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Yu-Chi Liu, Mark Wilkins, Terry Kim, Boris Malyugin, Jodhbir S Mehta

Lancet 2017; 390: 60012 An estimated 95 million people worldwide are affected by cataract. Cataract still remains the leading cause of blindness
Published Online in middle-income and low-income countries. With the advancement of surgical technology and techniques, cataract
February 24, 2017 surgery has evolved to small-incisional surgery with rapid visual recovery, good visual outcomes, and minimal
complications in most patients. With the development of advanced technology in intraocular lenses, the combined
treatment of cataract and astigmatism or presbyopia, or both, is possible. Paediatric cataracts have a different
Cornea and Refractive Surgery
Group, Singapore Eye Research pathogenesis, surgical concerns, and postoperative clinical course from those of age-related cataracts, and the visual
Institute, Singapore outcome is multifactorial and dependent on postoperative visual rehabilitation. New developments in cataract surgery
(Y-C Liu MD, J S Mehta MBBS); will continue to improve the visual, anatomical, and patient-reported outcomes. Future work should focus on
Department of Cornea and
promoting the accessibility and quality of cataract surgery in developing countries.
External Eye Disease, Singapore
National Eye Centre, Singapore
(Y-C Liu, J S Mehta); Department Introduction to the lens equator to form lens fibres that are gradually
of Cornea and External Eye The lens is a transparent biconvex structure, which helps compressed centrally and results in lens nuclear sclerosis
Disease, Moorfields Eye
to refract and focus light onto the retina. The lens is and opacity.2 A cortical cataract is often wedge-shaped,
Hospital, London, UK
(M Wilkins MBBS); Department composed of fibres, surrounded by a thin capsule, and is starting at the cortex and extending to the centre of the lens.
of Cornea and External Disease, supported by zonules on either side. The lens fibres are In posterior subcapsular cataract, a plaque-like opacity
Department of generated from the lens epithelium and migrate from the develops in the axial posterior cortical layer. In most
Ophthalmology, Duke
University, Durham, NC, USA
periphery towards the centre.1 Hence, the nucleus of the patients, more than one type of cataract is found.
(Prof T Kim MD); Department of lens is made up of older lens fibres, and newly formed lens Congenital cataracts refer to a lens opacity that presents
Cataract and Implant Surgery, fibres are located in the outermost layers of the lens, the at birth, whereas infantile cataracts refer to a lens opacity
S Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery cortex. A cataract is the loss of lens transparency due to that develops during the first year of life. Paediatric
State Institution, Moscow,
Russia (Prof B Malyugin MD);
opacification of the lens. In this Seminar, we discuss the cataracts can be unilateral or bilateral, depending on the
and Department of Clinical pathophysiology and classification, epidemiology, risk and cause. Approximately a third of paediatric cataracts are
Sciences, DukeNUS Medical protective factors, symptoms, management, complications, inherited, a third are associated with other ocular anom
School, Singapore (J S Mehta) outcomes, controversies, and future research questions alies or are part of a multisystem syndrome, and a third
Correspondence to: of cataracts. have undetermined causes (panel 1).1
Dr Jodhbir S Mehta, Singapore
National Eye Centre,
Cataractogenesis can be induced by drugs. Long-term
Singapore 168751, Singapore Pathophysiology and classification use of corticosteroids, administered by any route, is
[email protected] According to the cause, cataracts can be classified as age- strongly associated with posterior subcapsular cataract
related cataracts, paediatric cataracts, and cataracts formation. Other medications known to induce cataract
secondary to other causes. Age-related cataract is the most include phenothiazines, busulfan, miotics, and, rarely,
common type in adults, with the onset between age 45 years amiodarone.3 The relation between the use of statins and
and 50 years. Opacity of the lens is a direct result of cataract is still controversial.4 Other causes of cataract
oxidative stress.2 On the basis of location of opacification include mechanical trauma, chemical injury, electrical
within the lens, age-related cataracts can be divided into injury, and ionising, infrared, or ultraviolet radiation.1
three types: nuclear, cortical, and posterior subcapsular Changes of the lens also often occur secondary to chronic
cataracts (figure 1). The lens epithelial cells are the most uveitis, Fuchs heterochromic uveitis, and pseudo
metabolically active cells of the lens, undergoing oxidation, exfoliation syndrome.1
insolubilisation, and crosslinking. These cells then migrate
WHO estimated that there were 95 million people
Search strategy and selection criteria visually impaired due to cataracts in 2014.5 Several large-
We searched the Cochrane Library from Jan 1, 2000, to scale population-based studies have reported that the
Dec 31, 2016, and MEDLINE from Jan 1, 1980, to Dec 31, prevalence of cataract increases with age, from 39% at
2016, with no language restrictions, using the search terms age 5564 years to 926% at age 80 years and older.68
cataract, cataract surgery, and intraocular lens. We Additionally, the presence of cataracts is associated with
largely selected publications in the past 6 years, especially in increased mortality, and this association might be due to
the past 3 years, but did not exclude commonly referenced the link between cataracts and systemic conditions such
and highly cited older publications. We focused on as type 2 diabetes mellitus or smoking.9
meta-analysis and systematic review articles, randomised For the past two decades, the prevalence of cataracts has
controlled trials, large-scale clinical studies, or been declining because rates of cataract surgeryie, the
population-based studies. We also included information from number of surgeries per million population per year
standard ophthalmic textbooks and WHO. have been increasing because of the improved techniques
and active surgical initiatives.10 However, cataracts still

