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Catalog 12

Section 2 tab
ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Introduction and Sizing Valves for Liquids

Introduction the appropriate factor determination section(s) located in

the text after the sixth step.
Standardization activities for control valve sizing can be
traced back to the early 1960s when an American trade 1. Specify the variables required to size the valve as fol-
association, the Fluids Control Institute, published sizing lows:
equations for use with both compressible and incom-
pressible fluids. The range of service conditions that D Desired design: refer to the appropriate valve flow co-
efficient table in this catalog.
could be accommodated accurately by these equations
was quite narrow, and the standard did not achieve a D Process fluid (water, oil, etc.), and
high degree of acceptance. In 1967, the Instrument Soci-
ety of America (ISA) established a committee to develop D Appropriate service conditions
and publish standard equations. The efforts of this com-
mittee culminated in a valve sizing procedure that has q or w, P1, P2 or P, T1, Gf, Pv, Pc, and
achieved the status of American National Standard. Lat-
er, a committee of the International Electrotechnical The ability to recognize which terms are appropriate for a
Commission (IEC) used the ISA works as a basis to for- specific sizing procedure can only be acquired through
mulate international standards for sizing control valves. experience with different valve sizing problems. If any of
(Some information in this introductory material has been the above terms appears to be new or unfamiliar, refer to
extracted from ANSI/ISA S75.01 standard with the per- the table 1 for a complete definition.
mission of the publisher, the instrument Society of Amer-
2. Determine the equation constant N. N is a numerical
ica.) Except for some slight differences in nomenclature
constant contained in each of the flow equations to pro-
and procedures, the ISA and IEC standards have been
vide a means for using different systems of units. Values
harmonized. ANSI/ISA Standard S75.01 is harmonized
for these various constants and their applicable units are
with IEC Standards 534-2-1 and 534-2-2. (IEC Publica-
given in table 2.
tions 534-2, Sections One and Two for incompressible
and compressible fluids, respectively.) Use N1, if sizing the valve for a flow rate in volumetric
units (gpm or m3/h).
In the following sections, the nomenclature and proce-
dures are explained, and sample problems are solved to Use N6 if sizing the valve for a flow rate in mass units
illustrate their use. (lb/h or kg/h).

3. Determine FP, the piping geometry factor.

FP is a correction factor that accounts for pressure

losses due to piping fittings such as reducers, elbows, or
Sizing Valves for Liquids tees that might be attached directly to the inlet and outlet
connections of the control valve to be sized. If such fit-
Following is a step-by-step procedure for the sizing of tings are attached to the valve, the FP factor must be
control valves for liquid flow using the IEC procedure. considered in the sizing procedure. If, however, no fit-
Each of these steps is important and must be considered tings are attached to the valve, FP has a value of 1.0 and
during any valve sizing procedure. Steps 3 and 4 con- simply drops out of the sizing equation.
cern the determination of certain sizing factors that may
or may not be required in the sizing equation depending For rotary valves with reducers (swaged installations)
on the service conditions of the sizing problem. If one, and other valve designs and fitting styles, determine the
two, or all three of these sizing factors are to be included FP factors by using the procedure for Determining FP ,
in the equation for a particular sizing problem, refer to the Piping Geometry Factor on page 3.

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Sizing Valves for Liquids

Table 1. Abbreviations and Terminology

Symbol Definition Symbol Definition
Cv Valve sizing coefficient P2 Downstream absolute static pressure
d Nominal valve size PC Absolute thermodynamic critical pressure
D Internal diameter of the piping PV Vapor pressure absolute of liquid at inlet temperature
FD Valve style modifier, dimensionless P Pressure drop (P1-P2) across the valve
FF Liquid critical pressure ratio factor, dimensionless Pmax(L) Maximum allowable liquid sizing pressure drop
Maximum allowable sizing pressure drop with
FK Ratio of specific heats factor, dimensionless Pmax(LP)
attached fittings
FL Rated liquid pressure recovery factor, dimensionless q Volume rate of flow
Combined liquid pressure recovery factor and piping
geometry factor of valve with attached fittings (when Maximum flow rate (choked flow conditions) at given
FLP qmax
there are no attached fittings, FLP equals FL), upstream conditions
FP Piping geometry factor, dimensionless ReV Valve Reynolds number, dimensionless
Absolute upstream temperature (degrees K or
FR Reynolds number factor, dimensionless T1
degree R)
Liquid specific gravity (ratio of density of liquid at
GF flowing temperature to density of water at 60_F), w Mass rate of flow
Gas specific gravity (ratio of density of flowing gas to
density of air with both at standard conditions(1), i.e., Ratio of pressure drop to upstream absolute static
GG x
ratio of molecular weight of gas to molecular weight pressure (P/P1), dimensionless
of air), dimensionless
k Ratio of specific heats, dimensionless xT Rated pressure drop ratio factor, dimensionless
Expansion factor (ratio of flow coefficient for a gas to
K Head loss coefficient of a device, dimensionless Y that for a liquid at the same Reynolds number),
M Molecular weight, dimensionless Z Compressibility factor, dimensionless
N Numerical constant 1 Specific weight at inlet conditions
P1 Upstream absolute static pressure Kinematic viscosity, centistokes
1. Standard conditions are defined as 60_F (15.5_C) and 14.7 psia (101.3kPa).

4. Determine qmax (the maximum flow rate at given up- ing the procedure for Determining qmax, the Maximum
stream conditions) or Pmax (the allowable sizing pres- Flow Rate, or Pmax, the Allowable Sizing Pressure Drop
sure drop). on page 4. If it can be recognized that choked flow con-
ditions will not develop within the valve, Pmax need not
be calculated.
The maximum or limiting flow rate (qmax), commonly
called choked flow, is manifested by no additional in-
crease in flow rate with increasing pressure differential
5. Determine FR, the Reynolds number factor.
with fixed upstream conditions. In liquids, choking occurs
as a result of vaporization of the liquid when the static
pressure within the valve drops below the vapor pres-
sure of the liquid. FR is a correction factor to account for nonturbulent flow-
ing conditions within the control valve to be sized. Such
conditions might occur due to high viscosity fluid, very
The IEC standard requires the calculation of an allow- low pressure differential, low flow rate, or some com-
able sizing pressure drop (Pmax), to account for the bination of these. If nonturbulent flow is suspected, de-
possibility of choked flow conditions within the valve. termine the FR factor according to the procedure for De-
The calculated Pmax value is compared with the actual termining FR on page 6. For most valve sizing
pressure drop specified in the service conditions, and applications, however, nonturbulent flow will not occur. If
the lesser of these two values is used in the sizing equa- it is known that nonturbulent flow conditions will not de-
tion. If it is desired to use Pmax to account for the possi- velop within the valve, FR has a value of 1.0 and simply
bility of choked flow conditions, it can be calculated us- drops out of the equation.

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Determining FP

Table 2. Equation Constants (1)

Numerical Constant with Subscript N w q p(2) T d,D
0.0865 --- m3/h kPa --- --- --- ---
N1 0.865 --- m3/h bar --- --- --- ---
1.00 --- gpm psia --- --- --- ---
0.00214 --- --- --- --- --- --- mm
890 --- --- --- --- --- --- inch
76000 --- m3/h --- --- centistokes --- mm
17300 --- gpm --- --- centistokes --- inch
0.00241 --- --- --- --- --- --- mm
1000 --- --- --- --- --- --- inch
2.73 kg/h --- kPa kg/m3 --- --- ---
N6 27.3 kg/h --- bar kg/m3 --- --- ---
63.3 lb/h --- psia lb/ft3 --- --- ---
Normal Conditions 3.94 --- m3/h kPa --- --- deg K ---
TN = 0_C 394 --- m3/h bar --- --- deg K ---
Standard Conditions 4.17 --- m3/h kPa --- --- deg K ---
Ts = 15.5_C 417 --- m3/h bar --- --- deg K ---
Standard Conditions ---
1360 --- scfh psia --- deg R ---
Ts = 60_F ---
0.948 kg/h --- kPa --- --- deg K ---
N8 94.8 kg/h --- bar --- --- deg K ---
19.3 lb/h --- psia --- --- deg R ---
Normal Conditions 21.2 --- m3/h kPa --- --- deg K ---
TN = 0_C 2120 --- m3/h bar --- --- deg K ---
Standard Conditions 22.4 --- m3/h kPa --- --- deg K ---
Ts = 15.5_C 2240 --- m3/h bar --- --- deg K ---
Standard Conditions
7320 --- scfh psia --- --- deg R ---
TS = 60_F
1. Many of the equations used in these sizing procedures contain a numerical constant, N, along with a numerical subscript. These numerical constants provide a means for using
different units in the equations. Values for the various constants and the applicable units are given in the above table. For example, if the flow rate is given in U.S. gpm and the
pressures are psia, N1 has a value of 1.00. If the flow rate is m3/hr and the pressures are kPa, the N1 constant becomes 0.0865.
2. All pressures are absolute.
3. Pressure base is 101.3 kPa (1.013 bar) (14.7 psia).

6. Solve for required Cv, using the appropriate equation: 7. Select the valve size using the appropriate flow coeffi-
cient table and the calculated Cv value.
D For volumetric flow rate units

Cv =
N 1F p P 1P 2
Determining Fp, the Piping Geometry
D For mass flow rate units Determine an Fp factor if any fittings such as reducers,
elbows, or tees will be directly attached to the inlet and
Cv = w outlet connections of the control valve that is to be sized.
N 6Fp (P 1 P 2) When possible, it is recommended that Fp factors be
determined experimentally by using the specified valve
in actual tests.
In addition to Cv, two other flow coefficients, Kv and Av,
are used, particularly outside of North America. The fol- Calculate the Fp factor using the following equation.
lowing relationships exist:

Kv = (0.864)(Cv) C
Fp = 1 + K 2v
N2 d
Av = (2.40 X 10-5)(C v)

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Determining qmax

where, 2

K 1 + K 2 = 1.5 1 d 2

N2 = Numerical constant found in table 2
d = Assumed nominal valve size Once you have K, calculate FP according to the equa-
Cv = Valve sizing coefficient at 100-percent travel for tion at the beginning of this section. A sample problem
the assumed valve size that finds for FP is on page 9.
In the above equation, K is the algebraic sum of the
velocity head loss coefficients of all of the fittings that are
attached to the control valve. To calculate K, use the
following formula:
Determining qmax (the Maximum
K = K 1 + K 2 + K B1 K B2 Flow Rate) or Pmax (the Allowable
Sizing Pressure Drop)
Determine either qmax or Pmax if possible for choked
K1 = Resistance coefficient of upstream fittings flow to develop within the control valve that is to be
K2 = Resistance coefficient of downstream fittings sized. The values can be determined by using the follow-
KB1 = Inlet Bernoulli coefficient ing procedures.
KB2 = Outlet Bernoulli coefficient

The Bernoulli coefficients, KB1 and KB2, are used only

when the diameter of the piping approaching the valve is Determining qmax (the Maximum Flow Rate)
different from the diameter of the piping leaving the
valve: q max = N 1FLC v P 1 FF P v
K B1 or K B2 = 1-- d
Values for FF, the liquid critical pressure ratio factor, can
be obtained from the following equation:

d = Nominal valve size

F F = 0.96 0.28 Pv
D = Internal diameter of piping
Values for FL, the recovery factor for valves installed
If the inlet and outlet piping are of equal size, then the without fittings attached, can be found in the flow coeffi-
Bernoulli coefficients are also equal, KB1 = KB2, and cient tables. If the given valve is to be installed with fit-
therefore they are dropped from the equation to calculate tings such as reducer attached to it, FL in the equation
K. must be replace by the quotient FLP/Fp, where:

The most commonly used fitting in control valve installa-


tions is the short-length concentric reducer. The equa- K 1 Cv
tions necessary to calculate K for this fitting are as fol- F LP = + 12
N 2 d2 FL

D For an inlet reducer and

2 K1 = K1 + KB1

K 1 = 0.5 1 d 2

D For an outlet reducer
K1 = Resistance coefficient of upstream fittings
KB1 = Inlet Bernoulli coefficient

K 2 = 1.0 1 d 2
(See the procedure for Determining Fp, the Piping Ge-
ometry Factor, for definitions of the other constants and
D For a valve installed between identical reducers coefficients used in the above equations.)

