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than the species component of diversity.

The Influence of Functional Diversity and The independent effects of functional

Composition on Ecosystem Processes composition can be tested by ANOVAs in
which each of the 32 possible functional
David Tilman,* Johannes Knops, David Wedin, Peter Reich, compositions (16) is nested within the
Mark Ritchie, Evan Siemann appropriate level of functional diversity.
There were highly significant effects of
both functional diversity (Fig. 1B) and
Humans are modifying both the identities and numbers of species in ecosystems, but functional composition (Fig. 2) on plant
the impacts of such changes on ecosystem processes are controversial. Plant species productivity, plant % N, plant total N,
diversity, functional diversity, and functional composition were experimentally varied in and light penetration (Table 2). Soil NH4
grassland plots. Each factor by itself had significant effects on many ecosystem pro- and soil NO3 depended on functional di-
cesses, but functional composition and functional diversity were the principal factors versity but not on functional composition.
explaining plant productivity, plant percent nitrogen, plant total nitrogen, and light pen- Thus, for four of the six variables, both
etration. Thus, habitat modifications and management practices that change functional functional composition and functional di-
diversity and functional composition are likely to have large impacts on ecosystem versity had significant impacts. A two-way
processes. MANOVA that included all six variables
found highly significant effects of both
functional diversity and functional com-

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position (14, 17).
Although the organisms living in an eco- gumes fix nitrogen, the major limiting nu- On average, across the six ANOVAs of
system control its functioning (14), it has trient at our site (7). Grasses with the Table 1, species and functional diversity
not been clear how much of this control is three-carbon photosynthetic pathway together explained 8% of the variance in
determined by the identities of the species (C3) grow best during the cool seasons and response variables, whereas functional com-
present (4, 5), by the number of species have higher tissue N than do grasses with position and diversity together explained
present (2, 4, 6, 7), by the number of the C4 pathway, which grow best during 37% (Table 2), suggesting that composition
different functional roles that these species the warm season. Woody plants have high is the greater determinant of ecosystem
represent (1, 2, 8), or by which functional allocation to perennial stem and low processes.
roles are represented (4, 9). The effects of growth rates, and forbs do not fix N and To determine if particular functional
species or functional diversity are expected often have high allocation to seed. groups were responsible for the effects of
to increase with the magnitude of the dif- When analyzed in separate univariate
ferences among species or functional groups regressions, species diversity had significant
(10). These differences are also expected to effects on plant productivity (Fig. 1A) and
influence the magnitude of the effects on three of five other response variables
caused by compositional differences. How- measured in the third year of study (12, 13,
ever, the relative effects attributable to di- 14). Functional diversity significantly influ-
versity versus composition are unclear. enced plant productivity (Fig. 1B) and all
We performed a field experiment in other variables (13, 14). Species diversity
which plant species diversity (defined as had a highly significant effect (P , 0.001)
number of plant species added to plots), in a one-way multivariate analysis of vari-
functional diversity (defined as number of ance (MANOVA) that included all six re-
functional groups added to plots), and sponse variables, as did functional diversity
functional composition (defined as which in a similar MANOVA.
functional groups were added to plots) In multiple regressions of each of the
were directly controlled (11). Our 289 six response variables on both species and
plots, each 169 m2, were planted and functional diversity, functional diversity
weeded to have either 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or was significant in all six cases, but species
32 perennial savanna-grassland species diversity was not (Table 1) (14). Plant
representing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 plant func- productivity and plant total N significant-
tional groups. Grassland-savanna plants ly increased, and soil NO3, soil NH4, plant
were classified into functional groups on percent N (% N), and light penetration
the basis of intrinsic physiological and significantly decreased as functional diver-
morphological differences, which influ- sity increased. A two-way MANOVA that
ence differences in resource requirements, included all six response variables showed
seasonality of growth, and life history. Le- highly significant effects of functional di-
versity (Wilks lambda F 5 7.58; df 5 6,
D. Tilman, J. Knops, E. Siemann, Department of Ecology, 277; P , 0.0001) but no significant effects
Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, of species diversity (Wilks lambda F 5 Fig. 1. (A) Dependence of 1996 aboveground
MN 55108, USA. plant biomass (that is, productivity) (mean and SE)
D. Wedin, Department of Botany, University of Toronto,
0.12; df 5 6, 277; P 5 0.99). Similar
on the number of plant species seeded into the
Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3B2, Canada. results were obtained in alternative anal-
289 plots. (B) Dependence of 1996 aboveground
P. Reich, Department of Forest Resources, University of yses (14), including a two-way MANOVA plant biomass on the number of functional groups
Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA.
M. Ritchie, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Utah
that used observed species and functional seeded into each plot. Curves shown are simple
State University, Logan, UT 84322, USA. diversities from 1996 (15). Thus, the func- asymptotic functions fitted to treatment means.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: tional group component of diversity is a More complex curves did not provide significantly
[email protected] greater determinant of ecosystem processes better fits.

