Octafjrotc Newsletter

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October 2017
Check us out on AFJROTC.COM H Q A F J u n i o r RO T C

From the Acting Director...

Its already the start of School Year 17-18! Time has flown by but it hasnt been without
a great deal being accomplished by your HQ Stafftheyve been busy and we have some
great news to share.

We have been asked by the CSAF to lead one of five Working Groups (WG-2) in support of
the Aircrew Crisis Task Force (ACTF). The lack of available aircrew members is a national
crisis and in recognition of this significant issue the CSAF stood up the ACTF. WG-2 is
directed to focus on the intake side of the issue as it has been recognized by the entire
aviation community that a desire to be involved in aviation must be developed/planted
at an early age. Our involvement with the ACTF has generated a tremendous interest in
Mr. Scotty Lewis AFJROTCa good thing for the entire program. One of the first initiatives for WG-2 is to
AFJROTC Acting Director develop an AFJROTC Flight Academy. The Flight Academy will essentially be a CSAF Private
Pilots License (PPL) Scholarship for AFJROTC cadets to attend a university with an aviation program. We are currently
developing the details in coordination with several major universities that have ROTC Detachments and aviation programs.
The basic idea is for handpicked cadets to attend an eight week course within which they will complete ground school and
graduate with their PPL. Our Proof of Concept (POC) should take place next summer. We will work with you to select 120
cadets for our first Flight Academy class. Ultimately the goal is to send 1% of our cadet corps through our Flight Academy.
This is a huge undertaking for your headquarters and the entire team is pulling together to make it a reality. You can expect
clear guidance and requirements to submit cadets for this incredible opportunity. We believe it will become an awesome
recruiting tool and for those that participate it will set them on a path for life changing career.

At the same time, we are working with ROTC to establish a pathway for cadets interested in aviation. The intent is to
have a clear, achievable steps to ultimately join the aviation community. The pathway is currently either unknown or so
intimidating and expensive that our youth do not choose to consider aviation as a career choice. Because this is a national
issue, this career path is becoming and will remain extremely
lucrative for those working in anything related to aviation.
In This Issue...
We have also hired Major Mike Allen and MSgt Larry Nix to
focus on one long standing headquarters weakness: Leadership From the Acting Director 1
Development Requirements (LDRs, AKA co-curriculars). We From the Support Division 3
have failed to provide turn-key LDRs which take the burden
off of our instructors to do all of the research, etc. to make them Instructor Management Corner 4
successful and useful. Major Allen and MSgt Nix have/will fully Leadership Development Requirements..... 5
develop each LDR to ensure they are easily added to any unit
Curriculum Update ........................................ 6
that desires to do so. There is much to be done in this area and
we have the right team for the job. News & Noteworthy...................................... 9

From the Acting Director (cont)...
WINGS is infamous for being unfriendly to users. We have worked hard to come up with the funds to hire additional
contracted programmers to specifically focus on modernizing the interface with WINGS. Most of us are fairly conversant in
the use of icons and apps.a program called Fluid will be used to completely change and simplify how we all use WINGS.
This initiative has always been on our wish list but we have not been able to afford the contract, but due to some fall out
funds we may finally be able finally scratch this off of our list.

We are working hard and understand there is much more to do! Momentum is on our side and we intend to take full
advantage while we can. Welcome back and best of luck with this school year.

afjrotc.com 2
From the Support Division...
On behalf of the entire JROTC Support Staff (Logistics, Finance
and Administration), Id like to welcome back to all of you
instructors and cadets. We want this year to be a positive
experience for all of us. With that in mind, we will be working
on strengthening our ties with you and continually working to
improve our support to your unit.

The summer here in HQ AFJROTC was quite productive for us.

JICC was a great success, and we really enjoyed meeting all of
the new instructors and fielding all their questions. Getting
them off to a great start is very important to us here.

As we enter this new school year, I want to send out some

finance and logistic tips to help make your job easier.

The following are three helpful hints that will make the credit
card process flow more seamlessly:

When purchasing from vendors with a shipping fee, please

ensure to adjust the requested amount for your transaction,
the estimated amount for most GSA request that require
shipping is usually between $50-$100. Contact the vendor to Lieutenant Colonel Vanessa Saks
receive an exact amount. Chief, Support Division

Ensure that the ten day suspense is meet for uploading a MILPER receipt. This is important because HQ must reconcile our
accounts and we cannot do that until all receipts are received.

Be sure to submit your transaction with a requested amount. If the amount entered is set with $0.00, then HQ must seek
further information which will cause a delay in processing the order.

Logistics Tips:

To obtain the status of items ordered from EMALL thru WINGS go to: WINGS | Logistics | Receive items and click search.
Select the order. The requisition number starts with FG3037 and will appear in the Requisition ID column; if the order has
been in processing status for more than 30 days you will need to contact DLA. Send that FG number to dlacontactcenter@
dla.mil or call them at 1-877-352-2255, but please do not call and send an e-mail. (Please either call OR send an e-mail, but
not both.) If an item has been shipped, ask the DLA rep for the delivery date and who signed for it. This does not apply to
contracted items or items stored at the Gunter Warehouse.

As an additional reminder, please contact your RD to transfer money between EMALL and MILPER. The Logistics staff no
longer has this capability.

Be sure to catch us on our web page at: www.afjrotc.com, and our Facebook page at HQ AF Junior ROTC.