600 Vol 390 August 5, 2017


A Anterior capsule Lens epithelium



Nuclear cataract
Cortical cataract Cortex

Posterior capsule Posterior subcapsular cataract


Figure 1: Characteristics of lens structures and different types of cataracts

(A) A schematic view of lens structures and corresponding types of cataracts. Slit lamp biomicroscopy photos showing (B) nuclear cataract, (C) wedge-shaped cortical
cataract, and (D) subcapsular posterior cataract that has plaque opacity in the axial posterior cortical layer. Most patients have more than one type of cataract.

remain the leading cause of blindness in middle-income the USA, the annual expenditure on cataract surgery is
and low-income countries,5 accounting for 50% of US$34 billion,14 whereas in rural China, the cost for a
blindness, whereas they are responsible for only 5% of cataract operation can be twice a patients annual
blindness in developed countries.11 It is imperative to income.15 Numbers of annual cataract surgeries vary
implement a set of strategies to improve the access of among countries because of differences in accessibility
effective ophthalmic service and screening, and the for diagnosis and surgery, referral, and health-care
quality of treatment delivered in developing countries. systems (appendix).1620 There is also gender inequality in See Online for appendix
Cataract surgery remains one of the most cost-effective cataract surgical coverage in low-income and middle-
treatments and the most commonly used procedure in income countries, where men are more likely to have
many countries.12 By 2020, more than 30 million people cataract surgery than are women (Peto odds ratio
annually worldwide are predicted to undergo cataract [OR] 171, 95% CI 148197).21
surgery.13 The socioeconomic effect of cataract surgery is Paediatric cataracts are one of the most common
substantial. It allows people to increase their economic causes of treatable childhood blindness, with an
productivity by up to 1500% of the cost of the surgery estimated prevalence ranging from one to six per
during the first postoperative year,5 but if left untreated it 10000 livebirths.22 Congenital cataracts account for the
can result in an individual being removed from work.1 In majority of paediatric cases and 520% of childhood Vol 390 August 5, 2017 601


include the , , and crystallin, lens cytoskeletal protein,

Panel 1: Causes of paediatric cataracts connexin, membrane junction protein, growth and
Idiopathic transcription factor, ferritin light chain, and galactokinase
Hereditary genes.49
Ocular anomalies
Aniridia Symptoms
Anterior segment dysgenesis syndrome Different types of cataracts have different effects on
Persistent fetal vasculature visual symptoms. Patients often complain of blurred
Posterior lenticonus vision, and describe glare and haloes from lights.
Posterior pole tumours Nuclear cataracts typically affect distance vision more
Multisystem syndrome than near vision, whereas posterior subcapsular
Downs syndrome cataracts often reduce near visual acuity more than
Lowe syndrome distance visual acuity. The progressive nuclear sclerotic
Trisomy 1315 syndrome changes cause an increase in the lens refractive index.
Fabry disease This increase means that the cataractous lens can refract
Marfan syndrome light more than before, and hence the eye becomes
Alport syndrome more myopic. If this refractive index is not corrected
Myotonic dystrophy with glasses, then the patient experiences deterioration
Metabolic disorders in distance vision and paradoxically some improvement
Galactosaemia in near vision. Glare is particularly common in patients
Hypoglycaemia with posterior subcapsular cataracts. Patients might
Wilsons disease also complain of monocular diplopia due to localised
Hypoparathyroidism variations in the refractive index of the lens opacity.
Galactokinase deficiency Some patients might only have visual difficulty when
Maternal infection doing daily activities such as reading or drivingie,
Rubella visual disability.
Cytomegalovirus infection
Varicella Management
Syphilis The current standard of management of a visually
Toxoplasmosis significant cataract is surgical removal of the cataractous
Toxic effects lens and its replacement with an intraocular lens.
Corticosteroids Cataract surgery is indicated when the patient has vision
Radiation exposure loss of sufficient severity for them to accept the potential
Trauma risks of surgery. Cataract surgery is rarely indicated to
prevent glaucoma, treat lens-induced inflammation, or
permit adequate retinal visualisation. The outcome of
blindness worldwide, but 2230% of childhood blindness cataract surgery is independent of preoperative visual
in developing countries.2325 acuity.50 Despite the improvements in surgical technology
and techniques in the past decade, good surgical outcomes
Risk factors and protective factors still involve thorough preoperative assessment, precise
Cataractogenesis is a multifactorial process. Although the intraocular lens power determination, and appropriate
development of cataract in most patients is age-related, the intraoperative and postoperative management.
identified risk and protective factors provide information
about prevention of cataract progression (panel 2).1,7,2641 Preoperative assessment
Heritability of nuclear cataracts ranges from 36% to 48%, Most patients are able to have their surgery as a day-case
whereas genetic factors account for 35% of the variation procedure.51 Routine medical investigations before
in progression of nuclear cataracts.42,43 However, in com cataract surgery are not required and have not been
parison with congenital cataracts, knowledge about genetic shown to affect surgical outcomes.52 The surgeon should
susceptibility factors in age-related cataract is relatively be aware of the patients general medical problems and
scarce.44 Genes that might play roles in susceptibility to age- their use of any systemic or topical medications.
related cataracts are listed in panel 2.4448 Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents do not need to be
Approximately 50% of congenital cataracts have a discontinued because these drugs have not been shown
genetic cause. Autosomal dominant transmission is the to increase sight-threatening haemorrhagic compli
most frequent, but it can also be autosomal recessive or cations.53 1-adrenergic receptor antagonistscommonly
X-linked.49 More than 20 genetic loci have been identified, prescribed for benign prostatic hyperplasiaare
and the majority are related to genetic mutations associated with intraoperative floppy iris syndrome,
affecting lens development. These susceptibility loci which is linked to increased intraoperative compli

