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academic level e.g.

from another not to be comparable will not be

Exemption & full completed MBA/MSc degree. considered.

Credits 9. If applying for exemption and

credit transfer, a combined
18. Each application for
exemption/credit shall be
maximum of four may be considered according to the
Policy Overview awarded. following principles:-
These notes are for 10. Exemptions are granted from Undergraduate Level Study
guidance only. courses which are core to your (e.g. BA, BSc, BCom, graduate
chosen programme of study. No diplomas, certain professional
If you have any questions exemptions will be awarded from qualifications) One exemption
regarding our exemption and elective courses. maybe granted to the holder of a
credit award policy, recognised degree (or
11. Credit transfers are granted
qualification deemed by the
specifically in relation to your for both core and elective
University, to be equivalent)
own qualifications, please courses.
which has been awarded by an
contact Edinburgh Business accredited institute. The
12. All applications are
School before submitting a considered by the Exemptions degree/qualification must contain
formal application. Committee of Edinburgh courses which Edinburgh
Business School whose decision Business School identifies as
1. Exemption eligibility is based is final. being directly relevant to the
on undergraduate level exemption application and these
qualifications which have been 13. A validation fee of 140 is courses must constitute an
attained by formal examination payable on each acceptable proportion of that
and are fully completed. exemption/credit transfer. degree/qualification.