Finally, if you ever need my assistance, you can reach me at (334) 953-1597, or [email protected].

3 https://www.holmcenter.com/media/jrotc/Oct2017AFJROTCNewsletter.pdf
Instructor Management Corner

Leaders. Seminar Leaders always the revised form and the policy
make or break JICC. Congratulations was to make the process more clear
to all Seminar Leaders for making as it related to performance ratings
JICC 2017 the success it was! and the impact those ratings have.
Please familiarize yourself with all of
Next summer, JICC will be held 11 to that to avoid any surprises.
22 June 2018. All new instructors
hired before 1 April 2018 are As we all know, having a full
required to attend. Those hired instructor team is necessary to
on or after 1 April 2018 may be provide a top-quality program.
deferred to JICC 2019. Additionally, For those of you who intend to
those instructors who received a retire or resign at the end of this
Does Not Meet Standards unit school year, please let us know as
evaluation score, or those who soon as possible. Once we know
Mr. David Richerson have been otherwise directed, are you intend to depart, we can
Chief, Instructor Management required to attend JICC 2018. If advertise the pending vacancy. If
there any Humanitarian issues you wait until May to tell us you
that would create a deferment are retiring/resigning in June, we
Welcome back for another need, please email HQ-Instructor may have a harder time finding
promising year of building citizens Management early. your replacement. For those of
of character! I hope you were all you considering transferring to
able to (somewhat) recharge your Instructor Development. Did you another AFJROTC unit in summer
batteries over the summer break. know that you -a sitting AFJROTC 2018, please be sure you know the
Time marches on. instructor- is the best recruiting requirements listed in Chapter 17
mechanism for AFJROTC to obtain states (plus the policy recent letter
The 2017 Junior ROTC Instructor new instructors? We always need changes).
Certification Course (JICC) was new instructor applicants. I ask that
a huge success. Feedback from you use your influence and contacts As always, you can send your
all attendees indicated a 98.4% to let others know about what you questions to me at david.
agreement that JICC does what do and how they might become [email protected], or call me at
is supposed to do: provides new an instructor. Refer any interested 334-953-7742.
instructors with the tools they need parties to www.afjrotc.com.
to effectively perform their teaching Have a safe and productive fall
and administration duties at their I recently sent out a revised AFJROTC semester!
JROTC unit. A special thanks to the Form 98 and policy letter that
thirty eight instructor dedicated updates many areas of Instructor
instructors who served as Seminar Management. The intent behind

afjrotc.com 4
Leadership Development Requirements
Who do I contact to get information on starting up a
marksmanship program? What are the details of the
multi-copter program? When is my registration due for
CyberPatriot? Where is the JROTC Joint Leadership and
Academic Bowl held? How do I sign my cadets up for a
Civil Air Patrol Orientation Flight?

These are just a few examples of questions you may have

had at some point. You likely reached out to your Regional
Director or someone else at Headquarters to get the
answer. The who or how may have been inconsistent.
To that end, many of you have recommended that there
be a dedicated section to handle the 5 Ws of co-
curricular activities.

HQ AFJROTC leadership recognized that need and

subsequently stood up the Leadership Development
Requirements branch (LDR), formerly known as co-
curricular. MSgt Larry Nix and I are at the helm and I can
assure you that we are ecstatic about this opportunity.
You signed on to train high school cadets in citizenship,
promote community service, and instill personal
responsibility, character, and self-discipline. I would
offer that you arent as effective if you are constantly
researching the 5 Ws of a critical piece of that framework-
-Leadership Development Requirements. Our goal is to
alleviate that strain by conducting the research, providing
relevant resources and references, down to the miniscule
details in order to allow you, our customer, to focus on
developing our cadets.

This new conduit of information is evolving daily as we define the scope and delivery of services we strive to provide. In
the coming months, our plan is unveil a repository of verified data for you to pull from. We ask that you be patient in the
interim. To that end, please dont shy away from asking us questions. We are learning too and can serve you while codifying
the processes. If something is not in our lane, we will get you to the appropriate person. In many cases, you might be
redirected to your Regional Director.

We look forward to being a part of your team. Thank you for all you do for our youth and what you have done for our


Maj Mike Allen and MSgt Larry Nix


5 https://www.holmcenter.com/media/jrotc/Oct2017AFJROTCNewsletter.pdf
Curriculum Update...
New LE 200 Available to Order
The new Leadership Education 200: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership Second Edition is available for ordering.
The new textbook is similar in content to the current textbook, and the revision features all the 21st century enhancements
we have incorporated over the past years.

It includes:

Hardcover full-color textbook with CD & electronic files

Instructor Guide with Volumes 1 and 2 and DVD with electronic


Lesson plans with updated format using the Revised Blooms

Taxonomy, and test bank filesboth in Word

Minimum of 4 activities per lesson, projects, & rubrics

Correlations to McREL national standards, Common Core State

Standards, & ISTE Standards for Students

Turning Point Cloud formatted files with PowerPoint slides, &

lesson, vocabulary, & test questions

LE 200 v2 Install Application

TPC Install instructions on the DVD

The projects for project-based learning include:

Writing a reflection paper on effective communication

Creating and publishing an AFJROTC newsletter

Creating presentations on admired leaders

Performing a service project at the school or in the community

The new companion website contains crossword puzzles, interactive glossary, interactive flashcards, quizzes, checkpoints
lesson review questions from the textbook, web links providing additional information, and additional teacher resources.
Access instructions for the website are in the Instructor Guides on pages x-xi.

