1 6 oz c 180 18 10 526
Collard greens, raw 88.9 1c 80 10 12 112 9f
Cookie, chocolate chip (Chips Ahoy, Nabisco) 8.0 4 60 89 148 161 3e
Cookie, chocolate sandwich cream-filled (Oreos, 2.2 4 40 74 186 190 6h
Cookie, coconut bar (Rippin Good) 3.8 10 90 294 327 340 10h
Cookie, fig bar (Fig Newtons, Nabisco) 12.7 4 56 20 35 40 6h
Cookie (Nilla Wafers, Nabisco) 2.8 2 20 7 37 38 3e
Cookie, oatmeal and raisin (Pepperidge Farm) 2.8 4 52 101 194 200 6h
Cookie (Peanut Butter Nut, Duncan Hines) 11.0 2 28 92 328 368 10e
Cookie (Toddler Biter Biscuits, Gerber) 4.0 2 38 38 100 104 3e
Cookie mix, brownie, baked (Duncan Hines) 11.0 1 20 31 153 161 3e
Cookie mix, peanut butter (Duncan Hines) 10.0 1 oz 28 55 197 219 7e
Table A.7 (Continued) Phytate Contents of Foodsa

Moistureb Serving Size Phytate per Serving 100 g

Food % Uc g mg EPd, mg Dry Wt, mg
Cornbread, whole ground corn meal (Washington 53.9 1 sl 78 489 627 1360
Combread Mix)
Corn, canned, whole-kernel, yellow, drained solids 75.9 1/2 c 82 26 31 129
Corn cereal, ready-to-eat (Corn Bran, Quaker) 3.5 1 oz 28 65 232 240 16h
Corn cereal, ready-to-eat (Corn Flakes, Kelloggs) 2.6 1 oz 28 20 70 72 3e
Corn cereal, ready-to-eat (Corn Pops, Kelloggs) 3.4 1 oz 28 26 94 97 10e
Corn chips (Cheetos) 6.0 1 oz 28 20 73 78 3e
Corn chips (Cornquistos, Snack Master) 5.0 1 oz 28 65 232 244 18e
Corn chips (Doritos) 3.8 1 oz 28 178 635 660
Corn chips (Fritos) 6.0 1 oz 28 142 506 538 2e
Corn chips (Nacho Dorritos) 11.0 1 oz 28 142 507 570 3e
Corn germ flour (Quaker) 12.0 1c 120 2048 1707 1940 6h
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Corn meal (Quaker) 12.0 1/2 c 80 754 943 1072 6h

Cornmeal, unbolted, stoneground (Stone Mountain) 12.0 1 Tbsp 15 107 711 808 0e
Corn puddingi 34.0 1/2 c 122 20 16 24
Cracker, animal (Barnums, Nabisco) 6.0 4 10 8 84 89 3e
Cracker, graham (Honey Maid, Nabisco) 6.0 4 28 50 179 190 5e
Cracker (Ritz, Nabisco) 4.0 4 11 11 103 107 3e
Cracker, saltine (Nabisco) 4.3 4 11 19 172 180
Cracker (Wheat Thins, Nabisco) 6.0 2 30 95 317 337 3e
Croutons, toasted (Brownberry) 7.0 2 oz 56 79 141 152 2e
Cucumber, raw 54.1 1/2 c 52 15 28 62 5e
Doughnut, cake, sugar-coated (Mrs. Bairds) 24.0 1 32 117 366 481 15e
Farina, regular, cooked (Cream of Wheat) 89.5 1/2 c 122 5 4 38
Figs, dried, uncooked 23.0 1/2 c 89 343 385 500 57h
Filberts (hazelnuts), shelled, chopped 5.8 1/2 c 59 956 1620 1720
Granola, coconut, assorted nuts, and raisins 3.8 1 oz 28 175 625 650
(Nature Valley)
Hickory nuts 3.3 1/2 c 78 1260 1615 1670
High-protein infant cereal, instant dry form (Gerber) 10.3 1 oz 28 311 1112 1240
Hominy, cooked (corn grits), degermed, enriched 87.1 1/2 c 122 344 282 2186 38h
Hot chocolate, instant (Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa Mix) 98.1 6 oz c 180 2 1 53
Kale, raw 88.7 1c 80 11 14 128 7f
Ketchup, tomato (Heinz) 65.9 1 Tbsp 15 1 7 20 3e
Lentils, raw 12.2 1/2 c 95 412 434 494
Macaroni, elbow, enriched (Kroger) 10.4 1/2 c 43 112 260 290 5e
Millet, dry 11.8 1/4 c 25 124 494 560 8h
Mixed grain cereal, ready-to-eat (Alpha Bits, Post) 1.3 1 oz 28 143 510 517 7e
Mixed grain cereal, ready-to-eat (Apple Jacks, 2.3 1 oz 28 50 177 181 0e
Mixed grain cereal, ready-to-eat (Froot Loops, 2.5 1 oz 28 45 162 166 5e
Mixed grain cereal, ready-to-eat (Product 19, 3.2 1 oz 28 76 272 281 2e

Mixed grain cereal, ready-to-eat (Special K, 2.2 1 oz 28 76 272 278 8e

Mixed grain cereal, ready-to-eat (Team, Nabisco) 3.2 1 oz 28 65 232 240
Mixed grain cereal, infant, instant, dry form (Gerber) 10.3 1 oz 28 203 726 809
Muffin, English (Thomas) 39.0 1 66 48 73 120 6h
Muffin, wheat bran (Duncan Hines Mix) 35.1 1 40 199 498 767 8h
Noodles, chow mein (La Choy) 1.0 1 oz 28 114 409 413 2e
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Oatmeal or rolled oats, cooked (Quaker) 86.5 1/2 c 120 133 111 822
Oatmeal, dry (Quaker) 8.9 1 oz 28 264 943 1035
Oatmeal, infant cereal, instant, dry form (Gerber) 10.3 1 oz 28 251 897 1000
Okra, cooked (Trappeys) 94.8 1/2 c 80 4 5 88 2e
Okra, raw 88.9 1/2 c 48 15 32 286 4e
Olives, green, Spanish w/pimiento 74.9 2 40 1 3 11 3e
Olives, ripe, sliced 85.1 2 48 1 2 15 2e
Pancakes, wheat germ (Aunt Jemima Mix plus 1 50.6 1 28 244 871 1763
teaspoon of wheat germ/pancake)
Parsnips, raw 76.9 1c 67 21 32 137 3e
Peach pie (Giant) 47.5 1 sl 118 4 3 6
Peanuts, toasted, salted (Toms) 6.6 1 oz 28 261 933 999 22e
Peanut butter (Jif, extra crunchy) 2.2 1 Tbsp 16 200 1252 1280
Peas, blackeyed, dried, raw 10.5 1/2 c 100 815 815 911 7h
Peas, dried, raw 13.3 1/2 c 100 851 851 982
Peas, green, immature, canned, drained solids 81.5 1/2 c 85 24 28 151
Peas, split, dry 11.7 1/2 c 100 664 664 752 2h
Pecans, shelled 3.4 1/2 c 54 793 1468 1519
Piecrust stick (Betty Crocker) 19.0 1/6 53 62 117 144 3e
Plantain, raw 66.4 1/2 c 50 16 32 95 16f
Popcorn, popped, plain 4.0 1c 6 37 614 640
Popcorn, unpopped (Orville Redenbachers 9.8 1/8 c 6 34 561 622 13e
Table A.7 (Continued) Phytate Contents of Foodsa

Moistureb Serving Size Phytate per Serving 100 g

Food % Uc g mg EPd, mg Dry Wt, mg
Poppy seeds 5.5 1 Tbsp 8 175 2189 2316 13h
Potato chips 1.8 1 oz 28 55 196 200 15h
Potatoes, boiled in skin, drained, pared 79.8 1/2 c 78 63 81 401
Potatoes, French fries 44.7 10 50 50 100 181 1h
Potato salad w/ egg (Giant, Deli) 82.8 1/2 c 75 63 84 488
Pretzels, butter (Seyferts) 5.0 10 60 63 105 111 6e
Pumpkin seeds 5.5 1 oz 28 529 1889 1998 15h
Radish, fresh 94.4 1 45 3 6 108 15e
Rice, brown, dry 10.3 1/4 c 25 130 518 577 22h
Rice, long-grain, uncooked (Minute, General Foods) 9.6 1/4 c 45 65 144 159 7e
Rice, white, regular, dry form, fully milled or polished 10.3 1/4 c 25 64 255 284
Rice, wild 12.0 1/2 c 100 1936 1936 2200
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Rice cereal, ready-to-eat (Cocoa Krispies, Kelloggs) 2.5 1 oz 28 38 136 139 2e

Rice cereal, ready-to-eat (Cocoa Pebbles, Post) 2.1 1 oz 28 53 189 193 2e
Rice cereal, ready-to-eat (Fruity Pebbles, Post) 2.9 1 oz 28 41 146 150 2e
Rice cereal, ready-to-eat (Rice Krispies, Kelloggs) 2.3 1 oz 28 58 207 212 10e
Rice cereal, infant, instant, dry form (Gerber) 10.3 1 oz 28 246 879 980
Roll, ready-to-serve, plain (Giant) 31.4 1 28 18 64 93
Rye flour (Pillsbury) 15.0 1c 128 1176 919 1081
Sesame seeds 5.5 1 Tbsp 8 129 1616 1710 14h
Soy-based chicken analog (General Mills) 7.0 1 oz 28 70 251 270
Soy-based ham analog (General Mills) 7.0 1 oz 28 31 112 120
Soy-based infant formula (Advance, Concentrate) 87.0 4 oz 120 10 8 62 2h
Soy-based TVP bacon (Archer Daniels Midlands) 7.0 1 oz 28 248 884 951
Soy-based TVP bacon and vitamins (Archer Daniels 7.0 1 oz 28 300 1070 1151
Soy-based TVP beef (Archer Daniels Midlands) 7.0 1 oz 28 354 1265 1360
Soy-based TVP ham (Archer Daniels Midlands) 7.0 1 oz 28 328 1172 1260
Soy-based TVP pork (Archer Daniels Midlands) 7.0 1 oz 28 370 1321 1420
Soy-based TVP unflavored and vitamins (Archer 7.0 1 oz 28 424 1516 1630
Daniels Midlands)
Soybeans, mature seeds, dry, raw Elton variety 10.0 1/2 c 105 2438 2322 2580
Soy flour (Ralston Purina) 8.0 1c 137 1915 1398 1520 11h
Soy isolate (Ralston Purina) 8.0 1c 137 1689 1233 1340 11h
Soy, textured concentrate (Patti Pro, General Mills) 5.0 1 oz 28 399 1425 1500
Strawberries, frozen, sweetened, drained 71.3 1/2 c 128 8 6 21 2h
Sunflower seeds 5.5 1 Tbsp 8 128 1606 1699 4h
Sweet potato, raw 70.0 1 180 9 5 17
Taco shells (Pacos) 4.0 1 20 110 549 572 8e
Tea, brewed (Kaffree, dried leaves) 99.4 6 oz c 180 3 2 333
Tea, instant (Nestea 100% Instant) 99.4 6 oz c 180 2 1 167

Tomato seeds 5.5 1 Tbsp 8 148 1847 1955 8h

Tomato soup (Campbells) 87.8 1/2 c 122 8 6 49
Tomatoes, canned solids and liquid 93.7 1/2 c 120 8 6 95
Triticale flour 11.0 1 Tbsp 15 90 597 670 0f
Turnips, raw 87.2 1/2 c 65 4 6 47 3e
Walnuts, black, shelled 3.1 1/2 c 62 1226 1977 2040
Walnuts, English, shelled 23.5 1/2 c 50 380 760 993
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Wheat bran, crude AACC ref.j 10.4 1 oz 28 843 3011 3360

Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (40% Bran, Post) 3.0 1 oz 28 305 1088 1122 10e
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat 100% bran (All Bran, 3.6 1 oz 28 887 3168 3286 2h
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat, Bran Chex (Ralston 3.5 1 oz 28 375 1341 1390 22h
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (Bran Flakes, Kelloggs) 3.0 1 oz 28 298 1066 1099 2e
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (Frosted Flakes, 2.5 1 oz 28 16 58 60 2e
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (Grape Nuts Flakes, 3.4 1 oz 28 151 541 560 3e
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (Honey Smacks, 3.2 1 oz 28 51 182 188 v8e
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (Post Toasties) 3.0 1 oz 28 22 80 83 0e
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (Raisin Bran, Kelloggs) 8.3 1 oz 28 184 659 719 2e
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat, shredded (Nabisco) 3.2 1 oz 28 415 1481 1530
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat, fortified (Special K, 3.5 1 oz 28 186 666 690 10h
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (Super Sugar Crisps, 1.5 1 oz 28 77 274 278 7e
Wheat cereal, ready-to-eat (Wheaties, General Mills) 3.5 1 oz 28 411 1467 1520

Table A.7 (Continued) Phytate Contents of Foodsa

Moistureb Serving Size Phytate per Serving 100 g

Food % Uc g mg EPd, mg Dry Wt, mg
Wheat flour, all-purpose (General Mills) 12.0 1c 137 386 282 320
Wheat flour, enriched, unbleached (Gold Medal, 12.0 1 Tbsp 15 20 136 154 2e
General Mills)
Wheat flour, whole wheat (Pillsbury) 12.0 1c 120 1014 845 960
Wheat germ (Kretchmer) 11.5 1 Tbsp 6 244 4071 4600
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Wheat gluten flour 8.5 1 Tbsp 15 38 252 276 4f

Yam, raw 73.0 1 180 94 52 193
Yeast, bakers dry 5.0 1/4 oz 7 35 495 521 7f
a Table 1 is taken in part from Harland, B. F. and Oberleas, D., Phytate in Foods, World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vol. 52, S. Karger, Basel, 1987, 235.
b If no value was given, a "best estimate" was calculated from existing data.
c c = 8-oz cup, oz = ounce, Tbsp = tablespoon, and sl = slice.
d Edible portion.
e Mean SE of triplicate determinations by Oberleas and Roy (1985).
f Mean SE of triplicate determinations by Harland et al. (1986).
g Two c snap green beans, drained, 1 can Campbells Cream of Mushroom Soup, 1/2 c grated cheddar cheese. Mix and heat.
h Mean SE of triplicate determinations by Harland and Oberleas (1986).
i One c whole-kernel corn, 2 c cream-style corn, 1/2 c melted butter, 2 beaten eggs, 1 c sour cream, 1 pkg Jiffy cornbread mix. Mix ingredients, bake at 350F for 30 min.
j AACC Certified Food Grade Wheat Bran (10-4-77) used as a reference material during phytate analyses (American Association of Cereal Chemists, 3340 Pilot
Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121). This food has been certified to contain 3 0.2% or 3348 223 mg phytate/100 g (dry weight).
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Appendix Table A.8

Tartaric Acid Content of Foods

Monica Spiller and Gene A. Spiller

Few foods contain more than minimal quantities of tartaric acid (C4H6O6). In temperate climates
only grapes and their products have reasonable amounts of tartaric acid, amounts that may have
physiological significance. Tartaric acid is of interest in fiber studies and in health, as it affects
colon function. In sun-dried raisins all of the tartaric acid of the grape is present, while in wine
making some of the tartaric acid is lost.

2001 by CRC Press LLC 681
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Food Amount
Grapes (fresh) 0.550.9 g/100 g
Wine 0.50.7 g/100 ml
Sun-dried raisins 2.03.5 g/100 g
Raisin juice concentrate 1.82.2 g/100 ml
Raisin paste 1.52.2 g/100 g
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Appendix Table A.9

Plant Foods That Contain Significant Levels of
Saponins and Their Estimated Saponin Content

David Oakenfull and John D. Potter

2001 by CRC Press LLC 683
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Table A.9
Saponin Content
Plant (g/kg dry weight)
Alfalfa sprouts (Medicago sativa) 80
Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) 15
Broad bean (Vicia faba) 3.5
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) 0.760
Green pea (Pisum sativum) 1.811
Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 216
Lentil (Lens culinaris) 0.71.1
Mung bean (Phaseolus mungo) 0.56
Navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 4.521
Oats (Avena sativa) 0.20.5
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) 0.0516
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) 1023
Sesame seed (Sesamum indicum) 3
Silver beet (Beta vulgaris) 58
Soy bean (Glycine max) 5.656
Spinach (Spinacea oleracia) 47
Sweet lupin (Lupinus augustifolius) 0.40.7
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A American Diabetes Association, 554

American Diatetics Association, 554
Acetate, 287313, 483, See also Short-chain fatty American Health Foundation (AHF), 557
acids American Heart Association, 391, 554
Aminopolysaccharide, 4546
Acetyl bromide method, 99
Amoebic dysentery, 198
Acid detergent fiber (ADF), 27, 63
Amylases, 52, 54, 55, 64, 90, 277, 278, 280
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 147
Amyloglucosidases, 51, 52, 90, 92
protein digestibility and, 136
Amylopectin, 40
protein utilization effects, 153
Amylose, 40, See also Starch
Additives, polysaccharide, 2325, 33
Amylose, retrograde, 16, 40, See also Resistant
African dietary and morbidity patterns, 363365,
369, 423, 431, 561, 569, 570, 574576
Analytical methods
Agar, 24, 27
AOAC approved methods, 5360, 87105
antitoxic effects, 446
detergent systems, 6365
blood glucose and insulin responses and, 324 Englyst procedure for nonstarch polysaccharides,
fecal composition studies, 209 7081, 567, See also Englyst procedure
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 149 enzymatic gravimetry, 5160, 87, See Enzymatic
protein digestibility and, 138 gravimetric methods
Agarose, 27 historical perspectives, 88
Agiolax, 306 insoluble and soluble fiber, 5253
Alfalfa lignin, 20
antitoxic effects, 446, 447 modified carbazole method, 97
digestive enzymes and, 278, 282 phytate analysis, 113125, See also Phytate,
fecal composition studies, 216 analytical methods
fecal mutagens and, 318 protein hydrolysis, 55
sprouts, See Sprouts reagent toxicity, 64
Algal polysaccharides, 24, 27, See also Agar; sample extraction, 8384
Alginates; Carrageenans sample preparation, 54
Alginates, 24, 27 saponins, 127130
antitoxic effects, 446 Southgate method for unavailable carbohydrates,
digestive enzymes and, 278, 279 8385, 88, 567, See also Southgate method
protein digestibility and, 138 starch, 8485, 88, 9092
protein utilization and, 144, 155 sugar and lipid removal, 90
short-chain fatty acids and, 311 Uppsala method for total dietary fiber, 87105,
Alginic acid, 27 See also Uppsala procedure
Almond, 637, 666, 674 Animal connective tissues, 17
Amaranth, 627 Animal fibers (chitin and chitosan), 4546
American Academy of Pediatrics, 557 Antioxidants, 453458, 482
American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC), cardiovascular protective effects, 486
554555 fecal mutagens and, 317
American Cancer Society, 554 food product content, 455456

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phytic acid anticarcinogenic effects, 542 B

processing and, 457
whole grain anticarcinogenic effects, 490491 Bacillus subtilis enzymes, 52, 55
whole grain components, 453454 Bacteria (fecal or intestinal microflora), 15, 185186,
Antitoxic effects, 445448 257267
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) antioxidants and, 457
approved methods, 5360, 87105 beneficial vs. undesirable fiber effects, 261
Apoptosis, 493, 543544 carcinogenesis and, 489490
Appendicitis, 363, 364, 365 dietary characteristics and, 261262
Appetite and satiety, 3436 effects of different fiber types, 263266
Apple enzymes, 261
antitoxic effects, 446 harmful, neutral, and beneficial species, 258259
certificated reference materials for Englyst morphological characteristics, 258
procedures, 70 probiotics and prebiotics, 259
crude fiber/dietary fiber comparison, 670 reactive nitrogen products, 491
diabetes treatment effects, 328 vitamin B12 and, 179
fecal composition studies, 217 Bacterioides, 258, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265
fiber values, 629, 631, 654, 661, 666, 670 Bagasse
glycemic index values, 330, 335, 339 blood glucose and insulin responses and, 324
glycemic/insulinemic response and, 326, 374, 381, fecal composition studies, 217
382 fecal microflora studies, 264
phytate content, 674 Bagels, 616
short-chain fatty acids and, 307, 309 Bamboo shoots, 632
Uppsala method applications, 104 Banana, 661
Uppsala method collaborative study, 101, crude fiber/dietary fiber comparison, 670
103 fructooligosaccharides, 260
Applesauce, 629 glycemic index values, 330, 335, 340
Apricot, 629 fecal microflora studies, 264
Arabinans, 27 Barley, 482
Arabinogalactans, 12, 27 antioxidants, 455
Arabinose, 55, 93, 101, 105 antitoxic effects, 447
Arabinoxylans, 12, 28, 35, 103, 483, 487488 carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279
Arrowroot, 627 digestive enzymes and, 278
Artichoke glycemic index values, 330
fiber values, 632, 655, 666 glycemic/insulinemic response and, 324, 338, 374
fructooligosaccharides, 260 mineral bioavailability studies, 508, 513, 515, 519,
phytate content, 674 520
Arugula, 632 phytate content, 674
Asbestos, 65 protein digestibility and, 141, 143
Ascorbic acid, 178, See also Vitamin C protein utilization effects, 156157
fecal mutagens and, 317 Uppsala method applications, 104
iron absorption and, 501 Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) receptor, 544
mineral bioavailability and, 521, 522 Basil, 632
Ash content, selected foods, 650658 Beans, See also Legumes
Ash precipitation, 55 Chinese consumption patterns, 595
Asparagus cholesterol-reducing effects, 411
fiber values, 632, 655 fecal composition studies, 237
fructooligosaccharides, 260 fiber values, 632, 655, 660, 666, 670
saponin content, 129, 684 glucose/insulin responses, processing effects, 339
Atherosclerotic disease, 486 glycemic index values, 330, 334, 339
Australia, 561, 576, 583590 phytate content, 674
Austria, 560 saponin content, 129, 684
Autoimmune diseases, 370 Beet
Avenanthramides, 453 fecal composition studies, 216
Avocado, 654, 666, 674 fiber values, 632
2387_Index_fm Page 687 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


