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T Crawford, J D Gosden FDG2 Chapter 11 Final

11 River and canal structures

11.1 Overview
This chapter considers the design issues that apply for the common types of structure encountered in
the fluvial environment. Although civil, mechanical and electrical engineering aspects need to be fully
integrated in the design process, they are more conveniently dealt with separately here.
The chapter begins by describing the application of the basic concepts that need to be considered in
the civil engineering design. This is followed by a series of information sheets on the principal types
of structure and then a description of the specific considerations that apply to their rehabilitation. The
chapter continues by considering mechanical and electrical design, power supplies, and
instrumentation, control and automation (ICA).
This chapter draws on information presented in almost every other chapter of this guide but has
particularly close links with Chapter 3 (Fluvial geomorphology), Chapter 4 (Fluvial ecology) and
Chapter 7 (Hydraulic analysis and design). Importantly, it relies on Chapter 8 (Works in the river
channel) and Chapter 9 (Floodwalls and flood embankments) as these structures are often combined as
part of river and canal works, and it is the connections between the two that are most often points of
Considerable research into flood risk management is underway in the UK and Europe. Readers are
encouraged to keep abreast of the latest research and development initiatives by consulting the
following websites:
Joint Environment Agency/Defra Flood and Costal Erosion Risk Management R&D
Programme (FCERM) (;
Flood Risk Management Consortium (;
Floodsite (

11.2 Basic concepts in civil engineering design

11.2.1 Introduction
Structures are placed in rivers and canals in order to:
control water levels and flows;
facilitate the abstraction of water;
maintain navigation;
control flooding;
measure the discharge.
Rivers and to a lesser extent canals experience fluctuating water levels and flows that depend on
the runoff from its catchment, together with any other sources such as catchment transfers or artificial
releases from storage.

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Any structures placed in this environment are required to function in a wide range of hydraulic
conditions. Other important variables include the transport of suspended material (type of material and
the volume carried).

11.2.2 Design in a uncertain environment

Design flows
The first steps in designing a river or canal structure are to:
define its function (what the structure is expected to do);
identify the range of conditions that it will operate in.
The most fundamental of operating conditions is generally the range of flows to which the structure
will be exposed. But, depending on the type of structure and its location, there may also be a need to
consider sediment load, trash and debris load, boat impact and vandalism. It is also essential to
consider the safety of operatives and members of the public who may have access to the structure.
Chapter 2 provides details of the principal methods used for estimating discharges.
There is an inherent uncertainty when choosing design flow values for structures in rivers. Flows can
and do exceed design expectations. Designers need to manage this risk in the face of uncertainty.
Creating a structure that copes with this uncertainty, while retaining economy in its design, requires an
assessment of the damage that may be caused to it or its elements under exceptional circumstances.
The level of damage that can be accepted for different loading conditions needs to be assessed. Such
damage should not result in an increased threat to life and property compared with the situation before
the structures construction.

River transitions
River structures are static elements in a dynamic system and, as such, they can disturb the natural
equilibrium of the river channel. This disturbance can be minimised by:
avoiding sudden changes of flow direction (from channel to structure, and structure to channel);
providing transitions between the natural channel and the rigid structure.
These transitions are often formed using flexible revetments (see Section 8.3.5).

Integration in the design team

Many of the structures covered in this chapter involve a mix of civil, electrical and mechanical
elements, requiring a multidisciplinary design team.
A common root cause of problems in such cases is a lack of integration of concepts and detailing
between different designers. To ensure an effective design, early and regular communications between
the various discipline teams are vital to discuss:
input parameters;
functional requirements;
revisions during the design process (particularly important).

Interaction with the public safety

Rivers and canals are often public places. The potential for danger to the public can be minimised
through a design process that is based on a full understanding of how people will interact with the
works (both during and after construction work). Appropriate design can minimise the risks not least
of all by making people aware of them.

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Although warning signs may be adequate to alert the public to specific dangers, handrails can serve to
reinforce the designation of some areas as out-of-bounds and potentially dangerous. When handrails
are designed sensitively with the character of the local area acting to guide the choice of materials
and construction methods they present minimal visual impact.
Trash screens have a double function when used on a culvert entrance. As well as keeping trash out of
the culvert, they also keep people out of what could be a potentially dangerous space. Screens that are
designed exclusively to inhibit access are generally referred to as security screens. Both trash screens
and security screens present a risk of blockage by debris and hence risk causing or aggravating local
flooding (see also Section 8.6.3).

Interaction with the public vandalism and theft

Members of the public have access to many of the structures placed in rivers and canals. Thus there is
always the possibility of:
accidental or wilful interference;
damage to the structure;
theft of potentially portable components.
Designers need to consider how best to render key infrastructure invulnerable to the actions of ill-
intentioned people and protected against disturbance. A general rule is that, if a structure looks weak
and vulnerable in a place with public access, then someone may well attempt to exploit such
weakness. Figures 11.1 and 11.2 illustrate how a vulnerable structure can be turned into a resilient one.

Figure 11.1 Example of vulnerability a floodwall

under construction, awaiting capping slabs
The construction method used here leaves large voids
between bricks and sheetpiles, and uses brick-to-pile ties at
1200mm centres. The bricks are there to disguise the
unattractive sheetpile wall.
The wall gave a hollow ring when knocked. This may
encourage a harder knock resulting in damage to the cladding
(though it would be difficult for vandals to damage the
defence itself, which is provided by the steel sheetpiling).

Figure 11.2 Example of resilience a floodwall that

survived a vandal attack
This wall is constructed as in the previous example, but with
concrete infill of the voids. It has had the coping slabs pinned
with dowel bars cast into the concrete.
After an attempt to remove a slab and after damaging a
dozen more, the vandals have given up. Should this type of
attack occur on the wall in the previous example, it would be
severely damaged.
Since coping stones are often the subject of vandalism and,
as this illustration demonstrates, even dowelled fixings are
not secure it is common to assume that the coping does not
contribute to the flood defence level.

Common vandalism targets include:

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single-course blockwork walls;
other semi-hard structures.
When specifying such features, consider whether the public will be attracted to the area. If so, avoid
vulnerable features or move the structure elsewhere.
Common targets for theft include:
items that can be manhandled (such as precast concrete units and stone slabs);
solar panels;
Theft and vandalism can be reduced by making materials securely composite with each other and with
other parts of the structure. This has implications for the ease of recycling at decommissioning, so both
aspects need to be considered by the designer (see Figure 11.3).

Figure 11.3 Sliding scale of vulnerability to theft and vandalism versus ease of

11.2.3 Fluvial processes

The effect of the fluvial processes described below should be considered carefully when determining
the loads applied to the structure.

Erosion and scour

Water is well known for its erosive properties. In the fluvial environment, this usually occurs when
water flows are fast or highly turbulent. In general, finer sediments become mobile at lesser velocities
than larger particles, but the shape of the individual particles and cohesion also have an effect on their
vulnerability to erosion.

Scour initiation mechanisms

Where a flow velocity increases, it can cause an area of scour. Two main mechanisms interact to
suspend the sediment and move it in the direction of flow.

Lift The velocity of the water flowing over the top of a bed of sediment creates lift
forces on the particles. Once the lift force on a particle exceeds the downwards
force of its buoyant weight, it is lifted from the bed into the flow of water.

Momentum Water striking the surface of a sediment particle is deflected around it. Some

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portion of the waters momentum is passed to the sediment particle as an applied

force. Once this force is greater than the ability of the particle to resist that force,
the particle becomes mobile.