A new feature of this course is the Common Standards Correlations that correlates the common elements of the lessons
to the standards. The common elements include completing the textbook Quick Write, reading and interpreting the
lesson and visual images, completing the textbook Checkpoints Lesson Review questions, participating in class discussions,
completing the activities, and interacting with others. This Common Standards Correlations is also applicable to the
other AFJROTC courses.

The mandatory time frame for implementing this course is fall 2018 for academic year 2018-2019. Refer to the 2017-
2018 CPMF on page 11 for detailed ordering instructions through WINGS | Logistics. The maximum number for ordering
per school is 40 textbooks (V-7216T, 2016) and two instructor guides (V-8216G, 2016). If you require more textbooks
than that, you need to provide justification for approval. Refer any questions for ordering curriculum materials to HQ-
[email protected].

The POC for the course is Linda Sackie, Instructional Systems Designer, Holm Center Academic Affairs Directorate; e-mail:
[email protected].

afjrotc.com 6
Curriculum Update...

As a reminder, we have created updates to the Cultural Studies textbook (2010) and Exploring Space textbook (2010) and
placed them on the respective companion websites. They are located in the Teacher Resources sections; new updates are
added periodically. Additionally, there are changes and updates to The Science of Flight located on its companion website;
updates to other courses are added as needed. Here are the updates for culture and space:

Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Global Awareness


Terrorism and the Rise of IS SOVIET REPUBLICS
Dashed Hopes of Arab Spring Russia and Ukraine
Syrias RefugeesNowhere to Return CHAPTER 5: LATIN AMERICA
CHAPTER 2: ASIA Progress and Setbacks in Latin America
The Aftermath of Japans Fukushima Disaster The Impact of the Zika Virus on Latin America
Territorial Dispute in the South China Sea CHAPTER 6: EUROPE
The State of Womens Issues in India Economic Woes in Greece
Africa Hopeful Trends WORLDWIDE
Africa Terrorism Terror Attacks Continue Worldwide
Dashed Hopes of Arab Spring
Conflict in South Sudan

Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Global Awareness

Astronaut Scott Kelly Breaks US Record NASAs Space Shuttle Officially Ends
Commercial Space Flight New Dwarf Planet Discovered Beyond Plutos Orbit
Death Star New Horizon Continues Mission Beyond Pluto
Exploring Comets and Asteroids Saturns Enceladus Moon New Photos New Findings
Exploring Pluto SOHOs Secret Power
Junos Mission to Jupiter Studying our Sun
Mars Rover Curiosity Supplying the International Space Station
Mars Rovers Our Robotic Explorers The Chandra X-ray Observatory
Mars Water Discovery Debate The Next Generation of Mars Rovers
Mission to Mars UpdateNASA Dawn Mission to Study
Dwarf Planets

Cultural Studies POC: Ms. Linda Sackie, [email protected]

Exploring Space POC: Mr. Mike Wetzel, [email protected]

7 https://www.holmcenter.com/media/jrotc/Oct2017AFJROTCNewsletter.pdf
Curriculum Update...
AFJROTC is pleased to announce a new educational
partnership with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
Universitys Gaetz Aerospace Institute to begin
providing dual-enrollment college credit coursework at
Florida AFJROTC units.

The Gaetz Aerospace Institute a STEM (science,

technology, engineering and math) dual-enrollment
education program offers tuition-free college credits
and hands-on experience in university level FAA pilot
ground school and UAV safety certification courses
for qualified AFJROTC cadets. Cadets enrolled in these
courses receive up to 15 college credits and career
technical education (CTE) credit towards graduation.

Of the 73 AFJROTC programs in Florida, ten units in

nine different school districts will take part in the
pilot program for the fall 2017-2018 semester. Embry-
Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) requires that all
instructors complete an ERAU hosted course certification program prior to teaching their curriculum. Pictured above are
the first ten instructors to successfully complete ERAUs certification program held this past June at their Daytona Beach

The ten Florida AFJROTC units participating are FL-20041, Timber Creek HS; FL-20064, Ocoee HS; FL-921, Osceola HS; FL-
822, Northeast HS; FL-20054, Jefferson HS; FL-20024, Eustis HS; FL-954, Lake Brantley HS; FL-043, Vero Beach HS; and FL-
824, Lake Worth HS.

Florida units interested in participating in these programs should contact Mr. Mike Wetzel, AFJROTC Academic Credit
Liaison at either [email protected] or (334) 953-7236.


For any and all AFJROTC.com email issues, please contact your
Regional Director by sending them an email from your school
provided email address requesting assistance. Please expect a
3-5 day turnaround for resetting your email. Please ensure that
you are checking your AFJROTC.com email daily or weekly for
important information and to keep your account open and active.

For WINGS issues, if you are locked out, please contact HQ-InstructorMgmt@
AFJROTC.com or [email protected]. Please ensure that
you are checking your WINGS account daily or weekly for important information and to keep your account open
and active.