1300 SCIENCE z VOL. 277 z 29 AUGUST 1997 z

functional diversity, we repeated the mul- Table 1. Dependence of ecosystem variables on diversity treatments as determined by multiple
tiple regressions of Table 1, but replaced regression. Values shown are regression parameters. A separate regression was performed for each
functional diversity with five dummy ecosystem variable. Regressions have df 5 2, 283 to 2, 286. NS, P . 0.05; *, 0.05 $ P . 0.01; **,
0.01 $ P . 0.001; and ***, P , 0.001 for tests of significant difference of parameter value from 0.
variables, each describing a functional
group as either absent from a plot or Regression parameters
represented by at least one species. For Response Overall Overall
each of the six ecosystem variables, there variable Species Functional r2 F value
were significant (P , 0.05) effects of the Intercept
diversity diversity
presence of particular functional groups
and no significant effects of species diver- Productivity 81.1*** 20.19NS 20.0*** 0.09 14.0***
Plant % N 1.24*** 20.0003NS 20.072*** 0.11 17.15***
sity. Only C4 grasses and legumes signifi- Plant total N 104.3*** 20.193NS 12.06* 0.02 3.61*
cantly affected productivity (Fig. 2) and Soil NH4 1.07*** 0.003NS 20.082** 0.04 5.60**
light penetration (P , 0.001 for each, Soil NO3 0.37*** 0.001NS 20.041*** 0.09 13.4***
overall r2 5 0.19 for C4 grasses and 0.27 Light penetration 0.75*** 0.0001NS 20.040*** 0.11 18.3***
for legumes). Plant % N depended on all
five functional groups (P , 0.05 for all, r2
5 0.57). The other ecosystem variables versity was partially caused by overyield- show that composition and diversity are
were significantly dependent only on ei- ing of species, especially C4 grasses, in significant determinants of ecosystem pro-
ther legumes (plant total N) or C4 grasses high-diversity plots. Specifically, a regres- cesses in our grasslands. Given our classi-

