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August 21, 2017

GooD News

English Learner
for Beginner-Intermediate
150 Words Each
with Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (0.1-6.5)
and Flesch Reading Ease Score (100-62.8)

Mike Carlson
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Table of Contents
English Learner 500 Short Stories for Beginner Intermediate
Table of Contents
A. Dedication
B. Early Reviews of This Book
C. Introduction
D. Story Titles, with Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
E. Stories: 1. Eat. Sleep. and Think Burgers - 540. Give Me
Some Elbow Room- Part 1
E. Stories: 1. Eat, Sleep. and Think Burgers - 540. Give Me
Some Elbow Room - Part 2
F. Registered Trademarks
G. Story Titles listed according to Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level,
easiest (#198. #392) to hardest (#509)
H. Screen shots of Stories #1 and #540 (taken January
20. 2014) http:/(

English Learner 500 Short

Stories for Beginner

By Mike Carlson

2013 Mike Carlson. All Rights Reserved.

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Table of Contents
A. Dedication
B. Early Reviews of This Book
C. Introduction
D. Story Titles, with Flcsch-Kincaid Cradc Level
The number following the title is the approximate grade level
required for understanding; that is, 1.o means that a student in
the first grade should be able to understand the story.
A number in parentheses, e.g., (1), following a title indicates
that it's a multi-part story.
E. Stories: 1. Eat, Sleep, and Think Burgers - 540. Give Me Some
Elbow Room
Stories/Parts of stories are 150 words each, with Flesch-Kincaid
Grade Level and Flesch Reading Ease score following each title.
The lower the first number or the higher the second number, tile
easier the story is to understand. For these 540 stories/parts of
stories, the range for Grade Level is 0.1-6-5; the range for
Reading Ease is 100-62.8.
A number in parentheses, e.g., (1), following a title indicates
that it's a multi-part story.
F. Registered Trademarks
G. Story Titles listed according to Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level,
easiest (#198, #392) to hardest (#509)
The number following the title is the approximate grade level
required for understanding; that is, 1.0 means that a student in
the first grade should be able to understand the story.
A number in parentheses, e.g., (1), following a title indicates
that it's a multi-part story.
H. Screen shots of Stories #1 and #540 (taken January 20, 2014) > Free- 500 ESL Short Stories from New York City

A. Dedication
To Laura, the love and the light of my life

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B. Early Reviews of This Book
I really like the price!-Author's brother-in-law My son, the
author!What took you so long?-Author's mom Stop doing stupid
things just so you can write about them!-Author's wife

C. Introduction
I hope you enjoy these stories, whether English is your first,
second, or third language, whether you're reading to improve
your English, or whether you're reading just for pleasure. Many of
the stories contain a point, an issue, a moral, or a subtext that
you might ponder or even discuss with others. For example, in
Story #1: How many of us have visited another city but didn't
bother to, or weren't able to, explore that city? Do we regret it?
The stories are quite short-most are only 150 words long. Quite a
few stories contain references to New York City, where my wife
and I now live (and hope to spend the rest of our days).
I wrote, edited, and proofread these stories. They are based on
news events, my personal experiences, and/or my imagination.
All the stories are online at > Free 500 ESL
Short Stories from New York City , where you can also listen to
Nom1al Speed audio and Slow Speed audio for each story.
I have a master's degree in Education, and I taught ESL (English
as a Second Language) to adults for 20 years in Pasadena,
Your comments are most welcome. Mike ([email protected])

Each story, or part of a story, is exactly 150 words and one
paragraph long, even when there is quoted conversation within
the story. I initially restricted each story, which appeared online
before appearing in this book, to just one paragraph so that
teachers could copy and print a story onto just one sheet of
paper, without needing the extra paper that quoted paragraphs
and extra line spacing often require. There are 512 stories. ("D.
Story Titles" lists 540 "stories," but 22 of tile 512 stories contain

