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Shepherd of my soul Your Grace is Enough

Shepherd of my soul I give you full control, [Verse 1]

Wherever You may lead I will foll-ow.
Great is Your faithfulness oh God
I have made the choice to listen for Your vo-ice,
You wrestle with the sinner's heart
Wherever You may lead I will go.
You lead us by still waters and to mercy
And nothing can keep us apart
Be it in a quiet pasture or by a gentle stream,
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
Should I face a mighty mountain or a valley dark
and deep, So remember Your people
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide. Remember Your children
Remember Your promise
Shepherd of my soul Oh You have made me Oh God
Wherever I hear You call how my tea-ars flow.
Your grace is enough
How I feel your love how I want to se-rve
Your grace is enough
I gladly give my heart to You O Lord.
Your grace is enough for me
Be it in the flowing river or in the quiet night,
[Verse 2]
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
Great is Your love and justice God
Should I face the stormy weather or the dangers
You use the weak to lead the strong
of this world.
You lead us in the song of Your salvation
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide.
And all Your people sing along

So remember Your people

I Am A Friend Of God Remember Your children
Remember Your promise
Who am I that you are mindful of me
Your grace is enough
That you hear me, when I call
Your grace is enough
Is it true that you are thinking of me
Your grace is enough for me
How you love me, it's amazing (Who am I Lord)
Your grace is enough
I am a friend of God
Heaven reaching down to us
I am a friend of God
Your grace is enough for me
I am a friend of God
God I see your grace is enough
He calls me friend
I'm covered in your love
Your grace is enough for me
For me
God Almighty
Lord of Glory
You have called me friend

Made Me Glad
The Potter's Hand
I will bless the Lord forever
And I will trust Him at all times Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour
He has delivered me from all fear I know for sure, all of my days are held in your
He has set my feet upon a rock hands, crafted
Into Your perfect plan
You gently call me into your presence guiding me
I will not be moved by Your Holy Spirit
And I'll say of the Lord Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life through
Your eyes
You are my Shield, my Strength I'm captured by Your holy calling
My Portion Deliverer Set me apart, I know you're drawing me to
My Shelter, Strong tower yourself
My very present help in time of need Lead me Lord I pray

Whom have I in heaven but You Take me, Mold me, use me, fill me
There's none I desire beside You I give my life to the Potter's hand
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
You have made me glad I give my life to the Potter's hand
And I'll say of the Lord
Verse 2:
You are my Shield, my Strength You gently call me into Your presence
My Portion Deliverer Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord to live through Your eyes
My Shelter, Strong tower
I'm captured by Your holy calling
My very present help . Set me apart, I know your drawing me to yourself
Lead me lord I pray
You are my Shield, my Strength
My Portion Deliverer Repeat Chorus
My Shelter, Strong tower
My very present help in time of need

You have made me glad

And I'll say of the Lord

You are my Shield, my Strength

My Portion Deliverer
My Shelter, Strong tower
My very present help in time of need

My very present help in time of need

My very present help in time of need
We say yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
I'm Trading My Sorrow Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord, amen
I'm trading my shame
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord We say yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
I'm trading my sickness Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord, amen
I'm trading my pain
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord

We say yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord Through It All
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord, amen You are forever in my life
You see me through the seasons
We say yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord Cover me with Your hand
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord And lead me in Your righteousness
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord, amen
And I look to You
I'm pressed but not crushed, persecuted not And I wait on You
Struck down but not destroyed I'll sing to You, Lord, a hymn of love
I'm blessed beyond the curse for his promise will For Your Faithfulness to me
endure And I'm carried in everlasting arms
And his joy's gonna be my strength You'll never let me go
Through it all
Though the sorrow may last for the night
His joy comes with the morning You are forever in my life
You see me through the seasons
I'm trading my sorrow Cover me with Your hand
I'm trading my shame And lead me in Your righteousness
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord
And I, I look to You, oh
I'm trading my sickness And I wait on You
I'm trading my pain
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord I'll sing to You, Lord, a hymn of love
For Your Faithfulness to me
We say yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord And I'm carried in everlasting arms
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord You'll never let me go,
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord, amen
I will sing
We say yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord I'll sing to You, Lord, a hymn of love
Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes yes Lord, amen For Your Faithfulness to me
And I'm carried in everlasting arms
Though the sorrow may last for the night You'll never
His joy comes with the morning

I'm trading my sorrow

I'm trading my shame
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord

I'm trading my sickness

I'm trading my pain
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord
times of drought because of its roots. The roots are
hidden from view, but they are absolutely essential.
Without those deep roots, the tree will fall over in a storm
or die during a drought.

