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Lecture 9: Molecular Orbital theory for

hydrogen molecule ion

1 Molecular Orbital Theory for Hydrogen Molecule

We have seen that the Schrodinger equation cannot be solved for many elec-
tron systems. The H+ 2 molecule ion is a molecule that has only one elec-
tron. However, there are 2 nuclei so it becomes a 3-particle problem. To
solve this problem, we invoke an approximation that is known as the Born-
Oppenheimer approximation wherein we assume that the electronic and nu-
clear degrees of freedom can be solved independently. Further, assuming that
the kinetic energy of the nuclei are very small, we can solve the electronic
problem at fixed internuclear separation as illustrated below.

~2 ~2 2 e2
2 2 1 1 1
H(RA , RB , r) = ( + B ) +
2mp A 2me r 4pi0 rA rB R

Under the BO approximation, we have

~2 2 e2
1 1 1
Hel (r; R) = r +
2me 4pi0 rA rB R

The electronic wavefunction is to be treated as a function of the electronic

coordinate r for fixed internuclear separation R. Thus the Schrodinger equa-
tion is given by
Hel (r; R) = E(R))(r; R)
We can imagine solving this for different R. If there is a bond, then this
energy should be minimum for some value of R as shown in the figure. This
gives the equilibrium bond length Re and the dissociation energy De of the

rA rB

+ +



molecule. We will briefly describe this physical picture of the bond using
Molecular Orbital theory.
According to MO theory, the electron in a molecule is located in orbitals
(single-electron functions) called molecular orbitals. The molecular orbitals
are different from the atomic orbitals since they are not centered at atomic
nuclei. One way to construct the functions corresponding to molecular or-
bitals is to use linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCA0). For example,
we can consider the linear combination of the 1s wavefunctions centered on
both atoms.
M O (~r) = N (1sA (~r) 1sB (~r))
Note that 1sA is a function centered at nucleus A. Thus we have

1sA (~r) = N1 erA /a0

and similarly for 1sB . Assuming that the wavefunctions for 1sA and 1sB
are normalized, we can calculate the value of N as follows
1 = M O (~r)M O (~r)d~r = N 1sA (~r)1sA (~r)d~r + 3moreterms

We can easily show for real orbitals that the terms lead to
1 = N (2 2 1sA (~r)1sB (~r)d~r)

The last term is denoted by S, so we can write

2(1 S)

where S denotes the overlap between the orbitals.

Of the two orbitals, the one with the positive sign turns out to have lower
energy than the 1s orbital and is called the bonding MO and the one with
negative sign has higher energy than 1s orbital and is called the antibonding
M OBonding = p (1sA (~r) + 1sB (~r))
2(1 + S)
Thus we can say that for a given R, the two 1s orbitals combine to give one
bonding and one antibonding MO. The bonding MO turns out to have lower
energy, but you could only know this if you could calculate the energies which


is difficult. The bonding MO has higher electron density in the internuclear

axis, unlike in the case of the antibonding MO. The 1s bonding orbital is
symmetric to inversion about the center and is referred to as gerade or simply
g for short.
In fact we will write the previous equation in short form as
1g (1sA + 1sB )
The convention for naming this orbital is 1g . The antibonding orbital is
labelled as 1u .
We could also combine the two 2s orbitals to form a 2g and 2u MOs.
With p orbitals things get a little more complicated because the phase of
the orbitals matters. Consider 2pz orbital. This has opposite signs in the
different halves. Now, when combining wavefunctions, we have to see the
sign. For example, the bonding orbital is denoted as 3u is given by
3g 2pzA 2pzB
where we assume that the Z-axis is along the internuclear axis. The anti-
bonding MO is given by
3u 2pzA + 2pzB
The sigma orbitals are spherically symmetric about the internuclear axis. We
can also have orbitals which do not satisfy this condition. For example, if we
take a linear combiation of 2px orbitals located on the two atoms, we will
see that
1u 2pxA + 2pxB
and similarly for the 2py orbibtals. These two MOs are degenerate. The
antibonding MO is denoted by
1g 2pxA 2pxB

In the Hydrogen molecule ion, there is only one electron. The ground state
corresponds to the electron in the 1g orbital so this orbital is referred to
as the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital(HOMO). The lowest unocupied
MO(LUMO) is the 1u . These MOs were calculated at fixed internuclear
separation. We can qualitatively see what happens when the internuclear
separation is changed and define Re and De as we had before for the 1g MO.
The antibonding MO does not show a minimum energy at some separation.
This qualitative picture is borne out by numerical calculations.

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