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multiple parts.) If your school year is 180 days long, these 540
stories/parts of stories allow you to assign a story a day for 2-3
years. All these stories are at > Free - 5 0 0 ESL
Short Stories from New York City. I wrote tile NYC stories using
conversational, informal English. (I also wrote tile oilier 1,300+
stories and dialogues that appear on my home page, but none
of them are exactly150 words long.)
In "D. Story Titles, with Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level," tile
number following each title, e.g., "1. Eat, Sleep, and Think
Burgers 2.1" is the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of the story (see
htto:/ /wiki/Flesch%E2%80%93Kincaid
readability tests ). In general, tl1e F-K Grade Level corresponds
to the public school grade level. The average F-K Grade Level for
all 540 stories/parts of stories is 2.8. The lowest Grade Level
(i.e., tile easiest to read and understand) is 0.1 (Stories #198,
#392). The highest Grade Level (i.e., tile most difficult to read and
understand) is 6.5 (Story #509). Following all tile stories is "G.
Story Titles listed according to Flesch-Kincaid Grade
Level, easiest (#198, #392) to hardest (#509)."
The number in parentheses following a title, e.g., "6. A Walk on
the Brooklyn Bridge (1)" means that it's Part 1 of a multi-part
The stories themselves are in part E. In "E. Stories: 1. Eat,
Sleep, and Think Burgers - 540. Give Me Some Elbow
Room," the second number following each title, e.g., "1. Eat,
Sleep, and Think Burgers 2.1, 91.3," is the Flesch Reading Ease
score.Reading Ease is another measure of readability, and
generally correlates inversely with the FK Grade Level. The
average Reading Ease score for all 540 stories/parts of
stories is 87-4.The highest score (100) is the easiest to read
and understand (Story #21, + 16 others with the same score of
100). The lowest score (62.8) is the most difficult to read and
understand (Story #214). You can discover the FK Grade Level
and Reading Ease score for these or other stories via Microsoft
Word's Readability Statistics (File>Options> Proofing). These and
other readability measures (see below) generally use word
length and sentence length to evaluate readability.

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There are several other readability measures. They don't all agree
with one another. For example, if you copy and paste Story #198
into the box at
readability-formula- tests.php , youll get a Readability Consensus
score based on "7 popular readability formulas." The site's
consensus score for #198 is Grade Level 2, 6-8 years old (first
and second graders). Compare this to the Flesh- Kincaid Grade
Level of 0.1 (0.1 = Kindergarten). To me, Grade Level 2 sounds
more accurate than Kindergarten. Regardless, the grade levels
ARE relative, so a Grade Lev6e is certainly more difficult than a
Grade Level 1. The same relativeness applies to the Reading
Ease scores. So, using the list in "G. Story Titles listed according
to Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, easiest (#198, #392) to
hardest (#509)," you can start your students on the easiest
stories and let them work their way up to the hardest stories. (I
didn't provide a ranked list for Flesch Reading Ease scores
partly because it would be a little redundant and partly
because too many numbers can make people's eyes glaze over.
If you want this list, I'll be happy to email it to you.)
Word's Readability Statistics also provide the percentage of Passive
Voice sentences in a story. Passive Voice, of course, can add
wordiness and complexity to a sentence. Of the 540 stories/
parts of stories, 478 (88.5%) are zero percent passive voice, 55
(10.2%) are 3-5 percent, and seven stories exceed 5 percent:
6% - #310; 7% - #86; 9% - #74, #94, #254; 10% - #482;
and 12% - #430. Finally, the greater the number of words in a
sentence, the harder it might be to understand. For all stories,
the average number of words per sentence ranges from 45
(#51) to 11.6 (#412, #501). For all stories, the average sentence
contains 7.2 words.
At the end of this book is "H. Screen shots of Stories #1 and
#540 (taken January 20, 2014)." It shows you how stories appear
on my website, There, students can read all 540
stories/parts of stories online as well as listen to the audio
(normal speed and slow speed). In addition to the audio online,
there are links to: http:1/dictionarv. reference. com/
Google Images , Google Custom
Search, and Google Translate http:1/

