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[No. 11988. April 4, 1918.]

JACINTO MOLINA, plaintiff and appellee, vs. JAMES J.

RAFFERTY, Collector of Internal Revenue, defendant and


Agriculture is the art and science of the production of
plants and animals useful to man


The term "agricultural products" is not limited to
vegetable substance directly resulting from the tillage of the
soil but includes domestic and domesticated animals,
animal products, and fish grown in ponds.


continued administrative interpretation of a tax law, while
not conclusive, should be followed unless clearly erroneous.


FISH.Fish produced artificially in ponds are "agricultural
products" within the meaning of section 1460 of the
Administrative Code, by which "agricultural products" are
exempted from taxation when sold by the producer or by the
owner of the land where grown.

APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of

Manila. (Motion for rehearing.) Abreu, J.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.



Molina vs. Rafferty.

Acting Attorney-General Paredes for appellant.

Araneta, & Zaragoza for appellee.


After the publication of 1the decision announced under date

of February 1st., 1918, counsel for appellee presented a
petition f or a rehearing. This petition was granted and oral
argument of the motion was permitted. Two of the
members of the court, as constituted at the time of the
argument on the motion for a rehearing, were not present
when the case was first submitted and did not participate
in the original decision.
Upon the facts, as correctly stated in the original
majority decision, a majority of the members of the court as
now constituted is in favor, of setting aside the original
decision and affirming the judgment of the trial court.
Plaintiff contends that the fish produced by him are to
be regarded as an "agricultural product" within the
meaning of that term as used in paragraph (c) of section 41
of Act No. 2339 (now section 1460 of the Administrative
Code of 1917), in forced when the disputed tax was levied,
and that he is therefore exempt from the percentage tax on
merchants' sales established by section 40 of Act No. 2339,
as amended.
The provision upon which the plaintiff relies reads as

"In computing the tax above imposed transactions in the following

commodities shall be excluded: * * * (c) Agricultural products when
sold by the producer or owner of the land where grown, whether in
their original state or not." (Act No. 2339, sec. 41.)

The same exemption', with a slight change in wording, is

now embodied in section 1460 of the Administrative Code
of 1917.
The question of law presented by this appeal, as we
view, is not whether fish in general constitute an
agricultural product, but whether fish produced as were
those Page 2 of 12


137 Phil. Rep., 545.


VOL. 38, APRIL 4, 1918 169

Molina vs. Rafferty.

upon which the tax in question was levied are an

agricultural product.
As stated by Judge Cooley in his great work on taxation:
"The underlying principle of all construction is that the
intent of the legislature should be sought in the words
employed to express it, and that when found it should be
made to govern, * * *. If the words of the law seem to be of
doubtful import, it may then perhaps become necessary to
look beyond them in order to ascertain what was In the
legislative, mind at the time the law was enacted; what the
circumstances were, under which the action was taken;
what evil, if any, was meant to be redressed; * * *. And
where the law has contemporaneously been put into
operation, and in doing so a construction has necessarily
been put upon it, this construction, especially if followed for
some considerable period, is entitled to great respect, as
being very probably a true expression of the legislative
purpose, and is not lightly to be overruled, although it is
not conclusive." (Cooley on Taxation [Vol. 1] 3d. Ed., p. 450.)
The first inquiry, therefore,. must relate to the purpose
the Legislative had in mind in establishing the exemption
contained in the clause now under consideration. It seems
reasonable to assume that it was due to the belief on the
part of the law making body that by exempting agricultural
products from this tax the farming industry would be
favored and the development of the resources of the
country encouraged. It is a fact, of which we take judicial
cognizance, that there are immense tracts of public land in
this country, at present wholly unproductive, which might
be made fruitful by cultivation, and that large sums of
money go abroad every year for the purchase of food
substances which might be grown here. Every dollar's
worth of food which the farmer produces and sells in these Page 3 of 12

Islands adds directly to the wealth of the country. On the

other hand, in the process of distribution of commodities to
the ultimate consumer, no direct increase in value results
solely from their transfer from one person to another in the
course of



Molina vs. Rafferty.