When we genuinely trust in Christ, God roots us in Him,

but we need to continually sink down more roots into Him.
This is the hidden part of your walk with Christ that others
dont see. It refers to your heart before God and your time
alone with Him. Some go to church and act like
Christians. Outwardly, it seems that they are Christians.
But in the hidden person of their heart, they have never
truly trusted in Jesus as their Savior and Lord. They
never spend time alone with Him, seeking Him in His
Word and in prayer. Then a storm comes up and they
crash. They werent rooted in Christ. Are you sinking
down roots in Him?

B. To walk with Christ Jesus the Lord means being

built up in Him.
In verse 7, Paul uses four participles to elaborate on what
This pictures a building under construction. The present
this walk in Christ looks like: having been firmly rooted
participle indicates steady progress toward completion. If
and now being built up in Him and established in your
youve watched a building under construction, sometimes
faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with
the progress is evident: the frame goes up or the roof
gratitude. The first participle is in the perfect tense,
goes on. At other times, you wonder, What did they do
indicating a past action with continuing results: you were
there this week? They were inside working on things you
and still are rooted in Him. The other three participles are
couldnt see, like the wiring or plumbing. But they are
present tense, indicating an ongoing process: you are
essential for the finished building to function properly.
being built up in Him; you are being established in the
faith; and you are overflowing with gratitude. The first
When you walk with the Lord, sometimes there are
three participles are in the passive voice, emphasizing
obvious changes that others can easily see. More often,
that God is working these things in us. The final participle
the Lord is steadily at work on areas that arent as
is active, pointing to our responsibility to be thankful. Or, it
dramatic, but are just as necessary. We learn to trust and
may look at thankfulness as the result of the first three
obey Him on little, daily matters. We judge our grumbling
spirit. We put to death the lusts of the flesh. We speak
Note that Paul uses a variety of metaphors: walking on a
kindly to others, even when they are mean towards us.
path; being rooted like a tree; being built up like a building
Were gradually being built up in Him.
under construction; and overflowing like a flooding river.
There isnt a logical connection. Rather, Paul is showing C. To walk with Christ Jesus the Lord means being
us from different angles what it means to go on walking
established in the faith.
with Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way we received
Him. Lets look briefly at each of them: In the faith could be translated in your faith, but in light
of the context of false teachers and the next phrase, just
A. To walk with Christ Jesus the Lord means being as you were instructed, I think Paul means being
rooted in Him. established in the Christian faith, that is, in sound
doctrine. The word establish was sometimes used as a
This pictures a tree, firmly rooted so that it gets the water
legal term meaning, to confirm, guarantee, or make
and nutrients from the soil to grow and be healthy. It can
irrevocable. Here, Paul may be looking at the growing
withstand the storms that blow against it and endure
assurance that we gain as we grow to understand the
irrevocable truths of Gods Word. You learn the youre just in routine Christianity, take the time to sit again
guaranteed promises that God has given to us in Christ. at His feet. Think about how it was when you first
Your growing knowledge of sound doctrine protects you received Him. Meditate on His beauty and grace. Ask
against the many winds of false teaching that blow others Him to make this a year of unprecedented growth in Him!
off course. To go on with Christ, you must make a And, if youve never received Christ Jesus the Lord, why
deliberate effort to be established in the faith. not do that right now?