glycemic index values, 334 Uppsala method applications, 104

glycemic/insulinemic response and, 324, 384, 385 Uppsala method collaborative study, 101, 103
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 150 Breadsticks, 616
phytate content, 674 Breakfast cereals
protein digestibility and, 142 antioxidants, 456, 457
protein utilization effects, 157 crude fiber/dietary fiber comparison, 670
saponin content, 684 dietary fiber values, 618625, 651654, 660, 670
short-chain fatty acids and, 306, 307, 309, 311 dry matter content, 651654
Benzoates, 453 fecal composition studies, 235
Berries food preferences, 33
fiber content, 629, 630, 631, 654 glycemic index values, 330, 334
phytate content, 674 mineral bioavailability studies, 509, 519
Bifidobacteria, 258, 259, 261, 262, 264267, 489, phytate content, 677, 678, 679
490 US consumption patterns, 556
Bile acids Breast cancer, 492, 532
bran and fecal losses, 409410 Brewer's yeast, 667
dietary fiber and adsorption/excretion, 38 Bristol diet, 436
fiber lipid-modifying effects and, 402, 483 Broccoli
intestinal microflora and, 259, 261 cancer risk and, 423
mineral excretion and, 166, 167 casein digestibility and, 279
saponins and fecal excretion, 127 crude fiber values, 666
viscosity effects on intestinal absorption, 36 fiber values, 633, 655, 660
Bioavailability, mineral, See Mineral bioavailability phytate content, 675
Biotin, 176 short-chain fatty acids and, 312
Blackberries, 629, 674 Brown rice, 33
Black-eyed peas antioxidants, 455
casein digestibility and, 279 carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279
dry matter content, 656 crude fiber values, 667
glycemic index values, 334 fecal composition studies, 235
phytate content, 677 fiber values, 628, 664, 667
Blood pressure, 409, 483484 glycemic index, 339
Blueberries, 654, 674 grinding effects on glucose and insulin responses,
Body weight, chronic disease risk and, 466, 485, 492 338
Bowel habit, historical interest in fiber, 183184 mineral bioavailability studies, 516
Brans, 482, See Oat bran; Rice bran; Wheat bran nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 151
Brazil, 561 phytate content, 678
Brazil nuts, 637, 661, 674 protein digestibility and, 143, 279
Breads, See also White bread; Whole-grain bread; Brussels sprouts, 633, 655, 660
specific grains Buckwheat, glycemic index values, 330
carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279 Bulgur
diabetes and national flour changes, 369370 fiber values, 627
dry matter content, 650651 glycemic index values, 334
fat and protein effects on glycemic responses, Burkitt, D. P., 4, 5, 69, 184, 431, 461
336337 Butyrate, 287313, 483, See also Short-chain fatty
fecal composition studies, 228229, 233234 acids
fiber values, 616618, 650651, 660, 666, 670 cancer risk and, 39
food preferences, 33 dietary fiber feeding duration and, 288
French consumption patterns, 598
glycemic index values, 330, 334, 339
mineral bioavailability studies, 504514, 521 C
neutral polysaccharides not recovered by Uppsala
procedure, 93
phytate content, 674675
antioxidants, 455
refining and glucose and insulin responses, 326
Chinese consumption patterns, 595
soluble fiber effects on glucose and insulin
colon cancer risk and, 423
responses, 322
2387_Index_fm Page 688 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


fecal composition studies, 216, 217, 219 particle size effects and, 331332
fecal microflora study, 263 satiety and, 485
fiber values, 633, 655, 660, 666 short-chain fatty acids and, 488
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 151 utility of glycemic index, 339341
short-chain fatty acids and, 312 whole grains and diabetes, 487488
Uppsala method applications, 103, 104 Carbohydrate intake recommendations, 370, 391
Cadmium, 519520 Carbohydrates, indigestible, 16
Caffeic acids, 491 Carboxymethylcellulose
Calcium, 21, 499, 503 fecal composition studies, 239
bioavailability studies, 504, 505, 507, 509516 laxative effectiveness, 191
in vitro binding studies, 517519 short-chain fatty acids and, 308
phytate effects, 161, 166, 542 viscosity effects and nutrient bioavailability, 37
Canada, dietary fiber consumption patterns, 569, 570 vitamin D absorption effects, 175
Cancer, See also Colon cancer; specific neoplasms Carcinogens, dietary fiber effects, 317318,
controversial issues, 477 445448, See also Cancer
dietary fiber and risk, 474475 Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), See also Coronary
estrogen metabolism and, 491492 heart disease
FDA findings regarding dietary fiber health dietary fiber and risk and mortality, 467472
claims, 69 fiber type and, 476
fecal mutagens and, 317 Italian study, 609
fiber fermentation and, 39 naturally high-fiber diets and, 69
Italian study, 609 prospective epidemiologic studies, 467472
naturally high-fiber diets and, 69 risk factors, 465
phytic acid and, 531544, See Phytic acid, cancer South African risk, 363
and whole grain and fiber effects, 461477, 481,
short-chain fatty acids and, 489 482486
South African patterns, 363, 364 Carob, 24
studies indicating no effect of dietary fiber, 553 crude fiber, 666
whole grain and fiber effects, 481, 488493 digestive enzymes and, 278, 280
antioxidant effects, 490491 nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 149
gastrointestinal effects, 489490 protein digestibility and, 138
insulinemic effects, 492493 vitamin A absorption effects, 174
phytoestrogen effects, 491492 Carotene, 173175, 453
Candy and sweets, 639640, 675 Carrageenans, 24, 28
Canola, protein digestibility and, 142 digestive enzymes and, 278, 280
Cantaloupe, 630, 654 nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 148149
Caraway seeds, 675 protein digestibility and, 138
Carbazole method, 97 solubility, 35
Carbohydrate metabolism, 321347, See also Carrot
Diabetes; Glucose tolerance; Glycemic antitoxic effects, 446, 447
index; Glycemic response; Insulin certificated reference materials for Englyst
response procedures, 70
blood glycemic responses to foods, 329333 Chinese consumption patterns, 595
cooking/processing effects, 339 fecal content and composition, 216, 217, 223
diabetes treatment, 323329, See also Diabetes fecal/luminal pH and, 303
fat and protein effects, 336337 fecal microflora study, 263
fiber and single test meals, 321324 fiber values, 633, 655, 660, 670
fiber viscosity and, 321 glucose and insulin responses and, 326
food refining effects, 322323 glycemic index values, 330
grinding effects, 338 short-chain fatty acids and, 312
high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets, 332333, 342, Uppsala method applications, 103, 104
345, 346, 370 Case-control study design, 462
long-term effects of fiber supplements, 323329 Casein, 277, 279, 299, 336
long-term effects of low-glycemic index diets, 347 Cashew, 675
mixing fiber with food, 321322 Cassava, 334, 633
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Cation-exchange, 260 short-chain fatty acids and, 299

Cauliflower, 632633, 655, 660 Uppsala method applications, 104
Celery Chicory, 24, 298
antioxidants, 455 Children and adolescents, 557558, 559
Chinese consumption patterns, 595 China, 593595
fiber values, 633, 656 Chinese vegetables, 633
Cellobiose, Uppsala procedure for measurement, 94 Chitin, 4546
Cellulose, 28 Chitosan, 4546, 281
additives, 23 Chives, 633
antitoxic effects, 446, 447, 448 Chloride, bioavailability studies, 509
crude fiber composition, 28 Chocolate, 661, 676
diabetes treatment effects, 328 Cholecystokinin (CCK), 485
dietary fiber definitions and, 9, 554 Cholesterin, 173
digestibility by microflora, 260 Cholesterol-modifying effects, 401414, 482483,
digestive enzymes and, 278, 280, 282 See also Lipid-modifying effects
fecal bulk and composition effects, 184, 191, dietary factors portfolio, 401
206208 effective fiber dose and formulation, 412
fecal/luminal pH and, 296, 303 insulin levels and, 403
fecal microflora and, 265 meta-analysis, 402
fecal mutagens and, 318 potential mechanisms, 402403
food values, 650658 saponins and, 127
food values by Southgate methods, 660662 specific fiber types, 403412, See also specific
glycemic/insulinemic response and, 324, 374, 380, fiber components
384 viscosity effects on intestinal absorption, 3638
lipid-modifying effects, 281, 403405 Cholestyramine, 324
mineral bioavailability studies, 507, 514, 516, 520 Chromium, 499
national consumption patterns, 569 Chronic diseases, See Cancer; Cardiovascular
nicotinic acid absorption effects, 177 diseases; Coronary heart disease;
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 145146 Diabetes; Inflammatory bowel disease
plant cell wall composition, 1112 "magic bullet" vs. "whole food" approaches, 481
protein digestibility and, 134, 135136 risk factors, 465468
protein utilization effects, 152153 total mortality, 475476
pyridoxine bioavailability and, 176 whole grain and cereal fibers and, 461477,
short-chain fatty acids and, 289, 292, 294, 297, 481493, See Whole-grain foods, chronic
306, 310, 311 diseases and
solubility, 35 Chymotrypsin, 277, 278, 280
Uppsala method applications, 94, 103 Cinnamic acids, 453
vitamin A absorption effects, 174 Citric acid, mineral bioavailability and, 522
vitamin B12 and, 178 Clostridium, 262, 264, 265, 489
vitamin metabolism and, 173 Coagulation effects, 485
Cell wall composition, 1112 Coagulation factors, 175176
Cell wall porosity, 39 Cobalamin, 178
Cereals, See specific grains Cocoa, 303, 661, 675
Cereals, breakfast, See Breakfast cereals Coffee, 447, 661, 675
Cereals, whole grain, See Whole-grain foods, Coffee cake, 616617, 675
chronic diseases and; specific grains Collard greens, 633, 656, 675
Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, 63 College students, dietary fiber consumption patterns,
Cherry, 335, 629, 661, 670 558
Chestnut, 637, 675 Colon cancer, 423426, See also Cancer; Colorectal
Chewing, 33 cancer
Chickpeas critical fecal weight correlations, 253256
glucose/insulin responses, 339 dietary fiber and risk, 475
glycemic index values, 330, 334 dietary fiber anti-toxic effects, 445
phytate content, 675 early fiber studies, 423424
saponin content, 684 fecal bulk and transit time and, 489
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fecal mutagens and, 317 grinding effects on glucose and insulin responses,
fiber research issues, 426 338
French mortality, 601 mineral bioavailability studies, 504, 506509, 512,
intestinal microflora and, 489490 513, 518, 519, 521
naturally high-fiber diets and, 69 phytate content, 676
origin of fiber hypothesis, 423 protein digestibility and, 141
phytic acid and, 532535, 539, 541544 short-chain fatty acids and, 298, 299, 306, 307,
recent fiber studies, 424426 309, 312
short-chain fatty acids and, 489, 542 South African morbidity patterns and, 365
South African patterns, 363, 364 Corn bran
studies indicating no effect of dietary fiber, 553 diabetes treatment effects, 328
vegetarian diet and, 423 fecal composition studies, 214, 215
whole grain and fiber effects, 488493 fecal/luminal pH and, 304
antioxidant effects, 490491 fecal microflora and, 265
gastrointestinal effects, 489490 fecal mutagens and, 318
insulinemic effects, 492493 fecal output and, 184
mechanisms, 489490 fiber values, 627
phytoestrogen effects, 491492 glycemic/insulinemic response and, 326, 374, 382,
Colon diverticulosis, 431433 384
Colonic microflora, See Bacteria phenolic acid residues, 100
Colon polyps, 424, 488 protein digestibility and, 140
Colorectal cancer protein utilization effects, 156
Chinese mortality, 593 short-chain fatty acids and, 299, 307, 310
controversial issues, 477 Corn flakes, See also Breakfast cereals
dietary fiber and risk, 474 dietary fiber and crude fiber analysis, 670
FDA findings regarding dietary fiber health dry matter content, 652
claims, 69 fiber values, 618, 660
lack of evidence from prospective studies, 475 glycemic index, 330, 339
latency period, 475 Uppsala method applications, 93, 104
short-chain fatty acids and, 39 Cornbread, 617, 676
Colorimetry, 70, 7880, 81, 97 Cornmeal, 618
Colostomy effects, 438 phytate content, 676
Constipation, 183, 187 refining effects on glycemic responses, 326
South African morbidity patterns and, 365 Corn starch, processing effects on metabolic
Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals responses, 339
(CFII), 557 Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults
Cookies (CARDIA) Study, 466
fiber content, 650, 660 Coronary heart disease (CHD)
glycemic index values, 330, 334 dietary fiber and risk and mortality, 467472
phytate content, 675 naturally high-fiber diets and, 69
Copper, 499, 503 possible mechanisms for fiber protective effects,
bioavailability studies, 504, 507, 511, 512, 465466
514516 prospective epidemiologic studies, 467472
in vitro binding studies, 517520 South African risk, 363
phytate effects on bioavailability, 166167 whole grain and fiber effects, 461477, 481,
Coprolite, 3 482486
Coriander, 633 antioxidant and phytochemical effects, 486
Corn (maize), 482 antithrombotic effects, 485
antitoxic effects, 447 body weight effects, 485
carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279 hypotensive effects, 483484
casein digestibility and, 279 lipid-modifying effects, 482483
Chinese consumption patterns, 595 Costa Rica, 578
fecal bulk and composition effects, 191, 213, 236 Cotton seed
fiber values, 633, 661, 670 fecal composition studies, 216
glycemic index values, 330, 334 glycemic/insulinemic response and, 374, 384
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Coumarate, 453 high-fiber, high-starch treatment, 370