602 Vol 390 August 5, 2017


cations.54 Discontinuation of 1-adrenergic receptor

antagonists has little effect on the prevention of this Panel 2: Risk factors and protective factors for cataract formation
syndrome.55 If known in advance that a patient has taken Risk factors
an 1-adrenergic receptor antagonist then it is possible to Individual factors
modify the surgical technique to try to minimise risks of Increasing age
complicationseg, progressive intraoperative miosis or Low educational or socioeconomic status
iris prolapse. For paediatric cataracts, bilateral cataracts Female sex
are often associated with systemic or metabolic diseases, Racial or ethnic groups:
hence a detailed family or birth history, and history of the People of Asian ethnic origins have higher prevalence than do European people
childs growth and development are warranted. White people have higher prevalence than do Afro-Caribbean people
A detailed ophthalmic examination might include Genetic factors:
visual acuity testing, refraction, intraocular pressure, slit Two genome-wide significant loci for nuclear cataracts: chromosome 3 in
lamp examination, and fundus assessment to rule out KCNAB1 and chromosome 21 in CRYAA
other ocular comorbidities that could affect the Gene polymorphisms, including rs3754334, KLC1, APOE, XRCC1 Arg399Gln,
postoperative prognosis. Other tests that might be used GSTT1, and XPD Lys751Gln, might have roles in susceptibility to age-related
include B-scan ultrasonography, if direct visualisation of cataract
the retina is not possible because of dense cataract, and
contrast sensitivity and glare tests in selective patients. Lifestyle factors
The Lens Opacities Classification System III is a widely Ultraviolet-B exposure
used subjective grading to assess the cataract severity.56 Cigarette smoking
Decision making for cataract surgery also includes Alcohol consumption*
assessment of the visual functional status, especially Diet
limitations in the ability to do daily activities. These Consumption of carbohydrates with high-glycaemic index
aspects can be measured with clinical history or with Malnutrition
formal instruments or questionnaires, such as the Systemic medical problems
Catquest-9SF questionnaire, or the Visual Functioning Type 2 diabetes mellitus (cortical cataract and posterior subcapsular cataract)
Index-14, which was designed to assess patient-reported High systemic blood pressure (posterior subcapsular cataract and mixed lens opacities)
visual functioning.57 Metabolic syndrome (mixed lens opacities)
Moderate or severe renal impairment
Biometry and intraocular lens power determination Hypocalcaemia
An intraocular lens is implanted following cataract
removal (appendix). A benefit of cataract surgery is the Ocular disorders
ability, with the right intraocular lens power, to correct Myopic refractive error (nuclear opacity)
refractive errors. Accurate calculation of intraocular lens Large retinal drusen (mixed lens opacities)
power (ie, biometry) and identification of possible factors Protective factors
that might affect the accurate calculation are crucial to Maintaining a protein intake of 100150 g/day and a vitamin C intake of
ensure the desired postoperative refractive results approximately 135 g/day (in patients with nutritional deficiency)
(panel 3).5861 Increased consumption of vegetables
Vitamin E, carotenoids, vitamin A or B, or antioxidant supplements*
Anaesthesia for cataract surgery
*Inconclusive evidence. Inadequate evidence.
Anaesthesia for cataract surgery has progressed from
general to local (retrobulbar, peribulbar, subconjunctival,
or sub-Tenon anaesthesia) to topical anaesthesia. In
local anaesthesia, peribulbar anaesthesia is a safer 020113) and need for supplementary anaesthesia
alternative to retrobulbar anaesthesia because the (rate difference 388, 95% CI 1181275) were greater
needle is shorter and the tip is outside the retrobulbar in topical anaesthesia than in local anaesthesia.63 The
space. Possible complications of retrobulbar anaesthesia type of anaesthesia suitable for an individual patient
include retro bulbar haemorrhage, globe penetration, should be considered and discussed before the surgery.
and optic nerve injury, but the prevalence is low (0032 General anaesthesia should be considered for paediatric
0066%).62 Although topical anaesthesia has shown an patients and for patients who might not be cooperative
increase in use to avoid needle-related complications, a during surgery. Most patients are able to have their
meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials has shown procedure with local or topical anaesthesia, but topical
that there was no significant difference in surgery- anaesthesia might not be appropriate for patients with
related complications between local (peribulbar or lower pain thresholds. In developing countries, most
retrobulbar) and topical anaesthesia. Additionally, surgical procedures are done with larger incision; local
intraoperative and post operative pain perception anaesthesia is hence the most common form of
(standardised mean pain score difference 067, 95% CI anaesthesia used.64 Vol 390 August 5, 2017 603


