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December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15

A. T. Conlisk
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio 43210-1107

KEY WORDS: rotor aerodynamics, vortex wakes, tip-vortex, computational fluid dynamics,
experiments, dynamic stall, blade-vortex interaction

Modern helicopter aerodynamics is challenging because the flow field gener-
ated by a helicopter is extremely complicated and difficult to measure, model,
and predict; moreover, experiments are expensive and difficult to conduct. In
this article we discuss the basic principles of modern helicopter aerodynamics.
Many sophisticated experimental and computational techniques have been em-
ployed in an effort to predict performance parameters. Of particular interest is
the structure of the rotor wake, which is highly three-dimensional and unsteady,
and the rotor-blade pressure distribution, which is significantly affected by the
strength and position of the wake. We describe the various modern methods of
computation and experiment which span the range from vortex techniques to full
three-dimensional Navier-Stokes computations, and from classical probe meth-
ods to laser velocimetry techniques. Typical results for the structure of the wake
and the blade pressure distribution in both hover and forward flight are presented.
Despite the complexity of the helicopter flow, significant progress has been made
within the last ten years and the future will likely bring marked advances.

For over 40 years the helicopter has played an important role in both military
and civilian air transportation. In this article we discuss the basic principles
of modern helicopter aerodynamics. In the past, the term “helicopter aerody-
namics” has been used synonymously with rotor-blade aerodynamics; for the
most part, in this article we will consider this to be the case. However, as will
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be noted later, the term “helicopter aerodynamics” is now expanding to include

interactions between many different helicopter components.
It is worthwhile to note that there are several excellent textbooks in the area
including those by Gessow and Myers (1952), McCormick (1967), Bramwell
(1976), Johnson (1980), Stepniewski and Keys (1984), and the short monograph
by Seddon (1990). In addition, there have been several other reviews which
have covered more specific topics. A comparison of predictive capabilities in
the 1940s and 1950s with those of the 1980s is given by Gessow (1986). A
review of advances in the aerodynamics of rotary wings is given by Johnson
(1986). McCroskey (1995) reviews the latest advances in the computation of
the rotor wake flow. Caradonna (1992) details the computational techniques
employed in the calculation of the helicopter blade and wake flows. Reichert
(1985) and Phillipe et al (1985) have reviewed the current state-of-the-art of
helicopter design as well as some of the history of helicopter development from
a European perspective.
The field of helicopter aerodynamics is a vast one and includes a number
of current research problems that are extremely important in their own right.
Space limitations preclude an extensive discussion of all of these problem areas.
Accordingly, in this review we focus attention for the most part on the nature
of the wake of the rotor blades and the loads that the wake induces; we leave
aside the issue of turbulence and turbulence modeling in the computation of
the rotor wake. In addition, we do not include the issue of the aeroacoustics of
the helicopter, which is a critical design consideration and a vast subject area
that merits its own review. Performance calculations are considered only as an
output of the aerodynamic calculations.
The paper is organized roughly in terms of methodology rather than by per-
formance regime (hover, forward flight, etc) because all of the methodologies
discussed here are used throughout the envelope of operation of the helicopter.
However, this dichotomy may be somewhat artificial since, for example, ex-
perimental results appear throughout the discussion of all of the methods of
modeling the rotor wake. In the next section we present an overview of the
fundamentals of helicopter aerodynamics.

The flow past a helicopter is particularly complicated for several reasons. First,
unlike the case of flow over a fixed wing which can often be analyzed by lin-
ear aerodynamics, the flow past a rotary wing is never what aerodynamicists
consider to be “linear”. This poses significant problems in modeling since
numerical simulations need to be iterative in character and experimental obser-
vations of highly nonlinear phenomena are often difficult to interpret because of
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their complexity. Second, from both an experimental and modeling perspective,

it is difficult to study fluid flow in a situation where some components rotate at
high speed while other components remain fixed; similar difficulties occur in
the area of turbomachinery. For this reason many experiments and modeling
efforts have focused on the isolated rotor-blade wake. Only somewhat recently
has the effect of the fuselage and tail rotor been incorporated into modeling
efforts. Indeed, the helicopter aerodynamicist is faced with the task of ana-
lyzing the entire flight envelope of a fixed-wing aircraft from transonic flow to
low-speed stall in one rotor revolution. Finally, helicopter experiments are ex-
tremely expensive to conduct; this means that significant effort must be put into
modeling, which is itself limited by the present state of the art of computing.
In general, the helicopter is designed to be able to perform tasks that fixed-
wing aircraft cannot do, specifically to take off and land vertically (VTOL)
and to hover. There are four flight regimes in which the helicopter operates.
First, there is hover, in which the thrust generated by the rotor blades just
offsets the weight, and the helicopter remains stationary at some point off the
ground. The second flight regime is vertical climb, in which additional thrust
is required to move the helicopter upward. Third, there is vertical descent, a
more complicated flight regime because of the presence of both upward and
downward flow in the rotor disk which can induce significant blade vibration.
Finally, there is the condition of forward flight, in which the rotor disk is tilted
in the flight direction to create a thrust component in that direction. In forward
flight, the component of the thrust in the forward flight direction must overcome
the drag. Forward flight is characterized by the advance ratio, µ = R V
V is the forward flight speed,  is the angular speed of the rotor, and R is
the rotor radius. Typically, design constraints suggest µ ≤ 0.4. Landing is a
combination of forward flight and vertical descent.
The main considerations in designing a helicopter are the ability to operate
efficiently for long periods of time in hover, high cruising efficiency and speed,
range, and payload. All of these considerations are influenced greatly by the
aerodynamics of the rotor blades and by other interactions between various
components. Unlike fixed-wing aircraft, the helicopter often operates in an
unsteady environment; whether in hover or in forward flight, the helicopter
operates in, or very near, its own wake which is three-dimensional and highly
unsteady. In this review we discuss single-rotor helicopters, although multi-
rotor interactions will be discussed briefly in Section 6.
The ideal situation for a helicopter is to achieve a constant lift throughout
the rotor cycle. However, since the rotor blades rotate in a single direction,
in forward flight there will be a force and moment imbalance. Consider the
rotating motion of a single helicopter rotor blade as depicted in Figure 1. As
the rotor blade moves in the same direction as the forward flight speed (the
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Advancing Side
ψ=180 o ψ=0

Rotor Disk

Retreating Side



Pitch angle θ T L

Lag angle
θ=θ(t) θ
Flap angle


December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


advancing blade side), the velocity near the blade is large and since the lift is
proportional to the velocity squared, the angle of attack need not be large to
achieve sufficient lift. On the other hand, as the blade moves in a direction
opposite to the direction of flight (the retreating blade side) the relative velocity
is smaller and the angle of attack must thus be larger to achieve the same total
lift. Thus, without a moment-balancing mechanism, the helicopter would tend
to roll. To balance the forces and moments, the rotor needs to be trimmed; that
is, the angle of attack of the blades on the advancing and retreating sides must
be adjusted periodically throughout each blade rotation cycle so that there is
a balance of moments. This is called cyclic pitch. The collective pitch of the
blades is a control in which the angle of attack (AOA) of each of the blades is
increased simultaneously to achieve a higher lift; an increase of the collective
pitch, for example, results in climb. In hover, theoretically, trim and flap are not
required to balance forces on an isolated rotor; however, non-uniformities and
the presence of the fuselage make them necessary. In addition, rotor blades are
twisted and often tapered; a twisted blade is one in which the local geometric
pitch angle varies along the span.
To provide trim capability and for aeroelastic stress relief, helicopter rotors
are often hinged in the sense that the rotor blades must be permitted to bend out
of the rotor disk plane as well as pitch to satisfy trim requirements; a sketch of a
simple hinging mechanism is also depicted in Figure 1(c). There are two modes
in which the rotor is hinged; the lead-lag hinge permits motion of the blade
within the rotor-disk plane. The flapping hinge permits the flapping motion
of the blades out of the rotor-disk plane. A rotor having both types of hinges
is said to be fully articulated. When the blades flap, they no longer trace out
a single planar “disk.” In this case we speak of a tip-path plane which is the
plane whose boundary is defined by the trajectory of the blade tips.
Rotor blades have a large span-to-chord ratio and thus severe stresses can be
communicated to the hub if the blades are not permitted to flap. However, if
the blades are aeroelastically soft, then hub stresses can be kept to a minimum
and both types of hinges can be eliminated. In such cases, the rotor is said to be
hingeless. Cyclic pitch changes result in changes in the flapping motion. Blade
aeroelastic effects play a major role in determining helicopter performance;
blade and helicopter aeroelasticity is discussed in Johnson (1980).
The complexity of the flow induced by a helicopter is illustrated by the
presence of so many fundamental fluid dynamic research problems. A sketch

Figure 1 A single rotor blade in forward flight. (a) Advancing and retreating sides of the rotor
disk. (b) Definition of lift, drag and thrust in hover or vertical climb and lag and flap angles. (c)
Sketch of a typical hinge system of a fully articulated rotor; sketch from Johnson (1980).
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Figure 2 A summary of specific flow problems which occur on a helicopter. From Caradonna

of the major rotorcraft flow problems is depicted in Figure 2 (Caradonna 1992).