p-Coumaric acid, 100 IDDM and NIDDM subgroups, 375
Coumestans, 491 lipid levels and, 375
Couscous, 627 long-term safety, 375
Crackers mechanism of effect, 375
dietary fiber values, 626, 650651, 664 natural (unsupplemented) high-fiber diets,
phytate content, 676 374375, 386390
Cranberry, 629 Diacylglycerol, 489, 490
Critical fecal weight (CFW), transit time and dietary Dialysis, 55, 56
fiber correlations, 253256 Dietary carbohydrates, classification of, 6769
Crohn's disease, 435437 Dietary fiber, associated food components, 1521,
Cross-sectional study design, 462 259260
Crude fiber, 28 Dietary fiber, definitions and terminology, 910, 52,
common food values, 666667 67, 8788, 259260, 554555, 583
defined, 10 glossary, 2731
total dietary fiber comparison, 670 Dietary fiber, historical contexts, 36, 69, 183184
Crude protein, selected foods, 650658 meetings and congresses, 5
Cucumber, 656, 676 pioneering literature, 45
Cutin, 19, 2021, 28, 65, 554, 555 Dietary fiber, methods of analysis, See Analytical
Cyclamate, 445 methods
Dietary fiber, physical chemistry of, 3341, 161, 260
bile acid adsorption, 38
D fecal output and, 185, See also Fecal bulk and
fermentation, 3839
Dairy products
food preferences, 33
glycemic index values, 330, 335
laxation, 41
mineral bioavailability and, 521, 522
microstructure, resistant starch, 40
Dates, 629
nutrient absorption, 3638
Decalin, 65
satiety, 3436
Dehydroferulic acid, 101
small molecule and ion adsorption, 40
7--Dehydroxylase, 267
solubility, 35
Denmark, 571, 573
viscosity, 3536, See also Viscosity
Dental caries, 363, 364
water-holding capacity, 40, See also Water-
Detergent analysis, 6365
holding capacity
Dextrin, short-chain fatty acids and, 299, 306
Dietary fiber, plant tissue composition, 1112
Diabetes, See also Insulin-dependent diabetes
Dietary fiber, possible protective effects, 69, See
mellitus; Non-insulin-dependent diabetes
Antioxidants; Blood pressure; Cancer;
Cardiovascular diseases; Coronary heart
British national flour and, 369370
disease; Diabetes; Fecal bulk and
development of dietary fiber hypothesis, 369371
composition; Glycemic response
dietary fiber and risk, 472474
Dietary fiber, purification effects, 56
genetic and autoimmune factors, 370
Dietary fiber, purity of sources, 187
glycemic index values and, 331, 332, 339341,
Dietary fiber, values for selected foods, 615642, See
also specific foods
insoluble fiber treatment effects, 323329
brans, 627
recommended diets, 370, 391
breads, 617618, 650651, 660
risk factors, 465
candy and sweets, 639640
South African patterns, 365
cereals, cooked, 618
whole grain and fiber effects, 481, 487481
cereals, ready to eat, 619625, 651654, See also
Diabetes, high-fiber diets and, 332333, 342, 345,
Breakfast cereals
346, 370, 373391
crackers, 626, 650651, 664
epidemiological studies, 391
fiber supplements, 657658
fiber-supplemented diets, 374, 380385
flours, 627628, 660, 664, 667, 670
high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets, 332333, 342,
fruit, 629631, 654655, 661, 666667, 670
345, 346, 370
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grains, 627629 in vitro measurements, 278280

juices, 631 in vivo measurements, 277, 280
meat substitutes, 636637 Digitonin, 127
nuts and seeds, 637638, 657, 661, 666, 667, 670 Dill, 633
pasta, 628, 651 3,5-Dimethylphenol, 97
rice, 628 Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), 88, 90, 92
snacks and chips, 626627 Diversion colitis, 438
soup, 638639, 661 Diverticular disease, 184, 186, 230, 431433
Southgate method data, 660662 DMSO, 88, 90, 92
spices, condiments, and miscellaneous, 640642 Dodecasodium phytate, 120121
vegetables and legumes, 632636, 655657, 660, Doughnuts, 617, 676
666667, 670 Dry matter content, 650658
Dietary fiber complex, defined, 9
Dietary fiber intake, 260, 553563
Africa, 363365, 561, 574576 E
Asia, 441442, 561562, 576577, 593595
Australia and New Zealand, 561, 576, 583590 Edible fiber, defined, 10
children and adolescents, 557558, 584, 587 EDTA, 542543
direct and indirect evaluation methods, 597598 Eggplant, 633
elderly, 556 Elderberries, 630
estimates of nonstarch polysaccharide Elderly dietary fiber intake, 556
consumption, 568570 Endive, 633634
European patterns, 558561, 570574, 597603, Endometrial cancer, 609
605611, See also specific countries Energy excretion
fat and protein effects, 336337 cellulose effects, 206208
food consumption data, 568 cereal product effects, 233236
guidelines for whole-population nutritional diverticular disease and, 230232
changes, 370 foods and mixed diets effects, 240241
historical background, 553 fruit and vegetable effects, 220225
household surveys, 571 gum and mucilage effects, 209212, 238239
individual variation, 571 legume effects, 237
institutions and restaurants, 556 mixed-fiber source effects, 226227
Latin America, 561, 576, 578 oat and corn effects, 213215
long-term trends, 574, 577 particle size effects, 228229
"magic bullet" vs. "whole food" approaches, 481 purified fiber effects, 216219
as marker, 555 purified pectin studies, 202205
Middle East, 578579 wheat fiber studies, 193201
North America, 578 Englyst procedure, 7081, 567
obesity and, 557 certificated reference materials, 70
organizations and their recommendations, 554 colorimetry, 70, 7880, 81
patterns to 1992, 567579 GLC, 70, 7476, 80, 8889
public health patterns, 558 HPLC, 70, 7778, 81
reasons for failure to meet recommended intakes, international collaborative trials, 70
562 methods and measurement principles, 70
specific US cohorts, 556557 NSP calculation, 76, 79
US general population, 555556 NSP isolation and hydrolysis, 7374
whole grain foods, 461462 quality control, 8081
Dietary fiber supplements, See also Metamucil; reagents, 72
specific supplements sample preparation, 7273
dry matter content, 657658 Uppsala method for total dietary fiber and, 8889
Dietary recall, 597 uronic acid determination, 70, 76, 78
Diferulates, 454 Enteral vitamin synthesis, 178179
Digestive enzymes, 277283 Enterobacteria, 264, 266
cell wall characteristics and, 277 Enterococci, 262, 263, 264, 266
lipid absorption and, 280281 Enzymatic gravimetric methods, 5160, 87
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approved AOAC protocol, 5760 fiber physicochemical properties and, 185

insoluble and soluble fiber, 5253 historical background, 183184
insoluble fiber, 5152 microflora and, 185186
interlaboratory studies, 56 particle size, 228229
protein and starch solubilization agents, 51, 52 percent moisture, 189
protein hydrolysis, 55 studies, 185186
recovery of soluble dietary fiber constituents, 55 cellulose, 206208
sample preparation, 54 cereals, 233236
starch gelatinization and hydrolysis, 5455 explanation of table terms, 187192
Epidemiologic studies, dietary fiber and chronic fiber-containing food, 220225
diseases, 461477 fiber type and effectiveness, 191
methodology, 462465 foods and mixed diets, 240241
Estradiol, 492 gums, mucilages, and other polysaccharides,
Estrogens, 486, 491492, See Phytoestrogens 209212, 238239
Estrone, 492 legumes, 237
2-Ethoxy ethanol, 64 mixed-fiber sources, 226227
Eubacterium, 258, 262, 264 oat and corn products, 213215
European Economic Community (EEC) Dietary particle size, 228229
Survey, 606 purified forms of fiber, 216219
Exoskeleton, 17, 4546 purified pectin, 202205
Extraction methods report selection, 186187
phytate, 114116, 122 wheat fiber, 193201
saponins, 127 total energy excretion, 190
transit time, See Transit time
Fecal microflora, See Bacteria
Fecal nitrogen excretion, 144151
Fecal pH, 296, 302305
Fecal short-chain fatty acids, See Short-chain fatty
FAO/WHO recommendations, 67 acids
Farina, phytate content, 676 Fecal sterol losses, fiber lipid-modifying effects and,
Fat, effects on metabolic responses to foods, 402
336337 Fecapentaene, 318
Fat absorption, 403, See also Lipid-modifying effects Fennel, 634
Fat excretion Fenugreek, 37, 374, 383
cellulose effects, 206208 Fermentation, 3839, 100
cereal product effects, 233236 carcinogenesis and, 489
diverticular disease and, 230232 mineral bioavailability and, 501
foods and mixed diets effects, 240241 particle size and porosity effects, 39
fruit and vegetable effects, 220225 products, 186, 402, See also Short-chain fatty
gum and mucilage effects, 209212, 238239 acids
legume effects, 237 protein digestibility and, 134
mixed-fiber source effects, 226227 Ferulate, 453454, 457458
oat and corn effects, 213215 Ferulic acid, 100101, 491
particle size effects, 228229 Fescue, antitoxic effects, 446
purified fiber effects, 216219 Fibra Kneipp, short-chain fatty acids and, 306
purified pectin studies, 202205 Fibrinolytic activity, 485
wheat fiber studies, 195, 196, 197, 198 Fig
Fat intake recommendations, 391 fiber content, 629
Fat removal phytate content, 676
detergent systems and, 64 short-chain fatty acids and, 308
Uppsala protocol, 90 Filberts, 637, 676
Fecal bulk and composition, 41, 183241 Finland, 559, 568, 569, 571, 573
correlations of transit time, critical fecal weight, Fish, fiber and mineral bioavailability and, 521
and dietary fiber, 253256 Flavonoids, 453
dietary fiber mechanism of action, 186 Flax seed, 637
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Flours G
dietary fiber values, 627628, 650, 660, 664, 667,
670 Galactans, 28
phytate content, 680 Galactomannans, 28
starch gelatinization and hydrolysis, 54 Galactooligosaccharides, 296, 300, 305
Flummery, 336337, 339 Galactose, 93, 105
Folic acid, 177 Garlic
Food additives, polysaccharide, 2325, 33 Chinese consumption patterns, 595
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), FDA, allowed fiber values, 634
fiber health claims, 69, 401, 481 fructooligosaccharides, 260
Food processing, See Processing effects Gas chromatography (GC), 56
Foods, dietary fiber-associated components, 1921 Theander and man method, 87
Foods, dietary fiber values, See Dietary fiber, values Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS),
for common foods; specific foods saponin analysis, 129, 130
Foods, indigestible components, 1517 Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC)
Foods, methods of analysis, See Analytical methods Englyst procedure, 70, 7476, 80, 8889
Foods, phytate content, 674680 Uppsala procedure, 9596
Food service outlets, 556 Gelation, 40
France, 559, 597603 Gemfibrozil, 403
Free radical scavengers, 457, See also Genistein, 492
Antioxidants Germ, 482
Fructans, 16, 87, 483 Germany, 560
Fructooligosaccharides, 259, 260 Ginger, 634
fecal/luminal pH and, 296, 305 Glucanases, 64
fecal microflora and, 265 -Glucans, 12, 64, 94
mineral absorption and, 166 short-chain fatty acids and, 307, 309
prebiotics, 259 solubility, 35
short-chain fatty acids and, 300, 310 Uppsala procedure and, 94
Fructosamine, 409, 488 Glucoamylase, 55
Fructose, 330, 340 Glucofructans, 28
Fruit cocktail, 629 Glucomannans, 28, 380, 384
Fruits, 260, See also specific fruits Glucoronoxylans, 28
antioxidants, 453, 455456 Glucosamine, 45
Australian consumption patterns, 584 Glucose
Chinese consumption patterns, 594 glycemic index values, 330, 340
colon cancer risk and, 475 Uppsala method and, 93, 105
crude fiber values, 666667, 670 Glucose metabolism, See also Carbohydrate
fecal bulk and composition effects, 191, 220225, metabolism; Glycemic response; Insulin
240241 response
fecal output and, 184, 185 dietary fiber effects, 321347
fiber content by Southgate method, 661 fiber viscosity effects, 3738, 321
fiber values, 629631, 654655, 661, 666667, short-chain fatty acids and, 310
670 Glucose oxidase, 90
French consumption patterns, 598, 601, 602 -Glucuronidase, 261, 267
glycemic index values, 330, 335 GLUT 4 receptors, 488
heart disease risk and, 469 Glutathione peroxidase, 491
mineral bioavailability studies, 512 Glycan, 28
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 151 Glycemic index, 321, 329332, 334335, 487, 488
protein digestibility and, 143 cancer risk and, 492
refining effects on glycemic/insulinemic high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets and, 333, 345,
responses, 326 346
US consumption patterns, 556, 557 long-term effects of low-GI diets, 347
Fucans, short-chain fatty acids and, 311 NIDDM risk and, 472
Fungal walls, 45 particle size effects and, 331332
Fusobacteria, 261, 262 phytic acid and, 542
2387_Index_fm Page 695 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