Please note that the WINGS help desk does not have access to AFJROTC.com email system. These are two
separate systems with different issue resolution pipelines.

afjrotc.com 8
News & Noteworthy...
2017-2018 AFJROTC Academic Bowl High School (CA-935) juggernaut from winning their second
National JLAB championship as they outpaced all other
Level II Results schools by 220 points in the final round of competition.
Congratulations to our Air Force JROTC teams that Also, C/MSgt He from Scripps Ranch won her second
competed at the Joint Leadership Academic Bowl (JLAB) JLAB championship but, earlier this spring she received
Nationals this past weekend in Washington DC. Eight Air notification that she had scored a perfect score of 36 on her
Force JROTC teams competed with members of the Army ACT college examination. This young cadet is building an
JROTC, Navy JROTC and Marine Corps JROTC for the title of impressive college resume!
Academic Bowl National Champions. John F. Kennedy High
School (GU-051) came all the way from Guam and finished Again, congratulations to all of our Air Force teams! You did
in 3rd place to Sunnyslope High School (AZ-081) during the a phenomenal job representing the very best and brightest
Air Forces National Championships by only 3 points. During academic stars of Air Force JROTC.
joint competition, nothing could stop the Scripps Ranch


Air Academy High School USAF Academy, CO

Arlington Career Center Arlington, VA
Byron P. Steele High School Cibolo, TX
John F. Kennedy High School Tamuning, GU
North Quincy High School Quincy, MA
Sunnyslope High School Phoenix, AZ
Scripps Ranch High School San Diego, CA
St. Pauls School Covington, LA

The dates for the 2017-2018 JLAB competition are listed below. This is an awesome opportunity to challenge your cadets
and help prepare them for a bright future. Participation in this competition is highly encouraged.
October 1-25, 2017 Practice Round for Level I (open to all cadets!)
November 1-20, 2017 Team Registration
November 1-20, 2017 Level I
February 1-15, 2018 Level II
June 22-26, 2018 Level III - The Championship in Washington, DC
Please visit http://collegeoptionsfoundation.net/ for more information.
Note: It is HQs intent to fund 16 teams to attend the Level III Championship this year. More information to follow.

9 https://www.holmcenter.com/media/jrotc/Oct2017AFJROTCNewsletter.pdf
News & Noteworthy...
AFA Announces StellarXplorers III National Champions
StellarXplorers inspires and attracts high school students to pursue studies and careers in science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through a challenging, space system design competition involving all aspects
of system development and operation with a spacecraft/payload focus.

The dates for the 2018 StellarXplorers competition are listed below. Participation in this challenging competition is
highly encouraged.

It is not too late to register a team and participate in the competition.

October 15, 2017 - Team Registration Deadline

October 26-29, 2017 - Practice

November 10-12, 2017 - Qualification

December 1-3, 2017 - Practice

December 15-17, 2017 - Qualification

January 12-14, 2018 - Practice

February 2-4, 2018 - Quarter Finals

March 2-4, 2018 - Semi Finals

April 16-21 or Apr 23-28, 2018 - Finals

May 1, 2018 - Registration Opens for StellarXplorers V Competition

Please visit: http://www.stellarxplorers.org/ for more information.

Note: HQ will fund the $200 registration fee for the first 50 (Non-Title 1) teams that want to participate in the
competition, we will get a list of the first 50 teams that register from StellarXplorers. Funds will be transferred
after FY18 funds are loaded, and then you can pay the registration fee by credit card. Registration fees are due by
1 December 2017.

Title 1 teams, StellarXplorers is waiving the registration fee for your teams.

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afjrotc.com 10
News & Noteworthy...


AY 2017/2018 AY 2017/2018
Awarded to a cadet for a On 6 March 2017, an EF-3 tornado touched down in Oak Grove, Missouri,
voluntary act of heroism which damaging or destroying 483 homes and 12 commercial buildings. MO-941
does not meet the risk-of-life (Blue Springs South High School) has a cross-town agreement with Oak
requirements of the Gold Valor Grove High School, where 18 of our cadets attend class. On 13 March 2017,
Award. forty-six MO-941 cadets gave up the first day of their Spring Break to assist
the Oak Grove community in disaster recovery efforts. Cadets conducted
CA-20066- Cadet Angel Wilson
270 hours of debris cleanup throughout the day for several residents and on
FL-20063 - Cadet Jesen Beach
public grounds throughout the town, under the direction of the Oak Grove
FL-20083 - Cadet Paolette Pimentel
City Halls relief center. The following cadets participated in disaster recovery
GA-958 - Cadet Greg Jones
and are recommended for the AFJROTC Cadet Humanitarian Award:
NC-075- Cadet Jonathan DeLaCruz
NC-075- Cadet Dakota Warren
NY-095- Cadet Michael Masopust
TX-20081- Cadet Tyler Jesse CO-20101- Cadet Alan Alvarez MO-941 - Cadet Isidro Tamayo
MO-941 - Cadet Errol Barbee MO-941 - Cadet Raonia Tillman
MO-941 - Cadet Gage Baska MO-941 - Cadet Michael Todd
COMMUNITY SERVICE MO-941 - Cadet Peyton Blomquist MO-941 - Cadet Jessika Tucker
WITH EXCELLENCE MO-941 - Cadet Rielly Bogert MO-941 - Cadet Peyton Ultican
AWARD, MO-941 - Cadet Jada Call MO-941 - Cadet Carlos Velasquez
AY 2017/2018 MO-941 - Cadet Shaylee Clifton MO-941 - Cadet Elijah Wilkinson
MO-941 - Cadet Dendera Davenport MO-941 - Cadet Braden Williams
NC-948 Cadet Aleah Brinn MO-941 - Cadet Truman Delles MO-941 - Cadet Connor Wood
MO-941 - Cadet Olivia Fleming OH-091- Cadet Cheyenne Raleigh
MO-941 - Cadet Spencer Ginther OH-091- Cadet Alissa Salyers
MO-941 - Cadet Matthew Girkin TX- 20062 - Cadet Austin Willson
MO-941 - Cadet Felicity Hanna UT-20061- Cadet Sayuri Catalan
MO-941 - Cadet Zachary Harp UT-20061- Cadet Carlos Peralta
MO-941 - Cadet Mason Harper UT-20061- Cadet Kyle Grable
MO-941 - Cadet Roy Hart
MO-941 - Cadet Miller Hicks
MO-941 - Cadet Krystal Hooten
MO-941 - Cadet Cody Jones
MO-941 - Cadet Taylor Jones
MO-941 - Cadet Kiaya Joseph
MO-941 - Cadet Frason Kalapurackal
MO-941 - Cadet Cody Kent
MO-941 - Cadet Christian Kiehne
MO-941 - Cadet Hayden Kolster
MO-941 - Cadet Kathleen LaVergne
MO-941 - Cadet Austin Langdon
MO-941 - Cadet Colin Lovdahl
MO-941 - Cadet Luis Luciano-Velez
MO-941 - Cadet Curtis Martinez
MO-941 - Cadet Bryli Masters
MO-941 - Cadet Hannah Mayes
MO-941 - Cadet Saige Mayes
MO-941 - Cadet Corie OTool
MO-941 - Cadet Joshua Paulsen
MO-941 - Cadet Nathan heppard
MO-941 - Cadet Bailey Smith
MO-941 - Cadet Jacob Solomon