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There are 512 stories. Of these, 490 are one-part stories (150
words long); 22 are multi-part stories (300-750 words long). The 22
multi-part stories have so total parts, bringing the total number
of stories/parts of stories to 540 (490 + so). Of the 22 multi-part
stories, nineteen are 300 words long, one is 450 words long, one is
6oo words long, and one is 750 words long. (Each part of a story is
150 words.) In the list of multi-part stories below, the number
that follows "(1)" is the number of parts to the story. For example,
Story #6 has four parts.
1. #6. A Walk on the Brooklyn Bridge (1) 4
2. #10.A Laptop Problem (1) 2
3 #12. Step Down (1) 2
4. #27. A Baffling Sculpture (1) 2
5#33Let's Clean Those Teeth (1) 2
6. #36.All Aboard the LIRR (1) 2
7 #41. Drive to the LA Airport (1) 2
8. #53. A Grocery Mystery (1) 2
9 #64. A Bucket of Chicken (1) 2
10. #78. Invest $2 in the Lottery (1) 2
11. #83.Jury Duty near Chinatown (1) 2
12. #89. An Unsafe Hotel Carpet (1) 2
13. #92. Superman at the Driving Range (1) 2
14. #96. Love Guides Her Day (1) 2
15. #99A Mean Guy in School (1) 2
16. #102. Her Nose Is Running (1) 2
17. #105. A Bridge No More (1) 2
18. #108. A Visit to the Statue of Liberty (1) 2
19. #131. The Right Stock at the Right Time (1) 2
20. #351. A New Laptop (1) 5
21. #356. An Out-of-Control Printer (1) 3
22. #359 Your Questions Annoy Me (1) 2

D. Story Titles, with Flesch- Kincaid

Grade Level
11le number following the title is the approximate grade level
required for understanding; that is, 1.0 means that a stlldent in the
first grade should be able to understand the story.

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A number in parentheses, e.g ., (1), following a title indicates that
it's a multi-part story.
I wrote these 500 short stories for English learners, primarily for
beginner to intermediate levels. However, advanced learners can
also enjoy the subtleties of many of the stories. The stories are
for all English learners, regardless of what their first language is
(even if its English!). Only 150 words long, each story stems from
news events, my own and others personal experiences, and/or
my imagination (limited as it is). Many stories contain references
to New York City, where my wife and I are lucky enough to live.
The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and Flesch Reading Ease Score
follow each story title. These two measures can guide learners
who wish to start with the easiest stories and work their way up
to the hardest stories. Teachers and parents can use these
measures to guide their students and children. Grade Levels
range from 0.1 to 6.5 (kindergarten to sixth grade), and Reading
Ease Scores range from 100 to 62.8 (easiest to hardest). The two
measures correlate inversely, and generally, with each other.
Sentences are short, averaging 7.2 words for all stories.
The stories are slices of everyday life, with fantasy thrown in
here and there. Some story titles are: Hairy Ears; When 47 Equals
50; Where Did the Mustard Go?; A Dangerous Light Bulb;
Superman at the Driving Range; Feel the Bananas; I Love New
York City!; Till Death Do Us Part; I Hate My Name; Pink Doesnt
Mean Hes Gay; The Bi-Coastal Cat; The Cow with Two Tails; A
Genie in a Bottle; A Big, Fat NYC Cookie; A Lucky Blind Person;
The Dangerous Paper Clip; Smoker Seeks Nonsmoker; That Old
People Smell; Mom the Matchmaker; and New, Improved EZ
Just so youll have an idea of what the stories are like, heres the
first story:
Eat, Sleep, and Think Burgers 2.1, 91.3 Burger Queen flew Billy
and his Bronx coworkers to its training center. After returning,
Billy told his cousin about his trip. Boy, was it great! I made
tons of money in overtime. We were in training 12 days straight.
We worked almost 16 hours a day. We learned how to make ten
new menu items. Youll see them on the menu next month.
Everything was free! I had my own private room in the hotel.
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The food was fantastic. The hotel had six different restaurants. I
ate all I could eat three times a day. I cant wait to go back there
again. Jill asked, Go back where? Where did you go? He said,
They said we were in Texas. She asked, They said? Where in
Texas? What city? He said, I dont know. I didnt even see a
city. All I saw were the hotel and the training center.
Like many of the other stories, this one is based on fact. Billy
loves his job. When he told me this story, he hadnt been outside
of NYC since moving here from his native country. He didnt seem
the least bit bothered that he hadnt seen more of Texas. He
thoroughly enjoyed the training, the hotel room, the food, and
the money. When I asked the Brooklyn resident if hed visited
the Statue of Liberty yet, he smiled and said he was too busy. We
all have our priorities and interests, which often change over the
years. I think someday, after Billy owns his own Burger Queen
or two, he might visit the Statue of Libertywith his children or
These stories first appeared on my website. My website is, which contains 1,600 stories and dialogues that
I wrote. Accompanying them are various Exercises and/or Audio.
One reason I wrote these 150-word stories is so teachers could
easily print the stories onto one page. Each story is only one
paragraph, even if it contains quoted conversation.
I have a masters in Education and taught ESL to adults in
Pasadena, CA

