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Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Dec.

10 2459

Executive Order 13107 of the implementation of this order. Under

Implementation of Human this order, all such agencies shall retain their
Rights Treaties established institutional roles in the imple-
December 10, 1998 mentation, interpretation, and enforcement
of Federal law and policy.
By the authority vested in me as President (b) The heads of agencies shall have lead
by the Constitution and the laws of the responsibility in coordination with other ap-
United States of America, and bearing in propriate agencies, for questions concerning
mind the obligations of the United States implementation of human rights obligations
pursuant to the International Covenant on that fall within their respective operating and
Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the Con- program responsibilities and authorities or,
vention Against Torture and Other Cruel, In- to the extent that matters do not fall within
human or Degrading Treatment or Punish- the operating and program responsibilities
ment (CAT), the Convention on the Elimi- and authorities of any agency, that most
nation of All Forms of Racial Discrimination closely relate to their general areas of con-
(CERD), and other relevant treaties con- cern.
cerned with the protection and promotion of Sec. 3. Human Rights Inquiries and Com-
human rights to which the United States is plaints. Each agency shall take lead respon-
now or may become a party in the future, sibility in coordination with other appropriate
it is hereby ordered as follows: agencies, for responding to inquiries, re-
Section 1. Implementation of Human quests for information, and complaints about
Rights Obligations. (a) It shall be the policy violations of human rights obligations that fall
and practice of the Government of the within its areas of responsibility or, if the
United States, being committed to the pro-
matter does not fall within its areas of respon-
tection and promotion of human rights and
sibility, referring it to the appropriate agency
fundamental freedoms, fully to respect and
for response.
implement its obligations under the inter-
national human rights treaties to which it is Sec. 4. Interagency Working Group on
a party, including the ICCPR, the CAT, and Human Rights Treaties. (a) There is hereby
the CERD. established an Interagency Working Group
(b) It shall also be the policy and practice on Human Rights Treaties for the purpose
of the Government of the United States to of providing guidance, oversight, and coordi-
promote respect for international human nation with respect to questions concerning
rights, both in our relationships with all other the adherence to and implementation of
countries and by working with and strength- human rights obligations and related matters.
ening the various international mechanisms (b) The designee of the Assistant to the
for the promotion of human rights, including, President for National Security Affairs shall
inter alia, those of the United Nations, the chair the Interagency Working Group, which
International Labor Organization, and the shall consist of appropriate policy and legal
Organization of American States. representatives at the Assistant Secretary
Sec. 2. Responsibility of Executive Depart- level from the Department of State, the De-
ments and Agencies. (a) All executive depart- partment of Justice, the Department of
ments and agencies (as defined in 5 U.S.C. Labor, the Department of Defense, the Joint
101105, including boards and commissions, Chiefs of Staff, and other agencies as the
and hereinafter referred to collectively as chair deems appropriate. The principal
agency or agencies) shall maintain a cur- members may designate alternates to attend
rent awareness of United States international meetings in their stead.
human rights obligations that are relevant to (c) The principal functions of the Inter-
their functions and shall perform such func- agency Working Group shall include:
tions so as to respect and implement those (i) coordinating the interagency review of
obligations fully. The head of each agency any significant issues concerning the imple-
shall designate a single contact officer who mentation of this order and analysis and rec-
will be responsible for overall coordination ommendations in connection with pursuing
2460 Dec. 10 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998

the ratification of human rights treaties, as States adherence to or implementation of

such questions may from time to time arise; human rights treaties and related matters;
(ii) coordinating the preparation of reports and
that are to be submitted by the United States (ix) coordinating such other significant
in fulfillment of treaty obligations; tasks in connection with human rights trea-
(iii) coordinating the responses of the ties or international human rights institu-
United States Government to complaints tions, including the Inter-American Commis-
against it concerning alleged human rights sion on Human Rights and the Special
violations submitted to the United Nations, Rapporteurs and complaints procedures es-
the Organization of American States, and tablished by the United Nations Human
other international organizations; Rights Commission.
(iv) developing effective mechanisms to (d) The work of the Interagency Working
ensure that legislation proposed by the Ad-
Group shall not supplant the work of other
ministration is reviewed for conformity with
interagency entities, including the Presi-
international human rights obligations and
dents Committee on the International Labor
that these obligations are taken into account
in reviewing legislation under consideration Organization, that address international
by the Congress as well; human rights issues.
(v) developing recommended proposals Sec. 5. Cooperation Among Executive De-
and mechanisms for improving the monitor- partments and Agencies. All agencies shall
ing of the actions by the various States, Com- cooperate in carrying out the provisions of
monwealths, and territories of the United this order. The Interagency Working Group
States and, where appropriate, of Native shall facilitate such cooperative measures.
Americans and Federally recognized Indian Sec. 6. Judicial Review, Scope, and Ad-
tribes, including the review of State, Com- ministration. (a) Nothing in this order shall
monwealth, and territorial laws for their con- create any right or benefit, substantive or
formity with relevant treaties, the provision procedural, enforceable by any party against
of relevant information for reports and other the United States, its agencies or instrumen-
monitoring purposes, and the promotion of talities, its officers or employees, or any other
effective remedial mechanisms; person.
(vi) developing plans for public outreach (b) This order does not supersede Federal
and education concerning the provisions of statutes and does not impose any justiciable
the ICCPR, CAT, CERD, and other relevant obligations on the executive branch.
treaties, and human rights-related provisions (c) The term treaty obligations shall
of domestic law; mean treaty obligations as approved by the
(vii) coordinating and directing an annual Senate pursuant to Article II, section 2,
review of United States reservations, declara- clause 2 of the United States Constitution.
tions, and understandings to human rights (d) To the maximum extent practicable
treaties, and matters as to which there have and subject to the availability of appropria-
been nontrivial complaints or allegations of tions, agencies shall carry out the provisions
inconsistency with or breach of international of this order.
human rights obligations, in order to deter-
mine whether there should be consideration
William J. Clinton
of any modification of relevant reservations,
declarations, and understandings to human The White House,
rights treaties, or United States practices or
December 10, 1998.
laws. The results and recommendations of
this review shall be reviewed by the head of
each participating agency; [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register,
(viii) making such other recommendations 8:45 a.m., December 14, 1998]
as it shall deem appropriate to the President,
through the Assistant to the President for NOTE: This Executive order will be published in
National Security Affairs, concerning United the Federal Register on December 15.
Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Dec. 10 2461