Turbulent eddies that move faster than the main flow are a significant factor which increases the
potential for scour. Such eddies are created by river structures of all types, as well as by natural

Transport mechanisms
Once in motion, there are two main mechanisms for the transport of sediment:
bedload rolling and sliding along the river bed;
suspended load in suspension in the water.
Under normal flow conditions, smaller particles are usually suspended while the larger pebbles,
cobbles and boulders are likely to form the bedload. In very fast flows, particles up to the size of large
cobbles can form a part of the suspended load.

Scour caused by structures

As scour is likely to be increased around structures placed in flowing water, an understanding of the
potential extent of such scour is required to ensure their continued operation. The CIRIA publication,
Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures (May et al, 2002) describes the following
three main types of scour.
Natural scour This includes scour due to bed degradation, channel migration, confluences
and changes to flow conditions. Can be of human cause.
Contraction scour A result of confining the channel, for example between bridge piers or
Local scour A result of increased turbulence and velocities due to obstructions in the flow
or energy dissipation at weirs, drop structures and hydraulic jumps, etc.
The total scour experienced at a location can be thought of as the sum of all these. Designers should
aim to control or contain these causes individually to reduce the sum effect.

Scour as a cause of failure of structures

Scour can present a particular problem for structures placed in rivers as it can lead to:
undermining and instability of the various elements of the structure;
failure of the complete structure.
Some important methods to reduce this effect include:
streamlining of structures to avoid the onset of turbulent eddies;
scour protection on vulnerable surfaces;
establishing the structural foundation and support below the anticipated depth of scour.
Groundwater flows bypassing a structure can also lead to washout of material around or under the
structure, leading to instability. Techniques to reduce this include:
incorporation of filters to retain particles;
lengthening of the flowpath for seepage flows (see Section 9.9.2).

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Sediment deposition (sedimentation)

When the flow velocity falls below certain thresholds (which depend on the particle size and density),
bedload ceases and sediment is dropped from suspension. This is called deposition. If the deposition
occurs in a spatially defined area, it can produce bedforms on many scales from ripples through to
bars, spits and islands. Deposition produces a corresponding reduction in flow cross section and is
therefore self-limiting and often cyclic.
Deposition presents an issue for the performance of fluvial structures by restricting the potential flow
capacity and by blocking intakes. In canals and navigable rivers, sedimentation can reduce the draught
available for navigation.

Waterborne debris
Debris transport is a natural function of rivers. Debris consists of organic matter (leaves, trees,
decaying plants and the like) and man-made waste (such as litter, grass clippings and shopping
trolleys) that are carried as bedload, as suspended load or floating on the surface.
The volume of debris in the watercourse often fluctuates in response to increased flow rates; runoff
from the land washes debris into the water and stationary riverside stores of debris are mobilised.
Debris can obstruct flows, reducing the discharge capacity of a channel and causing a rise in water
level. This is especially troublesome in locations that are enclosed or hard to access, and at structures
where the flow depth is restricted or surface flows are obstructed such as at weirs and gates. These
problems can sometimes be mitigated by using trash screens and floating booms to collect the debris.
Such units require continued maintenance.
Another issue presented to structures by both debris and sediment transport is abrasion. This leads to
damaged finishes and surfaces, or loss of section. Such damage can be classed as a serviceability
failure of the structure and is likely to require repair.

Another factor that needs to be considered at structures is afflux (see Chapter 7), which is defined as
the maximum rise in water surface elevation above that of an unstructured stream due to the presence
of a structure such as a bridge or culvert in the stream (see Figure 11.4). When choosing a site for a
structure, consideration should be given to the effect of afflux on upstream land, buildings and other
assets. Afflux can be estimated using the afflux estimation system (AES) developed under the joint
Defra/Environment Agency flood and coastal erosion risk management programme (Mantz, 2007).

Figure 11.4 Illustration of afflux

Afflux is the difference between the
water level before the bridge was built
and the maximum water level upstream
from the bridge after its construction,
with all other things being equal.

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11.2.4 Flow measurement

Some hydraulic structures are specifically designed for flow measurement, but many others because
their hydraulic characteristics are broadly predictable provide opportunities for flow measurement,
provided that water levels are monitored or observed at suitable locations.
Flow gauging is a specialist subject, but Box 11.1 gives some outline guidance.

Box 11.1 Options for flow measurement

Suitable hydraulic structures or components within hydraulic structures for flow measurement
orifice with machined edges;
thin-plate weir (rectangular or vee-notch);
Crump weir;
critical-depth flume.
To maintain their performance, these devices require:
brushing the surfaces to remove slime and algae;
removing sediment that may affect the hydraulic behaviour.
Thin-plate orifices and weirs can be prone to leakage. They also require occasional renewal or
refurbishment if the machined edges are starting to show wear.
In addition, flows within channels and culverts can be measured using various ultrasonic devices that
employ time-of-flight or Doppler effect technology. These need to be carefully designed and installed,
and the method of processing velocities and depths to obtain the discharge needs to be properly
understood and verified.
Water level monitoring nowadays is normally by ultrasonics or pressure transducer. A means should
be included to allow operations staff to readily check that the device datum is correct.
Further information on flow and level measurement structures is given by Bos (1989) and in the
relevant British Standards.

11.3 Types of structure

Information sheets are presented below for:
11.3.1 Gated control structures
Each sheet contains:
11.3.2 Weirs
a description of the structure and its
11.3.3 Drop structures
11.3.4 Bridges
illustrations of a selection of different
11.3.5 Culverts
11.3.6 Flumes
11.3.7 Siphons specific design considerations;
11.3.8 Outfalls references for design guidance;
11.3.9 Screens common faults.
11.3.10 Pumping stations and intakes
11.3.11 Locks
11.3.12 Fishpasses

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11.3.1 Gated control structures

Description and Used to control water levels in rivers, sluices or canals, for water flow
purpose management, flood control and navigation.
Gates can be undershot (for example, a sluice gate) or overshot (that is, acting
like a weir). An undershot gate can be fully closed (allowing no flow), partly open
(see radial gate illustration) or fully open (lifted clear of the water surface).
Undershot gates produce a jet of water which can pose a significant erosion
risk. This is normally addressed by the provision of a stilling basin.
Often used with multiple gates in parallel to enhance redundancy.
A selection of different forms
Common types not illustrated: bottom hinged, rising sector
Radial gates Vertically hinged (mitre) gate Vertical lift (sluice) gates
Light weight reduces power of Operated by either water Require a gantry structure to lift
required plant pressure (passive) as a non- them free of the water
Moving parts above waterline return gate, or powered May use counterweights to aid
Directional flow control only if lifting
passively operated Smaller units can be hand

Specific design Purpose flood defence or water level control

considerations Navigation draught, height and beam restrictions may already be in place on
Scour most gates generate fast and highly turbulent flow in operation and
require a concrete stilling basin, as well as local erosion protection in the
Ease of maintenance
Failure to operate redundancy and bypass
Aesthetic and architectural issues character of local area
Ecological impassable to migratory fish during some operations
References for US Army Corps of Engineers manuals:
design guidance Vertical lift gates, EM 1110-2-2701
Radial gates, EM 1110-2-2702
Common faults Excessive scour leading to undermining and instability
Lack of maintenance provision
Inadequate redundancy