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Stories for Beginners (1), Present Tense
1. Red Ball on the Floor 0.0 31. Red Trees and Red Cats 3.9
2. Warm Air and a Sandwich 0.0 32. Comics in the Newspaper 1.6
3. He Gets Dressed, Sees His Friend 33. Bright Stars in the Night Sky
0.0 0.1
4. Noisy Animals, Quiet Animals 34. A Water Fountain in the Park
0.6 1.3
5. They Play Catch 0.0 35. She Feeds Her Cats 0.0
6. Cookie on the Floor 1.1 36. He Builds a Snowman 1.0
7. Dog Copies Cat 0.0 37. She Swims Every Day 1.3
8. Hungry for Hot Dogs 3.1 38. She Rides Her Skateboard 1.1
9. Her Book and Her Cats 1.8 39. He Gets a Weekly Allowance
10. Kids and Their Teacher 0.0 2.1
11. Parents Save Babies from Fire 40. She Plays Basketball 1.4
1.0 41. Everyone Loves Babies 2.9
12. A Young Girl Knows How 0.0 42. He Rides an Old Bicycle 0.3
13. A Baby Goes to Sleep 1.3 43. Ants in the Kitchen 1.1
14. He Eats a Candy Bar 2.4 44. A Popsicle House 0.7
15. A Backpack and a Bus 0.0 45. A Boxer Dog Named Duke 0.0
16. An Airplane in the Sky 0.5 46. Two Boys and a Baseball 1.4
17. Let's Go to Disneyland 3.4 47. The Snow Melts on the Ground
18. His First Roller Coaster Ride 0.7 0.5
19. Birthday Cake and Candles 0.3 48. An Orange and Black Butterfly
20. A Boat in the Tub 0.5
49. Camping in the Woods 0.5
21. Her Doll Is Like Her 0.3
50. Ride a Carousel Horse 1.1
22. A Fork, Spoon, Plate, and
Carrot 0.0
23. She Sees a Worm 0.0 51. A One-Mile Race 0.0
24. He Talks to Mom 1.0 52. Good Soldiers, Bad Soldiers 3.4
25. Car in a Car Wash 0.0 53. A Mirror at Dance School 0.7
26. Monkeys at the Zoo 0.5 54. A Job on the Farm 2.0
27. He Is a Chocolate Lover 5.0 55. Dress Up Like Her Mom 1.1
28. The Circus Is in Town 1.8 56. Fire Truck Saves House 0.7
29. Is There Life on the Moon? 0.3 57. Polar Bears Need Help 0.5
30. A Penny Collector 0.8 58. He Fishes with His Dad 0.0
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59. A Soccer Goalie 3.9 79. A Farm Puzzle 0.5
60. A Soft, Wet Frog 0.0 80. The Playground in the Park 0.3
61. A Turtle Has Its Own Home 2.8 81. The Tree Climber 0.5
62. A Doll for Her Birthday 0.0 82. Read a Book in Bed 0.1
63. The Tree and the Clouds 0.0 83. Many Fish in the Ocean 0.2
64. Grandma and Grandpa Are Nice 84. Her Baby Brother 1.3
0.7 85. A 3D Movie 0.9
65. They Play Monopoly for Fun 2.6 86. Peel and Eat an Orange 1.7
66. She Does Many Things after 87. She Has Dreams at Night 1.1
School 1.3
88. The Teacher Yells at Him 2.3
67. He Has NY Caps 1.1
89. Mom Is Sick in Bed 0.1
68. She Practices Flips for the
90. The School Bully 1.9
Olympics 3.1
91. School Is Out for Summer 2.8
69. Hide and Seek 2.3
92. Tell Kids a Good Story 3.2
70. Watch the Magician Closely 2.2
93. He Rides His Bike 1.3
71. A Pony Ride in a Corral 1.3
94. They Call Him Fourr-Eyes 0.2
72. Puddles Are Fun 0.4
95. Hot Day, Cool Pool 0.0
73. Ride on the School Bus 0.3
96. A Book and a Phone 0.0
74. She Does Her Homework 1.5
97. Where's the Itch? 0.5
75. A Math Problem 2.6
98. Her New Blue Dress 0.0
76. A Noise in the Night 0.2
99. He Takes Care of His Cold 0.8
77. A Stick and a Dog 0.0
100. The Alarm Wakes Him Up 0.5
78. The Pizza Is Hot 1.7

