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Practical approaches to mitigating Arc Flash exposure in Europe

Copyright Material PCIC Europe

Paper No. IS-20

Hans Picard Jan Verstraten Rien Luchtenberg

Eaton Dow NAM / Shell
Europalaan 202 Herbert H.Dowweg 5 Schepersmaat 2
7559 SC Hengelo 4542 NM Hoek 9405 TA Assen
The Netherlands The Netherlands The Netherlands

Abstract - Increasing number of electrical system European codes and standards, currently do not
operators in Europe realize that the existing standards for specifically address the risks of arc flash, despite the fact
built-in equipment safety are not enough to prevent arc that arc flash is a risk. Accidents and near-misses in
flash hazards. The newest revisions of local standards for Europe proved that built-in equipment safety of electrical
operating an electrical installation, such as the Dutch installations and the intention to work on de-energized
NEN 3140, (based on EN 50110) are starting to provide equipment only is not always sufficient to prevent arc
guidance to reduce arc flash hazards. Not all equipment flash accidents. The next edition of EN 50110 will be more
in the field meets the latest standards, moreover Internal specific about arc flash hazards, by means of an
Arc Classification (IAC) does not consider risks informative appendix. Arc flash hazards are explicitly
associated with normal maintenance practices such as mentioned already in the latest NEN 3140, a Dutch
trouble shooting, testing and verification of de-energized standard for safe work on electrical installations based on
state of the electrical equipment. European standard EN 50110-1.

Arc Flash Hazard calculations can conveniently The American NFPA 70E standard can with regard to
quantify the potential risk and show that excessive high this subject- be seen as an analogous to EN 50110 (and
arc flash incident energy necessitates de-energizing of their national extensions). It covers shock hazard in a
the equipment before maintenance can be performed. similar way. In addition it requires risk assessment for arc
Yet, this is not always acceptable to plant operations. This flash hazard, meaning that before work can be carried out
paper will address various approaches to significantly near energized conductors the following must be done:
lowering the probability of an arc flash incident and ways  the hazard must be known (through an arc flash
to limit the consequences by system design, equipment hazard analysis),
modifications and alternate protection settings and work  measures are to be taken to reduce risk,
methods. It will also discuss strategies to deal with  wearing the appropriate PPE when risk cannot be
personal protection equipment (PPE). reduced through other means.

Index Terms Arc Flash Hazard Analysis, Incident Leveraging knowledge and practical experiences both
energy, Flash Protection, Boundary, IEEE 1584, Personal from Europe and U.S., this paper describes solutions to
Protective Equipment (PPE) avoid arc flash hazard, as well as solutions to limit its
effect. Either the probability or the effect can be
I. INTRODUCTION acceptable, however the combination is most important. If
there is any arc flash risk, the first question is how to
An arc flash is a rapid release of energy due to an prevent the risk. When no sufficient options for risk
arcing fault between a phase conductor and another prevention apply, the next question will be how to
phase conductor, a neutral conductor or ground. An arc minimize the effect. After all, the workers need clear
flash (arc) happens when electric current flows through air information about the risk. The approach is used both for
between two conductive parts. Arc faults are generally network design or extension, as well as for maintenance
limited to systems where the voltage is in excess of 120 activities. Although DC systems can have significant
Volts AC or 50 Volts DC. Most of arc flashes are related potential arc energy as well, this paper will focus on AC
to work on the electrical system. systems. A formal calculation method for potential arc
energy in DC systems is under development
An important point is how arc flash hazards can be
dealt with by a companys safety standards. Each country This paper will discuss solutions that can be applied to
has its own code for working on electrical installations, in prevent or reduce arc flash hazards and damage to
CENELEC countries these are based on European equipment. The options to prevent Arc Flash incidents are
Standard EN 50110: Operation of electrical installations. based on:
One of the key concepts of this standard is that work is  safe systems,
divided into three categories: live working, dead working  way of working,
and working in the vicinity of live parts. Because most  proper maintenance.
work is carried out under the dead working condition it is
often assumed that arc flash hazard is not a concern. To reduce the arc flash energy level, there are several
Some work activities however take place in close design options, retrofit methods, and work procedures
proximity of energized conductors. Even making the one can implement .These options are based on:
equipment safe to work can expose the worker to a  reduce potential arc fault energy,
hazard.  safety practices.
If in the end there is still an unacceptable risk, proper
selected PPEs should be used as a last line of defense.