commercial transactions. It is fairly to be inferred from the

statute that the object and purpose of the Legislature was,
in general terms, to levy the tax in question, significantly
termed the "merchant's tax," upon all persons engaged in
making a profit upon goods produced by others, but to
exempt from the tax all persons directly producing goods
from the land. In order to accomplish this purpose the
Legislature, instead of attempting an enumeration of
exempted products, has grouped them all under the general
designation of "agricultural products."
It seems to require no argument to demonstrate that it
is just as much to the public interest to encourage the
artificial propagation and growth of fish as of corn, pork,
milk or any other food substance. If the artificial
production of fish is held not to be included within the
exemption of the statute this conclusion must be based
upon the inadequacy of the language used by the
Legislature to express its purpose, rather than the
assumption that it was actually intended to exclude
producers of artificially grown fish from the benefits
conferred upon producers of other substances brought into
the store of national wealth by the arts of husbandry and
animal industry.
While we have no doubt that the land occupied by the
ponds in which the fish in question are grown is
agricultural land within the meaning of the Acts of
Congress and of the Philippine Commission under
consideration in the cases of Mapa vs. Insular Government
(10 Phil. Rep., 175) and others cited in the original majority
opinion, it does not seem to us that this conclusion solves
the problem. A man might cultivate the surface of a tract of Page 4 of 12

land patented to him under the mining law, but the

products of such soil would not for that reason, we
apprehend, be any the less "agricultural products."
Conversely, the admission that the land upon which these
fishponds are constructed is not to be classified as mineral
or forest land, does not lead of necessity to the conclusion
that everything produced upon them is for that reason
alone to be deemed an "agricultural


VOL. 38, APRIL 4, 1918 171

Molina vs. Rafferty.

product" within the meaning of the statute under

"Agriculture" is an English word made up of the Latin
words "ager," a field, and "cultura," cultivation. It is defined
by Webster's New International Dictionary as meaning in
its broader sense, "The science and art of the production of
plants and animal useful to man * * * "
In Dillard vs. Webb (55 Ala., 468) it is held that the
words "agriculture" includes "the rearing, feeding, and
managing of live stock." The same view was expressed in
the case of Binzel vs. Grogan (67 Wis., 147).
Webster defines "product" to be "anything that is
produced, whether as the result of generation, growth,
labor, or thought * * *," while "grow" is defined in the
Century Dictionary as meaning "to cause to grow; cultivate;
produce; raise * * *."
While it is true that in a narrow and restricted sense
agricultural products are limited to vegetable substances
directly resulting from the tillage of the soil, it is evident
from the definitions quoted that the term also includes
animals which derived their sustenance from vegetable
growths, and are therefore indirectly the product of the
land. Thus it has been held that "The product of the dairy
and the product of the poultry yard, while it does not come
directly out of the soil is necessarily connected with the soil
* * *" and is therefore farm produce. (District of Columbia
vs. Oyster, 15 D. C., 285.)
In the case of Mayor vs. Davis (6 Watts & Sergeant Page 5 of 12

[Penn. Rep.], 269) the court said:

"Swine, horses, meat cattle, sheep, manure, cordwood,
hay, * * * vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, butter, lard * * *
are strictly produce of the farm * * *"
Without attempting to further multiply examples, we
think it may safely be asserted that courts and
lexicographers are in accord in holding that the term
"agriculturai products" is not limited in its meaning to
vegetable growth, but includes everything which serves to
satisfy human needs which is grown upon the land,
whether it



Molina vs. Rafferty.

pertain to the vegetable kingdom, or to the animal

kingdom. It is true that there is no decision which as yet
has held that the fish grown in ponds are an agricultural
product, but that is no reason why we should not so hold if
we find that such fish fall within the scope of the meaning
of the term. Of necessity, the products of land tend
constantly to multiply in number and variety, as population
increases and new demands spring up. In California there
are farms devoted to the growth of frogs for the market. In
many places in North America foxes and other animals
usually found wild are reared in confinement for their fur.
In Japan land is devoted to the culture of the silkworm and
the growth of the plants necessary for the food of those
insects. Bees are everywhere kept for the wax and honey
into which they convert the vegetable growths upon which
they depend. We think it is not doing violence to the term
to say that the frogs, fox pelts, raw silk, and honey which
the land is made to produce by those engaged in these
occupations are "agricultural products" in the same sense
in which poultry, eggs, and butter have been held to be
agricultural products.
Now, if the purpose of agriculture, in the broader sense
of the term, is to obtain f rom the land the products to
which it is best adapted and through which it will yield the
greatest return upon the expenditure of a given amount of Page 6 of 12

