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Name : Putri Tsaniah

Class : X-IPS 4

Once upon a time, there lived a princess who was very beautiful, She was very happy to
play the golden ball in the back garden. One day, as she was threw the golden ball in to air,
suddenly the ball didnt fall into her hands, but rolled in the grass, then splashed into the pond.
Princess dont know what she should do, and then she cried over the loss of her beloved golden
Why are you crying, Princess? the said frog, and she told him about her golden ball.
The frog said : I can help you get your ball but what will you give me in return?.
I will give you anything you want ! promised the Princess.
The frog said : I want to be your friend, eat together on the same plate, sleeping together in the
same bed, and lived in the palace with you, promise me, and Ill get you a golden ball. Then the
frog was dived into a pond. Sometime later, the frog managed to founded the golden ball and put
it on the grass lawn. Princess is very happy to see her ball back, and she immediately left the
pond and the frog, then ran into the palace.

The next day, when the princess was eating with the king, suddenly knock the door very fast.
Open the door, please, Princess!! said the frog.
Open the door, please, Princess!! said the frog.
Then the princess went to open the door. when the princess opened the door she was surprised
that the frog was in the her palace. The princess was immediately shut the door, and sat down
with the king. The King saw it and asked.
Why is there a frog here?
Yesterday my ball fell into the well and the frog got it for me. So, I promised we could be
friends, but hes just a frog! the Princess protested.
The King looked at the princess and said:
This frog helped you. You must be kind and keep your promises. Let him in.
Then, the Princess had orders from the king, she opened the door and brought frogs into a chair.
suddenly the frog hopped on the table. Come on, ate with me princess. After eating the frog said
The princess I was very tired, take me to your bed. The princess was shocked, she was crying
because she did not want to sleep with frogs.
The king said : a promise is a promise and you must keep it.

In the morning, when the princess performing their duties, the frog always follow
wherever the princess went. When they both were in the park.
The princess said: when are you going to leave the palace?
After you kiss, Princess said frog.
The princess was very angry, he didnt want to kiss a frog very ugly. but what may make, he
wants to make a frog that went out of the palace. The princess kissed the frog. Then comes the
very bright light, when she opened his eyes, no longer an ugly frog, but there is only a very
handsome prince. the princess was very surprised and she fell in love with a handsome prince.
When the prince turned, he tells what happened to him.
First time, I met the wicked witch, the witch cursed me into a frog, and a curse that can only be
released if I found true love, then out of, when I kiss you, it means that I have found true love
said prince.
The next day, Henry is the servant of the Prince. When his master was changed into a frog, trust
Henry had grieved so much that he had bound three iron bands round in his heart, for fear it
should break with grief and sorrow. But now, the carriage was ready to carry the Prince to his
own palace, the faithful Henry helped the bride and bridegroom, and placed himself in the seat
behind. not long after she started walking towards his palace. prince heard a sound as if
something is broken, and the prince issued his head toward the window and asked "if nothing is
broken?", and Henry said "it's not a train prince, but it is a bond that lock all my heart, as seen by
magic into a frog , but now I have seen the prince to be normal, and it makes a padlock that is in
my heart broken. " after them until the kingdom. they got married and lived happily ever after
The end
Translate :

Pada waktu dulu, hiduplah seorang putri yang sangat cantik. Dia sangat senang bermain bola
emas di kebun belakang. Suatu hari, saat ia melemparkan bola emas di udara, tiba-tiba bola tidak
jatuh ke tangannya, tapi menggelinding di rumput, kemudian tercebur ke kolam. Putri tidak tahu
apa yang harus dia lakukan, dan kemudian dia menangis karena kehilangan bola emas
"Mengapa kamu menangis, Putri?" kata katak, dan dia bercerita tentang bola emasnya.
Katak mengatakan: "Saya dapat membantu kamu mendapatkan bolamu, tetapi apa yang akan
kamu balaskan kepadaku?
"Aku akan memberikan apa pun yang kamu inginkan!" Putri berjanji.
Katak mengatakan: "aku ingin menjadi temanmu, makan bersama di piring sama, tidur bersama
di ranjang yang sama, dan tinggal di istana denganmu, berjanjilah kepadaku, dan aku akan
mendapatkan bola emas itu." Kemudian katak itu menyelam ke dalam kolam. Beberapa waktu
kemudian, katak berhasil mendapatkan bola emas dan meletakkannya di halaman rumput. Putri
sangat senang melihat bola kembali, dan dia segera meninggalkan kolam dan katak, kemudian
segera berlari ke istana.

Keesokan harinya, ketika sang putri sedang makan dengan raja, tiba-tiba ada yang
mengetuk pintu sangat cepat.
"Tolong buka pintunya, Putri !!" kata katak.
"Tolong buka pintunya, Putri !!" kata katak.
Kemudian sang putri pergi untuk membuka pintu. ketika sang putri membuka pintu ia terkejut
bahwa katak itu ada di istananya. Sang putri pun langsung menutup pintu, dan duduk dengan
raja. Raja melihatnya dan bertanya.
"Mengapa ada katak di sini?"
"Kemarin bolaku jatuh ke dalam sumur dan katak mendapatkannya untukku. Jadi, aku berjanji
kita bisa menjadi teman, tapi dia hanya kodok! "Putri protes.
Raja menatap sang putri dan mengatakan:
"Katak itu membantumu. Kamu harus bersikap baik dan menepati janjimu. Biarkan dia masuk
Kemudian, Putri mendapat perintah dari raja, ia membuka pintu dan membawa katak ke kursi.
Tiba-tiba katak melompat ke atas meja. Ayo, makan denganku putri. Setelah makan katak
mengatakan "Putri aku sangat lelah, bawalah saya ke tempat tidurmu". Sang putri terkejut, dia
menangis karena dia tidak ingin tidur dengan katak.
Raja berkata: "janji adalah janji dan kamu harus menepatinya."