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11.3.2 Weirs
Description and Used to control grade and water levels in rivers or canals, for offtakes, and for
purpose flow gauging (see Section 11.2.4 and Box 11.1), amenity and navigation.
A selection of different forms All combinations of plan, elevation and section can be used and
have advantages in particular applications.
Plan (flow from left) Section (flow from left) Elevation (flow towards reader)
Orthogonal Broad crested Straight
Minimum material use Used for simplicity and for
moderate flows

Curved Crump Stepped

Greater crest length results in Standard design that is highly Useful for varied flow rates
less variation in upstream water versatile, usually in concrete
level for a given range of flows

Diagonal Stepped Flat-vee

As curved, but stilling basin Water feature and aid to energy Accurate gauging over a greater
design is more difficult dissipation variation of flows

Labyrinth Sharp-crested
As curved in low flows, but Mostly used for temporary
behaves like orthogonal crest in measuring structures
high flows

Specific design Material use suitability for setting

considerations Effects on ecology fragmentation of habitats, migratory fish
Potential for deposition upstream effects on intakes
Potential for scour of bed and banks downstream affecting the stability of the
weir and adjacent infrastructure
Foundations especially under-seepage and uplift pressures
River or canal users canoeists, anglers and navigation by larger boats
References for River weirs good practice guide (Rickard et al, 2003)
design guidance Case study from Manual of river restoration techniques (RRC, 2002):
5.1 Bifurcation weir and sidespill
Common faults Accumulation of trash on the weir crest Inappropriate materials and finishes
Foundation failure Inadequate fencing
Excessive scour Outflanking of flow measurement weirs
Undermining in flood conditions

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11.3.3 Drop structures

Description Used to control grade, water levels and flow. Also for erosion reduction and to
and purpose provide diversity in a watercourse. Less predictable hydraulic performance than
weirs, but greater aesthetic versatility and environmental sensitivity.
A selection of different forms
Local materials
Shown is a log drop structure, but can be of various construction
materials or methods.
Used to enhance ecological diversity in rural settings with riffle pool
stepped morphology. Is applicable only to small streams.
Reduces channel incision and brings incised channel up and into
contact with its floodplain.
Requires a higher level of maintenance and more liable to flood
damage than hard engineered structures (see below).
Photograph courtesy of Washington Department
of Fish & Wildlife, ( )
Baffle block reinforced concrete with baffles
Good energy dissipation in high flows good for controlling steep
drainage channels in flashy urban catchments.
Difficult to landscape.
Dangerous for paddling.

Baffle rock rocks grouted into place

Moderate energy dissipation in high flows, but water may flow through
the structure in low flows.
Can utilise local rock to enhance visual appearance.
Can be detailed to allow safe access to waterside for paddling.

Specific design Material use suitability for setting and for the hydraulic loads
considerations Effects on ecology some fragmentation of habitats (less than a weir)
Potential for scour of bed and banks affecting the stability of the structure
River users canoeists, anglers
Migratory fish species and numbers
References for Case studies from Manual of river restoration techniques (RRC, 2002):
design guidance 5.2 Drop-weir structures (
5.3 Restoring and stabilising over-deepened river bed levels
( )
Common faults Not strong enough to resist hydraulic loads in floods and therefore vulnerable
to severe damage, scour of bed or banks undermining the structure
Inappropriate materials and finishes

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11.3.4 Bridges
Description Carry transport routes over rivers and canals and come in a very wide range of
and purpose structural forms.
A selection of different forms
Most bridges that cross rivers are formed of the following three main components that interact with a
Can be formed from many different sections, generally streamlined to some extent to reduce local and
contraction scour. Simple cylindrical and rectangular sections tend to shed vortices, which travel for
large distances causing scour, and should be avoided. Scour protection may be needed.
Abutments form the hard ends of the bridge. They
contain flows and should be wide enough apart to
function under design conditions. Additional side
spans can be used for extra capacity in flood
flows. Scour protection may be needed.

Usually designed to be well above even extreme flood levels. If close to the water level, route and
depth markers can be used to guide vehicles across the bridge safely (where the bridge is so designed)
in the event of the deck being submerged by shallow flood flows
Arch bridges a special case
Due to their geometry, traditional semi-circular arch bridges can
restrict flow increasingly as the flow through them rises. This can
cause increased afflux and hence problems.
Additionally the risk of blockage by debris increases as water-
levels rise (see right). As debris volumes tend to be raised in
high flows, this can lead to blockage and, in extremis, failure of
the structure.
Photograph by kind permission of Mr B Drinkwater
Specific design Potential for scour at abutments, piers and adjacent banks
considerations Afflux flood risk upstream
Pier design large piers in the waterway can increase afflux and scour; need to
consider longer span or streamlined piers
Navigation headroom and beam. Also signage and traffic lights on busy
Obstruction of the floodplain by approach embankments need for flood arches
References for Scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures (May et al, 2002)
design guidance Conservation of bridges (Tilley, 2002)
For a detailed description of the hydraulics around bridges, see Section 6-13 of
US Army Corps of Engineers manual, River hydraulics, EM 1110-2-1416
Common faults Excessive afflux
Blockage by large debris; scour local and contraction
Sediment deposition in the outer spans
Inadequate environmental sensitivity in location
Obstruction to floodplain flow

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11.3.5 Culverts
Description and Provide closed passages for flow through transportation embankments and for
purpose rivers passing under urban areas. Most commonly made from precast reinforced
concrete, but plastic and steel are occasionally used. Historically, brick-lined
culverts were common and many are still in active service.
A selection of different forms
Round Box
Precast circular pipes function Standard precast units can
satisfactorily in consistent provide a simple solution.
flows; simple geometry and Can use multiple culverts in
standard fittings. parallel with different invert
Some capability of self removal levels to suit a range of flows.
of sediment build-up. Liable to suffer sedimentation
in low flows.
Elliptical Complex/specialist
Limits build-up of sediment and One-off designs to suit
debris. individual site-specific
A non-standard design and constraints, such as large
requires fabrication by flow variation, underground
specialist. obstacles or high sediment ( and others)
Specific design Material use refer to Figure 4.6 in CIRIA R168 (see below)
considerations Hydraulic design should generally be for free flow (as illustrated above).
Complex flow conditions can arise, particularly with steep culverts and for
culverts flowing close to full.
Sediment load design so that sedimentation in the culvert is reduced, and
make provision for cleaning out (e.g. manholes, access ramps at inlet and
Trash and debris in the flow avoid design features that may trap debris in the
culvert (e.g. bends and changes of cross section).
Inlet and outlet details design against scour and blockage
Effects on ecology fragmentation of habitats, migratory fish impacts
References for Culvert design guide (Ramsbottom et al, 1997)
design guidance US Army Corps of Engineers manual, Conduits, culverts and pipes, EM 1110-2-
2902 (
Case study from Manual of river restoration techniques (RRC,2002)
1.6 Opening up a culverted stream
Common faults Inadequate size
Blockage by trash
Excessive scour at inlet or outlet
New service obstructions in old culverts
Over-use of screens

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11.3.6 Flumes
Description Flow measurement structures that rely on channel contractions (see Section 11.2.4
and purpose and Box 11.1). Used where there is risk of blockage. They cause much less
headloss than most weirs and are less affected by incoming flow velocity. Not
suitable for large flows or on wide, shallow rivers.
Can be used as a means of flow control, for example creating an elevated
backwater which can be diverted into a flood storage area, taking the peak off the
flood hydrograph.
A selection of different forms
Flumes come in three standard types, as described in BS ISO Rectangular throated
4359: 1983 (BSI, 1983), which is expected to be revised in 2010. U-throated
These can all be of level or raised invert to suit conditions. Trapezoidal
Rectangular and U-throated Trapezoidal
Standard design with published discharge coefficients. Designed for use in irrigation applications,
this flume has the advantage of accurate
flow measurement over a greater range of