Remarks on the Unveiling of a know and respect Mike Espy in that endeav-
Portrait of Former Secretary of or.
Agriculture Michael Espy I knew we also shared a vision for America,
a new approach to government rooted in our
December 10, 1998 most enduring values, changed and shaped
to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
Oh, happy day. [Laughter] Id like to begin
The need for change was nowhere more evi-
by thanking Deputy Secretary Rominger,
dent than at the Department of Agriculture,
who has served so well both Secretary Espy
which has, as Dan Glickman said, since the
and Secretary Glickman. I thank Dan Glick-
time of President Lincoln, nurtured the
man and Rhoda for being a part of our ad-
seeds of renewal for America.
ministrations family.
On Christmas Eve I said, The Depart-
Dan Glickman pointed out when I dis-
cussed this appointment with him that he ment of Agriculture cant simply be a stolid
would be in the proud tradition of my com- representative of the interests of the past. It
mitment to a Cabinet that looks like America has to be a real force for family farmers in
and to diversity because there were even our country, for the agricultural issues of
fewer Jewish farmers than black farmers. today and tomorrow. Mike understood that.
[Laughter] As the first African-American to become the
I want to thank my friends Reverend Secretary of Agriculture, he was the very em-
Wintley Phipps, Reverend Walter Fauntroy, bodiment of change. Not only here but in
Reverend Beecher Hicks, and the Howard many other areas of administration policy
Gospel Choir here. They are wonderful. I one of eight African-Americans who have
thank the members of the Cabinet and now served in the Presidents Cabinet in the
former members of the Cabinet who are last 6 years. And I am very grateful for that.
here, Secretary Herman, Secretary Richard- And Im grateful to Senator Leahy and
son, Secretary OLeary, EPA Administrator Senator Carol Moseley-Braun for confirming
Browner, Ambassador Barshefsky. John Po- them all.
desta and Bob Nash and a whole slew of peo- In his 2 years at the helm Mike changed
ple from the White House are here; Senator the Department of Agriculture as profoundly
Leahy, Senator Carol Moseley-Braun, Con- and beneficially as any Secretary in its his-
gressmen Clyburn, Jefferson, Eddie Bernice tory. It is fitting today we raise his portrait.
Johnson, Stenholm, Congressman Thomp- He made history, and today we honor him
son. Were glad to see former Congressmen for it.
Montgomery and Coelho and many other Id like to talk a little bit about his record
former Members of Congress here. And Rev- as Secretary of Agriculture. His first great
erend Jackson, thank you for coming; and to challenge came only a few days after he start-
the Espy family and all the members of Mike ed on the job, when an outbreak of e-coli
Espys extended family here. from tainted meat took the lives of three chil-
Six years ago, on Christmas Eve, I an- dren in Washington State. Mike went to
nounced that I would nominate, and I quote, Washington, promised the victims families
my neighbor, my friend, and my supporter, strong action, and he delivered.
Mike Espy to be Secretary of Agriculture. The new science-based inspection proce-
He was a young Congressman from Mis- dures developed during his tenure and put
sissippi when I served as Governor of Arkan- into place under Secretary Glickman have
sas. We shared a passion for many issues, in- cut incidents of salmonella contamination in
cluding rural development. pork by a third, in poultry by nearly 50 per-
As a Congressman, Mike worked with my cent, according to the preliminary data we
Senator, Dale Bumpers, to set up the Lower have. The Department of Agriculture has no
Mississippi Delta Development Commission, higher responsibility than ensuring the safety
a commission I had the honor to chair. It of Americas food supply. Today it is fulfilling
brought jobs and growth to one of Americas that responsibility, thanks in no small meas-
poorest, least developed regions. I came to ure to Mike Espys leadership.

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