MDM Best Practices

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June 2008

Master Data Management



Project Management Challenges

With A Changing Landscape

A Supplement to

Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions

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Master Data Management

It is not the advanced state of

technology but rather the pressing
needs of business that has brought
master data management (MDM)
to the fore. And if IT is to provide the engine for MDM, it is business
that must be the driver and navigator to take MDM to its desired destinations. The many
complexities and requirements of MDM can lead us to overlook a simple truth: It is not
and never will be IT’s job to tell the business how to run the business. Therefore it is up
to the business to define its own core competencies, its primary levers of competitive
differentiation and make sure the MDM program springs directly from these. Technology
by itself will work as designed; the greater chance of failure lies in lack of forethought and
the competing internal interests that cause delays, scope creep and projects that do not
answer to predefined goals and measures of success.

Contents Industry Best Practices

4 Project Management Challenges

with a Changing Landscape

8 The Intrinsic Value of

Master Data Management


02 DataDelta
09 Exeros
11 D&B
12 DataLever

A Supplement to DM Review • Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions 3

Project Management
Challenges with a By Tim O’Sullivan

Changing Landscape

is not a technology market,

but a business capability.1 MDM is more than technology; it is about
data governance, data ownership and an ongoing program to maintain
a single version of the truth for critical corporate data.

The political nature of MDM explains the importance of data governance,

but governance alone is not enough to undertake an MDM initiative. While large IT
projects in the past, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise
resource planning (ERP), have involved both IT and business teams and required both
IT application implementation and change management, these projects ran in parallel,
with the IT teams focused on the implementation and the change management team
preparing the users for the system.
Project management for these projects through implementation and delivery has
resided within the IT organization, with the business side providing the requirements.
MDM reverses this paradigm. Business not only owns the requirements, they also own
the data, the ongoing data stewardship and, most importantly, the project management
of the MDM initiative.
Therefore, to address the project management challenges in an MDM initiative,
it is necessary to create a framework including project management best practices,
technological advances, data requirements and a blend of methodologies from change
management, business process reengineering and IT application implementation.

Successfully delivering projects on time has always been a challenge. Project
management methodologies are well documented and continue to evolve to address
the challenges. The Project Management Institute (PMI) and body of knowledge guide
(PMBOK) are excellent sources of reference material on the subject. With this in mind,
six key points are vital to the success of your MDM project.

Use successes in project management, Leverage service-oriented architecture (SOA) and

such as a project management office on-demand technologies to accelerate project
(PMO), as part of your MDM initiative. delivery via consolidation and reuse of services.
Initiatives such as the formation of a PMO to In the early 2000s, both Gartner and Forrester Research put
document and disseminate knowledge of what CRM project failure rates greater than 70 percent. More recently,
works within and across projects have real, technological improvements such as on-demand deployment
quantifiable benefits. Companies that implemented models are contributing to better implementation results: 59.3
successful PMOs achieved 80 percent ROI and 20 percent of on-demand CRM projects are implemented in three
percent reduction in project time.2 months or less compared to 15.6 percent for on-premise. Also,
76.5 percent of on-demand projects are on budget, compared
to 43.7 percent for on-premise.3 Additionally, SOA allows a
number of technologies to work together in an MDM initiative.

4 A Supplement to DM Review • Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions

Bring the people aspect right up front in an MDM initiative.
Enterprise projects such as ERP involve a lot of change. Change management
refers to the effort it takes to manage people through the emotional ups
and downs that inevitably occur when an organization is undergoing massive
change.4 At the core of change management is people.

The preparation steps for a change management project include executive

sponsorship, selecting a change agent, forming a transition team, performing
assessment activities and developing a transformational vision. The transition
team serves as a liaison between the end users and the development teams

and performs tasks such as implementing processes and training users
of the system. The change agent leads the change project and requires a
mixture of good project management skills to keep projects on track and good
leadership skills to motivate and evangelize for the project with passion.