Di pagi hari, ketika sang putri melaksanakan tugasnya, katak selalu mengikuti
kemanapun sang putri pergi. Ketika mereka berdua di taman
Sang putri mengatakan: "kapan kau akan meninggalkan istana?"
"Setelah kamu menciumku, putri." kata katak.
Sang putri sangat marah, ia tidak ingin mencium katak yang sangat jelek. tapi apa boleh buat, dia
ingin membuat katak yang keluar dari istana. Sang putri mencium katak. Kemudian datang
cahaya yang sangat terang, ketika dia membuka matanya, tidak lagi katak jelek, tapi hanya ada
seorang pangeran yang sangat tampan. Sang putri sangat terkejut dan ia jatuh cinta dengan
seorang pangeran tampan. Ketika sang pangeran berubah, ia mengatakan apa yang terjadi
"pada waktu itu, saya bertemu dengan penyihir jahat, penyihir itu mengutuk saya menjadi katak,
dan kutukan yang hanya bisa dilepaskan jika saya menemukan cinta sejati, maka dari, ketika aku
menciummu, itu berarti bahwa aku telah menemukan cinta sejati" kata pangeran.
Hari berikutnya, Henry adalah pelayan Pangeran. Ketika tuannya berubah menjadi katak, ia
sangat percaya, Henry telah berduka cita begitu banyak, ia telah terikat tiga ikatan besi bulat dalam
hatinya, karena takut harus istirahat dengan kesedihan dan duka. Tapi sekarang, kereta sudah siap
untuk membawa Pangeran ke istananya sendiri, Henry yang setia membantu pengantin perempuan
dan mempelai pria, dan menempatkan diri mereka di kursi belakang. tidak lama setelah itu, kereta
mulai berjalan menuju istananya. Pangeran mendengar suara seperti jika ada yang rusak, dan sang
pangeran mengeluarkan kepalanya ke arah jendela dan bertanya "apakah ada yang rusak?", dan
Henry mengatakan "itu bukan kereta pangeran, tapi itu adalah ikatan yang mengunci seluruh hatiku,
saat saya melihatmu tersihir menjadi katak, tapi sekarang saya telah melihat sang pangeran menjadi
manusia normal, dan itu membuat gembok yang ada di hati saya patah.". Setelah mereka sampai
kerajaan. mereka menikah dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

Name : Putri Tsaniah
Class : X-IPS 4

Theory of Narrative text

Definition of Narrative
Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events
and entertain the readers.

Generic Structure of Narrative

A narrative text consists of the following structure:
1. Orientation: Introducing the participants and informing the time and the place
2. Complication: Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with
3. Resolution: Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, better or worse

Language Features of Narrative

- Using processes verbs
- Using temporal conjunction
- Using Simple Past Tense

Communicative purpose Narrative Text as described above is to entertain the listener or

reader about a past story or stories related to the experience of real, imaginary or complex events
that led to a crisis, which eventually find a solution.

Vocabulary Meaning Vocabulary Meaning

Threw Melemparkan Knock Mengetuk
Suddenly Tiba-tiba Immediately Segera/langsung
Fall Jatuh Grass lawn Rumput rumput
Rolled Menggelinding Put Menaruh
Splashed Tercebur Palace Istana
Pond Kolam Return Balasan
Cried Menangis Loss Kehilangan
Shut Menutup Shocked Terkejut
Sat Duduk Duties Tugas
Saw Melihat Bright Terang
Promised Barjanji Light Cahaya
Brought Membawa Ugly Jelek
Hopped Melompat Turned Yang menjadi
Wicked witch Penyihir jahat Curse Kutukan
Found Menemukan Released Terlepas
Changed Berubah Iron Besi
Band Ikatan Grief Kesedihan
Fear Takut Sorrow Kesedihan
Carriage Pengangkutan Carry Membawa
Issued Mengeluarkan Toward Ke arah
Padlock Gembok Married Menikah

1. What about the text above?

2. What kind of the text?
3. What the Princess favorite toy?
4. Where the princess golden ball fall into a pond?
5. With whom the Princess meet in pond?
6. Who help the Princess to take the golden ball?
7. What the Princess do after getting the golden ball back?
8. What the Princess do after her see the frog at the door?
9. Where the Princess tell about the frog to the king?
10. What kind of the request of frog to the Princess?
11. What the Princess do for issue the frog from palace?
12. What happen when the Princess kiss the frog?
13. What happen when the Princess look the handsome Prince?
14. What make the Prince changed to frog?
15. What a way the Prince to break the curse?
16. Who is Henry?
17. What bands all heart of Henry?
18. What something is broken in a way?
19. Where they both married?
20. What the story ending?

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