whole or in fragments. Compared with extracapsular

Panel 3: Intraocular lens cataract extraction, manual small-incision cataract
Intraocular lens (IOL) surgery is associated with less surgically induced
Comprises a central optic responsible for refractive function, and haptics to support astigmatism, and therefore better visual and refractive
the IOL. outcomes can be achieved.66 Because both these
Commonly made of polymethylmethacrylate (not foldable), silicone (foldable), procedures do not require costly equipment or
or acrylic (foldable). consumables, they are still widely used, especially in
The standard IOL implanted is monofocal and it corrects the spherical power. developing countries.11 Extracapsular cataract extraction
Astigmatism-correcting IOLs (toric IOLs) correct astigmatism and reduce the need for substantially addresses the problems of cataract
glasses after surgery. blindness in developing countries.67 Manual small-
Presbyopia-correcting IOLs (bifocal, trifocal, or multifocal IOLs) offer reduced spectacle incision cataract surgery has comparable safety and
dependence after cataract surgery. efficacy to phacoemulsification although it is associated
Approximately 86% of patients with cataracts still receive standard monofocal IOL with greater postoperative astigmatism,68 hence it is the
implantation, largely because of the cost of astigmatism-correcting or technique of choice in surgical camps in low-income
presbyopia-correcting IOLs. countries or in high-volume eye-care hospitals where
For those who have inadequate posterior and anterior capsule support, an anterior phacoemulsification is not available.69
chamber IOL, trans-scleral sutured and externalised posterior chamber IOL (PCIOL), or Phacoemulsification is the procedure of choice for
iris-sutured PCIOL might be considered. Long-term clinical trials are needed to cataract surgery. An anterior opening in the lens capsule
determine the optimal technique. or capsulorhexis is made; the lens is emulsified by an
Special-design IOLs: aspheric intraocular lenses to reduce ocular spherical aberration, ultrasonic hand piece and is then aspirated through a
and blue-light-blocking IOLs to attenuate blue-wavelength light (studies did not 2232 mm incision, before an intraocular lens is
conclusively show the advantage of blue-light-blocking IOLs in age-related macular implanted into the capsular bag (figure 2). Compared
degeneration). with extracapsular cataract extraction, the smaller
incision expedites visual rehabilitation and reduces
IOL power determination occurrence of surgical complications such as intra
Various formulas are available to determine the IOL power. These formulas take into operative shallow anterior chamber, iris prolapse, or
account the constant specific to the IOL, patients axial length, and keratometry postoperative astigmatism.
reading. Newer generations of formulas incorporate more ocular measurements than During the surgery, an ophthalmic viscoelastic device
do older generationseg, anterior chamber depth, to improve the accuracy. is injected into the anterior chamber to replace the
Choosing the appropriate formulas with correct modification is important when aqueous humour. The properties of viscosity and
calculating the IOL power for eyes under special circumstances. For example, Barrett elasticity enable these devices to maintain the anterior
Universal II formula for eyes with long axial length, and Haigis-L method for eyes that chamber or intraocular spaces, and to allow instruments
have previously undergone refractive surgery. to be passed safely into the eye. The surface tension of
viscoelastics also enables them to coat and protect the
corneal endothelium from damage. Their use is manda
Surgery for age-related cataracts tory in modern cataract surgery to protect the corneal
Cataract surgery has evolved from intracapsular cataract endothelium and other intraocular structures from
extraction to extracapsular cataract extraction to manipulations during surgery. Ophthalmic viscoelastic
phacoemulsification. The comparisons of these three devices are non-toxic and optically clear, and are removed
surgical procedures and the detailed surgical techniques by aspiration following intraocular lens implantation at
are summarised in the appendix. Although intracapsular the end of surgery (figure 2).1
cataract extraction has been largely superseded by Following cataract removal, an intraocular lens is
modern cataract surgery, it is still occasionally used in implanted. In order to be implanted through a small
some less-developed countries.1,65 In extracapsular incision, foldable intraocular lenses have been developed.
cataract extraction, a limbal incision and an anterior Foldable intraocular lenses can be inserted into the
capsulotomy are made, and the lens nucleus and cortex capsular bag using a special forceps, or can be rolled and
are delivered by manual expression. This procedure loaded into a cartridge and then be implanted by an
leaves the posterior capsule intact, allowing the intraocular lens injector (figure 2).
intraocular lens to be implanted in the capsular bag and
providing more anatomical stability. Compared with Special situations
intracapsular cataract extraction, extracapsular cataract In situations for which the red reflex is compromised
extraction lowers the prevalence of intraoperative and (eg, white or mature cataracts, corneal opacity, or
postoperative complications, such as vitreous loss, paediatric cataracts), anterior capsular staining with
cystoid macular oedema, and trauma to the corneal trypan blue or patent blue enhances visualisation during
endothelium. Manual small-incision cataract surgery is capsulorhexis (appendix).70 In patients with zonular
a variant of extracapsular cataract extraction. It involves dehiscence or weakness, or subluxated lens (eg, patients
a smaller incision, and the lens is then removed in with traumatic cataract, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, or

