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[G.R. No. 128703.

October 18, 2000] Defendants claimed that since ASIA PACIFIC could not directly engage in banking
business, it proposed to them a scheme wherein plaintiff ASIA PACIFIC could extend a loan to
TEODORO BAAS,* C. G. DIZON CONSTRUCTION, INC., and CENEN DIZON, petitioners, them without violating banking laws: first, Cenen Dizon would secure a promissory note from
vs. ASIA PACIFIC FINANCE CORPORATION,[1] substituted by INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE Teodoro Baas with a face value of P390,000.00 payable in installments; second, ASIA PACIFIC
BANK now known as UNION BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondent. would then make it appear that the promissory note was sold to it by Cenen Dizon with the
14% usurious interest on the loan or P54,000.00 discounted and collected in advance by ASIA
DECISION PACIFIC; and, lastly, Cenen Dizon would provide sufficient collateral to answer for the loan in
case of default in payment and execute a continuing guaranty to assure continuous and
BELLOSILLO, J.: prompt payment of the loan. Defendants also alleged that out of the loan of P390,000.00
defendants actually received only P329,185.00 after ASIA PACIFIC deducted the discounted
C. G. DIZON CONSTRUCTION INC. and CENEN DIZON in this petition for review seek the interest, service handling charges, insurance premium, registration and notarial fees.
reversal of the 24 July 1996 Decision of the Court of Appeals dismissing their appeal for lack of Sometime in October 1980 Cenen Dizon informed ASIA PACIFIC that he would be delayed
merit and affirming in toto the decision of the trial court holding them liable to Asia Pacific in meeting his monthly amortization on account of business reverses and promised to pay
Finance Corporation in the amount of P87,637.50 at 14% interest per annum in addition instead in February 1981. Cenen Dizon made good his promise and tendered payment to ASIA
toattorney's fees and costs of suit, as well as its 21 March 1997 Resolution denying PACIFIC in an amount equivalent to two (2) monthly amortizations. But ASIA PACIFIC
reconsideration thereof.[2] attempted to impose a 3% interest for every month of delay, which he flatly refused to pay for
On 20 March 1981 Asia Pacific Finance Corporation (ASIA PACIFIC for short) filed a being usurious.
complaint for a sum of money with prayer for a writ of replevin against Teodoro Baas, C. G. Afterwards, ASIA PACIFIC allegedly made a verbal proposal to Cenen Dizon to surrender
Dizon Construction and Cenen Dizon. Sometime in August 1980 Teodoro Baas executed to it the ownership of the two (2) bulldozer crawler tractors and, in turn, the latter would treat
a Promissory Note in favor of C. G. Dizon Construction whereby for value received he promised the former's account as closed and the loan fully paid. Cenen Dizon supposedly agreed and
to pay to the order of C. G. Dizon Construction the sum of P390,000.00 in installments of accepted the offer. Defendants averred that the value of the bulldozer crawler tractors was
"P32,500.00 every 25th day of the month starting from September 25, 1980 up to August 25, more than adequate to cover their obligation to ASIA PACIFIC.
Meanwhile, on 21 April 1981 the trial court issued a writ of replevin against defendant
Later, C. G. Dizon Construction endorsed with recourse the Promissory Note to ASIA C. G. Dizon Construction for the surrender of the bulldozer crawler tractors subject of the Deed
PACIFIC, and to secure payment thereof, C. G. Dizon Construction, through its corporate of Chattel Mortgage. Of the three (3) bulldozer crawler tractors, only two (2) were actually
officers, Cenen Dizon, President, and Juliette B. Dizon, Vice President and Treasurer, executed turned over by defendants - D8-14A and D8-2U - which units were subsequently foreclosed by
a Deed of Chattel Mortgage covering three (3) heavy equipment units of Caterpillar Bulldozer ASIA PACIFIC to satisfy the obligation. D8-14A was sold for P120,000.00 and D8-2U
Crawler Tractors with Model Nos. D8-14A, D8-2U and D8H in favor of ASIA for P60,000.00 both to ASIA PACIFIC as the highest bidder.
PACIFIC.[4] Moreover, Cenen Dizon executed on 25 August 1980 a Continuing
Undertaking wherein he bound himself to pay the obligation jointly and severally with C. G. During the pendency of the case, defendant Teodoro Baas passed away, and on motion
Dizon Construction.[5] of the remaining defendants, the trial court dismissed the case against him. On the other hand,
ASIA PACIFIC was substituted as party plaintiff by International Corporate Bank after the
In compliance with the provisions of the Promissory Note, C. G. Dizon Construction made disputed Promissory Note was assigned and/or transferred by ASIA PACIFIC to International
the following installment payments to ASIA PACIFIC: P32,500.00 on 25 September Corporate Bank. Later, International Corporate Bank merged with Union Bank of the
1980, P32,500.00 on 27 October 1980 and P65,000.00 on 27 February 1981, or a total Philippines. As the surviving entity after the merger, and having succeeded to all the rights and
of P130,000.00. Thereafter, however, C. G. Dizon Construction defaulted in the payment of the interests of International Corporate Bank in this case, Union Bank of the Philippines was
remaining installments, prompting ASIA PACIFIC to send a Statement of Account to Cenen substituted as a party in lieu of International Corporate Bank.[6]
Dizon for the unpaid balance of P267,737.50 inclusive of interests and charges, and P66,909.38
representing attorney's fees. As the demand was unheeded, ASIA PACIFIC sued Teodoro Baas, On 25 September 1992 the Regional Trial Court ruled in favor of ASIA PACIFIC holding
C. G. Dizon Construction and Cenen Dizon. the defendants jointly and severally liable for the unpaid balance of the obligation under
thePromissory Note in the amount of P87,637.50 at 14% interest per annum, and attorney's
While defendants (herein petitioners) admitted the genuineness and due execution of fees equivalent to 25% of the monetary award.[7]
the Promissory Note, the Deed of Chattel Mortgage and the Continuing Undertaking, they
nevertheless maintained that these documents were never intended by the parties to be legal, On 24 July 1996 the Court of Appeals affirmed in toto the decision of the trial court thus
valid and binding but a mere subterfuge to conceal the loan of P390,000.00 with usurious -
Defendant-appellants' contention that the instruments were executed merely as a On petitioners' submission that the true intention of the parties was to enter into a
subterfuge to skirt banking laws is an untenable defense. If that were so then they too were contract of loan, we have examined the Promissory Note and failed to discern anything therein
parties to the illegal scheme. Why should they now be allowed to take advantage of their that would support such theory. On the contrary, we find the terms and conditions of the
own knavery to escape the liabilities that their own chicanery created? instrument clear, free from any ambiguity, and expressive of the real intent and agreement of
the parties.We quote the pertinent portions of the Promissory Note -
Defendant-appellants also want us to believe their story that there was an agreement
between them and the plaintiff-appellee that if the former would deliver their 2 bulldozer FOR VALUE RECEIVED, I/We, hereby promise to pay to the order of C.G. Dizon Construction,
crawler tractors to the latter, the defendant-appellants' obligation would fully be Inc. the sum of THREE HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND ONLY (P390,000.00), Philippine
extinguished. Again, nothing but the word that comes out between the teeth supports such Currency in the following manner:
story. Why did they not write down such an important agreement? Is it believable that
seasoned businessmen such as the defendant-appellant Cenen G. Dizon and the other P32,500.00 due every 25th of the month starting from September 25, 1980 up to August 25,
officers of the appellant corporation would deliver the bulldozers without a receipt of 1981.
acquittance from the plaintiff-appellee x x x x In our book, that is not credible.
I/We agree that if any of the said installments is not paid as and when it respectively falls
The pivotal issues raised are: (a) Whether the disputed transaction between petitioners due, all the installments covered hereby and not paid as yet shall forthwith become due and
and ASIA PACIFIC violated banking laws, hence, null and void; and (b) Whether the surrender payable at the option of the holder of this note with interest at the rate of 14% per annum
of the bulldozer crawler tractors to respondent resulted in the extinguishment of petitioners' on each unpaid installment until fully paid.

On the first issue, petitioners insist that ASIA PACIFIC was organized as an investment If any amount due on this note is not paid at its maturity and this note is placed in the hands
house which could not engage in the lending of funds obtained from the public through receipt of an attorney for collection, I/We agree to pay in addition to the aggregate of the principal
of deposits. The disputed Promissory Note, Deed of Chattel Mortgage and Continuing amount and interest due, a sum equivalent to TEN PERCENT (10%) thereof as Attorney's fees,
Undertaking were not intended to be valid and binding on the parties as they were merely in case no action is filed, otherwise, the sum will be equivalent to TWENTY FIVE (25%) of the
devices to conceal their real intention which was to enter into a contract of loan in violation of said principal amount and interest due x x x x
banking laws.
Makati, Metro Manila, August 25, 1980.
We reject the argument. An investment company refers to any issuer which is or holds
itself out as being engaged or proposes to engage primarily in the business of investing,
reinvesting or trading in securities.[8] As defined in Sec. 2, par. (a), of the Revised (Sgd) Teodoro Baas
Securities Act,[9] securities "shall include x x x x commercial papers evidencing indebtedness of
any person, financial or non-financial entity, irrespective of maturity, issued, endorsed, sold, ENDORSED TO ASIA PACIFIC FINANCE CORPORATION WITH RECOURSE, C.G. DIZON
transferred or in any manner conveyed to another with or without recourse, such CONSTRUCTION, INC.
as promissory notes x x x x" Clearly, the transaction between petitioners
and respondent was one involving not a loan but purchase of receivables at a discount, well By: (Sgd.) Cenen Dizon (Sgd.) Juliette B. Dizon
within the purview of "investing, reinvesting or trading in securities" which an investment President VP/Treasurer
company, like ASIA PACIFIC, is authorized to perform and does not constitute a violation of the
General Banking Act.[10] Moreover, Sec. 2 of the General Banking Act provides in part - Likewise, the Deed of Chattel Mortgage and Continuing Undertaking were duly
acknowledged before a notary public and, as such, have in their favor the presumption of
Sec. 2. Only entities duly authorized by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank may engage regularity. To contradict them there must be clear, convincing and more than merely
in the lending of funds obtained from the public through the receipt of deposits of any kind, preponderant evidence. In the instant case, the records do not show even a preponderance of
and all entities regularly conducting such operations shall be considered as banking evidence in favor of petitioners' claim that the Deed of Chattel Mortgage and Continuing
institutions and shall be subject to the provisions of this Act, of the Central Bank Act, and of Undertaking were never intended by the parties to be legal, valid and binding. Notarial
other pertinent laws (underscoring supplied). documents are evidence of the facts in clear and unequivocal manner therein expressed.[11]

Interestingly, petitioners' assertions were based mainly on the self-serving testimony of

Indubitably, what is prohibited by law is for investment companies to lend funds Cenen Dizon, and not on any other independent evidence. His testimony is not only
obtained from the public through receipts of deposit, which is a function of banking unconvincing, as found by the trial court and the Court of Appeals, but also self-defeating in
institutions. But here, the funds supposedly "lent" to petitioners have not been shown to have light of the documents presented by respondent, i.e., Promissory Note, Deed of Chattel
been obtained from the public by way of deposits, hence, the inapplicability of banking laws. Mortgage and Continuing Undertaking, the accuracy, correctness and due execution of which
were admitted by petitioners. Oral evidence certainly cannot prevail over the written With regard to the computation of petitioners' liability, the records show that petitioners
agreements of the parties. The courts need only rely on the faces of the written contracts to actually paid to respondent a total sum of P130,000.00 in addition to the P180,000.00
determine their true intention on the principle that when the parties have reduced their proceeds realized from the sale of the bulldozer crawler tractors at public auction. Deducting
agreements in writing, it is presumed that they have made the writings the only repositories these amounts from the principal obligation of P390,000.00 leaves a balance of P80,000.00, to
and memorials of their true agreement. which must be added P7,637.50 accrued interests and charges as of 20 March 1981, or a total
unpaid balance of P87,637.50 for which petitioners are jointly and severally
The second issue deals with a question of fact. We have ruled often enough that it is not liable. Furthermore, the unpaid balance should earn 14% interest per annum as stipulated in
the function of this Court to analyze and weigh the evidence all over again, its jurisdiction being the Promissory Note, computed from 20 March 1981 until fully paid.
limited to reviewing errors of law that might have been committed by the lower court.[12] At
any rate, while we are not a trier of facts, hence, not required as a rule to look into the factual On the amount of attorney's fees which under the Promissory Note is equivalent to 25%
bases of the assailed decision of the Court of Appeals, we did so just the same in this case if of the principal obligation and interests due, it is not, strictly speaking, the attorney's fees
only to satisfy petitioners that we have carefully studied and evaluated the case, all too mindful recoverable as between the attorney and his client regulated by the Rules of Court. Rather,
of the tenacity and vigor with which the parties, through their respective counsel, have the attorney's fees here are in the nature of liquidated damages and the stipulation therefor
pursued this case for nineteen (19) years. is aptly called a penal clause. It has been said that so long as such stipulation does not
contravene the law, morals and public order, it is strictly binding upon the obligor. It is the
Petitioners contend that the parties already had a verbal understanding wherein ASIA litigant, not the counsel, who is the judgment creditor entitled to enforce the judgment by
PACIFIC actually agreed to consider petitioners' account closed and the principal obligation execution.[15]
fully paid in exchange for the ownership of the two (2) bulldozer crawler tractors.
Nevertheless, it appears that petitioners' failure to fully comply with their part of the
We are not persuaded. Again, other than the bare allegations of petitioners, the records bargain was not motivated by ill will or malice, but due to financial distress occasioned by
are bereft of any evidence of the supposed agreement. As correctly observed by the Court of legitimate business reverses. Petitioners in fact paid a total of P130,000.00 in three (3)
Appeals, it is unbelievable that the parties entirely neglected to write down such an important installments, and even went to the extent of voluntarily turning over to respondent their heavy
agreement. Equally incredulous is the fact that petitioner Cenen Dizon, a seasoned equipment consisting of two (2) bulldozer crawler tractors, all in a bona fide effort to settle
businessman, readily consented to deliver the bulldozers to respondent without a their indebtedness in full. Article 1229 of the New Civil Code specifically empowers the judge
corresponding receipt of acquittance. Indeed, even the testimony of petitioner Cenen Dizon to equitably reduce the civil penalty when the principal obligation has
himself negates the supposed verbal understanding between the parties - been partly or irregularly complied with. Upon the foregoing premise, we hold that the
Q: You said and is it not a fact that you surrendered the bulldozers to APCOR by virtue of reduction of the attorney's fees from 25% to 15% of the unpaid principal plus interests is in
the seizure order? order.