A number of factors can contribute to arc faults within In the event of an arc flash the initial flash usually
switchgear, however the human factor plays a paramount establishes a highly conductive plasma that sustains the
role in arc flash safety. Experts estimate that over 70% of current. The plasma will conduct as much energy as is
Arc-Flash incidents in Europe occur during or immediately available and is only limited by the impedance of the arc
after electrical work. and the overall electrical system impedance. This
massive energy discharge burns the bus bars or wiring,
Most of the arc flash incidents that the authors learned vaporizing the copper or aluminum and thus causing an
about, were the result of human error, such as touching a explosive volumetric increase. The result is a fiery
test probe to the wrong surface, tools or accessories such explosion, possibly leading to serious and fatal injuries.
as breaker shaft extensions slipped on live parts of the
installation, forgotten tools, dangling unshielded
secondary wiring, or a worker entering the wrong panel.
Some work activities such as voltage testing, impedance
measurements, fault finding, and commissioning take
place with energized conductors in close proximity, either
because they are allowed exceptions or because the
activity requires it. Even making the equipment safe to 19.000 C

work can expose the worker to a hazard. Although

internal arc faults are often caused by human mistakes or
ignorance, switchgear designs do affect the probability of
making mistakes or touching live parts.

A common misconception is the delusion that high

voltage systems are more dangerous than low voltage
systems, which is not true with regard to Arc Flash
hazard. Low voltage installations can have very high
potential arc energy levels, and the highest probability on Fig.1) Energy transfer mechanisms of an arc flash.
arc flash is in low voltage. Work on high voltage is often
executed by workers who are more educated, and better Potential arc flash effects are difficult to estimate,
prepared with regard to the installation that they are because an arc fault current behaves quite differently
working on, than low voltage workers. In contrast, low than the bolted fault current that the system was designed
voltage systems are operated and modified more for. In low voltage systems, the arc fault current that is
frequently. produced during an arc flash is usually much lower than
the available bolted fault current that occurs during a
Insulation failures can increase the probability of arc direct short circuit. This current level can often be below
faults as well, obviously due to improper installation, poor the instantaneous rating or short circuit setting of the
maintenance, moisture, whiskers, animals, or even protecting circuit breaker or fuse resulting into longer
normal wear and tear. Loss of insulating properties tripping times and increasing energy.
resulting from elevated temperatures can be caused by
applying the equipment above its continuous rating or The most common injuries from arc flash are burns.
from improperly torqued or aligned contact joints. Another Experiments have shown that at 1 second, 1.2 Cal/cm2 of
cause can be voids in insulation, which eventually lead to heat energy can cause a second degree burn [2]. Incident
failure of the insulation when stressed at high voltages, or energy is primarily depending on arc fault current, working
the presence of dust, contamination, or moisture on distance and clearing time.
insulating surfaces. These conditions can lead to tracking  The arc fault current depends primarily on available
across insulating surfaces, providing a path for fault current. Distance between conductors, voltage,
conduction between two different potentials. grounding method, and design are smaller factors
affecting the arc fault current as well.
Arc flash caused by technical deficiencies might create  Distance from the arc has an inverse exponential
significant damage, however the probability that these effect on the amount of arc energy that the worker
kind of failures lead to injuries is low, compared to failures will be exposed to. Incident energy at the hands and
related to working activities. eventually the face of the worker is usually well
above the energy exposure at the chest.
European statistic data on accidents at work is not as  Incident energy is directly proportional to arcing time.
detailed as in US, however many persons who spent their The ignition of untreated clothing during an arc
career in the electrical domain, know about one or more incident can extend the energy exposure to the body,
real life arc flash examples that have happened. In possible resulting into serious secondary burn
Germany alone, about 600 electrical accidents are injuries.
reported each year [6]. Almost 25% of those are arc-fault
incidents, often with severe burns on the hands and the In addition to burns, an arc flash can cause inhalation
face, sometimes fatal [7]. More than 50% of all electrical injuries. When inhalation injuries are combined with
incidents, and more than 90% of all arc flash incidents external burns the chance of death can increase
happen in Low Voltage switchgear [7]. The number of arc- significantly. Other dangers, beside burns, from the arc
faults that have not resulted in personal injury can only be flash do include the toxic gases, rapid pressure increases,
guessed at, but is presumably much higher. shrapnel, and hearing damage due to noise.
IV. ARC FLASH HAZARD ANALYSIS 62271-200 is an optional type test for High Voltage
switchgear to assign rating of the Internal Arc
Arc flash hazard analyses are used to identify and Classification (IAC). TR 61641 is an addition to the IEC
quantify potential dangerous situations and enable the 61439 series for low voltage assemblies to run tests
end user to make fact based decisions rather than under conditions of internal arcing and assess the safety
assumptions in a matter of personal safety. Arc flash for personnel and protection for the assembly itself. Due
hazard analyses calculate the energy released by an arc to the common roots, the arc fault tests for Low Voltage
fault. The method for performing arc flash calculations is Switchgear assemblies according to IEC/TR 61641 are
described in the IEEE Standard 1584-2002. This standard more or less similar to those in the IEC 62271-200,
takes numerous design factors into account and is based however less strict on duration of the arc. IEC/TR 61641
on many years of research and empirical testing of the allows four ways for an assembly to pass an internal arc
Arc Flash phenomenon [3]. Currently a joint IEEE / NFPA test;
working group is actively revising the standard and plan-  either the arc exists for the full duration of the applied
ning to release an even more accurate model in 2014. It power, or
is not sure if the new standard will include a DC model or  the energy to the arc is interrupted premature for the
not. It is expected that IEC will accept and adapt the new duration of the applied power, or
IEEE 1584 standard at the moment that it is released.  the arc dies through self-extinction, or
 it is not possible to initiate an arc at all.
Arc flash hazard analysis consists of the following steps: The first option requires a disproportionately heavy duty
1. Short circuit calculation comprehensive network enclosure design or directing the exhaust of hot gasses in
components evaluation a way that is not harmful to persons in the vicinity of the
2. Coordination study - Balance coordination and arc assembly. In the second case extinction of the arc can be
flash hazard established through interruption by a protection device.
3. Arc flash hazard analysis according IEEE 1584 - The third option is to design a circuit to self-extinguish an
Incident energy and arc flash boundaries for all internal arc. Self-extinction can be caused by a situation
locations: where the short circuit cannot gain enough energy
Arc fault current depending on short circuit available to maintain the arc, or the arc length is too long
current, distance between conductors, voltage, to sustain the plasma temperature due to heat dissipation.
grounding method, and design. For voltages over 600 V this is hard to realize.
Incident energy depending on Arc fault current,
working distance, clearing time. The fourth option is create an arc fault free zone to
prevent an arc from occurring at all. Assemblies or parts
As an alternative to arc-flash hazard analyzes by of an assembly that have no accessible active parts,
means of power system modeling software, simple free either by application of insulation or through barriers that
online arc calculators exist. Although no in depth fully enclose the live parts, are referred to as arc fault free
evaluations have been done by the authors, it is the zones (see figure 2).
authors opinion that these kind of tools are less suitable
for complex power system architectures. Performing
calculations individually and on an occasional basis
increases the probability of mistakes, especially for
complex systems, having multiple grid configuration
options. Moreover, it is unlikely that accurate data is
available in every situation. The occasional nature of the
use of online arc flash calculators can also tempt users to
input assumptions instead of facts, resulting into
misleading information for both most obvious and worst-
case scenarios.