First, the flow near the rapidly rotating blade is generally compressible while
the flow in the wake of the helicopter rotor blades is likely to be substantially
incompressible. Indeed, the flow may be transonic or locally supersonic on the
advancing blade side near the tip and thus shock waves will likely be present.
On the retreating blade side, because of the trim requirements, the angle of
attack is large and the flow may be stalled and so viscous effects are locally
important. Moreover, as the blades rotate, the tip vortex shed from one of the
blades may collide with a following blade; this phenomenon is known as blade-
vortex interaction (BVI) and is a major source of the rotor noise of the helicopter.
Blade-vortex interactions are most severe in vertical descent and landing. There
will also be interactions between a number of individual components of the
helicopter; two important interactions are main-rotor fuselage interaction and
main-rotor tail-rotor interaction.
Generally, the wake of a helicopter consists of an inboard vortex sheet and a
strong helical tip vortex (Figure 3). The vorticity in the inboard sheet and the
tip vortex is confined to very thin regions which are surrounded by substantially
irrotational flow. This makes experiments as well as computations extremely
difficult because of the rapid variation in velocity near the inboard vortex sheet,
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Figure 3 Sketch of a helicopter rotor wake for a single blade. From Gray (1956).

the tip-vortices, and the airframe. Note that the sense of circulation of the
inboard sheet is opposite to that of the tip-vortex so that unsteady interaction
between the two will occur. There is also a root vortex (not shown in Figure 2)
which emanates from the inboard edge of the rotor blade; however, because of
the relatively low vorticity near the root, this region is usually not a large factor
in design. In addition, there is a wake shed from the rotor hub; hub drag can
be a significant portion of the overall drag. However, for brevity we will not
discuss the hub flow in this review.
The primary task in rotorcraft aerodynamic design is to determine the lift
and drag coefficients of the rotor blades because these two quantities determine
the thrust and power required for given speed in forward flight or hover. There
are two components to the drag: pressure or form drag, and viscous drag.
In situations where loads are generated by three-dimensional vortex systems,
the pressure drag is usually called induced drag. Lift is comparatively easy to
predict because it is usually found from a surface pressure integration, although
this is not the case when the influence of blade-vortex interaction is strong. On
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the other hand, the power loss due to drag is very hard to predict because
it is a much smaller force and is thus sensitive to small changes in pressure
(Ramachandran et al 1989).
From this discussion it is seen that the flow past a helicopter rotor blade
features a wide range of velocities from low subsonic speeds to the transonic
regime. Moreover, important length scales range from the blade length to the
size of the vortex core and thickness of the inboard sheet; these length scales
can span several orders of magnitude. Thus modeling and experimentation
of helicopter flows are extremely challenging, time-consuming, and costly.
Because of these complexities it is difficult to incorporate the dynamic nature
of the entire rotor flow in the presence of the helicopter airframe in one single
numerical computation or experimental measurement program. For this reason,
rotorcraft research tends to be focused on one or two specific aspects of the rotor
flow field and tends to have both experimental and computational components.
For example, many computational and experimental approaches have focused
on the rotor wake flow for the case of two or four rigid blades rotating at relatively
low tip-speeds. Under these conditions, it is often not difficult to obtain good
results for the blade pressure distribution. On the other hand, at high tip-speeds
under forward flight and descent conditions this is often not possible, and a
much more fundamental understanding of these flight conditions is required.


In this section we discuss the foundations of helicopter aeromechanics; first
from a purely one-dimensional perspective, and then on the basis of classical
thin-airfoil aerodynamics. These powerful methods formed the basis of the
design of helicopters up through the 1960s and still provide a basis for assessing
the basic trends of helicopter performance today.

Momentum Theory
For both hover and climb (or descent), the analysis of the mechanics of the
helicopter began by drawing an analogy with the study of propellers. In the
mid-ninteenth century, theories were developed to meet the steady growth of
the ship propeller industry. Rankine (1865) developed a simple model of a
propeller flow field by applying linear momentum theory derived from the
basic relationships of Newtonian mechanics. Subsequently, this early theory
was applied to rotorcraft.
During hover, which is the simplest helicopter flight regime, the rotor pro-
duces an upward thrust by pushing a column of air downwards through the
rotor-disk. If the flow is assumed to be steady, inviscid, and incompressible,
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from Bernoulli’s equation applied above and below the disk,

1 2
po − pi = 1p = ρv . (1)
2 ∞
In addition, a simple control volume analysis indicates that the thrust generated
by the disk is T = ṁv∞ where ṁ = ρπ R 2 vi is the mass flow rate through the
rotor-disk. From equation (1), the induced power required to drive this process
is P = 12 ṁv∞2
The disk loading is defined as the thrust divided by the rotor-disk area and
from that definition and equation (1), it follows that v∞ = 2vi , where vi is the
average induced inflow velocity. This indicates that the rotor wake contracts
as the fluid velocity approaches v∞ far from the rotor-disk and the wake radius
far from the disk is r∞ = √12 R; the factor √12 is called the contraction ratio
(Figure 3).
A primary parameter by which performance of a helicopter in hover is eval-
uated is the figure of merit. This is defined as the ratio of the power required to
produce the thrust (P above) and the total power required P + P0 where P0 is
the profile power needed to overcome the aerodynamic drag of the blades and
is defined by,
FM = . (2)
P + P0
Typically a well-designed rotor can achieve F M ∼ 0.7 − 0.8. The difficulty
with evaluating the figure of merit is that the induced power is difficult to
calculate accurately.
The power required to produce the thrust is crucially dependent on the as-
sumed inflow velocity since v∞ = 2vi . In early work, the inflow conditions
were assumed to be uniform and the influence of swirl in the wake was not
considered. The extension of this theory to swirl and forward flight was made
later by Betz (1915) and Glauert (1928) respectively.
Despite advances, the prediction of the wake velocity field using momentum
theory is not sufficiently accurate because the inflow conditions are difficult to
specify accurately, and the effect of detailed blade geometry cannot be consid-
ered. The latter issue is addressed by the use of what is called blade element
theory and this is considered next.
Blade Element Theory
In blade element theory, the blade is regarded as being composed of aerody-
namically independent, chordwise-oriented, narrow strips or elements. Thus,
two-dimensional airfoil characteristics can be used to determine the forces and
moments experienced by the blade locally at any spanwise location where the
local linear velocity is y and y measures distance along the span. The validity
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of this assumption was verified experimentally by Lock (1924), who investi-

gated the elements of an airscrew blade. Klemin (1945) determined the induced
velocity at the blade as a function of blade radius and Loewy (1957) extended
the approach to unsteady flow.
To illustrate the procedure, following Seddon (1990), we write an equation
for the differential form of the thrust coefficient at a single spanwise location
along the blade as
dC T = , (3)
ρ A(R)2
where T is the thrust, ρ is the density, A is the rotor-disk area,  is the rotational
speed, and R is the rotor radius. The thrust can be expressed in terms of the lift
coefficient, C L , if the angle of attack is small (Figure 1b). In this case, at any
blade section where the local velocity is y, dT = 12 ρcC L (y)2 dy and for N
rotor blades
1 Nc 1
dC T = C L r 2 dr = σ C L r 2 dr, (4)
2 πR 2
where σ is termed the rotor solidity and is the ratio of the total blade area to the
total area of the rotor-disk. Here c is the blade chord and r = Ry . To obtain the
thrust coefficient we integrate along the span and the result is
Z 1
CT = σ C L r 2 dr. (5)
2 0

For small angles of attack, exceptionally simple formulas for C T can be deduced.
The power coefficient is defined in terms of the torque produced in rotating
the blades
CQ = ,
ρ A(R)3
and following a similar procedure to that described above, the result is
Z 1
CQ = σ (λC L r 2 + C D r 3 )dr, (6)
2 0
where λ is termed the inflow factor and for the case of hover is given by λ = R .

Note that in hover, from the definition of the thrust coefficient and the induced
velocity, λ = C2T . The power coefficient, which is the measure of how much
power is required to produce lift and to rotate the blades, depends crucially on
the drag coefficient.
From this discussion, it is evident that rotor performance depends critically
on sectional flow properties; namely, local blade angle of attack and local
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Mach number. Consequently, modeling efforts have been designed to predict

sectional lift and drag in order to calculate the thrust and power coefficients.
However, in blade element theory, the effects of dynamic stall, compressibility,
and blade-vortex interactions are usually omitted.
The velocity at the inflow boundary to the rotor crucially depends on the
structure of the wake flow. Consider the rotation of the blades started from rest.
In the initial stages of the motion, the velocity at the inflow rotor-disk depends
on the local flow near the rotor blades. As time passes, the vortex sheet and
the tip-vortex shed from the rotor blades begin to extend far below the rotor-
disk, forming the rotor wake. At this point, the inflow velocity at the rotor-disk
becomes critically dependent on the precise placement of the wake. This is why
the calculation of the rotor wake is crucial in calculating the loads on the rotor
blades. Vortex methods can predict the unsteady effects of the rotor wake on
the blades and on the airframe, and this is discussed next.


The last fifteen or twenty years have seen rapid development of computational
and experimental efforts to calculate rotor wake problems. Nevertheless, the
accurate and efficient computation of the three-dimensional and unsteady flow
around the rotor blades and the rotor wake as a solution of the Navier-Stokes
equations remains elusive for reasons that will be explained. In what follows,
we outline the basic methods employed in calculating the wake of an isolated
Gray (1955, 1956) conducted experiments that led to the characterization of
the rotor wake as being composed of high-strength tip-vortices and an inboard
vortex sheet. This situation is depicted in Figure 3. In modeling the rotor wake
by systems of vortices of this type, three approaches have generally been used:
rigid wake models, prescribed wake models, and free wake models. In the rigid
wake model, the vortex system position is specified as a function of advance
ratio and thrust; this situation is compared with results from the experiment
in Figure 4. The difficulty with the rigid wake model is that contraction of
the wake is not taken into account and thus blade load calculations are in
serious disagreement with experiment as rotor solidity, thrust level, and tip
Mach number are increased (Landgrebe 1972).
To remedy this weakness, the prescribed wake model (Landgrebe 1972)
uses experimental data to locate the wake position and therefore includes wake
contraction; this method is discussed in detail in Section 5 where experimental
methods are described. This wake method is very efficient computationally.
However, experimental data is required and so this method of calculating the
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Figure 4 Classical or rigid rotor wake in hover as described by Landgrebe (1972).

wake is not truly predictive. The prescribed wake concept has been extended to
numerical prediction of rotor airloads for a range of flight conditions by Egolf
and Landgrebe (1983).
In a free wake calculation, the vortex system motion is calculated directly
from the effects of all the other wake components and the influence of the
blade. In this method, the wake is allowed to develop in time and initial-value,
Lagrangian methods are used to determine its position at each time step. This
is the industry standard today, and as computers have become faster, the free
wake calculation has become more affordable.
There are two means of determining the structure of a given flow field. In a
Lagrangian description, individual fluid particles are followed forward in time.
In an Eulerian description (not to be confused with the Euler equations), the
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Figure 5 Vortex lattice representation of the rotor wake as described by Caradonna (1992).

solution for the velocity field is calculated at a number of specified field points.
Thus an Eulerian description involves a grid system which is not required in a
Lagrangian description. In what follows, we consider both sets of methods for
calculating the rotor wake.