A: There was no seizure order. Atty. Carag during that time said if I surrender the two Finally, while we empathize with petitioners, we cannot close our eyes to the overriding
equipment, we might finally close a deal if the equipment would come up to the considerations of the law on obligations and contracts which must be upheld and honored at
balance of the loan. So I voluntarily surrendered, I pulled them from the job site and all times. Petitioners have undoubtedly benefited from the transaction; they cannot now be
returned them to APCOR x x x x allowed to impugn its validity and legality to escape the fulfillment of a valid and binding
Q: You mentioned a certain Atty. Carag, who is he?
WHEREFORE, no reversible error having been committed by the Court of Appeals, its
A: He was the former legal counsel of APCOR. They were handling cases. In fact, I talked assailed Decision of 24 July 1996 and its Resolution of 21 March 1997 are
with Atty. Carag, we have a verbal agreement if I surrender the equipment it might AFFIRMED.Accordingly, petitioners C.G. Construction Inc. and Cenen Dizon are ordered jointly
suffice to pay off the debt so I did just that (underscoring ours).[13] and severally to pay respondent Asia Pacific Finance Corporation, substituted by International
Corporate Bank (now known as Union Bank of the Philippines), P87,637.50 representing the
In other words, there was no binding and perfected contract between petitioners and unpaid balance on the Promissory Note, with interest at fourteen percent (14%) per annum
respondent regarding the settlement of the obligation, but only a conditional one, a mere computed from 20 March 1981 until fully paid, and fifteen percent (15%) of the principal
conjecture in fact, depending on whether the value of the tractors to be surrendered would obligation and interests due by way of attorney's fees. Costs against petitioners.
equal the balance of the loan plus interests. And since the bulldozer crawler tractors were sold
at the foreclosure sale for only P180,000.00,[14] which was not enough to cover the unpaid SO ORDERED.
balance of P267,637.50, petitioners are still liable for the deficiency.

Barring therefore a showing that the findings complained of are totally devoid of support
in the records, or that they are so glaringly erroneous as to constitute serious abuse of
discretion, we see no valid reason to discard them. More so in this case where the findings of
both the trial court and the appellate court coincide with each other on the matter.
September 23, 2015 "Family Bank," and "Family Bank and Trust Company." BPI Family Savings Bank was registered
with the SEC as a wholly-owned subsidiary of BPI. BPI Family Savings Bank then registered with
G.R. NO. 175278 the Bureau of Domestic Trade the trade or business name "BPI Family Bank," and acquired a
reputation and goodwill under the name.13
GSIS FAMILY BANK - THRIFT BANK [Formerly Inc.], Petitioner,
vs. Proceedings before the SEC
BPI FAMILY BANK, Respondent.
Eventually, it reached respondents attention that petitioner is using or attempting to use the
DECISION name "Family Bank." Thus, on March 8, 2002, respondent petitioned the SEC Company
Registration and Monitoring Department (SEC CRMD) to disallow or prevent the registration
of the name "GSIS Family Bank" or any other corporate name with the words "Family Bank" in
it. Respondent claimed exclusive ownership to the name "Family Bank," having acquired the
name since its purchase and merger with Family Bank and Trust Company way back
This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari filed by GSIS Family Bank - Thrift Bank1 assailing the 1985.14 Respondent also alleged that through the years, it has been known as "BPI Family
Court of Appeals Decision2 dated March 29, 2006 (Decision) and Resolution3 dated October 23, Bank" or simply "Family Bank" both locally and internationally. As such, it has acquired a
2006 which denied petitioner's petition for review of the Securities and Ex.change Commission reputation and goodwill under the name, not only with clients here and abroad, but also with
Decision dated February 22, 2005 (SEC En Banc Decision). The SEC En Banc Decision 4 prohibited correspondent and competitor banks, and the public in general. 15
petitioner from using the word "Family" as part of its corporate name and ordered petitioner
to delete the word from its name.5
Respondent prayed the SEC CRMD to disallow or prevent the registration of the name "GSIS
Family Bank" or any other corporate name with the words "Family Bank" should the same be
Facts presented for registration.

Petitioner was originally organized as Royal Savings Bank and started operations in 1971. Respondent likewise prayed the SEC CRMD to issue an order directing petitioner or any other
Beginning 1983 and 1984, petitioner encountered liquidity problems. On July 9, 1984, it was corporation to change its corporate name if the names have already been registered with the
placed under receivership and later temporarily closed by the Central Bank of the Philippines. SEC.16
Two (2) months after its closure, petitioner reopened and was renamed Comsavings Bank, Inc.
under the management of the Commercial Bank of Manila.6
The SEC CRMD was thus confronted with the issue of whether the names BPI Family Bank and
GSIS Family Bank are confusingly similar as to require the amendment of the name of the latter
In 1987, the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) acquired petitioner from the corporation.
Commercial Bank of Manila. Petitioner's management and control was thus transferred to
GSIS.7 To improve its marketability to the public, especially to the members of the GSIS,
The SEC CRMD declared that upon the merger of FBTC with the BPI in 1985, the latter acquired
petitioner sought Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approval to change its corporate
the right to the use of the name of the absorbed corporation. Thus, BPI Family Bank has a prior
name to "GSIS Family Bank, a Thrift Bank."8 Petitioner likewise applied with the Department
right to the use of the name
of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Bangko Sentral ng Pilpinas (BSP) for authority to use "GSIS
Family Bank, a Thrift Bank" as its business name. The DTI and the BSP approved the
applications.9 Thus, petitioner operates under the corporate name "GSIS Family Bank a Thrift Family Bank in the banking industry, arising from its long and extensive nationwide use,
Bank," pursuant to the DTI Certificate of Registration No. 741375 and the Monetary Board coupled with its registration with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of the name "Family
Circular approval.10 Bank" as its trade name. Applying the rule of "priority in registration" based on the legal maxim
first in time, first in right, the SEC CRMD concluded that BPI has the preferential right to the
use of the name "Family Bank." More, GSIS and Comsavings Bank were then fully aware of the
Respondent BPI Family Bank was a product of the merger between the Family Bank and Trust
existence and use of the name "Family Bank" by FBTC prior to the latter's merger with BPI.17
Company (FBTC) and the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI).11 On June 27, 1969, the Gotianum
family registered with the SEC the corporate name "Family First Savings Bank," which was
amended to "Family Savings Bank," and then later to "Family Bank and Trust Company."12 Since The SEC CRMD also held that there exists a confusing similarity between the corporate names
its incorporation, the bank has been commonly known as "Family Bank." In 1985, Family Bank BPI Family Bank and GSIS Family Bank. It explained that although not identical, the corporate
merged with BPI, and the latter acquired all the rights, privileges, properties, and interests of names are indisputably similar, as to cause confusion in the public mind, even with the exercise
Family Bank, including the right to use names, such as "Family First Savings Bank," of reasonable care and observation, especially so since both corporations are engaged in the
banking business.18
In a decision19 dated May 19, 2003, the SEC CRMD said, PREMISES CONSIDERED respondent Issues in the Petition
GSIS FAMILY BANK is hereby directed to refrain from using the word "Family" as part of its
name and make good its commitment to change its name by deleting or dropping the subject Petitioner raised the following issues in its petition:
word from its corporate name within [thirty (30) days] from the date of actual receipt hereof.20
I. The Court of Appeals gravely erred in affirming the SEC Resolution finding the word
Petitioner appealed21 the decision to the SEC En Banc, which denied the appeal, and upheld "Family" not generic despite its unregistered status with the IPO of the Bureau of
the SEC CRMD in the SEC En Banc Decision.22 Petitioner elevated the SEC En Banc Decision to Patents and the use by GSIS-Family Bank in its corporate name of the words "[F]amily
the Court of Appeals, raising the following issues: [B]ank" as deceptive and [confusingly similar] to the name BPI Family Bank;31

1. Whether the use by GSIS Family Bank of the words "Family Bank" is deceptively II. The Court of Appeals gravely erred when it ruled that the respondent is not guilty
and confusingly similar to the name BPI Family Bank; of forum shopping despite the filing of three (3) similar complaints before the DTI
and BSP and with the SEC without the requisite certification of non-forum shopping
2. Whether the use by Comsavings Bank of "GSIS Family Bank" as its business attached thereto;32
constitutes unfair competition;
III. The Court of Appeals gravely erred when it completely disregarded the opinion
3. Whether BPI Family Bank is guilty of forum shopping; of the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas that the use by the herein petitioner of the trade
name GSIS Family Bank Thrift Bank is not similar or does not deceive or likely cause
4. Whether the approval of the DTI and the BSP of petitioner's application to use the any deception to the public.33
name GSIS Family Bank constitutes its authority to the lawful and valid use of such
trade name or trade mark; Court's Ruling

5. Whether the application of respondent BPI Family Bank for the exclusive use of We uphold the decision of the Court of Appeals.
the name "Family Bank," a generic name, though not yet approved by IPO of the
Bureau of Patents, has barred the GSIS Family Bank from using such trade mark or Section 18 of the Corporation Code provides,
Section 18. Corporate name. No corporate name may be allowed by the Securities and
Court of Appeals Ruling Exchange Commission if the proposed name is identical or deceptively or confusingly similar
to that of any existing corporation or to any other name already protected by law or is patently
The Court of Appeals ruled that the approvals by the BSP and by the DTI of petitioners deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing laws. When a change in the corporate name is
application to use the name "GSIS Family Bank" do not constitute authority for its lawful and approved, the Commission shall issue an amended certificate of incorporation under the
valid use. It said that the SEC has absolute jurisdiction, supervision and control over all amended name.
corporations.24 The Court of Appeals held that respondent was entitled to the exclusive use of
the corporate name because of its prior adoption of the name "Family Bank" since In Philips Export B.V. v. Court of Appeals,34 this Court ruled that to fall within the prohibition
1969.25There is confusing similarity in the corporate names because "[c]onfusion as to the of the law on the right to the exclusive use of a corporate name, two requisites must be proven,
possible association with GSIS might arise if we were to allow Comsavings Bank to add its namely:
parent companys acronym, GSIS to Family Bank. This is true especially considering both
companies belong to the banking industry. Proof of actual confusion need not be shown. It
(1) that the complainant corporation acquired a prior right over the use of such
suffices that confusion is probably or likely to occur."26The Court of Appeals also ruled out
corporate name; and
forum shopping because not all the requirements of litis pendentia are present. 27

(2) the proposed name is either

The dispositive portion of the decision read,

(a) identical or
WHEREFORE, the instant petition for review is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.28

(b) deceptive or confusingly similar to that of any existing corporation or

After its Motion for Reconsideration was denied,29 petitioner brought the decision to this
to any other name already protected by law; or
Court via a Petition for Review on Certiorari.30
(c) patently deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing law.35 Section 3 states that if there be identical, misleading or confusingly similar name to one already
registered by another corporation or partnership with the SEC, the proposed name must
These two requisites are present in this case. On the first requisite of a prior right, Industrial contain at least one distinctive word different from the name of the company already
Refractories Corporation of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals (IRCP case) 36 is instructive. In registered. To show contrast with respondent's corporate name, petitioner used the words
that case, Refractories Corporation of the Philippines (RCP) filed before the SEC a petition to "GSIS" and "thrift." But these are not sufficiently distinct words that differentiate petitioner's
compel Industrial Refractories Corporation of the Philippines (IRCP) to change its corporate corporate name from respondent's. While "GSIS" is merely an acronym of the proper name by
name on the ground that its corporate name is confusingly similar with that of RCPs such that which petitioner is identified, the word "thrift" is simply a classification of the type of bank that
the public may be confused into believing that they are one and the same corporation. The petitioner is. Even if the classification of the bank as "thrift" is appended to petitioner's
SEC and the Court of Appeals found for petitioner, and ordered IRCP to delete or drop from its proposed corporate name, it will not make the said corporate name distinct from respondent's
corporate name the word "Refractories." Upon appeal of IRCP, this Court upheld the decision because the latter is likewise engaged in the banking business.
of the CA.
This Court used the same analysis in Ang mga Kaanib sa Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo Hesus, H.S.K.
Applying the priority of adoption rule to determine prior right, this Court said that RCP has sa Bansang Pilipinas, Inc. v. Iglesia ng Dios Kay Cristo Jesus, Haligi at Suhay ng Katotohanan.40 In
acquired the right to use the word "Refractories" as part of its corporate name, being its prior that case, Iglesia ng Dios Kay Cristo Jesus filed a case before the SEC to compel Ang mga Kaanib
registrant. In arriving at this conclusion, the Court considered that RCP was incorporated on sa Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo Hesus to change its corporate name, and to prevent it from using
October 13, 1976 and since then continuously used the corporate name "Refractories Corp. of the same or similar name on the ground that the same causes confusion among their members
the Philippines." Meanwhile, IRCP only started using its corporate name "Industrial as well as the public. Ang mga Kaanib sa Iglesia ng Dios Kay Kristo Hesus claimed that it
Refractories Corp. of the Philippines" when it amended its Articles of Incorporation on August complied with SEC Memorandum Circular No. 14-2000 by adding not only two, but eight words
23, 1985.37 to their registered name, to wit: "Ang Mga Kaanib" and "Sa Bansang Pilipinas, Inc.," which
effectively distinguished it from Iglesia ng Dios Kay Cristo Jesus. This Court rejected the
argument, thus:
In this case, respondent was incorporated in 1969 as Family Savings Bank and in 1985 as BPI
Family Bank. Petitioner, on the other hand, was incorporated as GSIS Family Thrift Bank only
in 2002,38 or at least seventeen (17) years after respondent started using its name. Following The additional words "Ang Mga Kaanib" and "Sa Bansang Pilipinas, Inc." in
the precedent in the IRCP case, we rule that respondent has the prior right over the use of the petitioner's name are, as correctly observed by the SEC, merely descriptive of and
corporate name. also referring to the members, or kaanib, of respondent who are likewise residing in
the Philippines. These words can hardly serve as an effective differentiating medium
necessary to avoid confusion or difficulty in distinguishing petitioner from
The second requisite in the Philips Export case likewise obtains on two points: the proposed
respondent. This is especially so, since both petitioner and respondent corporations
name is (a) identical or (b) deceptive or confusingly similar to that of any existing corporation
are using the same acronym H.S.K.; not to mention the fact that both are espousing
or to any other name already protected by law.
religious beliefs and operating in the same place. Xxx41

