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Republic of the Philippines pointed instruments, conspiring together and

SUPREME COURT helping one another, with intent to kill, with

Manila evident premeditation, with treachery,
inconsideration of a price or reward and with the
THIRD DIVISION aid of armed men, forcibly took one Edwin Balaan
from his residence and brought him tothe
mountains of Barangay Tulong,
Allacapan,Cagayan, and there and then, the
accused, in pursuance of their conspiracy, did
G.R. Nos. 102361-62 May 14, 1993
then and there wilfully, unlawfully, and feloniously
assault, attack torture and stabbed (sic) the said
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, Edwin Balaan/Esmenio Balaan inflicting upon him
vs. wounds on his body which cause his death.
RUDY FRONDA, defendant-appellant. (Rollo, pp. 122-123)

The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. On May 29, 1989, Reynaldo Agcaoili was arrested but was
subsequently released on bail two days after. On June 2, 1989,
Juan T. Antonio for accused-appellant. appellant Rudy Fronda was arrested and detained. Upon
arraignment, both appellant and accused Reynaldo Agcaoili
pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder. Thereafter, trial
On August 7, 1991, the trial court promulgated its decision
Appellant, Rudy Fronda, together with Reynaldo Agcaoili were convicting appellant and acquitting Reynaldo Agcaoili of the crime
charged with murder before Branch 10 of the Regional Trial Court charged, the decretal portion of which reads:
of Cagayan in two separate information, Criminal Cases No. 10-
304 and 10-308 alleged to have been committed in conspiracy WHEREFORE, under cool reflection and fortified
with several John Does. Appellant and his co-accused were by the balm of clear judicial conscience, the Court
accused of killing the brothers Esminio and Edwin Balaan of enters a verdict of acquittal in favor of the
Allacapan, Cagayan in the two identically worded informations accused Reynaldo Agcaoili for the crime of
alleging the offense to have been committed as follows: murder as charged, in both Criminal Cases Nos.
10-304 and 10-308, with costs de oficio. His bail
That on or about June 11, 1968, in the bond is cancelled and the documents submitted in
municipality of Allacapan, province of Cagayan, support thereof may now be withdrawn from the
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, records under proper receipt.
the said accused, Reynaldo Agcaoili and Rudy
Fronda, together with several John Does who As against the accused Rudy Fronda, the Court
were not identified, armed with guns and sharp- finds him guilty beyond reasonable doubt as
principal by indispensable cooperation for the RPC, amended by Com. Act No. 217, threefold
crime of murder as charged in both Criminal rule).
Cases Nos. 10-304 and 10-308, and sentences
him to suffer in each case, the penalty xxx xxx xxx
of RECLUSION PERPETUA, with all the
accessory penalties provided for by law and to SO ORDERED. (Rollo, pp. 76-77).
pay the costs. He is ordered to each pay (sic) the
heirs of the deceased Edwin (Eduardo) Balaan
The antecedent facts, as found by the trial court are as follows:
and Esminio Balaan, the amount of:
At about 6:00 o'clock in the morning of June 11,
1. P50,000.00 compensatory damages
1986, the deceased Eduardo (Edwin) Balaan And
2. P50,000.00 death indemnity
Esminio Balaan who are brothers, were take by
3. P20,000.00 moral damages
seven (7) armed men in fatigue uniform with long
4. P30,000.00 exemplary damages
firearms, suspected to be NPA members,
5. P15,000.00 expenses during the
accompanied by accused Rudy Fronda and
wake of Esmenio Balan
Roderick Padua from the house of one Ferminio
6. P10,000.00 expenses during the
Balaan, at Barangay Cataratan, Allacapan,
wake of Edwin Balaan.
Cagayan. The said Rudy Fronda and Roderick
Padua are residents of the same place. The
all for the grand total of Three Hundred Twenty armed men tied the hands of the deceased at
Five Thousand (P325,000.00) Pesos, but without their back lying down face downward, in front of
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency. the house of Ferminio Balaan. The armed men
together with Roderick Padua and Rudy Fronda
In the service hereof, the accused Rudy Fronda proceeded towards sitio Tulong, Cataratan,
shall be entitled to the full length of time, he Allacapan, Cagayan passing through the ricefields
underwent preventive imprisonment, provided he (taking along with them the Balaan brothers).
voluntarily agreed in writing to abide by the same