Langrangian Descriptions of the Rotor Wake

In Lagrangian methods, a specified formula for the velocity field is usually the
starting point. In helicopter aerodynamics, these methods correspond to vortex
methods; the velocity induced by the vortex itself is usually described by the
Biot-Savart law (Batchelor 1967, p. 87) for the velocity field due to an arbitrary
patch of fluid containing vorticity. The tip-vortex is usually approximated by
a line vortex, and the inboard sheet is often approximated by a vortex lattice;
typical representations are depicted in Figure 5.
The Biot-Savart Law is singular when evaluated in the region where the
vorticity is nonzero. Thus in order to follow the motion of the wake, some sort
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of regularization or smoothing procedure is used. The method is to use a model

for the velocity in the core of the vortex to desingularize the Biot-Savart integral;
this is termed a cut-off method since the region including and immediately
adjacent to the singular portion of the integral is omitted or “cut off” in the
calculation. Moore (1972) was able to relate the so-called “cut-off length” to
the flow in the vortex core. There are a number of core flows which have been
used in rotorcraft applications; the most common is perhaps the simple Rankine
vortex in which the core swirl velocity is

 0 r

 , for r ≤ av ,
 2π av2
v0 = (7)

 0

 , for r ≥ av .
Another distribution was used by Scully (1967) in which the swirl velocity is
given by
0 r
v0 = for r ≤ av . (8)
2πav 1 + r 2

In equations (7) and (8) 0 is the circulation, r is the radial coordinate, and av
is the vortex core radius. Use of these profiles in rotorcraft calculations has
recently been discussed by Leishman et al (1995); their results indicate little
difference in the profiles when compared with experimental data, although the
Rankine profile seems to overpredict the maximum velocity in the vortex when
compared with data (Leishman et al 1995).
Scully (1967) used this approach to numerically compute solutions for the
rotor wake. Using the swirl velocity given by equation (8), he used the straight
line segments of Figure 5 to model the tip-vortex. The inboard vortex sheet
was represented by a single large-core vortex located at about midspan. It was
found that the tip-vortex is the dominant component of the wake velocity field
because its strength is much greater than that of the inboard sheet; this can be
seen from the sketch of the bound circulation depicted in Figure 5.
As noted above, the free wake calculation is now the industry standard. This
means that the wake is allowed to evolve based on the velocity felt at each point
on the tip-vortex and vortex sheet. Once the velocity distribution is determined
at each point, the wake must be advanced forward in time using an initial-value
problem solver. Typical methods used include first-order Euler, Euler predictor-
corrector, and more accurate methods. Because the Biot-Savart Law is only
valid for incompressible flow, rotor codes generally employ the Prandtl-Glauert
compressibility correction for local sectional aerodynamic loading (Johnson
1980, pp. 262–263).
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The advantage of vortex methods is that the wake structure can usually be
calculated without numerical dissipation because the size of the vortex core is
specified. However, the strength of the wake as measured by the strength of
the tip-vortex and the inboard sheet is not known a priori. A common way to
specify this is to view the rotor blade as a source of lift in which the spanwise
concentration of vorticity shed into the wake is concentrated on a single line,
usually the quarter-chord of the airfoil. This is called lifting-line theory. This
method is simple and adds little computational cost since, for the linearized
case, an analytical solution for the circulation is available. The method for
a fixed wing in incompressible flow is described in aerodynamics text books
(Katz and Plotkin 1991) and the extension to compressible flow for a rotary
wing is straightforward (Johnson 1980). For incompressible flow, the amount
of bound circulation generated by the lifting line can be calculated by satisfying
the Kutta condition (just as for a fixed wing). The result for a small angle of
attack at each two-dimensional slice of the blade inboard of the blade tip is
0 = π cyα (9)
where α is the angle of attack measured from the zero-lift angle of attack. The
sectional circulation corresponds to the fixed-wing result with external flow
speed U = y and is depicted in Figure 5; of course, equation (9) is not valid
close to the blade tip.
While lifting-line theory is computationally simple and fast, it is well known
that it is not valid for large variations in the downwash velocity caused by the
vortex wake. To remedy this, some rotor codes use a more accurate lifting-
surface method in which the rotor blade is viewed as a wing of zero thickness
to calculate the circulation (Johnson 1971). However, if the angle of attack
is not small and the blade is near stall, the lift coefficient must often be ob-
tained from experimental data or from a simplified lifting model (Leishman
& Beddoes 1989). Airfoil lookup tables are also used to provide the lift and
drag coefficients. The static stall angle for many rotor blades is generally in the
range of 12–15◦ although dynamic stall angles may be above 20◦ .
Egolf (1988) has used a modified lifting-line theory along with a vortex box
model to calculate the wake for a forward flight condition. The wake is divided
into a number of square “boxes” whose boundaries are vortex filaments of equal
circulation. Results for a number of quantities such as local section lift, blade
circulation, and BVI-induced blade loading are presented. Bliss et al (1987)
describe the implementation of the curved vortex elements of Figure 5 first
described by Bliss et al (1983). The motivation of this approach is that curved
vortex elements are more natural to describe the wake; they indicate that, using
this approach, far fewer vortex segments are required than for the straight-line
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Most free-wake vortex calculations are subject to time-domain instabilities

due to the short-wake instabilities present in any calculation using vortices
(Sarpkaya 1989). To counter this, Miller and Bliss (1993) employ a constant-
age criterion to establish the steady-state, periodic wake solution which is im-
possible to obtain in a time-marching scheme. Steady periodic solutions can
be obtained at all advance ratios; typically, vortex methods have convergence
problems at low advance ratios. On the other hand, the amount of computer
time is prohibitive. Subsequently, Crouse and Leishman (1993), using simi-
lar ideas, showed that smooth periodic solutions could be obtained with little
increase in computation time.
The advantage of the Biot-Savart Law is that it represents in an exact way the
velocity field due to a vortex system embedded in a surrounding incompressible
potential flow, of arbitrary orientation. However, the computation of an indi-
vidual vortex system is, on an absolute basis, expensive. For each field point, an
integration over the entire area or curve having nonzero circulation is required.
If N denotes the number of points on the vortex system to be advanced, then
the number of computations required per time step is of the order of N 2 if the
number of points used to evaluate the integral is also N ; this is usually, but not
always, the case. Thus, methods to reduce the number of calculations required
have been investigated. Most if not all of these methods differentiate between
a “near” and a “far” field. Given a collocation point on the tip-vortex, let us
assume that the near field is that portion of the flow field which is within one
vortex core radius of the collocation point. The “far” field is that portion of the
flow field which is greater than this; typically, points on different turns of the
tip-vortex are “far” from each other and the influence of the induced velocity
of one point on the other is relatively small.
This idea has been used by Bliss and Miller (1993) in an attempt to reduce
computation time and to increase accuracy in the evaluation of the singular Biot-
Savart integral. They employ an analytical and numerical matching technique
to calculate the evolution of the rotor wake. The method consists of a “near
field” solution for the vortex core flow which is matched to a far field solution
(which is effectively a smoothed vortex with a very fat core). The distribution
is matched in an overlap region. Results similar to previous work are obtained
but at a much lower computational cost when compared to the case of a basic
curved-element technique.
An effort to improve on this method has been discussed by Miller (1993). He
divides the vortex into a number of “vortex particles” or “vortons”. He found
that his basic vortex particle method is significantly faster than both the basic
curved element technique and the Bliss and Miller (1993) method. Additional
methods to reduce computation time of vortex systems can be found in the
review by Sarpkaya (1989).
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Torok and Berezin (1993) compare several methods for computing wake-
induced airloads. The results are depicted in Figure 6. Figures 6a,b,c depict
results for a vortex lattice approach using straight line segments (Figure 6a),
a rigid inner wake and a free tip-vortex (Figure 6b), and a curved vortex line
approach based on the constant vorticity contour approach (Figure 6c), respec-
tively. The constant vorticity contour method (Bliss et al 1987) consists of
discretizing the wake with curved vortex elements along lines of constant vor-
ticity. Note the considerable differences in the wake geometry for each of the
three methods. The differences are particularly acute near the blade tips where
the vorticity field is strongest. For Figures 6a,b only the tip-vortex is shown
although the entire wake is calculated; for Figure 6c the constant vorticity con-
tours along the entire blade are shown. Airload results (not shown) indicate
that the constant vorticity contour method compares better with experimental
data than the others, especially at low advance ratio, but all the results for the
blade loads exhibit significant deviation from experimental data.
Lifting-line and lifting-surface methods for the representation of the body
are special cases of a more general class of methods referred to as panel meth-
ods. These methods consist of solving for the velocity potential in terms of
the fundamental solution of Laplace’s equation, which can be a source, vor-
tex, or doublet. The solution is evaluated on the body and the integrals are
discretized to lead to a system of linear equations for the unknown elemen-
tal strengths which may be solved using standard techniques. Panel meth-
ods have been used extensively in helicopter aerodynamics for a number of
years. The primary advantage of these methods is that, theoretically, arbi-
trary body shapes may be considered. Panel methods are usually coupled with
a far-wake model or with a grid-based full potential method (see below, in
Section 4). The use of panel methods in computational fluid dynamics is re-
viewed by Hess (1990); applications to rotary wing aerodynamics are discussed
by Morino and Gennaretti (1991) and by Caradonna (1992). The method
has been used by Maskew (1986) and a new boundary-element formulation
of the rotor blade and wake has been described by Gennaretti and Morino
The methods described so far involve the calculation of the wake-induced
airloads in which the wake vortex system is described in terms of the Biot-Savart
integral and/or superposition of related elementary singularities. As such, no
computational grid in the wake is required, and for this reason the methods
described here are normally not viewed as computationally intensive. With the
advances in speed and memory of computational hardware, increasingly larger
problems may be solved with a finite-difference or finite-volume approach in
which the velocities in the wake are calculated directly. These methods are
described next.
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15





Figure 6 Comparison of various wake models which utilize vortex methods to describe the rotor
wake. The tip-vortex only is shown. (a) Vortex lattice, rigid blade; (b) Scully wake, straight line
segments; (c) constant vorticity contour method. From Torok and Berezin (1994).