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1. Red Ball on the Floor

1. The ball is on the floor. It is a red ball. It is a rubber

ball. The baby looks at the ball. The cat looks at the ball.
The cat is black. The cat walks over to the ball. The cat
hits the ball with its paw. The ball rolls on the floor. The
baby smiles. 0.0

baby........................... paw............................
ball ............................ red.............................
black .......................... roll.............................
cat ............................. rubber.........................
floor ........................... smile ..........................
hit .............................

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1. Red Ball on the Floor
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
The ball is on the floor. _________ is a red ball. It is
___________ rubber ball. The baby looks at _____________
ball. The cat looks at the ________________ . The cat is black.
The cat ____________ over to the ball. The cat
____________ the ball with its paw. The ______________ rolls on
the floor. The baby __________ .

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.
ball floor red the is on . a


ball looks at the the baby


over the walks cat the ball to .


floor rolls the on ball . the


paw ball cat its the . hits with the


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3. The cat ___ black.
5. The cat ___s over to the ball.
6. The cat ___s the ball with its paw.
7. It is a ___ ball.
12. The black ___ hits the ball with its paw.
13. The ___ rolls on the floor.
14. The baby ___s at the ball.

1. The cat hits the ball with its ___.
2. The ball rolls on the ___.
4. The baby ___s.
8. The cat is ___. The ball is red.
9. It is a ___ ball. It is a black cat.
10. The ___ smiles.
11. The ball ___s on the floor.
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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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2. Warm Air and a Sandwich

2. The window is open. Air comes through the window. It

is warm air. It is a warm day. The air smells like bread. It
smells like fresh bread. It smells good. It makes the boy
hungry. The boy goes to the kitchen. He makes a
sandwich. He sits down. He eats the sandwich. 0.0


air .............................. sandwich ....................

bread ......................... sit .............................
fresh .......................... eat ............................
hungry ....................... smell ..........................
kitchen ....................... warm .........................
open .......................... window ......................
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2. Warm Air and a Sandwich
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
The window is open. Air comes _________ he window. It
is warm air. ________ is a warm day. The air ________
like bread. It smells like fresh ________ . It smells good.
It makes the ________ hungry. The boy goes to the
________ . He makes a sandwich. He sits ________ . He
eats the sandwich.

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.

it day . is a warm

very . is the hungry boy


the . window open through comes air


like the air bread . fresh smells


the . sandwich kitchen a makes boy the in


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2. Open the door and the ___. It's hot in here.
3. Fresh bread ___s good. It tastes good, too.
8. Mama cooks dinner in the ___. We eat dinner in the
dining room.
10. ___ the window on a warm or hot day. Close it on a cold
11. Tomorrow is Sun___. It is not Satur___.
12. The boy ___s a sandwich. Then he eats it.
13. Open the window. I want some fresh ___.
14. I am not ___. I am not thirsty.
1. This sandwich tastes ___. I like it.
2. The soup is not hot or cold. It is ___.
4. He ___s food. He drinks water.
5. A peanut butter ___ tastes good.
6. ___ fruit tastes good. Rotten fruit tastes bad.
7. ___s and girls go to school.
9. Fresh air ___s through the window. It goes into the
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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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3. He Gets Dressed, Sees His Friend

3. The boy puts on his socks. He puts on his shoes. He

ties his shoelaces. He walks to the front door. He turns
the doorknob. He pulls the door open. He steps outside.
He closes the door behind him. He walks to the corner.
He sees his friend. He waves to his friend. 0.0

behind ......................... shoe ...........................
close ........................... shoelace ......................
corner ......................... sock ............................
door ............................ step ............................
doorknob ..................... tie ..............................
friend .......................... turn ............................
front ........................... walk ...........................
outside ........................ wave ...........................
pull .............................
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3. He Gets Dressed, Sees His Friend
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
The boy puts on his socks. ________ puts on his shoes.
He ties ________ shoelaces. He walks to the front
________ . He turns the doorknob. He pulls ________
door open. He steps outside. He ________ the door
behind him. He walks _______ the corner. He sees his
friend. ________ waves to his friend.

