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Graduate Admissions Guide

for International Students and Overseas Koreans

2017 Fall Semester

1. Admission Timetable
2. Eligibility
3. Admission Criteria
4. Departments/Majors
5. Required Documents
6. Tuition
7. Scholarships
8. Application Fee
9. Acceptance Announcement
10. Important Notes
1 Admission Timetable

Steps Dates and Time Notes

1. Visit ( or
April 12 (Wed.), 2017 ~ 2. Sign up for the web-site
Online Application st
May 1 (Mon.), 2017 3. Complete on-line application form
18:00 (local time in Korea) (upload applicants photo: 3cm x 4cm)
4. Pay the application fee (Mandatory)
Check if the application form has been completed

After completing the online application, submit all required

documents including application forms 1 and 2 to the
Application & Document following postal address:
Submission < Office of International Affairs >
April 12th(Wed.), 2017 ~
(Apply via internet & Chonnam National University
May 8th(Mon.), 2017
Submit all required 77 Yongbongro, Bukgu,
documents to the OIA) Gwangju 61186, South Korea
* All documents must be submitted in person or by
post to OIA before the deadline.

Application Review May 24th(Wed.), 2017 ~ If an interview is necessary, applicants will be notified of
by the Department May 25 (Thu.) the time and location by the relevant department

Final Decision June 8th(Thu.), 2017 Announced on the CNU Office of International Affairs
Announcement 16:00 (local time in Korea) web-site: (

June 12th(Mon.), 2017 ~

Payment of Tuition To the designated bank by CNU
June 16th(Thu.), 2017

Start of Semester August 28th(Thu.), 2017

This schedule is subject to change, and updated information will be posted on the Office of International Affairs web-site.
Please contact at [email protected] for additional inquiries
2 Eligibility

Program Educational Qualification Nationality

Master's degree or
Those who have or are expected to receive a Bachelor's
Integrated Master's The nationality of the
degree or its equivalent as stipulated by regulations.
& Doctoral Degree applicant and the applicants
parents must be non-Korean
Those who have or are expected to receive a Master's Overseas Korean nationals
degree or its equivalent as stipulated by regulations. are eligible if they have
completed elementary,
If applicants have a Master's degree with a different
secondary and post-secondary
Doctoral Degree field of major from the major for which they are education overseas, that is
applying, they should receive a recommendation letter equivalent to that of Korean
from the head professor of the department they are education.
applying to.

Applicants with no nationality or dual Korean citizenship are not eligible.

No certificate for language skills are required, but applicants for some departments are required to have certain
level of language skills as specified below. Please refer to the section 4 Departments/Majors.

3 Admission Criteria

A. Admission decisions are based on document screening; including the candidates academic achievements,
personal accomplishments, and language proficiency. Depending on the policy of the department/major,
a written examination, interview, or practical/performance test may be required.
B. Important assessing factors for document screening academic performance such as Grade Point Average
(GPA), level of completed courses, study plan, personal statement, etc. will be taken into consideration.
C. Procedure of Admissions
1) Regardless of the degree/program received or completed by the applicant, acceptance selection will be made
according to the order of applicants possessing the highest total score.
2) If an applicant fails to meet the admission criteria, the application will no longer be further considered.

Classification Percentage Points in total Notes

Language Proficiency 50 50 Applicants will be evaluated by each department:

3 members of the selection committee will evaluate

Academic Applicants with less than 30 points for each

50 50
Performance category will not be accepted

Total 100 100

4 Departments/Majors

TOPIK 5 TOPIK 4 TOPIK 3 TOPIK 4 (only for Chinese) Basic Korean Communication Skill
CBT 210 or TOEFL(iBT 80 / PBT 550) or IELTS 5.5 or TOEIC 660
CBT 155 or TOEFL(iBT 60 / PBT 450) or IELTS 4.5 or TOEIC 550
Department with no marks does not require any language proficiency test score.
Certificate of Completion of Korean Language Course level 3,4,5 and 6 can replace TOPIK level 3,4,5 and 6.
(Only Certificate from Language Center of CNU could be accepted, Department of Korean Language and Literature is excepted)
Korean Government Scholarship (KGSP) students with TOPIK Level 3 are exempted from language proficiency test.
Course Course
Division Department Division Department
Master Ph.D. Integrated Master Ph.D Intergated
Accounting Physics
Agricultural Economics Rural & Biosystems Engineering
Cultural Anthropology & Archaeology Wood Science & Engineering
Business Administration Wood Science & Landscape Architecture