utility of, 332, 339341 glycemic/insulinemic response and, 321323,

Glycemic response, See also Carbohydrate 326, 374, 38385
metabolism; Diabetes; Insulin response lipid-modifying effects, 281, 405, 407, 409, 483
cooking/processing effects, 339 nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 148
diabetes treatment, 323329 protein digestibility effects, 134, 137138
fat and protein effects, 336337 protein utilization effects, 144, 155
glycemic index of foods, See Glycemic index short-chain fatty acids and, 308, 310
grinding effects, 338 viscosity and nutrient absorption effects, 3637
guar additives and, 412 vitamin A absorption effects, 174
high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets and, 333, 342, vitamin D absorption effects, 175
345, 346 Guava, 661
high-fiber diets and, 370, 373391, See also Gum acacia, 29
Diabetes, high-fiber diets and Gum arabic, 24, 38
epidemiological studies, 391 fecal composition studies, 212
fiber-supplemented diets, 374, 380385 fecal microflora studies, 264
fiber-supplemented meals, 374, 376379 glucose and insulin responses and, 326
IDDM and NIDDM subgroups, 375 lipid-modifying effects, 483
lipid levels and, 375 short-chain fatty acids and, 308, 310
long-term safety, 375 Gum karaya
mechanism of effect, 375 antitoxic effects, 446
natural (unsupplemented) high-fiber diets, fecal composition effects, 212
374375, 386390 protein digestibility and, 279
particle size effects, 331332 short-chain fatty acids and, 307
short-chain fatty acids and, 488 Gum tragacanth, 24, 29
whole grain effects, 487488 blood glucose and insulin responses and, 324
anticarcinogenic effects, 492493 fecal bulk and, 191
Glycosidase, 261 fecal composition studies, 239
Glycuronans, 29 Gums, 29, 161, 554, See also specific types
Gooseberries, 630 digestibility by microflora, 260
Grains, See specific grains digestive enzymes and, 278, 280
Gram-positive cocci, 258 fecal composition studies, 191, 209212, 238239
Granola fecal output and, 184
dietary fiber values, 625 food additives, 24
phytate content, 676 viscosity effects and nutrient bioavailability,
Granola bars, dietary fiber values, 626 3638
fiber values, 630, 661, 666
glycemic index values, 335 H
fecal composition effects, 240
Hairs, 17
fiber values, 630, 654, 666
Haricot bean, 70, 225
glycemic index values, 335
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 370
refining and glucose and insulin responses, 326
Hawaiian Japanese, colon cancer risk and, 424
tartaric acid content, 254, 681682
Hazelnut, 637, 676
Green peas, See Peas
Health benefits, of dietary fiber or naturally high-
Grits, 618, 627
fiber diets, 69, See Antioxidants; Cancer;
Guar gum, 28, 29
Cardiovascular diseases; Coronary heart
antitoxic effects, 447
disease; Diabetes; Fecal bulk and
diabetes treatment effects, 327, 332
composition; Glycemic response;
digestive enzymes and, 277, 278, 280, 282
Inflammatory bowel disease
fecal composition studies, 191, 210, 238, 239
Health Professionals Follow-up Study, 469470, 472
fecal microflora studies, 263, 264
Heart disease, See Cardiovascular diseases;
fermentation, 38, 39
Coronary heart disease
folic acid and, 177
HEL-30 cells, 544
food additives, 24
Heme iron, 167
2387_Index_fm Page 696 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


Hemicellulose, 9, 29, 161, 554 Hypocholesterolemic activity, See Cholesterol-

antitoxic effects, 447 reducing effects
carbohydrate metabolism and, 322 Hypolipidemic activity, See Lipid-modifying effects
crude fiber composition, 28
detergent-based analysis and, 63
digestibility by microflora, 260 I
glycemic/insulinemic response and, 374
mineral bioavailability studies, 507 Iceland, 575
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 146 Ileostomy effluent, 282, 437
plant tissue composition, 12 Immunostimulant production, 261
protein digestibility and, 136 Indigestible food components, 1517
protein utilization effects, 153 Inflammatory bowel disease, 424, 435438
selected food values, 650658 Crohn's disease, 435437
Uppsala procedure and, 94 short-chain fatty acids and, 437438
vitamin C and, 178 ulcerative colitis, 435, 437
HepG2 cells, 532, 533, 538, 542 Inositol phosphates, 113, 161162, See also Phytate
Heteroglycans, 29 anticarcinogenic activity, 543
Hexoses, 29, See specific sugars Insoluble dietary fiber, 35, See also Cellulose; Lignin
Hickory nut, 637, 676 analytical methods, 5153
High-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets, 332333, 342, glucose and insulin responses and, 321--347
345, 346, 370, 374, 386390 lipid-lowering effects, 403405
High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol national consumption patterns, 569
chitin and chitosan and, 46 values for common foods, 615642
fiber effects on blood levels, 402413, See also Institutional diets, 556
Cholesterol-modifying effects Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), See
heart disease risk and, 466 also Diabetes
High-fiber diets Austrian youth diets, 560
Bristol diet, 436 genetic and autoimmune factors, 370
diabetes treatment, 370, 373391, See also glycemic index values and, 331, 332
Diabetes, high-fiber diets and high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets and, 333, 342
fecal composition studies, 220225 high-fiber diets and, 370, 373391, See also
high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets, 332333, 342, Diabetes, high-fiber diets and
345, 346, 370, 374, 386390 utility of glycemic index, 339341
high-fiber, high-starch diets, diabetes treatment Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), 493
and, 370 Insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) receptor, 544
inflammatory bowel disease and, 436 Insulin resistance, 391, 409, 465, 492
possible protective effects, 69 Insulin response, 321347, 487488, See also
transit time and, 255256 Carbohydrate metabolism; Diabetes;
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), 70, Glycemic response
7778, 81 antithrombotic effects and, 485
phytate analysis method, 113125 apoptosis and, 493
saponin measurement, 129 chronic disease risk factors, 465467
Uppsala procedure, 96 cooking/processing effects, 339
Hippocrates, 3, 69 fat and protein effects, 336337
HMG-CoA reductase, 403, 404413, 483 fiber and single-test meals, 321324
Holocellulose, casein digestibility and, 279 fiber hypotensive effects and, 484
Hominy, 676 fiber lipid-modifying effects and, 403
Homoglycan, 29 grain grinding effects, 338
Honey, glycemic index values, 335 high-fiber diet and, 374, See also under Glycemic
Horseradish, 666 response
HT-29 cells, 532, 533 viscous fiber effects, 321347
7--Hydroxylase, 261 whole grains and, 486, 492493
Hyperlipidemia, fiber in treatment of, 401414, See Intestinal microflora, See Bacteria
Lipid-modifying effects Intestinal pH, See pH
Hypertension, 363, 484 Inuit, 423
2387_Index_fm Page 697 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


Inulin, 16, 554 glycemic index values, 330, 334, 335

fecal/luminal pH and, 296, 302, 303 phytate content, 674
food additives, 24 processing effects on glycemic/insulinemic
lipid-modifying effects, 483 response, 339
microflora and, 260, 266, 267 saponin content, 129
mineral absorption and, 166 Kjeldahl method, 55
protein digestibility and, 134, 138 Klason lignin, 20, 87, 99101, See also Lignin
short-chain fatty acids and, 260, 290, 296, 298, Kohlrabi, 634
300, 310 Konjac mannan
Iowa Women's Health Study, 470, 472, 474, 476 diabetes treatment effects, 328
Ireland, 559, 573 digestive enzymes and, 279
Irish moss, 24, 28 glycemic/insulinemic response and, 324, 374,
Iron, 499, 503 385
bioavailability studies, 504507, 511516 lipid-modifying effects, 281, 409
dietary fiber and absorption, 40 protein digestibility and, 143
factors affecting absorption, 501 vitamin B12 and, 178
in vitro binding studies, 517519 vitamin E bioavailability effects, 175
phytate and, 161, 167, 541, 542
Isoflavones, 483, 491, 492
Ispaghula L
diverticular development and, 432
fecal composition studies, 211, 238, 239
Lactic acid, 438
protein digestibility and, 138
Lactobacillus, 258, 259, 261, 262, 264, 266, 267
short-chain fatty acid excretion and, 296, 300, 301
Lactore, 266
Israel, 578579
Laminaria digitata, 311
Italy, 605611
Laminarin, 263
Lane, Albuthnot, 3
Laxative effects, 41, See also Fecal bulk and
J composition
fiber mechanism of action, 186
Japan fiber type and effectiveness, 191
colon cancer risk, 424 historical interest in fiber, 34, 183184
dietary patterns, 441442, 561562, 568, 570, Leavening, mineral bioavailability and, 501
575, 576, 577 Leek, 260
fecal microflora, 260261, 265 Legumes, 260, See also specific types
morbidity patterns, 441444 Chinese consumption patterns, 594595
mortality rates, 443 crude fiber values, 666
Jerusalem artichokes, 24 dietary fiber values, 632636, 655657, 660, 666
Jicama, 634 fecal composition studies, 237
Juices fecal output and, 184
fiber content, 631 glycemic index values, 329, 330, 334
glycemic index values, 330, 335 glycemic/insulinemic response and, 339, 374
mineral bioavailability and, 522 laxative effectiveness, 191
lipid-modifying effects, 410413
processing effects, 339
K saponin content, 129, 684
Lemon curd, 661
Lentils, 634
Kale, 634, 656, 676
carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279
Kellogg's, 553
dry matter content, 656
Ketchup, phytate content, 676
glycemic index values, 330, 334, 340
K562 cells, 532, 533
glycemic/insulinemic responses
Kidney beans
fat and protein effects, 336337
fecal composition studies, 237
grinding effects, 338
fiber values, 655
processing effects, 339
2387_Index_fm Page 698 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