Specific design Material plastic or steel for smaller, temporary structures; or concrete (both
considerations precast and insitu) for larger, permanent ones
Approach channel required to be streamlined and straight to ensure uniform
approach flow for flow measurement structures
Scour of all types can be associated with these kind of structures
Trash load type and frequency of occurrence (may require periodic removal of
larger items)
Standard dimensions allow use of standard discharge coefficients
References for BS ISO 4359: 1983 (being updated)
design guidance
Common faults Foundation failure due to scour
Inadequate environmental sensitivity in terms of location, materials and finishes

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11.3.7 Siphons
Description and Used for transferring water above or below an obstacle such as a river or road.
purpose Siphons are strictly devices that involve the generation of sub-atmospheric
pressures, but the term (or inverted siphon) has also become applied to
culverts that run full and in which the invert level is below the bed level of the
upstream and downstream channels.
A selection of different forms
A true siphon must include a means of priming (that is, expelling all or some of the air from its barrel).
In fluvial siphons, this is normally achieved by including appropriate features that result in the air being
entrained in the water flow, but it is also possible to prime a siphon by mechanical means of expelling
the air such as a vacuum pump or ejector.
Some siphons have been designed to run either full-bore or not at all. These so-called black-water
siphons are not recommended because they alternately prime and deprime when the discharge arriving
at them is less than their full-bore capacity. They can thus generate erratic conditions in the upstream
and downstream channels.
The recommended type of siphon for use in the Inverted siphon
fluvial environment is a self-priming air-regulated Not really a siphon, this type of structure is useful
siphon. If well-designed, these can operated with for passing under an obstacle such as a river,
a stable water flow that constantly matches the road or building with deep foundations.
flow arriving from upstream.

Specific design Sediment load both bed and suspended, settling velocities, material type
considerations Trash load quantity and quality, consider specification of trashscreen
Inlet and outlet details design against scour and blockage
Sediment trap upstream of entrance can reduce the need for maintenance
Ecology generally impassable to migratory fish, so consider fishpass as
auxiliary structure
Reliable means of priming and depriming (for true siphons)
Risks associated with sudden changes in flow (if a black-water siphon or
mechanical priming is proposed)
References for The detailed design of true siphons is a specialist activity due to the subtleties of
design guidance priming and sealing, the effects of wave action and cavitation risks.
Design and operation of air-regulated siphons for reservoir and head-water
control (Ackers and Thomas, 1975).
Design of small canal structures (Aisenbrey et al, 1978).
Common faults True siphons: Inverted siphons:
blockage by trash; inadequate provisions for
excessive scour at inlet or outlet; sediment removal;
ineffective arrangements for need for security screens at inlet
priming and retaining prime; and outlet which create a
cavitation. maintenance obligation.

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11.3.8 Outfalls
Description and The structure at the point of a discharge into a river.
purpose Can be above or below the normal water level.
A selection of different forms
Common Access restriction Flapgate
Most outfalls require scour Larger outfalls require access Fitted to stop flow reversal
protection, but hard protection restrictions these must be at during flood flows a common
(below) often creates more both ends to ensure people are cause of flooding these should
scour problems than it solves. entirely excluded. be accessible in design flows
Scour is often worse at the and not obscured from view by
edges of hard structures. an overhang (see below).

Specific design Flapgate to stop reverse flow condition, although there remains a risk of
considerations operational failure due to blockage or obstruction. Consequences of failure
should be assessed. Access to the flapgate for inspection and maintenance is
Scour protection will be required if flow from outfall has high velocity, or if the
outfall obstructs flow in the receiving channel
Security screen to stop access into pipe. This must be at both ends of pipe or
culvert or people entering the pipe may become dangerously trapped.
Differences in water quality may require pre-treatment such as reed-beds,
cooling structures, oil traps or sediment traps.
References for Case studies from Manual of river restoration techniques (RRC, 2002):
design guidance 9.1 Surface water outfalls (
9.2 Reedbed at Raglan Stream reedbed treatment of an agricultural outfall
Common faults Over-engineered so that the outfall becomes an obstruction in the receiving
Inadequate scour protection
Faulty or damaged flapgate
Poor water quality matching of discharge with river water
Inadequate environmental sensitivity in terms of location, materials and finishes
Design excludes provision for dealing with trash caught on screen or obstructing

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11.3.9 Screens
Description and Screens are used for two reasons:
purpose A trash screen is designed to prevent debris entering a culvert or inverted
siphon where it could cause a blockage.
A security screen is designed to prevent unauthorised access to a culvert
or inverted siphon, generally for health and safety reasons.
Environment Agency policy is to discourage the use of screens except where
the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.
A selection of different forms
Single stage Multi-stage Self-raking
Suitable for smaller streams and For areas where water level Trash loaded into hopper/skip
rivers variation requires raking bars for disposal
Raking bars maximum length longer than 2m Periodic or head-difference
2m Access platforms on each stage operated
to allow safe cleaning by For systems in continuous
operatives operation

Specific design The need for a screen should always be questioned as they are often
considerations themselves a source of problems (high maintenance requirement and the risk of
blockage resulting in local flooding before the screen can be cleared screens
can block in a matter of hours in flood conditions).
The design must be based on an assessment of likely debris types and
volumes, so that the area of screen and suitable bar spacing can be determined.
There must be safe access for cleaning and space for temporary storage of
debris above flood level.
Implementation should proceed only once responsibility for routine and
emergency cleaning has been established and the screen owner has confirmed
that the required resources for this work will be available in perpetuity.
There may be ecological issues associated with fish and mammal passage.
References for Trash and security screens: a guide for flood risk management (Environment
design guidance Agency, 2009)
Common faults Screen is not required.
Screen area far too small so that debris accumulation is rapid.
Bar spacing too small so that the screen becomes obscured by material that
poses no risk to the culvert. NB For security screens, a standard clear spacing
of 140mm is recommended.
Inadequate provision for safe raking and storage of debris removed.
Flimsy construction making the screen vulnerable to vandalism.