11 https://www.holmcenter.com/media/jrotc/Oct2017AFJROTCNewsletter.pdf
News & Noteworthy...
In total Air Force JROTC drill teams
took home 68 National Championship
trophies! Outstanding job cades.

Armed Inspection

1st Place General Benjamin O. Davis

High School (TX-20121)

3rd Place Lebanon High School (OH-

Left: The Mustangs, John Jay High School, San Antonio TX - Alternative Arms National
5th Place Rutherford B. Hayes High Runners-up; Right: The Blue Aces, Brandeis High School, San Antonio TX - Unarmed
National Runners-up
School (OH-012)

Armed Commanders Trophy

3rd Place Waller High School (TX- MASTERS LEVEL
3rd Place William J. Brennan High 20065) Unarmed Dual Exhibition
School (TX-20101), Cadet Sojot
Unarmed Color Guard 2nd Place Tom C. Clark High School
Armed Regulation (TX-793), Silver Valor Cadets, Cadet
1st Place West Aurora High School
2nd Place - William J. Brennan High (IL-20141) Gonzalez and Cadet Cedillo
School (TX-20101) 3rd Place - Tom C. Clark High School
2nd Place - Lebanon High School (OH-
Armed Color Guard 771) (TX-793), Silver Valor Cadets, Cadet
Drake and Cadet Mosqueda
4th Place Rutherford B. Hayes High Unarmed Exhibition
School (OH-012) Demilitarized Armed - Solo Exhibition
1st Place Waller High School (TX-
20065) 1st Place Marietta High School (GA-
Unarmed Overall Championship 20021) Cadet Donlin
1st Place Springboro High School 3rd Place Springboro High School
(OH-081) 3rd Place Brandeis High School (TX-
(OH-081) 20083) (TX-20083) Cadet Cardona
Unarmed Inspection 5th Place West Aurora High School
(IL-20141) Demilitarized Armed - Dual Exhibition
2nd Place Springboro High School 1st Place John Jay High School (TX-
(OH-081) Open Color Guard
782) , Silver Eagles, Cadet Martinez and
Unarmed Commanders Trophy 3rd Place Earl Warren High School Cadet Gonzalez
1st Place Springboro High School 3rd Place Brandeis High School (TX-
(OH-081), Cadet Johannssen 4th Place Brandeis High School (TX- 20083), Night Hawks, Cadet Cardona
20083) (TX-20083) - Lady Aces and Cadet Darland
3rd Place Waller High School (TX-
20065), Cadet Wences 5th Place Brandeis High School (TX- Unarmed Commander Trophy
20083) (TX-20083) - Raptors
Unarmed Regulation 1st Place Brandeis High School (TX-
20083) Blue Aces Cadet Saniel
1st Place - Springboro High School (OH-

afjrotc.com 12
News & Noteworthy...

3rd Place Sandra Day OConner High Alternative/Mixed Color Guard Unarmed Flight Exhibition
School (TX-20082) Mighty Panthers
Cadet Park 3rd Place -John Jay High School (TX- 3rd Place Brandeis High School (TX-
782) Marching Mustangs 20083) Blue Aces
Demilitarized Armed Commander
Trophy Unarmed Color Guard 5th Place Tom C. Clark High School
(TX-793) Silver Valor
1st Place John Jay High School (TX- 2nd Place Tom C. Clark High School
782) Silver Eagles Cadet Monk (TX-793) Silver Valor Demilitarized Armed Exhibition

2nd Place Tom C. Clark High School 3rd Place Brandeis High School (TX- 2nd Place John Jay High School (TX-
(TX-793) Centurion Guard Cadet 20083) Blue Aces 782) Silver Eagles
Hollin 5th Place Sandra Day OConnor High 4th Place Tom C. Clark High School
Alternative/Mixed Inspection School Mighty Panthers (TX-793) Centurion Guard