604 Vol 390 August 5, 2017




Figure 2: Surgical steps in phacoemulsification cataract surgery

(A) OVDs are optically clear (arrows). They are used to maintain the anterior chamber and to protect the corneal endothelium when instruments move inside the eye.
(B) Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (arrows) is done to open the capsule, (C) and the step of hydrodissection used between the capsule and the lens cortex allows
the cataractous lens to be freed from the capsular bag (fluid wave; arrow). (D) A phacoemulsification device (arrow) is then inserted to emulsify and aspirate the lens
materials. (E) After removal of the lens materials and injection of OVDs (arrows), (F) an intraocular lens (foldable intraocular lens in this case; arrow) is implanted into
the capsular bag. OVDs=ophthalmic viscoelastic devices.

Marfan syndrome), iris hooks or a capsular tension the lens capsule is more elastic. The paediatric cataract is
ringdesigned to maintain the circular contour of the soft and can be easily aspirated by phacoaspiration.76
capsular bag and stabilise the capsulehave been shown Moreover, posterior capsule opacification is more
to be useful (appendix).71 Patients who are unable to have common after paediatric cataract surgery than after age-
their pupils dilated sufficiently before surgery have more related cataract surgery. Hence additional procedures,
intraoperative complications than those with sufficient such as polishing of the lens capsule, posterior laser
dilation.72 In such cases, the use of iris retractor hooks or capsulotomy, primary posterior capsulotomy, or anterior
pupil expansion rings are helpful to mechanically expand vitrectomy are widely practised to prevent posterior
a pupil.73 capsule opacification.77
Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery was first
described in 2010. This technology offers the ability to Postoperative management and follow-up
precisely automate some of the steps of cataract surgery Topical antibiotics, corticosteroids, or non-steroidal anti-
by the use of a laser. All laser platforms are composed of inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used for 14 weeks
an interface, docking and imaging systems to do the after surgery. The frequency of use, the choice of drugs,
clear corneal incisions, anterior capsulotomy, and lens and the frequency of postoperative follow-up visits vary
fragmentation (appendix).74 Immediately after the laser between surgeons and countries, and depend on the
treatment, the surgeon can proceed with phacoe mulsi postoperative clinical course. Corticosteroids or NSAID
fication of the lens and intraocular lens insertion. The actual drops, or both, are used more frequently and for longer in
clinical benefits of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract eyes with complications or in those at risk of postoperative
surgery have yet to be convincingly proven against its inflammation. A typical postoperative follow-up schedule,
negative cost-effectiveness. following age-related cataract or paediatric cataract
surgery, consists of examining the patient at 1 day, 1 week,
Surgery for paediatric cataracts 1 month, and 3 months after surgery,1 but this follow-up
The timing of surgery for congenital cataract is important. schedule does vary internationally. For patients who have
A key period for visual development is the first 6 weeks of had uncomplicated small incision surgery, the refraction
life, and extraction of cataracts within the first 610 weeks usually stabilises 1 month following surgery, and a
of life can prevent the risk of development of stimulus spectacle prescription, if necessary, can be considered.78
deprivation amblyopia, strabismus, and nystagmus.75 The Infants and children might have more severe
anterior capsulorhexis in paediatric cataract surgery is postoperative inflammation, and therefore treatment
more difficult than in age-related cataract surgery because with postoperative topical corticosteroids or NSAIDs, or Vol 390 August 5, 2017 605