D. To walk with Christ Jesus the Lord means Application Questions

overflowing with gratitude. 1. How would you counsel a Christian who has lost his first
love for Christ? How can he rekindle it? (See Rev. 2:1-7.)
The picture here is a river overflowing its banks. There is 2. Why is understanding who Jesus is and growing in that
just too much water to stay in the normal flow, so it floods understanding essential for the Christian life (Matt. 16:13-
out over the surrounding land. Our gratitude to God for all 3. Those who argue against what they call lordship
that Hes done for us in Christ should flood out onto those salvation say that to require submission to Christ at the
around us. point of salvation is adding works to faith. How would you
refute this?
Over the years, Ive had to fight constantly against 4. How can you develop gratitude when you suffer or are
treated unfairly?
grumbling. I think Ive made progress, but Im still prone
to grumble when things dont go as I want them to go.
Like the Israelites in the wilderness, instead of thanking
God for delivering me from bondage to sin and providing
me with all the blessings of His salvation, I complain
about the little things. But as I think about my salvation
and all that God has done for me, I should be overflowing
with gratitude to Him for His abundant grace.

In Colossians, Paul repeatedly emphasizes thankfulness.

As we saw (Col. 1:12), we should be giving thanks to the
Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of
the saint in Light. (See, also, Col. 1:3; 3:15, 16; 4:2.) The
application is that grumblers will be more susceptible to
the lure of false teaching. In my marriage, if Im thankful
for Marla and delight in her, Im less susceptible to the
temptations of another woman. With the Lord, a grateful
heart that is satisfied daily with His abundant blessings
wont be attracted by false teaching.


This March, Marla and I will celebrate 42 years of

marriage. What began so wonderfully all those years ago
has continued and gotten even better. How has that
happened? Well, weve gone on in the same way we
started: Im hopelessly infatuated with her and she
tolerates me!

Are you going on with Christ Jesus the Lord in the same
way you received Him? Dont lose your first love for the
wonderful, exalted Savior who loves you and gave
Himself for you! If your love for Him has cooled and
When I'm poor, I know I'm rich
For in the power of Your name
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible

Hillsong All Things Are My Redeemer Lives

Possible Lyrics I know He rescued my soul

Almighty God, my Redeemer His blood has covered my sin

I believe, I believe
My Hiding Place, my Safe Refuge
No other name like Jesus My shame He's taken away
No power can stand against You. My pain is healed in His name
I believe, I believe

My feet are planted on this Rock

I'll raise a banner
And I will not be shaken My Lord Has conquered the grave
My hope it comes from You alone
My redeemer lives
My Lord and my salvation.
My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives

I know He rescued my soul

Your praise is al - ways on my lips
His blood has covered my sin
Your word is living in my heart
I believe, I believe
And I will praise You with a new song
My soul will bless You, Lord My shame He's taken away

You fill my life with greater joy My pain is healed in His name

Yes, I delight myself in You I believe, I believe

And I will praise You with a new song I'll raise a banner
My soul will bless You, Lord. 'Cause my Lord has conquered the grave

My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives
When I'm weak My redeemer lives
You make me strong
My redeemer lives He Is Lord Lyrics
My redeemer lives
My redeemer lives Oh blessed Lamb once slain
My redeemer lives Will reign for evermore
His hands once bound now save
You lift my burdens
Our God will never fail
I'll rise with You
I'm dancing on this mountain top
To He is Lord
He is Lord
Sings my soul
He is the Lord

So You Would Come Lyrics And He lives

Yes He lives
Before the world began
I?m alive
You were on His mind
Cause Jesus lives
And every tear you cry
Is precious in His eyes
'Tis at the cross of Christ
Because of His great love
Where earth and heaven meet
He gave His only Son
Where sin is overcome
Everything was done
To God the victory
So you would come

And now
Nothing you can do
Let the earth resound with praise
Could make Him love you more
For our Saviour God He reigns
And nothing that you've done
He is high and lifted up
Could make Him close the door
Because of His great love
For the King of glory waits
He gave His only Son
He is coming back again
Everything was done
He is coming back again
So you would come

Come to the Father I Give You My Heart

This is my desire
Though your gift is small To honor You
Broken hearts, broken lives Lord, with all my heart
I worship You
He will take them all All I have within me
I give You praise
The power of the Word All that I adore
The power of His blood Is in You