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Determining qmax or Pmax

Figure 1. Liquid Critical Pressure Ratio Factor for Water


Figure 2. Liquid Critical Pressure Ratio Factor for All Fluids

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Determining FR

Determining Pmax (the Allowable Note

Sizing Pressure Drop) Once it is known that choked flow condi-
tions will develop within the specified valve
Pmax (the allowable sizing pressure drop) can be deter- design (Pmax is calculated to be less than
mined from the following relationships: P), a further distinction can be made to de-
termine whether the choked flow is caused
by cavitation or flashing. The choked flow
For valves installed without fittings conditions are caused by flashing if the out-
let pressure of the given valve is less than
the vapor pressure of the flowing liquid. The
P max(L) = F L 2 P 1 FF P v choked flow conditions are caused by cavi-
tation if the outlet pressure of the valve is
greater than the vapor pressure of the flow-
ing liquid.
For valves installed with fittings attached

P max(LP) =
F LP P 1 FF P v Determining FR, the Reynolds
Fp Number Factor(3)
Nonturbulent flow conditions can occur in applications
where there is high fluid viscosity, very low pressure dif-
where, ferential, or some combination of these conditions. In
those instances where nonturbulent flow exists, FR, the
Reynolds number factor, must be introduced. Determine
P1 = Upstream absolute static pressure FR using the following procedure.
P2 = Downstream absolute static pressure
A. Calculate Rev, the Reynolds number, using the equa-
Pv = Absolute vapor pressure at inlet temperature

Values of FF, the liquid critical pressure ratio factor, can

be obtained from figure 1 for water, or figure 2 for all oth-
Re v =
N 4 Fd q

FL 2 C v 2
F L 12 Cv 12 N 2 D4
er liquids.
N2, N4 = Numerical constants determined from table 2
Values of FL, the recovery factor for valves installed
without fittings attached, can be found in the flow coeffi- D = Internal diameter of the piping
cient tables. An explanation of how to calculate values of = Kinematic viscosity of the fluid
FLP, the recovery factor for valves installed with fittings
attached, is presented in the procedure for determining Cv = Cvt, the pseudo sizing coefficient
qmax (the Maximum Flow Rate).
C vt =
P 1P 2
Once the Pmax value has been obtained from the ap- f

propriate equation, it should be compared with the actual Fd = Valve style modifier that is dependent on
service pressure differential (i.e., P = P1 - P2). If the valve style used. Valves that use two par-
Pmax is less than P, this is an indication that choked allel flow paths, such as double-ported globe-
flow conditions will exist under the service conditions style valves, butterfly valves, or 8500 Series
specified. If choked flow conditions do exist (i.e., Pmax valves, use an Fd of 0.7. For any other valve
< P1 - P2), then step 6 of the procedure for Sizing Valves style, use an Fd of 1.0.
for Liquids must be modified by replacing the actual ser-
vice pressure differential (i.e., P1 - P2) in the appropriate B. Once Rev is known, use one of the following three
valve sizing equation with the calculated Pmax value. approaches to obtain the desired information.

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Determining FR

Figure 3. Reynolds Number Factor, FR

Determining Required Flow c. If Rev lies between 56 and 40,000, the flow is transi-
tional, and FR can be found by using either the curve in
Coefficient for Selecting Valve Size figure 3 or the column headed Valve Size Selection in
The following treatment is based on valves without at- table 3.
tached fittings; therefore, Fp = 1.0.
Table 3. Reynolds Number Factor, FR,
1. Calculate a pseudo valve flow coefficient Cvt, assum- for Transitional Flow
ing turbulent flow, using: Valve Reynolds Number, Rev(1)
Valve Flow Pressure
q FR(1)
Size Rate Drop
C vt =
N1 P 1P 2
0.32 66 117 38
0.36 79 132 48
2. Calculate Rev, substituting Cvt from step 1 for Cv. For 0.40 94 149 59
FL, select a representative value for the valve style de- 0.44 110 167 74
sired. 0.48 130 188 90
0.52 154 215 113
3. Find FR as follows: 0.56 188 253 142
0.60 230 298 179
0.64 278 351 224
a. If Rev is less than 56, the flow is laminar, and FR can
0.68 340 416 280
be found by using either the curve in figure 3 labeled 0.72 471 556 400
FOR SELECTING VALVE SIZE or by using the equa- 0.76 620 720 540
tion: 0.80 980 1100 870
0.84 1560 1690 1430
0.67 0.88 2470 2660 2300
F R = 0.019Re v 0.92 4600 4800 4400
0.96 10,200 10,400 10,000
b. If Rev is greater than 40,000, the flow can be taken 1.00 40,000 40,000 40,000
as turbulent, and FR = 1.0. 1. Linear interpolation between listed values is satisfactory.

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Liquid Sizing Sample Problems

4. Obtain the required Cv from: c. If Rev lies between 30 and 40,000, the flow is transi-
tional, and FR can be found by using the curve in figure 3
C vt or the column headed Pressure Drop Prediction in
Cv =
FR table 3.

5. After determining Cv, check the FL value for the se- 3. Calculate the predicted pressure drop from:
lected valve size and style. If this value is significantly
p = G
different from the value selected in step 2, use the new q
value, and repeat steps 1 through 4. N F C 1 R v

Predicting Flow Rate Liquid Sizing Sample Problems

1. Calculate qt, assuming turbulent flow, using:
Liquid Sizing Sample Problem No. 1
q t = N 1C v
P1 P2
Gf Assume an installation that, at initial plant start-up, will
not be operating at maximum design capability. The
2. Calculate Rev, substituting qt for q from step 1. lines are sized for the ultimate system capacity, but there
is a desire to install a control valve now which is sized
3. Find FR as follows: only for currently anticipated requirements. The line size
is 8 inches, and a Class 300 Design ES valve with an
a. If Rev is less than 106, the flow is laminar, and FR equal percentage cage has been specified. Standard
can be found by using the curve in figure 3 labeled FOR concentric reducers will be used to install the valve into
PREDICTING FLOW RATE or by using the equation: the line. Determine the appropriate valve size.

F R = 0.0027 Re v 1. Specify the necessary variables required to size the

b. If Rev is greater than 40,000, the flow can be taken
D Desired valve designClass 300 Design ES valve
as turbulent, and FR = 1.0. with equal percentage cage and an assumed valve size of 3
c. If Rev lies between 106 and 40,000, the flow is transi-
tional, and FR can be found by using either the curve in D Process fluidliquid propane
figure 3 or the column headed Valve Size Selection in
table 3. D Service conditions

q = 800 gpm
4. Obtain the predicted flow rate from:
P1 = 300 psig = 314.7 psia
P2 = 275 psig = 289.7 psia
q = FR q t
P = 25 psi
T1 = 70_F
Gf = 0.50
Predicting Pressure Drop Pv = 124.3 psia
Pv = 616.3 psia
1. Calculate Rev.
2. Determine an N1 value of 1.0 from table 2.
2. Find FR as follows:
3. Determine Fp, the piping geometry factor.
a. If Rev is less than 30, the flow is laminar, and FR can
Because it is proposed to install a 3-inch valve in an
be found by using the curve in figure 3 labeled FOR
8-inch line, it will be necessary to determine the piping
geometry factor, Fp, which corrects for losses caused by
fittings attached to the valve.
F R = 0.052Re v

b. If Rev is greater than 40,000, the flow can be taken Fp = 1 + K 2v
N2 d
as turbulent, and FR = 1.0.

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Liquid Sizing Sample Problems

where, The required Cv of 125.7 exceeds the capacity of the

assumed valve, which has a Cv of 121. Although for this
N2 = 890, from table 2 example it may be obvious that the next larger size (4
d = 3 in., from step 1 inches) would be the correct valve size, this may not
Cv = 121, from the flow coefficient table for a Class 300, always be true, and a repeat of the above procedure
3 in. Design ES valve with equal percentage cage should be carried out.

To compute K for a valve installed between identical Assuming a 4-inch valve, Cv = 203. This value was de-
concentric reducers: termined from the flow coefficient table for a Class 300,
4-inch Design ES valve with an equal percentage cage.
k = K 1 + K 2
Recalculate the required Cv using an assumed Cv value
2 of 203 in the Fp calculation.

= 1.5 1 d 2

k = K 1 + K 2

(3) 2
= 1.5 1
(8) 2 2

= 1.5 1 d 2

= 1.11
= 1.5 1 16

D = 8 in., the internal diameter of the piping so,
= 0.84

2 and
F p = 1 + 1.11 121
890 32

Fp = 1.0 + K
= 0.90 N 2 d2

4. Determine Pmax (the Allowable Sizing Pressure

Drop). 2
= 1.0 + 0.84 203
890 4 2
Based on the small required pressure drop, the flow will
not be choked (i.e., Pmax > P).
= 0.93
5. Determine FR, the Reynolds number factor.
Under the specified service conditions, no correction q
factor will be required for Rev (i.e., FR = 1.0). Cv =

6. Solve for Cv using the appropriate equation.

N q Fp P 1P 2

q = 800
Cv = 1.00.93 25
N 1 Fp P 1P 2

= 121.7
= 800
This solution indicates only that the 4-inch valve is large
1.00.90 25 enough to satisfy the service conditions given. There
may be cases, however, where a more accurate predic-
= 125.7 tion of the Cv is required. In such cases, the required Cv
should be redetermined using a new Fp value based on
7. Select the valve size using the flow coefficient table the Cv value obtained above. In this example, Cv is
and the calculated Cv value. 121.7, which leads to the following result:

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Liquid Sizing Sample Problems

Because valve size equals line size, Fp = 1.0

Fp = 1.0 + K 2v 4. Determine Pmax, the allowable sizing pressure drop.
N2 d
P max = F L 2P 1 FF P v

= 1.0 + 0.84 121.7
890 42

P1 = 389.7 psia, given in step 1
P2 = 114.7 psia, given in step 1
= 0.97 Pv = 41.9 psia, given in step 1
FF = 0.90, determined from figure 1
The required Cv then becomes:
Assume FL = 0.84 (from the flow coefficient table, 0.84
q appears to be a representative FL factor for Design ED
Cv =
N 1 Fp P 1P 2
valves with a linear cage.) Therefore,

P max = (0.84) 2 [389.7 (0.90)(41.9)]

= 800
= 248.4 psi
1.00.97 25
Pmax < P (i.e., 248.4 < 275.0) indicates that choked
= 116.2 flow conditions will exist. Because, from the initial speci-
fications, it is known that the outlet pressure (P2 = 114.7
Because this newly determined Cv is very close to the psia) is greater than the vapor pressure of the flowing
Cv used initially for this recalculation (i.e., 116.2 versus water (Pv = 41.9 psia), the conditions of choked flow, in
121.7), the valve sizing procedure is complete, and the this case, are caused by cavitation. Therefore, some
conclusion is that a 4-inch valve opened to about 75-per- further consideration of valve style and trim selection
cent of total travel should be adequate for the required might be necessary.
5. Determine FR, the Reynolds number factor.
For water at the pressure drop given, no Rev correction
Liquid Sizing Sample Problem No. 2 will be required (i.e., FR = 1.0).
Determine the appropriate valve size for the following 6. Solve for required Cv using Pmax.
application. A Design ED valve with a linear cage has
been specified. Assume piping size will be the same as q
Cv =
the valve size.
N 1 Fp F R P max
1. Specify the variables required to size the valve:
D Desired valve designa Class 300 Design ED valve = 2200
with linear cage

D Process fluidwater = 134.6

D Service conditions 7. Select the valve size using the flow coefficient table
and the calculated Cv value.
q = 2200 gpm
P1 = 375 psig = 389.7 psia A 3-inch Class 300 Design ED valve with a linear cage
P2 = 100 psig = 114.7 psia has a Cv of 133 at 80-percent travel and should be satis-
P = P1 - P2 = 275 psi factory from a sizing standpoint. However, FL was as-
T1 = 270_F sumed to be 0.84, whereas for the 3-inch Design ED
Gf = 0.93 valve at maximum travel, FL is 0.82. Reworking the prob-
Pv = 41.9 psia lem using the actual value of FL yields Pmax = 236.7
psi. These result in required Cv values of 137.6 (using
2. Determine an N1 value of 1.0 from table 2. the assumed FL of 0.84) and 137.9 (using the actual FL
value of 0.82), which would require the valve to be
3. Determine Fp, the piping geometry factor. 85-percent open.