2. Credit Transfer eligibility is 15. If the Exemptions Committee Postgraduate Level Study
based on postgraduate level is in any doubt as to your (e.g. postgraduate certificates
qualifications attained by formal eligibility for exemption/credit and diplomas, certain
examination. (with the exception transfer, you may be required to professional qualifications) Up to
of a fully completed masters complete an exemption four credits may be granted to
level degree which cannot be examination to establish your the holder of a postgraduate
considered). level of proficiency in that level qualification which has been
subject. Only one exemption awarded by an accredited
3. Life or work experience will examination attempt will be institute. The qualification must
not be considered. permitted per subject. If the contain courses which Edinburgh
exemption examination is Business School identifies as
4. A maximum of two
exemptions may be awarded passed, the exemption/credit being directly relevant to the
transfer will be awarded. credit transfer application and
(one exemption per
undergraduate qualification). 16. All applications for the courses must align closely
exemption/credit transfer must with Edinburgh Business Schools
5. A maximum of four credit own syllabus and its assessment
be made in writing and
transfers may be awarded. policy.
submitted with colour
6. Exemption and credit transfers photocopies (translated by a 19. A decision on the application
can only be considered on the Notary if they are not in English) is normally made within four
basis of qualifications which are of award certificates and full weeks of receipt of the
of a lower academic level to our academic transcripts. Additional application. Notification of the
MBA/MSc programmes. information (e.g. a detailed decision is provided by email.
syllabus or details of assessment 20. It is recommended that an
7. Exemptions and credit
methods) may be required by application for assessment of
transfers may not be considered
the Exemptions Committee eligibility, be submitted at the
for courses, where the Edinburgh beginning of your studies.
before a decision is reached.
Business School examination has
been sat. 17. The comparability of 21. Course fees may not be
international qualifications, refunded, or a course swap
8. Credit transfers will not be approved, in cases where an
against their British counter-part,
considered on the basis of a application is submitted, after an
is established in all cases.
qualification of the same Edinburgh Business School
International qualifications found course has been purchased.
Edinburgh Business
School currently awards
exemption or credit for the CPA Canada Chartered
CFA Institute
Professional Accountants of
following professional Chartered Financial Analyst
qualifications. The awards Credits in Economics and Finance
Certified Professional Accountant
are based on each Credit in Accounting, possible credit in
ACPA - Association of Certified
institutes syllabus and Public Accountants (UK)
examinations. Certified Public Accountant
IACT Irish Association of
Credit in Accounting, Corporate Treasurers
ABE - Association of Business possible credit in Finance Graduate Certificate in Corporate
Executives Pre 2017 only
Level 6 Diploma/Extended Diploma APM Association for Project Credit in Finance
in Business Management Management
Exemption from Organisational Certified Project Manager ICSA - Institute of Chartered
Behaviour for completion of the ABE Credit in Project Management Secretaries & Administrators
course Managing in Organisations Chartered Secretaries Qualifying
(MBA) CA - Institute of Chartered Scheme (CSQS)
Accountants (Scotland, England, Credits in Accounting and Finance
Exemption from Human Resource
Wales, Ireland, New Zealand,
Management (MSc HRM) for
completion of the ABE course Strategic Institute of Actuaries
Associate Chartered Accountant
Human Resource Management Associate and Fellow
Credit in Accounting, possible credit in
Level 6 Diploma/Extended Diploma Credits in Economics, Finance and
Quantitative Methods (MBA)
in Human Resource Management
Credits in Finance and Quantitative
Exemption from either Managing CGA - Certified General
Methods (MSc FM)
People in Changing Contexts for Accountants of Ontario
completion of the ABE course Certified General Accountant Credit in Derivatives for completion of
paper ST6 (MBA/MSc FM)
Managing in Organisations or Exemption from Accounting
exemption from Human Resource Credit in Quantitative Methods (MSc
Management for completion of the ABE CHRP Certified Human Resource
course Strategic Human Resource Practitioner (Canada)
Management (MSc HRM) IMM Institute of Marketing
Exemption from Organisational
Level 6 Extended Diploma in Behaviour
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing
CIB - Chartered Institute of Credits in Marketing and International
Exemption from Marketing (MBA or Marketing
MSc Marketing)
Chartered Banker
PMI Project Management
Possible Exemption from Finance
ACCA - Chartered Association of Institute
determined by courses
Certified Accountants Project Management Professional
The ACCA Qualification CIM - Canadian Institute of Credit in Project Management
Credits in Accounting and Finance. Management
Possible credits in Corporate Certificate in Management and The exemption and credit awards
Governance and Mergers and Administration listed are relevant to professional
Acquisitions (2001 syllabus onwards) qualifications achieved within the last
Exemption from Accounting
Diploma in Financial Management two years only. If you are the holder
of a professional qualification achieved
Exemption from Finance (2007 CIM - Chartered Institute of
prior to this, your eligibility for award
syllabus onwards) Marketing
may differ to the publicised list.
Professional/Postgraduate Diploma
ACT (UK) - Association of Exemption from Marketing If you hold a professional qualification
Corporate Treasurers which is not listed you may request
Certificate in Corporate Finance & CIMA - Chartered Institute of that this qualification be assessed for
Funding Management Accountants eligibility. Please submit your request
Professional Qualification to in writing along with a certified (and if
Exemption from Finance
Strategic Level applicable translated) copy of the
Certificate in Financial award, examination results and a
Fundamentals for Business Credits in Accounting and Finance detailed syllabus document.
Exemption from Accounting
Certificate in Financial CIPFA - Chartered Institute of Please direct all exemption enquiries to
Mathematics & Modelling Public Finance & Accountancy Edinburgh Business School at
Exemption from Derivatives (MSc FM) Professional Qualification [email protected] or
++44 131 451 3090.
Certificate in Risk Management Exemption from Accounting
Exemption from Financial Risk
Management (MSc FM) CPA Certified Practising
Accountant (Australia)
AIWM Association of Certified Practising Accountant
International Wealth Management
Credit in Accounting,
Certified International Wealth possible credit in Finance
Exemption from Finance
Application for Exemption
In order that we may process your application as quickly as possible
it is essential that ALL sections of the application form are completed
and that colour (and if applicable, translated) copies of your award
certificates and full academic transcripts have been attached.

Family Name/Surname ___________________________________________________________________________________

Other Names _____________________________________________________Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Other) ___________

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________


Country ______________________________________________________ Post/Zip Code ____________________________

E-mail________________________________________________________ Tel No __________________________________

Student Identification (SID) number (relevant only to individuals already registered on an EBS programme of study) :

EBS programme of study: MBA MSc HRM MSc Fin Man MSc Strategic Planning MSc Marketing

DBA Other please specify___________________________________________________

Name of University/College/Professional Body Qualification obtained e.g. Preferred Exemption

(including country) MSc, BCom, PG Diploma

I attach colour photocopies of my qualifications (translated by a Notary if they are not in English) and confirm that these are genuine.

Signed________________________________________________________________ Date___________________________

A validation fee of 140 is payable for each exemption/credit transfer which is approved for award. Payment should be made via the
Student Portal. Formal applications should be emailed to Edinburgh Business School at [email protected].

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