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(soil NH4, soil NO3). On average, across sion for each species of log(percent cover) fication of species into functional groups,
plots containing two, four, or eight spe- on log(species richness) revealed signifi- functional diversity had greater impact on
cies, the presence of one or more C4 grass cant (P , 0.05) overyielding at high spe- ecosystem processes than did species di-
species led to a 40% increase in produc- cies diversity (that is, slopes significantly versity. This suggests that the number of
tivity, and the presence of one or more less negative than 1) for 14 of the 34 functionally different roles represented in
legume species led to a 59% increase. The species, but significant underyielding at an ecosystem may be a stronger determi-
greater biomass from legumes is consistent high diversity for only four species. All nant of ecosystem processes than the total
with their ability to fix N. The greater eight C4 grasses significantly overyielded number of species, per se. However, spe-
biomass from C4 grasses is consistent with (Andropogon gerardi, Bouteloua curtipen- cies diversity and functional diversity are
their lower tissue N concentrations. dula, B. gracilis, Buchloe dactyloides, Pani- correlated; each was significant by itself,
Another multiway MANOVA, in which cum virgatum, Schizachyrium scoparium, as was species diversity within functional
the five independent variables were the Sorghastrum nutans, and Sporobolus groups; and either species or functional
species diversity within each functional cryptandrus), as did the C3 grass Elymus diversity may provide a useful gauge of
group (number of plant species within a canadensis, the legumes Lespedeza capitata ecosystem functioning.
functional group planted in a plot) and the and Petalostemum villosum, the forb Aster Our results show a large impact of com-
dependent variables were the six ecosystem azureus, and the woody plants Quercus ellip- position on ecosystem processes. This
responses, showed significant (P , 0.01) soidalis and Q. macrocarpa. Thus, many spe- means that factors that change ecosystem
effects of species diversity within each func- cies inhibited themselves in monoculture composition, such as invasion by novel or-
tional group except woody plants. Thus, and low-diversity plots more than they were ganisms, nitrogen deposition, disturbance
both the presence of some functional groups inhibited by other species in high-diversity frequency, fragmentation, predator decima-
and the number of species within most plots. This is consistent with several mech- tion, species extinctions, and alternative
functional groups had significant effects on anisms of niche differentiation and coexist- management practices (20, 21), are likely
ecosystem processes. ence (18), suggesting that such mechanisms to strongly affect ecosystem processes. Our
The increase in productivity with di- may explain the increase in productivity results demonstrate that all species are not
with diversity (10). equal. The loss or addition of species with
Other studies have shown that the certain functional traits may have a great
number of species (2, 6, 7, 19), the num- impact, and others have little impact, on a
ber of functional groups (8), or ecosystem particular ecosystem process, but different
species composition (20, 21) influence processes are likely to be affected by differ-
various ecosystem processes. Our results ent species and functional groups.

Table 2. Dependence of response variables on functional diversity treatments and functional compo-
sition based on ANOVAs. Functional composition was nested within each level of functional diversity. A
separate analysis was performed for each ecosystem response variable.

F values
Functional Functional Overall r2
variable Overall model
diversity composition
(df 5 31, 254)
Fig. 2. Effects of functional composition on 1996 (df 5 5, 254) (df 5 26, 254)
aboveground plant biomass (productivity) in plots
Productivity 9.36*** 2.87*** 4.02** 0.33
containing at least one legume species (Legume),
Plant % N 22.2*** 17.3*** 17.4*** 0.68
at least one C4 grass species (C4 grass), at least
Plant total N 4.23** 3.92*** 4.18*** 0.34
one of each (C4 grass plus legume), or only spe- Soil NH4 2.40* 1.23NS 1.40NS 0.14
cies from other functional groups (Other). Mean Soil NO3 22.3*** 1.17NS 4.57*** 0.36
and SE are shown, using all plots containing 1, 2, Light penetration 12.1*** 3.21*** 4.57*** 0.36
or 3 functional groups. z SCIENCE z VOL. 277 z 29 AUGUST 1997 1301