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Liquid Sizing Sample Problems

Liquid Sizing Sample Problem No. 3 where,

Assume there is a desire to use a Design V100 valve in N2 = 0.00214, from table 2
a proposed system controlling the flow of a highly vis- N4 = 7600, from table 2
cous Newtonian lubricating oil. The system design is not Cv = 234, the value determined for the pseudo sizing
yet complete, and the line size has not been established. coefficient, Cvc.
Therefore, assume that the valve will be line size. Deter- D = 80 mm. The pseudo sizing coefficient of 234 indi-
mine valve size. cates that an 80 mm (3-inch) Design V100 valve,
which has a Cv of 372 at 90 degrees of ball rota-
1. Specify the variables required to size the valve: tion, is required (see the flow coefficient table).
Assuming that line size will equal body size, the 80
D Desired valveDesign V100 valve
mm (3-inch Design V100 will be used with 80 mm
D Process fluidlubricating oil piping
q = 300 m3/h
D Service conditions = 8000 centistokes from step 1
Fd = 1.0 because the Design V100 valve has a single
q = 300 m3/h flow passage
P1 = 7.0 bar gauge = 8.01 bar absolute
P2 = 5.0 bar gauge = 6.01 bar absolute From the flow coefficient table, the FL value for an 80
P = 2.0 bar mm (3-inch) Design V100 valve is 0.68. Therefore,
Pv = negligible

T1 = 15.6_C = 289_K 0.68 2234 2
Gf = 0.908 Re v = +1
(8000) (0.68)(234) 0.0021480
= 8000 centistokes

2. Determine N1 from table 2. = 241

For the specified units of m3/h and bar, N1 = 0.865 c. Read FR off the curve, For Selecting Valve Size, in
figure 3 using an Rev of 241, FR = 0.62.
3. Determine Fp, the piping geometry factor.
6. Solve for required Cv using the appropriate equation.
Assuming valve size equals line size, Fp = 1.0.
Cv =
4. Determine Pmax, the allowable sizing pressure drop.
N 1 Fp F R
P1 P2
Based on the required pressure drop, the flow will not be
choked. 300
5. Determine FR, the Reynolds number factor. 0.865(1.0)(0.62) 0.908

a. Calculate the pseudo sizing coefficient, Cvt: = 377

q 7. Select the valve size using the flow coefficient table

C vt = and the calculated Cv value.
N1 P 1P 2
f The assumed valve (80 mm or 3-inch), which has a Cv of
372 at 90 degrees of ball rotation, is obviously too small
= 300 for this application. For this example, it is also obvious
0.865 0.908
that the next larger size (100 mm or 4-inch), which has a
rated Cv of 575 and an FL of 0.61, would be large
= 234 enough.

b. Calculate Rev, the Reynolds number: To obtain a more precise valve sizing measurement, the
problem can be reworked using the calculated Cv value
of 377. For the required 100 mm (4-inch) Design V100


N 4 Fd q FL C v2 valve, a Cv of 377 occurs at a valve travel of about 80

Re v = +1 degrees, and this corresponds to an FL value of 0.71.
F L 12 Cv 12 N 2 D4
Reworking the problem using this corresponding value of

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Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1995, 1998;
August 1998
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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Sizing Valves for Compressible Fluids

FL = 0.71 yields FR = 0.61 and Cv = 383. Because the Use either N6 or N8 if sizing the valve for a flow rate in
tabulated Cv value, 377, is very close to the recalculated mass units (i.e., lb/h or kg/h). Which of the two constants
Cv value, 383, the valve sizing procedure is complete, to use depends upon the specified service conditions. N6
and the determined 100 mm (4-inch) valve opened to 80 can be used only if the specific weight, 1 of the flowing
degrees valve travel should be adequate for the required gas has been specified along with the other required
specifications. service conditions. N8 can be used only if the molecular
weight, M, of the gas has been specified.
3. Determine Fp , the piping geometry factor. Fp is a
correction factor that accounts for any pressure losses
Sizing Valves for Compressible due to piping fittings such as reducers, elbows, or tees
Fluids that might be attached directly to the inlet and outlet con-
nections of the control valves to be sized. If such fittings
Following is a six-step procedure for the sizing of control are attached to the valve, the Fp factor must be consid-
valves for compressible flow using the ISA standardized ered in the sizing procedure. If, however, no fittings are
procedure. Each of these steps is important and must be attached to the valve, Fp has a value of 1.0 and simply
considered during any valve sizing procedure. Steps 3 drops out of the sizing equation.
and 4 concern the determination of certain sizing factors
that may or may not required in the sizing equation de- Also, for rotary valves valves with reducers, Fp factors
pending on the service conditions of the sizing problem. are included in the appropriate flow coefficient table. For
If it is necessary for one or both of these sizing factors to other valve designs and fitting styles, determine the Fp
be included in the sizing equation for a particular sizing factors by using the procedure for Determining Fp the
problem, refer to the appropriate factor determination Piping Geometry Factor, which is located in the section
section(s), which is referenced and located in the follow- for Sizing Valves for Liquids.
ing text.
4. Determine Y, the expansion factor, as follows:
1. Specify the necessary variables required to size the x
valve as follows: Y=1
3 Fk xT
D Desired valve design (e.g., Design ED with linear where,
cage); refer to the appropriate valve flow coefficient table in
this catalog Fk = k/1.4 the ratio of specific heats factor
k = Ratio of specific heats
D Process fluid (e.g., air, natural gas, steam, etc.) and x = P/P1, the pressure drop ratio
xT = The pressure drop ratio factor for valves installed
D Appropriate service conditions
without attached fittings. More definitively, xT is
q, or w, P1, P2 or P, T1, Gg, M, k, Z, and 1 the pressure drop ratio required to produce criti-
cal, or maximum, flow through the valve when
The ability to recognize which terms are appropriate for a Fk = 1.0.
specific sizing procedure can only be acquired through If the control valve to be installed has fittings such as
experience with different valve sizing problems. If any of reducers or elbows attached to it, then their effect is ac-
the above terms appear to be new or unfamiliar, refer to counted for in the expansion factor equation by replacing
table 1 for a complete definition. the xT term with a new factor xTP. A procedure for deter-
mining the xTP factor is described in the section for De-
2. Determine the equation constant, N.N is a numerical
termining xTP, the Pressure Drop Ratio Factor.
constant contained in each of the flow equations to pro-
vide a means for using different systems of units. values
for these various constants and their applicable units are Note
given in table 2.
Conditions of critical pressure drop are
Use either N7 or N9 if sizing the valve for a flow rate in realized when the value of x become equal
volumetric units (i.e., scfh or m3/h). Which of the two to or exceed the appropriate value of the
constants to use depends upon the specified service product of either Fk xT or Fk xTP at which
conditions. N7 can be used only if the specific gravity, point:
Gg , of the flowing gas has been specified along with the
other required service conditions. N9 can be used only if y=1 x = 1 13 = 0.667
the molecular weight, M, of the gas has been specified. 3 Fk xT

Catalog 12
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March 2001 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1995, 2001;
Page 2-12 All Rights Reserved
ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Determining XTP

Although in actual service, pressure drop ratios can, and Note

often will, exceed the indicated critical values, it should
be kept in mind that this is the point where critical flow
conditions develop. Thus, for a constant P1, decreasing Once the valve sizing procedure is com-
P2 (i.e., increasing P) will not result in an increase in pleted, consideration can be made for aero-
the flow rate through the valve. Values of x, therefore, dynamic noise prediction. To determine the
greater than the product of either FkxT or FkxTP must gas flow sizing coefficient (Cg) for use in the
never be substituted in the expression for Y. This means Fisher aerodynamic noise prediction tech-
that Y can never be less than 0.667. This same limit on nique, use the following equation:
values of x also applies to the flow equations that are
introduced in the next section.
C g = 40C v xT
5. Solve for the required Cv using the appropriate equa-

For volumetric flow rate units

Determining xTP, the Pressure Drop
D If the specific gravity, Gg, of the gas has been speci-
fied: Ratio Factor
If the control valve is to be installed with attached fittings
q such as reducers or elbows, then their effect is ac-
Cv =
N 7F pP 1Y x
G gT 1Z
counted for in the expansion factor equation by replacing
the xT term with a new factor, xTP.
D If the molecular weight, M, of the gas has been speci-

fied: 2
xT xT K i v
x TP = 1+
Fp 2 N5 2
Cv =
N 9F pP 1Y x
M T1 Z

For mass flow rate units N5 = Numerical constant found in table 2

d = Assumed nominal valve size
D If the specific weight, 1, of the gas has been specified: Cv = Valve sizing coefficient from flow coefficient table
at 100 percent travel for the assumed valve size
Cv = w Fp = Piping geometry factor
N 6 Fp Y x P 1 1 xT = Pressure drop ratio for valves installed without
fittings attached. xT values are included in the flow
D If the molecular weight, M, of the gas has been speci- coefficient tables.
In the above equation, Ki, is the inlet head loss coeffi-
w cient, which is defined as:
Cv =
N 8 F p P 1Y xM
T1 Z K i = K 1 + K B1

In addition to Cv, two other flow coefficients, Kv and Av, where,

are used, particularly outside of North America. The fol-
K1 = Resistance coefficient of upstream fittings (see the
lowing relationships exist:
procedure for Determining Fp, the Piping Geometry
Factor, which is contained in the section for Sizing
K v = (0.865)(C v) Valves for Liquids).

A v = (2.40X10 5)(Cv) KB1 = Inlet Bernoulli coefficient (see the procedure for
Determining Fp the Piping Geometry Factor, which
6. Select the valve size using the appropriate flow coeffi- is contained in the section for Sizing Valves for
cient table and the calculated Cv value. Liquids).

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Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1995, 1999;
December 1999
All Rights Reserved Page 2-13
ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Compressible Fluid Sizing Sample Problems

Compressible Fluid Sizing Sample x = 0.70 (This was calculated in step 1.)
Problems Since conditions of critical pressure drop are realized
when the calculated value of x becomes equal to or ex-
ceeds the appropriate value of FkxT, these values should
Compressible Fluid Sizing Sample Problem be compared.
No. 1 F kxT = (0.94)(0.137)
Determine the size and percent opening for a Design
V250 valve operating with the following service condi- = 0.129
tions. Assume that the valve and line size are equal.
Because the pressure drop ratio, x = 0.70 exceeds the
calculated critical value, FkxT = 0.129, choked flow con-
1. Specify the necessary variables required to size the
ditions are indicated. Therefore, Y = 0.667and XLIM to
FkxT = 0.129.
D Desired valve designDesign V250 valve
5. Solve for required Cv using the appropriate equation.
D Process fluidNatural gas
Cv =
D Service conditions N 7 Fp P 1 Y x
Gg T 1 Z

P1 = 200 psig = 214.7 psia The compressibility factor, Z, can be assumed to be 1.0
P2 = 50 psig = 64.7 psia for the gas pressure and temperature given and Fp = 1
P = 150 psi because valve size and line size are equal.
x = P/P1 = 150/214.7 = 0.70
T1 = 60_F = 520_R So,
M = 17.38
Gg = 0.60 6.0 x 106
Cv =
k = 1.31
q = 6.0 x 106 scfh
(1360)(1.0)(214.7)(0.667) 0.129

2. Determine the appropriate equation constant, N, from = 1515

table 2.
6. Select the valve size using the appropriate flow coeffi-
Because both Gg and M have been given in the service cient table and the calculated Cv value.
conditions, it is possible to use an equation containing The above result indicates that the valve is adequately
either N7 or N9 . In either case, the end result will be the sized (i.e., rated Cv = 2190). To determine the percent
same. Assume that the equation containing Gg has been valve opening, note that the required Cv occurs at
arbitrarily selected for this problem. Therefore, N7 = approximately 83 degrees for the 8-inch Design V250
1360. valve. Note also that, at 83 degrees opening, the xT val-
ue is 0.525, which is substantially different from the rated
3. Determine Fp , the piping geometry factor. Since valve
value of 0.137 used initially in the problem. The next
and line size are assumed equal, Fp = 1.0.
step is to rework the problem using the xT value for 83
4. Determine Y, the expansion factor. degrees travel.