Eulerian Descriptions of the Rotor Wake

In Eulerian descriptions of fluid dynamics problems, the solution for the flow
field is computed at discrete points using a specified grid. The term “Eulerian”
is distinguished from the “Euler equations” which are the governing equations
for inviscid fluid motion. Generally, these methods focus on the near wake of
the rotor blade which is often patched to a model for the far wake; the far wake
may be a prescribed or free wake.

FULL POTENTIAL METHODS The full potential method is a grid-based method

based on velocity potential 8 where uE = ∇8; compressibility is incorporated
directly. The compressible and unsteady continuity equation defines an equa-
tion for 8 and using the isentropic relation, p = Kρ γ where K is a reference
constant and γ is the ratio of specific heats. Along with Bernoulli’s equation,
this defines a system of three equations in three unknowns ( p, ρ, 8) which
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


can be solved using standard computational techniques. Regions of nonzero

vorticity are confined to, at most, vortex sheets and are incorporated by the
specification of a jump in potential across the sheet. From Bernoulli’s equa-
tion, the requirement of a continuous pressure across the vortex sheet yields an
equation for the sheet strength according to
+ VEave · ∇0 = 0, (10)
where VEave is an average velocity on the sheet.
Egolf and Sparks (1986) solve the full potential equation using a rotary wing
extension of the Jameson and Caughey (1977) fixed-wing code. They couple
this solution with a prescribed wake method in which the vortex system is
defined using a vortex lattice method. Strawn and Caradonna (1987) use a
conservative formulation of the unsteady full potential equation and modify the
fixed-wing code of Bridgeman et al (1982). They produce results for a NACA
0012 untwisted, untapered blade and compare the results with those of Egolf
and Sparks (1986) and Chang and Tung (1985). Both hover and forward flight
results are presented. The circulation convecting from the body is calculated
directly from equation (10). Beaumier (1994) discusses the results obtained
by coupling a rotor dynamics code with a code which uses straight line vortex
segments to model the wake.
Full potential methods, because they are grid-dependent, suffer from the fact
that due to inadequate grid size, regions where the vorticity is nonzero diffuse at
a much faster rate than that suggested by the influence of viscosity. This affects
blade loads and moments, leading to errors in the estimation of various design
parameters such as payload capability. To remedy these two deficiencies, a
novel approach has been taken by Steinhoff and Ramachandran (1990). The
idea is to “embed” the vortex structure into the flow and calculate the effect of
the vorticity on the surrounding flow without having to calculate the “vortical”
flow itself. The method begins with the decomposition of the velocity field into
three parts according to
VE = 
E × rE + ∇φ + qEV , (11)
where qEV is the velocity field due to the vortical flow. The vortical flow field
defined by qEV is a model for the vortex sheets and the tip-vortices; it is required
to have the properties that it be nonzero inside the region in which the vorticity is
nonzero, and zero elsewhere. The vortical flow regions move with the local fluid
velocity, and the region of nonzero vorticity is constrained to have a constant
thickness, typically of several grid spacings.
Ramachandran et al (1993) solve the full-potential equation on an adaptive
grid, and incorporate blade motion. Both cyclic pitch and flapping of the blade
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Figure 7 Computed wake geometry at rotor phase angle 90 and 180 for advance ratio µ = 0.19
using the full potential equation with an adaptive grid. No wake model is employed. From
Ramachandran et al (1993).

are incorporated and the grid dynamically adjusts to the motion of the blade.
Unlike much of the work using a grid-required numerical method, there is no
external wake model required. The wake geometry at two rotor azimuths after
six revolutions is depicted on Figure 7. The strength of the tip-vortex is seen by
the fact that the wake lines bunch near the blade tips; however, the tip-vortex
and the inboard sheet do not appear to be distinctly separate as in Figure 1.

NAVIER-STOKES AND EULER METHODS The Navier-Stokes equations are the

governing equations of viscous fluid flow and they are the fluid mechanics
analogue of Newton’s law. Along with conservation of mass, conservation of
energy, and an equation of state, three nonlinear equations (six nonlinear par-
tial differential equations) must be solved for the three velocity components,
the temperature, pressure, and density. In contrast to vortex and full poten-
tial formulations, the Navier-Stokes equations contain the physics for vorticity
generation at a surface and subsequent convection into the wake. Moreover,
the viscous drag on the blade can also be determined for use in computing
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


performance variables such as the thrust and power coefficients. Two relatively
focused reviews of these methods have been published. Landgrebe (1994) out-
lines the primary contributions of Navier-Stokes and Euler calculations in the
US. A very recent assessment of Euler and Navier-Stokes methods and pos-
sibilities of developing new methodologies has been given by Srinivasan and
Sankar (1995).
There are several important elements to the calculation of solutions to the
Navier-Stokes equations in rotorcraft applications. First, some sort of body-
fitted grid generation module is required; this is usually done by some prescribed
means, often as the solution to a linear partial differential equation. The gen-
erated grids need to be fine in regions where the velocity varies rapidly; these
regions include the blade, nose, and tail regions at the tip of the blade and in
the viscous boundary layer on the blade. The grid may be structured or un-
structured; an unstructured grid is a grid system in which the nodal points are
specified in an arbitrary manner. This leaves the wake flow to be covered by
a grid system in which the local mesh size is relatively large compared with
the thickness of the inboard vortex sheet and the tip-vortex. For this reason,
in grid-based computations of the rotor wake, the wake is often smeared out
and the location of the wake is sometimes hard to pinpoint. This is in contrast
to vortex methods in which the inboard sheet and the tip-vortex structure are
specified to a large extent.
Second, to discretize the convective terms in the Navier-Stokes equations,
some form of upwinding is required; typically third-order upwinding is used
although fifth-order upwinding is now becoming popular in an effort to preserve
accuracy (Bangalore and Sankar 1996). Finally, some time-advancing scheme
is required and this can be either explicit or implicit. Typically, modern rotor
codes employ a first- or second-order implicit time advance algorithm. There
is generally an option to calculate solutions to the Euler equations rather than
Navier-Stokes; in general, the Navier-Stokes solutions compare better with
experiment. While not explicitly discussed in this review, rotor codes include
a turbulence model; different turbulence models can lead to different results
(Srinivasan et al 1995).
The Navier-Stokes equations for an isolated rotor in hover are usually solved
as an initial-value problem with the rotor started from a given state; the equations
need to be integrated to steady state. This is very difficult, especially in hover
and low-speed forward flight, because of the number of grid points required to
resolve the flow for a relatively large number of time steps. Typically, more
than two turns of the rotor are required to establish steady state, and by this
time, due to numerical diffusion, the strength of the tip-vortex and the inboard
sheet are much weaker than those seen in experiments. This is especially true
at the high disk loadings required in helicopters today.
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Complicating the computation is the need to trim the rotor. Many of the
Navier-Stokes computations described here are, at most, only partially trimmed
using an external comprehensive rotor design code. At the present time, com-
putational time limitations prevent adding a trim module to the codes. Cyclic
and collective pitch settings are calculated from the comprehensive rotor code
and then input to the CFD rotor blade code and the flow field is computed. The
thrust and power coefficients may then be calculated and the values reinserted
into the rotor design code in which the rotor is trimmed again. This process
may be continued until the rotor and trim solutions are compatible.
Wake and Sankar(1989), in a paper first presented at the American Helicopter
Society National Specialists’ meeting on Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics in
1987, were the first to present solutions to the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations
for a rigid rotor blade. They solve the compressible three-dimensional Navier-
Stokes equations and compare their computational results with the experimental
data of Caradonna and Tung (1981) in the nonlifting, transonic regime for an
ONERA blade; results are also produced for a lifting, NACA-0012 blade. A C-
grid is used to describe the domain near the blade. The numerical procedure to
solve the equations is a fully implicit procedure in space, and is based on a Beam
and Warming scheme (Beam and Warming 1978). The far-wake field is either
extrapolated from the interior of the computational domain or set equal to zero.
Rotor inflow conditions are specified by the transpiration velocity technique
which requires the effective angle of attack of the wake; this parameter is fixed
externally using a rotor design code. The computational results for the blade
pressure in hover are depicted in Figure 8a. Forward flight results are also
presented, and the comparisons with the experimental results for rotor phase
angles in which the flow remains subsonic are good; at higher free-stream Mach
numbers where the flow may be locally supersonic over a good portion of the
blade, the agreement is not as good.
Srinivasan and McCroskey (1988a) solve the unsteady thin-layer Navier-
Stokes equations for the same conditions as Wake and Sankar (1989). The
thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations are a subset of the Navier-Stokes equations
in which the streamwise and blade-spanwise derivatives are neglected in the
viscous terms. A typical result for the pressure distribution is depicted in
Figure 8b; these results are very similar to those of Wake and Sankar (1989)
thus indicating that, at least for the blade pressure distribution, solutions for
thin-layer Navier-Stokes equations do not differ significantly from solutions
for the full Navier-Stokes equations.
As mentioned earlier, all current Navier-Stokes calculations of the rotor wake
suffer from numerical diffusion in the sense that the vortex system is consid-
erably smeared. Thus, the fact that the blade pressure distributions depicted in
Figure 8 seem to agree well with experiment is somewhat surprising. However,
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15




