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A.C. NO. 5235, March 22, 2000, THIRD DIVISION, (Melo, J.)


Atty. Jacinto requested Spouses Cruz for a loan in behalf of a certain Conception G. Padilla, who
he claimed to be an old friend, to be secured by a real estate mortgage. The spouses, believing and
trusting the representations of their lawyer that Padilla was a good risk, agreed to his request and were
presented by the latter with a Real Estate Mortgage Contract and a TCT in the name of Concepcion G.
Padilla. In turn, the spouses gave him the amount he asked for.

Upon maturity, the spouses went to Padillas address to demand payment. However, there proved
to be no person by that name living therein. When the complainants verified the genuineness of TCT with
Register of Deeds, it was certified by the said office to be a fake and spurious title. Further efforts to
locate the debtor-mortgagor likewise proved futile. Evidence shows that Jacintos secretary and
housemaid took part in making it appear that the mortgage was registered and the annotation to appear at
the back of the TCT as an encumbrance by making them falsify the signatures of the notary public and the
Deputy Register of Deeds respectively.

A case for Estafa thru Falsification of Public documents was filed against Atty. Jacinto but was
dismissed due to the Spouses voluntary desistance.


Whether or not Atty. Ernesto Jacinto should be held liable even though the complaint for Estafa
thru Falsification of Public documents was dismissed?


Yes. While it may be true that the complaint for Estafa thru Falsification filed against the
Respondent had been dismissed, the dismissal was because of the complainants voluntary desistance and
not a finding of innocence. It neither confirms nor denies Respondents non-culpability. Furthermore, it is
well-settled that disciplinary proceedings are "sui generis", the primary object of which is not so much to
punish the individual attorney himself, as to safeguard the administration of justice by protecting the court
and the public from the misconduct of lawyers, and to remove from the professions persons whose
disregard of their oath have proven them unfit to continue discharging the trust reposed in them as
members of the bar. Thus, disciplinary cases may still proceed despite the dismissal of civil and/or
criminal cases against a lawyer.

Undeniably, respondent represented complainants in the loan transaction. By his own admission,
he was the one who negotiated with the borrower, his long-time friend and a former client. He acted not
merely as an agent but as a lawyer of complaints, thus, the execution of the real estate mortgage contract,
as well as its registration and annotation on the title were entrusted to him. In fact, respondent even
received his share in the interest earnings which complainants realized from the transaction. His refusal to
recognize any wrongdoing or carelessness by claiming that he is likewise a victim when it was shown that
the title to the property, the registration of the real estate mortgage contract, and the annotation thereon
were all feigned, will not at all exonerate him.

WHEREFORE, the Court hereby adopts the resolution of the Board of Governors of the
Integrated Bar of the Philippines and orders respondent Atty. Ernesto C. Jacinto suspended from the
practice of law for six (6) months with the warning that a repetition of the same or similar offense will be
dealt with more severely.

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