A practical rule which is being used by the authors,

instead of calculating energy levels for some LV sub
distribution panels, is NEN3140, a local Dutch standard, Fig.2) Top view of a motor starter unit with arc fault free
which states that there is arc flash danger if the zone, combined with an arc proof bus bar compartment
installation is fed by a fuse size >25Amp or MCB >16Amp
To some extent intrinsic safe switchgear designs such
V. PREVENTING ARC FLASH INCIDENT as Internal Arc Class (IAC) rated switchgear for high
voltage (IEC 62271-200) and low voltage (IEC/TR 61641)
Most obvious means to prevent incidents is built-in do reduce the probability of arc flash injuries, as long as
equipment safety. Approaches to eliminate or minimize the panels are operated within their specification. However,
the probability of an arc flash incident occurring, may their level of protection typically only applies in sealed
include perfectly logical choices for new installations as condition and may allow category zero PPE requirements
well as radical operational procedures or significant for racking, breaker operation, etc., as long as the
investments in existing networks, particularly when the assembly is closed and sealed. Whenever work is carried
potential incident energy is impermissibly high. out and panel doors are opened, the switchgear can most
probably no longer be considered arc proof and a hazard
A. Safety by design to workers may be present and should be evaluated.
Arc Fault Free assemblies can be operated without
The selection of safe switchgear designs is an effective addition of arc flash precaution measures, as long as the
start to reduce the probability of an arc flash incident. IEC activities are limited to the arc fault free zones.
straight answers for this, and as EN 50110 is not
prescriptive with regard to arc flash hazard, answers will
be different for every European organization.