labor and capital, can it not be said that it is just as much

an agricultural process to enclose a given area of land with
dykes, flood it with water, grow aquatic plants in it, and
feed fish with the plants so produced as to fence in it and
allow poultry to feed upon the plants naturally or
artificially grown upon the surface? In the last analysis the
result is the samea given area of land produces a certain
amount of food. In the one case it is the flesh of poultry, in
the other the flesh of fish. It has been agreed between the
parties that an important article of diet consumed by fish
grown in a pond consists of certain marine plants which
grow from roots which affix themselves to the bottom of the
pond. In a real sense, therefore, the


VOL. 38, APRIL 4, 1918 173

Molina vs. Rafferty

fish are just as truly a product of the land as are poultry or

swine, living upon its vegetable growths, aquatic or
terrestrial. Thus, land may truly be said to produce fish,
although it is true that the producer is not a fisherman.
Neither is one who grows foxes for their pelts a hunter. As
contended by counsel, the inquiry is not whether fish in
general constitute an agricultural product, but whether
fish artificially grown and fed in confinement are to be so
regarded. Honey produced by one who devotes his land to
apiculture might be so regarded, even if we were to admit
that wild honey gathered in the forest is not. Pigeons kept
in domestication and fed by the owner would fall within the
definition. Wild pigeons obtained by a hunter would not.
Firewood gathered in a natural forest is not an agricultural
product, but firewood cut from bacauan trees planted for
that purpose has been held to be such a product, and its
producer exempt from the merchant's tax. (Mercado vs.
Collector of Internal Revenue, 32 Phil. Rep., 271.) Other
comparisons might be made, many of which will be found
in the opinion in which two of the members of the court
expressed their dissent from the original majority opinion,
but enough have been given to make our position clear.
During the many years that the statute bef ore us has Page 7 of 12

been in existence, since it first appeared, substantially in

its present form, in section 142 of Act No. 1189, passed in
1904, no attempt has been made, until this case arose, to
construe it as not applying to fish grown in ponds, and
much weight should be given to this long continued
administrative interpretation. The opinion of the Attorney-
General, cited by Justice Malcolm, will be found on
examination to have no bearing upon the present inquiry,
as in that case the question was, not whether fish grown
and f ed in ponds were agricultural products, but whether
"* * * fishermen, shell and pearl' gatherers * * *" were
liable to the occupation tax. There is nothing in the opinion
to indicate that the word "fishermeiT was used to mean
men growing fish in ponds, and it must, therefore, be
assumed that it was



Molina vs. Rafferty.

used in its proper grammatical sense to designate persons

engaged in catching fish not artificially produced.
The decision in the case of The United States vs. Laxa
(36 Phil. Rep., 670) is not controlling, as the reasoning
upon which it is based was not concurred in by four
members of the court. Furthermore, the Laxa case might be
distinguished from the one now under consideration, were
it necessary to do so, in that it has been stipulated in this
case that fish cultivated in ponds subsist largely upon
aquatic plants which grow from .roots which attach
themselves to the bottom of the pond, and are therefore in
a real sense a product of the land, while in the Laxa case
the evidence was that they subsisted solely upon free
floating algae.
We are therefore of the opinion, and 'so hold, that the
decision heretofore rendered herein must be set aside, and
the judgment of the lower court affirmed. So ordered.

Arellano, C. J., Torres, and Johnson, JJ., concur.

Araullo, J., dissents. Page 8 of 12

STREET, J., concurring:

At the original hearing, I became quite firmly convinced, as

I supposed, that the product of a fishery maintained in the
manner shown in this case ought not to be considered an
agricultural product, within the meaning of the provision of
the Internal Revenue Law which exempts agricultural
products from the merchant's tax. Upon fuller reflection,
and further consideration of the arguments advanced at
the rehearing in favor of the other contention, I have come
to the conclusion that I was wrong. I therefore take this
opportunity to recede from my former position and to
express my conformity with the opinion which now becomes
the opinion of the majority of the court.
My conformity with the opinion first written was based
on the conviction that the term "agricultural products," as
used in this statute, had reference to articles produced by
purely agricultural processes, more especially by the tillage
of the fields. As I now view the case, this conception of the
meaning of agricultural is too narrow. It must be admitted
that poultry, eggs, pigs, and other ordinary produce


VOL. 38, APRIL 4, 1918 175

Molina vs. Rafferty.

of farm and country are agricultural products within the

meaning of the statute; and no sufficient reason is
discernible for excluding fish produced under the conditions
revealed in this case.