Everything was done Lord, I give You my heart

I give You my soul
So you would come I live for you alone
And every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake To God the victory
Lord, have Your ways in me
This is my desire [Bridge]
To honor You
Lord, with all my heart Am F
I worship You G
All I have within me And now, let the earth resound with
I give You praise praise
All that I adore C F
Is in You For our Saviour God He reigns
He is high and lifted up
Am F G
Arise, for the king of glory waits
He is coming back again
He Is Lord C G
Key: C He is coming back again

[Intro] Am C F (x4)
[Instrumental] Am F G C F C
[Verse 1]

Am C F Ending: He is coming back again (x6

Oh blessed Lamb once slain [with the chords of bridge]
C Am G
Will reign forevermore So You Would Come
[Verse 1]
Am C F
His hands once bound now save C F G C
Before the world began, You were on his mind
C G F F C/E Dm G
Our God will never fail And every tears you cry, is precious in his eye
F C/E E/G# Am
Because of his great love, he gave his only son
[Chorus] Dm G C F/G
Everything was done, so you would come
He is Lord [Verse 2]
He is Lord Nothing you can do , could make his love you mo
C Am re
Sings my soul F C/E Dm
G and nothing you've done , could make his close
He is the Lord the door
C F C/E E/G# Am
Because of his great love, he gave his only son
And He lives Dm G C/E
D Everything was done,so you would come
Yes He lives
F G F (G) [Verse 3]
I'm alive 'cause Jesus lives
Come to the Father, though your gift is small
F C/E Dm
[Interlude] F C G (x2) G
Broken hearts, Broken lives, He will take them
F Em Am
[Verse 2] The power of the word, the power of His blood
Dm G C
Everything was done , So you would come
Am C F
'Tis at the cross of Christ
C Am G
Where earth and heaven meet
Am C F
Where sin is overcome
How can we have this type of contentment? By turning
our attention from what we think we need to the only thing
that truly matters:
For the pagans run after all these things, and your
heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first
his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things
will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:3233)
After all, our hope isnt in what we have or dont have
here on earth. Our hope is in Christ:
But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing
But theres actually more encouragement in this verse out of it. (1 Timothy 6:67)
than you might think at first. You see, Paul wrote these Jesus gives us the strength to see beyond our present
words while facing some of the worst trials of his life. circumstances and to trust in Him to provide everything
Despite the threat of pain and death, he realized that God we truly need.
gives us strength in ways that go beyond the good times
and the everything-is-okay moments. The strength of 3. Through His Victory
Christ reaches right down into our turmoil and pain.
Our greatest victory, however, isnt really ours at all. We
And its there that we can truly do all things. Here are 3 can face any situation and be content no matter what
surprising ways this happens: happens because of one important fact:
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through
1. Through Trials
our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57)
But what truly sets us apart as followers of Jesus is that Jesus died in our place and came back to life as a true
we can find victory in the most difficult trials. James knew Conqueror, and all He accomplished gets credited to our
that type of struggle very well, and yet he could honestly account. We didnt earn a single bit of it, but were
say: guaranteed so much.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face Peace:
trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must
peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I
finish its work so that you may be mature and complete,
have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
not lacking anything. (James 1:24)
Christ gives us the strength to not only endure the tough
times, but also to grow during them. We arent meant to For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the
just slog through the pain; were meant to see our faith unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in
blossom right in the face of our battles. God equips us the body but made alive by the Spirit (1 Peter 3:18)
with the armor we need to stand firm: A fresh start:
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians
and after you have done everything, to stand. 5:17)
(Ephesians 6:13) He won the victory, and we get to share the prize. Now,
Thats the kind of strength Jesus gives. thats how we can truly do all things through Christ.

2. Through Contentment
If theres ever a fight that goes on in us humans, its the
constant struggle to be content. Disappointments,
setbacks, and delays keep hammering away at us. Apart
from Christ, wed quickly trip and stumble our way into
bitterness and entitlement. After all, this world tells us that
we deserve to be happy, and its easy to buy into that
But in Christ, we move our eyes off the things we dont
have, the frustrations that surround us, and we put them
where they need to be. Pauls words from prison show
this spiritual truth in action:
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to
have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in
any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want. (Philippians 4:12)

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