A risk assessment should be done to determine the

probability, effect, and acceptance level of arc flash
hazard resulting into decisions if and how to perform
certain activities, what is acceptable and when and where
to use PPEs to mitigate residual risk. A company should
work according their standard for risk assessments, and
involve experienced professionals. Items to take into
account during the risk assessment are:
 type of equipment
 age and condition of equipment
 competence of workers
Fig.3) Cable Test Facility in an internal arc classified  frequency of the activity
switchgear  duration of the work
 calculated arc flash energy / hazard risk category
Some IAC rated systems are designed to avoid any (HRC)
activity that may compromise the internal arc
classification of the switchgear, for example by means of C. Maintenance
a cable test facility (CTF) consisting of test probes and
integral cable test ports accessible from the front, fully A proper inspection program can indicate the need for
independent of the cable termination enclosure. The maintenance and prevent dangerous situations during
operation of the CTF should be integrated in the e.g. switching, leading to arc flash incidents. Mechanical
interlocking system of the operation panel, ensuring the issues such as improperly torqued or aligned contacts or
test probes can only be inserted in and removed from the loose metal parts in the installation and inaccurate
access points under safe condition with closed circuit insulation, for example excessive amount of moisture, can
breaker and the changeover switch in earthed position. contribute to a potential arc flash risk, especially during
switching operations and racking in/out. The condition of
The main driver for safe design is to provide personal the equipment should be periodically inspected as part of
protection, but assembly protection (continuous energy an effective maintenance program, especially in harsher
supply) could be an additional advantage. environments


Most arc flash incidents happen during isolation, work The potential arc flash energy can be reduced through
or testing. The first question should be if particular reducing available fault current, or fast clearing of the fault
activities such as racking in and racking out are really before it develops into a serious arc flash condition.
necessary, and if there is no simpler way to achieve the Another option to reduce the potential energy exposure, is
same result. Some operations have become a habit to move people further away. There are few ways to
rather than a strictly necessary activity. Proper and clear reduce the available fault currents in power systems:
safety rules are important to minimize the risk of arc flash  Operate double-ended substations with a Normally -
incidents. In these safety rules general rules should be Open tie
given for methods of isolation, use of measuring  Change out transformer Smaller kVA and/or higher
instruments and use of PPEs. These general rules impedance
should cover most situations. However sometimes it is  Add Reactors
necessary to have location specific or equipment type
specific rules. Reasons for this can be: known safety One of the best and most efficient ways to lower the
issues with certain equipment due to non-ideal design incident energy, which inherently lowers the HRC at
characteristics or condition. electrical equipment, is to clear the fault quicker, hence
the protective device trips faster. The ways and methods
In general minimizing arc flash incidents starts with to clear a fault faster using various protective devices
awareness. Many electrical personnel have been working described in this paper are based on:
for years according certain rules and might not  Protective devices and coordination
understand the need for change. The awareness comes  Zone selective interlocking
also with understanding the safety rules and most  Arc reduction maintenance settings
important, the reason why those rules are there is a basic
condition for the acceptance of these rules. A series of Customer-specific equipment, or adjustments of
information sessions and training is common to achieve protection units can affect the performance of the
that people will work accordingly. switchgear construction. Therefore serious attention
should be paid to required protection settings for the
Article 6 of European Council Directive 89/391/EC on users application and settings that are valid for the
risk assessment sets out employer's duties under the integrity of the whole assembly, as tested.
"general principles of prevention" of incidents. As always
there will be risks associated with activities and they have For both reducing fault current and tripping times the
to be addressed in the safety rules. Most difficult question eventual implications on operations should be taken in
is to determine what risk is acceptable. There are no consideration.
A. Protective devices and coordination Arc quenching devices can respond on fault currents
within a few milliseconds. The arc is instantly sensed
Reducing fault current sounds good in theory, however through catching the light of the arc flash. An electronic
lowering the fault current doesnt automatically reduce the circuit checks for an overcurrent in the main circuit. Then,
incident energy during an arcing fault, especially when the quenching device makes the short circuit at ultra-high
fuses are used for circuit protection. As shown in the speed, and the arc is quenched. The bolted short circuit
Time-Current Curve of Fig.4, the arcing fault current can current flows through the quenching device until the circuit
be very low, especially at equipment located electrically breaker opens. Combination of arc quenching device with
far down in the power system. Also, the arcing fault current limiting fuses is a potential solution to overcome
current can be as low as 33% of the calculated bolted the limitations of current limiting fuses, and this
fault current at any particular location per the NFPA 70E- combination also mitigates the stress to the equipment by
2012. Because of this, many times, when fuses are used reducing the fault clearing time. Like an air bag in a car,
for circuit protection, the available fault current is not high proper installation and operation of the device cannot be
enough for the fuse to go into current-limit, hence taking primary tested after installation, which could eventually be
much longer to trip and causing the incident energy and considered as a disadvantage.
HRC levels to increase. At high available fault currents,
the fuse will go into current limit, hence tripping faster and
keeping the incident energy and HRC lower. In the
example of Fig. 4, the electronic trip circuit breaker
protecting the same circuit can be adjusted for complete
coordination and still trip fast on the low arcing fault
current. In this case, the circuit breaker works the best for
low available fault current. Optimization of relay settings
may in some cases require replacement of old protection