posterior capsule rupture, toxic anterior segment

syndrome, or detachment of Descemets membrane)
Intraoperative complications could damage the corneal endothelial cells irreversibly
Posterior capsule rupture with or without vitreous loss 0552% and lead to bullous keratopathy, a common indication for
Intraoperative iris floppy syndrome or iris prolapse 0520% corneal transplantation. Pre-existing endothelial disease,
Iris or ciliary body injury 0612% such as Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, is a known risk
Lens materials dropped into vitreous 000202% factor associated with persistent corneal oedema after
Suprachoroidal effusion with or without haemorrhage 004% surgery.107
Early postoperative complications Endophthalmitis is the most serious sight-threatening
Transient elevated intraocular pressure 03181% postoperative complication, and the prevalence is
Corneal oedema 0154% 0006004%.8791 Intraoperative complications, such as
Toxic anterior segment syndrome 0121% posterior capsule rupture or vitreous loss, are risk factors
Intraocular lens decentration or dislocation 0117% for the development of postoperative endophthalmitis.
Retained lens materials 0517% Other reported risk factors include patients with
Wound leak or rupture 00211% immunosuppressive diseases (eg, type 2 diabetes),
Hyphaema 00201% silicone intraocular lenses, a clear cornea incision, and
Endophthalmitis 0006004% male sex.87,88,105,108 Reported predictors of poor final visual
Late postoperative complications acuity after endophthalmitis include poor initial visual
Posterior capsule opacification 03284% acuity at presentation, old age, severe initial presentation
Clinical cystoid macular oedema 12110% with corneal oedema or a hypopyon greater than
Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy 0354% 15 mm, detection of bacterial species other than
Anterior capsule fibrosis and phimosis 04733% coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species, and absence
Chronic uveitis 1118% of fundus visibility. Overall, 4957% of patients do not
Retinal tear or detachment 0113% recover vision better than 20/40 (6/12).109111 Preoperative
Endophthalmitis 0017005% use of povidone-iodine into the conjunctival sac, and a
watertight incision closure, are important for the
Table: Prevalence of complications of cataract surgery prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis. The
European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
both, should be more aggressive. In children with multicentre study showed that an intraoperative
aphakia, pupil-dilating drops should be used.79 intracameral injection of cefuroxime (1 mg per 01 mL)
effectively reduced the occurrence of postoperative
Complications endophthalmitis.109 However, formulated preservative-
Complications of cataract surgery can occur intra free antibiotics in doses appropriate for intracameral
operatively or in the early or late postoperative period, as injection are not commercially available in most
summarised in the table (appendix).1,54,80104 The most countries, hence prophylactic use of intracameral
common intraoperative complication is posterior capsule antibiotics is not yet universally adopted. Treatment of
rupture, with a prevalence of 0552%.80,81 Consequences endophthalmitis involves rapid assessment and the use
of posterior capsule rupture include retained lens of intensive fortified topical board-spectrum antibiotics
fragments in the anterior chamber or vitreous, cystoid and intravitreal antibiotic injections. The Endophthal
macular oedema, vitreous prolapse or traction, retinal mitis Vitrectomy Study suggested that immediate pars
detachment, endophthalmitis, elevated intraocular plana vitrectomy is indicated when patients initial visual
pressure, intraocular inflammation or haemorrhage, acuity reduces to light perception. Intravenous antibiotics
corneal oedema, and intraocular lens dislocation.81,82 An are of no benefit.112
occurrence of posterior capsule rupture increases the risk Clinical cystoid macular oedema can occur after cataract
of endophthalmitis by six times (pooled OR 633, 95% CI surgery with peak prevalence at approximately 46 weeks.
422949),105 and the likelihood of retinal detachment The reported prevalence is 12110%, even in the absence
surgery by 1518 times.80,106 Old age (>65 years), dropped of other complications and risk factors.1,99 However, this
lens fragment into the vitreous, and postoperative retinal, prevalence might be as high as 514% after uncomplicated
corneal, and intraocular lens complications are poor phacoemulsification when using optical coherence
prognostic factors for visual outcomes after posterior tomography, a modern imaging technique for the retina,
capsule rupture.82 to assess the macula.113,114 Risk factors associated with
Postoperative corneal oedema usually occurs imme cystoid macular oedema include posterior capsule rupture,
diately after surgery and generally resolves within type 2 diabetes, history of cystoid macular oedema, and
24 weeks. Surgical endothelial trauma resulting from pre-existing epiretinal membrane.99,115 Spontaneous
protracted surgical manipulations, persistent post resolution within 6 months occurs in the majority of
operative inflammation or elevated intraocular pressure, patients, hence it is difficult to assess the effect of
or intraoperative or postoperative complications (eg, therapeutic agents for cystoid macular oedema.1,115 Topical