,(National Scholarship Student) (Confirmed by prospective Advisor)
Chinese Language & Literature Aqualife Medicine
Communication Natural Culture Contents,
Economics, Sciences Environmental Oceanography
Education, (Yeosu) Fisheries Science

(Confirmed by prospective Advisor)
Food Technology and nutrition
English Language Education Advanced Chemicals & Engineering
Architectural Engineering,
English Language & Literature&
Chemical Engineering
French Language & Literature
Civil Engineering
Humanities Geography
Electrical Engineering
& Social German Language & Literature
Engineering Electronics & Computer Engineering
Sciences History
(Gwangju) Energy & Resources Engineering
(Gwangju) International Trade,
Environment & Energy Engineering,
Japanese Language & Literature
Industrial Engineering,
Korean Language Education
Materials Science & Engineering
Korean Language & Literature
, Korean Language Course level 5 Mechanical Engineering,
Law n Polymer Engineering
Library & Information Science Architecture
Philosophy Biotechnology & Chemical Engineering
Political Science Civil & Environmental Engineering
Psychology Computer Engineering
Public Administration Electrical & Semiconductor Engineering
Regional Development, Electronic Communication Engineering
Social Studies Education Mechanical Design Engineering
Sociology Production Engineering
Special Educationn& Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Engineering
Humanities Business Administration Fine Arts
& Social Korean Traditional Music
English (Gwangju)
Sciences Music
International Commerce
(Yeosu) Biomedical ScienceMajor of Biomedical Science
Transportation & Logistics Biomedical Science-Major of Medical Science
Medical (Those with Medical Science diploma)

Agricultural Chemistry
Science Dental Science
Animal Science & Bioindustry
(Gwangju) Medical Science
Animal Science & Biotechnology
(Those with Medical Science diploma)
Applied Biology Veterinary Medicine
Applied Plant Science Archival Studies
Bioenergy & Biomaterialsn
Bioenergy Science & Technology
Biomedical Engineering
Biological Science & Biotechnology
Cultural Properties
Electronic Commerce,&n
Global Diaspora Studies(International Studies)n
Natural Clothing & Textiles Inter- Interdisciplinary Program of Asian Culture
Sciences Geology & Environmental Sciences Disciplinary Interdisciplinary Program for Applied biology
(Gwangju) Family Environment & Welfare, programs Interior Design,
Food & Nutrition (Gwangju) Molecular Medicine
Food Science & Technology NGO
Forestry Photonics Engineering
Horticulture Social Welfare,
Landscape Architecture&n Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language
, Korean Language Course level 5
(Confirmed by prospective Advisor)
Mathematics & Statistics Translation Korean Texts in Classical Chinesen
Inter- Digital Convergence
Disciplinary East Asia Studies
(Yeosu) Biomedical and Electronic Engineering

* Gwangju Campus: 77 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju * Yeosu Campus: 50 Daehak-ro, Yeosu, Jeonnam
5 Required Documents

( only for applicable applicants)
*After completing the Application Checklist(Form 7), use it as a cover of your application materials. Please submit whole documents in order.
No Document M.S Ph.D. Integrated Remarks
1 Application Checklist Form 7
Form 1, 2
2 Application form 1, 2 *Print out the forms after completing the online application and
send them with other required documents to CNU OIA.

Original or notarized copy

1) Certificates in other languages than English and Korean requires
Official(Prospective) notarized certificate translated in English or Korean
3 Graduation Certificate from
2) If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate
Undergraduate Institution program, you MUST submit an official document that indicates your
expected date of graduation and type of degree you will be
3) Applicants who graduated from Chinese university must submit 1.
Graduation Certificate, 2. Degree Certificate, 3. Degree Certificate(in
Official(Prospective) English) issued by China Academic Degree & Graduate Education
4 Graduation Certificate from Development Center( *If you submit documents
Graduate Institution verified by the Korean Embassy or Apostille Verified, you are not
required to submit the degree certificate from its site

Official Transcripts from Master's or Integrated program applicants must submit

Undergraduate Institution original or notarized copy of transcripts of all coursework in
Bachelor's program
Official Transcripts from

For Ph.D. program applicants, original or notarized copy of
Graduate Institution transcripts of all coursework in Bachelor's and Master's program

Please submit it if applicable(Please see as below),

1) If applying major requires certain language certificate
Language Proficiency 2) for applicants applying for the Global or Global Plus Scholarship
7 Certificate *Test scores are only valid for two years after the test date. Therefore,
(Korean or English) we do not accept the certificate which is issued before April 12th, 2015.
*Even though the department does not need any language requirements,
please submit it if you have, for application review of the department.