2nd Place John Jay High School (TX- Demilitarized Armed Color Guard Air Force National Champions
782) Marching Mustangs 1st Place John Jay High School (TX- Unarmed
Unarmed Inspection 782) Silver Eagles
Champion Brandeis High School (TX-
3rd Place Tom C. Clark High School 2nd Place Brandeis High School (TX- 20083) Blue Aces
(TX-793) Silver Valor 20083) Night Hawks
Runner up Tom C. Clark High School
5th Place Brandeis High School (TX- 3rd Place East Paulding High School (TX-793) Silver Valor
20083) Blue Aces (GA-20051) Black Hawks
Demilitarized Armed Inspection Alternative/Mixed Squad Exhibition
Champion John Jay High School (TX-
1st Place John Jay High School (TX- 2nd Place John Jay High School (TX- 782) Silver Eagles
782) Silver Eagles 782) Marching Mustangs
Runner Up Tom C. Clark High School
5th Place East Paulding High School Unarmed Element Exhibition (TX-793) Centurion Guard
(GA-20051) Black Hawks 1st Place Brandeis High School (TX- Overall National Championship
Alternative/Mixed Regulation 20083) Blue Aces
Demilitarized Armed Overall
4th Place John Jay High School (TX- 4th Place Tom C. Clark High School Championship
782) Marching Mustangs (TX-793) Silver Valor
1st Place John Jay High School (TX-
Unarmed Regulation 5th Place John Jay High School (TX- 782) Silver Eagles
782) Snap II
1st Place Brandeis High School (TX- Unarmed Overall Championship
20083) Blue Aces Demilitarized Armed Squad
Exhibition 2nd Place Brandeis High School (TX-
4th Place Sandra Day OConnor High 20083) Blue Aces
School Mighty Panthers 1st Place John Jay High School (TX-
782) Silver Eagles Alternative/Mixed Overall
Demilitarized Armed Regulation Championship
3rd Place Tom C. Clark High School
2nd Place John Jay High School (TX- (TX-793), Centurion Guard 2nd Place John Jay High School (TX-
782) Silver Eagles 782) Marching Mustangs
Alternative/Mixed Platoon Exhibition
4th Place Tom C. Clark High School
(TX-793) Centurion Guard 4th Place John Jay High School (TX-
782) Marching Mustangs

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We are pleased to announce that William J. Brennan
A team of cadets from O.W. Holmes/Business Careers High School (TX-20101) has been named the national
High School (TX-781) in San Antonio, TX, were among 13 champions at the first ever National JROTC Fitness
finalists in the national championship round of the Air Challenge Championship, held 6-7 May 2017 in Daytona
Force Associations CyberPatriot IXThe National Youth Beach, FL. Pictured are the Spartan Bears, varsity team
Cyber Defense Competition All Service Division. The of William J. Brennan High School.
All Service Division began with 1,589 teams registered.
The group narrowed to 13 final teams, and each team
received an all-expense-paid trip to the CyberPatriot
National Finals Competition at the Hyatt Regency in
Baltimore, MD., where teams competed face-to-face and
defended virtual networks from a professional aggressor
team. Competitors participated in several timed events,
showcasing a cornucopia of cybersecurity skills, and
competed to win the coveted National Championship
award and scholarships.

The national finalists competed for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
overall, along with the CISCO Networking Challenge, AT&T
Mobile Device Component, Leidos Digital Forensic Event,
and the Facebook Challenge. O.W. Holmes won the CISCO
Networking Challenge and was ranked 4th overall. They
were one of two AFJROTC teams to make it to the national Spartan Bears, varsity team of William J. Brennan
competition out of 398 AFJROTC teams registered. High School.

Congratulations to Cadets Gentry and Velasquez, Class Act

Award Winners! TX-951 Space Shuttle Replica

Oak Ridge High School (TX-951) raising the colors with their
replica space shuttle, War Eagle, in the foreground. Built
on plans for a 1/4 scale model of the original, it can move
on its own power and is displayed in parades, elementary
schools and junior high schools.

Team members from left to right: C/Capt Daniel Forestier team

commander, C/Capt Colton Hurtt, C/Maj Mateo Morales, C/
Col Roberto Delgado, C/Lt Col Noah Woinicki, C/SMSgt Garren
Dockery, mentor Mr. Juan Guerrero, and coach CMSgt (ret.)
Colleen Curl.

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News & Noteworthy...


Merrill F. West High School (CA-20161) Air Force JROTC
cadets guarded a symbolic Tomb of the Unknown
Soldier in the campus quad on the morning of 22 May
2017 in honor of members of the Armed Forces who
have died in their countrys service.

Cadets from Jefferson High School (FL-20054) receive a pre-

flight briefing from local Civil Air Patrol (CAP) pilots.

Cadet Ezequiel Prado walks a post in front of the Tomb.

Cadets perform pre-flight checks with CAP pilots.

Cadets and CAP pilots pose in front of the aircraft before flight.
Cadet Jonathan Fuller places a wreath at the Tomb.



CAP aircraft prepares for take-off from an airport in St

Petersburg, FL, where the first ever scheduled commercial
flight took place.