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.
boy puts . the his on shoes


boy ties shoelaces . his the


walks he the . door to front


he . behind the closes door him


friends he . waves his to


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1. You are my best ___.
5. A door has a ___. Turn the ___ to open the door.
6. He ___s to the corner. She runs to the corner.
9. Tie the ___ on your shoes.
10. He ___s his friend across the street. He waves to his friend.
11. She ___s outside. Stairs have ___s.
14. He wears socks and ___s.
2. Close the bathroom ___.
3. I put cotton ___ on my feet.
4. He opens the door. Then he ___s the door.
7. A ___ plays baseball. A girl plays house.
8. He ___s with his hand to his friend.
12. He ___s his shoelaces.
13. He ___s on his socks and shoes.
15. I like ___. I like her, too.
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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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4. Noisy Animals, Quiet Animals

4. The dog barks. It likes to bark. The bird sings. It likes

to sing. The dog and bird are noisy. The cat meows. It
meows when it is hungry. It meows when it is angry. The
fish says nothing. The turtle says nothing. The mouse
says nothing. The lizard says nothing. They are quiet. 0.6


angry .......................... meow ..........................

bark ............................ mouse .........................
bird ............................. noisy ..........................
cat .............................. quiet ...........................
fish ............................. sing ............................
hungry ........................ turtle ..........................
lizard ..........................
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4. Noisy Animals, Quiet Animals
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.

The dog barks. It likes to ________ . The bird sings. It

likes to ________ . The dog and bird are noisy. ________
cat meows. It meows when it ________ hungry. It meows
when it is ________ . The fish says nothing. The turtle
________ nothing. The mouse says nothing. The
________ says nothing. They are quiet.

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.

bird sing likes the . to

it hungry cat meows . the when is
dogs are . not quiet animals
is . the not turtle noisy
meow likes cat the to .

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1. A ___ has a long tail and a long tongue.
3. You have everything. I have ___.
7. The dog ___s at the cat.
8. The bird ___s a pretty song.
9. A cat ___s when it's hungry.
10. A turtle ___s nothing. It is always quiet.
12. A fish is ___. It makes no noise.
13. A dog ___s to bark. A bird ___s to sing.
14. A ___ flies. A ___ sings in a tree.
2. A ___ likes to bark.
4. A ___ has a shell on its back.
5. A fish is quiet. A dog is ___.
6. I want food. I am ___.
9. Mickey ___ is famous. A cat likes a ___.
11. She is happy. He is ___.
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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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5. They Play Catch

5. Bob picks up the ball. He throws the ball. Bill catches

the ball. Bill throws the ball back. Bob catches the ball.
Bob throws the ball to Bill. Bill drops the ball. Bill picks
it up. He throws it over Bob's head. Bob runs back. He
jumps up. He catches the ball. 0.0
back ............................................................
catch ............................................................
drop ............................................................
head ............................................................
jump ............................................................
over ............................................................
pick ............................................................
run ............................................................
throw ............................................................
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5. They Play Catch
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
Bob picks up the ball. He ________ the ball. Bill catches
the ball. _________ throws the ball back. Bob catches
________ ball. Bob throws the ball to ________ . Bill
drops the ball. Bill picks ________ up. He throws it over
Bobs ________ . Bob runs back. He jumps up. ________
catches the ball.

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.

bob the . up picks ball

the catch ball . cannot bill
. over throws he the ball
bill the drops ball the floor . to
bob to the . ball throws him

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2. He ___s in the air to catch the ball.
4. He ___es the ball. Then he throws it.
6. The front door. The ___ door.
8. The ball goes ___ his head. He runs back.
9. The ground is down. The sky is ___.
1. He ___s around the block. Then he rests.
3. The ball is on the ground. He ___s it up.
5. He ___s the ball over Bob's head.
6. Throw the ___. Catch the ___. Base___.
7. She ___s the ball on the ground.