CARSON, J., dissenting:

I dissent.
As I understand them, the contentions of counsel in
support of the motion for a rehearing and reconsideration
are substantially identical with those adduced in the briefs
and the oral arguments when the case was originally
submitted. I have heard nothing which would lead me to
modify my views or my vote when the case was decided and
the decision promulgated. Page 9 of 12

MALCOLM, J., dissenting:

This case well illustrates how on the same facts, the same
law, and the same authorities, judges can arrive at
diametrically opposed conclusions.
Take the facts. They are stipulated. The only difference
is that possibly unconsciously, in order to fortify the
conclusion, the decision of the majority on reconsideration
would stress the point that an important article of diet
consumed by fish grown in a pond consists of certain
marine plants which grow from roots which affix
themselves to the bottom of the pond, while the1 original
decision as well as the decision in the Laxa case, possibly
also in order to fortify their conclusions, would stress the
scientific fact that the food of the bangus includes marine
plants, that these algae are of seven classes, that one of
these plants is rooted, that some of the others are very
loosely attached to the ground but not rooted, and that
generally the algae float on the water.
Or take the law. The section in dispute is made up of a
few simple words. In reality, the meaning of the phrase,
"agricultural products," is only to be ascertained. The
primary duty of the court is, of course, to ascertain


1 36 Phil. Rep., 670.



Molina vs. Rafferty.

legislative intention. But here again the two decisions

radically differ. The decision of the majority on
reconsideration in a laudable endeavor to encourage
commercial development would make this the purpose of
the law and would f ollow this idea consistently to the end.
On the other hand, the original decision would start with
the same presumption but finding that to so construe the
law would result in judicial amendment must then
necessarily reach a different result; if the Legislature had Page 10 of 12

intended to exempt all classes of domestic products which

would include fish, it would undoubtedly have done so in
plain language.
Or take the authorities. The Supreme Court of Georgia
(Davis vs. Mayor [1879], 64 Ga., 128) would confine
"agricultural products" to the yield of the soil, as corn,
wheat, rye, hay, etc. Possibly this court was right. The
supreme courts of Alabama and Wisconsin (Dillard vs.
Webb [1876], 55 Ala., 468; Binzel vs. Grogan [1886], 67
Wis., 147) would go further and would include as
"agricultural products" the rearing, feeding, and
management of live stock. ln this construction, these courts
may have been right for, as one example, it is merely a
matter of comparative profit to the farmer whether he
markets his corn in the ear or on the hoof in the shape of
swine. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (Mayor vs.
Davis [1843], 6 W. & S., 269) would go still further and
would include as "agricultural products" swine, horses,
meat, cattle, sheep, manure, cord wood, hay, poultry,
vegetables, fruit, eggs, milk, butter, and lard, that is,
domestic animals and products of the farm. Possibly, this
court was right. And now the Supreme Court of the
Philippine Islands in granting the motion for
reconsideration would go even further and would include in
the term "agricultural products" frogs, foxes, bees, pigeons,
silkworms, silk, honey, and fish. Possibly, this court is
right. Try as I may, for I am gratified to have this the
decision of the court, I cannot bring myself to this view.
Without giving way to the temptation to use ironical and
facetious language because of this result, let me merely
make the observation that where the limit will be reached


VOL. 38, APRIL 4, 1918 177

Palarca vs. Baguisi.

is beyond my poor mind to comprehend. Another court

could very well instead of prolonging the examples ad
infinitum merely judicially repeal the word "agricultural"
and include everything which would fall under the word
"products." Page 11 of 12

My views and those of three other members of the court

are fully set out in the first decision. Restatement or
reargument will avail nothing. Suffice it to say that the
argument on motion for reconsideration and the decision of
the majority have failed to convince me that fishor to
accede to the critical suggestion of the majoritythat fish
produced as were those upon which the tax in question was
levied, are an agricultural product. The administrative
ruling of the Attorney-General, the decision of this court in
United States vs. Laxa ([1917], 36 Phil. 670), and the
original decision in the instant case should not be
overturned by granting this motion.
Judgment affirmed.


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