Past Simple Regular Verbs

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A. Part. Write the past form of the verbs below. Add ed when necessary.

1. Cook __________________________ 11. Want _________________________

2. Study _________________________ 12. Enjoy _________________________
3. Play ___________________________ 13. Need _________________________
4. Iron ___________________________ 14. Print _________________________
5. Watch _________________________ 15. Use __________________________
6. Work __________________________ 16. Love _________________________
7. Talk ___________________________ 17. Paint _________________________
8. Answer ________________________ 18. Cry __________________________
9. Call ___________________________ 19. Try __________________________
10. Invite _________________________ 20. Prepare ______________________

B. Instructions: Complete the following paragraph by using the past tense of the
verbs in parenthesis. Share your answers with a classmate.

He ____________ (act) on a film. He _________________ (carry) a box. My mother _____________

(help) my friends. Oscar ________________ (talk) to her 2 hours. Rosario __________ (use) my
laptop last class. My classmates ____________ (dance) all night. Francisco and his family
______________ (move) to Costa Rica last summer. Peter _____________ (kiss) his daughter
Susan. My dog ______________ (stop) running because he was sick. Albert _________________
(plan) a very big party for his father. Ana ___________ (invite) her teachers to eat. My boss
_______________ (kill) a rat. Lidia _______________ (watch) a scary movie.

C. Instructions: Write affirmative and negative statements with the words below. Share your
1. Andrea / love / Math
a) __________________________________ b) ____________________________________________
2. Richard / play / the guitar.
a) __________________________________ b) ____________________________________________
3. Eladio / wash / his car
a) __________________________________ b) ____________________________________________
4. Cintia / listen / a new CD
a) __________________________________ b) ____________________________________________
5. They / want / a new cellphone
a) __________________________________ b) ____________________________________________

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