REFERENCES AND NOTES 0.10, P 5 0.08, n 5 286; soil NH4, r 5 0.11, P 5 were excluded.
___________________________ 0.06, n 5 289; soil NO3, r 5 0.18, P , 0.01, n 5 17. In the MANOVA, P , 0.0001 for both functional
1. J. H. Lawton and V. K. Brown, in Biodiversity and 289, light penetration, r 5 0.24, P , 0.001, n 5 diversity and functional composition using Wilks9
Ecosystem Function, E.-D. Schulze and H. A. 288. For effects of functional diversity: productivity, Lamba, Pillais Trace, Hotelling-Lawley Trace, or
Mooney, Eds. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993), pp. r 5 0.30, P , 0.001, n 5 289; plant % N, r 5 0.33, Roys Greatest Root.
255 270. P , 0.001, n 5 286; plant total N, r 5 0.16, P , 18. J. L. Harper, Population Biology of Plants (Academic
2. P. M. Vitousek and D. U. Hooper, ibid., pp. 314. 0.01, n 5 286; soil NH4, r 5 0.19, P 5 0.01, n 5 Press, London, 1977); D. Tilman, Resource Compe-
3. B. H. Walker, Conserv. Biol. 6, 18 (1991). 289; soil NO3, r 5 0.29, P , 0.001, n 5 289, light tition and Community Structure, Monographs in
4. F. S. Chapin III, J. Lubchenco, H. L. Reynolds, in penetration, r 5 0.34, P , 0.001, n 5 288. Population Biology (Princeton Univ. Press, Prince-
Global Biodiversity Assessment, V. H. Heywood, Ed. 14. Regressions (as in 13), multiple regressions (as ton, NJ, 1982).
(Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1995), pp. in Table 1), ANOVAs (as in Table 2), and MANOVAs 19. J. J. Ewel, M. J. Mazzarino, C. W. Berish, Ecol. Appl.
289 301. that used only the 167 plots of the random species 1, 289 (1991).
5. T. J. Givnish, Nature 371, 113 (1994). subexperiment (11) had similar results and gener- 20. R. T. Paine, Am. Nat. 100, 65 (1966); J. H. Brown,
6. S. J. McNaughton, in (1) , pp. 361383; S. Naeem, ally higher r2 values, indicating that results are D. W. Davidson, J. C. Munger, R. S. Inouye, in
L. J. Thompson, S. P. Lawler, J. H. Lawton, R. M. not caused by the weak correlation between diver- Community Ecology, J. Diamond and T. Case, Eds.
Woodfin, Nature 375, 561 (1995). sity and species composition in the full 289-plot (Harper and Row, New York, 1986), pp. 41 61;
7. D. Tilman, D. Wedin, J. Knops, Nature 379, 718 experiment. S. R. Carpenter et al., Ecology 68, 1863 (1987); J.
(1996). 15. The 1996 average percent cover of each species or Pastor, J. D. Aber, C. A. McClaugherty, J. M. Me-
8. D. U. Hooper, Ecol. Monogr., in press. functional group in each plot was used to calculate lillo, ibid. 65, 256 (1984); G. C. Daily, P. R. Ehrlich,
9. P. M. Vitousek, Oikos 57, 7 (1990); F. S. Chapin III, its effective species or functional diversity as e H9, N. M. Haddad, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90,
H. L. Reynolds, C. D9Antonio, V. Eckhart, in Global where H9 is the Shannon-Wiener diversity index for 592 (1993).
Change in Terrestrial Ecosystems, B. Walker, Ed., in species or functional groups. Trends found using 21. P. M. Vitousek, L. R. Walker, L. D. Whiteaker, D.
press. treatment diversity variables also occurred when us- Mueller-Dombois, P. A. Matson, Science 238, 802
10. D. Tilman, C. L. Lehman, K. T. Thomson, Proc. Natl. ing 1996 effective diversity. (1987).
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 1857 (1997). 16. There were 32 different combinations of five func- 22. We thank C. Lehman, C. Bristow, N. Larson, and our

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11. To prepare for planting, a field at Cedar Creek Nat- tional groups drawn 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 at a time. All 32 research interns for assistance and C. Bristow, C.
ural History Area, in Minnesota, was treated with combinations were represented in the experiment. Lehman, C. Mitchell, S. Naeem, and A. Symstad for
herbicide and burned in August 1993, and had the For the nested ANOVAs, each plot with a given level comments. Supported by NSF and the Andrew Mel-
upper 6 to 8 cm of soil removed to reduce the seed of functional diversity was further classified by which lon Foundation.
bank, was plowed and repeatedly harrowed, and of the 32 combinations it contained. Similar results
divided into 342 plots, each 13 m by 13 m (only the occurred when plots with bare soil or with 32 species 21 April 1997; accepted 16 July 1997
inner 11 m by 11 m was sampled). Plots were seed-
ed in May 1994 and again in May 1995. To test for
effects of species diversity, we determined compo-
sition of each of 167 plots by random draws of 1, 2,
4, 8, or 16 species from a core pool of 18 species The Effects of Plant Composition and Diversity
(four species each of C3 grasses, C4 grasses, le-
gumes, and forbs; two woody species), with 29 to 35 on Ecosystem Processes
replicates at each level of species diversity. To better
distinguish between effects of species and functional
diversity, we assigned combinations of 1, 2, or 3
David U. Hooper* and Peter M. Vitousek
functional groups containing 2, 4, or 8 species to 76
more plots, with compositions chosen by random The relative effects of plant richness (the number of plant functional groups) and com-
draws of functional groups followed by species.
When needed, we used a pool of 16 additional spe-
position (the identity of the plant functional groups) on primary productivity and soil
cies (four in each of the nonwoody functional nitrogen pools were tested experimentally. Differences in plant composition explained
groups). Another 46 plots were created with 32 of more of the variation in production and nitrogen dynamics than did the number of
these 34 species. Four plots were kept bare. These
functional groups present. Thus, it is possible to identify and differentiate among po-
289 plots uncouple species diversity, functional di-
versity, and functional composition, but have a weak tential mechanisms underlying patterns of ecosystem response to variation in plant
correlation between these and species composition. diversity, with implications for resource management.
There is no such correlation in the 167-plot random
species subexperiment. The 289 plots have the fol-
lowing numbers of plots assigned to species and
functional diversity classes:

Species per plot

Recent experiments have shown increas- creased total resource uptake by plants,
ing net primary productivity (NPP) and lower nutrient losses from the ecosystem,
0 1 2 4 8 16 32 nutrient retention in ecosystems as the and increased NPP, if the resources in
0 4 number of plant species increases (1, 2). question are limiting growth. However,
1 34 11 12 14 Ecosystem response to plant richness could differences in plant composition (the
2 33 13 14 occur via complementary resource use if identity of the species present) may have
3 20 14 plant species differ in the ways they harvest large effects on ecosystem processes if the
per plot
4 10 18 1 16
5 11 34 30
nutrients, light, and water (3, 4). Comple- traits of one or a few species dominate (5).
mentarity could happen in space, for exam- For example, if one species or group of
12. Unless noted otherwise, all analyses use treatment ple, because of differences in rooting species reduces soil nutrients to a lower
species diversity, treatment functional diversity, and
treatment functional composition. In each plot we
depths; in time, for example, because of level than do other species, then this spe-
estimated the percent cover of each species in four differences in phenology of plant resource cies (or group) may dominate pools of
subplots (0.5 m by 1 m each). We measured peak demand; or in nutrient preference, for ex- available soil nutrients in mixtures (6).
aboveground living plant standing crop (an estimate ample, nitrate versus ammonium versus dis- Such effects of composition could also
of plant productivity) by clipping, drying, and weigh-
ing four 0.1 m by 3.0 m strips per plot. We measured solved organic N. Greater plant diversity lead to lower soil nutrient pools and great-
% N in this aboveground biomass (plant % N), its would then allow access to a greater propor- er nutrient retention as diversity increases
total N (plant total N), soil NH4 and soil NO3 extract- tion of available resources, leading to in- because of an increasing probability of
able in 0.01 KCl [four soil cores (2.5 cm by 20 cm
depth) per plot], and the proportion of incident light
including the dominant species at higher
(PAR) that penetrated to the soil surface. In 1996, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, levels of richness. In this case, however,
Stanford, CA 94305 5020, USA.
plots contained mature, flowering plants, but the rel- increased ecosystem nutrient retention re-
ative abundances of species may still be changing. *To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Depart- sults from the presence of only one species
13. Linear regressions for effects of species diversity: ment of Integrative Biology, Room 3060, Valley Life Sciences
productivity, r 5 0.20, P , 0.01, n 5 289; plant % N, Building, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 3140, rather than from niche differentiation and
r 5 0.24, P , 0.001, n 5 286; plant total N, r 5 USA. E-mail: [email protected] complementary resource use among many.

1302 SCIENCE z VOL. 277 z 29 AUGUST 1997 z

The Influence of Functional Diversity and Composition on
Ecosystem Processes
David Tilman, Johannes Knops, David Wedin, Peter Reich, Mark
Ritchie and Evan Siemann (August 29, 1997)
Science 277 (5330), 1300-1302. [doi: 10.1126/science.277.5330.1300]

Editor's Summary

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