On the first point (a), the words "Family Bank" present in both petitioner and respondent's
On the second point (b), there is a deceptive and confusing similarity between petitioner's
corporate name satisfy the requirement that there be identical names in the existing corporate
proposed name and respondent's corporate name, as found by the SEC. 42 In determining the
name and the proposed one.
existence of confusing similarity in corporate names, the test is whether the similarity is such
as to mislead a person using ordinary care and discrimination.43 And even without such proof
Respondent cannot justify its claim under Section 3 of the Revised Guidelines in the Approval of actual confusion between the two corporate names, it suffices that confusion is probable or
of Corporate and Partnership Names,39 to wit: likely to occur.44

3. The name shall not be identical, misleading or confusingly similar to one already registered Petitioner's corporate name is "GSIS Family BankA Thrift Bank" and respondent's corporate
by another corporation or partnership with the Commission or a sole proprietorship registered name is "BPI Family Bank." The only words that distinguish the two are "BPI," "GSIS," and
with the Department of Trade and Industry. "Thrift." The first two words are merely the acronyms of the proper names by which the two
corporations identify themselves; and the third word simply describes the classification of the
If the proposed name is similar to the name of a registered firm, the proposed name must bank. The overriding consideration in determining whether a person, using ordinary care and
contain at least one distinctive word different from the name of the company already discrimination, might be misled is the circumstance that both petitioner and respondent are
registered. engaged in the same business of banking. "The likelihood of confusion is accentuated in cases
where the goods or business of one corporation are the same or substantially the same to that
of another corporation."45
Respondent alleged that upon seeing a Comsavings Bank branch with the signage "GSIS Family are derived the verb magpatibay (to strengthen); the nouns pagkamatibay (strength,
Bank" displayed at its premises, some of the respondents officers and their clients began durability), katibayan (proof, support, strength), katibaytibayan (superior strength); and the
asking questions. These include whether GSIS has acquired Family Bank; whether there is a adjectives matibay (strong, durable, lasting), napakatibay (very strong), kasintibay or
joint arrangement between GSIS and Family Bank; whether there is a joint arrangement magkasintibay (as strong as, or of equal strength). The phrase "Ang Tibay" is an exclamation
between BPI and GSIS regarding Family Bank; whether Comsavings Bank has acquired Family denoting admiration of strength or durability. For instance, one who tries hard but fails to
Bank; and whether there is there an arrangement among Comsavings Bank, GSIS, BPI, and break an object exclaims, "Ang tibay!" ("How strong!") It may also be used in a sentence thus,
Family Bank regarding BPI Family Bank and GSIS Family Bank.46 The SEC made a finding that "Ang tibay ng sapatos mo!" ("How durable your shoes are!") The phrase "ang tibay" is never
"[i]t is not a remote possibility that the public may entertain the idea that a relationship or used adjectively to define or describe an object. One does not say, "ang tibay sapatos" or
arrangement indeed exists between BPI and GSIS due to the use of the term Family Bank in "sapatos ang tibay" to mean "durable shoes," but "matibay na sapatos" or "sapatos na
their corporate names."47 matibay."

Findings of fact of quasi-judicial agencies, like the SEC, are generally accorded respect and even From all of this we deduce that "Ang Tibay" is not a descriptive term within the meaning of the
finality by this Court, if supported by substantial evidence, in recognition of their expertise on Trade-Mark Law but rather a fanciful or coined phrase which may properly and legally be
the specific matters under their consideration, more so if the same has been upheld by the appropriated as a trade-mark or trade-name. xxx55 (Underscoring supplied).
appellate court, as in this case.48
The word "family" is defined as "a group consisting of parents and children living together in a
Petitioner cannot argue that the word "family" is a generic or descriptive name, which cannot household" or "a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage."56 Bank, on the
be appropriated exclusively by respondent. "Family," as used in respondent's corporate name, other hand, is defined as "a financial establishment that invests money deposited by
is not generic. Generic marks are commonly used as the name or description of a kind of goods, customers, pays it out when requested, makes loans at interest, and exchanges currency."57 By
such as "Lite" for beer or "Chocolate Fudge" for chocolate soda drink. Descriptive marks, on definition, there can be no expected relation between the word "family" and the banking
the other hand, convey the characteristics, function, qualities or ingredients of a product to business of respondent. Rather, the words suggest that respondents bank is where family
one who has never seen it or does not know it exists, such as "Arthriticare" for arthritis savings should be deposited. More, as in the Ang case, the phrase "family bank" cannot be
medication.49 used to define an object.

Under the facts of this case, the word "family" cannot be separated from the word "bank."50 In Petitioners argument that the opinion of the BSP and the certificate of registration granted to
asserting their claims before the SEC up to the Court of Appeals, both petitioner and it by the DTI constitute authority for it to use "GSIS Family Bank" as corporate name is also
respondent refer to the phrase "Family Bank" in their submissions. This coined phrase, neither untenable.
being generic nor descriptive, is merely suggestive and may properly be regarded as arbitrary.
Arbitrary marks are "words or phrases used as a mark that appear to be random in the context The enforcement of the protection accorded by Section 18 of the Corporation Code to
of its use. They are generally considered to be easily remembered because of their corporate names is lodged exclusively in the SEC. The jurisdiction of the SEC is not merely
arbitrariness. They are original and unexpected in relation to the products they endorse, thus, confined to the adjudicative functions provided in Section 5 of the SEC Reorganization Act,58 as
becoming themselves distinctive."51 Suggestive marks, on the other hand, "are marks which amended.59 By express mandate, the SEC has absolute jurisdiction, supervision and control
merely suggest some quality or ingredient of goods. xxx The strength of the suggestive marks over all corporations.60 It is the SECs duty to prevent confusion in the use of corporate names
lies on how the public perceives the word in relation to the product or service."52 not only for the protection of the corporations involved, but more so for the protection of the
public. It has authority to de-register at all times, and under all circumstances corporate names
In Ang v. Teodoro,53 this Court ruled that the words "Ang Tibay" is not a descriptive term within which in its estimation are likely to generate confusion.61
the meaning of the Trademark Law but rather a fanciful or coined phrase. 54 In so ruling, this
Court considered the etymology and meaning of the Tagalog words, "Ang Tibay" to determine The SEC62 correctly applied Section 18 of the Corporation Code, and Section 15 of SEC
whether they relate to the quality or description of the merchandise to which respondent Memorandum Circular No. 14-2000, pertinent portions of which provide:
therein applied them as trademark, thus:
In implementing Section 18 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines (BP 69), the following
We find it necessary to go into the etymology and meaning of the Tagalog words "Ang Tibay" revised guidelines in the approval of corporate and partnership names are hereby adopted for
to determine whether they are a descriptive term, i.e., whether they relate to the quality or the information and guidance of all concerned:
description of the merchandise to which respondent has applied them as a trade-mark. The
word "ang" is a definite article meaning "the" in English. It is also used as an adverb, a
contraction of the word "anong" (what or how). For instance, instead of saying, "Anong
ganda!" ("How beautiful!"), we ordinarily say, "Ang ganda!" Tibay is a root word from which
15. Registrant corporations or partnership shall submit a letter undertaking to change their considerations of fairness and due process impel this rule. Any issue raised for the first time
corporate or partnership name in case another person or firm has acquired a prior right to the on appeal is barred by estoppel.70
use of the said firm name or the same is deceptively or confusingly similar to one already
registered unless this undertaking is already included as one of the provisions of the articles of In this case, the fact that respondent filed a case before the DTI was made known to
incorporation or partnership of the registrant. petitioner71 long before the SEC rendered its decision. Yet, despite its knowledge, petitioner
failed to question the alleged forum shopping before the SEC. The exceptions to the general
The SEC, after finding merit in respondent's claims, can compel petitioner to abide by its rule that forum shopping should be raised in the earliest opportunity, as explained in the cited
commitment "to change its corporate name in the event that another person, firm or entity case of Young v. Keng Seng,72 do not obtain in this case.
has acquired a prior right to use of said name or one similar to it."63
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The decision of the Court of Appeals dated March 29,
Clearly, the only determination relevant to this case is that one made by the SEC in the exercise 2006 is hereby AFFIRMED.
of its express mandate under the law. The BSP opinion invoked by petitioner even
acknowledges that "the issue on whether a proposed name is identical or deceptively similar SO ORDERED.
to that of any of existing corporation is matter within the official jurisdiction and competence
of the SEC."64

Judicial notice65 may also be taken of the action of the IPO in approving respondents
registration of the trademark "BPI Family Bank" and its logo on October 17, 2008. The
certificate of registration of a mark shall be prima facie evidence of the validity of the
registration, the registrants ownership of the mark, and of the registrants exclusive right to
use the same in connection with the goods or services and those that are related thereto
specified in the certificate.66

Finally, we uphold the Court of Appeals' finding that the issue of forum shopping was belatedly
raised by petitioner and, thus, cannot anymore be considered at the appellate stage of the
proceedings. Petitioner raised the issue of forum shopping for the first time only on
appeal.67 Petitioner argued that the complaints filed by respondent did not contain
certifications against non-forum shopping, in violation of Section 5, Rule 7 of the Rules of

In S.C. Megaworld Construction and Development Corporation vs. Parada,69 this Court said
that objections relating to non-compliance with the verification and certification of non-forum
shopping should be raised in the proceedings below, and not for the first time on appeal. In
that case, S.C. Megaworld argued that the complaint for collection of sum of money should
have been dismissed outright by the trial court on account of an invalid nonforum shopping
certification. It alleged that the Special Power of Attorney granted to Parada did not specifically
include an authority for the latter to sign the verification and certification of non-forum
shopping, thus rendering the complaint defective for violation of Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 7 of
the Rules of Court. On motion for reconsideration of the decision of the Court of Appeals,
petitioner raised for the first time, the issue of forum shopping. The Court ruled against S.C.
Megaworld, thus:

It is well-settled that no question will be entertained on appeal unless it has been raised in the
proceedings below. Points of law, theories, issues and arguments not brought to the attention
of the lower court, administrative agency or quasi-judicial body, need not be considered by a
reviewing court, as they cannot be raised for the first time at that late stage. Basic
EN BANC c. COMMAND Respondents, particularly the BTr, to pay the full amount of the face
value of the Government Bonds upon maturity ... ; and
G.R. No. 198756 January 13, 2015
d. SECURE a temporary restraining order (TRO), and subsequently a writ of
BANCO DE ORO, BANK OF COMMERCE, CHINA BANKING CORPORATION, METROPOLITAN preliminary injunction, enjoining Respondents, particularly the BIR and the BTr, from
BANK & TRUST COMPANY, PHILIPPINE BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS, PHILIPPINE withholding or collecting 20% FWT on the Government Bonds and the respondent
NATIONAL BANK, PHILIPPINE VETERANS BANK AND PLANTERS DEVELOPMENT BIR from enforcing the assailed 2011 BIR Ruling, as well asother related rulings issued
BANK, Petitioners, by the BIR of similar tenor and import, pending the resolution by [the court] of the
merits of [the] Petition.3
CORPORATION, Petitioners-Intervenors, Factual background

CAUCUS OF DEVELOPMENT NGO NETWORKS, Petitioner-Intervenor, By letter4 dated March 23, 2001, the Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO)
vs. "with the assistance of its financial advisors, Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. ("RCBC"), RCBC
INTERNAL REVENUE, SECRETARY OF FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, THE NATIONAL Capital Ventures, Inc. (SEED),"5 requested an approval from the Department of Finance for the
TREASURER AND BUREAU OF TREASURY, Respondent. issuance by the Bureau of Treasury of 10-year zerocoupon Treasury Certificates (T-notes).6 The
T-notes would initially be purchased by a special purpose vehicle on behalf of CODE-NGO,
repackaged and sold at a premium to investors as the PEACe Bonds.7 The net proceeds from
the sale of the Bonds"will be used to endow a permanent fund (Hanapbuhay Fund) to finance
meritorious activities and projects of accredited non-government organizations (NGOs)
LEONEN, J.: throughout the country."8