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted xxx xxx xxx
prisoners, otherwise, he shall be credited to only
four fifth (4/5) thereof. (Art. 29, NCC, as amended
Accused Rudy Fronda testified that on the night of
by RA 617, June 17, 1979; US vs. Ortencio; 38
June 10, 1986, he was taken by the NPA's from
Phil. 341; People vs. Chavez, 126 SCRA 1).
his house, accompanied by Robert Peralta, alias
Ka Jun and Roderick Padua, to look for the
MORE, there being two (2) perpetual penalties Balaan brothers. They were around nine (9)
imposed upon the accused Rudy Fronda the NPA's with then. They found Edwin Balaan and
maximum simultaneous service of his sentence Esmineo Balaan, at the house of Ferminio
shall in no case exceed forty (40) years. (Art.70, Balaan, a brother. They tied their wrists/hands
and brought them to the mountain at Sitio Tulong, On the basis of the foregoing, the trial court declared:
Cataratan, Allacapan, Cagayan. After that, the
NPA's instructed them to go home, but in the In fine, all of these circumstances constitute a
afternoon of the same day June 11, 1986, Robert unbroken chain which leads to a fair conclusion
Peralta, alias Ka Jun, sent Elmer Martinez, that accused Rudy Fronda is guilty as a principal
Orlando Gonzales, George Peralta and Librado by indispensable cooperation (People vs.
Duran to get him and further he was ordered to Colinares, 163 SCRA 313), even as the same
get a spade and a crowbar. They were ordered to circumstances are inconsistent with each other,
dig a hole in the mountain, one (1) kilometer away and at the same time inconsistent with any other
from his house. hypothesis, except that of guilty (People vs.
Trinidad 162 SCRA 714), all cited in the recent
On March 21, 1989, the bodies or remains of the case of People vs. Tiongson, G.R. No. 89823,
Balaan brothers were examined by the 17th June 19, 1991).
Infantry Battalion, under Capt. Benedicto. After
which, the remains, (bones) were brought to the It is crystal clear and conclusion is inescapable
house of one Freddie Arevalo, a relative of the that his cooperation was indeed indispensable in
deceased, at Barangay Cataratan, where they the consumation of the crime charged, without
were laid in state for the wake. (Rollo, pp. 27-29) which it would not have been accomplished, (Art.
17, No. 3, RPC).
In its decision, the trial court made a lengthy enumeration of
established facts and circumstances which was made the basis of Accused Rudy Fronda shared the guilty purpose
the conviction of appellant, to wit : and encouraged and abetted the crime by his
actuations as above illustrated, even though he
1) Appellant and Roderick Padua, and NPA member were the may have taken no part in the execution. The
ones who pointed the house where the brothers Balaan were to chain of circumstances as narrated above will
be found, 2) appellant and Roderick Padua accompanied the show that he has rendered the required
members of the armed group to said house, and tied the victims' assistance intentionally and knowingly, which led
hands, 3) appellant was handed a hunting knife by one of the to the execution of the felony. His external acts
armed men when they left the house, 4) appellant joined the more than explain his participation as principal by
members of the armed group in bringing the victims to a forested indispensable cooperation. Such external overt
area in the mountains, 5) it was appellant who provided the spade acts, are more than significant enough
and crowbar used in digging the hole where the Balaan brothers constittuting convincing proof leading to the
were buried, 6) appellant was the one who pointed the location ineluctable finding that accused Rudy Fronda is
where the victms' bodies buried, 7) appellant, for a period of more guilty as such. (Rollo, pp. 74-75)
than three (3) years, failed to report the incident to the authorities,
and 8) appellant did not in any way object, when he was ordered Appellant assails the decision of the trial court, setting forth the
to tie the hands of the victims. following assignment of errors:
I. Records show that appellant's participation in the commission of
the crime consisted of: (1) leading the members of the armed
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN FINDING THE group to the house where the victims were found; (2) tying the
ACCUSED-APPELLANT GUILTY OF MURDER victims' hands and (3) digging the grave where the victims were
IN TWO COUNTS AND SENTENCING HIM TO buried. However, it has been established through the testimony of