The FkxT product must now be recalculated.

Fk = k
1.40 x = Fkx T

= 1.31 = (0.94)(0.252)
= 0.237
= 0.94
The required Cv now becomes:
It is assumed that an 8-inch Design V250 Valve will be
adequate for the specified service conditions. From the q
flow coefficient table, xT for an 8-inch Design V250 valve Cv =
at 100-percent travel is 0.137.
N 7 Fp P 1 Y x
Gg T 1 Z

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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Compressible Fluid Sizing Sample Problems

6.0 x 10 6 1. Specify the necessary variables required to size the

(1360)(1.0)(214.7)(0.667) 0.237
a. Desired valve designClass 300 Design ED valve
= 1118 with a linear cage. Assume valve size is 4 inches.

The reason that the required Cv has dropped so dramati- b. Process fluidsuperheated steam
cally is attributable solely to the difference in the xT val- c. Service conditions
ues at rated and 83 degrees travel. A Cv of 1118 occurs
between 75 and 80 degrees travel. w = 125,000 lb/h
P1 = 500 psig = 514.7 psia
The appropriate flow coefficient table indicates that xT is P2 = 250 psig = 264.7 psia
higher at 75 degrees travel than at 80 degrees travel. P = 250 psi
Therefore, if the problem were to be reworked using a x = P/P1 = 250/514.7 = 0.49
higher xT value, this should result in a further decline in T1 = 500_F
the calculated required Cv. 1 = 1.0434 lb/ft3 (from steam properties handbook)
k = 1.28 (from steam properties handbook)
Reworking the problem using the xT value corresponding
to 78 degrees travel (i.e., xT = 0.328) leaves: 2. Determine the appropriate equation constant, N, from
table 2.
x = Fk x T
Because the specified flow rate is in mass units, (lb/h),
and the specific weight of the steam is also specified, the
= (0.94)(0.328)
only sizing equation that can be used in that which con-
= 0.308 tains the N6 constant. Therefore,
N 6 = 63.3
3. Determine Fp, the piping geometry factor.
Cv =

N 7 Fp P 1 Y x
Gg T 1 Z C

Fp = 1 + K 2v
N2 d
= 6.0 x 10 6

(1360)(1.0)(214.7)(0.667) 0.308
(0.6)(520)(1.0) where,
N2 = 890, determined from table 2
= 980 d = 4 in.
Cv = 236, which is the value listed in the flow coefficient
The above Cv of 980 is quite close to the 75 degree trav-
table for a 4-inch Design ED valve at 100-percent
el Cv. The problem could be reworked further to obtain a
total travel.
more precise predicted opening; however, at this point it
can be stated that, for the service conditions given, an and,
8-inch Design V250 valve installed in an 8-inch line will
be approximately 75 degrees open. k = K 1 + K 2

= 1.5 1 d 2

Compressible Fluid Sizing Sample Problem 2
No. 2
= 1.5 1 4 2

Assume steam is to be supplied to a process designed
to operate at 250 psig. The supply source is a header = 0.463
maintained at 500 psig and 500_F. A 6-inch line from the
steam main to the process is being planned. Also, make
the assumption that if the required valve size is less than


6 inches, it will be installed using concentric reducers.
Determine the appropriate Design ED valve with a linear Fp = 1 + 0.463
890 (4) 2

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August 1998
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ANSI/ISA/IEC Valve Sizing
Compressible Fluid Sizing Sample Problems

= 0.95 = 0.96

4. Determine Y, the expansion factor.

x where D = 6 in.
3 F k x TP

(0.69)(0.96) 236
k x TP = 0.692 1 +
Fk = 0.95 1000 42

= 1.28 = 0.67
= 0.91
Y=1 x
x = 0.49(This was calculated in step 1.) 3 F k x TP

Because the 4-inch valve is to be installed in a 6-inch =1 0.49

line, the xT term must be replaced by xTP, (3)(0.91)(0.67)

= 0.73

xT xT K i C v
x TP = 1+ 5. Solve for required Cv using the appropriate equation.
Fp 2 N5 d2
Cv = w
where, N 6 Fp Y x P 1 1

N5 = 1000, from table 2 125, 000

Cv =
d = 4 in. (63.3)(0.95)(0.73) (0.49)(514.7)(1.0434)
Fp = 0.95, determined in step 3
xT = 0.688, a value determined from the appropriate = 176
listing in the flow coefficient table
Cv = 236, from step 3 6. Select the valve size using the appropriate flow coeffi-
cient table and the calculated Cv value.
Refer to the flow coefficient tables for Design ED valves
K i = K 1 + K B1 with linear cage. Because the assumed 4-inch valve has
a Cv of 236 at 100-percent travel and the next smaller

= 0.5 1 d 2


+ 1 d

4 size (3 inches) has a Cv of only 148, it can be surmised
that the assumed size is correct. In the event that the
calculated required Cv had been small enough to have
been handled by the next smaller size or if it had been

= 0.5 1 4 2


+ 1 4

4 larger than the rated Cv for the assume size, it would
have been necessary to rework the problem again using
values for the new assumed size.

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August 1998 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1995, 1998;
Page 2-16 All Rights Reserved
FSP Vapor Pressure Calculation (v1.4)

Version 1.4 of the Fisher Sizing Program offers the abili- The coefficients a, b, c, and d have been determined for
ty to estimate the vapor pressure of fluids at the given all of the fluids contained in the internal fluids library
service temperature. These estimations are based on a (non-editable) by curve fitting to published data. Provi-
correlation of actual Pv data for the specified fluid to the sions to input these values for user defined fluids are
following form of the Wagner equation: provided in the external library (editable). While these
coefficients can be found for some fluids in the general
(1) literature, they are not widely available. For select cases
considered to be commercially strategic, support is avail-
a + b1.5 + c 3 + d 6
In Pvpr = Tr-min Tr Tr-max able to determine these coefficients for customer fluids.
Tr To obtain this support, please complete the data form on
the reverse side of this sheet and send to Applications
where, Engineering. Please note that a minimum of ten data
Pvpr = reduced vapor pressure = Pv/Pc points are recommended to define a good baseline
Tr = reduced temperature = T/Tc curve.
Pv = saturated vapor pressure
Pc = thermodynamic critical pressure As is evident on inspection of equation (1), the value of
= 1 - Tr the thermodynamic critical pressure is used in calculat-
Tr-min = reduced minimum temperature -- Tmin/Tc ing the value of the vapor pressure. The Pv coefficients
Tr-max = reduced maximum temperature = Tmax/Tc supplied in the internal library are based on the value of
Tmin = minimum valid calculation temperature the critical pressure contained in the library. Therefore, in
Tmax = maximum valid calculation temperature order to preserve the integrity of the Pv calculation, the
value of Pc cannot be changed within a calculation case
This equation was selected because of its overall supe- if the vapor pressure is being calculated. If it is desired to
riority to more widely used but simpler equations. This use an alternate value of Pc in lieu of the value supplied
equation replicates the actual shape of the vapor pres- by the fluid library, it will be necessary to disable the
sure curve well and yields accurate results over a fairly calculate Pv option and manually input both the Pc and
broad temperature range. For the fluids contained in the Pv values.
FSP v1.4 internal (non-editable) library, typical results
fall within the lessor of 1% or 1 psi of the reference The temperatures Tmin and Tmax establish the limits of
values for the individual fluids. Worst case results are the temperature range over which the calculation is con-
usually within the lessor of 3% or 5 psi. While the sidered valid (this version of the program will not con-
Antoine equation is widely used for vapor pressure cor- tend with extrapolations beyond these limits). Typically
relations, it is, in general, more limited in range over the upper temperature limit coincides with the thermody-
which accurate results can be obtained. Furthermore it is namic critical pressure, although there are instances
strictly limited to use within the prescribed temperature where this is not the case and Tmax < Tc. In no case is
range. Tmin less than the triple point temperature.

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Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1999;
April 1999
All Rights Reserved Page 2-17
Custom Pv Coefficient Request

Fisher Sizing Program

The following information is required in order to deter- Vapor Pressure Data(1)

mine the vapor pressure coefficients, a, b, c, and d, for
use in the external fluids library. Please supply all re- Data Point T, (units) Pv, (units)
quired information and FAX or mail to your sales office. 1
Fluid Name: 2

Chemical Formula: 3

Physical Constants: 4
Critical Temperature, Tc =
Critical Pressure, Pc =
Triple Point Temperature, Ttp =
Molecular Weight, MW = 9
Specific Heat Ratio, ko = 10
Data Source*: j Lab Data
j Technical Ref.
j Other 16
*Optional information not required for coefficient determination

Customer 1. A minimum of ten data points are recommended.


May this information be share with other Fisher

Sizing Program users? jYes jNo

Catalog 12
Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
April 1999 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1999;
Page 2-18 All Rights Reserved
FSP Pulp Stock Sizing Calculations (v1.4)
Catalog 12
March 2006 - Page 2-19

Introduction type, consistency and pressure differential. Values of Kp

for three different pulp stock types are shown in Figures
The behavior of flowing pulp stock is different from water 1-3. These methods are based on the technology pre-
or viscous Newtonian flows. It is necessary to account sented in reference (1).
for this behavior when determining the required valve
size. Methods have been developed to aid in determin- Once the value of the pulp stock correction factor is
ing correct valve size for these types of applications. The known, determining the required flow coefficient or flow
purpose of the following pages is to provide an overview rate is equivalent to basic liquid sizing. For example,
of the current recommended sizing method and discuss consider the following:
specific implementations of the technology in the Fisher
Sizing Program, Rev. 1.4. Q = 1000 gpm of 8% consistency kraft pulp stock
P = 16 psid
P1 = 150 psia

Basic Method
Kp 0.83 (from Figure 2), therefore,
The pulp stock sizing calculation uses the following mod- Q = 1000 = 301
ified form of the basic liquid sizing equation: Cv =

Kp P (0.83) 16
Q = CvK p P (1)
Effect of fluid vaporization and choked flow of pulp stock
on the effective pulp stock correction factor is not known
P = sizing pressure drop, psid
as of this writing. The effects of pulp stock on sound
Cv = valve flow coefficient
pressure level and cavitation are discussed below.
Kp = pulp stock correction factor
Q = volumetric flow rate, gpm
The uncertainty of this calculation is currently unknown,
The crux of this calculation is the pulp stock correction but should be considered to be greater than for normal
factor, Kp. This factor is the ratio of the pulp stock flow liquid sizing. As noted above, only the major effects of
rate to water flow rate under the same flowing condi- stock type and consistency and pressure drop are ac-
tions. It therefore modifies the relationship between Q, counted for. Tests conducted by Fisher Controls at
Cv, and P to account for the effects of the pulp stock Western Michigan University on low consistency stock
relative to that for water. The value of this parameter in affirm the general behavior reported in (1), although in
theory depends on many factors such as pulp stock some cases the degree of correction was not as signifi-
type, consistency, freeness, fiber length, valve type and cant. This suggests that the overall variance of this rela-
pressure drop. However, in practice it appears that the tively simple method may be moderate (e.g., estimated
dominant effects are due to three primary factors: pulp to be in excess of 10%).