phytate content, 676 whole vs. refined grains, 483

saponin content, 129 Liver cancer, phytic acid and, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539
Lettuce Locust bean gum, 24, 37
crude fiber/dietary fiber comparison, 670 antitoxic effects and, 445, 446
fiber values, 634, 660 digestive enzymes and, 280
short-chain fatty acids and, 312 glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 324
Uppsala method applications, 103, 104 lipid-lowering effects, 408, 409
Lignans, 453, 486, 487, 492 nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 150
Lignin, 19, 20, 29, 161, 554, 555 Loperamide, 301, 305
analytical procedures, 20 Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
antioxidant activity, 456, 458 antioxidants and, 482
antitoxic effects, 448 dietary fiber effects, 402
crude fiber composition, 28 fiber effects on blood levels, 402413, See also
dietary fiber definitions and, 9 Cholesterol-reducing effects
digestibility by microflora, 260 high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets and, 333
fecal composition studies, 218 vitamin E and, 486
lipid-lowering effects, 403405 whole grain and fiber effects, 482483
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 146 Lupin
protein digestibility and, 136, 279 digestive enzymes and, 278
protein utilization effects, 153 glycemic response and, 385
pyridoxine bioavailability and, 176 protein digestibility and, 142
selected food values, 650658, 660662 saponin content, 129
Southgate method, 85, 660662
sulfite and, 65
Uppsala procedure, 99101, 103 M
vitamin A absorption effects, 174
vitamin D absorption effects, 175 Macadamia, 637, 666
Lipases, 173, 277, 278, 280, 280 Macaroni
Lipid hydroperoxides, 486 fiber values, 628, 651, 664
Lipid-modifying effects, 401414 glycemic index values, 334
bile acid binding, 402, 483 phytate content, 677
chitin and chitosan, 46 Magnesium, 21, 503
digestive enzymes and, 280281 bioavailability studies, 504, 505, 507, 509,
effective dosage and formulation, 412 511516
heart disease and, 482483 diabetes risk and, 474
meta-analysis, 402 in vitro binding studies, 517519
particle size and, 282283 phytate effects on bioavailability, 161, 164166
possible mechanisms, 402403 Magnesium oxide, 226
fecal sterol losses, 402 Maize, See Corn
genetic factors, 403 Malondialdehyde, 486
insulin effects, 403 Maltose, glycemic index values, 335
lipid absorption alterations, 403 Mammary cancer, phytic acid and, 532, 533, 535,
short-chain fatty acid generation, 402 538, 539
specific fiber types, 403412, See also specific Mammary studies, 448
fiber components Manganese, 503
guar, 405, 407, 409 bioavailability studies, 512
insoluble fibers, 403405 in vitro binding studies, 517
Konjac mannan, 409 phytate effects on bioavailability, 167168
legumes and legume proteins, 410413 Mango, 661
locust bean gum, 408, 409 Mannans, 29
oat bran, 410 Mannose, 93, 105
pectin, 405, 406 Marmalade, 661
psyllium, 405, 406 Mastication, 33
wheat bran, 409410, 411 Matairesinol, 486
vitamin metabolism and, 173 Mauritius, 575
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McCance and Widdowson Food Tables, 67 Morbidity, See Cancer; Cardiovascular diseases;
MCF-7 cells, 532, 533 Chronic diseases; Coronary heart disease;
MDA-MB-231 cells, 532, 533 Diabetes; Inflammatory bowel disease;
Meat substitutes, 636637 Whole-grain foods, chronic diseases and
Melon Mortality (all causes), whole grains and, 475476
antioxidants, 455 Mucilages, 29, 554
fiber values, 629, 630, 654 fecal composition studies, 184, 191, 209212,
Metamucil 238239
dry matter content, 658 Mucopolysaccharides, 17
lipid-modifying effects, 406 Mucorales, 45
short-chain fatty acids and, 306 Muesli, 334, 625
Methylcellulose Multiple sclerosis, 370
diverticular development and, 432 Mung bean, 104, 129
fecal composition studies, 191, 206, 226, Mushrooms, 634, 656, 666
239 Mustard greens, 656
glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 324 Mustard seed, 27
short-chain fatty acids and, 298, 309, 310 Mutagens, dietary fiber effects, 317318, 445448
N-Methyl piperazine buffer, 119, 121 Myoinositol, 96, 531, 543
Mexico, 561, 578
M'fino, 334
Microflora, See Bacteria
Middle lamella, 29
Milk, See Dairy products
Millet, 482 National Cancer Institute (NCI), 554, 555, 557
Chinese consumption patterns, 595 National Food Consumption Survey (NCFS), 555
digestive enzymes and, 278 National Health and Examination Study (NHANES
glycemic index values, 334 II), 555556, 562, 568
Milling effects, 338, 482, 501 National Health Interview Survey, 464, 562
Mineral(s), 21 Natural killer cells, 544
Mineral bioavailability, 40, 499522 Nectarine, 630
binding behavior, 500 Netherlands, 560, 571, 573, 574
cereals studies, 504516 Net protein utilization, 144
enrichment studies, 500 Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 29, 63
human studies/animal studies, 501 nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 146147
intrinsic and extrinsic factors, 501 protein utilization effects, 153
in vitro binding studies, 517520 Neutral detergent residues (NDR)
in vitro/in vivo studies, 501 common foods, 650658
long-term studies needed, 502 defined, 10
other food additions and, 521522 New Zealand, 561, 576
phytate and, 40, 161169, 500, 542543 Niacin, 177
anticarcinogenic effects, 541, 542 Nickel, 499
calcium, 161, 166 Nicotinic acid, 177
copper, 166167 Nigeria, 547
iron, 161, 167 Nitrates, 317
magnesium, 161, 164166 Nitrites, 317
manganese, 167168 Nitrogen analysis, 55
phosphorus, 168169 Nitrogen excretion and balance, 144151, 186, 190
zinc, 161, 162164 cellulose effects, 206208
processing effects, 501 cereal product effects, 233236
references to minerals studied, 503 diverticular disease and, 230232
solubility effects, 500 foods and mixed diets effects, 240241
unrefined cereal products and, 499500 fruit and vegetable effects, 220225
Mineral coprecipitation, 55 gum and mucilage effects, 209212, 238239
Modified carbazole method, 97 legume effects, 237
Modified starch additives, 24 mixed-fiber source effects, 226227
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oat and corn effects, 213215 lipid-modifying effects, 401

particle size effects, 228229 mineral binding studies, 519, 520
purified fiber effects, 216219 saponin content, 129, 684
purified pectin studies, 202205 short-chain fatty acids and, 288, 292, 295, 297,
wheat fiber studies, 193201 307, 308, 310, 312
Nitrosamines, 491 straw, nitrogen excretion and balance effects,
N-Nitroso compounds, 317 151
Non-cellulosic polysaccharides, 12, 29, 85 Oat bran
selected food content by Southgate methods, antitoxic effects, 447
660662 digestive enzymes and, 278, 282
Non-digestible oligosaccharides, digestibility by fecal composition studies, 213, 215
microflora, 260 fecal output and, 184
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), fecal/luminal pH and, 296, 303, 304
See also Diabetes fiber values, 618, 627
dietary fiber and risk, 472474 glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 374, 384,
epidemiological studies, 391 487488
genetic and autoimmune factors, 370 historical interest, 553
glycemic index and, 332, 472, 488 lipid-lowering effects, 410
high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets and, 332333, mineral bioavailability studies, 514
342, 370 nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 150
high-fiber diets and, 332333, 342, 370, 373391, protein digestibility and, 140
See also Diabetes, high-fiber diets and short-chain fatty acids and, 288, 289, 292, 295,
utility of glycemic index, 339341 299, 300, 308, 311
whole grain and fiber effects, 481, 487488 Uppsala method applications, 104
Nonstarch polysaccharides (NSPs), 30, 67, 68, 567 Uppsala method collaborative study, 101, 103
defined, 10 viscosity treatment, 37
Englyst procedure for determining, 7081, 8889, Oatmeal
See also Englyst procedure crude fiber values, 666
marker of a naturally high-fiber diet, 69 dietary fiber values, 618, 650
national consumption patterns, 558, 568570, mineral bioavailability studies, 513, 517
583585 phytate content, 677
Noodles, See Pasta Obesity
Nopal leaves, 374, 381 African dietary changes and, 369
Norway, 664 cancer risk and, 492
Nurses Health Study, 464, 469470, 472, 474, 557 fiber intake and, 557
Nutrition Coordinating Center (NCC), dietary fiber South African morbidity patterns and, 365
table, 615 Oils, 17
Nuts and seeds Okra
crude fiber values, 666667, 670 fiber values, 634, 656, 666
fiber values, 637638, 657, 661, 666667, 670 phytate content, 677
phytate content, 674, 675, 676 Oligofructose, 260, 265, 266, 483
Oligosaccharides, 30, 554
dietary fiber definitions, 87
food additives, 24
O Olives, 656, 666, 677
Omega-3 fatty acids, 489, 490
Oat, 482 Onion
antioxidants, 453 crude fiber/dietary fiber comparison, 670
carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279 dry matter content, 656
dietary fiber values, 653 fiber values, 634, 656, 660, 666, 670
FDA-allowed health claims, 401 fructooligosaccharides, 260
fecal bulk and composition effects, 191, 214, 235 neutral polysaccharides not recovered by Uppsala
fecal/luminal pH and, 304 procedure, 93
grinding effects on glucose and insulin responses, Orange
338 fiber values, 631, 630, 654, 661, 666
hypotensive effects, 484 glycemic index values, 330
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refining effect on glycemic/insulinemic responses, saponin content, 129, 684