SUFFER THE PENALTY OF RECLUSION Alex Utrera, a former member of the NPA, that appellant was only
PERPETUAIN EACH COUNT. picked-up by the armed men for the purpose of pointing the
residence of the victims. The armed men never disclosed their
II. purpose in looking for the brothers Balaan who were former
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines nor did the
armed men inform appellant of their plan to abduct and kill the
two brothers.
EVIDENCE. (Appellant's Brief, p. 1) Save for the open admission of appellant that he was an NPA
"supporter", no incontrovertible proof was adduced by the
prosecution supporting the conclusion that appellant agreed with
Accused-appellant maintains that the prosecution was not able to
the members of the armed group to kill the brothers Balaan.
present evidence to prove his participation in the killing of the
brothers Balaan. The defense submits that appellant was merely
taken by the armed men as a "pointer" and as such, he could not Furthermore, prosecution witnesses Freddie Arevalo and Gilbert
be considered as a principal by indispensable cooperation for the Viernes testified that the members of the armed group were
reason that the armed men could have taken other persons to accompanied by, aside from appellant, another barriomate,
perform the acts done by appellant. Furthermore, appellant Roderick Padua, known to be a member of the NPA (Tsn p. 8 &
interposes the exempting circumstance of uncontrollable fear (Art. 76). Undoubtedly, ever without appelant's participation, the
12 [6] RPC) claiming that all his acts were performed under the assailants could have easily located the Balaan brothers thru the
impulse of uncontrollable fear and to save his life. assistance of Roderick Padua. Taking account of the number of
the assailants alone, it is apparen that the armed men could have
nevertheless committed the crime easily without the appellant
This case hinges on the issue of whether or not accused-
abetting the commission thereof.
appellant could be convicted as a principal by indispensable
cooperation through circumstantial evidence.
The acts performed by appellant are not, by themselves,
indispensable to the killing of the brothers Balaan. As aforesaid to
Paragraph 3, Article 17, of the Revised Penal Code considers as
be considered as a principal by indispensable cooperation, there
principals by indispensable cooperation "those who cooperate in
must be direct participation in the criminal design by another act
the commission of the offense by another act without which it
without which the crime could not have been committed. We note
could not have been accomplished". Its requisites are (1)
that the prosecution failed to present any evidence tending to
participation of the subject accused in the criminal resolution and
establish appellant's conspiracy with the evil designs of the
(2) performance by him of another act indispensable to the
members of the NPA armed group. Neither was it established that
accomplishment of the crime.
appellant's acts were of such importance that the crime would not
have been committed without him or that he participated in the Appellant cannot claim the exempting circumstance of
actual killing. uncontrollable fear (Art. 12, par. 6, RPC). Fear in order to be valid
should be based on a real, imminent or reasonable fear for one's
Under the circumstances, appellant cannot therefore be life or limb (People vs. Abanes, 73 SCRA 44, [1976]). In the case
considered as a principal by indispensable cooperation. The trial at bar, records indicate that appellant was seen being handed by
court, therefore, erred when it found appellant guilty as a principal and receiving from one of the armed men a hunting knife. Also,
by indispensable cooperation. as afoesaid, appellant was not able to explain his failure to report
the incident to the explain his failure to report the incident to the
However, appellant's act of joining the armed men in going to the authorities for more than three (3) years. These circumstances,
mountains, and his failure to object to their unlawful orders, or among others, establish the fact that appellant consciously
show any reluctance in obeying the same, may be considered as concurred with the acts of the assailants. In order that the
circumstances evincing his concurrence with the objectives of the circumstance of uncontrollable fear may apply, it is necessary
malefactors and had effectively supplied them with material and that the compulsion be of such a character as to leave no