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11.3.10 Pumping stations and intakes

Description and Pumping stations are used for a variety of purposes, but their main function in
purpose the fluvial environment is land drainage (raising water from low level drains into
rivers and streams). Pumping stations are also be used to abstract water from a
river for domestic or industrial use. Sometimes pumps may be used to empty
flood storage reservoirs.
Pumping station intakes are always below water level.
Major components in a pumping station
Power supply often requires grid
connection; backup diesel generator
for critical locations
Pump various types (see USACE
design manual below); often multiple
pumps for redundancy and for
continued operation during
maintenance or breakdown
Trash screens specification should
meet Environment Agency standards
Scour protection and stilling basin
designed to protect against scour,
dissipate excess turbulent energy
and ensure subcritical flow of
discharged water
Pump house should be sensitive to
architectural character of area
Specific design Maintenance of minimum water levels for intake
considerations Range of pump capacity to cope with flow variability
Scour and deposition due to changes in river flow
Intake water free from trash, sediment and pollutants trash screens and
sediment/oil traps may be incorporated in design
Ecology fish may become trapped in intake (humane methods of removal
should be investigated)
References for US Army Corps of Engineers design manual: Mechanical and electrical design
design guidance of pumping stations, EM 1110-2-3105 (
Pumping stations design for improved buildability and maintenance (Wharton
et al, 1998)
Common faults Damage to the pumps from sediment, trash or weed
Hunting, with pumps switching on for short periods only
Operational failure of remote unmanned pumping stations

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11.3.11 Locks
Description and Locks allow the passage of boats between water bodies or channels with
purpose different water levels.
Can be used in series to traverse large inclines, or in parallel to reduce
waiting times for vessels.
Often used in conjunction with another means of water level control such as a
weir, a flume or a gated control structure.
A selection of different forms
Single lock with side weir Double locks in parallel

Stepped locks in series Lock operation

Specific design Navigation vessel traffic numbers, dimensions, frequency, etc

considerations Ecological migratory fish routes and local ecological constraints
Upstream and downstream water levels effects on ecology and flood risk
Potential for scour at bed and banks
Foundations especially under-seepage
Stoplog grooves or similar for draining lock during maintenance
Operational requirements will there be a lock keeper?
References for US Army Corps of Engineers manuals:
design guidance Hydraulic design of navigation locks, EM 1110-2-1604
Planning and design of navigation locks, EM 1110-2-2602
Common faults Instability of walls and base
Scour downstream
Boat impact
Deterioration of rubbing strips
Older structures suffer from deterioration of masonry in walls and base and
leakage through lock gates.

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11.3.12 Fishpasses
Description and Employed to encourage movement of fish across obstacles such as locks,
purpose weirs and pumping stations that interfere with migratory fish routes. Success
depends on selecting an appropriate type of pass, good positioning and the
provision of an adequate attraction flow.
A selection of different forms
Bypass channel Pool and traverse Larinier
Simulates natural channel Series of linked pools separated Open sloping channel with
Provides extra offline habitat by notched traverses chevron-shaped baffles to floor
Used for moderate to large only
Not usually appropriate for large
drops drops (120m) Suitable for a wide variety of fish
Suitable mainly for salmonid fish species, including non-jumping
Landscape feature
unless underwater orifices types
Requires large area
between pools are included Can be made as wide as
required using replicated units
Suitable for canoe passage
when wooden baffles are used

Specific design Fish species, behaviour, size and numbers, migration seasons
considerations Geometry available space, location of entry and exit, preferred fish routes,
height of obstacle, water level variation and slope suitable for fish ascent
Water levels and flows expected during peak migration season
Previous experiences of passes with the same fish species and local practice
Provision of trapping and/or monitoring arrangements to measure their
References for Information on fishpasses on the Environment Agency website
design guidance (
Environment Agencys Fish pass manual (Armstrong et al, 2004)
Common faults Design not suited to passing required species or sizes of fish
Inappropriate positioning of downstream entrance (fish dont find it)
Inverts not matched to water levels during fish migration season
Inadequate attraction flow
Injury to fish
Excessive maintenance
Lack of monitoring provision

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11.4 Rehabilitation of structures

There are large number of existing structures on our rivers and canals. Each one requires consideration
of how best to maintain it, in order to prolong its useful life, while planning for its eventual
replacement or retirement.
The importance of this is recognised in work during phase 1 of project FD2318 (Performance and
reliability of flood and coastal defences) under the joint Environment Agency/Defra flood and coastal
erosion risk management R&D research programme (Environment Agency, 2005; Buijs et al, 2007).
For full details of this project and links to the various project outputs, use the project search tool on the
programme website (
The second phase involving a performance-based asset management system (PAMS) to develop and
demonstrate the methodologies is underway. This will lead to a third phase of supporting manuals and
software. For information about the project see the PAMS website (
The principal steps in decision-making are discussed in the following sections.

11.4.1 Inspection and residual life

To aid decision-making when planning the management of assets on rivers and canals, it is essential to
ascertain the residual life of the asset usually through means of an inspection. Inspection often
presents various access and safety issues, and problems associated with assessing the condition of
buried structures and foundations.

Inspection for failure serviceability and ultimate

An ultimate limit state is a limit beyond which a structure no longer serves its primary purpose.
Emergency works may be required if the structure is failing, or about to fail in its primary purpose.
This is especially true if the structure in question is a flood risk or navigational asset.
A serviceability limit state is one that affects functions of only secondary importance such as finishes
or appearance. Such issues may be resolved with less urgency, although it is often more cost-effective
to intervene sooner rather than later.

Inspection for residual life

There are many inspection methods available; some of the most important ones are listed in Table
11.1. Before interpreting any results that the inspection may yield, it is essential to understand the
limitations of the inspection method.

Assessing residual life

The performance-based approach to assess residual life of structures developed with the concept of
fragility curves as part of the joint Defra/Environment Agency flood and coastal erosion risk
management R&D programme (Buijs et al, 2007) can be applied to river and canal structures. The
fragility curve is a measure of the variation of the probability of failure of an asset with the range of
loading conditions to which it is subjected.

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Table 11.1 Inspection methods applications and limitations

Method Application Limitations
Walkover/visual, Assessing structural form, condition, Can only see what is visible at the
with photographic materials and access restrictions to site surface
record Identifying potential problems such as
accumulations of sediment
Diver survey Assessing extent and condition of Health and safety issues
submerged structural elements Limited visibility in certain
Mapping bed levels conditions
Identifying scour hole locations
Trial pit Finding structure footprint Depth limited by excavator arm and
Assessing buried services and stability of excavation
structures as a precursor to other
Borehole Assessing soil conditions and geology Small sample may not be
representative, so may require
several boreholes
Drilled core Assessing concrete condition and Small sample may not be
extent representative, so may require
Collecting samples for destructive several cores
testing Drilling may cause damage to
Non-destructive Can test different regions within a Large margin for error
materials testing structure for comparative strengths
Finding weak points
Can be correlated with destructive
testing results
Destructive Assessing material qualities, strength, Small sample may not be
materials testing type and chemistry representative
Damage to structure
Geophysical Assessing geology and soil structure Limited penetration of hard
methods Identifying weak points, voids, buried surfaces
structures and services for further Ambiguity of results
Total station survey Mapping levels and locations of key Level of accuracy
features to a given accuracy Line of sight required
Laser survey Mapping levels and locations of solid Relatively expensive
surfaces (for example, lock chambers) Line of sight required
to a very high accuracy
Identifying instability and movement

11.4.2 Intervention strategy

Choosing the correct strategy for rehabilitation of an asset requires a structured method of comparing a
variety of options. Innovative options may present themselves, or be suggested, for specific structures.
There are also various generic strategies that should be considered in every case. Strategy options are
summarised in Table 11.2.

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Table 11.2 Intervention strategy options

Option Comments
Do nothing The effects or risks arising from this option must be assessed to
form a baseline by which other options are measured in a benefit
to cost ratio.
Patch and repair This approach entails simply fixing issues as and when they arise.
Examples include:
carrying out a localised repair to a damaged revetment;
replacing a broken hinge on a flapgate.
Periodic significant maintenance A schedule of major works that will replace whole structural
elements that are obsolete or at the end of their serviceable life.
Examples include:
replacement of non-standard trash screens;
substitution for a pumping station with newer, more efficient,
electric motors.
Demolish and reconstruct Demolition and replacement of the present structure with a new
one designed to the same or similar design criteria.