This example shows that there is no one single

answer to solve arc flash issues in a power system. The
best and most comprehensive way to solve arc flash
issues in a power system is to conduct an arc flash study.
Then from the study, determine each location where the Fig.5) Low Voltage Arc Quenching device
HRC is considered to be unacceptable. These locations
must then be individually evaluated to determine the most Electrical power system engineers tend to strive for
effective means of reducing the incident energy while optimum coordination. In practice we found applications
maintaining the highest degree of reliability. where fast clearing time was more important than
coordination, because multiple feeders were linking into
one industrial process that had to be interrupted anyway
in case of a single feeder failure.

B. Zone Selective or Reverse Interlocking.

Bus Differential Protection and Zone Selective

Interlocking (ZSI) are other related ways to provide fast
tripping of circuit breakers. The concept of bus differential
protection (87B) measures 100% of the current into and
out of a bus. Simply put,
 If 100% I IN = 100% I OUT, then no trip
 If 100% I IN 100% I OUT, then trip all bus breakers

ZSI was based on a similar idea of comparing the

currents within zones, for low-voltage switchgear. It
substituted a control logic system communicating
between feeder breakers and main breakers. In many
modern electronic and digital trip units of the low-voltage
breakers the option for ZSI is already build into the
device. It is commercially available with up to 3 levels as
shown in Fig.6, although 2 levels (main breaker and
feeder breakers) application are the most common.

ZSI is best described visually. Refer to Fig.6 and

assume a high level short circuit occurs on the load side
of a feeder breaker. Both the main breakers and the
feeder breaker's digital trip units sense the fault. The
feeder breaker sends a blocking signal to the main
breaker letting it know that the fault is in its zone of
protection. The blocking signal tells the main breaker to
Fig. 4) Breaker / Fuse Comparison only trip per its time delayed standard settings (backup to
the feeder breakers) while the feeder breaker is the first to Next, he uses its lockout features and applies a lock for
clear the fault. However, if the fault occurs in the normal lockout tag-out procedures. Upon completion of
switchgear, such as on a primary stab fault occurring the maintenance, the lock is removed, the maintenance
during racking of the feeder breaker (creating an arc-flash switch is manually opened, and all previous trip unit
incident to the worker doing the racking), then no blocking settings are again re-activated, without need for
signal is sent to the main breaker. Since the main breaker recalibration
senses the fault but does not receive a blocking signal, its Appropriate warning signs should be provided to
control logic bypasses the short time and ground fault maintenance personnel to alert them that switching to
time delay setting characteristics and trips almost alternate settings needs to be done prior to any work, and
instantly. It lowers its time delay settings to approximately that it will override normal selective coordination and
2 cycles, just enough time delay to assure nuisance increase the possibility of nuisance trips. An example is
tripping does not occur. shown in figure 7. In case of multiple sections in one
panel, it should be clear to which section the maintenance
switch is connected, or the switch should operate multiple
protection devices in parallel. Selection of the
maintenance setting should activate an alert in a
decentralized control system and procedures must
ensure that the breaker is returned to its normal position
at the conclusion of maintenance activities. In older heavy
industrials plants it is common to find substations without
transformer secondary main breakers. In that case
applying a maintenance switch can be more complex.