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Five AFJROTC cadets from Federal test and demonstration) on how well
Way High School (WA-20052) (Patricia they could lead and follow.
Arango Lopez, Soleil Miyamoto,
Grace Tangonan, Callistus Tiweyang Cadet Grace Tangonan was a
and Cody Tyndall) completed the distinguished graduate (being in
demanding Hawaii AFJROTC Cadet the top 10 percent of the class).
Leadership Course (2017), two She received the AFJROTC Superior
graduating with honors. They were Performance ribbon and a plaque.
accompanied by MSgt (ret) Will Smith Cadet Cody Tyndall graduated with
and a female chaperone from within the Academic Achievement award,
the Federal Way High School. having amassed the highest score on
the written assessment. He received
Hosted by Kaiser High School (HI- the AFJROTC Achievement ribbon and
932) and held on Marine Corps a plaque.
Base Hawaii (Kaneohe Bay), 12-
17 June 2017, cadets throughout Cadet Tyndall received his award
the week competed in various from Lt Col (ret) John Sykes, senior
events to test their teamwork, instructor at Kaiser High School.
communication and leadership Cadet Tangonan received her award
skills. The Moonbase Alpha exercise from Federal Way High Schools own
tested their communication skills (predominantly situational), both MSgt Smith.
and their ability to collect, memorize physical and mental components
Not only did cadets receive rigorous
and process information in a time at the Leadership Reaction and
training in a tropical environment,
critical situation. The Tower Building Obstacle/Confidence Course The
they met and bonded well with
exercise tested their analytical, Race to the Top tested their physical
cadets from the islands, making new
communication and organization capabilities and their motivation in
friendships forever. All expressed
skills as designers, contractors and getting their flight (group) up to the
their gratitude to Federal Way High
builders. Under the guidance of top of the daunting Control Tower Hill
School, HQ AFJROTC and the school
U.S. Marines, cadets spent half a in the fastest time. And, to culminate
board for helping to make it happen
day tackling leadership challenges training they were assessed (written
for them.


Cadets from Blues Springs South High School (MO-
941) present the colors 19 June 2017 at the Taps
at the Tower ceremony at the National World War
I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, MO. The
annual ceremony honors our nations veterans
and their sacrifices, and for one week each year,
the museum hosts a sunset remembrance every
evening on the grounds of the National World
War I Memorial. The Blue Springs South High
School Color Guard presented the colors, while
the instructors, Col (ret) Stan Cole and SMSgt (ret)
Josef Albert, laid a wreath at the memorial before
From left to right: Luis Luciano-Velez, Nathan Sheppard, Isaac Hummel, the playing of Taps.
Nick Herman, and Jessika Tucker.

afjrotc.com 16
News & Noteworthy...


Cadets from Palo Verde High School (NV-20011) in Las Vegas, NV toured the Pan Am International Flight Academy on
26 April 2017. The cadets were briefed by Mr Phil Spessard, Training Center Manager. Mr. Spessard began his flying
career in the US Navy, and is type rated for multiple commercial aircraft. Commenting that the Navy taught me to
flyit is time to return that favor, he led cadets through a Boeing 737 system briefing, followed by a flight in a B-737
full motion simulator.


Congratulations to C/Maj Connor Goodrich of Edmond North
High School (OK-081) in Edmond, Oklahoma! He is the winner
of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
JROTC Cadet of the Year. He represented Oklahoma and Air
Force JROTC at the SAR National Convention in Knoxville, TN
in July, where he and his parents flew to accept the award and
present his award-winning essay. In addition, he will receive a
$4,000 cash award. Cadet Goodrich also presented his award
winning essay.

In addition to winning the SAR JROTC Cadet of the Year award,

Cadet Goodrich was elected as the Governor of Oklahoma
Boys State Convention in May. He is an active member of
units Armed Exhibition Team (Blue Knights), Competition Color
Guard, has a 4.1 GPA, and is a member of the National Honor
Society, Oklahoma Honor Society, Kitty Hawk Air Society, and is
a Daedalian Scholarship recipient. He is a rising senior this next
year at Edmond North High School.

Cadet Goodrich is currently the units Operations Officer and is Pictured Cadet Major Connor Goodrich
applying for scholarships to the US Air Force Academy, US Naval
Academy, and the US Military Academy at West Point.

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AFJROTC Cadet The idea is to provide a hand-up, not a hand-out, Crossman

said. This year, roughly 80 people nominated themselves or
others for the blue four-door sedan. The judges Crossman
Wins A Car recruited to select the winner recommended Soberanes
for the honor. Crossman took one look and quickly agreed.

ACCOMPLISHED VISTA HIGH GRADUATE Hes an amazing young man and he deserves the world, in
GIVEN VEHICLE IN AUTO REPAIR SHOP my opinion, Crossman said. There are lessons that we all
could learn from him. There are adults that arent even as