EFisher Controls International LLC 1999, 2006; All Rights Reserved Printed in USA
FSP Pulp Stock Sizing Calculations (v1.4)
Catalog 12
April 1999 - Page 2-20

Fisher Sizing Program mate it manually. It may be included in future revisions of

the program if this is perceived to be a critical calcula-
Implementation tion.
The pulp stock correction factor is automatically calcu-
lated and utilized in sizing when Pulp Stock Sizing is The basic sizing calculations are referenced to water,
selected. This value is determined on the basis of the and therefore to not require a value of the specific gravity
pulp stock type, consistency and pressure drop. The for the pulp stock. However, other calculations supported
equations used to calculate this value were used to gen- by the program, such as sound pressure level and veloc-
erate the curves in Figures 1-3. This value is displayed ity calculations do require this value. To satisfy the
in the Intermediate Results area of the screen and can- needs of these calculations, an estimate of the specific
not be manually overridden. Checks for valid consisten- gravity is also produced and displayed in the Intermedi-
cy range and minimum pressure drop are conducted. ate Results area of the basic calculation screen. This
The calculation is aborted and an appropriate warning estimate is a function only of stock consistency (at
message is displayed if either of these conditions is not 50 _F) and is shown graphically in Figure 4.
If the stock consistency is less than two percent (2%),
The sizing calculations are carried out in a manner there is no difference from conventional hydrodynamic
equivalent to basic liquid sizing. The sizing P is deter- noise prediction methods. The noise level is calculated
mined in the conventional manner, i.e., it is the lessor of in the same manner as for normal liquid sizing. If the
P actual or P allowable. [Note that for best accuracy the consistency is greater than two percent, then the calcu-
allowable pressure differential computations should be lated noise level is adjusted by a constant value:
based on the Km (FL2) associated with the valve at the
actual opening.] The fluid vapor pressure and critical Predicted L pA = Calculated L pA 5dBA (2)
pressure drop ratio (Pv, rc) are based on the properties
The cavitation behavior of low consistency pulp stock
of fresh water. The fluid vapor pressure may be input,
(e.g., < 4%) is treated as equivalent to that of water.
but the critical pressure used in calculating rc is that of
Generally, pulp stock of a consistency greater than four
fresh water. Whereas the effect of choked flow on Kp is
percent is not known to be problematic. Therefore, the
unknown, the sizing program defaults to the conserva-
sizing program indicates that Ar > Kc, but that no cavita-
tive alternative and bases Kp on Psizing as determined
tion problems are likely to occur.
Pressure differential (P) calculations are not currently 1. Andrews, E. and M. Husu, Sizing and Cavitation Damage Reduction
offered because of the dependency of the Kp factor on for Stock and White Water Control Valves, 1991 Process Control Con-
P. If this value is desired it will be necessary to esti- ference, TAPPI Proceedings, pp. 65-73.

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business division of Emerson Electric Co. Emerson Process Management, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are
trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
EFisher Controls International LLC 1999; All Rights Reserved Printed in USA
FSP Pulp Stock Sizing Calculations (v1.4)

Figure 1. Pulp Stock Correction Factors for Kraft Pulp

Figure 2. Pulp Stock Correction Factors for Mechanical Pulp

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April 1999
All Rights Reserved Page 2-21
FSP Pulp Stock Sizing Calculations (v1.4)

Figure 3. Pulp Stock Correction Factors for Recycled Pulp

Figure 4. Specific Gravity for All Pulp Types

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April 1999 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1999;
Page 2-22 All Rights Reserved
Technical Information

Conversions for Units of Measure Table 8. Force

Table 9. Power
Table 1. Length
Table 2. Area Table 10. Torque
Table 3. Volume Table 11. Pressure and Liquid Head
Table 4. Mass Table 12. Volumetric Rate of Flow
Table 5. Density Table 13. Temperature
Table 6. Velocity Table 14. Abbreviated Conversions of Degrees
Table 7. Heat Flow Rate Fahrenheit to Degrees Celsius

Table 1. Length
Obtain millimeter meter inch feet yard
mm m in ft yd
Number of
millimeters 1 0.001000 0.03937 0.003281 0.001094
meters 1000 1 39.37 3.281 1.094
inches 25.40 0.02540 1 0.08333 0.02778
feet 304.8 0.3048 12.00 1 0.3333
yards 914.4 0.9144 36.00 3.00 1
Note: 1 meter = 10 decimeters = 100 centimeters = 1000 millimeters = 0.001 kilometers = 1 x 106 microns

Table 2. Area
To square
Obtain square meter square inch square feet square yard
by millimeter
m2 in2 ft2 yd2
Multiply mm2
Number of
square meters 1 1,000,000 1550 10.76 1.196
square millimeters 0.000001 1 0.001550 0.00001076 0.000001196
square inches 0.0006452 645.1 1 0.006944 0.0007716
square feet 0.09290 92,900 144.0 1 0.1111
square yards 0.8361 836,100 1296 9.000 1

Table 3. Volume
To cubic Imperial
Obtain cubic meter liter cubic inch cubic foot U.S. gallon
by centimeter gallon
m3 l in3 ft3 U.S. gal
Multiply cm3 Imp gal
Number of
m3 1 1,000,000 1000 61,020 35.31 220.0 264.2
cm3 0.000001000 1 0.001000 0.06102 0.00003531 0.0002200 0.0002642
liter 0.001000 1000 1 61.02 0.03531 0.2200 0.2642
in3 0.00001639 16.39 0.01639 1 0.0005787 0.003605 0.004329
ft3 0.02832 28,320 28.32 1728 1 6.229 7.480
Imp gal 0.004546 4546 4.546 277.4 0.1605 1 1.201
U.S. gal 0.003785 3785 3.785 231.0 0.1337 0.8327 1

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Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1974, 1999;
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Technical Information Continued

Table 4. Mass
Obtain Ounce Pound Short ton Long ton Kilogram Metric ton
oz lb sh ton L ton Kg tonne
Number of
Ounces 1 0.06250 0.00003125 0.00002790 0.02835 0.00002835
Pounds 16.00 1 0.0005000 0.0004464 0.4536 0.0004536
Short tons 32,000 2000 1 0.8929 907.2 0.9072
Long tons 35,840 2240 1.120 1 1016 1.016
Kilograms 35.27 2.205 0.001102 0.0009842 1 0.001000
Metric tons 35,270 2205 1.102 0.9842 1000 1

Table 5. Density
To kilogram per pound per
Obtain gram per pound per cubic
by cubic meter cubic foot
milliliter g/ml inch lb/in3
Multiply kg/m3 lb/ft3
Number of
g/ml 1 1000 62.43 0.03613
kg/m3 0.001000 1 0.06243 0.00003613
lb/ft3 0.01602 16.02 1 0.0005787
lb/in3 27.68 27,680 1728 1

Table 6. Velocity
To feet per kilometer per
Obtain feet per minute miles per hour meter per second meter per minute
by second hour
ft/min mi/hr m/sec m/min
Multiply ft/sec km/hr
Number of
ft/sec 1 60.00 0.6818 0.3048 18.29 1.097
ft/min 0.01667 1 0.01136 0.005080 0.3048 0.01829
mi/hr 1.467 88.00 1 0.4470 26.82 1.609
m/sec 3.280 196.9 2.237 1 60.00 3.600
m/min 0.05468 3.281 0.03728 0.01667 1 0.06000
km/hr 0.9113 54.68 0.6214 0.2778 16.67 1

Table 7. Heat Flow Rate

To calorie per kilocalorie British thermal
Obtain Watts
by second per hour unit per hour
Multiply cal/sec kcal/hr Btu/hr
Number of
W 1 0.2390 0.8604 3.412
cal/sec 4.184 1 3.600 14.28
kcal/hr 1.162 0.2778 1 3.966
Btu/hr 0.2831 0.07000 0.2522 1

Table 8. Force
Obtain kilonewton kilogram force pound force poundal
by KN kgf lbf pdl
Number of
kilonewtons 1 102.0 224.8 7233
kilogram force 0.009807 1 2.205 70.93
pound force 0.004448 0.4536 1 32.17
poundal 0.0001383 0.01410 0.03108 1

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Technical Information (Continued)

Table 9. Power
To kilogram force foot pound force
Obtain Watt metric horsepower
by meter per second per second
W horsepower hp
Multiply kgf m/sec ft lbf/sec
Number of
W 1 0.1020 .001360 0.7376 0.001341
kgfm/sec 9.807 1 0.01333 7.233 0.01315
metric hp 735.5 75.00 1 542.5 0.9863
ft lb/sec 1.356 0.1383 0.001843 1 0.001818
horsepower 745.7 76.04 1.014 550.0 1

Table 10. Torque

Obtain kilogram force
Newton Meter foot pound inch pound
by meter
Nm ft lb in lb
Multiply kgf m
Number of
Nm 1 0.1020 0.7376 8.851
kgf m 9.807 1 7.233 86.80
ft lb 1.356 0.1383 1 12.00
in lb 0.1130 0.01152 0.08333 1

Table 11. Pressure and Liquid Head

To force per
pound per International foot of inch of meter of centimeter of inch of millimeter of
Obtain square inch Standard water water water Mercury Mercury Mercury
by bar(1) square
psi or Atmosphere (4 _C) (4 _C) (4 _C) (0 _C) (0 _C) (0 _C)
Multiply centimeter
lbf/in2 atm ft H2O in H2O m H2O cm Hg in Hg torr or mm Hg
Number of kgf/cm2(2)
bar 1 1.020 14.50 0.9869 33.45 401.5 10.20 75.01 29.53 750.1
kgf/cm2 0.9807 1 14.22 0.9678 32.81 393.7 10.00 73.56 28.96 735.5
psi 0.06895 0.0703 1 0.06805 2.307 27.68 0.7031 5.171 2.036 51.71
atm 1.013 1.033 14.69 1 33.90 406.8 10.33 76.00 29.92 760.0
ft H2O 0.02989 0.0305 0.4335 0.02950 1 12 0.3048 2.242 0.8826 22.42
in H2O 0.002491 0.002540 0.0361 0.002458 0.8333 1 0.2540 0.1868 0.07355 1.868
m H2O 0.09806 0.1000 1.422 0.09678 3.281 39.37 1 7.356 2.896 73.56
cm Hg 0.01333 0.01360 0.1934 0.01316 0.4460 5.352 0.1360 1 0.3937 10.00
in Hg 0.03386 0.03453 0.4911 0.03342 1.133 13.60 0.3453 2.540 1 25.40
torr 0.001333 0.001359 0.01934 0.001316 0.04460 0.5352 0.0136 0.1000 0.03937 1
1. The unit of pressure in the International System of Units (SI) is the pascal (Pa), which is 1 Newton per square meter (N/m2). 1 bar = 105 Pa
2. Technical (metric) atmosphere (at)

Table 12. Volumetric Rate of Flow

To US barrel
liter per liter per cubic meter cubic foot cubic foot Imp gallon US gallon
Obtain per day
by second minute per hour per hour per minute per minute per minute
(42 US gal)
Multiply l/sec l/min m3/hr ft3/hr ft3/min Imp gal/min US gal/min
Number of US barrel/d
l/sec 1 60 3.600 127.1 2.119 13.20 15.85 543.4
l/min 0.01667 1 0.06000 2.119 0.03532 0.2200 0.2642 9.057
m3/hr 0.2778 16.67 1 35.31 0.5886 3.666 4.403 150.9
ft3/hr 0.007865 0.4719 0.02832 1 0.01667 0.1038 0.1247 4.275
ft3/min 0.4719 28.32 1.699 60.00 1 6.229 7.481 256.5
Imp gal/min 0.07577 4.546 0.2727 9.633 0.1606 1 1.201 41.17
US gal/min 0.06309 3.785 0.2271 8.021 0.1337 0.8327 1 34.29
US barrel/d 0.001840 0.1104 0.006624 0.2339 0.003899 0.02428 0.02917 1

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Technical Information Continued

