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Smart Planet 2 Unit 1 Standard Test

Name Class Date

1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 cinema / doesnt / Luke / to / go / the / often

2 computer / watch / I / on / films / my / never

3 is / school / for / sometimes / John / late

4 reviews / reads / Emma / always / film

5 after / usually / TV / We / school / watch


2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in the box and the verbs in brackets.
lovelikenot mindnot likehate

1 Emma homework at the weekend. (do)

2 I cartoons with my little brother. (watch)
3 My sisters to the cinema. (go)
4 Mum to classical music. (listen)
5 Tom film reviews. (read)

3 Match the questions with the short answers.

1 Does Lucy like computer games? a Yes, he does.
2 Do you watch TV every day? b Yes, they do.
3 Do your parents both work? c No, I dont.
4 Do I know your brother? d No, she doesnt.
5 Does James often go to the cinema? e
Yes, you do.

4 Circle the correct options.

1 A: do you watch films?
B: Once a week.
a How often b What c Who
2 A: do you go to school?
B: In the city centre.
a Why b When c Where
3 A: do you usually do at the weekend?
B: I see my friends.
a What b Where c When
4 A: dont you like cartoons?
B: I think theyre stupid.
a When b Why c Who
5 A: is your best friend?
B: Holly.
a Where b Who c What

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Smart Planet 2 Unit 1 Standard Test

5 Circle the correct options.
1 I love romantic love stories / westerns.
2 I dont like watching fantasy / horror films before I go to bed because I cant sleep.
3 My brother loves martial arts / western films because he does karate and kung fu.
4 My favourite cartoon / war film is Toy Story.
5 I like action-adventure films / musicals because I like singing.

6 Match the types of film with the words.

1 action-adventure a
magic, supernatural
2 comedy b fast, violent, exciting
3 fantasy c in the past, cowboys, USA
4 war d laugh, funny
5 western e men, guns, fighting

7 Put the letters in the correct order to make TV programmes.

1 tromnecduya
2 modyec wosh
3 mage sowh
4 thac hows
5 strops greparomm

8 Match 15 with ae.

1 sports a opera
2 crime b TV show
3 soap c programme
4 reality d
5 the e series

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Smart Planet 2 Unit 1 Standard Test

9 1 Listen to two friends, Leo and Emily, talking about TV programmes.
Write T (True) or F (False).
1 Emilys favourite programme is an English soap opera.
2 She doesnt enjoy reality TV shows.
3 She loves watching sport on TV.
4 Leo and Emily both enjoy watching comedy shows.
5 Leos favourite comedy show is British.

10 Read Laras blog.

Hi there! Im Lara. HAPPY FEET

Welcome to my blog This is definitely my favourite film of all time! I just love the
about the cinema. I story and the music. I dont usually like cartoons but this has got
love watching films, but such a good message about the world and nature and of course
I dont go to the cinema the actors are fantastic.
very often because we
have a lot of films on
I always laugh and cry when I watch this film! There are a lot
DVD, so I watch them
of famous actors in it and Hugh Grant is so good-looking! I love it
with my family. We all
when John Hannahs character reads a romantic poem. I cry every
like the same type of
time I hear it.
films. Here are some of
my favourite films. Do ALL THE INDIANA JONES FILMS
you like them too? In my family we all love action-adventure films. And the
Indiana Jones films have got a bit of fantasy in them as well, so
theyre perfect for us. Dad thinks hes similar to the Indiana Jones
character (But hes very different to Harrison Ford!). I think these
films are the perfect combination of adventure, comedy, romance
and fantasy.

Circle the correct options.

1 Lara doesnt go to the cinema very 4 Laras dad .
often because . a wants to be an actor
a its very expensive b is similar to the actor Harrison Ford
b they have a lot of films at home c wants to be Indiana Jones
c there isnt a cinema near her house 5 Lara thinks the Indiana Jones films are good
2 She likes Happy Feet because . because .
a she loves cartoons a they contain action and adventure
b its funny b they combine different types of film
c it says something important c her dad likes Indiana Jones
3 Four Weddings and a Funeral is .
a a romantic comedy
b a war film
c a western

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Smart Planet 2 Unit 1 Standard Test

11 Write a review of your favourite TV programme. Use the questions below to help you.
Write at least 100 words.
Whats the programme called?
What type of programme is it?
Whats the programme about?
Why do you like it?
Who is this programme for? (recommendation)


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