Permission to Release Form 3

Educational Records *Signature, Exact e-mail address and contact number are needed
9 Personal Statement (Study plan) Form 4
Recommendation Letter for
10 Form 5 *Only for applicable applicants
Ph.D. Program Applicant
11 Letter of Financial Guarantee Form 6
Consent Form for personal
12 Form 8
information collection and use
13 Employment Certificate Only for applicants applying for the Global Plus Scholarship
14 A Copy of Passport Copy must be of a valid passport
15 A Copy of Alien Registration Card Applicable only for those who are currently residing in Korea
1) For applicants whose parents are both foreigners
Official documents indicating parents' nationality and
relationship between the applicants and his/her parents.
(Please refer to examples of Family Relations Certificate as below)
Proof of Eligibility
2) For overseas Korean nationals who have completed education
(All documents need to be
16 equivalent to elementary, secondary, and post-secondary
translated either in
education in Korea
Korean / English )
- official transcripts and graduation certificates from the
institutions listed above.
For Chinese applicants, please refer to the table additional
documents for Chinese Applicants only below.
Examples of Family Relations Certificate
Philippines: Family Census, Indonesia: KARTU KELUARGA, Bangladesh: Family Certificate, Vietnam: So Ho Khau, or Giay khai
sinh, Mongolia: Certificate of Family Relations, Pakistan: Family Certificate, Sri Lanka: Family Relation Certificate, Myanmar:
Family Relations Certificate, Nepal: Family Relation Certificate, Kyrgyzstan KazakhstanUzbekistanUkraineThailand: Birth

Additional Documents (For Chinese Applicants only)

Documents M.S Ph.D. Integrated Remarks
A copy of the applicants and Every Chinese applicant MUST submit
both parents Chinese ID card Translation is not needed
1) Every Chinese applicant MUST submit with notarization.
2 Census registration 2) In case of parents death(divorce), a death(divorce) certificate
submission is compulsory.
Applicant who separated from ones family in census
3 Family relations certificate
registration should submit with notarization.

Additional Documents required for College of Arts Applicants

Traditional Korean Music & Music (Voice, Orchestral music, and Piano) major:
CD of the applicants musical performance up to 15 minutes long
Music (Composition) major:
1) CD of the applicants piano performance
2) At least 3 pieces of music scores including the above piano performance
Fine Arts major: Portfolio CD of the applicants artwork
Additional Documents for Department of Education, Landscape Architecture, Wood Science and Landscape Architecture Applicants
Letter of recommendation (confirmation) required from the Department Chair(submit Form 5.2)
Students who apply for Department of Education must achieve TOPIK level 4 within 1 year after admission
Requirement for Department of Biomedical Science - Major of Medical Science and Medical Science
- Korean citizens must hold a medical license, Foreigners must hold a Medical Science diploma
All documents should be written in either English or Korean. Documents in other languages MUST be accompanied by a
complete English or Korean translations.

Submission of Document certifying the highest level of education

Admitted applicants MUST submit a document certifying their academic background(degree).
*Please choose one of the following.

Category Documents for Submission

Apostille - Document: Graduation Certificate (Degree Certificate) Apostilled

Convention - Issuing Organization: Organizations that the relevant government designated
Countries General information about Apostille
Countries outside
- Document: Degree verified by the consulate
the Apostille
- Issuing Organization: the Korean consulate or the applicants embassy in Korea
Applicants who - Documents: 1 copy of Academic/Degree certificate issued by China Academic Degree & Graduate Education
graduated from Development Center
Chinese university - Issuing Organization: China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center(

Submission: Admitted applicants (There is no need to submit documents mentioned above for those who graduated from Korean
domestic universities. They can submit an original or notarized copy of the degree.)
Deadline: August 25th(Fri), 2017 (in person or by post)
Note: All documents should be in either Korean or English. Documents in other languages must be accompanied by notarized Korean or
English translations.
6 Tuitions

(USD$ / per semester)

College Admission Fee Tuition Total

Engineering 165 2,500 2,665
Veterinary Science 165 3,190 3,355
Pharmacy 165 2,550 2,715
Arts 165 2,900 3,065
Medicine/Dentistry 165 3,620 3,785
Natural Science &
165 2,450 2,615
Physical Education
Humanities & Social Sciences 165 1,900 2,065
Fees are subject to change according to the exchange rate.(The above fees are only applied for the 2017 Spring semester.)
Successful(Admitted) applicants must pay the tuition fee during the designated period. Otherwise, the admission will be canceled.
Successful(Admitted) applicants can get a tuition fee refund if they withdraw their admission before official admission date(28th August, 2017.)

