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Islamabad, the 13th June, 2009.


S.R.O. 492(I)/2009. In exercise of the powers conferred by

section 19 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), and sub-section (2) of section
13 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990, and in supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O.
1065(I)/2005, dated the 20th October, 2005, the Federal Government is pleased
to exempt the whole of the customsduty and sales tax on temporary importation
of goods for subsequent exportation as specified in the Table below subject to
the following conditions, namely:

(i) this facility shall be available to exporters also registered as


(ii) the importer shall make an application for grant of exemption

to the Collector of Customs, giving full particulars of the
goods and the purpose for which they are imported;

(iii) the importer shall submit a bank guarantee or pay order or

indemnity bond along with post-dated cheque equivalent to
the amount of customs-duty and sales tax otherwise leviable

(iv) the importer shall export temporarily imported goods after

due processing thereof within eighteen months of their
import. On a request from the importer, the Collector
concerned shall allow extension for six months on payment
of one per cent surcharge per month on C&F value of the
goods for which extension has been sought. The Board may
consider any further extension in exceptional circumstances
on such terms and conditions as may be deemed
appropriate in the matter;
(v) only such goods, except the goods specified at serial No.2 of
the Table, as are capable of identification at the time of their
re-exportation, shall be exempt from the aforesaid customs
duty and sales tax;

(vi) packing material, as mentioned in the Table at serial No.10,

may be imported empty and exported filled;

(vii) at the time of importation of goods, the importer shall make a

written declaration on the goods declaration to the effect that
the goods are imported for the purposes of this notification;

(viii) after ascertaining correctness of description, classification

and importability status of goods at the time of import, the
same shall be assessed to value in accordance with the
values determined for identical goods cleared for local
consumption for the sake of uniformity;

(ix) at the time of export, the exporter shall make declaration that
the goods were imported for the purposes of this notification,
giving particulars of import documents (IGM No. & date, G.D.
No. & date, Cash No. & date, etc.) and at least 20% value
addition has been made as compared to value of goods at
the time of import;

(x) the export shall be allowed only if the Assistant Collector or

the Deputy Collector, incharge of export station, is satisfied
that the goods temporarily imported have been duly
consumed in the manufacture of goods being exported;

(xi) immediately after the re-exportation of goods, the applicant

shall produce evidence to the Collector of Customs
concerned that the goods have been re-exported within the
stipulated period. On production of such
evidence/declaration, bank guarantee, pay order or the
indemnity bond along with post-dated cheque submitted at
the time of import shall be released. For regular
manufacturers-cum-exporters, the concerned export station
must immediately inform electronically the concerned bank
guarantee section of import Collectorate regarding
verification of export against particular Goods Declaration for
release of bank guarantee, pay order or the indemnity bond
along with post-dated cheque submitted at the time of
(xii) transfer of ownership of temporarily imported goods may be
allowed by the Collector of Customs, or the Additional
Collector of Customs concerned, at his discretion, subject to
the transfer of title of bank guarantee or pay order or
indemnity bond along with post-dated cheque submitted at
the time of import:

Provided that the transfer of ownership shall be

allowed only in cases in which the imported goods have
undergone the manufacturing process to reach an
intermediary product stage;

(xiii) in cases where temporarily imported goods are used in

addition to other imported raw materials on the import of
which duties and taxes have been paid and repayment is
admissible on export of ultimately manufactured products,
the f.o.b. price for claiming such repayment shall be the
value excluding value of the goods temporarily imported
under this notification;

(xiv) only such operations as are listed in the Table shall be

carried out with the inputs and raw materials imported under
this notification;

(xv) exemption under this notification shall not be allowed in

cases in which physical inspection of manufacturing
becomes necessary for the purposes of such exemption;

(xvi) all the existing licenses and those issued under Chapter XV
of the Customs Rules, 2001 shall be deemed to have been
issued with immediate effect till the validity of existing
licenses already issued. All liabilities of the said licensees
shall be deemed to be their liabilities under the said rules;

(xvii) the Collector of Customs, or the Additional Collector of

Customs, may refuse entry of any goods without payment of
customs-duty and sales tax if prima facie it appears to him
that such entry is in violation of any of the conditions of this
2. An application under condition (ii) shall be submitted on the
following format, namely:

1. Name of the unit with address _____________________
2. N.T.N. No. _____________________
3. Sales Tax Registration No. _____________________
4. Station of import. _____________________
5. Value of goods exported in the _____________________
previous financial year
6. Description of imported inputs _____________________
7. Description of goods to be exported _____________________
8. Input and output ratio of entries 6 _____________________
and 7 above

Name and signature of the applicant

(1) (2)

1. Materials, excluding fabrics and leather, for manufacturing of

(a) leather goods and leather garments and sports goods;

(b) garments and textile madeups including foundation
garments; and
(c) furniture, wood ware and fittings.

2. Textile designs, artwork, transparencies (bearing design for textiles)

for reproduction of finished goods.

3. Plush fabrics, nylon, polyester fiber, eyes and nose for use in
stuffed toys.

4. Unit soles with heels, soles and heels for manufacture of footwear.

5. Price labels or tags for affixing on finished goods.

6. Trimmings, buttons, belts, fur lining, lining, pads and inter lining
material, Velcro tapes, hangers, special labels, special buttons,
rivets, eyelets, buckles, special brand tags, special thread and
other items such as decorative fittings, zippers, locker loops, etc.,
for use in ready made garments, foundation garments, textile made
ups, footwear and other items mentioned in this table.

7. Materials for embellishing or decorating goods produced in

Pakistan for exportation.

8. Components and sub-components for assembly of

(a) machinery and parts thereof;

(b) electrical and electronic equipment and parts thereof;
(c) bicycles;
(d) aluminium-ware, steel ware, kitchen utensils and cutlery,
vacuum flasks;
(e) surgical instruments; and
(f) dolls, toys, and games.

9. Forgings of surgical instruments for processing.

10. Packing material (excluding straw, paper, paper cones, glass wool
and like material) for packing of goods.

11. Polypropylene woven and jute bags subject to the condition that
such bags bear the particulars of the Pakistani exporters in
permanent print on each bag.

12. Materials for general superficial processes such as elementary

repairs, cleaning, removal of damaged parts, sorting, straining,
sifting, clarification, filtering, marking, sealing, labeling, re-packing,
drying, preserving, refrigerating, chilling, fumigating, greasing, anti-
rusting, protective coating, printing, etc.

13. Materials, for the manufacture of decorative items, through the

process of cutting, knotting or any other process, to be used in gift
packs, toys and sweets/chocolate boxes, etc., for decoration

14. Materials, sub-components and components for the manufacture of

stationery items like pencils, glue sticks, fiber tip pens and staples,

(Munir Qureshi)
Additional Secretary

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