moral aid, thereby making him as an accomplice. He cannot with opportunity to escape or self-defense in equal combat. (People
candor, claim that he was unaware of the evil intentions of the vs. Loreno, 130 SCRA 311, [1984]) Appellant had the opportunity
armed men which may have been the case had appellant merely to escape when he was ordered by the armed men to go hoome
guided the group to locate the victims' abodes. On the contrary, after bringing the victims the mountains. He did not. Instead he
appellant himself tied the victims' hands and even joined the joined the armed men when required to bring a spade with which
armed men in taking the victims to the hills. Appellant's complicity he was ordered to dig the grave. Appellant also chose to remain
is made more manifest by the fact that without any justifiable silent for more than three (3) years before reporting the killing to
reason he failed to report the incident to the authorities for a the authorities. Based on these circumstances, We hold that the
period of more than three (3) years. contemporaneous and subsequent acts of appellant can not be
regarded as having been done under the impulse of
uncontrollable fear.
Article 18 of the Revised Penal Code provides that an accomplice
is one who, not being a principal, "cooperates in the execution of
the offense by previous or simultaneous acts". Under this Appellant also argues that the trial court erred when it convicted
provision, a person is considered as an accomplice if his role in him of the crime charged, alleging that no evidence was
the perpetration of the crime is of a minor character. To be presented to prove any circumstance that would qualify the crime
convicted as such, it is necessary that he be aware to the criminal committed to murder. Appellant's argument is devoid of merit.
intent of the principal and thereby cooperates knowingly or Paragraph 1, Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code provides that
intentionally by supplying material or moral aid for the efficacious any person who kills another, taking advantage of superior
execution of the crime. strength shall be guilty of murder, and shall be punished
by reclusion temporal in the maximum period to death. It is
manifest that the group of assailants composed of seven (7)
It is well settled that if there is ample of criminal participation but a
armed men, and two (2) civilians including appellant Fronda. It
doubt exist as to the nature of liability, courts should resolve to
had been repeatedly held that the number of assailants, if armed,
favor the milder form of responsibility, that of an accomplice.
may be considered as a qualifying circumstance of abuse of
(People vs. Doctolero, 193 SCRA 632, [1991] citing People vs.
superior strength. It is indubitable that assailants deliberately
Torejas, 43 SCRA 158, [1972])
used superior force of such nature as to be clearly out of
proportion to the means or defense available to the
victims People vs. Tandoc (40 Phil. 954 [1920]) and People vs.
Verzo (21 SCRA 1403 [1967]). The assailants took advantage of
their numbers in order to ensure that the brothers Balaan who are
said to be former members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines would not be able to put up any defense. The crime
thus committed is murder.

Be that as it may, and after considering the attendant

circumstances, We hold that appellant is guilty beyond
reasonable doubt as accomplice to the crime charged i.e. murder.
As such, the proper imposable penalty is one degree lower than
that prescribed for murder (Art. 52, Revised Penal Code). The
penalty for murder is reclusion temporal in its maximum period to
death (Art. 248, RPC). One degree lower is prision mayor in its
maximum period to reclusion temporal medium (Art. 61 (3), RPC).
There being no mitigating nor agravating circumstances which
attended the commission of the crime, the penalty impossable
under the law should be applied in its medium period (Art. 64 [1],
RPC) and applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, appellant is
hereby sentenced in each case to suffer imprisonment ranging
from eight (8) years and one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum
to fourteen (14) years eight (8) months and one (1) day
of reclusion temporal as maximum.

WHEREFORE, the appealed decision of the trial court is hereby

MODIFIED to the extent above indicated and AFFIRMED in all
other aspects. Costs against appellant.


Feliciano, Davide, Jr., Romero and Melo, JJ., concur.

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