Figure 8 Surface pressure distribution for a lifting rotor in hover. Mti p = 0.44, collective pitch
8◦ , Re = 106 for the experimental data of Caradonna and Tung (1981). (a) From Wake and
Sankar (1989) using Navier-Stokes. (b) From Srinivasan and McCroskey (1988) for thin-layer
Navier-Stokes; the solid line is the computation.
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


note that there are significant relative errors in the pressure especially near the
tip and at the root. Moreover, it must be pointed out that the results of Figure 8
depict pressures at only one section of the rotor blade; these local section errors
often lead to large errors in the integrated lift and normal force coefficients and
pitching moments. Industry design requirements suggest that it is necessary
for computations to agree with experiments to about 1% for blade loads. Sig-
nificant improvements to the computational scheme described by Srinivasan
and McCroskey (1988a) were made and reported by Srinivasan et al (1992).
Wake and Egolf (1990) have formulated the problem for use on a massively
parallel (SIMD) machine using thousands of processors. Massively parallel
architecture is a means for making these computations more affordable.
The influence of the far-field boundary conditions used in a given Navier-
Stokes computation have been discussed by Srinivasan et al (1993). The usual
boundary condition for an isolated rotor in hover is to assume that outside a
suitable computational cylinder, the velocity vanishes. This means that the fluid
merely recirculates within the computational box; clearly, this seems unphysical
in the sense that the rotor continuously draws fluid into the rotor-disk from
outside the box. To remedy this inconsistency, Srinivasan et al (1993) model
this process with a three-dimensional sink to satisfy mass flow requirements.
A sketch of this boundary condition is depicted in Figure 9a; the influence of
this new boundary condition is depicted in Figure 9b where the sectional thrust
distribution is depicted. Note that the results for the new boundary condition
are in better agreement with experiment especially near the blade tip where
errors are normally larger.
Solutions for the forward flight regime have also been produced. For this
condition, blade-vortex interaction may occur and, even in the absence of
significant blade-vortex interaction, forward flight computations are much more
difficult than hover. Srinivasan and Baeder (1993) have produced solutions for a
forward flight condition of µ = 0.2 and a blade tip Mach number of Mti p = 0.8.
In this case, the flow is locally supersonic near the nose of the blade and so a
shock forms. The presence of the shock is indicated by the very large surface
pressure gradient on the upper surface of the blade as shown in Figure 10. Both
Euler and Navier-Stokes solutions are computed using the Baldwin-Lomax tur-
bulence model; the agreement with experiment is similar to that of Figure 8.
The good agreement with the Euler solution just aft of the shock is probably
Ahmad and Duque (1996) include moving embedded grids in their calcula-
tion of the solution for the rotor system of the AH-1G helicopter. The embedded
grid procedure allows a more efficient and more accurate calculation of the flow
near the blade under both pitching and flapping conditions; the rotor is partially
trimmed externally. The time-accurate calculation is started from freestream
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15




Figure 9 Effect of far field boundary conditions on the rotor wake calculation for a single rotor.
(a) Schematic of the new set of boundary conditions. (b) Sectional thrust distributions for the
UH-60 rotor; here Mti p = 0.63, θc = 9◦ , Re = 2.75 × 106 . From Srinivasan et al (1993).
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Figure 10 Instantaneous surface pressure distribution at ψ = 120◦ for a nonlifting rotor in forward
flight. Here Mti p = 0.8, µ = 0.2, Re = 2.89 × 106 , at y/R = 0.89. From Srinivasan and Baeder

conditions and five complete rotor revolutions are calculated. A typical result
for the rotor wake is shown in Figure 11. The wake streaklines exhibit periodic-
ity in about two rotor revolutions; note that while the streakline patterns clearly
show the trajectory of the tip-vortex, the magnitude of the vorticity in the tip-
vortex may be very small, indicating significant diffusion. The blade pressure
and section normal force show significant differences when compared to exper-
iment and the power is overpredicted by 15%. These comparisons are typical
of forward flight computations. The complete unsteady calculation takes a total
of 45 hours of single-processor CPU time on a Cray C-90 supercomputer and
generates 40 Gb of flowfield data.
The results discussed above for the Navier-Stokes equations include a time-
stepping algorithm; as such computational error grows with time and in general,
solution accuracy degrades substantially after only about one turn of the rotor.
Since numerical diffusion increases with time, the accuracy of blade loads is
substantially degraded and this is exacerbated at full scale by the aeroelastic
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Figure 11 Streaklines for a rotor wake at µ = 0.19. Flow periodicity is established in about two
rotor revolutions. From Ahmad and Duque (1996).

deformations and flapping motions. On Figure 12 are results from Bangalore

and Sankar (1996) for a UH-60A rotor for two values of rotor phase angle.
Note the significant discrepancy between the computations and experiment on
the retreating side while the early time results are fairly accurate.
An unstructured grid has great advantages in locally adapting the grid in these
regions by allowing insertion and deletion of grid points. Strawn (1991) has
applied the unstructured adaptive grid methodolgy to a rotor wake prediction.
In a subsequent paper, Strawn and Barth (1993) use about 1.4 million tetrahedral
elements in their solution to the unsteady Euler equations for a hovering rotor
model. Even with this fine unstructured grid, the numerical diffusion becomes
so large that the calculated tip-vortex core size is considerably larger than
observed in the experiments. Additional improvements in the generation of
the grid which involve the coupling of overset structured grids with solution-
adaptive unstructured grids have been reported by Duque et al (1995).
A method designed to counteract the excessive diffusion of vorticity in the
wake is described in a review by Steinhoff (1994). The basic method is similar
in concept to the vortex-embedding method and entails inserting an additional
term in the Navier-Stokes equations which acts as an external force to prevent
diffusion of vorticity. Vorticity diffusion may be illustrated by reference to the
Lamb vortex; for this two-dimensional vortex with a viscous √ core, the nominal
radius of the vortex core increases with time as aV ∼ ν(t + tc ) where ν is
the kinematic viscosity and is small and tc is the radius of the vortex at its
creation. For air, the kinematic viscosity is ∼2 × 10−6 sec m2
and so the vortex
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15




Figure 12 Surface pressure coefficient for Mti p = 0.628, µ = 0.3, for the UH-60A baseline rotor
at (a) y/R = 0.775, ψ = 30◦ ; (b) on the retreating side at y/R = 0.4, ψ = 320◦ . From Bangalore
and Sankar (1996).

would be expected to increase substantially in radius only on a very long time

scale. This means that in any computation having a time scale much shorter
than this viscous time scale, the vorticity within the vortex should not diffuse.
A similar comment applies to the inboard vortex sheet.
Steinhoff (1994) forces this to be the case by inserting an external force in
the Navier-Stokes equations acting in a direction normal to the vortex sheet and
one such choice is
E E = − n̂ × ω,
F E (12)
where  is a parameter which controls the size of the convecting regions of
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


significant vorticity (i.e. the inboard vortex sheet and the tip-vortex), and n̂ is a
unit vector in the direction of the normal to the boundary of the non-zero vorticity
region. With relevance to helicopter aerodynamics, the method has been applied
to incompressible blade-vortex interactions (Steinhoff and Raviprakash 1995)
and shows promise for compressible wake calculations.
Performance parameters can be calculated directly from the CFD calculations
discussed in this section. Tung and Lee (1994) have compared performance
parameters such as the figure of merit and the section thrust and torque coeffi-
cients for several different methods of calculating the rotor wake of an isolated
rotor in hover. Generally the agreement is adequate with the model-scale data
set, although significant differences of up to 10–20% near the blade tip are
observed. Moreover, moments due to drag effects are more difficult to predict:
Little or no experimental data for drag is available for comparison with the
computed results.
The rotor wake is complicated by two additional physical problems which
are exacerbated by the pitching and torsional motion of the rotor blades: These
are blade-vortex interactions and dynamic stall. These are significant issues in
their own right and the problem of dynamic stall has been discussed in reviews
of the problem on fixed-wing aircraft. Here we discuss the problems briefly
within a rotorcraft perspective.

Blade-Vortex Interactions
One of the most difficult problems with helicopter operation is the occurrence
of rotor-blade tip-vortex interaction. Blade-vortex interaction (BVI) is defined
as the interaction between a tip-vortex shed from a given blade and another
following blade and is most severe when the vortex approaches the blade ap-
proximately aligned with the spanwise axis of the blade. This means that the
interaction between the vortex and the rotor blade is nearly two-dimensional.
A sketch of a direct collision is depicted in Figure 13 from McCroskey (1995).
As the blade rotates, pitches, and flaps, the origin of the tip-vortex at the blade
tip varies in position; thus, combined with its self-induced motion, the shed
tip-vortex may pass very near or collide with a following blade. Blade-vortex
interaction is rare in hover, can occur in forward flight, but may be particularly
severe during maneuvers, in vertical descent, and in landing (forward flight
descent). There is a large body of work in the literature on various aspects of
BVI and the noise produced as a result. Due to space limitations we discuss
only briefly the main characteristics of BVI. Reducing the number and intensity
of blade-vortex interactions is critical for reducing rotor noise.
BVI noise is one of the two major components of impulsive noise associated
with the flow past the rotor blades, the other being high-speed impulsive noise
due to the high tip Mach number on the advancing side of the rotor (McCroskey
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


1995, Gallman et al 1995, Heller et al 1994, Gorton et al 1995a). BVI can occur
on both the advancing and retreating blade sides, but from an acoustic point
of view, the interactions on the advancing side are more important because of
the higher Mach number there. As pointed out in the review by McCroskey
(1995) and which can be verified by a simple dimensional analysis, the most
important parameters in the blade-vortex encounter are the strength of the vortex
and its distance from the blade. Prediction of the magnitude of the acoustic
signal in the far acoustic field is limited by the accuracy of the calculation of
the location and strength of the tip-vortex; small changes in miss distance can
result in significant differences in the nature of the acoustic field. From this
short discussion, it is evident that a highly accurate computation of the local
blade loads during BVI is necessary for an accurate calculation of the noise
Generally, for a two-bladed rotor, BVI can commence late in the first quadrant
of the blade motion (ψ ∼ 60◦ ) and is completed near ψ ∼ 180◦ . The precise
extent of the influence of BVI depends on a number of factors including forward
flight speed and tip Mach number. Computational models have been developed
for the prediction of the loads during BVI; a few of the many papers include
Caradonna et al (1988), Srinivasan and McCroskey (1988b), and Srinivasan
and Baeder (1992). In these papers, the vortex structure is specified and fixed

Rotor Tip-
Path Plane

Γ Ψ = 90



Figure 13 A sketch of a direct collision between a blade and a vortex. From McCroskey (1995).
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


in time, and the position of the vortex, and hence the blade loads, can therefore
be calculated fairly accurately. For example, Caradonna et al (1988) solve the
three-dimensional full potential equations; good agreement with experimental
data was obtained for both parallel and oblique vortex interactions when the
core size of the vortex is fixed in time. However, when the structure of the vortex
is calculated along with the balance of the solution of the rotor wake, the results
are not nearly as good. Moreover, a number of blade-vortex interactions are
expected to occur over a single blade cycle.
Lorber (1991) has experimentally investigated BVI in the forward flight–
descent regime for a four-bladed rotor. He was able to map regions where
BVI is expected; both retreating and advancing BVI events were found. He
was also able to develop a model using a simple wake distortion model and
the agreement with experiment is encouraging although some BVI events in
the experiments were not predicted in the computations. See also Gorton et al
(1995a) for additional experimental results.
A detailed study of multiple self-generated BVI encounters has been given
by Hassan et al (1992). They solve the Euler equations to produce results for a
number of BVI encounters during a single rotor revolution. The solutions are
found to be extremely sensitive to the value of the vortex core radius chosen. A
typical result at two inboard stations is depicted in Figure 14. In these results,
BVI commences at around ψ ∼ 60◦ . Note that agreement with the experimental
values is good until about ψ = 90◦ ; note the differences between vortices of
different core radius. These results are typical of results at other inboard stations
as well and reflect the fact that the surface pressure is extremely sensitive to the
position and structure of the vortex system relative to each blade.
The strength of the tip-vortex as measured by its circulation is a strong
function of the blade tip shape from which it was shed. Consequently, much
research has been done to determine if BVI noise can be reduced by suitable
design of the tip shape (Yu 1995).