The case involves the proper tax treatment of the discount or interest income arising from the Prior to and around the time of the proposal of CODE-NGO, other proposals for the issuance
35 billion worth of 10-year zero-coupon treasury bonds issued by the Bureau of Treasury on of zero-coupon bonds were also presented by banks and financial institutions, such as First
October 18, 2001 (denominated as the Poverty Eradication and Alleviation Certificates or the Metro Investment Corporation (proposal dated March 1, 2001),9 International Exchange Bank
PEA Ce Bonds by the Caucus of Development NGO Networks). (proposal dated July 27, 2000),10 Security Bank Corporation and SB Capital Investment
Corporation (proposal dated July 25, 2001),11 and ATR-Kim Eng Fixed Income, Inc. (proposal
On October 7, 2011, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue issued BIR Ruling No. 370- dated August 25, 1999).12 "[B]oth the proposals of First Metro Investment Corp. and ATR-Kim
20111 (2011 BIR Ruling), declaring that the PEACe Bonds being deposit substitutes are subject Eng Fixed Income indicate that the interest income or discount earned on the proposed
to the 20% final withholding tax. Pursuant to this ruling, the Secretary of Finance directed the zerocoupon bonds would be subject to the prevailing withholding tax."13
Bureau of Treasury to withhold a 20% final tax from the face value of the PEACe Bonds upon
their payment at maturity on October 18, 2011. A zero-coupon bondis a bond bought at a price substantially lower than its face value (or at a
deep discount), with the face value repaid at the time of maturity.14 It does not make periodic
This is a petition for certiorari, prohibition and/or mandamus2 filed by petitioners under Rule interest payments, or have socalled "coupons," hence the term zero-coupon bond.15 However,
65 of the Rules of Court seeking to: the discount to face value constitutes the return to the bondholder.16

a. ANNUL Respondent BIR's Ruling No. 370-2011 dated 7 October 2011 [and] other On May 31, 2001, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, in reply to CODENGOs letters dated May
related rulings issued by BIR of similar tenor and import, for being unconstitutional 10, 15, and 25, 2001, issued BIR Ruling No. 020-200117 on the tax treatment of the proposed
and for having been issued without jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion PEACe Bonds. BIR Ruling No. 020-2001, signed by then Commissioner ofInternal Revenue Ren
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction ... ; G. Baez confirmed that the PEACe Bonds would not be classified as deposit substitutes and
would not be subject to the corresponding withholding tax:
b. PROHIBIT Respondents, particularly the BTr; from withholding or collecting the
20% FWT from the payment of the face value of the Government Bonds upon their Thus, to be classified as "deposit substitutes", the borrowing of funds must be obtained from
maturity; twenty (20) or more individuals or corporate lenders at any one time. In the light of your
representation that the PEACe Bonds will be issued only to one entity, i.e., Code NGO, the
same shall not be considered as "deposit substitutes" falling within the purview of the above
definition. Hence, the withholding tax on deposit substitutes will not apply.18 (Emphasis During the auction, there were 45 bids from 15 GSEDs.38 The bidding range was very wide,
supplied) from as low as 12.248% to as high as 18.000%.39 Nonetheless, the Bureau of Treasury accepted
the auction results.40 The cut-off was at 12.75%.41
The tax treatment of the proposed PEACe Bonds in BIR Ruling No. 020-2001 was subsequently
reiterated in BIR Ruling No. 035-200119 dated August 16, 2001 and BIR Ruling No. DA-175- After the auction, RCBC which participated on behalf of CODE-NGO was declared as the
0120 dated September 29, 2001 (collectively, the 2001 Rulings). In sum, these rulings winning bidder having tendered the lowest bids.42 Accordingly, on October 18, 2001, the
pronounced that to be able to determine whether the financial assets, i.e., debt instruments Bureau of Treasury issued 35 billion worth of Bonds at yield-to-maturity of 12.75% to RCBC
and securities are deposit substitutes, the "20 or more individual or corporate lenders" rule for approximately 10.17 billion,43 resulting in a discount of approximately 24.83 billion.
must apply. Moreover, the determination of the phrase "at any one time" for purposes of
determining the "20 or more lenders" is to be determined at the time of the original issuance. Also on October 16, 2001, RCBC Capital entered into an underwriting Agreement44 with CODE-
Such being the case, the PEACe Bonds were not to be treated as deposit substitutes. NGO, whereby RCBC Capital was appointed as the Issue Manager and Lead Underwriter for
the offering of the PEACe Bonds.45RCBC Capital agreed to underwrite46 on a firm basis the
Meanwhile, in the memorandum21 dated July 4, 2001, Former Treasurer Eduardo Sergio G. offering, distribution and sale of the 35 billion Bonds at the price of 11,995,513,716.51. 47 In
Edeza (Former Treasurer Edeza) questioned the propriety of issuing the bonds directly to a Section 7(r) of the underwriting agreement, CODE-NGO represented that "[a]ll income derived
special purpose vehicle considering that the latter was not a Government Securities Eligible from the Bonds, inclusive of premium on redemption and gains on the trading of the same, are
Dealer (GSED).22 Former Treasurer Edeza recommended that the issuance of the Bonds "be exempt from all forms of taxation as confirmed by Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) letter
done through the ADAPS"23 and that CODE-NGO "should get a GSED to bid in [sic] its behalf."24 rulings dated 31 May 2001 and 16 August 2001, respectively."48

Subsequently, in the notice to all GSEDs entitled Public Offering of Treasury Bonds 25 (Public RCBC Capital sold the Government Bonds in the secondary market for an issue price of
Offering) dated October 9, 2001, the Bureau of Treasury announced that "30.0B worth of 10- 11,995,513,716.51. Petitioners purchased the PEACe Bonds on different dates. 49
year Zero[-] Coupon Bonds [would] be auctioned on October 16, 2001[.]"26 The notice stated
that the Bonds "shall be issued to not morethan 19 buyers/lenders hence, the necessity of a BIR rulings
manual auction for this maiden issue."27 It also required the GSEDs to submit their bids not
later than 12 noon on auction date and to disclose in their bid submissions the names of the
On October 7, 2011, "the BIR issued the assailed 2011 BIR Ruling imposing a 20% FWT on the
institutions bidding through them to ensure strict compliance with the 19 lender limit.28 Lastly,
Government Bonds and directing the BTr to withhold said final tax at the maturity thereof,
it stated that "the issue being limitedto 19 lenders and while taxable shall not be subject to
[allegedly without] consultation with Petitioners as bond holders, and without conducting any
the 20% final withholding [tax]."29

On October 12, 2001, the Bureau of Treasury released a memo30 on the "Formula for the Zero-
"It appears that the assailed 2011 BIR Ruling was issued in response to a query of the Secretary
Coupon Bond." The memo stated inpart that the formula (in determining the purchase price
of Finance on the proper tax treatment of the discount or interest income derived from the
and settlement amount) "is only applicable to the zeroes that are not subject to the 20% final
Government Bonds."51 The Bureau of Internal Revenue, citing three (3) of its rulings rendered
withholding due to the 19 buyer/lender limit."31
in 2004 and 2005, namely: BIR Ruling No. 007-0452 dated July 16, 2004; BIR Ruling No. DA-491-
0453 dated September 13, 2004; and BIR Ruling No. 008-0554 dated July 28, 2005, declared the
A day before the auction date or on October 15, 2001, the Bureau of Treasury issued the following:
"Auction Guidelines for the 10-year Zero-Coupon Treasury Bond to be Issued on October 16,
2001" (Auction Guidelines).32 The Auction Guidelines reiterated that the Bonds to be
The Php 24.3 billion discount on the issuance of the PEACe Bonds should be subject to 20%
auctioned are "[n]ot subject to 20% withholding tax as the issue will be limited to a maximum
Final Tax on interest income from deposit substitutes. It is now settled that all treasury bonds
of 19 lenders in the primary market (pursuant to BIR Revenue Regulation No. 020 2001)."33The
(including PEACe Bonds), regardless of the number of purchasers/lenders at the time of
Auction Guidelines, for the first time, also stated that the Bonds are "[e]ligible as liquidity
origination/issuance are considered deposit substitutes. In the case of zero-coupon bonds, the
reserves (pursuant to MB Resolution No. 1545 dated 27 September 2001)[.]"34
discount (i.e. difference between face value and purchase price/discounted value of the bond)
is treated as interest income of the purchaser/holder. Thus, the Php 24.3 interest income
On October 16, 2001, the Bureau of Treasury held an auction for the 10-year zero-coupon should have been properly subject to the 20% Final Tax as provided in Section 27(D)(1) of the
bonds.35 Also on the same date, the Bureau of Treasury issued another Tax Code of 1997. . . .
memorandum36 quoting excerpts of the ruling issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue
concerning the Bonds exemption from 20% final withholding tax and the opinion of the
Monetary Board on reserve eligibility.37
However, at the time of the issuance of the PEACe Bonds in 2001, the BTr was not able tocollect resolution in order that petitioners may place the corresponding funds in escrow pending
the final tax on the discount/interest income realized by RCBC as a result of the 2001 Rulings. resolution of the petition."66
Subsequently, the issuance of BIR Ruling No. 007-04 dated July 16, 2004 effectively modifies
and supersedes the 2001 Rulings by stating that the [1997] Tax Code is clear that the "term On the same day, CODE-NGO filed a motion for leave to intervene (and to admit attached
public means borrowing from twenty (20) or more individual or corporate lenders at any one petition-in-intervention with comment on the petitionin-intervention of RCBC and RCBC
time." The word "any" plainly indicates that the period contemplated is the entire term of the Capital).67 The motion was granted by this court on November 22, 2011.68
bond, and not merely the point of origination or issuance. . . . Thus, by taking the PEACe bonds
out of the ambit of deposits [sic] substitutes and exempting it from the 20% Final Tax, an
On December 1, 2011, public respondents filed their compliance.69 They explained that: 1) "the
exemption in favour of the PEACe Bonds was created when no such exemption is found in the
implementation of [BIR Ruling No. 370-2011], which has already been performed on October
18, 2011 with the withholding of the 20% final withholding tax on the face value of the PEACe
bonds, is already fait accompli . . . when the Resolution and TRO were served to and received
On October 11, 2011, a "Memo for Trading Participants No. 58-2011 was issued by the by respondents BTr and National Treasurer [on October 19, 2011]";70 and 2) the withheld
Philippine Dealing System Holdings Corporation and Subsidiaries ("PDS Group"). The Memo amount has ipso facto become public funds and cannot be disbursed or released to petitioners
provides that in view of the pronouncement of the DOF and the BIR on the applicability of the without congressional appropriation.71 Respondents further aver that"[i]nasmuch as the . . .
20% FWT on the Government Bonds, no transferof the same shall be allowed to be recorded TRO has already become moot . . . the condition attached to it, i.e., that the 20% final
in the Registry of Scripless Securities ("ROSS") from 12 October 2011 until the redemption withholding tax on interest income therefrom shall be withheld by the banks and placed in
payment date on 18 October 2011. Thus, the bondholders of record appearing on the ROSS as escrow . . .has also been rendered moot[.]"72
of 18 October 2011, which include the Petitioners, shall be treated by the BTr asthe beneficial
owners of such securities for the relevant [tax] payments to be imposed thereon." 56
On December 6, 2011, this court noted respondents' compliance.73

On October 17, 2011, replying to anurgent query from the Bureau of Treasury, the Bureau of
On February 22, 2012, respondents filed their consolidated comment74 on the petitions-in-
Internal Revenue issued BIR Ruling No. DA 378-201157 clarifying that the final withholding tax
intervention filed by RCBC and RCBC Capital and On November 27, 2012, petitioners filed their
due on the discount or interest earned on the PEACe Bonds should "be imposed and withheld
"Manifestation with Urgent Reiterative Motion (To Direct Respondents to Comply with the
not only on RCBC/CODE NGO but also [on] all subsequent holders of the Bonds."58
Temporary Restraining Order)."75

On October 17, 2011, petitioners filed a petition for certiorari, prohibition, and/or mandamus
On December 4, 2012, this court: (a) noted petitioners manifestation with urgent reiterative
(with urgent application for a temporary restraining order and/or writ of preliminary
motion (to direct respondents to comply with the temporary restraining order); and (b)
injunction)59 before this court.
required respondents to comment thereon.76

On October 18, 2011, this court issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) 60 "enjoining the
Respondents comment77 was filed on April 15,2013, and petitioners filed their reply78 on June
implementation of BIR Ruling No. 370-2011 against the [PEACe Bonds,] . . . subject to the
5, 2013.
condition that the 20% final withholding tax on interest income there from shall be withheld
by the petitioner banks and placed in escrow pending resolution of [the] petition."61
On October 28, 2011, RCBC and RCBC Capital filed a motion for leave of court to intervene and
to admit petition-in-intervention62 dated October 27, 2011, which was granted by this court The main issues to be resolved are:
on November 15, 2011.63
I. Whether the PEACe Bonds are "deposit substitutes" and thus subject to 20% final
Meanwhile, on November 9, 2011, petitioners filed their "Manifestation with Urgent Ex Parte withholding tax under the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code. Related to this
Motion to Direct Respondents to Comply with the TRO."64 They alleged that on the same day question is the interpretation of the phrase "borrowing from twenty (20) or more
that the temporary restraining order was issued, the Bureau of Treasury paid to petitioners individual or corporate lenders at any one time" under Section 22(Y) of the 1997
and other bondholders the amounts representing the face value of the Bonds, net however of National Internal Revenue Code, particularly on whether the reckoning of the 20
the amounts corresponding to the 20% final withholding tax on interest income, and that the lenders includes trading of the bonds in the secondary market; and
Bureau of Treasury refused to release the amounts corresponding to the 20% final withholding
tax.65On November 15, 2011, this court directed respondents to: "(1) SHOW CAUSE why they II. If the PEACe Bonds are considered "deposit substitutes," whether the government
failed to comply with the October 18, 2011 resolution; and (2) COMPLY with the Courts or the Bureau of Internal Revenue is estopped from imposing and/or collecting the
20% final withholding tax from the face value of these Bonds
a. Will the imposition of the 20% final withholding tax violate the non- be assessed within three (3) years after the last day prescribed by law for the filing of the
impairment clause of the Constitution? return."94