326 short-chain fatty acids and, 297, 307, 308, 309
fiber content, 631 Uppsala method applications, 104
mineral bioavailability and, 522 Uppsala method collaborative study, 101, 103
Oxalates, 21 Pecan, 637, 677
Pectic substances, 12, 27, 30
detergent-based analysis and, 63
P Pectin, 9, 30, 161, 554, See also Uronic acid
additives, 23
Painter, N. G., 431
antitoxic effects, 447
Palatability, 33, 409
cell wall porosity and, 39
Pancake, 617, 650651, 677
digestive enzymes and, 278, 280, 282
Pancreatic enzyme activity, 173, 277278, 280, See
fecal bulk and composition effects, 184, 185,
also Digestive enzymes; specific enzymes
202205, 239
Pancreatin, 51, 52
fecal/luminal pH and, 296, 303
Pantothenic acid, 176
fecal mutagens and, 318
Parsley, 446, 634
fermentation, 38
Parsnips, 660, 670, 677
folic acid and, 177
Particle size
glycemic/insulinemic response and, 321323,
fecal composition studies, 228229
326, 374, 380, 381, 385
fecal output and, 185
laxative effectiveness, 191
fiber effects on glycemic response and, 331332
lipid-modifying effects, 281, 405, 406
lipid hydrolysis and, 282283
microflora and, 260, 264, 265
Pasta, See also Macaroni; Spaghetti
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 147
dietary fiber values, 628
plant tissue composition, 12
fiber values, 628, 651, 664
protein digestibility and, 136137, 279
glycemic index values, 330, 334
protein utilization and, 144, 154155
guar additive and glycemic response, 412
pyridoxine bioavailability and, 176
phytate content, 677
short-chain fatty acids and, 289, 292, 293, 294,
refining and glycemic/insulinemic responses, 326
297, 299, 306, 308311
crude fiber/dietary fiber comparison, 670 solubility, 35
fiber content, 630, 654, 661, 670 Uppsala method applications, 103, 104
glycemic index values, 335 viscosity effects and nutrient bioavailability, 37
phytate content, 677 vitamin A and, 173, 174
Peanut vitamin B12 and, 178
dry matter content, 657 vitamin C and, 178
fiber values, 657, 660, 661, 666, 670 vitamin D absorption effects, 175
glycemic index values, 330 Pectinic acid, 30
phytate content, 677 Pentoses, 30
saponin content, 129, 684 Peppers, 635, 661, 666
Pear, 20 Pepsin, 51, 52, 55, 277, 278
fiber values, 630, 654, 661, 670 Pernicious anemia, 370
glycemic index values, 335 Peroxides, 486
short-chain fatty acids and, 309 Persimmon, 630
Peas, See also Legumes pH, 261, 287, 296, 302305
fecal composition studies, 216 Phenolic acids or esters, 100101, 453458, 482, 491
fecal/luminal pH and, 302, 303 3-Phenylphenol, 97
fiber values, 634635, 656, 660, 666, 670 Phosphates, 21, See also specific compounds
glycemic index values, 330 phytic acid and, 531
glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 324 restandardization for phytate analysis, 123125
neutral polysaccharides not recovered by Uppsala Phosphorus, bioavailability studies, 503, 507, 510,
procedure, 93 511, 513516
phytate content, 677 in vitro binding studies, 518, 519
protein digestibility and, 141, 142 phytate effects, 168169
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Physical chemistry, See Dietary fiber, physical soft tissue, 533, 536, 539
chemistry of Phytochemicals, 127, See also specific substances
Phytase, 169 cardiovascular protective effects, 486
Phytate (and phytic acid), 113, 531 in whole grain, 482, 490492
anticarcinogenic effects, See Phytic acid, cancer Phytoestrogens, 482, 486
and whole grain anticarcinogenic effects, 491492
antinutrient effects, 531 Pickles, 656, 661
antioxidative effects, 486, 491, 542 Pineapple, 631, 654, 666
food content, 674680 Pinto beans, See Beans
glycemic response and, 329 Pistachio, 637
Phytate, analytical methods, 113125 Pita, 617, 674
detection methods, 116117 Plant tissue composition, 1112
extraction, 114116, 122 Plantago, 238, 406
gradient HPLC method, 117125 Plantain, 264, 339, 677
instrumentation, 121122 Plantic complex, defined, 10
precautions, 122123 Plantix, 10, 30
procedure, 121 Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), 466,
supplies, 117120 485, 488
purification, 116 Plum
qualitative methods, 113114 antioxidants, 455
quantitative methods, 114 fiber values, 631, 654, 661, 666, 670
restandardization, 123125 glycemic index values, 335
standards, 120121 Poland, 560
Phytate, mineral bioavailability and, 40, 161169, Polydextrose, 24
500, 511, 512, 515 Polyfructans, 554
anticarcinogenic effects and, 541543 Polyglutamates, 177
binding studies in vitro, 517 Polymers, semisynthetic food additives, 24
calcium, 161, 166 Polynesia, 576
copper, 166167 Polysaccharide classification, 68
iron, 161, 167 Polysaccharide food additives, 2325, 33
magnesium, 161, 164166 Pomegranate, 631
manganese, 167168 Popcorn, 626627, 666, 677
phosphorus, 168169 Poppy seeds, 678
zinc, 161, 162164 Porosity, 39
Phytic acid, cancer and, 531544 Potassium, 21
administration mode vs. effectiveness, 539541 bioavailability studies, 509, 514, 516
adverse effects, 537, 541 in vitro binding studies, 518, 519
animal studies, 532541 Potato
blood, 533 dry matter content, 656
colon, 532535, 539 fecal composition studies, 218, 222
human studies, 541 fecal/luminal pH and, 302
immune response effects, 532 fiber values, 635, 660, 666, 670
in vitro studies, 532, 533 glycemic index values, 330, 339, 340
liver, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539 glycemic/insulinemic response and, 374
mammary, 532, 533, 535, 538, 539 fat and protein effects, 336337
mode of administration, 538541 processing effects, 339
multi-organ and bladder, 537, 539, 541 refining effects, 326
potential mechanisms, 541544 phytate content, 678
antioxidative effects, 542 short-chain fatty acids and, 288, 291, 297
antiproliferative activity, 543544 starch gelatinization and hydrolysis, 54
enzyme inhibition and malabsorption, 541542 Uppsala method applications, 103, 104
inositol phosphate pool, 543 Potato chips
mineral interactions, 542543 fiber values, 627
prostate, 532, 533 glycemic index values, 330, 340
skin, 536, 539 Potex, 101, 103
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Prebiotics, 259 glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 321, 324,

Preserves, 661 374, 381, 383, 384
Pretzels, 651, 678 lipid-modifying effects, 281, 401, 405, 406
Probiotics, 259 riboflavin absorption and, 176
Processing effects, 482 satiating effects, 34, 485
antioxidants and, 457 short-chain fatty acids and, 289, 293, 298, 300,
glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 338339 307, 309, 310
heat-produced artifacts, 16 vitamin A absorption effects, 174
mineral bioavailability and, 501 Pteroylmonoglutamates, 177
postprandial glycemic responses and, 322323 Public health programs, 558
Propionate, 287313, See also Short-chain fatty Puffed grain cereals, dietary fiber values, 623, 653,
acids 660
cancer risk and, 39 Puffed rice, glycemic index values, 334
dietary fiber feeding duration and, 288 Pumpkin, 334, 635, 666
fiber lipid-modifying effects and, 402, 483 Pumpkin seeds, 678
Prospective study design, 462 Purification effects, 56
Prostaglandins, 490 Purified plant fiber, defined, 10
Prostate cancer, 492, 532, 533 Pyridoxine, 176
Proteases, 52, 64
Protein, 19, 20
efficiency ratio, 144 Q
hydrolysis, 55
intake recommendations, 391
metabolic responses to foods and, 336337
fiber values, 628
solubilization agents, 51, 52
saponin content, 129
Protein, crude, selected food values, 650658
Protein digestibility, 133144, 279
animal studies, 134
fiber-diluted diet, 133134 R
fiber-rich sources and, 140143
fiber effects on nitrogen excretion and balance, Radicchio, 635
144151 Radish
general fiber influences, 134 dry matter content, 656
in vitro studies, 277, 278 fiber content, 635
purified dietary fibers and, 135139 phytate content, 678
substitution method, 133134 Raffinose, 16
Protein utilization protein digestibility and, 136
effects of fiber-rich sources, 156157 Raisin bran cereals, dietary fiber values, 623
fiber effects on nitrogen excretion and balance, Raisins, 654
144151 fiber values, 631, 654
purified dietary fiber effects, 152155 glycemic index values, 335, 340
Protopectin, 30 tartaric acids, 254255, 681682
Prune, 631 Raspberries, 631
fecal composition effects, 240 Reactive nitrogen species, 491
juice, 631 Reactive oxygen species, antioxidants and, See
Psyllium Antioxidants
antitoxic effects, 446 Refined flour, 482
diabetes treatment effects, 328 Residual starch, 55
digestive enzymes and, 278, 282 Resistant starch, 16, 30, 40, 87, 192, 260, 583
diverticular development and, 432 Australian consumption patterns, 585590
FDA-allowed health claims, 401 defined, 10
fecal composition studies, 209211, 226, 238, 239 enzymatic gravimetry, 55
fecal/luminal pH and, 296, 303 fecal/luminal pH and, 296, 302
fecal microflora study, 263 protein digestibility and, 134, 138
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short-chain fatty acids and, 288, 290, 297, 296, Uppsala method applications, 104
301, 309 Uppsala method collaborative study, 101, 103
South African morbidity patterns and, 365 Rye bran
Restaurant foods, 556 glycemic response and, 382
Retrograde amylose, 16, 40, See also Resistant starch mineral binding studies in vitro, 517
Rhabdomyosarcoma, 532, 533, 538, 542 Uppsala method applications, 103, 104
Rhamnogalacturonan, 98
Rhamnose, 93, 105
Rheumatoid arthritis, 370 S
Rhozyme S, 51
Rhubabrb, 631, 661
Safflower, 278
Riboflavin, 176
Sample preparation, 54, 7273
Rice, 482, See also Brown rice; White rice
Sample size issues, 464465
antioxidants, 455
Sapodilla, 631
antitoxic effects, 446
Saponins, 127, 683684
carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279
analytical methods, 127130
Chinese consumption patterns, 593594
crude fiber values, 667
food content, 129
dry matter content, 656
methods of analysis, 128130
fecal composition studies, 235236
Satiety, 3436, 485
fiber values, 628, 656, 664, 667
Satiety index (SI), 34
food preferences, 33
Sauerkraut, 635
glycemic index values, 330, 334, 339, 340
Sclerenchyma, 30
glycemic/insulinemic responses
Scotland, 571, 572
fat and protein effects, 336337
Scottish Heart Health Study, 469
grinding effects, 338
Secoisolariciresinol, 486
processing effects, 339
Secondary cell wall, 30
mineral bioavailability studies, 504, 506, 507, 508,
Selenium, 486, 491, 499, 503, 513, 514, 515
513, 515, 516, 517, 519, 521
Semisynthetic polymers, 24
national consumption patterns, 575, 577
Semolina, 664
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 151
phytate content, 678
fecal/luminal pH and, 304
protein digestibility and, 143, 279
short-chain fatty acid excretion and, 296, 301
short-chain fatty acids and, 312
Sesame seed, 129, 637, 678, 684
Rice bran
Seventh Day Adventists, 262, 317, 365
antitoxic effects, 447
colon cancer risk, 423424
digestive enzymes and, 278
heart disease risk, 470
fiber values, 627
Shear thinning, 36
short-chain fatty acids and, 298
Shellfish, 45
Rolls, 617618, 678
Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), 39, 185, 261,
Rural African morbidity patterns, 363365
287313, See also Acetate; Butyrate;
Rutabaga, 635, 657
Rye, 482
animal models and, 287
antioxidants, 455456
cancer and, 39, 489, 542
antitoxic effects, 446
fiber concentration effects, 289, 290
carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279
fiber effects and intestinal segments, 289
crude fiber values, 667
fiber feeding duration and, 287288
fecal output and, 489
fiber lipid-modifying effects and, 402, 412, 483
glycemic index values, 330, 334
fiber source and, 289, 291313
lignans, 487
cecal concentrations, 297299
lipid-modifying effects, 483
fecal excretion, 300301
mineral bioavailability studies, 509, 513, 519,
fecal/luminal pH, 302305
intestinal segment concentrations, 291295
neutral polysaccharides not recovered by Uppsala
in vitro production, 306313
procedure, 93
glycemic and insulinemic effects, 488
phytate content, 678
2387_Index_fm Page 705 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