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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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6. Cookie on the Floor

6. She takes a cookie out of the package. She drops the

cookie. It falls on the floor. The cookie breaks. It breaks
into four pieces. Four pieces are on the floor. She picks
up the pieces. She takes them to the kitchen. She throws
them into the trashcan. She takes another cookie out of
the package. 1.1


break .......................... package .......................

cookie ......................... pick ............................
drop ............................ piece ...........................
fall .............................. throw ..........................
kitchen ........................ trashcan ......................

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6. Cookie on the Floor
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
She takes a cookie out of ________ package. She drops
the cookie. It ________ on the floor. The cookie breaks.
________ breaks into four pieces. Four pieces ________
on the floor. She picks up________ pieces. She takes
them to the ________ . She throws them into the
trashcan. ________ takes another cookie out of the
________ .

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.

on . cookie the falls floor the

pieces into the . breaks cookie
up she . picks cookie the
it takes she to kitchen the .
package cookie a out she the . of

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3. She ___s the cookies into the trashcan.
4. Two plus two is ___.
6. I have 3 ___ of paper. There are 3 ___ of cake.
10. The refrigerator is in the ___.
12. She wants ___ cookie. She takes ___ cookie out of the
13. I like candy and ___s. I like chocolate chip ___s.
1. The cookie ___s into four pieces.
2. She ___s the cookie on the floor.
3. Put the trash into the ___.
4. The cookie ___s on the floor.
5. She ___s up the four pieces.
7. She ___s a cookie out of the package.
8. Take some cookies out of the ___.
9. Mop the ___. Sweep the ___.
11. These cookies taste good. I like ___.
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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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7. Dog Copies Cat

7. The cat licks its paws. The cat licks its belly. The dog
licks its paws. The dog licks its belly. The cat lies in the
grass. The dog lies in the grass. The cat rolls onto its
back. The dog rolls onto its back. The cat and dog do
things together. 0.0


back ............................ onto ...........................

belly ........................... paw ............................
grass ........................... roll .............................
lick ............................. things .........................
lie ............................... together.......................

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7. A Cat and a Dog
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
The cat licks its paws. The ________ licks its belly. The
dog licks ________ paws. The dog licks its belly.
________ cat lies in the grass. The ________ lies in the
grass. The cat ________ onto its back. The dog rolls
________ its back. The cat and dog ________ things

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.

the dog licks its . belly

belly dog . licks the its
grass the cat lies in . the
rolls the its . dog onto back
things together do . they

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6. The cat rolls ___ its back.
8. The dog lies in the ___. The ___ is green.
9. The cat ___s in the grass.
12. People have feet. Dogs and cats have ___.
13. The dog ___s onto its back.
14. The cat ___s its paws.

1. They do things ___.
2. The cat rolls onto ___ back.
3. A ___ chases a cat.
4. ___ things together. ___ your homework.
5. A ___ says meow.
7. The cat and dog do ___ together.
10. A fat man has a big ___.
11. The front door. The ___ door.

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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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8. Hungry for Hot Dogs

8. He opens the refrigerator. He looks inside the

refrigerator. He is hungry. He wants something to eat.
He sees a package. It is a package of hot dogs. Six hot
dogs are in the package. He takes two hot dogs out of
the package. He closes the refrigerator. He puts the hot
dogs on a plate. 3.1

close package
hungry plate
inside refrigerator

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8. Hungry for Hot Dogs
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
He opens the refrigerator. He looks ________ the
refrigerator. He is hungry. He ________ something to
eat. He sees a ________ . It is a package of hot _______ .
Six hot dogs are in the ________ . He takes two hot dogs
out ________ the package. He closes the refrigerator.
________ puts the hot dogs on a ________ .

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.

he looks . the refrigerator inside

sees of he a . dogs package hot
are in hot the eight . dogs package
. out of two dogs takes hot he
package the
on plate puts the . hot a he dogs

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1. Six hot ___ are in the package.
4. He looks ___ the refrigerator.
8. He ___s the refrigerator door.
9. He ___s the hot dogs on a plate.
10. The ___ is in the kitchen. He opens the ___ door.
12. The hot dogs are in a ___ in the refrigerator.
14. He ___s the refrigerator door. He looks inside.
15. ___ dogs taste good with mustard.