b. Will it constitute a deprivation of property without due process of law? Moreover, petitioners contend that the retroactive application of the 2011 BIR Ruling without
prior notice to them was in violation of their property rights,95 their constitutional right to due
c. Will it violate Section 245 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code process96 as well as Section 246 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code on non-
on non-retroactivity of rulings? retroactivity of rulings.97 Allegedly, it would also have "an adverse effect of colossal magnitude
on the investors, both localand foreign, the Philippine capital market, and most importantly,
the countrys standing in the international commercial community."98 Petitioners explained
Arguments of petitioners, RCBC and RCBC
that "unless enjoined, the governments threatened refusal to pay the full value of the
Capital, and CODE-NGO
Government Bonds will negatively impact on the image of the country in terms of protection
for property rights (including financial assets), degree of legal protection for lenders rights,
Petitioners argue that "[a]s the issuer of the Government Bonds acting through the BTr, the and strength of investor protection."99 They cited the countrys ranking in the World Economic
Government is obligated . . . to pay the face value amount of Ph35 Billion upon maturity Forum: 75th in the world in its 20112012 Global Competitiveness Index, 111th out of 142
without any deduction whatsoever."79 They add that "the Government cannot impair the countries worldwide and 2nd to the last among ASEAN countries in terms of Strength of
efficacy of the [Bonds] by arbitrarily, oppressively and unreasonably imposing the withholding Investor Protection, and 105th worldwide and last among ASEAN countries in terms of
of 20% FWT upon the [Bonds] a mere eleven (11) days before maturity and after several, Property Rights Index and Legal Rights Index.100 It would also allegedly "send a reverberating
consistent categorical declarations that such bonds are exempt from the 20% FWT, without message to the whole world that there is no certainty, predictability, and stability of financial
violating due process"80 and the constitutional principle on non-impairment of transactions in the capital markets[.]"101 "[T]he integrity of Government-issued bonds and
contracts.81 Petitioners aver that at the time they purchased the Bonds, they had the right to notes will be greatly shattered and the credit of the Philippine Government will suffer"102 if the
expect that they would receive the full face value of the Bonds upon maturity, in view of the sudden turnaround of the government will be allowed,103 and it will reinforce "investors
2001 BIR Rulings.82 "[R]egardless of whether or not the 2001 BIR Rulings are correct, the fact perception that the level of regulatory risk for contracts entered into by the Philippine
remains that [they] relied [on] good faith thereon."83 Government is high,"104 thus resulting in higher interestrate for government-issued debt
instruments and lowered credit rating.105
At any rate, petitioners insist that the PEACe Bonds are not deposit substitutes as defined
under Section 22(Y) of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code because there was only one Petitioners-intervenors RCBC and RCBC Capital contend that respondent Commissioner of
lender (RCBC) to whom the Bureau of Treasury issued the Bonds.84 They allege that the 2004, Internal Revenue "gravely and seriously abused her discretion in the exercise of her rule-
2005, and 2011 BIR Rulings "erroneously interpreted that the number of investors that making power"106 when she issued the assailed 2011 BIR Ruling which ruled that "all treasury
participate in the secondary market is the determining factor in reckoning the existence or bonds are deposit substitutes regardless of the number of lenders, in clear disregard of the
non-existence of twenty (20) or more individual or corporate lenders." 85 Furthermore, they requirement of twenty (20)or more lenders mandated under the NIRC." 107 They argue that
contend that the Bureau of Internal Revenue unduly expanded the definition of deposit "[b]y her blanket and arbitrary classification of treasury bonds as deposit substitutes,
substitutes under Section 22 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code in concluding that respondent CIR not only amended and expanded the NIRC, but effectively imposed a new tax
"the mere issuance of government debt instruments and securities is deemed as falling within on privately-placed treasury bonds."108Petitioners-intervenors RCBC and RCBC Capital further
the coverage of deposit substitutes[.]"86 Thus, "[t]he 2011 BIR Ruling clearly amount[ed] to argue that the 2011 BIR Ruling will cause substantial impairment of their vested rights109 under
an unauthorized act of administrative legislation[.]"87 the Bonds since the ruling imposes new conditions by "subjecting the PEACe Bonds to the
twenty percent (20%) final withholding tax notwithstanding the fact that the terms and
Petitioners further argue that their income from the Bonds is a "trading gain," which is exempt conditions thereof as previously represented by the Government, through respondents BTr
from income tax.88They insist that "[t]hey are not lenders whose income is considered as and BIR, expressly state that it is not subject to final withholding tax upon their
interest income or yield subject to the 20% FWT under Section 27 (D)(1) of the [1997 National maturity."110 They added that "[t]he exemption from the twenty percent (20%) final
Internal Revenue Code]"89 because they "acquired the Government Bonds in the secondary or withholding tax [was] the primary inducement and principal consideration for [their]
tertiary market."90 participat[ion] in the auction and underwriting of the PEACe Bonds."111

Even assuming without admitting that the Government Bonds are deposit substitutes, Like petitioners, petitioners-intervenors RCBC and RCBC Capital also contend that respondent
petitioners argue that the collection of the final tax was barred by prescription.91 They point Commissioner of Internal Revenue violated their rights to due process when she arbitrarily
out that under Section 7 of DOF Department Order No. 141-95,92 the final withholding tax issued the 2011 BIR Ruling without prior notice and hearing, and the oppressive timing of such
"should have been withheld at the time of their issuance[.]"93 Also, under Section 203 of the ruling deprived them of the opportunity to challenge the same.112
1997 National Internal Revenue Code, "internal revenuetaxes, such as the final tax, [should]
Assuming the 20% final withholding tax was due on the PEACe Bonds, petitioners-intervenors payment of the Ph35 Billion proceeds on maturity of the PEACe Bonds, Petitioners receive an
RCBC and RCBC Capital claim that respondents Bureau of Treasury and CODE-NGO should be amount of money equivalent to about Ph24.8 Billion as payment for interest. Such interest is
held liable "as [these] parties explicitly represented . . . that the said bonds are exempt from clearly an income of the Petitioners considering that the same is a flow of wealth and not
the final withholding tax."113 merely a return of capital the capital initially invested in the Bonds being approximately
Ph10.2 Billion[.]"127
Finally, petitioners-intervenors RCBC and RCBC Capital argue that "the implementation of the
[2011 assailed BIR Ruling and BIR Ruling No. DA 378-2011] will have pernicious effects on the Maintaining that the imposition of the 20% final withholding tax on the PEACe Bonds does not
integrity of existing securities, which is contrary to the State policies of stabilizing the financial constitute an impairment of the obligations of contract, respondents aver that: "The BTr has
system and of developing capital markets."114 no power to contractually grant a tax exemption in favour of Petitioners thus the 2001 BIR
Rulings cannot be considered a material term of the Bonds"[;]128 "[t]here has been no change
For its part, CODE-NGO argues that: (a) the 2011 BIR Ruling and BIR Ruling No. DA 378-2011 in the laws governing the taxability of interest income from deposit substitutes and said laws
are "invalid because they contravene Section 22(Y) of the 1997 [NIRC] when the said rulings are read into every contract"[;]129 "[t]he assailed BIR Rulings merely interpret the term
disregarded the applicability of the 20 or more lender rule to government debt "deposit substitute" in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Tax Code"[;]130 "[t]he
instruments"[;]115 (b) "when [it] sold the PEACe Bonds in the secondary market instead of withholding of the 20% FWT does not result in a default by the Government as the latter
holding them until maturity, [it] derived . . . long-term trading gain[s], not interest income, performed its obligations to the bondholders in full"[;]131 and "[i]f there was a breach of
which [are] exempt . . . under Section 32(B)(7)(g) of the 1997 NIRC"[;]116 (c) "the tax exemption contract or a misrepresentation it was between RCBC/CODE-NGO/RCBC Cap and the
privilege relating to the issuance of the PEACe Bonds . . . partakes of a contractual commitment succeeding purchasers of the PEACe Bonds."132
granted by the Government in exchange for a valid and material consideration [i.e., the issue
price paid and savings in borrowing cost derived by the Government,] thus protected by the Similarly, respondents counter that the withholding of "[t]he 20% final withholding tax on the
non-impairment clause of the 1987 Constitution"[;]117 and (d) the 2004, 2005, and 2011 BIR PEACe Bonds does not amount to a deprivation of property without due process of
Rulings "did not validly revoke the 2001 BIR Rulings since no notice of revocation was issued law."133 Their imposition of the 20% final withholding tax is not arbitrary because they were
to [it], RCBC and [RCBC Capital] and petitioners[-bondholders], nor was there any BIR only performing a duty imposed by law;134 "[t]he 2011 BIR Ruling is aninterpretative rule which
administrative guidance issued and published[.]"118CODE-NGO additionally argues that merely interprets the meaning of deposit substitutes [and upheld] the earlier construction
impleading it in a Rule 65 petition was improper because: (a) it involves determination of a given to the termby the 2004 and 2005 BIR Rulings."135 Hence, respondents argue that "there
factual question;119 and (b) it is premature and states no cause of action as it amounts to an was no need to observe the requirements of notice, hearing, and publication[.]"136
anticipatory third-party claim.120
Nonetheless, respondents add that "there is every reason to believe that Petitioners all
Arguments of respondents major financial institutions equipped with both internal and external accounting and
compliance departments as wellas access to both internal and external legal counsel; actively
Respondents argue that petitioners direct resort to this court to challenge the 2011 BIR Ruling involved in industry organizations such as the Bankers Association of the Philippines and the
violates the doctrines of exhaustion of administrative remedies and hierarchy ofcourts, Capital Market Development Council; all actively taking part in the regular and special debt
resulting in a lack of cause of action that justifies the dismissal of the petition.121 According to issuances of the BTr and indeed regularly proposing products for issue by BTr had actual
them, "the jurisdiction to review the rulings of the [Commissioner of Internal Revenue], after notice of the 2004 and 2005 BIR Rulings."137 Allegedly, "the sudden and drastic drop
the aggrieved party exhausted the administrative remedies, pertains to the Court of Tax including virtually zero trading for extended periods of six months to almost a year in the
Appeals."122 They point out that "a case similar to the present Petition was [in fact] filed with trading volume of the PEACe Bonds after the release of BIR Ruling No. 007-04 on July 16, 2004
the CTA on October 13, 2011[,] [docketed as] CTA Case No. 8351 [and] entitled, Rizal tend to indicate that market participants, including the Petitioners herein, were aware of the
Commercial Banking Corporation and RCBC Capital Corporation vs. Commissioner of Internal ruling and its consequences for the PEACe Bonds."138
Revenue, et al."123
Moreover, they contend that the assailed 2011 BIR Ruling is a valid exercise of the
Respondents further take issue on the timeliness of the filing of the petition and petitions-in- Commissioner of Internal Revenues rule-making power;139 that it and the 2004 and 2005 BIR
intervention.124 They argue that under the guise of mainly assailing the 2011 BIR Ruling, Rulings did not unduly expand the definition of deposit substitutes by creating an unwarranted
petitioners are indirectly attacking the 2004 and 2005 BIR Rulings, of which the attack is legally exception to the requirement of having 20 or more lenders/purchasers;140 and the word "any"
prohibited, and the petition insofar as it seeks to nullify the 2004 and 2005 BIR Rulings was in Section 22(Y) of the National Internal Revenue Code plainly indicates that the period
filed way out of time pursuant to Rule 65, Section 4.125 contemplated is the entire term of the bond and not merely the point of origination or
Respondents contend that the discount/interest income derived from the PEACe Bonds is not
a trading gain but interest income subject to income tax.126 They explain that "[w]ith the
Respondents further argue that a retroactive application of the 2011 BIR Ruling will not b) It constitutes deprivation ofproperty without due process because there
unjustifiably prejudice petitioners.142 "[W]ith or without the 2011 BIR Ruling, Petitioners would was no prior notice to bondholders and hearing and publication;
be liable topay a 20% final withholding tax just the same because the PEACe Bonds in their
possession are legally in the nature of deposit substitutes subject to a 20% final withholding c) It violates the rule on non-retroactivity under the 1997 National Internal
tax under the NIRC."143 Section 7 of DOF Department Order No. 141-95 also provides that Revenue Code;
incomederived from Treasury bonds is subject to the 20% final withholding tax.144 "[W]hile
revenue regulations as a general rule have no retroactive effect, if the revocation is due to the
d) It violates the constitutional provision on supporting activities of non-
fact that the regulation is erroneous or contrary to law, such revocation shall have retroactive
government organizations and development of the capital market; and
operation as to affect past transactions, because a wrong construction of the law cannot give
rise to a vested right that can be invoked by a taxpayer."145
e) The assessment had already prescribed.
Finally, respondents submit that "there are a number of variables and factors affecting a capital
market."146 "[C]apital market itself is inherently unstable."147 Thus, "[p]etitioners argument Respondents counter that:
that the 20% final withholding tax . . . will wreak havoc on the financial stability of the country
is a mere supposition that is not a justiciable issue."148 1) Respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue did not act with grave abuse of discretion in
issuing the challenged 2011 BIR Ruling:
On the prayer for the temporary restraining order, respondents argue that this order "could
no longer be implemented [because] the acts sought to be enjoined are already fait a. The 2011 BIR Ruling, being an interpretative rule, was issued by virtue of the
accompli."149 They add that "to disburse the funds withheld to the Petitioners at this time Commissioner of Internal Revenues power to interpret the provisions of the 1997
would violate Section 29[,] Article VI of the Constitution prohibiting money being paid out of National Internal Revenue Code and other tax laws;
the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law[.]"150 "The remedy of
petitioners is to claim a tax refund under Section 204(c) of the Tax Code should their position b. Commissioner of Internal Revenue merely restates and confirms the
be upheld by the Honorable Court."151 interpretations contained in previously issued BIR Ruling Nos. 007-2004, DA-491-
04,and 008-05, which have already effectively abandoned or revoked the 2001 BIR
Respondents also argue that "the implementation of the TRO would violate Section 218 of the Rulings;
Tax Code in relation to Section 11 of Republic Act No. 1125 (as amended by Section 9 of
Republic Act No. 9282) which prohibits courts, except the Court of Tax Appeals, from issuing c. Commissioner of Internal Revenue is not bound by his or her predecessors rulings
injunctions to restrain the collection of any national internal revenue tax imposed by the Tax especially when the latters rulings are not in harmony with the law; and

d. The wrong construction of the law that the 2001 BIR Rulings have perpetrated
Summary of arguments cannot give rise to a vested right. Therefore, the 2011 BIR Ruling can be given
retroactive effect.
In sum, petitioners and petitioners-intervenors, namely, RCBC, RCBC Capital, and CODE-NGO
argue that: 2) Rule 65 can be resorted to only if there is no appeal or any plain, speedy, and adequate
remedy in the ordinary course of law:
1. The 2011 BIR Ruling is ultra vires because it is contrary to the 1997 National
Internal Revenue Code when it declared that all government debt instruments are a. Petitioners had the basic remedy offiling a claim for refund of the 20% final withholding tax
deposit substitutes regardless of the 20-lender rule; and they allege to have been wrongfully collected; and