Fig.6) Zone selective interlocking

Usually it is not possible to interface different brands of

ZSI, and the system is hard wired. For that reason ZSI
requires a retrofit of all related relays. When applying ZSI,
as an arc-flash solution, one must be aware that the
arcing fault current must be above the short time pickup
settings (STPU) or ground fault pickup (GFPU) settings
for ZSI to be initiated and to reduce the arc flash incident
energy. Furthermore it adds 2 to 3 cycles maximum to the Fig.7) Example of a retrofit maintenance switch
breaker clearing time of 3 cycles compared to an
instantaneous trip resulting in 5 to 6 cycles total clearing D. Move people further away
time (83ms 100ms). Breaker testing procedures during
maintenance and calibration testing are somewhat The approach of moving people further away, is based
complex and do require understanding of the specific on the knowledge that an arc blast expands volumetrically
protection concept. and during this process, cools dramatically with distance.
Distance from the fault always helps. There are certain
In recent years, some High-voltage protection relays tasks associated with distance that lend themselves very
also became available with Reverse Interlocking. The well to reducing arc flash exposure. The most notable is
idea behind Reverse Interlocking is exactly the same like racking HV and LV breakers. Many documented
the ZSI in Low Voltage systems. Reverse Interlocking is accidents have occurred during this operation. Traditional
intended primarily for bus differential protection for smaller IEC switchgear designs place the worker directly in front
power systems where bus differential relaying would of the switchgear cell while racking the breaker. There are
generally not be applied. ways to lower incident energy exposure during racking:
 Put an extension on the racking tool
C. Maintenance settings  Use a robot or remote racking device
Lack of distance between the switchgear and wall
Maintenance settings can significantly lower the sometimes limits the use of a racking tool extension. The
potential incident energy by providing shorter clearing robot approach locates the worker up to 15 meters away.
times and/or lower current setting. Many modern solid- The robot must know the number of turns in or out and
state trip units and protective relays for low voltage and torque limits of the breaker, so as to not over torque the
high voltage switchgear are now employing group settings shaft, jam it with misalignment or cause a failure. The
which can be utilized for maintenance settings (lower robot should stall and back out if torque limits are
pickups and/or faster trip times). An external switch is exceeded
used to instruct the relay or trip unit to use the Another example of moving people further away is
maintenance settings. Before work is performed, the remote switching. For example by a chicken switch. It
electrician simply switches to the maintenance position. slips over a pistol grip operator, and holds onto the
switchgear front with magnets. The operator is connected In case of local switching, the worker should make sure
with a cord so that you should be out of the arc flash that door latches or door bolts are closed and tightened
boundary when you operate the breaker. before operating a switch, and one should stand to the
Something which is sometimes forgotten is that people side and away as much as possible during switching
who are not directly involved in switching/work (and not operations as shown in Figs. 9 and 10. If PPE is used,
wearing PPEs) should be outside the hazard boundary. the selection of a level of PPE should be a balance
between the calculated incident energy exposure and
the work activity being performed in order to provide
enough protection to limit injury to a second degree
burn in all cases and to minimize new risk introduction
caused from heat stress, poor visibility or limited body

For existing LV and HV systems that are not arc proof,

arc resistant, arc free or internal arc classified, any local
operation of a live system, including switching, is
considered as a potential arc flash risk that requires
evaluation before work is carried out. Measures to protect
workers are based on arc flash calculations. The only
Fig.8) Conventional Racking (left) compared to Robot (right) exception is passing by in absence of maintenance or
operation activities. The very short time that someone is
E. Safety practices in the hazard area makes the risk negligible

Using good safety practices is another important VII. LABEL EQUIPMENT & TRAIN PERSONNEL
contributor to prevent injuries and mitigate arc flash
hazards. The Starting point should always be to de- When hazards are known and steps have been taken
energize equipment versus working it live unless de- to prevent and reduce them, the next step is to embed arc
energizing increases hazards or if it is infeasible due to flash safety into the daily routines. Hazard Rating
design. If possible, any switching should be done Categories have to be visible for anybody who has
remotely. access to the substations, and it is important to train
personnel and contractors to get them familiar with arc
flash hazards and how your electrical safety program has
changed. Implementing the results of an arc flash hazard
analysis takes time and there may be locations where
work methods or PPE requirements need to be changed
temporarily until implementation is finalized. High hazard
locations may be marked for extra care during procedure
to get a work permit.

The arc flash hazard calculation study will result in a

worst-case incident energy at working distance for each
location, including an arc flash boundary and required
PPE to mitigate hazard. In case of multiple network
configuration options, the label is usually based on worst-
case. A label at each location will help in reminding
workers of arc flash risk and the hazard at that location.
Following the EC Safety Signs Directive (92/58/EEC) for
provision and use of safety signs at work, arc flash labels
Fig.9) Bad Practice Exposed Back of Neck
should be yellow (or amber), they must be triangular and
the yellow must take up at least 50% of the sign, so that
wherever the signs are, they are recognized as a warning