7 Scholarships

A. Academic Performance Scholarship

Benefit: Admission Fee and Partial Tuition Waiver for the first semester

B. Global Plus Scholarship

1) Qualifications:
a) Applicants who are recommended as research assistants by CNU prospective academic professors
b) Applicants who pass the department screening procedures
your prospective advising professor should have also applied for Global Plus Scholarship program
2) Deadline: must be submitted in person or by post before May 8th(Mon.), 2017
3) Required Documents: Scholarship application form, Official Transcript(original),
(if applicable) Proof of employment
4) Benefits: Full scholarship (total tuition waiver) for 4 semesters
5) Selection Standards: international graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding research
(alumnus/alumna from post-secondary education institutions which institutions list high in
international/national university rankings)
6) Conditions of Keeping the Scholarship: GPA 4.0(4.5 scale) or above in the previous semester
GPA 3.5(4.5 scale) is acceptable for the first semester only.

C. Global Scholarship
1) Qualifications:
a) Applicants who are recommended as research assistants by CNU prospective academic professors
b) Applicants who pass the department screening procedures
your prospective advising professor should have also applied for Global Scholarship program
2) Deadline: must be submitted in person or by post before May 8th(Mon.), 2017
3) Required Documents: Scholarship application form, Official school transcript original
4) Selection Standards: international graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding research
(alumnus/alumna from post-secondary education institutions which institutions list high in
international/national university rankings)
5) Benefits: Full scholarship (total tuition waiver) for the first semester
Scholarship offers may change in the future 2017 academic period.
All the required documents for scholarships need to be submitted before the deadline.

8 Application Fee

Application Fee: 60,000 KRW

If the application fee is not paid, the applicants application will not be considered.

Application Fee Refund Policy

In most cases, the application fee is non-refundable. However, exceptions may be made based
on the following circumstances:

Reason for Refund Refund Amount Refund Method

Over-payment of the application fee
*will only refund the fee except the transferring fee & may not refund if Overpaid amount
the transferring fee exceeds the actual amount of the refund)
Will contact the
Failure to submit application due to reasons caused by the university Full amount
applicant individually
Failure to complete application due to natural disaster Full amount

Failure to complete application due to the applicants hospitalization

Full amount
(from an illness or accident) or death. (must submit supporting documents)

9 Acceptance Announcement

On June 8th(THURSDAY), 2017 at 16:00 (Local time in Korea),

applicants will be able to check the admission results on the Office of International Affairs web-site.

10 Important Notes

A. All documents should be in either Korean or English. Documents in other languages must be accompanied
by notarized Korean or English translations.
B. Students found to have forged or illegally changed any application documents or Students academic
background proves to be insufficient (e. g. completion of unaccredited university in the corresponding
country)may have their admission to CNU revoked regardless of their academic status(before or after
admission, including graduation).
C. Applicants who have submitted a certificate of prospective(expected) graduation must submit the officially
verified graduation certificate by August 25(Friday), 2017. Otherwise, the admission will be cancelled.
D. If applicants write their contact information(such as email address, phone number, address, etc.) incorrectly, or
they are out of contact, they are responsible for all the inconveniences resulting from those mistakes.
(applicants may even have their admission revoked)
E. All the information including your NAME should match exactly as written on your passport. (In English) In
addition, Change of department is not allowed after completing the online application.
F. CNU does not reveal the evaluation records of each application process in any circumstances and Submitted
documents will not be returned. (Only the Original certificate of graduation diploma will be returned after
the application process is completed.)
G. A bank balance statement (more than USD 18,000) is required to be submitted to the Korean Consulate,
Embassy, or the Immigration Office to get a student visa. All applicants should prepare the statement in
addition to the Letter of Financial Guarantee (Form 6).
H. Applicants are exempt from the English Language Proficiency Requirement if they meet any of the
following criteria:
1) By being a citizen or a national of the following 7 Englishspeaking countries;
Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, U.S.A.
2) Completed a bachelor's degree or higher in one of the above Englishspeaking countries
I. Matters that are not included in this guide shall proceed according to the guidelines of CNU Graduate
School Committee.

Admission Inquiries: Office of International Affairs, CNU

PHONE : 062-530-1267 FAX: 062-530-1269
E-mail : [email protected]
(Postal Code 61186) Office of International Affairs, Chonnam National University
77 Yongbong-ro, Bukgu, Gwangju

On-line : Jinhakapply Inc.

PHONE : 1544-7715 FAX 02)722-5453
E-mail: [email protected]

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