MDM is a program involving ongoing data stewardship and process

reengineering, using lessons learned from business process
reengineering (BPR).
BPR is also an enterprise-wide undertaking to dramatically improve
customer service, cut operational costs and make the organization more
competitive. The preparation step involves building cross-functional teams
and identifying the objectives.

The main activities break into the following steps: Mapping and analyzing
the “as is” processes, designing the “to be” processes and implementing
the reengineered processes. Following implementation, BPR enters a
cycle of continuous improvement through ongoing measurement and
review. At the core of BPR are processes.

Treat implementation as a subproject led by IT, and expand the

scoping step with principles from change management and BPR.
The crucial steps in the lifecycle of an IT implementation project are
typically: scope, planning, execution, control and closure.5 Flexibility,
common sense and communication within this framework are critical for
successful project delivery.

MDM will shift data ownership to the During the scoping phase, the systems and their requirements or
business side of the organization, putting features are identified and the business requirements are gathered. The
focus on a data methodology. project deliverables are broken down into manageable tasks, resource
Prior to MDM, data needs were typically assignments and milestones. These projects are typically
fulfilled by each department maintaining led and managed by IT.
their own silo of information and/or

requesting a snapshot of data from a data
warehouse maintained by IT. Centralized
data was owned and maintained by IT. a business sponsor and an ROI case for the project
Data needs often lack a methodology for are needed for continued executive support during the lifecycle. A steering
preparation and analysis. But, at the core committee working at a strategic level guides the project, and project
of the methodology is data. management focuses on the execution of the plan within the constraints of
time, resources and scope. At the core of IT implementation is execution –
getting the project completed on time. Implementing MDM is still relatively
new to organizations, compared to implementing ERP or CRM.

A Supplement to DM Review • Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions 5

MDM is the framework of processes and technologies aimed The implementation step will adopt the IT implementation
at creating and maintaining an authoritative, reliable, sustainable, methodology, and IT will have much clearer objectives within the MDM
accurate and secure data environment that represents a single framework.
version of the truth.6 This definition reinforces the point that MDM The final step in the MDM framework resembles BPR. The MDM
is a blend of data, processes and technology. initiative enters a cycle of continuous measurement and review
Data implies data requirements, data analysis and data as part of the ongoing data stewardship that is fundamental to a
integration. Technologies are required to provide a data hub; data successful MDM initiative.
profiling; data quality; matching/cleansing; extract, transform A blend of existing methodologies and best practices are directly
and load; enrichment; and application integration functionality. applicable to MDM initiatives. Adopting a framework will facilitate
Processes are required for the operational workflows and rules for the project management of the initiative.
managing a single version of the truth. Underlying the MDM initiative is a data governance council.
Extended processes are required when integrating the spokes, Data governance is a process focused on managing the quality,
such as a marketing database, customer service, ERP and CRM, consistency, usability, security and availability of information.7
with the MDM hub. While data governance is a continuous effort after the MDM
So what is at the core of MDM? We’ve seen that in change implementation, it is also a crucial part of a successful MDM
management it is people, in BPR it is processes and with technology implementation and must be embedded into the project plan.
it is execution. In MDM, it is all of those, plus data and data
ownership. And data ownership brings a lot of politics into the
project management mix. a Continuous

IT Application

Fig Reengineering
Fra MD
me M Change
wo Management
Data Governance Council – PMO – Data – Processes – Standards