2. The 2011 BIR Ruling cannot be applied retroactively because: b. Non-observance of the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies and of hierarchy
of courts.
a) It will violate the contract clause;
Courts ruling
It constitutes a unilateral amendment of a material term (tax exempt
status) in the Bonds, represented by the government as an inducement
and important consideration for the purchase of the Bonds;
Procedural Issues BIR Ruling was issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue. It appears that the Secretary of
Non-exhaustion of Finance adopted the Commissioner of Internal Revenues opinions as his own.158 This position
administrative remedies proper was in fact confirmed in the letter159 dated October 10, 2011 where he ordered the Bureau of
Treasury to withhold the amount corresponding to the 20% final withholding tax on the
Under Section 4 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code, interpretative rulings are interest or discounts allegedly due from the bondholders on the strength of the 2011 BIR
reviewable by the Secretary of Finance. Ruling. Doctrine on hierarchy of courts

SEC. 4. Power of the Commissioner to Interpret Tax Laws and to Decide Tax Cases. -The power We agree with respondents that the jurisdiction to review the rulings of the Commissioner of
to interpret the provisions of this Code and other tax laws shall be under the exclusive and Internal Revenue pertains to the Court of Tax Appeals. The questioned BIR Ruling Nos. 370-
original jurisdiction of the Commissioner, subject to review by the Secretary of Finance. 2011 and DA 378-2011 were issued in connection with the implementation of the 1997
(Emphasis supplied) National Internal Revenue Code on the taxability of the interest income from zero-coupon
bonds issued by the government.
Thus, it was held that "[i]f superior administrative officers [can] grant the relief prayed for,
[then] special civil actions are generally not entertained."153 The remedy within the Under Republic Act No. 1125 (An Act Creating the Court of Tax Appeals), as amended by
administrative machinery must be resorted to first and pursued to its appropriate conclusion Republic Act No. 9282,160such rulings of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue are appealable
before the courts judicial power can be sought.154 to that court, thus:

Nonetheless, jurisprudence allows certain exceptions to the rule on exhaustion of SEC. 7.Jurisdiction.- The CTA shall exercise:
administrative remedies:
a. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal, as herein provided:
[The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies] is a relative one and its flexibility is
called upon by the peculiarity and uniqueness of the factual and circumstantial settings of a 1. Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in cases involving disputed assessments,
case. Hence, it is disregarded (1) when there is a violation of due process, (2) when the issue refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in relation thereto, or other
involved is purely a legal question,155 (3) when the administrative action is patently illegal matters arising under the National Internal Revenue or other laws administered by the Bureau
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction,(4) when there is estoppel on the part of the of Internal Revenue;
administrative agency concerned,(5) when there is irreparable injury, (6) when the respondent
is a department secretary whose acts as an alter ego of the President bears the implied and ....
assumed approval of the latter, (7) when to require exhaustion of administrative remedies
would be unreasonable, (8) when it would amount to a nullification of a claim, (9) when the
SEC. 11. Who May Appeal; Mode of Appeal; Effect of Appeal. - Any party adversely affected by
subject matter is a private land in land case proceedings, (10) when the rule does not provide
a decision, ruling or inaction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the Commissioner of
a plain, speedy and adequate remedy, (11) when there are circumstances indicating the
Customs, the Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of Trade and Industry or the Secretary of
urgency of judicial intervention.156 (Emphasis supplied, citations omitted)
Agriculture or the Central Board of Assessment Appeals or the Regional Trial Courts may file
an appeal with the CTA within thirty (30) days after the receipt of such decision or rulingor
The exceptions under (2) and (11)are present in this case. The question involved is purely legal, after the expiration of the period fixed by law for action as referred toin Section 7(a)(2) herein.
namely: (a) the interpretation of the 20-lender rule in the definition of the terms public and
deposit substitutes under the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code; and (b) whether the
imposition of the 20% final withholding tax on the PEACe Bonds upon maturity violates the
constitutional provisions on non-impairment of contracts and due process. Judicial
intervention is likewise urgent with the impending maturity of the PEACe Bonds on October SEC. 18. Appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals En Banc. - No civil proceeding involving matters
18, 2011. arising under the National Internal Revenue Code, the Tariff and Customs Code or the Local
Government Code shall be maintained, except as herein provided, until and unless an appeal
has been previously filed with the CTA and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of
The rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies also finds no application when the
this Act.
exhaustion will result in an exercise in futility.157

In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Leal,161 citing Rodriguez v. Blaquera,162 this court

In this case, an appeal to the Secretary of Finance from the questioned 2011 BIR Ruling would
emphasized the jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals over rulings of the Bureau of Internal
be a futile exercise because it was upon the request of the Secretary of Finance that the 2011
Revenue, thus:
While the Court of Appeals correctly took cognizance of the petition for certiorari, however, justice, or the orders complained of were found to be patent nullities, or the appeal was
let it be stressed that the jurisdiction to review the rulings of the Commissioner of Internal considered as clearly an inappropriate remedy."164
Revenue pertains to the Court of Tax Appeals, not to the RTC.
In Philippine Rural Electric Cooperatives Association, Inc. (PHILRECA) v. The Secretary,
The questioned RMO No. 15-91 and RMC No. 43-91 are actually rulings or opinions of the Department of Interior and Local Government,165 this court noted that the petition for
Commissioner implementing the Tax Code on the taxability of pawnshops.. . . prohibition was filed directly before it "in disregard of the rule on hierarchy of courts. However,
[this court] opt[ed] to take primary jurisdiction over the . . . petition and decide the same on
.... its merits in viewof the significant constitutional issues raised by the parties dealing with the
tax treatment of cooperatives under existing laws and in the interest of speedy justice and
prompt disposition of the matter."166
Such revenue orders were issued pursuant to petitioner's powers under Section 245 of the Tax
Code, which states:
Here, the nature and importance of the issues raised167 to the investment and banking industry
with regard to a definitive declaration of whether government debt instruments are deposit
"SEC. 245. Authority of the Secretary of Finance to promulgate rules and regulations. The
substitutes under existing laws, and the novelty thereof, constitute exceptional and compelling
Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner, shall promulgate all needful
circumstances to justify resort to this court in the first instance.
rules and regulations for the effective enforcement of the provisions of this Code.

The tax provision on deposit substitutes affects not only the PEACe Bonds but also any other
The authority of the Secretary of Finance to determine articles similar or analogous to those
financial instrument or product that may be issued and traded in the market. Due to the
subject to a rate of sales tax under certain category enumerated in Section 163 and 165 of this
changing positions of the Bureau of Internal Revenue on this issue, there isa need for a final
Code shall be without prejudice to the power of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to make
ruling from this court to stabilize the expectations in the financial market.
rulings or opinions in connection with the implementation of the provisionsof internal revenue
laws, including ruling on the classification of articles of sales and similar purposes." (Emphasis
in the original) Finally, non-compliance with the rules on exhaustion of administrative remedies and hierarchy
of courts had been rendered moot by this courts issuance of the temporary restraining order
enjoining the implementation of the 2011 BIR Ruling. The temporary restraining order
effectively recognized the urgency and necessity of direct resort to this court.

The Court, in Rodriguez, etc. vs. Blaquera, etc., ruled:

Substantive issues

"Plaintiff maintains that this is not an appeal from a ruling of the Collector of Internal Revenue,
Tax treatment of deposit
but merely an attempt to nullify General Circular No. V-148, which does not adjudicate or settle
any controversy, and that, accordingly, this case is not within the jurisdiction of the Court of
Tax Appeals.
Under Sections 24(B)(1), 27(D)(1),and 28(A)(7) of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code, a
final withholdingtax at the rate of 20% is imposed on interest on any currency bank deposit
We find no merit in this pretense. General Circular No. V-148 directs the officers charged with
and yield or any other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust funds and
the collection of taxes and license fees to adhere strictly to the interpretation given by the
similar arrangements. These provisions read:
defendant tothe statutory provisions abovementioned, as set forth in the Circular. The same
incorporates, therefore, a decision of the Collector of Internal Revenue (now Commissioner of
Internal Revenue) on the manner of enforcement of the said statute, the administration of SEC. 24. Income Tax Rates.
which is entrusted by law to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. As such, it comes within the
purview of Republic Act No. 1125, Section 7 of which provides that the Court of Tax Appeals ....
shall exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal . . . decisions of the Collector
of Internal Revenue in . . . matters arising under the National Internal Revenue Code or other (B) Rate of Tax on Certain Passive Income.
law or part of the law administered by the Bureau of Internal Revenue."163
(1) Interests, Royalties, Prizes, and Other Winnings. - A final tax at the rate of twenty percent
In exceptional cases, however, this court entertained direct recourse to it when "dictated by (20%) is hereby imposed upon the amount of interest fromany currency bank deposit and yield
public welfare and the advancement of public policy, or demanded by the broader interest of or any other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust funds and similar
arrangements; . . . Provided, further, That interest income from long-term deposit or
investment in the form of savings, common or individual trust funds, deposit substitutes, the expanded foreign currency deposit system shall be subject to a final income tax at the rate
investment management accounts and other investments evidenced by certificates in such of seven and one-half percent (7 1/2%) of such interest income. (Emphasis supplied)
form prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) shall be exempt from the tax imposed
under this Subsection: Provided, finally, That should the holder of the certificate pre-terminate This tax treatment of interest from bank deposits and yield from deposit substitutes was first
the deposit or investment before the fifth (5th) year, a final tax shall be imposed on the entire introduced in the 1977 National Internal Revenue Code through Presidential Decree No.
income and shall be deducted and withheld by the depository bank from the proceeds of the 1739168 issued in 1980. Later, Presidential Decree No. 1959, effective on October 15, 1984,
long-term deposit or investment certificate based on the remaining maturity thereof: formally added the definition of deposit substitutes, viz:

Four (4) years to less than five (5) years - 5%; (y) Deposit substitutes shall mean an alternative form of obtaining funds from the public,
other than deposits, through the issuance, endorsement, or acceptance of debt instruments
Three (3) years to less than four (4) years - 12%; and for the borrower's own account, for the purpose of relending or purchasing of receivables and
other obligations, or financing their own needs or the needs of their agent or dealer.These
Less than three (3) years - 20%. (Emphasis supplied) promissory notes, repurchase agreements, certificates of assignment or participation and
similar instrument with recourse as may be authorized by the Central Bank of the Philippines,
for banks and non-bank financial intermediaries or by the Securities and Exchange Commission
SEC. 27. Rates of Income Tax on Domestic Corporations. -
of the Philippines for commercial, industrial, finance companies and either non-financial
companies: Provided, however, that only debt instruments issued for inter-bank call loans to
.... cover deficiency in reserves against deposit liabilities including those between or among banks
and quasi-banks shall not be considered as deposit substitute debt instruments. (Emphasis
(D) Rates of Tax on Certain Passive Incomes. - supplied)

(1) Interest from Deposits and Yield or any other Monetary Benefit from Deposit Substitutes Revenue Regulations No. 17-84, issued to implement Presidential Decree No. 1959, adopted
and from Trust Funds and Similar Arrangements, and Royalties. - A final tax at the rate of verbatim the same definition and specifically identified the following borrowings as "deposit
twenty percent (20%) is hereby imposed upon the amount of interest on currency bank deposit substitutes":
and yield or any other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust funds and
similar arrangements received by domestic corporations, and royalties, derived from sources SECTION 2. Definitions of Terms. . . .
within the Philippines: Provided, however, That interest income derived by a domestic
corporation from a depository bank under the expanded foreign currency deposit system shall
(h) "Deposit substitutes" shall mean
be subject to a final income tax at the rate of seven and one-half percent (7 1/2%) of such
interest income. (Emphasis supplied)
SEC. 28. Rates of Income Tax on Foreign Corporations. -
(a) All interbank borrowings by or among banks and non-bank financial institutions
authorized to engage in quasi-banking functions evidenced by deposit substitutes
(A) Tax on Resident Foreign Corporations. -
instruments, except interbank call loans to cover deficiency in reserves against
deposit liabilities as evidenced by interbank loan advice or repayment transfer
.... tickets.