Dynamic Stall
The flow field on the retreating blade side of the rotor is much different from
the flow on the advancing side since the rotor must be trimmed. Because
of the need for higher lift on the retreating blade side due to the lower relative
velocity, the effective blade angle can become relatively large and dynamic stall
can occur. The term dynamic stall refers to the process by which a separation
bubble forms on the body, grows in size and eventually leaves the body as it is
shed downstream. This process induces an additional lift which can be useful
but is eventually lost as the stall vortex leaves the surface. At the same time,
a dramatic increase in drag and moment also occurs. This large increase in
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Figure 14 A comparison of predicted and measured surface pressures for the model OLS rotor
under BVI conditions at two different inboard locations; three BVI interactions occur during this
time range. Here R B A R = Ry and rCv is a dimensionless vortex core radius. The tip Mach number
M = 0.67, advance ratio 0.1632. The distributions are at 3% chord. From Hassan, Tung and
Sankar (1990).

moment induces significant vibratory loads. There have been a large number
of studies of dynamic stall on wings and there have been several reviews on
the subject including Carr (1988) and McCroskey (1981). Consequently, in
deference to existing recent reviews, we limit our discussion of this topic here.
It has long been recognized that the flow past the rotor blade is at least
locally two-dimensional at a given blade section. Two-dimensional dynamic
stall calculations for rotorcraft have been common over the years (Ham and
Garelick 1968). Consequently, much of the current work on dynamic stall is in
the two-dimensional arena (Carr and Chandrasekhara 1995).
From a rotorcraft perspective, the stall vortex is an additional source of
vibration of the rotor blade complicating the calculation of the generation and
evolution of the rotor wake. Substantial additions to the data base on finite
wings oscillating in subsonic flow are the experiments of Lorber et al (1994).
They studied three-dimensional dynamic stall on several rotor blades in order
to determine geometric effects on performance and stall boundaries in both
steady forward flight and descent conditions. They measured blade pressures
and identified a regime where stall occurs followed by the detachment of the
stall vortex identified as an aft propagation of its suction peak. Laminar and
turbulent flow regimes are identified as well. Srinivasan et al (1995) discuss
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


the influence of turbulence models and numerical dissipation on the modelling

of the stall process.
The investigations of the means of controlling the dynamic stall process are
just now beginning; Yu et al (1995) discuss the influence of the presence of a
leading edge slat, the effect of deformable airfoils, and the effect of blowing
on the formation of the dynamic stall process. Bangalore and Sankar (1996)
show that the formation of a leading-edge stall vortex may be inhibited by the
presence of a leading-edge slat.

So far we have discussed modeling efforts aimed at understanding and com-
puting blade loads and the rotor wake. Experimental measurements are the
foundation of helicopter design and are the main validation tool for modeling
strategies. Many of the modeling results discussed so far have included ex-
perimental comparisons. In this section we examine more closely the various
experimental approaches which have been used in the past, as well as those that
are currently used.
The measurement of the flow field around a rotating blade is a significant
challenge even at relatively low rotational speeds. For chordwise resolution and
to produce the interaction of strong vortices with surfaces, rotors should have
diameters of at least one meter. The facility walls must be at least one meter
away from the hub. Model rotor speeds generally exceed 1000 revolutions
per minute. A piece flying off such a rotor will have momentum in the plane
of the rotor-disk comparable to that of a handgun bullet. Thus stress analysis,
vibration diagnostics, control stations away from the tip-path plane, steel plates,
and bulletproof windows are essential parts of a rotorcraft flow measurement.
Rotor blades flap, teeter, pitch, bend, and twist; these motions pose problems for
mechanical probes as well as in locating a point on a rotor blade in time and space
to the accuracy needed for aerodynamic measurement. As shown in Figure 2,
compressible flow is expected near the tip-vortex core, around the advancing
blade tip, during blade-vortex interaction, and around the leading edge during
dynamic stall. Elsewhere, the flowfield is generally incompressible, limiting the
utility of density-gradient visualization techniques. Light-scattering techniques
encounter the tradeoff between seed particle inertia and the expense of optical
systems. Blade-mounted instrumentation such as sensors of surface pressure,
acceleration, and shear stress must perform under extreme radial acceleration,
and still have sufficient signal-to-noise ratio when transferred from the rotating
to the fixed coordinate system. These considerations limit the applicability
of many diagnostic advances demonstrated in fixed-wing aerodynamics and
bench-scale water tunnels.
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


There are roughly four different sets of aerodynamic data which are sought
by the helicopter aerodynamicist. These are (1) flow visualization of the rotor
wake by smoke or some other nonintrusive means such as laser doppler ve-
locimetry (LDV) or wide-field shadowgraphy; (2) direct measurement of the
blade (or airframe) pressure distribution; (3) measurement of rotor inflow ve-
locities (experimentally generated rotor inflow conditions are generally used
as boundary conditions for CFD studies); and (4) direct measurement of the
wake velocity field. Methods for acquisition of this data range from intrusive
methods such as hot wire probes, to nominally nonintrusive means such as
laser doppler velocimetry, wide-field shadowgraphy, and schleiren techniques.
The flow in the rotor wake can be visualized using smoke and other seeding
materials in conjunction with a laser light sheet as well. Lorber (1991) has
described the use of several different visualization and measurement tools for
the comprehensive description of helicopter flow fields.
In the 1950s, flight test experiments were used to validate models of the rotor
wake that were based on momentum theory. Most often these measurements
were done at low disk loadings and in hover or low-speed forward flight under
nominally steady flow conditions. A good discussion of these time-averaged
results and comparison with models based on momentum theory is given in the
review of Gessow (1986).
Much of the “prescribed wake” methodology which powered classical anal-
ysis tools was developed using painstaking human analysis of photographs to
accumulate vortex trajectories. Landgrebe (1972) used smoke emitted from
rakes in a single plane for visualization of the wake of a two-bladed rotor. The
results in Figure 15a show the two-dimensional cross-section of the wake. Both
the tip-vortex and the inboard vortex sheet are visible on this figure. Note the
significant wake contraction which had also been predicted using momentum
theory. Landgrebe also demonstrated the use of conventional schleiren and
laser holography.
The smoke visualizations of the rotor wake were used to develop analytical
expressions for the time-averaged radial and axial positions of the helicopter
wake. The axial coordinate of the tip-vortex could be accurately described by
a formula of the form,

z̄ = k1 ψw for 0 ≤ ψw ≤ ,
µ ¶
2π 2π
z̄ = z̄ ψw = 2πb + k 2 ψw − for ψw ≥ , (13)
b b

where z̄ is a nondimensional distance below the rotor disk and is normalized on

the rotor radius. Here ψw is the azimuthal wake coordinate relative to the blade,
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15




Figure 15 Experimental results from Landgrebe (1972). (a) A sample smoke visualization of a
slice of the rotor wake for a two-bladed rotor. (b) Tip-vortex trajectory for a six-bladed rotor for
several tip Mach numbers.
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


and b is the number of blades. k1 and k2 are parameters which are obtained
from experiment; √ k1 is found to vary linearly with CσT while k2 is found to
vary linearly with C T . The radial coordinate of the tip-vortex was found to
correlate well with an equation of the form
r̄ = A + (1 − A)eλw ψw , (14)
where A and λw are constants and A = 0.78 and λw = 0.145 + 27C T ; r̄
is a dimensionless distance also normalized on the rotor radius. Similar wake
coordinates are given for the inboard sheet. The rate of descent of an element of
the tip-vortex is substantially constant prior to the passage beneath the following
blade (ψw ≤ 60◦ , Figure 15b) at which time it jumps to another constant descent
speed. These simple wake coordinate formulas are used in prescribed wake
models to predict the rotor airloads. Similar formulas are discussed by Gray
(1992) and a correction to these formulas for two-bladed rotors is given by
Kocurek and Tangler (1976).
A major data set on which many theoretical and computational schemes are
calibrated is the data set produced by Caradonna and Tung (1981). These tests
involved experiments on a two-bladed untapered and untwisted planform of
aspect ratio six and a NACA-0012 airfoil section. They measured blade pressure
distribution and wake geometry; the pressure distribution was measured using
three pressure transducers along each blade span. The wake properties were
measured with a hot-wire probe oriented with the wire being tangent to the
tip-path plane. Several rotor speeds were tested and the two-bladed rotor was
substantially rigid.
The tip-vortex trajectory resembles the results presented by Langrebe (1972),
and the tip-vortex strength was close to the maximum bound circulation on the
blade sketched in Figure 5. In addition, the vortices were found to closely
resemble the classical Rankine vortex structure. However, the measured blade
loading and that computed using a lifting-surface with a prescribed wake do not
match, leading to the conclusion by the authors that the blade spanwise loading
cannot be predicted without accurate vortex location and strength.
Parthasarathy et al (1985) applied wide-field shadowgraphy to the wake of a
tail rotor. This technique has the major advantages of being nonintrusive and
of not requiring seeding. It uses a point source to project the path-integrated
second spatial derivative of density on a retro-reflective screen. Combined with
pulsed lighting and video, this technique enables quantitative analysis of the
projection of vortex trajectories. Generally, depth perception is not available.
Norman and Light (1987) reported measurements of the tip-vortex geometry in
the wakes of two main-rotor models in hover. They observed some scatter in
the data due to rotor wake instabilities as well as a short-wavelength instability
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