11.4.3 Whole-life costing

A whole-life costs approach should be taken to appraising rehabilitation options. This involves
accounting for design, planning, maintenance and decommissioning costs as well as the cost of the
capital construction works to be undertaken.
To ensure carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are taken into account, carbon costs for options should be
calculated and compared using the Environment Agencys carbon calculator for construction activities
Both cash and carbon costs require net present value discounting.
Details of methods of discounting financial costs can be found in The green book (HM Treasury,
For discounting carbon costs see the Defra guidance on the shadow price of carbon

11.4.4 Repair and rehabilitation techniques

Seasonal working
Rehabilitation of river and canal structures is often constrained by:
prevailing fluvial conditions;
the need to avoid disrupting navigation;
the requirements of stakeholders such as anglers.
These considerations may significantly reduce the period in a year when it is acceptable to undertake
works (except, of course, in an emergency), as illustrated in Figure 11.5.

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Figure 11.5 Penton Hook lock

Works were carried out to refurbish the lock at
Penton Hook. The work included sprayed
concrete to resurface the walls and replacement
rubbing strips and edge stones. This required
draining the lock and therefore temporary lock
As most of the boat traffic on the River Thames is
during the summer, closure of the lock had to
take place during winter months. The increased
risk of flooding had to be reflected in the contract

Dry working
Some operations are entirely possible without closure of the watercourse. Some require works to be
carried out in the dry. This necessitates the construction of temporary works (see Section 8.7) such as:
a cofferdam using techniques such as sheetpiling;
water-filled dams;
portable temporary dam (membrane supported by a steel A-frame and similar units).

11.5 Mechanical and electrical design

Mechanical plant for river and canal structures is usually associated with one of the following
locks for accommodating changes in the height of navigable waters;
gated flow control structures;
gravity inlets and outlets connecting to pipes, culverts or channels;
pumped inlets and outlets connecting to pipes, culverts or channels;
gated flood control barriers.
Details of the types of mechanical plant generally used in these applications are given below. For
specific design considerations, please refer to the publications highlighted amongst the references at
the end of the chapter.

11.5.1 Gates and similar

Vertical lift gates can be wheeled or sliding of steel or composite construction and vary in size
from small sluice gates or penstocks for controlling water into pipes up to major steel constructions
weighing in excess of 100 tonnes (see Figure 11.6).
Other variants of vertical lift gates include double leaf hook gates as installed on the Cardiff Bay

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Figure 11.6 Examples of gates of varying sizes

Set of small bottom pivoted flapgates for river A large vertical lift gate which is lowered to
regulation. The flaps are raised when river flows prevent high tidal levels from flooding the city of
are low, and lowered in flood conditions. Hull.

Mitre gates are the traditional installation for river and canal locks. Traditionally they are made of
wood and hand operated (see Figure 11.7), but on larger and more frequently used locks, these have
developed into steel construction and powered operation (see Figure 11.8). They are fitted with sluices
within the gate or in the abutments for lock filling and emptying.

Figure 11.7 Traditional wooden lock gates Figure 11.8 Modern steel lock gates

Sector and radial gates are of superficially of similar design, except for the orientation of the axis of
rotation vertical for sector gates (see Figure 11.9) and horizontal for radial gates (also known as
Tainter gates) (see Figure 11.10).
Two pairs of sector gates can be used to form a lock, and sector gates are a more modern solution to
dock gate design. They have advantages including low operating forces and the ability to withstand
bidirectional head, but require more extensive civil works.
The drum gates on the Thames barrier are a variant of radial gates.

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Figure 11.9 A pair of vertical axis sector Figure 11.10 Automatic horizontal axis
gates used for a lock entrance radial gate for automatic control of
upstream river level

Other types of gate-like equipment include stoplogs, rymer weirs and inflatable weirs.
Stoplogs were traditionally made of wood as indicated by the name and are lowered into an opening
registering in grooves in the walls to isolate a gate or structure to allow working in the dry. Larger
examples are now made of steel.
Rymer weirs are an historic form of adjustable weir which still exist in some places despite serious
health and safety disadvantages. A number exist on the River Thames, but are being phased out; they
are mentioned here for completeness. An example at Northmoor Lock on the River Thames is
described on
Inflatable weirs are of relatively modern design and made of a composite rubberised material in the
shape of a long tube, which is inflated and deflated with air or water in order to control the crest
height. They are common in Japan but have yet to be adopted in the UK.

11.5.2 Operating equipment

Operating equipment comes in many forms to suit the wide range of equipment being operated. It can
be grouped essentially into:
manual operation by handwheels, cranks, mitre gate balance beams and other means;
electrical motors driving mechanical equipment such as winch drums;
electric motors producing hydraulic power, utilised via cylinders for linear motion or hydraulic
motors for rotational motion.
The final movement of the gate leaf can be achieved by direct mechanical linkage, hydraulic cylinder,
rope or chain.

11.5.3 Trash handling facilities

When trash is a problem it either has to be repelled so as to pass further downstream by such methods
as booms, bubble barriers and other techniques, or it has to be collected. Collection normally involves
a static screen cleaned by manual or mechanical means, or a moving screen that is cleaned

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11.5.4 Fish provisions

In a similar way, fish either have to be deterred for example by preventing them entering intakes or
facilitated in their movement upstream or downstream.
Deterrence can be by screen or more elaborate systems involving ultrasonics, lights, acoustic effects,
drum, electrified, etc.
Facilitation of movement can be by fish ladders or even a fish lift. For example, the Cardiff Bay
barrage has a large fishpass aimed at facilitating the movement of migratory fish

11.5.5 Pumping plant

Pumping equipment for drainage purposes is normally either a centrifugal type or using an
Archimedean screw. Individual pump flow rates may vary between a few litres per second for minor
drainage works to pumps with capacities of several m3/s.

Centrifugal pumps
Centrifugal pumps are generally considered to be any pump with an impeller producing radial or
mixed flow, although axial flow pumps are also often referred to as centrifugal type.
The output flow from any centrifugal pump depends on the head against which the pump is
discharging. The pump therefore has to be selected to suit the particular head and flow requirements.
In most cases a centrifugal pump delivers its maximum head at zero flow. As the flow increases so the
head reduces, and the pump operating efficiency increases until the peak efficiency is achieved; this is
known as the best efficiency point (BEP). If the pump flow continues to increase, then the efficiency
begins to reduce. If the flow is allowed to increase further as a result of falling head, the net positive
suction head (NPSH) required by the pump begins to increase to the point where the NPSH required
exceeds the NPSH available. At this point cavitation occurs, resulting in damage to the pump impeller.
The selection of a centrifugal pump must therefore consider the hydraulic conditions.

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Figure 11.11 Typical pump performance

An example of a typical pump performance curve
for a centrifugal pump showing how the head
varies with flow.
The efficiency curves are also shown on the H v
Q curve.
The four lines represent different impeller
The other curves show the NPSH and power
absorbed by the pump.

If the pump is required to work over a very large range of heads, consideration must be given to
throttling the discharge flow either using a control valve or resorting to a variable speed drive.
Throttling wastes energy and is generally used only in exceptional cases. Where there is a wide
variation in pump head, a variable speed drive is often used. This is achieved by changing the supply
frequency of the driving motor using an electronic inverter. The pump flow varies proportionally to
the change in speed, and the pump head varies as the square of the change in speed.
Figure 11.11 shows a typical pump performance curve.
Pumps can be deployed in either a dry well or a wet well. Wet-well pumps, as their name implies, are
installed directly in a pump chamber. Dry well installations still require a wet inlet chamber, but the
pumps are installed in a dry chamber and have piped inlets from the adjacent inlet chamber.
Figures 11.12 and 11.13 show examples of dry well pumping installations.