606 Vol 390 August 5, 2017


corticosteroids, topical NSAIDs, and periocular cortico patients with visual outcomes that are tailored to their
steroid injections are commonly used treatments.116 lifestyle needseg, options for monovision or specially
Posterior capsule opacification is the most common designed intraocular lenses with advanced performance
postoperative complication. It is the consequence of capabilitieswhereas in developing countries the main
proliferation of remnants of lens epithelial cells. This purpose of surgery is still for visual restoration.
proliferative opaque membrane causes decreased visual For astigmatism correction using toric intraocular lenses,
acuity, blurred vision, or glare. There is substantial a meta-analysis including 13 randomised controlled trials
heterogeneity among published rates of posterior capsule found that toric intraocular lenses successfully provided
opacification because it is age-dependent and related to better postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity
the intraocular lens material, intraocular lens design, (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution mean
amount of residual lens cortex, history of ocular difference 007, 95% CI 010 to 004), greater spectacle
inflammation, and size of capsulorhexis.1 Findings from independence (risk ratio [RR] 051, 95% CI 036071), and
a meta-analysis revealed that silicone and square-edged lower amounts of residual astigmatism (diopter mean
intraocular lenses have lower posterior capsule difference 037, 95% CI 055 to 019) than non-toric
opacification than hydrogel and round-edged intraocular intraocular lenses, without increasing the number of
lens.117 Pooled estimates of the incidence of posterior perioperative complications (RR 173, 95% CI 060504).131
capsule opacification are 118% at 1 year (95% CI With regard to multifocal intraocular lenses, a recent meta-
93143), 207% at 3 years (93143), and 284% at analysis including 126 studies concluded that multifocal
5 years (93143).100 Neodymium-doped yttrium intraocular lens implantation provided high proportions of
aluminium garnet laser capsulotomy is the most uncorrected vision for both distance and near visual tasks,
frequently used treatment of posterior capsule 81% spectacle independence, and 618100% overall
opacification. Although this treatment has been shown patient satisfaction.132 However, adverse subjective visual
to be safe and effective, it might be associated with minor phenomena (eg, haloes or rings around lights especially at
complications, such as temporary rise of intraocular night, and decreased contrast sensitivity) are commonly
pressure (1530%), intraocular lens movement, reported.132,133 Although these symptoms usually improve
intraocular lens pitting (920%), transient iritis or vitritis with time because of neuroadaption, they can be permanent
(0407%), cystoid macular oedema (12%), and retinal requiring intraocular exchange.129,133 Motivation to achieve
tear or detachment (2%).101 The incidence of posterior spectacle independence is a major factor for patients
capsule opacification in infants and children is noticeably satisfaction, and the cost of the intraocular lens is an issue
higher than in adults because of the higher proliferative for widespread use. Accommodating intraocular lenses are
ability of lens epithelial cells, and posterior capsule still limited by their low and varied amplitude of
opacification is the most common complication after accommodation,134 and there is a need for long-term
paediatric cataract surgery. Jensen and colleagues118 longitudinal studies to understand how accommodative
reported that posterior capsule opacification occurred intraocular lenses perform on near vision and whether they
in 40% of eyes at 22 months after surgery, and therefore have lasting effects.
primary posterior capsulotomy is advisable for children Paediatric cataract surgery is different from age-related
younger than 6 years. cataract surgery. After successful surgery, the visual
outcome still depends on the cause of cataracts, timing of
Outcomes surgical intervention, amblyopia treatment, postoperative
Cataract surgery is safe and effective. 8494% of eyes posterior capsule opacification management, and
achieve best-corrected visual acuity of 20/30 (6/9) or better refractive correction after surgery.
at 6 months after surgery.119,120 Comparisons of the visual
outcomes among different surgical procedures are shown Controversies
in the appendix.65,68,121123 Studies reporting the 10-year and Immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery is a
15-year outcomes of cataract surgery have also documented highly debatable issue. The current standard of care
good long-term visual rehabilitation for most patients.124,125 worldwide is delayed sequential bilateral cataract
Cataract surgery substantially improves patients quality of surgeryin which patients have two separate operations
life with gains in social and emotional life.126 Recent studies scheduled some time apart for each eyeto avoid the
have shown that it also decreases all-cause mortality risk of bilateral endophthalmitis from a simultaneous
and extends long-term survival for older people.127,128 procedure. This schedule allows complications occurring
Dysphotopsias are the most common subjective complaints in the first procedure to be managed before operating on
after surgery with a reported prevalence of 3378%,129 and the second eye. In delayed sequential surgery, surgeons
they are strongly correlated with postoperative visual also have opportunities to tailor the surgical technique or
function and are the main source of patient dissatisfaction intraocular lens of choice for the second eye based on the
despite uncomplicated surgical procedures.130 With outcomes of the first eye. Although immediately
improvement in technology of intraocular lenses and sequential bilateral cataract surgery provides faster visual
surgical techniques, cataract surgery is able to provide rehabilitation, absence of anisometropia, and cost and Vol 390 August 5, 2017 607