(7) Tax on Certain Incomes Received by a Resident Foreign Corporation. - (b) All borrowings of the national and local government and its instrumentalities
including the Central Bank of the Philippines, evidenced by debt instruments
(a) Interest from Deposits and Yield or any other Monetary Benefit from Deposit Substitutes, denoted as treasury bonds, bills, notes, certificates of indebtedness and similar
Trust Funds and Similar Arrangements and Royalties. - Interest from any currency bank deposit instruments.
and yield or any other monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from trust funds and
similar arrangements and royalties derived from sources within the Philippines shall be subject (c) All borrowings of banks, non-bank financial intermediaries, finance companies,
to a final income tax at the rate of twenty percent (20%) of such interest: Provided, however, investment companies, trust companies, including the trust department of banks
That interest income derived by a resident foreign corporation from a depository bank under and investment houses, evidenced by deposit substitutes instruments. (Emphasis
The definition of deposit substitutes was amended under the 1997 National Internal Revenue "The financial markets that facilitate the transfer of debt securities are commonly classified by
Code with the addition of the qualifying phrase for public borrowing from 20 or more the maturity of the securities[,]"173 namely: (1) the money market, which facilitates the flow of
individual or corporate lenders at any one time. Under Section 22(Y), deposit substitute is short-term funds (with maturities of one year or less); and (2) the capital market, which
defined thus: SEC. 22. Definitions- When used in this Title: facilitates the flow of long-term funds (with maturities of more than one year).174

.... Whether referring to money marketsecurities or capital market securities, transactions occur
either in the primary market or in the secondary market.175 "Primary markets facilitate the
(Y) The term deposit substitutes shall mean an alternative form of obtaining funds from the issuance of new securities. Secondary markets facilitate the trading of existing securities,
public(the term 'public' means borrowing from twenty (20) or more individual or corporate which allows for a change in the ownership of the securities."176 The transactions in primary
lenders at any one time) other than deposits, through the issuance, endorsement, or markets exist between issuers and investors, while secondary market transactions exist among
acceptance of debt instruments for the borrowers own account, for the purpose of relending investors.177
or purchasing of receivables and other obligations, or financing their own needs or the needs
of their agent or dealer. These instruments may include, but need not be limited to, bankers "Over time, the system of financial markets has evolved from simple to more complex ways of
acceptances, promissory notes, repurchase agreements, including reverse repurchase carrying out financial transactions."178 Still, all systems perform one basic function: the quick
agreements entered into by and between the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and any mobilization of money from the lenders/investors to the borrowers.179
authorized agent bank, certificates of assignment or participation and similar instruments with
recourse: Provided, however, That debt instruments issued for interbank call loans with Fund transfers are accomplished in three ways: (1) direct finance; (2) semidirect finance; and
maturity of not more than five (5) days to cover deficiency in reserves against deposit liabilities, (3) indirect finance.180
including those between or among banks and quasi-banks, shall not be considered as deposit
substitute debt instruments. (Emphasis supplied)
With direct financing, the "borrower and lender meet each other and exchange funds in
returnfor financial assets"181(e.g., purchasing bonds directly from the company issuing them).
Under the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code, Congress specifically defined "public" to This method provides certain limitations such as: (a) "both borrower and lender must desire
mean "twenty (20) or more individual or corporate lenders at any one time." Hence, the to exchange the same amount of funds at the same time"[;] 182 and (b) "both lender and
number of lenders is determinative of whether a debt instrument should be considered a borrower must frequently incur substantial information costs simply to find each other."183
deposit substitute and consequently subject to the 20% final withholding tax.
In semidirect financing, a securities broker or dealer brings surplus and deficit units together,
20-lender rule thereby reducing information costs.184 A Broker185 is "an individual or financial institution who
provides information concerning possible purchases and sales of securities. Either a buyer or
Petitioners contend that "there [is]only one (1) lender (i.e. RCBC) to whom the BTr issued the a seller of securities may contact a broker, whose job is simply to bring buyers and sellers
Government Bonds."169 On the other hand, respondents theorize that the word "any" together."186 A dealer187 "also serves as a middleman between buyers and sellers, but the
"indicates that the period contemplated is the entire term of the bond and not merely the dealer actually acquires the sellers securities in the hope of selling them at a later time at a
point of origination or issuance[,]"170 such that if the debt instruments "were subsequently more favorable price."188 Frequently, "a dealer will split up a large issue of primary securities
sold in secondary markets and so on, insuch a way that twenty (20) or more buyers eventually into smaller units affordable by . . . buyers . . . and thereby expand the flow of savings into
own the instruments, then it becomes indubitable that funds would be obtained from the investment."189 In semi direct financing, "[t]he ultimate lender still winds up holding the
"public" as defined in Section 22(Y) of the NIRC."171 Indeed, in the context of the financial borrowers securities, and therefore the lender must be willing to accept the risk, liquidity, and
market, the words "at any one time" create an ambiguity. maturity characteristics of the borrowers [debt security]. There still must be a fundamental
coincidence of wants and needs between [lenders and borrowers] for semidirect financial
Financial markets transactions to take place."190

Financial markets provide the channel through which funds from the surplus units (households "The limitations of both direct and semidirect finance stimulated the development of indirect
and business firms that have savings or excess funds) flow to the deficit units (mainly business financial transactions, carried out with the help of financial intermediaries" 191 or financial
firms and government that need funds to finance their operations or growth). They bring institutions, like banks, investment banks, finance companies, insurance companies, and
suppliers and users of funds together and provide the means by which the lenders transform mutual funds.192 Financial intermediaries accept funds from surplus units and channel the
their funds into financial assets, and the borrowers receive these funds now considered as funds to deficit units.193 "Depository institutions [such as banks] accept deposits from surplus
their financial liabilities. The transfer of funds is represented by a security, such as stocks and units and provide credit to deficit units through loans and purchase of [debt]
bonds. Fund suppliers earn a return on their investment; the return is necessary to ensure that securities."194 Nondepository institutions, like mutual funds, issue securities of their own
funds are supplied to the financial markets.172 (usually in smaller and affordable denominations) to surplus units and at the same time
purchase debt securities of deficit units.195 "By pooling the resources of[small savers, a "The definition of gross income isbroad enough to include all passive incomes subject to
financial intermediary] can service the credit needs of large firms simultaneously."196 specific tax rates or final taxes."197 Hence, interest income from deposit substitutes are
necessarily part of taxable income. "However, since these passive incomes are already subject
The financial market, therefore, is an agglomeration of financial transactions in securities to different rates and taxed finally at source, they are no longer included in the computation
performed by market participants that works to transfer the funds from the surplus units (or of gross income, which determines taxable income."198 "Stated otherwise . . . if there were no
investors/lenders) to those who need them (deficit units or borrowers). withholding tax system in place in this country, this 20 percent portion of the passive income
of [creditors/lenders] would actually be paid to the [creditors/lenders] and then remitted by
them to the government in payment of their income tax."199
Meaning of "at any one time"

This court, in Chamber of Real Estate and Builders Associations, Inc. v. Romulo,200 explained
Thus, from the point of view of the financial market, the phrase "at any one time" for purposes
the rationale behind the withholding tax system:
of determining the "20 or more lenders" would mean every transaction executed in the
primary or secondary market in connection with the purchase or sale of securities.
The withholding [of tax at source] was devised for three primary reasons: first, to provide the
taxpayer a convenient manner to meet his probable income tax liability; second, to ensure the
For example, where the financial assets involved are government securities like bonds, the
collection of income tax which can otherwise be lost or substantially reduced through failure
reckoning of "20 or more lenders/investors" is made at any transaction in connection with the
to file the corresponding returns[;] and third, to improve the governments cash flow. This
purchase or sale of the Government Bonds, such as:
results in administrative savings, prompt and efficient collection of taxes, prevention of
delinquencies and reduction of governmental effort to collect taxes through more complicated
1. Issuance by the Bureau of Treasury of the bonds to GSEDs in the primary market; means and remedies.201 (Citations omitted)

2. Sale and distribution by GSEDs to various lenders/investors in the secondary "The application of the withholdings system to interest on bank deposits or yield from deposit
market; substitutes is essentially to maximize and expedite the collection of income taxes by requiring
its payment at the source."202
3. Subsequent sale or trading by a bondholder to another lender/investor in the
secondary market usually through a broker or dealer; or Hence, when there are 20 or more lenders/investors in a transaction for a specific bond issue,
the seller isrequired to withhold the 20% final income tax on the imputed interest income from
4. Sale by a financial intermediary-bondholder of its participation interests in the the bonds.
bonds to individual or corporate lenders in the secondary market.
Interest income v. gains from sale or redemption
When, through any of the foregoing transactions, funds are simultaneously obtained from 20
or morelenders/investors, there is deemed to be a public borrowing and the bonds at that The interest income earned from bonds is not synonymous with the "gains" contemplated
point intime are deemed deposit substitutes. Consequently, the seller is required to withhold under Section 32(B)(7)(g)203 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code, which exempts gains
the 20% final withholding tax on the imputed interest income from the bonds. derived from trading, redemption, or retirement of long-term securities from ordinary income
For debt instruments that are
not deposit substitutes, regular The term "gain" as used in Section 32(B)(7)(g) does not include interest, which represents
income tax applies forbearance for the use of money. Gains from sale or exchange or retirement of bonds orother
certificate of indebtedness fall within the general category of "gainsderived from dealings in
It must be emphasized, however, that debt instruments that do not qualify as deposit property" under Section 32(A)(3), while interest from bonds or other certificate of
substitutes under the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code are subject to the regular income indebtedness falls within the category of "interests" under Section 32(A)(4).204 The use of the
tax. term "gains from sale" in Section 32(B)(7)(g) shows the intent of Congress not toinclude
interest as referred under Sections 24, 25, 27, and 28 in the exemption.205
The phrase "all income derived from whatever source" in Chapter VI, Computation of Gross
Income, Section 32(A) of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code discloses a legislative policy Hence, the "gains" contemplated in Section 32(B)(7)(g) refers to: (1) gain realized from the
to include all income not expressly exempted as within the class of taxable income under our trading of the bonds before their maturity date, which is the difference between the selling
laws. price of the bonds in the secondary market and the price at which the bonds were purchased
by the seller; and (2) gain realized by the last holder of the bonds when the bonds are It bears repeating that Revenue memorandum-circulars are considered administrative rulings
redeemed at maturity, which is the difference between the proceeds from the retirement of (in the sense of more specific and less general interpretations of tax laws) which are issued
the bonds and the price atwhich such last holder acquired the bonds. For discounted from time to time by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. It is widely accepted that the
instruments,like the zero-coupon bonds, the trading gain shall be the excess of the selling price interpretation placed upon a statute by the executive officers, whose duty is to enforce it, is
over the book value or accreted value (original issue price plus accumulated discount from the entitled to great respect by the courts. Nevertheless, such interpretation is not conclusive and
time of purchase up to the time of sale) of the instruments.206 will be ignored if judicially found to be erroneous. Thus, courts will not countenance
administrative issuances that override, instead of remaining consistent and in harmony with,
The Bureau of Internal the law they seek to apply and implement.213(Citations omitted)
Revenue rulings
This court further held that "[a] memorandum-circular of a bureau head could not operate to
The Bureau of Internal Revenues interpretation as expressed in the three 2001 BIR Rulings is vest a taxpayer with a shield against judicial action [because] there are no vested rights to
not consistent with law.207 Its interpretation of "at any one time" to mean at the point of speak of respecting a wrong construction of the law by the administrative officials and such
origination alone is unduly restrictive. wrong interpretation could not place the Government in estoppel to correct or overrule the
same."214 In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Michel J. Lhuillier Pawnshop, Inc.,215 this
court nullified Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 15-91 and RMC No. 43-91, which
BIR Ruling No. 370-2011 is likewise erroneous insofar as it stated (relying on the 2004 and 2005
imposed a 5% lending investor's tax on pawnshops.216 It was held that "the [Commissioner]
BIR Rulings) that "all treasury bonds . . . regardlessof the number of purchasers/lenders at the
cannot, in the exercise of [its interpretative] power, issue administrative rulings or circulars
time of origination/issuance are considered deposit substitutes." 208 Being the subject of this
not consistent with the law sought to be applied. Indeed, administrative issuances must not
petition, it is, thus, declared void because it completely disregarded the 20 or more lender rule
override, supplant or modify the law, but must remain consistent with the law they intend to
added by Congress in the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code. It also created a distinction
carry out. Only Congress can repeal or amend the law."217
for government debt instruments as against those issued by private corporations when there
was none in the law.
In Misamis Oriental Association of Coco Traders, Inc. v. Department of Finance
Secretary,218 this court stated that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is not bound by the
Tax statutes must be reasonably construed as to give effect to the whole act. Their constituent
ruling of his predecessors,219 but, to the contrary, the overruling of decisions is inherent in the
provisions must be read together, endeavoring to make every part effective, harmonious, and
interpretation of laws:
sensible.209 That construction which will leave every word operative will be favored over one
that leaves some word, clause, or sentence meaningless and insignificant.210
[I]n considering a legislative rule a court is free to make three inquiries: (i) whether the rule is
within the delegated authority of the administrative agency; (ii) whether itis reasonable; and
It may be granted that the interpretation of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue in charge
(iii) whether it was issued pursuant to proper procedure. But the court is not free to substitute
of executing the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code is an authoritative construction ofgreat
its judgment as to the desirability or wisdom of the rule for the legislative body, by its
weight, but the principle is not absolute and may be overcome by strong reasons to the
delegation of administrative judgment, has committed those questions to administrative
contrary. If through a misapprehension of law an officer has issued an erroneous
judgments and not to judicial judgments. In the case of an interpretative rule, the inquiry is
interpretation, the error must be corrected when the true construction is ascertained.
not into the validity but into the correctness or propriety of the rule. As a matter of power a
court, when confronted with an interpretative rule, is free to (i) give the force of law to the
In Philippine Bank of Communications v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue,211 this court rule; (ii) go to the opposite extreme and substitute its judgment; or (iii) give some intermediate
upheld the nullification of Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 7-85 issued by the Acting degree of authoritative weight to the interpretative rule.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue because it was contrary to the express provision of Section
230 of the 1977 National Internal Revenue Codeand, hence, "[cannot] be given weight for to
In the case at bar, we find no reason for holding that respondent Commissioner erred in not
do so would, in effect, amend the statute."212 Thus:
considering copra as an "agricultural food product" within the meaning of 103(b) of the NIRC.
As the Solicitor General contends, "copra per se is not food, that is, it is not intended for human
When the Acting Commissioner of Internal Revenue issued RMC 7-85, changing the consumption. Simply stated, nobody eats copra for food." That previous Commissioners
prescriptive period of two years to ten years on claims of excess quarterly income tax considered it so, is not reason for holding that the present interpretation is wrong. The
payments, such circular created a clear inconsistency with the provision of Sec. 230 of 1977 Commissioner of Internal Revenue is not bound by the ruling of his predecessors. To the
NIRC. In so doing, the BIR did not simply interpret the law; rather it legislated guidelines contrary, the overruling of decisions is inherent in the interpretation of laws.220 (Emphasis
contrary to the statute passed by Congress. supplied, citations omitted)
Tax treatment of income fraudulent returns; (2) false returns with intent to evade tax; and (3) failureto file a return, to
derived from the PEACe Bonds be computed from the time of discovery of the falsity, fraud, or omission. Section 203 states:

The transactions executed for the sale of the PEACe Bonds are: SEC. 203. Period of Limitation Upon Assessment and Collection. - Except as provided in Section
222, internal revenue taxes shall be assessed within three (3) years after the last day prescribed
1. The issuance of the 35 billion Bonds by the Bureau of Treasury to RCBC/CODE- by law for the filing of the return, and no proceeding in court without assessment for the
NGO at 10.2 billion; and collection of such taxes shall be begun after the expiration of such period: Provided, That in a
case where a return is filed beyond the period prescribed by law, the three (3)-year period
shall be counted from the day the return was filed. For purposes of this Section, a return filed
2. The sale and distribution by RCBC Capital (underwriter) on behalf of CODE-NGO of
before the last day prescribed by law for the filing thereof shall be considered as filed on such
the PEACe Bonds to undisclosed investors at 11.996 billion.
last day. (Emphasis supplied)

It may seem that there was only one lender RCBC on behalf of CODE-NGO to whom the
PEACe Bonds were issued at the time of origination. However, a reading of the underwriting
agreement221 and RCBC term sheet222reveals that the settlement dates for the sale and
distribution by RCBC Capital (as underwriter for CODE-NGO) of the PEACe Bonds to various SEC. 222. Exceptions as to Period of Limitation of Assessment and Collection of Taxes.
undisclosed investors at a purchase price of approximately 11.996 would fall on the same
day, October 18, 2001, when the PEACe Bonds were supposedly issued to CODE-NGO/RCBC. (a) In the case of a false or fraudulent return with intent to evade tax or of failure to file a
In reality, therefore, the entire 10.2 billion borrowing received by the Bureau of Treasury in return, the tax may be assessed, or a proceeding in court for the collection of such tax may be
exchange for the 35 billion worth of PEACe Bonds was sourced directly from the undisclosed filed without assessment, at any time within ten (10) years after the discovery of the falsity,
number of investors to whom RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO distributed the PEACe Bonds all at fraud or omission: Provided, That in a fraud assessment which has become final and executory,
the time of origination or issuance. At this point, however, we do not know as to how many the fact of fraud shall be judicially taken cognizance of in the civil or criminal action for the
investors the PEACe Bonds were sold to by RCBC Capital. collection thereof.

Should there have been a simultaneous sale to 20 or more lenders/investors, the PEACe Bonds Thus, should it be found that RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO sold the PEACe Bonds to 20 or more
are deemed deposit substitutes within the meaning of Section 22(Y) of the 1997 National lenders/investors, the Bureau of Internal Revenue may still collect the unpaid tax from RCBC
Internal Revenue Code and RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO would have been obliged to pay the 20% Capital/CODE-NGO within 10 years after the discovery of the omission.
final withholding tax on the interest or discount from the PEACe Bonds. Further, the obligation
to withhold the 20% final tax on the corresponding interest from the PEACe Bonds would In view of the foregoing, there is no need to pass upon the other issues raised by petitioners
likewise be required of any lender/investor had the latter turnedaround and sold said PEACe and petitioners-intervenors.
Bonds, whether in whole or part, simultaneously to 20 or more lenders or investors.
Reiterative motion on the temporary restraining order
We note, however, that under Section 24223 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue Code,
interest income received by individuals from longterm deposits or investments with a holding
Respondents withholding of the
period of not less than five (5) years is exempt from the final tax.
20% final withholding tax on
October 18, 2011 was justified
Thus, should the PEACe Bonds be found to be within the coverage of deposit substitutes, the
proper procedure was for the Bureau of Treasury to pay the face value of the PEACe Bonds to
Under the Rules of Court, court orders are required to be "served upon the parties
the bondholders and for the Bureau of Internal Revenue to collect the unpaid final withholding
affected."224 Moreover, service may be made personally or by mail.225 And, "[p]ersonal service
tax directly from RCBC Capital/CODE-NGO, orany lender or investor if such be the case, as the
is complete upon actual delivery [of the order.]"226This courts temporary restraining order
withholding agents.
was received only on October 19, 2011, or a day after the PEACe Bonds had matured and the
20% final withholding tax on the interest income from the same was withheld.
The collection of tax is not
barred by prescription
Publication of news reports in the print and broadcast media, as well as on the internet, is not
a recognized mode of service of pleadings, court orders, or processes. Moreover, the news
The three (3)-year prescriptive period under Section 203 of the 1997 National Internal Revenue reports227 cited by petitioners were posted minutes before the close of office hours or late in
Code to assess and collect internal revenue taxes is extended to 10 years in cases of (1)
the evening of October 18, 2011, and they did not givethe exact contents of the temporary copies of the TRA.243 Respondents did not submit any withholding tax return or TRA to
restraining order. provethat the 20% final withholding tax was indeed remitted by the Bureau of Treasury to the
Bureau of Internal Revenue on October 18, 2011.
"[O]ne cannot be punished for violating an injunction or an order for an injunction unless it is
shown that suchinjunction or order was served on him personally or that he had notice of the Respondent Bureau of Treasurys Journal Entry Voucher No. 11-10-10395244 dated October 18,
issuance or making of such injunction or order."228 2011 submitted to this court shows:

At any rate, "[i]n case of doubt, a withholding agent may always protect himself or herself by
Account Debit Amount Credit
withholding the tax due"229 and return the amount of the tax withheld should it be finally
Code Amount
determined that the income paid is not subject to withholding.230 Hence, respondent Bureau
of Treasury was justified in withholding the amount corresponding to the 20% final withholding Bonds Payable-L/T, Dom-Zero 442-360 35,000,000,000.00
tax from the proceeds of the PEACe Bonds, as it received this courts temporary restraining Coupon T/Bonds
order only on October 19, 2011, or the day after this tax had been withheld.
(Peace Bonds) 10 yr
Respondents retention of the
amounts withheld is a defiance Sinking Fund-Cash (BSF) 198-001 30,033,792,203.59
of the temporary restraining
Due to BIR 412-002 4,966,207,796.41
To record redemption of 10yr Zero
Nonetheless, respondents continued failure to release to petitioners the amount coupon (Peace Bond) net of the 20%
corresponding to the 20% final withholding tax in order that it may be placed in escrow as final
directed by this court constitutes a defiance of this courts temporary restraining order.231 withholding tax pursuant to BIR Ruling
The temporary restraining order is not moot. The acts sought to be enjoined are not fait 378-2011, value date, October 18,
accompli. For an act to be considered fait accompli, the act must have already been fully 2011 per
accomplished and consummated.232 It must be irreversible, e.g., demolition of BTr letter authority and BSP Bank
properties,233 service of the penalty of imprisonment,234 and hearings on cases.235When the Statements.
act sought to be enjoined has not yet been fully satisfied, and/or is still continuing in
nature,236 the defense of fait accomplicannot prosper.
The foregoing journal entry, however, does not prove that the amount of 4,966,207,796.41,
representing the 20% final withholding tax on the PEACe Bonds, was disbursed by it and
The temporary restraining order enjoins the entire implementation of the 2011 BIR Ruling that remitted to the Bureau of Internal Revenue on October 18, 2011. The entries merely show that
constitutes both the withholding and remittance of the 20% final withholding tax to the Bureau the monies corresponding to 20% final withholding tax was set aside for remittance to the
of Internal Revenue. Even though the Bureau of Treasury had already withheld the 20% final Bureau of Internal Revenue.
withholding tax237 when it received the temporary restraining order, it had yet to remit the
monies it withheld to the Bureau of Internal Revenue, a remittance which was due only on
We recall the November 15, 2011 resolution issued by this court directing respondents to
November 10, 2011.238 The act enjoined by the temporary restraining order had not yet been
"show cause why they failed to comply with the [TRO]; and [to] comply with the [TRO] in order
fully satisfied and was still continuing.
that petitioners may place the corresponding funds in escrow pending resolution of the
petition."245 The 20% final withholding tax was effectively placed in custodia legiswhen this
Under DOF-DBM Joint Circular No. 1-2000A239 dated July 31, 2001 which prescribes to national court ordered the deposit of the amount in escrow. The Bureau of Treasury could still release
government agencies such as the Bureau of Treasury the procedure for the remittance of all the money withheld to petitioners for the latter to place in escrow pursuant to this courts
taxes it withheld to the Bureau of Internal Revenue, a national agency shall file before the directive. There was no legal obstacle to the release of the 20% final withholding tax to
Bureau of Internal Revenue a Tax Remittance Advice (TRA) supported by withholding tax petitioners. Congressional appropriation is not required for the servicing of public debts in
returns on or before the 10th day of the following month after the said taxes had been view of the automatic appropriations clause embodied in Presidential Decree Nos. 1177 and
withheld.240 The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall transmit an original copy of the TRA to the 1967.
Bureau of Treasury,241which shall be the basis for recording the remittance of the tax
collection.242 The Bureau of Internal Revenue will then record the amount of taxes reflected in
Section 31 of Presidential Decree No. 1177 provides:
the TRA as tax collection in the Journal ofTax Remittance by government agencies based on its
Section 31. Automatic Appropriations. All expenditures for (a) personnel retirement carry out the provisions of this section. The Secretary of Finance shall transmit to Congress
premiums, government service insurance, and other similar fixed expenditures, (b) principal during the first month of each regular session a detailed statement of all expenditures made
and interest on public debt, (c) national government guarantees of obligations which are under this section during the calendar year immediately preceding.
drawn upon, are automatically appropriated: provided, that no obligations shall be incurred or
payments made from funds thus automatically appropriated except as issued in the form of Thus, DOF Department Order No. 141-95, as amended, states that payment for Treasury bills
regular budgetary allotments. and bonds shall be made through the National Treasurys account with the Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas, to wit:
Section 1 of Presidential Decree No. 1967 states:
Section 38. Demand Deposit Account. The Treasurer of the Philippines maintains a Demand
Section 1. There is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the National Treasury not Deposit Account with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to which all proceeds from the sale of
otherwise appropriated, such amounts as may be necessary to effect payments on foreign or Treasury Bills and Bonds under R.A. No. 245, as amended, shall be credited and all payments
domestic loans, or foreign or domestic loans whereon creditors make a call on the direct and for redemption of Treasury Bills and Bonds shall be charged.1wphi1
indirect guarantee of the Republic of the Philippines, obtained by:
Regarding these legislative enactments ordaining an automatic appropriations provision for
a. the Republic of the Philippines the proceeds of which were relent to government- debt servicing, this court has held:
owned or controlled corporations and/or government financial institutions;
Congress . . . deliberates or acts on the budget proposals of the President, and Congress in the
b. government-owned or controlled corporations and/or government financial exercise of its own judgment and wisdom formulates an appropriation act precisely following
institutions the proceeds of which were relent to public or private institutions; the process established by the Constitution, which specifies that no money may be paid from
the Treasury except in accordance with an appropriation made by law.
c. government-owned or controlled corporations and/or financial institutions and
guaranteed by the Republic of the Philippines; Debt service is not included inthe General Appropriation Act, since authorization therefor
already exists under RA Nos. 4860 and 245, as amended, and PD 1967. Precisely in the light of
d. other public or private institutions and guaranteed by government owned or this subsisting authorization as embodied in said Republic Acts and PD for debt service,
controlled corporations and/or government financial institutions. Congress does not concern itself with details for implementation by the Executive, butlargely
with annual levels and approval thereof upon due deliberations as part of the whole obligation
program for the year. Upon such approval, Congress has spoken and cannot be said to
The amount of 35 billion that includes the monies corresponding to 20% final withholding tax
havedelegated its wisdom to the Executive, on whose part lies the implementation or
is a lawfuland valid obligation of the Republic under the Government Bonds. Since said
execution of the legislative wisdom.246 (Citation omitted)
obligation represents a public debt, the release of the monies requires no legislative
Respondent Bureau of Treasury had the duty to obey the temporary restraining order issued
by this court, which remained in full force and effect, until set aside, vacated, or modified. Its
Section 2 of Republic Act No. 245 likewise provides that the money to be used for the payment
conduct finds no justification and is reprehensible.247
of Government Bonds may be lawfully taken from the continuing appropriation out of any
monies in the National Treasury and is not required to be the subject of another appropriation
legislation: SEC. 2. The Secretary of Finance shall cause to be paid out of any moneys in the WHEREFORE, the petition for review and petitions-in-intervention are GRANTED. BIR Ruling
National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, or from any sinking funds provided for the Nos. 370-2011 and DA 378-2011 are NULLIFIED.
purpose by law, any interest falling due, or accruing, on any portion of the public debt
authorized by law. He shall also cause to be paid out of any such money, or from any such Furthermore, respondent Bureau of Treasury is REPRIMANDED for its continued retention of
sinking funds the principal amount of any obligations which have matured, or which have been the amount corresponding to the 20% final withholding tax despite this court's directive in the
called for redemption or for which redemption has been demanded in accordance with terms temporary restraining order and in the resolution dated November 15, 2011 to deliver the
prescribed by him prior to date of issue. . . In the case of interest-bearing obligations, he shall amounts to the banks to be placed in escrow pending resolution of this case.
pay not less than their face value; in the case of obligations issued at a discount he shall pay
the face value at maturity; or if redeemed prior to maturity, such portion of the face value as Respondent Bureau of Treasury is hereby ORDERED to immediately release and pay to the
is prescribed by the terms and conditions under which such obligations were originally issued. bondholders the amount corresponding-to the 20% final withholding tax that it withheld on
There are hereby appropriated as a continuing appropriation out of any moneys in the National October 18, 2011.
Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary from time to time to

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