2. He ___s a package of hot dogs.
3. Three plus three is ___.
5. He wants ___ to eat.
6. He puts the hot dogs on a ___.
7. He is ___. He wants something to eat.
11. He ___s two hot dogs out of the package.
13. He ___s a hot dog every day.

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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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9. Her Book and Her Cats

9. She picks up the book. It is her favorite book. It has a

red cover. It has 52 pages. It has many pictures. It has
pictures of many animals. She likes animals. She has two
cats. She likes her cats. Their names are Fluffy and
Muffy. She shows them the pictures in the book. 1.8


animal many
book muffy
cover page
favorite picture
fluffy show
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9. Her Book and Her Cats
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
She picks up the book. It her favorite book. It has a
cover. It has 52 pages. It many pictures. It has pictures
of ________ animals. She likes animals. She has
________ cats. She likes her cats. Their ________ are
Fluffy and Muffy. She shows ________ the pictures in
the book.

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

the words to put them into a correct sentence.

is it her . book favorite

the has a red . cover book
has . pictures animals of the book
. quickly things new learn they
teacher to . kids the likes the teach

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3. Her ___ book has a red cover.
4. She ___s her cats. Her cats ___ her.
6. She ___s the book to her cats.
7. She ___s up the book. She opens it.
12. She has ___ cats--Fluffy and Muffy.
13. She likes ___. Her book has pictures of ___.
14. Her book has ___ of many animals.
1. There are 52 ___ in her favorite book.
2. Her favorite book has a ___ cover. The pages are white.
5. Her favorite ___ has pictures of animals. She reads the
8. She has two ___. Their names are Fluffy and Muffy.
9. The ___ of her book is red. The book has white pages.
10. The ___ of her cats are Fluffy and Muffy.
11. It is only one book, but it has ___ pictures.

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Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

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10. Kids and Their Teacher

10. He has a job. He is a teacher. He teaches kids. He

teaches them how to read. He teaches them how to spell.
The kids are fast learners. They learn how to read
quickly. They learn how to spell quickly. He likes his job.
He likes kids. He likes to teach kids new things. 0.0
job ............................... new ..............................
kid ............................... quickly ..........................
learn ............................ spell .............................
learner ......................... teach ............................
like .............................. teacher .........................

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10. Kids and Their Teacher
Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.
He has a job. He is ________ teacher. He teaches kids.
He teaches ________ how to read. He teaches them
________ to spell. The kids are fast ________ . They
learn how to read quickly. ________ learn how to spell
quickly. He ________ his job. He likes kids. He ________
to teach kids new things.

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.

he read to how them teaches .

learners fast are . kids the

to kids spell learn . how

the likes teacher to the teach . kids

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2. I like her. I like him. I like both of ___.
3. She has an old car. He has a ___ car.
4. Some kids read slowly. Some kids read ___.
6. He knows how to ___ cat: C-A-T.
8. Watch TV. Listen to music. ___ a book.
9. A student learns. A ___ teaches.
11. ___ go to school. They learn from teachers.

1. Students are ___. They learn every day.
2. He teaches kids new ___. Kids learn new ___.
5. A turtle is slow. A cat is ___.
7. He ___s his job. He ___s to teach.
10. He ___ a job. It is a good job.

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Gap-fill exercise
Fill in all the gaps, Find the missing word in the story.

Mixed-up Sentence Exercise

Put the words into a correct sentence.

Word Search
Find the words, words in two directions only. Over or down.

GooD News Scribe eBook Page 52 of 52

This is a work in progress. Some additions of mine, illustrations
are downloaded from the internet, as well as the stories, but I am
collecting ii into a printable book I also have all the sound files,
which are all dowloaded from the owners website, as I
understand it it is all free to download, and this is how I will
prsent it to my students. An EFL school in the country side of
Thailand. So it is hard to find suteable materials for this kind of

If you are interested in more of the material or the development

of this booklet, you can contact me through my website:

God Bless Freddi

Jesus is the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords!
God intends us to do everything TOGETHER!!

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