of the vortex core. They also developed an analytical model to determine

the visibility of the vortex in shadowgraph images. Felker and Light (1988)
extended these measurements to a 0.658-scale V-22 rotor test in hover. With the
addition of a beam-splitter and a reorientation of the camera system, Bagai and
Leishman (1992a) were able to significantly improve the quality of the images
produced by this method.
Probe interference, nonlinearity, and sensor attrition are also alleviated using
the laser velocimeter (LV), albeit at the steep price of having to use particle
seeding and particle velocity as an indicator of flow velocity. An early wake
study using laser Doppler velocimetry is described by Landgrebe and Johnson
(1974). Desopper et al (1986) describe velocity measurements over a wide
range of tip-speeds using incense seeding and a forward-scatter system whose
receiving optics are rigidly coupled to the transmitting traverse by a frame
around the wind tunnel test section. Liou et al (1994) measured the unsteady
velocity field around a rotor blade with controlled pitch excitation of one-degree
amplitude, and correlated the results with blade surface pressures and unsteady
inflow prediction codes.
The circulation and structure of the tip-vortex are crucial parameters. Mba
et al (1984) measured rotor blade circulation in hover by contour integration of
laser velocimetry data. Thompson et al (1988) used submicron incense smoke
particles to measure the flow field in the core of the tip-vortex in hover. The core
axial and tangential velocity profiles at two thrust coefficients show evidence
of discrete shear layers rolling up into the core. The three-dimensional com-
pressible flow around the advancing rotor tip has been measured by Kittleson
and Yu (1985). Laser schlieren visualization of the compressible flow was used
with tomographic reconstruction to obtain fully three-dimensional features of
the rotor wake.
McAlister et al (1995) have measured the velocity field behind a blade tip
using three-color laser velocimetry and a typical result is shown in Figure 16.
Note that the variation with y is typical of a vortex and that there is significant
axial flow along the vortex axis (the maximum value of Vx is about 20 sec ). A
similar result is presented for the inboard sheet. In addition, McAlister et al
(1995) found that lowering the rotor speed does not substantially affect the
general appearance of the vortex and that significant interaction between the
inboard sheet and the tip-vortex is observed in the wake. A general discussion
of the inability to separate the induced and form drag components in unsteady
flow is also given.
The quantitative spatial and temporal precision of flow visualization is greatly
enhanced using laser sheets and the video camera. Illuminated seeding pat-
terns in thin and precisely known regions are particularly useful in quantifying
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Figure 16 Velocity components along a horizontal sweep across the trailing vortex. The time
frame shown corresponds to the motion of the rotor blade from 2.5 to 3.5 chord lengths past the
measurement location as noted in the sketch. The rotor speed is 1100 rpm and the blade tip is at
y = 0. From McAlister (1995).
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


multi-dimensional phenomena. Thompson et al (1988) constructed vortex tra-

jectories in the near wake of a single-bladed rotor using still photographs taken
from mineral oil seeding that was frozen using an argon ion laser sheet strobed
with a synchronous chopper. Kim et al (1994) combined visualization using
a pulsed copper vapor laser sheet and laser velocimetry to show that the edge
of the inboard vortex sheet of a rigid and untwisted two-bladed rotor rolled
up into a discrete structure with circulation strength approximately half that
of the tip-vortex, and opposite in sign. This effect has also been observed in
the video images obtained by Ghee et al (1995), but has not been investigated
systematically in rotor wake models.
The first measurements of an entire planar air velocity field in rotor flows
were performed by Funk et al (1993) using a double-camera system and spatial
correlation velocimetry. The technique is successful in the wake, and a periodic
variation was constructed from video image pairs obtained at several azimuths.
However, the spatial resolution is not yet adequate to measure velocity inside
the tip-vortex core. Time-averaged velocity fields have been measured using
Doppler global velocimetry by Gorton et al (1995b). The technique was ap-
plied to measure time-averaged velocity near the empennage of a small-scale
helicopter model, and compared to laser velocimeter data. A system of up to six
cameras has been proposed to capture the three-dimensional velocity field in a
light sheet. This technique has the advantage that every pixel location on the
digitized image (640 × 480 resolutions are common now) gives one velocity
vector. The disadvantages are the need for multiple cameras, the huge data
reduction task involving several gigabytes of data, and the low signal-to-noise
ratio at low speeds.
The rotor inflow velocity field is required for boundary conditions in both
vortex method algorithms and in CFD analyses. A survey of models for non-
uniform rotor inflow for use in both momentum approaches and in detailed CFD
analyses of rotor wakes has been given by Chen (1990); additional experimental
and computational results have been given by Elliott and Althoff (1988), Hoad
et al (1988), and Hoad (1990).

The trend in design of modern helicopters is toward more lightweight and
smaller vehicles while retaining payload capability and performance parame-
ters. This often requires that the rotor be closer to the airframe, and the higher
rotor speeds required often result in higher disk loading. Thus, in recent years,
one of the areas of rotorcraft aerodynamics that has received a large amount of
attention is the interactional aerodynamic phenomena which occur on a heli-
copter. A detailed classification of a variety of aerodynamic interactions among
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


major components of the helicopter is given by Sheridan and Smith (1980) and
these interactions are summarized in Figure 17. Two of the most important
interactions are main-rotor tail-rotor interactions and wake-fuselage interac-
tions. The intensity of these interactions depends on the relative proximity,
size, shape, and flight conditions (e.g. low speed, in ground effect, flight with
sideslip) of individual components.
As pointed out by McCroskey (1995), tail rotors are employed to balance the
torque of the main rotor, and for better control in hover and low-speed forward
flight. The performance of the tail rotor may be adversely affected if it interacts
significantly with the main rotor wake. Prouty and Amer (1982) discuss the
difficulties, due to poorly understood interaction effects, in designing the em-
pennage and tail rotor. In addition, this interaction can be a significant source of
noise. Additional references on this interaction are given in McCroskey (1995).
The interaction which has perhaps received the most attention is the vortex
wake–fuselage interaction. This interaction process is especially intense in
hover, climb, and low-speed forward flight since in these flight regimes the
wake is transported almost vertically downward and may directly impinge on
the surface of the fuselage. This can generate additional impulsive and periodic
loading which may adversely influence the handling qualities of the aircraft and
affect the fuselage loading. These loads can also be transmitted to the cabin
in the form of a low-frequency vibration of the fuselage shell and thus can be
annoying to passengers.

Figure 17 Summary of the many interactions among the major components of a helicopter. From
Sheridan and Smith (1980).
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Early work on the wake-fuselage interaction established that a smaller clear-

ance between the rotor and the airframe will lead to higher induced airloads
and vibration levels on the airframe due to the strong vortex-surface interaction
(Wilson and Mineck 1975, Landgrebe et al 1977, Smith and Betzina 1986).
Smith (1979) found that the presence of the fuselage distorts the wake which
in turn generates enhanced blade-wake interactions; the interaction can trig-
ger a torsional aeroelastic response by the rotor that may lead to a premature
retreating blade stall.
The work described just above identified important phenomena and sug-
gested the development of computational models of these interactions. In the
mid-1980s, there were no computer codes capable of predicting even the first-
order features of the time-averaged surface pressure distribution over the upper
surface of the simplest fuselage geometry in hover or low-speed forward flight
on the model scale. Early attempts to include airframe effects on the wake in-
clude various levels of empiricism beginning with the use of a prescribed wake
structure; some of these attempts to couple the wake and the airframe are de-
scribed by Crouse and Leishman (1992). Typical of these efforts is the work
described by Lorber and Egolf (1990), who showed that including an unsteady
potential in the rotor wake formulation improves agreement between general-
ized wake predictions and an experimental data set. They use the prescribed
wake structure and specify the trajectory of the tip-vortex as it approaches
the airframe; a fixed offset distance defines the limiting distance allowed be-
tween the tip-vortex and the airframe. The results show fair agreement with
experiment; the time averaged mean pressure on the top of the airframe is in
general underpredicted. Similar discrepancies appear in the instantaneous pres-
sure on the top of the airframe. Time-averaged results for the pressure have
also been obtained by Quackenbush et al (1994). The use of panel methods
in the rotor-fuselage interaction problem is discussed by Dvorak et al (1977)
and Clarke and Maskew (1991). The effect of the fuselage on the rotor in-
flow velocity field is investigated experimentally by Berry and Althoff (1990),
and full-scale experiments have been conducted by Norman and Yamauchi
Liou et al (1990) trace the tip-vortex trajectory and measure the velocity near
the tip-vortex as well as the pressure distribution on the surface of the airframe.
Brand et al (1990) continued the work of Liou et al (1990) to show that the main
features of the pressure loading of the airframe under the direct impingement of
the wake are a large positive pressure load due to blade passage and an equally
large suction peak due to the tip-vortex. They relate the vortex trajectory to the
unsteady airframe surface pressure measured using movable microphone ports.
In this way an almost continuous distribution of the airframe pressure could be
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