inflammatory bowel disease and, 437438 glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 324, 326,
in vitro systems, 296 374, 382
luminal/fecal pH and, 287 neutral polysaccharides not recovered by Uppsala
Shredded wheat cereals procedure, 93
dietary fiber values, 621, 623, 624, 653 phytate content, 678679
glycemic index values, 334 protein, cholesterol-reducing effects, 410, 412,
Silica, 21, 30 413
Skin cancer, phytic acid and, 536, 539 protein, copper bioavailability and, 167
Slipper elm, 151 protein digestibility and, 141142
Sodium, bioavailability studies, 509, 514, 516, 518 saponins, 127, 129, 684
Sodium alginate, 27, See also Alginates short-chain fatty acids and, 308, 309, 310
antitoxic effects, 446 Uppsala method applications, 104
digestive enzymes and, 278, 279, 280 Spaghetti
protein digestibility and, 138 fiber values, 628, 651
Sodium lauryl sulfate, 63 glycemic index values, 330, 334, 340
Soft tissue cancer, phytic acid and, 533, 536, 539 glucose/insulin responses
Solka Floc, 309 fat and protein effects, 336337
Solubility, 35 guar additive and, 412
Soluble fiber, 35, 260, See also Hemicellulose; processing effects, 339
Pectin refining effects, 326
cholesterol-lowering effects, 401414 Spain, 5560
FDA-allowed health claims, 401 Spices and condiments, 640642
national consumption patterns, 569 Spinach
values for common foods, 615642, 650658 crude fiber values, 667
Sorghum, 482 dry matter content, 657
Chinese consumption patterns, 595 fiber values, 635, 657, 667
digestive enzymes and, 278 saponin content, 129, 684
fecal composition studies, 233 Sprouts
fiber values, 628 colon cancer risk and, 423
mineral bioavailability studies, 513, 514, 519 fiber values, 635
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 150 saponin content, 129, 684
protein digestibility and, 141 Squash, fiber values, 635636, 657, 667
Soup, 638639, 657, 661 Stachyose, 16
South Africa, dietary and morbidity patterns, Starch, 40
363365, 423, 561, 569, 570 fecal bulking and, 192
Southgate method, 8385, 88, 567, 570, 584585, gelatinization, 5455
597 hydrolysis, 5455, 8485
acid hydrolysis for non-cellulosic modified additives, 24
polysaccharides, 85 protective effects, 365
dietary fiber content of selected foods, 660662 residual, 55
interlaboratory studies, 88 resistant, See Resistant starch
residual lignin measurement, 85 Starch removal
sample extraction, 8384 detergent systems and, 6364
starch hydrolysis, 8485 Englyst and Uppsala methods, 88
Soybeans (and soya products) solubilization agents, 51, 52, 88
antitoxic effects, 446, 447 Uppsala protocol for total dietary fiber, 9092
carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279 Strawberries
certificated reference materials for Englyst fiber values, 631, 654655, 661, 667, 670
procedures, 70 phytate content, 679
Chinese consumption patterns, 595 Streptococci, 262, 264
crude fiber values, 667 Study design, 462464
diabetes treatment effects, 328 Suberin, 19, 21, 30, 554, 555
fecal composition studies, 219, 237 Sugar alcohols, 68
fiber values, 628, 632, 667 Sugar beet, 27, 40
glycemic index values, 335 fecal composition studies, 216
2387_Index_fm Page 706 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 324 Toxic reagents, 64

neutral polysaccharides not recovered by Uppsala Transit time, 189
procedure, 93 carcinogenesis and, 489
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 150 cellulose effects, 206208
protein digestibility and, 142 cereal product effects, 233236
protein utilization effects, 157 diverticular disease and, 230232
short-chain fatty acids and, 307, 309, 311 foods and mixed diets effects, 240241
Sugars, 68, See specific sugars fruit and vegetable effects, 220225
Sulfite, 65 gum and mucilage effects, 209212, 238239
Sultana, 661 legume effects, 237
Sunflower seed, 638, 679 mixed-fiber source effects, 226227
Sweden, 559560 oat and corn effects, 213215
Swedes, 660 overall dietary pattern and, 255256
Sweet potato particle size effects, 228229
fiber values, 636, 657, 667 purified fiber effects, 216219
glycemic index, 340, 334 purified pectin studies, 202205
phytate content, 679 tartaric acid and, 254255
wheat fiber studies, 193201
Triethylene glycose, 64
T Triglycerides, fiber effects on blood levels, 282283,
404408, 410, 411, 413, 483, See also
Lipid-modifying effects
Taco shells, 618, 651, 679
Triticale, 482
Takadiastase, 51
mineral bioavailability studies, 513, 515
Tamarinds, 254
phytate content, 679
Tangerine, 655
Uppsala method applications, 104
Tannins, 456, 458
Trolox equivalents, 455
Tapioca, 629
Trowell, H. C., 4
Tartaric acid, 254255, 681682
Trypsin, 51, 52, 277, 278, 280
Turnip, 636, 657, 667, 660, 679
iron absorption and, 501
Tween, 446
mineral bioavailability and, 521
Type 1 diabetes, See Insulin-dependent diabetes
phytate content, 679
Teff, 629
Type 2 diabetes, See Non-insulin-dependent diabetes
Termamyl, 52, 54, 55, 90
Testosterone, 492
Theander and man method, 87105, See Uppsala
Thiamin, 176 U
Thin-layer chromatography (TLC), saponin
measurement, 129 Uganda, 574
Thymidine kinase, 281 Ulcerative colitis, 435, 437
Thyroid cancer, 474 Ultrafiltration, 55, 56
Tocopherols, 175, 453, See also Vitamin E Unavailable carbohydrate, 10, 583
fecal mutagens and, 317 Southgate method for measuring, 8385, See also
Tocotrienols, 482, 486 Southgate method
Tokelau, 576 Undaria, 311
Tomato United Kingdom
crude fiber values, 667, 670 fiber consumption patterns, 558559, 567570,
dry matter content, 657 571, 572, 574
fiber values, 636, 661, 667, 670 flour changes and morbidity patterns, 369370
phytate content, 676, 679 Uppsala procedure, 87105
Tonga, 576 applications, 101105
Tortilla, 618 collaborative study, 101
Total dietary fiber, analytical methods for, 5253 GLC, 9596
Toxicity, dietary fiber modification effects, 445448 hemicellulose fraction, 95
2387_Index_fm Page 707 Sunday, May 6, 2001 8:07 PM


lignin determination, 99101 Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol,

neutral polysaccharide constituents, 9396 fiber effects on blood levels, 404, 406408,
Englyst method and, 8889 411, 413
soluble polysaccharide precipitation, 93 Viscosity, 3536, 412
starch removal, 9092 duodenal juices, 281282
sugar and lipid removal, 90 fiber effects on carbohydrate metabolism and, 321
uronic acid determination, 9799, 101 nutrient absorption effects, 3638
Uronic acid residues, 30, See also Pectin protein digestibility and, 134
Englyst procedure determination, 70, 76, 78 triglyceride hydrolysis and, 282283
national consumption patterns, 569 Vitamin A, 173175
Uppsala procedure determination, 9799, 101 Vitamin B1, 176
Uruguay, 578 Vitamin B2, 176
USDA Dietary Guidelines 2000, 554 Vitamin B6, 176
USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 481 Vitamin B12, 178, 179
USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Vitamin C, 178, 453, See also Ascorbic acid
615 fiber and mineral bioavailability and, 521
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), allowed Vitamin D, 175
fiber health claims, 69, 401, 481 Vitamin E, 37, 453, 486, 490, See also Tocopherols
US National Cancer Institute, 553 fiber effects on bioavailability, 175
US Preventive Services Task Force, 554 Vitamin K, 175176, 178
Vitamin metabolism, 173179
enteral synthesis, 178179
V fat-soluble, 173176
water-soluble, 176179
Vitamin PP, 177
Vegetables, 260, See also Legumes; specific
Volatile fatty acids, 287, See Short-chain fatty acids
antioxidants, 453, 455456
Australian consumption patterns, 584
Chinese consumption patterns, 594595 W
colon cancer and, 423424
crude fiber values, 666667, 670 Wales, 572
fecal bulk and composition effects, 191, 241, Walnut, 638, 657, 667, 679
220225 Water chestnut, 636
fecal output and, 184, 185 Watercress, antitoxic effects, 446
fiber values, 632636, 655657, 660, 666667, Water-holding capacity, 30, 40, 185, 260
670 Watermelon, 631, 655
French consumption patterns, 598, 601, 602 Water-soluble fraction, 31
glycemic index values, 330, 334 Waxes, 17, 19, 21, 554
heart disease risk and, 469 Weetabix, 334, 621, 624, 660
mineral bioavailability studies, 512 Weight loss, 486, See also Lipid-modifying effects;
national consumption patterns, 569, 584, 594595 Obesity
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 149, 151 chitin/chitosan and, 46
protein digestibility and, 143 Wheat, 482
short-chain fatty acids and, 312 antioxidants, 455
US consumption patterns, 556, 557 antitoxic effects, 446
Vegetarian diets crude fiber values, 667
colon cancer and, 423424 fiber values, 629
fecal composition effects, 240 glycemic index values, 334
fecal/luminal pH and, 305 grinding effects on glycemic/insulinemic
fecal microflora and, 161162 responses, 338
fecal mutagens and, 317318 mineral bioavailability studies, 504514
Italian study, 606, 608, 611 Wheat bran, 260
Seventh Day Adventists, 262, 317, 365, 423424, anticarcinogenic effects, phytic acid and, 539541
470 antioxidants, 491
Verbascose, 16 antitoxic effects, 447
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carbohydrate metabolism and, 321 grinding effects on glycemic/insulinemic

crude fiber values, 667, 670 responses, 338
diabetes treatment effects, 327 phytate content, 678
digestive enzymes and, 278, 280, 282 Whole-grain bread
fecal bile losses and, 409410 carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279
fecal bulk and composition effects, 41, 184, 185, cardiovascular disease correlations, 467, 469, 470,
191, 193201, 228229, 233 471
fecal/luminal pH and, 296, 302, 303, 304 crude fiber/dietary fiber comparison, 670
fecal mutagens and, 318 fecal composition studies, 233
fiber values, 627, 664, 667, 670 fiber content by Southgate methods, 660
folic acid and, 177 food preferences, 33
glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 326, 374, glycemic index values, 330, 339
380, 381, 382, 384, 385 mineral bioavailability studies, 504514, 517, 521
historical interest, 34, 183184, 553 phytate content, 675
laxative properties, 183184 Whole-grain foods, chronic diseases and, 461477,
lipid-modifying effects, 281, 409410, 411 481493
microflora and, 260, 261, 263, 264 antioxidants in, 482
mineral bioavailability studies, 40, 504514, cancer and, 474475, 488493
519520 antioxidant effects, 490491
nitrogen excretion and balance effects, 147, 150 gastrointestinal effects, 489490
phytate content, 679 insulinemic effects, 492493
protein digestibility and, 140, 279 mechanisms, 489490
protein utilization effects, 153, 156 phytoestrogen effects, 491492
pyridoxine bioavailability and, 176 definitions, 462, 482
riboflavin absorption and, 176 diabetes risk and, 472474, 481, 487488
short-chain fatty acids and, 288294, 300, 301, disease incidence and, 467472
307, 309, 311 disease risk factors and, 465468
Uppsala method applications, 103 epidemiologic evidence, 461477
Uppsala method collaborative study, 101 heart disease and, 481, 482486
vitamin A absorption effects, 174 antioxidant and phytochemical effects, 486
vitamin C and, 178 antithrombotic effects, 485
Wheat bread, See Breads; White bread; Whole-grain body weight effects, 485
bread hypotensive effects, 483484
Wheat flour, See Flours lipid-modifying effects, 482483
Wheat germ insulin sensitivity effects, 486
crude fiber values, 667 mortality from all causes and, 475476
fecal microflora study, 263 omega-3 fatty acids, 489, 490
fiber content, 664 phytochemicals in, 482
lipid digestion/absorption effects, 281 weight loss effects, 486
phytate content, 680 whole grain and refined cereal comparison,
White bread 488
carbohydrate hydrolysis, 279 Wine, 681682
cardiovascular disease correlations, 467
dietary fiber values, 616
fecal composition studies, 228229 X
food preferences, 33
glycemic index, 330, 339
glycemic response and, 374 Xanthan gum, 24
phytate content, 675 diabetes treatment effects, 328
White rice digestive enzymes and, 280
antioxidants, 455 fecal composition studies, 239
crude fiber values, 667 glycemic/insulinemic responses and, 326, 374,
fiber values, 628 382
food preferences, 33 short-chain fatty acids and, 307
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Xylans, 12, 31 Yeast, 45

digestive enzymes and, 278 crude fiber values, 667
fecal composition studies, 212 fiber values, 661
fecal microflora and, 263, 265 phytate content, 680
protein digestibility and, 136, 279 Yucca, 127, 633
protein utilization effects, 153 Yugoslavia, 571, 573
Xylem, 31
Xyloglucan, 103
Xylose, 93, 105 Z

Y Zinc, 162164, 499, 503

bioavailability studies, 504516
deficiencies, 162
Yam, 334 dietary fiber and absorption, 40
fiber values, 636, 657, 667 in vitro binding studies, 517520
glucose/insulin responses, processing effects on, phytate effects on bioavailability, 161,
phytate content, 680
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