Table 13. Temperature Useful Equivalents

degrees degrees degrees
Kelvin 1 US Gallon of Water = 8.33 pounds @ 60_F
Celsius(1) Fahrenheit Rankine
_C _F _R 1 Cubic Foot of Water = 62.36 pounds @ 60_F
_C K-273.15 5/9(_F-32) 5/9(_R-491.67) 1 Cubic Meter of Water = 1000 Kilograms @ 4_C
_C + 273.15 K 5/9(_F + 459.67) 5/9_R 1 Cubic Foot of Air = .076 pounds
9/5_C + 32 9/5K-459.67 _F _R-459.67 (Std. Press. and Temp.)
9/5_C + 491.67 9/5K _F + 459.67 _R
1 Pound of Air = 13.1 Cubic Feet
1. Formerly called Centigrade.
(Std. Press. and Temp.)
1 Kilogram of Air = .77 Cubic Meters
(Normal Press. and Temp.)
1 Cubic Meter of Air = 1.293 Kilograms
Table 14. Abbreviated Conversions of Degrees (Normal Press. and Temp.)
Fahrenheit to Degrees Celsius
_F _C _F _C _F _C
Gas Molecular Weight
50 45.6 220 104 670 354 = Sp. Gravity of that gas
45 42.8 230 110 680 360 29
40 40 240 116 690 366
35 37.2 250 121 700 371 Molecular Wt. of Air = 29
30 34.4 260 127 710 377

25 31.7 270 132 720 382 1/Density = Specific Volume

20 28.9 280 138 730 388
15 26.1 290 143 740 393
10 23.3 300 149 750 399
5 20.6 310 154 760 404

0 17.8 320 160 770 410

5 15 330 166 780 416 Mass Rate
10 12.2 340 171 790 421
15 9.4 350 177 800 427 Where:
20 6.7 360 182 810 432 Standard Conditions (scfh) are 14.7 psia and 60_F
25 3.9 370 188 820 438 Normal Conditions (norm) are 760 mm Hg and 0_C
30 1.1 380 193 830 443 SG1 Water = 1 at 60_F. SG2 Water = 1 at 4_C
32 0 390 199 840 449 M = Molecular Weight
35 1.7 400 204 850 454
40 4.4 410 210 860 460
1 = Density lb/ft3 (std); 2 = Density kg/m3 (norm)
G1 = sp. gr. Air = 1 at (std); G2 = sp. gr. Air. = 1 at
45 7.2 420 216 870 466 (norm)
50 10 430 221 880 471
55 12.8 440 227 890 477
60 15.6 450 232 900 482
65 18.3 460 238 910 488

70 21.1 470 243 920 493 Gases

75 23.9 480 249 930 499
80 26.7 490 254 940 504 lbhr x 379 kghr x 22.40
scfh = m 3hr (norm) =
85 29.4 500 260 950 510 M M
90 32.2 510 266 960 516

95 35 520 271 970 521 lbhr kghr

100 37.8 530 277 980 527 scfh = m 3hr (norm) = 2
110 43 540 282 990 532
120 49 550 288 1000 538
130 54 560 293 1050 566 lbhr x 13.1 kghr x 0.773
scfh = m 3hr (norm) =
140 60 570 299 1100 593 G1 G2
150 66 580 304 1150 621
160 71 590 310 1200 649
170 77 600 316 1250 677
180 82 610 321 1300 704

190 88 620 327 1350 732 Liquids

200 93 630 332 1400 760
210 99 640 338 1450 788 lbhr .001 kghr
US galmin = m 3hr =
212 100 650 343 1500 816 500xSG 1 SG 2
660 349

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April 1999 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1976, 1999;
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Leakage Specifications

The test classifications listed below are for factory accep-

tance tests under the conditions shown. Because of the
complex interaction of many physical properties, extrapo-
lation of very low leakage rates to other than test conditions
can be extremely misleading. Consult the appropriate
product bulletin for individual valve body leak classifica-

ANSI/FCI 70-2 Maximum Leakage(1) Test Medium Pressure and Temperature

Class II 0.5% valve capacity at full travel Air Service nP or 50 psid (3.4 bar differential),
whichever is lower, at 50 to 125_F (10 to 52_C)

Class III 0.1% valve capacity at full travel Air Service nP or 50 psid (3.4 bar differential),
whichever is lower, at 50 to 125_F (10 to 52_C)

Class IV 0.01% valve capacity at full travel Air Service nP or 50 psid (3.4 bar differential),
whichever is lower, at 50 to 125_F (10 to 52_C)
5 x 10--4 mL/min/psid/in. port dia.
Class V Water Service nP at 50 to 125_F (10 to 52_C)
(5 x 10--12 m3/sec/bar differential/mm port dia)
Nominal Port
Diameter Bubbles per mL per
Minute Minute
Inch mm
1 25 1 0.15
1-1/2 38 2 0.30
Class VI Air Service nP or 50 psid (3.4 bar differential),
2 51 3 0.45
whichever is lower, at 50 to 125_F (10 to 52_C)
2-1/2 64 4 0.60
3 76 6 0.90
4 102 11 1.70
6 152 27 4.00
8 203 45 6.75

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Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1978, 1999;
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Valve Sizing for
Cavitating and Flashing Liquids

curve. Move horizontally to the left and read the critical

pressure ratio, rc, on the ordinate.
Figure 2. Critical Pressure Ratios for Liquids Other than Water

Critical Pressure of Various Fluids, Psia*

Ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1636
Argon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705.6
Butane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550.4
Carbon Dioxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071.6
Carbon Monoxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507.5
Chlorine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1118.7
Dowtherm A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Ethane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
Ethylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
A1256 Fluorine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808.5
Helium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.2
Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188.2
Use this curve for water. Enter on the abscissa at the Hydrogen Chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1198
water vapor pressure at the valve inlet. Proceed vertical- Isobutane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529.2
ly to intersect the curve. Move horizontally to the left to Isobutylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
read the critical pressure ratio, rc, on the ordinate. Methane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673.3
Figure 1. Critical Pressure Ratios for Water Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492.4
Nitrous Oxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047.6
Oxygen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736.5
Phosgene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823.2
Propane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617.4
Propylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670.3
Refrigerant 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
Refrigerant 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596.9
Refrigerant 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3206.2


Use this curve for liquids other than water. Determine

the vapor pressure/critical pressure ratio by dividing the
liquid vapor pressure at the valve inlet by the critical
pressure of the liquid. Enter on the abscissa at the ratio
just calculated and proceed vertically to intersect the *For values not listed, consult an appropriate reference book.

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April 1999 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1974, 1999;
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Valve Sizing for
Liquid-Gas Mixtures

Introduction Vl = Liquid flow, ft3/sec

Vr = Gas volume ratio
Special consideration is required when sizing valves Vg = Specific volume of gas phase, ft3/lb
handling mixtures of liquid and gas or liquid and vapor. Vl = Specific volume of liquid phase, ft3/lb
The equation for required valve Cv for liquid-gas or liq- x= Quality, lb vapor/lb mixture
uid-vapor mixtures is:

C vr = (C vl + Cvg) (1 + Fm) (1)

The value of the correction factor, Fm, is given in figure 1

as a function of the gas volume ratio, Vr. The gas vol-
ume ratio for liquid-gas mixtures may be obtained by the
Vg 284 QlP 1
Vr = = + Qg (2)
V L + Vg T1

or for liquid-vapor mixtures:

Vr = (3)
V g V l 1x

If the pressure drop ratio (P/P1) exceeds the ratio re-
quired to give 100% critical gas flow as determined from
figure 2, the liquid sizing drop should be limited to the
drop required to give 100% critical gas flow.

Because of the possibility of choked flow occurring, the Figure 1. Cv Correction Factor, Fm
liquid sizing drop may also have to be limited by the
P (allow) = K m(P 1 r c P v) *

Cv = Standard liquid sizing coefficient
Cvr = Cv required for mixture flow
Cvl = Cv for liquid phase
Cg = Cg for gas phase
Cvg = Cv required for gas phase = Cg/C1
C1 = Cg/Cv ratio for valve
Fm = Cv correction factor
Km = Valve recovery coefficient
P = Valve pressure drop, psi
P1 = Valve inlet pressure, psia
Pv = Liquid vapor pressure, psia
Qg= Gas flow, scfh
Ql = Liquid flow, scfh
Qs = Steam or vapor flow, lb/hr
rc = Critical pressure ratio
T1 = Inlet Temperature, _Rankine (_R = _F + 460_) Figure 2. Pressure Drop Ratio Resulting in Critical Gas Flow
Vg = Gas flow, ft3/sec

*See equation 1 of Valve Sizing for Cavitating and Flashing Liquids in this section.

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Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1974, 1999;
April 1999
All Rights Reserved Page 2-29
Valve Sizing for
Liquid-Gas Mixtures

Sizing Examples required gas sizing coefficient for the gas phase (Cg) is
Liquid-Gas Mixture

Given: 3. Calculate the Cv required for gas phase:

C vg = C gC1
Liquid flow (Ql) = 3000 gpm
Gas flow (Qg) = 625,000 scfh = 2710
Inlet temperature (T1) = 100_F = 560_R
Inlet pressure (P1) = 414.7 psia (400 psig) = 110
Pressure drop (P) = 40 psi
Liquid specific gravity (Gl) = 1.5
Vapor pressure of liquid (Pv) = 30 psia 4. Calculate the gas volume ratio:
Critical pressure of liquid = 200 psia Qg
Gas specific gravity (Gg) = 1.4 V r = 284Q P (2)
1 1
C1 of valve under consideration = 24.7 T
+ Qg
Km of valve under consideration = 0.40 625, 000
= (284)(3000)(414.7)
+ 625, 000
Solution: 560

= 0.498
1. The pressure drop ratio of the application (P/P1 =
40/414.7 -- 0.096) does not exceed that required for Then from figure 1 at Vr = 0.498:
100% critical flow (0.40 from figure 2). Check the maxi-
mum allowable liquid pressure drop:
F m = 0.475
P (allow) = K m(P 1 r c P v)
The critical pressure ratio (rc) is 0.84 from figure 2 of
5. Calculate the Cv required for the mixture:
Valve Sizing for Cavitating and Flashing Liquids at Va-
por Pressure/Critical Pressure = 30/200 = 0.15. C vr = (C vl + Cvg)(1 + Fm) (1)
P (allow) = 0.40 [414.7 (0.84)(30)] = (581 + 110)(1 + 0.475)
= 156 psi = 1020

Liquid-Vapor Mixture
Since the pressure drop ratio is less than that required
for 100% critical gas flow and the pressure drop is less Given:
than the maximum allowable liquid pressure drop, use
the given pressure drop of 40 psi in the remaining steps. Mixture flow (Q) = 200,000 lb/hr of wet steam
Quality (x) = 0.05
Inlet pressure (P1) = 84.7 psia (70 psig)
2. Using the Universal Valve Sizing Slide Rule or sizing Pressure drop (P) = 50 psi
nomographs, the calculated required liquid sizing coeffi- C1 of valve under consideration = 21.0
cient for the liquid phase (Cvl) is 581 and the calculated Km of valve under consideration = 0.50

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April 1999 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1974, 1999;
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Valve Sizing for
Liquid-Gas Mixtures

Solution: Since this is a mixture of a liquid and its vapor, vapor

pressure (Pv) equals inlet pressure (P1). Find the critical
pressure ratio (rc) from figure 1 of Valve Sizing for Cavi-
1. Calculate the flow of vapor (Qs) and of liquid (Ql): tating and Flashing Liquids in this section.
Qs = (x) (Mixture Flow)
= (0.05) (200,000)
= 10,000 lb/hr of steam P (allow) = 0.50[84.7 (.92)(84.7)]
Ql = Mixture Flow -- Qs = 3.39 psi
= 200,000 -- 10,000
= 190,000 lb/hr of water Use this pressure drop and the specific gravity of the
= 417 gpm water (from steam tables) with the sizing slide rule or
liquid nomograph to determine the required liquid sizing
coefficient of the liquid phase (Cvl):
2. Using the sizing slide rule or the steam, vapor, and
gas flow equation shown with the Universal Sizing No-
C vl = 216
mograph, find the calculated required gas sizing coeffi-
cient (Cg) for the vapor phase. Steam inlet density
(0.193 lb/ft3) can be calculated from steam table data. 5. Calculate the gas volume ratio. specific volumes (vg
and vl) can be found in steam tables:
C g = 2330 Vr = (3)
V g V l 1x

3. Calculate Cv required for the vapor phase: = 5.185

5.185 + 0.017610.05

C vg = C gC1
= 0.939
= 2300

= 111 The from figure 1 at Vr = 0.939:

F m = 0.97
4. Before determining the Cv required for the liquid
phase, calculate the maximum allowable liquid pressure 6. Calculate the Cv required for the mixture:
drop: C vr = (C vl + Cvg)(1 + Fm) (1)
= (216 + 111) (1 + 0.97)
P (allow) = K m (P 1 r cP v)
= 644

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Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1974, 1999;
April 1999
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Saturated Steam
Pressure and Temperature


Absolute, Vacuum, DEGREES F DENSITY SPECIFIC Absolute, Gauge, SPECIFIC
Psia Psig
0.20 29.51 53.14 .000655 1.00 40.0 25.3 267.25 .0953 .94
0.25 29.41 59.30 .000810 1.00 41.0 26.3 268.74 .0975 .93
0.30 29.31 64.47 .000962 1.00 42.0 27.3 270.21 .0997 .93
0.35 29.21 68.93 .00111 1.00 43.0 28.3 271.64 .102 .93
0.40 29.11 72.86 .00126 1.00 44.0 29.3 273.05 .104 .93
0.45 29.00 76.38 .00141 1.00 45.0 30.3 274.44 .106 .93
0.50 28.90 79.58 .00156 1.00 46.0 31.3 275.80 .109 .93
0.60 28.70 85.21 .00185 1.00 47.0 32.3 277.13 .111 .93
0.70 28.49 90.08 .00214 1.00 48.0 33.3 278.45 .113 .93
0.80 28.29 94.38 .00243 1.00 49.0 34.3 279.74 .115 .93
0.90 28.09 98.24 .00271 .99 50.0 35.3 281.01 .117 .93
1.0 27.88 101.74 .00300 .99 51.0 36.3 282.26 .120 .93
1.2 27.48 107.92 .00356 .99 52.0 37.3 283.49 .122 .93
1.4 27.07 113.26 .00412 .99 53.0 38.3 284.70 .124 .93
1.6 26.66 117.99 .00467 .99 54.0 39.3 285.90 .126 .93
1.8 26.26 122.23 .00521 .99 55.0 40.3 287.07 .128 .93
2.0 25.85 126.08 .00576 .99 56.0 41.3 288.23 .131 .93
2.2 25.44 129.62 .00630 .99 57.0 42.3 289.37 .133 .93
2.4 25.03 132.89 .00683 .99 58.0 43.3 290.50 .135 .92
2.6 24.63 135.94 .00737 .99 59.0 44.3 291.61 .137 .92
2.8 24.22 138.79 .00790 .98 60.0 45.3 292.71 .139 .92
3.0 23.81 141.48 .00842 .98 61.0 46.3 293.79 .142 .92
3.5 22.79 147.57 .00974 .98 62.0 47.3 294.85 .144 .92
4.0 21.78 152.97 .0110 .98 63.0 48.3 295.90 .146 .92
4.5 20.76 157.83 .0123 .98 64.0 49.3 296.94 .148 .92
5.0 19.74 162.24 .0136 .98 65.0 50.3 297.97 .150 .92
5.5 18.72 166.30 .0149 .98 66.0 51.3 298.99 .152 .92
6.0 17.70 170.06 .0161 .98 67.0 52.3 299.99 .155 .92
6.5 16.69 173.56 .0174 .97 68.0 53.3 300.98 .157 .92
7.0 15.67 176.85 .0186 .97 69.0 54.3 301.96 .159 .92
7.5 14.65 179.94 .0199 .97 70.0 55.3 302.92 .161 .92
8.0 13.63 182.86 .0211 .97 71.0 56.3 303.88 .163 .92
8.5 12.61 185.64 .0224 .97 72.0 57.3 304.83 .165 .92
9.0 11.60 188.28 .0236 .97 73.0 58.3 305.76 .168 .92
9.5 10.58 190.80 .0248 .97 74.0 59.3 306.68 .170 .92
10.0 9.56 193.21 .0260 .97 75.0 60.3 307.60 .172 .92
11.0 7.52 197.75 .0285 .97 76.0 61.3 308.50 .174 .91
12.0 5.49 201.96 .0309 .96 77.0 62.3 309.40 .176 .91
13.0 3.45 205.88 .0333 .96 78.0 63.3 310.29 .178 .91
14.0 1.42 209.56 .0357 .96 79.0 64.3 311.16 .181 .91
80.0 65.3 312.03 .183 .91
VAPOR PRESSURE STEAM WATER 81.0 66.3 312.89 .185 .91
Absolute, Gauge, DEGREES F DENSITY SPECIFIC 82.0 67.3 313.74 .187 .91
Psia Psig LBS/CU.FT. GRAVITY 83.0 68.3 314.59 .189 .91
84.0 69.3 315.42 .191 .91
14.696 0.0 212.00 .0373 .96
15.0 0.3 213.03 .0380 .96 85.0 70.3 316.25 .193 .91
16.0 1.3 216.32 .0404 .96 86.0 71.3 317.07 .196 .91
17.0 2.3 219.44 .0428 .96 87.0 72.3 317.88 .198 .91
18.0 3.3 222.41 .0451 .96 88.0 73.3 318.68 .200 .91
19.0 4.3 225.24 .0474 .95 89.0 74.3 319.48 .202 .91
20.0 5.3 227.96 .0498 .95 90.0 75.3 320.27 .204 .91
21.0 6.3 230.57 .0521 .95 91.0 76.3 321.06 .206 .91
22.0 7.3 233.07 .0544 .95 92.0 77.3 321.83 .209 .91
23.0 8.3 235.49 .0567 .95 93.0 78.3 322.60 .211 .91
24.0 9.3 237.82 .0590 .95 94.0 79.3 323.36 .213 .91
25.0 10.3 240.07 .0613 .95 95.0 80.3 324.12 .215 .91
26.0 11.3 242.25 .0636 .95 96.0 81.3 324.87 .217 .91
27.0 12.3 244.36 .0659 .95 97.0 82.3 325.61 .219 .91
28.0 13.3 246.41 .0682 .94 98.0 83.3 326.35 .221 .91
29.0 14.3 248.40 .0705 .94 99.0 84.3 327.08 .224 .90
30.0 15.3 250.33 .0727 .94 100.0 85.3 327.81 .226 .90
31.0 16.3 252.22 .0750 .94 101.0 86.3 328.53 .228 .90
32.0 17.3 254.05 .0773 .94 102.0 87.3 329.25 .230 .90
33.0 18.3 255.84 .0795 .94 103.0 88.3 329.96 .232 .90
34.0 19.3 257.38 .0818 .94 104.0 89.3 330.66 .234 .90
35.0 20.3 259.28 .0840 .94 105.0 90.3 331.36 .236 .90
36.0 21.3 260.95 .0863 .94 106.0 91.3 332.05 .238 .90
37.0 22.3 262.57 .0885 .94 107.0 92.3 332.74 .241 .90
38.0 23.3 264.16 .0908 .94 108.0 93.3 333.42 .243 .90
39.0 24.3 265.72 .0930 .94 109.0 94.3 334.10 .245 .90

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Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
April 1999 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1974, 1999;
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Saturated Steam
Pressure and Temperature


Absolute, Gauge, DEGREES F LBS/CU.FT. Absolute, Gauge, DEGREES F LBS/CU.FT.
110.0 95.3 334.77 .247 .90 250.0 235.3 400.95 .542 .86
111.0 96.3 335.44 .249 .90 255.0 240.3 402.70 .553 .86
112.0 97.3 336.11 .251 .90 260.0 245.3 404.42 .563 .86
113.0 98.3 336.77 .253 .90 265.0 250.3 406.11 .574 .86
114.0 99.3 337.42 .255 .90 270.0 255.3 407.78 .585 .86
115.0 100.3 338.07 .258 .90 275.0 260.3 409.43 .595 .85
116.0 101.3 338.72 .260 .90 280.0 265.3 411.05 .606 .85
117.0 102.3 339.36 .262 .90 285.0 270.3 412.65 .616 .85
118.0 103.3 339.99 .264 .90 290.0 275.3 414.23 .627 .85
119.0 104.3 340.62 .266 .90 295.0 280.3 415.79 .637 .85
120.0 105.3 341.25 .268 .90 300.0 285.3 417.33 .648 .85
121.0 106.3 341.88 .270 .90 320.0 305.3 423.29 .690 .85
122.0 107.3 342.50 .272 .90 340.0 325.3 428.97 .733 .84
123.0 108.3 343.11 .275 .90 360.0 345.3 434.40 .775 .84
124.0 109.3 343.72 .277 .90 380.0 365.3 439.60 .818 .83
125.0 110.3 344.33 .279 .90 400.0 385.3 444.59 .861 .83
126.0 111.3 344.94 .281 .89 420.0 405.3 449.39 .904 .83
127.0 112.3 345.54 .283 .89 440.0 425.3 454.02 .947 .82
128.0 113.3 346.13 .285 .89 460.0 445.3 458.50 .991 .82
129.0 114.3 346.73 .287 .89 480.0 465.3 462.82 1.03 .81
130.0 115.3 347.32 .289 .89 500.0 485.3 467.01 1.08 .81
131.0 116.3 347.90 .292 .89 520.0 505.3 471.07 1.12 .81
132.0 117.3 348.48 .294 .89 540.0 525.3 475.01 1.17 .81
133.0 118.3 349.06 .296 .89 560.0 545.3 478.85 1.21 .80
134.0 119.3 349.64 .298 .89 580.0 565.3 482.58 1.25 .80
135.0 120.3 350.21 .300 .89 600.0 585.3 486.21 1.30 .80
136.0 121.3 350.78 .302 .89 620.0 605.3 489.75 1.34 .79
137.0 122.3 351.35 .304 .89 640.0 625.3 493.21 1.39 .79
138.0 123.3 351.91 .306 .89 660.0 645.3 496.58 1.43 .79
139.0 124.3 352.47 .308 .89 680.0 665.3 499.88 1.48 .79
140.0 125.3 353.02 .311 .89 700.0 685.3 503.10 1.53 .78
141.0 126.3 353.57 .313 .89 720.0 705.3 506.25 1.57 .78
142.0 127.3 354.12 .315 .89 740.0 725.3 509.34 1.62 .77
143.0 128.3 354.67 .317 .89 760.0 745.3 512.36 1.66 .77
144.0 129.3 355.21 .319 .89 780.0 765.3 515.33 1.71 .77
145.0 130.3 355.76 .321 .89
146.0 131.3 356.29 .323 .89 800.0 785.3 518.23 1.76 .77
147.0 132.3 356.83 .325 .89 820.0 805.3 521.08 1.81 .77
148.0 133.3 357.36 .327 .89 840.0 825.3 523.88 1.85 .76
149.0 134.3 357.89 .330 .89 860.0 845.3 526.63 1.90 .76
880.0 865.3 529.33 1.95 .76
150.0 135.3 358.42 .332 .89
152.0 137.3 359.46 .336 .89 900.0 885.3 531.98 2.00 .76
154.0 139.3 360.49 .340 .89 920.0 905.3 534.59 2.05 .75
156.0 141.3 361.52 .344 .88 940.0 925.3 537.16 2.10 .75
158.0 143.3 362.53 .349 .88 960.0 945.3 539.68 2.14 .75
980.0 965.3 542.17 2.19 .75
160.0 145.3 363.53 .353 .88
162.0 147.3 364.53 .357 .88 1000.0 985.3 544.61 2.24 .74
164.0 149.3 365.51 .361 .88 1050.0 1035.3 550.57 2.37 .74
166.0 151.3 366.48 .365 .88 1100.0 1085.3 556.31 2.50 .73
168.0 153.3 367.45 .370 .88 1150.0 1135.3 561.86 2.63 .73
1200.0 1185.3 567.22 2.76 .72
170.0 155.3 368.41 .374 .88
172.0 157.3 369.35 .378 .88 1250.0 1235.3 572.42 2.90 .71
174.0 159.3 370.29 .382 .88 1300.0 1285.3 577.46 3.04 .71
176.0 161.3 371.22 .387 .88 1350.0 1335.3 582.35 3.18 .70
178.0 163.3 372.14 .391 .88 1400.0 1385.3 587.10 3.32 .69
1450.0 1435.3 591.73 3.47 .69
180.0 165.3 373.06 .395 .88
182.0 167.3 373.96 .399 .88 1500.0 1485.3 596.23 3.62 .68
184.0 169.3 374.86 .403 .88 1600.0 1585.3 604.90 3.92 .67
186.0 171.3 375.75 .407 .88 1700.0 1685.3 613.15 4.25 .66
188.0 173.3 376.64 .412 .88 1800.0 1785.3 621.03 4.59 .65
1900.0 1885.3 628.58 4.95 .64
190.0 175.3 377.51 .416 .88
192.0 177.3 378.38 .420 .87 2000.0 1985.3 635.82 5.32 .62
194.0 179.3 379.24 .424 .87 2100.0 2085.3 642.77 5.73 .61
196.0 181.3 380.10 .429 .87 2200.0 2185.3 649.46 6.15 .60
198.0 183.3 380.95 .433 .87 2300.0 2285.3 655.91 6.61 .59
2400.0 2385.3 662.12 7.11 .57
200.0 185.3 381.79 .437 .87
205.0 190.3 383.86 .448 .87 2500.0 2485.3 668.13 7.65 .56
210.0 195.3 385.90 .458 .87 2600.0 2585.3 673.94 8.24 .54
215.0 200.3 387.89 .469 .87 2700.0 2685.3 679.55 8.90 .53
220.0 205.3 389.86 .479 .87 2800.0 2785.3 684.99 9.66 .51
2900.0 2885.3 690.26 10.6 .49
225.0 210.3 391.79 .490 .87
230.0 215.3 393.68 .500 .87 3000.0 2985.3 695.36 11.7 .46
235.0 220.3 395.54 .511 .86 3100.0 3085.3 700.31 13.3 .43
240.0 225.3 397.37 .522 .86 3200.0 3185.3 705.11 17.2 .36
245.0 230.3 399.18 .532 .86 3206.2 3191.5 705.40 19.9 .32