generated. They present results for the pressure on the top of the airframe at
various advance ratios. The accuracy of these measurements was about 10 mm,
or one core diameter; recent experiments by Peterson et al (1995) have achieved
sub-millimeter accuracy using digital imaging. Leishman and Bi (1990) also
report instantaneous surface pressure measurements taken at various advance
ratios and note that these unsteady pressure peaks are very large and can swamp
the steady mean pressure. They focus on the time history of the pressure at
a fixed point on the airframe. Bagai and Leishman (1992b) found that the
presence of the fuselage affects the path of the tip-vortex significantly.
Based on the work of Liou et al (1990), Brand et al (1989, 1990), and
Leishman and Bi (1990), a reasonable picture of the dominant features of the
unsteady pressure on the airframe under direct wake impingement conditions
has emerged. For the given rotor-body separation distance, on the top of the
airframe the blade passage effect generates a large positive pressure rise at
ψ = 0 (and ψ = 2π N
for an N -bladed rotor), followed by a very sharp suction
peak of the same order if the advance ratio is low enough so that the tip-vortex
“collides” with the airframe. For a vortex whose age is 180◦ + ψ (i.e. for a two-
bladed rotor) at the given rotor-body separation distance of Brand et al (1990),
the blade passage effect is dominant up to about ψ = 30◦ with the influence of
the tip-vortex being dominant for the next ∼ 30◦ . Depending on the advance
ratio, the maximum amplitude of the suction peak occurs near ψ = 50◦ ; at this
time, the vortex age is 230◦ .
Despite the fact that the modeling efforts described so far are relatively
sophisticated, all of them demonstrate limited utility in reproducing unsteady
fuselage airloads. In an attempt to better understand the important features of
the pressure distribution on the top of the airframe under vortex-wake collision
conditions, Affes et al (1993a) use a Biot-Savart representation of the tip-vortex
to calculate the tip-vortex path in the time frame from ψ = 0◦ to ψ = 60◦ for two
different advance ratios. At this point in time for the two-bladed rotor studied,
the vortex age is 180◦ + ψ. A typical result for the vortex path for ψ > 0
and the associated pressure, calculated from the unsteady Bernoulli equation
on the top of the airframe, is depicted on Figure 18 (Affes et al 1993a). Note
the good agreement with experiment; no adjustable constants are used in the
analysis and only a crude model of the inboard vortex sheet is used. However,
the computational results begin to deviate from the experimental results for the
pressure distribution at about ψ = 48◦ and the experimental suction peak is
gone by ψ = 60◦ , a time scale of about 0.5 msec. The reason for this is believed
to be the complete transformation of the flow in the vortex core from a high
swirl velocity region characteristic of a “vortex” to a low swirl velocity region
under the action of the axial velocity in the core of the vortex.
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


Additional experimental results (Kim and Komerath 1995) suggest that the
suction peak in the pressure is convected around the retreating side of the
airframe for a long period of time after it has disappeared from the top of the
airframe. This effect is seen in plots of the pressure contours around the airframe
from Kim and Komerath (1995) as shown in Figure 19a at a rotor phase angle
of ψ = 120◦ . Note that on the retreating side (φ < 0; φ refers to the angle
measured from the top of the airframe and not the zero-lift angle of attack as
in Figure 1) the suction peak is still strong while on the advancing side the
pressure on the airframe at a point coinciding with the vortex core is actually
positive. Lee et al (1995) has demonstrated these effects for a model problem;
a summary is sketched in the accompanying Figure 19b. These large-scale
suction peak effects on the retreating side could be important in maneuvering



Figure 18 Comparison between computation and experiment of the vortex trajectory and pressure
distribution on the top of a model airframe for advance ratio µ = 0.1. The z-axis is in the direction
of forward flight. (a) Tip-vortex trajectory ψ = 0, 30, 60◦ ; A denotes advancing side and R denotes
retreating side. (b) Pressure at ψ = 42◦ on the left and ψ = 48◦ on the right. From Affes et al
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15



Advancing Side Retreating Side

Stagnation Suction
Axial Flow
Axial Flow



END VIEW Pressure


Figure 19 (a) Pressure distribution around a model airframe as measured by Kim and Komerath
(1994), showing the differences exhibited on the advancing and retreating sides of the airframe.
Arrows denote region below the vortex core. The angle φ measures distance from the top of the
cylinder and φ > 0 denotes the advancing blade side. XRb measures distance along the airframe in
the forward flight direction. (b) A sketch of the tip-vortex structure along the sides of the airframe
as described by Kim and Komerath (1995) and Lee et al (1995). The vortex core radius is greatly
enlarged for clarity.
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


flight and could be a factor in the fatigue life of the airframe. A similar effect
is seen in the computations of Marshall (1994).
Steady flow Navier-Stokes simulations of the full wake-airframe interaction
in forward flight have begun to be analyzed by Zori and Rajagopalan (1995).
The rotor is treated as a source term in the governing equations; the magni-
tudes of the sources are determined from the blade geometry and aerodynamic
characteristics. The detailed boundary layer behavior under the tip-vortex as it
approaches the airframe is discussed by Affes et al (1993b). It is shown that
flow reversal occurs in the form of an eddy which grows in time. Eventually
the boundary layer fluid will wrap around the vortex fluid and this may alter its
effective strength.
The sophistication of large-scale computational techniques has improved to
the point that entire helicopter configurations may be incorporated. Duque and
Dimanlig (1994) and Duque et al (1995) have produced results for the RAH-66
Commanche helicopter. Figure 20 depicts the streakline patterns for the V-22
Tiltrotor operating in the helicopter mode (from Meakin 1993). The V-22 is
a dual purpose machine that can operate in both fixed-wing and rotary-wing
modes. The computation of Meakin (1993) uses an overset grid approach in
which a family of grid systems, each designed for accuracy in a particular
region of the flow, are employed. Data is communicated getween grids by
interpolation. Overset methods are generally viewed as being more accurate

Figure 20 Streaklines for the V-22 Tiltrotor operating in the helicopter mode. From Meakin
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


than conventional methods at the cost of slightly higher CPU time (Bangalore
and Sankar 1996).

Modern helicopter aerodynamics is challenging because the flow field gener-
ated by a helicopter is extremely complicated and difficult to measure, model,
and predict; moreover, experiments are expensive and also difficult to conduct.
Helicopter aerodynamics encompasses a variety of complicated and inherently
nonlinear flow phenomena including dynamic stall, blade-vortex interaction,
and shock interactions. Fluid-structure interaction problems occur throughout
the rotor cycle because the rotor blades undergo pitching, flapping, and aeroe-
lastic motions dynamically in all regimes of operation. The nature of the rotor
wake depends on a number of factors including the dimensions and shape of
the blades, the number of blades, tip-speed, and regime of operation. Because
of the complexity of the problem, current models and experiments involve a
number of simplifications in order to focus on a specific aspect of the problem.
In spite of this, the past ten years have seen great advances in the under-
standing of isolated rotor wakes. With the advance of computational resources
in recent years and the development of sophisticated experimental techniques
designed to measure the fully three-dimensional character of rotor wakes, rea-
sonable comparisons with experiment may now be obtained through computa-
tional studies at low to moderate Mach number for an isolated rotor in hover at
model scale, provided aeroelastic deformations are negligible. The agreement
between computations and experiment for an isolated rotor in forward flight is
not as good, but advances in this regime are being made at a rapid pace. In addi-
tion, drag and moment are difficult to predict especially under stall conditions,
and there is little experimental data to guide computational approaches.
At the present time, rotor design is accomplished by standard momentum the-
ory for initial estimates of thrust and moment. These estimates are often refined
using vortex methods in conjunction with lifting-line, lifting-surface, or panel
methods to calculate the strength of the wake. Vortex methods are generally
the least computationally demanding of the modeling approaches. CFD tech-
niques, in the form of Navier-Stokes computations, while being substantially
predictive in nature and based on first principles (apart from the specification
of a turbulence model), are at the present time too computationally demanding
and not accurate enough to be used extensively in design. To remedy this,
methods must be sought to improve the speed and computational affordabil-
ity of these programs which can only be run on a supercomputer. The use
of higher-order discretization methods along with adaptive grid schemes can
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


reduce the computational burden and increase accuracy. It is possible that part
of this improvement can be accomplished by the natural evolution of the com-
putational hardware which is continually coming down in price and increasing
in computational speed; however, it is probable that this natural evolution will
not occur fast enough, and future computations will likely benefit from the use
of parallel processing.
Advances in experimental techniques in the past ten years have been sub-
stantial and will continue. These advances will likely help modeling efforts.
Detailed three-dimensional and unsteady measurements of the rotor wake flow
are now beginning to be taken on a routine basis. However, the amount of data
to be acquired and process in this activity is staggering, and efforts must be
taken to process the data in a more timely and efficient manner. This process
is aided by the availablility of post-processing tools, normally designed for
computational studies, which are now being used to reduce experimental data.
The long-range goal of any modeling effort is to be able to compute the
entire unsteady flow field around a helicopter operating in any flight regime.
The objective is to reduce the amount of expensive full-scale testing which
is now required. However, significant barriers to this goal will exist for the
forseeable future. Rotor loads even at model scale in the forward flight and
descent regimes cannot now be calculated. An additional limiting technological
barrier is the issue of noise which is very acute at the higher flight speeds of
modern helicopters. Noise is identified as the major impediment to increased
commercial use of rotorcraft. In order to design quieter helicopters, accurate
computation of BVI and high speed impulsive noise must be made; inevitably
this requires a more accurate computation of the flow field itself.
The extrapolation of model-scale results to the full scale is only partially
successful: Considerable differences between full-scale flight tests and full-
scale wind tunnel tests are common (Tung et al 1995). At the current time,
aeroelastic effects which are significant at full scale, are most often neglected
in the model-scale computations.
Despite these challenges, great advances have been made in modeling the
helicopter rotor wake and the flow around a helicopter during the last ten to
fifteen years. Moreover, with the advances in both experimental and computa-
tional technology, progress is likely to continue at an even greater rate during
the next ten years.

The author is grateful to those who provided references and other information
for this article. Several colleagues have made substantial contributions to the
December 3, 1996 17:28 Annual Reviews AR023-15n AR23-15


development and organization of the paper. Dr. Thomas L. Doligalski provided

a number of insights into the history and current state of rotorcraft research.
Professor Narayanan Komerath wrote a substantial portion of the experimen-
tal methods section. Dr. Chee Tung provided a number of insights into the
fundamentals of the problem and the prediction issues associated with modern
helicopter aerodynamics. Professor Lakshmi Sankar provided valuable infor-
mation on modern CFD rotor codes. A number of colleagues read at least
one draft of this paper and made substantial contributions. These include Dr.
Doligalski, Professor Komerath, Dr. Tung, Dr. Todd Quackenbush, and T.
Alan Egolf. To these colleagues, I express my sincere thanks for their many
and detailed suggestions which considerably improved the manuscript.

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Literature Cited

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