In Europe there is a general tradition of eliminating risk

through built in safety in the switchgear design, and in the
absence of a prescriptive standard for arc flash safety,
there is a lack of knowledge and awareness for arc flash
hazard among electrical workers. Many workers
encounter arc flash safety as almost a cultural change. It
takes quite some effort and time to get arc flash
awareness embedded in daily routines. As we have to
deal not only with electrical workers who are employed by
the end user, but also with contractors, the simplicity of
safety measures has significant importance. Part of the
authors practical experiences are based on a simplified
arc flash safety approaches. One of the end users
decided to merge HRC 0 and 1, and makes no distinction
Fig.10) Good Practice Entire Body Protected between HRC 2 up to HRC 4. Only the dangerous areas
(>40Cal/cm2) are labeled. Breakers with HRC 0 and 1 hazard, adequately protecting them in 80% of the cases,
may be operated by trained operators in adequate but comfortable enough for day to day work. The 20%
protective wear. Work with HRC-2---4 will, if really cases of high hazard will need additional PPE which may
necessary, only be performed by maintenance people, only be required occasionally, and not by all personnel.
with adequate protective means. Wearing HRC3 or 4 garments, gloves and head- and
The simplistic approach of merging HRC categories is neckware, is only acceptable for activities with short
a practical compromise, provided that only simple work duration because it is cumbersome, hot, and increases
with a short duration is being carried out, such as the fatigue. Moreover it hinders the employees natural
operation of a breaker, or making a system safe to work. sensors and reduces mobility. PPE definitely is not an
It certainly has the downside of overdressing, on the other option for long-term operations, or complex work, such as
hand the risk of underdressing is eliminated and the a repair or modification. Although PPE up to 80 Cal/cm2
simplified approach does increase arc flash awareness, is commercially available, the authors do not consider any
moreover it stimulates workers to minimize the number work at locations with HRC higher than 4, as an option.
and duration of activities in the vicinity of live parts.

Fig.11) Protective clothing needed is determined by

Hazard Risk Category (1-4)

Apart from the applicable hazard risk category,

personal protection against arc flash hazard starts with
Fig.10) Example Warning sign NAM fire resistant underwear. Inappropriate underwear could
ignite or melt, thus having an adverse effect on protection
A typical initial training on a simplified approach of arc aggravating the outcome of an electric arc incident.
flash safety will last between half a day to a full day to Nevertheless FR underwear is often considered as
cover the following items: uncomfortable and warm. The authors are not aware of
 Introduction to arc flash hazard and terminology. any company enforcing fire resistant underwear to
 Explanation of arc flash safety and how it impacts the employees and contractors.
work methods. Another controversial issue is ear protection, which
 How link Hazard Rating Category to work activities. would be needed in case of an arc flash. Many electrical
 Selection of the right level of PPE from an arc flash workers refuse to wear them, because it hinders their
label. sensors, eventually introducing new risk.
 Company specific rules
Following safety standards based on EN 50110 does
When all other avenues have been exhausted and not automatically mean that arc flash is not a concern. It
workers are still at risk of being exposed to arc flash is the authors collective opinion that the best and most
hazard, as a last line of defense, Personal Protective comprehensive way to identify and solve arc flash issues
Equipment (PPE) can be selected using the results of an in a power system is to conduct an arc flash study. Most
arc flash hazard analysis. The calculated Arc Thermal excessively high incident energy exposures can be
Protective Value (ATPV) can be used for obtaining mitigated through a variety of techniques Our experience
European CE marked garments according to the draft IEC in performing arc flash hazard analysis tells us that there
61482-2 garment standard. Although IEC 61482-2 has is no one single answer to reduce arc flash hazards; you
not been adopted yet by CENELEC as an EN standard, need a total system approach. What works in one
some Notified Bodies did already certify garments organization may not work effectively in another organization.
submitted by manufacturers to be CE certified and
labelled to this standard. CE marking is required for all Modifications to existing equipment, protective devices,
PPE used in Europe. new specifications utilizing safety by design concepts,
use of robots, alternate maintenance procedures, etc.,
For a practical solution to mitigate any remaining arc can all be effectively used to dramatically improve
flash hazard, a proper selected system of PPE can be electrical safety. Many of the techniques and suggested
devised that protects people against burns and eyesight solutions are very cost effective; but even the higher cost
injuries in most practical cases. For example a set of PPE solutions are small investments compared to the costs of
for all electrical workers that could be exposed to arc flash dealing with the consequences of a major electrical
accident. Customer-specific equipment or adjustments of XI. REFERENCES
protection devices can affect the performance of the
switchgear construction. Therefore serious attention [1] David D. Shipp, P.E. David M. Wood, P.E.
should be paid to required protection settings for the Innovative techniques for mitigating arc flash
users application and settings that are valid for the test exposure,
results, such as IEC/TR 61912-2, and more important 2] NFPA 70E-2009, Electrical Safety Requirements for
safeguard the integrity of the whole assembly. Employee Workplaces, Copyright 2008, National
In the absence of prescriptive standards in Europe, the Fire Protection Association
final assessment of whether a risk is acceptable or [3] IEEE Std 1584TM-2002. Guide for Performing Arc-
solutions are needed to reduce the probability or the Flash Hazard Calculations, Institute of Electrical and
effect, remains a decision for the electrical experts within Electronics Engineers, New York, NY
the organization of the end user. Proper information is [4] Giuseppe Parise, Peter E. Sutherland, William J.
essential, a crucial question for the experts is: Would the Moylan, Electrical Safety for Employee Workplaces
decision still be justifiable when something went wrong? A in Europe and in the USA
simplified approach makes it do-able to implement arc [5] Bas Bouman, Eric Alferink, Marco Lusing, Jan
flash safety for dealing with situations that are rare, and Verstraten, A view on Internal arc testing of Low
should be prevented as much as possible. The authors Voltage Switchgear
have the opinion that Arc Flash calculations are very [6] Dr.-Ing. Jens Jhling, Elektrounflle in
important, although the focus should remain on intrinsic Deutschland, Institut zur Erforschung elektrischer
safety. PPE is considered as a last line of defense and Unflle, BGFE, Kln, 10.11.2005
excessive time in high level PPE should be avoided. [7] Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Peter Steimel, Analyse der Strom-
unfallzahlen der BG ETEM, 3.Rheinsberger
What specific benefits did we see from the arc flash Fachtagung Arbeitssicherheit in der Energie-
hazard analyses ? versorgung, 15.10.2010

