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Smart Planet 2 Unit 1 Standard Vocabulary

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1 Match the words in the box with the descriptions of the types of film.
action-adventure musical war
comedy love story horror

1 There are a lot of fights and usually they are based on history.  war
2 There is a lot of action and a lot of things happen. There is normally a hero. action-adventure
3 If its good, you cant stop laughing!  comedy
4 A story of romance and passion. love story
5 There is a lot of singing and dancing.  musical
6 If its good, its difficult to go to sleep after watching it.  horror

2 Complete the words to make television programmes.

1 ga m e sho w
2 so a p ope r a
3 co m e d y sh o w
4 th e ne w s
5 sp o rt s pro gr a m me
6 re a l i t y TV s h o w

3 Label the pictures with the words in the box.

martial arts
documentary cartoon
crime series
westernchat show

1 martial arts 2 cartoon 3 crime series 4 western

5 documentary 6 fantasy 7 chat show

PHOTOCOPIABLE Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 1 Standard Vocabulary

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