Figure 11.12 Dry well pumping installation

In this example, there are vertical shaft pumps
driven through drive shafting from vertical axis
motors at ground level.

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Figure 11.13 Dry well pumping installation

In this example, horizontal split-casing pumps are
directly coupled to their driving motors.

Over the last 20 years, submersible pumps where both the pump and the driving motor are
submerged in a wet well have been widely used, particularly for the smaller flow rates.
For larger flow rates (generally in excess of 1 m3/s), vertical wet well type pumps are normally used.
In such installations, the pump impeller and volute are submerged and supported by a pipe which acts
as the discharge pipe through which the pump drive shaft passes (see Figure 11.14).
The pump motor is located at the top of the discharge pipe and bend, normally at ground level.
Although wet well installations usually have a lower capital cost, they are more difficult to maintain.
Dry well installations have the advantage that the pumps are always accessible and, after closing
isolating valves on their suction and discharge mains, they can be dismantled insitu without having to
remove the entire pump.

Figure 11.14 Wet well pumping station

Typical cross section through a wet well pumping

Centrifugal pumps are not self-priming and require the pump volute to be filled with water before
starting. Having the pump submerged ensures it remains fully primed and avoids having to provide a
separate system for priming the pump. Failure to prime a centrifugal pump properly is one of the most
common problems associated with pumping plant. A centrifugal pump is not capable of operating dry
it must always have water available to pump.

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Other potential problems with centrifugal pumps can be as a result of debris in the water. It is essential
to provide adequate protection to prevent the ingress of weed and other material that can get carried
into pump intakes such as wood and plastics. Smaller pumps are more susceptible to debris, as the
water passages through the impeller are smaller, so are more likely to get blocked although any
pump is at risk. Normally, as a minimum, a bar screen with 25mm spacing should be provided, with
the facility to rake it periodically to remove any build-up of debris. Where weed or other debris is a
known problem, then finer screening should be employed possibly with automatic cleaning such as a
rotating band screen, clog-resistant vee-wire screen or similar.
In most instances, pumps are driven directly from electric motors. Where a mains power supply is not
available, one option is to provide a diesel generator to supply electrical power. Alternatively the
pump could be driven directly from a diesel engine, rather than having a diesel generator and an
electrically driven pump. In special situations, other methods of pump drive such as hydraulic motors
can be used, although these are not common on drainage applications.

Archimedean screw pumps

The Archimedean screw pump is probably one of the oldest type of pump and consists of a large screw
located in an inclined channel (see Figure 11.15). The channel is usually cast concrete but, for smaller
pumps, can be steel. The main advantage of the screw pump is that the flow remains almost constant,
irrespective of the change in head. The flow is still proportional to the speed of rotation.

Figure 11.15 Archimedean screw

pumping station

A screw pump can also operate even when there is little or even no water to pump. For drainage
applications this makes the Archimedean screw pump an ideal choice. The main drawback of this type
of pump is that their discharge head is limited. A head in excess of 10m is unusual due to the span of
the screw required for high-head applications. Where higher heads are required two-stage lifts using
two pumps in series can be used.
The main disadvantage of screw pumps is the size of the installation and the cost, which is usually
significantly higher than the cost of a centrifugal pump of the same head and flow.

11.6 Power supplies

11.6.1 Selection of power supplies

The main sources of electrical power for operating equipment are as follows:
mains electrical power from local power supply company;
local generation using diesel or petrol generators;

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renewable sources of power such as wind or solar generation.

11.6.2 Mains electrical power

Mains electrical power is the most usual means of providing power for most of the larger gates or
pumping installations. Normally the mains supply is very reliable and is adequate for most
applications. Where additional security of supply is required, duplicate supplies from separate circuits
can sometimes be obtained or, where this is not possible, a standby generator is normally installed,
which would start automatically in the event of a mains failure.
In most instances, the source of power for operating equipment is to take a supply from the local
electricity supply company.
For small installations where there is already an existing low-voltage (400V three-phase 50Hz)
distribution system, a metered supply could be made available in the same manner as any other
commercial consumer.
Where the power demand is much higher (such as a large drainage pumping station or where the
location of the equipment is some distance from any existing low voltage distribution network), the
local electricity supply company would provide a high voltage (HV) supply, probably at either 33kV
or 11kV. This would normally require a local transformer (substation) to reduce the voltage to 400V.
On large drainage pumping stations where power demand is high, the probability is that the driving
motors would require a HV supply. In general, it is more economic to use HV motors at 3.3kV or
11kV for any drive in excess of 350kW. In such cases, it may be possible to operate the drive motors
at the supply voltage in order to avoid having a large substation. It would still be necessary to provide
a small substation to provide low voltage supplies to ancillary equipment and for single phase small
power, lighting and heating.

11.6.3 Local generation

Local generation is usually uneconomic for continuous operation, due to the high costs of providing
fuel, as well as increased maintenance. But where equipment is located a long way from an existing
power supply and the cost of installing a mains supply becomes prohibitively expensive, local
generation should be considered.
Small diesel, petrol or even gas-fuelled generator sets can be used to provide power at remote
Where occasional operation is required (such as an adjustment to a regulating gate or emergency
drainage pump), the generator can be arranged to:
start automatically whenever the gate or pump is required to operate;
shut down when the equipment is no longer needed.
Local generation is never as reliable as mains power and requires considerably more maintenance and
manual intervention.

11.6.4 Renewable energy

Although renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy are becoming more widespread as
the technology advances, their use is usually limited to low wattage applications such as
instrumentation, monitoring equipment, and associated remote telemetry outstations. Their use for
providing power for operating electrical drives is still very limited.

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Renewable energy sources are ideal for remote instrumentation such as level and condition
monitoring. They can also been used to operate small drives such as small pumps and gate drives,
though the problem is in providing sufficient storage capacity in batteries to ensure reliable operation.

11.6.5 Motor control panels

If power is provided to a site of a pumping station or gate installation, local controls are required to
operate the equipment.
Where simple manual operation is required, a local panel is required containing the necessary
protective devices as well as manual controls to enable the equipment to be operated. This can be as
simple as on/off pushbuttons or switches.
Where simple automatic operation is required, the control system is incorporated in the control panel.
This automatically starts pumps or alters gate positions depending on signals from level sensors or
flow controllers. The panel also provides manual override of the automatic controls for testing or other
operational reasons.
On sophisticated installations where a number of parameters are monitored and controlled, a local
programmable logic controller (PLC) might be incorporated to provide the necessary functionality.
The PLC might also be integrated into a global system control and data acquisition (SCADA) system,
whereby a number of installations can be controlled from a central control room using telemetry
Examples of motor control panels are shown in Figures 11.16 to 11.18.