The best advice on how to include data governance in the project

plan is to include milestones that, when achieved, can be pointed to
When embarking on an MDM initiative, the initial step resembles as data governance successes. This way the organization sees the
a change management project where building a team (in this case, impact of MDM and appreciates its importance when a continuous
the data governance council), performing assessment activities post-implementation effort is required.
and defining the vision and objectives are the main undertakings. By adopting existing project methodologies and working data
During this step, the organization should lay the foundation for governance into project plans as milestones, a framework for the
the project management of the MDM initiative. As a best practice, project management of an MDM initiative emerges that addresses
business should have ownership and leadership for the MDM the political, technological and data stewardship challenges.
initiative. No matter how small the initial MDM project is scoped, putting the
The change agent will come from the business side, will possess MDM framework in place from the start will get the project off the
both project management and leadership skills and will have overall ground successfully. Regardless of which approach an organization has
project management responsibility. At the MDM Summit conferences, taken to date on an MDM initiative, it is possible to get back on
we heard a number of cases where former IT folks transitioned to track once the path forward is better understood and a framework
the business side, and consultants were often used to assist the
organization in the transformation. In the next step, business asserts
is adopted.

1. Hannah Smalltree. “Gartner and Forrester refute master data management system claims.”
itself as the owner of the MDM initiative and takes control of the, December 5, 2006.
2. Forrester Research cited by Paul R. Astiz. “IT Project Management Office.” PMI-SSC
specifications and analysis of data. presentation, October 12, 2005.
3. Jim Dickie and Barry Trailer. “On-Demand Versus On-Premise CRM: Are There Performance
With data at the core of the initiative, a methodology for data needs Differences?” CSO Insights, 2006.
4. Dunleavy et al., 1998, cited in Michelle M. Sieber and Fui Hoon (Fiona) Nah. “A Recurring
and ongoing data stewardship for data preparation and analysis will Improvisational Methodology for Change Management in ERP Implementation.” Proceedings
of the Americas Conference on Information, 1999.
have to be adopted. As companies already have data, technologies, 5. Margo Visitacion. “Project Management Best Practices: Key Processes and Common
Sense.” Giga Information Group, Inc., January 30, 2003.
business processes and rules for data management, the impact of 6. M ike2Wiki. “Master Data Management Solution Offering.”,
retrieved March 11, 2008.
the MDM initiative will need to be analyzed. Cross-functional teams of 7. Alex
 Berson and Larry Dubov. Master Data Management and Customer Data Integration
for the Global Enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
business analysts, IT and data gurus will follow a BPR methodology
and design the “to be” processes and business rules. Tim O’Sullivan is a vice president and partner at Hub Solution Designs, Inc., a consulting firm
that helps its clients to develop and execute high-impact master data management and data
governance strategies. He may be reached at [email protected].

6 A Supplement to DM Review • Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions

MDM Summit Fall 2008 returns to New York City …
here’s what our past attendees told us:

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Overall, a great
“ A fantastic conference experience!” “ This conference is a
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Robert Zegrac,
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Group Manager, National City Experian

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OCTOBER 19-21, 2008

“ This has been a very “ Great Conference! I

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The Intrinsic Value of
Master Data Management
By Lyndsay Wise

One of the goals of master

data management (MDM) is
to maintain a single access point to specified data sets
thereby creating a single view of information. Whether customers, products or other
entities, organizations may struggle to measure the actual benefits of consolidating and
centralizing data to have a single viewpoint of data. Beyond the ability to use a centralized
access point to gain a better perspective of what is going on in the organization,
organizations are always required to provide an account of the financial benefits of new
IT initiatives. Within MDM, business intelligence (BI), business process management
(BPM), etc., the immediate return on investment is not always seen. Unfortunately, some
organizations choose not to look beyond immediate financial gains when seeking to
implement new solutions or change the way they currently do business.
continued on page 10

8 A Supplement to DM Review • Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions

MDM Milestones
At the spring 2008 MDM Summit in San Francisco sponsored by The MDM Institute and DM Review, Aaron
Zornes, founder and chief research officer of The MDM Institute, addressed the topic of “Milestones on the
MDM Roadmap” in his keynote based on research from his Global 1000 clients. Key findings include:

Top 5 Justifications for MDM Initiatives Strategic Planning Assumptions

1. Catalyzes market leadership and dominance. • Market maturation: By 2012, the market for enterprise MDM
2. Provides increased ROI by “leveraging and rationalizing solutions (software and services) as both strategic initiatives and to
existing infrastructure.” refresh aging legacy MDM capabilities will exceed $3 billion (U.S.).
3. Significantly increases shareholder value. • Skills: Throughout 2009-10, skill shortages will greatly inflame
4. Provides a disruptive technology for new business models. project costs as demand for data stewards, enterprise data
5. Enables compliance and regulatory reporting. architects and individuals with data governance experience
outstrip market supply.
Lessons Learned Q4 2007 • Analytics: During 2008, the convergence of MDM and business
• Promote MDM as essential business strategy with IT deliverables intelligence (BI) will accelerate as enterprises leverage MDM
to leverage high-value information used repeatedly across many concepts in a BI context. Additionally, by 2012, inline and real-
business processes. time analytics derived from MDM-enabled aggregation of both
• Position MDM as an enabler of key business activities such as transactional and historical data will have become a major
improving customer communication and reporting — rather than source of sustainable competitive differentiation for Global 5000
as an important infrastructure upgrade. enterprises.
• Begin MDM projects focused on either customer centricity or • MDM convergence: By 2012, enterprises without an overall
product/service optimization. long-term MDM strategy run the ironic risk of building “MDM silos.”
• Plan for multientity MDM solutions evolving from “early adopter” • Bottom-line planning assumption: Invest in data governance and
status into “competitive business strategy” during 2008-2009. architecture for long-term MDM sustainability and ROI.

Excerpted from “Milestones on the MDM Roadmap for 2008-09” by the MDM Institute.
continued from page 8

The management of master data MDM Benefits Explored

touches more than just the information that There are many benefits for organizations choosing to implement
is maintained. By creating data repositories an MDM solution that result from creating a consolidated view of
that reflect business functions, organizations data. To identify the ROI associated with MDM, some key benefits
can develop views of data that give users should be highlighted that go beyond the consolidation of data
access to the information required to do their jobs toward increasing efficiencies within organizations and lowering the
effectively and efficiently. cost of doing business.
To better understand the business benefits of The most obvious benefit of customer data integration (CDI)/
MDM, it is important to recognize an organization’s MDM solutions is the creation of a single customer view. By creating
general information infrastructure and how a centralized access point of contact to customer, product or other
silos of data have been formed within forms of data, not only are organizations able to gain a better overall
organizations, creating a splintered view of business entities and what is occurring with accounts, but
view of what is occurring within the also, data quality efforts become consistent. For organizations
organization. Then it is possible to trying to attain one view of entities, the ability to ensure data quality
understand the benefits of the creation throughout the organization means that consistency of business
of a centralized repository of data – rules, data cleansing and the standardization of business processes
regarding both the information accessed will become an ingrained process within the overall environment.
and the business benefits that go beyond data. Despite the fact that there is a constant focus on business
pains and a push to focus on business rather than data, an
Fractured Information Views organization’s healthy business environment depends upon the
Due to the nature of information architecture and the development data that supports it. Therefore, having strong data quality efforts
of enterprise information systems, the general structure of data is in place helps organizations maintain healthy information systems,
that it exists in silos across the organization. Before the concept identify how systems across the organization interconnect and
of centralized data stores, many systems were developed to meet enable better BPM. Although IT benefits are important, business
a business function without taking into account the big picture. benefits are also relevant. Using customer data as an example,
Consequently, with the addition of new systems, data storage end users can provide better service quicker, thereby increasing
volumes and the number of transactions grow exponentially. This customer retention and satisfaction.
means that in many organizations, several disparate systems Because of compliance and the need to maintain specific data
exist that contain similar information but don’t interact with other sets and output on a regular basis, MDM enables organizations to
relevant systems within the organization. In addition to this lack of manage the processes essential to meet compliance requirements.
interaction, duplicate data may be processed in different systems, This, in turn, translates into the ability to plan and budget more
creating duplicate work for end users and different data structures. efficiently. With a broader understanding of what is occurring within
This adds to the difficulty of looking for and identifying like data the organization, financial processes can offer a more complete
across the organization. view of the organization.
The bottom line is that each system only gives a fractured Finally, building an MDM solution enables organizations to
view of what is occurring within the organization. For instance, a develop and maintain a strong data governance program. Because
customer relationship management (CRM) system may not have all of the mechanisms have been put in place, data governance
all of the account information of their customers, from buying becomes a natural extension of an MDM implementation.
habits and payment histories to product preferences. Different
bits of information that reside in disparate systems, when brought Focusing on Value
together, create a full view of the customer. Add to this data quality Whether by focusing on business or IT, the values of MDM are
efforts to standardize data views and to create a consistent numerous. Actual implementation of an MDM solution is process
view of data across the organization, and the beginnings of MDM and resource intensive as well as continual based on the need
are created. for constant data quality and business process improvements.
Although MDM solutions give organizations central access However, these efforts enable organizations to have a synchronized
points and a 360-degree view of data and entities, actual ROI is and 360-degree view of the data that helps drive their business
not always easy to quantify. After all, quantifying better customer
service or identifying a decrease in product cycle times and tying
success. •
that to an MDM initiative may not be intuitive for organizations.
Lyndsay Wise is an industry analyst for business intelligence. For more than seven years, she
has assisted clients in business systems analysis, software selection and implementation
of enterprise applications. Wise also conducts research of leading technologies, products
and vendors in business intelligence, marketing performance management master data
management and unstructured data.