By Teri Figueroa Among Soberanes notables are his 4.5 GPA and ability to
For Juan Soberanes, getting a free car was a shock. speak English, Spanish and German the latter a language
he selected solely because it intrigued him.
Hes worked hard, though, so much so that he was chosen as
Vista High Schools Student of the Year this past spring. And Soberanes was a member of his high schools track
the 18-year-old recent graduate speaks three languages, and cross-country teams, took part in school advisory
has a three-page list of accomplishments that puts adults committees and interned for U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa.
to shame, and has a decent shot at an appointment to a He was also a member of the Air Force JROTC rose to
prestigious military service academy. the level of cadet colonel and aside from that served as
But the young man struggling to overcome poverty and a platoon sergeant for the North San Diego Young Marines.
adversity didnt know that one of his adult mentors was so Hector Marquez, executive officer for the Marines youth
impressed with him that hed quietly nominated the teen group, was the one who nominated Soberanes for the car.
to receive the car. He says Soberanes is extraordinarily special. He stands out
So it blindsided Soberanes when he was handed in front from the crowd.
of a crowd of people last Sunday at the Vista Rod Run on This kid, its so hard to pay him compliments because he
Aug. 6 the keys to the fully restored 2002 Nissan Altima. is so humble, Marquez said. He thinks that way because
It really hit me, he said this week. After all this work I he knows he is not done. He is still climbing.
have been putting in, I am being recognized for it. He wasnt always so driven. The epiphany came in ninth
Every summer for the past three years, Vista mechanic T.J. grade, when a then-overweight Soberanes was lazing
Crossman obtains and fixes up a used car, with the sole on the couch playing video games one day and a family
purpose of giving it away to someone who could really member asked: What are you going to do with your life?
use it. He bought the Altima and replacement parts, and He suddenly saw the struggles around him, in his
did the repairs at his own cost. He also recruited others neighborhood, even in his family.
to donate help including the detailing and hes still
hoping someone will help cover a year of car insurance for Soberanes got moving. He joined his school JROTC
Soberanes. program. He took tough classes, started doing volunteer
work, joined committees. He set goals.
The giveaway is part of a small but nationwide program
dubbed Wheels to Prosper, where auto repair shops fix I wanted something better, he said. I wanted a change. I
up and donate car to deserving folks in need. TJ Crossmans wanted to be the change.
Auto Repair in Vista is the only shop in San Diego County
signed on to the program. For him to come out fine without gangs or bad grades
would have been fine, Marquez, the executive officer,
said. But this guy is way beyond that.

afjrotc.com 18
News & Noteworthy...

Four years later and 40 pounds thinner, he is still goal- Scholarship in hand, Soberanes will head to the San
driven. His goals are listed on a hand-drawn pyramid on a Bernardino Mountain community of Crestline at the end
large poster board in his bedroom. of this month to attend Northwest Preparatory School.

The next goal on his list: an appointment to the Air Force I dont want to be average at whatever I do, Soberanes
Academy. This year he came close so close that academy said. I want to be the best at it. I dont feel comfortable
officials selected him for a special scholarship to help pay about being normal. It motivates me to do more and be
for prep-school training designed to improve his chances the best.
of getting into the academy next year.
And now hes got a reliable car to help him get where hes

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Every decade in OH-012s history was represented at their 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Delaware County Air Force Junior ROTC Unit OH-012 recently marked its 50th Anniversary, as well as the
50th Anniversary of the entire AFJROTC program. The program was inaugurated in 1966 with the activation
of 20 pilot units scattered throughout the United States, one of which was Unit OH-012 based at Rutherford
B. Hayes High School in Delaware, Ohio! Of the original 20, 12 are still active, making OH-012 one of the
12 oldest units in a program that now numbers 878 units worldwide!

Over the decades, OH-012 has served not only the students of Hayes but also those of partner institutions
Olentangy, Olentangy Liberty, Olentangy Orange, Buckeye Valley, Big Walnut, Delaware Christian, and
Westerville North High Schools, the OASIS Academy, and home-schooled Cadets.

To mark the milestone, OH-012 hosted a picnic at the Boy Scouts of America Simon Kenton Councils Camp
Lazarus near Delaware. An estimated 200 current and former Cadets, friends, family, instructors, parent
booster presidents, and school administrators attended. Every decade in OH-012s history was represented!
Noteworthy was the presence of Rick Wynkoop, a member of the original Cadet Corps activated in 1966,
who brought amazing photographs, clippings, and other memorabilia. Walter Hurd, CDR (ret), who was the
Assistant Principal of Hayes High School in 1966 was present. He was instrumental in bringing AFJROTC
to Hayes.

Others participating in the celebration included: Col (ret) Roger Schupp, the Senior Aerospace Science
Instructor (SASI) from 1978 to 1991; SMSgt (ret) Carl Semon, the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) from
1985 to 1996; Paul Craft, Col (ret), the current Delaware City Schools Superintendent; and Douglas Behnke
and Jerry Stewart, the former and current Delaware City Schools Executive Directors of Human Resources
and Facilities respectively. The current SASI and ASI of OH-012 are Lt Col (ret) Russ Anible and SMSgt (ret)
Doug Manley.

Former SASI Col (ret) Gary Chilcott, and former ASIs CMSgt (ret) Bill Williams and MSgt (ret) Thomas
Frazier were unable to attend but sent their greetings.

afjrotc.com 20
We require your help in developing a quality AFJROTC newsletter

ARTICLES - Please submit in a Word document with pictures

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AUTHOR(S) - Please clearly identify the author(s) of the articles.

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PICTURES - Cell phone pictures require much lengthier

editing techniques to appear as quality photos ... and
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PICTURE RELEASES - Ensure each Cadet pictured has their parental

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PICTURE CAPTIONS - We absolutely would love to be able to identify the action in

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clearly identified with this information.

The mission of AFJROTC is to "Develop citizens of character

dedicated to serving their nation and community."

The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high

school cadets in citizenship, promote community service,
instill ideals of responsibility, character, and self-discipline,
and provide instruction in air and space fundamentals.

The AFJROTC program is grounded in the Air Force core

values of integrity first, service before self, and excellence
in all we do.

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