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Submission Date: 25/09/2017

1. A pulley is keyed to a shaft midway between two anti-friction bearings. The bending
moment at the pulley varies from - 170 N-m to + 510 N-m as the torsional moment in the
shaft varies from 55 N-m to + 165 N-m. the frequency of the variation of the loads in the
same as the shaft speed. The shaft is material is having an ultimate strength of 538 MPa
and the yield strength is 400 MPa. determine the required diameter for an indefinite life.
The stress concentration factors for the keyway at the pulley in bending and in torsion may
be taken as 1.6 and 1.3 respectively. The factor of safety = 1.5, Size factor = 0.80 and
Surface finish factor = 0.85.

2. A section of a C-clamp is shown in figure. If the maximum tensile stress is limited to 200
MPa, find the maximum load W which it can take.

3. A bolt is subjected to a tensile load of 25 kN and to a shear load of 10 kN. Suggest a suitable
size of a bolt according to various theories of failure. Take allowable yield stress is 300
N/mm2, passions ratio is 0.25.

4. A cantilever rod of length 120mm with circular section is subjected to a cyclic transverse
load; varying from -100 N to 300 N at its free end. Determine the diameter d of the rod
by (i) Goodman method and (ii) Soderberg method using following data. Factor of safety
= 2; Theoretical stress concentration factor = 1.4; Notch sensitivity factor = 0.9; Ultimate
strength = 550 MPa; Yield strength = 320 MPa; Endurance limit = 275MPa; Size correction
factor = 0.85; Surface correction factor = 0.9.
5. The shaft of an overhang crank is subjected to a force F of 1.5 kN as shown in the figure
below. The shaft is made of 30 Mn2 steel having the allowable shear strength equal to 80
N/mm2. Determine the diameter of the shaft.

6. Design and draw a knuckle joint to connect two mild steel bars under a tensile load of 25
kN. The allowable stresses are 65 MPa in tension, 50 MPa in shear and 83 MPa in crushing.

7. Design a rigid flange coupling to transmit a torque of 250 N-m between two coaxial shafts.
The shaft is made of alloy steel, flanges out of cast iron and bolts out of steel. Four bolts
are used to couple the flanges. The shafts are keyed to the flange hub. The permissible
stresses are given below:
Shear stress on shaft =100 MPa
Bearing or crushing stress on shaft =250 MPa
Shear stress on keys =100 MPa
Bearing stress on keys =250 MPa
Shearing stress on cast iron =200 MPa
Shear stress on bolts =100 MPa
After designing the various elements, make a neat sketch of the assembly indicating the
important dimensions. The stresses developed in the various members may be checked if
thumb rules are used for fixing the dimensions.
8. Design a bushed-pin type of flexible coupling to connect a pump shaft to a motor shaft
transmitting 32 kW at 960 r.p.m. The overall torque is 20 percent more than mean torque.
The material properties are as follows:
(a) The allowable shear and crushing stress for shaft and key material is 40 MPa and 80
MPa respectively.
(b) The allowable shear stress for cast iron is 15 MPa.
(c) The allowable bearing pressure for rubber bush is 0.8 N/mm2.
(d) The material of the pin is same as that of shaft and key.
Draw neat sketch of the coupling.

9. A hollow transmission shaft, having inside diameter 0.6 times the outside diameter, is made
of plain carbon steel 40C8 (Syt = 380 N/mm2) and the factor of safety is 3. A belt pulley,
1000 mm in diameter, is mounted on the shaft, which overhangs the left hand bearing by
250 mm. The belts are vertical and transmit power to the machine shaft below the pulley.
The tension on the tight and slack sides of the belt are 3 kN and 1 kN respectively, while
the weight of the pulley is 500 N. The angle of wrap of the belt on the pulley is 180.
Calculate the outside and inside diameters of the shaft.

10. horizontal nickel steel shaft rests on two bearings, A at the left and B at the right end and
carries two gears C and D located at distances of 250 mm and 400 mm respectively from
the center line of the left and right bearings. The pitch diameter of the gear C is 600 mm
and that of gear D is 200 mm. The distance between the center line of the bearings is 2400
mm. The shaft transmits 20 kW at 120 r.p.m. The power is delivered to the shaft at gear C
and is taken out at gear D in such a manner that the tooth pressure FtC of the gear C and FtD
of the gear D act vertically downwards. Find the diameter of the shaft, if the working stress
is 100 MPa in tension and 56 MPa in shear. The gears C and D weighs 950 N and 350 N
respectively. The combined shock and fatigue factors for bending and torsion may be taken
as 1.5 and 1.2 respectively.

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