Figure 11.16 Typical examples of motor control panels

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Figure 11.17 Control desk at small

pumping station
The local control desk provides the facility to
manually operate the plant locally in the pumping
station. It also interfaces with the automatic

Figure 11.18 Central control room for

larger scheme
This control room covers the remote operation of
a number of pumping installations. Overall status
is shown on the wall mounted mimic diagram that
gives the operators an overview of the entire

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11.7 Instrumentation, control and automation (ICA)

11.7.1 Forms of control

Ideally, gates and pumps should have only local manual operation for the following reasons.
This is safer for staff and the public in the area.
It is technically simple and economical.
It ensures that an operator is by the equipment for and during its operation. This allows items to
be checked and ensures that signs of distress in the equipment can be observed and appropriate
action taken.
In practice, remote and automated operation is frequently required. Remote operation can be:
within a short distance of the equipment, but where the operator is more comfortably housed
and can probably see the equipment to some degree in such cases remote operation may well
be achieved by hard wiring;
truly remote from the site, where there is no visual contact (unless by CCTV) and where control
links are achieved by telemetry or similar.
Considerable attention must be paid to safety when remote operation is adopted and local control
facilities must be retained for maintenance purposes. Specific requirements are laid down when remote
and automated operation is used for Environment Agency projects (Environment Agency, 2006).
Typical examples of where automatic operation is appropriate include:
drainage pumps;
gates that control the water level in a river or canal.
For gates, mechanical means of achieving automatic operation are possible either as one-off designs
such as the Pulteney weir in Bath or by traditional proprietary designs. These have the advantage of
limited or zero energy consumption, and lack of dependence on a power supply.
For gates and pumps, automatic operation can be achieved readily in forms that range between:
those based on simple level switches and limit switches;
systems using PLCs to allow operation in accordance with sophisticated and readily changeable
operating criteria.

11.7.2 Alternatives for remote linking

In most situations it can be uneconomic and/or environmentally unacceptable to provide traditional
hardwired instrumentation and control systems over a distance of more than, say, one kilometre.
Clearly exceptions to this can occur, for example on a large site where multi-function service corridors
are provided.
For remote operation where such hardwiring is inappropriate, the principal options for the
communication of instrumentation information and operating commands are described below.
Combinations of these are also common.

Extended local area network (LAN)

Control and monitoring equipment is frequently connected using a LAN. Network distances can be
extended by the installation of fibre optics, which can extend the traditional distance of an Ethernet

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network, for example, from 100m to several kilometres. They can be installed in ring configurations
for redundancy.
Fibre optic networks are suitable for large sites where access is available to lay cables in service
corridors and ducting without interruption.

Radio system
The use of radio systems is declining, as other systems achieve higher reliability and flexibility. Where
the use of telephone systems or similar is difficult, such a system could be considered for linking over
a distance of a few kilometres.
In principle, radio systems are suitable for a central site communicating to one or more outstations.
The limitations are down to radio reception and usually require line of sight between the transmitter
and the receiver for communications to work.

Public switched telephone network (PSTN) system

This analogue alternative is also declining in use, superseded by more comprehensive and advanced
systems (see below). This system uses modems to allow transmission and receipt of digital signals
through either dedicated lines rented from BT and others or on-demand dial-up arrangements.
PSTN or leased line communications are suitable for small amounts of data that are not required to be
updated very frequently. Such systems can be expensive and slow.

Broadband-based system
These use the traditional wired telephone system at both the site of the equipment being controlled or
monitored and the remote location, connected via a modem or a router. This arrangement can provide
access from anywhere with an internet connection, provided that the correct security privileges are
used. A virtual private network (VPN) can be configured in addition, providing a dedicated connection
between systems if required.
Broadband-based systems are suitable for connecting several different locations that can be large
distances apart, nationwide or even worldwide.
Successful use of this technology relies on a good broadband connection.

3G cellular telephone system

This uses the 3G (third generation) cellular telephone network to achieve broadband data
communication between sites without the need to use the traditional wired telephone system. This
system is not suitable for permanent connections as connection time can be expensive. It is suitable for
remote outstations, provided they have good 3G cellular telephone coverage.

References and bibliography

Ackers, P and Thomas, A R (1975). Design and operation of air-regulated siphons for reservoir and
head-water control. Symposium on design and operation of siphons and siphon spillways (S K
Hemmings, ed). BHRA.
Aisenbrey, A J, Hayes, R B, Warren, H J, Winsett, D L and Young, R B (1978). Design of small canal
structures. US Bureau of Reclamation. Available from:
Armstrong, G S, Aprahamian, M W, Fewings, G A, Gough, P J, Reader, N A and Varallo, P V (2004).
Environment Agency fish pass manual: guidance notes on the legislation, selection and approval of
fish passes in England and Wales. Version 1.1. Environment Agency.

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Bos, M G (1989). Discharge measurement structures, 3rd edition, ILRI Publication 20. International
Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement.
British Standards Institution (1983). BS ISO 4359: 1983 Liquid flow measurement in open channels
Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes. BSI.
Buijs, F, Simm, J, Wallis, M and Sayers, P (2007). Performance and reliability of flood and coastal
defence structures, Joint EA/Defra/Environment Agency flood and coastal erosion risk management
R&D programme, R&D Technical Report FD2318/TR1. Defra. Available from:
Clay, C H (1995). Design of fishways and other fish facilities, 2nd edition. CRC Press.
Environment Agency (2005). Performance and reliability of flood and coastal defence structures
phase 1, R&D Technical Summary FD2318. Environment Agency. Available from:
Environment Agency (2009). Trash and security screens: a guide for flood risk management.
Environment Agency.
HM Treasury (2003). The green book. Appraisal and evaluation in central government a technical
guide. The Stationery Office. Available from:
Mantz, P (2007). Afflux estimation system user guide, Joint Defra/Environment Agency flood and
coastal erosion risk management R&D programme, SC0340218/PR. JBA Consulting. Available from:
May, R W P, Ackers, J C and Kirby, A M (2002). Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic
structures, C551. CIRIA.
Ramsbottom, D, Day, R and Rickard, C (1997). Culvert design guide, R168. CIRIA [Due to be
superseded by the Culvert design and operation guide in 2009.]
Rickard, C E, Day, R and Purseglove, J (2003). River weirs good practice guide. R&D Publication
W5B-023/HQP. Environment Agency. Available from:
River Restoration Centre (2002). Manual of river restoration techniques [online]. RRC. Available
Tilly, G (2002). Conservation of bridges. Spon.
US Army Corps of Engineers series of engineering manuals available from
Wharton, S T, Martin. P and Watson, T J (1998). Pumping stations design for improved buildability
and maintenance, R182. CIRIA.
Design considerations for gates
Deutsches Institut fr Normung (1991). DIN 19704-1 Hydraulic steel structures Part 1: Criteria for
design and calculation. DIN.
Deutsches Institut fr Normung (1991). DIN 19704-2 Hydraulic steel structures Part 2: Design and
manufacturing. DIN.
Deutsches Institut fr Normung (1991). DIN 19704-3 Hydraulic steel structures Part 3: Electrical
equipment. DIN.
Erbisti, P C F (2003). Design of hydraulic gates. Taylor & Francis.
Japanese Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Association (1993). Japanese technical standards for gates and
penstocks [English language version]. Japanese Hydraulic Gate & Penstock Association.

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Lewin, J (2001). Hydraulic gates and valves in free surface flow and submerged outlets. Thomas
Design considerations for pumps
British Standards Institution (1998). BS EN ISO 9905: 1998 Technical specifications for centrifugal
pumps Class I. BSI.
CIRIA (1977). The hydraulic design of pump sumps and intakes, SP008M. CIRIA/BHRG.
Prosser, M J (1992). Design of low-lift pumping stations with particular application to pumping
wastewater, R121M. CIRIA.
Wharton, S T, Martin. P and Watson, T J (1998). Pumping stations design for improved buildability
and maintenance, R182. CIRIA.

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