10 A Supplement to DM Review • Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions

The Need for Intelligent Data —
And How to Get It
Many critical company initiatives, such as top-100 customer programs, segmented marketing and
demand generation, customer-experience optimization, and supplier portfolio management, require
integrated, resolved, and optimized data sources to ensure decisions and actions are based on an
accurate picture of the business.

Today’s options for ensuring an accurate and The Second Step:

trusted view of data regarding customers, prospects, Make the Data and
suppliers, partners, and sales rely on some form the Technology Intelligent
of data integration to optimize and link databases In order to maintain continuously accurate data
from CRM, ERP,--data warehouses, customer support that can confidently be relied upon to drive daily
and contact center systems, websites and other business processes and decisions, organizations
disparate sources. Unfortunately, many of these must find a way to link their internal data sources
implementations have only an internal view of with their external reference data provider so they
information. They attempt to find the truth about can build a continuously updated set of master
current conditions by consolidating and resolving records.
only the data already maintained by the company. To do this requires a new, tight level of integration
Every day, however, tens of millions of changes between the internal data integration technology,
take place within customer, prospect and supplier the external reference data, and the data
organizations, and these changes are typically governance capability. Such an approach results
invisible to the data integration effort, resulting in in consistently better identification of entities
highly incomplete and stale data. Even the largest and linkages, enables superior use of the data
companies find that maintaining a continuously for targeting programs, and makes it possible to
accurate view of their data is a daunting task. Too introduce capabilities for immediately informing the
much is happening too fast, and they just don’t business of any changes to key records, building far
have the systems and resources to keep up. more agility and responsiveness into the business.
Fortunately, there’s a better way.
The Third Step:
The First Step: Take the Simpler Approach
Aggressively Use Reference Data If your approach has too many pieces, drains IT
Many leading corporations have taken a valuable resources, takes too long to implement, and pushes
first step toward being able to maintain continuously out return on investment beyond the horizon, it will
up-to-date and accurate data. They have chosen to be extremely difficult to fund, especially in today’s
use a provider of external reference data, such as uncertain economy. To get funding for a project
D&B, to validate and correct their internal data. In today, you must demand a simple, solutions-driven
most cases, they periodically re-submit the data to approach based on the real-world business need
the external provider so new updates to the reference for the data.
information can be incorporated. This refresh also At D&B, we believe that the simple approach
ensures each entity is accurately identified and delivers more value faster. That’s why we’ve built
the structural linkages to other entities, such as a pre-integrated layer between the reference data
subsidiaries and parents, are also accurate. and the data integration technology that makes
By treating reference data as a snapshot, implementation easy and can begin delivering value
however, these companies typically rely on irregular, within a matter of weeks. Interested? Visit us at
point-in-time interaction with the external data, and
within days, the accuracy of their internal data — •
and the value they gain from that accuracy — starts
to diminish.

