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Job Duties of an Altar Server

Job A
After entering the Sanctuary, the cross-bearer (Job A) will face the altar, bow, place
the processional cross in the stand, and move to the cross-bearers assigned seat and
remain standing.

The cross-bearer (Job A) should pick up the processional cross.

Job B
Form 1
Following the cross-bearer (Job A), the candle-bearers (Job B) and the remaining
servers (Jobs C,D,E,F) will enter the Sanctuary and will also bow to the Altar and then
proceed to place their candles in their Mass places and then go to their assign seating
and remain standing

Form 2
Same as the above, Candle bearer will stand in their place facing each other until
Alleluia (Gospel Acclamation)


Form 1
At the end of the second reading, during the Alleluia, two servers (Job B) should get
up, pick up their candles, bow to the tabernacle at the center of the altar, and then
walk to the side of the Altar, . They should stand facing the Altar with their candles
and wait for the priest or deacon.
Gospel : The two servers (Job B) should then bow to the Altar with the priest or
deacon and then precede to the gospel stations at either side of the podium when the
priest or deacon moves to the podium.The servers holding the candles should face the
reader during the Gospel. Maintain these positions during the gospel and then return
the candles to their original location when the Gospel is over, genuflect to the
tabernacle, and return to your seats. Sit down and listen to the homily

Form 2
During the Alleluia : The Two server (Job B) should face the altar now.
Gospel: Same as the above
After the homily two servers (Job B) should, pick up the candles, bow at the centre
and return to their standard positions facing each other

The Preparation of the Gifts

Form 2
Two servers (Job B) should, standing facing the altar.

The Eucharistic Prayer

All servers kneel on the predella (step to sanctuary).

Form 1
After the Memorial Acclamation, the server will bow and go back to their assigned place.

Form 2
After the Memorial Acclamation, the server will bow and go back to their assigned place except server
with job B

Two servers (Job B) should, face each other.

Concluding Rite
Form 1
When the priest and deacon are kissing the altar, two servers (Job B) should, bow,
pick up the candles, and return to their standard positions.

Form 2
When the priest and deacon are kissing the altar, two servers (Job B) face the altar.

Job B1
Lead the procession
After bowing, The Thurifer and Incense bearer immediately goes to side of the altar to
hand the thurible. Flank the priest when hes incensing the altar or just wait at the side
of the altar for the priest to finish incensing

Liturgy of word
During Alleluia, The thurifers Go to Fathers chair. Hand him the boat. Open the
thurible for Father to place incense onto the hot charcoal.
Then, lead Father to center to the Ambo and stand on Fathers right side, so you are
facing toward the Altar. After Father incenses the Book of Gospels and finishes
reading the Gospel, take the thurible and boat and place them on the designated place.

The Offertory/The Preparation of the Gifts

*Special occasions:
When the other acolytes go for the gifts, go to the sacristy and stand in doorway with
the thurible and boat until Father has elevated the offerings of bread and wine. Go to
Father, hand him the boat, and open the thurible for incense. After Father hands you
the boat, stand back while he incenses the Gifts on the Altar .Flank the priest when
hes incensing the altar or just wait at the side of the altar for the priest to finish
incensing. After the Priest hands the thurible to you, take the thurible and boat and
place them on the designated place.

Before the sanctus is finished, the server with the thurible (JOB B1), Candle Bearer, (Job B) and server
with Job F lined up at the steps of the sanctuary and bow.

The Eucharistic Prayer

At the Consecration when the Priest raises the Body of Christ (the Host), incense three double wings.
Do the same when the Chalice with the Blood of Christ is raised.

After the Memorial Acclamation, the server will bow and go back to their assigned place.

Concluding Rite
Take the thurible and boat to your standard position,

Job C
The Preparation of the Gifts
A server (Job C) having the open water cruet stand facing the Altar and wait.
He/ She should hand the deacon or priest the water on directed by the priest.
After the priest or deacon takes the water bow to the priest/deacon when he is finished
and return the cruets to them.
After that, take the container of water (water bowl) (Job C) to wash the priests hands.
Return to the altar and stand there. When the priest comes to you, a server (Job C)
should hold out the bowl.
When the server (Job D) has the towel back, both servers should bow to the priest and
return to the credence table.

After Communion
As soon as Father gets back to the Altar, he will want the water to rinse the Chalice so
alter server with Job C hands the water cruet when he needs it. The server that brings
the water to Father should return to the Credence table and be ready with the water to
give it to Father to purify the cups.

Job D
The Preparation of the Gifts
Take an unfolded finger towel (Job D). The finger towel will be placed over the
forearm of the server or is hold by the server (Job D) for easy access by the priest.
Return to the altar and stand there. The priest will remove the hand the towel from the
forearm of the server or the server hand it our to the priest (Job D), dry his hands, and
return the two to the servers forearm (Job D). When the server (Job D) has the towel
back, both servers should bow to the priest and return to the credence table.

After Communion
Server with Job D should join in to help clear the Altar but wait for Father or the
Deacon to hand you things.

Job E
The Offertory
The Server with Job E assist the priest to accept the gifts and put them under the table
or at the altar. After the gift has been accepted bow with the priest facing the

Two of the server with Job E, will flank the priest during the distribution of the communion.

Job F
Altar bell is ting Three times at the first three words of the Sanctus (Holy, Holy,

Special Occasion:
Before the sanctus is finished, the server with the thurible (JOB B1), Candle Bearer, (Job B) and server
with Job F lined up at the steps of the sanctuary and bow.

The Eucharistic Prayer

The Altar Bells will be ringed by a server (Job F) at three separate times during the Consecration:

First: whenFather puts his hands over the gifts and asks the Holy Spirit to change
the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Second: three times,at the elevation of the Consecrated Host. Additional ring
when the Father bowed to the consecrated host.
Third: Three times,at the elevation of the Consecrated Wine. Additional ring
when the Father bowed to the consecrated host.

Job G
Penitential Act:-Rite of sprinkling water.
Acolyte with Job G take the vessels for holy water to the altar table and wait for the
priest to bless it. holds it for the either priest or the deacon. As they walk around the
church, the Cross bearer walks at their side with the bowl.

Acolyte with Job G take the vessels for holy water to the altar table and wait for the
priest to bless it. holds it for the either priest or the deacon. As they walk around the
church, the server walks at their side with the bowl.

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