First, it appears that the awareness of arc flash hazard XII. VITA
has improved at plants that participated in arc flash
hazard assessments, for example when it comes to Hans Picard, B.Ec has worked in
protecting the person next to the one who is working in engineering, sales and marketing for
the electrical installation. Measures based on facts are Emerson, Holec and Eaton. During the
easier to explain than measures based on guesses and years he has gathered professional
feelings. It is also a fact that the selection and use of PPE experience in contract management,
has improved. Arc Flash calculations showed several project management, electrical services
times how misleading guesses and feelings can be. In and asset optimization. He is currently
practice we encounter many HV systems which have Product Manager for the Eatons
HRC lower than 25cal/cm2. Much more often we see Electrical Services & Solutions business unit, with
potential danger in LV. Especially, if protective devices marketing responsibilities for Engineering Services &
are only on the high voltage side of the transformer. LV Field Services in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
systems are less transparent, hazards are often [email protected]
underestimated, and operation staff for LV systems is
usually less skilled than for HV systems. Last but not least
Jan Verstraten, B.Sc graduated
, situations with potential back flow of electrical energy are
from HTS Hilversum. Currently a Sr.
more obvious. The performed Arc Flash hazard analyses
electrical specialist, he has worked for
do have implications for new projects as well. Arc Flash
Dow Benelux BV in Terneuzen since
calculations should now be part of the design calculations
1990, in various departments:
for expansion and new constructions to make sure that
Maintenance central E&I, Maintenance
new installations despite of arc safe designs, have
Technology Department and
acceptable potential fault energy levels.
Powerplant. Since 2004 he has held the
post of Installation Responsible Person for Dow in the
As is the case with many maintenance and safety
Netherlands, Electrical SME for Dow in Benelux, UK &
topics, quantification of the financial returns of an arc flash
Scandinavia and Electrical Safety and Reliability auditor.
hazard analysis is rather complex. Fact is that safety in
Member of: NEC 623
the oil and gas industry is important. The probability of an
[email protected]
Arc Flash is low but the consequences can be enormous.
Thanks to the hazard analysis, we can now determine
the effect. In itself, performing an hazard analysis does Rien Luchtenberg, B.Sc graduated
not offer any guarantee that fewer accidents will occur, from HTS in Zwolle in 1983. Currently
but it does provide the right pointers for making well- working in Shell upstream Europe as
considered decisions. Team lead electrical. Worked in NAM /
Shell for more than 25 years in
engineering / maintenance and
construction, also held the post of
Installation responsible person.
The authors would like to acknowledge and express
[email protected]
their thanks to Martin Baier from Eaton for providing
important feedback.

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