time savings, greater evidence is needed to support its interest in the use of intraocular lenses as drug reservoirs
benefits, safety, and efficacy.135 or as treatment methods for ophthalmic diseases.
In infantile cataract surgery, a primary intraocular lens Intraocular lenses have been successfully loaded with
can be implanted or the eye is left aphakic, but visual antibiotics, corticosteroids, and NSAIDs, potentially
correction is with a contact lens. Unlike age-related cataract allowing cataract surgery and postoperative treatments in
surgery, implantation of an intraocular lens in infantile a single procedure.140 The idea of postoperative dropless
cataract surgery has some important concerns: the choice cataract surgery also includes the use of transzonular
of intraocular lens power is not straightforward because the drug depots, drug-loaded punctum plugs, intracameral
infantile eye will continue to grow after the surgery, and the biodegradable pellets, or nanoparticles to deliver sus
presence of an intraocular lens prevents fusion of the tained antibiotics or corticosteroids for postoperative
anterior and posterior capsule, thereby facilitating the treatments, but further optimisation is required before
migration of reproliferating lens epithelial cells into the they reach routine clinical practice.141143
visual axis causing opacification.136 The infant Aphakia There is growing research on the use of intraoperative
Treatment Study is a multicentre, randomised controlled wavefront aberrometry to do real-time biometry measure
trial comparing intraocular lens implantation with ment during surgery. However, improvements in the
spectacle correction, and aphakia with contact lens measurements in terms of its precision, reproducibility,
correction in congenital cataract infants. There was no and quality are required.144
significant difference in the median visual acuity at age Intraocular lenses have also been successfully
1 year and 45 years between the two treatment groups, but incorporated with telescopic lens to magnify images for
there were significantly higher rates of adverse events patients with end-stage age-related macular degeneration.
(eg, lens reproliferation, pupillary membrane, and 5-year results showed that the best-corrected distance visual
corectopia) and additional intraocular surgery in the acuity and quality of life were considerably improved after
intraocular lens group at 1 year and 5 years after surgery the miniature telescope implantation.145 Novel designs of
than in the aphakia group. However, 18% of patients in the presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses have been
aphakia with contact lens group also developed contact introduced, including small aperture intraocular lenses,
lens-related complications, such as corneal ulcers and accommodative polyfocal bioanalogical intraocular lenses,
abrasions.136 As of early 2017, there are no established thermodynamic accommodative intraocular lenses, and
guidelines concerning intraocular lens implantation in rotationally asymmetrical multifocal intraocular lenses.
infants. For children older than 2 years, clinical studies Refinement of the postoperative outcome can be achieved
have supported the safety and efficacy of intraocular lens with a light-adjustable intraocular lens that contains
implantation.137 photoinitiators that can alter the lens power after surgery to
With regards to femtosecond laser-assisted cataract fine tune clinical results.146 Although early results of all
surgery, data from published randomised controlled these intraocular lenses are promising,147149 more clinical
trials showed that it is associated with less effective studies are required to ascertain their effectiveness.
phacoemulsification time (weighted mean difference Prevention of posterior capsule opacification is a
213, 95% CI 260 to 166) and power (657, challenge in paediatric cataracts. A study in 2016
708 to 605) compared with conventional cataract introduced a new method for a 1015 mm anterior
surgery.138 It also yielded faster visual rehabilitation and capsulorhexis at the periphery of the lens with removal
better refractive outcomes than conventional cataract of the cataract. This method allowed preservation of
surgery.138 However, there was no difference in the best- endogenous lens epithelial stem cells, located on the
corrected distance visual acuity from 1 month after anterior capsule, to regenerate refractive and
surgery onwards, and therefore it appears that the added accommodative abilities. The visual outcomes were good
clinical benefit was limited.138 Moreover, femtosecond and postoperative posterior capsule opacification was
laser-assisted cataract surgery is much more expensive reduced.77
than conventional cataract surgery, which will also limit
its use worldwide as the standard of care from the aspect Conclusion
of cost-effectiveness. Age-related cataracts still remain the leading cause of
blindness in middle-income and low-income countries,
Outstanding research questions and paediatric cataracts account for 520% of global
Prevention of cataract formation by pharmacological childhood blindness. With advancements in technology,
treatment to reverse cataract is an area of future research. surgical techniques, instrumentation, design of intra
Zhao and colleagues reported that treatment by ocular lenses, and medications, cataract surgery has been
lanosterol, an amphipathic molecule synthesised in the shown to be a safe and effective intervention to improve
lens cyclisation reaction, significantly decreased pre vision and quality of life. Paediatric cataract surgery is also
formed lens protein aggregation in animal models with safe, but the postoperative optical rehabilitation is crucial
cataracts.139 Because an implanted intraocular lens for long-term visual outcomes. New developments perti
remains in the eye after surgery, there has been growing nent to the surgical technology, techniques, and

608 Vol 390 August 5, 2017


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