Catalog 12
Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1974, 1999;
April 1999
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Saturated and Superheated Steam

The degree of superheat is the difference between the actual temperature

and the saturation steam temperature.

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Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
April 1999 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1974, 1999;
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Velocity Equations

Sonic Velocity
Sonic velocity for a fluid that obeys the perfect gas law can be found by using the flowing equation:

c = kgRT
Mach Numbers
Inlet and outlet Mach numbers for a control valve can be calculated from:

k5.97 1 C sin3417 P deg.

M1 = 2 1900
+1 k+1 A C P

1 1 1



2 2
= 1 1
M1 A1
M2 + M2 + 2
k1 1 PP 1 A2 1 k1 k1

Calculate Mean Velocity
Actual velocity at valve inlet or outlet can be determined by multiplying the sonic velocity times the Mach number.

V = cM

Simplified Steam Flow Velocity Equation

The following equation can be used to determine the velocity of steam at either the inlet or outlet of a valve.

25 A


To solve the equation, use steam tables to find the steam specific volume (v) for the pressure and tem-
perature at the flow stream location where it is desired to determine velocity. Use the flow stream cross-
sectional area at the same location.

Definition of Terms
A= Cross sectional area of the flow stream, square
inches---- see tables 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 M= Mean Mach number
c= Speed of sound in the fluid, feet per second P= Pressure, psia
Cg = Gas Sizing Coefficient Q= Vapor flow rate, pounds per hour
Cv = Liquid Sizing Coefficient R= 1545
C1 = Cg/Cv Individual gas constant, molecular weight
P = Pressure drop
g= Gravitational constant, 32.2 feet per second T= Temperature, Rankine_R = _F + 460_
squared v= Vapor specific volume, cubic feet per pound
k= Specific heat ratio V= Mean velocity, feet per second
Specific heat at constant pressure sub 1 = Upstream or inlet conditions
Specific heat at constant volume sub 2 = Downstream or outlet conditions
see table 1 for common values

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Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1981, 1999;
April 1999
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Velocity Equations

Table 1. Specific Heat Ratio (k)

Specific Heat Ratio
Acetylene 1.38
Air 1.40
Argon 1.67
Butane 1.17
Carbon Monoxide 1.40
Carbon Dioxide 1.29
Ethane 1.25
Helium 1.66
Hydrogen 1.40
Methane 1.26
0.6 Natural Gas 1.32
Nitrogen 1.40
Oxygen 1.40
Propane 1.21
Propylene 1.15
Steam(1) 1.33
1. Use property tables if available for greater accuracy.

Table 2. Flow Area for e-body, Design EU, and EW Valve Bodies (1, 2) (Square Inches),
Not Appropriate for Design FB, EH, and HP Valve Bodies
VALVE SIZE, 150 and 300 600 900(3)
INCH Flow Area, Valve Diameter (dv) Flow Area, Valve Diameter (dv) Flow Area, Valve Diameter (dv)
Inch2 mm Inch Inch2 mm Inch Inch2 mm Inch
1 0.79 25.4 1.00 0.79 25.4 1.00 --- --- ---
1-1/2 1.8 38.1 1.50 1.8 38.1 1.50 --- --- ---
2 3.1 50.8 2.00 3.1 50.8 2.00 --- --- ---
2-1/2 4.9 63.5 2.50 4.9 63.5 2.50 --- --- ---
3 7.1 76.2 3.00 7.1 76.2 3.00 --- --- ---
4 13 102 4.00 13 102 4.00 --- --- ---
6 28 152 6.00 28 152 6.00 --- --- ---
8 50 203 8.00 49 200 7.87 44 190 7.50
10 79 254 10.00 75 248 9.75 --- --- ---
12 113 305 12.00 108 298 11.75 97 283 11.12
16 171 375 14.75 171 375 14.75 154 356 14.00
20 262 464 18.25 262 464 18.25 --- --- ---
24 380 559 22.00 380 559 22.00 --- --- ---
1. Use class rating of valve body shell. For example, a Design E 6 size, butt weld valve schedule 80 is available in classes 600, 1500 and 2500 shells. Likewise, a Design EW 8 x 6
size butt weld valve body, schedule 80, is available in either shell class 600 or 900.
2. All of the 12-inch and larger Design EU valves and the 16x12-inch and larger Design EW valves are only Class 600. The lighter flanges (Class 150 to 300) are made from Class 600
flanged castings, with Class 600 flow areas. However, Class 150 and 300 12-inch Design EU valves manufactured in Cernay have Class 300 flow areas.
3. Design E ANSI Class 900, 3 through 6 flanged valve body uses a class 1500 shell.

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November 2000 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1992, 2000;
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Velocity Equations

Table 3. Flow Area for Pipe (Square Inches)

Body Schedule
Inch 10 20 30 40 80 120 160 XS XXS
1/2 --- --- --- 0.30 0.23 --- 0.17 0.23 0.05
3/4 --- --- --- 0.53 0.43 --- 0.30 0.43 0.15
1 --- --- --- 0.86 0.72 --- 0.52 0.72 0.28
1-1/2 --- --- --- 2.0 1.8 --- 1.4 1.8 0.95
2 --- --- --- 3.4 3.0 --- 2.2 3.0 1.8
2-1/2 --- --- --- 4.8 4.2 --- 3.5 4.2 2.5
3 --- --- --- 7.4 6.6 --- 5.4 6.6 4.2
4 --- --- --- 13 11 10 9.3 11 7.8
6 --- --- --- 29 26 24 21 26 19
8 --- 52 51 50 46 41 36 46 37
10 --- 83 81 79 72 65 57 75 ---
12 --- 118 115 112 102 91 81 108 ---
16 189 186 183 177 161 144 129 177 ---
20 299 291 284 278 253 227 203 284 ---
24 434 425 411 402 378 326 291 415 ---

Table 4. Design FB Outlet Flow Area, Inch2

OUTLET 150 300 600 900
SIZE, Flow Valve Diameter (dv) Flow Valve Diameter (dv) Flow Valve Diameter (dv) Flow Valve Diameter (dv)
INCHES Area, Area, Area, Area,
Inch2 mm Inch Inch2 mm Inch Inch2 mm Inch Inch2 mm Inch
10 75 248 9.75 72 243 9.56 65 230 9.06 57 216 8.5
12 108 298 11.75 102 289 11.37 91 273 10.75 81 257 10.13
16 177 381 15.00 161 363 14.31 145 344 13.56 129 325 12.81
18 224 429 16.88 204 409 16.12 183 387 15.25 164 367 14.44
20 278 478 18.81 253 456 17.94 227 432 17.00 203 408 16.06
24 402 575 22.62 365 548 21.56 326 518 20.38 293 490 19.31
30 638 724 28.50 594 699 27.50 521 654 25.75 --- --- ---
36 921 870 34.25 855 838 33.00 755 787 31.00 --- --- ---

Table 5. Design EH Flow Area, Inch2

VALVE SIZE, 1500 2500
INCHES Valve Diameter (dv) Valve Diameter (dv)
Flow Area, Inch2 Flow Area, Inch2
mm Inch mm Inch
1, 1-1/2 x 1, or
0.60 22.2 0.87 0.44 19.0 0.75
2 or 3 x 2 2.8 47.6 1.87 1.8 38.1 1.50
3 or 4 x 3 5.9 69.9 2.75 4.0 57.2 2.25
4 or 6 x 4 10 92.1 3.62 6.5 73.0 2.87
6 or 8 x 6 23 137 5.37 15 111 4.37
8 or 10 x 8 38 178 7.00 26 146 5.75
12 or 14 x 12 85 264 10.37 58 219 8.62

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Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1992, 2000;
November 2000
All Rights Reserved Page 2-37
Velocity Equations

Table 6. Design HP Flow Area, Inch2

VALVE SIZE, 900 & 1500 2500
INCHES Valve Diameter (dv) Valve Diameter (dv)
Flow Area, Inch2 Flow Area, Inch2
mm Inch mm Inch
1 0.61 22.2 0.87 0.44 19.0 0.75
2 2.8 47.6 1.87 1.77 38.1 1.50
3(1) 6.5 69.9 2.75 --- --- ---
3(2) or 4 x 3(1,2) 5.9 73.1 2.75 --- --- ---
4 or 6 x 4 10.3 92.1 3.62 --- --- ---
6 or 8 x 6 22.7 136.5 5.37 --- --- ---
1. Manufactured in U.S.A.
2. Manufactured in Europe and Japan.

Table 7. Diffuser Tube Cross-Sectional Area

Tube Size, O.D., Inch Area, Inch2
2 2.375 4.43
2-1/2 2.875 6.49
3 3.500 9.62
3-1/2 4.000 12.60
4 4.500 15.9
5 5.563 24.3
6 6.625 34.5
8 8.625 58.4
10 11 90.8
12 13 128.0
14 14 154
16 16 201
18 18 254
20 20 314
24 24 452

Table 8. Flow Area for Pipe, Inch2

INCH 10 20 30 40 80 120 160 STD XS XXS
1/2 --- --- --- 0.30 0.23 --- 0.17 0.30 0.23 0.05
3/4 --- --- --- 0.53 0.43 --- 0.30 0.53 0.43 0.15
1 --- --- --- 0.86 0.72 --- 0.52 0.86 0.72 0.28
1-1/2 --- --- --- 2.0 1.8 --- 1.4 2.0 1.8 0.95
3 --- --- --- 3.4 3.0 --- 2.2 3.4 3.0 1.8
2-1/2 --- --- --- 4.8 4.2 --- 3.5 4.8 4.2 2.5
3 --- --- --- 7.4 6.6 --- 5.4 7.4 6.6 4.2
4 --- --- --- 13 11 10 9.3 13 11 7.8
6 --- --- --- 29 26 24 21 29 26 19
8 --- 52 51 50 46 41 36 50 46 37
10 --- 83 81 79 72 65 57 79 75 ---
12 --- 118 115 112 102 91 81 113 108 ---
16 189 186 183 177 161 144 129 183 177 ---
20 299 291 284 278 253 227 203 290 284 ---
24 434 425 411 402 378 326 291 425 415 ---
30 678 661 649 --- --- --- --- 672 661 ---
36 983 962 948 935 --- --- --- 976 962 ---

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Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper.
November 2000 Fisher Controls International, Inc., 1992, 2000;
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