A Supplement to DM Review • Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions 11

Quick Win — Lasting Success
While MDM is viewed as a critical business imperative, providing short term business value is
something that has been difficult to nonexistent. Getting accurate, trustworthy data necessary to
drive high quality decisions and campaigns is compelling to business sponsors. Demonstrating that
high quality integrated information can be delivered in days from disparate, often duplicated data
does wonders in enhancing business sponsor “buy-in”. This is especially true in today’s business
climate, where the ability and desire to start a multi-million dollar, multi-year effort without a key
business driver is extraordinarily difficult. Showing early delivery of high quality, high impact data
is key to winning business support.

Overcoming Complex Data Challenges offers a graphical interface and “out of the box best
The difficulty in showing “quick success” is that practice” project accelerators dramatically increases
the data and necessary business rules/logic are staff productivity and ROI. Offering an interface that
very complex. Typically, the integration of data supports the efforts of both business users (who
and ensuring its’ fitness for business use consume have unmatched domain expertise) and technical
50-70% of project time and budget. Identifying and users (who understand technology capabilities and
resolving entity information relating to customers limitations) accelerates efforts toward information
and products is based upon extensive reference sharing and collaboration.
data and knowledge bases that are not easily Offering these sophisticated yet easily used
replicated. The ability to understand “hidden” capabilities in a very high performance platform
information and relationships buried in data is a ensures that current or future data volumes will not
daunting computational challenge. overwhelm your MDM system. Technology that can
In addition to correctly identifying information, be deployed in batch mode for initial master data
“fuzzy matching” of information within or across “build” and then further deployed as a common
sources is a very complex and difficult task. Matching data service for universal access, extends value.
different sources- or even matching within a source- Accommodating customer information whether
is made difficult by inexact representations of the B2B or B2C, as well as product information is
same thing or similar representations of different very useful. Properly handling address information
things. Normal database joins can’t overcome these for correct billing or marketing efforts, as well as
natural language variations. Having sophisticated geospatial information for tasks like tax or risk
algorithms that overcome these problems, along assignment, or “find closest” applications, adds
with other common errors like nicknames, alternate further value to corporate data.
firm names, different spellings, and data entry errors
is a key attribute of a reliable and extensible MDM About DataLever
strategy. With an 80%+ win rate in competitive bakeoffs,
Performance and accuracy of matching algorithms and performance up to 25X that of competitive
is paramount- missed matches or false matches technology, DataLever is a leading provider of
create risk, miss potential value, and significantly business value focused MDM technology.
reduce the trust of business data owners. Matching Companies with large data volumes and/or
is one of the hardest yet most critical attributes complex business rules like AAA, AIG, Acxiom,
in creating “trusted” master data. Thus matching Equifax, Experian, the US Department of Veterans
accuracy and capabilities should be a critical Affairs, and Time Warner Cable rely on DataLever.
evaluation and selection criteria. We provide a free data test/POC to show how
quickly the most accurate view of your data can
Functional Capabilities drive your success. •
In addition to entity identification and fuzzy
matching, there are a number of other key functions
that create greater business value with master
[email protected]
data. Providing a single integrated platform that 703.956.6436

A Supplement to DM Review • Produced by SourceMedia’s Custom Media Solutions

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